BISHOP STUART UNIVERSITY P.O. Box 9 Mbarara Uganda. Tel: +256-4854-22970 Email:
[email protected],
[email protected] Kampala Liason Offi ce: St. Francis Community Centre Phase II building, 2nd Floor, Room 1 Makerere University. Email:
[email protected] Tel: +256-773-724-003 Website: INTRODUCTION Medical Services: The University has been blessed with a clinic • Bachelor of Animal Health and Producti on (BAHP)* • Bachelor of Banking and Investment Management (BBIM) Under the guidance of lecturers, the students of the faculty will Bishop Stuart University is a not-for-profi t Chartered educati onal which is manned by well trained nurses. For referrals, the pati ents • Bachelor of Sports Science (BSS) • Bachelor of Project Planning and Management (BPPM)* be conducti ng clinics to assist people with various legal problems, insti tuti on established by Ankole Diocese of the Province of the are referred to Ruharo Mission Hospital with which the university • Diploma in Midwifery (DMW) • Bachelor of Procurement and Supply Chain Management such as accessing justi ce, issues if domesti c violence, matt ers of has a partnership/health scheme. Anglican Church of Uganda to provide Christi an based higher • Advanced Certi fi cate in Appropriate and Sustainable (BPSCM)* succession. They will be writi ng to sensiti ze communiti es about Technologies (ACAST) • Bachelor of Community Psychology (BCP)* their rights, such as the right to a clean environment, the right to Educati on, training and research for the expansion of God’s Students Clubs: Many clubs and associati ons are progressively The university got an opportunity of sending its students of • Bachelor of Records Management and Informati on Science educati on, the right to health and the right to shelter, land rights kingdom, human Knowledge and bett erment of society.