Tsamdro (Rangeland)asa Source of Livelihood tothe People of


Tsamdro plays an essential role in providing resources for the survival of yaks as these animals provide continuous support to the herders. There has been numerous change in land tenure since 1960s of the Comment [l1]: remove ownership of tsamdro. However, in Land Act 2007; it is stated that tsamdro will be nationalized and policy Comment [l2]: herders in...... will be implemented by 2017, yet the policy has not been implemented and herders still use the tsamdro as used earlier. The study aimed at determining whether tsamdro is a source of livelihood for the herders. Comment [l3]: tenure system of ownership in .....since...... Hence, the study was carried out in Naro, Logchina and Merak . The study employed a quantitative method. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews.The data was collected from Comment [l4]: This a convenience sampling method of (N=75) herders through moderation analysis. The moderation analysis Comment [l5]: Herders in .... showed that tsamdro is a source of livelihood (land asset 571.526*** and livestock 37.670***) to herders. Comment [l6]: It Moreover, result for research is limited to study area and findings are likely to hold good for similar area only. The study recommends the future researchers on to find on other sources of livelihood and its socio- Comment [l7]: remove economic impact on herders. Comment [l8]: and

Comment [l9]: remove Keywords: Herders; livelihood; ownership; regression; tsamdro Comment [l10]: researches Comment [l11]: remove 1. INTRODUCTION(ARIAL, BOLD, 11 FONT, LEFT ALIGNED, CAPS) Comment [l12]: remove

In Bhutan 70% of the population depend on livestock and crops for their sustenance [1]. Yak herding is the main pastoral practice in all the mountain communities of Bhutan. Presently, there are 1,156 yak herding households, with over 49,617 yaks that contribute about 4 % to the livestock product generated in the country [2]. Pastoral yak herding is sparselyComment [l13]: contributing distributed across the northern belt of Bhutanwithover 34 sub-districts in 10 districts. The livelihood of highlanders not Comment [l14]: add does not only depends on yaks but also relies on the availability and prosperity of pasture land which plays a vital role in supporting the yaks [3]. Pastureland is a necessary resource for the survival of the yaks as these animals provideComment [l15]: add continual support to the semi-nomads of the higher Himalayas [4]. Comment [l16]: remove Comment [l17]: survivability and High altitude rangelands are described as those areas of land, which by reason of physical limitations, low and productivityerratic of the precipitation, rough topography, poor drainage or extreme temperatures unsuited for cultivation, and which are a source of Comment [l18]: not suitable forage for free ranging native and domestic animals as well as a source of wood products, headwaters and habitat for endanger wildlife species. For ages, rangelands and its natural resources have benefitted mainly the highland pastoralist. Yak herding is one of the dominant activities for the pastoralist which prevails in ten of the twenty Dzongkhags benefitting roughly 1,400 households [5]. High-altitude pastoral communities with yak herding as the primary source of livelihood and more than 90% of households dependent on tsamdro [6].The highlanders depend mostly on pasture to feed livestock for their livelihood. In order to improve the quality of pasture,the management activities are necessary so that it can enhanceComment [l19]: remove the livelihood of the herders. In the research, questions were asked, whether management activities improve the livelihood of the herders? So, the objective is to determine whether tsamdro is a source of livelihood to the herders.

Yak farming is one of the main farming activities of the highland communities in northern Dzongkhags for decades. Various activities were included under the fodder station development program[7]. Nine acres of tsamdro at Gyentsa under under WangduePhodrang Dzongkhag was brought under improved pasture development, oat and fodder

beet plantation including fencing work [7]. The community of Narutunder Tang Geog in Bumthang Dzongkhag who was the immediate beneficiary has executed the field works such as rangelands fencing and clearing unwanted shrubs under the supervision of technical staff from Rangeland unit, NCAN [8].

In Bhutan, in Merak and Sakteng, in their communal grazing lands they have wooden gates, short length stone walls and wooden fences at the main routes along the tsamdro border to prevent livestock grazing prior to the community’s agreed entry dateline to guard the common pasture [9]. In Laya, the grass starts growing only after May and by the end of October end, the entire place turns dry[10]. Yaks and horses are one of the main sources of livelihood for Layaps besides Comment [l20]: remove cordyceps collection. In order to help people overcome problems related to the shortage of fodder shortage problems, the Comment [l21]: remove livestock department distribute of pasture seeds annually [10]. Comment [l22]: remove In the high altitude regions, above the tree line rangelands are the main vegetation [11]. The livelihood of the Himalayan Sherpa people depends on rangeland based livestock farming in Nepal [11]. The fodder grass harvesting is done to meet the needs of forage to feed the livestock during rainy days and intensive cropping days in the summer season [11].Common property resources, including pastures, constitute an important component of livelihood assets of communities in semi-arid areas of India and offer vital income and sustenance opportunities in the harsh agro-climatic conditions. Village commons in Rajasthan constitute an indispensable part of the livelihood basis of rural communities. Comment [l23]: revisit They are the primary source of fodder for grazing animals, but also a source of fuel wood and many important non-timber Comment [l24]: and forest products. The poorer segments of the rural society depend disproportionately on the common pastures, as they derive a larger share of their income and sustenance from livestock rearing, particularly of small ruminants [12]. Comment [l25]: the


The study sites are Naro gewog under Thimphu Dzongkhag, Merak under TrashigangDzongkhag, and Logchina gewog under Chukha Dzongkhag (Fig.1). Naro gewog lies at an altitude of 4547m above sea level and is located at 27.65o N and 89.49o E,Merak lies at an altitude of 3653m and is located at 27.25o N, 91.88o E. Logchina lies at an altitude of 1117m and is located at 26.96o N, 89.41o E. These gewogs were chosen as the study site because they were established as pasture- based villages [13]. Further, they rely heavily on yaks and cattle for their livelihoods.

Different gewogs were chosen on the basis of ownership of tsamdro in different Dzongkhags.The information about farmers who own tsamdro was not accessible. Therefore, the respondents were selected through convenience sampling, Comment [l26]: information about where one informant or group indicates that a particular herder would be helpful, who in turn recommends the next respondents was accessed through potential key informant and so on.wherefirst an individual was randomly selected for an interview and then the information conviniencesampling, of the next respondent was taken after the end of the interview. Comment [l27]: The Comment [l28]: remove The survey was administered through questionnaires with open- and closed-ended questions. The survey questionnaires has several parts. The first part solicited information on demographic characteristics of the respondents, landholdings, Comment [l29]: on livestock population, and livestock production. The second part of questionnaire asked on the income, about the sources Comment [l30]: conducted of income, and expenditure on livelihood.For inferential statistics, linear regression analysis was used. Comment [l31]: remove

Comment [l32]: contained information on the 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Comment [l33]: for 3.1 Information of the Herders Comment [l34]: move to data analysis In this study, out of total sample size (N=75) of respondents, 60% (n=45) of them were found male and rest 40% (n=30) were found female. The respondents were 8% (n=6) from Logchina gewog under Chukha Dzongkhag, 40% (n=30) from Merak gewog under Trashigang Dzongkhag, and 52% (n=39) from Naro gewog under Thimphu Dzongkhag. There were a total of 65.3% (n=49) who owned tsamdro and 34.7% (n=26) who doesn’t own tsamdro. Comment [l35]: how do you arrive at this? Table1. Information of the herders Variable Frequency Percentage Gender Female 30 40 Male 45 60 Gewog Logchina 6 8 Merak 30 40 Naro 39 52

Tsamdro owned Yes 49 65.3 No 26 34.7

3.2 Tsamdro as source of livelihood for herders The herder’s dependence on tsamdro as a source of livelihood was estimated through linear regression model. Result in table 2 showd that when a herders owned tsamdro it has significant relationship on their livelihood (land assets, livestock). This may be due to dependence of herders on livestock such as yaks, horses, cattle, and sheep for their livelihood and land assets such as dry land and tsamdro for agriculture purposes and for their livestock to graze. This result also aligned with the findings of previous studies done in Papali, Bempu, Tshebji, and Damchena in the western region, and Urchi and Doshi in the central east region in Bhutan where it highlighted the crucial role of livestock, particularly cattle in Bhutanese TAP society, providing food, income, social security, companionship and draught power[14]. Further, the high altitude rangelands of Bhutan have sustained generations of yak herders, providing them forage for their herds and income from the collection of medicinal and incense plants [15].Whereas, there is no significant difference in income earned among the herders in the study areas because the result is overshadowed by income from other sources such as 36% (n=27) were from sale of Cordyceps and herbs and 22.7% (n=17) earned from doing business as shown in (Fig.2), irrespective of dependence on livestock and land assets for their livelihood. The findings of [16]contradict with the study that cattle are the mainstay of the herders’ subsistence economy, contributing 71% of gross annual household income in Haa and 84% in Merak in Bhutan. Comment [l36]: Recast and paragraph well. There is need for elaborate discussion presented in passive form Table 2.Relationship of ownership of tsamdro on source of livelihood Dependent Independent Coefficient(Standard error ) Income Tsamdro owned 67412.873(86683.786) Land assets Tsamdro owned 571.526***(104.998) Livestock Tsamdro owned 37.670***(6.900) Significance level: * - 10% ** - 5% *** - 1%

4. CONCLUSION Most of the herders in Naro, Logchina and Merak gewogs depends on tsamdro was a source for their livelihood because most of the herders depend on tsamdro for the source of income for the family. Tsamdro plays an essential role in providing resources for the survival of yaks as these animals provide continuous support to the herders. The findings can be used for an appropriate intervention. For example, livelihood indicators (land assets, livestock, and income) shows tsamdro as a source of livelihood to the herders. Hence, authorities should also take into consideration these result and let herders use tsamdrowithout restrictions. Comment [l37]: Authors should not forget to maintain reported speech and be specific. Why is the issues of restriction REFERENCES appearing only in the conclusion? The Authors should remember that this part 1. Wildlife Conservation Divivsion. (2013). Assessment on impact of human-wildlife conflict of covers conclusion and recommendations management intervention to the local communities. Thimphu: Department of Forests and Parks, Royal Government of Bhutan. 2. Department of Livestock. (2016). Livestock statistics 2016. Thimphu: Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Royal Government of Bhutan. 3. Chand , R. (2017). Brokpa yak herders of Bhutan: A study in pastoral livelihood patterns, transhumance and ‘Drukor.’. In Societies, Social Inequalities and Marginalization, 179–97. 4. Chettri, N. (2008). Local and indigenous practices on adaptation: An experience from herder’s life of western Bhutan. Mountain Forum Bulletin, 19–21. 5. Gyeltshen, T., Tshering, N., Tsering, K., & Dorji, S. (2010). Implication of Legislative Reform under The Land Act of Bhutan, 2007 : “A case study on Nationalization of Tsamdro & Sokshing and its associated socioeconomic and. Thimphu: Department of Forests and Park Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests. 6. Joshi, S. R. (2009). Value chain analysis of dairy in Merak and Sakteng. Ministry of

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Fig.1 Study Area




15 respondents

. of . 10

No 5

0 Sell of Business Sell of Contract Sell of Salary Family cordeyceps livestock cardamom and herbs products

Fig.2 Source of income for the family