Diocese of Jackson 2020 and Holy Week

Below are some answers to frequently asked questions. The information applies to liturgies in any language. Hopefully these will help you as you plan your Lenten and Sacred Triduum Celebrations. In respecting and following the Roman ritual, we catechize and form our faithful into a deeper understanding of the great mystery of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and their full and active role in that mystery.


Fasting: Catholics 18-59 in good health are required to fast and abstain from meat on and . is described as one main meal and then at two other times of the day a smaller collation or snack. Throughout Lent Catholics are encouraged to eat more simply.

Abstinence: All Catholics 14 and older are required to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and all Fridays during Lent.

Flowers: During Lent, flowers are not to be used to decorate the altar with the exception of the Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday), St. Joseph (March 19) and the Annunciation (March 25).

Music: Musical instruments – the organ having pride of place – are only to be played to support the singing, except for Laetare Sunday when there can be more festive playing.

Gloria: The Gloria is omitted except for Lenten Solemnities – St. Joseph and the Annunciation.

Covering Crosses and Statues: If it is the custom of your parish to cover statues and crosses in purple or violet during Lent then this begins just before the Saturday Vigil of the Fifth Sunday of Lent. It is NOT appropriate to cover beginning on Ash Wednesday or any time prior to the Fifth Sunday. Crosses remain covered until the end of the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday. Statues remain covered until the beginning of the Easter Vigil.

Holy Water: Holy Water fonts are to retain holy water until after the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday. They are then emptied and dry. Do not place sand in them. They are to remain empty until they are filled again with water from the blessed font/water at the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday.

Funeral Masses: Funeral Masses are not to be celebrated on Sundays of Lent and Easter or during the Sacred Triduum including the morning of Holy Thursday. When necessary a Funeral Liturgy Outside of Mass may be used.

St. Joseph Altars or Tables: Normally these should be in a separate place from the church but if this is not possible then they should be outside of the sanctuary away from the main altar.

SACRED TRIDUUM: Each of these liturgies should only be celebrated once in a parish. The Roman Missal gives all the directions and proper movements you need for a wonderful Triduum. Below are some highlights.

Holy Thursday: • The Blessed Oils and Consecrated Chrism should be brought up in the opening procession and placed in the ambry or another suitable place. • Two full ciboria with enough for the Holy Thursday Mass and for Good Friday Passion should be prepared and consecrated. The tabernacle should be empty prior to the beginning of the Mass. • The Priest washes feet (not hands) of the 12. Catechumens should not be a part of this. • For the transfer of the Blessed Sacrament after communion, the ciborium is used – not a monstrance.

Passion of the Lord: Please use the ancient ritual in the Roman Missal • Veneration of the Cross: Only ONE cross should be used for Veneration of the Cross at the Good Friday celebration of the Lord’s Passion. It should be a cross and not a crucifix. According to the ritual in the Roman Missal for the Passion of the Lord (110, par. 19) If because of the large number of people, it is not possible for all to approach, the Priest, after some of the clergy and faithful have adored, takes the Cross and, standing in the middle before the altar, invites the people in a few words to adore the Holy Cross and afterwards holds the Cross elevated higher for a brief time, for the faithful to adore in silence. However, one should not be too quick to allow only a few to adore. The symbolism of the moment should not be denigrated to expediency and practicality.

Easter Vigil: The Easter Vigil should begin after sundown – therefore, no earlier than 8 p.m. Old Paschal Candles should be melted down or broken into pieces and buried.