THE SARUM RITE Sarum Breviary Noted. Scholarly Edition

Volume B. Part . Pages .

Week j. of Qadragesima.

Edited by William Renwick.


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Week j. of Quadragesima.

Monday in the j. Week of xl. [ On Monday in the first week of xl. before Matins let all the Crosses, Statues, Relics, and Vessels containing the Eucharist be covered, until after the Resurrection on the day of the Pasch, except for the Statue of Blessed Mary on the High Altar when the Feast of the Annunciation is celebrated in Quadragesima : and except likewise, at the Procession on Palm Sunday, the principal Cross in the Church, and the Cross on the High Altar remain uncovered for that Sunday. From thence until Wednesday before the Pasch, the Veil, which hangs in the Presbytery before the Altar between the Quire and the Altar, which for all of xl. on ferias when the service is of the feria must be let down : except when the Gospel or Passion is read at Mass : then however is raised up, and being lifted hangs down until Pray, brethren. is said by the Priest. And if a Feast of ix. Lessons shall follow on the morrow, and on Saturdays, then for the rest of that day the Veil shall not be let down, not even before ferial Matins. Nevertheless on a Feast day when a Mass of the fast is made the Veil is always let down until the beginning of the Gospel : and not for longer on that day. In such a way that always at the elevation of the Body of Christ the Veil is raised : and immediately let down. On Wednesday before the Pasch while the Passion of the Lord is read it must be let down : and at the declaration of this clause The veil of the temple was rent. let the aforesaid Veil fall to the floor of the Presbytery. It is understood that on this feria and on all ferias of Quadragesima when the service is of the feria, at the beginning of Matins, Lauds, , , and no matter which Hour of the day a genuflection is made.]1

At Matins. Invitatory. Come, let us praise the Lord. []. Ps. The same . *. Hymn. Dispenser of the gifts of heaven. . In the Nocturn, Ant. The Lord is the defender. []. Ps. The Lord is my light. (xxvj.) []. and the other Antiphons together with their Psalm of that feria. Daily through the week the VV. and RR. at Matins are said according to the order of the Nocturns of the History of the Sunday when the service is of the Temporale, in such a way that the ferial RR. not be omitted. 959 Week j. of Quadragesima.

Lessons from a Sermon of Blessed Maximus the Bishop. (Ambrose, Sermon . From a Sermon of Blessed Maximus.)2 First Lesson . Efore the days of devotion Let us see, therefore, when the Lord B of holy Quadragesima, appointed the observance of this while preaching, we men season unto us : whether he did not tioned examples from the sacred wish all the elements to make pro writings, by which we should prove gress during this devotion. Behold this number of forty not to have been indeed, Quadragesima being an established by men, but divinely nounced, the earth, frozen by wintry consecrated : neither initiated by ice, is thawed : and streams, their ice earthly thinking, but by command of melted, resume their water courses. [90v. ] the heavenly majesty. Moreover for Thus likewise at this same season, that reason who neglecteth the the sins of our bodies, violated with appointed number by eating on one wickedness, are released : and a purer day : is not accused a violater of way having melted the coldness of the one day, but is charged a trans Devil, our life recognizeth its original gressor of the whole of Quadragesima. course. The earth, I say, at the pro Whence it is good for a man that claiming 3 of Quadragesima putteth off should fast day without the harshness of winter : I at the pro distress : that he should gain equal claiming of Quadragesima reject the holiness throughout the whole of harshness of misdeeds. This Quadragesima. But these are not so earth is rent with the plough that it much the precepts of priests as of should be agreeable to worldly fruits : God, and therefore one which des my earth is ploughed with , piseth them, despiseth not the priest : that it should be suited to heavenly but Christ who speaketh by his priest. seeds. But thou.

Second Lesson. OR just as he who frequently gaineth a greater grace. Behold in F exerciseth harshness upon a deed from the time of abstinence the field receiveth a more abundant field of grass cometh again to life in a return : so also he who exerciseth the crop : a sprout of the tree groweth field of his body by frequently into a stalk, the young vine branch

960 Week j. of Quadragesima. ripeneth into bud, and all raise sweetness, and thus all are decked themselves from the lower to the with flowers : that creation itself higher : so at this same season the seemeth to celebrate the festivity of hope of men in the meantime the great day with its own splendour. perished liveth once more afterwards, Therefore also at this same season of lost faith is renewed in glory, the fasting, let us bring forth roses from temporal life profiteth to the eternal, our thorns : that is justice from sins, and the whole human race rising to mercy from severity, munificence the heavens, soareth from the depths from avarice. Indeed these thorns are up to the heights. Just as the gar our bodies which suffocate the soul : dener bearing an implement pruneth concerning which the Scripture saith, the shoots of the vines : so also now Thorns and thistles shall the earth the bishop bearing the Gospel, bring forth to thee. Indeed my earth cutteth off the baseness of the people. sprouteth forth thorns to me : if it And in that course of forty days, all pricketh me with the tickling of creatures do this : so that having lain bodily desire. It produceth thistles to aside what is superfluous they may me : when it tortureth my greed with proceed trimmed or even adorned to worldly riches. The thorn indeed is the Pasch. All things are now in the root of his avarice to the travail : that they shall then be found Christian. The thorn is the desire for fruitful. Then indeed contrary to honour to a good man. Indeed unto nature the thorn bringeth forth the all they seem to be pleasing in beautiful rose, the reed blazeth with appearance, but they injure. the lily, withered bushes produce

Lesson iij. Rom these therefore we are not emit a sweet scent unto Christ : Fable to be healed except by which breathe a good odour unto watching and fasting : that by ab God. Whence the Apostle saith, For stinence the thorns themselves should we are the good odour of Christ unto be turned into a rose. For by fasting God. The Lord therefore hath al desire bringeth forth chastity, pride ready granted to us this Quadragesima, humility : drunkenness 4 moderation. that now during this space of time, For these are the flowers of life which according to the manner of all

961 Week j. of Quadragesima.

creation, we should eagerly desire Evangelist, afterwards he was hungry. sprouts of virtues : that on the day of How then could it be, that he who the Pasch we may produce the fruit of did not feel hunger and thirst for so justice. By this number of forty the many days, should afterwards be Lord Christ himself hath also hungry ? Plainly he was hungry : nor cultivated, not that he himself should are we able to deny that he was take the profit : but that he should hungry. He was indeed hungry not shew forth unto us the growth of for the food of men but of salvation, salvation. Neither indeed in him was neither did he desire courses of the thorn of sins : which would be worldly food, but he longed for the turned into a flower. He indeed holiness of heavenly spirits. For the himself was a flower, brought forth food of Christ : is the redemption of not from a thorn but from a root : as the people. The food of Christ, is the Prophet saith, There shall come effecting the will of the Father : as forth a rod out of the root of Jesse : himself saith, My meat is : to do the and a flower shall rise up out of his will of the Father that sent me. root. For the rod was Mary, bright, Whence also let us hunger for food, delicate and virginal : which in the not that which is prepared for earthly integrity of her body sprouted forth banquets : but this which is gathered Christ like a flower. Continuing by the reading of divine Scriptures. [91r. ] therefore for forty days and nights, For that nourisheth for a time : but the Lord attended to these fasts this restoreth the soul unto eternity. without hungering : but, saith the

[Before Lauds. ] Verse. He hath delivered me. .

In Lauds. Antiphons and Psalms of the feria. []. Chapter. Be converted. . Hymn. O Maker of the world. . Verse. His truth shall compass thee. .

962 Week j. of Quadragesima.

Venite benedicti Patris mei. AS:158; 1519:152v; 1531:91r. Ant. VIII.i. 5350.

C Ome, ye bles sed * of my Fa ther : re ceive the king

dom pre par ed for you from the be gin ning of the world.

XX . Ps. Blessed be the Lord.

Then the ferial Preces are said together with the Psalm Have mercy on me. (l.) [XX ]. and with the Psalm O Lord, rebuke me not. j. (.) [XX]. which is said after the Psalm Have mercy on me. And it is understood that at all the Hours throughout the whole of xl. when the service is of the feria : one of the vij. Penitential Psalms is said in its order after the Psalm Have mercy on me. : except at vj. when indeed the Ps. May God have mercy on us. (lxvj.) []. is said in place of the Psalm Have mercy [on me].5 And if a Feast of ix. Lessons should follow on the morrow : then the three last Psalms are said at ix. Let it be made likewise on Saturday.

Prayer. Onvert us, O God, our Saviour : heavenly discipline. Through [our C and that this fast of may Lord]. 6 profit us, instruct our minds with

At Prime. Vivo ego dicit Dominus. AS:158; 1519:153r; 1531:91r. Ant. III.v. 5481.

A S I live, * saith the Lord, I de sire not the

963 Week j. of Quadragesima.

death of a sin ner : but ra ther that he turn and live.

Ps. Save me, O God. (liij. ) [].

And let all the rest that pertains to Prime be completed. On all days in the whole of xl. until the Supper of the Lord when the service is of the feria : immediately after Prime before the Mass of the Chapter, is said the Com- mendation of Souls except on the morrow of a Double Feast. And let it be said without note when Direct, O Lord. precedes it without note : this way. On the Psalms Ant. Rest eternal. Ps. Blessed are the undefiled. (cxviij.) []. [and the rest ]7 as is indicated above 8 on the first Sunday in the Advent of the Lord after ij. Vespers. .

At iij. Per arma justicie. AS:158; 1519:153r; 1531:91r. Ant. 4261. I.i.

B Y the ar mour of the jus tice * of the pow er

of God, let us com mend our selves in much pa tience.

Ps. Set before me. (cxviij. .) [].

964 Week j. of Quadragesima.

Chapter. (Joel ij. [.]) Urn to the Lord our 9 God, for patient and rich in mercy, and ready T he is gracious and merciful, to repent of the evil.

R. Make me, O God. .

[Of the xv. Psalms and the Litany.] From this day until the Wednesday before the Pach when the service is of the feria after Terce are said the fifteen Gradual Psalms for all the People of God this way. Ant. Remember not. [XX]. [and let it be ended thus Of our sins.]10 Ps. In my trouble I cried. (cxix. ) []. until the Psalm Praise ye the name of the Lord. (cxxxiiij.) []. (Found after the Psalter. )11 Here is never said the Ps. Praise ye the Lord in his holy places. (cl.) []. after the Psalm Behold now. (cxxxiij.) []. and Gloria Patri. is said after each individual Psalm, together with the Litany and Collects 12 that follow after. And whatever the Priest says of the Litany []. : the Choir repeats the same fully and accurately until the end of the Verse That thou wouldst grant us peace. Then let the Choir respond only We beseech thee to hear us. and thus for each : until Son of God, we beseech thee to hear us. Then indeed let the Choir repeat the same : and thus for each until is said [Kyrieleyson . this way.]13 Kyrieleyson. [ij. ] Christeleyson. [ij. ] [Christ, hear us. [ij. ] O God the Father. [ij. ] []. [and let all this be said, whether by the Priest or by the Choir, while kneeling and without note.]14 Kyrieleyson. [ij. ] []. [ &c. ]. [V.] Our Father. [privately ] [V.] And lead us not. [ R.] But deliver us. [V.] O Lord, shew thy mercy upon us. [R.] And grant us. [V.] And let thy mercy. [ R.] Even thy salvation. [V.] We have sinned with our forefathers. [ R.] We have done amiss. [V.] O Lord, deal not with us. [ R.] Neither reward us. [V.] Let us pray for every order of the Church. [ R.] Let thy priests. [V.] For our brothers and sisters. [ R.] O God, save thy servants. [V.] For all Christian people. [ R.] Save thy people, O Lord. [V.] O Lord, let peace. [ R.] And plenteousness. [V.] May the souls of thy servants and handmaids. [R.] Amen. 965 Week j. of Quadragesima.

[V.] O Lord, hear. []. [V.] The Lord be with you. Prayer. O God, whose property. []. which is concluded thus, Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Then let be said all the Prayers that follow under a single Through the same. and under a single Let us pray. Prayer. Almighty and everliving God, who alone workest. []. Prayer. O God, who dost pour the gifts of charity. []. Prayer. O God, from whom all holy desires. []. Prayer. In thy clemency. []. Prayer. O God, the Creator and Redeemer. []. Prayer. Of thy goodness, we beseech thee, O Lord. []. which is concluded thus, Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. And it is noted that on all ferias the Litany is said as on Monday until the Martyrs, and from Be merciful. []. until the end. [91v. ] The Preces and Collects are said on this day and the following ferias which are said on the Monday. And all this is said, whether by the Priest or by the Choir, while prostrate and without note.

At Sext. Commendemus nosmetipsos. AS:158; 1519:153v; 1531:91v. Ant. IV.v. 1857. L ET us com mend our selves * in much pa tience :

in ma ny fast ings, by the ar mour of jus tice.

Ps. My soul hath fainted. (cxviij. .) [].

966 Week j. of Quadragesima.

Chapter. (Isaiah. lv. .) ET wicked forsake his way, and he will have mercy on him, and to L the unjust man his thoughts, our God : for he is bountiful to and let him return to the Lord, and forgive.

R. From every [evil way].15 .

And it is understood that on all days of xl. namely on ferias, all the Hours are said before the [daily ] Mass [of the fast ].16

At None. Advenerunt nobis dies penitentie. AS:159; 1519:153v; 1531:91v. Ant. VIII.i. 1294. T HE days of pe ni tence * have come up on us,

for the re deem ing of sins, and the sav ing of souls.

Ps. Thy testimonies. (cxviij. .) [].

Chapter. (Isaiah lviij. [.]) Eal thy bread to the hungry, shalt see one naked, cover him, and D and bring the needy and the despise not 17 thy own flesh, saith the harbourless into thy house : when tho almighty Lord.

R. Declare over us. .

These preceding Antiphons are said daily at the Hours when the service is of the feria : until the Passion of the Lord. But let the Chapter and the R. be said for xv. days. Daily throughout the whole of xl. no matter what service be made : let Vespers be sung

967 Week j. of Quadragesima.

after Mass before lunch except only on Sundays. On all ferias throughout the whole of xl. until the Wednesday before the Pasch : after Mass and before Vespers let be said I will please. . unless on the following day shall be made ix. Lessons and except when a body shall be interred on the morrow. If however there shall be such a body, let be said I will please. and Direct, O Lord. after lunch before Compline in the usual way through to Lauds.

At Vespers. Ferial Antiphons and Psalms. [].

Chapter. (Ezek. xviij. [.]) HE soul that sinneth, the same father shall not bear the iniquity of T shall die : the son shall not bear the son, saith the almighty Lord. the iniquity of the father, and the

This Chapter is said daily ar Vespers until the Passion of the Lord when the service is of the feria.

R. Be thou for us. . Hymn. In solemn course, as holy lore. . V. God hath given his angels. .

Quod uni ex minimis. AS:159; 1519:154r; 1531:91v. Ant. 4560. I.v. W Hat you have done * to one of the least of mine : you

did to me, saith the Lord. Ps. My soul doth magnify. *.

Prayer. Oosen, we bessech thee, O Lord, whatsoever we deserve for them L the bonds of our sins : and mercifully turn away. Through.

968 Week j. of Quadragesima.

The preceding Hymn is sung on Sundays in its place for xv. days. Having rung twice for collation but both times whether on Double Feasts or on others with only one bell : let be said the Vigils of he Dead : namely Direct, O Lord. until Lauds : but also after the final R. is said Kyrie eleyson. Christe eleyson. Kyrie eleyson. Our Father. []. without pronouncing And lead us not. is said the Ps. I will extol thee. (xxix. ) []. Then the Preces together with the Collects, as above in Advent : afterwards immediately let be read the collation, to be sure the Liber Pastoralis of Blessed Gregory, Pope : which begins thus The Book of the Pastoral Rule . or the Dialogue of the same Gregory concerning the miracles of the Holy Fathers, which begins thus On a certain day it happened. and indeed from hence until the Supper of the Lord before Compline except only on Sunday the collation shall be read in the Pulpit : with habit not changed, thus, Pray, lord, give me thy blessing. Let the highest ranking person who is in the Choir : say the Blessing. And when at discretion enough hath been read let him say But thou. However let the Reader continue with O Lord, have mercy upon us. As to which Clerks should be incribed thus for reading the collation : let such always be begun by the most excellent one from the Choir Side and let it be read in the Superior Grade until the Passion of the Lord. However on Saturday of the Passiontide and thereafter : let it be read in the Second Form. In such a way that on Wednesday before Easter : let it be read in the First Form. However on Double Feasts, which are celebrated within Passiontide : let it be read in the Superior Grade. The collation finished, immediately let be rung for Compline with one bell : but on Double Feasts with two, and this always once : and let Compline follow as above. It is understood that whenever I will please. is said after Mass before Vespers through the whole of xl. is said Direct, O Lord. before the collation until Lauds only in the congregation of the Clerks. However let Lauds be said after Matins of the day and of Saint Mary, and after Lauds of the Dead let be said the Ps. To thee have I lifted. (cxxij.) [].

Tuesday. At Matins. Invitatory &c. as above. [].

969 Week j. of Quadragesima.

18 [92r. ] Lessons from a Sermon of Blessed Augustine, Bishop. (Homily .) First Lesson. Enitents, penitents, peni penitent. And indeed, dearly beloved, P tents, if indeed you be pe sick men are sent to the church or are nitents and not ridiculers : carried to the church, and are bap change life, correct tized, and are renewed : and go from ways, be ye reconciled to God. And here to meet blessedness. But that you in fact feed while in chains. In itself is not the case with penitence. what chains (thou asketh) ? What Who hath not yet received baptism : you shall bind upon earth : shall be hath not yet violated the sacrament. bound also in heaven. Thou hearest But who hath violated the sacrament binding : and thou thinkest to by evil and degenerate living, and make deception to God ? Thou therefore hath been removed from makest penance, thou plantest the the altar lest he should eat and drink knee : and thou mockest and deridest judgement to himself : let him the patience of God. If thou be change life, correct himself and penitent : repent thyself. If thou be reconciled while he liveth, while repent not : thou art not penitent. If he be sound. He expecteth also then therefore thou repentest : why dost to be reconciled : when he beginneth thou what bad thou hast done ? If to die. We have experienced many thou hast done penance : be un which have expired : while waiting to willing to do . If thou still be reconciled. But thou, O Lord. dost : without doubt thou art not

Second Lesson. Ext likewise I tell, in the sight such sins which daily are Nof God, to your fear : my fear. forgiven those saying in the prayer, Yet who feareth not : shall disdain my Forgive us our debts, as we also fear, but to his evil. Hearken forgive our debtors : when he goeth therefore. I am certain, because a from hence, he shall not end man baptized if he liveth : I dare not life, but shall cross over from life into to say without sin ? For who is life. Whether he hasteneth to his without sin ? But if he shall lead a baptism properly by desire, or is life without offense, and shall have baptized in a position of danger and

970 Week j. of Quadragesima. pass away from this life : he goeth to bond with which he hath been bound, the Lord : he goeth to rest. The and separated from the body of Christ, baptized, however, a deserter and and shall live well after penance, in violater of such a sacrament : if he the way that he ought to have lived should do penance, from the whole before penance : after reconciliation heart do penance, where God seeth whensoever he shall have died, he who seeth even the heart of David goeth to the Lord. He shall not be when rebuked by the prophet and deprived of the kingdom of God : he severely rebuked, after frightful shall not be separated from the people threats cried out to God, I have by the Devil. Whoever indeed is sinned : and shortly he heard, the placed in the final necessity of his Lord had taken away his sin. 19 So sickness shall wish to receive and much power have three syllables. I receiveth penance, and straightway is have sinned is three syllables. But in reconciled and goeth from hence : I those three syllables : the flame of the admit to you that we deny him not heart's sacrifice ascendeth to heaven. what he entreateth : but we do not Therefore who hath done penance presume therefore that he shall be truly and hath been released from the well from henceforth.

Lesson iij. presume not, I deceive ye not : I am not sure : I am able to give I presume not. I presume not : I penance, I am not able to give deceive ye not. A faithful assurance. Attend to what I say. I living well passeth away from here ought to set it forth more plainly : safely, baptized at lest someone should wrongly under hour passeth away from here safely, stand what is to be understood. Can doing penance and recon it be that I say they shall be damned ? ciliation while he is sound, and No I say not. But neither say I thou afterwards living well : passeth away shalt be delivered. And what sayest from here safely. Doing penance at thou to me ? I know not, I know not : the last and being reconciled, whether I presume not, I promise not, I know safely passed away from here, I myself not. Wishest thee to be delivered am not certain. Whence I am sure : I from doubt ? Do penance whilst say, and I give assurance. Whence I thou art sound. If indeed thou dost

971 Week j. of Quadragesima. true penance while thou art sound, this I know not. Therefore I give and the last day should come upon thee penance : because I know thee, hasten to be reconciled : if thus not. For if I knew it would not be thou dost, thou art secure. Whereby useful to thee : I would not give it secure ? Because thou hast done thee. Likewise if I knew that it would penance at that time : when thou not be useful to thee : I would not wast also able to sin. But if then admonish thee, I would not afright thou wishest to do thy penance when thee. There are two things : either thou art no longer able to sin : sins thou art forgiven, or not forgiven. have dismissed thee, not thee them. Which of these shall be the future to [92v. ] But whence knowest thou, thou thee : I know not. Therefore lay sayest, whether God may not perhaps aside what is uncertain : and keep forgive me ? Truly thou sayest, that which is certain. Whence ? I know not. That I know :

[At Lauds. ] Intravit Jesus in templum Dei. AS:159; 1519:154r; 1531:92v.20 Ant. I.i. 3385. J E sus * went in to the tem ple of God, and

cast out all them that sold and bought : and o ver threw the

ta bles of the mo ney chang ers, and the chairs of them that

sold doves. Ps. Blessed be the Lord. XX. 972 Week j. of Quadragesima.

Prayer. Ook down, [we beseech thee,] 21 which chastiseth itself by morti L O Lord, upon thy household : fication of the flesh. Through our and grant that our mind may glow Lord. before thee with desire of thee :

At Vespers. Abiit Jesus foras. AS:159; 1519:154r; 1531:92v. Ant. 1207. I.i.

J E sus * went out of the ci ty in to Beth tha ni a :

and there he taught them of the king dom of God.

Ps. My soul doth magnify. XX.

Prayer. Ay our prayers, O Lord, as church drive thou away all wickedness. M cend to thee : and from thy Through.

Wednesday. [At Matins. ] Lessons from a Sermon of Blessed Leo, Pope. (Sermon . de xl .) 22 [Lesson j. ]23 N preaching to you, dearly begin by saying the words of the I beloved, most holy Apostle which have been read (in and greatest fast, what is a which Christ spake), Behold, now is more apt introduction : than that I the acceptable time : behold, now is 973 Week j. of Quadragesima. the day of salvation. For although through the varied actions of this life, there are no seasons which are not it is necessary that even pious hearts full of divine gifts : and access to the should be soiled with worldly dust : mercy of God is always furnished to with great healthfulness the divine us through his grace : yet now the institution hath provided, that for minds of all should be moved with restoring purity of minds, the greater zeal to spiritual progress, and discipline of the forty days should rightly animated with greater con heal us, during which the faults of fidence : when the return of that day other times might be redeemed by in which we were redeemed inviteth pious works, and mortified by chaste us to all the duties of piety, that we fasting. Entering therefore, dearly may celebrate the sacrament, excelling beloved, into mystical days, all others, of the Lord's passion : with established both for the purifying of purified bodies and minds. Indeed minds and also for the hallowing of these great mysteries thus demand bodies, let us take care to obey the such unceasing devotion and con Apostle's precepts, : cleansing our tinuous reverence : that we should selves from all defilement of the flesh remain always in the sight of God, as and of the spirit, that restraining the it is right that we be found on the struggles that exist between the two feast of the Pasch itself. But seeing natures, the mind, which under the that few have this fortitude, and that guidance of God ought to be es while with frailty of flesh more tablished as the ruler of the body, austere obeservance is relaxed, and may obtain the dignity of its mastery. also that while concerns are extended

Second Lesson. Or our great fast standeth not be curbed by the same law of F only in abstience from food, nor gentleness and patience, peace and in choice victuals withheld from the tranquility. This is the time : in body : except the mind be recalled which all contaminations of vices from iniquity, and the tongue re having been excluded, perpetuity of strained from slandering. Thus virtues shall be held fast by us. Now therefore moderation of eating is unto let the strength of devout minds be to us liberty : that also other desires may forgive offences, to disregard insults,

974 Week j. of Quadragesima. and to become accustomed to for this, who in the time of famine getting wrongs. Now let the faithful offered blessed Elias of that day's food spirit train himself with the armour which was all she had : and, pre of justice on the right hand and on ferring the prophet's hunger to hers, [93r. ] the left : that through glory and without hesitation gave a ignomy, through infamy and good handful of meal, and a little oil. But repute, a secure the same did not want for what she conscience neither puffed up with had given faithfully, and in the vessels praises, nor discouraged by reproaches. emptied by an outpouring of devotion Let him not be afraid, amid works of a fount of new abundance appeared : mercy : of the diminution of wordly that the fulness of her substance means. Chistian poverty is always should not be diminished by rich, nor feareth the needy 24 to labour holy use, the want of which she had in this world : to whom it is given to never dreaded. But these devotions, possess all things with the Lord of all dearly beloved, for which we are things. Those workers therefore confident ye are willingly prepared, which do good works, ought not be doubt not the Devil who is the afraid lest the ability of serving shall adversary of all virtues to envy, and be lacking : seeing that, in the Gospel, for this to arm the force of his malice, in the two mites the devotion of the that he may extend snares of piety widow is approved, and gratuitous from piety itself, and those he shall be generosity hath a reward for a cup of unable to strike down by distrust, he cold water. For the measure of our shall endeavour to overcome by charity is reckoned firstly by the vainglory. Because it is difficult that affection of kindness, and never shall man's praise should not catch him the effectiveness of mercy desert him : who liveth praiseworthily, unless, as it in whom mercy itself faileth not. is written : He that glorieth, may The holy widow of Sarephta proved glory in the Lord.

Lesson iij. O be sure, whose resolution revealed in the reading of the Gospel) Twould that most wicked enemy did not restrain his deceptions not dare to attack, whose fast would from the Saviour of the world himself ? he not strive to violate, when (as is For he being frightened of His fast of

975 Week j. of Quadragesima. forty days and nights, wanted craftily not only in the enticements of the to investigate, whether this power of palate : but also in the intention of abstinence was given or His abstinence let us beware. For he who own, for he need not dread the knew to bring death to the human dissolution of his deceitful works, if race through food : knew also how to Christ had been subject even to the cause harm through the fast itself. conditions of his body. And so first And also effecting a contrary deceit, he cunningly searched whether He just as through the serpent he dared were Himself the Creator of all living to take what was forbidden : things : which would be able to so by hunger he persuadeth to change the natures of corporeal avoid what is permitted. Restraint is things as He wished. Second whether indeed useful : which, accustoming under the appearance of human flesh one to a frugal diet, curbeth the ap divinity was hidden : to whom it was petite of delights : but woe to the easy to make the air his pathway, and teaching of those in which even to hurl earthy limbs through fasting is a sin. For they condemn space. But when the Lord had pre the creature's nature to the injury of ferred to oppose by the justice of the the Creator, and assert that they are true man, rather than to manifest the defiled by eating : those things of power of deity : at this he which they determine not God but turned to the third trick of deceit, the Devil to be the author, retorting, that he might tempt 25 Him in whom the Apostle saying, All things are the signs of divine power had been clean to the clean : but to them that held back, by the desire of domi are defiled, and to unbelievers, no nation, and to lead Him to his own thing is clean : but both their mind veneration by promising the and their conscience are defiled. But kingdoms of the world. But the ye, dearly beloved, holy offspring of wisdom of God rendered foolish the the catholic Mother, whom the Holy prudence of the Devil, so that the Ghost hath instructed in the school haughty enemy seeing a man such as of truth, be your liberty moderated he had formerly overcome, did not with agreeable reasoning : knowing fear to attack him : whom it be that it is good to abstain even from hooved to be slain for all mankind. lawful things. And during more re Therefore of this adversary's devices, stricted living, so to distinguish 976 Week j. of Quadragesima.

foods : that while their use may be the Lord, the Creator of all, ye may withdrawn, nature may not be reign, who liveth and reigneth, one condemned. And withdraw your God, world without end, amen. But selves from the aforementioned pesti thou, O Lord. lential contagion : that with Christ

[At Lauds. ] Generatio hec prava. AS:159; 1519:154v; 1531:93r. Ant. VIII.i. 2935. T His wick ed * and per verse ge ne ra tion seek eth

a sign, and a sign shall not be giv en it : but the

sign of Jo nas the pro phet. Ps. Blessed be the Lord. XX.

Prayer. Ercifully hear our prayers, we majesty against all things that oppose M beseech thee, O Lord : and us. Through our Lord. stretch forth the right hand of thy

At Vespers. Sicut fuit Jonas. AS:160; 1519:154v; 1531:93r. Ant. IV.v.

4934. F OR as Jo nah * was in the whale's bel ly three days

977 Week j. of Quadragesima.

and three nights : so shall the Son of man be in the heart

of the earth. Ps. My soul doth magnify. XX.

Prayer. Nlighten our minds, we beseech see what we ought to do, and may E thee, O Lord, by the light of thy have power to do what is right. brightness : that we may be able to Through our Lord.

Thursday. [At Matins. ] Lessons from a Sermon of Blessed Leo, Pope. (De sermone B. Leonis pape . de xl. Augustinus sermone . de tempore. )26 [First Lesson.]27 He apostolical doctrine, whether infusion of rain, or whirl Tdearly beloved, admonisheth wind of storm, or if it be rundown us that putting off the old with age, it shall be quickly restored man with his works : we should be to wholeness with care : so our souls renewed from day to day in holy ought to be guarded with continual [93v. ] conduct. For if we are the temple of concern, so that nothing disorderly God, and the Holy Ghost is the nor impure shall be found. For al dweller in our minds, the Apostle though our building cannot stand saying, For you are the temple of the without the work of its Author, living God : let great vigilance be our neither can our building be safe labour, that the receptacle of our except by the protection of the hearts may not be unworthy of such a Creator : nevertheless because we are guest. And just as in houses made rational stones and living materials, with hands praiseworthy diligence thus the hand of our Creator buildeth should be provided, so that anything, us up, so that when his workman is 978 Week j. of Quadragesima. restored he may yet again be a worker. that henceforth he should have no Therefore the obedience of man is to need of renovation ? He is entirely not refuse the grace of God : nor to deceived by that presumption, and falter from that good without which groweth old with excessive vanity, he is unable to be good. And if who, amid the temptations of this life, anything should be impossible or presumeth himself to be immune difficult for him in the performance from every wound. All things are full of the commandments, let him not of perils : they are full of snares. remain by himself but have recourse They incite lusts, they are lying in to aid. He therefore giveth a com wait with allurements : profit is mandment : that should excite desire pleasing, losses deter. Bitter are the and supply aid, the prophet saying, tongues of slanderers : nor are the Cast thy care upon the Lord, and he mouths of praises always truthful. shall sustain thee. Can it be that per Thence rageth hatred, hence de chance any one so insolently 28 show ceiveth lying kindness, so that it be eth pride, and thus presumeth him easier to shun quarelling, than to self to be so inviolate, so immaculate, avoid deception.

Second Lesson. Ut to them maintaining virtues, are concealing errors, so that fuel for Bthe way so doubtful, and complaints is taken up from inter disernement is so uncertain, that if posing contradictions. For granted anyone shall be able to keep to the that the hearts of all the faithful measure of the most slender boun should not doubt divine providence daries of distinction between good to be absent from no regions of this and evil : it may be difficult that world, and at no times : neither do delicacy of conscience rob our tongue worldly events depend upon the of sting, and may escape power of the stars, but everything is the reproaches of the wicked, to most equably and mercifully disposed whom justice should be a friend. by the most high King, seeing that it Now when human thinking is di is written, All the ways of the Lord rected to those changes of temporal are mercy and truth : yet certain things : how many dark mists oppose things do not proceed according to them, how many perverse opinions our desires, and hindered by the error

979 Week j. of Quadragesima. of human judgement the cause of the to have himself a chaste heart, or unjust more often overcomes that of himself to be clean from sin : let the just : it conforms too closely to them all understand pardon for sins our nature, and by such dangerous and reparation to be a necessary anomalies even the great are agitated treatment. But when, dearly beloved, and are impelled to murmur unlawful hasten we to the divine remedy, excuses. Inasmuch as among these whensoever those sacraments of our vicissitudes even the most excellent redemption are brought back to us by prophet David : should declare him the law of time, which in order that self to be always endangered by we should worthily celebrate : let us turmoil, and say, But my feet were prepare for most beneficially by almost moved, my steps had wellnigh fasting for forty days. For not only slipped : because I had a zeal on oc these, which through the mystery of casion of the wicked, seeing the the death and resurrection of Christ prosperity of sinners. Whence, seeing are coming to be born to a new life by [94r. ] that such firm strength is of so few, baptism : but also all people having that none should be shaken by the been born again both usefully and disturbances of inequity, and many of necessarily take up for themselves the the faithful may be corrupted not protection of this sanctification. The only by opposers but also by former, those which have not yet, let followers : for the curing of the them receive : those that have wounds with which human infirmity received, let them preserve, the is injured, treatment must be sum Apostle saying, Who standeth, let moned. For that reason indeed, to him take heed lest he fall. No one is everyone for whom this world is full so upheld by firmness : that he ought of dangers, this is briefly mentioned : to rest secure in his stability. as the scripture saith, Who shall glory

Third Lesson. ET us therefore, dearly beloved, much indeed chastely and soberly this L make use of the venerable in mortal life be lead : it is yet sprinkled stitutions of this salutary season : and with some dust of the earthly way of with care let us expertly cleanse our life. And the brightness of minds mirrors of the heart. No matter how made in the image of God, is not

980 Week j. of Quadragesima. therefore such a stranger to all the eternal punishment : if while justice fumes of vanity : that it could not be is suspended, the remedy of penitence darkened with filth, and not need is not sought. Let us flee, therefore, always to be polished. But if indeed to the omnipresent mercy of God : it is necessary for the most cautious and, that the holy Pasch of the Lord souls : how much more shall be may be celebrated with worthy demanded of them, which perhaps observances : let the hearts of all the have passed the time of a whole year, faithful be sanctified. Let rage grow either too safely or too negligently ? mild : let irascability grow tame. Let With due charity we warn all all confess their faults to one another therefore not to be deluded by one in turn : neither let the exactor be another, because consciences of indi vengeful, where the suppliant is viduals, not able to be seen by us, kindly. Saying, Forgive us our debts, with the eyes of God discerning all at as we also forgive our debtors : we are once, being not shut off by hidden bound with strong chains, unless we places, nor by enclosing walls, not profess with which we are only actual acts and thoughts, but filled. Whence if the covenant of this also those going to be done and most holy prayer with its condition be thought are known to him. This not wholly preserved : now at least therefore is the knowledge of the each one may know his conscience : most high Judge, this is the terrible and forgiving the offenses of others, gaze, unto which every solid thing is he shall obtain cleansing from his penetrable, and every secret lieth open. sins : the Lord saying, If you will Unto whom the obscure are made forgive men their offenses : your clear, the dumb answer, the silent Father, who is in heaven, will forgive confess : and without voice the mind you also your offenses. He is likewise uttereth. Let no one disdain the not far from what he asketh : when forbearance of God's goodness with upon the benevolence of begging, impunity for his sins : nor let him by dependeth the sentence of judge no means therefore reckon that ment. Who, hearing human prayers offence, because anger is not equally with his mercy and justice yet tried. Long lives are not mortal prescribeth concerning our fickleness, respites, nor shall lasting freedom of that by no means should he be held foolish pleasures cross over into in the same law of severity : whom 981 Week j. of Quadragesima.

He had found not desirous of accomplish his mercy : hath so vengeance. For clemency is fitting for tempered his omnipotence, that the meek : and also for generous souls. hardships of men should be aided by Nothing is indeed more worthy than men. And rightly to God that a man should be one who return thanks for the works of mercy : imitates his Author : and according whose works appear to be as those of to the measure of his own faculties, servants. On account of which the let him be the executor of divine Lord himself said to his disciples, So works. For when the hungry are fed, let your light shine before men, that the naked clothed, the infirm cared they may see your good works, and for : doth not the hand of the servant glorify your Father who is in heaven : carry out the service of the Lord, and through Christ our Lord who liveth is not the kindness of the servant a and reigneth, one God, world without gift of the Lord ? Who having end. But thou, O Lord, have mercy needed not an assistant with which to upon us.

[At Lauds. ] Si vos manseritis. AS:160; 1519:154v; 1531:94r. Ant. VII.i. 4918.

I F you con tin ue * in my word, you shall be my

dis ci ples in deed : and you shall know the truth, and the

truth shall make you free. Ps. Blessed be the Lord. XX.

Prayer. Lmighty everlasting God, who almsgiving hast provided remedies 29 A in the observances of fasting and for our sins : grant us ever to be

982 Week j. of Quadragesima. devoted to thee in mind and body. Through our Lord.

At Vespers. [94v. ] Ego enim ex Deo. AS:160; 1519:155r; 1531:94v.30 Ant. IV.ii. 2573. F OR from God * I pro ceed ed and came : for I

came not of my self, but my Fa ther, he sent me.

Ps. My soul doth magnify. XX.

Prayer. Rant, we beseech thee, O Lord, profess : and love the heavenly gift G to all Christian people, that they which they frequent. Through our may both acknowledge what they Lord.

Friday. [At Matins. ] Lessons from a Sermon of Blessed Maximus, Bishop.31 First Lesson. E have heard, dearly be the Spirit. He indeed conducteth the Y loved,32 just as the Gospel struggle by speech : but completeth trumpet hath sounded, our the victory with majesty. Let us not Lord and Redeemer resisting against think to be conflicted by such a the temptations of the Devil not only remarkable mystery, in which either with words : but also fighting with the inflamed Devil breaketh forth

983 Week j. of Quadragesima. into word : or rather that the Lord of begotten by means of such a miracle : the world should nevertheless con he pondered within himself (as I descend to answer his tempter's suppose) and also wondering said, words. In all these however : of our Who is he, which not knowing me salvation is the reason. For us the hath entered into this world ? I knew Saviour hungereth : for us he speak indeed that he was born of a woman : eth. We conquer in that : because we but I know not whence are to him the reason for fighting. conceived. Behold the mother is For who would doubt the Only evident : but I am not able to discover Begotten of the Father, which no the father. I see the birth : but I creature is able to meet, to have discern not the begetting. And what entered the contest for those for increaseth my astonishment : excep whom he clad himself in flesh ? tionally to the law of begetting, in Therefore the form of the human deed the mother exulteth as a virgin body induced the most crafty enemy at the birth of a son. Lo ! as a child to go forth to battle : whom the true lieth in a cradle, face Son of God hath confounded with streameth with tears : and resembling the reply of a true man. Because of one that is mortal, cometh forth which the wandering and twoheaded with crying. And while nothing of tempter is searching for soft and light infancy is wanting in him : yet of temptations, because granted he saw corruption as in an infant there is the appearance of a fleshly man in none in him. He is covered with Christ : yet disturbed by the presence dirty rags, but smileth happily of divinity, he suspected him to be to the shining star in heaven, more than human. He therefore was moreover in his honour ministering roused to dare approaching one born angels rally to him between the stars of a woman : but was frightened by and the earth, and exulting they the begetting of a virgin. Although announce : this new thing which I do indeed Mary, a daughter of Eve, not understand. What is this miracle ? certainly had given birth to Christ : I see what I am unable to look upon, nevertheless he had not been con I hear what I am not able to ceived from Adam. When therefore comprehend : that one born a man is the enemy saw the Son of God honoured as God. But thou.

984 Week j. of Quadragesima.

Lesson ij. T no time hath it befallen to the crying of infancy in God ? A me that any man should be To whom is it not laughable that born : and should have nothing of God be nourished with woman's human vice. What is this so new and milk ? After all behold he hungereth : powerful generation ? He was born when certainly no reason should amongst sinners and the wicked, and convince that God should be hungry. likewise proceeded from a mortal Evidently the Devil was ignorant mother : more spotless than all that insofar as what nourishments Christ have been born, and in him appeareth preferred in infancy, and what food to me more purity from heaven. The the man desired : it was not that of root of greed ariseth not in him : nor bodily weakness, but the sacrament of doth any hatred beat in his heart. heavenly grace. For the Son of God [95r. ] His tongue knoweth not falsehood : who continueth timelessly for ever his eyes admit not desire. He is with the eternal Father, which to enfeebled with no delights of the ears. gether with his Creator naturally To be sure the luxury by which I incapable of suffering, reign have subjected the human race to eth with unncorruptible authority : myself : is not able to penetrate his carried out the mystery of salvation in breast. He belongeth not among the our flesh. And on account of this boasters : nor with the wicked. And mortal association he endured suf what more ? I find nothing in him fering : so that as a man he might that should delight me : he voideth triumph in the struggle with the all my efforts. What should I do ? enemy of the human race. Whence where shall I turn ? I feel myself also that reckless one, blinded by his stronger. I think he may wish to rage, said to the Lord, If thou be the reign in my kingdom. Lest perhaps Son of God, command that these he be God : whom no offense is able stones be made bread. This is most to pollute. But if he should be God, foolish empty thievery of the same. how could he have endured the Through bread indeed he wished to indignities of being begotten of a tempt Him who is bread, reckoning woman ? How could he have been him to struggle in need of food : who contented with a manger and swad perferred voluntary hunger. To dling clothes ? Who could believe whom the Lord responded, It is 985 Week j. of Quadragesima. written, Not in bread alone doth man reckon that the Devil said again, live : but in every word that pro What is this thing ? I see that he is ceedeth from the mouth of God. hungry : and I find in him no ne This is to say, In vain, O Devil, thou cessity of eating. So man en again attemptest to trip up by food. dureth all things : just as God It is enough to thee, that being overcometh all things. That Adam, persuaded with forbidden fruit in without doubt made by the hands of paradise : Adam hath been deceived God, once yielded to my snares : this by thee. Neither doth hunger defeat son of a woman was neither prevailed me : nor do I yield to thy in upon in his necessities, nor acqui ducements. For the will of God : is esceth to my to counsels. That one I my food. The Word of God : is overcame by the mouth of the serpent, perfect refreshment to me. Which this one even disdaineth my speaking. proposition having been rebuffed : I

Lesson iij. Gain, standing on the pinnacle brought to nought by the Lord's A of the temple : he said to the response : he sheweth Him all the Lord, If thou be the Son of God : kingdoms of the world and their cast thyself down. Cast thyself down honours saying, All these will I give he said. How disturbing is this that thee, if falling down thou wilt adore is spoken ? He thinketh to be able to me. To whom again he answereth, It persuade Him through great danger : is written, The Lord thy God shalt from whom he was able to obtain thou adore, and him only shalt thou nothing by bread. To whom he was serve, that is, unto thee who shall answered by Christ, It is written, adore the Demon : unto thee are Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy destined not kingdoms but the lower God. That is, this which thou urgest, regions. Inasmuch as to adore God O Devil : is presumption of temp and to truly serve him : is the tation, not counsel of reason. An prerogative of rulers. But thou who emptiness of boasting : not a model desiring the honours of the world of virtue. Every miracle is empty : hast promisest through prevari that is not worked for the usefulness cation : shall find unable of human salvation. And with this even to give the kingdom. Behold,

986 Week j. of Quadragesima. even with a triple interrogation the and the skill of more prudent speech. tempter accomplished nothing. Un He sanctifieth the fast : who when certain he came : more uncertain he vain thoughts arise in his breast like returned. He was advancing in order thorns in the Gospel he cutteth to test : he departed rejected. away as if some ploughman Therefore now, dearly beloved breth furrowing with a ploughshare. He ren, because in the reckoning of the sanctifieth the fast : who pitying Lord's victorious fasting, we have consoleth the poverty of desitution recognized the triumph of our from his hand according to the salvation : let our fast be sanctified quantity of his substance. He sanc with devout services. But what else is tifieth that fast : who through atten to sanctify the fast, except to be tiveness to all the divine precepts of willing to do justice to the cause of the law, rejecteth the devilish temp the holy fast, avoiding wicked tations of his heart. And therefore, nesses ? He sanctifieth that fast : dearly beloved brethren, if we wish to whose heart is not turned aside from exhibit fastings pleasing to God : let the right path by the flattery of us be strong in faith, just in powerful friends and the influence of judgement, sober in feasting, re parents, and also by the favours of strained in pleasures, faithful in clients, small or great. He sanctifieth friendship, patient in injustices, his fast : of whom the value of justice moderate in contentions. Fleeing im doth not diminish. He sanctifieth modest speech, constant against in that fast : who extinguisheth 33 the justices, simple in charity, cautious flames of raging passion, with a gentle amongst the deceitful, consoling the [95v. ] mind of placability. He sanctifieth sorrowful, resisting the obstinate. the fast : who turneth away lustful Sparing in suspicions, silent amongst eyes from shameful gazing by the evil speakers, humble amongst co restraints of chastity. He sanctifieth equals. If with these sorts of virtues the fast : who disperseth the casting we shall be willing to sanctify our of insults with the shield of for fastings : giving thanks to the Lord bearance from retaliation. He sancti until the Paschal festival, we shall also fieth the fast : who restraineth come to the joys of the heavenly quarelling distrubances with the promises, with undoubted faith and a sensibleness of peaceful conversation happy conscience. 987 Week j. of Quadragesima.

[At Lauds. ] Angelus Domini descendebat. AS:160; 1519:155r; 1531:95v. Ant. IV.iv. T 1412. HE An gel of the Lord * de scen ded from hea ven,

and the wa ter mov ed : and one was made whole.

Ps. Blessed be the Lord. XX.

Prayer. E gracious, O Lord, to thy revive with thy merciful assistance. B people : and whom thou Through our Lord. makest to be devoted to thee, kindly

At Vespers. Qui me sanum fecit. AS:160; 1519:155r; 1531:95v. Ant. I.i. 4483. H E that made me whole, he in struct ed me :

Take up thy bed, and walk in peace. Ps. My soul doth magnify. XX . Prayer. Ear us, O merciful God : and of thy grace. Through our Lord. H shew unto our minds the light 988 Week j. of Quadragesima.

Saturday. [At Matins. ] Lessons from a Sermon of Blessed Maximus, Bishop.34 Lesson j. Hat astonishing conflict, continuous fast of forty days and Twhich had been between the nights to be hungry, and he could not King of heaven and the believe God to be hungry : that most tyrant of the heavenly King, of charity expert in the art of temptation the reading of the Holy Gospel now approached saying, If thou be the Son having been read through and your of God : command that these stones hearing having borne witness : the be made bread. He thought to him triumphal mystery of the Lord's self, as I suppose, of such a cunning incarnation resoundeth to us. For trick : and said, If this is he at whose the almighty Lord with ineffable command manna flowed from heaven affection of pity, having felt com to the hungry people in the wil passion for human bondage, and also derness, if this is he whom I recall now wishing his diabolic power to be had brought out streams from the removed from the world : sent his rock : shall now be able to only begotten Son, not that divinity transform stones into bread. And if be lessened, nor that virtue be not at my petition : then by his different, nor that will be discordant, necessity who hungereth. Insofar as who receiving our flesh, having if he shall do : I shall prove spurned the ancient condition of God. If he shall be begetting, by a new law a new Son unable : I shall discern a man. The was born from a woman of un Devil therefore awaited the bread not corrupted body, and insofar as the so much that he should acquire it for Devil presumed to tempt this saving himself : as that he was endeavouring man after having been adopted into to seize the world. But the Lord of the fellowship of deity, he was not the world, who was able both to able to overcome . And so produce bread from a stone, and was when that deadly lion saw the Lamb unwilling that the sacrament of of God after a most lengthy and salvation should be manifested by

989 Week j. of Quadragesima.

human testing : thus tempered his recognize the truth. Saith therefore answer in holy mouth, that the Lord unto him, It is written, Not neither should Him who was truth in bread alone doth man live : but in speak falsehood, nor that he which every word that proceedeth from the from the beginning is false, who mouth of God. would not believe, would be able to

Second Lesson. HE tempter received the answer prove to be the Son of God. But the T from the Law : to which he was enemy of heaven indeed not tempting unable to resist. He, being not in the to be willing to be induced to practice of eating, did not take the ascend to the heavens, in fact pro bread : but demanded voketh downwards to the with deceiving trickery. Wherein depths : because he desireth all to fall, indeed should the Son of God have who perceiveth himself to have fallen necessary human bread, to whom all before all men. Neither doth the was of his own divine substance : or blind know that he is for what reason made Christ bread attempting to persuade Him to fall : from earthly stone, when he himself who not only is not able to fall, but [96r. ] (as it is read) was spiritually both cometh to correct the collapse of the bread and stone ? The tempter falling. For the Lord (as it is read) mocked and ridiculed : another raiseth up the fallen : the Lord scheme of temptation was attempted. unbindeth those in chains. Who For by his secret and arcane council therefore hath come not to deceive the Lord stood on the pinnacle of the but to save from being deceived, temple : the Devil said to him, If voideth the strategem of testing by thou be the Son of God : cast thyself such a measure of most cautious down. O how foolish and perverse response : so that not only would the this excessive suggestion : that should Dark Enemy not be able to see the tell the Son of God, Cast thyself mysterious purpose for us, but more down. Can it be that he had not and more was he confused with rightly said, If thou art the Son of obscure and uncertain convolutions God, ascend into heaven. 35 Insofar as by the Lord's answers. For that whom the Lord made : truly would invincible spiritual warrior of battle

990 Week j. of Quadragesima. saith, It is written, Thou shalt not God. And indeed he seeth 36 that tempt the Lord thy God. How Christ is able to answer equally what simple the prudence in this reply, and pertains to man : and what pertains to how circumspect the simplicity : by God. But in his wickedness even that which neither is truth kept silent, nor is not sufficient : he yet tieth the is the reprobate able to test what snares of the third trial. He led, 37 it things are true. Truly as it is written, saith, Him up into a very high The light shineth in darkness : and mountain, and shewed him all the the darkness did not comprehend it. kingdoms of the world, and the The Devil heareth that God is not to of them, saying, All these be tempted, yet acknowledgeth not will I give thee, if falling down thou the man whom he tempteth to be wilt adore me.

Lesson iij. Nxiously brethren turn ye : might feel power. He was A because to fall is all that the commanded to go behind, who enemy urgeth. Indeed all who adore offered the kingdoms of the world, the Devil fall : and indeed he falleth that was not willing to yield to the who pursueth worldly power and authority of the Son of God, to which honour by means of sacrilegious arts he was reluctant to be subject : and and with harmful promises. But our also that by whom he unjustly Lord and Saviour as usual confounded demanded to be adored, he would be him with a response saying, Go duly approved by everyone adoring. behind me, Satan. For it is written, And what is more, dearly beloved, The Lord thy God shalt thou adore : while the impious tempter speaketh, and him only shalt thou serve. The and while he dareth the forbidden, as testimonies of Holy Scripture were if defeated by a man, he became given, not that the unconvertable silent : and as if by a command from should be taught : but that the God he withdrew. And it was neces impudent should be refuted. Christ sary that now he should withdraw commanded him to go behind : so that temptation : in which by stirring that the most hard enemy, even now all his might and exerting all speaking to Him presumptuously, strength, he was able to discover in whose will he is not able to recognize, Him not even a trace of desire.

991 Week j. of Quadragesima. was> astounded and amazed to dis disparaging talk. Also not to love the cover after so many ages a man not destructive profit of usury, not to having human desires : and one born oppress the guardian of peace, justice, in the flesh to have nothing within of with bribes : to shrink from devising bodily corruption. With the Devil harmful factions, to decline from departing back therefore : approach inglorious and sometimes blood ing angels (as was read) ministered to thirsty soliciting of undue honour, him. How great the triumph of that from provoking discord, to repress glory be : retinues of angels teach us. lying by insolently speaking evil with No wonder, certainly, if there came the tongue. None the less they which angels with ministries to him : of pollute life, wound the soul, destroy whose victory they were amazed. And alliances, drive off the Christian from therefore brethren if we are un good works, and also by all super willingly overcome by the Devil : let stitions sacrilege of spirits and idols us cling to him who hath triumphed by which even the greatest bene over the Devil. Now to cling is to volence of the Almighty is offended : believe in Christ : and his paternal are scattered by the true love of God. nature to be to divine, and the If therefore we continually abstain maternal truly of the body. For he from these and also from all such shall be able to conquer the Devil, the sorts of crimes and vices : we shall Lord supporting him : longing for no rightly celebrate the days of this holy matter what saving precepts of God, Quadragesima : and, exulting in all he should strive to hate all swelling of our solemn observances both with the his mind to incline to pride, and faith of happy consciences and in clinging to greed, the root of all evil, tranquility, we shall fulfill the season : [96v. ] to refrain from harmful luxury, the through our Lord Jesus Christ, who enemy of moral strength, to soften liveth and reigneth, God, world the enemy by holy charity : to shun without end, amen. But thou. useless and oftimes dangerous and

992 Week j. of Quadragesima.

Assumpsit Jesus discipulos. AS:160; 1519:155r; 1531:96v.38 Ant. 1501. II.i.

J E sus took * his dis ci ples, and went up in to

a moun tain : and he was trans fi gur ed be fore them.

XX. Ps. Blessed be the Lord.

Prayer. Ook graciously, we beseech thee, scourges of thy wrath. Through our L O Lord, upon thy people : and Lord. mercifully turn away from them the

993 Week j. of Quadragesima.


994 Notes.

Notes, pages .

1 1519:152v. 2 Ambrosii Opera VIII. p. , ed. Venet. °; p. , ed. fol. (de Sermonibus S. Ambrosio hactenus adscriptis, Sermo xxviij. [SB:dlxxxv.] 3 SB:dlxxxvi. has 'indícta' with the following note: 'in dicta' excudit Chevallonius (A.D. ) quod et in Ambrosianis editoribus invenimus. 4 'ebríetas parcitátem' legimus, secundum sensus exigentiam et codicum MSS. plurium ac potiorum consensum. Chevallonius vero, cum nonnullis codicibus, et cum omnibus editoribus ante Benedictines, 'sobríetas parcitátem' repugnante sensu. [SB:dlxxxvii.] 5 1519:153r. 6 1519:153r. 7 1519:153r. 8 'supra scriptum est', 1519:154r. 9 'vestrum' Vulgate ; 1519:153r. 10 1519:153r. 11 Quid velint verba rubrice ' Quere post Psalterium ' in margine ed. . adscripta, non satis liquet. [SB:dlxxxix.] This rubic points to the Tabula psalterii. []. 12 'et collecta'. 1519:153v. 13 1519:153v. 14 1519:153v. 15 1519:153v. 16 1519:153v. 17 'de despéxeris' Chevallon. [SB:dxcii.] 18 Augustini Sermo de Penitentibus, Opera, tom. v. , ed. Paris, . [SB:dxciv.] 19 'tuum', SB:dxcv. 20 No flats appear in 1519:154r. AS:159 omits 'et' before 'cáthedras' and omits its note. 21 1519:154r. 22 Leonis Sermo iv. de Quadragesima. Opera, p. . [SB:dxcvii.] 23 1519:154v. 24 'indulgéntia' Chevallon. [SB:dcxic.] Breviarium :95v. has 'indigéntia'. 25 'temperáret' Chevallon. [SB:dc.] Breviarium :95v. has 'temptáret'. 26 Leonis Serm. v. de Quadragesima. Opera, p. , Inter Augustini Opera, tom. v. . In Appendice Serm. . [SB:dci.] 27 1519:154v. 28 'insolérter', Chevallon . [SB:dcii.] 29 1519:154v. has 'remédia posuísti'. 30 In 1519:155r. the second 'enim' is set F.FE. 1519:155r. has 'enim ex me'. PEN:72r. and BL 52359 give the psalmtone as IV.i.

lxxvi Notes.

31 B. Maximi Homilie Hiemales. Homilia prima de Jejunio Quadragesima. Opera, p. . [SB:dcvii.] 32 1519:155r. has 'Audístis fratres karíssimi'. 33 'restríngit' Chevallon, . [SB:dcxi.] 34 Maximi Homilie Hiemales. Homilia ii. de Jejunio Quadragesime. Opera. p. . [SB:dcxii.] 35 1531:95v. appears to have a question mark here. 36 SB:dcxiv. has 'Videt' and prints the following footnote: 'Vidétque enim' Chevallon . 37 SB:dcxiv. places 'inquit' in parentheses. 38 In 1519:155r. this antiphon is set a fifth lower, in the Fclef, but with no flat at 'discípulos'.
