Peace Poems

Written by the 8th grade students of the Marblehead Community Charter Public School and Marblehead Veterans Middle School Ode to those… By Ryan Grohe

Ode to those who ride behind the thunder, But are much more like the swift, cleansing rains. Ode to those who help those torn asunder, To those who help us break our iron chains.

Ode to those who help, yet never hurt another, To those who remove the signs of scarlet ocean. Ode to those who find every man their brother, And those who right that violent, tumbling motion.

Ode to those who climb the highest mountain, And help us conquer our greatest fears. Ode to those who bring youth, without the fountain, Whose advice will help us for many, many years.

Ode to those who ride behind the thunder But are much more like the rain.

Caged Bird Daniel Smith

Peace is like a bird Trapped within a metal cage The key to it, time Change By Noah Goodman One man’s words One woman’s actions He had a dream She fought for that dream He made people think She stood by her beliefs He brought change with a voice She brought change with a choice Him at the podium Her on the bus


Terrorist Terrorist Take Lives And Innocent People Die We Can Only Ask Why Matt Richman

Waves By Max Mogolesko

The waves rolled onto the beach shore on this bright and sunny day The birds singing their songs soaring throughout the sky I lay in the sand letting each grain sink deep into my skin It feels like lying on a cloud of feathers Then I fall into a sea of many thoughts Delightful thoughts come in and the dreadful go out Just like the waves on this happy day In and out they go In and out they go Peace Haiku Peace Is Not Something That's Easily Achievable But, For Some It’s Possible -James Osmond PEACE By: Addison Condon

Freedom from disturbance Freedom from annoyance Freedom from strife But this is an unreal way of life

There will always be commotion Because there’s always an emotion There may be less agitation Or less frustration

But there will never be tranquility Because there is hostility Unless we change this interpretation To fit our imagination


Some envision peace in a park Or at a historical landmark Human nature will always intervene When I try to find somewhere serene

People will always have an attitude There will always be someone rude People will always have a thought Some may start a boycott

There will always be disturbance There will always be annoyance There will always be strife That is the reality of life

It’s Amazing What A Smile Can Hide Molly Zelloe

You feel like you are sinking. You can’t reach the surface, Of a sea that exists completely in your mind. You are tired, physically and emotionally drained, From holding back the tears and the screams and not letting anyone know your thoughts. And so you scream in the depths of the sea where no one can hear you And where no one can tell the salt water from tears. I know people who are under the sea, Even though now I’ve made my way to bobbing eternally at the surface, Unsure when a wave will crest over my head and send me back to the depths. I always will remember what it’s like to be close to giving in to the pressure of the sea. To those who are fighting beneath the waves, Use your screams to push you to the sky So that you are bobbing at the surface and can breathe.

If Peace was True What if peace was true, And nobody had to die, To end the issue. - Peter Santeusanio


Heroic Leader He was a founding father of our modern nation A proud man who wanted no segregation He had a vision and he had his plans That black and white children can together hold hands He had a dream that we can all now share And it is a responsibility that we all must bear The time is always right to do what is right Let’s never forget how Dr. King had to fight The content of our character remains the key To ensure that people can live together happily - Jackson Hart

Nature’s Effect By Lucia Beurer leaf. nature’s autumn snowflake a small present yet from where it comes is a greater gift. tree. the limbs, mighty the bark, tough a haven to those who wish it be. but graceful and grateful the green grass grows beneath it reaching to places no person knows. a song sparrow chirps. a caterpillar curls, and the graceful deer scatter as a twig is snapped by the watchful figure. she walks under those leaves she brushes her fingertips along that tough bark steps carefully along the dew-covered grass she knows of the songbirds who sing in the mornings and so she learns.

4 she grows just like the tree lives freely like the leaf and sings her song to the nature around her.

This Side Of Life By Ainsley Perkins Collaborator Peyton Applegate

Bulletproof mind Shot down heart Helping hands Clenched to fists Open hearts Locked in cages . . . . Locked away

Even in darkness there is light Even in rain there is sun Even in war there is peace Even in death there is life

There is always an end to a journey There is always an end to the tunnel

Even with light a shadow can strike Even with sun it can storm Even with peace war can rage Even with a smile it can fade

The end might not be good But to know you'll need to get through

We were doomed from the start But you had hope Hope that our doom would reach us soon Death is the only constant As my world crashes in constant chaos

Another man's treasure is one’s trash Anothers hopes is one's disdain Another man's rise is downfall of another


Another man's war is the peace for another

For one mans positive Another is gifted a negative

Life is equal, but unfair Life is good and bad as one Life has a price That no one can pay

The good comes with the bad The peace is with the war

Even in darkness there is light Even in rain there is the sun Even in war there is peace Even in death there is life

But the only way out Is through

Planted Seeds By: Cahill Whittier

In the corner of a garden, standing in their beds

Is a row of many daffodils, each bright with yellow heads

They are neglected to the back, less favored of the group

For in front of them are tulips, which never seem to droop

To stand up against the tulips, was what no daffodil had done

They knew punishment would come to them, Well, all except one

One spring a space left open, in the tulips row

Was where a yellow daffodil, took the risk to grow

This made the tulips shudder with horror and dismay


So they called upon the botanist to take the misfit sprout away

It was pulled away from foreign soil, thrown amongst the weeds

But not before that daffodil could plant more gallant seeds

And where those seeds were scattered, glorious and divine

Many daffodils soon sprouted in front of the tulips line

Hannah Crowley 9/11

The wind was warm and sky a light clear blue

We walked along the sidewalk near the park.

People went on their lives without a clue

What they would do to put us in the dark.

I turned around and saw the sooty smoke

Flames ate up the towers tall in the sky.

People ran to help wounded New York folk

Bystanders helping strangers as they cry.

These planes made the young twins turn to rubble

Bad people wanted to bring us trouble.

They want us to just go and hide away

America is here and here to stay.

Two thousand nine hundred ninety-six gone

But America will stand tall and strong.


Stallions vs. Robins By Malina Friedman

The tranquility of the air was unsettling, And all that could be heard, Was the constant patter of their hooves scraping against the ground. Looking back at each unique horse and its rider, The wind whistled through the horses’ manes, Until everything around us came to a halt.

All of our eyes darted to the frantic horse that battled the graceful Robin The massive horse did a dance, Yet the Robin glided across the back of the horse, As if mother nature were controlling its every move. Then all of a sudden everything stopped.

Everything went back to before, Like nothing even happened, And peace was among us again.

Survived By: Arly MackRosen In Response to the Holocaust

Where am I? I don’t recognize this place.

Was this a lie? Is this a trap? I walk around.

Where are my things?

My clothes My artwork My furniture

How could they do this? Target innocent people Treat them like they don’t matter

Burn them Hang them Starve them

Do they feel no shame My whole family could be dead


How would they feel?

I am alone I am depressed I am lost

But I stand With the people The people that were dragged down with me

I am lost But I let go Let go of the horrible memories

I am lost They put me through this They put all of us through this

I am lost But we stand strong Stronger than ever before

I am lost But I am learning to find my way To deal with what has happened To be prouder than ever I survived

A Peaceful Place By Lauren Schiowitz

The beach is peaceful As the waves move towards the shore I can hear the breeze as it makes my hair sway

The beach is peaceful Miles and miles I walk With no one in sight

The beach is peaceful With the sun shining on my face Like gold floating in the sky


The abyss By: Rob Simpson

They all lie Lie about the ultimate goal Peace, prosperity, unity They say they stride towards it But still they continue fighting They hurt each other Bombs, guns, blades, sickness Deeper into the abyss they go Sealing their coffins Digging their graves They won't stop lying They won't stop fighting They say the new goal is to become friends They're probably lying about that

World Peace

By Brendan Rowe

Peace can be found in a number of ways, But today there is little peace, Peace is like having a calm and nice day every day, Peace is being tranquil can we be that at least. I think countries arguing isn’t needed, What we need is crises to be solved, Put weapons down there are problems untreated, We as humans have to evolve.

We have to be peaceful, Try to resolve problems in a calm way, If you are at peace you'll feel wonderful, Find peace and put your stresses away.

Heroes – Nate Mullens

when the first plane hit people began to run, but the brave first responders could not run, but raced to the tower to save people with

10 cover. years ago on this terrible day many heroes ran to save the innocent victims of the day ready to give their lives away.

After War By: Bella Damon

Like I was told before I left Everything will be alright, I realized that after I spent my last night We were allowed to return home I was afraid my house would be empty, Not knowing if my family survived I am nervous that I am the only one in my family Left alive Because peace doesn’t always come after war And after getting hurt The oppressor doesn't always feel sore And the things they say and do Won't always be true They always seem to have a big impact on you

Peace By Will Ricker Peace is merely an idea, an unattainable goal so far off in the distance that one could never hope to grasp it, to truly know the unfathomable beauty it is rumored to hold. Of course, there has existed, and will exist in the future, times without war, but is this truly peace? Not even close. Perhaps peace is something that we simply made up in an effort to believe that maybe, just maybe, if we really tried hard enough and strived to make our world a better one everyday, we would reach a time of absolutely no conflict, a time when differing viewpoints did not exist and not one person possessed even the smallest measure of malice in their hearts. An absurd thought. The most we can do is shield ourselves against this world and create one of our own. A smaller one, but a world all the same. Fill this world with things that make you happy, and pay no heed to what others say. Make your own world a place of peace if you wish, and escape to it when the one outside becomes too harsh to bear.


Peace Out - Skyler Burke

Peace is a word

It has five letters, one syllable, three vowels and two consonants

Yet peace can mean so many things

Peace is being content with yourself

Peace is finding happiness in the small things

Peace is a goal, a hope, an idea

Nations strive for peace but never fully achieve it

Peace for some people is within reach

Yet for some people peace is the farthest thing away

Money doesn’t create peace

Ignoring conflict doesn’t create peace

You have to create peace

Simply Peaceful By Daniel Drabkin

For peace I find in simpler things in life The sprout emerges, hopeful as it grows The waves break true, eternally in lilt The flurry bustles leaves and carries Spring

But simple things in life I find not so The sprout does not just simply hope and grow The waves do not just simply rise and fall The flurry does not simply bear the air

For simpler things which I think to be so I find to be so simple nevermore Complexity and peace seem to be one Until simplicity returns too soon

For peace I find in simple things in life Which are so peaceful and not simply so


Peace Where are the heroes?

Where are the people with courage?

Where are the people who are strong?

It’s sad.

There is no one I can think of that's a true hero.

People don’t treat others the same

People say they aren't racist but everyone is

When they look at people that don’t look like them,

they want them to be different. - Paige Bird

Peace Poem

By Zoe Rubino

Peace is watching the clouds in the blue sky Peace is listening to the birds singing in the morning Peace is watching the waves crash Peace is playing a calm game of tennis Peace is no violence Peace is helping an elderly person cross the street Peace is painting a lovely picture Peace is playing a relaxing games of chess Peace is listening to calming music Peace is making a puzzle on a rainy day Peace is when everybody is safe Peace is when everybody is equal Peace is when everybody has clean water and food Peace is making people laugh

Peace Gardens By: Hunter Wanger

Sit and admire Flowers in the garden Peace all around you Death is...


Walking Around on a Cold Winter’s Day By Trey Gayne

I walk out of the house into the frosty winter air

The bare trees shake like a leaf while the brisk wind blows

A shower of snow falls onto the grass giving it a soft coat of white

The sea churns and crashes into the beach thrashing a lone sailboat

It calms, pulls away from the beach and slowly sends little waves of white to the shore

Then, the birds chirp and signal the storm is over

The sun shines as the clouds are slowly whisked away into the now blue sky

The air slowly warms but the cold air lingers as if it’s winter's last signal

The last snow melts and flows away, gone, until next year’s cold

The Sun slowly sets and the colors flash like fireworks exploding into the night sky

Now the moon shines a bright white beam onto the ground below

Telling all who are awake, Spring is here to stay

People By Max Podgur

People have different points of view. People have different ideas about what is right. People make wars. People are cruel People shotguns and drop bombs. People cause death. Because they disagree. People can change. People can help each other. People can be kind to others. People can be considerate. People can create life. Words can create peace.


Peace Poem By Garrett Christopher Peace is a time when people are at ease When there is no wars going on The leaves falling off the trees Roses blooming at the start of spring When everyone is home safe and sound The sun shining bright in the middle of the day A day when you can hear the waves crash against the rocks When there are fish jumping out of the water Boats that fill the ocean blue This is my image of what peace is

Poverty - Gus Baylow

Can’t buy groceries, can’t buy food, can’t buy medicine, can’t feed your family

Losing jobs.

Can’t get money, can’t help family, can’t pay taxes


Can’t live life, can’t enjoy life, can’t get money


Can’t relax, can’t stay upright, can’t get a job, can’t get money


Can’t find anything, can’t find opportunities, can’t get a job, can’t get money


Can’t get respect, can’t find opportunities, can’t get a job, can’t get money


Can’t get along, can’t get respect, can’t find opportunities, can’t get a job, can’t get money Poverty


The World’s Only Wish By: Anna O’Connor

A baby Her first sight is a bright smile, Against dark skin. Her first sound is a sweet lullaby, Protecting her from the noise of the world. Her first touch is of her parents hands, A two different colors But to the baby, the colors feel the same.

A man He only sees terrorized people, Huddled together like sheep, trying to take a stand against the wolf. He only hears the thirst of children, Begging to be quenched. He only feels the ground tremble under his feet; The result of a disagreement because of beliefs.

The world It only wishes That man learns from the accepting, carefree baby Because if man does, The baby could grow up in a better world.

Be A Hero!

Our world has so many heroes Heroes who save lives Heroes who do everyday tasks to help our world Anybody can be a hero You just have to do something to make people look at you as a hero In my opinion everybody was or is a hero at one point Heroes have to look at something in the other person's perspective You do not have to save a person's life You do not have to be on the news A hero can just do something nice for another person In order to make a change more people have to be a hero

By John Keyes


By: Bella Vania

Death is Separation Separation from the one’s you love But not the end of your love

Death is Separation Separation from the one’s you hate But not the end of your hatred towards each other

Life is a Beautiful Lie To the people who live it They walk the earth living life without Worrying about when they will die

People don't think about when They will die they think about How to live life one day at a time

Death is Separation From the one’s you love Death is separation From the one’s you hate

Everyone hate and loves someone But when they die they don't have the Option to hate or love them anymore

Every person on Earth Lives the lie about life They live it and they don't even know it Every person lives and every person dies

War John Sheridan

War never changes Always death Always destruction Too many lives cut short

After the death has ended After the destruction has been repaired This time will come But that time is not now


The world is war Peace is but a forgotten memory So, for now, war never changes

Take Part, don’t sit and watch - Ryleigh Lane

I think we can learn from the brave people in the world.


Police Officers and FBI

Veterans and soldiers

Air force and Marines

Navy Seals and CIA

SWAT team and Coast Guards

Doctors and surgeons and nurses

To take action and fight to make a change.

Save and protect people

Help and heal people

Free people

I think we can make a change by increasing the amount of brave people in the world.

And join in.

Life of Peace By Emmet Janney

Why is there war here? People should not fight; make peace Be kind without war


Gaia Joustra

We Are Getting Closer

We wish for a perfect world.

A world with no race, no bias, no stereotype.

A world with no poverty, no judging, no crime.

We wish for a world of peace.

But deep inside we know.

We know there will always be problems, there will always be differences.

We know there will always be war, and that there will always be hate.

But, little by little these problems are fading away.

Little by little slavery is banishing.

Little by little people are not afraid to say they are homosexual.

This world may not be perfect,

but I’m happy to be in it.

Because we learn from our mistakes,

we are getting closer to a world of peace.


A Letter from Son to Father By: Brooke Stout Dedicated to those who have lost a loved one in battle

Father, Can you hear the shrieks of silver and red that tear through the heavens above? Can you hear the shouts of the men on the battlefield down below? Can you hear the apprehension in the space between the bullet and its victim? Yes Son, I can hear the silver tearing the sky apart, and the red as it detonates. I can hear the cries of the men on the front line giving their life for their loved ones back at home. I can hear the fear in the men’s chests when their hearts pound in their ribcages, as the small piece of jacketed led comes too close for comfort. Father, Can you see the soldiers scatter as the enemy shot meets the mark? Can you see the terror in the eyes of the pilot as his engine sputters out? Can you see the lieutenant's trepidation as he gives his platoon the order to fire? Yes Son, I can see the men try and dash away from shot of the assailant. I can see the aircraft plummeting out of the sky, to meet their demise as they dive headfirst into the ground. I can see the hesitation in the lieutenant’s eyes as he raises his arm to give the signal to his men to shoot. Father, Can you feel the jolt of electricity that shakes the ground as tanks rumble past? Can you feel the tension in the air as man faces man, separated by the line in the sand? Can you feel the fear of the young men that walk into battle beside you? Yes Son, I can feel the ripple in the air as the tanks grind past me. I can feel the rigidity as men line up across from each other, separated by nothing more than the beliefs of one against the beliefs of another. I can feel the fear of the young soldiers beside me, who went into battle with songs and light in their gaze, the ones who fell with their face to the foe. Father, Did you think war would be easy, that war would be fun? Father, When do you think this war will be done? Father?

Peace Poem By Luke Curtis

Everybody looks at me with their eyes I don't know what to do except for run I run as hard as I can stabilize As I cross the plate I know I have won


A New Generation

Mia Atallah

In school we learn about past events that have took a toll on our society At home we watch the news and witness the violence that we have no control over We expect that in the future there will be times when violence is considered the answer As all these events go on our judgment of righteousness becomes clouded

We think that the teaching of these events will help when in reality it has minimal impact We blame others for starting these catastrophes whilst we stand and do nothing to help The rule of learning from past mistakes means nothing to us as we continue these faults To stop these horrid events we must educate the minds of the youth so that our world may breath again

Our view on the world is being degraded every day as these events go on Only a handful of people have the common hope that our world’s purity can be restored The rest of us are so preoccupied with chasing our own shadow we can’t meet ends to this horror I believe that our generation will be one that regains control of our world’s purity One that will have the solutions to our worst mistakes One that learns that violence should never be an option

What is War? By: Lucy Tedford

Walking onto the battlefield Looking our enemies straight in the face Our men being taken down one by one Who will win?

Stepping onto the grass in the backyard Eyeing the team across from us Being tagged as we attack our flag Who will win?

This game we play will go on Until we call a cease fire Like a beckoning whistle Or our mom calls us in for dinner

When peace is reached We can all win



Why do we fight with each other? Its consequence is always pain I thought we were all sisters and brothers But there’s always something to gain. Territory, rights, revenge Terrorist groups grow in size and strength And it seems it will only end When we are all exhausted to length. By Libby Dailey

Pol Pot Genocide By: Claudia Hart In Memory Of: The Pol Pot Genocide

He was a leader from the shadows. His words were Agrarian Utopia. The words that killed two million.

Fields of anguish made from barbed wire and un-harvested land. Death was in the air. Overwork starvation.

Trees used for killing. Each field supplied. Each beat filled with hate.

Agrarian Utopia. The words that killed two million.


War By Drew Welch

The sun rises The gunshots are fired The fight begins Only one side will win The sun falls Everyone is peaceful Trying to stay calm The next day begins Only one side can win The fighting continues Shots fired Soldiers are down Both sides are losing Killing each other No one. even. Won

A Warrior’s Son -Julia Sansons

He was 6 months old when he first saw his father through his tiny orbs,

They were blue, sparkling with the newfound brightness of innocence

Through them, he saw his father's, shining with undertones of brokenness

He was 14 months when his father was deployed again

He missed his first steps, he wasn't there for his first words

He was too busy watching the light leaving his best friends eyes

He was 3 when he started waking up to the sound of his father's screams

Cold sweats accompanied by the feelings of grief and unmistakable guilt

The screams of the man he couldn't save echoing off the walls of his head

The battlefield fracturing not only his body, but his mind and soul

He was 12 when he learned there were no winners in the war


Only those granted the pleasantness of death, and those who are not

He truly understands as he stands over his father's grave,

In death, he was released and given the gift of peace, free from suffering

Peace Poem By Ozzy Martin

Peace Means No Hatred Peace Is Watching The Waves Crash Peace Equals No War

A Peaceful World Alicia Linsky

The world is a beautiful place for all,

Mountains and rivers a field filled with green,

All different colors of Spring and Fall,

The fresh air all around so fresh and clean.

With such a peaceful surrounding why would,

Anyone feel the need to always fight.

This world is filled with war and we all should,

Know with peace comes happiness day and night.

If we all work together hand in hand,

People have the power to make a change.

It will stop the violence on our land,


Fighting switched to peace a stunning exchange.

It is your decision so stop and think,

Because you could be that one missing link.

The World Needs Peace By: Austin Lavender

The world needs peace Like a baby needs its mother People try to bring peace and soon after war creeps back We are always fighting The world mourns for peace Without it we are lost

LIfe, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Freedom and rights for everyone, That’s how it should be. Imagine not seeing the sun. Seeing a bloody red sea, when you’re finally free. Proven guilty should be punished. A life worth living, Should be given and cherished. A place where there is none of sinning. Given from the gods, A hero to lead the way The possibility for getting paid jobs. Looking, searching, for that day.

-Maddy DiMare


Sleep Tight

By Una McCoole

Feeling safe, Feeling free, Inside my dreams like a mellow sea, In a land far, far away, No one to judge, And nothing to hate, Only peace locked behind these gates, Only happiness is our fate.

Peace is Like By Heather Scribner

Peace is not like a lion But is like a lamb Peace is not like war But is an eagle soaring Peace is not like a loud uproar Peace is- Well- Peace is silent

Tree of War By Dylan leveroni

First the seed is planted Two leaders don’t agree Then it rains and it gets watered Aggression between each country As time passes it begins to sprout Now we know our foe People see that is starts off small But then it starts to grow As years pass, it gets thicker and taller Each leader and country needs to be prepared It takes more nutrients from the ground People lose possessions, we begin to get scared It continues to grow strong As leaders continue their reign It provides a home for creatures As new soldiers begin to train Then it shoots up


The real fight will begin It grows taller and stronger, and taller and stronger Nobody gives up, more soldiers come in It sucks all the nutrients out of the area No more cheerful, happy, fun, and bright Over time, more and more creatures make it a home Now more countries and people join the fight But one day, a branch will break Now a battle has been won And so will many more As one side loses, their reign is done People see it’s starting to die The line between countries has started to bend People come and cut it down The war is at an end But all the creatures lose their homes Like many soldiers and civilians died The roots are still in the ground There’s still bad memories on the losing side It clears a space for a new tree to grow For now, there’s not a violent sound But a new tree is planted in the old one’s spot And the cycle goes around Talk to Someone by Michael Martelli

I sink into the depths of my blue bed Darkness seeps through the faint, low lights Nothing fights its way into the mind It’s peaceful here, now.

Last night, sleep was a distant memory Fights from the day caused fear to fight the urge to rest.

That was before communication killed these conflicts And made way for peace.

When peace was nowhere to be found Giving up instead of facing problems casted a shadow that posed An easy way out But it’s a lie. If you want peace Please don’t give up.


Use Your Words By Tianna Nolasco

When we were little. . . We were always taught to use our words to solve problems. We were told to keep our hands to ourselves. We were told to be kind and never hurt people. Use your words. But. . . The government uses violence to solve problems. Countries in wars kill innocent people. They are supposed to set an example. Violence is wrong. Use your words. We send BRAVE men and women to risk their lives for us. We should send people to fight with words. Use your words.

Unthinkable Harmony Peace can’t be obtained War still rages on throughout Yet still, some know joy - Jesse Hammond

Peace -Will Hancock No bombing, no more Stop the war End fighting, end rampage Why so much rage? Become friends, become allies Compromise Peace with each other, peace with all Peace with all until nightfall


Don't Repeat History Since the beginning of mankind

Slavery was spread across the world

Families were divided and damaged

People grew up working and surviving

Now after protesting and fighting every man is somewhat equal and happy

Don't Repeat History

War after war our government encourages violence

Vietnamese war, Afghanistan war and other similar wars were pointless

Many people died fighting but there wasn't a winner or a better side

Lives lost, families broken which resulted all in more pain

Instead, use words and come up with a compromise

Don't Repeat History

By: Shakeriah Baxter

Peace In War By Liz Bakhnov What is peace? Is it the quiet of loneliness? Is it the chirp of the birds, the glow of the sun Accompanied by a summer day? Is peace the comforting silence Heard after the gunshots subside? Is it the satisfaction of the last, winning battle, Or is it the journey home? Is peace the symbol of the end of the war? Is peace the sorrow at your comrade’s grave? Is peace the secret relief that this limp, lifeless body Does not belong to you? Is it the comfort of your home That you’ve missed for several years? Is it the embraces of your family? Is peace the memory of the battlefield? Is it the image of scattered bodies


Littering the ground? Is it the trauma of the loss of your best friend? Is peace the empty feeling Of experiencing war, and being forgotten? Is peace the terrifying job of a soldier? Is peace...war?

THE ENVIRONMENT by Cole Riskin It was here before us, It gave us everything, It provided a home for the human race. Anything we needed, Any resources available, Was stripped from the poor environment. We destroyed it, After everything it did for us,

We killed it.

Are You At Peace? By Emily Angelino

I need to know, are you okay? You never saw the snow, and I was never able to say what I wanted to say.

You were just exploring, when you died. I was crying, because I had brushed you aside. When death took you I wanted to hide.

I want you back, never again having to release. I feel horrible and still lack the understanding that my puppy is not my centerpiece. Are you at peace?

I need to know. I poured my heart into you and I just wanted to say, I still love you in each and every way.


Violence -Leah Veprek It all starts with a disagreement, One side wants this, While the other side doesn’t, If they could’ve found a way, Then it wouldn’t have erupted.

Blood splattered across the ground, Smoke blinding everyone’s eyes, A simple thing turned into something huge, Lives ended in an instant, People fiercely wounded, All because we refuse to compromise.

But it doesn’t always have to be this way, We can change views without resulting to violence, There are other ways to agree that doesn’t involve terminating lives, We need to learn to help one another, Because truly if we do not end war, War will end us.

Peace Needs To Be Found By: Lily Goldman

All the bad Is very sad If you don’t help out You could pout Peace needs to be found.

Doing bad on a test So now your heart is beating out of your chest Getting mad Even just a tad Peace needs to be found.

Being mean Or your room is not clean Falling down and crying Or even lying Peace needs To be Found.


Minds of Fools By:Emma Sionkiewicz

Only in the twisted minds of fools, There is no sacrifice worth more than death, No words more important that a final breath. Only men turned to soldiers, And soldiers to tools. Only in the minds of fools.

If only the dove could weep and cry, As she flew across a blood-stained sky. Her breath released with a hearty sigh, Unheard and drowned by a loud war cry.

Only in the twisted minds of fools, As if death be too kind And life be too cruel. With the shattered minds Of those who remain, Who wish to be drowned In the pouring rain.

If only fools could feel the pain Of those who stand in the pouring rain Who stay to watch the stormy skies And glimpse the single bird that flies Now through the silence that seems to reign, All the soldiers that now remain Look up to hear the love dove’s cry The peace within a stormy sky.

Poaching - Max White

For those greedy, cruel Whatever they can slaughter Hippopotamus

Lingers unharming But continues to be harmed Hippopotamus


Peace is a 5 letter word -Hannah Lewis

The sound of anger rings throughout my ears On tv and in the news people everywhere Fighting Peace is something that anyone can accomplish If they try Peace is getting along with others And maintaining a state in which you are happy The fighting will stop and peace will carry on This pattern will repeat itself until the end of time Stop the fighting Why can’t we all get along with one another It is not hard to do Peace can be found anywhere As long as you try

We the Students By Eric Serra

Peace, here and abroad, will never happen Unless We the students are informed with skills and knowledge

Tell me why I need to know the details of the French and Indian War? How about creating peace with practical solutions?

Peace comes with understanding the history And economics Of the Great Depression And the Great Recession.

Peace comes when we the students can use: Oral, Written, Collaboration, And creativity to respond appropriately.

Move over television media Move over 2016 Presidential promises Is this what Freedom of Speech is supposed to look like? Peace comes by studying present and historical movements and asking we the students:

“What would you fight for?” And, “Who is the real enemy?”


Learn To Love -Jasper Merrill

Peace will never come If we can't figure out how To love each other

It Took So Long to Get Out By Emme Lovenberg

Stuck in the camps longing for hope But now I am finally ready to cope Coldness and sadness is so unfair But no ones cares It took so long to get out.

I was just a little girl at the time It felt that it was going to last a lifetime Ten days on the train I forever will remember that pain It took so long to get out.

Imagine a place where no one is safe Always afraid of strafe Not wanting to be choosen for selection Made an upset and a oppression It took so long to get out.

Many stories like my own Show that people have grown The little glimpse between life and death Fell between my short, long breathe It took so long to get out.

I never thought it would be over My mind took over I was an empty shell It felt like Hell It took so long to get out.

I am finally out Happy no doubt I am finally at peace But not the deceased It took so long to get out

My mind is like an ocean Fighting through the commotion


PTSD means no one is free We are now facing reality It took so long to get out

Everyday I remember Due to that December Even walking to the store Can cause me to see the goure The bitterness hunger and the fear of not knowing Weirdly kept me going, The watery soup that kept us living Always kept us wishing It took so long to get out. It took so long to get out.

Disease By Frances Paik

Thousands have died at the hands of their brothers, Killed by the work of their kind Waving goodbye to their crying mothers As the battle ship leaves them behind.

Some may have survived the fight, that day Others lay buried and dead, Yet the victors still have a price to pay Due to the impact left in their head.

Think of the families waiting at home Unaware of the worse or the better Think of their grieving, tear-streaked faces That dark day when they get the letter.

There is only one cure for this evil disease; And peace, my friend, is the answer.

Peace beats War Michaela Haliotis

Countries fought for freedom and acceptance

Unions battled to protect their own rights

Causalities stayed in our remembrance

And today we still continue to lead fights.


News is filled with shootings and attacks

Protests reign for fairness and liberty

Innocent people face a war’s climax

Millions of people fight till victory.

War has never been the only answer.

Peace allows the world to grow like flowers,

It lets doves glide like a graceful dancer

True peace unites, granting people powers.

Peace should consistently be accounted for,

Because in the end, peace always beats war.

Peace By Anna Arbo

Peace Is sitting on the beach in the sun not a cloud in the sky Peace Is zipping through the current on a windy day.

Peace Is rebuilding strength and confidence after an attack, Overcoming.

Peace Is being able to let go of hatred, frustration and Relax, Move on.


We Will Wait

We wait for us to get freedom and peace

We long to be free from sorrow and greed

We need to feel safe now and not surcease

We have the power to get what we need

The thought to be free at last makes us glad

That we could live without no fights is near

Again and again we try to have had

And now we know that peace is almost here

We are sick and tired of the sorrow

For the way the world treats us is unfair

We wish it would be done by tomorrow

We want to feel safe and know that they care

We need we want we long we wait for it

And now that we are so close we won’t quit

By Abby Robinson

The Flower Niko Salado

His mind is together with his body Why is his land not though He asks the one who everyone trusts but No one ever answered


Perpetual Quicksand By: Gavin Snook

The two men struggling in the quicksand laying down their lives fighting each other instead of the real threat, the real problem, the endless quicksand

While one man may beat the other, they both have to face the quicksand sooner or later Peace

Peace By Anna Tripodi

Peace is a dove flying through the sky

Carrying something new in its beak every day for someone in need

One day the dove brings books to a child who yearns to read

Another day the dove carries food to a family living in poverty

The dove knows that there are problems in the world

And knows that the world will never be perfect

But the dove chooses to leave its nest

And fly away to help others

And that




Pursuit of Peace

World peace

Many pray for it

Few pursue it

Peace is an elusive goal

But not impossible

Peace is achievable

The prayers must become doers

The pursuers must become leaders

Only then will peace be achieved -Reid Tully

Peace Victoria Veksler

Ask, why is peace not yet achieved? Of war this world wants to be cleaned. In only sour circumstances Do we recall the sounds of peace.

The sun breaks through the cheerless clouds It’s peace not war that makes us proud Let's terminate this endless dance This pointless fighting must now cease.

What are we really fighting for? And will it matter in the end?


Let’s Have Peace – Lydia Hybels

Our world today is really not perfect Such as in the U.S. we have limits All U.S. citizens have to serve it Seems like we pay taxes every minute

Terrorism and ISIS are not fun All around the globe we are facing pain Many days I just want to turn and run If we continue this we will not gain

I’m a firm believer in having peace Please try to be kind for no reason All of the hate we must try to decrease No matter what time day month year or season

If you go do a good deed any way It will do a lot for someone some day

Here to Stay By: Sam Rausch

Conflicts may arise But there is nothing we can do Peace will always exist

Hoping, with great hope One day Everyone will live in peace and harmony

Dreaming for the perfect world Peace will be spread like peanut butter By great people That are waiting to make a difference

Peace lies inside of us Dying to come out For we must unleash it And take on the world

The world can be united If everyone strives for kindness All we need to do is try And believe…..


But Not Really – Jillian Lederman

So much relied on the boy A little boy Innocent, but not really

A zoo, housing many creatures Exotic animals Safe, but not really

A boy fell into the gorilla cage The gorilla pounced He was shot and killed The boy was safe A brave action, but not really

A boy alive A gorilla dead Peace regained, but not really

Peace What is Peace? Is it the absence of war During a specific time Or Law and Order With in a town, city, state, country, Or the entire world Is Peace the lack of anxiety Is it the harmony between two people Is peace existing in a the state of Death Or Is Peace stillness, silence, and serenity All of these are definitions of Peace So What is Peace? By: George Piepgras


Untitled by Christina Makris

Peace Doesn't just mean nice Doesn't just mean civil Means kindness and acceptance

Peace Doesn't just mean mindfulness Doesn't mean quiet Means ease and awareness

Peace Considered right Considered a skill

Fighting For Ourselves

We're all fighting for our own peace Fighting for the fighting to stop Fighting for our own justices I see the fearful Put on a mask of hate In fear of being called cowards I see the fearless fight for what's right I see peace being fought for The peace wanting to be achieved The peace wanting to be kept I see the different ideas of peace I see the varying goals of peace But peace, you see Peace is in the eye of the beholder

-Charlotte McDonald


What If By Grace Doody

What if every hungry person was fed What if no more tears were shed And if everyone could just get along The birds would chirp their sweet song What if there were no more wars and no more fights No more fear keeping people up at night No more violence or bombs The world could be tranquil and calm What if we actually tried to accomplish that? Peace

Segregation by Sam Baylow

Eighty years ago, the United States were not united

No two races could hold hands with each other

Before being stripped away by their own mothers

Because of their skin color

Friendships ruined, people forgotten

By laws that have amounted to nothing

Except riots, discrimination, and suffering

Because of the skin color

Even now we still judge by race or religion

But in the future, we want, we need better

A society that works like two birds of a feather

Yet why do we still judge by a first glance

So let’s tell the next generation to be more proper

And not judge people by their skin color


What Is Peace? By: Rachael Gregory Peace is gazing at stars on a summer night Peace is everything being all right Peace is no fighting Peace is inviting Peace is world harmony Peace is not worrying about money Peace is no pain Peace is humane Peace is inspiring Peace is something we are desiring Peace is relaxing on a beach Peace is not something out of reach

Who You Choose To Be by Emme Smith

Someone that thinks of not them A person with a heart of gold A gem Many have hearts that are too cold Someone who sacrifices their needs for others Brave and kind Supports someone who suffers They are hard to find Helps anyone in sight It is up to you to become Can make someone’s day bright There are only some If you are one A hero you will become


War poem

War, The great destroyer War, The great rebuilder The one event that kills tens of Millions of People Throughout the world The one event that makes nations rebuild Into new nations And then into rubble to be walked across By conquering armies. An event that can pull a nation out of crisis And unite them on a common cause An event that can split a nation, Making brother fight brother An event that can make families join hands, United. War The dictator Of the past And future. By: George Piepgras

The Unknown

By Ryan Baker

Not all heroes make a sound Some heroes are unknown Look around next time you walk around When someone helps elderly across the street A firefighter can get rid of danger A doctor can heal your feet Heros will help even a stranger When you see a hero make sure their actions are not Unknown.


A Treasure - By: Grace Orloff

Peace is something not everyone has, but people can gain

To some people peace is a treasure that they wish for, but may never find

Some come to find that treasure, I have

Peace could be hard to find, but most are able to find it

There are many steps you follow to gain that treasure You have to follow the path of kindness and gratitude

Some may find Peace but have it taken away

Some may follow the path but when they get to Peace it was already taken

Peace is a treasure you have to hold onto it Because once it is gone you may never find the path to it again


By Lexi Zunick

Peace can be as simple as a trip to the beach. It is always within reach.

It just needs to be found. For me, this happens when I am vacation bound.

I am not at peace while taking a test; but am still trying my best.

Peace must be found by all people everywhere; so we don’t live lives driven by fear.

We would have so much less stress. And the world would not be a mess.


I See Heroes What is a hero to me? A hero, is somebody who will fight for peace. Somebody who will comfort the sick and the ill. Somebody who will help a friend when the friend is in their darkest times. Somebody that will do good no matter what the cost of it is. So, where do I see heroes? I see them everywhere. WE are all heroes deep down. We just need to act like it.

-Brendan Kane

The Battlefield By Xander Lohan

I hear the gunshots roar For they fire up ahead The sweeping swaying fields Of those who’ve fallen dead

Many will not see the sight For he has seen today Or felt the spirit of the battlefield All from yesterday

But you, you’ve seen, all that has been done Heard the gunshots up ahead and held the vicious gun Seen these heros fallen cold, Death spares no one, be them young, or old

I hear the gunshots roar, for they fire, up ahead, A great hero lies, fallen, cold, and dead

Peace Is All We Need -John Hecht

Violence, prejudice, racism, hate Sorrow and sadness is all that will await

All of us on this green world


A world at war will leave us all sore soon we will all be troops and that will be a big oops

Peace, Peace it’s all we need it will save us all from our greed This will make us free Free from all the killing That has caused so much blood spilling

Peace, peace it’s all we need to save us from our greed

Bomb By: Joanie McNulty

Somewhere in a country There was a bomb So a nation blew up It’s all over the news And an entire people was discriminated against Because of it While the nation’s own people Shoot each other On a daily basis It’s stopped being on the news And the people only blow up at Those who try to solve a problem that They are to blind to see So some implore them to realize That to be able to help others You must first help yourself And they need to Stop Look up Einstein's definition of insanity And only then Will they be closer to finding peace.

Hidden in Grey Lauren Dombey

Stillness. It’s a rare event. In the bright of day, people play.


We share. And we fight, but we’re happy. And come to appreciate a bird’s mellow tune.

But in the midst of the light, clouds loom above. Waiting for the moment to strike.

The bird continues to sing, oblivious of what’s to come.

A child calls out; sees the grey above. He runs to his porch, cowering from small bullets tumbling down from a blackened sky.

He hides from the rain, but the bird remains.

They continue their song, late into the rain. No one to hear, for no one’s at play. The outdoors are empty yet the bird goes on. On through the rain.

The only sounds heard are of the crashing water against the windows in the homes of the frightened. But one sound rings higher; The bird's sweet song of happiness and peace.

Woods at dusk There long shadows Growing longer In the evening light The smell of pine Drifting through the air With insects winning People sitting By the water of the lake Reflecting the sunset By: George Piepgras


Remember By Harry Forsythe

On this day MLK Would make a speech That he would soon preach But what he would soon say On that future day Would change lives Of many husbands and wives Barriers will be changed Our ideas of equality will be less deranged His mind spoke to the crowd He made millions on that day very proud We shall not forget MLK He will be remembered until the last day

Never Forget – Gavin Lungren Yes, there was some chaos, but we were able to react. Yes, people suffered from loss, but the country stayed intact. Yes, New York experienced a tragedy, but it only made us stronger. No matter the severity, we will always become greater.

Strive By Davis Walker Peace is a mind getaway Peace is anywhere you want it to be Peace is in our hearts Peace is in our souls Peace is high in the sky Peace surrounds us All we have to do is strive for it Something we try to do But can’t accomplish The whole world would change If we just reach a little farther and Come together as a whole world


Love – Charlie Rubin My love for you is so great, My heart melts for Her 'til the dusk of day. The night cries when she’s away, Hugs, kisses ’til day's dawn.

Dove By Sammi Bendicksen A wasteland of war A bird flown across the sky Peace spread through the land

Tenuous Peace Bound by Human Nature’s Whim

Lots of people believe that world peace is the answer,

With enough hoping, dreaming, praying, they think it will happen

But, world peace is unattainable.

Human nature can be selfish, greedy, and aggressive

This heavily influences a persons’ actions and beliefs

Early humans were dictated by these traits that supported them through evolution

But when humans created society, said traits became counterproductive in their civilized lives.

These traits only cause harm towards society

But if one person turns away from them,

They can instill a new attitude in their community,

A peace, of sorts, is caused by the ripple, if people turn away from their innate nature.

World peace is highly unlikely.

One needs to find inner peace before they can find outer peace,

And though it’s tenuous, peace can spread through a community.

- Cooper Sherf


Through it All, it Stood Tall Written by~ Haley Lemieux In memory of those who were affected by the Pol Pot Genocide

There was the tree Standing tall in a field full of agony and strife Surrounded by a barrier Left alone just as a I once was Dancing with the soft wind that blows by

Though its fate was unknown The tree was no longer alone but held together at the pieces with the memory The memory of my people The memory of me

“Peace” By Alfred Bresnahan

“Peace” they say nice and clear

That is the selfish word we are fighting, killing, and dying for We strive for the holy godly blessed word That means that everyone will get along perfectly But nothing can be perfect Not the trees The weather Or the human being itself But they tell you that you are perfect And other things But in the end Peace is an unattainable goal Glued in our minds as attainable

Nine Eleven – Belle Woodward Do you remember where you were that day? Were you at work and at your desk faxing? Were you at school doing work writing away? Or were you simply at home relaxing? September eleventh two thousand one The planes all four crashing all in one day The Twin Towers the Pentagon all gone Everyone did not know what to say No one had a clue of what was up next They were feeling very scared and very perplexed Thinking if their loved ones were in affect Thinking what if our country was being hexed Everyone would never be the same ever On that day our country said we need peace


Hurt By Alanna Herrey

When will it end, This cruel thing called war, Many hearts to mend, Many fallen on the floor, Why does man feel the need to fight, Put down your guns, Do you think this is right, This is not a joke, no need for puns, War must be stopped, This is not the way, Imagine the families whose hearts have dropped, Hurting by night, hurting by day, You will never accomplish this idea of world peace, You can’t end something if you just sit and stare, Nobody shall cease, You must create a love that isn’t quite there, The end of all war, Is it possible, Helping those who are very sore, War is not optional, It is in the now, We must be the generation to end it.

It Will End - Clara Rapoport

War is the solution for everything all over this world Many think it is average Or that it is a problem solver Others think war is nothing but grief and sin No one can know how or when all of the Earth’s wars will end All of them can end tomorrow or in a century A second or in just two years War can go by fast War can go by dangerously slow No can know now All anyone should know is that it will certainly end one and we will get through it Maybe slowly but we can get through it


Always Scold, Too Hot or Too Cold - John Cohen

Peace is as cruel as its younger sister, And Perfection IS a cruel mistress. For Peace is an illusion that can never be achieved, And still we look to the sky with great interest.

Why relieve Conflict of its duty, To protect life of its meaning and pride? What is life when life is won, And nothing is left but to lay down and die?

But life without hope is worse than war, You can only have both for a life worth living for. We Need Peace Not War By Zach Christopher

A horrible thing War is never different The world needs some peace

D-Day – Jake Juros The Nazi Party guards the foreign coast, They oppress the people of Normandy Nazi powers with their armies they boast, The upcoming future they cannot see.

On the 6th of June, Americans fly, The landing crafts land upon evil land, Thousands of axis and allies will die By nightfall the allies come off the sand.

Nazis fled back to their homes in Berlin, Americans storm upon the soil, This victory gives a chance to march on in, And to free the French people in turmoil.

This fight helps lead to the end of the war, The U.S. begins to re-insure peace once more.


Life By: Devin Kim

Every day must come to an end But sometimes not for me In the world there is perfection It's wanted in everyone And in the end there is also peace My peace is this.. Hear it Silence It may not happen often but it comes and goes Just like life There are your ups And there's your downs

Peace Poem By Cole Patrick

In the world today World peace is wanted by most In the world today Violence happens too much

Live and Let Live -Nicole Alexandrou

Sometimes you lose something, sometimes it seems everything is against you. Outside you’re a sunny happy place, but inside you’re a raging, bloody war You fight the unbeatable foe, the unkillable enemy But you and I, we’re fighters The unseen soldiers, the invisible warriors Whether we win, whether we lose You and I, we’re fighters And we only lose if we raise the white flag in surrender So raise your own flag high, be it green, yellow, rainbow Raise it, and be proud of who you are Because you and I, we’re fighters And if we have to crawl through Hell, if we have to walk across burning coals to do it We will, because we will never give up Because you and I, we’re fighters


Work For Peace By Gracie Curran

Peace is a thing that we can’t just wait around for. Peace is a thing that we need to work for, and we should. Peace is a thing that we are not just bound for So go out and do some good. Go out and educate about the people

Who were identified by a star. Go out and work with the people Who are refugees and have escaped from afar. Go out and be the voice of the people Whose lands have been taken with only money in mind. Go out to do whatever you can for the people. Spread your peace, love, joy, and be kind.

Jack Barker

False Glory

Humans record their violent past And cover their mistakes with masks When governments put on new smiles that always get replaced

When enemies who are in retreat Lay down their swords and break their sheathes We still slaughter and cut them down All in the name of false glory

False glory is- All that we need, all that we preach ,they tell us And were telling them to leave us be just listen please Regret us

M Until hope and rapture reach the lips Of fallen angels fingertips Our bullets still rain out from the sky Onto soldier’s graves scratched with broken crys And even though the glory is lies The nation’s flags still fly


On days when soldiers feet are cut with glass Flags are flown down at half mast For glory we fight better or worse War is humanity’s constant curse

All in the name of False Glory

A World of Peace By Courtney Pingree

There are people in this world Who are fighting for their lives Trying to protect themselves Are we living in a world of peace?

But these people are brave. Their strong. Soon all bad will come to an end and we will be living in a world of peace. The Sound of Peace by Hannah Porath

Enter the refreshing world, a regenerating blast of the arctic. The feeling like the first snow, one snowflake, turning into a billion, as a smile grows wider and as everything turns pure white.

Pressing the play button of a perfect melody. Instantly a smile appears. Everything around sinks away, and nothing can disrupt this peace. It’s like becoming enclosed in a cloud like-blanket with a hot chocolate and pajamas.

The mind is completely empty, but soon becomes completely full. Into the head goes the melody and out comes the worry, as if this simple tune enters one ear and the busy thoughts go out the other.

Maybe you get carried away, maybe you begin to spin with joy.


Maybe you’ve fallen into a peaceful sleep.

But no matter what’s happening in life it will always be there for you, anytime you need to escape, anytime you just need to feel the warmth of a smile.

Fixing Today – Shelley Fallon

To create peace We must cease The violence and hate To make the world great

Problems come And things are glum Tomorrow is the only way To really truly fix today

How is Peace Won? -Jack Maniaci

Is war the only way to achieve peace? By fighting will we commit to a truce? Is peace just forcing violence to cease? Protection is an army’s basic use.

Perhaps society should change again. So people are protected from themselves. And over all, one force would solely reign. Where books of laws and rules would line the shelves.

Could peace lie within the people of Earth? By treating and pleasing is order found? While controlling minds of people from birth, To gain peace by repressing all around?

Conflicts today are a test for mankind, To keep its many members left alive.


The Greatest Plea By Olivia Cleary Peace Was the greatest plea of many When being gathered and sent away The idea of deserting town a foreign gesture Fluttered families gathered their belongings to stray

Energy depleted yet audaciously working to find a deemed meal We are in the least bit eager To work when the only return is a potato peel

The huts they built were clearly meager The walls resembled an animal trap Where people enter and never exit Where death is a popular breakfast discussion

The smoke that arose from above the hills Could be composed of my own blood My ears consumed by screams afar, The only explanation was the infamous yellow star.

The Elephant War Mikey Flarhety There is a war being fought for peace every day It is fought by humans, but not for them It is instead fought for the gentle giants in Africa Elephants are being hunted for their tusks But there are people fighting to save these animals They are fighting for peace We all need to let these animals live in peace

Peace? By Jack Hausler

What is Peace? Is peace a meadow? Full of flowers and grass Far away from anything else What is Peace?


Or is peace an escape? Escape from our regular lives Escape from electronics Escape from media Escape from being busy Escape from worry What is Peace?

What is Peace? Peace is acceptance Treating people based on What they say Not their gender Treating people based on What they do Not their color Treating people based on Who they really are Not their religion Treating people based on What they can control And not what they can't Judging people by the choices they make And not the ones they are victim to Peace is the absence of hate Peace is not seeing face value So let’s close our eyes And see much deeper Into our world

Peace For All By Cameron Winch All the World needs is peace The earth would be the centerpiece And the galaxy its table But with the current timetable None of this seems possible The only way to make this plausible Is for all to see What this world could be Productive and faster Paced Evenly Spaced Much Better No debtors So why not give it try So we can see the world fly


Vietnam by John Lucas Bullets flying and blood spilled in the grass. Confusion why we are fighting here. It is the one and only, Vietnam

A Sky of Peace Maeve Maloney

Looking at the sky Colors of orange, pink, and yellow fill it, Everyone is happy Everything is peaceful

Swinging on a hammock, Smelling the salty sea And the waves roll in to meet the beach The sea is calm and peaceful

A beam of sunshine reaches out, the yellow light lowers itself down A light breeze sweeps the sand from the beach, Peace remains, filling the air

When the sun is no longer in sight, And the world looks dark, The peace remains, But seems more hidden.

Peace After War

The dust from the war settles Great men died today The war is now over But we can’t forget who won it

When the dust settles the world will care People will love one another Friends will trust one another Enemies will agree with each other


When the dust settles the world becomes free No boundaries for what you look like No punishment for who you are There will be no more war when the dust settles -Chris Barone

Outcast -Hadley Kaeyer

They walk around us Criticizing everything we do We’re seen as outcasts Harmful to their community We didn’t ask for this We Did Nothing

The words they say Can either break us Or make us stronger Stronger Than we were Before

You are not as different as I am By: Jenna Segil

You and I are not so different Though our skin color is not the same Each one of us shares the love Of running and dancing.

You are I are not so unlike each other Though you came from Latin America and I from Africa We agree that family and friends are key to our happiness and well-being.

You and I are not so distant Though we call our gods different names But we believe, you and I, in the goodness of humankind

You and I are not so separated Though our culture and tradition are dissimilar We share the same hopes and dreams


To live in a world where everyone is equal As we wish peace to each and everyone.

You are I are in agreement We look at the world we live in As a special place where war nor hatred Have no place in it.

Peace Poem by Sara Indelicato

Good, bad, ups and downs violence is here The world will always have conflict But there is one thing that can change it Peace, peace is the answer One day the world will have unity There will be no more wars Working together we can make it as one

Peace Disguise By: Bryn Burton

Young protected men dreaming of victory Of winning the unwinnable, going down in history Ready to perform, to amaze, to stun Marching off to battle in the early morning sun

Taking their positions, on their side of the line The first bullet fired, it’s target assigned The game is over, the violence begun The men all desperate, but with nowhere to run

The glint of the burning fire in the Earth’s eye Causes the fearless soldiers to wonder why They fight for life and lose to death Lose to coldness, emptiness, and silent breath

Protected no longer, lying upon the ground The battle is over, but their ears still pound Pound with the sounds of the screams of the men The men who die over and over again.


A Peaceful World -Eleni Sinnis

Love ones sit at home weary of bad news to come War strikes those home and away Missing the people and places they come from As heartbeats fad so do there last words today

Through their sweet words we receive love and hope For now they wish to hear that the end is close The love they receive helps them cope As war ends people find the ones they love the most

The love of their family will prepare them for the storm A peaceful embrace surrounds them now Coldness surrounds them though their family's words are warm Tear drops fall onto a different world now

Peace can be found in the ones they love now The ones who will never leave them now

A World of Peace - By Klara Lehmann

I imagine a world of peace, Where people can live a life of ease. A world without difference between rich and poor, Life being better than ever before.

I imagine a world of happiness, Where at every corner there to be found is kindness. Where people know that on this earth, All living things have worth.

I imagine a world of fate, Where everyone deserves to feel great. Where people could realize that of earth we are all children, And to have a kind heart is better for all of them.


The Path to Peace By Joe Krell

One day we may find that fighting is just one path, not the only one.

Harmony and love, will overcome the powers of hate and conflict.

And when all people set goals of tranquility, then, we will know peace.

Peace By Nick Sears Noun. The normal, nonwarring condition of a nation, group of nations, or the world.

It’s ironic, isn’t it So many people fighting For peace Peace is the eye of the storm Surrounded by fighting Unrest A normal, “nonwarring” condition By now, it seems like the only way to get there That safe haven we call “peace” Is by exercising this irony We know fighting isn’t right, good, or fun But we think it’s all we have left The only course of action The irony kills me Ironically enough

Peace poem By Jack Bouchard Peace is hard to find There's no peace in the Middle East They want to have peace

Peace will come to you It's hard to go and seek it But don't stop looking


The Path to Peace - By Zoe Pappas

When you feel the beat of another’s heart,

That’s where the path to peace will start,

Feel it race when their loved ones are near,

Or jump in terror, and pound in fear.

Try to listen with another’s ears,

Hear the story behind their tears,

The song of their laughter all around,

Listen! You’ll recognize the sound.

See with their eyes! Walk in their shoes!

You’ll find that you have nothing to lose,

Except the idea, which was never true,

That other people are different than you.

For just one day, be in their skin,

And you’ll find the path to peace begin.

War and Peace By Ryan Masters

The war is over

Peace, love, and joy fill the air

Don't let it despair


Heros All Around Us Camille Comstock

Heros come in different shapes and forms They can exceed the social norms Heros helps others before themselves Even when we think about ourselves

Nobility is always present too And then they can help us get through Even when we think that life is over They find us like we find a four leaf clover

Heros are around us everyday Helping us in every type of way Moms, Dads, Teachers and friends can be Our everday heros like you and me

Dedicated to the men of Operation Red Wings Josh Francoeur

As I look around I see the real world I see war, I see reality Fighting for my life Fighting for the lives of others

Bullets flying by my head Running for my life My brothers behind me Only one option, downhill

As I jump My decisions flash before me The decision that created this I had realized That I chose the wrong decision

As I roll down the hill I feel thorns, rocks, and branches puncture my skin I can’t see my brothers I realize I made the wrong decision


Where did Darkness go? By: Hannah Verdun Everywhere I go and every second I think Darkness, I see effects on the world With your false and flawlessly crazed images Disgraceful new “normals” The insane ideas you’ve placed upon my head rattle me Twisting the world I once knew Into a whirlwind of angry, anxious, and depressed people Where the word happy is no longer spoken Where joy is an extinct emotion Darkness where did you go Why did you leave your ideas How do I Put them back In exchange for my long lost peace?

Peace Is Everywhere Madeleine McIlroy

Soft sounds and gentle words like a calm lake Let towns, frowns, noise, ploys, and all chaos cease Don’t let the insanity over take Every breath, every death, each step brings peace

Tranquility, restfulness, seclusion Peace is where you feel safe and just release Somewhere you’re free from war and confusion Every breath, every death, each step brings peace

From our houses to the beach, to the birds Peace can be anywhere, it won’t decrease It’s wherever you feel relaxed, and heard Every breath, every death, each step brings peace

Make peace, be happy, let go of the hate Rise above negative feelings, don’t wait.

“Peace” By Corey Jurasek Pure Elegant Appealing Confusing Enticing


Sounds of Peace The swift sounds of wind in the trees,

The faint lapping of the ocean’s waves on the sand,

The gentle sounds of the soft rain against the leaves,


The crackle of a dying fire,

The distant murmur of rumbling thunder,

The gentle chirp of the crickets in the darkness,


-Catherine Bontaites

Peace Poem By Madison Morris

Habitat Destruction A midnight breeze now blows across the leafy canopy and glades of grasses green and groves galore The hallowed habitat without humanity Soft mosses lay upon the forest floor

There stands a fawn amongst the evergreens His fur is soft with stars for eyes He makes no sound as to not be seen He watches flowers glisten, glowing skies

All calm above the mother lays to watch The sounds of sleeping souls surround as they sigh As green the grass as trees are butterscotch Benign, the beauty of where they lie

Until deer population began to decrease when hunters came and took the peace


Peace by Andrew Schrader

Peace on the planet earth would be a marvel,

There would be no wars,

No genocide,

No discrimination against others,

The world would be a brilliant place,

The hero to step forth for peace would be a vast hero indeed,

Though world peace would not work for long,

People would get unhappy with rules set to keep peace and uprising would form,

The solution that formed world peace would be a dictatorship in the eyes of the people,

The peace would be broken,

And the people would have to fight another day,

For peace.

Home By Thomas Wheeler

Some have no roofs Some have no beds Some have no place to stay Some sleep in cots while others sleep on bunks Some feel the rain and some feel the heat But home is where family is.

Some are forced to move Some choose to move away Some run away from conflict Some are flooded out of their shelters Some must find comfort in a new place But home is where family is.


The Human Impact

Our Earth is home to many cool features;

Wheat and grass blanket the central flatland,

Deep oceans are home to many creatures,

Vast deserts covered with hot and dry sand.

In the beginning things were so peaceful,

Then great cities were built real tall and loud.

Now toxins made by machines and people,

Create a big disastrous storm cloud.

Trees are cut down and animals moved out,

Our ocean trash kills creatures and makes foam.

We produce waste that is bad for the trout,

Now sea creatures have to leave their own home.

Pollution, a problem that can be solved,

Awareness will help us all get involved.

-Malcolm Barclay

War By: Leah Barz-Snell

"He was born today Beautiful baby boy Looks just like his father Look at those eyes"

He said his first words today He called me "mommy" He's so smart

He took his first steps Just stood up from crawling and went right down the hall I couldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes

He can say "daddy" now


and lots of other things too He walks and talks just like a big man

He starts kindergarten tomorrow We're so excited

First report card back His teachers say he's a great student Pleasure to have in class

He's such a good boy With his whole life ahead of him He's going to go so far

He loves the toy gun you sent him for his birthday Goes out and plays with it everyday Practically sleeps with it

He's in middle school now And sure it's hard This is a hard stage But we know he'll be great It seems like he's getting older by the minute And that every time I open my mouth to talk about him he's already changed so much

First day of high school I could practically hear the fanfare as I drive him up to the door He got out and kissed me goodbye Hasn't done that in years: I think he's scared I watched him leave He's still my baby

First girlfriend First love First heartbreak He looks so broken now He'll be fine, don't you worry Oh to be young and to love To experience a brief snapshot of this joy

I want you to know that he won the state championship His teammates were ecstatic They knew he was their saving grace and they lifted him up, shouting

Only two months until graduation I can't believe how time flies And he's gotten so interested in the political sphere A possible career path maybe? Did you know he wants to serve in the military? And sure there's a war on but he's a smart boy and he's making the right decision I'm so proud of him We all are


He enlisted. I could practically hear the fanfare as I drive him up to the door He got out and kissed me goodbye Hasn't done that in years: I think he's scared I watched him leave He's still my baby

We got a knock on the door today From a man in a uniform At first I thought it was him, come home My eyes deceived me

He was such a good boy With his whole life ahead of him He was going to go so far But his life was lost in vain”

Keshawne Mercury

Where can peace be found?

Where is peace in this world? Where can people live at ease and have no worries? Where can this place be found?

We all people should be able to live in a world of happiness and joy We all people shouldn’t have to worry about heartbreaking and devastating events We all people should be able to have no fears of none and anyone's views and acts towards the world

Where is peace in this world?

We all people should be able to get together and end our problems We all people should be able to end the violence and live happy amongst one another

Where is peace in this world?

We all people should be able to make changes in the world We all people should be able find and live in peace We all people should be able to get together one day and say “There has been and end “


Superheroes of Peace By Julia Christian

There are many superheroes in the world. Spiderman, Batman, Captain America, The Green Lantern. But there are also the superheroes Who are not as obvious as the ones that soar through the Sky like an eagle with a bright red cape. These superheroes are soldiers, Or doctors, leaders of countries, or Community service organizations. Some superheroes have peace-making powers, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, or Malala Yousafzai. Sure, these superheroes do not have the power to fly, Or to become invisible, or to use X-ray vision, But they have another power. That power is the power of peace. The power of peace is what connects Spiderman to a Marine, Captain America to a neurosurgeon, Batman to a governor. Because when a hero is made, peace is made with them.

TRUE HERO By Corinne Ahern

Bravery is present selfless they are Kindness and care they show.

Sacrifices they make Putting others needs before theirs Sprinting into danger they do.

All characteristics of a true hero Someone who we aspire to be Yet the true Herod pay dearly for their courage.

Peace With You By Jacob Nagel

Your peace is like a poem Very powerful to the heart But lost in many ways Your Peace is with you


Your peace is like a parent Knows what’s best for you But you choose to ignore them You are losing peace within

Your peace is like a raindrop With one drop, comes nothing With many drops, comes a change You have regained your peace

Peace is delicate and should be used as an important lesson And remember that with one person, comes one’s peace to all

The Non Existent Dove

-Aidan Maloney

Systematic killing of a large group

Likely religious or minority

Governments watching from their royal stoops

They are abusing their authority

We were free and had rights and our own lands

Kids run free no responsibility

The wind running through their hair and small hands

Soon to experience the tyranny

Being targeted by their own nation

Even kids are sent to labor camps


The parents sent to extermination

The prisoners tied up in metal clamps

One hundred seventy million are dead

Is the only way a bullet in the head?

Peace Poem By Rei Newman

One air plane flying safely in the bright sky Making it from one place to another Securely landing so I never say bye I made it home to take care of others

Light and Dark By Maddy Lowy

There is always more good than bad Violence may shake the world and control the news Fear may scream in your ear louder than an explosion but there is always more good than bad

When terror stomps down and paralyzes the world with fear there are police rushing into the violence to help and neighbors uniting their good overtakes the evil with a quiet strength just remember there is more kindness than harm

When your faith in humanity is squirming away like a crying toddler clench your fists tighter for light awaits when you refuse to blow out the faith in your soul

Without darkness blanketing the night how would our eyes know what is day

Peace – Nick Moscorelli The world has people The world has lots of people Some of them are nice Some of them are mean and bad


And some are heroes The ones that risk their own lives For other people Not for their selfs cause When tragedy hits When terrorists try to kill When disaster strikes They are the people that fight That fight for us all The people who stand up strong And help others out Those people are examples Of who a hero is.

My Mind By Lily Yates Dedicated to victims of the Holocaust These walls that surround me Trap my mind, My hope, my voice. This chamber of grief, Terror, And isolation Closes in on me. Many days I stare at these stone walls Hoping that my mind could break them down, Set me free back into this beautiful world That has turned bitter in a matter of years. I wish that my mind could erase the horrible people Who think their minds dominate mine. My mind is a roaring river And one day it will overflow.

Inner Peace -Elle Cronin Once, When our country was still young We were at war with ourselves. The battle was bloody Full of destruction, chains, slaves, Prisoners of war. Death. Bloody battles. Wounded soldiers One day it ends. Peace is restored The war is finished. Darkness. Sadness. That feeling in the pit of your stomach that you are alone. Sometimes it feels like you are at war with the world Everyone is against you. It may be hard, but if you have the courage


To fight the evil and sadness. To have the power, To overcome the war inside Darkness Will Turn To Light Your War will end, following the footsteps of our past

Estne Pax? By Margaret Mancusi-Ungaro peace, now, is a relative term. “we are at peace” the papers say but how can they say that as we fight amongst ourselves and despite our “peace” we fight with others. estne pax?

i won’t believe that there is peace, when I see police attacking people and the media attacking the police for their actions to protect. estne pax?

i won’t believe that there is peace when I see people being executed for their religion or sexual preference. estne pax?

i will believe that there is hope when I see people standing with their backs to injustice. nunc est pax.




Is there peace? By Maya Nyberg

When the world is destroying itself over jealousy, And when the pavement in drenched in blood form our own imprudent wars, When others kill each other and their only excuse is it's in human nature to be hostile,

And when people are dying of hunger, When no one cares enough to help the homeless, And when no one appreciates what they have,

When people live in fear of what everyone thinks, And when people spiral into darkness because of what others say, When people are bullied because they are different from the rest of society's ethics,

And when people don't care enough to take a look around to see what really matters, When they live in their own force field of their egocentric lives, And when people don't perceive that there are other others living in misery on this earth,

Is there peace?

When people can live in harmony under the same sun, Then there will be peace

The word peace is strong by Mikela Rosa

I dream of a world of peace. Where people can live like of effort. World where it doesn't matter rich or poor, Life hoping for the fullest.

I dream of the word kindness. Where people will understand love. Where people can realize we are all young, And have a kind heart.

I dream of the word happiness. Where everyone is not selfish. Where everyone could follow their beliefs, And have no shame.

I dream of the word sharing. Where no one is evil or spiteful. Where there is always a shoulder to cry on. Where someone gives you there shirt off their back. I dream of a world of peace, Where people can live life of effort.


Camps By: Marley Sullivan Dedicated to the people who lost their lives in the holocaust

Judaism The religion that believes that everyone is equal in their own rank No one person is superior to another

Adolph Hitler disagreed with their culture

He classified them as animals Because of their religion

They walk around the town With a bright fluorescent star on their over coat Symbolizing them as jewish

Hitler wanted more He wanted them away from the others The “normal ones”

Blond hair Blue eyes

The ghettos were built where the jews will live Secluded from everyone Fighting for survival

Separating them wasn’t enough Hitler wanted more

He and his troops organize a plan to kill Kill all the jewish people

While the plan was being formed Propaganda was formed

“Jews have big noses” “Jews have huge hips” Was what they read

These cruel things polarized the people of the Jewish religion

The power hungry leader still needed more He had his soldiers load them all up into air tight cattle cars Intended use for animals Days


Weeks Miles

They traveled around until they reached their desired location The camps

They reached their location with an abrupt halt The wheels stopped moving The jews held their breath, for they did not know what would come next

They were pulled from their standing place in the cattle car And were forced into the camps Where they will face abuse, hunger, and strict discipline

Work will make you free, the nazis say Come take a shower, the nazis say They were not showers

They entered the gas chambers looking for a good cleaning Instead, they met the end The end of their life

Even years later Germany denies Denys they murdered 6 million Innocent Jewish people

Peace By Fischer Birnbach

In order to achieve peace, we need to piece together the puzzle, piece by piece. The more people that help, the better. In order to fulfill World Peace, we need to put the pieces together the puzzle, peace by piece.

Basketball Mindfulness – Sean Grady

Tamir Rice a 12 year old black boy shot by the police. Eric Garner a black man killed by an illegal police choke hold. Patrick Dailey police officer shot at Panera for a suspect. Jason Moszer shot responding to a domestic disturbance.

Paris attacked by terrorists in November of 2015. Boston bombed by terrorists in April of 2013.


Every time I step on the basketball court, I forget. I forget all the conflicts that are occurring in the world. This is the place where I find the most peace. All the stress goes away with that one step coming in.

Peace By Emily Pratt

Peace A beautiful idea Yet elusive and evasive She agilely darts From the snares containing her Temporary But never fully gone And when it seems Peace is settled into life The dark cloud of conflict rolls in Silent Foreboding Sending sharp Tearing Torrents down To wash peace clear away Peace Arguments scratch her Conflict cuts her And war War breaks her heart But from the rubble and debris of humanity That war has left behind Peace rises confident yet unsure But always calm Peace stand tall Peace may lack The confident strength of pride The edge of anger The bitterness of hatred But always peace Endures.


Heiwa Conflicts everywhere Fighting for God and power Let's resolve for good -Tyler Burke

Peace Poem

By: Faith Willey

When I think of peace

I think of long summer days at Lake Winnipesaukee.

It’s 5am.

I hear birds chirping as I watch the sunrise I hear the crunching of the leaves as I walk to the dock and I hear the casting of my fishing line as it drops into the water. When I'm fishing on the dock the warm water touches my feet, when I catch a fish I feel the slime touch my fingers. I reel my fishing line in and grab my bathing suit and run down to the water and jump in and splash and swim in the soothing water When I get out grabbing my towel and sit on the dock feeling warmed by the sun watching a loon swim by and hearing birds still chirping in the trees At Lake Winnipesaukee.


Peace Poem by Adam Zamansky

Mankind has one simple goal: enjoy life with those who you love And to leave your mark, on the canvas which is the world Each person, not a monster but a dove There’s no need for violence, peace shall uphold

You must love your fellow man Not need what he has, or have what he needs We achieve nothing apart, but together we can Spread love and compassion, not spread hatred seeds

Violence and conflict Never the answer Strive to make this place perfect This world is our home, seek to advance her

We are all in it together All have a heart and emotions Each life, is that of a delicate feather We are united as one, only separated by oceans

Conflict all together destroys All together we can destroy conflict Make your world the best it can be Everything becomes better, this you will see

Inner Peace -Ryan Stransky

Palpitations in every human heart Encourages a human surge to take part. Activities spawned by love, concern, and patient desire Contribute to an eternal inner-burning fire Enlightening hope with which we should all aspire.


Vicinity By Bridget Knight where peace is needed I never see it. abundant in domestic homes but lacking in Syria, void in Brussels, vanished in Iraq. but where I see it least is here in the land of the free where victims are shot everyday and the news is only those - only those who died, never peace. never April’s flowers, never a family’s feats and defeats of warring enemies, just that, only that but it’s okay - we’re getting there - the golden days when peace is Everywhere.


Nightfall During the Holocaust By Hana Feingold

Silent and compact we remain hidden our breaths lingering with unspoken words in the musty air. The noises outside the walls grow faint as the night grows strong. One might think it was peaceful had they not known the truth. The truth that we cannot leave this prison this cage or dare face death. The truth that we are being hunted simply because of where our faith lies. The truth that we must create for our children a world where they can learn from our mistakes learn that differences do not mean danger differences mean hope, hope for a world where one does not have to be quintessential or “Aryan” to survive. But for now, all we can do is remain hidden because we know what lies beyond these wearisome walls: To leave this cage means only to enter another.

Hate By Brendan Zullo

As war rages in many counties People die every day And many people wonder will It End Or will it move on Some people think it will be soon Others don’t


Aiming For Peace By Samara Quintero

Peace would be nice Not everyone does agree Instead they kill, destroy, steal and bully

I love my peaceful town But not too far away Terrorists bombed a crowd On Patriots Day

Terrorists have bombed England, Israel, and Spain They preach hatred and inflict pain

I’ll enjoy the peace I have I’m thankful for those who protect

Because it’s those who are truly good Who’ll have the greatest effect

Becoming a Butterfly By: Nia Guzman

The transformation of a caterpillar to a butterfly Is parallel to the earth's timeline. In the beginning there is nothing, but from a void comes an egg, and just like the bang soon arrives a caterpillar. Living a healthy life, and preparing itself for a greater future. Before long a cocoon arrives, leaving the world stuck. Insinuating battles, so we can see the light of life. The cocoon is equivalent to the horrors the world is facing because the world is changing. Stuck in a cage of hatred and war.

Growing in a cocoon, we become something new. Violently fighting in hopes of serenity. In hopes to break free from our cocoon. In hopes of becoming a butterfly.



People have different points of view. People have different ideas about what is right. People make wars. People are cruel People shoot guns and drop bombs. People cause death. Because they disagree. People can change. People can help each other. People can be kind to others. People can be considerate. People can create life. Words can create peace. By Max Podgur

She stands By Julia Serra

Between gunshots Weapons of destruction Held by ruthless people who know nothing but violence A little girl stands clutching a flower

Between shouting Words filled with hatred Unnecessary hatred brainwashed into the minds of the vulnerable A little girl stands with her feet on the ground

Between borders where conflict is taught to be the only answer And others follow like ducks in a line Where money is power, where killing is winning Where lives do not matter unless it’s your own A little girl stands as tall as she can

Between two feuding sides In a war that no one will win A little girl thinks she can do something Stop something Fix something She can find peace in a world full of anger Like she found a flower in a barren land Filled with ruins and fighting

If one little flower can stand tall and give hope Then one little girl can do just the same


Life of a Soldier By: Nani Diawara

He looks out on the the battle field And all he can see are explosions and fires All he can hear are the screams of his fallen companions Damage and destruction is all around him.

He is engulfed with feelings of fear and loss And then hatred and anger He feels helpless in this time of need Then there is the rage.

And finally the silence that ends it all.

Years later the rage is gone The anger and the hatred have dissipated The fear is gone but the loss remains The screams The fire The explosions Remain only in memory.

He wakes up in the morning All is silent Except for the chirp of the birds And the whistling in the wind The vibrant sun Reminds him to think about the peace that he has come to know so well.

But when the sun begins to set, He knows he must relinquish the silence That he welcomes in the morning. As the blanket of night falls He gives in To the screams The Fire And the explosions That remind him of the ones he has lost but will never forget Broken

Freebird By Brendan Willett

The Songbird will sing Atop the lowest tree His elders will ring


But soon, he will be free

The Songbird flies higher Moving swiftly to the top The elders will retire And fly to their new crop

The Songbird sits high Looking out for the young ones Soon they will fly And look to have fun

The Songbird looks down The young ones are flying high He must take off his crown It’s his turn to fly

The Songbird takes off He’s a free bird at last

The Daily Battle By Nicolas P.D.

If world peace were really a thing, And each man were their own king, Then the one thing I know, Is that it is not so, And I’m confirmed when the first school bell rings.


What Is Peace? By Natcha Kanchananaga

Peace is a simple word, yet so difficult to acquire. Peace is defined as many different things from so many different people. It’s the hatred in our minds, but it is love that we’ve always fought for. Peace is more than the departure from war, it is the feeling of freedom from disruption and destruction, the experience of living in harmony, and the passion for hope.

Self Peace By Emma Ferrante

Self Peace is when you feel secure, when you feel secure with yourself and the people around you When you accept, accept the differences and unique moments When you love and forgive Self peace is when you have patience in problems that don't make sense When you are encouraging, when you push yourself and other people to reach goals When you're cautious, cautious of mistakes Self Peace is when you’re excellent Excellent when you know yourself Self Peace is peace

No More of World's War -Eloisa Elston Every morning they fought for their brothers Every night they protected their mothers And every day they saved each other From death do you part from your lover Why is there war going on?


People fighting through morning and dawn There is no space for hate People have to appreciate Care for thy person who fights for its land Please, come together and hold their hand The hatred will be no more There will soon be harmony in store The love will come out from Earth’s core Let us cherish the end of world’s war

Helpless to Hopeful By Thomas Quigley

Sitting all alone, with a hopeless look Was a man with despair He looked down at his cold feet and thought of emptiness He had no shoes, a half ripped shirt, and ripped pants He also had two bananas, a can of soup and nothing else The man sitting there thought he meant nothing to the world He had a sign sitting next to him that said “being generous is the best trait” A man walked by and saw that he was sitting there with nothing The man walks over and said “that’s a great sign” The homeless man said thank you After the man sat down with the homeless man for a while He gave him one hundred dollars, his shoes and shirt The man said “i felt generous today due to you and your sign” The homeless man told him to get close and he said to him “we need more people like you in this world, ones who create peace” Later on that day the two became best friends and started a company based off of peace t-shirts

Laura McGonigal

People bring peace to the world. But what really is peace? The way we view the world it's like , not even there But really everyday we experience peace. In Friendship And love. We create the world. We make the world more meditative, no more worrying or frustration.


But each pair of eyes sees Bill's, Family, Work,School,Homework,Phone calls, and Trauma. But looking through all that stress we are aware, reflective, thoughtful, and awake. The tension in the air. That's sometimes all we feel. The stress, force, and pressure. Trying to balance not only tension using peace. Making amends. Resituating to your needs. Agreeing on the change, finding the balance. Coming together to form a solution. Solving the problems that need to be fixed. Unfolding the new way of approaching the change. There will be complications. But there is peace. Peace isn't just your shield . It's your superpower. To get over obstacles. And make the headaches go away. There will be dilemma but peace is all you need. People bring peace to the world.

The gunfire started instantly When we stopped them in their path Guns were drawn and focused on us I knew we there was no way out The gunfire was unnecessary We were out numbered And out powered

With every gun shot I thought my life was over I was never afraid Until now Day after day Many great men came I taught myself Not to friend any one So when they die It won't be as hard

Day in day out More men dead No end in sight Until one day Were the end was in sight It was the light at the end of a tunnel The day I came home was happy but frightened


Every time the door slammed Or the doorbell rung It felt like another gun shot It brought me back to the horrible experience The blood Death Pain Silence

To this day it still haunts me Can’t sleep at night Or work in day Every loud sound Hy heart pounds

By Nicholas Litle

Standing up By Patrick Kowalsky

To be something new A guardian Of what makes you shine Your light Not the darkness Don’t let it consume Who you are So it shall never Strike You Down Be the one to do something Settle it once and for all


“World peace

For some, an inconceivable thought For most, a simple dream A procrastinating ambition, Slowly fading farther and farther away

An imagination

But that is only a fraudulent Deception For world peace can be fulfilled But only when, in each person, The power of love replaces the love of power It is then, that imagination will be only a word” - Sean McCarthy

Gaining Peace by Will Cruickshank

Peace is like a privilege Eternal love and no pain Although some people don't have a brain Certain special people use it to reign Even you can be trained to find your peace

peace. by nora jasaitis

i wish it was every day that i saw peace in this world. a hand stretched out to help someone in need, but instead i see stories on the news of people with a bullet through their heads,


or groups turned against them because of who they love, what they believe, or the pigmentation of their skin.

i wish people didn’t only see peace as yoga, or being calm, or two fingers held up in greeting.

i wish peace was viewed as a way of life, as people happy with themselves, happy with others, not turning to violence, or attacking others for being themselves. happy.

The Modern Hero’s Regulations by Dylan Chardon You shall do no evil You shall stop all evil you can You shall help the helpless You shall give charity to the poor You will respect nothing in return, and still receive as much as you give You mustn’t sink to a lower level And you must always know this; A firefighter saving children from a burning building is no hero, for he is doing his job A civilian doing the same act is, for he is doing it out of the kindness of his heart Now go, like the hero you are, and save this world

The Attack - 09/11/01 -Sophie Michalowski

September eleventh two thousand one Busy new yorkers are rushing around Yellow taxis are causing commotion And the World Trade Center is standing proud

Suddenly, two planes fall out of the sky The planes crash into the building we love The World Trade Center no longer stands high And smoke and ashes fill the air above


At home, we pray for old New York City We pray our loved ones will always be safe We wish that one day there will be world peace And hope planet earth will stay a bright place

The eleventh day in sweet September Was a day we will always remember

sacred spaces when i think of peace i think of sacred spaces

i think of the soothing sounds of nature i hear birds chirping and the wind whistling. i see tall grasses swaying side to side i smell the flowers blooming when i think of peace i think of the outdoors

when i think of peace i think of sacred spaces

when I think of peace i think of the comfort of cafes i hear music playing, bring back customers i see people sitting outside talking and eating cannolis. i smell freshly ground beans transforming into rich cups of coffee. when i think of peace i think of pastry shops

-sam broughton



By Crystal Aguero

Where is peace needed? Is it in the broken home? Or the stressed student?

Maybe depressed son? Or the unemployed father? Just look at that mess!

Stop and think about All this peace and joy you have Why not share that peace?

But what is this peace? Is it material things? Where is peace found?

Is it getting good grades? In the church or temple? Resolving a fight?

To some it's peaceful

Are you peaceful when You are away on vacation? Without distraction?

Probably for you Or is peace on the inside For you to find it

And to everyone Joy is an outcome of peace And it contagious!

Boston Bombings Loch Sheridan

As the bombs go off the people start running

Bodies are falling and the numbers are stunning

Cry's and shrieks swarming the air


People thinking why me it's so unfair

Yet the bodies start rising with the help of others

Taking care of one another like a child and mother

People unite together as one

They stop and fight instead of run

We raise our flag high to the sky

And make sure the people know that we will never die

Prisoner of War By Olivia Grabowski

He sits there and he watches and watches and watches And watches

Through the cold metal bars on the stone sculpted door He sees the people Who go insane He understands the mechanics of their brain How they function, and how they will never win No matter what lie, no matter what sin They will never again see the light of day No work will ever make them free No matter what their life could be Forevermore in the darkness they stay

While he watches And watches And watches

He sits there and he observes And notes And shakes And stirs

He can hear the shrieks that pulse through the air Ripping out their souls, tearing out their hair One by one, they are numbered and killed And dusty, ashen graves are metaphorically filled


There is no human to fulfill the destiny of a grave The humanity was taken away from the ash they couldn’t save Equanimity doesn’t exist In a terrifying morgue like this Tranquility is just a word Peace and calm is completely absurd As he sits there and he observes, they play melodies on his nerves

He sits there and he crumbles He trips He falls He stumbles

In the padded cell that they keep him in Deeming him too dangerous to roam what could’ve been Because he watched, he knew, he felt He moved with the utmost grace and svelte He thought, he observed, he understood They never believed that anyone would So now, he sits in a cell, sociopathic from the gloom And he watches the people that pass his morbid tomb Knowing there is no hope for everyone within There is no hope for the Jewish kin He sits there and he crumbles He trips, He falls, He stumbles

A genius in heart and brain But they made him go insane.

What Is Peace? By Jack Colwell

Peace is expressed when Society is one We love one another We accept people's expressions And decisions Differences are loved Hatred is bound to hell The greatness is exposed Some might create war Others will carry on peace As if angels These people Will live on with


A full life A peaceful Life And one they love Through its bumps and holes Because They had peace by their side

From Ashes

By Isabelle Tinti-Kane

The day started out sunny. But not too sunny. Just a Normal day. People jogging through city streets, hope held close to their hearts

Then, with a bang and a cloud of smoke Something went wrong. The skies split and rain poured down All thoughts of holding hope close ceased

The streets lie empty, dark and deserted As a crack of thunder seals the city’s fate With an explosion of light across the sky Shattering the image of a normal day Bleaching white for a moment the empty streets

Unpredictable to all the innocents who went out and jogged together Who dared to hope Unpredictable but to its perpetrators The storm raged, tearing at the city

Once it relented, the city stayed silent Unsure, too timid to come out Too afraid to witness such destitution.

But in time, the city will rebuild Writing symphonies with its tears Stitching up its wounds with thread made of hope That gleams with the light of a thousand wishes for peace

But the event was no less unpredictable. Who would have ever thought such an ordinary day could go so wrong? How could fate turn so quickly on those who dared to hope?


And now, those who held hope so close Who stared Death in the eyes and escaped it by inches Clutch their hope even tighter as their city emerges Rising from the ashes to become something stronger More beautiful Than ever before.

World Rejoice Quinn O'Neil

Peace is possible. War, creation of destruction.

For the fighting shall stop.

Peace brings joy for you.

Puts your mind at ease and rest.

Forget the past conflicts.

Continue peace with all.

We shall forgive our enemies.

The world will soon rejoice.

Peaceful Noises By: Elizabeth Zhorov Water flowing down the stream. A river rushes against the pebbles. The air is filling with gentle steam, As my senses begin to tremble. The calming sounds of nature Should never be disturbed, Sounds from the outside I favour This I could never return


A True Hero By Lily Arnold

What is a true hero Well class doesn’t matter Some rich as a pharaoh Some lower on the social ladder A hero can be of any gender Any religion, any color Old or young, large or slender Very tall, or significantly smaller A hero puts others before himself A hero is selfless, a hero is kind A hero can be anybody, even yourself A hero doesn’t need to be a mastermind You’ve all seen a hero Maybe a mom or a dad Not a superhero

But real heroes aren’t all that bad

Peace poetry By Michela Acquafredda

We battled for our country to have peace within Countless wars making our country spin Death after death people fall to the floor Is this even peace anymore? We fight and fight for our people’s right To have freedom right in plain sight The army is starting to wear thin When will our peace finally begin? One more fight, is this finally the end? Just a little peace is all we want, my friend.


As One By Christian Penkrat

One day, the world shall be at peace. The birds shall fly with no fear. We shall help each other Not just ourselves. We shall change the past, Not repeat it. One day, heroes shall take action With no hesitation, They shall be the hammer, Not the nail. One day, we shall be united as one, Not a disunion. We shall all be heroes, Not just the selected few. We shall use our history to our advantage, Not ignore it. One day, the world shall be at peace.

A Golden Pin By: Peyton Applegate

I walk from the ashes behind me My family waits there Their clothing protruding from the dust I sift through the ruins Hoping for a memory

But all I can find is gold pins They haunt my dreams With their faded shine Now more recognizable than the sun

My father’s shirt appears from the shreds The same pin is stuck to the fabric I allow myself to unhinge the rusty label

The edge pricks my skin And causes a line of red to flow from my finger


The same star that I used to praise Has now given me pain More tortuous than the feeling the needle makes And much more than that of fire

The war has ended But the grief to come has not

Ten years later The pin makes a dent in my bedside wardrobe It attaches itself onto the wood And my wife knocks it from its place

She continues with her morning With no regard for the fallen I reach for it on the floor And put it back on my shelf So the familiar glint returns to my eyes

I see my father in the reflection And the glint has returned to his eyes No longer faded

Never Again

In the beginning, there had been no war There had been peace and both sides got along A Union where none would walk out the door How quickly they stopped singing the same song

Bloody battles and many lives were lost Death and disease unlike ever before Both sides trying to win at any cost Peril of hundreds, thousands, many more

Never before had countless died in war Nevertheless all from the same country A conflict of this kind must be no more Spread the word even if done so bluntly Why must there be so much war and despair? We must learn from our mistakes I declare!

-Luc Hoch


A Day to Remember Bella Peters Speechless, Senseless, Stupid, Stunning Planes crash, buildings fall, people running. Confused, Conflict, Careless, Crazy People hurt, police rushing, air hazy.

But who would have such a dark soul? Someone wanting to ruin lives as a whole. People came up with thoughts and conclusions, But others continued in denial and delusions.

Terrorists hoped America was changed, Instead a bond was formed and love was exchanged. There is hope for a peaceful life ahead, And to build-up a love for all to spread.

In My Mind’s Eye by Carter Murray We see destruction and we feel pain Pointless suffering, bodies falling to the ground Every gunshot, every explosion When will it all end?

The battle to survive Suffocated beneath the immense weight of the world Struggling to breathe against the current and come up for air A decision made when in peril, Fight or flight?

Pain, sacrifice, loss We define our lives with these words Worldwide conflict so close to home Maybe tomorrow will be a better day

With danger there is no peace By: Nicole Brazoban

We are all the reasons why there isn’t tranquility Speak out the word there will be more civility Hearing every day a tragedy, that brings anger All that brings is people adding more danger Quiet and silence like a piece of paper People should save stress for later Crazy how there’s always a turning point in life Why should there ever be people with knifes Depression, fighting, arguing isn’t the key All everyone needs is a moment of peace


Peace Poem By Collin Hart

Nowadays peace is rare Because war is everywhere Can we spread peace So we can decrease war

I’ll forgive you By Emily Blaisdell

When I wake up in my room I have nothing once the sun goes down, I stumble just live how you want your life is yours don’t try so hard It’s all right to lose

I run so lost in this maze even when I fall and hurt myself I keep running toward my dream

I get mixed feelings as I breathe out did I make any mistakes today? am I’m happy with who I’ve become?

with my life on the line I pretend to be careless this isn’t the first time I try to hide it, but I can’t

It’s okay to just live we’re still young I’ll forgive you

Sweet Mistakes - Eila Sullivan

Mistakes. They happen every day, but people avoid them like a disease. They don't understand, that mistakes are the only way to learn. They should be appreciated, not ridiculed, because they are the only thing moving us forward.


On a boat in Gloucester Harbor By Jordan Powers

On a boat in Gloucester Harbor I see lots of boats in the calm water and People fishing and Eating sandwiches.

I smell gas from the boat engine And hambugers on the grill and seaweed from the ocean.

I taste the juicy watermelon and the salty ham and cheese sandwiches and the sweet ice cream

I feel the water splashing on my face and the sun beaming on back and the slimy fish in my hands and the hard surface of the deck on my feet.

I hear people talking and people laughing and having fun when I am tubing and I hear the motor and noise from lots of boats in the calm water of Gloucester Harbor.


Wilt By Simone Rinadi Dedicated to the men who have fallen in the war. Loss, I've grown this tall and flourished, Just to loose every piece inside of me. After the first fight, I started to wilt.

Then I woke up that night, With one petal missing. A piece of my hope, That had left me. Along with the men, That have wilted with me.

I tried to ignore it, But as more fell, I couldn’t admit it. I didn't want to dwell.

But soon enough, I was no longer tough. I was wilted no more, Because I was laying on the floor.

I can't have my petals forever, There's no possible way. They eventually all fall off, And drag the hope away.

In the meadow -Timothy Driscoll

A picnic in the meadow, Relief from the city. It is quite nice, To be alone, In the meadow.

The gentle breeze, The softly rustling grass The beautifully green grass,


All form the perfect scene.

The peace of nature, Unaffected by us, Brings me peace. Peace By: Tyler Roads What is Peace? Peace is the joy one receives when the shackles are torn away When the camps are demolished and people are freed And the ray of hope shines on you and me Peace is the glue that keeps the world together Peace is an ideal that we can share forever Even at the darkest moments of this country’s history How it hasn’t been obsolete is still a mystery So as we celebrate all the peace, joy, and happiness around the world Maybe we can share the peace with every other boy and girl

The Power Of Peace Tim Cronin

Peace is a powerful thing wanted throughout the world. Some have peace, while others dream of it.

Peace can bring joy and happiness. Peace is the solution to hate and cruelty that people bring to each other.

Peace as a whole is an extreme goal. If people can put aside their differences to be one anything can be accomplished.

The past has brought peace and war. The violence in the past we can't change or forget but the future we can control.


“Peace In Our World” By Lydia Hurley Peace can be as simple as a deep exhale To relax your mind and body.

World peace Is not present in war, When innocent lives are taken away And people are torn from their families.

In a calm environment Is where it is most peaceful We look up from our work And breathe

In a perfect world, we have peace There is no judgement Or even hatred And everyone is balanced.

To achieve peace in our lives We must work together And find peace.

Help Bring Peace Ben Hewitt

We need peace in life It's not fair to kill people Stop the violence

On nine eleven Heroes hustle to help us Home of free people

On nine eleven We are the home of the free Because of the brave


Peace or Conflict By Trevor Gilligan

Conflicts arise from difficult situations

And come from all different nations

There is always someone to rise to the occasion

A person who puts other’s needs before their own

Many are taken away from their home

They do their duty day in and day out

They never expect a payout

These heroes fight for freedom

And we will always need them

These men and women take an oath

Our appreciation they may never know

I Stand By: Will Poss

To Peter Fechter and all those affected by the Berlin Wall Behind the wall That controls me. I stand tall, Yet it pulls me down. Others around me Falling

When they came It was built No questions But separation My family afar Separation

The liberty That it prevents Opportunity, In a way


It drags me down Into my grave Yet I stand tall

He tried to climb This wall of tears His friend got away He did not When he was hit By shards of lead No one came to help

As winter comes, I covers me Dragging me down Into my grave No liberty No selflessness, Yet I stand tall

Who must they think They can be To come, and disrupt this city They drew a line One that could not be crossed, Yet I stood tall

Years to come This wall still stands Dragging me down into my grave I feel the liberty, the selflessness As it falls down

And as it falls, so do I Dragging me down Into my grave I have triumphed Finally So I fall down

And as I do It comes to me Pulling me out Out of my grave What must this be I ask myself So I stand tall


As winter comes Comes again Liberating me From my grave I find the answer

I must stand tall

Escape to Peace By: Griffin Baker

Peace is hard to find Spread Peace through the good times Spread peace through the bad times Escape the hatred of war Escape to the calm of peace

Peaceful Play By Summer Uhrich

Children smile as they run contentedly through the streets While the souls of their feet bleed on the rubble Of the place they once called home

Children capture their love in each others palms As guns shoot bullets of hatred At the innocent families they grew up with

The gunshots pierce the children's ears And the smoke swallows the color from their eyes Yet their hearts remain full Of nothing greater than youthful hope

These children hold peace effortlessly With only one finger While we struggle to bear its weight With two hands

Peace Poem By Cooper Caldwell

What is peace Where is peace Where is this no violence


Where is this silence Is it in a grave Can it be saved There is no peace But what if

AJ Russo Peace Makes Everything Better

Everywhere and everyplace has rough times between attacks or fights but every time something like this happened it just seems to make everyone closer and stronger. Two years ago the Boston Bombing happened while they were running a marathon when multiple terrorists bombed near the finish line injuring and killing people and everyone was devastated and was all over the news for one week straight. We know who did the attacks and the whole state was very angered and tons of my friends and families were injured from this attack but we found peace and made this state stronger and our lives longer. It took about a full year for everyone to move past this tragic event and for people's injuries to heal but we all came to peace in the end and made Boston a better place.

“First Responders” Mick Calnan

Towards the fire. Towards the man with the gun. With no fear at all.


Paris Attack Shots rang out You could hear the shouts Bomb suiciders near People almost lost their career 130 people, many kills There were a lot of chills Shots all over the place There was a lot of hate People running The shots were stunning Cars stuck on the highway They were trying to get away There is still peace that came They feel much better, but are still not the same -Raymon Rowell-Grace

From Gray to Green By Ella Fiegener

In a world full of floating plastic bags, car exhaust, and pure laziness.

Human oblivion kills behind dark shadows we could so easily see if we wanted to.

Earth is overheating, water is rising, glaciers are melting, polar bears are dying, forest fires are burning, and the world is not surviving.

Speeding down streets without a care in the world and dropping your trash without thinking of where it goes.

Yes it might be cheaper, yes it might be quicker, and yes it might be easier but it is not reality.

What is it going to take for people to stop disbelieving in the known ?

The home of all living is dying but it can be repaired.

Peace Haiku By Sidney Marcey

War has no profit How are the deaths “made right” By treaties, speeches?

Peace should be standard Those words have become books, songs Instead of discord


The blue boat By: Wilson Lloyd

The wooden blue boat floats in the water peacefully The boat floats with no worries The water splashes against the boat and water ripples off it Sometimes the boat drifts into rocks The boat gets scratched Some paint peels off The rock has some blue on it It is the boat's fault And there are times when other rocks run into the boat Its the rocks fault The rocks are mean But no matter what they will be there to hurt the boat

A Season’s Passing By Chloe Campbell

A flower blooms and blossoms in the spring. By winter all the petals fall away. A baby bird will learn to flap its wing. It abandons its home by the next day. An autumn apple falls out of a tree. And on the ground it will remain to rot. A passing season is all we will see. For a day is one thing that can't be bought. The rhythm of the waves move like my heart. My footprints in the sand are left behind. The winter is the time I will depart. Fresh memories of summer in my mind. By spring another life will start to glow. For now my crimson blood will stain the snow.

Peace always follows Jason Gladstone

Peace always follows, with every battle comes an end for some, it's meaning is hallow but peace is always around the bend

peace always follows,


for every conflict ends, its true peace always follows, with or without you

Peace Is By Talia Gross

Peace is not one solitary thing Different for everyone

Peace is summer days with friends At the beach, feeling the sand wiggle and tickle Your feet

Peace is watching a sunset Watching as the sky gracefully fades From red to pink to every color in between

Peace is not worrying about school Enjoying the weekend that is stress free Like a child with no responsibility

Peace is being with family The ones who make you happy Giving you endless love and affection

Peace is an infinite amount things That are Different For Everyone


From Goodbyes to Hellos Diana Nguyen

Day after day someone dies, after telling people his or her goodbyes.

Years pass and a child is born,

Looking soft and sweet as corn.

The reincarnation cycle begins,

Starts out slow like from chicks to chicken.

Stays as long as eternity goes,

And as smooth as an ocean wave flows.

Goodbyes are heard from the dead,

Hellos are heard somewhere away from death beds.

As tomorrow is the beginning of a new day,

Peace comes afar then rapidly to bay.

Perceptions By Lily Morgan

Once upon a starry night, The kids they laugh and play, Upon the amber fields of grass, Sing happy, loud, and gay.

But unbeknownst to these sweet kids, Another child somewhere else,


Was ripped away from all she knew, And forced to save herself.

Once upon a starry night, Employers of the country, Followed out the orders that Were issued to their company.

But unbeknownst to these loyal men, Another family far away, Lost their husband, wife and son, To an airplane on one fateful day.

The right to one wrongs another, Moralities always sway. An army man who loathes a group, Will harm the innocent in his way.

The search

Peace is everywhere,

But it's hiding.

And it's all up to us,

To find it.

The only way to find it,

Is by searching.

-Wade Zurn


A Revolution of Freedom

America the country of freedom A country born from the struggles of us The British, we never need’em We won a war without a fuss

An empire of red Against a nation of blue We filled them with dread As our nation became new

We were united as one Under a flag woven in peace Then the struggles were none Under those who wanted war to cease

we learned then that every problem that we face There will always be a solution for the human race Tom Lancaster

Peace and quiet-by Erik Anderson

Peace and quiet No noise No one bothering me No one making loud noises No one outside doing construction No one inside talking No one inside singing No one outside using chainsaws No one making loud noises No one bothering me No noise Peace and quiet


Not Enough Peace by Trevor Connolly

There is not enough Peace In the world People Fighting wars Being displaced Being killed There should be more Peace In the world People working together Enjoying quiet Enjoying solitude Living

Trust By Callie O’Neill

Peace is where trust is Trust in each other and ourselves To give peace Instead of violence Instead of harm Trust each other To help In sickness and in health For richer or for poorer Like a marriage Founded on love But more importantly trust


One Helping Hand Colette Bender

One person, one victim, one helping hand That is all it takes to change someone’s course Life and death, good and bad, something unplanned Just help, even though it may take some force

The crowd go one, way dragging you along Will you go against it? Many do not But every once in a while, someone strong Those people are special, often forgot

The deeds they do will be free of regret It all depends on who they may assist They might go unnoticed, but will not forget How they helped that one tortured soul exist

I strive to hold out my one helping hand, Save just one person, no need to be grand

Day Julia McGrath

Countries will stand alone Becoming free with no rules No problems to face Fighting through long days The days to come Many working to complete one goal The goal that many have and want The days to come The ones who are fighting are heroes to some And they will will come And conquer They will make the change Day by day Fighting hard Outside all day sweating and working The day will be like starting a new life


New rules to follow The days to come The one day many have been looking forward to for a long time They will become strong, free, and brave As a separate country Standing as one The days to come

What is Peace? By Greta Cunningham

Is peace the cessation of war The call of “CEASE FIRE!” Blood erased from a uniform Or the wave of a white flag

Or could peace be simple serenity The gentle rush of translucent waves The feeling of fresh grass kissed by dew The sun shining on freckled cheeks

With this I ask What is peace

Moment of Silence By Annabelle Tanger

A hush falls over the crowd No one dares to speak For the moment of silence has begun The silence runs over them all like a waterfall It is intimidating but is taken with much seriousness and gratitude

Some stand with their heads hanging low as if someone was pushing them that way Others with their caps off and over their heart with their chin held high Some shed a tear of the sad reminder of what their life was Others try to act strong and brave for their families and for themselves Some of the world craves peace Others in the world would rather crave destruction and chaos

Though we have moments of silence we will not be silent against the need for peace So now we take a moment to reflect our fallen heros And no one dares to speak


Seasons of Peace By Gabrielle Kenney

Apple picking high and low As leaves furnish the ground. People at the orchard, searching where to go. The wind rustles the leaves, which have a comforting sound. We take a ride on the tractor, and it begins to snow.

The flakes cover the trees, We get the call, there is no school. The children get their sleds, as their noses start to freeze. The wind is frigid, but the air feels cool. After the snow melts, people start to sneeze.

The blossoms on the trees, finally start to sprout. The ground starts to soften, and turns into mud. Flowers start to bloom, both tall and stout. After the flowers bloom they turn back into buds. Come back in summer, and we’ll begin to scout.

The summer is here and school is done. We’ll go to the beach and play in the water. C’mon let’s ! The days are getting hotter. Soon it will be time to go back to school, the children will surely run.

Peace is like water Peace is like the sun Peace is rainwater Peace is everywhere You just have to find it

War By Lily McGuirk

War is an ugly game A game where nobody scores A game that nobody wants A time where your heart is sore A place and time that haunts

We need to look for peace Therefore we can be one One that adore each other No more war Peace


What is peace after war? By Kyle Lebowitz

The brave and honored soldier Brave, Strong, fighting for freedom Always in our hearts

The division war – Cameron Brown

The war began and many lives were lost Both sides clashed fiercely to get the victory The young men were dispensed at little cost One of the biggest wars in history

The shots were heard around the world that day The men would fight to keep their country safe Others would spy and give info away Many battles were fought from base to base

But Others fought for their separation It should be split into a half fraction They had their own beliefs for the nation The civil war has many narrations

The lives of innocent men compromised Whoever started this war was not wise

Peace Poem

By Xavier Upshaw

Peace keeps the world together Everyone joins in harmony Anti-violence, anti-war, anti-guns Channeling the messages of Gandhi Excluding no one


Planting a seed of hate

Peace is a goal most share as one, but we have not yet been able to succeed it. Many try to educate others on the concept of peace. It is not just peace, but love, harmony, trust, generosity and knowledge all coming together to create one idea. Once we learn how achieve these ways, we will achieve peace. We should help those on a journey through the forest of hate and ridicule instead of planting more seeds in their way. Ceira Rocco

Life By Monroe Price

Life is beautiful Life is scary Life is my best friend Life is my worst enemy Life is love Life is life


Life By Allison Gilligan

Imagine an old deck of cards They’re bent Ripped Out of shape No longer perfect Over time, the cards created flaws But, They’re still cards. Over the years, they have changed That’s how life is like We have good days And some bad. Some days change us for the better And some days we wonder what we did wrong. As life continues We will experience more of these days And when we don’t That’s okay We can have uneventful days With nothing but silence. And peace Do you hear it? There’s peace. Now, there’s peace in eventful days too Such as if you get a surprise Or you see an old friend Or if you're just happy Peace is right by your side. Life is filled with peaceful moments Remember that Life has unexpected events Whether they be good or bad There is hope for a better tomorrow.

My Haiku

War never changes It hurts since the dawn of time And we can just cry -Pierce Munafo


First Name Last Name Page First Name Last Name Page

Michela Acquafredda 103 Dylan Chardon 96

Crystal Aguero 98 Julia Christian 74

Corinne Ahern 74 Garrett Christopher 15

Nicole Alexandrou 55 Olivia Cleary 59

Erik Anderson 121 John Cohen 54

Emily Angelino 30 Jack Colwell 100

Peyton Applegate 104 Camille Comstock 67

Anna Arbo 36 Addison Condon 2

Lily Arnold 103 Trevor Connolly 122

Mia Atallah 21 Elle Cronin 77

Ryan Baker 45 Tim Cronin 110

Griffin Baker 114 Hannah Crowley 7

Liz Bakhnov 29 Will Cruickshank 95

Malcolm Barclay 71 Greta Cunningham 124

Jack Barker 56 Gracie Curran 56

Chris Barone 61 Luke Curtis 20

Leah Barz-Snell 71 Libby Dailey 22

Shakeriah Baxter 29 Bella Damon 11

Gus Baylow 15 Nani Diawara 89

Sam Baylow 43 Maddy DiMare 25

Colette Bender 123 Lauren Dombey 48

Sammi Bendicksen 51 Grace Doody 43

Lucia Beurer 4 Daniel Drabkin 12

Paige Bird 13 Timothy Driscoll 109

Fischer Birnbach 81 Eloisa Elston 91

Emily Blaisdell 107 Shelley Fallon 58

Catherine Bontaites 69 Hana Feingold 86

Jack Bouchard 65 Emma Ferrante 91

Nicole Brazoban 106 Ella Fiegener 116

Alfred Bresnahan 52 Mikey Flarhety 59

Sam Broughton 97 Harry Forsythe 50

Cameron Brown 126 Josh Francoeur 67

Skyler Burke 12 Malina Friedman 8

Tyler Burke 83 Trey Gayne 14

Bryn Burton 63 Trevor Gilligan 112

Cooper Caldwell 114 Allison Gilligan 128

Mick Calnan 115 Jason Gladstone 117

Chloe Campbell 117 Lily Goldman 31


First Name Last Name Page First Name Last Name Page

Noah Goodman 1 Austin Lavender 25

Olivia Grabowski 99 Kyle Lebowitz 126

Sean Grady 81 Jillian Lederman 41

Rachael Gregory 44 Klara Lehmann 64

Ryan Grohe 1 Haley Lemieux 52

Talia Gross 118 Dylan Leveroni 26

Nia Guzman 87 Hannah Lewis 33

Michaela Haliotis 35 Alicia Linsky 24

Jesse Hammond 28 Nicholas Litle 93

Will Hancock 28 Wilson Lloyd 117

Jackson Hart 4 Xander Lohan 47

Claudia Hart 22 Emme Lovenberg 34

Collin Hart 107 Maddy Lowy 76

Jack Hausler 59 John Lucas 61

John Hecht 47 Gavin Lungren 50

Alanna Herrey 53 Arly MackRosen 8

Ben Hewitt 111 Christina Makris 42

Luc Hoch 105 Maeve Maloney 61

Lydia Hurley 111 Aidan Maloney 75

Lydia Hybels 40 Margaret Mancusi-Ungaro 78

Sara Indelicato 63 Jack Maniaci 58

Emmet Janney 18 Sidney Marcey 116

Nora Jasaitis 95 Michael Martelli 27

Gaia Joustra 19 Ozzy Martin 24

Corey Jurasek 68 Ryan Masters 66

Jake Juros 54 Sean McCarthy 95

Hadley Kaeyer 62 Una McCoole 26

Natcha Kanchananaga 91 Charlotte McDonald 42

Brendan Kane 47 Laura McGonical 92

Wilson kaznoksi 78 Julia McGrath 123

Gabrielle Kenney 125 Lily McGuirk 125

John Keyes 16 Madeleine McIlroy 68

Devin Kim 55 Joanie McNulty 48

Bridget Knight 85 Keshawne Mercury 73

Patrick Kowalsky 94 Jasper Merrill 34

Joe Krell 65 Sophie Michalowski 96

Tom Lancaster 121 Max Mogolesko 2

Ryleigh Lane 18 Lily Morgan 119


First Name Last Name Page First Name Last Name Page

Madison Morris 69 Will Ricker 11

Nick Moscorelli 76 Simone Rinadi 109

Nate Mullens 10 Cole Riskin 30

Pierce Munafo 128 Tyler Roads 110

Carter Murray 106 Abby Robinson 37

Jacob Nagel 74 Ceira Rocco 127

Rei Newman 76 Mikela Rosa 79

Diana Nguyen 119 Brendan Rowe 10

Tianna Nolasco 28 Raymon Rowell-Grace 116

Maya Nyberg 79 Charlie Rubin 51

Anna O’Connor 16 Zoe Rubino 13

Callie O’Neill 122 AJ Russo 115

Quinn O'Neil 102 Niko Salado 37

Grace Orloff 46 Julia Sansons 23

James Osmond 2 Peter Santeusanio 3

Frances Paik 35 Lauren Schiowitz 9

Zoe Pappas 66 Andrew Schrader 70

Nicolas Parra-Dunklee 90 Heather Scribner 26

Cole Patrick 55 Nick Sears 65

Christian Penkrat 104 Jenna Segil 62

Ainsley Perkins 5 Eric Serra 33

Bella Peters 106 Julia Serra 88

George Piepgras 41 Cooper Sherf 51

George Piepgras 45 John Sheridan 17

George Piepgras 49 Loch Sheridan 98

Courtney Pingree 57 Rob Simpson 10

Max Podgur 14 Eleni Sinnis 64

Max Podgur 88 Emma Sionkiewicz 32

Hannah Porath 57 Daniel Smith 1

Will Poss 112 Emme Smith 44

Jordan Powers 108 Gavin Snook 38

Emily Pratt 82 Brooke Stout 20

Monroe Price 127 Ryan Stransky 84

Thomas Quigley 92 Marley Sullivan 80

Samara Quintero 87 Eila Sullivan 107

Clara Rapoport 53 Annabelle Tanger 124

Sam Rausch 40 Lucy Tedford 21

Matt Richman 2 Isabelle Tinti-Kane 101


First Name Last Name Page Anna Tripodi 38 Reid Tully 39 Summer Uhrich 114 Xavier Upshaw 126 Bella Vania 17 Victoria Veksler 39 Leah Veprek 31 Hannah Verdun 68 Davis Walker 50 Hunter Wanger 13 Drew Welch 23 Thomas Wheeler 70 Max White 32 Cahill Whittier 6 Brendan Willett 89 Faith Willey 83 Cameron Winch 60 Belle Woodward 52 Lily Yates 77 Adam Zamansky 84 Molly Zelloe 3 Elizabeth Zhorov 102 Brendan Zullo 86 Lexi Zunick 46 Wade Zurn 120