Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 150 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 2004 No. 88 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was last day’s proceedings and announces served his parish and the Lancaster called to order by the Speaker pro tem- to the House his approval thereof. community during that time. He has pore (Mr. SHAW). Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- earned two master’s degrees and a doc- f nal stands approved. torate degree from the Concordia Theo- f logical Seminary located in Fort DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER Wayne, Indiana, and St. Louis, Mis- PRO TEMPORE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE souri. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the In addition to his parish duties, Dr. fore the House the following commu- gentleman from Arkansas (Mr. ROSS) Davidson also serves as second vice nication from the Speaker: come forward and lead the House in the chairman of the Lutheran Church-Mis- WASHINGTON, DC, Pledge of Allegiance. souri Synod, where he provides gov- June 23, 2004. Mr. ROSS led the Pledge of Alle- erning assistance to 172 congregations I hereby appoint the Honorable E. CLAY giance as follows: located in Ohio and portions of West SHAW, Jr. to act as Speaker pro tempore on I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Virginia and Kentucky. this day. United States of America, and to the Repub- Dr. Davidson is also known as a com- J. DENNIS HASTERT, lic for which it stands, one nation under God, munity leader. He serves as chaplain Speaker of the House of Representatives. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. for the Charity Newsies in Fairfield f f County and the Fairfield County Cor- oner. PRAYER MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE On the personal side, Dr. Davidson The Reverend Dr. Jack Davidson, A message from the Senate by Mr. and his wife, Luann, have been married Pastor, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Monahan, one of its clerks, announced for 22 years and are blessed with four Lancaster, Ohio, offered the following that the Senate has passed without beautiful children, Rachel, Emily, An- prayer: amendment a bill of the House of the drew, and Mark. Almighty and Gracious God, as we following title: Dr. Davidson is an uplifting minister begin this new day, we seek Your for- H.R. 4589. An act to reauthorize the Tem- who is loved by his family and is well giveness and blessing. As Creator and porary Assistance for Needy Families block respected by the Lancaster community Governor of all, we pray that You will grant program through September 30, 2004, and the members of the Redeemer Lu- protect our country from all harm and and for other purposes. theran Church. attack. Restrain the plans of those who The message also announced that the As Ohio’s Seventh District Congress- would do us evil. Change the hearts of Senate has passed a joint resolution of man, I would like to take this oppor- our enemies that we may live with the following title in which the concur- tunity to publicly recognize Dr. David- them in peace. Give to those who pro- rence of the House is requested: son for his commitment to the church tect us the wisdom to defeat the plans S.J. Res. 33. Joint resolution expressing and his community over the years. His of our enemies so that the people of support for freedom in Hong Kong. many contributions to the spiritual this Nation will live in unity and f growth of central Ohio are noteworthy, peace. and I thank him for his service. Bless all those in service of our coun- WELCOMING THE REVEREND DR. f try. Endow our leaders with wisdom JOHN C. DAVIDSON and knowledge, that by Your power, (Mr. HOBSON asked and was given SPENDING RESTRAINT they will make God-pleasing decisions permission to address the House for 1 (Mr. RYUN of Kansas asked and was for the welfare of our citizens; through minute and to revise and extend his re- given permission to address the House Jesus Christ Your Son Our Lord, who marks.) for 1 minute and to revise and extend lives and reigns with You and the Holy Mr. HOBSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise his remarks.) Spirit, one God, world without end. today to recognize this morning’s hon- Mr. RYUN of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, Amen. ored guest chaplain, Dr. John C. David- $164 billion of new Federal spending f son, who serves as the pastor of the Re- took place between 2001 and 2003, unre- deemer Lutheran Church in Lancaster, lated to defense and the events of 9/11. THE JOURNAL Ohio. We are borrowing to spend, and we The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Dr. Davidson has been an ordained need to bring spending under control or Chair has examined the Journal of the minister for 22 years and has faithfully we put future generations, our children b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4767 . VerDate May 21 2004 05:26 Jun 24, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A23JN7.000 H23PT1 H4768 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 23, 2004 and grandchildren, at risk with no hope The President’s tax relief is helping The Archimedes Club has shown an of paying off this debt. We dem- American job seekers. Unemployment unwavering dedication to the commu- onstrated that in 1998 with the bal- has fallen to 5.6, the lowest average un- nity by developing character traits and anced budget showing fiscal responsi- employment rate of the 1970s, 1980s, social skills through boating activities. bility, but years of surpluses has and 1990s. In my State of Florida, un- Its members will be donating their sparked a spending spree that does not employment is at 4.7, showing jobs are time and boating knowledge the week- stop when the money runs out. being created and people are working. end of July 23 to give water sports fans Alan Greenspan warned Congress The President’s tax relief is helping the opportunity to participate in chal- that we must restrain spending. He the budget of America’s families, in- lenging competitions. said this last summer: ‘‘I would like to creasing disposable income, allowing The Archimedes Club plans to build see the restoration of PAYGO and dis- them to buy the things they need for on this race and to donate the boats cretionary caps which essentially will their families and their homes. And the that are built to other communities restrain the expanse of the deficit and President’s tax relief is helping Amer- around Florida. This act shows the un- indeed ultimately contain it.’’ ica’s businesses. The stock market is selfish and unwavering commitment of I urge my colleagues to heed Green- up 18 percent, increasing America’s the Archimedes Club to help others, span’s remarks and to have the oppor- capital base by more than $2 trillion. and it does not stop at the local level. tunity to reign in spending and update All in all, this is working, jobs are For the sincere concern and the out- the budget process. growing, the economy is strong. We sa- standing dedication to underprivileged f lute the President for his leadership. families, I congratulate the Archi- medes Club for all it has done. The RESTORE BUDGET CUTS TO f members will inspire many more citi- VETERANS PROGRAMS NO MORE JUDGMENT CALLS zens to follow in their steps. (Mr. ROSS asked and was given per- (Mr. EMANUEL asked and was given f mission to address the House for 1 permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his re- minute and to revise and extend his re- MOUNTAIN OF DEBT FOR FUTURE marks.) marks.) GENERATIONS Mr. ROSS. Mr. Speaker, on the 4th of Mr. EMANUEL. Mr. Speaker, Deputy (Mr. DEFAZIO asked and was given July our Nation will celebrate its 228th Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz permission to address the House for 1 birthday. On this day, we will remem- testified before Congress yesterday minute.) ber how our Founding Fathers dedi- that he did not plan or expect an insur- Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I was cated their lives to honor the novel gency in Iraq. This observation, from pleased to hear one of my Republican ideas of liberty, equality, and democ- one of the war’s architects, whose colleagues precede me and talk about racy. record includes ridiculing former Gen- the impact of the debt, the growing Today, our brave men and women in eral of the Army, General Shinseki, by deficit and the debt. I wish that the uniform exemplify the spirit, sacrifice, saying his troop estimate was ‘‘way off folks downtown were listening. and commitment of the American peo- the mark.’’ Now there are 150,000 Amer- DICK CHENEY, Vice President DICK ple to securing freedom and democracy icans in the Iraqi theater. CHENEY, has declared that deficits do throughout the world, and our veterans He said that Iraqi oil would pay for not matter. In fact, he now wants to are living examples of the ideals of our reconstruction. U.S. taxpayers have send the result of this growing moun- Founding Fathers. been tabbed $20 billion to rebuild Iraq.
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