MY F W E L O R S .

A e cr wn i I e flow ry o w ll compos , I’ll e e th e e e th e R e w av Crocus , w av os ; I’ll e e N e w et w av arcissus, n wly , Th e Hyacinth and Violet ; Th e M t e me ee yr l shall supply gr n , And L e t et ee ili s laugh in ligh b w n , That th e rich tendrils of my darling’ s hair Ma t t t e fl e t th e te y burs in o h ir crowning ow rs . and ligh pain d E V E R Y W O MA N




BY R ; . O M S S o . HNS ON J .





can: of fig: gamma

1874 . E te e to Act e th e e e tee e e e t -one n r d according of Congr ss , in y ar igh n hundr d and s v n y , by

HENRY WILLIAMS T . , f h L W t D th e e t e e at . in o fic of ibrarian of Congr ss , ashing on , C .

vu aammur smP IN IN m R T G nous ,

Ste e t e P te r o yp rs and rin rs , Y A N. lbany, . C O N T E N T S .

R CHAPTE I . — he F e e Its U e et 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T low r Gard n s s, 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0

CHAPTER II . — — — — Construction of Beds Beds in Lawn Ribbon Gardening Rockeri es Directions f or — Massing Flowers Diagrams f or laying out Gard ens

CHAPTER III — — Annuals Their Culture and Varieties A List of th e Most Desirable f or Amateur Ga r

‘ denel s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

E CHAPT R IV . — — — Pe e B e e t e t et . L t M t De e et e . r nnials i nnials Th ir Trea m n , c is s of os sirabl Vari i s

V. — — GeraniumkP ela rgoniumkTh e Diff erenc e between the two Their Culture — — — and Varieties Double G eraniums The Zonal e G eraniums Th e Liliputian Tribe

LiStS Of D sira bl s and N0 V91ti98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CHAPTER VI . — — — — t e e li tmes e e f e etc . Bedding out Plan s Pansi s V rbenas He o p F v r ws,


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CHAPTER VIII . The ulti c va ti h 0 0 0 on Of t e R0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


O n e ta Vl nes 0 0 0 r am n l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lV CONTENTS .


e t f or Ga rd n La wn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ornam n al Shrubs e and 0 0 0 0 0 0


h i e ink8 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t P cOte P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T e Carna ion and 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

A ER CH PT XII . — — — — — Herbaceous Plants Paeonies Phloxes Chrysanthemums Delphiniums and a Select

us e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L t Of De e H rb a c F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is sirabl e eo low rs 0 0 0 0


t F e O e t G e —Acroliniums—G e Immortell es, or Ev erlas ing low rs and rnam n al rass s lob

— — — - Amaranths Helicry sums HelipteriumSa nf ordii Rodanthes Xeranth emums

‘ t of G e A e e . and a Select Lis rass s, nnual and P r nnial 83

CHAPTER XIV. — Ornamental Foliaged Plants Coleus Achy ra nthus Caladiums Silver Leav ed — — - t etc. e Ge s G S e E e Plan s Cannas, Tri color d ranium , old and ilv r dg d . . 89

CHAPTER XV . — — — — J L e G D t et . Summer Flowering Bulbs apan ili s ladiolus ahlias Vallo a, c

CHAPTER XVI . — — — — — ‘ — Spring Flowering Bulbs Snowdrops Crocuses Hyacinths Tulips Dafiodils J on — — — uils t N s L e of the V e etc. q Narcissus Polyan hus arcissu ili s all y,


Old Fa shioned F er 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 low s 0 0 0 0 0 0


Ve et e H0 tb9d8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g abl s and 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


— ’ e o u et e etc. F e n o A e t f B e . rrang m n o qu s, Vas s, low rs in Church s

HA ER X C PT X. — — — — General Management of th e Garden Th e Soil Sel ection of Seeds Weeding Water

— — — — - k t out etc . of ee s e t ing Plan ing Pruning, Saving S d Pr paring Po s Ta ing up — — — and Preserving Flowers in Winter Sl eep of Flowere Insects Cultivate the

‘ t fue e e — Ho i ts— e e to L e Beau i l v rywh re Lines of Mrs . w t Let us T ach our Childr n ov Flowers rather than Fashion C H AP T E R I.


’ There s not a flower can grow upon th e earth Without a flower upon th e spiritual side ; All t t w e see tte t b e th e u t ha is pa rn of wha shall in mo n ,

Rel te t to ete e i e . a d royally, and buil up rn sign ficanc There ’ s nothing small ; N l l muflled e b ee o i y. hum of summ r , B ut finds its coupling in th e spinning stars ; No pebble a t your feet b ut proves a Sphere ; No ch aflinch b ut irnplies a cherubim ; E t e e ar h is full of h av n , ” An -fl d every common bush a re with G od .

out n A beautiful garden, tastefully laid , and well kept, is a certai of evidence taste, refinement and culture . It makes a lowly cottage attractive, and lends a charm to the stateliest palace . s our e An English writer, lately vi iting country, writ s I can conceive of nothing more dreary than to live in the country

. no and have no garden To have garden is to take the poetry, and nearly all the charms away from country life . To have a garden, is to v n ha e many friends co tinually near. “ What a difference between what Mr. Carlyle calls an umbrageous ’ W man s rest, in which a king might ish to sit and smoke, and call it ’ t its his, wi h roses, and honeysuckles, and fuchsias clambering in

i n 1 through the very windows crowds, and the dreary, a id prospect ” around the usands of American houses ! A E FL O ER GA DE E 6 E VERYWOM N H R oWN W R N R. u This hardly seems a fair criticism upon o r homes . Having been of t an enthusiastic lover flowers from childhood, and having cul ivated b ands them ever since the use of the was learned, I cannot recognize — of . its truth have never known many such houses, as he describes Yet m a t l any American writers will declare th t slender por icos, fancifu W verandas, sculptured gables, and deep bay indows are often seen in of this country, without a vestige a flower or climbing vine about them ; ’ cot of r while in England, the poorest laborer s is a bower greene y ; and

of . his little plat flowers, often vies with that of his employer It is not always wealth or art that gives to English homes their t of beauty and picturesqueness, but it is the at ention their inmates, to ‘ “ ” the cultivation of the Green things of the ea rth. It is not the latticed casement nor the high gable that attracts the of and notice the traveler, but the brilliant flowers the trailing vines that drape and embower them .

‘ in- t American women live doors too much, and thus sacrifice heir health and spirits . They cultivate neuralgia, dyspepsia, and all their attendant ills —rather than ' the beautiful and glorious flowers Wt h od G has scattered so abundantly all over the world. This little pamphlet is written for the purpose of coaxing themto out an m come into the sunshine, d begging the to

“ t N ’ ” List o ature s te achings .

’ own r ! A little garden , all one s , is a eal Eden Earth possesses no no m greater charm ; and there is cosmetic equal to the fresh, sweet orn ing air, and the cheerful sunshine . You can make no investment which will give you such interest ; health, happiness, and pure enjoyment will be the coin in which it is

m - paid ; and the returns are not ade semi annually, but daily. With What intense delight one watches the first tiny leaves of the seeds one has planted ; and what pleasure one takes in the unfolding of ! the first flower A grand garden cared for by a gardener, can never give its possessor as much delight as one in which nearly all the Work ’ is done by one s own hands . ’ ’ ' O Shovelems to To be sure, Pat aid is needful prepare the ground, lay out the beds, and harden the walks ; but, gentler, smaller hands can l e p ant the seeds and , can k ep down the weeds, tie up, stake, train, water and prune . A HER FL GA D R E VERY WOM N O WN OWER R ENE . 7

— I have little faith in American women becoming farmers, holding the plo w— wielding the spade or the shovel ; but I do know from long h t experience, t a all the rest of the work can be accomplished by women, e if they possess a love for the beautiful . Ther lies the trouble ; few of our children are taught to garden ; if they possess a natural taste fer

the pursuit, sometimes it is gratified, but not always. McFlimse Mrs. Japonica and Miss y hold up their hands in holy horror at the very idea of any of their kindred soiling their hands with

the work. “ ” “ Flora work among her namesakes ! they exclaim ; forbid it all J aponicadom Yet how much harder do they work at the crowded party or ball ! ” n G m o To da ce the erman, requires quite as uch physical strength as t ! — flower- Off a garden, and rake the weeds but that is the fashion, m and beef tea and stimulants ust be resorted to, to sustain the feeble ft knees, upli the nerveless fingers. Women can find strength to culti

vate a garden successfully, if they will commence by degrees . If their to muscles and sinews are not accustomed the work, they will soon to rebel against it when forced attend to it for several hours at once. m 7< Garden by degrees, my friends, and cultivate your uscles, with your plants ! or m An hour, even half an hour, is long enough for a co mencement,

and the next day extend the time ten minutes, and so on, until you can

for or . work three, even six hours in succession But take it easy ; provide an Old piece Of carpeting to kneel upon W while planting, or eeding with a fork ; and if your knees are not or accustomed to that position, humor them by placing an empty raisin —and soap box upon the carpet, and sit upon that if a cushion would 0 s also be agreeable, cover a small pillow with ome dark chintz, and u . o place that on the box Now y will have a luxurious seat, and can ’ Of don t s ta too on nor become too garden without a sense pain ; yet y l g, muh h c ea ted. The carpeting protects the skirts from the dampness Of X the soil, and should always be used . It can be kept conveniently at the hand, with box and the cushion . flounces ff Of course, , pu s, and furbelows, with their accompanying u pper skirts, are not suitable for such occupations . A dark chintz

o - Of dress is the best, for it can go int the wash tub when it is in need m cleansing . A woolen bathing dress makes an excellent garden costu e E E Y MA HE L E GA RDENE 8 V R WO N R 0 WN F 0 W R R.

- for . skirts are always in the way If it is admissible on the beach, Wh where wealth and fashion do congregate, y not in the garden, sur rounding One’ s house ! f O . Rub A large shade hat, and a pair Old kid gloves are indispensable to ber gloves are Often recommended, but are far p clumsy for the fingers. N W O . , the dress is bespoken, and we must purchase the tools required

- f or A large three pronged iron fork, with a short handle, is needful m loosening the ground, re oving plants and uprooting weeds . I should rather do without a trowel than such a fork. They can be purchased of all hardware dealers . on one A small set Of tools, comprising a rake and hoe handle, a h trowel, and a spade, are very essential . Wit their aid much light work O’ Sh l m can be accomplished without calling upon Mr. ove e .

A watering pot, with a large nozzle, and a fine sprinkler, is also required . ever woma n can be her own a rdene — With these implements, y g r and but not only raise all the flowers she may desire, also contribute a large share Of the vegetables that are always welcomed at the table, during both summer and winter. The cultivation of the soil possesses a wonderful fascination ; its very w ou Odor, after a refreshing sho er, is inspiring ; and as y gather your o flowers, you will also gather impr vement in many ways . “ ’ He made them all, and what He designs, can ne er be deemed ”

Of our our . unworthy study, and love If we see a pot Of flowers in a — window, it gives us respect for the inmates Of the dwelling but if we “ A brillia nt ca r et o unnumbered d es see a beauteous garden, p f y , we know that there is taste and refinement within that home . o On the European c ntinent, women work in the fields with the men, and become beasts Of burden . I hope never to see them thus, in this more favored land, but I do desire to have them take a daily interval Of from the labor and care the house, and breathe into their hearts the oxygen and iron contained in the fresh air ; taste the balm and the tonic of the sunlight and the garden .

Every day there is some work to be done, if the garden is well kept. “ ” weedin - da wa shin - da - There is no need Of having a g y, like a g y, for

. one or the weeds can be kept down, daily Every morning dig over two — beds, according to their size, and continue the work until all are m . m cleaned up Then co mence again, and thus prevent the soil fro E VERY WOMAN HER OWN FL OWER GA RDENER. 9

m e becoming baked ; and let the air and oisture ent r the earth, and nourish the tender roots .

That is my way Of gardening. After the beds are made, the walks ’ or prepared, no man s hand foot enters the sacred precinct, excepting to admire, and to receive the flowers . In the early spring time a half hour may suffice to exhaust the little wi l strength one possesses, but before October comes, th its autumna

out- glories, several hours can be passed in door work without much sense Of fatigue .

All the delights of a garden are not comprised in gathering nosegays, or — and arranging bouquets, vases festal garlands there is great enjoy ment in watching the vegetating of the seeds ; the developing Of the of — t tiny leaves, the forming the minute buds and then comes at las

Th e t te fl e ! brigh , consumma ow r

f Floriculture has been called the gem o all cultures . Its influence m not akes us more courteous, if more intelligent ; and what can we ! find in nature so emblematical of bloom, decay, and death It has been said that as domestic floriculture and gardening has been of of the inclination beings, and the choice philosophers, so it has been Of the favorite public and private men, a pleasure Of the greatest, and of : the care the meanest and indeed an employment and a possession, l for which no man is too high nor too ow. Flowers are the relics Of ’ ” Eden s bowers .

And there is no pastime that can give as much pleasure, with so

. G small an expenditure ray, the poet, and also a skillful naturalist, “ tells us that the enjoyment of life depends upon having always some ” “ thing going forward ; and exclaims : Happ y a re they who ca n crea te ” a rose- tree or erect a hone suke c l ! , y “ ” It is indeed this very ha ving a lways something going f orwa rd that produces the enjoyment experienced by the amateur gardener ; the r glory and f agrance Of the flowers forming the crowning gratification . — — There is a pride a most pleasing pride in culling a bouquet for a y ’

own . friend, from flowers raised by one s hand Of a rea t a ct Of The creation a beautiful object is certainly g f , which of any us may be justly and honestly proud. Few Of on or us possess the talent to transfer and perpetuate canvas, in

marble, the glorious hues and forms of nature, but the lowest and E E Y MA HER O N FL O GA NE 10 V R WO N W WER RDE R.

rs S n t humblest can raise flowe which olomon, in all his glory, could o have eclipsed ! Gera nium Rose Fuchsia or Why does not everybody have a , a , a , own some other flower in a window, if they do not land enough to ! — ral sed plant a garden They are very cheap next to nothing, if from Of a cutting, and small price if purchased from the florist ; and there is companionship in them, as well as grace and beauty.

Charming Leigh Hunt, whom I love to quote, says

Flowers sweeten the air, rejoice the eye, link you with nature and

. ou re innocence, and are something to love If they cannot love y in ou e turn, they cannot hate y ; cannot utter hateful words even ifneglect d ; for, though they are all beauty, they possess no vanity ; and living, as ‘ ou o d afiord h OW ou they do, to do y g q , and you pleasure, can y neglect them !” There are few dwellers in the country who are so destitute as not to for d be able to indulge in a love flowers. The gar en may be Of the smallest size— a mere tiny circle— and it will Often be loved the more for m n its smallness, and receive ore care and atte tion . for for It will not do to care it a week, and then neglect it two weeks . It demands constant care, daily attendance, waterings, and di wee ngs. u Nothing destroys its beauty like the noxious weeds that will grow p, ’

J onah s . like gourd, if not constantly uprooted The tenacity Of their life is wonderful ; uprooting will not always kill them, and they will m u at re their seeds, and prepare for another struggle with you in an ensuing summer, even when their roots lie withering in the sun . a What hidden virtue is in these things, that it is gr nted to sow them to selves with the wind, and grapple the earth with this unmitigable of suff er stubbornness, and to flourish in spite Obstacles, and never to w blight beneath any sun or shade, but always to mock their enemies, ith the same wicked luxuriance

Thus enquires Hawthorne, while sturdily waging a warfare against ” s one them, in the garden of the Old Manse, at Concord, Mas , and no ” t o ve e can make reply. Animal manures, though very stimulating g table life, are the sources whence many Of the grassy weeds spring. Artificial manures do not introduce so many of these pests into the beds and borders, yet some Of them are so highly charged with noxious exhalations that one dislikes to apply them . ‘ r W MAN HER oWN FL O E GA DE E VER O W R R NER. 11

Mineral fertilizers are not Open to these Objections, and I have found them preferable to others on that account.

too . Guano is always beneficial, if not applied in large quantities An iron spoonful Of it dug into the ground two or three inches from the A stems Of the plants will increase their growth and beauty. less quan

to . tity should be given tender annuals, and small plants

Liquid animal manures are also easily applied, and give to the plant

m . n an immediate sti ulant In pouring it on, avoid touchi g the leaves or a of the stems Of the plants, but give the earth copious supply a weak G solution . uano applied in this manner is very beneficial . I have used all of these with decided success ; and always feed my garden bountifully ; and receive in return a bountiful supply Of flowers and vegetables . Plant with care and skill ; water when needful ; feed plenty of nour 1 hment s ; keep clear from all weeds tie, stake, prune and cultivat e i daily, and you w ll never regret the small investment required to com mence and continue a garden but will become more and more enamored w with the occupation ; and ill yearly increase your stock, and multiply s sa : your labor , and will be ready to y with Thomson, the poet Of nature

I e not F t e t me d e car , or un , wha you ny, ’ Youcannot rob me Of free Nature s grace ; You t t th e th e canno shu windows of sky, Through which Aurora shows h er brightening face Youcannot bar my cons ta nt feet to trace Th e woods and law ns by living st reams a t eve Let e t e e e b e e h al h my n rv s and fin r fi r s brac , And I their toys to th e great children leave ; Of f e tue u t me e e e ” ancy, r ason , vir , no g h can b r av . P CHA TER II.


’ ! e k e S n u Oh who can sp a his j oys , wh n pri g s yo ng morn , ’ From wood and pasture op en d on his view ; W e te e ee th e th em h n nd r gr n buds blush upon , And th i d ” e first primrose dips ts leaves in ew .

our In preparing gardens to receive flowers, it is better to avoid raised ff int ns heat ur . e o beds, with deep walks They su er from the e of sum m of ers ; and the rains wash them down, Often exposing the roots the

. G on plants rass edgings are Objectionable, account Of the labor required to keep the sods from spreading. Beds that are artistically cut in the grass - plat produce a better effect ; of and the brilliant hues the flowers contrast perfectly with the soft,

t of . t shaven, emerald tin the grass One Of the most a tractive features about a house, is a garden tastefully cut in the lawn . It is open to but one Objection— the dew upon the grass makes it rather unapproachable in the early morning; when its owner desires to feast her eyes upon its beauties.

Three designs are given for cutting beds in the grassy lawn, and an artistic eye will enable our gardeners to vary them as they please . The walks can be well trodden down, and hardened with sifted coal ashes or

. G not . clay ravel is so desirable, as it clings to the feet The grass can be left between the beds, or cut out, but if the latter is done, they m Of can receive ore care in the early hours the day. Y MA HE N FL 0 ER GARDE ER E VER WO N R O W W N . 13

In th e e te A e t klar t S et S i at B S et G e u S D Wh ite c n r, , plac a s oc y p of carl alv a ; , carl rani ms , P e fe t n Ge He t e iEc Carnations G Asters F Zi i H ci 1 S“t k r c io ranium ; C, lio rop s ; , ; , ; , nn as ; an , oc s E E Y MA F A 14 V R WO N HER O WN L O WER G RDENER .

A Ricmus S ‘ , , anvitalia procumbens round it ; B, Scarlet Verbenas ; V R st C, White erbenas ; D , Purple ; E, Striped, Pink and White ; F, iche

Crimson ; G, Pure White ; H, Brightest Pink ; I, Darkest Maroon . The be d of Heliotro es Ca rna tion outer beds can each Of one kin plant, p , s, Geraniums P ela r oniums Asters B a lsa -ms Zinnia s tocks , g , ; , , and S , or ’ an e y flow rs that suit the owner s taste .

i ‘ ’ en m s ecimeif f A or one In the c ter ound, plant a fine p o rundo donax,

f t he ear- diff f G . O O the Pampas rass 1 In each p shaped beds, put a erent th e a c s nd Tom colored geranium, t llest spe ie 3 at the stem p , and the

Thumb varieties at the broadest edge . In the circles plant some white ’ % i u In e ll flowers that will retain the r bea ty. the cresc nts, bri iant scarlet Of m flowers ; and in the bordering the half oon, either try ribbon or m gardening, fill up with a osaic in squares Of scarlet, white, purple,


’ For n Tru a nto Asters Smith s P riz planti g in masses Of coloring, fi , e B a lsamDia nthus ore leno Linumcoccineum S chiza nthus a tro a r , fl p , , p ureus Ca ceo a r n l l ia Gentra thus ma si h n . p , and cro p o make a fine show

Plant a small bed Of each . f O m a . ma rmora ta A bed iniature flowers is alw ys charming Lobelia , Le tosi hon h bridus Clintonia azurea rand ora Fenz eria dia nthi p p y , g ifl , l lora ramma nthes entia noides f and G g are all dwarfs, and planted together W Of G sO h lla mura is ff ! ith a bordering yp p y l , the e ect is lovely A bed of Mi nonette g is indispensable, and it will flourish in the shade, and in damp places, blooming luxuriantly.

k . Roc eries

m e There are any plants which thrive much better in a shelt red, rocky for R situation, and thence has sprung up the fashion constructing ock out eries . Or it happens that some large rocks crop on a portion Of of ground which is within view the house, and it is desirable to orna ou ment them . In the latter case, y have only to plant strong growing u G V or vines with large foliage, s ch as the Wild rape ine ; the Clematis, ’ V ai ff irgin s Bower, that tr ls its white, starry blossoms, and its pu y, wooly seed pods all over the forests Of this country. These two vines will render the Offending rocks most picturesque . Southern ladies can of entwine among them the lovely Yellow Jessamine their woods, which Am throws a golden hue over all their forests . The p elop sis (or Vir or Aristolochia or ginia Creeper! , Five Fingered Ivy, and the ( Dutch ’ P eri lo ca r a man s Pipe! , are also desirable for this purpose ; also the p g cec , or Silk Vine of the Southern States . l o One, or all Of these vines, wi l soon render the Obnoxious rocks a j y forever ! Artificial Rockeries are usually constructed Of stones of various sizes, with the soil firmly embedded betwixt them . They can be made very easily fromthe clinkers Of the coal furnace . If large pieces can Of be Obtained, whitewash some them to increase their picturesqueness . m or ad a Boulders, stones fro brooks, hill sides, can all be used v nta e ul g o s y.

m t - irre Com ence with the larges sized stones, and build it up in an gu

a . R lar, jagged shape to imit te nature A ockery can be made as a Of S receptacle Mineralogical pecimens, which would increase its value . ou to If y send the woods and brooks for the stones, bring the soil

t r . a hence, and, if not ich enough, add a little compost but n tive Ferns M HER O N FL O G A ’ EVERY WO AN W WER RDENER. 17

and Vines do not require a large supply of stimulants . Plant the Ferns n d vi and Mosses o the sha iest side, and trail over the stones small nes, sima chia numerla ria like the Ly , Vinca, minor and major, Moneywort,

Lobelias, varieties Of the Sedums, and the various Annuals mentioned under that head, as desirable for rock work. The varieties Of the Saxi fra ora t of or g , with their broad leaves, and large clus ers bright pink ff red flowers, are very e ective among the trailing vines and ferns. A small Evergreen tree will show to advantage from some rocky point. for The Alpine Plants are also lovely such constructions .

Crocus bulbs can be planted among the smaller stones, and in the early Spring will make a fine show. After they have bloomed, their S D m places can be filled with Dwarf Asters and Dwarf tocks, Phlox ru dj mon i and Pinks. Rockeries can be rendered very ornamental additions to the lawn or a shrubbery, but they require a t steful eye to construct them, and a

- loving hand to tend them ; without these they can never be eye sweet. C H A P T E R III.


“ e e t l Com , y sof sy phs , e th e fine ee in t t t l f e to T ach s d, s inc wi h i , shoot In e t ’ its e e t ar h s cold bosom , d sc nding roo ; “ ’ W t t e a t t et its i te i h pi h l s ic , s r ch ris ng s m , t th e t e ex th e t em Par win lob s , pand hrobbing g in mth e e Clasp your airy ar s aspiring plum , Fan with your balmy breath its kindling bloom ; E e i e a nd t filmunf ach wid n ng scal , burs ing old, S e th e ee tint th e fl e t ” w ll gr n cup , and ow r wi h gold .

Annuals are considered the chief ornaments of the flower garden throughout the summer and autumn, and many Of them are desirable for house culture. i m They have great claims upon our attent on, and should be ore extensively cultivated in every garden . It is impossible to plant, in a ff private plat Of ground, all the kinds and varieties that are o ered to us ’ the Seedsmen s di Of in Catalogues, but a ju cious selection the best kinds will give a charming assortment Of brilliant flowers . It is almost superfluous to mention that a nnua ls are plants which t spring from seed, and perfect their grow h and seed, and perish with the m Off autu n ; though their life may be prolonged by cutting the flowers, n t - o allowing the seed pods to form, and keeping them housed in the winter. They are divided into hardy ; half- hardy and tender ; and are natives

. of of various lands Many them have been greatly improved, by the care and patience Of the florist, from their normal state, and transformed m m a e. into flowers of the ost gorgeous hues , and the ost perfect sh p E W MA HE R O WN FL 0 WER GA RDE E VERY O N N R . 19

La rks urs P etunia s Asters B a lsa ms P ortula cca s tock Z n , , p , , . S s and in ia s have all become exceedingly double and Of every brilliant hue ; while

many others have had their flowers much increased in size, and other

wise improved . These flowers are more generally cultivated than any other class Of of flowers, and they, alike, adorn the yard the cottage, and the p arterre

of the palace .

They will grow almost anywhere, and in any kind Of soil, but thrive

much better if heed is paid to their wants, and they are provided with dr a sunny location, well ained, and are well supplied with rich sandy loam ; though there are some kinds which prefer a clayey soil . There of are only a few which require a very rich soil, yet, most them will reward you with a brighter show Of flowers if well fed. It does not pay

to . starve plants, any more than to starve animals It is very desirable to locate your garden where it can be in constant view from the windows Of the house ; flowers are our bosom friends and one we desire to have them always in sight ; when weary they refresh , ’ when happy they add to one s happiness, and when sad and gloomy they

one - give to pleasant thoughts, smooth the care worn brow, and uplift f the heart to the Giver o all good things. ’ h mdi - TO . O S ovele prepare the soil, let Mr g up the grass plat, if need or ful, and prepare the beds in front Of the piazza, porch sitting room, not if it has a southeast direction ; if , take the next best, a southwestern location . Few plants will thrive well in a northern exposure, though wi Pansies love the shade, and ll flourish there . If you can procure a — a compost Of sand (not sea sand! , leaf mould, loam and manure quar ter Of each— you will have as good soil as you can desire ; but if not ff ff within reach , take what O ers, and if it is heavy and sti , add sand to e or old light n it ; if frmiable and light, add ashes, muck soil from pas tures, taken fro under the sods . This is always desirable . Sand is also an essential .

Layi ng out the B eds . ut o . ou Have the garden well spaded over, and then lay the beds If y

out - have a geometrical eye, you can mark circles, semi circles, triangles, stars, diamonds and all sorts Of curved beds ; and if you can have all “ ” - the assistance you desire from men folks, border their edges with nar row Of not strips turf, which must be kept closely shaven, and allowed to encroach upon the beds . 20 W MA HER O N FL A E EVERY O N W O WER G RD NER.

own for If you depend upon your exertions, avoid the turf ; it exacts too much hard muscular work for women to encounter. of A bordering is now manufactured Terra Cotta, which is highly praised ; and it is said to withstand the frost and snow of the coldest regions . The Drain Pipe and Terra Cotta works in New York, make ff Box several styles . Tiles are also introduced with good e ect . edgings u . of o are always tasteful and pretty If you can possess none these, y can, w at least, border the beds ith Dwarf Annuals and Perennials . The Tom Thumb plants of every kind are very pretty for this purpose ; the

’ - of eflective stone crop and, indeed, all the varieties Sedums, make

i . G so hila mura lis edg ngs yp p is also beautiful for an edging, and its

- u spray like flowers are indispensable for both vase and bouq et. They cover the flowers like a mist, increasing their charms by partly veiling them .

Sowin the Seed etc. y ,

Ca nd tut P hlox Drummondii Sweet The hardy varieties, like y f , ,

Al ssumSweet P ea s etc. y , , , can be sown as soon as the ground becomes a lit t tle warm, and the wea her is in a degree settled . Indeed, all these kinds, and many others, will bloom earlier in the summer if they are planted ut not di . in the a umn . The frost and snow does sturb their rest Sweet ra ance P eas are very essential for all gardens . Their f g is grateful to all ; and a bunch Of the new colored ones, mingled with the Old favorites, t ’ equals the sof and liquid tints of the sunset cloud . But don t put Sca rlet Gera niums or Verbena s among them ; their vivid hues will pale and dim the beauteous Peas . or They bloom much more profusely, if planted four five inches in t dep h, and are not so apt to mildew .

- The half hardy annuals should not be sown, excepting in the South, th e t one before the middle Of May ; and tender ones, not un il June, if desires good success in their vegetation and growth . A large amount of vexation might be avoided if amateur florists would pay a little heed to natural laws .

- in- For both half hardy and tender Annuals, planting doors, or under glass, is very needful . If this is done, they can be brought forward so m th e of or of one as to bloo by last June, the first July, and is fully

for . repaid the extra trouble by their graceful, lovely flowers All these P un . k Aster et ia Stoc varieties of Annuals require transplanting NO , , or Zinnia will show its beauty if not allowed plenty of room in which A H ER N FL 0 ER A E VER Y WOM N O W W G EB ENER. 21

SO or to grow and bloom . , it is as well to transplant them from boxes, all hotbeds, early in the summer, when fear Of frost is past, as to do it later from the garden beds . ff f Seeds Of various sizes require di erent depths O covering. The smaller the seed, the less the soil it needs to plant it, and the finer the soil should be . r a c a s P etunias P o tul c , , and all tiny seeds, should be mixed with sand, r on to and sprinkled o sifted the earth prepared for them, and then gently pressed down with the flat Of the trowel or the hoe . The general rule for planting has been to the depth of three times the diameter of the seed . TOO of so deep planting is a fruitful source the usual loss Of seeds, Of much complained by amateur gardeners . The several essentials to successful germination Of seeds Of all kinds are suitable soil, suitable moisture and warmth ; if these are in excess, r n t ufli i nt f o o s c e O . , some, if not all, the seeds will fail t In plan ing seeds in the open border, the soil must be thoroughly t pulverized, no little lumps lef in it to destroy plant life . R t or ake in the seeds, scattering hem thinly around ; , a better way is one Of to tie a string to two small sticks ; plant them firmly ln the earth, and with the other draw a circle Of the dimensions you may desire ; Of wind up the string until you have it the right length, then plant the ’ s . for eeds in the circle, and label them Don t trust to your memory the “ one names, and then say this pink flower, that red , and the other blue ” or one . yellow , but learn their names, and call them by them One Often rebels at the many - syllabled word that is applied to a tiny m Of ite a flower ; yet, that same Latin word tells to every botanist its class and order, while the common, familiar, local name is recognized ne only by o language . “ t : fl r Miss Mi ford says One is never thoroughly sociable with . Owe s w until they are naturalized, as it were, christened, provided ith decent, ” om - n h ely, well wearing E glish names . The practice of giving Latin names to ' flowers and plants has been of styled pedantic . It is not so ; for it conveys an idea the flower to every t student Of Botany and Gardening in every na ion . Leigh Hunt thus writes upon the names of flowers s e Pink is not by itself a pretty name, but we have a sociated it sinc our of first dawnings Of infancy, with the sweetness the flower. so now 22 MA HER N FL E GA DENER EVERY WO N O W 0 W R R .

th e one m name and flower are , and the poor onosyllable becomes rich in ” sweetness and appropriateness . And ag B rowa llia a a is pretty n me, and was given to a Peruvian flower by Linnaeus in honor Of a friend of his by the name of Browall ; yet the name gives no idea Of the flower which is remarkably attractive ; and, ’ he suggests that B rowa ll s B ea uty would have immortalized both the Of friend and the flower, and have advertised its claims to the regard the


A short digression from seed planting, fair friends . which it is to be

hoped youwill pardon and overlook.

When your seeds are planted, unless the day is cloudy and showery,

they will require shading from the heat Of the sun . Old I find newspapers are the best protection ; but, if the patches are

small, flower pots can be inverted over them . The newspapers must be e laid ov r the seeds, after they have been well watered, and fastened at or the corners by small stones a handful Of the earth . At night they

should be removed to let the dew moisten the ground, and put back u before it is dried up in the morning. Continue this ntil the tiny leaf t lets appear ; hen remove them entirely. If the ground is dry the seeds

must be thoroughly wet every night. Moisture is very needful to ger

- e minate seeds ; without its aid they cannot sprout . The would b florists Often plant their seeds as the Catalogues direct and then give no farther ’ You it heed to them . will Often hear said, I can t make annuals grow.

I planted fifty to sixty varieties, and not half a dozen Of them ever ut sprouted . I have no faith in the seedsmen ; they send o Old seeds and ” for keep all the new their own gardens . ” ou ! Did y water them well, and shade them from the noontide heat “ ! of . is asked . Why, no I never thought that I planted them, and ” supposed that was enough . the or th e My fair friends, unless clouds favor you and drop rain, hide or sun for three four days, your seeds will become baked and shriveled, e and youcannot expect th m to grow.

- u The thin skinned seeds will germinate most q ickly, while those that are shrouded in horny textures, vegetate more slowly. It is always well

- to soak all such seeds . Verbena seeds require twenty four hours soak Of ing in warm water, and the seeds the lovely, graceful Cyp ress vine will not germinate unless boiling water is poured upon them .


Ageratum, lavender blue and white .

Acroclinium, white and pink . ’ lli Balsams, Smith s Prize and Came a flowered.

Bartonia aurea, golden yellow.

wi . Browallia, blue th white center, white

Cacalia, orange scarlet, and yellow. dr Calan inia, crimson, white, pink and lilac . Burrid ii Coreopsis g , and coronata. i Canary Bird Flower, beautiful v ne .

Candytuft, white, purple and crimson .

Celosia spicata rosea, everlasting flower.

Centranthus, white, flesh colored and pink.

a for on - Cerastium, ornament l foliage, edgings rock work. randiflora Chlora g , bright orange changing to red. fl r o e . Chrysanthemum coronarium, pleno inte ri etela Clarkia g p , magenta crimson, rich . Damierii Clianthus p .

randiflora for - Clintonia azurea g , desirable rock work and baskets. ae Cob a scandens, a climber Of rapid growth .

Collinsia, various colors, pretty for ribbon borders.

Convolvulus aureus superbus, a golden yellow variety. for Convolvulus mauritanicus, perfect roses and baskets ’ Cyanus (Ladies Delight! . f V o . Cypress ine, the most graceful climbers n Eschscholtzia Califor ica, several colors .

Euphorbia variegata. F zlia ff i en . , dwarf growth, e ective in rustic decorat ons

G . ilia, various colors

Godetia, useful in ribbons. l Gypsophyl a muralis and elegans . Hellio hila arab oides p , bright blue, useful for edgings. um Ino sidi . p acaule, sky blue, loves the shade m a ce . Ipo hederacea superba, a beautiful vine

Kaulfussia atroviolacea.

Larkspur (Hyacinth flowered! .

e tosi h on . L p p hybridus, dwarf edgings

Linum, in several colors .

Lobelia, blue, white and rose color, dwarf. E R MA HER OWN FL 0 WER GARD VE Y WO N ENER. 25

of . Lupins, all colors Macheeranth era tanaceifolia , bright purple, golden center.

Marigolds, new varieties are very attractive . ’ e Mignonett , Parson s new white and the crimson flowered. asturtiums of N , all varieties .

Nemesia compacta elegans . emo hila N p , delicate flowers, very dwarf, love the shade. i ella Tonlanesiena N g .

Oxyura, golden yellow, edged with white .

Sweet Peas Of all colors .

Perilla Nankinensis, dark rich foliaged plant. of Phlox Drummondii, every shade

Poppy, carnation colored. Portulac a c . , double and single

R . icinus, ornamental foliaged

Salpiglossis, very beautiful.

Salvia splendens .

for - Sanvitalia procumbens, suitable edgings and rock work. moides ac . Saponaria y , lovely for borderings or flore Scabiosa ( Mourning Bride! , pleno .

Schizanthus, all colors.

Statice hybrida. t S ocks, German Dwarf, pyramidal, new hybrid . of Tagetes pumila, marigold beautiful foliage and flower.

Trifolium (ornamental clover! .

a . Trop eolum, finest mixed varieties

Viscaria elegans picta .

ittadina . V (Australian Daisy! , a good edging t Whitlavia, blue and whi e .

a onica n . Zea J p (Japanese Maize! , or amental foliage

flore . Zinnia Elegans, pleno, all colors

Zinnia Mexicana pumila, very double and brilliant. Among this list of Annuals several climbers have been included ; on other species, consult the chapter Vines and Climbers.

T a inin a n e n A r g d Wa t ri g nnua ls.

There are few plants that are not benefited by judicious training and pruning. 26 E MA HER OWN FL E GA VERY WO N OW R RDENER.

Off Balsams are greatly improved by pinching the side shoots, and allowing only the stalks to grow ; or the main shoot may be left to Of itself, and all the strength the plant thrown into it, producing an upright stem loaded with gorgeous chalices of bloom . Manure water of r will increase the size the flowe s, and, thus grown, they make splendid pot plants . The scissors are useful about many other plants and their side growth should be checked, and less latitude allowed to their branches. e off Zinnias, Stocks and Ast rs should have the laterals trimmed ; their beauty is improved, if they are kept within bounds .

In watering Annuals, and all flowers, care should be taken to apply t it af er the sun has set ; if water is given in the morning, when the sun n of is hastening forward to dri k up every drop, it is but little use to

- the plant ; and, if it is given at noon tide, when the sunbeams fall fiercely hot, it scorches the plants as though Jack Frost had bitten them . The on cold drops, falling the heated surface Of the soil, produce the same ff e ect as a chill. Water slightly warmed to the hand is far more eflicacious than that

or . drawn directly from aqueducts cisterns If it sets in the sun all day, it will be Of the right temperature to apply at night . n of E glish books on gardening, Often denounce the practice frequent watering ; but they are no guides for American gardens . Their misty, f moisty island, enveloped in clouds, promotes moisture su ficient for their ur needs ; while o heated atmosphere drinks up every drop from the soil. If it has rained during the day the watering pot can hang upon its peg ; for Of e but if not, its attendance is highly essential the growth all tend r

- Annuals, and delicate bedding out plants . Many ladies complain of their ill luck in floriculture no plant ! thrives with them . Why is this

Because they neglect the floral darlings . They are assiduous in their attention to them while planting or transplanting them ; but then their energy fails ; they think that the sun, rain and dew will do the necessary work, and they can rest from their labors . They never fail to do their appointed work ; but you must cultivate in season and out Of season if youwould raise

“ t e e t e e we s ee Brigh g ms of ar h in which , p rchanc , E — P b What den was what aradise may e . CHAP TER IV .


h Well they reward t e toil . Th e t e e th e e t e e sigh is pl as d , sc n r gal d Each Opening blossom freely breathes around Its t u e t n t its ” t eet . gra i d , and ha ks us wi h sw s

Perennial plants are those which live and blossom through many

. for successive seasons If planted very early in the border, or brought in ward the hotbed or in window gardens, they bloom the first season, and many of them are hardy enough to withstand the coldest winters Of northern New England, while others require protection, and the tender f ones must be housed in the cellar to await the return O spring. e Old Perennials die down ev ry year, but the faithful roots live, and when the sun awakes them from their wintry sleep, they spring up anew, ur and delight o senses . of i These plants are very deserving the attention Of the amateur flor st. ’ for They ask but little at one s hands, and will grow and bloom many e years under great neglect. Yet if their roots are not divided, and th ir — e food renewed aft r a few years they will dwindle away, and finally h peris . or Many kinds are raised from seeds . Others by cuttings increase Of or the roots ; and once in three four years they require to be taken up, divided, and reset. They flourish best in a light, rich soil .

Dicentra s ecta bi is p l , an importation from China, stands at the head

the its . ae Of list for beauty, grace and hardy qualities Linn us knew of

Gor da lis ormosa . . its loveliness, and named it y f Mr Fortune introduced E MA HE O A 2 8 VERY WO N R WN FL OWER G RDENER.

it into England less than twenty years ago, and it has been called Dil tra Dicl tra Dicentra . y , y , and , which are its proper names It v seeds sparingly, but a white ariety has been introduced, whether

or . th e from seed from China, I know not It multiplies rapidly by -Of Peeon roots ; the foliage resembles that a y, and its flowers are rose

colored, tipped with white, and hang from long racemes . As a lawn f or it plant, early spring and summer blooming, is unsurpassed . Linum erenne Perennial Flax ( p ! , is a native from beyond the Missis t sippi, and is beau iful in color and shape . Its flowers are celestial blue,

and they are very abundant . The plant continues in bloom all summer,

and is an addition to every garden . Ginothera ma croca r a Missouri Evening Primrose ( p ! , also blooms all w summer ; its flowers are a golden yello , and the plant is dwarf in habit, ’ th are but e flowers do not open until the sun s rays declining. t Petunias are half hardy Perennials, which usually rank wi h Annuals

in the northern part of the United States . They are desirable for the — smallest plat Of ground as they grow luxuriantly and flower profusely.

They take front rank now, and their curious blotchings and veinings f render them very beauti ul . The double varieties possess a spicy fra Of t granee, and many them are as beautifully striped and mot led as a

carnation .

Columbines, Lychnis, French Honeysuckles, Phlox, Pinks, Achillea

and Campanula are all very beautiful, and if raised from seeds will increase rapidly from the roots . The Perennial Larkspurs have received great additions tO their num of bers late years, and are greatly improved in coloring and the size — Of the flowers . The blue species possess the most perfect tints vie with the hues of a cloudless sky ! d for or There are no directions nee ful preparing the soil, planting the

seeds, as they are given so fully in the previous chapter.

October is the best month for di viding and transplanting the roots . t of t All perennial plants admi dividing and transplan ing, and it greatly

increases the size and beauty Of the flowers, and enhances their colors . t n t u The roo s Of those kinds o fo nd in the seed catalogues, can be ’ at fl rist s purchased the o at slight expense, excepting the rarer kinds

and the novelties .

so - - n Trees and Shrubs, and nearly all the called bedding out pla ts, are strictly speaking perennials ; yet the term is more particularly applied MA HER OWN FL O GA NE' E VERY WO N WER RDE R. 29 to those flowers whose stems and leaves annually decay, the roots retain t m ing heir vitality. I shall treat more fully Of the under the chapter on Pseo i n es and Herbaceous plants . I append a list Of the most desirable grown from seed

- Antirrhinum (or Snap dragon! , all colors, hardy.

w . Aconitum napellus (Monkshood! , blue and hite, hardy flore Agrostemma hybride pleno, hardy.

Alyssum saxatile, golden yellow, hardy.

Aquilegia (Columbine! , hardy. Aralis alpine, hardy.

Armeria splendens (Thrift! , half hardy. A ale iformis stragalus g g , yellow, hardy. Aubletia deltoides, hardy, and beautiful for rock work.

Bellis (Double Daisy! , half hardy. — a Bryonia alba trailer, white flowers, hardy.

Calceolarias, half hardy, very beautiful .

Campanula, white, blue, lilac and purple .

Iberis sempervirens, Perennial Candytuft.

Carnations, half hardy, very desirable . t Catananche bicolor, hardy, white, with viole center.

Chelone barbata, hardy perennial .

Chrysanthemum japonicum, very rare . mel n Com e . y (Spiderwort! , half hardy

Cowslip, hardy.

Datura, half hardy.

Delphinium (Perennial Larkspur! . i of D anthus all kinds, hardy and half hardy. i D gitalis, hardy perennial. Meadia Dodecatheon , hardy.

- - Forget me not, hardy.

' Fraxinella, hardy.

Galega, lilac, white .

Gentiana macrophylla, deep blue . um G e . coccineum (Scarlet Avens! , hardy

Perennial Lupins, hardy.

Everlasting Pea, hardy.

Lavender spica, hardy.

Liatris squarrosa (Blazing Star! , a prairie flower. 30 E VE MAN HER WN FL O GA DE E' RY W O O WER R N R.

b r Lo elia hyb idus. h aa eane r Lychnis g , white, red, sca let.

Mimulus, half hardy.


Papaver (Perennial Poppy! . Penstemnon u e , white, scarlet, rose, bl e, purpl .


Phlox decussata. h liu P yge s capensis.

Picotee Pink.

Paisley Pink.

Potentilla, golden, crimson, yellow and white.

Sedum (Stonecrop! . ’ Sweet William, Hunt s perfection .

Tritoma uvaria, half hardy.

Verbascum, hardy, white, lilac.

Verbena, half hardy.

Wall flower, very double, half hardy.

B iennials.

ll die These are plants which, like Annuals, genera y after producing their flowers and seeds, but are two years in perfecting these, and in some instances may be induced to flower for two or three successive seasons by preventing them from going to seed ; their general culture is the same as for Annuals.

One Of the most beautiful is the German Brompton Stock. The greatest improvements have been made in these flowers, and they are w now very desirable plants for border or lawn . They are half hardy, ill require protection during the winter in northern climates— but will can fully repay the care they demand. Any particularly fine plant be not l e propagated by cuttings, yet they do always flower as we l as thos raised from seeds. Among the Biennials most deserving Of culture are e Cant rbury Bells, double and single varieties, hardy.

Carduus, hardy.

Humea, elegant, half hardy.

Hollyhocks, half hardy.

Hyoscyamus, hardy.



A i t et e e e brill an carp of unnumb r d dy s , ” eet r et e t th e e e With sw va i y nchan s y s .

’ - floris These well known flowers have adorned the gardens, and been ts

r . m favorites for many yea s Their pleasing foliage, and brilliant bloo , well merit the estimation in which they are held . Leigh Hunt, the genial Essayist, says Everything about the geranium is handsome, Of not excepting its name, which cannot be said all flowers, though we get to love ugly words when associated with pleasing ideas . The word for Geranium is soft and elegant ; the meaning is poor, it comes from a G or reek word signifying a Crane, the fruit, seed pod, resembling the ’ form of a crane s bill . But what a reason for naming the flower ! as if t one . the fruit were any hing in comparison, or any cared about it It would be far better to invent joyous and beautiful names for these ” images of joy and beauty. a a G Gere nce Linn eus n med the eranium from , a crane, for the reason that Mr. Hunt gives. The plant is often confounded with the Pelar ff Of gonium, which di ers from it in size, shape and coloring its flowers,

. ela r os on and it is strictly exotic It was named from P g , a stork, account of the resemblance Of its capsules to the bill and head Of that bird. They are placed in the same class of the Linneean system as the Mna de h a He tandria Geranium ( o lp i ! , but in the fourth order ( p ! , while

Decandria . the other is in the. sixth order ( ! There has been a good deal of confusion with regard to the names of of the two plants, and their numerous varieties, but the derivation their titles settles the vexed question . A HE N FL EVERY WOM N R O W O WER GA RDENER . 33

and The careful patient hybridization Of the French, English and American florists have brought these flowers to a high standard of perfection.

T he Double Gera niums .

e of Lemoin , the chief the Geranium culturists, introduced the new e a double varieties, which have b come a decided cquisition . They do t e no drop their leaves, like the single varieties, and their clust rs Of of flowers are of an immense size . They are all shades Of scarlet and bright rosy pink ; some have produced heads bearing from sixty to eighty fl r t i f owe e s. O perfect They outrank all other k nds Geraniums, and yearly their number increases . They flourish better if partially shaded from the intense heat Of the noonday sun, and will bloom until the r a frost comes, in the g e test perfection .

e . i NO whit variety has yet been introduced, but M Lemoine w ll succeed

one . in procuring , if skill and patience can produce it

Gloire de Nancy is a brilliant scarlet, much admired.

- Marie Lemoine is a dwarf variety, of a bright rosy pink hue, very elegant.

f - Emile Lemoine is o a cherry carmine. 1871 Gloire de Doubles is a novelty for ; Of the richest cerise tint, with a distinct white center ; far superior to the other varieties. Of Crown Prince is a dwarf habit, and of the brightest rose color.

The Zona le Gera niums.

But the double varieties are not the only oneswhich should claim our S attention . Some Of the new Zonale pecies are admirable in coloring, and of very free growth ; their trusses Of flowers are five to six inches in diameter ; and they are found in all shades, from the most dazzling crimson and the brightest rose to the purest white . The most desirable are : R i King Of the oses, a most brill ant scarlet, shaded to magenta. i Batta lles . Geant de , a dark, rich crimson

- of . Mrs. Keeler, a rosy, peach blossom hue e Among the Old r varieties, and less costly, are

- Christine, a lovely rosy pink . ' z and decidedl t Gen . Grant, a daz ling scarlet, y the mos profuse blower th r Of e ed varieties . n on I comparable has striped flowers, white a clear salmon ground. 3 34 EVERY WOMAN HE R O WN FL O WER GA RDENER.

n Maid of Ke t, richest shade Of pink. t Madame Werle, white, wi h a pink center.

R V . eine des ierges, purest white

of . Warrior, large clusters the most intense scarlet ; very superior of e t Of Blue Bells, a rich shade mag n a pink, each blossom immense size .

u . Coleshill, enormo s scarlet truss, and blows freely

Z T mT m i utia n ona les or o hu b era n um. Lilp , G i s

of These comprise a dwarf section this species, and grow from six to or ten twelve inches high ; are very stocky, and their flowers equal in f size and beauty Of coloring those o larger growth . They are a very t t or Of at ractive plan , and make pretty borderings for beds mounds the taller kinds .

Baby Boy, scarlet, with white eye .

Little Dear, a delicate rose, spotted with white.

Little Gem, brilliant vermillion, with white center.

Christabel, very dwarf, rosy pink. t Cupid, a salmon color, wi h white eye .

Pretty Jemima, dazzling scarlet, white center.

Golden a nd Silver Tri Co or l Gera niums. These varieties are noticed under the head Ornamental Foliaged Plants ; and the Ivy - Leaved Geraniums are embraced under the same heading.

Th e Sweet S cented Gera niums .

These plants are indispensable for bouquets and vases, their fragrance being agreeable to all lovers of flowers .

R - e Formerly, the ose and the Oak L aved were the only kinds commonly cultivated, but now there are a dozen varieties from which to make a of selection, and all them are desirable and beautiful, indeed, are quite for f essential, there are few plants which a ford such graceful back grounds for borders or bouquets .

! - Denticulatum is a rose scented variety, with finely cut foliage .

- e Lady Plymouth is also rose scented, and its leav s are prettily mar in g ed with white . S hrubland Pet is Of dwarf growth, and very sweet scented. E W MA HER O WN FL OWER GA VERY O N RDENER. 35

S Odoratissimum possesses a picy apple perfume .

Graveolens is Of a pleasant scent, with bright flowers . t w n All these plan s will gro luxuriantly with but little care . Any o e

e . can raise G raniums They delight in a good, rich loam, with a mulch “ ” of n - ff ma ure ; have a special fancy for barn yard co ee, or liquid manure . If watered with it, twice a week during the summer, will bloom u e . t profusely If your plants are Old, pr ne th m closely, cut ing the e ou branch s well in, and they will reward y for the sacrifice . If they are t u th e aken from pots, you should also pr ne roots, cutting away all the or of m largest roots to within five six inches the ain stalk . After this S to vigorous pruning, the plants hould not be exposed the heat Of the for or two day, but must be shaded a day , until they recover from their loss ; but thus treated they will speedily put forth new roots, leaves and buds

If the bed is shaded a little during the hottest part Of the day, they will bloom the better. TO Of produce the largest clusters flowers, the stalk above the buds Off t of should be pinched , thus throwing all the streng h the plant into the formation of flowers .

e A rich, light loam will grow Geraniums to perf ction, and the soil

e - fresh from the woods and pastures, if enriched with w ll rotted cow

m . i anure, is the best that can be Obtained Plants delight in a v rgin soil, and those who live in the country can provide themselves with it n or the by lifti g the sods from cow sheep pastures, and taking earth from under them . t If cut ings are desired from the Geraniums, they should be taken in th e July, from healthiest plants, and planted in small pots filled with a of or two e on compost loam and sand, having one inches of the form r e top Of the pot. Insert the cutting firmly, and ke p the sand sopping

et . one or W until it has rooted When two leaves are developed, trans

t - cow plant it in o a larger pot, with a compost Of one third rotted manure, one- one- th ou third black loam, and ird sand, and by November y will have vigorous plants for house culture . The large roots can be lifted from the ground before the frost blights their leaves, and after cutting S i away all the tender hoots and buds, and shaking the earth from the r

- e roots, hang them up in a dark, cool, dry, but frost proof cellar, h ads w In do nward . the Spring they can be brought to the light, the a br nches cut in, and though they will look shabby enough, yet, if 36 E MA HE R OWN FL W GA VERY WO N O ER RDENER.

ve e planted in boxes in a warm kitchen, they will put forth leaves and g t t l ate rapidly, and can then be ransp anted into the borders . The tender Off f or branches and buds should be cut , else they will continue awhile

to grow in the cellar, and thus lose their lives . th e O but Cuttings can be started in pen borders, they are not as sure

to live . It is no more trouble to grow a Geranium than a cabbage, yet one is far more desirable than the other, unless hunger is at the

door. G or i eraniums are never attacked by the aphis, red sp der, and this is ne a great attribute ; o is not forced to fight for their lives .

The P elargonium.

The flowers Of this plant are much sought after on account of their of perfect coloring and blotches. There are all shades scarlet, crimson, pink, purple and white ; the lower leaves, and frequently the upper, are veined and blotched with the darkest crimson, purple and red, beautifully veined with the lightér shades . The leaves Of the plant are more z pleasantly perfumed than those Of the Geranium, and have no onale,

- or . horse shoe markings, but are Of a rich, vivid green NO description in can convey any idea Of the beauty of the flowers . They bloom border f or o . bed all the summer, and are to be had in hundreds varieties They “ ” and are propagated both from cuttings and seeds, the novelties are produced by careful hybridization . They require a light, sandy loam, not well enriched with cow manure, and if they are plentifully supplied with water, their buds will wither away. They need more sunlight than the Geranium to bloom in perfection . Some Of them are tall in

f on . growth, and produce a good e fect planted singly the lawn They

- flowered Of - out are the most showy all the bedding plants, excepting the ri Scarlet Salvia, and their va ed tints and exquisite colors make them

very desirable in the smallest garden . not Their habit is always compact, but they can be cut and trimmed

to a fine shape, and the Older plants require such treatment to bloom

well, the second year. ff for our Among the many varieties O ered selection, the most desirable ones are

Gen. n . Taylor, Of a rich crimso , blotched with the darkest tint Of red N iagara, white, striped and blotched with crimson .

Competitor, black, edged with rose . MA HE R O FL GA EVERY WO N WN O WER RDENER .

w Emperor of Pelargonium, very large flower Of sno y whiteness, d spotted with violet, tinged with rose ; petals finely fringe i Eligible, a pink cr mson, with white edges, and violet blotches and veins.

d. Dr. Andre, pink and white, petals fringe

Cloth of Silver, petals Of silvery whiteness, blotched delicate rose . i Crimson King, a rich cr mson, beautifully veined and blotched.

- Princess Hortense, orange salmon, edged with pink.

w . Eclipse, clear hite petals, marked with maroon CI‘ lIIl SOIl Belle of Paris, rich violet , upper petals spotted ; an immense f cluster o flowers . P CHA TER VI.


Y e e 0 e are e e ! our voic l ss lips , flow rs , living pr ach rs E t e e e ! ach cup a pulpi , v ry l af a book Supplying to my fancy numerous teachers F l n k” rom lone iest ec .

of - The varieties plants called by florists bedding out plants, are very — e popular and deservedly SO. Their flowers pr sent a brilliant mess of of coloring all the summer, and their hues are richer than those most other flowers . Pansies are great favorites— they will grow in shady nooks where no other flower can bloom— and their flowers continue from the earliest

Spring until the latest autumn . Various and familiar are the names by which the Pansy has been known for centuries . wh o Gerard, wrote a long description Of it, says it was known

- in- - u - - - e - - - a - as Love idleness, Jump p and kiss me, Thr e faces under hood, ’ - it Nola a r a lla V Heart s ease, and Pansy. The Italians named f f ( iolet

Butterfly! . Of Lady Mary Bennet England, afterwards Lady Monek, first intro e duc d the Pansy to the attention of the florists . Early in the present ’ e - century, she plant d all the varieties Of the Heart s ease which she could r procure, and with the skillful aid of her gardener, new va ieties were produced from seed.

1813 - Of at About , the well known florist, Mr. Lee, Vineyard Nursery, ’ m di t e Hammers ith, saw Lady Mary s collection, and imme a ely perceiv d the profit that would accrue from the cultivation of this flower. His


vigorous . This is Often done by cuttings as well as seedlings . They

can be grown more rapidly, and are certain to produce fine flowers . t out The cuttings should be taken from the poin s Of the shoots, and Off about three inches long, and immediately below a joint. Strip the

, , lower leaves and plant them in ,sand pressing the soil closely around the n or S stem . If planted o the north side Of a fence hedge in a heltered location, with an inch Of sand covering the cuttings, they will strike

rapidly. If in pots, they should be covered with glass. In about six weeks they will be well rooted, and fit to transplant into the flowering

or ets for . beds, into p window gardening sh e ets Pansies are Often layered, by pegging down the young with, a or Of hair pin, and covering all but an inch two the point with fine


An incision can be made at the joint, as is done in layering roses, but frequently they will make equally as well without using the knife . s— When rooted, which can be told by the growth Of new leave separate out or from the Old plant, and either plant in borders in pots . as di i They can also be incre ed by dividing the Old roots, and the v sions t will soon make fine plan s .

h ot- — Seed can be sown early in the season, in a bed following directions for or given planting seed, in Chapter II, and when the fourth fifth leaves f eet are formed, the plants can be put into the borders, and planted a apart each way to allow them room to grow.

Pansies are very gross feeders, delighting in the richest soil, with

of . plenty liquid manure If large blossoms are desired, the soil must be Of the richest description .

- - The best compost for them is one third leafmould, one third thoroughly

- one- decayed barn yard manure, and third light loam . In this soil they u n will blossom most gorgeously. The location sho ld be o the north

Of . west side the house, and shaded from the noonday sun They will n t or o grow to advantage in either light, sandy soil, much sunlight, but require moisture and shade, and copious waterings to produce perfect deteriorators of flowers . They are also great the soil, and will soon run ld ut u . O O nless it is renewed New beds do much better than ones .

After they have blossomed freely until July, cut down the branches several

- l inches, mulch with well rotted cow manure, and by September they wil be in a blaze of glory. E V MA HER o WN FL 0 WER GA ERY WO N RDENER . 41

If the amateur florist desires to sow the seed from some especially rare

e l flowers, th y should be careful y tied up, and no other flower be allowed on to gO to seed the same plant. sewn or The seed may be in spring, summer autumn ; in the two former seasons it can be planted in the open ground ; in the latter in

pots, so that the tender seedlings can be protected from the damp . on Pansies are hardy perennials, but will wither away if water settles the

. not or bed They do like either the wintry ice, the excessive heat of


Violets, Sweet Violets .

These flowers cannot compare with their beauteous sisters— the Pansies -in size or colorings ; they cannot boast such varied blotchings and

v th e . ossess einings, but y p a higher attribute in their rarely delicious — of an Odor their perfume is unsurpassed by that y other flower. They

are always in demand, and are very easily raised. With slight protection

i i - they w ll live in the coldest cl mate, and before the Snow drop hangs its pearly bell, they will be in full bloom . The Viola Odorissima is the English variety most extensively culti vated. Several new varieties have been introduced ; among them the double blue Neapolitan is the most popular. The King Of Violets has i a very large flower, and is much cultivated for w ndow gardens . The Sch oenbrun Czar is a fine variety ; and the is a single variety, very sweet.

There are white varieties, that are also much used by florists, but the blues are the greate st favorites . Of The Violet is the emblematic flower the Bonapartes, as the Lily is f R o the Bourbons. Dame umor tells us that Eugenie expressed her ’ willingness to accept the Offer of becoming Louis Napoleon s wife by t — dressing in an exquisite violet toile violets in her hair, about her dress, and a bouquet Of them in her hand, which were perfectly significant to the wooer. The great Napoleon selected it as his flower, through ’ Josephine s requesting it as a birthday gift.

He cultivated them in large quantities in his garden at St. Helena, and they were planted over the grave Of Josephine , and when he was

ffi . buried, his co n was covered with the flowers he loved so well Louis Napoleon is said to have made himself acquainted with those wh o to were friendly to his interests, while carefully feeling his way the

. S ! throne, by a cautious display of violets weet violets 42 E E M'A HE O GA V RY WO N R WN FL O WER RDENER.

e H Th eliotrop e. ” - Heliotropes fill an important place among bedding out plants, giving us a plentiful supply of flowers from June to October. They are e f r f r f o o o . d sirable their fragrance, as well as their profusion flowers n 1 5 They were introduced into Engla d from Peru in 7 7, and the cottagers “ ” its called it Cherry Pie, from a fancied resemblance in fragrance to “ the odor Of that esteemed dish . It has also been called the Vanilla ” e Plant. The flower first introduced was of a light lav nder shade, and ff ff for many years no change Of color was e ected, but now it is O ered from the darkest purple to the faintest shade of lavender. one They make very fine standards, trained from a single stem, from f t o . to four feet high, with a head several feet in diame er Of The Older the plant, the more profuse are its clusters fragrant rew out flowers . A cutting in the first year will g very rank, but if back and pruned into one stem, it becomes woody, and will make a fine shrub . In California, they bloom as plentifully at Christmas as at Of Fourth July, and it is not uncommon to see large trellises and walls covered with its branches and exquisite flowers— perfect bouquets Of beauty, being always covered with flowers . The main stems Of the plant

w . of are trained to the all, and the branches droop gracefully Any kind turfy loam will grow it perfectly. It is propagated from cuttings with great ease . of Of the very dark varieties, Etoile de Marseilles ranks first ; flowers a deep violet with white center.

Du La endr . e de v y is Of a rich blush, with a dark eye

- Incomparable is Of a lovely bluish lilac .

Garibaldi is nearly white .

1 st d . Leopold , of a eep violet blue

Facilon . Madame , a clear violet tint

Malulatie is Of the most delicate lilac.


” th e - out t Among all variety Of bedding plants, which contribute o Of the gay and lively appearance a garden, the Verbena is the most t generally cul ivated, and claims the first rank among brilliant flowers. f r Some Of its varieties are sweet scented, but most Of them depend o

their merit upon their showy, gorgeous coloring, and their wonderful

O Of . profusion f blossoms, which render them the greatest value There A HER N FL G A E EVERY WOM N OW O WER RDEN R. 3 m have been so e splendid, new varieties introduced in the few past years, whose wondrous stripes and eyes are not approached by any Of the Older

sorts . They are selected from many thousand seedlings, and are both

rich and rare .

But any one can raise new varieties from seed, and good culture will t produce magnificent blooms . Seedlings will seed much more plen ifully

than flowers from cuttings, and the Older the cutting the less seed it

will give . Verbenas do not sprout readily from seed ; they are encased in a

for - horny substance, and should be soaked in warm water twenty four e t . hours, and then plan ed in a light sandy loam, with a good bottom h at t t Thus treated hey will germina e, and when the fourth leaf is formed, t should be potted into thumb po s in sandy loam .

V t . erbenas are na ives of Brazil, and love the hot sun and sand If the bed in which they are planted is covered two or three inches deep t t wi h common sand, hey will bloom most perfectly. e I once raised seventy verbenas from s ed, and planted them in a very — sandy soil. Such growth I never witnessed they were magnificent ! out As the plant sends its first shoots, they should be pegged down with b - e e e alr pins, and thus coaxed to grow . Wh n water d they d sire a copious

- t t supply, and the suds from washing day are very beneficial o hem . Guano is also a good manure for them ; dig an iron spoonful around i . or a his t e each plant, not touch ng the stems The green lice, p , are h ir et d t plague in p culture, but they are estroyed by smoking hem with

t . e on obacco Put the plants togeth r, and throw some tobacco hot coals

ot th e e in a p saucer ; cover whole with a wash tub, and let them smok

e for ten or fifteen minutes, and the lice can be swept up and burn d . SO Place the coals as far as possible from the plants, under the tubs,

as not to injure them with their heat. — If plants are well showered, no lice will appear they do not love

moisture . off If cuttings are desired for winter bloom, they should be taken in d SO . Ol August, as to become well rooted It never pays to take up plants

for winter blooming. V f or 18 1 Among the new erbenas 7 , are n A nie, white, crimson striped .

Black Bedder, richest maroon .

- Conspicua, ruby scarlet, white eye . 44 E Y MA HER N FL O GA VER WO N O W WER RDENER.

Cupid, very large, white, tinted with pink.

Distinction, solferino, dark eye .

Gazelle, deep blue, clear white eye .

Iona, large scarlet, yellow eye .

- Muriel, ruby pink, white eye

Punctata, spotted and striped with carmine . R ising Sun, crimson, white eye . S ensation, waxy white, carmine eye . S S now torm, pure white, large and fine.

S . pot, carmine, white eye

Tricolor, carmine, crimson and orange.

Unique, white, carmine spot . n All these varieties originated with Peter Henderson, the Pri ce tO i Of American Floriculture, and are sure be true to descript on . Any ne o can raise a Verbena, and no garden can be complete without some f ff of the hundreds O varieties o ered by all florists .

Sa lvias.

These plants are the most gorgeous Of all the fall- flowering plants ; tO they grow from four five feet high ; and the small plant, you purchase i in the spring Of the flor st, will become by September a beautiful, sym

m Of . etrical bush, covered with tassels the brightest scarlet flowers They f or are unequaled planting in masses, but are very tender, the first frost rendering them a blackened mass . Salvia splendens variegata is a novelty possessing finely variegated

. can foliage, with flowers as brilliant as the common kind The roots — be hung up in the cellar in the winter like the Geraniums.

Of of . Salvia patens is a deep blue color, the most perfect shade It has a tuberous root, which can be kept like a through the winter, in sand.

The Agera tum.

on These plants are excellent for beds and borders, account Of

constant bloom. Their flowers are Of light porcelain blue, in

clusters .

Ageratum Mexicanumis Of a light blue. n A, variegatum has leaves variegated with yellow, shadi g


T m to A, o Thumb variety, growing from six eight inches, is desirable for ribbon gardening ; contrasting beautifully with dark crimson leaves . s Carnations, Calceolarias, Gazanias, Feverfews, Lobelias, Lantana ,

- Neiremb er ias V . . f or g , incas, etc , etc , are all desirable bedding out plants, and can all be raised from cuttings or seeds, but the former is the surest

mode Of propagation .

How w t n Gro Cuti s o era ni ums . to G Verbena s et etc. g f , , c ,

TO ets - prepare p for raising cuttings, fill them two thirds full, with not t on rich loam, dark and porous, clayey and heavy ; hen pour an inch

r Of . o two yellow sand Wet this thoroughly, and place the cuttings close to the edge of the pot ; the contact Of the pottery promotes the growth of the cutting. Cuttings should be taken from the young and newly- formed wood of the plant ; but the lower extremity Of it should not i tOO be too young and soft, else it w ll absorb much moisture and t for n decay ; nei her should it be too Old and hard, then it will ot imbibe

tO out s . moisture enough enable it to throw root Therefore, cuttings Off of should be taken at the junction the Old and new wood, so that these extremes will be avoided . They should be cut off just below a or not joint bud, as the roots start from that point ; and, if a bud is out left at the base, it is liable to decay ; the should be made smooth

not or . across the stem, taking care to bruise the bark, leave it jagged of e Most the hardy, wooded shrubs and plants are easily propagat d by

t - cu tings planted in the Open air ; but the tender, watery stemmed plants

V . like erbenas, Heliotropes, Fuchsias, etc , should be covered with a

- or h ot . hand glass, raised in a bed A certain amount Of heat, moisture and shade is required to enable cuttings to strike roots. Shade is need ful or , because an exposure to the sun strong light evaporates the little

t . moisture contained in the cuttings, and causes hem to wither away SO or , for three days, until the cutting becomes wonted to its location, shade from exclusive sunlight.

Peter Henderson recommends saucer propagation . or Take a common saucer shallow dish, fill it with wet sand and insert the cuttings, pressing the sand close about them . Keep it sopping wet ; if allowed to dry it will check the growth ; when the Old leaves of have dropped, and new ones appear at the point the cutting, roots have formed ; and the plant may be carefully potted in light, sandy 46 E V MA HER FL GA N ERY WO N OWN OWER RDE ER.

loam shaded for a day, and then have all the sunshine it desires, if it

ufii cient - s . has also water, but you must not let it dry up can th Cuttings of many plants be readily started in water ; and, in e

i 1f ou - or - t early spr ng, y have not a green house hot bed, it is the safes plan . t or h lower Fill small bo tles vials, with warmis water, remove the

sure: to m leaves Of the cuttings (be have a bud at the base! , and put the to in the water ; hang up the vial the window sash, tying a string about the mouth, for this purpose . If cotton wool is put around the mouth f of m o the vial, it will prevent the evaporation the water, and ake the roots sprout more quickly by keeping up a more even temperature . m Oleanders can be rooted in this anner ; also Heliotropes, Verbenas,

- R di . oses, Fuchsias, and all kinds bed ng out plants

The process is so simple that a mere child can succeed with it. As soon as the roots are an inch long, the cutting should be transplanted, taking care to spread out the tiny rootlets as they grow in the water. fill Off or Some up the bottle with rich earth, let it dry for two three or days and then break the glass, and pot plant out the cutting without m disturbing its roots in the least degree. This is the ost certain way m Of Obtaining plants fro cuttings.


a young cutting is very rapid, and will make a large plant by the ’ autumn . When it has commenced to grow, don t check it by neglect, e c but during the Summer months wat r twi e a day with tepid water, and,

- or if possible, give it liquid manure water, either from the barn yard, by dissolving one table - spoonful of guano in one gallon Of warm water ; its water with this twice a week, and growth will astonish you . Fuchsias are as gross feeders as the Pansy, and luxuriate in the richest soil ; thus out sh eets to treated, some kinds will send from four five feet in length in six or eight months . dO They show to great advantage when trained as standards ; to this, sheets of t Off the side a young plan must be nipped , and the stem trained r up a stra ght stick . When the plant grows high enough for your out purpose, let the side shoots branch , and you can grow a fine tree .

or . They can also be trained to walls, planted in masses in beds If the not out inch Off young plant does branch , p the terminal shoot, and side w sh e et for branches ill appear, and the most central can be trained up are a leader. If plants set near the cooling spray Of a fountain, they

not SO . thrive well, but must be near as to keep their roots constantly wet


tO old Many gardeners prefer have new plants every season, but if for ff ones are judiciously cared , they will produce a finer e ect, and bloom

- more profusely. Large plants can be kept in frost proof, dry cellars during the winter, either in pots or in boxes ; or they can be pulled up by the roots, the soil shaken from them, and packed in layers in sand

t Off . which is thoroughly dry, firs cutting all the tender shoots In March or April they can be brought to the light, and planted in good, rich

not . soil, pruning only the top, but the roots In cutting the top back, have an eye to its shape, and prune accordingly.

Some of the Fuchsias are Of much taller growth than others . Speciosa will grow six to eight feet in height ; Pride Of England is a small bush compared to it ; while Souvenir de Cheswick will readily train into a

fine standard. i Plants must be allowed to follow their natural habits n some respects .

To Grow Cuttings.

Fuchsias will strike root as rapidly as Geraniums. Take the cuttings or either in February, March April, from three to four inches long MA HER N FL W G A EVERY WO N O W O ER RDENER. 49

a . Plant in cle r sand, keep sopping wet, and in three weeks they will

- f e . t o be well root d Pot in three inch pots, in the riches soil, with a little sand to keep it mellow ; let them grow until the pot is well filled t or k e wi h roots, which will be in three four wee s, th n repot in six to t tO out eight inch po s, if designed to grow in them ; but if raised bed ,

t five- a plan in inch pots, and when all fear Of frost is p ssed, plant in the e open bord rs .

Be sure not t o let the summer heat kill your plants . They will grow th e t t or well under trees, if , branches are fif een fee more from the ground,

SO that the air can circulate freely. These plants are liable to lose their leaves and buds if the soil is not rich enough to their taste, and red F r th e f e . o e O spid rs Often infest them, ruining their growth pov rty the e or of e f or soil, either r pot entirely, give a top dressing manur ; the t Off— not spiders, sprinkle daily, and hey may be driven they do love water ; but if this remedy fails, dip the whole plant into water quite f to . o warm the hand A dusting sulphur will kill them, but it Often kills the leaves also . on Of I was much troubled with spiders last season, fine plants t “ Marksman and Carl Halt. I dus ed them over with Grafton Mineral ”

one. Fertilizer, and destroyed every I scattered the same powder over n to the soil, diggi g in a teaspoonful each pot (size eight inches! , and in of September the plants were in a blaze Of glory, the admiration every

- b ! passer y’

T he Double Flowering Fuchsias .

By careful culture from seed, these brilliant varieties were produced, and are unsurpassed f or beauty a nd elegance by any plant in the floral

! of w world . Studded all over with their bright wealth je els, they far r outshine thei single brethren .

Elm City held front rank for some years, but Marksman far surpasses h as it now, and Warrior is said to eclipse all others . It a scarlet tube and

- sepals, with a rich violet purple corolla, and possesses a vigorous habit. SO numerous are the varieties Of these charming flowers,that one can

l e ‘ hardly make a se ection, when all are so d sirable, but from the lists Of to English and American florists I cull the following, add to those above mentioned

Select List of Double Fuchsia s .

- Tower Of London, scarlet sepals, violet blue corolla .

dc . Surpasse V. Puebla, scarlet sepals, double white corolla


Monstrosa , bright rose sepals, double white corolla. t Norfolk Giant, crimson sepals, viole corolla . two Nonpareil, corollas, the stamens forming a second corolla u p rplish blue ; very elegant.

. . l E G Henderson, scarlet sepa s, rich violet corolla.

Pfitz er - e - l Wilhelm , rosy carmine sepals, corolla lav nder b ue .

- Symbol, crimson tube and sepals, creamy white corolla. of Emperor the Fuchsias, sepals crimson, white corolla.

- Grand Duke, crimson , violet purple corolla . Picturata s , scarlet sepal , double white corolla .

S t - nowdrop, sepals brigh scarlet, semi double white corolla.

Select Lis t o Sin e F h f gl uc sia s .

v Charming, iolet corolla, crimson sepals, immense clusters .

Annie, tube and sepals white, corolla deep pink .

a e l w r Ar b l a, hite sepals, corolla richest pink ; ea liest variety.

e of - Jul s Calot, sepals an orange red, orange crimson corolla.

t - Lus re, vermillion corolla, waxy white sepals ; early.

a e e Prince Imperi l, scarlet s pals, larg violet corolla. t Fa her Ignatius, carmine sepals, blue corolla, bell shaped .

e t of - w e Fair s the Fair, violet rose corolla, hit tube and sepals .

e - Land Of Pl nty, rich red sepals, violet black corolla.

Marginata, white sepals, pink corolla, shaded to bright rose color.

R . ose Of Castile, violet corolla, sepals white

- Souvenir de Cheswick, rosy crimson sepals, violet corolla.

U . Striped nique, purple corolla, striped with scarlet fl x d Ta liona re e e . g , white sepals, dark violet corolla

- tl nted Wave Of Life, violet blue corolla, scarlet sepals, gold foliage .

Weeping Beauty, scarlet sepals, large blue corolla .

The Golden Lea ved Fuchsia s .

and Of this variety there have been but two specimens, Cloth Of Gold Of 1 8 7 1 Golden Fleece , until the importation , when several more were added to the list which have attracted much attention in England for their beautiful foliage and graceful habit .

of Crown Jewels, leaves clear yellow, tipped with rich red crimson, ornamental at all seasons .

Golden Mantle, golden yellow leaves, flowers coral red. MA HER O WN FL GA E VERY WO N OWER RDENER. 51

Golden Treasure, very attractive, gold colored leaves tinted with

bronze .

Orange Boven, the smallest variety grown ; golden leaves tipped with

bronze .

The Winter Flowering Fuchsia s . — m These are few in number only two varieties, which are sure to bloo

from December to May.

Speciosa is well known ; it produces flowers two inches in length,

- tubes and sepals are a waxen peach blossom color, with crimson corolla. Serratifolia is an equally valuable variety ; the flo wers are distinct

. w from any other Fuchsia The tube Of the flo er is crimson, the tips Of the sepals shading to green, corolla light crimson, with white stamens . x om Both these plants are e tensively cultivated, and, if well fed, will blo profusely when flowers are a rarity. P CHA TER VIII.


“ N w h o t th ’ e e e ymphs haun mbow ring shad s , ’ P e ench antin o sy s g maids , W OO t ee R e ! e h , os Thy charms inspir All th e raptures of th e lyre ; w e t a t th e t n R e Cull s r igh invi i g os , Sh i elded by th e thorn it grows ; C ull th e Rose ! w hat boots th e smart nt e t h ” Cou l ss swee s regale t e h eart.

of Thus sang Anacreon, the Greek poet, hundreds years ago, in praise u Of the Q een Of Flowers, which was used to decorate the temple and the — t the palace the solemn rites Of religion, and the festal gaye y Of banquet. France excels all other nations in the production Of new varieties Of a j his lovely flower. The Empress Josephine collected every variety then d cultivate , for a rosary at Malmaison ; and, under her patronage, the culture Of roses became speedily the fashion . The skill and patience Of t the florists produced more beautiful varie ies, under the stimulus thus given to their trade ; and they have continued to give us yearly many rich and rare roses ; but have not yet succeeded in producing a blue rose . The English florists are but little behind the French, in their attention to this charming flower ; and our own nurserymen yearly pro duce many beautiful varieties . Thousands Of named sorts are Offered to us ; and it is very hard to make a selection when all possess so much merit . It is usually best, in u p rchasing plants, to leave the selection to the florist, merely stating the climate, and soil in which they will grow. OMAN H ER O WN FL W G A R EVERY W O ER RDENE . 53

“ t on It is also bes to grow roses their roots, unless standards are old and desired, for the roots will throw up strong suckers, thus assert their rights to th e detriment of their nursling ; unless these are constantly

e f or off th e . watch d , and cut , they will destroy graft The varieties of the rose have increased with such rapidity in the last

e ra ces tw lve years, and they have produced so many new , that it is scarcely possible for the most skillful botanist to refer each variety to its u n a ro er . p p parent species There are Hybrid Perpet als, Bourbons, Be gal,

or R - Noisette Chinese Daily ose ; Tea scented, , Perpetual Moss, Annual R old Moss, Prairie ose as climbers ; Scotch, Damask and all the varieties R of Garden oses . of ff of From the thousands names o ered in the catalogues, lists those e of one own most d sirable will be given ; but, course, every has his pet

fancies . There is no plant which requires a richer soil or better repays the cultivator for attending to its wants ; when grown in a congenial soil

its blossoms are perfect.

- The best soil is fresh loam enriched with well rotted cow manure, t a t f with a lit le sand . If op dressing o this compost is given every

S . pring before the buds start, the branches will make fine growth on The finest clusters of flowers are always produced new wood, and and ou close pruning will cause more new wood to grow, ensure y a more f e S o . Use plendid show flowers the knife fr ely, though it does make ’ ou to cut th e old y ache do so ; all growth out, and prune in last year s e t t branch s a lit le ; thus pruned, the roo s will throw up new shoots, from

whence will come the finest roses of the garden . out As soon as the plants have done flowering, thin the weak shoots, of e too and even some the stronger ones, if th y are crowded ; each

on e to . shoot left, should be exposed every sid air and sun The summer flowering kinds thus treated will continue their growth from the main t the shoots, and bloom much finer ano her year ; while autumnal flowers of n push forth their buds the entire length the stalk, and the seco d

flowering is perfected . The roses are improved in both varieties ; for Shoots grown at that

period of the year invariably produce the finest flowers .

It has been recommended by some writers, to destroy the first bloom of those roses which bloom twice in the season ; because there is an of abundance roses in June, and by so doing a finer bloom is obtained E Y MA HER 0 WN FL 0 GA 54 VER WO N WER RDENER .

T o ! wi in the autumn . o many roses Has any one ever tnessed such a ! off n season Let them bloom when they will, and cut the stems as soo

‘ as the leaves fall ; then remove the soil to the depth of three or four m of inches, and spread over it, al ost close to the stem, a spadeful cow manure well decayed ; throw back the soil that was removed, and, if the h ot weather is and dry, water occasionally, and you will have a vigorous growth and a profuse flowering . The flower stalk should always be cut off ; it exhausts the plant to o form seeds, and consumes the strength which should g to forming new S hoots . When roses are planted in lawns, they should have no sods near

the roots ; for the grass will absorb all the moisture, and also prevent

the air from reaching the soil .

The best time to plant hardy roses is in October or November, accord

ing to the climate .

for - n Spring months are better planting half hardy and te der roses,

not . r as their roots will get started before winter sets in Of cou se, in m the ild climates of the Southern States, they can also be planted in m set out s the late autu n . When first they hould be mulched with w coarse manure, and watered occasionally, if the eather is warm and dry.

Cuttings of Roses .

te u r n s Roses are propaga d chiefly by c ttings, laye s and buds . Cutti g of in of the hardy kind roses, will strike easily July and August. all Hybrid Perpetual, Chinese and Bourbon, with the other kinds will

grow readily, if the cutting has, what gardeners term, a heel ; that is,

ff old . r can cut o close to the wood Three, fou or even six eyes be left

above ground. in in A z Plant them as recommended chapter six ; wet sand . do en

cuttings can be set an inch apart, close to the pot ; and the sand should ” - . r eloehe or not be allowed to dry at all If cove ed with a , hand glass, two or t a moist temperature will be kept up, and, in hree weeks, they

will commence to grow.

Layering Roses.

Roses grown as dwarfs or bushes are the kind that will layer advan

ta eousl . g y Loosen the soil about the plant, then choose a good shoot, strip off a few leaves from six inches to two feet from the point of

i on e the shoot ; nsert a sharp knife just behind an eye, the upper sid

5 6 W MA HER O N FL G A EVERY O N W O WER RDENER. little at the back of the bud is essential to life ; if you make a hole through its bark throw it away, it will not grow. Now of , with the thin edge the toothbrush handle, turn back the on of t t out th e the stem each side the s raigh , and insert bud close to

it and - wood, and fit accurately firmly to the cross cut in the turned , back bark ; on this close contact of the two barks will depend the suc cess of your operation .

- or d Lay the turned back bark closely over the bud, shiel , and with

or - woolen yarn, a bit of bass wood, bind it down, leaving the point of the bud clear. Common adhesive plaster is said to be better for this purpose than r f u either yarn o bass . A handful o damp moss sho ld be tied around of e the whole, leaving the tiny point the bud expos d to the air.

In six weeks at the farthest these ties can be removed . t sh eets on ofl All o her that stem should be cut , so as to throw the strength of the plant into the support of the new comer. By budding youmay produce several kinds of roses upon the same all plant. Take a common wild rose, cut down its suckers, and trim

it e e . in s branches, and bud with white, pink, crimson and y llow ros s off As soon as the buds commence to grow, cut all the wild shoots, f and youwill have a beautiful Show o flowers . Variegated shrubs can be budded in this manner upon the plain green not e but stocks . Grafting roses is so popular as form rly ; the opera one can e t r tion is easily performed . Any who graft a tre , can graf a ose . t t n The stock to be graf ed should be more forward han the scio , and the r operation should be performed when the sap is rising. April o May are the best months . t t are The mos impor ant points in a good rose , that its constitution of sh ould be hardy, and vigorous, with a robust habit growth, good Th e foliage and profuse bloom . flower should be fine in form, large in of e size, decided in color. The form the flower, wh ther it be globular,

or cupped, widely expanded, should be symmetrical ; the petals even and too th e t n regular in their arrangement, full but not crowded ; ou er ra ge

. e t bro ad and firmly set, rendering the flower more lasting In t x ure

firm . they should be and thick, not thin and flimsy Fragrance, and a

firm upright stem are desirable points . A green or yellow center to a

. of flower when fully open, is a great fault There is no kind shrub in

existence so well adapted to take various forms as the rose . It can be JIA N HE R O lHV FLOIVER GA ’ EVERY WO RDENER. 7 used as a dwarf to fill the smallest beds ; as a shrub to plant among evergreens ; and as a tall standard to form avenues of roses on each side of a wfl k

r It can be planted in g oups with a climber in the center, half stand ards around it, and dwarfs for an edging ; again, as climbers to adorn of a villa or a cottage, also to cover bare walls and trellises . Yet none these forms will show off its beauty and elegance as effectually as train ing it to a pillar.

P illa r Roses .

of or Iron rods with arches the same material, small chains hung loosely from pillar to pillar so as to form festoons, will produce a charm

f r. ing e fect, making a lovely bowe of or The pillars can be made either a single upright post, four rods set at can be about nine inches distant from each other, thus forming a interlacin s of square pillar, fastened with g strong copper wire . b e The rose can planted in the center, and the branches trained to

re d . each corner , the small shoots twined between them Bring all the do not shoots to the outside, and let any twine round the rods, but tie t them to each with s rings ; and whenever they require painting, which or is needful to protect the iron from rusting, , if the plants are tender, and e nkeed prot ction, they are easily loosened from their support. Poles of oa or , ash pine can supply the places of the iron rods and, by

a trian ular e fixing them firmly into the ground in g shape, thr e feet apart th e t at base, and fastening the tops toge her with strong copper wire, a ° of ff difl pyramid di erent colors can be formed, by planting three erent of roses at the foot the poles, and training them so that the various hues will be seen .

Weep ing Roses .

n R These form beautiful Objects when planted singly o lawns . oses u Ar shire of a pendulous habit must be used, s ch as the y and Evergreen .

Bud e on e or th m stocks four f et upwards in height ; the main shoots, not u after the second year, should be shortened until they to ch the

e th e ground ; prun only side branches, and the flowers will be produced

r f om all along the branches from the head to the ground . When they attain their full size a hoop shall be attached to prevent the branches from blowing about in the wind . 58 V R Y WOMAN HE R OWN FL O W R GA E E E RDENER.

R Sings on ose B ushes. For several years past these pests have ruined the glory of the Queen ” of Flowers, and turned her beauty into deformity, changing the orna of skele ments the garden with unsightly bushes, sparsely covered with ton leaves . d n n Before the buds are forme , minute white spots appear o the u der surface of the leaves ; these change rapidly into horrid green worms f o . which devour all the green part the leaves, and also the buds and flowers

t e If taken in season hey can be destroyed. I used Grafton Min ral Ferti ff of lizer with great e ect last season, keeping the foliage a tall pink R m r r t Moss ose entirely free fro thei ravages ; while di ec ly across the path, t r a yellow Harrison was left to them, and was ut erly uined . The powder is inodorous ; can be scattered over the leaves before th e off t dew is dried , and will drive them away. I made the firs applica one tion in May, a second early in June, and a third after the roses had

. t was fled No a green worm was seen on the leaves . The foliage perfect. l Powdered lime, if scattered over the leaves while wet with dew, wil of also keep them f.

A few years ago I saw a most beautiful rose garden at Plattsburgh , u d . Y. an N . , not a slug had touched the leaves, it was early in J ly The lady owner told me that the bushes were syringed with ten gallons of one one t warm water, in which pint of soft soap, and pin of common

fine salt had been dissolved . This mixture killed them all. It was applied in May, and again in June . t on a Other preparations are used ; whi e hellebore, sprinkled through ' effl dredging box, and flour of sulphur, similarly applied, are found ' two f th e m in M n c . o a a d caci us There are crops slugs ; the first co es y, when the worms are fully developed they burrow in the ground, and t u lie in a chrysalis s ate until A gust, when they appear with wings, and lay a crop of eggs f or the ensuing summer. If the first crop are not t entirely destroyed, it is well to repeat the applica ion in August, so as to diminish the supply for the next season . The following comprises a good collection of Hybrid Perpetuals

h n . Achille Go a d, bright carmine

’ met fi Bach e d . Alex . , eep, brilliant rose, large and fine

Baron Prevost, rich rose color.

et . Cardinal Patrizzi, dark, velv y crimson E Y W MA H ER OWN FL OWER GA VER O N RDENER.

Comte Litta, velvety purple . Sansal Caroline de , pale flesh color. r Eugene Appert, sca let crimson . uemin t Gen. ac o J q , brilliant red, very large .

a im ros cr son . John Hopper, y , extra Mar ottin Jules g , carmine, shaded to purple . R La eine, clear rose, large cupped, superb .

Lady Emily Peel, white, edged with rose . ’ Mad lle Bonnaire, p ure white, tinged with rose at the center.

. S . Mad Freeman, white, with yellowish hade Poe nia o . , deep brilliant crimson

V . Reine des iolets, reddish violet one t Victor Verdier, large, full carmine, of the bes .

B our n bo Roses.

Archduke Charles, rosy crimson .

Bourbon Queen, rich blush .

Blanche Lafitte, pale flesh color, beautiful . Furrin e Duchesse g , white.

Empress Eugene, deep rose .

Jupiter, dark purple .

Hermosa Pink, a profuse bloomer, with lovely

Malmaison, blush, large and fine .

Omar Pasha, deep carmine .

Paxton, bright rose, crimson shaded.

Sombreuil . , white

B en a h g l or C ina Roses.

A ri in g pp a, deep crimson .

Archduke Charles, changeable . r Eugene Beauharnais, ich crimson. a Indica Alba, white d ily. Preon Madam , fine rose .

Lucullus, dark crimson .

Pink Daily.

Louis Philippe, crimson and rose.

- Sanguinea, blood red . E N FL O G 60 E VER Y WOMAN H R O W WER ARDENER.

NOisette Roses .

Augusta, pale yellow.

V . Amie ibert, pure white

t . Beau y of Green Mount, deep rose color

e Gloire de Dijon, bronze yellow, with orang center.

Lamarque, large, pure white.

t . La Pac ole, pale yellow

Setina, bright pink . Solfat rr e e . , yellowish white

i . Souvenir de Anselm, clear carm ne, very fragrant

Washington, clear white .

Tea Scented Roses . R Alba osea, white, with rose center.

Amabilis, rose color. Alamande Belle , blush .

Bougere, salmon rose, bronzed .

e to . Bon Silene, purple, shad d carmine

of t. Marechal Niel, golden yellow, sweetest the swee

Cornelia Cook, canary yellow.

Devoniensis, creamy white . e Leves n Gower, rosy salmon . Falcot w Madame , nankeen yello .

Vatre . Madame de y, carmine rose

Leb onte t . Pauline , ligh blush

’ fran bufl Sa o . , bright , very free bloomer

Triomphe de Luxembourg, rose color.

White Tea, pure white, blooms freely.

— Moss Roses P erp etua l.

r fine. Pe petual White, very

Madame Edward Ory, deep rose .

- Mau ertius . p , velvety red, very dark

R . aphael, blush , large clusters

Salet, bright rose .

w . Souvenir de Pierre Vibert, dark red, shaded ith violet OMA N HER FL OWER GA 6 E VER Y W O WN RDENER. 1

Annua l Moss Roses .

English Moss, old variety, very mossy.

e . Adelaid , crimson

of . Glory Mosses, rose color ; fine

Alice Leroy, pale lilac .

Luxembourg, crimson .

Henry Martin, brilliant carmine .

— P ra irie Roses Ha rdy Climbers.

Baltimore Belle, nearly white .

of the . Queen Prairie, rosy red

e . Sev n Sisters, crimson, shading to white of Gem the Prairies, a hybrid between the Queen of the Prairie and

’ M Lafia flOwerS adame y ; a strong, vigorous grower, rich rosy crimson,

e . and of d licious fragrance A great acquisition to climbing roses . ' The oldest Rose Bush in the world is said to be one which is trained

one of of i n . upon side the Cathedral Hildesheim, Germany Its age is Hezelio unknown, but documents exist which prove that a Bishop , t nearly a thousand years ago, protected it by a stone roof, which is s ill R in existence . The largest ose Bush is a white Banksia, in the Marine G t of 1813 arden at London, which was sent there, the firs its kind, in , f c e . o by Bonpland Its numerous branches, some whi h measure eight en of inches in circumference, cover an immense wall to a width nearly sixty feet, and at times, in early Spring, as many as fifty thousand flowers have been counted on this Queen of all Roses

R e are t os s of royal bir h , Loveliest monarchs of th e ear th ! Not th e eal m e e r of flow rs alon , B ut e t t e e tre o n human h ar s h ir sc p w . Mark wha t flowers th e maiden’ s hand G athers for h er bridal band ; W t th e eete t e e e ha sw s influ nc sh d , ' Round th e grateful sufi erer’s b ed ; What with holi est ligh t illume h e m ” Th e grief and darkness of t to b . P C H A T E R I X.


F e ! t e tif u e- e e low rs brigh , b au l , lov b aming flow rs, They are linked with lif e’ s sweetest and sunniest hours ; Like stars about our pathway e e e Th y shin so pur and fair,

Blooming in rich profusion , G eet e e e ” r ing us v rywh re. Trees and flowers are not enough with which to adorn and beautify ur f o o . surroundings ; we must have vines, an abundance vines A house without vines is like a bird without a mate ; it wears a look of desolation . Vines grow so thriftily, bloom so profusely, and can be h twined into so many beautiful forms are so fres , blooming and — fragrant that they should be trained about every house . The most modest little cot can be transformed into a flowery bower by the aid of lack di and a few climbing plants. Your homes may the paint, gil ng of tapestry that adorn those your neighbors, but if vines are trained over the doors and windows, they will present a fresh beauty and glory ’

r . every Summe s morn, which the products Of art cannot surpass m of our i Nature has given us the eans adorning surround ngs, and ur i o . they are innocent, animat ng, and contribute to piety towards her We do not half avail ourselves of the cheap riches wherewith she adorns the earth . A few seeds, for instance, and a little trouble, would clothe our che ese of houses every Summer as high as we , with draperies green and scarlet, and after admiring the beauty we might eat the produce .

But then this produce is a bean , and beans are vulgar. Nobody despises a of for h vine in front a house, vines are polite . and the grap s seldom


- of w verandahs ; its flowers resemble a short stemmed pipe, are a bro nish

are of . hue, and the leaves very large and a bright green It requires a rich soil to grow well . di or Bignonia ra cans ( Trumpet Creeper! , is a very showy, robust

- l o of . plant, and produces a profusi n reddish orange flowers It is we l

or . adapted to plant against Old trees, to cover unsightly walls randiflora a or n Bignonia g is fine for pill rs trellises, bei g of a more graceful habit than the radicans .

- Bignonia Venusta is a very beautiful half hardy climber, but requires f o . age to perfect its blossoms, which are a beautiful orange scarlet For n the Southern States it is unsurpassed in beauty, but for the Norther of it needs the protection a greenhouse . asminumnudiflorum of J (or Carolina Jessamine! , is tender north f one o U . Maryland, but is the most attractive vines in the nited States

Its plentiful yellow flowers are rarely fragrant, and it grows in profusion all through the South, turning its luxuriant branches among the forests . No matter whether it is located in the piney barrens, or the rich swamp

of . lands, it is a bower beauty

- Celastrus scandens (or Bitter sweet! , is a very attractive climber, particularly in the Autumn, when its orange berries are very handsome .

- - The scarlet seed covers are surrounded with orange colored capsules,

w . hich open as the seeds become ripe, and make it very ornamental It twines so close to the trees that it will frequently choke out the life of R young saplings. In Massachusetts it is called oxbury Wax Work . It t grows abundantly all through New England, and bears transplan ing ff and cultivating with good e ect. u Carolinus of Coccul s is a native the Carolinas, and has bright red fruit, resembling the common currant.

or . Of Honeysuckles ( Loniceras! , we have a numerous variety The

e - scarlet or coral species are w ll known, and the fragrant pink and white monthly is very popular. Of late years different varieties have been th e imported from China and Japan, which are very desirable . Among

one . Chinese, the Golden Leaved Lonicera is of the finest It is a rapid e grow r, with small wiry stems, the foliage is netted with gold, the flowers are white and very fragrant.

Lonicera Halliana is evergreen ; its flowers pure white, turning to yellow ; perfectly hardy, and flowers monthly in profuse clusters . or n Lonicera brachypoda, Japan Honeysuckle, is a very beautiful vi e ; OMAN HER OWN FL W G A E VERY W O ER RDENER. 65

f its flowers are o the most delicious fragrance, and there is no hardy e vine that can excel it ; its leaves are evergr en, and very glossy. t t The Clema is are rapid growers, the native varie ies flowering in

August when other vines are not always in beauty. Great improvements have been made in them by the English florists, and there are no love lier vines for piazzas and verandahs . The following are the most prominent Of the cultivated varieties, flowering from June onward

- m u . Clematis Fortu i has very large, do ble white flowers

Jackmanii - Clematis is a profuse bloomer, with large, violet colored blossoms .

Standishn . Clematis is blue, and flowers finely

Clematis Rub ella has rich purple blossoms . of t t to All hese varieties are new hybrids, and canno fail give satis faction to the cultivator. or of Hedera helix ( English Ivy! , is the most popular evergreen vines, and very suitable for covering rock work, fences, walls, trees or arbors . or It adheres readily to a tree to stone, but does not take as kindly to t n brick, requiring some slight suppor , freque tly to keep it attached to It the walls . is much used for covering houses, but in climates where it will live throughout the year it is unequaled for a bordering to flower

. o beds Grass will force its tiny roots int the borders, but the Ivy is f contented to twine its branches along the edges . A quantity o strong t young plan s are desirable to commence with, and they should be planted

r . e ather thickly and kept well mingled together In the Summer, th ir f t e resh green leaves contrast perfectly wi h the darker foliag , and all t t n hrough the win er their verdure is pleasing . Such edgi gs form a b n eautiful setti g for flowers, while they are so charming as to make it ” e t desirable to cultivat the dain y plant for its own worth .

n e e Off After the edgi g has once becom establish d, by pinching and cutting back the young shoots, it can be easily kept in perfect order.

Nearly every courtyard in Paris displays the English Ivy, either cover to of e ing trellises as a dark background brilliant thickets G raniums, or trained over a bower.

The plants are grown in large boxes, filled with a rich turfy soil, and t e At E th e thus supplied h y make rapid growth . the French xposition,

t et R garden was filled wi h all that was richest and rarest, y Mr. obinson ” t e e t ells us, in his book upon French Gard ns, that a pr t y circular

- bower covered with Ivy attracted first th e attention of every passer by. 5 66 WOMA N HER O WN FL W GA R N EVERY O ER DE ER.

of e It was composed a wire frame, shaped like an umbr lla, with the

of th e handle inserted in a huge tub very rich earth, in which roots were planted . Boards were laid over the tub , which formed a circular s t e eat, and with these simple means a mos lovely bow r was produced .

! e e of The Ivy was trained so as to cov r ev ry part it, and entirely shade

. n one the seat Any i genious boy could make a similar , and, with proper appliances, some girls could accomplish it. e As a screen, this plant is in great demand in France, and entir garden t walls are often covered with it, making a most perfec background for the brilliant hues of the flowers . Those Of us who live in colder climates could substitute th e German

Ivy for edgings . I tried it last season , and it grew beautifully, but it

wi . of ll winter kill An old umbrella frame, stripped its dilapidated f or n covering, will make a fine trellis delicate vines like the Ca ary Bird ur d Ma an a V . Flower, Thunbergia, y , and Cypress ine to th e Sharpen the handle a point, and fix it firmly in ground, pressing It t . in the ivory tip Of each end, so that the wind cannot dis urb it will on of th e look prettily the lawn, or in the center bed garden, when the graceful twining vines have covered it with their beautiful flowers and e S n foliag , and almost every garret can furnish the keleto , if the closet one cannot provide . A worn - out sunshade will make a baby trellis that will be very

e of a charming, when covered with the gorg ous hues the Trop eolum, which should not be neglected in a chapter upon Vines . They grow

- b utterfl are . readily from seed, and their y colored flowers always beautiful off If branches are broken in the Autumn, and put into vases filled with for t out water, the flowers will bloom a long ime ; the roots starting at t each joint will furnish a support for hem . a Cob ea scandens is a rapid growing vine, with large purple bell shaped flowers . It is not hardy in the Northern States, but can be kept in pots during the Winter, and will twine over the windows . a Cob ea scandens variegata is like the former, only its leaves are m - argined with yellowish white . If planted in rich soil, these vines can be made to grow thirty feet in a season . e of Glycine Sinensis (or Chin se Wistaria! , is a very elegant vine quick l e growth it has long, pendulous c ust rs Of pale blue flowers both in the n Spri g and Autumn, and will soon cover a large surface .

S . Wistaria inensis Alba is a white variety, not so robust as the blue ER FL W GA E VERY WOMAN H OWN O ER RDENER. 67

Wistaria Frutescens (or American Glycine! , is more of a dwarf habit

- than the above mentioned . u r V . Pa ssiflo a Incarnata (Half Hardy Passion ine! , is very bea tiful of t Its flower is supposed to represent the Crucifixion Chris , and thence its name . a V Periploca Gr eca (Virginia Silk ine! , is another native climber that m a e deserves attention, in preference to any th t are t nder. It is a hardy

- f . an or . o grower, and will soon cover arbor wall A native Syria Care and attention must be given to the training and fastening of all climbers, as their beauty is greatly injured by allowing them to grow in te o to b a wild and neglec d manner ; it also gives a wild lo k a onse, which do es not add to its gen eral appearance .

Wherever there is an unsightly fence, there is the opportunity to try v r or your hand at cultivating ines which grow wild in you woods, which u can be raised from seeds at a trifling expense . Wreath all s ch places with climbing vines, and let their ugliness be hid under the delicate foliage and brilliant flowers of the climbers . Your wood, brick, or o stone h uses are bare in their angular outlines, and lack the graceful t elegance which ornamental vines will give them . Twine over hem some climbing plant, and architecture and nature will combine to produce the most picturesque effect ; and youwill learn that Th e flow ers in silence seem to breathe S t t e e ! uch hough s as languag cannot t ll .

And when the outside is beautiful, let the inside be replete with

- comfort, order, taste, virtue, peace, good will and love . The follo wing diagrams will furnish designs f or supports for Orna

m V . Th ental ines They can be made from six to eight feet high . e center piece of each trellis should be thicker than the outer or main

- of supports, at least three quarters an inch thick, and from an inch to

- - - an inch and a half wide . These frames should be painted green or ’ white, according to one s preference. 68 WOMA HER O WN FL W GA EVERY N O ER RDENER.

FIG . 1 . FIG . 2 . FIG. 3.

FI G. 4. F IG . 5 . FIG . 6. C H A P T E R X .


Thank G od for th e beautiful Flowers That blossom so sweetly and fair e t t n e i e Of Th y garnish his s ra g l f ours , And brighten our paths every wh ere e e th e e e e Th y sp ak of h av n abov us , W e e e a re His e h r ang ls singing prais , W e e w e th e e e e h r d ll d ar on swho lov us , ’ ” h o e e t W fad d from arth s horny ways .

Shrubs are indispensable in the smallest collection Of plants. Many of them are early risers, and bloom as soon as the frost and ice have

. out disappeared Once Obtained and planted in good, rich soil, they

wi for . require but little attention, and ll bloom years in the same locality Yet their foliage and flowers will be more luxuriant and beautiful, if

of or “ they are treated to a few shovelsful compost manure, yearly Ifit is given to them in the autumn, it acts as a protection from the frost, du and can be g into their roots early in the spring. When they are S first planted, it is better to take the autumn rather than the pring for or the operation ; but if done in March April (according to the climate! , be sure to mulch the roots with long stable litter, or a few inches deep f Of hay ; this will keep them from drying up during the heat o summer.

The Flowering Almond takes first rank, because it blooms so early, and though very common , is always popular. If it is neglected it will

- b ut grow ill shaped and scraggy, if it is cut back as soon as its blossoms are fallen, its increased growth will soon repay their sacrifice .

The Flowering Plum is called by some the White Flowering Almond, t and is equally hardy, its flowers being as double as hose of the Almond, of and a snowy whiteness. m r h The Lilac is always ad ired, will always be cultivated ; eve y ouse 70 Y W MA HER WN FL O ER GA EVER O N O W RDENER.

or must have at least one more Of these shrubs . The purple variety i s not seen everywhere ; the white is quite as common, and is not as sick ishly sweet as the purple . The Persian and Chinese Lilacs are more beautiful than the common

. t of u are kinds The former is a small ree gracef l habit, and its flowers

of . e e a lighter lilac color The latter is especially desirabl , the flow rs t are much darker than the other varie ies, and its foliage is Of a dark glossy green, very rich . These shrubs are perfectly hardy, and are l t usual y grown wi hout any care, yet if pruned and manured their beauty e will be much incr ased.

a onica or - flowered i w e Cydonia J p , Scarlet Japan Qu nce, is also a ll of known shrub, producing quantities the richest scarlet flowers close to its branches ; it is indispensable in every garden .

floridus not t Calycanthus , or Allspice Flower, is an Old favorite, so Of en it . s cultivated in these latter days Its foliage is Ofa light glossy green, and Of t flowers are the darkest maroon, and very fragran ; both blossoms t and branches possess a s rong spicy flavor, and it is sometimes called the t t . Strawberry Shrub, from a fancied resemblance to the Odor Of ha berry Forsythia viridissima is one of the earliest of all shrubs in blossoming ; its bright golden - lined flowers appear before the leaves are hardly visi ble, and completely cover the branches.

of - Flowering Acacia, with its profusion pink and white pea shaped e th e blossoms, is always welcome . Its foliage is deeply serrated lik it s . Locust leaves ; its habit is straggling, which detracts from beauty

or - m Hydrangea quercifolia, Oak leaved Hydrangea , has strongly arked

e of . foliage, and its blossoms are in large panicl s white flowers It blooms

on . in July, and is a great attraction a lawn

Hydrangea deutz iafolia is a recent importation from Japan . Its

leaves resemble those Of the Deutzia ; it blooms in August, bearing very

’ of which ch an e large panicles snowy white flowers, g to pink, and finally e to a brownish purple . It is a valuable addition to a gard n or lawn .

e . The Deutzias are generally cultivated, and are always b autiful of Deutzia gracilis is perfectly hardy, and has plentiful clusters pure of e to white flowers . Deutzia scrabra is larger growth, oft n attains five or t of six feet, and is covered wi h clusters blossoms, which resemble the

Orange flower without its fragrance . fl r Deutzia crenata o e pleno produces double flowers, white in the

center, and red in the outer leaves . It is of a strong habit, desires plenty


- w u brightly colored berries, hich make them conspicuo s Objects in garden or ti not t lawn ; so in making up a collec on Of shrubs we should forge them .

its r e Euonymus, or Strawberry Tree, is very handsome, with pu pl b flowers, succeeded y brilliant scarlet berries curiously shaped, which on t n remain the branches la e i to the Autumn . The Burning Bush is a m of or the common n me for it in any localities . A variety this shrub f o n . tree grows in most the Middle, Western and Souther States or Euonymus atropurpureus, Spindle Tree, is its proper title . It is a very beautiful addition to every lawn . The European Burning Bush is

our - much inferior to native variety. The Broad Leaved Burning Bush of t is a native Austria ; its bo anical name is Euonymus latifolius, and n t u o . it is commonly grown in this co ntry, but is very desirable

of flame- The Black Alder bears berries a like scarlet, close to its

S . branches, and is a beautiful hrub I have endeavored to mention a few of the flowering shrubs that will f not fail to give satisfaction to all amateur gardeners . Many o them

Old - w d are time flowers, hich possess a charm to me, as chil ish associations f e o . delight ling r about them, and render them doubly dear R The hododendrons are extensively cultivated, and greatly improved from those which grow wild in the Middle States . The English florists have brought these beautiful shrubs to the highest state Of perfection . ne f b The Rose of Sharon is o o the most beautiful foreign shru s. Its

- f e s o . blossoms are bell haped, and many mingled hues In Syria, Jud a and it Arabia is a sacred flower, and they have adopted it as the emblem of the Resurrection . The dried flower is placed by the inhabitants of f Of Judea in a vase o water beside the beds the sick ; if it expands, the

Omen is favorable, but if not, death is considered inevitable .

The Yucca Filamentosa, rather a hardy , though a shrub, is very ornamental and hardy, its foliage resembling that Ofthe Aloe . t It blooms in Augus and September, and the flower stem rises to the height

- f or . o five six feet, surmounted with white, bell shaped flowers It growswell

on n. in common garden soil, and is very desirable as a single plant the law

All of these shrubs are most agreeable additions to every flower garden, for of for but if you cannot find room all, be sure to select a few them , no other plants will give youas large a supply of flowers with so little of attention expended on them . Most them will readily grow from t b cu tings, all Of them will layer easily, and many of them increase y suckers from the roots. P C H A T E R XI.


Ye are th e S t e th e e t crip ur s of ar h , S eet e w flow rs, fair and frail A e e e e s rmon sp aks in v ry bud, t th e e le ” Tha woos summ r ga .

a The Carnation has been cultiv ted from time immemorial in Europe, ’ of and from Gerard, the herbalist Queen Elizabeth s time we learn some of old such its quaint English names, as Sops in Wine (very expres ” ” of e Pa aiants Horseflesh sive the variegat d red and white flower! , g , , ” Blunkt e s . , etc The most common varieties of the Carnation sprung from the Clove Gilliflower , or Clove Pink, and in former days was much used to distil illifl er G ow . Clove Water, which was in great repute as a restorative — flakes The florists divide them into three classes now , bizarres and picotees . on or one The flakes, a pure yellow white ground, have only color, or Of disposed in broad flashes stripes, and extending the length the

petal . or w or The bizarres, on a pure white yello ground, have two more or colors in irregular stripes of pink, scarlet and purple, sometimes to of running from the base the margin the petal, sometimes broken

irregularly into spots . or The Picotee was formerly spotted with purple, red scarlet spots, on a white or yellow ground ; modern improvements have changed its no but one character ; it is longer a spotted carnation, with the colorings f confined to a bordering o each petal . 74 E R MA H ER OWN FL W ARD ENE VE Y WO N O ER G R .

of h - e t accordin to r Each t ese three classes are sub d nomina ed g . thei

- flake - flake t- colors, as scarlet , pink , scarle bizarre, etc . , etc .

The stripes or spots in Carnations are usually in shades of scarlet,

on or e pink and purple, a white, pink, red y llow ground . “ ” The word Carnation is fully significant of the flesh - color which

a - e char cterized the original and arlier cultivated varieties .

t e Of all the flowers hat adorn the gard n, whether they charm the eye or of by their beauty, regale the sense smelling by their fragrance, the R Carnation may justly rank next to the ose . th The Flemish weavers, who sought a refuge in England from e

of of of religious persecutions Philip II , and the cruelty the Duke Alva, n i R Gilliflowers t were renowned for their Car at ons, oses, and , and hey of of introduced many the rarest varieties these flowers, often superior th e to specimens produced by professional gardeners . Mr. Hogg, a “ e e cel brated florist, and also a writer upon Floriculture, d clares that it how n is not every gardener who knows to grow a Car ation, and there is not one in ten whose assistance I would claim on the most pressing

occasion, and leave the operation of layering to them unlooked after ; I- b whereas would implicitly trust it to any weaver, co bler or barber who ” had had the least practice with his own flowers . There is hardly any plant grown by florists to which they consider a f one congenial soil is of so much importance . It should be composed o h l not old a f rotten horse manure, less than a year ; that which has been used in a hot- bed is just th e article for composing the soil f or

one- one- Carnations . Add to it third fresh loam , and third coarse river and sand . If these ingredients are mixed together in the Autumn,

allowed to freeze, and in the Spring are thoroughly mixed up, a good com of our h ad post will be Obtained . Those readers who live near a florist bet of on ter buy the compost for their plants . Large piles it are always kept f r e . o hand, and sold ch aply It is better to supply the soil all pot plants

l n . in this way. Carnations are propagated by seed, ayers and cutti gs or l e The seed should be sown in April May, in pots fil d with rich f compost, and a little fine sand, barely su ficient to cover them, sprinkled

over the seeds . As soon as the young plants are three inches high , they

should be planted out into a bed of rich soil . They will not bloom

until the following Summer, but the plants can be protected in cold f or t s in climates by laying sods o grass over them, by keeping the plan

the cellar in boxes. OEIAN HER O N FL W GA EVER Y W W O ER RDENER. 75

The best time to layer is when the plant is in full bloom, which will

of or d . be about the middle July, accor ing to the season The shoot to be layered may be four or five joints in length ; all th e lower leaves next Off on two or to the root must be stripped , leaving only those the three of upper joints . The surface the soil should be stirred up to the depth of an inch ; then take the shoot in the finger and thumb of the left of hand, and bend it upwards, so that the knife can enter a quarter an e or t on of inch b low the second hird joint from the top, and the side out of the shoot next the ground ; upwards through the center the joint, f r o w cut off of slantingly o about half an inch . N the tip the portion n t t it ff o . O under ea h close the joint If breaks it is worthless as a layer, l a so handle it very carefully, and y the shoot into the soil, pegging it t down wi h a large hair pin . The root fibres are soonest formed when i s e t of the joint but lightly covered with arth, not more han a quarter us an inch . NO more of the stem of the layer than j t close to the joint, nor an of the y the leaves should be buried in soil, for the dampness will

t Off or . cause hem to decay, and the whole layer will then damp decay

When the layer is pegged down, give it a gentle watering, taking care not off to wash the soil . of It is no consequence if the layer does not stand straight at first.

It will soon grow s o.

If the plants are kept moist, and well shaded from the noonday heat, the layers will be rooted in three or four weeks . They should then be t of m cut away from the plant, wi h about half an inch the ste which

t fi - t ve . connec s them to it, and planted in inch po s

t not u Grea care must be taken to inj re the tiny roots, nor break the of part the stem above the incision .

raising Carnations from cuttings, good healthy shoots should be

l e e for t t sel ted, and they should be treated as d scribed o her cut ings . Layering and raising from cuttings are th e surest modes of propagating e th fine vari ties . It is said that e chance of Obtaining a good Carnation e one from s ed is to a hundred . of t or The culture the Pico ee, Paisley Pink, is the same as that of the

. t of two d Carnation The Pico ee is the hardier the , and will en ure the t cold win ers without covering, excepting at the extreme north . e th e or e Wh n flower stems are ten mor inches high, they should be S t n of upported wi h stakes, and when the flowers appear, if there is da ger i n the r bursti g the calyx, and thus spoiling their symmetry, it is well to W MA HER N F O E A 76 EVERY O N O W L W R G RDENER.

of tie a bit colored worsted yarn about them ; this gives support, and d retains the leaves in place . Monthly Carnations are the most esirable

of . all kinds, as they bloom during the winter A select list of monthly varieties

Admirable, creamy white .

Astoria, yellow, flaked with scarlet.

t . Attraction, white, s riped with maroon n Betsey, brillia t scarlet.

ff . Blondin, bu and rose ’ D Fontana f . , bu f, striped with cherry ’

Donadi s . Pride, white, edged with pink ; fine

Edwardsii . , pure white ; extra

G . rant, rich crimson, striped with slate color

Grand Conde, white, blotched with rose . i Pur te . La , bright rosy pink

G . Ma loire, sulphur yellow, striped scarlet u Queen of Whites, p rest white .

R . adetzky, rose color with broad purple stripes

Star, carmine, splashed with white .

. Von Gen Moltke, orange salmon, flaked with scarlet. ff t Rosaline, bright bu , blotched wi h crimson .

Vaillante , scarlet fringed, dwarf, profuse bloomer.

Welcome, brightest red, perfect shape . HERBAOEOUS LA S E NIES HL XES HRYSAN HEM MS P NT , P O , P O , C T U ,


“ e e e in e e Th r is a l sson ach flow r, A story in each stream and bower On e very h erb on which you tread Are tte t e wri n words which , righ ly r ad, W e e t ’ t ill l ad you from ar h s fragran sod, ” e e G od . To hop , and holin ss, and

Herbaceous Plants are Perennials, which die down to the roots every winter, but in the spring, send up fresh stems and blossoms from the f o . roots, thereby furnishing the easiest means adorning a garden They require but very little care, as the most of them are hardy, while others require a slight protection . The soil should be kept in good order, free of from weeds, and a yearly dressing good compost will make them SO bloom luxuriantly, and some species are vigorous that they will f . o continue to bloom annually, even in a neglected grass sod Many them bloom early in the season, as soon as the Snowdrop . Crocus and

Hyacinth have passed away ; and by a judicious selection, a profuse and of w of gorgeous supply flo ers may be obtained from a bed these plants,

d . until the gar en is brilliant with the brightly tinted Annuals, etc of of t A list the most desirable these plants will be given, wi h their time of flowering ; but I must . first call your attention to the Herba ceou a of s P eonies, which form a large family most beautiful flowers, l some of which are indispensable in the smallest collection of p ants. 8 E VE OMA HER WN FL WER GA E 7 RY W N O O RD NER.

H a eou P erb c s ceonies .

a ld- The common red P eony, or, as it is usually called in the o fashioned of parlance among those an Older generation, Piny, used to grow in every country garden ; its large and brilliant red flowers rendering it of very conspicuous, and delighting all lovers gorgeous colorings. Well do I remember the f urore caused among amateur florists by the intro a t of duction Of a white P eony, and every one must have a roo it, to

fi r - contrast with their e y red flowers . Then the fragrant pink variety was introduced and much admired ; and for many years no other novelty appeared in their ranks ; but the English and French florists were busily engaged in cultivating these one flowers, and now over hundred varieties are given in the catalogues, f o . and described as distinct in shape, hue, time flowering, etc a et The P eony is very showy when planted by itself, y when grown en m ff S a sse . , the e ect is truly magnificent The darkest shades hould be of S out arranged in the center the bed, and the colors haded to pure

a S . white ; thus planted, beautiful how can be obtained Pl naia e r . Alba , ve y double flower, white hi l i W t e . y , older variety, very fragrant, white with yellow center

V . irginalis, of the purest white

R . Baron othschild, flower large, pale rose

V . Queen ictoria, rose color

Amabilis, outer petals rose color, and the inner a delicate, creamy white .

S . Festiva, white, haded to carmine red in the center b n Al icans Plena, rosy pi k, and blooms early and late ’ Maiden s Blush, fine and large, bright pink . ’ d OrleanS a - ff Duchesse , outside pet ls violet rose, and deep salmon bu

at the center. of i Pomponia, a purplish pink, w th salmon colored center

Pattsii r . , very ich, darkest purplish crimson

D . uchesse de Nemours, rosy lilac

- Tenuifolia, funnel shaped leaves, flowers deep crimson

P omadoura . p , dark crimson, inner petals delicately cut

R n. ubra Striata, richest rosy crimso The Moutan or Tree Paeonies are very beautiful ; they are perfectly erfec hardy, excepting in northern New England, where, to bloom in p

b . do tion, they should be covered with a arrel filled with leaves They

l . not die down to the roots every winter, and are more proper y called shrubs


Th or ere are three varieties species ; the large flowered, most suitable f or out- u door culture ; the dwarf or Pompone, which blooms beautif lly, ih - ff doors, and their di erent colors will form a choice bouquet ; and the s of Japan Chrysanthemum . All these species are beautiful objects in ! the open garden in November and December. Large flowering varieties : ’ d Or Boule , fine, large, golden yellow. ’ d i e Ne . Boule g , large, pure white S Captivation, light purple, plendid.

- Erecta Superba, clear sulphur yellow.

Lord Derby, deep purple, petals incurved. G uernsey Nugget, light yellow.

Princess Teck, creamy white . A Prince lbert, crimson, red . e of Qu en England, blush . rEtna Mount , fiery crimson . f l o Wa és . Princess , purest white

of S . Temple olomon, golden yellow

P omp one or Lilip utian Chrysanthemums.

Acton, golden yellow.

Countesse de Mons, pale rose .

Iris, white tipped with rose .

Sinbad, light crimson .

Mad . De Soulangis, pure rose .

Trevenna . , purest white

R i . o de Liliput, maroon

a . Theresita, fine, lil c Ra oz z a s g , yellow, tipped with ros .

Jap a n Chrysa nthemums.

— or These flowers are novelties, from Japan with tasselled quilled

flowers .

n . Laci iatus, is creamy white, fine for bouquets and vases

e . Mons . Bonn t, amber, fine large flowers off These plants are of an elegant appearance, and by pinching the

. first flower buds, can be made to bloom in January and February MA HER O WN FL O GA EVERY WO N WER RDENER. 81

Del hiniums or Ha rd P erennia l La rks urs p , y p ,

of of - out among the finest this class plants, and if the seed pods are N i will continue in flower from July to ovember. They w ll also

the - flower first year if sown early in hot bed, and are very desirable r for late blooming. They grow readily from seed o from the increase of are s of the root. The shades blue unsurpas ed by any other flower of Similar color. f Delphinium Formosumis o the brightest blue with a white center.

D . Mons . Nenner, pale blue . u Chinensi . D . Pumilum, azure bl e

D . Alba, paper white .

D. . Belladonna, finest sky blue

u P a nts ha t w iv u e A list of Herba ceo s l t ill g e a s cc ssi on Of fiowers .

R one Achillea Millefolium ubrum, deep red, foot high, blooms from

June to September. t Achillea P armica Plena, pure white double flowers, in bloom from

July to October. n a ellus Aco itum N p (Monkshood! , dark blue ; four to six feet ; June to August. V t Aconitum ersicolor, variegated, blue and whi e ; three to five feet ;

July to August.

Arabis Alpina, pure white flowers, eight inches ; May. t Asclepias uberosa, orange colored flowers ; two feet ; July. v e Amsonia salicifolia, la ender blue, in clusters ; three f et ; June. a onica Anemone J p , purplish rose ; eighteen inches ; September. ocunda Aquilegia j (Columbine! , dark blue, white center ; two feet ; June

i . Aquileg a striata, striped, blue and white

- one Aquilegia Sibirica, dark bluish black flowers, very double ; foot ; June

Baptisia cerulea, brightest blue ; two feet ; June .

Baptisia alba, flowers pure white ; two feet ; June . Becc nia S of o cordata, very showy, large foliage, pikes whitish flowers ; six to eight feet ; July.

Callirrhoe involucrata, trailing plant with bright crimson flowers ; 8 E VER OMA HER WN FL WER GA D ’ 2 Y W N O O R ENER.

o . H llyhocks, very double flowers, all colors ; July to October of t Lupinus polyphyllus, flowers various colors, from pure white o the darkest purple ; two to three feet ; July. t Lychnis albo pleno, double, whi e ; a foot and a half high ; May and June Chalcedonica Lychnis pleno, double, scarlet ; two to three feet ; June and July. Haa ena to : Lychnis g , all colors from white scarlet r O Ma . robus vernus, reddish pu ple ; one foot ; April and y and Papaver Orientale, brilliant scarlet flowers ; three feet ; June July. Penstemon grandiflora ; there are many varieties fromthe Prairies ;

three feet ; June . Lilia o Phalangium g , flowers pure white, in loose spikes, elegant ; two to three feet ; July. s Saxifraga crassifolia, deep pink, in large clusters ; six inches ; bloom e arly in April . a niea u Scutellaria J po , deep purplish blue ; eight inches ; J ly. et R Lamium Maculatum album ubrum, flowers in short round spikes, red and white ; June . min Zauschneria Californica, flowers of a bright scarlet, blosso s July ; hardy in middle States. r Da e The va ieties of the Funkia, or y Lily, should not be omitt d. of The common variety is a rare fragrance, and its flowers are produced in large clusters ; only two or three of the pure white lilies opening at e once . It is perfectly hardy in all climates . The variegat d species has

- blueish white flowers without the delicious odor of the white variety.

a . Its leaves are prettily v riegated, and are its chief attraction CHAP TER XIII.


There is religion in a flower Its t l e th e e s ill smal voic is as voic ofconscience. M t e et te oun ains and oc ans , plan s, suns and sys ms, Bear not th e impress of Almighty power In characters more legible than those Which He hath written on th e tinie st flower ’ W e t e e e ea t th e ! i hos ligh b ll b nds b n h dew drop s we ght.

No collection of flowers is complete without some few varieties of

m s or . Im ortelle , Everlasting Flowers When ice and snow abound, they

t ur ih - serve to brigh en o door surroundings. Mingled with dried grasses of a or m and branches Arbor Vit e, so e other evergreen, they make good

substitutes for their more delicate sisters who are faded and gone . S w My itting room is al ays adorned, in the wintry season, with vases of n these bright flowers, which retai their places until forced to yield f them to the fragile flowers o the early spring. ’ So in ordering your seeds, don t forget to write down an assortment u of a . these flowers, whose be ty is not evanescent u They are inval able decorations for home and church, and can be m ade into crowns, crosses and bouquets. Their flowers should be gathered while in the bud ; if allowed to

m . expand, they will not be as handso e when dried The stems should t i be tied together, and the bunches hung up in a dark, dry closet, ak ng to care not tie them up in too large quantities, to dry quickly, else they ma m r m y ildew o ould. When well dried, put away in boxes until u desired for se. 84 W MA HE R O N FL ER GA D EVERY O N W 0 W R ENER.

To save seeds from them, it is best to let the first blossoms remain uncut off , and mature . When ripe, cut them , and preserve until another

season . n These plants will grow in a y common garden soil . They are not par ticularl t off y ornamen al, as their flowers are kept well cut , and it is better

or - of - - to plant a bed of them among the vegetables, in some out the way

corner, as they will not add to the beauty of your flower beds or lawns . on of In the large cities, quite a trade is carried in the way these of flowers, and thousands them are yearly imported to supply the f r demand for crowns and crosses o the decoration of the cemeteries . for At all seasons of the year they are appropriate there, neither rain nor sun injures them, when well dried ; while they, in their unfading f o . brightness, fully corroborate their claims to the title Immortelles ’ florists f l m The catalogues O fer us a good variety to se ect fro , and at — the head of the list stand the Acrocliniums perhaps not quite as beauti R Man lesii of ful as hodanthe g , but easier cultivation, as they are quite

c . hardy, and not as deli ate in habit

of - a They grow a foot high, and are two kinds bright rose color, and — pure white each with a yellow center. The flowers are fragile enough ” ’ artificials and to pass for , they have been used in decorating ladies ff hats, with good e ect. Vases filled with them, and mingled with ani u . 0 mated oats and grasses, are very ornamental N garden sho ld be

without them .

Ammobium alatum is a white flower, which is very pretty in arranging

memorial wreaths or crosses . m or G . Globe Amaranth, omphrena is co monly cultivated It is found e in shades from a bright orange to a purplish crimson, and pur white . h The flowers should be gathered as soon as t e colors are well developed . t of Helichrysums are very desirable . They are in all varie ies color, f o . from the brightest yellow, the purest white, to the richest shades red

r . The minimum, o dwarf species, are the prettiest for wreaths, etc Be

Sure to cut the buds, and they will dry into perfect flowers . e of Helipterum Sanfordi is a later importation . Its flow rs are a of bright golden yellow, and grow in small clusters fine flowers, making t an agreeable variety. Another kind produces snowy whi e flowers . S Rhodanthe is a charming everlasting . Its bright, bell haped flowers for and graceful habit make it an addition to the flower beds, as well as

winter decorations . There are four varieties . W MA HER OWN FL W GA EVERY O N O ER RDENER. 85

of S Immr Rhodanthe alba is ilvery whiteness, and the finest white o telle grown . R hodanthe atrosanguinea has dark crimson flowers, with a violet disc or center. R hodanthe Maculata has larger blossoms of a bright rose color, tinged t for with violet purple, wi h a yellow center. It is a fine plant window gardening. R Man lesn hodanthe g is the oldest variety. Its blossoms are rose col f of ored, su fused with white . All these flowers are the most desirable t heir kind. The silvery scales on the outside Of the flower contrast te charmingly with the brigh r colors Of the petals . Waitz ia randiflora of aurea and g have flowers a brilliant gold color, ff n t . and produce a fine e ect, when mi gled wi h others They bloom in

too on . clusters, and if left long the plant, become dingy and discolored X t as eran hemums are very easily cultivated. The seeds vegetate f r o o . of quickly as those the Aster Balsam They are various colors, one and grow about foot high, blooming very freely. of m All these plants require some space to grow in, and the plants ust be transplanted at least a foot apart to bloom advantageously.

These Everlasting Flowers can be dyed into various colors . Last m autumn some bright yellow Helichrysu s fell into a solution of borax, and turned their petals to the most glorious sunset hue, with a fine m z . ox di ed and etallic lustre It y the color, my vases are still resplend ff ent with the flowers . I tried its e ect upon crimson and pink flowers,

out . but it failed to beautify them, but faded all their original brightness

of - The yellow flowers are a wonderful golden scarlet hue, rarely seen in f any flower that grows . Dip the flowers into a cup o water into which for as much borax as will dissolve has been added, and see yourself the f m to o . perfect shade color Fa ily dyes can be used dye purple, scarlet and

- green, and mosses can be thus prepared to arrange among the bright hued for flowers, making prettier objects home adornment than can be pur one chased at the shops . Purple dye can be made at home from ounce of one of of ground logwood, tablespoonful powdered alum, and one pint

t for . sof water ; boil twenty minutes ; when cool, put in the flowers Yellow dye can be made with one ounce of quercitron bark ; same proportions of alum and water as above ; boil twenty minutes . Mix indigo with the yellow dye, and a beautiful green is formed, which will dye mosses or grasses perfectly. 8 6 E MA E FL A DE E VERY WO N H R O WN OWER G R N R.

Orna menta l Gra sses .

The varieties of grasses are almost innumerable . There are

known and described three thousand species in the world, and in Amer

n . of ica alone there are six hu dred On a small bit turf, not a foot ff or . square, you may often find five six di erent kinds Our prairies u t — abo nd in numerous varie ies some radiated, and variegated purple ’ — and green, like the peacock s plumage others pinnated and feathery, as ’ the marabout s plume ; but all exceedingly beautiful ! The Durva grass of the Hindoos is one of the most perfect that is

known . Sir William Jones remarks that

’ ' The flowers in their perfect state aflord the loveliest object in crea a nd tion ; when examined with a microscope, they resemble emeralds of and rubies trembling in the slightest breath air. Nor is the Durva ff less esteemed for its valuable qualities . It a ords the sweetest and most nutritious pasturage for cattle ; and its usefulness and beauty induced ' to n the Hindoos, even in the earliest ages, believe that it was the dwelli g f di t th place o a presi ng and benevolent nymph, who loved to lis en to e of cropping dewy herbage by flocks and herds in meadows, and beside

clear streams. Poets feigned that looking forth from her diverging S pike, adorned with purple flowers and ranged in two close, alternate k n rows, wherever she presided blights and mildews were un now , and it of that the air was loaded w h fragrance, as if from bowers balm, nor although neither roses, citrons, richly scented magnolias, orange ” trees grew contiguous. The Veda celebrates this inimitable grass in the following sentence h ar ana z . v of the A . E of May the Durva, which arose from the waters life, and which hath m on a hundred roots and a hundred stems, prolong y existence earth ” f or a hundred years . a Linn eus kneeled beside the northern holy grass, and thanked the

Lord for having made it. Paley, the great moralist, loved the grasses, of and delighted in the inspection their tiny florets . And Christ taught i us a lesson of faith from them, say ng “ - Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to - morrow is cast into the oven ; shall He not much more clothe ” of ! you, O ye little faith


“ Gynerium argenteum (Pampas grass! , is truly the Queen of Orna t It men al Grasses. must be seen to be appreciated. It is tender in the e i n northern Stat s, but its roots can be kept in boxes the cellar during

ca ilaceum f Panicum p is hardy, and very rich in foliage o rosy hue. Pepragmites communis grows commonly along the banks of our northern rivers, but it is beautiful, and deserves a place among its foreign brethren . Its spikes of flowers are covered with long, white,

silky hairs. t Stipa pennata (Feather grass! , is very ornamen al, the seeds vegetate

s . lowly, and should be started under glass

Trypsacumdactyloides is a very handsome and hardy grass. Among the annual varie ties I Should select retrafracta Agrostis , an extremely graceful species ; a great addition to bouquets and vases .

Steveni . Agrostis , with beautiful, feathery panicles

n S . Avena sterilis (Animated Oats! , with large droopi g pikes of flowers

Briza maxima (Quaking grass! , very beautiful .

eniculata . Briza g , dwarf habit ; very graceful r Chloris radiata, a curious va iety ; very desirable.

Chloris truncata, silvery plumes.

barcinonensis t out- di Eleusine , a novel y with sprea ng plumes of

flowers ; lovely for house culture .

m - Hordeu jubatum (Squirrel tail grass! , lovely green and purplish plumes. ’ - Lagurus ovatus (Hare s tail grass! , very pleasing. mone Panicum variegatu , of the most graceful and ornamental plants for baskets or vases.

Paspalum elegans, white flower. CHAP TER XIV



Oh t t e e to see who ha has an y , A e t to ee t e to e h ar f l , a ongu bl ss , e e e te b e Can v r und ligh d , ’ W t tue e i e ” i h na r s magic lov l n ss.

Variegated leaved plants are quite the fashion at this time, and are m ff becoming ore popular every year. They produce a fine e ect when r planted in oval o circular beds . The f urore for these plants has pro duced a great variety ; the whole world has been searched for rare A specimens, and these have been hybridized, and greatly improved. bed of them, well arranged as to color, is a most gorgeous sight, equal to any display of flowers. A recent writer speaks of them thus “ u Do not these c rious plants, that among their leaves of light have of no need flowers, resemble those rare human plants that develop all th e beauties of mind and character at an exceptionally early age, and rapidly ripen for the tomb ! They do not live to bring forth the flowers ’ of and fruits life s vigorous prime, and therefore God converts their i of foliage into leaves, crowns the init al stage with the glories the final, transfi uration of and makes their very leaves beautiful . By the g His on or grace, by the light that never was sea land, He adorns even their tender years with all the loveliness which in other cases comes only with ” full maturity.

A very pretty bed of Ornamental Plants can be sown from seed. In

- on the center, plant the Striped leaved Japanese Corn . A foot from it 90 E E MA HER O WN FL E GA E E V RY WO N OW R RD N R.

sow all sides, seeds of the Cannas ; soak the seeds in boiling water for

an hour, and pour boiling water on the ground after the seeds are

. 10th wi planted If planted about the of May, they ll grow finely.

For melancholicus out the next row, sow Amaranthus , and thin the

- plants a foot apart. Next to these put the Silvery leaved Cineraria

maritima ; and border the whole with Perilla Nankinensis . A row of white Candytuft could come after the Perilla, but it must be pulled up as of soon as its flowers are past, or it will destroy the beauty the bed. n Such a bed could be obtained at a slight expense, not exceeding o e — Ach ranthus dollar ; while for a bed of Coleus y , Caladiums, Cineraria t G Acanthifolia, Al ernantheras, Centaureas and naphalium, sixty to

- i five t . u descri seventy dollars is of en pa d Of co rse, a bed of the latter p tion is far more recherche than one of the former ; but only those whom

Fortune has favored, can possess it ; while you and I can delight our eyes daily with the bed of our own planting from seeds .


e Th se plants take first rank among variegated plants . Coleus Vers ch aif eltii , with rich crimson leaves, veined with bronze and margined with green, was considered a rare wonder ; but the Golden Coleus far e Surpass the early varieties. The Am rican and English florists have ff been very successful with these lovely plants. They o er us this year

idmore e . Beauty of W , olive gr en, stained with pink, white edge

Eclat, bronzy crimson, golden edge .

Acis, crimson, shaded carmine, golden edge .

Brilliant, bronzy crimson, broad golden margin .

Model, pinkish bronze, narrow golden border.

Princess Louise, reddish bronze, light yellow edge .

Golden Beauty, dark crimson, wavy and golden, fringed edge .

. Setting Sun, rich bronze center, bright yellow edge

Sunbeam, bronzy crimson, dark veins, yellow margin .

u . Uniq e, reddish crimson, deep golden border Of the older kinds the most noted are

Albert Victor, center purplish red, broad yellow margin .

l . Her Majesty, bronzy red center, greenish ye low margin

R . Princess oyal, center reddish bronze, light yellow margin

All of these make fine bedding- out plants ; will grow in any rich . E W MA HER WN FL OWER GA VERY O N O RDENER. 91

sandy loam ; they are very tender, the first frost blackens their beauty ; the e and they require much heat in wint r. A slight chill is death to

them . I had fine plants of several kinds last winter, but a cold night

- for in December killed every one ; green house culture is needful them.

Achy ranthus .

to These plants rank next the Coleus in richness of coloring, and f beauty o veining.

d - A . Acuminata has ark red leaves, marked with a salmon red midrib,

- and light crimson under surface . It contrasts charmingly with silvery

leaved plants. R Aureus eticulatus has light green foliage, veined with yellow ; ff stems crimson, very e ective . Ach ranthus Lindenii of y is a bushy growth, foliage rich, deep crimson .

All of these are verytender, but make good house plants during the

Alternantheras .

These are dwarf plants from Brazil, with leaves tinted with crimson, i p nk, brown and green .

. oe ad to . A Am na, crimson sh ed pink, and amber brown

A . Amabilis, orange, crimson and dark green .

. Leatifolia A , foliage large, green, orange and crimson .

A . Versicolor, olive, crimson and chocolate .

These varieties are all used for edgings, and if they are closely cut, the fresh growth assumes most brilliant hues . They will not outlive our cold winters without protection .

Ca la diums.

One of the most beautiful of the Ornamental Foliaged Plants for

on or for or . planting the lawn, as a center oval circular beds They of will grow five feet high, with immense leaves a light green color, t beau ifully veined with various colors . They are bulbous roots, and u must be taken p with the first frosts .

The bulbs should be kept in sand in a dry temperature, not below

a di Chatini t . C la um , green ground, red and whi e spots Du e d . e Nassau, clear red leaf, beautifully shaded

- Emperor Napoleon, brilliant crimson, with rich blood red ribs .

H ii f . . oullet o C , spotted and veined, with various shades green 92 E E MA HER FL OW R GA E‘ V RY WO N O WN E RDEN R.

Houllet Madame , pink spots towards the center, with white spots on the margin . d i . Se en . C , clouded, green and rose

. m C Splendens, rich crimson, shaded to a green argin .

. Versch affeltii t C , green ground, wi h pink spots. Esculeatum The oldest and best known variety is the Caladium , the of ix leaves are immense size, often two feet long and S inches broad. It will thrive when the other tender varieties fail.

B egonias.

of m This class are remarkable for the diversity their arkings, and their rich crimson stems and edgings . Some of the leaves are of an immense size, with broad silvery zones and snowy spots, which contrast

rich crimson - - perfectly with the . tinted, emerald hued leaves . Rex n Begonia was the first variety ; from it have sprung ma y rare kinds . Multiflora for Begonia Hybrida is valuable, especially flowering during s the winter month , blooming almost continually ; has small ovate, and of of glossy leaves, a profusion gracefully drooping racemes rosy pink blossoms. Ca nna a

n ff - These are highly or amental and e ective ; their broad, bright hued leaves resemble those of the Banana ; and their flowers are produced in

- of ff . racemes scarlet, crimson, orange red, and bu They are tender, and dr must be removed to a y cellar as soon as the frost comes . In spring

a . st rt them in boxes, or in a warm climate, in the open border They are grown from seed, as directed in this chapter ; but one is not certain

of procuring the best varieties . The bulbs can always be purchased at

the florists at a small price.

l - Atropurpurea has fine dark eaves, with orange scarlet flowers.

Insignis, leaves banded and rayed with purples flowers reddish orange .

remices P de Nice, large foliage, bright yellow flowers, spotted with

salmon . R Su erbissima ubra p , stalks crimson, leaves red, with a metallic shade,

- flowers clear orange red. S h Nigricans, leaves green with a dark bronze hade, flowers brig t

million .

- Ne plus ultra, leaves rich purple, flowers crimson scarlet.

Musaefolia . , foliage large and handsome E VER MA HER WN FL O GARDE 93 Y WO N O WER NER.

Silver Foliage P lants

Are very desirable to plant in rows with the brightly hued Coleus, Achy

ra nthus . , etc t Ar emisia Stelleriana is a pretty dwarf plant. m Cineraria Acanthifolia has velvety white leaves, and is the ost f desirable o its kind. G Centaurea ymnocarpa, very elegant, silvery leaves, with narrow, t poin ed lobes . Candidissima Centaurea has snowy white leaves, with a frosted

Centaurea Clementei surpasses all its family in the elegance of its foliage . Its young leaves are like velvet, and, when fully developed, ff retain a silvery e ect.

Gnaphalium Lanatum is of a dwarf, creeping habit, very desirable as a bordering. l r S . Gnaphalium Tomentosum has ong, na row, ilvery foliage of Glaucium Corniculatum has long, velvety leaves, a silvery white s hue ; leaves deeply pinnated ; flower of bell shape, orange yellow. It is a novelty introduced last season, and is much admired. Ach rocline Saundersonii d y is dwarf and densely branche , with pure white leaves. Baneriana V Coprosma ariegata, a fine dwarf plant, with green oval flecked l leaves, and veined with ye low ; is a novelty from New

Zealand . Sinclairea Discolor has large, oval leaves, bright green on the upper t i ff side, but lined with a downy, snowy whi eness, produc ng a fine e ect. Wi andia Caraccasana g is a stately, ornamental plant, whose large, are of bright green leaves covered with hairy spines . Its flowers are

on . rich purple, borne a large spike Ar roneura for or Fittonia gy is lovely vases, hanging baskets, ferne ries . Its leaves are of bright green, netted with pearly white veins .

V s . Acorus Gramineus ariegata is also desirable for basket , etc Its

- narrow, grass like leaves are margined with bright yellow. V Panicum ariegatum is also a grass, striped with white and rose ; will grow two or three feet in a season ; is very elegant. Th omsonii Abutilon p is a prettily variegated shrub, with leaves mar wi bled th yellow.

S rn um wt - edum Ca e Variegatum is of dwarf gro h, with lance shaped ‘ 94 E VE Y OMA HER OWN FL O WER GA R R R W N DENE .

. o green leaves, margined with white Beautiful for rock w rk, but will f not endure the winter o the Northern States . on I cannot close a chapter Variegated Plants, without mention of the o B onze a nd the i ver Ma r n G lden r S l gi ed Gera niums . m t ff This class form ost beau iful groups or beds, very e ective either on r the lawn o in the garden .

. one of Mrs Pollock is of the best known these varieties, but Lady Cullum surpasses it in the beauty of its zone: Sir Robert Napier is said to possess the handsomest coloring of all: z Its one is deeply indented with brilliant scarlet ; flowers flesh colored . Dumares ue Sophie q has a dark crimson zone, with broad yellow margin .

Black Prince, dark bronze zone, on a yellow ground. f z o . Beauty Oulton, broad yellow leaf, with a wide bronze one e con Bronze Queen, yellowish bronze, with a dark chocolat zone ;

e - tr sts perfectly with the silver edged varieties. m Southern Belle, golden yellow ground, brilliant cri son zone .

E . G . Henderson, light yellow ground, fine dark bronzy zone .

of . Beauty Calderdale, reddish brown zone on a golden green ground m Ge . Crystal Palace , golden margin, green center d Perilla, broad ark zone .

o . Queen Vict ria, rich maroon zone, golden yellow margin

Silver Ma rgined Gera niums .

m . Cherub, silver margined, car ine zone, dwarf m n of . Burning Bush, sulphur white, with bro ze zone rosy cri son tint f min Beauty o Guestwick, zone bronze and rosy car e, creamy white margin . Castlemilk - c , pea green enter, well defined white edge, the whitest of l its class. f m n Countess o Warwick, broad white argin, zone dark bro ze, banded

With pink.

Ma . y Queen, fine broad silver edge z Kenilworth, white margin, rich crimson one .

of e bread . Mt. Snow, pur white, edge

R z . ainbow, silvery white margin, red one

Snow Storm. fine white edge .



n e e e ! Odors of spri g, my s ns s y charm Met k t e t e e hin s wi h purpos sof y com , To tell ofbrighter hours M ’ e e t b Of ay s blu ski s , abundan loom , ” And e sunny gal s and showers .

and In October November we must plant the Spring Flowering Bulbs, which are the first flowers in the spring that gladden our eyes . As ’ to d soon as the sun s rays have strength enough pierce the stony groun , they send up their leaves closely sheathed together to withstand the icy of touch the north wind. With the first sweet whistle of the robin, and of d h the clear treble notes the blue bird, they stand rea y to burst fort S t into gorgeous plendor. The pearly whi e Snowdrop, white as the

- of snow drift which has nourished her buds, is the pale leader the glori ul o s y clad procession which follows the springs footsteps. Clusters of these roots can be planted among the grass nearest the house, and early in March and April they will appear in full bloom . They will grow in any soil ; but will run out if new homes are not pro ide Th d f r . v o them every three or four years . They multiply rapidly e S great Snowdrop is double the ize of the common kind, but does not

‘ blossom so early. The small sorts can be planted an inch apart and two r inches deep, but the large kinds should be planted five inches asunder, and four inches in depth .

The Crocus

Comes next in order, clothed in purple, yellow and white, lilac and blue ; of striped and plain ; cloth of gold and cloth of silver. They are easy M'A H ER WN FL 0 WER GA RDENE E VER Y WO N O R . 97

e f e cultur , and increase rapidly by o fsets ; th y can remain in the ground

but u t ei e three years, may be taken p every year, when h r leaves hav f r e . o become y llow October is the best season replanting them, but t November will do in warm climates . They should be plan ed two inches t wo . deep, and an inch or apart The new varieties are raised from seed .

These bulbs are perfectly hardy, but will come forward better in the of spring, if the ground is covered with a bed leaves or evergreen boughs . Among the new varieties are

Albion, blue, striped with white.

Caroline Chisholm, purest white .

of t . Cloth Gold, yellow, striped wi h black t of , , . Cloth Silver white striped, wi h purple

R . David izzio, dark purple

Elise, light shaded .

Ivanhoe, blue and white .

Ne plus ultra, blue bordered .

Miss Nightingale, light striped.

u V . Q een ictoria, pure white w w Scotch, yello , ith purple stripes. t Sir Wal er Scott, pencilled lilac . S e k Van p y , violet striped.

The H ya cinth.

of This plant, though a native the desert, has been domesticated for “ ” e many centuri s, and is aptly styled the Domestic Flower, for it is

dearly loved in many homes . Haarlem is the great focus of bulbous cultivation ; its soil consists of wi light vegetable mould mixed th sand, and under this is a substrata of off sand which drains the heavy spring rains . Florists of other countries

have imitated this soil, thereby producing as fine bulbs as can be , raised

in Holland .

All new varieties are raised from seeds, but much care and patience

are required, and Often not more than six fine flowers will be found in a thousand seedlings ; so it is the best to content ourselves with raising f them from the bulbs, which multiply rapidly by o fsets, which should t be planted out by themselves, in a dry, sunny location ; if they attemp off to flower the first spring, pick the buds, for the root needs all its

strength ; but the next spring they will flower well, and after that can

be - treated like grown up bulbs . 98 E MA HER OWN FL GA VERY WO N O WER RDENER. If the beds in which the Hyacinths and other bulbs have flowered are n u eeded before the roots have fully matured, they can be taken p and t laid in ridges, covering the roots wi h sandy earth, but leaving the stems to e and leaves fully exposed the air ; th y will soon decay, and the bulbs will swell to full maturity. If the ground is not required for other or plants, the beds can remain for two three years undisturbed, but

- larger flowers are produced by yearly transplantings . The seed pods off should be broken before they have had time to develop, as ripening of the seed would tend to exhaust the strength the bulb, but the leaves are needful to prepare the pulp for maturing the bulb for another sea son not off therefore they must be cut until they are wholly dried up . ff When quite dry, separate the o sets, and place by themselves in paper or t bags boxes, and keep in a dark, dry closet, until time to replant hem .

Their roots will strike through a mellow soil, from ten to even twelve S inches; therefore to raise the finest blossoms, the soil hould be removed one S at least foot in depth, and the earth well broken up ; then pread or over it a layer of three four inches of leaf mould, well mixed with

w of one- - sand, and fill up ith a compost third well rotted cow manure,

two - and thirds sandy loam, well mingled, If the soil under the pine of w b trees the oods can be obtained, you will make your bul s blossom for in perfection ; it is a dark, sandy loam, excellently fitted flowering all bulbs . Scouring sand, which can be found in nearly every kitchen,

- is very useful in planting bulbs ; put a table spoonful into each hole, and set the bulb upon it. Plant in concentric circles, straight rows, or clusters, l t and S o . cover the largest ized bu bs, at least three four inches A liberal ’ As top dressing of sand will draw the sun s rays early in the season . soon or of as the ground freezes hard, cover the beds with four five inches straw, ’ or leaves, coarse stable litter ; but don t cover them too early, else the u ground mouse may burrow in the warm bed, and feed upon yo r bulbs . of As soon as the green sheathed leaves appear, remove part the cover ing, and press the earth tightly around the bulbs, else they will crack

rt . the ea h, and let the chilling winds into the roots In ten days or a fortnight, if the weather is warm, remove all the coverings . ’ flori t f The s s catalogues are issued every autumn, and o fer us a large

- of variety of roots with high sounding names . In the selection bulbs,

of . choose those that are compact, solid, and firm at the base the root The double varieties are usually the most desirable for out- door cul of ture, and they will often cover at least half the stem with lovely bells,


l Blanchard, ta l, early.

La Candeur, low, early.

low . Queen Victoria, , early

of nd . Queen the Netherla s, tall, early

Double, Red and Rose.

e . Belle Marie, lat , tall

Bouquet Constant, low, early.

G . La aiete, low, early

low . Mars, late,

ir G . S Thomas rey, late, low

Czar Nicholas, low, early.

Lord Wellington , low, early, fine .

R . Perruque oyale, late, tall

in e B ed S gl ,

Belle Corrinne, low, early.

Madame Hodson , tall, early.

R . obert Steiger, tall, early

Princess Victoria, late, low.

low . Jenny Lind, , early R Duchess of ichmond, tall, early.


’ d Oran e . Bouquet g , low, early

oe . Cr sus, late, low a Jaune Supreme, t ll, early.

G . La randeur, late, low

S . Van pek, tall, early

A acob ea . lida J , low, early

low. Anna Carolina, late, ’

d Or . Fleur , low, early

Koning Van Holland, low, ’ d Or La Pluie , tall, early.

Prit Hein, low, early. Rhinosceros , tall, early. MA HER OWN FL GA E VERY WO N O WER RDENER. 101

s t This bulbou plant has been aptly s yed The Fop of Flowers, for of it is the most gorgeous all the spring flowers, and its variety of colors, most delicately blended, are almost beyond the power of imagination . t one ff Their cul ure is so simple, that no can well a ord to be with f of t o . out a bed hem, for an early display gorgeous bloom tuli an They are natives of Persia, and the name is derived from p , a

of - turban, the calyx the flower resembling that Eastern head dress.

The Turks first cultivated them, and from thence they were sent to t Vienna. At first hey were supposed to be eatable, like onions, but t e u were found unpala able ; then they w re preserved in s gar, but their t out taste was not improved, so hey were thrown upon a refuse heap as of worthless trash here they bloomed, and thus revealed the beauty the

flower. G 1559 Conrad esner, the Swiss botanist, first saw the flower in , and

d . a escribed it scientifically Many years afterwards, Linn eus gave the f S o . flower the pecific name of Gesneriana, in honor Gesner “ a h bernacle of Linn eus styles bulbs, The y , or winter lodge, the young ” “ plants . Darwin says, These bulbs in every respect resemble buds,

' e and include xcept in their being produced under ground, the leaves and flowers in minature which are to be expanded in the ensuing spring. By cautiously cutting in winter through the concentric coats of a Tulip t to off roo , longitudinally from the p to the base, and taking them suc ’ cessivel y, the whole flower of the next summer s Tulip is beautifully seen by the naked eye, with its petals, pistils, and stamens. The flowers t exist in other bulbs in the same manner, but heir individual flowers b em of S g less ize, they are not so easily dissected, or so conspicuous to the naked eye . The poet thus describes the bulb

u e th e Q ick fli s fair Tulipa loud alarms , And folds h er infant closer in h er arms ; In e e e’ e e v e som lon cav s s cur pa ilion li s , ” And t th e t e e wai s cour ship of s rener ski s .

In the first half of th e 17th century the historical episode of the tulipomania occurred . It commenced in Holland, thence spread to t France, and England would have fel its influence had she not been fully of Th e occupied with the more sanguinary mania civil war. almost incredible extravagances of this mania are usually laid to the Dutch ; but this is erroneous . As well attribute the deeds Of reckless stock spec 102 E OMA HER O WN FL 0 GA D VERY W N WER R ENER.

ulators ln railways, to the scientific engineers who planned and con structed them.

The high esteem in which the Dutch held the flower, doubtless sowed the seeds of the disease ; but the immense prices given for single roots, had no reference to their floral value . It was the love of gambling, and not f or o . the love flowers, which created them Speculators bought sold tulip roots at a certain price, to be delivered at a specified time, just as the frequenters of the stock exchange speculate by time ba rga ins in stock. Thus the tulip king of the era would possess himself of a certain variety ff h of Tulip, and then o er to purchase more ; other dealers, supposing t ey could procure them easily, would undertake to deliver a certain quan tity at such a time, at an agreed price ; that variety would rise in value, and so the artful speculator could obtain almost any price he pleased for his roots, purchased at a low price . “ ” ” “ ” e Bulls, bears, ducks, gulls and other like animals, w ll to known those who frequent the stock markets, are not a modern t invention ; but cen uries ago existed in Holland and France . The Dutch amateurs loved their Tulip roots as they loved their own houses z and lands, and Crabbe tells us that

W t e it e D tc ’ e t i h all his phl gm , brok a u hman s h ar , A t e t ne e ” t o t to an . a vas pric , wi h lov d roo p

vi f or Some indi duals gave all they possessed the coveted bulbs, and we read that one root was exchanged for four fat oxen . 1835 ” In England, as late as , a root named Fanny Kemble sold at 225 auction for $ . Tulips do not bloomquickly from the seed ; five years at least must “ ” elapse before the bright, consummate flower appears, and its bloom is sel usually a f , or mere ground color, and is termed a breeder ; but in a f ew broken years the calyx will become variegated, and it is termed ; so ff when a really choice variety is produced, its annual o sets is its only

m of . eans propagation, and it must command a high price for some years

The late variety of Tulip mostly cultivated is T . Gesneriana, and is — b l mn b o e s . divided into three classes, viz roses, y , and bizarres The “ ” are or roses marked with cherry, scarlet, pink and crimson stripes

on . veins, a white ground They are usually eighteen inches high, and “ l mn their cups are large and well formed . The byb o e s are marked ” or with black, lilac purple, on a white ground ; and the bizarres are

etc. on . feathered with purple, pink, cherry, scarlet, , a yellow ground


Markgraf, striped, red and yellow.

R . Monstre ouge, large, crimson

Belle Jaune, large yellow, feathered with red and green .

Cultiva tion Of the Tulip .

Fresh, sandy loam, such as is obtained from upland pastures, is the R or the best soil. emove the sods from sheep cow pastures, and take virgin soil . The late blooming Tulips should be planted four inches in “ ” an Th ols . depth ; the V , etc , from two to three inches, according to their size, and their roots will strike down from five to six inches . Good

- garden soil, mixed with cow manure, two years old, and a plentiful sprinkling of sand, will grow them to advantage . Never put fresh barnyard compost near them ; it will burn up the bulbs .

, They should be planted in November, and be firmly set in the soil “ for th e for six inches apart tall varieties, and four inches the Van l ” t n Th s. s o Sprinkle sand, as directed for Hyacin hs, i to each hole ; thi h t e . will keep the bulbs from rotting at base After the ground freezes, or th e of cover with straw, leaves, for freezing and thawing the ground m injures the bloo s of the next spring. off When the leaves fall, cut the stems, and when the leaves are dried f t up the bulbs can be removed, the o fsets separated, and treated jus like

Hyacinths .

In selecting the bulbs, choose those that . are solid, a little pointed, and the skin entire .

These flowers will richly repay the little care expended upon them, and I especially desire to call the attention of lady florists to their merits . f “ As I write this chapter, I feast my eyes on a small bed o Van Th ls f o that are perfectly gorgeous, and attract the attention o every

- b . passer y The cold north wind whistles around the windows, and t of bends the brillian calyx their blooms, but does not mar their beauty.

By their side sweet Hyacinths bloom, and they are all the flowers which

- my garden can boast in this young spring time .

T he Daf odils .

- These are hardy bulbs, which are common in old fashioned gardens, our and grandmothers loved to cherish them . They will bloom in out

- h e- e r f t o . o way places for y ars and years, and ask no care attention The f flowers are o a brilliant yellow. A HER WN FL 0 WER GA DE E VER Y WOM N O R NER. 105

The J onquils .

- Their creamy, rose tipped chalices are always lovely, and the double varieties are fair and white as roses ; but some of them lack the fra

granee of their sister bulbs .

The Na rcissus .

This is an extensi ve family which grows freely in any good garden f loam. The Da fodil and Jonquil belong to the family, and there are m any varieties Of the Polyanthus Narcissus, which are the most lovely h e f bulbs of t class . Their flowers are formed in clusters o six to twelve on S n of to t flowers a i gle stem, and every shade from purest white deepes of orange . The cup Of the white varieties is always yellow, and the yel

a . low, deep orange These bulbs flower finely in the window garden, t t and hree or four bulbs can be grown in a small po . The Double Nar e f or cissus is very d sirable its perfect flower and spicy fragrance . They all require the same treatment as Hyacinths, and should be planted four ut o . inches deep, and set in clumps, ten inches apart

Anemones . m These are very lovely bulbs ; their colors are gorgeous, and the ark t ings, belts and s ripes very charming . Double and single are both

our beautiful . The bulbs are tender in north countries, and can be kept

out in the house until spring, in a dry, cool place, and set as soon as the ground is well thawed . In mild climates they can be planted in Octo t th e ber or November. They bloom af er earlier bulbs are gone, and their flowers last a long time . When the leaves turn yellow, take up the roots, dry in the shade, and pack away in sand until autumn .

The Lily of the Va lley n t Must o be forgotten among Spring Flowering Bulbs, though her roots

of of . partake more the nature small, thin tubers She hangs her pearly bells like so many fragrant censers, and is ever welcome and ever lovely

-a to n true home flower, sanctified ma y hearts by both festive and 0 of funeral occasions . N garden is complete without a bed them ! n There are both double and si gle varieties, but the latter are the most f r e . o common These sweet flowers require no care, will bloom y ars in

out . the same bed, and throw their pure white tuberous roots far into the

ut- of - th e- . o pathways They love the shade, and flourish best in an way 06 E R Y MA HER O N FL A EF VE WO N W OWER G H NER.

. e t i corner, where the soil is moist and rich Are p rfec ly hardy, requir ng e no prot ction in the coldest winter. There is no bulb that flourishes so perfectly under neglect ; and no flower which is more perfect in form and fragrance .

uncu The Ran lus. — There are two kinds Of these bulbs the Double Persian, and the

Turban they form a fine contrast when planted together. They require of a rich soil, at least a foot and a half in depth friable, rich earth ; that — taken from a marshy wood deep and dark, and mixed with very Old — decomposed manure is the best for them . They need to be frequently l ! watered ; drought will kill their blossoms, and they are too tender to of endure the cold northern winters, but must be kept in dry sand, and ut o . planted three inches deep, early in the spring The hot sun will u ri o t S . fade their b ght colors, so it is best to plant them in the hade a n Ixi s, Scillas, Irises, Colchicums and Crow Imperials are all good a nd of border plants, add variety to a bed bulbous roots.

- e m Generally, any well drain d garden soil will answer for the ; if clay, n to of m a good sprinkli g of sand, and a p dressing well decayed anure mm will make thembloo ore freely.


are distinct from the parent bulb . Thus like the myth of the Phenix of ff springing from the ashes the parent bulb, the o spring is formed .

This formation is readily seen in the Gladiolus and the Crocus . The rarely beautiful Lilies which have been imported from Japan are f ” great additions to the list o summer flowers . They are shaped like the old - old fashioned Tiger Lily, always seen in gardens, but entirely surpass f it in the beauty o their coloring.

They were first treated as stove plants, and did not show forth their glories, but now they will survive the coldest northern winter with a f o . slight covering leaves, and have proved themselves indispensable

' They grow readily in any good soil, but like all other flowers, will repay their cultivator if supplied with a rich, loamy soil, mixed with v w sandy peat ; this is their nati e soil, and they ill produce many more

flowers upon one stalk if attention is paid to their wants . They require h ot much moisture when in flower, and if the season is very and dry, will bloom much longer if mulched with moist manure .

t the . We are indeb ed to enterprising and scientific traveler, Dr Siebold, for the introduction of the Japan Lilies to our gardens .

Lilium speciosum has been thus described The clear, deep rose of color its petals are all rugged with rubies and garnets, sparkling with ’ of crystal points . Indeed, the diamond bouquets, the Queen Spain s

- K oh - i- ineff ec jewels, and even the far famed noor itself, must pale their tual fires, when compared with this gorgeous flower. The jeweler who w t ishes to produce a most exquisitely tas eful, as well as dazzling and ” one of . brilliant ornament, should take these Lilies as his model Lilium lancifolium album has pure white flowers ; sometimes the lower part of the petals are washed with violet. of Lilium lancifolium punctatum has flowers a flesh color, with spots f o delicate rose .

of - Lilium lancifolium rubrum possesses very large flowers rose color, f nd a . su fused with carmine, purplish colored papilla lon iflorum Lilium g is a very beautiful species, growing nearly two one feet high, and producing from to five flowers , according to the size of of the bulb ; the flowers are a pure, waxy white, trumpet shaped, and from six to eight inches long. It blooms early in July, while the above n t named varieties do o bloom until August.

eximium . Lilium is another handsome variety, resembling L longi

florum . , but the flowers are larger and their color is of a sating whiteness - E VERY WOMAN HER OWN FL O WER G ARDENER. 109

Lilium Brownn possesses many of the characteristics of the two pre c of eding, but the outside the flower is striped with deep brownish

violet lines .

All these Lilies will grow and blossom luxuriantly for several weeks . i They increase rap dly by small bulbs below the soil, and it is well to

a t . remove them every autumn, and pl n them separately Thus treated,

they will often bloom the second season . The small bulbs should be planted in a light, sandy soil, and covered two inches deep . The soil

m rot . should not be made too rich with anure, as it tends to the bulbs has A Double Japan Lily been produced, but as yet the bulbs are very rare and high priced. h as For And Mr. Fortune introduced from China, Lilium tigrinum s for tun i, which is remarkable its vigorous growth, and its immense cluster of flowers which branch out in three successive series from the

of . main stem, thus prolonging its season bloom

Another novelty is Lilium tigrinum splendens, introduced by M . Van in ff m Houtte, which resembles the Fortunei many respects, but di ers fro

h as on . of it in color, and more prominent spots the perianth Both them are considered gorgeous additions to the family of bulbous plants . ” “ n T Lilium auratum is styled the Queen of the Japa ese Lilies . o its d perfect form and rare coloring, it adds the most elicious fragrance .

Its blossoms are very large, and each petal is decorated with a golden t band running through its center. It is perfectly hardy, and of en pro

- fi n S duces from fifteen to twenty ve blossoms o a ingle stalk. Good

flowering bulbs are now held at a low price . It flowers in August, of but by planting in pots its time blossoming can be forestalled . Like the other Lilies, it delights in a sandy loam . The Japan Lilies make

fine lawn plants . If planted in a circular bed, with the tallest in the ff s center, the e ect is very plea ing.

The ad o u Gl i l s.

G The ladiolus has become the chief favorite among its class . Its name is derived from its sword - shaped leaves ; it possesses upwards of f sixty species, divided by hybridization into an immense number o i variet es . In nearly all the species the flowers retain the same form, but ff they di er in colorings and markings . These bulbs are mostly natives of of G a A r Cape ood Hope, M dagascar and Southern f ica . They will not E MA HER FL O E GA D 110 E V R Y WO N OWN W R R ENER.

our c di survive northern climate, and must always be kept in a ool, y place during the winter. 0 u In their native land, they bloom d ring the wet season, which shows us that they require a good supply of moisture to bloom in perfection in our dry, hot summers. not t 1 95 These flowers were much known un il 7 , when the Cape of Colony was ceded to England, and her botanists and collectors rare plants seized upon them with delight. Since then they have become ’ ” Florists Flowers, and their successful hybridizations have greatly increased their beauty and colorings . e To grow the bulbs in perfection, they should be plant d in a sandy

A one- loam, enriched with leaf mould and peat. mixture of half loam, one- one- e quarter peat, and quart r leaf mould will suit them perfectly. r They may be planted in the open air during April o May. of If strong manures are used in the soil, it causes the colors the

flowers to run into each other, and gives them a muddy appearance.

The bulbs can be planted in groups or singly. Groups of three or five are the most usual way of planting them . They should be set from th f e S o . two to four inches deep, according to ize the bulbs As they to grow up, they should be tied a light stake, from three to four feet long.

When the frost has killed the leaves, dig up the bulbs, dry them in off the sun, cut the leaves an inch from the stem, and put the bulbs in

- a paper bag . Kept in a frost proof cellar, they will retain all their life . one or From bulb, two three bulbs will spring ; they increase rapidly, and can be purchased cheaply. of The high prices in the catalogues are no criterion their beauty, but “ ” only mark them as novelties .

Many bulbs are held at four dollars a root, but that shows their scarcity.

Low priced varieties will often please us quite as well, and are not “ ” s surpa sed by the colors of the novelties . th e of G Among most beautiful the ladiolus, are

- e Belle Gabrielle, a perfectly shaped flower, fine lilac color d rose,

- marked with a bright rose color. wi a Charles Dickens, delicate rose, tinted with chamois, striped th rosy carmine . flecked wi r a Comte de Morny, rosy scarlet th rich crimson, lowe pet ls shaded with crimson.


h Cavanilles He gat ered the seeds and sent them to the Abbe , Professor of the R er Botany at oyal Garden of Madrid, who succeeded in flow ing e 1 78 9 of a plant in Octob r, , to which he gave the name Dahlia pinnata, of f t o a . in honor Dahl, a Swedish botanist, a pupil Linn eus Objec ions b eOause were made to this name it resembled Dalea, a name given to an ff entirely di erent plant, in honor Of Dale, an Englishman . Professor ” Plantarum t Wildenow, in his Species , calls it Georgina, af er Georgi, R t d a ussian botanist. De Candolle and other eminen writers adopte that title ; but the original name was the favorite, and still exists. In 1 90 of t 7 , the Marchioness Bu e received some seeds from Spain, which not h ow flowered finely, but knowing to treat the tubers in the winter, n 4 uon int . 1 80 a M. B a i the pla ts were lost In , L dy Holland sent seeds to , t a practical gardner and skillful botanist ; he cul ivated them successfully, f n and from those seeds almost all the various kinds o have spru g. 18 10 De Candolle obtained seeds, and in he describes only five varie of V i a ties ar abilis, and three of Frustr nea but he had no double flower. Th e tutt ar n S d . Vo first double Dahlia was sent from g to Mons Otto, one R 9 180 . who raised similar, in the oyal Garden at Berlin, in He to 181 6 labored patiently improve the varieties, and by had three more double flowers ; but not until 1820 could he show six double flowering the d kinds. Now they are counted by hun reds and thousands ; and it

f it. would seem as if there were no limits to the improvement o Mr. Who one Paxton asks, would have supposed, that from comparatively e insignificant plant, such endl ss, innumerable, beautiful varieties could have been produced ; and what may we not anticipate ! It is not un n t reasonable to expect still a greater improvement. May we o have com binations of those clear, rich, and exquisitely beautiful colors for which ! our the Tulip has been so long admired Perhaps, ere long, fancy may be gratified by seeing Dahlias with the shades of black and white associ ated in the same flower ; and the popular taste may be also gratified ” with globular shaped flowers . u a A blue Dahlia was the ne p l s ultr for which the florists strove, and m w of any watered their young seedlings ith an infusion indigo, hoping thereby to give the desired cerulean hue .

Mons . de Candolle considers yellow and blue to be the fundamental

of . e. types colors in flowers, and that they are antagonistic, i , mutually exclude each other ; the blue flowers can by cultivation be changed into d of all sha es red, purple and white, while the yellow will pass into the OJlIA N HER O N FL W GA 13 EVERY W W O ER RDENER. 1

For e same Shades but never into blue . many years the Dahlia show d S e of not t only the had s purple and crimson, and it was believed hat any u e other color could be produced . A p re whit flower at length was d produce , and caused a great sensation ; and the yellow was greeted f with much delight. The growing o Dahlias was a passion in England U and the nited States, twenty years ago ; and new varieties were much

for. of r sought Large sums money were paid fo them . The Liliputian or Pompone Dahlias are very lovely for bouquets and f . o e vases The flowers are the desired globular shap , and each petal is perfectly cupped and tinted . They grow about eighteen inches to two feet high, and are desirable for the smallest garden . Some of the flowers are no larger than a Ranunculus ; th e plant is perfectly covered with ff buds and flowers that produce a charming e ect . of wet Dahlias will grow in almost any kind soil, excepting , heavy clay ut b . loam a moderately rich, light loam is the best A clear, open location, f r fi o . well exposed to the sun, is indispensable the nest blooms They on of of grow finely the southwestern side a fence, making a hedge S e t unsurpassed beauty. The plants hould be set three f et apar ; ifgrown en ma sse t , hey should have as much room as that, and they will grow t e e so bushy, that at a li tle distance, th y will app ar closely grouped . As e n f a lk o S o wa S bord rings each ide , they how to great advantage, and can be planted once in two and a half feet. t Dahlias can be trained by pegging down the tender shoots, so hat they will cover a bed ; the branches must be p egged down as th e plants b ed grow, until the is entirely covered, and will present an uniform mass of flowers and foliage . Plants for this purpose should be set only two

. n e or feet apart Some train them in the espalier form, by allowi g thr e n four stems to grow from each root, layi g them diagonally on both sides, and filling up the center with the lateral Shoots . of These flowers are propagated by seeds, division the tubers, and by n cuttings . Few, but experienced florists, succeed in growi g them in

- of two f or the last named manner, but all us can raise them from the

er t . m . It is no more work to grow a Dahlia than a pota o

K eep ing Da hlia s through the Winter.

The tubers need not be dug up until just before the ground freezes ; ’ - f then remove them to a dry out house for a day or two to dry o f. Don t th e out th e break tubers apart, but stem down to within a few inches 8 114: E MA HER O WN FL A VERY WO N O WER G RDENER. of them, and use it as a handle by which to lift them . All the flowering stems of another season are situated on or near the point of junction between the tubers and the stem . When they are so dried that the soil w Off or ill all shake , pack them in barrels boxes and fill up with sand u that has been dried in the sun especially for them . If yo put them in damp sand they will decay. After they are carefully packed, put them

— - in a dry cellar frost proof, and they will come out in March and April

Vi . ut fresh and gorous In planting them, it is considered best to set o of the S or the cluster tubers, and after hoots have sprouted two three two sh eets t inches, to separate them, leaving to a uber. When planted out d into the border, put the root at least three inches un er ground, f r o . and water carefully, shading from the sun two or three days A

stake must be inserted close by the stem when the tuber is planted, and to as the shoots advance, tie them it. If placed there after the plant is

n . growing, you may i jure the roots

It is from seeds alone that new varieties Spring. They should be

h or hot- sown early in the spring, in s allow boxes in a window bed, in a and rich , light soil, with a good sprinkling of sand ; as soon as the third

t - or fourth leaves are well developed, plant hem in two inch pots, in boxes two three inches apart ; shade them from the light for days or so, as the

seedlings are very tender. They can be planted into the border when all danger of frost is past ; and if the soil is enriched with well- rotted cow n U S m . n anure, the blooms will be fi er ntil the buds how their colori g, t there is no way of ascertaining it with certainty, though plants wi h d pure green stems will usually produce white flowers, those with re dish

brown stems the darkest colored flowers, and those with light brown

- or . stems, pale blush colored flowers Such plants as are not handsome S hould be pulled up, as soon as the flowers have fully shown their char

acter ; and give more room for the beautiful ones to grow in . d If the finest blooms are desire , the side branches should all be off or pinched , and only the three four strongest shoots allowed to grow, n out or and o these the buds must be thinned , leaving only three four

to come to perfection . The hot sun is injurious to the more delicate t shades, and careful cultivators suspend an Oiled paper, to protect heir

v . rare plants from it, also from hea y, drenching rains t Soapsuds make an excellen fertilizer, and it is well to give the roots

u . of the a thoro gh drenching with it, at least once a week Much suc

cess in growing fine Dahlias depends upon training them carefully, and


Black Diamond, maroon . i t fimb r ated . Guiding Star, pure whi e,

Exquisite, rich golden yellow, tipped with scarlet.

- Kind and True, straw coler, tipped with purple .

Little Nymph, white, shaded with rose.

Little Kate, dark crimson .

Little Willie, richest deep pink . f o . Little Agnes, brightest scarlets t Li tle Dear, blush, marbled with white .

- Little Herman, the finest Liliput Dahlia in cultivation ; cherry pink, tipped with white .

Otto Weilbacher, yellow, striped with scarlet. R salmon ti ed achel, , . pp with crimson . R of ose Gold, finest vermillion . Tansenblitz , deep maroon, shaded with rose . Utz , dark maroon .


of of - flowerin One the most beautiful all the summer g bulbs, and unequaled in fragrance by any flower that grows . The flowers are in u re uést s m ch q upon all festive occasions, and are al o in use for funeral of wreaths, crosses, etc . It is said that a million roots are grown about S the environs Of New York, and they can be purchased from a ingle of or Of flower, with a scented leaf geranium, to immense dishes baskets t e on them, arranged with other flowers . Fif y flowers have been rais d a

S . single stem, but from ixteen to twenty is the average number The ff bulbs never bloom but once, but numerous small o sets form round not the parent root, which, if kept over winter in a dry place, less than

fifty degrees in temperature, will bloom in two years . In latitudes north of New York city, the bulbs must be started early in March, to bloom before the frost touches them . There are few plants grown in the gar den which give more perfect satisfaction .

The Double Tuberose is considered the most desirable flower, but the l single possesses the same de icious perfume, and blooms earlier than the double . A new variety, with variegated leaves striped with light yellow, f r eu o . is admired its novelty They bloom best in a sandy soil, well riched with concentrated manures ; Guano water, prepared as before

e of . described, will hasten their flowering, and incr ase the number buds A HER L GA 11 E VER Y WOM N O WN F OWER RDENER. 7

It can be given twice a week, if the bulbs are in the open ground or in large boxes .

The Tigridia .

- flower or The Tiger , Tigridia, is a very showy Mexican bulb, growing about eighteen inches high ; its flowers are four inches in diameter, and

of t . mos gorgeous coloring, and curious form They require the same t u u f cul ure as the Gladiol s ; will not live o t o doors in cold latitudes. et or There are as y but four five varieties, which bloom from July to


T . pavonia, scarlet, spotted and tipped with yellow. hifl ra . conc o . T , orange and yellow, with black spots

- . conehiflora randiflora w . T g , lemon color, spotted ith crimson

- S . T . speciosa, orange, with deep, maroon colored pots

Ama ryllis f ormosissima .

or formosissima - The Jacobean Lily, Amaryllis , is a dwarf growing of plant, and each bulb will usually produce two flowers the richest

- of crimson violet hue, and remarkably beautiful form ; the flowers have reflex ed six petals, three erect and , and three drooping, giving the flower e or a p culiarly graceful appearance . If planted early, in the house hot or bed, it will bloom in June July. The bulbs must be preserved like f those o the Tigridia.

Va llota P urp urea Sup erba .

of u This plant is the easiest c lture, and no summer flowering bulb f f o . surpasses it in richness of coloring. It is a native o the Cape Good t e Hope ; and its leaves do not die down af er the flowering s ason , so it cannot be packed away like other bulbs, but must be kept at rest in the

e . of earth, in a dry stat The leaves are flat and a rich green, and spread

out . like a fan The flower stalk rises about a foot in height, and bears

- a cluster Of from six to eight scarlet, lily shaped flowers . The bulbs ff are increased by numerous o sets, which will bloom in three years, at

. i the latest Botanists class this flower w th the genus Amaryllis, and it is called in some books Amaryllis speciosa ; but it is more commonly V of known as alotta purpurea, though there is no shade purple about it, of for the flowers are the brightest scarlet, with bright yellow stamens u . o t and anthers The bulbs can be planted in the open border, and repotted when the frost comes . It is such a showy and elegant plant, that it should be cultivated by all who delight in Flowering Bulbs . E MA H ER O WN FL GA 1 18 VERY WO N OWER RDENER.

Tritoma Uva ria Gra ndiflora .

S of - This is a plendid plant, with a magnificent spike rich orange red “ ” Red flowers ; from its glowing color it has been called Hot Poker.

It will bloom freely in any good garden soil, and is hardy in the latitude of t New York city, but far her north, the roots require to be kept in sand

flower- during the winter. The stem will often grow from four to five

r ff . To e feet in height, and it produces a ve y fine e ect bloom befor the or n t frost, they require to be started in March April, and should o be planted out until there is settled warm weather. of The Summer Flowering Bulbs form a distinct class flowers, and will, of themselves, make a gloriously gorgeous garden, requiring but

fre little attention, as their bulbous roots do not usually demand the quent waterings that annuals and bedding- out plants must have in this

h ot . of , dry climate These bulbs, with the exception the Lilies which head the chapter, must be housed in the winter, in cold climates ; but out our southern sisters can plant them , and they will only ask to be ff m m removed to new quarters, as their o spring ultiply and crowd the ut o .

’ fl rists f The o catalogues of er them all at small cost, and it is impossible not t for those who have feas ed their eyes upon their glowing beauties, to even i magine their glories


R V t pear trees, beside the garden beds, where grew Sweet ocket, iole s, f Columbines, Spiderwort, Fleur de Luce, Daf odils, Sweet Williams .

Gilliflowers Nasturtiuni s , Larkspurs, Lychnis, and , bright as butter ! ou flies To be sure y do, and never will forget them while memory ’ for t u serves to furnish pictures the mind s eye o view . Perhaps yo S th e gathered them to adorn a fair ister, when she gave her hand to lover e t or whom all consider d ried and true ; , with fast dropping, blinding

of the tears, they were plucked to wither in the chilling embrace reaper, D the of t — the eath, who had gathered fairest flower the hearths one dearly loved baby— the youngest of the home circle ! All these associ “ ations to old- , and hundreds of others, are linked the fashioned flowers m th e Of the past ; so let us ake room for them in garden , and cherish n th e wh o them fo dly for sake of those once loved them so well . f or I have a great fondness the older annuals and hardy perennials, which are now too Often despised and neglected ; many of them are cer tainl so u y more beautiful than those which are m ch praised . ' ” - surel a thin of b ! A well pruned Snowball, in full bloom, is y g eauty And I am certain that there are many discarded flowers which would t amply repay cultiva ion .

The tendency Of the age is to run after all that is rare and new, and o t t one t neglec hat which every possesses, forgetting the divine command of not t to the chief apostles, to despise anything hat God had made, nor to to esteem it common . The first Dandelion possesses a great charm n of me, is always gathered, and kept in water as lo g as a trace its beauty or remains. If it were a rare Japanese Chinese novelty, how we should and in cherish it ! but, no, it grows commonly by the road side, every pasture, so we pass it by.

old - flower There is no sweeter flower than the , neglected Wall , yet “ who cultivates it now ! A recent writer says : These old - fashioned flowers have a sweet fragrance which does not belong to modern favor ites and however much the last may delight us, they do not make us call to mind those delightful passages of our older poets that made our imaginations paint scenes of simple rural, floral beauty and loveliness ‘ ’ ’ t old flowerS that no artistic pencil can realize ; but hese ladies , or ’ ‘ or flowers of the poets, often unveil to us some lovely picture scene our that long Since, in earlier readings, we had painted in the chambers

r of ou heart, and from which memory, thus assisted, removes a pile of ” rubbish that had well nigh buried it in Oblivion . A HER N FL GA 2 EVERY WOM N O W O WER RDENER. 1 1

“ of So we plead for the flowers of the poets . They are all easy cul ti ati n i n v o , requiring little care, and blooming endless profusion and beauty, and possessing a charm and loveliness fully equal to those which their modern sisters lay claim to . the To be sure Tiger Lily, which was supposed to be the

“ E e e t t e mbl m of human prid ha fad s away, e t o t t b ut to e ” Of ar hly j y ha blooms d cay ,

of e has been forced to feel the truth the lines, and vacat its high estate for the more beauteous families imported from Japan ; but the Holly e of ho k, whom it was said,

How t e high his haugh y honor holds his h ad ,

of has grown in elegance and gorgeousness coloring, and has attained “ ’ ” fl ri t to th e front rank among o s s flowers . And the Aster and the a of Bals m have increased in beauty, and now take precedence most other s Gilliflower n annual ; and the , like a real friend, atte ds us through all the vicissitudes and alterations of a century, even growing more beauti ful . But the Marigold is almost superseded by its more brilliant sister,

- Tagetes signata pumila, which, in spite of its high sounding name, is nothing but a single Marigold. ’ seedsmen s find But if we read the catalogues attentively, we shall the “ ” of old - seeds all of these fashioned flowers advertised, and can supply w t S of ourselves i h a goodly how them . H AP X C TER VIII.


The changes which the art of the florist has produced in double and not ff variegated flowers, are to be compared with the e ects of cultivation ’ on vegetables which have been for ages man s peculiar property. In no their wild state, they are w scarcely recognizable .

From the Colewort, whose scanty leaves do not weigh half an ounce, t he S come ixty pound cabbages which are often seen in the markets . R From a small, bitter root, comes the potatoes, Early ose and Peerless, which exhibit the wondrous changes which have been wrought in them . And so on to the end of the catalogue of vegetables ! What encourage ment do not these facts afford to the cultivator who desires to make he to improvements in some classes of vegetables. If is a benefactor his of race who can make two blades grass grow in the place of one, surely ” ’ ” he is one who gives to us a Trophy Tomato or a Brez ee s Peerless ! of : Leigh Hunt, speaking vegetables, says What a perpetual reproduction of the marvelous is carried on by of u the nature, and how utterly ignorant we are the ca ses of least and most disesteemed of the commonest vegetables ; and what a quantity of life and beauty, and mystery, and use, and enjoyment is to be found in of them, composed out all sorts of elements, and shaped as if by the ! t ! hands of fairies Wha workmanship, with no apparent workman or What consummate elegance, though the result is but a radish an onion

The care and oversight of the vegetable as well as the flower garden,

frequently devolves upon women, and as it costs no more time and


or - t i s The Swiss Chard, Sea Kale Bee , a very desirable vegetable, as its

. t mi leaves can be boiled for greens all the season The thick, whi e dribS f t o the leaves are said to be a good substi ute for Asparagus . If cut fre quently, the leaves keep shooting up afresh until autumn .

Ca uli owe fl r.

th e The best early variety is Early Erfurt, a compact, dwarf kind. N i s t e i n Le ormand of much larger grow h, and lat r blooming. i n i These vegetables should have a place every garden, and it s vastly

S . . uperior to the cabbage Dr Johnson, of literary fame, pronounced it the finest flower that ever bloomed .

Ca bbage The Early Jersey Wakefield is considered the best among the early

. Winnin stadt kinds, as it rarely fails to head Early g is the best for intermediate use ; and the Premium Flat Dutch is considered unequaled G f or . winter use The reen Globe Savoy is the most tender, and the éneral finest flavored, as a g rule ; the larger the head of cabbage, the coarser is its flavor.

Be sure and plant some cabbages for winter salad . They are unsur passed for this purpose, and are far more nutritious if eaten uncooked

Cucumbers .

Early Russian Cluster is the earliest kind one can grow ; but their

flavor is not equal to the Early White Spine, and the pickles made from

e i me t . fir s the latter, are sup rior The Long Green Pr ckly is the and f or best flavored ; but will not be ready the table as soon as the others .

This vegetable demands more attention . It can be easily raised by growing in rows, and blanching in ridges, if trenching is too much trouble . of h Incomparable Dwarf White is the first ; a very dwarf abit, and S solid . Boston Market is very fine ; White olid is also desirable for its large size, and crisp, fine flavor.

Ca rrots .

for One must have abed of these for seasoning soups, and the feathery

f . green leaves to mingle with dishes o flowers, and vases ' HER FL 0 WER GA RDENER 125 E VERY WOMA N O WN .

’ Bliss Improved Long Orange is a great improvement on the Older

e of . kinds ; is bett r flavored, and the richest color Large White Belgian is fine for those who like the vegetable served like squashes .


’ Farmer s Club Sweet possesses a delicious flavor ; very tender and sweet. ’ Moore s Early Concord Sweet is a new variety, obtained from crossing ’ ’ i Crosby s Early with Bur s Improved, and is said to be unsurpassed by f ’

r . any other kind, either early o late Trimble s Sugar is a very fine variety for late purposes .

Egg P la nt.

to Pekin New Black is a variety from China, which grows the height of two feet, with very ornamental foliage ; the fruit weighs from three of to six pounds ; it is very prolific, and delicious flavor, decidedly

S sewn b - superior to any other kind known . eed must be in a ot bed, in cold climates .

- K a i or Turni rooted Ca bba e. ohl R b , p g This vegetable is a cross between a Turnip and a Cabbage in its flavor and makes a nice dish . The Early White Vienna is the best variety.

Lettuce. S The Early Curled impson is the best for spring use, and is largely grown in the neighborhood of New York . The Large Curled India is not better for later use ; it does run to seed so quickly as other kinds, Cos f and will bear the sun better. The Green Paris is the best o these ’ “ ” R . varieties . Dickson s All the Year ound is a valuable novelty


’ f or t Skillman s Fine Netted takes first rank ; and la er use, the White

Japan, Pine Apple and Green Citron are the best. of Black Spanish Water Melon is a thin rind, and rich flavor. Moun tain Sprout is a larger and later variety.

The Long Persian , imported by Bayard Taylor, is a great acquisition t o the middle and southern States ; is very large and of the most deli n cio s flavor. Joe Johnston Water Melon is also very desirable at the south ; its

flesh is deep red, and remarkably rich . E MA HER O N FL GA 126 VER Y WO N W O WER RDENER.

Okra .

The Improved Dwarf Green is better for home culture than the com mon t variety usually grown ; it is also earlier, and is equally produc ive . The green pods ofthis vegetable are used in making the famous Gumbo” f t for o the southern Sta es ; and are always desirable every kind of soup .

Onions .

Yellow Danvers has long held first rank for family use ; but now the seedsmen offer us rare imported varieties from Italy. Early White Naples is a distinct variety, Of mild flavor ; Often the bulbs will weigh a pound ; R f . o a brown white skins, and very tender New Giant occa, Naples, has n skin, delicate flavor, and bulbs were exhibited in E gland which weighed Red three and a half pounds . Large Italian Tripoli, flavor mild and pleasant ; bulbs have grown to weigh two and a half pounds .

P ea s .

’ Landreth s Extra Early is said to be the earliest for garden use, and the best. Philadelphia Extra Early is also desirable ; but with some ’ Landreth mi s. Ge s seedsmen only another name for Little very dwarf, ’ - one . or and of fine flavor ; grows only foot high Hundred fold, Cook s ’ first- Laxton Favorite, is a class variety ; early, and very prolific . s of Supreme is the earliest wrinkled pea, and has the largest pods any kind . The Champion is a late variety, but very luxuriant, and much the best family sort raised.

P a rsnip s .

of A new variety these vegetables, called the Student, is much sweeter, and pleasanter in flavor, than the older kinds .

P ota toes .

R a Early ose is as yet unsurpassed for table purposes, both in its e rly

rolificness. ripening, and its p Peerless is decidedly the best late potato S of in cultivation ; grows a very large ize, is pearly whiteness, and very delicious flavor ; it surely is the ne p lus ultra of Potatoes . Jersey

Peach Blows are always good, but do not yield so plentifully.

e P pp ers .

Sweet Mountain Peppers should be grown in every garden , to flavor the pickles . Large , Bell are early and not as acrid as other kinds .

- - l . Cayenne are quite small, cone shaped, cora red when ripe Good for pepper sauce .


- Boxes in the kitchen windows will do their work, but a hot bed is by t of all Odds the easiest me hod forcing plants for early vegetables .

D n - irections f or Ma hi g a nd P lanting a Hot bed.

t r s n Horse manure is the bes for this pu po e, because its heati g proper

th e of ties are more intense ; cow manure will do, but growth the plants d it t will not be as rapi For a week before using it, turn over every wo or to n three days, and if the sun is not hot enough to cause it ferme t, h ot pour pailsful of water over it, the first time it is stirred up ; the next out of time throw all the coarsest part the litter. When the whole heap

on . smokes like a river a frosty morning, it is ready for use not Select a southeastern exposure, where the north wind will strike upon it ; a board fence at the north is a good protection . Build up the two or Six manure three feet in depth, and from four to inches longer th e of t and wider than frame . This can be made boards fastened tigh ly it i together, and should be higher at the back than in front, so that w ll present a slanting surface . Set the frame securely into the manure, leaving enough outside to bank it up well from the frost. Add four to f it o S . five inches andy loam, thoroughly pulverized If can be baked in th e t t d e ki chen oven, and then sif e , it will be in a p rfect condition, and h no weeds will grow in it . Place the sas es over it, and let it heat up

two or th e . for , three four days, according to warmth of the sun Put your hand in to test the soil ; if it feels warm it is ready to receive the

- a - seeds . The glass is now days fitted into side sashes, lapping at the

one e t . edges, without transverse sash ; pane cov rs the o her half an inch

This gives less Shade upon the plants from the sashes . e S th e Have your papers of s eds in a basket, with little sticks plit at top to hold either the printed papers or written labels ; thus, when your

u ou . seeds are p, y can tell an early or a late cabbage, tomato, etc Also

of or . have a pan common scouring sand, well warmed in the oven This is to scatter over the seeds, and it will make them grow more quickly than loam .

Plant your seeds in regular rows, an inch, at least, apart. Thus planted, you need not transplant all of them, some can grow in the bed

R t. all summer. adishes should be planted three inches apar Scatter

e fine the warm sand over the se ds, water thoroughly with a rose sprink n’ ler, with warmish water ; do t use cold at any time, always treat your

l R . p ants to a slightly warm shower. ain never falls chilly cold W MA HER O WN FL GA E VERY O N O WER RDENER . 129

When thoroughly wet, spread newspapers all over them, and for two or three days Sprinkle the seeds every night through the newspapers .

th e . This keeps soil moist, and the seeds will sprout very quickly In two days lettuce will Show itself; and as soon as the tiny seedlings are f o f. up, the papers must be removed directly, else they will damp for Planting in sods has been recommended those vegetables which,

to not . having a p root, would transplant readily I have tried it with m cut great success, with melons and cucu bers . Sods can be from the

or . e a orchard around the apple trees, from the road sides Put th m gr ss

- th e side down in the hot bed, and plant seeds in the soil clinging to t their roots. Cover them wi h sand. Water and shade with papers .

Squashes, Corn and Egg plants can be planted in the same way. The , i th e i sods can be put into, or near a window n the barn, and seeds w ll t sprout soon . To transplan , the sods can be cut into pieces, and the t plants in them placed in the holes prepared for hem . For Melons and

Cucumbers, they should be made very rich with manure ; the grass will

s . oon decay, and the vines will grow most rapidly

Tra nsp la nting. t This should always be done af er sunset. If the plants are removed t at this time, they will never know that they have changed their quar ers. ’

s . t I have tran planted tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, etc , af er seven o clock not R in the evening, and a leaf has wilted the next day. hubarb leaves are excellent to cover young plants that are planted by daylight ; they e wi are a better prot ction from the sun than newspapers, as they lt, and ff do not blow O .

- Ca re of Hot bed.

- Any one can make and plant a hot bed, but it requires more brains ’ to of one. i than a common laborer always possesses, take care One hou s t neglect at noontime will scorch every tender plant ; the same ime, at night, may freeze it. Every morning, noon and night, it should be old visited . If the night is chilly, cover it tightly with carpets, mattings or boards ; and let them remain until the sun strikes clear and warm upon the sashes . If the morning air is warm, lift the glasses a little, ’ and by noontime admit more air. Don t keep the plants so warm that — exer they will spindle up nor so cool that they will chill . You must t cise your common sense, and thereby learn to keep just the right hea ; a little experience will soon teach youhow to manage the sashes. The 9 130 E R W MA HER O WN FL OW GA VE Y O N ER RDENER.

on wh weeds must not be allowed to grow, and a sunny day en the sashes can be removed, pull them all up . ’ The Ga rdener s Monthly recommends the following plan for a minia t - : ure hot bed, for raising slips in the summer time Get two or three boxes, eighteen inches long and ten or twelve inches wide, with a pane of glass to cover one exactly ; have a hole dug deep enough, in a sunny on wit a location, to place the boxes in a level h the ground, first t king Off t one on th the bottoms of the boxes, and fit ing closely to e other ; fil n l up the first with fresh stable manure ; i the second, place three or four inches of earth , allowing space enough between the earth and the top of the box to set in the pots and leave three or four inches of space above it ; pour in a bucket of warm water, and set on the glass ; let it or flOWer r ferment two three days, then fill the pots with yellow o silver or t sand, and plant your cuttings ; whitewash, smear with whi ening and t t th water, the under side of the glass ; set in the po s, and cover wi h e ” glass . S w Of course, some of the lips will die, and they ill need to be watered

in r i daily and aired . I intend to try the process this season a smg plants for window gardening.

- h ot- off A dry goods box will make a good small bed. Saw the side one boards and the front , so that the sash will slide in obliquely ; put cleats on all sides to support the sash ; sink tw o feet into the ground ; ou fill up with fermenting manure and good sandy soil, and y will find u it large eno gh to raise tomatoes and peppers, with a large supply of u old flower seeds and c ttings . An window sash can do duty for the

- glass . A little ingenuity will help one greatly in making hot beds out

of little material. A good kitchen garden is a capital investment for — but every family. It requires labor and some brains to run it children tt will Often supply the former, and the housewife must not lack the la er. t of It should not be left en irely to the mercies Sambo or Patrick, unless its t they have been well trained in cul ure . As I have said before, do — not expect that women can do the hard work of a garden but they — if can plant the seed, and pull the weeds they will not let them get ’ ’ One ea r s weedin ma kes seven ea rs the start early in th e season . y g y

seedin . g, is an Old but trite proverb Hoe up the weeds when only

three or four leaves at the most are visible, and the hot sun will kill f them o f .

P X C H A T E R I X .


F lowers in Churches .

“ It has been said that a person must possess the knack — must have a taste, an eye for colors in order to arrange flowers in bouquets, of baskets, etc . , artistically. And, doubtless, there is a great deal truth ” the in remark . One who does possess this knack can walk through n a garde , gathering the flowers here and there, and arranging them with a perfect blending of color, which will result in a faultless bou t quet ; while another, wi h the same flowers, fails utterly to produce a

ff . SO one of i too charming e ect , sees that the art flower arrang ng is

fine and delicate to be reduced to rules. Yet, there are a few which may be of use to flower lovers wh o are not gifted with a truly artistic

eye . All flowers will not mix readily, but are only seen in perfection

When arranged by themselves . Wild flowers will not mingle tastefully with their cultivated brethren, but must be arranged by themselves. A bouquet of Laurel is very beautiful ; but mingle with it the coral and

f nd ou ff e . topaz bells o the Columbine a y spoil its e ct And Gentians,

- flowers Azaleas, May , and last, but not least, the pearly white Water

Lily, are seen to the best advantage when in clusters by themselves . Lilies of the Valley require only a background of their own green

leaves, to show forth most charmingly their perfect beauty. Balsams R can only be arranged in flat dishes, with a mingling of ose Geranium

lea ves to add the fragrance which they lack. Sweet Peas, so soft and

liquid in tint, with their exquisite rose colors, purple and browns, and G or V pearly whites, are ruined if mingled with dazzling eraniums erbe t nas. Put them in a tall s emmed glass, and cover them with the E WOMA H ER FL GA DEN VERY N O WN O WER R ER. 133

r G feathe y mist Of the Cliver, or ypsophila Muralis, then they will glow

- like a sun set cloud at eve . R R oyal Lilies must be placed in tall vases or glasses, and oses blend perfectly with them, while Fuchsias will droop lovingly between them . G ive Pansies and Anemones a tiny vase by themselves, and see how glorious they are. When you have a large basket of flowers to

. f arrange, make a harmonious blending Put the celestial blues o the

' Larkspurs beside the brilliant scarlets of the Verbenas and Geraniums ; of or then add the snowy whiteness some Phlox Candytuft, and judge

ff f - for yourself of the e ectiveness o the tri color. Yellow is very useful th e in vivid arrangement of bouquets and vases . Place it beside the

- to V n it ruby red Fuchsias, near the royal purple erbe as, and see how

of . R enhances the brightness their hues Among the white oses, min gle pink Verbenas or Geraniums ; and with royal purple add cream colored Stocks or Roses ; then fill in with the neutral tints of the — e . Mignonett , Ageratum, Heliotrope, etc . , etc , soft and sweet and of do not they will heighten the contrast the more gorgeous hues, yet Sofrano of . S conflict with them A rose bud, a prig Mignonette, a Tube rose, and a bit of scarlet Verbena, mingled with Heliotrope and sweet r Verbena, and some feathe y green leaves, make as perfect a bouquet as one can desire to see . of If flowers could only pose themselves, it would be a great saving trouble to many flower raisers and doubtless the eff ect would be very to charming ; but this pleasure is denied them, and our ignorant fingers ut p them hither and thither, often in most horrid contrasts and shad i ngs . — Remember this one rule never put blue and purple together ; never let crimson and scarlet be in juxtaposition ; nor bright pink and sear in di or let. Arrange your flowers sha ngs of the same color, in contrasts , flat with a plentiful mixture of white and neutral tints . In shading f out dishes o flowers, place the darkest in the center and shade to white.

The present fashion among florists is to arrange bouquets, baskets, to etc . , so as consume as many flowers as possible ; and the crowding — together of such quantities produces stiffness and formality where lightness and gracefulness Should be especially sought for. to The foliage belonging each plant is, usually, the best adapted to its peculiar beauty. The Camellia, without its leaves, is a chilly, cold 34 E W MA H ER O WN FL O WER GAEB E VERY O N EN R.

flower ; but combined with its rich, glossy foliage, it produces a charm “ in ffe f g e ct. The contrast of their per ectly curved lines and their har moni u o s of . substance, reveal the pure beauty the flower th e shp uld not Bouquets for hand be composed Of solid, heavy flowers, but of of of those delicate structure, and exquisite fragrance . Such b ouquets naturally undergo close inspection, and they should consist of n rare ferns and bright flowers, intermi gled with those that are sweet as well as lovely. Always place the most gorgeous colors in the center of “or out bouquet, vase basket, and shade into perfect whiteness, relieved by green foliage . for di If you desire to arrange a central piece a nner or supper table, a of at its base pl ce the feathery leaves ferns, lycopods, etc ., and twine around the vase light, graceful vines . In the center arrange scarlet

flowers, mingled with blue and white, and edge the vase with the veined leaves of the Ornamental Foliage Plants. These plants are very useful in arranging floral devices ; they provide the snowy whiteness and th e r - f ich wine red colors o flowers . best teacher Experience is the , in directing us to arrange our flowers most advantageously. And we need to heed her teachings in every of department life . out A lovely dish of flowers can be made of soup, oyster and preserve

. it plates Take the largest sized deep plate your pantry will give, fill w ith scouring sand, thoroughly wet ; edge it with the leaves of some tri

- Ach ranthus colored Geranium, or with the bright hued y , mingled with flowers— or some white Feverfew, Candytuft, Sweet Alyssum will do cover the stems with another soup plate, not so large, so that the flowers te and leaves will project beyond it ; fill . it as before direc d, and edge it w Ox ura — or ith some yellow flowers, Chlora, , Calceolaria any you can s u . G elect If the eranium leaves were sed before, mingle with these the

- w V . ine red leaves of the ariegated Plants Proceed , as before, and place of u or the on the edge the dish bright blue Delphini ms, Blue Salvia,

- - - lovely Forget Me Not, mingled with sweet scented Geranium leaves. f e o . In the center add a large clust r scarlet Geraniums, Verbenas, etc , mingled with white flowers . A vase of Sweet Peas can crown the whole ; or and over it all, mingle the misty Cliver Gypsophila Muralis, whose ff soft veil I deem indispensable . The e ect is truly artistic ! Purple t own flowers can be substi uted for the blue, and you can make your f selection O colors and flowers. The fairy bells of the Fuchsias are very


Cuttin a nd P reservin g g Flowers . S out u of Flowers hould never be d ring the intense heat the day, but or either while wet with dew in the early morn, after sunset, when the falling dew has revived them . DO not off h ai' shl break them y, but cut them with a knife or scissors ; d n t th the former is the best, as it cuts the cleanest, and oes ot lacera e e minute tubes which draw up the water that nourishes th e flower ; if or these pores tubes are closed up the flower so on withers . I find sand far cleaner to place them in than pure water ; that soon becomes dis agreeable, while the sand can be thoroughly wet every morn, and keep for s weeks with no unplea ant odor about it. If flowers are desired to

a of off be kept a gre t while, the ends the stalks should be cut a little every time you change the water, and a pinch of saltpetre and salt tends to prevent their decay. Soap suds, which have been widely recommended, w d spoil the flo ers very quickly. Warm water will revive wilte flowers ;

for h put the bouquet into water warm to the hand, let it remain an our or off more, then cut the stalks a little and put into fresh warm water, b W only lukewarm, and they will righten onderfully. A few drops of liquid ammonia added to the water are said to revive faded flowers, but I have never tried the remedy. of If sand cannot be obtained, put a few bits charcoal in the water, r t o fill the vase wi h them and water, and put the stalks between them ; old add fresh water every day, turning out the , and your flowers will e it keep a week or more . N ver turn ice water into the vases, chills the fl r — of owe s . life out the is murder in the first degree To be sure, the ic t e pitcher is always at hand, but keep its con ents away from your R for va . ses ain water is always the best for watering plants, or keeping fresh flowers, and it should be given a little warm, even if the tea t kettle has to be resorted to o render it so . ’ While gathering flowers, don t pick such quantities that some will h too wither before they can be placed in water. If you ave many to on n care for directly, put them a tray and spri kle them with water, then me im they will not wither and b eco l p . Geranium leaves once withered never regain their fresh beauty, and Pansies once curled up will never ’ f f flowers unroll in per ect loveliness . Don t be chary o picking your the more you gather the more you will have . Give them to all your — ’ a w . friends bounteous giver is al ays rewarded In selecting vases, don t m buy the gorgeous flowered china ware, or the brilliant Bohe ian glass, E V Y MA HER O WN FL O R GA ER WO N WE RDENER. 137

S m f but the pure, transparent glass that hows the twining ste s o the w th e flowers, and the ivory white Parian marble, around hich graceful

vines will clasp so tenderly.

Silver and bronze are always beautiful, but a tasteful straw basket, t holding a glass dish filled with flowers, will Of en produce as lovely an ff e ect as the precious metals .

Flowers in Churches .

or In adorning the Communion Table the Font with flowers, we r should select those that are bright and gorgeous, as such colors we e of h used by the artists the middle ages, and from time immemorial t ere ha s . been a symbolism, especially in religious ceremonies and decorations Red the of l of is symbol Divine ove ; white, Divine wisdom ; yellow is of of and of God o a symbol the revelation the love wisdom ; blue, f f Divine eternity and o human immortality. m Our Puritan forefathers, in fleeing fro the persecutions and cere of monies an established Church , cast from them all outward adorn t our ments ; we, of hese later days, desire to see churches adorned with “ ” G of of our the reen Things the Earth, and the practice adorning f churches with vases and baskets o flowers is becoming quite universal . Of I hope it will spread, until every little village church can boast its of to sweet floral adornments, from the earliest May flowers the Spring ” the crosses and crowns of Christmas Greens . It is but little labor for several ladies in each congregation to agree m “ ” to furnish the flowers . A large arble tazza can be purchased either of or of out the church funds, through the benevolence the rich of the m parish . To fill these every Sunday orn with all that is lovely and

of . sweet, cannot but be a work love

I recall a village church which I once attended, whose pulpit was of R made beautiful with large vases oses and Spireas, mingled with the old trailing vines of the Money Wort. The deacon brought them in,

- of mon of with an half concealed air pride, and placed the each side the pulpit cushion, upon which lay the Bible . His daughter arranged them r from the flowers that were in season eve y week , and he delighted to ff carry her floral o ering to the Lord, and lay it upon His altar. If there is any kind of adornment which more than another seems ’ G of G fitted to od s house, it is that thoughtful use the reen Things ’ of the Earth . 1 8 E E MA HER FL W R GA E 3 V RY WO N O WN O E RD NER.

Flowers are the painted sculpturings of nature— the Shapes and colors of t r : — beau y, which the Creato has lavished upon the world and surely they can never be employed for a better purpose . In the church, flowers suggest thoughts that are in unison with the occasion, and the time and care thus bestowed on th e adornment of the church are not without their reward . Pious thoughts arise while skillful fingers are busy with the work ’ of m which, as it is done for the sake God s honor, must, fro its very “ nature, be linked with good to all concerned in it. Whoso me lorifieth praise, g me “ e to th e ri e e e w e nee e Bring flow rs sh n wh r k l in pray r, ' r e ’ oflerin t e e t e They a e natur s g . h ir plac is her ! e e h o to th e t e t Th y sp ak of w , fain ing h ar , With a voice of comfort th ey come and part e ee t t u th e t u Th y sl p in dus hro gh win ry ho rs, ” e e kf t in — e t e s Th y br a or h glory bring flow rs , brigh flow r .


in . them , so as not to touch the stems Dig this about the roots of your

G R . i eraniums, oses, Verbenas, Pansies, etc , not lett ng it come in direct ou contact with the tender roots, and y need not complain of the poverty of the soil ; while the rich blooms of your flowers will fully repay the

. vi extra labor The barrel can be hid away under nes and, as the earth

add m . ca is used up, ore to it The Japanese and Chinese gardeners n e t ach us a lesson in these matters . Nothing is wasted in their country and their flower gardens are wonderfully beautiful and gorgeous . ” ’

Gen. Eternal vigilance, Jackson s pet phrase, applies particularly to gardening. One cannot grow fine flowers without some labor ; and you will soon learn that constant efforts are needed to make the flowers grow

- fine t . one into shaped plan s, filled with blossoms You cannot garden n e week, and let it alone the ext ; but you must watch it, and wat r it, and u o . to weed it, daily, if y would be successful It requires as much care cultivate a handsome garden, as to grow cabbages, melons and tomatoes, n and o more .

An open exposure is desirable, where the sun will have free access to the plants ; there are some flowers like Fuchsias, Primroses, Daisies the Pansies, etc ., which bloom far better in beds that are sheltered from a e noonday sun and their t st s should be gratified . Yet nearly all plants t i love the sun, and grow bet er, if d rectly under its influence.

e ection a nd w n S l S o i g of Seeds .

t e This is a ma t r of importance to amateur gardeners, who usually t desire the handsomest kinds that can be grown . It takes no more ime to and care grow a small, poor, single flower than a rich, double variety ; e i s . of and the cost but littl more Always purchase your seeds reliable,

- n ff well know seedsmen, and do not content yourself with those o ered by

Small traders .

Seed raisers who make it a business, raise only the finest kinds ; the poorer sorts do not pay. Hundreds of dollars worth of good seeds are annually wasted because the growers do not know how to plant them .

They require a very finely pulverized soil ; and, if the coarser particles

out . are sifted , the seeds will germinate more surely In the Chapter

ALS . on ANNU , minute directions are given for sowing seeds Since writ ff one ing it, I have sowed sixty, or more, di erent varieties, and hardly ”

f . has failed to germinate . Every seed o some varieties has come up

‘ no diffi cult There is y in their culture, if you will only take a little pains E V R Y MA HER OWN FL GA DE E E WO N O WER R N R. 141

and in planting them, shield them from the sun, with newspapers, for r two o three days.

This is usually considered a terror ; but if you will use a small rake hoe ever mornin for ou and , as heretofore advised, y g, a few minutes, y u erhand f r will keep the pp of them . The first leaves o weeds O plants are their sole nourishment ; cut them off and the young weeds must die of ma , however tenacious life they y be.

Wa tering.

s out Leaves ab orb and give moisture, and inhale and exhale air ; they of are the lungs every plant, and if they are destroyed the whole plant h ff . t e su ers The pores in leaves of all plants, by which they transmit air and moisture, are exceedingly small, and liable to be filled up if exposed to smoke and dust ; therefore, if there are not plentiful showers, you must water them freely e very evening. It is Of but little use to hot give water after the sun has risen . In this , dry climate the water t ing pot is a necessity, and tubs Of water should be drawn from hydran or Off pump every morning, and allowed to set in the sun, to take the ’ M c . . . hill ; then, after seven O clock P , apply it

P antin Out P runin etc. l g , g, The branches and leaves of plants rarely touch one another while growing, and you should learn from them not to crowd your plants in ' bed or border ; for air and light are quite as needful as water and good soil. od of When shrubs pr uce an abundance foliage and no flowers, either or of t remove them to a purer soil, cut through some the principal roo s.

- i R shorten n . oot g is often resorted to, by florists, to force plants to bloom ou flow By checking the growth of plants, y throw strength into the ers . All shrubs produce their flowers on the terminal points of the off ou branches ; after the bloom is past, if these are pinched , y will have two or three branches for one in the succeeding year.

All plants are in their most vigorous growth while in flower, and for should never be transplanted at that time, it will check their growth , f or t if it does not kill them . This is the time taking cut ings, as they t e are then most ready to send forth roo s . Th throwing off of its leaves b S to e y a newly planted cutting, is a ign that it has begun grow, whil 142 E E Y MA HE R OWN !FL R A DE V R WO N OWE G R NER.

“ e n not if the leaves with r on the stem, it shows that the cutti g had strength enough to send forth shoots . t ou off You can train a plan into any shape y please, by pinching the or shoots, for the plant will avenge itself by sending forth two three m A ne . ore, in lieu of the o you pinched in plant pinched in June will i ' ul n J . flower y ; if pinched in July, it will flower in August All buds u Fuch proceed from the tips, and by pinching in Carnations, Bo vardias,

. e sias, etc , their flow rs will be put back and they need not be allowed to t of r bloom until autumn . This me hod training will p oduce thick, m unm bushy plants, filled with any small shoots, which, when left o

' ' t will r du u f o ce o . les ed, p h ndreds buds and flowers R on To procure a succession of oses, prune down to three eyes all of the branches some bushes, as soon as the buds begin to expand ; r on defer the same ope ation with others, until the leaves are expanding ; e the former bushes the three buds will bear early flowers ; in the latt r, not they will begin to expand until the others are in full foliage, and will bloom later in the season . n Dry, east winds are very injurious to plant life, by absorbi g the moisture from the leaves of the plants more quickly than they are able to give it out ; they will often wither the plants as badly as a frost, and should be guarded against in the same way. Cover all your plants with to papers, boxes, etc . , if they are so unfortunate as be exposed to it. I ' have seen an east wind nearly ruin a flourishing bed of Verbenas and

f - Heliotropes in the month o May. If your grass plat becomes overrun m with moss, anure the surface, and the grass will soon catch in and expel the intruder. o e t i ulces Plants, when in blo m, hav all he r J ln the most perfect state ; m to therefore , cut all aro atic and medicinal herbs just as they begin send up flowering stalks . Profuse flowering exhausts the strength of plants ; therefore remove all seed pods that are not especially desired for seed. Do this to all

erennl als ou . p , and y will have much finer blossoms the ensuing season

Sa ving Of Seeds. Though the gathering of seeds reminds us that thebeauty of the e flower is gone, it is a pleasing occupation, becaus it promises us pleasure t to for another year. As an usual thing it is bet er depend upon the or seedsmen f your supply, but if you have very fine flowers, choose two


of and the first May it was brought up with every root alive . The leaves e or had all fallen, and the stems were dead down thre more inches . I m cut them back six inches, and bright leaves are now starting fro every branch . a I live in the coldest clim te in New England, where one has to fight “ N m f . o f for flowers or fruits ine onths winter, and three months o ” S R the pring, describes the rigorous climate, and all oses excepting

Te s v . or tender a , will li e under sods They are cut from the meadows road sides early in November ; then the bushes are carefully laid down ; and the sods are placed over them grass side up . Last winter there was A u but little snow, but my roses kept finely. large shovelf l of manure l “ was thrown around the roots before the branches were aid down, As the R sods were being placed over the oses, I laid a small piece over two

Feverfews that grew near, and they are both alive . They will live out in milder climates, but are rarely known to do so in this frigid zone, t ’ under Mt. Washing on s shadow. Fuchsias and Heliotropes can be kept n V in boxes in the same man er. Also Oleanders, Sweet erbenas, and nearly all flowers but Verbenas they require light, heat and moisture to live . G is Zonale eraniums can be wintered in most cellars, if the earth shaken from the roots, and they are tied up by them to the beams of off the cellar. All blossoms should be cut , or the sap that is in the t of th e branches will cause them to bloom, and thus rob the ron s strength they need to lilie on through the winter. A damp cellar will

cause them to decay. Scarlet Salvias can be kept in the same way.

R . . oses and Geraniums, etc , can be buried in trenches Dig it two a— t not and half feet in dep h, and where the water will settle ; lay in the of can plants, first throwing in a few shovelsful dried leaves, or boards m off be laid over the plants ; fill in with sandy loa , and finish with a

ridge that will carry off the water. If the trench is lined with straw

before the plants are laid in , they are less liable to decay. It is no use ” trying to make window gardens out of plants that have flowered all

s . e ummer Th y must have a season of rest, and they are only desirable a for nother summer after they have slept away the winter in the cool,

dark cellar.

Sleep Of Flowers .

It is said that nearly all flowers sleep at night. The Marigold goes

at . to sleep with the sun, and awakes its bidding The Dandelion shuts Y W MA HER W FL A EVER O N O N O WER G RDENER. 145

b n t tightly its bright blossoms efore nine in the evening, and does o fully

open them until at six in the morning . The Daisy closes its flowers in ’ ” the evening, and opens its day s eye to meet the earliest beams of the G ’ . a t rising sun The oat s Beard wakes three in the morning, and goes

to or . m sleep by five six in the afternoon The Crocus, Tulip and any

- o thers sleep peacefully at night. The Ivy leaved Lettuce awakes a t e in The ight the morn, and closes forever by four in the afternoon . Night Blooming Cereus turns night into day ; it expands its magnificent

fragrant chalices in the twilight, is fully blown at midnight, and sleeps

n of . never to awake agai at the dawn the morning In a Clover field , ’ not a leaf opens until touched by the sun s rays . An English florist th e t has closely watched the habits of flowers, and thus repor s concerning

them .

Insects .

t of but Insects abound ill every mon h the year, they are especially t a nnoying i n Summer time . Wi h the first warm days they appear ill R t R . bu a numbers, and cover the oses, etc ain causes them to disappear, ’ d r . r a y, east wind increases them A small painte s brush, dipped in quassi

o r off . aloes water, will brush them and destroy them The caterpillars of many moths and butterflies are destructi ve in the one ou garden, and death in the Spring will save much warfare ; so if y one on or see resting a stem leaf, with folded wings, it is probably a

. one on t female and should be killed directly If is found dead a plan , ou she has doubtless laid her eggs, and y must search for them under or neath the leaves and burn them . A garden syringe engine is the bes t t a weapon with which to wage warfare agains both aphides and c terpillars . You must hold the pipe close to the plant, and pump hard, so as to a it bring considerable stream upon it, and will soon be free from them . ou ou Every time y use it, y should rake the earth away from under the

off . plants, and trample upon the insects you have washed

Earwigs are very destructive insects . Their favorite food is the petals

o f . roses, pinks, fuchsias, dahlias, etc They eat at night, and ill the

daytime hide away in the dark vegetation . They can be caught by driving stakes into the ground and inverting a flower- pot directly over for for them, leaving just room them to crawl under, and then look

and destroy them every morning . n the Grubs o orchard trees and small fruits, will sometimes spoil whole harvest ; but if a bonfire is made with dry sticks and weeds on 10 4 E Y W MA HER N FL G A E 1 6 EV R O N O W O WER RD NER. the of n the t e windward side the orchard, the smoke will blow amo g r es and destroy hundreds, while the flames will attract many moths . Make the fire after nightfall .

Wasps destroy a quantity of fruit, and all that you can kill in the n ill the But spri g will save a swarm autumn . be careful about letting

- t ou . ba hem sting y , for the smart is severe If stung, get out the blue g from the laundry, and rub it well into the sting, or cover the spot t f with sof soap, or liquid ammonia, to neutralize the acid o the poi et son. Saleratus w and rubbed on the wound will also mitigate the pain . (

l t - bu for Cherish the it le black and red lady g, it will destroy many

or . t n t green lice, aphides They are of e to be found on the curran b and ushes, and I always catch them give them a home among my roses and geraniums . to Toads are amongthe best friends that we can cultivate, so be sure ma f w t t t . e strawberrries let reat hem wi h kindness They y eat a , but them have that privilege ill return for the immense quantities of insects If u h n t w . o e to hey ill also eat y can ave no e ill your garden, it is w ll s kfor n n th ee them ill your walks, and bri g them home, handli g em for t n n e fe t carefully, hough they have no power to i jure you , bei g p r c ly h e wh . t o harmless, you can easily kill them I ave a portly coupl of hem

- live under my front door step, and nightly come forth to feed upon my

- l nsects— m d enemies the noxious eating bugs, grubs, moths, illipe es, and caterpillars . of n be Bees, various kinds, are useful in spreadi g the pollen , so sure to bid them welcome to all the hidden sweets your flowers con t ain .

Cultiva te the B ea utiful.

Flowers seem intended for the solace of ordinary humanity. Chil as dren love them ; quiet, tender, contented, ordinary people love them ill they grow ; luxurious and disorderly people rejoice them gathered , ’ r t ill th e w as They are the cottage s reasure, and, cro ded town, mark, of with a little broken fragment of rainbow, the windows the workers, T th e . o in whose hearts rests the covenant of peace the child and girl, t mm o the peasant and manufacturing operative, to the grisette and the , ” R n th . e lover and the monk, they are precious always Thus writes uski , f th e prose poet o the century.

E VERY WOMAN HER OWN FL O WER m u Fro the earliest childhood he taught his son to love them, c ltivate e them, and rejoice with int nse delight in their rich and varied color ings . In this way he created in him the tastes and desires which made hi mthe first botanist and naturalist of his age .




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