Winner of the Michigan Pr11ss Da~ttor Trail's Annuat Her so Show General Excellence Award at Fairgrounds Sunday

Ninety-Fifth Year, No. 22 Mason, Michigan, Thursday, June 3,,1954 4 Sections -.26 P11ges ,. News Index More Raill Is Due Lawyer Again Wnnt ads, Pnges G, 7 nnd U. S, weather hurcau prcrllc- 8, Pnrt 1, 1ions 'l'hursday noon were !or Warfare Opens Sor-inl news, Pngcm 4 nnd 5, continued showers Friday w!th Will Ask for Part 1; Pages tJ nnrl 5, Part 2. colder went her In the offing. '!'he Church news, Pnge G, Part mlns have been genct•al through· On Gypsy Moth 2. out the ~lnlo and have boos1cd Lesser Count Erlllorlals, Png-e 2, Part 4, cmp prospectH. !"arm news, Par;:es 3, rJ ami Around Lan.sing ~. Pnrt 4. Howal'd A. McCowan, M£t· Legal notices, Page R, Pnrt Financed by state and fed­ son lawyet·, intends to again 1 ; Pm:c 6, Pnrt 2; Pnges 5 nncl ln(umbents. F~le. ern! funds, wur hns begun on move that the ch£ll'ge ugains1 G, Pnrt 3; Pngc 6, Pnrt 4, the gypsy moth ai'Ound Lnn~ Ml's. Margaret Jordan be J'e· For School· Board sing. duced to manslaugh1 et•, he L,jbrary Addition WcdtH!srlay the "Lillie LcglsJ~. said Thursday. l-Ie will mnke Elect,jon July 12 tlirc" approprlntccl $lf10,000 In his motion in circuit comt in Nominating petitions !OJ' PJ'CRI· .~pray an csllmntcrl 100,000 acres Lansing Friday afternoon at May Be Decided rlcnt Mnurlc:c B. Riel>ly nne! 'rrus­ nrourHI Lnnslng. When tile mot hH In lhc calcrpillar stage we1·e fll'Nt 1:30, he stated. That's when lce Dr.r Bray of the Ma~nn hoard By Supervisors of education have been llled. discovered lust week Iiley were · ~1·s. Jordan is scheduled to round only on the soul horn hor­ . Two other petitions havr> hePn clcr of Lansing. Ycstcnlay oJhcrH fot• at•mignment:. Whether or not to hullcl an ~ppeat• reported In drculntlon on hchnlf were found nn llolt marl west of Mrs. Jordan, 30, is now held In nc!clition to the Hall Memorial library at Mason will be placed of Dr. 0. K. Pauley and Max Me- Holt and south of East. Lansing. jail without hail on a first degree Carn. Neither man hns an- murder· chnrgc. She Is held for l1eforc the board of supervisors nounced his candidacy, however. J~ederal nnrl state hmpectors Tuesday. tlw death of Lenwoml Stowe, 40, were also chcclc done early in the tlwt Mrs. ,Jordan bad malice, employed to make a tentative board recently adopted such a morning. aforethought and the intention to sketch and cost estimate o! the resolution. kill Stowe, with whom she had expansion needed. The rlusl ing is expected to ex- been on a party that night. Me- Tile tentative plan calls for an Nominating petitions must terminate all insect life, includ· addition to the cast and a re­ hear llie signatLtres of helwccn lng flir.s and mosquitoes. Apiar- Cowan argued that Mrs. Jordan . ~0 and 75 qualifier! elcclo:-s. Pe· ists will wan! to lwep their hces only Intended to scare Stowe by ccssed expansion to the south of JUST UI\E 1101\IE is the way these 130 Mexican na- tm·tillus, Mexican beans, meat stew, boiled eggs, bread and tllions must he lllcd with Ray- umler shelter • the bees, too, driving clo:-;c to him; and thai the present building. 01 she hnrl no malice, nor any Jnlen· Albert J. Hall of Mason pre­ tionals feel about the treatment they get in Mason. Shown mill<. It's· a good meal for working men. And these men mond II. McLean, ~~hool hoard will .go the way of nil lnMcct tlon to harm Stowe. He as){crl a sentcrl U~c c?unty with the_ pres­ above Js a pictme taken in the camp mess hall at the H. W. will be doing plenty of wod< in Michigan sugar beet fields secretary, by 1 p. m. ?n June 12. flesh, scientists warn. However, reduction of the charge to man- ent bullrlmg ~n 1938. He origmally . C · lVI Tl I f M · I ·'I Elrr:tors have untll 5 p. m. bees rlon't usually move amunrl M a dJson o. tn ason. 1rce coo -:s t•om extco dis 1 up orchards and cucumber patches this summer, The men July 2 to reg-ister for the school mueh until the sun warms up anrl 51aughtcr. planned to g1ve the library to the Judge Adams had the prosccu· · city .. of Mas.on. Then . came the the Mexican-style food. They bt•ought their recipes with arrived in l\1ason this week and will retum to theit· country election. Persons nlrearly on the !thus IIJCy will gain Jmrlinl pr

Phyllis 447 S. Jefferson Phone 23061 diction was made by Maurice Harlow, 1930. Ronald Schroeder, Qlaude:·. The turlmy dinner was served ser, Pale Southwlcl<, ·, t..a•wrc·nce Stanley, Marilyn Startslle!i( Rob·. · FOR .THE FIRST ert Townsend, Anthony ···;:Vacek, Esther Vince, Rlcharil .. ;walker, (~FLOATING CLOSE SH~\fE .. ~j James Westervelt, Shirleen 'Wy·. ntt and ·Charles Young: '· · . The class motto was·"The Door NOW! S'EE THE GREATEST , to success Is Labeled Push i'; the class flower, the white. ,rose; _n'nd class colors, green and white. Class fncuity udvlsors ·were Mrs. ECONOMY RANGE EVER BUILT! Fern Slagh, Miss Zorn Greiner, Mrs. Edward Crowley and· ·Otto. Heclcsel. · · , Class officers were:· Preslden\. Howard Bodell;~ vlce-~es!Uent, .. Gerald 1~oote: secretary, Marilyn I Bacon; and treasurer, Joyce .Big g.· ___ __..!' I --. '.1' Pupils P~eserit ·· · lt took 2.~ years to ~erfect then~;, CUSTOM SCHICK ' I , , . pay -notbmg. to try 1t I And here s why it brings you new ease . IF YOU KEEP IT,PAY Piano Recit~l· .. ·.... ·· in close shaves: ' · · · . ' .· ,• ...... , 'rhe pta no pupils of Mrs. Clay.· IT·-11LOAT8 WORLD'S THINNEST·! Built like ·a 'fine watch!· .. coli Jewell were presented .'In n' ·., ...... ··so·· IN ·vouR No~ an inch of useless·bulk. ·so·easy to use! :·:: ·:·~~L!:·: · .. A ~EEK. :-ecltal Wednesd~y e,venihg at the '1lgh school. An acco~dlon.soloby LIGHTEST! Not·anounce of use- All these wonderful features ~~.WORLD'S ;You don't pay a cent till you .. try ·tho new ray Wardowsk:l .. nnd.'a vocal solo . \I less :weig~t~ Glides over your face without effo1·t 1 In only 30 INC.HES of wall spacel ~Y Mary. Ann . Frederick· · CUSTOM .SCHICK at home for 10 daya. Then, ~arlety .to the · program. Plano · ·:NEW SPEED! New real-rotary-motor packs "• CO!ftpletaly delighted with It, we'll .put • "Super Size" Oven, • e' One-piece top , , , ;olos, duets, trios· arid a .speclhll~y ~.more pov.rer .than motors twice· its size I A palm- '·lton your 'account-and you pay · . full 24 lnchea wide, eaay·to·clean. , . only 'lumber, "Covered':Wagon' Suite/' ., fu•t· a .few.· penni•• par day I • :Radiant high broiler. '>Y Peter Shalt· and .Jlm.Jewell, . ... -· . i!ize powerhouse! ~~~'0\''i>~- ,, ' .• Jnsullaer Walls ·keep . • Be~~tiful styling with : lt PL;OAT8 · . · · · ·>: ··' -·'·"-· · • · In new Spact•Savir Caddie Call heat lnelde the.oven. sculptured contours. · SIJ995 1vere .Included In; thi! recltftl. · . •ov•tt · !NEW SUPER-HONED HEADS(Give you close Others ·on the· ,.program were that'a .ldepl for aultca11 or bath• • .Oversize StoraRe Drawer • Flush-to-wall fit and · Small down payment. Roger Robinson,. Pamela HJne. .. ~0-~fl. P.AQa shave~ w~th b~t.a feather touch-! Exclusive, .new · rol.m •ahelf,l $28.75. Schiele '"20,•i. · · for extra utensils. · · recessed toe sp11ce, · Easy terms. Patty DeRose, Chlpp Fogg, . Jill · · \: l,)rec 1 s&on ·honmr·.mak~s -th~m·super-eftlcient 1 . $26.50; Schick ~oJonel, $19.95~ · . Fogg, ;Bonnie · Wai·dowilkl, "Bill --·-, .

, r ~ . , Jewell, Judy :'HUrlbut,:·, Bobby ... Jupp, Sandra · · ··FI ~hf!rta' Cauale, Susan · · · ' Mt:~.sq~ ... ~tiQ~· .. Ap.pli~g·~e WARE'S' :D:RUG STOJIE. 1~ W•. Maple . . , .: . / . ·. \ · : . ·. , Phinlo. 2~5911. ·• ~hone' ·541t:< . ,, , · ... J • ' •• •... '''·\··· • ·_,,.·· B!R'niDAY PAR'!'¥ OIVli!N tEngage1nent Party Is Given ,Jimmy HtJlctt WI!S g\IOiit or honor Wednesday aftot•noon nt n Dinner Honors Mr. ancl Mrs, Howard B, Lloycl party glvf!n hy his mother•, Mrs, anJ ..Personab of Williamston cntcrtnlnetl SociaL 6venb nt n Clayton Hulett, honoring his fifth Past Officers • • * • • * .. combined grad untlon reception hlrthdny nnnlversm-y. 'rwolvc . . and cngngemcn t pnrly I~rlcltty gt1csts nttentlecl. They plnyecl Mn~rm 0, R fl. mmnhet·s en· fiEDMAN EARNS DEGREE evening- honoring their daughter, games nftcr which the hoslcsH lerlnlnerl 22 pnst mal rons nnrl 0 Jacqueline Kny, Franklin-Sears Vows Said George Redman, son o! Mr. s~rved r.nlm anrl Icc cream. Jim· past Jlflll·ons nl n rUnner· 'l'ue~rluy ami Mrs, Paul Redman, will rc· Mary Mathias . The. party wus held following my received mnny nice gifts, evening. Tlnen cnunly o. E. s; cclvc his BS degree Sunday, June her graduation from Williamston .. "' . officers, Mrs, Glndys ltnynnlrls n.~ Webberville, president; Mrs, 6, at North Cm·ollna S~atc college Is Honored at high school. At this time hc1· en­ Monday nfternoon guests of ln Home Ceremony Friday • at Raleigh, Aftel' serving In the gagement to Kenneth Gco1·gc Mr. and Mrs. I•'rcrl Bryon wm·e fiulh 'rrnvc1· nf Williamston, vice president: nnd Mrs. Emery Ilnrr marine~ 2 years he worl1cd a Grnham of Flint was revealed. He and Mrs. Fosler Bm·llctt, Mr. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- length gown of white nylon year In Lun~lng, 2. years In rta; Linen Shower Is the son of Mrs, William and Mrs. Lamont Carle•· nne! sl!crmcl vlr·c·rrrcslclcnl, Wf!rc pres seph B, Denn was the scene of a which she designed nml made. II ent. I leigh and then entered North Gerry Rlcl1ly entertnlnell Tues­ Graham nne] the late William Bnrry of Wllllnmston, and Harold pretty wcclcllng Friday evening featured a full sldrt ancl Peter Carolina State,· Graham. Fry of Lnnslng. gnch honor·or! gucsl received n \~hen Chnrlottc Ann Soars nnd Pan collar. She wore n tiny cap day evening at a linen shower . .. . honoring Mnr·y Mathlns, June A large enko formed the tnble Week end guests at the Henry gift from lhc lodge. Harold L. Franl1lln, Jr., both of of artificial daisies ami cnrricrl n Lansing, exchanged marriage nosegay of violets, !Illes of the brlde·elect. Miss Mnthlas • nnd centerpiece. Insc:rlbcd In the cen· Eggers home were Mt·. nnd Mrs. A husincs~ mf!PIInr~ WiiS eon· vows. Mr. Frani~IIn is Mrs. Dcmi's valley unci white roses. Ron Barker of Lnnslng plan to tcr of the cnlm were the vows Andrew Ridenour of CIJarlcslon, rluel cd following lhe JH'escnta· brother. Pupils Present exchange marriage vows June 26. which the couple'lvlll exchange. South Carollnn. lions. Phyllis Stlmer was mnhl of For the occnslon 1he tuhlc was California poppies, Illy of the Miss Rosa W. Pndter of Sng­ ,;'J'hc bride Is the tlnughtcr of honor. Her gown wns mndc of Mr. nnd Mrs. F'redf!rlcll Scars of Piano Recital centered wllh n hrlclnl bouquet vr1lley and Iris clecoi"l:tlell the lnnw arrived Thtll'sdny to sv~nd Mr. nnrl .1\'frs. William Galle! green taffeta styled with a full and each guest received an In- Lloyd home for the affair. sel'ct•aJ days wllh her hroiiJCI'·in cnlcrlalned as lheit· house guests 23lfi 'J'ccl street, Lansing. The sl1!rt and topped with a hnlcro bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Mlllhlsler of Holt dlvldunl bouquet. Forty guests ntlcndcd the par· law nnd sister, Mr. nml Mrs, ,J. 'Sunclny curd over· llw wee!< end .Jacket. She wore a corsage of C. Greene. Guests nt lhc Greene M1·. nne! Mr·~. l~rnnk Gnhr.l nnrl J\1rs. Harold L. Franl(lln of 1215 pi'Cscntcd her plnno pupils In a golden carnations and mums. The hostess served n huffet ty. 'rhcy came from Grnnd Rap· JACQUELINE KAY LLOYD ~on of Wnllll'!rlge, Ohio; Mt·. nnrl West Allegan, Lunslng. reeltal at the Holt 'Brotherhood luncheon. Mrs. Hcrbm·t Mathias, Ids, DeWitt, Lnnslng, Mason unci home Saturday were Miss Fnn· 'l'he hrldcsmald, Janice Bedford, nic Hndlcy and Langdon Long­ Mrs. Edwin Dallenhach nnrl Mrs. ' :- ncv. Kenneth Eyler of the Temple Me th ing. · POLAROfD CAMERA+CASE $6 650 sister of the Michigan State grad Mr. and Mrs. Reginald E. ~'lnlll I + FLASH ... ONLY uate, Is expected at Homestead Miner of Lesllc have a daughter, .fVrP'•:· I-Illis Friday to nttend her broth Linda Charlene, born last Thurs· ktd· er's graduation. His parents ar rlay, May 27, in the Mason Gen- we I rived last week. ~ral hospital. .. · CAMERA ! A son, Donald Harrold, was Mrs. E. B. Wilcox ancl Betty born Frida·y, May 28, in the Ma· ·It's the most sta;iling., Lou .and Mrs. Harry Ellenberger son General hospitnl, to. Mr. and of Boyne City plan to attend the Mrs. Sylvester H. Hawkins of ,camera in three decades!,! Leslie. ·· have Mason high school graduation Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cal· i The automatic Leica M-3 Thursday evening as ·guests of houn o.f Stockbridge are the par: Name Imprinted Warren Wilcox: Mrs. Wilcox is . relieves your mind of Warren's gramlmolher. ents of a ·son, Darroll Roy, born 1 TuesdQy, June· 1, in the Maso.ri photogr&phic technicalities,) FREE Sheriff· and Mrs. R. J. Russell General hospital. the. leaves you free to ( of.Ithaca and Mr. and Mrs. Rob· A daughter, Denise Faye, was I • concentrate on lhe picture/ 'S ert Colby spent the holiday wee!' born Sunday, May 30, in the Ma· 1 WARE end at Harbor Beach. While there son General hospital to Mr. and :argue\ you wantl See how .eosy they attended the alumni' banquet Mrs. John E. Harltness of Dans· and dinner. Mrs. Russell and Mrs. ville. MATCHED SET expert photoaraphy can be.~ Drug Store Colby graduated from Harbor Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hanley a-fOur ·COMPLETE new See the M·3 1 have..a son, Kenneth Roland, born -with the fastest lens" 'i.:======~rj ~B=e:a:c:h·~....:..------_;_...:..,,l Wedn'esday; June 2, In the Mason 8mm MOVIE OUTFIT of any American camera General hospital. HERE'S WHAT YOU GET: . in its price classl · • now Boll & Howell movie camora with Sun Dial. FAMILIES HAVE PICNIC Color-corrected Cintar lens; 1 The Mason VFW post had !:3.5 .precision shutter with • matching projoclor Leic&_M~3' planned a picnic following the speeds from 1/25 to 1[200 • matching movlo light . • camera carrying caso Memorial j)ay ceremonies, Man· second; picture window view­ finder; universal settings; • lwo 375-watt floods clay. However, due· to the rain, double exposure preventer; · • Indoor color fllm it was postponed to a later date. depth of field scale; built-in • onlmaled carlooB The following members and their synchronization-the flash • prevlow ureon families continued their picnic gun plugs right into tho cam. plans and congregated at:the Le· ern-no dangling wires, noth. It's the easiest way in tho Roy Saelens recreation: room; .the ing to adjust. Ideal for action, world to make movics..:.a Jerry· Surateauxs, the Max Me· 11ash, or gorgeous color-it's complete h\lmc movie out· send-off the most exciting new 351lllll fit in a handsome carry-out Give tbem a. with Carns, the Russ Huntlngtons, the · , camera vnlue in ·years, package, ·. · · Ted 1-Ioags, -the Jen·y Stlngleys, A lovely gift from Mills and the Orvllle Woodards; I ..$32~ · 7 . .' . . 1 No red tape • ; • n() cost ••• just :Slips .. Gowns · Dr. and Mrs: ·newey Bond of "sign nnd shoot," Take all tho . ' ., ' shots you want. • Sec yor1r own · Eva·n·st-on, Illinois,· at.rived · snaps in 3-Dimcnsion color. Como · Wednesday night at the· home of Half Slips in today, this offer is)imitcd~ Pajamas her parents, Mr. and Mn;'. Willis Collar. They plan . to . remain Panties· · ·Dusters through Sunday. · .. . . Clarence Laws of Otsego' Is :For· a limited time, Bell &: . spending a few days this week FLASH: $3.80. CASE: $3.65 •,Howell cnmo~n· purchasers· Costume Jewelry 'Hose with his brother and sister-In-law, ·. cnrn ·a $15 credit toward n ' . · l'rtcn lnclud.o ·Federal Ercl1o Tu wbo,.; oppll;. now Boll &: Howell projector, Mr. and Mrs. Claude. Mr ~l!• ...•~d aro aubJ"c~ ,to ~~11nao wlthoat oollu. · · Buy your 11111tchechet today I ... , .. , ' .. ' ·'· ·Gloves Handkerchiefs and Mrs. Laws spe'nt ·the week end In Otsego visiting relatives., Miss Florence Lathrop and Mrs .. Gladys Perkins of Battle Creek and Wlllllun Barber and 1 .~ ..,.~.~.· J{atliryri·an(i ·Maude Bar· Mr., and· Mrs;·: Floyd 'Taylor and ! Mrs.· Jennie · · had dinner ·at .Turney's .I \ ·' Orgalti:&aliollB nt the AI Sl!llliW home lit Wullr!!l Firemen Get Two Calls 4-H Members to Lnlm, Mason flremc11 mmle n nm to The Islnncl school nrr.a rem!. Mr. nnd Mr~. Leonnrct Gcl'harll· dents 1111d former residents will stein nnd Cal'olyn were WC!C[t tho M11rthn McKenzie· fnrm nt t!1o Appear on TV enl'nel' of Hog~-:Jac:1t and Colleg() hrwe 11 reunion nt the ~chool on end guests of Mt•, 1mrl Mr:~. Leo Four·H clllh members !rom Sunday, June 13, There will be a :Jerhnrc(Hioln, ronrl~ Sattmlny to huttlo a chiclt· JnghlliTL C:Olillty WJ!I hr. rcpre· potluclt dinner at one o'cioclt, en coop lire, •r1w hullrilng went Robert GloveJ', son of Mr. nnrJ fa~t nnd wnH dcsti'Oycrl lle!ore ~ented on the new television Whentfield Glcr:.ners will hnvc Mrs. George Glover, returned firemen renchell the scene. TlH!' ~cries, "'!'he 4·H Wny," 'l'hesr. a birthday dinner Tuesday eve. from the hos[Jital l01st Frlclny, building Wpent the Memorlnl Dny wccl\ hart, and Joey Dean, small son REMEMBER?-If there's -mel al Hli:glns lake, of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dean. " The seconrl highlight. nf each The St. James Cntholle Mission in your hnlr, unci lhe kids . ' show will he baser! on the 4·H will hold ils annual parish dinner you "Grandpa," you do, It's home· fnnd preservation project, at the Deihl town hnll In Holt Pola Ncgt·i, star or the silent . and will slww freezing and cnn· Sunday, June 6. Mrs. John Ber· movies, and ns glamorous ns Ingham County News June 3, 1954 Page ~: nlng of fruits and vcgetnhles, geon Is In charge of the dinner. ever to the young In heart ar yesteryear. She recently nr•1 Severnl Inglmm county 4-H ;erving on her committee arc 1 cluiJ groups plan to watch the rived In New York from Hol- Wrs. Joseph Fontnnn, Mrs. Jnmcf l;ywood, on u rare business trip.' show tngetlwr each week. Clubr tUinn, Mrs. J. B. Evnns, Mls~' who are enrolled will he lnvitetl \1ary DeRose nnd Mrs. Marl< My office will be to appear on the show as speclnl Cave. The dinner hour Is nt 3:30 laJ.;:e, Rives .Junction, sjlci1t the closed guests. p. m. and Is open to all members holiday week end with her slstr~r Clubs Interested In tnklng part of the parish and their families. in·law, Mrs. Bm·tha A. Barr. In these 4-H 'television shows The 36th annual DuBois schoo' • • • slwulrl contact. local leaders or reunion will be held nt. the next week while I am the county extension offic:c in Whent.fielcl GlennE!r hall Sunrlny, NEWEST PRINTING PRI~SS at the Hospitals Mason. copy or one prepared by the printet·. The .Tune 6. Those altencllng are to Miss Ethel Arlnms i~. In Ma· The first progmm on Tuesday Ingham County News is this offset model. offset process applies a wnt:er solution to the talte sandwiches, table service attending a conference on will !'O\'cr the topics "Organizing [ts ml'ess presses. plate, is the way Mac explains it. The plate rcn church will meet Frldnv ilospltal this wee!\ nrc BonniP ., berries." · Shown above adjusting the delivery end transfers the inked surface to a rubber June 4, at 8 p. m. on the church Lou Mead, daughter o( Mr. and eyes, in Chicago. The office will Jf the new press is Foreman William J. Mc­ blanket and the paper is pressed against the lawn. This will be a fnmlly night 1\h's, Earl. Mend of Leslie; Dewey SENIORS HAVE BREAKFAST 'lnd the women and children are <:Jarlc of Eaton llapirls, Mrs. John Mothers of graduntinr: Mnson Ilquham. blanket. The result is a clear reproduction Hnrlmcss, Patricia Ann Mltdwll be open Monday, June 14. The offset method is ideal for printing of the ol'iginal piece of copy. invltecl. A program will follow seniors gave a hrenl

~0 word., for !iOc; f':tch ilclflitlonnl word is lc 1~xh·a; MOWING MACTIINE-Ford·F'er· PUPPmS-Pour r r. g I HI ere !I flla.~!;ifif•d diSJila~·, iHn !lll irwh, WcdJU'IHiay nHm·noon . guson mowing maehlne unci hlo11d Cocker Spaniel JlllllJllcs, 2 dm11llinn on class iii eds. sirlc rlel:vm·y rnlm .rncoh Lnnrw, !ernul!~ nnd 2 malr., whelpr:d April OHI2 Cooper ronrl, .TncJ(son. We JTnvP the Pollowln[l ANALYSES ON HAND 18. !'Hunley Rogers, :18VJ Meridian 22\~-~p 3·12·12 'rnml, plwne Lansing r~D-2-~H·l·l. I 5-10-10 f !1.------·-·----·-- ______2lw2 PIGS-1fl wennllng pigs, R week; CJ-1 OJU~ BOY MJJ.KE!l-- .1 unllH old, $15 enf'h. Prunk Foster, 3-18-9 indu!llnji Jllllllfl. EXf'(IJienl con­ 2 COON HOUNDS, A-1 dogs, 100 College rnnd, :11 mile not·th orr dition. George lleiiJig, first farm 3-9·18 Livestock ntu~krnl tl'UpH, fi!l rnt strPII'ii· US-127. ~2wl cast of M;rson on Columbia road. il·l6·1G 10-10-10 er!l, 12-!L plywood boat, new. Also 22w2 COWS-Hi extra go or! Hereford 0·12-l:J morlel'll :3-bedroom lwusP nnd lol, C'llWH, some c•nlves now; exPep­ 10-(j.ll Rf'aHOil for selling, i~ nlclmess. ' 43l Crossmnn stret•l, Wllllams­ tl!m Prnvr~rl D111ry BuiJs llonnl rc~glstercd hull nvallable Used Farm Equip .. 0·9·27 Arllfir.lally from with the herd. Clayton .Ic!well, S. A. Laxton lon, George I~dmlfln. 21w2p phone Leslie 32•12. l8wlf ment Vt~.lues 18fl8 Tomlinson Road PUPPIES - Dneilshtlml JlliJlpies, Michigan CALVES-Get those gnml light· :l corn plnnlers Phone 2-2!JU6 Frecierldt Algule, 3208 Phillips Artificial Breeders weij;ht. Hernford cnlves al our Cultipnel\er JSwlf ron!l, Mnson,, · 21w1p new loeatlpn, across the roar! unci Hog feeder Jnghnm-Mason Local south It•om tile nlrl ynrcls, Nor· Jntemational Plelcl Cultivator SEED CORN--Wolverine hyhrlll. ST. BlmNAHD PUPPIES-from :Out In culls by noon 'J'hls Rred. pmrltt<'cd 95 hu hh1c rihlmn pm•pnt:;. Will sri! Inn'~ RlocJ(yarrls, Olivet. 1DW'i Oliver Raclex :J-14 Plow shelled corn' per ncre, govern· very n•asrmniliP. Glenn's Scrvl••e ------· -·------.rohn Dt'ere 2-1'1 Powerlrol Plow CJ1arJes Brown 1 ment mr.asure, on Bassett Jarm ln Station, North Cedar, Holt, AIJis-cJmJmcrs :J-14 Plow ,farm Tools New Idea Side llnlw Vevay lm;t year. Basil l~nrin, 2 22wlp Insemlnntor Gr.hl Field Cltojlpcr rniles cast of J\IInson on l\1-3(i, Mn· ·------... -- -·- Phone Mason :.!497£1 2 lt-:lR tractor tires son' phone 2·088.1. 1 Dwtf 'ITtACT.OR-John Deere B. trac- Rubher-tlt•cr! Disc Harrow tor, JUst lll\e new, cultrvator Minneapolis-Moline Com Sheller i~Ar:ED--·wriEA·,;:~s~m~w~:\ny 1 Fruits-foodstuffs I never been usccl. Also 2 IIcre·r.Tohn Deere corn Sheller amount by tlw hnle or ton. Can [ _ ------· ------~ ford bulls, one purebred, one Tmclot· Spreader deliver, Howard H. Smllh, phone 1 FHYERS-3\~ to 4 lh fryers, :JOe Feecler Cattle regl:-;terecl, 2 and 4 ye~rs old; and Allis-Chalmers GO Combine ~~~-n_2~~~73_ o~~-:~8~~: ___ Swt!l per lb, alive; 2flc extra per lllrr~, 11 Tiolstr.ln heifers, 3 due, one WC Allis-Chalmers Tractor · · rlressr.d. Also extra large eggs, Smart Money We 1111ve wrnc goml CJIIfllily with calf by side. W. R Canna· 1~-12 Fntmall 'l'mctor 'ifJc pot• dozen dcliverecJ: 'l'Jwo You•· SMAWI'I~ST IIIOIII'Y is lhl' money thai. you clt'posil in n Pi011ee1' ClflrP. fonl nd A ngw; calves way, phone 4-8426 Lnnslng, eve- NEW EQUIPMENT J'CHll' savings ac~count IWI'I'Y pa~·clay! Bankl•cl nwJH'Y wol'l•s wPighing :r;o to :iOO lb. Clieluwr, Route l, Dansville, nings 6LA·ED-7·73GG, 1901. E. Ezee Flow Fr.rlllizer Spreader S l C 01'11 phone 2·171'1 Dansville, 2flw:.? for YOU hy ~~ar·nin)!; inte•·est •.. III'IJis .vuu l.Juiili a l!:til(lli'l', · Set' f!Jp;;p mii'I'S nnd compnre eec Cavanatlgh rnnd. ----·-··]=\~f C!Jore Boy MiiJ{CJ's For highgr yields of our lll'il'L's !JI'fore buying. mnr1• comfnrlahlf•, 111111'1~ sc~cllJ'I~ lifl' fm· youJ'SI'If am! yuur Hubher Parts for all Milkers quality cm·i1 plant Pioneer hy- MAPLE SYRUP---$fi per gallon. family! Oome in and open an :w<•ount Imlay! Firestone Tires ' $1.25 per quart. Ralph Hurl Used Equipment brids, 0 1 I G 'I \I'C I E. D. Fmnklin & Son 1CompiPie Farm Tire Servke Seed avnilable nt ail times 599 nom nga roac, 1 mr es s ·1-row Befln Drill !"1G·ft. Grain Augers $:16.95 , I of Mason and l \!, miles north 1 Om• mile W<'~;l of Mason Jnter•n•Jtionnl SO-T flay B'ilcor Hotary Hoes 1 ' Phone 2323ri. · 20w2pl "" Phorw JVIilsrJil :.!·1~·11 or 2-7001 THE FARMERS BAN~< Tr·acr'o'r j .\ r:To 1 ... · 8wtt Ma~se;•.JTat~ri~ \~il 1 ~!an,ure S~l!'enrlcrs,, ~ 1fl5 Curtis B. \iVl'ight --$1:,10 Ollh•st Ban){ in Countr !Umulwr F. D. I. C. F1•1l1•ral HI'SI'l'\'1' Systr"m mounted plow ancl cultivator Cunmngh,tm II<~y CoiHhl toners ~ Roo~3 . FiiYr~RS---AI-~;;oo~-~hn~i~n,1~M~Ii --J;I:Iil~i~. ______In~ham ~------~ I~armall M Trr.ctot·, overilaulecl $GG5 , , . 3uu0 Wt•lght !load. 'l Leshe inn mud, Mason, Phone !{\OH Ma j SEN!:> FQH. FH.EI~ Information ancl painted with 1:J-inc!J tires 1 New 3-plow ZB I rar.tots $1,810 Pltone Leslie _.334 . 2lwl " "' on DonnNli~signP.d pole frame Fmmnll A Tractor, overhauled Gates V-Bclls. Al~ sizes , Pioneer Hybrid Seed Corn Denl· ~~-~~-. . . _ _ . _ _ ' Ingham County News June 3, 1954 Page 6 ' ouilrlings. SnvP. onc-t hlrrl to one· 1 and ]Jninted. 12-ft. !':!Pva!ors: $490 er for the South HaH or Ingham I ASPARAGUS--Fresh cut on or half on vour building costs. Tri­ Klng~•ysP. I ------Allis-Chalmers Tt·actor· with cui- Complete I• arm I tre SP.rVJCe Cmmly. der fDr freezing or liible usc. Pff'II:UP--1!1~:! C!wvmlet, 1.[,-lon, . ·county i~arrn Service Co., 3191 livator. -·-·---- ·-----·--· 1Highest quality. Carroll G::mlens dt>luxc c•ab, :1,000 nclual miles, ~ .... n rond, T..nnsing. Phone Lan­ P-14 with cultivatot· ALWAYS FIRST with all kinds I phone Mason 4711. , 2lw1 Pillllll' 1\lnson ~-(i£i:iL 20wtf Hl!lg 7-44·15. 34wt! Francis Platt John Deere B with cultivator of Kasco and Rowena feeds. I·-·---··---~------··· ------7 ---~-- Mlnnenpolts-Mollne >Jenler Hay and strnw, salt for water 1 ¥.. mile north of Mason on US 127 Sh bb llsed Auto Parts GUEl1NSI·:Y ITEIFP.RS -· Regis· Silsby Implement Co. softeners. Baby chicks, d~lckllngs ery ''' ·' letnl. Dllf' to I n•shr.n May .30 Phone 2·5971 and turkey poults. Phillips 65 Plants & ru ' All makes of cars to choose from Phone Mason 5141 nnri.Tune 1:i. Portable hog houses, 20wl gasoline and oil. Also bottled gas. ------.. ____ _ Sen Hs and Save 2lwl '[ We need more old, burned or gamble• roof type, good i'OncJJtion. Tomlinson Feed Store, Holt, BULBS-Gindiolus bulbs, 20 In f• , , .Glen Fox, ~2-11 Swnn marl, Dans­ ------: ·-- -· TRACTOR - Mlnnenpolls·Moline, wrecked curs 1 phone 4-2881 Holt. 7wtf pnclwgc for one dollar. Varlet) ville, Phorw 21ll2 Dansville. L 0 AD E R S - New Unrversal' with plows nn!l cultivator, al- . --S----_C______of colors. G. R. Pearsall, 33•1 E A-1 Usecl Cal'S I· Pil'k·IIP Srrvice 22wlp loaders, fit anything but Ford most new. Call Mason 22693 or P 1 IOn eel' eec Orll . Elrr1, Mason. 16wtl CHEVROLE'I'-19~.1 club eoupc. or Ferguson. We have btill- sec Dr. Joseph C. Ponton, Mason. 1 Keith Auto Parts TIOLSTP.JN BULL-1 year old, dozer hlades, adaptable to 111ost 17wli WE STILL HAVE drsirable lwr------Two-tone blue flnisiJ. Ha~ r;!· ' · for ;:ale or t mde for otlwr· live· loaders, 7 ft. angle blade. Also ncl sizes in most nqmbers. EVERGRE,EN· ·The Seal of Safety clio, heatet• and many other ex- Opf'n evenings G to 9; All clay Havr early corn and also some / tras. A bargain. Saturdny , Rlnr-lc P . .T. Sonwrville, 10:10 Col· one used loader. Dave or Dorn TRACTOR-Case D. C. in very lege ronrl, phone 2-R:BI Mason. Diehl, phon!:! Dansville 2172 or good condition, new clutch, rar silage. • LANDSCAPING Tested UsPcl Cars FORD-1953 R-cylimlet' rntwh 4G23 Elliott Rond 2lwtf 2631, l1wtf starter, lights and power lift. Lloyd Aseltme \953 OLDSMOBILE 88 4-cloor. wagon;'' Light green with riarl' ~- Phone Mason 2·6374 - - .. ------· Radio, healer, hyclramnlic. New green top. l?r·esh a it· he0. Hamilton';;, .J:;:m Meridian road, •I Tomlinson road. Phone Mason 1952 BUICK Riviera Roadmnsler. one. power stPI'ring, flower Glide, E·Z· miles r;1st of Leslie. 21w2 22906. 15wtf phone Dimondnle 321.7, l9wU 21w2p $2.00 each ------Radio, II eater, ·tJynanow, power ~ORDS-1!li'i2 CuRlnm 8-cvlimlcr I glnss., whill~: sidewall tireR, COLT--Bim•k gelding riding coli MILK CANS-Qunntily of milk . SEED CORN- DeKalb hybrid Colorado Blue Spruce windows nnrl ~ent. Gold and 'rurJors ar~cl Farrior~. sc1:eral to nroun~l s,non mrles. Hen~ Cremer, fnr sale, rmning 3 years old, cans, some nearly new. George Ask for n demonstratwn of Ford­ seed corn is available at my l-Ietzie Juniper black finish. choose from, All in excellent ~urcltw: CPnlcr, phone ,J23 Aure- i!J;jl Form Custom 'furlor ______~Ired h\' a Pnlomino. A nice coiL Helblg, first farm _on East Colum-~ son Major Diesel. home, 4 miles north of Mason on American Arbor.Yilae v:s comlit ion ..rust lt'!Hierl in on ~IlL~.' lGwtf Mav b(~ seen at I fi7 Kane road, bin. 21w2p loaders and diggers. Okemos road to Lamb road, :!4 We also have: New hlue fini~h. new lircs, 21,· new models, 000 rniles--$i93. l!l:il STIJDBBAKJ;;R Land Cruis- Wchhf'rville, Cnll ::iRPI1. 22w2 -nqe east on. Lamb to Simmons Yews (laxus) $2.50 nml up I"ORDS-1~31 Deluxe fi-C'ylinrlPr TRACTOR-1952 Ford 1rnctnr Usecl Ford and Ford Ferguson 'oad, third house north, Extrn l930 DODGE Memlowhrook :J 'l'urloi'S. Two to c·hoose frnm. rr, autom:1t ic• tmnsmiHsion, STEERS - 10 Wilitefnre steers, wi1!1 tJOO hours; Raydex plow tractors ·and equipmrnt. ;tock available, Your DeKa!b Hybrid tea, floi'ibunda ancl door. Vcrr clean and ready to· Both have radios and healr)rs. fully <'quippl'rL vrr~· rensonablc. •l·IR2 Nnrtli street, 1-lnlt, phone fi()O lhs, will sell by the lb. Also at~d cullivatot·. Le~n.ard Dennis, 2 New Holland 6G Ba!C!r lealer, Wilson Force, plwne Mn­ climbing roses, potted, $1.75. go-$G93. Yom· clloiC'e--$79fl. Peat moss, $5.00 per bale .930 CHEVROLET Slylr.line cle Hnll 3001. 22w2p r, pigs. 1\1. A. Patterson, nne mile mrles south of Wrll!amston, first I ;on 24914. 17wt f "'L l,'h'lOUTJ-I.:.__ 1931 2-r!rmr. Ligh I east anrl ~~ mile south of Bunker house on west side of ro~d. Cardinal Skipper Elevator luxe 2-door. One-owner, me\alir 1 ·l':l'11Y finis it. FrcPh air l\!OTOH SCOOTER--Without en- Hill on !Iaynes road. 22w2 21w2p Arthur W. Jewett grey tlnish-$G9:i. heat~r. ------Atlas Baler Twine - $8.7fl per Certified 1020 East Ash Street, Mason l9•19 KAISER dr!luxe •1-door. Nice Low mileage. Excellent condi· ginc!, for sal<' nt· trar!e for good HORSl~ - Beautiful :J.year·old CHAIN SAW-Two-mnn chain bale Seed Potatoes Phone 2·6153 blue finish; rm!io and heater, lion, electric drill ha:; one new tire. riding mnrf', weigh,; nppmxi· sn1v for sale, cheap. May be 16wtf ·~ORD-1flri0 6-cylinr!er Tur!or. Pt•icr.d reasonable, Call Holt COBBLER white wall tires, aml over mntRiy 1,000 lhs. F'nmily pet, seen nt 1G7 Kane road, Wehher­ 2 used Internationnl combines clrive-$345, Raven black. ·Radio, heater, •1-:i·l\2, Dong Whitt al(er, 22w1p gentle. Also n western style sad­ vllle. Call 58P11. 22w2 PONTIAC PLANTS-Perennial plants anc'! ovcrUriVQ nncl srnt covers. In ·-- - · · ------H International tractor, plow & KATAHDIN 1948 NASH Statesman 4·cloor, dle. Will sell or trade. Wayne roots. Delphinium, Columbine Clean in>:irle and out-$250. t11e very best of <'onrlili.on. PICT.11: with 10 pigs. William Musolf[, FENCE RAILS-We need some of M-36, phone -2-4039 Mason. in goo.d condition,. prefernbly Equipment Company · \LFALPA-10 acres of alfalfa 1.940 STUDEBAKER Com finish, Radio and ilentcr. A real (loth;r~g 20G•I Dexter Tmil. Phone Dans­ for stile. Arthur Got·den, one · 19wtf mnnder. Radio, heater nnrl ovet. nice one. II u ville 2891. 22w1 hiclwry, to repair our fences. Do 2828 East Granrl River \IASI-I-1918, GOO, 4-rloor. Light you ha1•e any? Maynard Hill, Phone Lansing 2·2175 nile no~h and one mile west of EXTRA SPECIAL while the) driv!:!-$75. · / · Jtocl\bridge on Dexter Trail. grey finish. This em· is one of ------.• J;'!IG, ALL WESTERN horse 2905 E. Rowley road, Call 5B3J 22w1 last, 50 flats Vaughn's .Cali the few sharp 48 mml~ls FOHM1\T~-Yellow. small size. show Sunday :~fternoon, June Williamston or 7-5756 ,Lansing. 22wlp fornia Ruffled Giant petunias, ir McCarrt Oldsmobile : MINT PLANTER-2-row self amuml. Be sm·e am! see this Wnrn once, $10. Phone Holt " G, Ingham co\mty fairgrounds. 22wl '3IG, ALL WESTERN horse bud and blossom, These m·c extrr ~22 S. Cedar St. ·: .. ' :MasOr one before you buy. 1<141. 22w2 ' Admission riOc, children under propelled mini. trnnsplant.e1 nice stoc]( plants, $2 per flat Mnson Lot Phone 9GS1 BIG, ALL WESTERN horse CHollnndl. Excellent condition. show Sumlal' artemoon, .Tune )LDS-19·16, 76, sedan. Light _W_O_R-Tt---AN_D_J)RESS-s-ho-e.s--f-or ' • 12, free. 22w1 "\, Inglmm county fnirgrounds. Watermelons and muskmelon• Holt Lo.t Phone· 4-7751 -"------show Sunday afternoon, June W. A. Martin, Route :1, Stock blue finish. Radio, heater, hy- men and boys, $'1.95 up. Also ------<\dmission riDe, children tmder are rc<~.:ly to plant, 5 of the bes' ------. -· . --~--- , ... GUERNSEY H E I P E R-Rcgis· fi, Ingham county fairgrounds. bridge, phone Fitchburg 231. '!lromnlic, Full pricc-$19!1. boots, rubbers·, arctics, All ldnds 12, free. 22w1 varieties, Tomato, sweet peppe• ••·w tercel, well hrr.d and fmm good Admission 50c, . children under ·. 2lw2 and cabbage plnn1s are very nlcP ~ORD-19·11 8-cylinr!Pr Tudor of work socl,s, 5 Jit·. for· $1 and stock. Fresh in Mnrch nml re­ 12, free. 22w1 HAY-Baled timothy hay. Hound 6 to 8 Inch plants. Hybrirl tr with specinl engine and its real up. P. x. Mart, Mason, Charlotte, hred. Prirc $1GO. .T. C. Greene, PLOW-I. H. P & D double bot hot. Former ownct• spent mor·e Lnrwing and Sm·plus Outlet, .311 ROTOTILLER-Usecl Rolotiller, bales. B. T. Rossman, on Ross­ malo plants in bands, 6 to s lncl ·:im8 Dexlcr Tmil, 4 miles east of tom 14 inch plow nnd David man road, 11k miles west of On· plant!', plant now. ·See me at tiH on engine. than our P.nle price. Gt·and Ri1•er, North Lansing, · 5 It p., 26-in., In excellent con· Be sure nnd see this one. 22wlf ; ..l\:fason, 22wl p Bradley corn shel!el'. Good condi Jndaga, 22wlp old C. C. Griffin & Son Gr~en clition. Wayne C. Miller Sales, lion, Frank Vacel\, corn of Edet 0. K. Used Cars houses, 142 Olwmos street. Mn Trucks -----~··------COWS-Holstein, fl years 'old, 2G1 College road, Mason, phone and Covert roads·, Route .3,' Lcs· '52 CHEVROLI~T ~-door. Two 2-5833 ,Mason, 22wl son, Alvn L.enL Open nighls anr· tone blue. · ~HEVROLET-1951 1-ion. Dark fresh .3 weeks, milk 14 quarts lie. Phone 5HJ1 Leslie. 2lw2p SUiHlays, 22w1 R· d• & TV to n milkinl';, weJ.ghs 1,.300 lbs, Dogs and Pets blue finish. 4-speecl transmiH· a 10 CORN PLANTER-1950 Black i2 CI·IEVROLET 2-rloor. Nice, price $200; Guernsey,~ yenrs old, GARDEN TRAC'I'OR - Brownie s·ion. Undqrcoating, G 700x1R B· --~-----'-- Hmvl{ . corn planter. Floyd AFRICAN VIOJ.ETS-Ovet· lf 31 PONTIAC •1-door. I-Iyclmmn fresh 2 weci\s, mill\s 11 quarts. to riding type, complete witlt cul ply tire~. heater. The very best PROMPT TV SERVICE-I serv­ Baker, 2 ·miles east of Mason on 'AF{AKEETS-Baby parnkeets, varlet ies of African violets fOJ tic. Excellent comlltion. •11 milking, weighs 1,050 lbs, price tivator, plow, bulldozer, spike or condition. ice all mnl\es. RCA, Motorola, Columbia road, phone 2-1G89 Ma­ all colors. rares nnd normals . sale. 1283 Mnson street CM-36) 50 MERCURY 2-door. Real clean $150. These cows are guaranteed t·ooth drag, elise. Now your wifr Dansville. Call 3342 Dansville. ;I-IEVROLET-19·18 carr y-n 11. Emerson, GE, Sparton, Admiral, son. · 22wlp •ages, seeds and supplies. Brn1· Has overdrive, Black finish. Has rnhone Leslie 5081. hone 25833. 19wtf ·19 CHEVROLET ~!J.Jon. One 2-speecl · axle, 825x20 '12-J>Iy on antennas·, Calls answered ···~"' 22w1 PUPPIES - German.· Short-Hair Automotive · owner. tires, Daybrook box. Ready for ,·same day .•John's Radio and TV TRACTOR-John Deere MT trnc· 1 . , ' . puppies, 8 weeits ·old. Eligible l '49 . CHEVROLET lJ4 -ton. Liltc work ' . 'Setvlce, 2480 N. Ccdm•, Holt, BOAR-Registered Duroc tor, with 12" 2·bottom plows, ,to be registel'ed. GOO E. Columbia, Roy Christensen phone BH0-1-7221. . ,lswtt ~-I . yearling. Eugene Lyon, and Turner buzz saw. MODEL A-1931 m·odel A Fore' '4~1e~fiE V R 0 LET Suburban '· ' Mason. Cali· after 5:30 p. m. · for sale. Call 3784 M11son. carryall · 3789 Mason. · Hydraulle controls. Used one sea· Your Friendly Ford Dealer . 22w2p 22w1 Two Locations 1 son. May be seen at\585 Harper 210 Stat'e Street, Masbn road, !)4 mile east of Every road. PU~PIES-A:IO::C r.egistered' BIG, ALL WESTERN ·horSe I-IAWI{EYE Coclter puppies, 5 weeks old. . 1 show Sunday afternoon, .Tune · Phone Mason 9611: Loris Curtis, Mason phone 2·7683. AI Rice Chevrolet 128 Main Street, Leslie ', · 22w2p Darwin· ·W. Barr phone 2-4703 6, Ingham county , . Open Frldny'Nights Soybean ·, 1 Mason, 1731 West'Dansville road. Admission 50c, c!lildrcn undet· PhoneT.eslie 5641 Phone 2·3061 Both Locations Open GARDEN TRACTOR-5 h. p. Seed 1 · 22w1 12, fJ'ee. · 22wl Mason · Gravely. garden tractor, in first· Evenings Till 9 • Sat. Till 6 · eondltion, rotary plow, $4 Bushel BIG, , ALL WESTERN· , and cultivator, $200. Mason Ele~ator sl"\o\v Sunday nft·errlcion. Barnilby·,_21016 Barnes l'oad, Eden, ,G, Ingham fa!Jmr.ntll'lrl~ .. Admission 22wlp, ~2,· I Phil gas T"AWNMOWEns - t!Hecl powot• 80 AC'RE:S, wllh f.dr bulltllngs, LOTS-GxlO roc] bUIIr:lJng Jots, 1 ' SPE;CIAL Chlhh P.Jl ot' h n h y lawn mower~. Inlcuy unci reP! In Atnellus towwth/p, nil ex Ingham County News June 3, 1954 Page 7 hloclt from US-127, Roy W, I photo>, 8 pnso '• 11X5,u·gccl lypr., lllw rww. Wayne C, Miller cepl 1 artcs crop lrlllfl, Mltsl hr. Want Ads Bottled Gas Aclams, phone 5fl61 or :J5(U Ma· llPllll•lJllflof~ In un nccmdlnn nl Anlm\, 2hl College rand, Mnson, /.!Old In Hellle A D, Erlgnt eslalc aon. 12wtJ bum, $1 'J'ulwn nl om· stmllo only I in Page 2 J>lmne 2 fiil33 Mason 22wl I Inqrthe E:clglll' E:cl>hnt L, atlmlniH· ------Mulm 1111 uppnlntn1enl n fm Wi\NTT'D 'J 0 BUY--Pnt t Coclwr 20 Ill SoH-Serve CyllnrlCJ s -- - trnlot•, Fow!Prvllle, phone Well· FARM-•15 ncH!S of !I've! J,lllcl, Pltolos, .!11 S Bm•nes, Mdsrm, Warners File Control Servlct ptips or nny nlr!! JHI[l]lil'g hy 10(1 lh DPIIvcrccl C'yllnc/ol A bervllle 6-I~·32 :l2w3p $2,800 down, $70 per mrmt11 on Jlholophono 2 J3fll Mason, lor everything In tire control tho lltlct, 'i ot n wr.ehs old, Rr.n· Jloi!I ollU llll HlliomuiJI' ~yHiemH lRwlf equipment. We ~pccinllze In the SIJllllltlr•. Plt(illl' L ll!Slllj~ eD-7723•1. BUNGALOW_ 2 wllh Duhy !Jmn wllh lnlitvlli OTJ, lTEA'J'El1-LIII'fll' nil ])p,tJct• 11Iut lull you when one <'llll IK ncre~ 5 halo~nr•c ~---- famous Red Camet nrc control l8wtf l'oam nil modern bungalow wit Lilli drinking c•ups, ton,l sltccl, corn Also 1040 Pnnll/1( loll', 2S srn.tll l'lll]Jiy, 11 MOBILE WF.LDING [·U fOP- Any l~ystcms Which give 24·hour Jlel -- - -- lutlwys, 'I \VI'l'!IH nlr!; .rnd 11 hot C'IH'aiWI' t niP.:; fol' 2 nppllnnet• 12, fwc, 22w1 1 full lJ,1scment, helllcs .mel chic!>· ctlh, pr~~lt!y house, 2 heclt oom 'dnr! of .tiC' nnd nc otylenc weld day protecllon for a 1\lellnw serv WANTJJD TO '1'!\.ADE, even·un t lc• goiH r DDI< stove May ilf' • 1'1'11 \I He! H ------Ien conp, $2,000 clown nncl $C,O pet• housr., ~ 1'12 ,Ewet H rnnrl, Mason lng nncl r utllng doJlP on WI'P]t ice, Fhc amveys aru Crm1 umllwc electric rnnge fm· {{US rnngc, nt 2 mllr.s srnllh or Mnson on lJS JNSTALJ,A'I'TONS MISCELLANr~OUS - Hutting month •Jfl01 W,tllmr roncl, Lc~llc Doll ~~~tntl', Jlhorw 27•1RB ends o~nrl cvPnings Clt.ll!Ps Wolle• 1nstall wilhout ex•ru cast. Mason IIarnP Appllance,1 120 W. lort ,md HIC'Imrdson ,32 rc 1 22wll Lnnslng 2rlw3p 1 127, Gr.tce !~lilt y, 10!17 .1.11 It son CONVBRSTONS sen, 3120 W. Muln, Lansing IJ'iwlf Wnple, lllwnc 2 !iDll, l2wtf volvt•r, u !4 Inch Ct•uftsmun o!l!c 1 _ --·------tour!, or cull 2 7281 Mnson :nw I !IO'J"l'LT~r> GA!'l AI'PLTANCJ•'S Phone Lansing D fi'i lb 21wtf ------b. ------­ lrlr rlr Ill, .uul ,t hlnnrl Cnclwr Ito ACRES with goocl 4·room LOTS - Collcgo hJ!nlc subdlvl .v ANTED - C1 cam, r.ggs l)nd !)ottll!y, Sen L.l\vrencc, BIG, ALL Wfi:S'l'EHN hot sro Mason Home Spuntr.l rlo,f l'l months old Cull house, lmlll, lmsement, gns, / sian Scvctul dcs!ru!J!n roun!ry I!:A VESTROUGHING-Fr!!e est!· g1ectl'ic Sel'vice show Suntlny nftet norm, .TIIl!C' Muson 2 2101. 22w1 lights, hot wnlcr, oil heat, Jnrge homn slle•1 still av.tllablc nn Col· 1105 !Jnll street, l!!alon Rrt[iltls, mate!', lurnace tepalr!ng and Floor nncl lnhle lntnps tepnlwcl phone En ton Jl.apllls 44521. 28wU fi, Ingham c•ntlltiY falrgrouutls Appliance ------gnrnga. South of Mason. Phone lege rn~d ne,n Ildt pet Hm.;ti lcted sheet mclnl worl>, Call tiiiD·I rn• rl!hllllt :'lWPI!JH'l ~ lt'temdl· Arlmlsslon [iOro, r hllrlrett undd Muson 4900, 8wtf lots 12Jx290 Ncar sr.hool, ------PhonP ? 'ifll1 4"•121. W. H.eynolds, Holt, llntwrl Sump Jill In ps sf't vu•Pr! WANn'D--Liveslor·t> All 1nZit, Duncan Phyfp Jt'al'm Building·s nml rerf''!t'S ll]lltuerl II us Ct•nt~t, phone Atttellus :1~03, mVERY'l'HING ln plumi;lng flx· close In Also ncljolnJng 8 acres , ' Any lw. Gem gr. J~mmons, lng and oava d. J, Perrin, 113 day calls. Paul H. Daly, 814 P.t· Repail· Hre.tlI!IH•t• Ill<•, J>hnnc l.ICJ Tn[(ltllm Co1ttl, 1\loison II CVCll'lhJng, l'i23 W LI'lloi.VI'", ill V !.l WPhhPtvll!c !llw2p - 141075 Lnnslng l:iwtr Wanted !"tame - Slccl - or Mnsonry Lnnslllg Phone Lnnslng !l Z:IRI UTILITY BUILDING SALE- r onstruclcrl l'hotlC' M.JSOil 18'3L ~2wlp ~I'a!l'rl b!dH will hr. acccplr.d hy l38 ACRES on stnta hlgltwny M· AS LOW AS - $1 W -· I'F.R Sl~ l Owlf - FT. ON •HI' x lOti' HUJLDlN(,f; , Livestock rl rucking CAS RANGE:-- Pr,lcllr•,t!ly new Reco nclitioned Ihe S.tlvnge Dept, Mlchlgnn Slale 36, '1 miles ens! or Dnnsvllle, AVON WOJ1~To:rt WANTED-If college, until 5 p, m. June 15 23 miles ftom Lanstng, counlry you rwed money, but mnnol Gnt.I!(l!', -'I ool Sh0ds -- Equip IJUJLDJNG I'RI~NCIIP.S, srp!tc 'J'o CltmlollP CHI Mondays .Jp.Itlmcnl slzr. gns t.tngP wltli cov-~ l .. n!cs ollltl ltlr. lkirls, dug w!III USED 'l'fo:Ll~Vf",TON C'tlng th(l purcltnse nnd removal school, high schonl hy bus, bus work full tlnw, \V(' have lhP np men! s llullrlmgs To .Tdr J,sm on WPricwscluys 2 t.mks 13rrl springs In net sptlng I'tompt JO:stJmaii'S power dl!•gpr T'ot n /'Orul l••h o1t m.tlltcss and .1 sm,J!I dtcssr.t AI !TSJ'D'JI'f.r'VISJON o[ the following buildings Lo service to L.mslng nnrl Ann Ar· Jlolluntly yon nrml Plrnsnnt nnrll ftrc~,onthle H,tle~ lh Ill tn, _ In mtcd nl the I railer housing mea, I hor. Stoom home wilh full ]ltn!lt,1!JJc Sc•ntl nnmc .uul ncl Cu•lomrt Snllsf,utlon!ghl pt!cc l', PXJiPriCn~ed Ill lturl1 lOwtl wood Cor sale F't ank Ward, 27•180 or r .m be sr.en .t t ·11fo S Allstzrs 201 n -:lr, 111 __ ,10111 the 16x30 framro catpentct shop REALE dtivlni(, sl.ttlOrl or 1,1111 ,01 wotk ______------J urncs Th Ol'bmn flrsl r:n m soul h of lint per school Collevr. toad. 22\\ I p OJ£1 .mrl new hullrlln>( Blrls will be ac~cpted on ~ ~STA II~ AGENCY Full ttmt• p o s- 1 t 1 on 111 gcntlv WANTED -!~Jar !tic .uul plumb an US-1?7 at Butler's Hcstaurnnt. each lnchvlllunl umt Bill~ on nil J1'1 Soulll Mcr.hlgnn needed. Phone M.t"rJri n~t"l Inn \Votk C'otll C'h.IJ!Ps \\'tit"'• Mason L:11 gro nssotl tnPnt ln pick ft om II 11 Ml 1 1 " " u , ·' RWFD $II) ,11111 up lite ultllty sec lion lllllllllngs and owe • ugan r. 22w1 ~!1GI 1\l,tson, .JOK W. C< ntet sill'cl nntlque ftom Slt.Igilnrll lnsl TISLD WASIIfms the r.mpenlcr ~hnp btuldmg wtll Phone 92•1- ReRir!Pncc .>0.1 ---- M,t,nn 'Vwlp UPHOL31'EH1NG - rtPuStllrabk c.'l I I"NTTON T't otluccnl - tlrP thing for• H'tl<'IIHlll All m~Icrs .lnrlmorllls be .lrcl'ptcd 111 Clthct of 2 wnys __ 1'lw1 WORK WAN'l'ED-lfi\t•.tr olr!J prices We hnvn our own rna 'lite ('cnlr.rl Mitlti!'.tll POit!tly toom Ill rolll'rtots. S.tiP stnls Wrm,.:Pt I\Jlf' IrH! nutom,IIcc 1-F'cn the sale and removal of NEW MO , boy wnnlo, nny l rll 1 terlnls of the flncst quality. Re ProrltiU'lH Co DJ'I'I Ill\P hotS a a m. S.ltlltrloi\ June i Lvr•t \ Also llst d c;,,, Dr YCI llw burlrlmg down lo the level of DERN 2 hcdtoom hom~ IPhonr. M.tson !i"JO!l Ft.tnl~ I Custom lhlng .Jt h;.: tl'd lmtn on to.ul, Usr'd Itorwts _At,,· gwnt the foundation, or 2-F'or !he ,. 1 colt.lgr. .Al~o lalw lois on OBertv, 222 W Dcxlor Tr.tll, gluing nnd repmrlng furnltme trur I' pte lwtg up PgJ.:s once• a ? ntl' rwllung o1t IWIIse 17 lill1nrh tJ.Ik sniP nne! removnl of tltc butlcllng IMin of lal'HI 1 nt Ihe tt ucl<· 20 n,tk dtmng mom dt.uts, most· gti'.JI musl hr! 1cmovcd by .July 1 The 511:! miles ftom Gregnry nn B.t•,, .1gc", fl anrl 7, While mnthct 1 Deluxe Qu,rllty 1 Shoe Store, Mason, phone 24821 et, Llo\ t1 II I\'ltor M.tson 2 l!J12 ly lcathet seo~ts :iii cnrh, H lnown Mason rcm.unmg units wtll not he avlil ldl>e '11 PntlPtson lake Sri' Lio wmks Mrs Lovl'!n Kos!r.t• 2GGI liJWtl 5.lwtf. 1 0 1 1 0 t ldtchen <'lltlls, ~,2 Sll e<1ri1 .tsh • nhlc for rcmovnl unit! .Tltly 1, ;ncl ~;~: ~;~~~~~~ 6(~ ~~ ~ ~'}, .tt Jl!Oll II w. l'nm!Jnsnn !fJ,trJ, phon!' '272Ril 1 Shimmin DJ'Ug l,UllNACES CLI'ANJo:D $7 .md Livestoclc stt.ughl rlwu, mnlrhnw rum I Home Appliance musl hr. temovctl hy .July 31 Con teg •l'\21 'l M.rson. 22\\l clt,!lt•, $:1 h, 2 Pnrl t.thll's, $3 I Ienis of a!llnuldmgs nrc axclttdecl ______--~ l' , , - Phone 2 m:n up Also tll'\V ~lllL '' ]liJlt'. Otl Trucking and Buying g l'• u1· r•o,t] fumo~r c r.,I!J r o!!Prl each: nslt spmr!lch.Irl< rltnll S'i 120\V 1\lnplc fmm ~ale A 10'/r depos11 of IN WIIIIAMSTON Ftvetonm WAN 1E;,:D-Dnytlmlle wnrk for Hnvc yom stock ltut'lted to lite 1 11 1 12'>01 P.o~tnn Jt,Ljllrls !louse .,A rna Iwg.rny r• Ior Icc, ·~~10 e Ir' I1 r1or,J·' PI tone, 1\1 ason 2 ~n11"' I• nrnot1nt 111 cI mu et nee ompnny b 1J home, ""mml,.rn, gns- heal good gtr, Will ~c,us o l r tlllllg sum mnrl1ct LII'It m tlws the marlwt 10 1 1 holdC'I' IIe,tlmg Co I'll\ I [ hu[fPI shelf .111d m1not $10, ------I3lrls r.ntctecl should he pl:unly f met r Ja JY sttlmg ,Im! PLUMBTNC:-E~entngs nncl Sal· by c:qwnencr.rl trucl" "Bid on Utt'l ~dlrOage, 11 cross !Om new school houscwmk. Cnll Mnson 2·3279 1 I rt~.rm .tnc I grrr.n woor I .mr 1 rn.1 1 nl.. "\ ~ ux toe1 1ot, easy terms Phone Ul'l .t}'s. nsi.I!IJtrons anrl rc- All Anunals Insured Crlllk •.love, $1i, 2 ()Ill rnrkmg tty Butlclmg l'he tlghl IS tc SG1 Wtllt.tmslon 22wlp jhtirs Ht•n•.on.thle r.tles Zr>lcst M. II I w :'1f'llli Tr tu k ~Pt Vlt l' r1011 Av.ulabla ch.llts $S c,\Ch, 2 ill.lSS IH'r!s, $'i ISCe aaneous serv~d tn .tccepl or reject any OJ ------WANTED--"omoonc to rultivntr! Anrhl'.tS We"[ Bm'ni'H roar!, Mn C'llll \1' on my krnd of llvcstoelt P:ll'h; llon hell $1, ,l',!J IJorJstro.t~l Iall huls ,rmllo WUt\C any lrrerru COTTAGI~ for s,tle 111 D.tnsvlllc WIIh g.ndcn ll'artm or ,,mnlll son Pltonr. !l'IG2'i Mnson 7wlf Wan t ed I ______'you 1~ tsh lo sell at home. , $l: l.ngc mnlwgnny dtcssro~ $2>; SAT'ES _ All m.rkf's, l)pf's nml lmltJCs In illllrhng So~Ivagc De Must he Ptef pick up o~nd riP! Ivet ,'rw ltme, m hlaclc wnlmtl pit lor Silllr, Sl"J; T ------street Dansville 2lw2p I )Otl can do your own M.tson )C'cll' .Jrul lo IPillrn 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 blncl< walnut pl.llfm Ill lor kcr s, ;]'Ill ' l s rl cl llllollll ~ nine s ,oo s Tra"•lers ' STENOGRAPHER . Pel'C~l walnut end t.thlc< clJ.I\\f'l 1 2 -- ' ,msmg Jet· mg rcsponstblltl · Good tlmv ------Pltnne 21811 ton~/. Real Estate ~ HAY WANTED W R Ganna nnd s!Jclf, tctlnishr.rl $2r, each, 5 1gan Lor.ttcrl ' mtlc sotllh of TRAILER-2 wheel trniler with - Rov Chuslensat; Foul cl~~let. DUTCIIERTNG of all kinds pori> 12wtf 1 way. We !Juy hay for feed Wr. plcr.e modctn wnlmtl hellt oom Pen ns:,!v.ulln mtcr se!'!Jon on US· box, good rul)ber In excellent 100.ACRE farm 7 miles from M \oon ~~ 1· J i'·•:. .mel vVPchwsrlrll' bPrf stulc, spllngs ami rn.ttlrcss $121 127 ot l mile no1lh of Holt condition. Wayne Miller, 261 Col Lansing ~om he{lroom ~ _ __ _ ~~w Thursrl.ty, poultry any d.ty We don't sell. Phone L.msmg 4 8!2G 1 81 3 1 ancl Lansing ED 48wtf Slta~bntk, 290;, E Rowley road, Phone II~t~~-- 23wtf 1lege road, Mason, phone 25833. i modern 'home 13 acres of grow. WORK WANTED-Lawn sod r~.~;< up nnd rleliver Lesl~e Food 7-7~G6. r1~arrn Bureau Wtllmmstnn, phone 563 J Wtl SCOO'J'ER- 'i Cushman Eagle 19wtfa mg whent, 2 basement barns, I ding Phone 6!IO 4 •l'i07 aflet· 51·---lwrs r. phonP Leslte J3GI 01 1 19 2 i Mutual Insurance Co. IIams ton or Lansing phone ~ motm scooter Rccently over ~ 20 stanch tons and water cups j P m 22w4p Mnson 4 J91 20wtf WANTED-Mu;e~hlclcens, hen~ 7.r;7'iG ~?I\ · TRAILER SALE-Scaled btdsl t d I k ' ------~- fryers and springers Will ptck Auto Farm Liability c v __ ' -~ 1 hnulctl Looks and ;rms ltlw new. will be accepted by the Salvage 1ocn e 0 ~ b ac lop $17,000. WANTED-Auto mechantc, pte· !WORK-- · -\VANTED-Bulltlozmg-- -- - up, W X. Steadrnan Poultry At ,.. 0 crage • Also h,t\c '' 1!l1R V. !tlzzcr rn good Department of Mlclugan State lerms. Evcmmgs call Ilnrold I fer man wtlh Fordomaltc or hacK hoc rlt,tgltnc, land r.Jem Farm, 620 S Edgar road, phone ·~o~t Non-Assessable BUY, 111 condtiiOll p .r Soml'lV!lle, 1050 college until 5 ]l m . .Tunc 15, COV· aycock, 3121 Holt Bean VJsuahner experJCncc Ex r mg, gtnclmg, h.tck filling Wlllt,lm f1804 Mason. 19wll 1< ARM DIJP.EAU Best the I Life Insur.mce Co. College llJ.Icl, phone M.Json 28331 et mg Ihe purchase and Iemoval 96 ACRES-Lookmg for locatton ~ cellent cnrnmgs far c1uahfted/ Whttctn eVCl y clay • Pt?ncct mcl.,t! at Dobie musl be ohlmncd from the occu acres of cxtrn good plow land husky hoy wnnts Job on fmf!l Williamston, Route 2 gltdct R C !Inwr.s, boc~.ts One blocK e.tst or I·Hl on alley Appliance llaJ,c htefoDtel >oul hlu) 2WSOGR DDthld pants Mosl of the umts Will t1DI Groom house, 36x64 hi proof ncar Mason Phone 2381G Mason Phone G71 W 9082 Mason. 1 0 22 Plwno M t~on 2 G'lO I ot 2 0001 120 w Maple cy ' JIC <~ <1! o teIf b e vaca t cc1 nne1 roady for removal basement' b am· •$23 ,500 T erms Wl l'iOwtf \VANTED- BUY- Holstein 10 1 19 TO PhonCJ Mnsor; 2 5911 m' w unttl June 21, or Jaler Bids must 40 ACRE FARM, 8 room modern 13ABY SI'FJ'ING-Dmtng clny or bull calf F1 ank Chul< It, SiO James Thol'burn ' J'YPEWRITER RTBBONS-r;;;, be on specific nnd llldlvtdual house, 12 miles ncght Penny Clipper rngc 1 Sl WALL WASHING - Reasonable Waldo wncl Rollle 1 \Vtllrnms FUR NIT U R E-Ncw ~tlllhm; sale, for porlahlc anrl slnndard lllllts A deposll of 10'/r of the from Lansmg, has 30xt!O h1p 504 Hall Boulevard Phone Ma rates, gumnnlecrl worl ar money orde~ house and othcr lnnldlngs, $10,· mates Call Thompson nncl at nmn7.inglv low 'pttccs, one! made oul to Mich1gnn State col· 500 WANTED-Married man lo \\or!; Burch, patnllng contractors retlt 2 bechoom apmtment rn General Repamng lahlr.", $1 SO; magnzmc t ncks, BOOI n.nd $4 .~o; used scclmnnl liVIng 1oom sold Roy Arl.tms, over Shim· ful lmlclets must be made wtth· WJth 7 room modern 4 bedroom quarters Apply tn pet son F C 4 4027 19wt! Call Ellwm Kr>he, Lansing Pilon•' ',!4-honr Wrec•rcr ~ervlce Lansmg •1,1630 221,o'lp smle, $69; used chesls nml mm Drug Store, Mason 1flwtf In one weck of notlftcahan of ac house otl hen!, $12 500, terms Anderson, Dansvtlle 22w1 Phone ti-1261 or 2972 dtasscrs $6; beds complete, $18, cepled bidE There ts no runmng IN MASON-12-room house \\ilh WEDDING PiiOTOGRAPHS WANTED '10 BUY-Scrap non Holt bun.cs, complela, $32 II 1~ 1 11 p:w ROAD GRAVEL, barnymd fill, gcnr mcluded The light ts rc· 3 apnrtmcnts steam heal, 3-cm WORK WANTED-Boy 15 would you lo dr1ve out to Sloragc Fur sand ami bind< rltrt; also trench served to accepl or l'Cl]ect any or gurage. Located on paved him Job on fnrm or oclcl JObs IN YOUR HOME OR CHURCH nne! melal of nil hinds C.J!! .....,------mllll'c Sales on Notlh US-?7 at nnd sPptic lank diggmg, light nil htds and to waive any n regu street, ~13 500 With $3,000 for the summer Phone 2 42G1 BABY AND CIIILDREN'S James Wlutlal,cr, 2104 Dansvrlle 1 PHOTOS 2Jwtf Glenn Casey Valley Fut ms r ust 1 r,. ~ 1~s J bulldozing Ft .mc1s Slusser, Ma· Jarttrcs m bidding Salvage De clown, Wllh 4 lots Mason after 1 o'clock. 22w1p 1 11 By appomlment only ----'------north of Lnnsmg c1ty ltm tsl 1 son Grovel Co., phone 4104 Ma partment, 101 Administratton IN MASON-3·bCJdroom ranch Aucttoneer 1 WORK WANTED-A ga·l 14 WANTED-All J,mcJs of sctap open 10·7 Sundays 1 7 Phone son. 9w8ptf Butldmg, M1clugan State college type home, recreallon room Ill years old would like work 3 or iron, t1n olrl wu e fcncr., cnrs Williamston, Mlch!t;dn Lanstng 70173 22w1 22w1 basement, otl heat, garage Babs Photos Phone Collect 227·W PAINT-Batn and house pamt. This home IS m beauttful con· 4 clays a week Would hke lighl and It ucks. Als0 olil fat m ma house worl> or baby tenclmg Wtll Pholophone 2-43nl - chmcrv Wr1te Cluulcs Mullms, 50\vt' OFFICE DESKS nnrl chmrs, 2 II.mnn .mel Gtcat Western dltlon $15,500 Terms, Mason, M!clugan ------34xGO oal<, 1 str.nn 1 metnl Ex stay mghts Call Leslie 29G2 Dansville or call :131'1 Dansv11Ir. GARDENS H.OTO 'J'ILLED-Sat· Close oul sale of $2,000 worth of Poultry and Rabbl'ts IN MAs 0 N-7 room modern 47wtf collent condltton. Call M.tson pamt .T B Jones, 1t16 N Rayncl, home, wall to wall carpctmg, '22w1 21wlf tsf<~r Iron gum anlcr'd By the 2 3181 Dnrt Mnmtfacturtng Co Job 01 !tour. Vet v 1 casonahle For Mnson 1Swtf stoket heat, lots of shade, 2 DIGGING FOOTINGS-Installing WANTED-H,ty lo pul up on 22w1 rlcmon~lt'iltlon mil at 325 Ran· CIWIICI KS - Ltmlted numbe~ extla lots $11000, terms. sewers, tthng ami building shares Floyd Weldon, 6'30 S Mowmaster Mowers ute Roell chtcl\S for sale, IN MASON-4 bedroom modern Bus•"ness Servl'ces sC!ptic tanl'>s complete Have dolph sltcPt, Mason Plwne flG51 DINING ROOM SUITE-Table Dunn strain. Custom hatching home With 3 ptece bath up, 2 Memltdn roncl, pltonc 21033 Ma Mason lSwtf hull'el and G chans, gtnv plnstJc power dtgger and dozer. Pham son. 21wlf 18 mch ami 21 111ch Chtclcs are hatched every Man· ptece bath clown Automatic (i_E_• -A-NING_A_N_D-DECOR_A_T_JNG Mason 24973 Glenn Star.-. 3C~vt' upholstery on chntrs, $15 Cht omc RolatY mowers clay. Snow's Hatchery, 41SG East coal !teat, 2 cat gar,"ge locate·' I 1 t 11 $1 7" \Jrcaldast set red leather uphol D 1 1 '' '-' - nsu a or ou s c e, , ,, per Livestock Trucking Try before you buy nt e h • Holt, phone Holt 3541. on paved street, $8,500, tet ms hour or conlwct Expet t wort< PAINTING-Get your spung Wanted stery $25 Also lawn mowet good 10wtf IN MASON-Store bmldmg, 20x manship Theodore Ryckman, pamtlng clone now Rcsulis To Detroit Paclllng House and condtlion, $12 .T L. Hat vath 3 Wayne Miller Sales 40, full basement, now vacant, 'i631 Miller road Lnnsmg, Pl1one gumanteell Free estimale Bv the TUCK POIN1 ING Ynrds mtles enst of Mason on Columbia 2G1 N. College Road PULLETS-50 Wh1te Rock pul· $6,500, $1,500 down, Lansmg TU-21283 22w3 hour or Job Phone 6IIO 2282 CAULKING Mondays and Tuesdays ' rood. 22w1p Phone M,tson 2 5833 leis, 16 weeks old $1 75 each IN MASON-7-room modern 19wlf MASONRY REPAIR Insur eel Service 22wl Mrs Lyall Driver, 10750 Mason R U C K I N G -- t.outlenslager CIIIMNEY REP AIR J'!.EFRTGERATOR- Well c~rcd home, 3 bedrooms, basement, ·r EXTERMITAL TERMITE Set v road, I•'owlerviile 22w1 located on 3 lots and paved trucldng service. Junlt plclwd BASEMENT WATJm Eli Mire & Son ·: for. Coldi!pol 7 ft IIcrshell ice Spccinlizing tn lcrm1(e ancl 1 BERRY BOXES, 1 quart size, street, wall to wall cnrpetlng up regularly or any other time PHOOFING Bend, 3320 E Hall 1oat! phone $2 50 pet hundtecl, SlO Jot• 500 CHICKENS - 75 While Roclt powder pest beetle control To Bnttle Crr.ek Wednesdays Williamston 606F12 21 w2p chtcl>ens, 2 months old Jersey Phone Mason 2·2843, Please mal>r> Phone Holt 45114 Arthm· W .Tewell, 1020 East Ash, Phone Mason 3161 calls before 9 a. m. or after 3 Bonded opCJintor, 5 ~·ear gum an phone 2 G153 Mason 21 wli ltelfer, 16 months old, from ABA tee bnclced by bonded cnsh re Rex L. Chapman l2w1ptf Mtehlgan Climate Condtltoncd P.M. 33wtf llrcedmg stock. Roy Ballard, 1485 serve. Termites arc hard to de 415 S Rogers M.tson ------.-,- 130AT - 12·ft, Acto Craft nlumi S. Hawley road, phone Mason PUBJ,.IC BUILDING - Masonry CUSTOM SAW MILL SERVICE. construction 111 one of the most teet. Call n specmlist for Iree tn All work guara11taed to num boat w1th 10 horse Evin· 4381. 22w1 Home Repair Logg111g and milling don(! at Bottled Gas desirable sections of Mason, One spect10n. Phone l3 V. Ft um, Mn saLisfac!Jon yom farm wrlh porlnble mill. rurle mot01 Leo nat rl Dennis 2 Phone Mason 2 70G1 son 26883 Operator teptesentn miles south of W1lhnmston, flrst GOSLINGS-Wtll have nnother main audtlouum 40xGO with Wule Dnvtd Wesl, 609 W. IIoov­ Special lns!.t1lallon rnlcs wllh ttve. 16wti WANTED TO BUY-Veal calves SCI Vlc.e, house on west stde of road hatch of clay old goslings on 30ll:50 wing consisting of 12 G. H. Conklin Ann Arbor. Phone N0-24291 21w2p .Tune 8 and 9. Also have a new looms and basem<>nt. Would be General Repmrs Will pny Detroit pr.ccs !or Ann Arbor, cvenmgs. 22wtl elect! id fencer for sr~le. 2 miles well Stilted far church 'groups, Painting - Roofing W arfle Tailoring brought here Wlthottt Don Hill 110WBOAT-12% feet long, l]lnde east of Okemos rand on Lamb lodge, union hn11, c1v1c gtnups or Installations Shop feeding. Willlnm Vnn of marine plywood, with stl1l\ly road, hot)sc No 1287. 22wlp small clinic Priced reasonable. 14wt! 1420 N. Oltemos, East 3135 Ol>emos load, Ol{emos IJoat Irailer Both 111 good shape Terms can be arrangod. Phone ohone Lansing ED-25716. Phone Lansing ED 7 784!1 Norman Dol bee, De~ter Trn1l, 'h, BIG, ALL WESTERN horse Mason 21501. 21wt! l'LASTERING-All Klntls or plus 19wtf mile southeast of M 36 at Mason show Sunday afternoon, June terlng done; patchln~ a special Phone Mnson 2 2950. 22wlp 6, Ingham county fairgrounds 2·FAMILY DWELLCNG- One of cy, Ilollert ,'3. Bums, 3811 Aurel GAS STOVE-Used 2 months, Admission SOc, children under the best locatiOns. in Mason. Lo Ius road, La:lsing, Route 2 Roper gas stove May be seen IIOUSE PAINT-White, ;:inc, 12, free 22wl cated on East Elm street. Rants Phone J..anslng 2·5l08. twt' lead, tttnmum formula, $289 for $100 per month. Price $10,500 at, 943 Barnes street, Mnson, P Phone Aurelius A. Daldn \. 21wtf and $3 98. Bant pamt, red, $1.99 Can be bought on a contract wllh ADD LIFE ~ND BEAUTY gallon. Asbestos roofing com· a reasonable down payment to TO YOUR HOME OR 1Jound, $3 98 for 5 gqllan pall Real Estate the right party. Emery H. Jew BUSINESS Symphony rubber-base inside ' ett, 229 State street, Mason- Expert painting and decorating. wa11 pnlnt, $3 99 ga1lon and $139 LESLIE-Bea1.1t1ful home in Les· Phone Mason 2·2571. 22w1 Free estimates and counsel. quart. P. X. Mart, Mason, Char lie, on large corner lot, CX·• 3 ACRES wllh 5-room house, 41,~ Thompson and Burch More lotte, Lansing., Also Surplus Out· pandable attic. Call for appoint· miles southeast of Mason 011 311 E. Grand River, North ment. The Briggs Co., phone Lan· Dextet• Trail. Pl'lce $4,200. Emery "'"''~"'ll•,Open every night. sing ED-23077. Evenings call Mrs. Jewett, 229 State street, Mason . Classifieds ..... ,,,.,,,., ,. 22wt1 Joanne Eicher, ED·21248. 22w1 Phone Mason 2·2571. 22wl ) .. Ingham County News June 3, 1954 Pagc·8 STATE POLICE EMERGENCY TRAILER ' Clark Center · -.------·------IUr~. Nol.llo Jlulhm WILCOX-We wish to thank mu• ne!gh!Jors nncl frlenrlll for tlielr I Mrs, Anrm LosetwY wns 11 For Rent mrtny nets of lcln'111' LiVI!slod' 'l'ntclling pets. Ellis Hnynes, •128 W. 'Ash nr.ighhor~> Nlelharnmer last weei< Thursday. dren of Lansing spent Monday friends, and rei at lvcs 2B, 1954 2, 195·1 A GE development for ,the huge Service Cali 01' call 2·1521 Mason. 22w1 SMITH-Juua SEMANS-July fat· the flowers, cards and gifts Stntt• ur :\tlt:hh:nn. 'l'hn l'I'Ohlllt! CoUI'l Hl.tlt• of MirhiJ!HU. 'l'lw l•rnh.tltJ Uoul'l Mr. and Mrs. Frank Art-. of afternoon and evening with their Boeing ship, It opemtrs on an . AR'rl\ E.N--T·=--- ~- .-n______..,-·· sent during my recent !llnrss. fnt· th" Gnunty nf lnnhnm. fnr lhl' CoulliY or 1111-lhnm. Lansing called on the . latter's parents, Mr. and· Mrs. A. B. Zieg­ aii-wcnthrr basis. Ap lil'liHinn 1 - -3 1 0 0 1 part ally Carol Geller. 22w1p At 11 Hmudnn ul' IIUid Uourt, lwl 11 nn /\t n nf tmirl Cmn·t, lwld nl tho brother and sister·ln·law, Mr. and ler. furnished, $30 per month. Jiilln 1, 1!15•1, Jlanhlllf! Olfict• In tlw City of Mutwn, In -----·------PI'CKt·nl: liON, ,TOUN Mc~CI.ELT .. AN, tmid County, nn lhiJ I til. rillY or Junu, A. Mrs. Charles Nlethammer last Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Weller of Lester L. Johnson Phone Mason 2·6351. 22wtf 1 1 l'hmw 1\Inson •'• ROGER!S-We wish to. express ' 't~\{,',: ~;·:i~'~:'\f th,. E•tull• uf w.,.;:~~;,1: liON. JOHN Mc·CLEI,I,AN, Sunday. Kalamazoo spent the holiday Goicl, like lhe sun, which melts !1/i!!O or -;-~-.-.--·--· -· ------our Hlncere apprr.ciatlon anclii•'HIW HMI'I'I!, III'I'HllH<•Il, .Tudw• uf l'luhnlo, Carolyn and EIJ'en Bait, L•anHin..:, held at the eburch June 7 to Battle Creek called in tho after· J,Terc!ord purebred hulls for sale. . J..:'IVCil hy IJIII)IIt:IILIOII ul ll c~npy hPI'i•tlr Mu~hu.~nn, IH! nnd IH lll'll'hy appointed for Service NOWI Call 4-842G Lansing or Edgewood Glenn Roberts and family. 22w1 fOI' l.hl'l'<• wruk• COilHCCiltiv,ly III'I'ViiiiiK he/11'111~ Kllid l"'lition, lllld Lhnl nil 1/UI'• June 11. noon and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert --~- ~---- to tmhl tiny nr hcral'lug, in the Jn..:hHm HOilt-1 lniPI'C'Htc•tl In hnld t•Hlute lltllteiU' 7·7366, 22\Vtf V .. f F . Couuty Ncw11, und thut thu t•~·tilioniJI' hcfoJ•c HHid culll'l, ut Hillel time nnd ttlncc, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Balcer .and Eldred, Elaine, Lynnette and Service your car at this time for bettt~r performance, FW-1 he Vetcrnns 0 I orclgn l'lllllil' n f'OJIY oi I his nnttc•e to ,,(! Kl•I'VNI to iihnw [!llU/1(' why II llcl'l\!lt•cl pnt·ticn ;tdditiunnl uulicu nH recently. months in Japan. Mrs. Whipple TIRES- PAIN'I'ING- LABOR ~------·-· ------·- I - --- I'Crltill'r•d by law. and cbildren stayed In Spolmne APARTMENT - Downstairs 3· I JOHN McCLELLAN, Mr. nnd Mrs. Raymond Baker •am ORDER FOR PUBLICATION A 'l'rn1, Copy: Judg"tJ of l'a·ubat.u and daughter of Mason were din­ during his absence. He is the son •.room furnished apart men!. In Memorl APPOINTMENT 01' ADMINISTRATOR Hoh••rt 1-. 1> 1·:d,e of Mrs. Lulu Whipple. C. A. S. Finance Plan Private bath and entrance. Phone DROWN-June 28, tU54 l~·:_i:'_I:''.':.-~~P':"!"'L•·. __ ------22w:~ ner guests of his parents Mon­ day. 2·6821 MaHon. 22W][J ------;---- Slat1• of Mic·hhmn. 'l'he l'<·oh,,lo Cumll ORDER FOR PUBLICATION During one year, if all the steel ~--- .. ------IN MEMORIAM-In loVIIlJ:: mcrn- fur the Cuuuty uf lnHhnm. , SALE OF REAL ESTATE Connie Swanson of New Hud­ APARTMENT-Parlly·fUI'nishecl ory of Milton Glenn who At n "''""ion uf •nid Cuu,·t, held 111 WEINERT-July 7, t954 son spent a, few days .last week used by Frigidaire plants In Day. 4 ( t 'tf ! J' Lhe Pl'r:E of Mny, A. 1>. 19:..1. were callers at the Bruce Bal{er Thorburn, 410 W. Maple, plione I L. BIWWN, ""''''"""d. Pruscmt: liON. JOliN MeCLEI,LAN, ton to San Francisco-nearly 2,- 220 W. Ash l'honc 2·5531 Fz·unk C:. Millard, Altol'llcy ~leneJ•rtl . JudJ.:c of PJ•ohl\tc, !tome sunday. · · · 500 miles away. · 26511 M~~-~ -----____32w1~. Ma son Mar ke t s ,, havin" lil••cl in Hnid Collrt hiM Jletillun In lhe Maller of the EKlnlc of !lOS· Pl'nyln~ thnL the lttlmitliau•ntinn of KHifl ET'J'A WEfNJ~H'f, JlfJc:mt~t·d. SMALL HOUSE fot• rent. Just c"lnto Ill' 1(/',/llll'li lo Wi.llinm B. (Jii. Mnl''ludl Coolld~:c huvln):' lilcd In Hllid nlOI'C 0!' [ll!I'HUn: pr>titlon rio} 1t f 0 r .1 n •tnd his wife Wheat $179 to ~ome other Hllllnblc court hi!ol 1 lll'll)'ing for lic-cn:w tn b . '". rna f • • ' (_ ...... ·,., I It iM Onll!l'l!cl, Thnt the 2Xth dny of., Rell the 'inlci'CSt 0f :mid. CKtllle in cct·lnin Roy Kilpatrick, 310 E. South .Oats ...... ,,0 June, A. D. t9:,;, nl elev"" o'ulouk i11 l'enl c;tntc the<·elll du•er·Jbccl,' Street M s n c~n 424? ?2w1 Corn 142 the fOI'C/10011, nl the l'l·ohnlc Olliec Ill It IH Ordr•I'Od 'l'hnL the 7th dny of I n~ 0 ° ( -· - ...... • 20!i Wu.!!l Snh'lnaw Ht.rcet, LIIIHIIIIJ.:', Mich~ July, A. lJ, t!in~. nt Len o'clock in the _S_A_C-,--, L ·-:-~-:-- t'Soybcans ...... 3.20 h.nn1~ be '.lrtd iii.. h<•J•ehy HPJlointed for fot·cnoon, aL the p 1·obute Office nt. ~Oil p E SUIJ AB E1 for tepa!!' Buckwheat, cwt...... 2.00 hC/11'1!1" ;:. Miet.l~:nn. shop, electric or plumb!ng Hhop R - 1 00 Jt IH I• lll'lhul' Ol'dcnHI, lila~ Pll.ilhc II()· be nnd iH IH.!I"loll,Y lliiiJUintcrl fot• hcnl'ing , I yc ...... · I Lice tlwa·cnr. lu: ~lv1·n hy JlllhhcJLLtnn of 11 ~m!d tn•LILion, and thul nil IKlt'tlOllH lnLt:n·~ 0~ storage, :for rent. B,tc { of Cnr-, Navy beansl C\Vl...... :::- ..... 8.90 ('OJIY nf th.l~ fll'dl•l', ,fnl' llll'c~ ~~~C~CH~i':'u CHLI'd Jn tilllti eiilut.c I!Jijlf!1!1' hc'loJ"(! HllHl You'll Like the RESULTS ol s shoe store in Mason. Also 3- Eg s week~ )l!'eVtlltl~ to HJUd day ol ht:lll'lng. Ill COlli L, l~l Htlid 0 timu nnll JlhH'f', l!J Hhow , 1 1 1 l g thl' InJ.tharn Lnunt.y Ncw/i, n newlipapct· cHUHI! why a llcl.!rliH: to Hoi! the mlcJ'cHL rooln mo dern f lll n s lC( npar. Extra large ...... $ .36 prinl!:!d und cii"Clllal!•d in tillid county, of Hillel e"tatr• in Sltid real c~tiLtc Hhoulrl ment Jocatcd above Carol's shoe I Large 33 nnd that :;aid pctil.inllf!l' give known not be J{l'llntcd 0 store. Phone Leslie 3543. 22w1p M ...... inlere.'.'ccl p:n·li_c• lldliiliollnl notice ·"" . It is Fu<·thot• 'ordered, 'rhnt Jlnblic no- ' edium ...... 29 I'CIIIII!l!d by hw•. ' Lice thm·enf I)(• J..{IVCn hy Jlllhllcatlon nf IL When Your Printing Is Done, - I I·Ieavy hens 22 JOHN McC[,EI.. l.AN, cony of LhiH ol"dl!l', for tlucc ~UCCI.!iiKiVl! GARAGE fat• rent, 2-ear, located L' I I ...... IA 'fl'IIIJ Cor<. ill at 619 S Rorers street Mason lg lt lens ...... 16 Hobu<'L I-. D<·uke the rn~:ham Cnunty New•, " newHJlaPe<· Mrs Hattie Ly'. ' .Ill ' M . . Roasters, 4 Jb and over ...... 26 HcHistcr of r•,·ohnte 22w3 printed and eireulutell in Hllid uounty, · on, lone ason Fryers and br ilcrs nnd thnt thu 1\dm:la•·y of s11ld catatc By the Ingham· County News 2·6872. 22Wlp · }b 0 ORDER FOR PUBLICATION >:iV~ known in~ul'eHLud lllll'lios ndditionul lli1C1 er 4 ...... ,.24 APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR not1ue ''" <·cqu11ed by law, Caponettes ...... 30 Statu o~1~~},,~,~e·rT,~' J,S.~~alc Court '' 'l'i•ue Co1w: JDI~~d,~e~~~~:~b~,~~ fat· Llw County of lnJ.{hum. Uulh Schllpcl'oot Lbst and Found At a tiesl'iwn of t-Hiid Coua·t, held nt D(!JHity HogiHLer nf Pl'olmt.u :.!2w3 CIIARJ,O'l'TE IHARI\Wl'S ~he P<·ohnte O!Ti11c iu th~ City uf Mason, ·---- Hogs _ 'J'Ofl $':16 00 to $"7 90• I'" "''"I Cnnnly, on the ,h·d dny of June, ORDER APPOINTING TIME N'CYriCE All tr d 1 k d • · ~ '· •- .. • 1 A. ll. tnr..J. FOR HEARING CLAIMS - S ay ogS p e e mixed, $24.75 to $26.25; I'Ollghs, PI'IJHuul: liON. JOHN McCLC:I.I,AN, STOWE-Augu•t 10, 1954 Up by the Ingham County HU· $Hl 00 clown• feeder pigs $ " .1 Jllll>:c of P1·ohnte. Stnte of Miuhi~nn. 'l'hc Probate Cou1·t ,· ( mane Society or by Clayton HU· . ' ·. ' ' 1;), 2;) I In the Ma,Ltcl' uf the E•Lnlc o[ c ;:on. fol' lhc Cnnnly or lllJ: tiled ill Hlli[,LAN, Maybn. your company's office fot•ms need a "new 1hls gives owners a chance to ' I . 10 . 0 lt lK Oi·dcluli, '1'1111L lhu ~Hlh daY or Jud~c nf l'rolmlu. lt!cate them. With OWned dogs, $24.50 CWt. ,Junu, A. ll. l!lr.l. nt clev,.u o'clouk in In Lhu MaLLer· of th" E"tnlc o[ LEN- touch" in layout and printing arrangements -or . d L h , S I I! the fni'CilOIHI, nt. th~ Prohutc.- O!Ticc nL WOOIJ W. STOWE, DcccaHcd. we· 0 as the owner requests, It am s-1 op: ' upp y to srna ~11:. \VCKt ~n"lnaw Hli'UCL, LnnHinl{, Mlch- It llJIJ>elll'illl{ ln lhe U0/1/'l t·hut Lhe rnaybe it's stationery or envelopes that you need, ll'oss!ble. We do not seize dogs on to establish market; ewes, $1.75 '~"": bu !"' 4• _.:__,----- ·have shoes In Mr. Knoll's Shoe came just at the right time to Jn~~~~~~}~~,.~ll~,~~. JOHN McCLE!,LAN, Sh'c\p, please call' fnr them. 2211 help corn along and · Improve In the Mnttc<' of the EHtnte o[ 1\A'l'H. DIRECT MAIL PIECES I(cnrnore Drive, Okemos. 22wl ER!NE IJRENNAN, llcccnsed, pas t ures. JoHCJih White hnvlnH filed In •nl< thnL the 'nd· COrded for the Week, mOSt Of lllilliHtrnlion Of 11/lld eslllte he ~l'll/llod to NEWl:l has installed lithography equipment and adcJi.. himself Ol' to HOOlft olhct• HUilnblc IICl'~ PROGRAMS which fell on Monday. Ingha/TI •on: , tiona) bindery machinery to give you one of the most had some real thunderstorms IL i• Onlcr·e Sf'l'nnrl rh1~•s mntllnrr prlvl· get. their diplonHrs nl cxerciRco Yan·ow," gn~PJJ, 1u~rlu1p~ lu•t'llli!-!P '"\!I' --illlri illllli lift 11 hrmlnn from lt wnH assoeiateri wllli thr f11lrir>~. next Wr.drJCsd;ry, lhc IIIXfiA,Vr>r• of flnancln~ riistri­ n mi~lrt WitH enlor 111111 hrlnt< hntlniJ 11f Cnmmnnlst prnpngnn· 'l'lu~ l'in~~ wltli some mcmhcm vnrlecl lurk It Wlls fort unnt" ria. lnclurlerl In t hr> hill Is n pr·o· o[ the St'hool staff Is :;hown In wlrnn worn to hr.r,ln an f'lllf'l'· vlslnn ,·,.rnrlt·lnrr lite nlrrr·IIH! In 1 prise, but In rh'Pnrns 11 Jll'!'.~iii{Prl the picture at the left. Bccntrsc In rrci h•llr.r.~ of thr. worrls Com· ~Dl'l'flW not lll'!'l'SSIII'iJy clr>nlh, liS the r·cprnrlu<"llon of till! piciUI'O mrllll~;t pl'IIIHll'!lllrlll nn I lrr> rm· rllri tir.vel'ill of th;~ Smttish vr!lr~pro r•onlnlnlnr: s11ch mntlf'l', SOillf! O[ IJJC llilln!'H III'C lllll'd to onwns. 'I'IH! othP.t' hill I inlr'rHiur•erl this make out, tho lineup Is r;lven 11s T nm sub,lr>c•t tn vlvlri di'f'Hins: '"""" rn11krs it n r•rlrne to mnke follnws: hut. I eannot rrc•;rll 1111" tlmt fl'n· f;rl~c ~tatr.rnents In a .fnh iiJlpllca· lured any mtnr hut l!l'f'Pil! lion wirf'l'" nntlnnal ddrnsc is in· Top !'OW - .loyl'e 1•:. Dur·r·ow, EDITII SI'AlJLI1JNCi, vnl l'<'rl. AII I nld, my wnrl1 on Ihe Ronald 0. BlltleJ', Naru.·y L. Rocl[· !~at on. Ilnpirls ''"'"'lllitfrP. has Hllf:f~l'slrrl a great wood, ,Jaclt L. Armour, .Jncque­ deal In ihc way of lr.glslatlon. lynn 1\, Gates, l\11l'llilel 13. l'clmrl, J'im:s lll'ing 1\lnll Kl'T' CLARDY, Heather· A. lleath, Ror:er A. ,JC!f. tP mrnmlt Ir·r~ lwnrings i 11 Washington, D. C. l).!an. h:rvr prndur•c!d m11· fers, Sally .To Davis, D;rlc 1\, ·Jrlel'llble npprovlng mall. We Jo'nllmt Lr•wls nrul JHeCn•·lhy !Ioffman, M~rllm ,J, !:itcvens, lllll'f' JH'erl thai klnrl nf rnmnnu~c- An,Vrlllr wishlnr, In thr Philip I. Krlrogcr· and Nnncy L. mcnt---tiw mmmittc•p Pnr•mil's truth ubnut Prr>slrlr.nt l~isrnlmwrr Underhill. have cm·talnly lrPen c:nnrluct In!-! ;r will ·!:!<'I 11. by listroning to Fulton hc;rvy smr•at· t•amp;rlt:n. n111 if 1LPwis, .Tr .. nn n .Tael;snn stntion. Second rnw-- Bonnie L. Dnr· my mall is 11 coJ'I'ec·t i11rlP1' of I Tf Pl'nple hmi rr:11t Grralri l'nw, nar,\' L. Dorer•, Suwnnc L. populnr fpriJng, tlwn l thlni< n Smith's m:rgazinc they would BotsfoJ'rl, Dnvlrl lluggl'!r, Slth·ley heavy ma.irll'ily rloros 1111rlcrstand havr lmnwn hr.forl'! tlwy votr.rl ,J. .James, Handnll I. Clements, till' trr'l'ihir' threat In our safrty. who the n~nl powers would he Larry L. Alhrrl, P'rancC'R II. VoHs, Anywny, llwn! will be no let-up in thr J•:isenhowcr mlmlniRil'a· StarT r~:. 'J'ropp, Lasl1a V11n Etten, In our effort;;,· finn. llrr•ausr> hr. is cllrecterl David L. Parisian anrl Mar·Jcnc IC Thi:; wee!< J wroll' tltl' 11! tomr•y by 1111' :;:JnH! man whn tnhl Rnosc­ Grleh. gcncml calling :rttentlon to tlw Vf'lt anrl Trum;rn what to dn, Third row .... Roher! Hnlws, flngmnt derelict inn of duty nn TIHI!lf' powr>rful interests nl· Gloria M. Slmver·, Carlton W. Mil· the pari nf the immi~ratinn [IPO· most lmt nut nl one point, son, Advi~mr Roher·! Schiefer·, pic in failing tn r!Ppr,r·t one of I IHJliP.h. The Brklwr Amendment, Prinelpal Ronald B. Sage, Super·· tlw Fifth Amr.ndmrnt wit rwsses whiroh wflulrl lwvro nrntecteW-- S!anlry P. Lilt'· '"'P. 1111ri frnm the twin evil of ncr, Carnic II. Waterworth, Don Spray Painting Zionism. C. Ol!lon, Hiehnrrl D. Thoma.~. FROST !JPDTKE. Mary L. Nichols and Kenneth L. BAJ:NS HOUSI•:S Stor:khrlrlgc Campbell. nm'I'AT, HOOFS P'ifth row--Jruncs R. Hcin, t:UIIIIliCr'l'hiJ SWNA'l'tmw.; rm<,unmn ,Joan Riley, Rohcrl Dt!Chelhor, 1 All let ler:r writtcn for publica· Erina V. Seelman, Donna Y. Rey, I t ion m11sl ilr• ·signrrl will1 enrrect Kurt V. Mer! ins, Gloria Sheldon Crowe Bros. nnm••s and arirlresses, even nnrl Bruce W. PiciH~ring. Sprny l'ain!ing- I hough til, t'CCttlest -Is made nnd Bnllorn row--J oycc E. Hnrti~:, :;,on Nmlh llmul L1111oing J!l'illltccl ll1:rt tile namPs nnd ad- William .J. I.Iusbancl, Mnrgo l'IHlllP.~ rirr.sses he omi It eri from the f d . · t tl Smilh, Charles D. Leonard, Bar· Enlnn l~upids •Hi!J.JO Int•irJtetl Icttet'H. Several unsi"ned"' COI\IlUENCEMENT EXERCISES ·or 5 7 grad uatmg semors W d a· d 1e Baccalaureate services for the Holt seniors will be held Sunday night, bam K. Robison, Ronnlci L. or , letters h1rvP bern received in rc- Holt high school will be held at Holt Athletic fie] at 8 p. m. e nes ay, June 6, at 8 p. m. in the school gymnasium. Rev. Vcmon T. Smith of the Marks, Nor:rnn S. Schwart7., Frank F. Phillips, Mar·thn Lansing 7-at:m I cent week~. They can not be June 9. Commencement speaker will be Dr. Charles E. Irwin, assistant Holt Presbyterian church will give the set'mon. At•t•angcments fot• the .T. Shaw, Louis 13. Shepard, Rober·ta ------· used. professot• of speech at Michigan State college. In case of rain, the services sr.l'vic:es m·e being made by Rev. Wilson Tennant of lhc Drot.lw1'!10od Temple •------11 will be held in the school gymnasium. J. Iludson, Hobert L. Spurgeon Methodist church. and Joanne Field . Bargains for.. . MW~~tt!N'MM'klil¢Mi¥ Holt News·""·ltems · Self Home and-Cottage Mrs. Ernest Burlew Slumhr~r· l'arty Is Gh·cn l JIM'S Serve MARKET Mt·. anri Mrs. l~lmer Riggs gave r G~rl Loses Eye in a slumber party for their rlaugh· lcr, Barbara, to celebrate her Open Evenings and Sundays Phone 2-4231 Accident Monday birthday anniverF.ary Friday. The girls s-pent the week end at. the l i Carrol Eve McDanit!l, ue){ 1\lrci. topped with hrirlc and groom. J9Cib J9Cib Cub Scouts held a flll!'i< mret­ ThP. Wests received a gift of I ing Thursday evening at the $25 from the family. Methodist church. llegistr·ation cards were ~ivl'!n out for 19:14 The 'ai~nn Tookct:s spent. 'the flnd 1 !J5!i .•Tames Adcock receivcrl week end at Budd Ialtc for 1ho Millerlile' s Old-Fashioned his Webelos badge. A movie, holidays. "Once a Seoul," was shown. A Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bnlzrr Ground Steak committee meeting will he hclrl entertained Mr. Rnd Mrs. G!!orgc From J_,can Boneless Beef .lliuds .Tunc 17 with MrS. Bob Snyder. Adnms of Eaton Rapids nnd Mr. BOLOGNA The Scouts plan a soap box cicr· and Mrs. Mllow Kahres of Holt by for June 19. for Decorallon Dny, The Marshall. Chappells went The Lyman Armours nrc to Linden for the holiday. 59Cib ', ·' nlnnning an open house parly for Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Tow anrl their son, .Tncl\, Jnnc !1. Jael< is .Timmy spC!nt the week end visit· gradunling \from Holt high this ing with Mrs. Tow's· ·sister and month. Jack and n friend. Carl· family, 1he Frank Thompsons, in ton Mason, plnn to join the navy the Upper Pcninsuln 111' Curtis. after gi'Uc)untlon. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wirick spent Rev. and Mrs. ,;William Kelley the week end at Rennie lalw. ARMOUR'S Sweet Sixteen entertained 17 Monrlay .for Deco- Roland Nichols anrl son, Bob, Oleo rat.lon Day at their home on spent the weel< end fishing in tho Phillips mad.. Upper Peninsula at Manistique The Charles Baird family spent river. the week end at Round lake. .Tacit Armour and son, .Jim. Th,e Clifton Cornelius fflmily went· trout fishing in the Manls­ ~ lb $1.00 spent the, week end at Hupbnrd' tee. river .for the wee]< end. lake visiting friends. · Mrs. Claude Mlllcr Is confined Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Carson t·o the St. Lawrence hospital were guests over the week end of where she undcnvent an opera· relatives In Shepherd. t.lon for appendicitis Tuesdny, Can-0-Pop Symons Catsup The.Richard Ad~oclt famil)' vis· Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mag!!c . . Yes Kids- POil·in·Cuias / ltP.d In Payne, Ohio, Sunday with entertained at a family affair Lal'ge 12-m: •. Ca.ns 14-oz. Bottles relatives. Monday, to celcbrnte the birth· Reg. The Howard Baxters speut the flay annlvcrsar'Y of Mrs. Berlc / week end in Coldwater. Parks of Lansing, mother of Mrs. Mrs. George Wilcox enter· Magee. .. cans 59c. l for 33c talned guests from St. Johns, Mr. About 22 boys of Hnlt troon ~nd Mr!),·Ed Reahms and Mr. nnd No. 40, Boy Scouts. will partlci· Mrs. Walter Reahms on Sunday. pnte In the_annual Camp-o-ree to Cpl. and Mrs. Arthur Hartig be held June 4, 5, 6 at Camp I

Mr. and MrR, Rnlph Whl!nC!~' nnrJ Mrs, Hnttle Isham of Leslie Stockb.ridge Items called on Mrs, Jshntn'H hmthcr, Mrs. Helen Beeman Alvtt Howe, nnrl Mrs. Ada. Smith Mrs. Susie WniiR of Nnpolcon Sunday. culiNI Dll frlencls In Stoclllf were Mr. anrl Bal!lwln, a former elnssmute who hns moved to Detmit. ·aiding Red Prcrniet· Mao Tse· anrl Mr. anti Mrs ..John Woodell Mrs. J. B. Hubert, Mr. and Mrs. ~tung, which nrc flaunted Just of Detroit. Mrs. Woodell is a ;nul Fore~t Hubert, Peter, John anrl Mr. Mrs. Gcoq:c Marslwll across the bridge. and .Tonn haVI! moved to the Mar­ grnncldnughter of Mrs. Marriott. Christine, and Robert Huhe!'t and Mr. nnd Mr·s. Earl .Tones, Rol(er Mllw ot Birminghnm, Mr. and shall fnrm southeast () f Gl'£!f.(OI'Y ami Mr. and Mrs. Mulond Titus ~rrs. J\lmrllt Lathrop ntH.I Mr·. nml anrl Barham anrl Mr. and Mrs. Mr~. Sumner Hull, Mr. ancl Mrs. anrl Donna havl' moved to the Mrs. \Vuyne Freiermuth. Alfrrcl Molson of Mason spent W. L. Ostrander and Betty and the week end nt. Sherlclnn. Mr8. George Leutzinl(r.r nnd Tom Lena Smith residence vacated by Senior~ graduating from Stork· the Marshalls. lwidge high :;ehnol 'l'lrursrlny eve· George Hatneld was flshlnl( at of Cudillnc; Mr. and Mrs. C. Gay­ Houg-lllo n Lake over tho wecl1 lnrd Hall nnd Gayann and Greg· Mrs ..Jessie Schull?. nf Waterloo ning are Davirt Bailc~y. Hoherta visited Mrs. Dora Stoffer ami the Harber, Patricin Heeht, Jiaroirl end. ory who recently returned from Mr. ami Mrs ..John Edgar at· 'l'ucson, Ar!Y.onn; Mr·. and Mrs. Hlnddeys Sunday. Morclwuse .Tnmos Moeelwl nnrl The IGA Story Pnt Walsn'n. tencletl the grad ua tlon or t hell· W. G. Reeves, MuiJel ami Mm·Jon Mr·. ami Mrs. George \Vorden called on Mr. nnd Mrs. Hulph S;ilurday· C'allC'rs of Mr. anrl nicer., Cnrolyn .Jones, at Cleve­ .Asquith o! Memphis, Florence land, Ohio, over tho weck.cml. Field nnd Amy Fowler of .Jaci{· Brcedon of .Jar:kson, Monday. ·Mrs. llugh Morr.hmtsf! were Wll· Mr. and Mrs. Rex Glover at· bur llr!mstl'Cet anrl .Tohnny of What is IGA? ~on, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Field of Cleveland, Mr·. and Mrs. Ray tended a family plr~nle rlinner at Leslie, Ruth Kelly of Howell, G b Hardt and MrH. Lola Burgess of the Tim Jsi1am home at Plninflclrl Mrs. Rieharrl Horstman of Wll· fOVeO Ufg Munith, beHldes the immediate Sunday. Thirty nltenrled .from liamstrm, Mr·s. Frank Hemstreet 1\frs. Uownrd North you fnmliy. Mr. and .MrH. Field have Franl.on. ' ho will have surgery Tuesday. the preservation of individual opportun~ty and free enter­ mcrly or Detroit, diod Wednes­ Jacl1son, f~rmcr rcsirlents, have Mr. nml Mrs. c. w. Rnrtcll anrl Lester Christionsen Is improv- day momlng at Rowe Memorlnl a son, Patnck Emmett, horn May Mr. anrl Mrs. Wenrlall Gc_ e and Iing anti able to be U[.l part of the p"rise in this great land of ours - assurance that your hospital In Stockbridge. 22 at Mercy. hospital' .Tacld the Memorial night. with Joann Freiermuth. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Twichell and daughters attended a• family Day set-vices at the Fitr:hbm·g family of Potterville were dinner plenic at Potter· park In Lansing, church Sunrlny nftornonn and guests at the homo of Mrs. Sunday. lwarrl the message gi"en by Rev. Wheatfield Dist. No. J Twitchell's grandmother, Mrs. New sidewall


Densmore's New IGA Foodliner Is Now Part of a. Group of Over 6000 Independent Retailers, Banded Together to Bring . You Fine Foods at Lower Prices. All the Savings Made by Mass Purchasing, and Mass Merchandising, Are Passed on to You, the Consumer. Compare and Save! Watch for Grand Opening

ller's Oven-Gio 20 oz. Miracle Whip BREAD Loaf SALAD PLUS DRESSING Kraft 2 lb. Pint Jar l7c Loaf Velveeta c Ne~ Washing Miracle

·~'!l,..nll·.~ .• ~oor.;)IGA "ONE-STOP" IGA Fancy ~rozen Shopping Centers cui • me~rkeling lime in half •.• everything you need is in one convenient ORANGE JUICE TIDE well·stocked store/ Lge.

c 1 ,=,,....,.._._,_1 Boxes Bright and sanitary 8 Cans $1.00 from fop to bottom! Refrigerators sparkle •.. floors and counters ...-n-f:=. shine ... food is han· died the same, clean, rankenmuth careful way It is in your •· lb.

MILD CH SE ...... ·. ·, ,:··: ·:'. Enjoy you riGA grocer's. courteous, cheerful of Room - Come on in friendship. He's always TRY DENSMORE'S. . MEATS ready with helpful sug· gestions an·d answers to your questions. Just like any good neigh· ST AK Round, Sirl~in, T-liones lb 57c b or! ,..·._,., , I

FRANKFURTERS Herrud Skinless lb 49c ·------· . GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE · SLICED BACON Hickory Smoked lb 69c Radishes . o • J Burnches 13 c Store Hours CHICKENSPan-Ready Fryers ~b 43c Watermelon, Iced . lb Sc ' Hothouse Tomatoes .. lb l.9.c Daily 9:00 to 9:00 · · . , ·· . Pan-Ready Stewerslb 39 C Oranges 288Sunkist 35cdoz: - 3 doz. $1 ·: Sunday .10:00 to 4:oo . . . . . , · : . · Free Coke-- Free Potato Ch1ps - Free. Ice Cream. Bars - Free Am mal Crackers - Fnday and Saturday ......

1 . . ' . . ·L·--.~·-, . :_ :, \ . --' ·.. ·: ' ---·oo·', '-·_ ' ' ·.. . . '' ·A·. ·Fo· : :· I . ' .· . ·-., .. ·' '· .· ·. ' ' . ' ,· .... '·. ' ' '·. ' ' . .· ;' : : \ ...... ' .. :. " ...... ·E··R,., . , . ... PARTY T!1 nT'.'CN CoujJle Mctrlts Anniversary A fnrr.wol) eighth grnrlo party was giV!!Il at the hntnr! ur l"n· 4-H Garden Club :.·Social wtte Rld1 Frhlny owning, Elgl1toon guests nttnndt>cl, Tiley Elects Officers · r plnyr.d games nftnr WhlC'h l•'n· VC)tle'H mol hor, Mrs, CIHII'il•:; Rich, servl'd leo crenm llonls, cooldos nnd rnmly, ·II ljl ~~

Mt·s. Frrd 1\rnn rntr>t·tnlnrd nt 11 slil'prisf' hlrthrlny party l:t~t W<•rinl'sriay honorinr.: ltPl' slsli'l', c;""l'l~i;r I•;nnnd gold motif Usf'd In thP dl'rnm· (1 tlnns. Tltit•trr'll girls fmm thP 10th f-:1'/l(lf' all<•nd<•rl. Datwlng \VIIs tlw rliwrsir1n of the OVPilirtg. Gf'orgia IWI'ived many n!c'r gifts. 1 , If lilt•. nnrl 1\lt·s. Drlos Caton of C'lwrloltl' ll'f't'r S;tturrlay vl.~ltnrs of !\Irs. 7.nln Oshnmc. · Mt•. and Mrs. ltflv Hac nn

June 3, 1954 Page 4

.on his day-

Father i I deserves something MAKE

~ 1 ~;, • .special SHIMMIN You and :V.our Money .. and we have It! DRUG So You're Going to .Get Married A Hallmark Card Lee lurcr In Eeonornics In our colleclion of Hallmark Father's Day cards Michlann Stnte College Once the wcclcling is over and I am! how to wipe it our eventual· you're sure to find just the card that fits your YOUR more nllllldnne matters arc ly? Never thmk that you can faced, a question may arise ns to "afford" a certain amount of clefi. father to a "T", Its design-and words seem lhe eyes of some bachelors, is a whether the wife should worl' or' cit. You nrc not the U. S. Irons· to have been created with him in mind. This noble thing. To economize, or to not. Now more than 30% of all ury. ' card is sure to put all your love and apprecia· GIFT mnlw the best of what we have, married women earn money in The continued r.xcf!ss or your tion and thanks into the words you'd like to addition to their husbands. This expenditures over yottr net in· say. is also a noble thing, Unfortu. means that quite n sizeable come will eventually catch up I ' nately, these 2 human activities amount of young people feel the with you. In ot•cler to prevent We also have Hallmark Cards for wives to send HEADQUARTERS r do not always enjoy the bliss of need for such additional income. this, it might be advisable to esti· their husbands on Father's Day and special peaceful co·existence. It seems sensible if she worked mate the approximate expenses cards too, to send grandfathers, favorite uncles before hot• marriage and if her connected with such necessities It would be too mtteh to ex· or someone who's like a father to yQu. pect people to behave rationally work Is not entirely unbearable, as food, clothing ancl rent (or a at the time which probably rep­ that a wife should J(ecp on earn. mortgage paymenl). This can he resents the most memornble day ing ancl l1elp pay the consider· done on a trial basis lasting sev· able expenses· connected with sol· era! weeks. After you have nscer· in their lives. The wedding, after Gift Suggestio·ns for Dad! all, Is no occasion for pinching ting up a new home. tained the usual expenses, the Children's . . balance of your Income should pennies. Suppose, however, that Money difftcttlttes rate ~ery then be sufficient to pay the in· you want to be one of the more high as a cnus~ ~f marrtage terest on yom• debts and leave Stationery Special! sensible members of our society. trotthlc~. Therefme, 1t might be something for your savings. A Billfolds Shaving Sets How much should your wedding a good 1den to have a ?lear under. VC!ry important and often over· Name eng~·aved in 22- 4 Pcrm:ment Proofs cost you? There arC! figures, in· standing before mnrrmge, Agree Joolced Item in family finances is t carat gold free of charge in a dicating the avernge cost of an to some rough procedure of how what might be termed "miscel· Lo\'ely Bah~· Boo)\ average wedding. Howf!ver, one to manage the future home, laneous expenses." watch these Projectors + Electric Razors tt·ouble with these figures Is that The strict Income nnd expend!· and never forget that they: some· they do not refer to any real ture ap]>roach in marriage eco- times exceed some of yottr "nee· Pen-Pencil Sets $3 thing. No wedding is an "aver· nomics Is being given as a guide essary" expenses by quite a hit. age" wedding, least of all. the one for successful mnnagement. The Anot1 er event, which usually Fountain Pens COillllhltc you plan! 1 Stick Cologne Toilet Sets rule is simple: "Don't spr!nd more arrives ahead of nny planned Name engraved in 22- Statistics do not sJ1ow us what than you earn." This "golden schedule Is a child. When this proportion of their incomes peo· rule," as other such rules, is happens' your finances wlll be carat gold free o{ charge · \ pie spend on a wedding on the bound to fail in a majority of further ~ffected and therefore, If Parket··· Ev'ersharp average. Howe~er, it may be a cases for the simple reason that it Is at all possible, provide for Cameras Box Candy good Idea to lwep the expenses we live In a highly developed such an event before it occurs·. Estherbrook • Sheaffer within .your income, meaning, credit economy which Is very However, this• already belongs to that you should not go into debt ably assisted by the advertising the sphere of family finance -- .lust because you want to show to conjurors who hnve a rich field management• Gifts for the Last-minute shotlllers can fhul a big selection of the rest of the world what a ter· In the needs and prejudices of There are many books on this rifle couple you are. Most likely, young mart•led couples. subject that you may rend to Graduates quality g\fts for graduating boys and girls. even a modest wedding will In· Therefore, unless you are a your heart's delight. And If thr!sf! Photog·rnr•hcrll valve going Into some of your savings, and It would not· be quite millionaireperson, do ornot a verybe ,surprised cool·hended if evf!nbooks pay are for well themselves. written, they At leastmay sHIM' M'· N D •'U G IID8·514 Frolllslcr Bldg, prudent to use up all ·of t11em, your family budget wl!l acquire! might make you forget Lan~lng since most of the down·to·earth a healthy· looking bulge of def· about the existence of your credl· · · Pl10no ~nslng 4·8922 expenses will start after the Wed· 1 ding, ' iclt. The problem then Is, how to tors whne· you rend them, Good Phone 2·6181 · , . ' Relhlb'~ _Prescrl},tlons· , , . . ... ki!Cp this deficit from growlug, luck _to you! L..;._.;_.;___ .;_ __ ~~....;.-~-~~~~-~ ..... - .....~ ..... ~------~--~, ,, ..

>rnt'rlr.n mnnttnlA were pnsAeclnut, 1\fl', nnrl1Iri!, nussell Drown or mrrrTTDAY DINNER GIVEN f 1\fl', nnli Mrs, Ra-Y f-;pnrls of Hr.v, nll!l Mrs, IT, .T, HllllJlll'~ffiEir 4-11 Clubs At. (lro close of the rnnntlng 1'1!· N'I!\V Yorl< City urrlvecl In Mnson Mr. runl Mrs, Hnrold Lnvls 1md 1Alllr1nr.e, Ohio, s[lent lhi! wee)t ·Pantry Shower freshh1ents were Horvcrl, Grange Stages who serve us mlsslnnnl'lcs !11110111:'-­ Jlni'IH\H Uuud' 'l'm•mulni•H l•'rlrlny night In vlsll his pnrents, Dennis ente1•trrlned rrt rllnner encl with theh• son nnd dilllghlor· the Nnv11jr1 Inrllnns ut Ft. DoH. M1·, nnd Mrs, Vprnon ,J. Brown, We I I evnr1lr1g It 110 I II" . r ncsc ny ~ 0 r ng. 1 " Jn.Juw, Mt•, un1l Mrs, Lnwrence Given Monday Mornhors of· lill! Bnrnc!s Jl(lflll Cullers of Mrs, Ellznhol h C!nl­ Memorial Rites nnd to witness the commission· father, ,T, H. Lnvls, on his birth· unco, Arlzonn, vlsllocl Mt·. nnd 'l'ornnclnos HI cluh. gnthm.:d nt lar Pot li!l' last wcelt WI'I'C! I-I !!I'· lng of thelt· son, rlny ntlnlvm·sury, Other n,uesls Mlllm•, nnd fumlly, Mt•s. Lurlell Cheney und family Doth Donr.h of Wllllnrnslon wns Members of the Whcalfiolrl Rus~ell V. " tlw Bnrnes sehool lnsl 'l'hursi]ny, bert Hnslwll nnrl Mr. unci lVII'S, Brown, us nn nt·my llmrlennnt nt wure Mr. and Mrs, H. E:. Troxell, Mr. nnrl Mrs. Sl!Y· Tuesdny nlglll. 'l'hey left Weilnes­ honored nt n pnntry nncl paper wllh Lorry Silsby c!nnrluelln~ llw Evorott Collat' of Losllc, ancl Mrs. Gmngn holrl n mr.morlnl service Mlchlgnn State college 'l'lnrrsdny, pnmnts of Mrs. Lnvls, lnslty of Grnn1l Ladge nnd Ml', dny morning for L11fuyel!o, Inrll· hrlclnl shower Monclny nvenlng, meeting. Kenneth Hlr.l •· nnn, In visit Mrs, Beemscmu's Mcrnhors. gnvo 1he plerlgo lo 1\lr•. ancl Mr·s. Hoy llnlmrl of Yol'lt by plane Monday night nnrl nnd Mrs. Mnc Denn lipont lnsl ~IRters, Br.rlhn nncl Mnry Ln)tn. r~lven nt the homo or Mrs. Allie rnomhors wlw rllerl during tile ll1c llag nncl tho minutes of 1111' Dansville Inn I' Mrs. Pnller tn 1he l'l'lllrnerl Wcrlnesdny, Ht1ssell V. Mrs, Russell Rich, who nrrlvcc1 week end at !hr. Mnnlsleo River, They plnn In nltrmrl several ses· F1·osl, Cn-hoslossc!s wmc! Mrs, i:.ISI. IHJI il)l· gmdunlion exordses of tilolr pasl :i yrnrs. Sundny from Dallns, Texas, nnd 'Phis week rmcl the Denns were Hlnns of Jim Nntlnnnl Clllll'r?lr mcctin!( WC!I'C read Brown w11s 11 gur?st nl llw Brown Mr•, I·ler·mtln Ri"ll ."fl"nt 'l'ttesc.lny Doris Rlnclllolsdl nnd Ml's, llr.r· pmvr.d, At llw c!lnsP,­ grnnrlson, Edwin C, Voss of Wll· 0 IT Icet•s loo'I Jliil'l In II ennr 11 r.- llrllll£! r V"l' lltn W""l' enrl Or1 ,. " '" ~ gues•s of Mr. nnrl Mrs .. Dean Women's meet lng nt Ptll'llue Unl· · 1 ~ ~ '"' · ' wllh Jlw Inlier's nunl, Mrs. Hen- " 1on Johnson. menls were sr.rved. llnmslnn, Weclnesdny, nflr.r whldt Jlghllng sorvlco antl R [Jr.optr. gave Werlno~clny Miss DoiTis Hurl of Curscnddon of Bollulre. verslty, I hr.y atll!tHied a p;u·t y n t Ihr. ry Volslnel of DeWitt, Mr. and A rloll mnrlo or gror!orlos nnrl TIH! ncxl mcr.llng Is RC!IH!rllllml special ll'ilntlcs In tho rlel'easod 1':1 Paso, Texas, lliTived by pllllll! MrH. Joseph Hart cnllorl on Mr. f.or• 'l'hiii'Rclay, .Juno 2•J. lmme of Mr·. unrl Mrs. .Tnmr.s In nttenrl grnduntlon cer·ernnnles nnd Mrs. Het•mnn Rich Monrlny, rlressed In pnpr.J', SLII'I'OI uulrrl llyl!erJ·. mcmhorH, Frank nnrl Annie! wllh cnncllr.s, llw lnlile g,,~l AlliiPdnn Steadman, Mollll! anrl \Vilhur nt Michigan Stnle r.olleg;o Sunday, Other vlsllnrs were Mr·. nnrl Mm. Ingham County News June 3, 1954 Page 5 Membr!rs nf llH• Ensl Alairrlon Mt•. nncl Mrs. Rnlwrl Ballard Gibson, Arnnlrl Champion, Inn ns 11 guest of the Browns,' Also Drmnld Chapman nnrl family, Mr. rr.ntorpii!Co, extension H·f cliih will 111C'I!I and fnmlly spcnl tho: Mornnrlnl Dnvlrlsnn, Wlnifrc'rl 'l'yler anrl nrl'ivlng for 1110 ceremony will he nnd Mrs. Chnt'les nleh nnrl Mr. Day Wl't!l< end on I hr•lr· Jn rm nen r ' ' Tho group spr.nt lhr. ovonlng 'l'llesrlny, ,TIIIH! R, 111 1111! Dttllols AI ft•ecl West on. Mr·, Brown's sl~:ter, Mrs, MurTny nnd Mrs. ,Joseph Sterle. Mr. ami plnylng !(nm.:s, wllh pr·lzes r~olng school nl H:Hi p, m ..Tnl111 Cr·nwn­ Wellslon. Mrs. Tela Tlenjmnln was soloist l~lnuller of llulfnlo,. N~w Yorl<. MrH. Russell Rich and family lll'l! Ingham County News tn the gul'sl of IHlll£11', A hrlclr's er of Dc\Vill will l>r' I lin spr.alwr. Mr·. nnd Mrs. Cm·l nnshorc nncl and Cal'llllnr. Karn wns plnnisl. She will nrrlvr. .Frlrlay. r-:r~· and I planning to matte their holnl' I~ Iii 111 MrH. Hussell 131 own, Hussell V. em guest hoolt. wns signer! by the Hn Is nn Jntm·nntlnnal F:trrn family wrelt r!llcl gttr.sls of 11 Mr·. ancl Mrs. I. ll. BasiHli'C nf Brown, Miss Hurt nn!-1 Mrs. l\lnu-~ ' !(llosts, along with rL hint. r>t' hll Youth E:xdwnrrl! slucll'nl who rr.­ Mr. nncl MI'K, Elwin Arnmer· her will go to Now York follow- Guests nl tllnner Montlny eve· of ver·se. Miss llcaeh rcc~lved turnrrl fmm New Zl!ltlnnrl at· Wonrllancl .. man r!llterlrrlneli Lnuls StrcP.Ier· lng the grurluntlon sOI'Vices, nlnfl' nt the home of 1\h·. nnd Mrs, many nice gifts. E:nster time. Mr. and Mrs. liarolrl Slnnn nnd of G1·ancl Hapirls Ovt!l' Ihe hoi I- IHul'Oid Lavis nnd Dr?nnls were '!'he hostesses served slices of Cunuun Agg-iPs family of Charlolle spont Sttrulay day week end, Mr. nnd Mrs. K. A. Zimmerman Mt·. and Mrs. ~oland Gomllne, wllh M1·. nnrl Mrs. Clwrlcs Znn­ ~ntcrctl UH oecontl dona mutter nl JIOIII.nfflrr., Mntton, Mlchhcnn, Utllll!l' Act nngel food eal vi~il­ Louis Hohhins of Onondaga, anrlll Cl1agrln Falls, Ohio. The Hof· t11ln, :111 of Lnnslng, and Mrs. Mn· crl ttw Znngr?rs on Monday. [ M J SUBSCRIPTION llATES Allen, mothet• nf tho pmsper!tivP Cooper, concluclerl lhr? htwlm.>ss· Mr. and Mrs. Kennellr Slwf'fer mans nrc ormer ason res· tlldiL Machi of Muslwgon. Othel' Ono youo· lu Jn 11hnm nnd nt, dny 111 tvr.rtl•tn 1r rf•t•• 1111 01, hl'idegmom, anrl Mrs. I~lossle moellng, The group snirl lhr! Mr. tnHl Mr·~:. Jmnes Slrnyer nnrl family had a pienle rllnrwr· donts. guests of the evening were J. H. odJnlnlnl! r.mrntt•• ...... s2.r.o r>llrnl 1""· llu•h"'"' lornl• nntl rond- (Pnyab!o in Advnnca) fllJt uolll'11H on na"t und lnt•nl llllKIIH I 1 ,•, B.:nch, mother of the hrldr.-cleel, pledges In the American nnrl oJ.I·f a ncl familv und Mr. anrl Mrs. Surulay nt n ayner pnr {, Mt·. nnrl Mr~. Freel Lonsllerry Lavis and Mr. nnd Mrs, n. E. Ono your oUIHtl'lulnmont• wiiO!ro ndmlKiilnn I• plan to exchange marl'fagc vows I .group th.elrolecJerl.asofthnll cap­ Charles Slrnyer spent Dccrwat ion callccl on Mrs. Bcssir? Wallet'S /ler, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle'Nr?wman. waelt wllh Mr. nnd Mr:;. A:;ahel Fonr· wouth• ...... r.ou uh:II'Kcd nr nl nny Ptnn to •·"tao lunda Slnulo·copluu ,,, ...... Oli rnuut br. Jlllicl ut l'o"ulttr rulfs. on Saturday, June .l!l. linin after· which mrnp cm·ds nnd Day week end at Chippewa lal\c. Sunday. They returned home on Frlchly. Washhurn nnd fnmlly of Selldrk. ------:---:------~

Commencement and Maturity -

Commencement is a gt·eai event to a gmcluate. Of the thousands of words of advice given to gmduates, most may !Je fol'gotten~ We select the term "matlll'ity" to convey an idea to be retained fot• life.

Maturity is a state of being welt developed in every area of life. It is balanced development. Perfect maturity is not to be expected, but progress toward· it should mark the ,educated pet·son. Failure to mature properly is responsible for warped personalities, delinquency, drunkenness, broken homes, physical and nervous disorders.· The fact that these problems exist amongst graduates shows that a diploma is no sign that one has t•eached maturity.

Maturation requires time; but chronological age doQs not necessarily bring maturity. Maturation is growing up, mther than growing older. Matul'ity stt'ikes a balance be­ tween mind and body, reason and emotion, thought and will, .. , soul and spirit. It strikes a balance in man's relationship between self, God and others. It is not a matter of birth, but of growth. It requires time, energy, lmowleclge, under­ standing, wisdom, faith and love.

Matul'ity is the aim of education in om· public schools, ann of the Christian faith. Education and Christian religion ·compliment one another in this toespect. In the ·Christian faith, when God's creative and redemptive wor·ks arc com­ plete, the personality Is matm·e (Ephesians '1:13). Gl'Owth in the Clll'istian life is progress toward this matul'ity.

Matul'ity may be understood best by example. In the Christian faith that example is Jesus Christ. When m11turity is reached the Christian is like Christ. The malm·ation pro­ cess makes .one more and more like Christ. Consider Chl'ist, and the balance between various phases of existence, nnd you will discover maturity.

Too often a commencement exercise is conceived of :~s a coronation event. It is, ·rathei~, u service of commission. The diploma placed in the hand is not a crown. It is a symbol of THE :~fti.I;I-HOLD! the tools of life. to be .tis~d for the glory of God, the good of ·•••··•.· •, :' ...... , "f.. ~)d ...... ~ .. others and of self in pi·op~r balance. ~ The Baccalaur~a~e~'sij:e~~~r{Yf.~A:~~~J~ht. This was the thhshold . . . of life. Beyond tP,~~Y}l!R!lri#inKJhe·:~ears, were many paths each THE CHURCH FOR ALL The graduate who coi1ceives his commencement exercise leading to a dtff er.e~rit g_~al; xsoni'eolr~tih'Bob Adams' position need ALL FOR 7HE c I I I as a commissioning event, 'rather than as a coronation event, ~ only to choose h_~s pat~:?::":··· · ·:, ·;, · · '. ! The Church is the . HU'RCH lhe bui)Cling ol h gr,ealest !actor on earth l has taken a long step fonvard in the process of reaching It - c aracter and or Bob wasn't fri~hte~~d._:·:Th~}clioi'ce:would not be difficult .. In IS a Slorehouse oJ •Spirifu ) good C:iiJzenshfp, maturity. And when he sees his relation to God, others ·~ fact, it had alreaqy beenynn 1\ll•fluHI· UouHel Unlfl'd llwfhl'l'll, Louis s1•honl: 11 n, rn., morning wm·· University for Surplus Foods for [lflrl icuiEU'Iy IH'tlVII l~t, Jtowlr.y, Rev, Cm•l Coffey, Novotny, pn~;tnr, Stlnrlny t>choul, ship; 7:41 p, Clu·Jstlnn En· rn , '!'he• obj(!f'tivo nf ~HOP I•; to pnstor, Church Hclwol, 10:00 n. 10 n m.; worship serviC'e, 11 n. tler1vor; 8:15 p. m., evening ac1 V· m,: worship HOl'Vll'l', 11:.10 n. m.; m.; Chrlsllnn gnrlr.nvoJ", 7 11. m.; Church Meetqngs oq::rtnlzf' nt lc•usl :JO !'OIIniloH lhls if e; A p, m, 'l'lle!irl,ly, choll• PI'fl Sunri.JY mo1nlng Willhtm,;fnn Rl. 1\nlht•t ilw'.~ JUIIII'illt• ('rmummlty, C.1rfm1 ,mel will close at 11 :30 n, m, l;'l'V prople nc1oss tile flf'n.~ fol' Nr•w Yrll'l< C'ill' nn lhc>iJ Wd:V ' I J•:ltist•ntml. No I JTI but nothing mm·e. lion will moan lltrmtlly $2,0tltl, Tur>sdny .Tunr• t '!'hey .tl'P te a. m.; first and flftl1 !'iunrJ,Jys, nnrl by mlsslonmlcs ft om many Clll'islmnit y is not passive It is activP and rlynamtc, J:. ly for All." Church sl'i10ol, 11 a list, M.1son lwlrls set'VIr·es nl lhe nnllonal unci foreign stations, 'JOO In nclual fonrl for hungt,l 1111111ng In J\lglc>Js In nnJIIH•t'll fourlh StJJllldYH, !loll Jo:ucllllrlsl. m.: Vac.Jtion !Jible school, June 7 church, corne1 of Oak and Clll'istian cannot just lisl<'n. Neilhe1· can .tbsence of evil people i\lget•in, Aft lea, dfll'l spc>nrllng 'l'hh•l Sunrl.1y, mmnlng lJI'!Iyer Blhlo slurlv will he led hy Dr to 10. B.1rnr•:; sltccls, every Sunday nl from our liveR alone make us tt·ue lollowcrs of Clutst. Not 'i'IJC f!Piet•mlnnllnn or thr. final lholr I'P:11'1R fltliough In lilt' and lllnny. 11 :00, Sunrlny S['hool Is held clur· ::>nmunl IT. 'Moffett, nulhnr nf being one o! the thieves who slttpperl the nMn of his clothes, [leM] wns mmlr hy n Still Ulnl111it Unilerl Slntrs lng the ~crvlces fni' pupils up lo "Wher·'cr the Sun" and mnny wounded him, nnd depat'lecl, Ic,tving lum half cloud would not ler nulhorl~crl fol' lills JlltlpnsP Duling IIJciJ •,lo~~· In !liP Sin/Ps WhPntliPhl niPihodisl, Hev C. olhPl bnnlit' ilnmP In Wit 1~. Pnllrwl\, JldHtor Mmnlng wor muslc,tl lnsph.tllon lnrl hy fins,• entitle u.~ to Lord's fll' CI10P tno•d of liw lime with 1111'1'tin[lH IO::JO n m: ptaycl' meellng R r•hnlr nnrl lite Nallonal Mission silence. Silence is posi11ve and can be most ,tel ivc nt times. l!'c, 11 n'l'im'o\: N, Y P. S se1 V· p m, Th111 sci,Jy evening, Ynullt lw.tllng, A puhllc IP.lllng or litf'il' wotl\ Evnngcllst lc mPssagc, 7: 'lll, I' my· ning. Warltwsrlny and Saturday from 2 Otllstnnrllnr! spr..tlll son P,tlll ]), Jioi'I C lllnkc stalccl clctl< of Cluisl we pmy.- Ame•n. Mlclllgnn l~mmm·; D1·. G Moltlll 'lhr. A'Pllliw•, .Jt'r. momhots of mon loplc, "Ciuisll<~n Youth Arc "God the Only Cnu~e nnd CJCat· 11 fl. m •lllcl 7 .:JO (I m, Ptayer the Gener.JI Assembly will p1o TIIOUGIIT FOR TJIE DAY Lr.nox, excr•u!Jve rillcc/nt nf thr IIIII' OkPmn:; Hnp11st l'htuch service 'J'hursrlny, 8 p m, Hr.,uiy" Evcnmg set\ lees, 'i p. m , or." slrle nnrl give tllC commtllllon Mll'hignn Counc 11 of C'hun hr"; - -- - Sull Teen Ynulll Fellowship fm To live the Wot·d of God ts Clll'isltnlllty, -Isaac A. mechtation Charan, Educator !India) .llld Jlu:;scll Hnt·lzlrr, si.Jic CHOP DJJJ,J{ ,llJS'I' l..VAI'Oiti\'1'1•,:-; .til lifth •IIHI sixth gr,u!Cls, 5:15 direr•! or, r-:1 r1 \' rl.ty !Jonwm,Jiwrs In I lie \'llllllamslon l-it. Mnr:v's Cnfh· Those altr.nd1n::; f1om this nr~n p. m, Youth Pt,t}et Cell, 13 pIll, CROP IS lhe fnnrl r•ollcf'llon Un1tcrl S/,tlt•s liSP .thou/ R,flllCJ,Ilflll Oil(•, Hev rt Uugh Conldlll, pas· Senior Youth Fcllowslup. At the nrc Mrs Arthur Scilncfcr of Okemos Baptists J.I~GAJ. NO'l'ICJo:S mi'i:-iiONAHIIII'i Vl~l'l' liiAI'iON agCIII'Y of Chlll'dt \Vol'lrl ~I' I vit'l' r .1ns of 1'\ npol .t/f)rl 111111<, 01 jllll tor Confessions nnd dcvalions morning church service the Westminster church Lansing. M1· ,tncl Mrs. Borjc Pe1sso11 Tn MIChigan is- is assocJalcd Wllh .tnotiJCI \ldy-:i,500 c.tns pel' 111111· Salmd,ty 7::10 p. m Sundny lh,lllccl C'hoJt wtll smg "Jesus, 1 ffiflSMCS n t 7:30 illld 10:30 a, m. secretary for membership o[ Stnlu ur M«l""'"' In''" e·,.uult Cnurt .111d ,ons Collin .utrl Peter, were Ihe M i c h 1 g an Co u n c 1 I of lute. Joy of'~ Desu e," WII h a v1o Plan Daily School MiclllA'an Syrorllcal somely; MIS fm th• Counly or ln~lmm In~~~"""" Fowlm'\'llh•: Con fcssinns .mrl ric M·trston DeBoer sccrelnry of J;vr;;r,YN m.nNtLL JIJ, Jln11•· guests Suml11y ,Jfl('l'JJoon of Rov litl obligato hv Myron B,u nc:;, ' ' . ' t•JT •• JAMJ:s I!IUCAttll llAJt; BLN· voiiDilli on Fr 1clay 7:00 p.m. Sun Rev. Fred Luthy wtll be guest V.tcation Btblc school at I he slewctrrlshtn of Lnnsmg Presby· Nt;1 r, ,,, r. 11<1 1111 .111rl Mrs. fL1ymonel Norton The (! Ingham County News day ma~s at [) 00 a. m. solmst. OI'CillOS B.tjllist church Will he tertal society; MISS Loretla ORDE:R rOll APPEARANCE Pel SSOilS d LadJeHWcdnc Rtpl!sl nJon urc ,·100 • ,· 11 1~ y th F II way o com ng o e pan. \Vtll speai' ~, t lllc 10 ,\, m I 11111 11 t I I 1> n '• , Also a number or hcife1• t·atvcs, "clay 2 11. m. 111 llomcs, sc • : :J "· m : ou 'e ow scltool. • " Jng tum c"'"' 1Y " lllrs John Bcracon ts chairman • - G 1 1 l tl C Ma"Oll By hu 1. 1. lluJ tllY h ~ sh1p, p, m; progr·am e.1cers, wotSllp serviCe 111 1 " Countu'"'""""'swanJu~ul, Iof the dmner committee \\'all\ 1\lost of flu• 1ows nnrl I!C'ifl't's tile• ,/liS( lu ..,h o1· d1u• nt Bm bara Strottd and Fayette The hours of the school nrc Prosbytermn church, according '""' 1. sw ullnK• ,, toeJntly Clu.t, 'II 1 M J s \'llillinmslnn W1•slc•yau lll••thod· f 9 00 t 0 11 '30 A M Mon L A Alv~n N• Ileo 1ng WI 1 tel' ,n·c , rs a me busc lime, A few show pl'lls!lccls fot· flit• Mlmme•I' shows. H!Chi Fonda Mer- rom · '" , ·• to the JMstor, Rev, Pau 1 · rJl· Ati'"""Y11 ,, l'l , Qtunn Mrs. Joseph I•onl.tnd, M1s enteit<~mmcnt, 1 11 1111 1111, Blh•li, Rev. Delth TannCI',1 mdorf and Toby Pcars,tll Va('fl day through Fuday, The ~Ur· old JOJ.l r;;, M~ch'~"" A10, , , .,1 ,J B. Evans, Mtss Mary Dcllosc pastor. Wm·~hip servJccs, 0:00 a t1on church school, Monday ncu1um consists of a ":orshlp Dunton served as an a"ricul· L 1\f:Lna)!;!'I' and AuetiniH'l'l' v.trlotls deparimcnls arc: rs bcrs of tile church I p,.•• , nt liON ,JOliN ~~~ cr J.t.J IN Will be toaslmasl~r. Wlllmmston, 1\IH'hi,;un ,Wcclncsrlay, R.Ofl P m; Laches " 1 Arc1yth Rohinso11 nurserv, Mrs • lICH<•nln!IUII ulwuld "" lllnltlll,of ""'"'" :S Will' f011 G ] JI 11 clay, 8 P m. Selmon lop!C un I f ll , xamlnc nnd '"IJ11Ht nil uhuuou '""' d• ------4-Point Barbed Wire ~0?1 0 111111'' , •OS Ill' n • ~ day mormng, ''W.alches Cant Tho average a/tenr ancc 1C Ill""'" 11.(1111\HL Hnld ''" CIIHI" hy 'nd loco ORDER APPOINTING TIME Dm klcy rr~<~d Btc.tkmg of Bread, Me.tsllle 'l'imc" Father and son vacation Bible ~ehool last yem Webbervl"lle rota ""I" r;,,,, ,,,, 1h11L til• ''"''I "'" fOR HE/IRING CLAIMS 80-l'Od I'oll 10 n. m., Sunrlc~y ~d10ol anrl Blhlc, banqtwl Thursii.J", June 10, at 7 24<1 with an enrollment of uf "'"' de'"""' , ntlllud tu ilrlll•llt th• KOWALK-Au~u·t n, 1951 eo 1 1 c1 JISH, 11 ' 30 ' G OS pr.l ' llld •llllniHtl' 'J. p m .T B Shaft ,, anrl Don Foust 329.was Mrs. Myrl Graham ihunldtutu ofhe whuIHIJIIIIII h ""'" "''" d< lind"""" do lu•d ""loHIIUd '""I [UISlid<• Ihe L Community, Cat'fon l/11.211 ChlllnHchccnt-~ml Ill WlltlllJ.: ollld till eli I onth '"' $7.95 Willinmstnn Christian Sdr•rHe• ChI'ld s D.ISd'IC~ ' . .. we bb ervl'II e Maso 1'1 s 1H JoiOVIIIIII hy Htnlulc, lu "'"' (OIIHLu• of Ptobntc 2~".1 day Mchool, 11 n m ; Youn~: Pea· m. Mr. and M1s Rupert Dunton, Now $2.95 J>le's Clll'lstian rellowshlp, Cl:30 JniSSIOll.triCS from Japan, Will Croley ami G,ll'y and Dorne Hoy· ' p, m i Sund,ty cvcnmg service, speak Mrs Dunton ts a former lcr were Sunday dinner guests of Mr .mel Mrs Ronald Pnrl(er 7.30 p m ; micl-weclc SCI vice, member of lhe Mason Presby· Mrs. Johnston. and Mt· nncl Mrs David LllJy. Wednesday, 7:30 p, m. tet'lan church 11:15 n m, church wh1te vacationed at Thayer lal1e school; 3 p, m., Westminster Fe!· over the week end. Fence Hot Shot Jowshlp ptcmc at Pleasant lal\e Douglas Mr. nnd Mrs. Kenneth Powell Olwmos Blll>tisl, Rev. John Meet at church. Monday, 7.30 p Rexlne Glynn spent the week end with Mrs. Doolm, pastor. Morning b'l!rvlce, m , ,Joint meeting of session and ;1.0:30, Sunday school, 11:30; Sun Powell's brother of Manistee. board of trustees Thursday, 7:30 Roger Lmlnger of Dansville Mr. and Mrs Floyd Coope1 clay evening service, 7:30 p. m. p. m, choir rehearsal: Saturday, Yt;mth choir, 6·30 p. m. Wednes· v1slterl Douglas Lamlicnlc a son born Wednesday, May 26. of War school age are Invited. Wednes at the school hot1se. Games, led The Past Noble Grand club cause heavy damage to your property, lilt roe eGA ·' day, 7:30 p. m .. mldweei( setvlce by the! tenche1·, Mrs. Jeanne Lori met Friday evening at the home Insure against lou at small costl Station OKLW of song, Bible study and prayer. of Mason, were enjoyed by the of Mrs. Luna Matthiesen with ' PERKINS Special recognition will be given Mrs. Arline Matthiesen as co 820 on your dlnl children till noon. A pothtclc to children June 13 during Sun· Iu nch was served after whJCh hostess. H. Chappell Agency day school. Phone OH0·4·2l.Jl43.J'7 \\', Delhi June 6, 1954 there was a spell-down with both Tl)e Swartz·Whlte Post an~ students and mothers partlclpat· Auxiliary sponsored the buddy • l!:den Unltoo Br·ctlu•en, Herbert lng. Mrs. Clare Lott and dnugh· poppy sale In Webbervllle nnd HA.RDWARE Cherry, pRslor. 10 n. m., Sunllny ter, Mnry .To, won, collected lj\100. .... Sher!JJ·. Seeks Re-Election · ShnrJH Wlllrrt'rl P. Brn·ne~ an­ June 3, 1954 Part .3 nmuwerl 'l'hurHfiny ho will noel• The Ingham County News nmomlnnt!on nH HIIOrJrf on the Rl!publknn tll!lml. He Is ~coltlnr: his third term. · nt. 5::i:i p. m, Monday, .Jutw 21, Durlni( fllwrlff: Barnes' trmut'r! when tho llllll enters the HUmmm· Life· Sto·ry ·of a of office h!H dc!pnt·tm171lt hnR dl!­ ~nfstlco, ni· r·etwht!S Its most Great.. Ente.rtainer ·.Told velnpef! n fdenllflr! lnVI!HIIgnt Inn northern point of Hw ycm·, she F'or t.ho~e who lll>e plenty or rllvlslon featuring phologriiiJhY >'lilies. Thill will he nLII' longeR! chills nnrl thrills In their screen nnd flngerpt•lntlng, he I!Xplaliwd. rlny, although probably not. thn cntprtnlnmrmt the· I~ox Thent_re DeJrulles hnve receiver! nr·HI-hnnd warmest. , hlllfng fm• FJ•idny and Saturday training with Jmr, stale! Jlrilil'e Among other· .Juno slcllnr nl· should fit the order, The fir~t nnd Mlc:hlgrin Slain college pro· lmcllnns will he the f!lnse np- feature Is n Jungle Jim thriller, grnms, the sheriff ~nld. proach oi Mnrs to earth, Profes· "Killer Apa." In tho second fen· 3or Losh point~; out. "Every 2 ture one of fiction's tough guys Privacy ReeC!nlly Sheriff Bar-nm; was years, Mars llnos up on the snme flf 'MI 1 s 'n One of the gt•eatest advant­ nnmed "Sheriff of II!C! Mont 11" hy .;Jd<: of the sun n:·i'tlw cnrth," she com?s .,10 e w1en,.1 ctey P • ages of our spacious funeral the Nntlonnl SherffC's assod:rtlon 1drls, "nnrl some years the dis- Innes 1, the Jury, unfolds on ()fitablishment ls that every .nnrl Ingham county's .Jnll, under• • tnnee between is shnrlcr limn th~ screen. ,. 'his SUfJeJ'VIslnn, this yeur wns others." . . Kl,ller Ape Is Columbia Pie- family haR ampln room in nnmed one of the 1.1 hesl Jails In On .TLtly 2 at 3 n. m., Mars will tur~~ latest adc)!llon lo the popu· which to recnlve those who the nnllon In n mni~rrzhw Slll'vr•y. he a little less limn <10,000,000 litr .Jungle Jim adventure ;~crii.!S cull to pay thcit• respects, fot• Shr.rlff Barnr!s, I hrrnrgh C'O· miles from the earth, nlllwugh 11. starring .Johnny Welssmuller. wn maintain several private opr.mtlon of the county hoanl of cnn come ns elosl! as 35,000,000 Lovely Cttrol Thurston Is fea- slumber rooms fm· this put·­ strper·vlsors, provides Tnglinm mlles, Hhc stales. tm·cd.- pose. The family also has county with a 2·1-hour ronf! p

Bud's bll8 . bougllt '139 Bud~s lvreckild, •can for H&lvage AUTO- PARTS siDce January 1, 1~54. " . ' : . . "· ' ' .. .. , Phone GH0-4-4121 or GH0-4-6411 South of llolt:....:. 2 miles- North of Muon· . '\ .

)'. ·: I . : ·, . . . ' ... ' . I . . •'usecl,auto parts cost but a fr'lC:tion of the price of neW.. ·parts. They are often'- ~ust· as good. _lf\your .car ~e.eds· parts, see what lu'd's can of~er you I.. • ,' ' '] ' ~ ; ' ' ~ : • : • \' • r • ' ; ' ' • ' ' • • o ' ' ' • • I '. 1.

Central Miclalgan's _Largeljt _De~or .in Late Model pan f!lr~S.Iva~ · ·. ' . .•· . J,, Ingham County News June 3, 1954 Page 2 I'III'IY llOIIOI'H llh•liuluy F:inal Pack Meet Mrs, Ro'hert Buah entortnined Mr. llJHl Mrs·, T\ennoll1 l'yfnsrlll 1\'fi'R, Wllllnm 1\-luRolfC llllonrlr.rl 7 friends of her mm Billy, Frlf!ny unci rlnughlers of Wr.hhervllic, the diHtricl hoard nwntlng. of tlw Dunne Arnold nnd RohC!rt Bostell Wnmnn's Sonlely of Cht•isllun ufternoon In lionor of his· lOth oC Michlgnn Slnlr; eollegn wet·o Is Held Tuesday JJ!Jotllrlny nnnlvr,!r~nry, 'I'lwse pres· Service nt Ann Arhor 'l'tm~cluy, enL were llurlrly Docl\ter, Pnul '·!VII JO J{uprrns .t~tllrfp JU HJRanll At. this lim!! plnns wem mnclo fm• Dansvi~~e Tho lnsl prwl< mr~ellng of tho nnrl Mrs, Wlillnm Muorwl1. Anderson, Lnrny anrl Hnymond· !he semlnnr and other· nctivltlr.s ' YMII' I'm• the Cub Scouts Willi held Ll .•Tnmns Otis wnR a .'rhurs· of I ho yem·. Tuesday r.venlng nt: tho town hall 'l'owrmencl, Allnn Aseltine, Lnrry Mrs. Helen Young- Phone )931 1\flms nnrl ,Terry Allen, 'l'lw hays duy rlhm~:r guest nf hiH grnnrl· M1·. nnrl Mrs. I~lnyrl Chnmhm·· with Don Lennnrrl, Cuh-mnster, motlmt•, Mrs. Mina Otis, Hfl WllS lnln nf /\nn Arhnt• wort! Sunclny in elwrge, played gumes after· which Billy's 0, K Fl. l'lnnR R••guluJ• JHrr~l. motller server( mfrcshments, on his way In Smll, Illinois, foJ• ViEilors nf tlw laltur'H mother·, Breakfast Honors Nm·;t. 'l'lrurs·rfny, ,luno 10, will A lion llwnrrl was presented lo Illlly rocelvr.rl mnny nler. gifts. a 211-weok cnut·se, Mrs, Mnrlun Mr•s. Snmh Hngers. hP the rPgulnr mPntlng nl' Dans· 'l'rHnrny Voss, ·n hem• nwnrd to Otis of Lnnslng 'spc11t Prlrlny Mr·. nntl Mi's, Alfred Shormnn Dflvirl Mnnnlng nnrl n gold nn·ow night wil!l Mrs. Otis. ' ville~ 0. K f:i. No. 90. 'l'hls will !Jr. nnrl family vlslletl Mr·. nnd Mrs. Several Teachers troint. to Paul Anderson, Mr. nnrl Mr~. Leo Hoger:; anrl Mi'. anti Mrs ..TPrlsnn Felton Floyd Wnrm!r nf Cll!'HOJl City held in llw Masonic hnll nt B Mrs, William 'Mngner Rpent were SIJnc]ny rlii111nr gtl£>~1s nf o'Pirll'k. Hr.frcshml!nt. committee Themn fm· the month was Sundny nnrlwem f:iunduy r!vcnlnl~ Mrs. Gary Briggs· !IIHI 1\lrs. "SilOW Boat." Eoy('l f!'Dm rlen a 'J'htu•srluy !p Detroit rm business. Mr. nml Mrs. Fred Slendnwn nf lunetwon guests of Mr. nne! Mrs. Searl 1.\rlgrr,s r•lftortnlllnd the will Ill' Lnurn HaJ•t•lson, lltihy Curtis nnrl Alrnn Dation, pmsenled rt. talent. fihow which Mr. unrl Mm. Ezrn Wilcox nn;l Wehbetvlilo. Iio Mnrlc Slr.nclmnn Hurry Hcc!mnn of St. ,Johns, wonwn nwmhr'rs of tlw sdmol consistC'd of 3 numherR. on the MJ•,, imd Mrs. Ernest 'l'itus of spent sevPral dnys lnst IVI'PI\ nt • (Cnnlhrnf'll on l'nr:·r• :1) faculty nl hrC':Ikfnsl \VPrlnr.srlny clr·um by Vernon Sherman, ·ac· Vanlown cnllerl on Mr. and Mrs. the Sl.ondman hnnw. morning nL tlw honw o[ thr. and r·nmpnnlerl hy his sister, Vemlce, Bennett 'l'nylm•, Sunrlny. Mr. nncl Mrs. TI.oy llohnrl nt· lnttm•, (grde WSCS n vrwnl rluet by Steven Lennnrrl Sntnrclny evening- nt rllnnr.r Mt•, · lendc.l r!rlmmmwmnent 0Xr>r·ds£•s The hrenl\fasl was given In anrl Dnvhl Manning, necordlon nnrl Mrs. Aethen Witt enterlnlncci 1H1s 1-fE;~PS 'fl.le · 111 Willlmrrslon Frlrlny evenln!:. honor of Mrs. l\1ild1nt Sr·llfirlrl, Have Jo~nt Meet srlPd Ions by DouglnswVogl. nnd Mr. nnrl Mrs. Pnrls Witt nnrl fARMERSELLABOUr Their grandson, l~dwln Vnss, wns Dorothy and Dor!H Nr>lll'llllr and n vor>nl solo by Duvld Manning, family, Mr•, nnd Mrs. rroderlr:k ONE·HALF BII.I.ION · a mcmthr.J• of tlw r:lnss. 'l'lwv lills!J Naomi C:Pitig, who 1tav11 ne· A Jnlnt meellng of tlw Dm·ens The boys showed various ldnds Clnrl~ of Mason Mr. nnll MrF. ·MORE QUAR~ OF' lntm· nllcnded 11 lllli'IY In ltls hor;. C'I!)Jied posit lollS r!lsr.wiiC'Il' for tile cirf'!l! unrl \Vnman's Srll'lr.tyl of Hownrd Btlrgess' nnrl sons, Mrs. MILl(! '( or nl tire home of Mr. nnrl Mrs. Chri.'llian Servke was hclrl at the of bouts which I hey hnd mntle. r:omlng yPa1·. Don a also.displnyed reer! bnsltets Jess Dnchmnn nnd Chnrles Glen Rylwrt, whose son, Maurir•e, 'J'nblrs Wl!l'f' dr>crn·ntr•rl with f'!tlll'r·h 'l'htll'srluy PVrning. Mrs. whir:h they harl mnde for their Houser, M. M. F. N., of Hlwde was alw a mernher or lhe dm;s. tulips and flllil'r spring llnwr!rs. Wayne Tiiylm· t•omlur•terl the de· mothers !or Mother's Dny. Isln.nrl. Charles wns spending Mr·. :mrl Mrs. WEtrle SPwid£•r of 'l'lw mrnu r·nnslstr•rl of frllil f'flrk vollnns which were followed hy several llnys on l11nve. · Saline spent· Sunday with lltr• tnil, .4r·rnrnh1Prl 11nrl hiim, gr'Dllp singing, Mr. nnd Mrs. Earl Bmmnn, Mr·. latter's IHrn•nts, Mr. nnd Mrs. muffins, coff,•e r•:ilw, pr>r•an r·r,lls, Mrs. rrupPrl Dunton nf Mason, nnrl Mrs. Ethel Dlnlccly nnrl Mrs; rra!ph Wnllwr. Mr·. and Mrs. NPV d ...., ... 7:.fii1X Wlni meeting ginr,:r.rhr·ea,J inrlusivc, the Fummer boolt club anrl·rlfurghler 13ctsy of Plensanl Wednesrlay evening in honor of Inm1ly spent Sunrlny with the lal· spending sev11ml rl:rys with Mrs. lni\C n\"l't' I liP l\IP1nnri:rl Day I with whippr!l cre:an :111rl coffpc begins .Tune 2. This year's molif Valley, callerl on Mr. nnd Mrs. their youngest son, JLinlor, tltcir Iter's molhet·, Mr·s. May Earle of Be~sle 'l'lll'l]lnrll. ' wrPk l"llri. ·1 and tr'n were srrverl by Mrs. Vin· will he n circus, end\ chilrl own· Leo RoO"ers and Mrs. Sarah' ninth· child In gmrluale f, rom the nnrryton. ' . Connie wc~t SflC!Ill the WC(']\ ing his own elephant. l\lr. and Mrs. llnrnld ·wing and <"r!lt Carlen :rnrl Mrs. JTarolcl Ror:ers, "Thursday. 1 Dansv t lle 1tig 11 se 1\001. I Dr. Leo Donnelly or Dclrnil PIHI wfllt Mr. anrl Mrs ..Tim Coun- fnmii,l' II'PI'f! Snturrl;ry P\'c•nin~: Wmg. , . M scllor nf Laingsburg. Mr. and ·Mrs. Albert Kelley anr.l Mrs, SImmons· retmnerl fpcnt· lw1 weco( Cfl(1 Wilt1 r. an. 1 Enrl Sltowers., .rr., cnllerl l:llesls of Mr. nnrl A·Jrs. R£•ubt!ll Mr. nnd Mrs. Floyd Baker of sons of Farmington anrl Mr. and Weclnesday from the Mason Gem· Mrs. Warren Mucl!eJ•. Don Douglas of Wehhcrvilic Sun-011 IlunkPr nf l~iiPhillll'f.(, Mr. nnrl Mt·s. \Vnync \V;ilkcr nncl sons of Nr•w Htrrlsnn :;pent Cmli.llnc and. Mr. nnd Mrs . .Tnci< Mrs. Glen Curtis ancl son, ·clark, crnl hospital where she under· Mr. nnrl Mrs. Paul Hcrlglrn rmcl clay. I rJr•n-:.· Wing ~·pen! lltr \I'PC>I; C'llll Saturday with the former's par· F'orquer of East Lansing were of Munith f"al!ed on Mr. and Mrs. went minor· surgery, from which family were [(Uests at tlinn r ·.------wilh Mr. nd ai' ·y.· · ~ansmg. and f am 11 y of We 1Jberv Ill e were were guests Wednesday evening One-wet~){ Servic:c on 1\fost l{t!pairs has· hce>n spending scvrrnl days Mr. and Mrs .•Tack Braman and Mr. nml Mrs. Victor Gille! t aml Sunday guests of the former's at Ihe home of Mt·. nne! Mrs. f.(llc~ls of Mr. and Mrs. James with her sister, Mrs. · Georrre Hidgwny. Vogt·, Sr. family and Mr. and Mrs. Otis fnmily and Mr. nnd Mrs. Vincent parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Justin Brndy in honor of Catlt· All Wort{ EIPctl'Onically Tnstell Rich held a picnic Sunday nt Gillett ami fnmily of Novi were Scripter. erine Brady, who wns 11 member Wol'lt Gn:Ll'anteet1 ....:. Open Bvenings 'l'il 9 Lake Lansing, Sunday gtJests· of their parents, of the gradt'uttlng class of I. T. :Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Thomas Mr. nne l Mrs. A . •. T •."1 1.11 er a t 11 te1r· Mr. nnd Mrs. Earl Showers and A., s. Ice creu~,, atlcl ca](C \"et'"• L of Willlnmslon were Friday vis· co tt age n t PI cnsan t 1a k e, Mr. ancl Louise called on Mr. and 1\Irs. snrvecl, to" tl1e gLIC."., t.",, ar1cl Catll· !tors of Mrs. Ella Thomas. Mrs. Louis Yuhasz and fmnlly of Clnyton Proctor of Stocl,bridge. erine received many nice gifts. 1\!r. anrl Mr>·.. John Briggs of Holt were afternoon visitors nt Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Musser of Mr. and Mrs. Pat1l Cnrd spent William H. Willis .lackRon called on Mr. and Mrs. the Milici' cottage. Vermontville called on Mr. and the Memorial Day wee){ end at j E J S. ...,..! rJ M 1 •·r u 1 · B tt' Mrs. Jim Hesfi,, Sunday, 1Higgins lake. . 306 E. Ash 1\lason ~ Mr.•.. and1mon~ Mrs. .run Nev n~Gaskin of and ~daughters nm•wr~ and me~n Mr. and a Mrs.tge --=~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~~-~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Detroit called on Mrs. Irene Ilrn· Glen Sharland nnd family had n man and Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles picnic dinner at Potter park in Lncld Sunday. Lansing Sunday. Mrs. Lucille Harmon and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Llnycl Brooks Ernmn Harmon of Detroit vlslterJ were Sttnclay dinner guests of A1oderre Living Miss .Jennie Means 'l'ue~da'y. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Osborne. 1\.liss· Bess Abbott nncl Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hayhoe nt· .Julia Chamberlain or Wllliam!!ton tended the baccalaureate service~ MEANS MORE AND MORE were Saturday visitors ot Mrs. at the Presbyterian church in Mn­ E~ther Avery. son Sunday evening. Their Mr. and Mrs., .Tolm Driver of. daughter-in-law, Mrs. Donovan tnOT WATER Southfield and Mrs. Verda Shcp· Hayhoe, Is a member of the grad· (your car will probably cover the down pa~ment) fer of Williamston spent Me· uating class. · AND EVERY GALLON moria! Da:,r as visllors o! Mrs. · Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. Freet· an-.1 Ell Tl10mns. !amlly and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mt·. ami Mrs. Merle Oti!! have Freler:muth spent. Memorial Dny sold the James Gardnr.r home to at Laite Fenton. You get more for your trade-in Costs You less George Smith of Ann Arbor. Mr. Myrlan Grimes of Lnnsing was nnrl Mrs·. Smith expect to move n Sunday visitor of his mother, WITH AN AUTOMATIC llet·e soon. Mrs·. Minnie Grimes. (af1,d.more car io trade later) Rev. Clifford Howe and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Taylor I • Howe of Saginaw Hnd Mr. and and Marcia spent the week end GAS WATER-HEATER Mrs. 'I~'lwton Heclglen and Mr. at Tawas 8ity. and Mrs. Arthur Hedglen were Joyce Amold o! Flint, Mr. and Thursday dlnnc1· guests of Mr. Mrs ..Mel Hammond of Lansing. You get tomorrow~ styling and Mrs. Leland Perrine. · Mr. nnd Mrs. Philip Amolrl and Mr. and Mrs. William Ytther of David of Swartz Creek, Naomi Mason, Mi·. aml Mrs. C. Shultz Gettig and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne (another· reason why Fords rrtrad~J) high) and Clara and RusseiJ',PotteJ' of Tnylor and Marcia were Friday ' ' ' Williamston were Sunday vis- evening dinner guests or'Mr. an~l i!ors of· Mr. nncl Mrs. Cernl Un· Mrs .. Roscoe' Arnolcl. derwood. · Mr. and Mrs. Val Hopkins of You get a deep-block engine Mr. and Mrl'. Ed Elford of Aclierson lake spent Sunday with Flint were Sunday callers of Mr. the ·latter's .mother, Mrs. ·Rose and Mrs·. Roy Hohnrl. . . Corwin. In the afternoon lhev vis­ (the.most modern Six in the industry) Mr. nne! Mrs. Lyle Hayhoe o! iterl Dell Corwin 'at Dumn(l. Alaierlon spent Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs·. Dewey Craft nnrl :1s cruests of Mr. nnd Mrs·. Sam ro·mlly were Sunday visitors of Williams. Ml'S. Samuel Craft and son, Rich· Mr. and Mrs. Myron 'm'!l. of Jackson. Mrs. CmH nnrl were Sunday visitors of Mr. ,Richard are staying with heJ' You get ball-joint Suspension M1·s. Ora 'I'eneltworth o!' · nnrents,. Mr. and· Mrs. Andrew Alber! Backus and Junior until Sam is dis· :ttlendcd the boat races at. charged the navy. (the greatest chassis advance in 20 'years)

Louis. · · Dt•, and' Mrs. ·Charles Landon . .. ' Mt>. and Mrs. Stanley Marshall nnd daughters of Scottville were 0 /iltar down payment. Prica: may vary according lo of Mason spent Saturday a·s vis. weelc end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Individual doolor': pricing policy, fncludod ciro: itors of Mt·. and Mrs. R. M. David Diehl. MogicAiro Hooting and Ventilating Sy:tom • Full Lmtghlln. :Mrs. Jessie Reinhart returned Flow Oil Filtor • Oil Bath Air Cloanor • Mr. and Mt-s. Merle Freer and to her home Thursday after Fodera/ and •tato solos taxes • Iicon•• and litlo. daughters visited Charles Dll· spending the winter with 'MI'. nnd SAVE! ON A NEW !Ingham,. Mt1. nnd Mrs. Paul Dil· Mrs. Homm' Hazelton of Center lingham and Mr. and Mrs. J{en· Line. neth ..Dillingham or Lansing, Mr. ancl Mrs. Raymond Gnode- Sundny. nQUgh of Webbervllle ancl Mrs. HANDLEY­ Notman Catrell and Loris Justin Brady and family visited Campbell ol Howell and Mr. and Sister Mary Terrence at the St. Mel Battige and Patrick Convent in Portland Sun- BROWN were Sundny · evening luncheon day, 1 .guests o! Mt·. and Mrs. Roscoe Marva Biglow of Webberville Automatic Arnold. was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Briggs and Mrs. A. B. Brnmnn and Jenn. In r Karmt attended the wedding ot the afternoon they all vjslted Mr. I ' ' Gas Water Heater .Jonnne Brigg-s,. daughter o! Mr. aJ)d Mrs. Philip Blough at. Ann nnd Mrs. William Briggs, and Arbor. Mrs. Bernard :Fitzslm· MODELS Har·ry Hefner at tlle Methodist mons returned.home with them. PRICED . $6975...;.. j church in Yeoman. Il)dlana, Sat· Mr. nncl Mrs. Don Anderson of FROM . urday afternoon. They also at· Ann Arbor were' Memorial Day ONLY · .. tended the reception following at and \Veelc end ,guests of· the for· ·Come in nowj . lfc.u·1l· d~ b,,-tfer :o·n a the Briggs home in Lafayette, In· mer's mother, Mrs. Rosa Ander· diana. son. They were 'all Sunday eve­ . Make your deal . · . , ,4 . WITH YOUR $10 LESS OLD HEATER Mr. nnd Mrs. Darn Diehl and ning guests of Mr. and Mrs: 'I rl~ughtet•s were guests at dinner Robert 'Anderson. ·.. '3unday of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bttl· Mlldred J(lng of Howell ~ent while the dealing's good! len of Mason. . the weelt end, with Mrs .. -EJizabeth F0 I D · Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell Bnckus attel Rosamond •Backus. 'lnd family -of Lake· Odessa and ·Mr. and Mrs~ KenneU1 Slusser ' ' f',D,I\.F, Mrs ... Lydia Switzer and Mr. and and famlly of Leslie were Sunday Mrs. · Jaclt La Fountain of Lan· cUnner guests of Mr. and Mrs, <:lng spent Sunday :as visitors of David Balter.· In the afternoon ' Mr. nncl Mrs. A. C. Dowling. ' Mr. and Mrs·. Casper Diet?. ·of ' Mrs. Glen Fo/(· spent Wednes- .WIIIlamston, Mr. and Mrs, Ever: ia.v with Mr. and Mt•s; Richard ett Bakel' of -Stocitbrldge, Mrs •. .. Wllson·of Lansln~. Aseltine· and Mrs. Rlna Mrs, Roy · · 'Jackson ·and· Spi~ln~rJioJrt-::spent · Barnes'nnd ·and ' . , ylsitors · \i; ~ I ' .~ I~' ., ~~: . ' moria! PAY wllh MI'B, lf[lrry nuy. H)lnn I the. wee!< cndln northm•n I lnnrl Morse nttenrlccl n lwlrlnl Michigan. . · 'Hactors ... Now and Then Four Town Corners iD •11 mnml of D11navlllo. . ' shower, Monrl1iy evening 11f tlic . ansv I e 'I'CJTY unci Sualo Ii'ostor nrc Mr, nnd Mrs,.':B,, ;H, F)alq were 1\ll'H, ICtlrl 1\h~lin George Fros~ home, · spenrllng I.IJo week nt. Dudt lnlte dinner gtlesttLo! their nephew, Mr. nnrl Mrs. Claro Smith anrl - Mr. nnd Mrs, .James C[iclmcr Jl: (Crmtlmwd fmm I'ng11 2l Aid Soclet.y \VIII 1\lllnt with Mr, atJd Mr~, l~rcd I:hurd! house ED·22397. Mrs. Mnttle Waters of Hnstln~::s well pni'IY Ior Nanml G['tl ig l~rl· •. , Mrs. Edil Mullen and Mrs. Mr. and MrM. Kenneth Whiting spent last week wllh Mr, .and 11o· Suturrlny cnllcr nl Edd Mullen~. dqy C!VP.nlng at I he churciJ. Children Enroll in Singing nnrl vlslllng wem the , and son, ,Tn mes Phillip, spr!nt the Mrs. Emil Se11tt and other hollciEty vnc:1tlon witi1 his mother, friends. diversions of tho evening ~fter B1ble School Classes Ingham County News June 3, 1954 Page 3 whleh refresluncniH of Jrult I MrH. Nova Whiting. tnlneh, .lelia and cupc<~kcs were The dully vocation Bible Hchool nev. David Evans, pnst.or ,of Oiwmos Community church and .. llcrved. 1 began Monday morning wllh an Northwest Stockbridge a navy charJlaln, Iqft Monday. for Miss Geltig was preHenled 11 enrollment of ovm· 100. ~Ira. GuCJ•don Usher gift. in nppn•clallnn o[ her wrll'l< Rev. Hurry Moore is the rll· 2·\yeelts of training in Norfolk, wllh the yuunl( JWopio, She ex- rcr!l.or of lhe sciJOol. Classes nrc Va. Mrs. Clare Fox, Mrs. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Theusch OFFICE HOURS peels to teneh l'~ngiish next: year being held in holh churches. Mrs. Townsend and 1\1rs. Loa! Town· In Wushinglon Court llriURf! l1igh G. E. Manning Is henri of yw announce the birth of u son al send attended tht;: Dansville high the St. Lttwrcnce hospital Jnsl school picnic at Pleasant lake fichooi Ohio. Miss Gcllig hns· .[unim· department, Mrs. Jo len Under ,11 uew schmlnlo I will be at my office Wt!cl' been tcnching in Dnnsvii!C! the VnnDamme hends the JJrimary Tuesday, May 25. Mrs. Thcusch with their citlldren Thursday. lH the former Marie Linn of Oi; this week at Lake Michigan of Howell. I with Miss Bonnie Ojala. Roger Geer played in the band l'horiC's: !Uason 9051 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Alwood and at the Memorial Day services at r.nnsing lil\IA-!)051 I [amilv. Mr. qnd Mrs. Leonard Stocltbridge Sunday:. 100 Ash Sh·ect !IInson Quenby-and family and Mrs. G. II. Foster and family spent Me· Whitedog District 1\Irs. III. v. nuuer ' 'QI"'·· .• "' t. Mrs. George M. Shane died SATURDAY NIGHT Monday at Sparrow hospital of a heart attack. She was stricken a Mason Fa1irgrounds week ago. Funeral services were Wednesday at 2 o'clocl< at Gors· line Brothers funeral home. Sharon Stover is · spendi11g n few weeks with her father at Metamora. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Smith and "'"~An Mr. nnrl Mrs. John Me· · Connell and children and Mrs. ·,,IIzabeth Smith have returned home from Diesc lal .e·ncl as guests of . - Mrs. Lottie Lazelle the Carl '- ~Jrove Jt for rourselfI · Warner home. In the aftel'llom1 CHEVROLET,•., ' ·Two Hours .of Act~iori· they went to Delta

I'' I Li

, ...... r · ··• n•· -· •··~ • · Mt•, ·and Mrs, fTnrold 'Ooslot·lo ontortnfnr.d Monllfl)' Mr. nml Mt·s, __;__Jt_IHC_.3_, Vantown .--Tn_giJ_an_lc_ou_nt-,-y _Nc_ws_ ·_19_54_;_P_ac_~c-4 _.:;._! J0 sep hG ul~ck Hurt nl'lrl family left Sllllll'ci~;r · .frir ,John Mulltow~ll .: Maurlr.c Ot~slr.rlP nttcnded the cnl oondltlon. In the Owosso Me· hosplta laHI: Monday, . rar.os nl IlHIIHilllilnlls Memorlnl r1\lnl'l'ingn U1d1' 'fold morlnl hospital, He received head · Clumncc Minnis nne! HLlgh Dny In r!ompany •tf sevet•nl rnnn Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Siegel Oesterle altcwlcd a Blnt>l1 uml Mr. and Mrs. Wan·en Van AI· nnrl hncl< ln,jurles In nn ncclllent of Tucson, Arlzonn, formerly of !rom W«•bbt•t•vlllt•. · !llhw nnnounee the npproaeh!ng Sunday when the car In w 1lch Whlla show at_:_ 1Lowcll Momlay. New lndus Williamston, ·surprised their rein· Mr. nnrl.· Mn'. Orvc! Hensl!el rnnrrlnt:w .of their• daughter, he was riding crashed lnlo the M•·· nnd Mrs;:wu11~1m Ot!sterle • S · d tender of a standing freight lives and friends last ·Thursday anrl clnu~hlcrs, Mr. add Mrs. re emg . tarte ,. llr!llwl 'mlnlne, to Phillip Slrnuh when they called their son, Don· with her rnthc~'.nncl g·~ancltinrents Drmvln Wllllnms mHI Pntrlrc nnrl A B of IIoll on .Tune 5, train nt the Britten l'OIId Cl'Ossing one mile cnst of Perry, aid o! Jncl This alliance between farmers and ca1mers means that the fnrmers ' body style, optional equipment o~d accessories. of Cuyahoga · Falls, Ohio, and Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Casey, open house following graduation :organimllon slarll'd in ,Tnrkson. can dl!]lciHI on a more stable price anti ready outlet for their produce. Prices may ~cry slightly in ,adiolnlng communilles Mrs. Blanche Morgan of Quincy. Sandra .Casey, Mr. and Mrs. Rus­ a! Leslie on Thursday 11ighl In In 1951, for example, the canning industry bought nnd pacl

Mt nnrl M1s ITtii\C!Y Swnltn l\11 nnrl Mrs • Prmy ross spent Snnrlny nl Pol let p 1rl1 L tnslnr: Mr nnrl Ml s Gc 11 ge Ih1lg nnd Tim Davis of Momor spent th1• wccl1 end with l\11 anrl M1 s Hoy l\nopf nnrl fnmlly Mt nnd M1 s WJIII1111 Wnrl< mnn tnd Mr ntHI Mts W tYne Betlly cnllcd on M1 nnrl M1s G!.!Oige Cui~ S1!1 1111,; 1'\enlng Mr and M1 s Ill t11 I1Pb1 t and fnmlly n[ Ch11 lf'O srtt nt tlw weol1 I.!IHI with thrh srnlnl1w tnd d lllglttet Mr tn I Mt s L) le! Ooslctlr. IIHI f unll,; Notice Notice is he1·eby given that the reso· lution by Councilman Stroud concerning sidewalk construction and maintenance, more fully set out in the minutes of the special meeting of the City Council May 24, 1954, will be considered on Monday, June 7, 1954, at the regular meeting of said Council.

M \ HG El mor J rdor JOim Lot Ill u Mason City Council hi A HH Mr. C A Cl ntnn Dll< l ORDER FOR f UBLICATION George Kellogg, M\ HO Wm !lexler I.ot II Blk 9 FINAL ACCOUNT MA U7 Mlnnlu C llnr N b or l ot• AND DETERMINATION OF HEIRS 7 & H lllk 10 FABIANQ-Juno 23 1054 City Clerk MA II u Herr I Wll•on State of MluhiR'rn 1ho Prol ntc Co 11 for the Gaunt~ or II ~I tm MA 114 X (Ilion Lot n At 1\ a!Otlttion or dll.ld CoUI'1. hPll ft lllk I. Mny 27 IOG4 21w2 MA 116 Nmmreno Pnroon&JlC Ptcaont HON JOliN MeCI.El LAN W b < f Lot 3 !Ill U Jui!Ko nf Probnto MA 117 0 J llooil E l of In the l'dnttor ol tho Eelatc of MICHl & W /, bot '• Dll< J. IINO I ADIANO. Doe<>ar od MA liM Lctm Ellt~on E ~ Notlco h Her•b7 l I von 1 hr t the 1• WaoflotGBIIIZ L1Lion of Lou! a J C.n.rulto Allm IIIHLr 1t01 MA t •• of 1tR1U ustnte J rr rtna tor the nllo vnnco Dll< 1~ oC } U finttl LCC!Olllll J nd for U J l(l MA 16 mlnnt1on o( holrat ul law nnd f01 U c MA ~~~ HOIKnmcnt nnd diBUibutlon or tho rcK M A 16t tluu of tt !tl eHtnte will bo I ~n1 r1 a1 lllk H Jur o .3 19G4 at o e tbh LY o clock 1r MA .0 I my!Ja!Jyi~· tho faronooR at th~ P1gb~la Oltll\l'•oual ••nl~o nt loaot llvr EMERGENOY. (S) dr yo 1rlo1 to oucb l1aatlnft MRS FAANI' .;;'J'!:WARr JOHN J4eCLE:LLAN J~d~c of P ub ttc ROYAt. OAK1 MICHIGAN I ot '39 Chn• Sw111oul I ot G

4" (] l B ckOI ~ s A or 1111< 2~ .GO Mra llortbn n I

ORDER APPOINTING TIME FOR HEARING CI..AIMS ANI> FOR DETERMINATION OF HEIRS BUGGS-Ausuat •· 1964 Lot• 6 & ORDER FOR PUBLICATION Slnto o( Mlehlgnn Tie Ptnlrrtu Cor SAL£ OF tho County ol lnl!hom Alr1 od Fot cho LoCo 10 & 11 REAL ESTATE of on!d Court hoi Jllnt t1 fl of Lot ll Ulk ~6 DANISON-Ju11e liS 1954 S~nto nf Mlchlgnn 1hc l'lol 1to Cnmt In lhc City or Mu•on In fo tl o Co 1 IY of Inch n on tl u ~7tJo In~ or At a •euolon of Hill~ Cn 11 held nt tho Probnte Olfleo In thu City of lou oln!r II Hllld Count~ on tl1u 2Hth duy ol Mny A D 1964 7HE. OPERATOfl, NOTICE Pr c•ont liON JOliN MeCI:ELLAN IAA9. AGNE9 FISCH~ Juduo of P1 obnttJ In tl n Mnltut ol II o EHinte of El.IZA QUIC~I.Y PIP SO M DANISON Menlnlly lneomJrotont WHI&.e/MS. NANCa Noll o Hunt l uvl K Ill I In or d eou t GOT CHUCI MRS. grswART I" to ahow eMtoc why a lleet Ho to ••II tho lntcr.nt or •nil c•lnto In ••ld 1 cui e•· THAT DAY., AND WHAT A tr to ohould not )to granted DEPENDA8LE AAOUNP·THc·CI.O~ It I• Furth01 01de1cd Tltnt ~ubllc no 1 tlco thmcof bo KIVell hy J>ubllcatlon of 1 GUAADIAN IT IS FOR .:a!,. COirf of thlo aldol for thtcc IUCCOIBJVC week• ltrcvloua to ••hi dn)l of houtlng In IN 'TIMES OF EMERG!:NC~ WHEN ~U tl c lngbnm County Nowa IL ncwa]>ILpet lU~ ~IT FIRS'Ji 1'1-113. VALI.IS: OF printed nnd chculutcd In 'tid eount1 und thut tho fid 1clw Y of ar ld aotute give 'IWR TEt.EPHCf.IE. 19 HARD TO known lntClcsted 1 nrtle• uddltlontol no· tlce na reqult"Cd by lnw MEA9URe. rrS 5U~Y WORTH A JOliN MvCLEL14AN Judilo of Ptobate &.OT MORE 1HAN IT COSTS. 'T'hursrlny evening gllents; Mr, D' • c. -·· LEOi\1~ NO'l'IOJTIB rmrl MrH. l~fl'oy Dn 'AI'mriilcl ·.of IStnd amporee! ---.. ,---,-- . -'------'-- ~rQ, nurfon llnhhvln Gmnd nnplrls ~;pent Sunr1ny ami S f K' . · ORJlcfn" 1 iflR~~'tn,~t~ 1U~E COME"SEI• Tho Pilgrim F'c!llowshlp ynlllh Mondlly nl the llalrlwlu home, . lfO leX DIERP-A118111I 4, 1054 A meeting of lhc Pilgrim J~el· et or 1 Ht11!u nl Ml<•hiHrlll. •rtro l'i'OIJU!• Crull'4 COME SAVE' ..-AT,.....A&P J:roup of tlw Comrnunll Y dwrdl lnwshlp group wns held Sunrlny rm• tlrn t:ruwty ur lurrhurn. held n llllrprlsc parly l•'rlday ovu· cvonl!rg nt Ow clntrdi nml, tho Scouts nnrl )earlors from Holl, M" ••••In'' nr onl•l Cnurl, hel~ ut thu nlng nC tho home of Slllll'Oil Mol· fnllowiJl" officer" \VCI'C elcctecl Ollemos, Haslett, Dansville, .Wll· I'rohut~ 0/llcn In tho Ol~y nl Mn•on, h• STROCH YOUR FOOD I DOLLARS t b • ·~ ~ • Lhc llllld Cuunt.y, on Lhu ~·Hh dpy o( den, for Wn I ter Dnlrymp I c, wI 1n fOI' the r~omlng yenr: Prcslrlent, llamstnn, Grovenhurg, Mason, Mny, A, 11, 111r.4, Is moving tn nnrllwrn Michigan Eunlcr. Stanley; vlco·preslrlenl, Lesllo, Onondngn and Stadt· l'r·uorun~, liON. JOHN McCI.Ii:JA,AN, In the ncar future. Marlena Clar]{j ~ceretnry, Mym hrlclgc arc expected to atlenrl the .Jnduo ur I'•·oiH~Lo, , ,•. 111 1 0. J, Wilson, OJlCI'alnr· of the Cl'ti'l<'1 nnrl trcn~tJreJ' 13crncll rtnntJrtl "prlng Inrr'•atn c11slrlcl thu Mnttur or 1-iw F.o~~Lnto ur •LIZA· • ' · '' • ;.;} nlJ Hl~'rll HIBIUJ, Uecunuud, , :/IJNE f!JiLIJES Cities Scrvlec gas Plullnn, has Dtilw. camporee !wing" held June 4·5·6 It n111 ,0111·1nu 1o tho cnnrt thnt llw been n patient nl tlw Slim,on Mr. nnrl Mrs. Ronafrl Kenroy at C11mp Klrollex, nt Wale!'loo. tlmu rn•· '"'""""tntlnn ur r.lnlrn• nKnh1•t IJospllnl, Eaton lll\[ilrls, for llw anrl Nnncy SJIP.Ill till' wcclt end at ·Ln],"Jlf.l Atl,"tlrt of M.·tson \ViliJJn unld catntu •houhl hu llml~ud, nru1 thnt n • • • ~ ~~ 01 '-' tirnl! nrul pliwo he IIPJIIIIOtec.J t.u ruru\vu, post weelt. Long Juice, ncar Harrison. the camporee chief with Marshall uxnn1lne nnd udJnat nil clnlrnn runl do· Mt•, and Mrs. llnberl Bus!1' nnrl 1\h•. ru1d Mrs. Chnrles Mearlng Chapp!!ll of Holt as his a~slstnnt. (.',',~~·•:. 1•;t~'~·~~t~nlrl dec•n•cd by nnrl llo. SUPER RISHT.r BEST BLADE, CUTS dnughlei'S nnrl A/2r! Donald Jlrm· spcml: 1111! past wee!< rtt Mlo visit· Hat•lcy Hull will direct the scot· It I• ord•r·od, Tlln~ mdllo••• nr unhl son of Forbes air base In lc nenr Hasting:-;. 'I'IH'Y nlsn lake nrr.r· Clmrlnlte. 'l'hey enter· noon rmd will camp overnight ur Aunn•l, A. D. 11154, nt len o'clock In LB. vlslterl with Mr. unrl Mrs. Freel tnined Mr and Mrs Don Vlcltcrs the fo•·unonn, anld .Limo nnrl /Iince hu,·cby ' ' ' ' through Sunday, A special fen· np)Hlinlcd for the uxnmlnnt on nnrl nd· Foster. and family of Milford ns their turc o[ the camporee will be the Jn•tmnnl of nil clnlm• nnrl dcrnnnun Chuck Roast 39c Murvln Baldwin S[H'Ill Sunday gucsls. On Sunrlny Mr. nnrl Mrs. nunlnnt •nlrl dcc•riHcd, ' nn,d Monday wil h I he Rnbcrl llmtll!!n Crites SJ', o[ Hnsl ings llag·l'lllslng contest 011 Saturday It Ia 1•'urtloor· Ordor·uol, 'l'hnt J•nhllc no- 0 ' afternoon UnrJer tho C!il'eCtiOll Of Lieu Lhuo'llnf ho Hivun hy llliloilclllinll of A MEATY. PLATE SUPER RIGHT, OVEN READY Pillmer family visiting Mr. anrl werc cllnnr.r J(Uesls of the Lylws cn 1oy or thl• m·•lor lor three •uccc••ivo Mrs. Sheldon Winslow of All ica. and Vlc~iwrs. George Knight n( Holt. Parents wcok• p•·cvluus to •nld duy of lwnr·lng, In LB. ' Mr. nnrl Mrs. Burton Ilalclwln Ivl 1• I l M 1., A1 I l1 ., n·lmr1 wll1 lalw pic nl c 1 u 11 c he s tho lnuhnrn Uuuuly NuwH, n nuWKJlUJOOI' LB. . • a lC •·• g s · ' · · fell' SundnY noon to be eaten at nl'lntud nnd cl•·culntod In onld countY. 8Qiling Beef 15c Standing Rib Roast 55c nnd family lwve enler1111iwrl anrl sons :;prnl Sundny nflcl'lloon ~.·t"il troorls site. A s[wcinl JoliN. McCJ,EJ,J,AN, guests over the Ml'mnr•ial wel'k wllh Mrs. Berll1a CIJillls ancl had ~ " A 'l'nw Coi•Y: Juduu ul I'•·olu•te Beef Roast SUPER RIGHT-ARM CUT OR ENGLISH LB. 49e Stewing Fowl co~~~~~L~~~~~NED .. Lli J43c nnrl Mr" JneeJ0 • 1'11"11 c•"i]nrJ r1n tJ1n]r riiilllCI' at. ['nlri\VIIJ pat'i'. Ml', awards ceremony wll1 be held at ltnlu•r·~ L. ll,..,ko ~ • "' • ""' L ' " ·" " ' ·' ' [ I S Hcglor~ur· u( I'I'Oioutu 2lw3 Wcdncsdny and Miss Francis and Mt·s. J~nrl Chllrjs of Leslie the close o ltc camporee un· ------1 ·· · 89c 1 FINE LB. suPER oli Buldwln of Madison, Wlsl·onsln, and Hcnr·y Seharnp of .TaclHlnle in certain (6.0Z. Ann Arbor Friday. •·cnl ~·tntc thci•oln dc•cl'ibed, . SPARI · 4 1 11 11 hcrn natH:CI'III\H having- filed In snit( qey Itome. S• unc ay ca ers were Cuurt hOI' !>Clition Jli'Tlyin!( thllt IJcnll'ice GRANULATED SOAP GT. Lemons .;v--··,::; cALt~oRNIA. s1zE 360 .•. ,:·,, DOZ. 39c GIANT 21~TV! Mr. Bncl Mrs. · Douglns McKiln Hnw who itt u. comJletent unci t~uitnhll Rinso REDEEM YOUR ICc COUPON PKG. 60c :. n( Stocl·e unknown und Breeze PKG • IO-OZ.45c .Taci{SOll called on Mr. and Mrs. It I• Oo·dcrcrl, '!'hut the 7th duy .of GRANULATED DETERGENT 62c PKGS. n 11 G 1 S t [ · July, A. D. 1054, nt twa-thirt.Y o'clock 2 n.USSe roSS 1ans • a llrf ay eVe· lu ~he uf~crnoon, nt the I'robutc Office, Straw berries ning, 2Ufi \V, Suginuw St., Lnnsing, Michimw, 22-0Z. Bif2.0Z. 89C Mr an(] Mrs. Crtrl Onn\""Y of be und iH hcl't:by IIPllOintcd Cot• htHil'illl-~ ~~~~~~:s u~~~~RF~~~~ry 3 PKGS. ' ' ' "' ' '"'· •nld i>OtiLion; Lux Liquid Detergent CAN 65c Pot Pies Williamston had Sundny 'linncr It i• Furthc•· Oo·dcreol, 'l'hnt rou!JIIc no· 9·oz. 35c with their mother. Mrs. Winifred tic• thereof he Hiven by toublicnllon or 11 French Fried Potatoes oi!IRDSEYE 2 PKGS. I' J A" tl Bl 1 d COllY or thh:a: Ol'dcr, once n week for 12-az. 'l'OSt, at t Je J' 1\ll' anC !af lhi'UC HUCCCHHIVC WCCkH Jll'eViOUH to Kuifl . f O1 . t SOc IN COUPONS EN. GT. 60 290 home, tiny of hcnt·in.,;, In the InHhnm County Sur 8 ergen CLOSED IN SPECIAL PKG. PKG. C Lima Beans / BIRDSEYE, FORDHOOK .•. PK6. Mr. nnd Mrs. c. F. Haney of NewK, ~n nc\VHjoiiiiCI' l•rlntud 111141 cii'CII• Detroit and Mr. aJlCl "~-Irs, Ernest lnted In •nid County.JOHN MeCI,ELLAN, JANE PARKER, REG. 39c While of Livgnia cnlled on Mr. A 1'•·uc Copy: Judge o! l'roblllc rl M A II Bl h I d Ru~h Schlll•ca·oot Rl1 rs. r ·lUI' ~C AI'< an lluputy Hcv:i•Lcl' or 1'1·obuto 21wB Durkee's Margarine ouARTERs LB. EA. cousin. William Gray of Chat· 31c Spanish 8-r Cake 29c ORDER FOR PUBLICATION ham, Ontario, who has ~oent the FINAL ACCOUNT RES. 29c PKG. nast 2 weel{s at the Blanchard AND DETERMINATION OF HEIRS ·"AD" Detergent FOR AUTOMATic GT •. Breakfast Rolls JANE PARKER-CINNAMON OF 9 25c 'home. FINK-Juno 18, 1954 WASHERS PKG. 77c. REG. 49c Stntc of Mlchl}{nn. •fhc Probntc Com·t Apri!;DI . Pie 'JANE PARKER-LARGE 8" EAC)'i 39c tfOJ' the County of hu.thnm. ' ,.. - At 1\ HllliHlon of tmld Cout·t, held on j PKG. Mny ~U, L06•1. · GRANULATE!;~ LGa. Peccm ReUs .. CARAMEL, JANE PARKER OF 9 39c Wheatfield I'rcuent: liON. JOHN McCLELLAN, Jud~c of Probatu. Silver Dust SOAP PI< G. 31c !\Irs. E1·m" Johnson In the Mutter• or the EHtntu ol l'E'rEII Donuts PLAIN, JANE PARKER DOZ. 23c FINK, Daccnacd. · 20-0Z. Dell Wolf went by plane to . Notice h ....He!·cby Given, 1,hu.t the JlC· JANE PARKER LOAF 17c Hibbing, Minnesota, last Wednes­ lotion o" lluHHoll H. Flnl<, AdminiRii'utoo· 11:oz. 39c ~hite Dt·ead YOUR BEST BREAD BUY o[ nnid c.,tatc, )ll'llyin~ fo1· the nllownnce day to attend funeral services of hlu ·flnnl nccaunt, for u dolcl'mlnntlun Green Giant Peas 2 CANS for his \mcle, 'Conrad Wolf. He of hch•ts nt h\.W, nnd f01· the nsHIHnmonf aunl disll·ibutlon of the !'Ctilduc ot HUid ,; .. ~~ Is Dairy Month-Get. A&P's ....-.;__ ,... . 'l'nx arrived home Sunday morning. ctttntc, will be he111'd on June 1M, 1!15·1 P! In hpnot•;of. thclt• daughter, J:onorlng Leta Botsford at Vuri­ · . ,. Bf!rbnra. Those present were Mrs. ~own.hall Saturday night. ·. · •AN. ·K··'·S RA· D.I.O·-. Maud _Staelthouse of Holt, Mr. : Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Donal, Roy 'H.' and Mrs: Floyd Launsteln and Parl\s and Mr. ·and Mt·s, Clarence ·.'.·... SLhlrley,IMr. dandLaMrs. H01)ler Donal attended the . graduation -~,;..c'' ··r.·.v .. ·.·s·ER···V-·.. ·.1· c,··E' .··· . nunste n an · rry;• Mr. and exercise's at Holy· Cross church · • · . ~ . . . . , i\11'8,. Ft•ank : Launsteln, Mr. nnd Sunday '.afternoon· at 3:00 p;. m. , .. . . 132 N. Mrs .. Clare· Lnunsteln and son, for graduates of -St.· Lawrence ... '<_;., .•., J.lhQI~IJ,.u•..,u· .. ,. .• .., ....u.a. Mt·: ·and· Mrs. Fl~yd ..Weldon and hosJY,!al: .'l'helr nle~, ·zada Wlilc· ,. . ~ ~:·c:.:.\~7~~~~~-+..;..;;;;..+~~---~~..;;.;:.-...;;~.l..~;;..;.;__· .son, Mr. nnd Mrs.· Tom ~ole/:Sr., gar, was a Braduate, · . . · • • • • • • • • • • ' • ;~ • j, (. - .·.l.r,. .. . ··.~ 1:·::.'· Farmer Peel<' s June 3, 1954 Part 4 Wife The lnghalll County News

she waH crodtctlnr.: nwny, Her by·puss wns open. to truffle, Dol· Rlll'llll WI'RJlllill!( hLHC!illllii'H niece from California wns clue bee In his hill of eornplnlnt Hw J:"lrls. the nelCI clay nne! she wns loolt· chnrges Popps, driver of t11c 'l'Ju. huh,y I'IIJ'diJIILIH hiiVIi Jng forward to that. Wolverine ExweR.~ trucl1, with hnt••hntl. negllgenr:o, lie lli!IIH damages of Uh·lhllny l'ell~hmllou~ nr" Rrtlllh Set tcrlngtons live across MSC Will Award Degrees on Sunday $60,000 to comp~:nsnlc his r;:ranrl· fun, the rnnd from hell'. We were lhm·e n minute nnd don't believe we'll Hon for pnln and suffering, lost On Sunday nflcrnnnn al. 1 ever r:o ngnln. Whrm we went In wr•gcs nne! mcrllcal costs, o'cloclt In Mndtlln stndlum, if the [ n beautiful plnit frosted weather Is gone!, Mlehlgnn State college wll I uwa nl rlC?firccs to 'l'hnt's 1111 ll 111\ws [or· 11 plt•nll' dr1.~1 so Wr> w11: he havlnn a long cnlw nn tho ldtchen tnhle. In only 1,800. If the weathm· Is bnd t.hc nrotmd here! A Snl'H1Hvra}1Jll!d mw of ynrd picnics, a fln~h hem r·nme Sammy to get sandwich, jnr of mille anrl rm Pete's lnp willt the stlcltlest Jackson Gets Set exercises will be shifted to Jeni· 'l'he cnrrlliwls hnvc heen n paw nml tr>lltalc plnlc frosted son field house. , tlJOili~R. They'll evP.n HI' I liP fnr bright spol. Hcrl Is my favorite moulll. Hr hnrl seen thnt r•,1tw ur. ArthurS, ArlnmR, presi·:IPnl ohe without the ('[)rolt!Ps, In fac·l, mlor so whe11 I hnt llm;h of 111'1' For Celebrat1ion 1 helleV!~ Susy eon lei 1'111 1 II 11 ph'· ~nrl hnrl n goorl lime , , , not too of the American Cotlncil of Erlu· sail:; hv the> window It lifts me much rlnmage blll (•nough to nlu and fun If II wr~m a holt lro nf cation, will he I he spcalwr. His 11p. II;JLtsr>i\PC!plnr:, ynrd wnrlc. Jcnow E:rlltl1 malcr.s goorl fmst· topic will he "The Source Our wnlf!l' nnrl n tnnlhpir·lc , .. If It 1'1101'1!:< nnrl IHIII!linr.; Up clot ill'S Of Freedom Week or were encnst~rl In Sai'IIIIWI'iiJl. lfnw lnr.;. How ean a ynunr.;sler get Strength." have• IH•c'n lots more fun tlwse lnln things 60 fast nnr.l sec so P11r,eH" o! 100 yenrs of history Dr. Ari11ms hns henrled the A It fasclnnlrs her. 'J'!Jis Is lllll' last few weclcs. much? !irsl hnx nf the sluff ~nul lhc~y of n elty anrl a nation will enme c. E. In Washington, D. C., slncr w;rnt II. on everything. '!'he haby hlrrls hnve hnldwrl. Tlwy Hhnwerl us their }lllpples to life In .lriell~on, starting .July 4 1951. Before thnt. ile wns· Tlwrc wc•rc 2 er,r.;s anrl now lherP whil'il arc nl I he cute stage. Pete as the dty hegins Its colorful. rlcnt of the University of New Sehoo! wns r1111 ycslrrrlny, Ancl arc 2 birds. F'rom IIJC frnnl porch snlrl If we rllrln'l haven r;:onrl rlr>f:( WP.Pi~·lnnr:: Frccrlom Fr.stlvnl In Hmnpshlre, 19•1R·50, anrl pmvost Joclny tlwy hncl In r;o or1 a plenie we r'iltl Jool~ li·inelws Into the lilflt ltc would like one of tJwsc eclehralinn or the 100th nnnlver· of Cornell Unlvcl'sity, 1!l1G·48, whlr~h was nul 11ndl'l' one~ or ntlr nest. r Jl!!VI'l' !mew canlinnls were Sill'.V of l11e rounding of the fie· For his World Wnr II worl\ in nups ns Ralph hns such a smart trees. Snlly snlcl sliP wnnlerl lro so fl'il•ndly anrl lnml'. Most nny ring nnrl n natural heeler. lie also ptlhllenn party. organizing ami ndminiHierinr, the fix 111e lurwh. Awny tlw .1 nr lilf'm time you Inn!\ nut tlw wlnrlnw 1 1 1 The t\,000 rcsldenls nf Michl· navy's V·12 prngmm. he holds 'tvir>nl tn the Jdtdwn. They had you c·;'rn src I hal. brlr.;11t red birr! snld thal he l.hnur, 11 tllll fi ot rtnn, Inrllnna and Ohio who the U. s. Lcr,Ion or Merit. 1•VC•l'Y eupho:rnl door npr•11 \nol\· •1,r•relwrl elnse lo IIH! horlse on nf It wns Rnlpl1's· tJ•alnlng. A gone! lournrycd In ,J;wkson to hold the A .r.;raduntc of 1he u. s. Nnvnl lnr.; 'for .lhlnr,s. They snng nnrl the peach tree, clotiJCs line or farm dog Is worth a lot on a farm. rlrsl formal Repuhlknn C[)nVPn· Academy In 1918, Dr. Adams in .gJr.;r.;lerl. 'l'lwy put Sammy in his pore I1. lion unrlcr n cll1stcr of onl\s may 1!127 earned the SC', D. degree In ,James It, IIILA'J:'tll'ly Uussell V. llt·uwH high chair and reel 111m eh!!!Tios We ~urely surprlsecl Esler T have lwen thlnlclnr.; n lot this Tabor. '!'here arc 4 of us who nol have brcn fil·erl with 1he same physics anrl metallurgy at. the Lc:;lif Arts Bachelor of Arts our clay ... and malccs you r,cl The pa"cnnl: will depict ncarI y gan State ami Western Michigan Mathematics Spanish Accounting ,.. will nJay baseball. ---'--·---·--·.------·--- r right around and l~cep thinr,s pre· every trail·hlazlnrr mark in '' J pared until they come. One extrn American hislorv from the land· The commcmcmcnt prngrnm veterinary medicine; IIamlcl W. nlcr. thing about· this is that with ing of the Pilg-rlms, the Revnlu· Sunday will start at 4 P· m. Fol· Frye Mason bachelor of arts in thnt amount of children among l.inn anrl thf' opening of the West lowing the address ~f Dr. Adams matl{ematics; Charles Ro.hert us ... we arc going into homes 1111 to the "Roflring 20's," World President Hannah Will confer the Gross, Dansville, bachelor of arts that have been bahy·proofcd. War II and the dawn of the degrees, and Starr Keesler, dlrec· in psychology; ntomie aqe. tor of nlun;ni relations, will pre- Russell L. Rogers, Williams- A festival quc:cn, to be crowncrl sent. alumm nwards. ton, bachelor of science ill agri· "Miss F'rccrlom" at the outset of D1·. N. A. McCune, pastor em· cultural engineering; Allen Ln· Trunkline Crash the celebration, will he in the critu~ of th.c Pc.oples ch~trch, E~st Verne T.J;\LIJP, Sto~kbriclgc, haehe· foR .. spotlight nt many public appenr· Lansmr:: Will g1vc Ihe!. mvocat Joo lor o! science In veterinary mcrli· 'nnces '·during Freedom Festival and benc1ng, or to call Dr. Machtel at 8, DAV, which the past 2 years Lansing 11·9815. offered its s~1ow boat on the Reel HERE'S WHY Cedar river at Williamston. The PAlms GWl' wommu·r • • • big boat was cut up in sccl.lons at Williamston and has been carried Picnic grou11r.s In Inr,ham You Should Have Your Car Serviced at to Lnnsing on trucks. It is now county r,ot a plenty of traffic being reassembled on the river over the Memorial day week encl. anrl by show time will he re· The! county park in Mason filled painted nml hr·il!iantly decorated. up after the morning rain Monday. Other pienickers toolc DON'S SERVICE. DAV mcml1crs moved the boat. advantage of the new parlt in to Lansing to malta it more-con· Sm·\'ici~ is CJ uid\ ••• you p;et the benefit of Sinclail' Jlrocluct& ..•• lots of Aurelius township. Althour;:h the vcnicnt for Lansing area people park is still not complete, its parldnp; SJiaw •.. close to f!:I'ocel'y shOJI(Iilll.~ center ••. Frt~C·lllcl• .1111 and In witness the a!J.profcssional rc· delivm·y ser1•ice if you cun't wait fot' yom· car ••• friendly service beauty lured many. The parlts vue which has been signed for bordering the nerl Ccdm· nnd the fltil• (H'iccs. the G,nights of the show boat run. Grand rivers were also llllccl up Eleven nets of well·lmown enter· Sunday and Monday as well as tnincrs will be in the show. Mus]. the parks In Leslie, Onondaga 1. Car Washing and Polishing cal baclt·grounds for the stage acts will he played by Jac)( Zim· and Stocl~bridgc. rrwrman, electric organ wizard. •--~--~~--~~-- 2.·Lubrication His organ has 24 spcal\ers at· Iached. Coming! Terrific! 3. Brake and Wheel Work An outdoor theater is now in the process of construction on I he 4. Motor Ups north banlt of the Grand river, Tune at the west city limits of Lan· June 21~26 sing. The north bank of the river 5. Pick Up and Delivery on Your Car has been smoothed with bull· dozers and sod has been placed over the site where several thou· Lansing snnd scats arc to be placed. There We Give Open will be room to spare as far as parlclng Is concerned . • S&H 24 Hours Sl" different high school bands SHOWBOAT Green Every (rom the Lansing area have ac· . . ccpted invitations to play on the ~. show boat, one each night, as the On Grand River at Lansing Stamps Day ship comes down the river to the show boat stn.gc and docJ(. •• One of the main features of the show boat will be a large vocal II Star Ads chorus of mixed voices under the rlirectlon of Dr. David Mach tel, of Don's Service . Lansing, 'one of the country's out­ · Sinclair Products ·Voice· Choir and standhlg chorus directors; He· is a .so· Just nortll of Mason· on tile By-foss fonner director of the Michigan DiHerent Band ~ach NiCJht State qollege glee and · Orph~us clubs and· a member of the pa:· ·Phone .9241 tlonally famous Robert Shaw Chorale.'· He now directs the First '------' • won tho ..Mem~rlal Day bn~eball lnghllm County News June 3, 1954 Page 2 Editorial Pltge Ignme 3, tC) 2. Stevens pitched 9 innings and Galligan 5 for Stoel<- Down By the bridge, 30 Yeor11 Ago-102·1 Glorious Michigan Weather States Improvement Co, of Chi· cpgo filed the lowest of the 3 If the Michigan Wr.elc committee is still sot up, one lm· SYCAMORE 1 hid~ on construction of M-1<1 from pol'l.nnt task mmaln~ fot• it. 'l'hat task is to convince Michl· How mnny turtle families do For every child tliat'~ horn In Mt, Hope road to the German gan oditors that they have a duty and a responsibility in you l1now? If you !mew llvery America today 12 tons of pnper church at North Holt, <1,287 miles Wl'i ling lwncllincs about tho wenthel', turtle family In Michigan you'd mu~l be pt•ovlclcd. He'll need 16,- of concrete, nt. $111,856.87, with Most people l!:eep their homes heated between 70 nnd 7~ iwow 10. Nine of tl1llm arc nnllvc. 000 board of lumhet•, too. the elate to provide the cement. in he wintet• time, so when tho temperature goes up to or 'i'hc tenth is an Immigrant., That'~ what tile average Amcrl- 'fhnt uverf"\ges nbout $30,000 per 1 75 can uses In his lifetltni:!, He ttses 'mile, the going price for concrete. t~vcn to 80 in the summe1' no one suffers. There are soldom Native turtle fnmllles nnd the paper nt the mte of <100 lh~ n All 21 of this yenr's county nor­ more than thret• or fow· days a year when the mer·cury hits average size of lndlvldunls are: year, So if you're going to r1dse mal graduates have secure!,! !JD In Michigan, nncl we need those clnys fot' corn and othor Snappel' lmnsshad<, mud turtle) clllldren you ought to tnl10 to the schools. The lowest: pay offered el'Ops. 10·12 inchns; soft-shell Clenlher­ woocls, or nt least be cnreful with was $80; . the highest $100 p1~1· bncll) 18 inches; Blancllngs t.urlle I rees. month. Then tnlw the Mondny round-ups of all the drownings (with n bright yellow throat) !l ~ I ancl automobile aeciden1s, They should not be charged to lnehcs; hox Cwlth hinged belly- 'J'Iw Ingham County News was L. R. White has heen elected the heat. A rll'Owning victim in May is permitted to drown. platel H inches; painted Cycllow rlghl last wcel< In reportlnr,: lhat secretury of lhe Mason hoard of If the same thing happens in ,July some editors list the case education to fiJI the vacancy slrcal no J'cason 01' need to distort the truth about attire of a tt1rtle? A turtle's body -Muekinaw. norc Douglas of Ede.n at breal<· Michigan weather, ot' to cxaggorate conditions, 01' cook up temperature rises and Jails with fnst May 28. The breald'ast, a 3- Jictit ious accounts of people falling victim to the heat. thnt of the nlr and the water. Threc minor parties lmvc course nffalr, was served at the Warm weather· is juRt fine. We have so little of it in Don't ever kill a turtle unless qualified for tile Noveniher elec- home of Mr. and Mrs. Vance Michigan that we ought to be petmitted to enjoy it and malw you really want him cor her) for lion. They are Prohibition, Social- Douglas, pnrents o! Lenore. 1ile most of it, without looking at headlines twisting every food. They act as scuven'gers In 1st Labor and Socialist Worl\crs.· liO YcarH Ago-190-1 · c!eath into a heat fatality. Jweping the waters free of dead Fruit growers arr. encouraged. L. T. Hemnns of Mason was Summer weather is glorious- with a warm sun, with fish anti ~nlmnls. Even fio optimistic• a grower as the temporary chairman at the hluc skies and sparkling lakes, and with crops gt•owing. / myself hnd written off the cherry state Democratic convention In • h 1 h f !f you wnnt to lmow even more Detroit Saturday. \Vm·m weathet· is what we need. We vo fie enoug rosts nhnut turtles, reutl tlw May-Juno crop. Now the prospects ioolt Mason high school's bnseball and fall will be here befot·e we lmow it. So please, you big nmnbr.r or Ml<:hll{nn conserva· good. Apple~ arc going to maltc a crop, too, salcl John Robinson, team defented Lansing high eity newspaper edilms, let's keep to the facts about the heat lion. waltm· Mutchlcl', my favor­ ami there'll be peaches, although school's team .7 to 3 Snturday. On and lhe humidity. itll tlll'lle 11t1Lhorlty, will ~~et you the peach crop was seriously Friday Mason 'lost to the M. .-A. nne. He's tllll shtlll conservation hurt by the freeze. c. freshmen 7 to fl. ~very Man an Ambassador Inll'iclll' ILS!ilg-nctl to Ingham COUll· L. T. Lasenhy and Alfred Allen 1:1; ty. His address "Is 1\falj()Jl, Thl~ I~ eomn11mcement \VIllll{­ of Mason and E. R. Hawley ot when IU]Viell COIII~S fri~U. ~laJm Bunker Hill ~ught registered Some politicians havo riddon into office on the promises Some people say they can't sec usc of it. Shorthorn cattle at the state sale or making every man a lt:ing. That's going a little far. But what difference the supreme held In Pontiac Wednesday. every man and woman and boy and girl in Ingham county court decision against segrcga· The .Japs are getting mucli·the I ' now has the opportunity to be an ambassador. tion makes around here. They best of the Russians In the fight· 1 I d d f insist there is no racial issue. Up The Good ing nt Llaoyang. . ·. Working in Ingham ftelds this summer are mn re so to now at 2 out of 3 Mason bar- Paying l /2 o;o - Dansville's baseball team was men and women ft•om Texas and many men from old Mexico. bcrshops ,1 colored man or boy shamefully treated at Williams-­ Many of the Mexicans arc living in the H. W. Madison has not heen welcome. He has ton, the umpire strongly favoring Co. bm·racks at Mason. Few of them know any more English been told to sneak in on a Sunday Old Days Williamston In every . clcclslon. ~han the avemge Amel'ican knows Spanish, and that's not morning, becnusc other custo· Williamston imported Lansing Dart National Bank Time Certificates enough fm· full undet•standing. mers would object through the One Year Ago players, too. Even at that, Dans· Yet it's not neeessm·y to be fluent in Spanish to serve as wcel<. Colored men and boys In Mr. and Mrs. John Aseltine anti ville lost only by the narrow mar· an ambassador of good will to Mexico and to Mexicans. If Mason have had to go to Lansing 4 chlldren have returned to the gin of n_t;_,o_9_.--- we gt·cct these men and women with a smile and a nod on for haircuts, until Hal Conklin United States on furlough from Interest Paid Each 6 Months, If Desired 'I 1 t ·r t t 1 1 th h th 1 d over on Lansing street was con­ their mission station in North l Je s :ree ' l. we I'Y o le p . em w en ey are puzz e over suited. He dcclnreil he was un- American customs or American goods, if we treat them as we able to detect the difference be· Africa. B- k ·m ['l"' would like to be treated in Mexico, then we will be good tween Negro and caucasian John Hamlin and Ben Wilbltr 00 .. '.1. a K Interest from Date of Deposit have bought an appliance store . ambassadors. · dandruff ~nd so has been barber- n Alpena. Houro 'open ol Hall Me.IDorlol Ubr•f,; These Mexican visitors are even more important than ing all comers, regardless of i Mason, oro .-.onday tbrou_~b SoturdaF; The stale hi.ghway department 2:00 to 5:30, ruoaday· arid Frldav naooa, people who come as toul'ists. These people are here to work· "race, col<1r or previous conclltion 11 :30 to 1 :001 Tuoodoy and · Tbur..S..y All deposits insured up to $10,000.00 by Federal Deposit Insurance Corroration has announced that when US·l 27 ovonlnse, 7 ,00 10 p1oo 1 Soturdoyo IO:PO in our fields,to tend our crops and to return profits to farm· of servitude," just as the consti­ is rebuilt between Mason ami to 12:00 noon. ers and to fruit growers, pickle processors and the beet sugar tu tion provides. ~~e~wlll ~ re~ili ~a uw~tlreP~p~~llieU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- industry: . . . Don't the bnrbors. They grade' wide enough for 4 lanes States, In .order ·to fonn a ·mo~e Whtle workmg here thes~ men fron: Mextco, a ptcked 811y uwy 1u·c willing to cut 1111y. but that the pavement will be 2 perfect union, estab!lsh. justice, group by the way, me comparmg om· acttons by our boasts. hudy' 11 hall·, hut that their r.usto· lanes. insttre domestic tranquility, pro, We boast all ovet·the world of om· democracy. They want to Imm'!l objeet. •rell the bru·bl!rs yon The Aurelius Farmerettes were vide for the common defense, pro: sample some while th~y're here. We boast all over the don't object, nml thus you'll do guest starR at the Kent cotmty mote Ute general welfare, and se- w01·lcl or om· freedom and our friendliness. Here's a chance your JIIU't in niJholding· the 1-I·I Panorama in Grand Rapids cure Ute bless.lngs of Uberty to Friday night. ourselves and our_ postet•lty, .do Let's :for Moxicans to 1ry some of that. Here's our chance to prove snJH'eme mm·t. Trade Car·s 10 Ago-19H ordain and estnbllsh this_.qons11· what we claim about being friendly and democratic. Here's We needed the rain a lot worse Year~ an opportunity to let a group of foreigners see how we enjoy than the Memorial Day exercises. Ensign B. A. Davis, Mason ltigh tution for the ·United Stutes of school graduate in 1940, is listed America."-Preamble to the Con, freedom and how concerned we are that others get that same That's why no one felt too bad stltullon. · · ·· · Now! Now! enjoyment. about the shift In the program, as missing in the Pacific. He was With patriotic. holidays with· Now! a navy pilot. He and other mem- 3 be You don't need to put on.striped pants to be an ambas· except lhe youngsters who hnd bers of the crew have bee1i rniss- in 5 weelts we are llkely. to · sadm· to Mexico. Just put on a smile and wave your hand spent so much time decorating 1 hearing a· good bit. about(J:le ·con­ ot· give a ft•iendly nod when you meet a Mexican on Mason their bicycles. Even with the ing .for 2 weeks and little hope s stltutlon and .liberty.· Llbercy is, Better Buys streets or on the highway or in the field. rain, the parade could have been held for them. indeed, a blessing as we ..realize NEW . L. Keith Cheney, superlnten- more fully when. we rend :th~ USED Better Decils held, because the clouds rolled away as soon ns the program was dent and agricultural instructor stories· told by people who ha'le Not by Bread Alone over, and the color guard and at Hemlock, has been hired at risked their lives to escape from firing squad hllted to the ceme· Dansville to succeed Searl Briggs. countries \Vhere there is uo ·11: It is \Vl'ittcn, man shall not live by bread alone, but by tery and ilncll: without getting The navy has offered a berty. For them such ·sayings as wet. commission. "The ground of liberty must_"~ _Ingham Motor Sales every word that proccedeth out of the mouth of" God­ Many German prisoners o! war gained by Inches" apd "Give me lVIatthcw: 4, 4. As I came out the door ot the (Formerly Wllitecraft) are at worl< In onion ami mint Uberty or give. me l}eath'' an: Phon«J 2-5531 What's true for men is true for children. Boys and girls school I was drafted for the firing fields. Employers pay 5lc per ideas which Utey themselyes ex· 228 w. Asia can grow into strong manhood and womanhood only as they squad, N a. 4 front ran\{, and I h~rfurthe~~r~~m~rs~~~rnthRlliGh~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~------~ hn,.vc the word of Qod. Bread alone is not enough, as records enjoyed myself. Not for 35 yenrs and. also provide transportation. ing quotations to dress- up pat· of the juvenile courts prove. had I 1T1nrcl1ed behind so trim a Prisoners receive only SOc per riotic speeches. . . · .., .. soldier. I covered off Staff Ser­ drry for their labor, with the army ·The Americans who made these Roman Catholics rightly insist on catechism classes for geant Duane Balfanz, U. S. M. C. their children. So do some of the Protestant sects. But retaining the balance. 'statements were once alive ilnd He and Technical Sergeant John A press room, a room for the human, too, with friends and most of them don't. That's why in this great nation today, Taylor served as the colo1· Notice of Hearing millions of boys and gids are growing up without religious transcription of testimony and famUles who loved them and gunrd. They stood all through the other quar'ters are being provided enemies who hated them. The ·training and without spiritual guidanc.e. ceremony inside the school gym In the court house to handle the stories of tltelr lives mald time for them. The cost thereof to be defrayed./ in part by· special assess· ; other professors are pt·ating about academic ft•eedom and inherent 'right to have their sons and daughters taught Many of them are long books, ment on the property ow~ers within the assesainent district. The : tll'ging that the trio be retained. by men and women of high character and unquestioned loyal- but they are rewarding· reading. • . . The 3 suspended professors forfeited their. rights to ty. Taxpayers of the state of Michigan, who pay out mil- Boys a!ld girl. will .lUte JOHNNY City Engineer ~hall make an ~stima.te of the expense thereof to· :faculty positions when they refused to answer questions lions of dollars every year to educate young. men and women, TREMAIN arid BETY ZANE and ·· gether with necessary plats and plans and diagrams and de· •touching upon their loyillty. They-had a chance for a hear- which includes paying the professors, have the ·right to ~?s~:f~::~~to boys and :ing, and a fair hearing, before the congressional committee know that theit· money is not. going to reward traitors and glrls-:.Remember the summer ·posit the same with the. City Clerk. . ·, · : · . , , ' • and spurned it. Why now should they be given a sympathe- collaborationists or .even fuzzy-minded eggheads. . . Reiuiinii' the county 11· :tic hearing before a faculty group?. 'The faculty doesn't do Any rights the 3 suspended professors at the University brary: This year the progra'!l wlll \ ~the hiring. Faculty members don't do the firing. Running of Michigan have at•e inferior to the rights of students, par• feature that fine old American In· Mason C~ty Council :the University of Michigan· is ·up. to the ·board of ·1·egents, ents and taxpayers in general. · . t .·· : stltutlon, the circus. This one wUl :elected by the people, and the admh:listrators the regents , . The board of _regent;s •. not a faculty committee, is .en~ have a huge herd of our favorite Georg~· Kellogg, ~it hire. . . tJ'Usted With the responstblllty of doing the hh•ing and· fir~ animal; the ,elephants. Come ln .. ;. , .. ·St1,1d~nts at the University of Michigan have the right to irig at the University of Michigan. '!'he regents should .ex· and' enroll any time after achool City Cl~rk, •· ·· . -. ·..... I ~ bet!ii.lght by Ioyal.Amet•icans, or by men and women at least m·cise their responsibility without· watering It down with !!:J'i• ~~::~!~J :::a~~e ~::~a_::, . :~loyal to:•their::·native.'·latlds,\: ·'~ichl~an pare~t~~ '.have ',the_ ·faculty.,coJ)lmittees; .· : ·;-· . . · · · · · · ·· · · · ·· ·· , : .. : gu~~· · ·· · · · · · · ·· ,.II

E:ntomojoglsts nt Mkhlgan Dlrl you ltnow thnt nonfat rlry !':lalr! mllcgc rel'nmmenrl l)u:>llng mill< sollrlH nro Ilw h•nsl nxrmn· Chem~cals Are lim wll litll'fnee with 10';:. tnxn· slvc nnrl most I!Oiteenlmtori fnnrl ASC Official Explains Market Cards 991501 phone nt the mtc of ono·lllllt Ill Hollt'm of Ill'olcln, calcium ami ;vt.;m Jltq,•wwncat (lOmA> .· nf rlust to l,OOO ~~unre Ject of rlhoflnvtn'? Mnrltctlng enrd~ will be lssuml clicntlng that they mrty usc ex· In I he sccrolary of ngrlcttll.ttre, be .· D, D. DIWAR1'i1Hif./'fJ ,O;rT"·' ··· farm eropsmnn. In [ll'flctkal use, ing for them. no action at nli anrl allows·.thc 17 other forages pmve very iwlJ>flll Farm Loan ;,< Most rulworms clip of( ynllllfl 195:i-Liveability acr·cH to mnlure, l1e will have 7 :::::' In the silo. Flrsl·year hny, acr·es of excess when t. frl'qlll'lllly lnfl'slcri wilh yellow plants near tlw ground level ritll'· lng the fecrllng. That mcnns a lot on Gulliver's Chid's Durlnr.: .Tunc, meetlnr.:s nrc Ia ··.. ·.·•· · ~Ec:EiPiioR 1e~ WHEAT MA" KETIHG cAno" mel\cl. nnd downy hrome, wnulrl Association -·' '' ,. ·' of cutworms that nm not r:on· he helrl to nequainl elevator opr.r· ·•,;\.: . . :·-.· '. ':·.":. '· mal\e pont• quality ltay--'-nnrl tlw mv1% livability on 22,~05 chicl's ...... :u11m~wt ~~~:~· ~ but I'll bet folks would rather buy the half-gallon cartons handle easily end malch acmolely. fan improves coffee with just plain old pasteurized and homogenized milk and pay is optional. and other food This Speciai Feed a little less. That's the only way processors can boost milk · GRAIN BINS flavors. consumption. They can't do it by doctol'ing up milk so that ~~ WEATHERPROOF • FOR BA~Y PIGS M~ANS FASTER GAINS it costs more instead of less. In the first place milk doesn't FIREPROOF • RAT HEN sudden !ilorm~ cut power W linc!l nnc1 lc[IVO y:()U cold pnd need much doctoring. . PROOF • LIGHTNING holplt!ss ....;. thiS otnnzirlg now ynrd 811ealdng of (}octo ring, Dr. George I~. Clinton PROOF· LONG LAST· BABY PJGS Ilk~ ~our. awn babie~s nuod. tholr own iopeclal onrl ~ordcn mnchlno r.nn ALSO gcn• food! Food oxperts now know which nutrients plg1 roqulro from crntc electricity-run your pumps, has had a good year on his farm south of 1\tason. IN G • sTRoNG ' dcop freeze, lights, oil burner: It ' t tl ' ' . , EASILY ERECTED • birth to we~anlng to build stron9 bodies, have good hoalth and cnn also shovcl snow, cultivnte, sow - A. t one pom · 11s Sllrlng, 1 out of 5 of his calves · . . b Franchised Dealer wood, mow Jnwns, do scores of were heifers. . Sheels ore solid so small grams can e fJoln wolght fast. That's why Plg·11h havu bun dovolopocl other back~hrcaldn~t yard and ~ar· den chores. EcDnomical, I!Rfc nnd tnpoclally for tho "young 'uns," F~ed 'om Plg•uls at tho propor r.Al'IY for nn_vonc to opcrtltc. It's tho It used to be that waitresses wouldn't even bother to I ·,stored. time and you'll send more plgs Ia oarly market. home harulvtnnn of )'()Ur futurn! I ask, "Coffee or milk," at public dinners. They would just FOR INFORMATION CALL OR WRITE 61U1d for FR.Il:E Iflustrotcd BOO~ automatically fill up the coffee cups. Then things changed. LEARN ABOUT THE MASTER PLAN T,l1ey now usually off(!r a choice. But that still isn't good COLLINS ~'~''"'~~··~··~··~''''''~~~.-. Wayne Miller enough. To really increase milk consumption, waitresses R. B. CHILDS SAJ.I~S AND SimVICE must offer both coffee and milk to those who desire both cof­ 4 t7 5 I~d~:"at· Rmul Sales & Service Mason Elevator Co. l'hono l'\lnson 2·1i8:~3 fee and milk. :Leslie, l\lichill'Uil M5 W. ColumlJia l\lason 201 N. Collcg·e Roud There may lie the sccmt to greater consump· l'hnnc J..cslic 34:~2 lH \V, 1\faplc Phone 2-5311 tion. On my banquet circuit, l fhid th1tt t'oll:, but when it comes to a choice, they want cof­ fee. Offer both, I say, and watch those cows worl• overtime. . . . Automatic Hitching and that is high for only GO days, NOW but It comes in enrly spring and lnte fnll when other pastures muy not bfr productive. With New FARMALL SLtdangrnss, nnother emergency crop, costs $1.8,25 to establish an rtcre, or $21 per year-and it gives By Dicl• Bailey about 100 days of· grazing, Cr>nnty Agrienlhu·aal Ag-ent: In an Ionia county study, rtn Carrying out a moncy·maldng avcrnge of 2,045 lb of 4'/r- mi!l,; pasturc·silagc program is like were pmduccci per acre of. rota· worldng a forage crossword lion pasture such as alfalfa· FAST.HITCH puzzle-you seed the crops that brome. From reed canary it was fit across the farm operation and 2,5GO lb and ,1,087 for Junegmss then· put clo..yn as. silage what nnd 2,222 for sudangrass .. Grain, For McCormick Farrnall Super C wouldn't go up as hay. Agricultural economists at Mlchlgnn State college have worked out figures on costs of llsc it ou the many l'tlcCormid• tools establishing and mninlaining. dif· Ecrcnt kinds of forage crops-but farmers must do some figuring ~ P~ows +Drags also. The particular farm proh· !ems and the livestoclt opcrntion t!o will piny a big role. Planters +Mowers Then, when it: comes to silage, farm cropsmcn point out, you +Discs + Platform Carriers mny put some weedy forages into the silo that would not mal . -. .. . . ·12-1 S. IAnch St. Lun.slng Junegrass · costs ·only $6.75 to , Phone 2·1109 sta1't nnd only $3~75 jlCr year but 4·iii.!f,!.11· · Silsby Implement Co. It only gives ~o: d~y~ of pas.ture . HEV£11 NffDS Plummer···Machinery Co. In May and June,...... : ~, MAtNfiHAHCI. ' . i' \ ·. · · · \ ··:.. . I~ansing R:l[e .costs . $12.75 per' .··: ... ··.:···,· ... ·,·.· lfDUCISfUE~COSTS ; whlclnntes ns $20.75 11er ...... ' ...... , ,, ' •,, ..: ' ., ' ,,:• .. ' ":"" ~ lll•llll••••••lllllllll••••••... •illl••••••a.~ ·'


llROtlP A'rTENnS MEETING Value Stays Higli t!ll prupr!r]~· . .roseph •r, Cox, exlen• Hlllph Glynn,· county ASC f. Taper Your liedgc ~1011 i!llltiSl!U[JC ~pcduJIHt Ill J'y1(eh_' (ongress Must Ad on Dairy Surplus e!llllrmun, Loris B, Curtis, ASC It Y0\1 trim ~OUI' h~dge th~ way lgilll St.ttle! college, llllf(gCS!& thnC county office manngct•, Lednh many peoplo trim-with the lop lly Cnrl Collin higher hutlerfnl content limn we that costs the nation millions of Laverty nf the ASC office stn!f fl hcilgl! should he rthrHit n and Richard Bailey, cotmty ngl'l­ Milk c·osts Remain Low Willer thrm lit~ hottom-ymt won't huvc in our surplus piles. rlollnrs annually, hwheK wider· at the bottom lhrtn II'H up to c•onr.rrcss now to do culturnl agent, attended a district ·::.·Michigan homemnltel'l'! cnn ln·l~hole mill\ supplies vitamin A IHlVO the nice h.edgc you ~hould After clnlry price supports • • • at the top-ttmt's :J lnchc~ wider· ··something nhnLtt lltn dnlry sttr· Egg yoll\s may contnln n »JCf!Ling in Ann At·hor Wcdncs· elUde mille among theil• penny· npcl several B vltumlns. Slllm hilVC, 'l'hllt's because the top were reducer! on April 1, house· dJlY, C. E. McAdam of the state on cncl1 slrie. 'l'hnt. will let tho plnses owned hy tlw gnvc•rnment. growth factor ns yet tllllden!l{led. wise purchases. mille supplies those same ltnpor· b~ades the -bottom of tho hedge Secrelnry Agrleuillll'{l Bc•nsntl wives bought more butler; but ASC office In Lansing prescn ted bottom llll out ancl you'll have n or pr(lspect nppnrently hns cooled. For according to tables released tant nutrients-with the CX(.'{!P· and the lowe~ pnt•t doesn't thick· better• looldng hcclgc, lilts snhl lltnl: he 11nrl Ills depart· consumer purchnses lmve lcvelccl information on the udmlnlstra· eQrly this year· by the U, S, de· tion of vitamin A, orr and abOllt hnlf the gain has British law bars Importing our lion of the market: q!totu .rcgulu· ment have• disl'nnlctd nil plnns fm· quality of butter, nncl Englnn11 Pitrtmcnt: CJf ngrlculture research n rlonwstle lntllctNJispnsnl pt·o· been lost. CCC eonllnuns to filii'· tlons. · r.hasc butler anrl nlher dairy demands unsuited butter. with service, mill\ and chetldar ch~esc gram. ThP SI'Ct'Pinr.v str.led a J'nw nrc way out In front of all other Ingham .Countv News June 3, 1954 Page 4 ~roducts to lwcp prices close to Poultry scientists fed chlclrrsll•d in IJuying developing rust-reslstnnl oat vn­ o;ranges, as 2 large h~nds of cab· has Ogurcd out lhat this means to nttend tile Nnllonal H·I club Vcr-Lec Hereford Farm, •10,000,000 III 2 1weks ngo Inti that rletic:;. If tills new method proves bnge or as-27 lb of·m~at. entirely successful; new rust­ an nvcrngc of 225 meat animal~ cnmp, June 16·23. Mlchignn. · GENUINE OLGA COAT, Milk is an excellent er.o­ resistant spedcs mny be bred in were mnrl\eted every minute of He is visiting the U. S; umjcr ·uml Egg-Stove mm JACim'r n(lmical source Df animal protein, With an nllcnclance of nmund :1 to ,I years inslcnd of the usunl the YCf!.l', the Intel'l1ational Farm Youth 000 people, the 23 hulls and 25 ·Stoker COLONEL JAOl\UORN Ill; ljl ljl too; Miss Hershey points out. For 12. Tile big question in 'the minds Exchange IIFYE) program. I-Iis Dr. M. J. Green · cxumple, 3 cups of milt< contain cows were picked up by 35 !myers of scient isis now is whether the On Janunry 1 of this year there host states are Kcntucl\y and from Michigan and Canada. 'The LOMBI\,UD CIIAIN SAWS VETI~IUNAUIAN ns much protein ils one-fourth Jb l'mliatlon method w~ll work on were over 94,600,000 head or cnt­ New York. of all-lean meat. tiulls sqld for an average of · lloJ;:-FCellcrs -·Waterers -1'roughs- Slocl• Tunl•s N. Cellar St. Jlluson ol her grains nmf cereals.. If it lle In this country,. the largest $•12G per hcucl, and an average of And besides providing high l'honc 1\Juson 0701 docs, the way might lie cleared number in our history. Or I his $317 on the femn les. The a vcrage toward elimination or n disease total, over 57,000,000 head (or Kill Wigglers amounts of protein and calcium, price on tile entire 48 hem! was 60.3'i'r l were classed as beef cat· $370. tlc. The rest (39.7'il· l were clnssed It's lime to cut grass and trent as llniry animals. · Now and Be Free shrubbery. Use 2 lb oC 50'/,· w~t­ Eden Elevator "' =!' • I am a great enter of bee!, nnd Phone l..t!slle 2154 table DDT powder to 50 gallon~ Phone 1\lu~on lillBD FARM During the nrst 3 months of r believe lhnt does harm to my · We Give Gold Stamps LOANS~ Of Mosqugtoes of water Ior nn acre or shrubbery. wit. Shal\cspcarc. · ----1 t.ltis year the average live weight ------.----11Bftll! of catlle slaughtered in federally Don't be afraid of "picking on LONG TERM PllOilO'T 'LO·I~G LOWUD inspected plants was 20 lb lighter bnbi~s" when It comes to mosqui· CALL, wiun Oil. liD than n year ago. However, the to control, advise Michi~an State beef tonnage for the !lrst quarter college entomologists. of 1954 was much heavier than a A little time spent on inspec­ year earlier, due to the increased tion nncl wiggler 1\llling now will Abel Real Estate Agency number of cattle slaughtered. srive a lot of time and trouble­ Ill Iff lf4 and itching-later, explain Rny Phone 3161 Mason If this year's crops turn out In L. Janes and Walter Morofsky. line with present indications, It's not too early, they note, to THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY farmers can expect plenty of crop start poking around ponds, OF AMERICA controls next year. Currently, It swamps, broken cesspools, cis· -OffiCI .._ ... looks as though there would also tems, barrels, catch basins, caves, be payments for diverting land watering troughs and even slow­ into soil-building crops in 1955. running streams. Spot the mosquito wigglers by . I Present prospects nrc for some I I 40,000,000 acres to be diverted their "periscopes" aml get busy. __ / from soil·clcpletlng to soil-suving You will save wear nnd tear on As we arc moving to another state we will sell our household goods at 1-/ere it i9 ! crops next year. sprayers, screens and people public auction at the place 5Y.! miles west of Mason o.n Columbia road, • • • Inter. to Onondaga road, north on Onondaga road to Niclaols road, west to Miscellany.... Drought in the rf there arc no fish to worry Grovenburg road, north 1 mile to bouse No. 1145, or 4 miles west and 2 southwest has been brol\en, for a about-DDT will l\ill fish-you miles SQUtll of llolt on Grovenburg road. · .. ~ •. ' ._: ij' while at least. Recent rains have can put a tablespoonful of 5'/t: been so heavy thilt whent harvest· DDT In l\ero~ene on water sur· ing operations may be delayed for faces for each 5 square feet of i• .. a weelt or more .... An increase w:t.ter. If you use l\erosene alone in humidity can send the body -for areas where fish life might temperature or laying hens soar•: be hurt by DDT-then more ing, even through air tempera· treatments will be needed. Py­ tures remain constant. ... In rethrLim and l . spoons. ·o.f: carp9n ·'tetrachloride. 'J~· ·-~ Price TractOr The chemical will kUI thelll In 24 A Publk ~.Oi fill (ieorge Whipp~,e, ·Prop. hours or less. · · \,_8E£T .MICHIGAN,,. 0 ', 'I ' -r I •, , •I ' ... • ,, ' '>:~: 1 .~ and lm ·· errient Co. ·Use carbon tetrachloride with jlf 1 ··:· ··· · .. I ' : .·.·· •.· .- ' • I 'I caution, however.. It's poisonous and. Its f~o~mes :can·. kilL hum\\ns, . 'Earf.P.-n~mpre,··.~lerk .. ~·,~~--~~~----~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~11 too.. · . '' Ingham Countv News . Republicans Point to Farm Benefits · '30' Herds Average 30 Pounds/ June 3, 1954 Paae 5 ·Boys' llnd Girls' 'J'hlrty herds In Ingham No. ll ~:>teln, 77 lh butterfnt, 20!!0 lh mill<, Under 3 yenrs: Paul Scher ennis millq Herold Bollman, H Hoi··------­ 1 Can Be Repaired al 4·H cluh camp nt Washington, Avery and Dallas Hyrle; Joncls steins anrl .Jerseys, 3!1.2 Jb butter· '!'hose cracks in the concrete D. C., and to the Toront'o Expos!· committee, Miiry Emens, Lnna fat, !lSG.4 111 mil it; l!nywrml & LOWDEN FARMS Dr.C.J~Hubbard floor of your milk house at'. dairy lion in 1955. The Washi11gton trip Dnrt:, Elainc Fredcrlclc and Phyl· Todd, 31 Holsteins, 38.8 lh buller· VETEitiNAIUAN barn can he. repairer! easily. award Is the top honor that. can lis Cheney; recrcat1ni1, Pat. Mnn· fat, 1121.6 lh milk; Sweet & La· NOW come to a Michigan 4H club HATCHERY l'il!l S. Jefferson Mason Did< Bailey, Ingham county ro~, Suzanne Thompson, Maurice Vette, 3G reg. anrl grade Gum·n· E'hono Jncluon 24809 ngricultural agent, says that member. Rykert and Wllfretr Wnrdowski: scys, lb bu tierfat, 821.7 Ill <\fl20 f-.. Derry Rd. ol HonrloU4 rhona 2·8201 those ohicctionalllc and unsani· and progrnin, Mnx Benno, Pete H4RVEST All. R. J, ltlvn 'Jur-ctlon millt; tnry cracks can be filled with a State Contcstnnts Named Phelps, .Janet Frederick and Ted Fay & Son, 18 Holsteins mixture of cement am! sand mor· Each spring each cmmly in Mary Minnis. A meeting of these and Guernseys, 38!l lb bultel·fal, YOUR CROPS tar·. l11e state has lhc privilege of coml)1lttces will he held at L!\na 8!l5.G lb milk; Beryl Smllh, l!l .Tames S'. Boyd of Michigan sendIng In itH. outstanding Dart's home on the evening of Holsteins and Guernseys, 37.7 lh State college's agricultural engi· members to compete fm• state .Tunc 10 to complete plans. for buttcrfnl, !137.1 Jh mill<; Richard LOWER ncerlng department suggests that honors in the various contests this cvr.nt. Gieske, 18 Holsteins and Gucrn· and awards which nm sponsored All 'l·H Service club members large rracks-Uwsc about a scys, 37.0 lb bu tlcrfat, !!77 .8 lb on a state and national ha~is. and junior leaders working with fourth or an inch in widti1, should mille; Wiclaml & DeKct't, 2!1 Hoi· COST! have their edges smoothed with a Some of you will remember lht:! adult. leaders · In Ingham that in 1953 2 Ingham county county will be Invited to this steins and Guernseys, 36.G IIJ hut· chisel. tcrfat, !124.1 lh mill<; Lynn Then, after the cracks· arc members won state recognition junior leader camp. The overall Haynes. 17 Holsteins and Dur· swept clean, the mortar can he in contests. They were Max program wlll he Saturday a.fler· hnm, 35.6 lb butterfat, 850.5 lh CORN poured. If you don't want the Benne in the poultry achieve· noon demonstrations with the tl'oublc of mixinr: ti"Je cement nml menl who won a trip to Chicago nftcr·dinner talk to 4·H club mille; L. F. Niergarth, 19 regis· GRAIN fine saml, you can buy it: already and Mnuricc Rylccrt in home membcrs on junior lea-dership tcrcd Guernseys, 35.5 Ill butter· mixed nt most hnrdwal'C stores, benulificalion who received a and a foreign exchange studclent fat, 734.2 II) mill<; according to Boyd. gpld watch award. 'l'hc results from Michigan Slate college on Coy .Dunsmore, 16 Holsteins, SEED The samc repair job cnn be of the prcsent selections wtll not Sunday momlng. Part of Satur· 35.3 Ill htlllerfat, 1201.3 lh mill<; made on cement walls, too. The b~ lmown' until sometime next: day evening will ht:! spent in Walter Kranz, 18 mixed hr·eeds, BEANS mortar should be wet enough to frtlJ when the final results will ·recreation. :3,1.9 lh butterfat, 763.3 lb mille; penetrate the craclts readily. he available from the state of· .Junior leaders in the county Leo Baumer, 18 Holsteins ancl Small craclts cnn be scaled by flee. 'rhey will b5! announced at should be sm·e that their names Guernseys, 31.8 lh butterfat, 817.7 usin.g · ordinary road asphalt, achievement day In November. arc sent in to the extension of· lb mille; Dr. F. L. Troost, 18 reg· Bailey imlicates. You can heat Following is a list of Ingham flee ns junior leaders on the en· istered and grade Guernseys, 34.7 UN I• the material in an old coffee pot boys and girls who will compete rollment or by their leaders so ib butterfat, 703.9 lb mill<; Paul LOWERS YOUR EQUIPMENT INVESTMENT or tea ltcttle and pour the liquid for state honors. t.hnt the extension office will Scherer, 25 Holsteins, 34.4 lb bUt· "Now you can harvest all crops-corn, grain, seeds into the cracks while it's hot. State Service club, Mnx Benne, imow who they should contact terfat, 874.0 Jh mill<; A. V. rml nnd beans, in far less time, with far less work, at Mason: Mary Minnis, Dansville; about this event. Schultz; 29 Holsteins, 32.8 lh but· .lower equipment cost than ever before. This new Lilte madness is the· glory of and Mrs. R. E. Frost, rlP.aderl, tcrfat, 856.2 lb mille; E. C. Otto· UN!· HAll VEST On gives you a powerful, dependable, machine that quickly and easily converts to this life. Shakespeare. Williamston. man, 22 Holsteins and Jerseys, Lm 11 seJf.propc!led combine OR sclf.propelled 2·row Michigan Farmer, Max Benne, 32.4 Ill butterfat, 790.9 lh milk; :=:.· ~~~~~~ ·~~~ corn pickcr.huskor. · Floyd Fogle & Son, 17 Holsteins, Comblrua or H~tbr­ Mnson; nnd Rhoda I~clly, Olte· MSC Man Gets ..,k.. ly,easlly, awrtfy. MM UNI-HARVESTOR GIVES YOU CAR FINANCING ••• mos. 32.0 Ih butterfat, 905.!1 lb milk; Horse achievement scholarship, Richard Powcrs, 14 registered THESE BIG ADVANTAGES D~iry M~nth, Job UN!·COMDINE with .Tact< Wntcrstradt, Dansvl1le.~- . ITolslclns, 31.3 lb hutlcrfat, 880.0 VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE. INSURANCI .RATII ihnt nllows ground speed changes without altering .Jersey Cattle club, Larry Extension Dairyman Donald L, lb inilk; Vaughn Baxter, 35 Hal· steins, 30.7 Ill butterfat, 811,1 lb operating speed of the attachment. UNl-l'lfAT!C All NOT STANDARD Wheeler, Mason. Murray .of Michigan State college hydraulic lift controls cucting height from 2' 10 24'. Ayrshire Caltle club, .royce has been chosen secretary o! the milk. CYLINDER SPEEDS from 300 to 1200 r.p.m, bur 9·1'00T for grnin, seed nnd beans. .. , investigate befort .you Madden, Williamston. June Dairy Month commlttee-'-a High · .cows in . various age HEAl'llR ., UN!·HUSitoR has 4 snapfing rolls 53ll;i' long. •r and SAVII Handicraft Bruce Rueclcert, Michigan organization whlqh bracloll Food preparation, Eunice Stan· Uirou1h tho Bank Plan, Mco:nparad with ley, 1 rAta quotod me oliO• Frozcn foods, Earshn Wagner, wboro." Soe r_o111 S&ato Form 11ent BEPORE Williamston. r!l1l buy thot carl {Oilf Veg-etable gar d c n, Wilfred 'jl' 11141>,)' oc/ual COHI), Wardowsld II, Leslie. Girls record, Lana Dart, Mn· BERNARD E.. WILSON son. Phone 2·81~2 Home Improvement, Bullcn, Mnson. We will sell at prt~lic,auction in Lesll~i·Michi~an,· ~t 217 ·:N. Main street, on Leadershin, . Suzanne s·on, Dansville. Meat animal, Pete Slid, Mason. Poultry, .Tames Lightfoot, Wil· liamston. Safety, Wilfred Saturday, June 5, 1954 Leslie. A. G. R. scholarship, Max ·<.' at 12:30 · . Benne, Olle g:1fc~~~b~::d other sma.ll tabll'8 ~ra.f~9a!~~ tir~~~in~c:CiJ!~~ic:•T" '' to the turnbuckle design which enables you Bruce RueciOtj THOSE PEOPLES AND CLOSED Or F THE f3DrtDI!Il.S OF' SEVEitl\1. FDRME!l.LY FlteE AND INDfPENDI:I'jT NATIONS



WIIA'I S YOURS? Vanilla chocolate and straw berry arc America s favorite Ice c1eam flavors About 51% of all lee cream sold Is vanilla 18% Is chocolate and almost 10% Is stto.wberry Those great actions whose luster dazzles us are represented by polltlclnns as the eft'ects of deep design, whe1ens they are commonly the eft'ects of caprice nnd J.msslon Rochefoncnuld