Winner of the Michigan Pr11ss Da~ttor Trail's Annuat Her so Show General Excellence Award at Fairgrounds Sunday Ninety-Fifth Year, No. 22 Mason, Michigan, Thursday, June 3,,1954 4 Sections -.26 P11ges ,. News Index More Raill Is Due Lawyer Again Wnnt ads, Pnges G, 7 nnd U. S, weather hurcau prcrllc- 8, Pnrt 1, 1ions 'l'hursday noon were !or Warfare Opens Sor-inl news, Pngcm 4 nnd 5, continued showers Friday w!th Will Ask for Part 1; Pages tJ nnrl 5, Part 2. colder went her In the offing. '!'he Church news, Pnge G, Part mlns have been genct•al through· On Gypsy Moth 2. out the ~lnlo and have boos1cd Lesser Count Erlllorlals, Png-e 2, Part 4, cmp prospectH. !"arm news, Par;:es 3, rJ ami Around Lan.sing ~. Pnrt 4. Howal'd A. McCowan, M£t· Legal notices, Page R, Pnrt Financed by state and fed­ son lawyet·, intends to again 1 ; Pm:c 6, Pnrt 2; Pnges 5 nncl ln(umbents. F~le. ern! funds, wur hns begun on move that the ch£ll'ge ugains1 G, Pnrt 3; Pngc 6, Pnrt 4, the gypsy moth ai'Ound Lnn~ Ml's. Margaret Jordan be J'e· For School· Board sing. duced to manslaugh1 et•, he L,jbrary Addition WcdtH!srlay the "Lillie LcglsJ~. said Thursday. l-Ie will mnke Elect,jon July 12 tlirc" approprlntccl $lf10,000 In his motion in circuit comt in Nominating petitions !OJ' PJ'CRI· .~pray an csllmntcrl 100,000 acres Lansing Friday afternoon at May Be Decided rlcnt Mnurlc:c B. Riel>ly nne! 'rrus­ nrourHI Lnnslng. When tile mot hH In lhc calcrpillar stage we1·e fll'Nt 1:30, he stated. That's when lce Dr.r Bray of the Ma~nn hoard By Supervisors of education have been llled. discovered lust week Iiley were · ~1·s. Jordan is scheduled to round only on the soul horn hor­ . Two other petitions havr> hePn clcr of Lansing. Ycstcnlay oJhcrH fot• at•mignment:. Whether or not to hullcl an ~ppeat• reported In drculntlon on hchnlf were found nn llolt marl west of Mrs. Jordan, 30, is now held In nc!clition to the Hall Memorial library at Mason will be placed of Dr. 0. K. Pauley and Max Me- Holt and south of East. Lansing. jail without hail on a first degree Carn. Neither man hns an- murder· chnrgc. She Is held for l1eforc the board of supervisors nounced his candidacy, however. J~ederal nnrl state hmpectors Tuesday. tlw death of Lenwoml Stowe, 40, were also chccl<lng foliage on For the nrst time, Ma~on Columhia ronrl wcsl of Mason. Mason, wlw died May 2 on Dnhlc The county library hoarrl and school rllstrict nominallons arc road when he was slruclt by <I llw county huilrling C'ommittcc being marie by pctilion and the Battle plans call for the spra)'· car clrlvcn by Mrs. Jorclun. of ll1e board of supervisors h1we ing of foliage with DDT. A 4- At the examination held before hnrl lcnlnlivc plans drawn up for clection ,July 12 will be hy moloJ' plane operated hy the Cen­ pl'lnlcd ballot. At the nnnual trnl Airlines of Yaldmn, Wu:;.h­ Justice of the Peace Roy submission to the county board w. school mccllng last yenr !hose !nglon, will fly at 200 feet. above Adnms at Mason May 17, Prose- Tur.sday. Hamiel A. Childs of prcsenl asl{cd that a registration treetops to flust foliage. The riusl· cutor Paul c. Younger Insisted East Lansing is the architect district be set up. Tlw ,qeJ)ool ing will i>c done early in the tlwt Mrs. ,Jordan bad malice, employed to make a tentative board recently adopted such a morning. aforethought and the intention to sketch and cost estimate o! the resolution. kill Stowe, with whom she had expansion needed. The rlusl ing is expected to ex- been on a party that night. Me- Tile tentative plan calls for an Nominating petitions must terminate all insect life, includ· addition to the cast and a re­ hear llie signatLtres of helwccn lng flir.s and mosquitoes. Apiar- Cowan argued that Mrs. Jordan . ~0 and 75 qualifier! elcclo:-s. Pe· ists will wan! to lwep their hces only Intended to scare Stowe by ccssed expansion to the south of JUST UI\E 1101\IE is the way these 130 Mexican na- tm·tillus, Mexican beans, meat stew, boiled eggs, bread and tllions must he lllcd with Ray- umler shelter • the bees, too, driving clo:-;c to him; and thai the present building. 01 she hnrl no malice, nor any Jnlen· Albert J. Hall of Mason pre­ tionals feel about the treatment they get in Mason. Shown mill<. It's· a good meal for working men. And these men mond II. McLean, ~~hool hoard will .go the way of nil lnMcct tlon to harm Stowe. He as){crl a sentcrl U~c c?unty with the_ pres­ above Js a pictme taken in the camp mess hall at the H. W. will be doing plenty of wod< in Michigan sugar beet fields secretary, by 1 p. m. ?n June 12. flesh, scientists warn. However, reduction of the charge to man- ent bullrlmg ~n 1938. He origmally . C · lVI Tl I f M · I ·'I Elrr:tors have untll 5 p. m. bees rlon't usually move amunrl M a dJson o. tn ason. 1rce coo -:s t•om extco dis 1 up orchards and cucumber patches this summer, The men July 2 to reg-ister for the school mueh until the sun warms up anrl 51aughtcr. planned to g1ve the library to the Judge Adams had the prosccu· · city .. of Mas.on. Then . came the the Mexican-style food. They bt•ought their recipes with arrived in l\1ason this week and will retum to theit· country election. Persons nlrearly on the !thus IIJCy will gain Jmrlinl pr<i· tor anri McCowan submit briefs. dem,md f?r a count~ hbrary and them. While· this pictut·e was taken Tuesday, the men ate in Octobet·. (Ingham County News photo). regular registration rolls of Vc- teclion. Following the study of them, lw the bulldmg w~s g1vcn to _the -------------------....:..___ :..__...:_ ______ vay township ann the city of Ma-· In eastern stales where the ruled last Thursday lhrrt Mrs. county. Expanston of. serviCes 130 Come from So11th of the Border son, and within the Mnson school gypsy moth has worked, cxten­ Jordan should be bound over lo has. crowded the facllltles to ca­ district, do not need to re-register slvc damage has resulted. The circuit court on the murdcl' pacJiy, the hbrary board reported for the school election. discovery ~f the caterpillars ncar charge. to the supt;~lsors ~cccntly .. Blank petition forms arc Lansing is the farthest west they If the motion to reduce I he No prov1slon was made !n. the availahlc at the office of the have been found. charge to manslaughter Is denied cu~Tcnt budget nor even. 111 the Transport Planes Bring Braceros from Mexico superintendent of schools. Central All·llncs will get $76,· In Lansing Friday, McCowan 19.J5. budget for an addJtlon to 560 for the DDT dusling. The Mason's populalion rose 3 1,~ ',i. lahar, it's common to earn $6 to said, he intends to aslt that Mrs. the hbrary. The matter of financ· over the wee!{ end as 130 Mexi- $10 a day, .. balance will be uscrl for trappinl!' !)'orclan be admitted to bail so she lng the ncldilion will be placed moths after the DDT treatment can nationals arrived hy plane. As a result, the men who arc can take care of her dauglltcr. before the supervisors Tuesday. Vien' Vinidos al Estado de Mich!gan Weather Forces anrl for other controls and in· They came to spend the summer signed up to come to Michigan spcctions. Under Michigan Jaw, McCowan There arc no other major tending Michigan fielcl crops. are the "cream of the crop," ac- Bien veniclos hombres y mujers que han vinido de said, there can be exceptions to Issues scheduled to c?me b,efore Thc men are part of a group of d' Texas y Mexico a travajar en nuestras labores este Change in Plans The caterpillars arc green and the rule· that persons charged the bo~rd of supervu;ors rues­ 2€0 braceros tflelcl workers) who cor mg to Rodriguez. They are hairy, something like the calor­ hard working men who arc here verano. pillars which often feed on oak with murder can not be admitted day, smd County Clerk C. Ross were brought to Michigan under to do a job. They are good cili- Muchos·hombres de ustedes han dejado sus familias On Memorial Day trees in the north. The chief dif­ to ball. Hilliard. contract with the Michigan Field zcns back home iii Mexico and Wilen Mrs. Jordan will go to ----- Crops associatio11 to work in en sus casas con eh fin de vinir a travajar aqui cori Rain forced Maso-n veterans ferencc, however, are red clots on trial may also be determined in Michigan beet fields, apple am! they wlll be good citizens here, nosotros. Y les deseamos una temporada de mucha and auxiliary units· to take she!- the gypsy moth eatcrp!Uars. • Lansing Friday. At the examlna· cherry orchards and r;ucumber the camp manager declared. ,;,: ganancia, que vi van en buena saludud. --.Y .. que, gosen ter.Monday .. Thc exercises, schcd· Reports of finding- gypsy moth Ben Weaver, acreage manager tlon the prosecutor said he hoped Parma-Onondaga pateh es.
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