Council Rescinds~ 33 Old Ordinances ~Onfcrencc Chairs and Chairs for 'He .July Rooms Arc Included in in Twotownship New Ellballoting

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Council Rescinds~ 33 Old Ordinances ~Onfcrencc Chairs and Chairs for 'He .July Rooms Arc Included in in Twotownship New Ellballoting 'Smili11g Coole (lVi~s Pie Cortlcst The Ingham Co unty ' Ninety-Fifth Year, No. 5 Mason, Michigan, Thursday, February 4, 1954 3 Section$ - 24 Pages News Index Aurelius Girls E11tertain at Fanners Wee/£' Council Waits Want ads, !'age~ G, 7 and 8, P:rrl 1. School Voters Legal news, Pagl'! A, Part 1; To Hear Plans !';r~:c G, Pari :.l; l'uj:iotl 7 und 8, l'ar 1 :J. Will Ballot on Sol'lal newH, Page~ ·I and 5, Of Legion Post !'art I; Pag!! •I, Part 2. Clntrcli ncwH, Page 5, Part Dansville.. Issue Mason's community build­ 2. LPIIPrh, Page' I, Purl 2, Inghan1 'Township Agl'i­ ing plans dcpcmd on how big Sports. Page :J, Pnrt 2. cult ma) srhool electors will and how soon the American Eclilorinls, Pagr. 2, Pnll :J. ballot Mond!lY aftel'noon unci Legion post will constn1ct ils !•'111 rn ncwH, Pu>;r.s '1 and 5, Pdt'l ;J, I evening on a builcjin~ pl'Ogrum proposed, club house. fol' tho Damwillc sc•hool. Initialivc fo1·. rcbullclinr, 1lw Legion Memorial building rulnwl Voting \Viii he concluded in hy fire in December ut· building Fall on Sidewalk the Ingham townshir1 hu II al. new communlly hullding' wns a Dansville. The [lolls will O[Jcn thrown bnclc onto 1he dly c·mtn ell nl I he meeting Monday nigh!. Is Basis of Suit at noon and close at 8 o'clock The council took no n:::tlon. In the evcnin~. "Them is no need for tts 1o Against the City · 'f'he tnwnsltill s!'hool clislrkl flghl fm• a communlly bttlldinr. if ltwiuciPs all the• township nncl al· the Amerwan Legion Is ADillg In Mrs. J1mcl Slrnpc hns started so lhe Shct·mnn c!IHirlf'l In build a 700-eapnc•lly mef!llng "I vii aC'l ion against I he city. Her WhealfiPirl and lhe Wlllinm:-~ .met place just norlh of town," Mayor 'til orncys have• glvr.n nnllc•e thut Mt. Pleasant ciistrlels of White! Clairmont Everitt snlrl. "Suc·lt c1 Mrs. Strope intends to hold the ' Oak. hullcllng would mm·e than 1akf' r•ily lin hlr. for lnjut·lcs HUITcred Bullcllng of 1111 adrtltlon c•osling care of convcnlions and meetings in a !all December 7. an eslrmnlerl $1RO,OOO hin).:£'S on ' In Mason." The Lansing Jaw llrm of Mac­ the IJCllon of school e>lec·lors Mon· A month ago, Mayor· l~V!'I'ill Lean ansi Seaman has h~en rc­ clay. Tlw rtblr!PI has $1110,0110 asl<ecl 1he MaHon Cnmmunily lainccl by Mrs. Strope. She Is available! in Its huiidrng ami site• Service Counell In Jcacl the wa.v the moii1Cr of Councilman Ralph I funcl and is asking approval ul' (lnchum County Nowo Photo) Sl t•ope. , In the restoration of the Legion 1 an $RO,OOIJ hnnd issue lu llnnrlf'e Anita Smiley of l\'Iason can bake a cherry pic. And just Memorial building. Cily EngirwPr Tile not lee or linbllity, explained lhe !ll'ogt·:rm. Tlw s£'!wol lmarcl as important, she can do i1 with a smile. She is shown Walter Zimmer, also a memlwr Crly Altorney Howard A. Mc­ has t•ecommr.mif'd :lie> mnslrw·­ above holding the pic she baked Saturday to win the county of the Service Counl'll, told lilP C'ownn, 1s usually followed by a l IIon of;; JH'\V dassrooms and tin• cherry pic crown. The Mason senior will compete for the councilmen Monclay night that rlcclar,tlion. AI torneys for Mrs. doubling nf lite pt'f'SPtll gyrnna· Slmpc h:rve until Fnclay to flle slate crown later I his month. his organi~ation Is plccl(!ccllo lilf' slum and uuclltor·iurn. ' ccm~truction of a swimmin~ pool. lhrir dedarntion, said McCow:tn. No nclclccl tax!'s be:,oncl lh,• Jean Daker of Leslie was second and Emily Smith of In lllf' nolic:P nf liability flied "If lhe crty council beltc•ves present 5 mill.o; alrr.;rrly hemg Mason was third. There were 11 girls in the contest from that a communlly hullciing is wilh Clly Clerk Gcor~c Kellogg F' d · 1 f A I' 1 lcvtecl wtll IJc· needed for payinrr Wednesday, Mrs. Strope's lawyers !Ve talente g1r s rom ure JUs mve a Aurelius, E[tst Lansing, Leslie, Haslett and Mason. , They necessary, I he proposal should be rama held at the Grand Rapids Civic audi- off lhe lwnds, school nffic·wls rif'· claimed their cllcnt InJured prominent spot on the Fal'lllers' Week pro­ used the Mason school home economics department. tal<cn to I he people for lllf'it· wa~ torium and a1 the Washtenaw counly 4-H elated. A favorable votr• wrll not The girls wet·c judged on method of prc[Jaralion, quality oplruon," Zimmer told the c·mrn­ when she fell nn tlw sidewalk on gram at Michigan ~tate college. They arc show in the Union building, Ami Arbot·. They inctease I he present levy, unly tiH' wpst side of Jefferson between appeal"ing on the college auditm·itlm stage at of lhe pies, postw·c, poise and ~rooming. cUmen. "If fnlks favor Sltr'h <H'· have also entet'taincd at national conventions extend it, otficials PxplainPrl. Sycamlll'e and Columbia. They 7:30 Thursday night in theit· song and dance Anita wouldn't t•cvcal her secret recipe. lion, money shoulcl lw raised hy held in the Michigan State audi1 orium, · Electors will have 2 sPpm·atf' the city for conslrucl!on anrl claimed that the aged woman act. Ft•om left to l'ight in the pictw·c, the proposals plarccl hefom I hem mninten:mce of a htuldin~." tripped over city equipment left The 5 girls, all Mason freshmen and Farmct·ettcs arc Marie Brown, Regina Rob- Monday. EvPry qualified elcdoi' Monday Is Boy Scout Day on tile sidewalk, and that there· sophomores, call themselves the Aurelius Clty Attorney Howard McCow­ I I d . can voir• on the tlt·sl rwnpcJsal. an explained lhal in his opinion for<' lhe f'ity was negligent. Farmerettes. They have been entertaining erts, Julie Davis, Shirey Ro )Ct•ts an Mat"I- only cleclors owning JH"opet·ty I he city should not. flgu1 P on 111ts · Si~·ope suffered . a frnc· audiences fm· 3 years appearing befm·e lvn Dolbce. Mrs. Fred Bt·own accompanies asscssptJ fot· taxes lot· sdmol tured 11rp tn the fall, bestde;; sus- I • , 1 · ' • d · · t'he girls on the piano. Mrs. John Edgar has purposes within the dtslriel can moving the clly office,; 1o 11tc 11 Boys Will Run County Monday form'i'r Legion building sile. taining other injuries. She is still Ic lUI c a~lC commumty, groups, an wmnmg clit·ectcd the gr·oup sinco its organization. vote on I he second. confined to her heel. top awards at county and state 4-H talent All 5 git•l,; arc members of 1he Aurelius Proposal No. 1 authorizPs 1lrf' Forty Doy Scouts have been nouncerl .Toe Roc of Mason, chnir· "The land was given to lhe city for usc as a pari\," Mc•• At the time of the uccident, sho\~S: In t~1e last few months they have 4-H club. They made their own costumes. clrstricl lo levy :; mills hPycHtrl assr~rwd lo Pnunty offic·es Mon· man of lhc annual event. Cowan pointed out, "I clon'l city employees were unloading partiCipated 111 the Kent county 4-H Pano­ (Ingham County News photo.) lhc c·onslitutional 15 mtlls for day for I he annual government TIH• Jlr<•grarn calls for a galhcr- think city offrccs on tile land cqtripment to he usr.d in cleaning -------------------·paying the )l!lndpal and intct·esl partic.:ipation day. urg of Scouts in liJC tourt room would qualify." a sewer. they sairl. They saw · ff on the hnncls, when 1l1e prcst'nl • Eleven Scouts will he assrgneci I.rl Mason MnndHy morning for a Present plans o! the Lenion Mrs. Strope only after she had Blood Bank Unit Patron Plan at Dance Pays 0 authorized 5-miii lev~· expires 111 as clepllrlmcnl !wads and anollrer hricflllg hy County Clerk C. Ross post are to build a 2-story builrl­ fallen, they declared, and then Sets JJfason Date 1956. The authorization ts for a 29 as deputies ami assrslanls, an £Iilliard. After I hal they will go lng at Angell Acres north of l\Ia­ took her to the home of a neigh· period o! 20 :>'Pars, aithnuglt . ·- ------ ---- to I heir assignments 111 Mason s_on. Facilities would be al•arlahlc bor. On Friday of next week, sd10ol officials declarecl thai it • • 1 and Lnns1ng. The assignments in- for meeting rooms and a pavilion February 12, the Red Cross Mason Sets New Polio Mark will I>C' clisc·ontinuecl' earlier i[ ·ll Form cil!fle manning sheriff's patrols. holding 700 persons. 1Bioodmohilc Will make another Mom polio fttnds limn I'Vf'r bc-1 snn with ;uwther $427.80 in Ve­ conditions warrant. Tile .tclcii­ Lines Wli illglnvay maintenanf'e work, the In the meantime, 1he ruins of stop at Mason. The slop wUI fore were raiHecl by various de-l vny ;mel $18G.Dil in Aurelius. llonal lrrne lhey poinlecl out, is • T social welfare department, hcaiUl the Legion Memoria! building County Prepares _· be made at the Presbyterian vices in Mason tius year. · Cunistcrs placed m buoiness to provirle a cushion anrl to mal\c departme~t the courts imd the FOr LICense ags still ·~;t!lrl!1., Suggestions 'at the church.
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