44290 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 147 / Wednesday, July 30, 2008 / Notices 901–8572, by fax at 520–670–5530, by e- reduction in cost figures from the designate Antarctic Specially Protected mail at
[email protected]. previous ICR are due to use of current Areas. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Abstract: Bureau of Labor Statistics reports for The applications received are as The U.S. Institute is a federal program valuing time (civilian workers category follows: established by Congress to assist parties of ‘‘professionals and related 1. Applicant in resolving environmental, natural occupations’’: $44.78 per hour) rather resource, and public lands conflicts. than estimated contractor rates. Permit Application No. 2009–012, Judit Hersko, Visual and Performing The U.S. Institute serves as an impartial, Authority: 20 U.S.C. 5601–5609. Arts Department, California State non-partisan institution, and Dated the 24th day of July 2008. accomplishes much of its work by University—San Marcos, San Marcos, Ellen Wheeler, partnering, contracting with, or referral CA 92096–0001. Executive Director, Morris K. Udall to, experienced practitioners. In Scholarship and Excellence in National Activity for Which Permit Is Requested addition, the U.S. Institute maintains Environmental Policy Foundation, and Enter Antarctic Specially Protected the National Roster of Environmental Federal Register Liaison Officer. Areas. The applicant plans to enter Dispute Resolution and Consensus [FR Doc. E8–17426 Filed 7–29–08; 8:45 am] ASPA 121—Cape Royds, ASPA 131— Building Professionals (roster). The BILLING CODE 6820–FN–P Canada Glacier and Lake Fryxell, ASPA Application for the National Roster of 158—Hut Point Discovery Hut, ASPA Environmental Dispute Resolution and 157—Backdoor Bay, Cape Royds, and Consensus Building Professionals NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION ASPA 155—Cape Evans.