www.european-mrs.com CONFERENCE PROGRAMME 16 - 19 September 2019 Fall Meeting E-MRS CONFERENCE PROGRAMME - FALL MEETING 2019 Technical editor: Agnieszka Rytel Cover design and maps: Jarosław Pura General layout and DTP: Małgorzata Zielińska www.european-mrs.com E-MRS Fall Meeting Office: Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering Warsaw University of Technology ul. Wołoska 141, 02-507 Warsaw +48 22 234 87 94
[email protected] th th 16 – September 2019 Welcome We are pleased to welcome you to the E-MRS 2019 Fall Meeting. The European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) was established in 1983 through the initiative of individual european materials scientists. A number of european materials scientists who attended the MRS meetings in the U.S.A. realised that such a society could be of benefit to Europe to enhance the links between materials sci-ence and industry and to provide a voice for the materials community. Both the E-MRS Spring and Fall Meetings provide an international forum to discuss recent advances in the field of materials science. This year the conference is again being held in the Central Campus of the Warsaw University of Technology and is the 18th E-MRS Fall Meeting to be held in Warsaw since 2002. The conference will consist of: • 22 parallel symposia, • A plenary session which includes the presentation of the Jan Czochralski Award, • An Exhibition of products and services of interest to the conference participants. - 3 - Warsaw University of Technology Campus Overview - 4 - 16 th – 19 th September 2019 Main Building - 5