Comparative Parasitology
January 2000 Number 1 Comparative Parasitology Formerly the Journal of the Helminthological Society of Washington A semiannual journal of research devoted to Helminthology and all branches of Parasitology BROOKS, D. R., AND"£. P. HOBERG. Triage for the Biosphere: Hie Need and Rationale for Taxonomic Inventories and Phylogenetic Studies of Parasites/ MARCOGLIESE, D. J., J. RODRIGUE, M. OUELLET, AND L. CHAMPOUX. Natural Occurrence of Diplostomum sp. (Digenea: Diplostomatidae) in Adult Mudpiippies- and Bullfrog Tadpoles from the St. Lawrence River, Quebec __ COADY, N. R., AND B. B. NICKOL. Assessment of Parenteral P/agior/iync^us cylindraceus •> (Acatithocephala) Infections in Shrews „ . ___. 32 AMIN, O. M., R. A. HECKMANN, V H. NGUYEN, V L. PHAM, AND N. D. PHAM. Revision of the Genus Pallisedtis (Acanthocephala: Quadrigyridae) with the Erection of Three New Subgenera, the Description of Pallisentis (Brevitritospinus) ^vietnamensis subgen. et sp. n., a Key to Species of Pallisentis, and the Description of ,a'New QuadrigyridGenus,Pararaosentis gen. n. , ..... , '. _. ... ,- 40- SMALES, L. R.^ Two New Species of Popovastrongylns Mawson, 1977 (Nematoda: Gloacinidae) from Macropodid Marsupials in Australia ."_ ^.1 . 51 BURSEY, C.,R., AND S. R. GOLDBERG. Angiostoma onychodactyla sp. n. (Nematoda: Angiostomatidae) and'Other Intestinal Hehninths of the Japanese Clawed Salamander,^ Onychodactylns japonicus (Caudata: Hynobiidae), from Japan „„ „..„. 60 DURETTE-DESSET, M-CL., AND A. SANTOS HI. Carolinensis tuffi sp. n. (Nematoda: Tricho- strongyUna: Heligmosomoidea) from the White-Ankled Mouse, Peromyscuspectaralis Osgood (Rodentia:1 Cricetidae) from Texas, U.S.A. 66 AMIN, O. M., W. S. EIDELMAN, W. DOMKE, J. BAILEY, AND G. PFEIFER. An Unusual ^ Case of Anisakiasis in California, U.S.A.
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