HERPETOFAUNA TEXT 40-1.2 3/3/11 2:20 PM Page 39 THE HERPETOFAUNA OF THE BIMBLE BOX-PINE WOODLANDS OF THE COBAR PENEPLAIN, WESTERN NSW Steven Sass1 and Gerry Swan2 1EnviroKey, PO Box 7231, Tathra, NSW 2550. Email:
[email protected]. 2 Cygnet Consulting, 2 Acron Rd, St. Ives, NSW 2075. INTRODUCTION 1993; Henle, 1987; Olsson et al., 2005; Sass & Wilson, 2006; Schlesinger et al., 1997). The Cobar Peneplain is one of eighty biogeo- graphic regions identified in Australia (Thack- The aim of this paper is to document the her- way & Creswell, 1995) and lies within the petofauna that occur within bimble box-pine Central West of New South Wales, occupying woodlands of the Cobar Peneplain bioregion over 73,000 square kilometres, or approxi- from records of the authors and by conduct- mately one-tenth of the area of New South ing a review of previous literature relevant to Wales (NPWS, 2000). It includes parts of the this vegetation community. The conservation Western and Central Divisions, extending status of some species is also discussed. from near Bourke in the north, through to Griffith in the south, and includes the towns of METHODS Nymagee, Cobar, Nyngan, Condobolin and Lake Cargelligo. Only 2.49% of the bioregion The Cobar Peneplain region is well known to is protected by conservation reserves (NPWS, both authors, who have conducted numerous 2003). reptile surveys there since the 1980s. More specifically, six sites have been the subject of Currently the region largely supports dense extensive herpetofauna surveys on numerous shrub woodlands, with a shrubby understorey occasions, and their data provides an exten- or herbs and grasses (CVMC, 2006).