Eye on the News [email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:IX Issue No:260 Price: Afs.15

SATURDAY . APRIL 25 . 2015 -Sawr 05, 1394 HS www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes

Security forces CASA-1000 launch operation Spanta rebuffs aid New Delhi supplies three TO RESCUE 31 electricity HOSTAGES money ended up in transmission Cheetal helicopters to Kabul A joint military and police opera- deal signed tion has been launched to track and DAESHS POCKET rescue 31 hostages held for nearly AT Monitoring Desk two months in southern Zabul, local officials told TOLOnews. KABUL: The long-awaited Cen- The operation was launched tral Asia South Asia (CASA-1000) Thursday in Khak Afghan district electricity transmission projected where the abductees were alleg- signed in Istanbul city of Turkey edly transferred soon after being on Friday. kidnapped by unknown armed Based on the agreement signed men on Kabul-Kandahar highway. in October, 2015, the project will "So far, the operation is going bring $45 million in transit reve- on very well and there has been no nue. The project is expected to complaining regarding the opera- export electricity from hydro- tion," head of provincial council power stations in Kyrgyzstan and Ataullah Jan Haqparast said. "If it Tajikistan to and Pa- continues the same way, we hope kistan. The signing ceremony was there will be achievements." attended by energy and water The abduction incidents have ministers of the four countries. increased since February 24 the The CASA-1000 power trans- first incident when 31 bus passen- mission line would transmit 1300 gers were kidnapped by armed megawatt electricity. In addition masked men. Only this month, AT Monitoring Desk al Affairs as well as National Di- to transit charges, Afghanistan will more than 60 passengers and em- rectorate of Security (NDS), pro- also receive 300 megawatt electric- to Afghanistan on 9th of April and Cheetals are the upgraded ver- ployees of government and non- KABUL: The former National vided foods and other essential ity. AT Monitoring Desk government agencies were abducted items to the displaced families. Around 570 kilometers of were test flown, and accepted by sion of Cheetah light utility, multi- Security Advisor, Rangin Dadfar Afghan pilots on April 15. role helicopters built by state-run in Baghlan, Herat, Logar, Sar-e-Pul Spanta, rejected the allegations of We distributed the aid packages around 1000 kilometers electrici- KABUL: India has delivered three and Nimruz provinces. among the displaced people pure- ty line will pass through Kunduz, Cheetal helicopters along with al- He said that the government Hindustan Aeronautics Limited. the governor of of India delivered the three heli- They can be used for personnel The families of 31 hostages, that aid money to displaced peo- ly under humanitarian purposes Baghlan, Panjshir, Parwan and lied equipment and spares to Af- however, look hopeless and dis- and those who question the aid Nangarhar provinces of Afghani- ghanistan, Indian junior defense copters to Afghanistan based on transport, casualty evacuation, ple in the province ended up in the agreement with the Ministry reconnaissance and aerial survey, appointed as the fate of their loved hands of Daesh fighters. distribution are talking the lan- stan. The construction works of minister told parliament on Fri- ones is still unknown after two guage of the ISI, he added. the project is going to start in Sep- day. of External Affairs. logistic support and rescue and Spanta in an interview to Ra- According to an official source can operate in high-altitude areas. months. These families have set dio Azadi admitted that the Na- Spanta went on as saying that tember, 2015 and will be complet- Indian Minister of State for up protest camps for more than there was no Daesh at that time ed in May, 2018. Defense Rao Inderjit Singh told the choppers were supplied un- The delivery of the helicop- tional Security Council (NSC) der the strategic partnership agree- ters came at a time that Afghan 20 days in Zarnigar Park of Kabul. under his leadership has provided and the humanitarian aid was pro- the lower house of India (Lok Sab- The protestors have repeatedly vided to the people who hosted ha) in a written reply that the ment inked between Kabul and President Ashraf Ghani is going aid to displaced families. We Civilians New Delhi in 2011. to pay a visit to India this week. accused the government of doing have provided the humanitarian aid five million Afghan refugees dur- three helicopters were dispatched nothing to secure release of their under the supervision of the UN ing the Soviet Union s invasion of suffer in fight family members. "The government to 35,000 displaced people from Afghanistan. Land mafia has forces, helicopters and other North Waziristan in Paktia, Pak- However, Abdul Karim Ma- between Free Syrian army footage shows resources. We need our passengers tika and Khost provinces, rather teen, the Governor of Paktika destructs released," said Shahnaz, a mother than terrorist groups, he added. province, said that the previous armed groups four Afghans fighting in Syria whose young son is among 31 hos- The Governor of Paktika government had provided the aid Helmand forests Recent video footage published by neighboring countries and are ex- tages. "We are ready to die. We are province, recently told ToloNe- to of the province, MAHMOOD RAQI: Armed clash between two illegal com- the Free Syrian Army shows four ploited for purposes of war," an- ready to be burnt alive, so that we ws that the aid money for dis- in such a time that government had LASHKAR GAH: Land mafia Afghan nationals who were cap- other resident named Ahmad said. will be able to get rid of this situa- placed families have ended up in no control on the district. I con- manders inflicted heavy casualties ruthlessly cut down forests on on civilians for last two years in tured by the rebels while fighting Meanwhile, some Afghan jour- tion," another protestor Abdul hands of Daesh in Barmal district demn the policies of the former more than 13,000 acres of land and on behalf of embattled Syrian nalists have suggested the four men Hussain said. President Ashraf of the province. government and cited an example the Koh Band district of central seized the swathes during the past , residents com- four decades in southern Helmand President Bashar al-Assad. The in the video were likely sent to Ghani, however, said during his Spanta said that NSC in co- where it had sent $200,000 to four young men say they originally Syria by the Iranina government. visit of Iran that so far, $6 million operation with the United Na- Barmal district, when the then plained. province, an official said on The residents told Pajhwok Thursday. fled Afghanistan and migrated to "The government of Afghanistan, have been spent on tracking the tions Higher Commissioner for government had no control over Iran because of poverty and un- mainly the Ministry of Foreign hostages. He stated that efforts Refugees (UNHCR), eight minis- the district and now it is unclear Afghan News that commander Provincial Agriculture Director Zabit Wakil and commander Gul Rafiullah Qalam told Pajhwok employment before going to Syria Affairs, Ministry of Refugees and were underway to secure the re- tries and domestic organizations , whether the money have ended up to fight. Repatriation and the National Se- lease of hostages. in hands of the displaced people Nazim belonged to Jamiat-i-Isla- Afghan News Helmand had com- including ministries of Interior, mi Afghanistan and Hezb-i-Isla- Seeking to shed light on the curity Council, must take action But earlier, when the families Defense, Finance, Border and Trib- or Daesh, he added. paratively large forest areas than mi Afghanistan (HIA) had been other provinces, but the areas had subject, the Afghan Ministry of and prevent Afghan youth from of 31 hostages met with Ghani at Foreign Affairs (MoFA) has since being burnt by the flames of every the Presidential Palace, Ghani re- fighting with each other for the been reduced to only 300 acres as last few years. the forests were turned into agri- announced that there is no evi- country's war," journalist Shah portedly told the visitors that he dence indicating these young men Hussain Murtazavi told could not guarantee the release of District police chief escapes Khalid, a local resident, com- cultural fields. According to his plained: Civilians get killed and department, land mafia had seized were deployed to fight in Syria by TOLOnews. their loved ones something that Iran. According to officials, the evi- In response to the video, the sparked huge criticisms by the UNHURT IN MINE BLAST wounded in a gun battle between nearly 1700 acres of land in Nad the rival commanders. People ex- Ali district, 1500 acres in Khan- dence suggests they voluntarily Afghan Ministry of Foreign Af- families of hostages and the civil MAIDAN SHAHR: Police chief man said. Attaullah Khogyani told went to fight for al-Assad. fairs has said there is no evidence society activists. (TOLOnews) pected police would bring the cul- shin district, 17 acres in Kajaki for Sayed Abad District escaped Pajhwok Afghan News Col. Said- prits to justice and reduce the mis- district and 18 acres in Greshak. The video was published proving the involvement of Iran in unhurt while his two guards an Zarab Shah, the district police eries of locals but police force is They had already transferred the online by the Amood Horan, a fac- sending Afghans to Syria to fight. 14 MILITARY wounded in a roadside blast on chief, was travelling when his ve- totally helpless. documents in their name. For- tion of the Free Syrian Army, MoFA spokesman Ahmad Shekib main Kabul-Ghazni Highway on hicle struck a planted bomb. Tali- Both the commanders are ests have been completely demol- which has been fighting the regime Mustaghna has maintained Afghan OPERATIONS Friday in central Maidan Wardak ban, however, have not yet com- armed with small and heavy weap- ished in Helmand. of al-Assad, as well as the Daesh youth choose to fight abroad. "So underway across province, the governor s spokes- mented on the incident. (Pajhwok) ons which they were using to tar- We have plans to develop for- group, in Syria for three years. far, the Afghan government has no get each other position, another ests again once the security situa- "I am from Afghanistan and I evidence that shows Iran sends Afghanistan: MoD resident of the district said. tion gets better , Qalam added. came here because of poverty and Afghan refugees to the Syrian 2 civilians dead, director Brig. Gen. Abdul Karim Faiq, He demanded complete sup- unemployment," one of the Afghan war," Mustaghna said. the newly appointed police chief, port from the central government hostages arrested by the Free Syr- The Iranian embassy in Kabul tribal affairs hurt in blast confirmed the firefight but said in implementing their plans since ian Army says in the video. has consistently and categorically that directives had been issued to the provincial agriculture depart- "I came from Afghanistan into rejected any claims that the gov- GARDEZ: Two civilians were off, leaving him wounded but he officials concerned to collect ment was not strong enough to Syria," another hostage, reportedly ernment in Tehran is responsible killed and the tribal affairs direc- was stated to be in stable condi- weapons from both the command- wrest back the usurped land from under the age of 18, tells the cam- for sending Afghans to Syria to tor wounded in a blast on Friday tion. Separately, a child killed and ers. the powerful land mafia. era. In Afghanistan, reactions to the fight. in southeastern , four others were injured when a The president had sent a Mohammad Nabi Khan, the video have been strong, with most Nevertheless, there are also re- health official said. Haya Gul Pa- bomb detonated. Gul said children delegation comprised officials provincial environmental protec- decrying the conditions that would ports of Afghan refugees in Paki- ktian, director Paktia hospital, told were in critical condition. Col. from Ministry of Defence (MoD) tion director, said deforestation force such young men abroad stan being sent to Syria to fight Afghan military forces are engaged Pajhwok Afghan News a bomb Zalmai Oryakhail, provincial po- and Ministry of Interior (MoI) to went unchecked because people rather than the actions of the men against president Assad's forces, with 14 operations around the was tied to the director s car when lice chief, confirmed the incident. investigate the issue. I am in con- did not know the importance of in the video. whether on behalf of Daesh or the country, clashing with insurgents However, Taliban did not com- tact with the delegation and sure forests in protecting the environ- "Political instability and pov- Syrian rebels, who, while em- in nine provinces, officials from the he was returning after offering ment. Man-grown and natural for- Friday prayers. The bomb-went ment on the incident. (Pajhwok) that with the support of local peo- erty force the youth to migrate to battled amongst themselves, both Ministry of Defence (MoD) said ple I will collect illegal weapons ests protected the air from being Iran and Pakistan," a Kabul resi- seek to topple the Syrian govern- on Friday. The counter-insurgen- from both the men bring all the polluted and also enhanced natu- cy clearing operations are being dent named Karim said on Friday. ment. There are reports that Af- MINISTRY ADVOCATES culprits to justice Faiq added. ral beauty of an area, Khan said. "The youth are tired of unem- ghan refugees from Pakistan have conducted in Helmand, Ghazni, (Pajhwok) Paktika, Nangarhar, Kunar, Herat, (Pajhwok) ployment, so they migrate to also gone to Yemen. (TOLONews) Faryab, Kunduz and other parts Afghanistan s accession to WTO of the country, MoD spokesman fficials from the Ministry as investment friendly nation, and Dawlat Waziri said. "Right now, of Commerce and Indus also we have a number of conces- we have 14 operations in nine prov- Otries (MoCI) on Friday ex- sions that could contribute in de- inces of the country, some which pressed optimism about Afghani- veloping our industry," Shinwari were planned and several still on- stan's chances of being made a said. The application materials for going," Waziri said. "In Moqur dis- member of the World Trade Orga- Afghanistan's bid to become a trict of , in which nization (WTO), a move they say member of the WTO have report- 37 insurgents were killed and 26 would benefit the country's devel- edly been completed and forward- other injured, seven masked armed opment and trade ties with the in- ed on to President Ashraf Ghani. men were also among the dead [...] ternational community immense- Once he has reviewed them, and if and we don't have any casualties so far." The operations come after ly. The MoCI has indicated WTO he approves the application, then months of deteriorating security membership could be the critical it will be submitted and the acces- around the country, with a deadly step Kabul needs to take in rode sion process will begin. Daesh-claimed suicide bombing in rot resolve ongoing trade and tran- On the other hand, represen- Nagarhar province and a high-pro- sit issues with neighboring coun- tatives of the the Afghan Industri- file ambush on Afghan National tries, particularly with Pakistan. alists Association have sought to Army (ANA) soldiers in Badakhs- Once a member, Afghanistan would caution the move, arguing that join- han province. The government has have the ability to impose a higher ing the WTO would decrease tar- received criticism for not taking tariff of 2.5 percent on imported iffs on commercial products and more decisive and strategic action products within the framework of lead to an unhealthy economic and against militant groups sooner. WTO. Afghanistan would also en- business competition in the mar- "We are concerned that if the joy tariff concessions from vari- ket. They have said the govern- central government does not take ous major economies such as Chi- ment should first and foremost action quickly regarding security na, the United States, European focus on strengthening domestic in Kunduz, soon, the insurgents Union and India. industry. will take the control of this prov- MoCI Deputy Minister "Until proper grounds are ince," Kunduz MP Fatema Aziz Muzammil Shinwari emphasized paved for economic development, said on Friday. On Thursday night, the importance of the WTO's po- accession to the World Trade Or- Kunduz Police Chief Abdul Saboor tential role in attracting foreign in- ganization doesn't support our in- Nasrati said Taliban insurgents at- vestment to Afghanistan. "Acces- terests, " industrialists union head tacked a number of security posts sion to the WTO is aimed to at- Sherbaz Kaminzada told TOLO- in the province and clashed with tract major investments and this news. "Therefore, the government the security forces for several will also provide confidence to in- must deal with the issue wisely in A view of more than 800 schoolchildren, teachers, and volunteers forming the shape of a fish with a sad expression, alongside hours, ultimately leaving two po- ternational investments and inves- order to avoid future problems." Chinese characters that read refrain, at Repulse Bay in Hong Kong. The event was in honor of Kids Ocean Day, to send a global licemen and 22 insurgents dead. tors will then realize Afghanistan (TOLONews) message to stop consuming reef fish in order to protect the Earth s coral reefs. (Photo: Reuters) This document was created with Win2PDF available at http://www.win2pdf.com. The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only. This page will not be added after purchasing Win2PDF. SATURDAY . APRIL 25, 2015 AFGHANISTAN TIMES Auditor queries New plastic chair factory could $135m of Afghanistan training expenditure mark start of new domestic industry An investment of $1 million USD unreliable electricity are among the has helped launch a plastic chair biggest obstacles facing the Afghan production company in Kabul that chair producers, all of which gov- hopes to corner the market in Af- ernment intervention could help ghanistan, and in the process, edge remedy. "At the moment, Afghan out foreign competitors. products cannot compete with At the moment the plastic chair products from other countries in production market is monopolized the market," Industries Associa- by China, Iran and Pakistan. But, tion Deputy Chairman Abdul Ja- with an average daily output of bar Safi said. "We are trying to in- 1,000 chairs, the owners of the new crease the export industries with factory in Kabul are optimistic good quality so that people start about their chances of grabbing using their own domestic products; hold of the market in Afghanistan, the only way to improve the local in turn making it domestically self- market is through people, because sustainable. At the moment, the if they stop using foreign prod- chairs made in Kabul are sold for ucts and start using their domestic 100 Afghanis less than the price of products, this will itself result in imported chairs. "We can meet all an expansion of Afghanistan's in- the chair needs and demands of the dustries." The Industries Associa- people if the government can sup- tion is said to working to increase port us," the owner of the new fac- the number of chair producing fac- tor Najeebullah Seddiqi told tories in order to both improve em- TOLOnews on Thursday. "The ployment opportunities and help chairs that we produce are of a meet domestic demand. Neverthe- Afghan policemen display their skills at a police training centre very good quality, but at the mo- less, employees of the first plastic in . ment, the market is in the hands of chair factory in Kabul say they neighboring countries and the gov- already face some problems. "The ernment has shown a lack of sup- lack of special uniforms, worker An audit of a $175.9 million U.S. Sigar didn t want to extend the time port for the industry." According rights and low salaries are among Department of Defense counter- or provide the funding required for to officials at the Afghan Indus- the main problems of the factory insurgency intelligence training Crowe to audit all of New Centu- tries Association, low import tax- workers," one employee named "The government must create mul- more employment opportunities to people," another factory worker project contract in Afghanistan al- ry s records. New Century es, expensive raw materials and Waheedullah told TOLOnews. leged the company that was award- couldn t immediately be reached tiple factories in order to provide and provide needed opportunities named Obaid said. (TOLONews) ed the contract compiled $134.6 for comment. million in insufficiently document- We respectfully request that 18 AIDs cases ed costs that the audit blamed on a Sigar either provide the time and Niche trade in lamb pelts proves vital lack of internal controls and non- funding to complete the audit or in total detected compliance with federal rules and remove this finding of inadequate same quality of fur as those in Cen- procedures. The report from the supporting documentation, Im- tral Asia. For decades, the Central in Takhar Special Inspector General for Af- peratis said in the letter. Anything to ailing Afghan economy Asian karakul trade continued to ghanistan Reconstruction centers less is misleading to the readers of thrive, but suddenly plummeted TALOQAN: At least two new around an audit conducted by this audit, defames Imperatis, and outside his Helsinki hotel. They after its peak in the 1970s. Up- Acquired Immune Deficiency were shouting in Finnish, so I had heaval in Afghanistan and the Syndrome (AIDS) cases have been Crowe Horwath LLP of Jorge Sci- threatens to undermine the value broader region was part of the entific Corp. The audit alleged and purpose of Sigar. to ask what they were saying. detected in in northern Takhar Newborn karakul lambs are valued crash, but so were global tastes and province, taking the total number Jorge which reorganized in 2013 Sigar spokesman Alexander above other breeds for the luster changes in the fur trade.But if the of patients infected to 18, health under the name Imperatis Corp. Bronstein-Moffly told Risk & and tight, soft curls of their fur, West has in some part forgotten officials said on Thursday. failed to retain documentation to Compliance Journal additional which form mesmerizing patterns about karakul sheep, the shepherds The officials expressed con- support costs billed to the con- time was continually provided to and curlicues. But within a day or of northern Afghanistan have con- cerns that patients with lack of tract, which was awarded in 2011, Imperatis, above and beyond what two of birth, a lamb s fur grows tinued to hold them in the same knowledge about the deadly dis- and didn t follow federal procure- Sigar has done in its other financial woolier and loses its value. A deci- high regard as always. Some zeal- ease of Human Immunodeficien- ment rules. The audit also alleged audits. On each occasion the in- sion is made quickly whether to ous shepherds tie banners of red cy Virus (HIV) could spread the company improperly billed formation provided by Imperatis slaughter the lamb or raise it for its cloth to the shaggy wool on the among families. the U.S. government for fees be- was insufficient, he said. Our meat and wool, with shepherds sheeps backs, or even directly Dr. Hafizullah Sapi, provin- yond those authorized by the con- audit was of the prime contractor, weighing how much rain and grass paint the fur red a shield against cial health director, said two indi- tract. While the company paid Imperatis, which is our standard they believe will be available that celestial forces, some say. That s viduals a male and a female diag- back the excess fees, the govern- practice. It is incumbent upon the year. Usually about half of the for their protection, so the stars at nosed with the disease were the ment lost $36,634 in interest, the prime contractor to be responsi- lambs will be killed for their pelts. night won t clash and make the residents of Rostaq and Darqad report said. Sigar said this is the ble for the associated subcontrac- It is not only European sensibili- rams ill, Mohammad Hussain, a districts. He said the HIV posi- largest amount of unsubstantiated tor s costs, and the audit found ties that are offended by the killing graying shepherd, 65 years old, tive man had lost his life in Ta- of the lambs. The Taliban, when explained as his flock nibbled on khar prison and they were search- costs it has ever uncovered. Imperatis could not support those grass and small yellow flowers, This is a classic example of a costs. Sayed Mohammad Sultani, left, the largest exporter of Afghan they were in power in Afghanistan, ing for his family members. Ac- tried to clamp down on the trade amid a wind so strong that it swept cording to Sapi, he was impris- prime contractor not knowing how Imperatis issued a statement fur, examines lamb pelts brought to him by men who procure birds backward when they took to them from shepherds. as well, particularly in the cruelest oned in Tajikistan and was later its subcontractors are spending to Risk & Compliance Journal top end of it: pelts from lambs that the air. Although karakul has a far transferred to Takhar to complete hard earned American taxpayer saying it was an incomplete au- MAZAR-I-SHARIF: Hajji Sher quarters.) But the trade has re- have not yet been born, requiring smaller share of the fur market than his jail term. dollars, said Special Inspector dit that did not consider any of the the killing of pregnant ewes to har- fox and mink, it has been growing We are worried about the General for Afghanistan Recon- documentation of the subcontrac- Mohammad tended his flock of mained vital to Afghanistan s ail- sheep at the foot of a northern ing economic sector. The hub of vest. Experts estimate they make in recent years, said Kari Huotari, health of his other family mem- struction John F. Sopko. When tor or the contracting officer as part Afghan mountain range, staring off the Afghan-Finnish fur trade is the up less than 10 percent of the pelts a manager at Saga furs, the major bers. But he never gave us a prop- you accept $135 million from the of its review. We are confident that into the distance and invoking what northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif. sold. Mr. Tawakaly even empa- Finnish fur auction operation. In er address. He was also addicted government you are responsible for once this documentation is re- has become a magical name: Fin- Fur traders gather here each March thized with his Finnish hecklers to the last quarter of 2014, Afghani- to drugs, Sapi recalled. knowing how the money was viewed, it will substantiate that we land. Over there, somewhere. and April with stacks of pelts of some degree. As a child, he dread- stan exported $3.6 million worth About the second case, he spent. In comments included in have always been in compliance. There is a country called Fin- the karakul breed of sheep pur- ed the slaughter of lambing season of karakul pelts to Finland. said, a woman in Sarqand district the report, Imperatis said it dis- The additional documentation has land, and that s where lamb skins chased from shepherds across the and once ran away with a newborn In Mazar-i-Sharif, most of the was found positive during medi- agrees with the findings and acted been and will remain available. go, he said. Beyond that, Hajji countryside. The traders stand in lamb, hoping to save it. After two pelts pass through the marble- cal check up. She had four chil- in accordance with guidelines pro- Crowe Horwath is recom- Mohammad added, only God doorways and along the walls of days, my father caught me and he floored office of Sayed Moham- dren as well. We want her other vided by the government when the mending the company provide knows. Most Western countries trading floors, watching anxiously killed it, Mr. Tawakaly said, with mad Sultani, the largest Afghan fur family members checked, he said. contract was awarded. In a Feb. documentation to substantiate the import little from Afghanistan oth- as middlemen one rung above them a half-smile, half-grimace. It was exporter. With a karakul hat According to Sapi, the disease 15, 2015, letter to Crowe Horwath costs or the government should try er than carpets and opium. But the exporters sort the pelts his business, and I couldn t stop perched on his head and wearing a spread to other parts of the prov- Finnish fur buyers growing regard by quality into three piles and de- him. While most lamb pelts from blazer over a flowing shalwar ka- ince from Iran, Tajikistan, Saudi included in the report, Imperatis to recover the $134.6 million in meez, Mr. Sultani kept a close Arabia and other countries. HIV/ said most of the costs for the questioned costs and collect the for the velvety pelts of Afghan kar- cide how much each is worth. The Afghanistan and other Central akul lambs has made them this talk often turns to Finland, which, Asian states are shipped abroad, a watch on the sorting process on a AIDS is a viral and non-curable project were incurred by New Cen- $36,634 in interest. It s also ad- few of the best are sent to Kabul, recent morning. earby, one of his disease and spread after sexual tury Consulting, a U.K.-based vising that Imperatis address the country s largest export destina- for Afghan fur traders, is another tion in the West for any product, name for the big leagues. Only trad- where furriers style them into the employees picked up the top pelt intercourse, tainted injections, and subcontractor hired by Imperatis internal control and noncompli- memorable peaked hats former from the stack and ran his fingers barber s instruments. He also said to do work on the project. Imper- ance findings. according to Afghanistan s official ers who amass 20,000 pelts gener- export statistics. Last year, Fin- ally go on to Helsinki s fur auc- President Hamid Karzai made fa- on both sides to test for softness Takhar civil hospitals did not have atis said it provided a sample of The Department of Defense land, a powerhouse in the global tions. Those who have been there mous. A silvery or tan karakul hat and thinness. The man then held it facilities for HIV AIDs test and documents given to it by New contract called for the company to fur trade, imported nearly a half- describe to those who have not a can sell for more than $1,000. The in his outstretched hands and re- the addicted patients of this virus Century to show how it spent provide counterinsurgency experts million Afghan lamb pelts, auction- country of unimaginably cold win- karakul sheep s fur was once so garded it as if he were farsighted, should go to other places for lab- $118.9 million of the amount in to mentor and train Afghan Nation- ing them off to fashion houses to ters, of people who refuse to take widely admired that President needing to see it at a distance to oratory test and treatment. Sapi question. Imperatis said that al- al Security Forces to improve Af- be turned into luxurious women s bribes, and of angry animal rights Theodore Roosevelt personally know what he held. Then the man added no medicine has been creat- though Crowe felt the documenta- ghanistan s efforts to fight terror- coats, among other items. It is a activists. They started shouting: involved himself in efforts to im- tossed it casually into the pile of ed so far to eliminate HIV AIDs tion from New Century was ists and insurgents. niche product, to be sure, usually Go back home! Why do you kill port a karakul flock to the United middle-quality furs. Each of the virus and it is a non-treatable ill- adequate to perform a subsam- Write to Ben DiPietro at found only in high-priced bou- these animals? Amin Tawakaly, States in 1909. But despite years furs there will fetch about 1,200 ness. He, however, said there was ple of the individual transactions [email protected], tiques or department stores when a second-generation Afghan fur of trying, American ranchers and afghanis, or about $21, from Mr. one unit in Kunduz hospital on that make up the entire amount and follow him on Twitter it is sold in the West. (It is often trader, recalled, describing the pro- the Department of Agriculture Sultani, the exporter. Jawad Sukh- zone level where this virus could billed by New Century, it said @BenDiPietro1. marketed as astrakhan fur in those testers who once confronted him struggled to raise a flock with the anyar contributed reporting. be tested. (Pajhwok) Mass. Women want US troops to stay in Afghanistan to protect their school for girls Patti Quigley s peaceful life in still in Afghanistan will likely re- high school attend Jan s Zabuli Education Center Wellesley was shattered when her main there for some time to come. something that would have been unthinkable under husband, Patrick, was killed on The ramifications of the war in the Taliban, which forbids girls from attending school. September 11th 2001. Patrick s Afghanistan have been felt in Jan initially faced stiff resistance to her plans for the plane, United Airlines Flight 175, many American lives and commu- school, from male leaders in the community who tried was hijacked by Al-Qaeda terror- nities, including Wellesley. As to convince her to change the school into a school ists and crashed into the World Quigley dealt with the profound only for boys. Men are the backbone of Afghani- Trade Center. At the time, Quig- grief of losing her husband, she stan, they told her. She responded by telling them ley was eight months pregnant began to identify with the plight that, the women of Afghanistan are the eyesight of with her daughter, Leah and her of women in Afghanistan. She re- Afghanistan, and you all are blind, she recalls. Over five-year-old, Rachel, was in kin- alized that their lives had also been time, Jan won over many of the men living in Deh dergarten. Quigley s husband was ruined by the same terrorists that Subz who now send their daughters to her school. In one of several Wellesley residents had killed her husband. Quigley s Wellesley, Quigley serves as executive director of who lost their lives on September growing interest in Afghanistan Razia s Ray of Hope Foundation which supports 11. The terrorism of 9/11 affect- eventually led her to Razia Jan, a the Zabuli school and she says she has received a lot of local help. Education is an enormous part of who Wellesley is, Quigley explains. People realize the impact of what education means around the world. During a recent visit to Quigley s home, Jan shared photographs of her students. The pictures showed beautiful girls donned in forest green head scarves. [There s] something very special [about] green, Jan says. The trees grow and the flowers grow and these girls will grow to become leaders. But Jan worries every day about her budding leaders because the Tal- iban hasn t gone away. "The day our school opened, there was another girls school, and the girls were running around in the courtyard laughing, she says. Some people were passing by, most probably Tali- ban, and they threw hand grenades and they killed these girls. Fears about the girls safety at Jan s ed Wellesley, says Quigley. So native Afghan who had lived in school have only grown as the U.S. military draws 6,000 miles away something else Massachusetts for decades. Ra- down in Afghanistan. "I think that we need to be was going on [and it] completely zia was also working on Afghan partnering in some way with [Afghanistan]," Quig- impacted Wellesley as a town. In issues in her community, Quig- ley says. We went in and we destroyed a lot of the a speech to the nation on October ley says. We kept running into country. The country has been in war for almost 50 7, 2001, President George W. Bush each other and around each other years now. So how can you expect someone who has announced the response to the and we became friends and she told only known war to be peaceful? I think education September 11 attacks: the launch me about her school that she want- does that." Quigley and Jan believe their school can of Operation Enduring Freedom ed to build. Quigley offered her only succeed with the broader security provided by against the Taliban regime and al- support for the project and Jan American troops, and that is why they both say that Qaeda in Afghanistan. America s soon returned to Afghanistan, they are convinced the US military presence in Af- longest war was supposed to end where in 2008, she opened a free ghanistan must continue. with the final drawdown of U.S. school for girls in a conservative Our report was produced in partnership with troops beginning this year, but it rural village outside Kabul, in the The GroundTruth Project and the year-long series, has become clear in recent weeks district of Deh Subz. Hundreds "Foreverstan: Afghanistan and the road to ending that the 9,800 American soldiers of girls from pre-kindergarten to America's longest war." This document was created with Win2PDF available at http://www.win2pdf.com. The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only. This page will not be added after purchasing Win2PDF.

SATURDAY . APRIL 25, 2015 AFGHANISTAN TIMES Afghanistan IOM VOICES CONCERNS ABOUT marks world Iran deporting Afghan migrants book day despite ran deports over 25,000 Af Haidari told TOLOnews. "I can- ghans every month largely in not stay here, I have to go to Iran, Idifferent to their destinations my son is very young and I am declining sales or wellbeing, recent reports from pregnant as well." the International Organization for Now 26 years old, Haidari was Migration (IOM) and interviews nine when she first moved to Iran. with migrants indicate. Although she had all the legal pa- Iran is home to over a million perwork granting her residence in Afghans, many of whom fled there Iran for some time, she says Irani- seeking refuge from violence and an authorities recently decided not persecution in Afghanistan over grant an extension. "My husband the past few decades, others sim- does not know about me, he did ply looking for greater educational his best to prevent my deporta- and economic opportunities. Al- tion, but the Iranians did not listen EMERGENCY though many of them are undocu- to him," she said. "My kids were mented, the Iranian government, crying, but it didn't help; the Irani- CALLS until recently, largely turned a blind an officials said that I must go to eye. Islam Qala Port is the main Afghanistan." border-crossing between Iran and The conditions and treatment Police Afghanistan, and hundreds of fam- of Afghan refugees and migrants in ilies are now forced through it back Iran has been a sore subject be- 100 - 119 into Afghanistan by Iranian police tween Kabul and Tehran, which on a daily basis.The deportations have sought to find more common are often conducted in a seemingly ground than grievances in recent have emphasized that human rights thousand, we estimate that at least Hospitals haphazard and callous fashion, years as regional cooperation ef- violations against Afghan migrants 10 to 20 percent of those people with many Afghan immigrants forts have ramped up. On his trip must stop. Nevertheless, IOM, need some form of assistance and FMIC Hospital claiming Iranian police have split to Iran last week, President Ashraf first and foremost, has concerned they meet humanitarian vulnera- Behind Kabul Medical up families, deporting some par- Ghani warned that if the problems itself with the management of the bility criteria, however, IOM and ents without their children and of Afghan immigrants residing in massive inflow of return migrants, the government's capacity is much University: At a book fair celebrating World environmental changes. "In my some children without their par- Iran are not resolved, then ongoing ensuring they get the aid they need. less than that, so we can only as- 0202500200-+93793275595 Book Day on Thursday in Kabul, opinion, the developments we wit- ents. Taj Gul Haidari, a woman issues related to water transfer "Twenty to twenty-five thou- sist a handful of the most vulnera- organizers and attendees of the nessed in the country over the past who was deported from Iran with- from Afghanistan to Iran would not sand people are being deported, ble, most in need individuals," he event all voiced a similar despair year have impacted book reading out her husband and her kids, says be either. and about thirty thousand people explained. Rabia-i-Balkhi Hospital about the rapid deterioration of culture, and, at the same time, she has no family left in Afghani- IOM has been leading efforts returning what we call 'spontane- Based on the most recent IOM Pule Bagh-e- Umomi Afghanistan's book reading culture, youth prefer to study on the In- stan, and that her entire life is back to build trust and cooperation be- ously', or not deported," IOM statistics, Iran hosts over 800,000 pointing to everything from poli- ternet and this has worsened book in Iran. "My son is four years old tween Kabul, Tehran and the in- Afghanistan Communications Di- legal Afghan immigrants and 070263672 tics and economics to social media reading culture," a journalist named and my daughter is in the third ternational community around the rector Matthew Graydon said on around one million illegal Afghan and technology as the root cause. Nazari Paryani said. grade, and they are still in Iran," issue of migrants. IOM officials Thursday. "So of this fifty-five immigrants. (TOLONews) The shift away from books Kabul resident Mohammad Khairkhana Hospital was readily apparent at the book Omar suggested accessibility is the 0799-321007 fair, where a crowd much smaller major obstacle to book buying in than the organizers had hoped for Afghanistan. "I think we have a 200 nurses, midwives 2401352 showed up. "Although the book hard time finding our desired book Documents exhibition opened, visitors are very and also financial issues have few," the event's organizer Ghu- caused people not to read books being trained in Indira Gandhi Children lam Sarwar Saadat told TOLOne- regularly," he said. Understand- show aid goes to Hospital, Wazir Akbar ws. "Unfortunately, social media ably, as household budgets have MAZAR-I-SHARIF: About said. Sabira, one of the test par- and the internet preoccupy the tightened amid the past year's eco- 2,000 high school graduates on ticipants, told Pajhwok Afghan Khan, Kabul 2301372 youth and this has undermined the nomic downturn, less disposable Thursday attended a midwifery News she had the desire to be- deserving families book reading culture," he added. income has meant less purchases and nursing test in the capital of come a doctor and pursue higher All around the world, digital of items like books. Today, book- northern . Balkh studies, but could not make it to a ABUL: Pajhwok Afghan grant among families from Ibn-e- Seena information consumption via com- sellers like Abdullah, who attend- public health officials said of the medical university due to some News obtained official Waziristan in cooperation with Pul-e-Artan, Kabul puters and smartphones has sup- ed the fair in Kabul, say only school examinees, 200 qualifying stu- problems. She took the midwife- documents that show the NSC officials in a letter dated late dents would be posted in health ry exam and urged the authorities K planted traditional forms of read- students buy books. "Compared Afghan government has distrib- July, 2014. Pajhwok obtained all 2100359 ing via books, newspapers and to the past, book selling has de- clinics in remote parts of the prov- concerned to appoint successful uted monetary assistance to de- the letters which prove that min- other hardcopy forms. The trend creased and only university stu- ince on completing a training candidates on the basis of their serving families of refugees from istries of rural rehabilitation and has opened up new opportunities dents and school students come course. Public Health Director Dr. score. However, the public health Pakistan s Waziristan tribal region development, tribal and border Wazir Akbar Khan for the book-writing, publishing and buy books," he told TOLO- Mirwais Rabi, who was present director said they would try to in southeastern Paktika province. affairs, refugee and repatriation Hospital at the examination venue, the Sena give maximum chance to students and selling industries, yet also seen news. "In past years, common Thousands of families mi- and the Afghan Red Crescent So- 2301741, 2301743 many doors closed. people were also purchasing Stadium in Mazar-i-Sharif, told from remote areas so that they grated to Khost and Paktika prov- ciety had nominated their officials While other commentators ac- books." World Book Day is an an- Pajhwok Afghan News that half could help their people to have inces after the Pakistani army to distribute the money to vul- knowledged the role of social me- nual tradition launched by the of the examinees were girls com- access to healthcare services. Dr. launched Operation Zarb-i- nerable families. Ali Abad dia and the Internet in declining United Nations Educational, Sci- ing all the way from various dis- Rabi said people in mountainous Azab last year in Waziristan, a A letter reference no 691 from book sales in Afghanistan, they also entific and Cultural Organization tricts and the provincial capital. districts in northern parts of Balkh semi autonomous tribal area near the IDLG dated 15th Nov, 2014 Shahrara, Kabul cited more Afghanistan-specific (UNESCO). (TOLONews) the Afghanistan border. stated that The designated com- 2100439 Local residents warmly wel- mission distributed $200000 comed the displaced families (11200000 afghanis) among the Cousin of Farah while some, including business- migrated families from Waziristan. Malalai Maternity men, provided them with finan- Each family received 2500 afs in cial support and others shared cash. The letter states that the Hospital provincial council head their houses with the families. commission was comprised of di- 2201377/ 2301743 Former president Hamid rectors of Afghanistan Natural Di- Karzai had sanctioned $200,000 saster Management Authority, the accused of raping boy in aid to the Waziristan families Ministry of Refugee and Repatri- Banks in Khost and Paktika province. ation, the Ministry of Tribal and The commander of an armed group the crime is isolated," Farah pro- The documents available Border Affairs, provincial offi- Da Afghanistan Bank in Farah has been accused of the vincial council head Farid Bakhto with Pajhwok show the money cials, representative of the Red kidnap, rape and torture of a 17- told TOLOnews. But the Afghan- has been distributed among de- Crescent, representative from the 2100302, 2100303 year-old boy, said the Afghanistan istan Human Rights Organization serving families through a com- Rural Rehabilitation Develop- Human Rights Organization on refutes this and said the boy and mission. However, Paktika gov- ment, the Burmal district chief, Kabul Bank Thursday. According to the human his family have been subjected to ernor Abdul Karim Matin recent- police chief and some local elders. 222666, 070285285 rights group, the boy was alleged- beatings on several occasions. ly alleged that the National Secu- A letter dated 12th December, ly kidnapped in by They have also been threatened by rity Council (NSC) had distribut- 2014 reference number 858 from Azizi Bank Hamid Bakhto, a relative of the the commander. However the sus- He said officials from the Public and desert districts in the south ed the money to families of fight- Paktika governor s office to the provincial council head. Bakhto is pect, Bakhto, has been detained but Health Department, the gover- still lacked access to basic health- ers aligned with the so-called Is- NSC stated that Eng. Abdul Ka- 0799 700900 also accused of having committed efforts are being made to secure nor s house and the provincial care facilities. He said currently lamic State or Daesh group. rim Matin, then new Paktika gov- Pashtany Bank similar offences in the past. Lal his release. The rights organization council supervised the exam in nurses and midwives received His allegation prompted the ernor, had been officially briefed Gul Lal, head of the rights group, argues that the National Unity order to ensure it was transpar- handsome amounts of salaries NSC to form a committee, headed in detail on the number of migrat- 2102908, 2103868 said: "This boy was working in a Government and judicial institu- ent. The successful candidates from foreign NGOs in remote dis- by the interior minister, to inves- ed families from Waziristan and bakery .... And Hamid Bakhto, the tions need to step in and transfer would then undergo a three-year tricts, but if the NGOs stopped tigate the matter. aid provided to them. Air Services commander of a group of armed the case to Kabul to ensure justice training course before their ap- giving them salaries, they would Interior Minister Noorul Haq In the meeting, the governor men, kidnapped the boy and took is carried out. (TOLONews) pointment in various districts, he face many problems. (Pajhwok) Ulumi on Thursday told report- had directed the officials con- him to Bala Bolik district where ers in Kabul the Paktika governor cerned to establish a separate Safi Airways he raped him and then used hot had been quoted out of context. camp for the migrated people so 020 22 22 222 metal to burn him." The Afghani- He said the governor meant that they would not mix up with stan Human Rights Organization to say that families of Daesh locals and so the assistance would Ariana said that the police did little to ar- fighters might have benifitted from not go waste. rest the suspect. "Hamid Bakhto the assistance. A member of the A letter reference no 151278 020-2100270 commits ugly crimes and he is NSC told told Pajhwok Afghan from the Ministry of Finance to supported by his cousin who is News the cash grants had been the Paktika revenue department provincial council head and other distributed through a commission clearly mentions the said amount Kam Air relatives who are in the police," comprising officials from nation- had been dispatched. 0799974422 Lal said. However, the provincial al and international organizations A letter reference no 2041 dat- council head Farid Bakhtor, did such as the UN, the Red Cross, ed 6th April 2014, Mohammad Hotels confirm the beating of the boy by the World Food Organization and Nasir Ibrahim Khail, the then rev- his cousin but said it was a once the UN high Commissioner for enue officer in Paktika, wrote a Safi Landmark off occurrence and that he does not Refugees. letter to the Ministry Finance that support his cousins actions. He Each family had received he had received the sum amount- 020-2203131 said he has assisted in the move to 2,500 afg, he said, adding that at ing to $200000 and asked for the have him arrested. "No kidnapping the time when the aid was dis- procedure of distribution of the SERENA and no rape took place - only a tributed, no group by the name of amount to the refugee families. beating. I never back any one and Daesh existed in Afghanistan. Abdul Hadi Hadi, ANDMA 0799654000 The 25-page documents con- director, in a letter to the Emer- AFGHAN CRICKET sist letters from the Ministry of gency Response Committee CAPTAIN VOWS TO Finance, local departments and (ERC) had said the governor s of- New Rumi Restaurant Paktika and Khost officials, which fice in Paktika had received the 0776351347 FACE CHALLENGES clearly prove the Afghan govern- amount and requested for its dis- KABUL: The newly appointed ment has distributed the amount tribution to the refugee families. Internet Services Afghanistan s cricket team cap- to deserving Waziristan refugees In the same letter, the Emer- tain said his new assignment was in Paktika and Khost. gency Response Committee head UA Telecom a mounting challenge and he en- One of the letters had been approved 2500 afgs to each fami- 0796701701 / 0796702702 joyed to face challenges. Asghar written by then National Securi- ly. Stanikzai appointed new captain ty Advisor Rangin Dadfar Span- In another letter dated 9th while Javed Ahmadi as his depu- ta. October, 2014 reference no 242, Exchange Rate ty after former captain Nabi Eisa- The letter with reference no Hadi said the said amount had khel resigned from his position. 4729 dated 1st July, 2014 sent to been equally distributed among Purchase: I enjoy facing challenges and cap- different ministries states that ref- 4480 families in Burmal and Ar- taincy is a sort of challenge. I nev- ugees from Waziristan need spe- gon districts. One US$ = er come under pressure while cial immediate attention. Pajhwok also obtained docu- playing as captain. Stanakzai told In his letter, then Finance ments having signatures of the 57.83Afs Pajhwok Afghan News in an ex- Minister Dr Zakhilwal had de- committee members after distrib- One Pound Sterling= clusive interview. He had two oth- manded one million American dol- uting the amount in Burmal and 85.35Afs er former captains playing in the lars for refugees from Waziristan. Argon districts. team which would reduce pres- Then president Hamid Karzai IDLG spokesman Tawab One Euro = sure on him, he said, adding that approved one million dollar dat- Ghorzan said they had also initi- 62.04Afs he had led the team at national and ed 25th July 2014 and the file ated a probe into the governor s 1000 Pak Rs = international level competitions number of the said document was allegation. and won several matches. The 2877. But Governor Matin said the 560Afs Afghan Cricket Board (ACB) an- The NSC had asked the Fi- media had quoted him out of con- Sale: nounced 21 members cricket team nance Ministry to dispatch the text. He said he had not blamed One US$ = and Afghanistan would play its approved amount immediately to the NSC for distributing the first match against Scotland next Khost and Paktika provinces in a $200,000 assistance to families of 58.03 Afs month. letter reference no 3224 dated Daesh members. One Pound Sterling= We had much expectation July, 2014. He said in his interview with 86.15Afs from our bowling side but they Abdul Khaliq Farahi, the then the media, he had criticised poli- did not come up to our expecta- director of Independent Director- cies of the previous government One Euro= tion in last World Cup and the ate of Local Governance (IDLG), for having no control in Barmal 62.64 Afs bowling side needed improve- An itinerant vendor in eastern Nangarhar province is selling sugar cotton called locally as khog malooch , to children. The sugar cotton is manufactured from colored sugar by a mobile-machine. had directed Khost and Paktika district. 1000 Pak Rs= 568Afs ment, Stanikzai added. (Pajhwok) officials to distribute the cash (Pajhwok) This document was created with Win2PDF available at http://www.win2pdf.com. The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only. This page will not be added after purchasing Win2PDF. SATURDAY . APRIL 25 , 2015 AFGHANISTAN TIMES By election in Pak’s Karachi NA-246: MQM regains seat by huge margin KARACHI: Muttahida Qaumi Movement's (MQM) candidate Kunwar Naveed Jamil was de- clared the winner of the by-elec- tion held in Karachi's NA-246 con- Washington: With the US and In- and would resonate throughout systems, such as the US Navy's make the integration of EMALS sist India in incorporating advanced ty for combat operations-will be stituency, according to an an- dia agreeing to explore the joint the Asian continent to India's stra- E-2C/D Hawkeye for airborne ear- technology a viable option for In- construction techniques when superior to its Chinese counter- nouncement made by Syed Nadim development of India's next-gen- tegic advantage," he wrote in a new ly warning and battle management dia's next-generation carrier. building its new large-deck carri- parts," Tellis said. Haider, a returning officer for the eration aircraft carrier, a leading report. and the fifth-generation F-35C It should also support a part- ers," Tellis wrote. Though cooperation on the by-election in the constituency think tank has suggested US offer "The most valuable US con- Lightning strike fighter, Tellis nership between the Indian Navy "The prospect of a major Chi- fight, move, and integrate func- early on Friday. India latest technology to help in- tributions are likely to materialise wrote. This would help the Indian and the US Naval Sea Systems nese naval presence in the Indian tions is likely to be most indis- Kunwar Naveed Jamil bagged crease Indian Navy's combat pow- in the fight, possibly in the move, Navy to secure a combat advan- Command, and US private indus- Ocean transforms India's hitherto pensable and rewarding, joint de- 95,644 votes followed by Pakistan er. "While the Indian Navy has al- and hopefully in the integrate func- tage over its rivals' air wings, said try to validate the vessel's engi- secure rear into a springboard from velopment should in principle Tehreek-i-Insaf’s (PTI) Imran Is- ready begun design work, wide- tions," Tellis wrote. the Indian-American expert who neering and production designs as which coercive power can be span all the mission areas involved mail with 24,821 votes. Jamaat-i- ranging cooperation with the Unit- Specifically, he suggested that worked as a key adviser to the also coordinate on sea trials prior brought to bear against the Indian in carrier design, he said. Islami’s (JI) Rashid Naseem ed States has enormous potential," the US explore the possibility of Bush administration on the land- to commissioning the ship. landmass," he said. "Above all else, the Indian grabbed the third spot with 9,056 Ashley J Tellis, a senior associate equipping India's carrier with the mark India-US nuclear deal. The Washington should also "en- Thus "the principal objective Navy should not succumb to the votes. at the Carnegie Endowment for electromagnetic aircraft launch sys- US, Tellis suggested, should con- courage the conclusion of consult- underlying bilateral cooperation temptation to make collaborative Giving details of the balloting, International Peace suggested. tem (EMALS). sider changes to current US policy ing contracts and memoranda of should be to ensure that India's development merely an exercise in Haider said that a total of 131,418 "Such collaboration would increase It should also offer India ac- to allow for discussions about nu- understanding between Indian next-generation aircraft carrier-to procuring technology," Tellis votes were cast in the NA- 246 the Indian Navy's combat power cess to various advanced aviation clear propulsion technology to shipyards and US industry to as- include its air wing and its capaci- wrote. by-poll out of which 1,129 votes were rejected. He further said that the total After Riyadh, turnover of the by-poll was at 36.72 per cent. Pak PM By-election was held in NA- 246 on Thursday after the seat fell vacant when MQM’s Nabeel departs for Gabol resigned from the National Assembly a few months ago. London Know more: MQM candidate leads in NA-246 The involvement of MQM Indians are less happy than their chief Altaf Hussain, PTI Chairman counterparts in Pakistan and Bang- Imran Khan and JI chief Sirajul Haq ladesh, according to a report pub- had turned what was just a simple lished by the Sustainable Devel- by-election for one seat into an opment Solutions Network electoral battlefield of national im- (SDSN), which is a global initia- portance. tive for the United Nations. Speaking to DawnNews, Im- India comes in at the 117th ran Ismail said PTI will accept the spot out of 158 countries in the outcome of today's by-elections. 2015 World Happiness Report. Ismail said the prevention of The report takes into account election-day rigging is a great leap GDP per capita, life expectancy, forward, and that in the future, pre- social support and freedom to election rigging through presiding make life choices as indicators of officers and by means of lists will ISLAMABAD: A day after return- happiness. India’s rank dropped also be stopped. He said the party ing from Saudi Arabia, Prime Min- six notches from the 2013 report, fought well and if MQM candi- ister Nawaz Sharif departed for the when it was on the 111th spot. date Kanwar Naveed Jameel wins, United Kingdom on Friday, on the Pakistan is ranked 81 and he will congratulate him. invitation of British Prime Minis- Bangladesh, 109. Places like MQM supporters have al- ter David Cameron. Ukraine (111), Palestine (108) and ready gathered at Jinnah Ground "The prime minister, during the Iraq (112) too come up higher than to celebrate the anticipated win of course of his visit, will participate India on the index. MQM's Kanwar Naveed Jameel in the National Commemoration of Switzerland has been named of the NA-246 constituency, after the Centenary of Gallipoli Cam- the happiest country in the world. being summoned by party chief paign and Anzac Day where he will The other countries in the top five Altaf Hussain. interact with other participating are Iceland, Denmark, Norway and MQM supporters dance to leaders and dignitaries," Foreign Canada. celebrate victory of their candidate Office (FO) spokesperson Tas- “Increasingly, happiness is for NA-246, Kunwar Naveed neem Aslam said. considered a proper measure of Jamil. -ONLINE The spokesperson further said social progress and goal of public MQM supporters dance to that the premier will also hold of- policy,” the report said, adding the celebrate victory of their candidate ficial talks on bilateral, regional and happiness index describes how for NA-246, Kunwar Naveed global issues with his British coun- measurements of well-being can be Jamil. -ONLINE terpart. used effectively to assess the There were reports of clash Nawaz is also expected to meet progress of nations. between the supporters of rival British leaders and business exec- It takes into account factors political parties at Karimabad, utives during his visit. like GDP per capita, social sup- where PTI's central election office Yesterday, PM Nawaz along port of having someone to count was located. with Army Chief Raheel Sharif on in times of trouble, freedom to PTI Karachi president Ali Zai- went to Riyadh for a day-long vis- make life choices, healthy life ex- di denounced the hooliganism of it where where Nawaz expressed pectancy, generosity and percep- MQM workers who reportedly “solidarity” with Saudi Arabia af- tions of corruption. attacked PTI camp office in Ka- ter Pakistan's parliament refused The US is ranked 15, followed rimabad, hurled stones and set the to send forces to help a Saudi-led by UK (21), Singapore (24), Saudi PTI flag on fire. coalition in Yemen, a Pakistani of- Arabia (35), Japan (46) and China Afghanistan and war-torn Syria joined eight sub-Saharan countries in Africa — Togo, Burundi, Benin, Rwanda, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, In a statement issued from PTI ficial had said. (84). Guinea and Chad — as the 10 least happy of 158 countries. Media Cell, Zaidi condemned the behaviour of MQM which, ac- cording to him “welcomes PTI on John Kerry one hand, while on the other hand, it sends party activists to attack UN chief Ban calls for safe environment amazed over the PTI office and workers”. “Our peacefulness shouldn’t be considered as our weakness,” Sri Lanka’s Zaidi asserted. We don’t want to for Bangladesh city polls campaign spoil the peace of Karachi, he add- 100 day ed. Rangers personnel reached The UN secretary-general has Karimabad to keep the crowd in called for a “secure and safe” envi- progress check and disperse the mob which ronment for campaigning for Dha- had gathered outside PTI election ka and Chittagong corporation elec- office. They baton-charged the tions. protesters and aided the police's Ban Ki-moon’s spokesperson efforts to control the mob, several at a regular press briefing in New arrests were also made. York said the UN chief reiterated It was after this that Altaf his appeal for “transparent, inclu- Hussain asked MQM supporters sive, and credible elections”. and party members to remain calm And those would be only pos- and peaceful. sible in a secure and safe environ- Imran Ismail told DawnNews ment for campaigning, the spokes- that PTI was satisfied with today’s person said. BNP Chairperson election. "We haven't yet received Khaleda Zia’s motorcade came complaints about rigging," he said. under repeated attacks during cam- US Secretary of State John Kerry "The party's reservations with the paigning for her party-endorsed was amazed after seeing the work ECP, however, still stand." Earlier mayor candidates in Dhaka. Her done by Sri Lanka during the 100- during the day, MQM leader Fa- party blamed government sup- day programme, claiming that even rooq Sattar had demanded of the porters for the attack while Prime a US President could not fulfil such Election Commission of Pakistan Minister Sheikh Hasina dubbed it a large number of promises in such (ECP) to extend the time of voting as a mere ‘drama’ staged by her a short period, Minister Rajitha by 3 hours. He said the voter turn- archrival. Khaleda boycotted 2014 Senaratne said. out was historic despite the fact general elections but endorsed can- “Mr. Kerry expressed these that it was a by-election. "Elderly didates for the Apr 28 city polls, views after meeting our foreign persons, women and youth have ending more than three months of minister a few weeks ago. When come out with so much of pas- violent blockades. The UN chief’s he (Kerry) requested a work re- sion; I pay a tribute to them." spokesperson at the briefing on port from their embassy in Sri Lan- However, despite voters' com- Wednesday said he was asked a ka, he had expected a single page plaints, and concerns voiced by number of times about Bangladesh report but was astonished to re- various political parties about the and reported attacks on the mo- ceive a three page report,” the min- slow voting process, the ECP had torcade. ister said. confirmed that there was no need to extend polling time. Speaking to media personnel, PTI chief Im- ran Khan said "today's by-election Battle lines drawn in India’s internet debate would not have been possible without the deployment of Rang- ers during the polling considering More than a million Indians have 24 and, within days, was receiving forms such as Reddit India and for everything out of our own many point out are high. But their claim is disputed by the sense of fear that has been cre- come together in an attempt to 50 emails per minute. Twitter more users pitched in to pockets. We all live in different cit- "If you look at the consulta- supporters of net neutrality who ated" in the constituency. Refer- ensure that internet services remain Thirty-four year old Nikhil decode and simplify the 118 page ies, most of us have never met each tion papers by TRAI, there seems say Indian mobile companies have ring to MQM's complaint that the free of policies seen as favouring Pahwa, founder and editor of long government discussion paper. other. Yet somehow we have run to be a tendency towards regulat- been increasingly making profit on voting process was slowed down, big telecom companies. medianama.com, came together Anonymous users helped the team this completely remotely over the ing the sector. Eventually it will data and that time has now come Imran said, "I think MQM is al- In one of the biggest online with 50 other people of various to create FAQs for users. internet," Balakrishnan told Al affect the startups because they to reinvent their business model. ready making excuses because they campaigns of recent times, Indi- backgrounds to launch an online Karthik Balakrishnan, a 22- Jazeera. don’t have money to pay the li- know they will not manage ans have given a verdict in favour campaign against whats he calls the year-old undergraduate engineering More than 50 academicians of censing fee and that will affect in- 140,000 votes this time." Imran of net neutrality after the Telecom rich corporate telecom behemoths. student from IT city of Bangalore, the country’s premier technology novation and entrepreneurship in said he was optimistic the result Regulatory Authority of India The campaign was based on built a website which simplified and science institutes also backed India," Nilotpal Chakravarti, As- of the by-election will be "favour- (TRAI) sought peoples' feedback the idea of internet as a level play- feedback process. the movement for net neutrality sociate Vice President of IAMI, able". He further said it was a pos- last month. ing field accessible to all, where it’s The process of submitting re- saying it is essential to the idea of told Al Jazeera. itive development for Karachi that TRAI sought to know wheth- seen as a utility and its freedom is sponses to the TRAI discussion the internet. For the Telecom companies finally true elections were taking er any service or application pro- protected. document was made easily acces- According to the Internet and the debate is about cost rationali- place there. 213 polling stations vided online like messaging and "There's been a response by sible with just a click of a button Mobile Association of India ty and the threat of increasing com- were set up with 769 polling voice services, e-commerce sites ordinary netizens against handing further promoted by an online vid- (IAMI), there are 302 million in- petition from internet companies. booths housed in 55 buildings, for and apps content should be regu- over the power to telecom compa- eo which went viral with more than ternet users in the country of which They insist that the cost of 357,861 registered voters. Around lated and whether consumers nies. History has been made, nev- 2.6 million views in just over 10 close to 180 million access the in- building the infrastructure and ser- 2,556 policemen provided securi- should not just pay for data but er before has a government con- days. ternet on their cellphones. The In- vices such as Whatsapp, imessag- ty in the constituency, whereas also access to certain websites and sultation received a million re- "We are a group of individuals dian e-commerce market according ing and viber eating into their voice Rangers personnel were also de- services. sponse," Pahwa told Al Jazeera. who have come together to fight to some estimates will be close to and SMS revenues, prices need to ployed at almost all polling sta- TRAI set a deadline of April Through social media plat- for a common cause. We've paid $22 billion this year, the stakes as be justified by charging users. tions. This document was created with Win2PDF available at http://www.win2pdf.com. The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only. This page will not be added after purchasing Win2PDF. SATURDAY. APRIL 25 , 2015 AFGHANISTAN TIMES As Yemen bombing subsides, Saudi may struggle with

An Iranian convoy of ships sus- peacemaker role pected of carrying weapons for Houthi rebels in Yemen has turned around and headed north, away from the war-torn country, U.S. defense officials said . The move came after the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier and oth- er American warships deployed off Yemen’s coast to track the Ira- nian flotilla and possibly prevent any arms deliveries to the Iran- backed Shiite rebels. The nine- ship Iranian convoy is “no longer on the same course” and is now south of Salalah, Oman, the offi- cial said. The flotilla included two “armed vessels,” said the official, who spoke on condition of ano- nymity. It was possible the Irani- ans “could make a turn to Yemen at any time,” the official added. The convoy was moving “slowly” and the United States was closely mon- itoring the ships, the official said. The U.N. Security Council earlier this month imposed an arms em- bargo on the Houthi forces in Ye- men. A total of 12 U.S. naval ships moved to the region stretching from the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea, including nine combat vessels. The warships in- DUBAI : Saudi Arabia has bombed the Shi'ite Houthis. As Washing- clude the Roosevelt, with a crew Yemen for four weeks but may be ton has grown less willing to de- of about 5,000 and some 60 air- little closer to imposing influence ploy its forces in the region, Riy- craft, a group of three amphibious in its war-torn neighbor. adh's ruling princes have started ships and two minesweepers. As the kingdom winds down to adopt more assertive regional Three resupply ships are in the the campaign it led against Yemen's policies. Yemen was the first big area to support the combat ves- Houthis, a militia allied to its re- test for King Salman and his ruling sels. The United States is not tak- gional rival Iran, Riyadh faces a test team after the death of his half ing part in direct military action of its diplomatic skills in trying to brother and predecessor Abdullah against the Houthi rebels and in- arrange talks among Yemen's frac- in January. stead is providing intelligence and tious elites. Leading Saudi commentator logistical support, including aerial The bombs have helped pre- Jamal Khashoggi said the kingdom refueling, for Saudi-led air strikes. vent the Houthis from fully seiz- has been emboldened by the suc- ing Aden, Yemen's main port, but cess of the venture in limiting have yet to reverse their decisive Houthi expansion. military gains over recent months, "If it weren't for the Saudi in- Qaeda, allies when they took the capital, joined tervention, the country would be forces with army troops loyal to totally under the Houthis," former leader Ali Abdullah Saleh Khashoggi said. advance on regime and emerged as the country's most Support for the kingdom still powerful force. runs deep in Yemen's embattled Saudi Arabia says it has south, where local fighters have stopped its main air campaign but withstood Houthi advances across in northwest will still bomb Houthis and Saleh hundreds of miles, backed by Sau- loyalists if they make military di raids and arms drops. moves. Air strikes have not ceased Posters of King Salman and Syria: Monitor but their pace has declined. fluttering Saudi flags adorn check- Meanwhile, the war has made points manned by armed youths tens of thousands hungry and in Aden, the southern port where homeless, and has given Yemen's residents welcome the continued branch of al-Qaeda - long a target air strikes. of secret U.S. CIA drone strikes - "The southern resistance had more room to operate. Tribal the will but not the means to fight chiefs, some with past ties to al the Houthis. The Saudi air cam- Qaeda, have emerged as the domi- paign succeeded in this in a big way nant force in an oil-producing east- by blocking the Houthis from an ern province. easy victory, and southerners are Most awkwardly for the king- happy that it will continue," said dom, the Houthis are still locked Mahmoud al-Salmi, a professor at in battle throughout southern Ye- Aden University. Al-Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate and oth- army. men with supporters of Saudi- Diplomats say the Saudi cam- er Islamist fighters made gains Fri- The local branch of the Syrian backed President Abd Rabbu paign succeeded in destroying day in a joint offensive on the last Revolution General Commission Mansour Hadi, now exiled in Riy- much of Yemen's missile and air major regime bastion in northwest activist group said rebels began adh. power, removing the threat of a Idlib province, a monitor said. attacking the city from the north, While Saudi Arabia can take sophisticated counterattack on the The assault, which began leaving regime forces “flounder- comfort from Washington's deci- kingdom or its Gulf allies by units Thursday, has seen Al-Nusra front ing.” sion to send an aircraft carrier to loyal to the Houthis or Saleh. Riy- and allied groups seize a total of The Syrian regime made Jisr help block any Iranian arms ship- adh has cited that achievement for four checkpoints around the city al-Shughur its de facto provincial ments to the Houthis, the ships winding down the campaign. of Jisr al-Shughur, the Syrian Ob- capital after the same rebel coali- and bombs may not help it put the But there appears to be less servatory for Human Rights said. tion calling itself “The Army of shattered country back together. reason for triumphalism in Riyadh “There are very fierce clashes Conquest” overran Idlib city last Supporters of the Yemen in- than in the early, heady days of ongoing since the early morning, month. tervention say it marks the mo- the air strikes. Over the weeks, it At least 115 children have been go out and play again?' The spiralling conflict has fu- and intense aerial bombing. The The regime still controls a ment Riyadh took the initiative became clear that Pakistan and killed and 172 injured in Yemen The World Health Organisa- elled a humanitarian disaster in a regime has conducted 34 air strikes smaller town, Ariha, to the east, after years of growing Iranian re- Egypt, the most populous coun- since Saudi-led coalition air strikes tion on Thursday said the overall country that was already suffer- in the area since Friday morning,” and a military base in Al-Mastu- gional clout. It had little choice as tries with the biggest militaries in began in March, according to the death toll in Yemen had topped ing from shortages before the lat- said Observatory head Rami Ab- mah, just south of Idlib city. the Houthis surged toward Hadi's the Saudi-led alliance, would offer UN's agency for the welfare of 1,000, and the UN's human rights est fighting erupted. del Rahman. But seizing Jisr al-Shughur last foothold in Aden. only token participation in the ef- children. agency said on Friday at least 551 The UN's World Food Pro- He told AFP that the Nusra would cut regime access to a major But critics say the strikes were fort. A spokesman from UNICEF of the people who died were civil- gramme warned on Friday that a Front had conducted a series of highway linking Idlib to Latakia – launched with little advance The blockade by air and sea, said on Friday at least 64 children ians. full 12 million people in the coun- suicide attacks on the city’s out- Assad’s home province -- further thought given to securing an even- led by the Arabian Peninsula's rich- who had died between March 26 UNICEF, meanwhile, said that try did not know where their next skirts and had sent 15 fighters with west. tual political settlement, given that est country against its poorest, has and April 20 had been killed by since March 26, at least 140 chil- meal was coming from, a 13 per- suicide belts into the city itself. If opposition groups overran the Houthis and Saleh were never led to a warning by the Interna- the strikes. dren had been recruited by armed cent increase since the conflict es- The Islamist coalition seized it, they would be able to launch likely to be decisively defeated tional Committee of the Red Cross "We believe that these are con- groups. calated in late March. control of two checkpoints Friday additional offensives on Latakia, from the air. that Yemen's humanitarian situa- servative figures," said UN offi- The agency's representative in The agency said it was deliv- morning and were battling pro- said Charles Lister, visiting fellow Saudi leaders were motivated tion is "catastrophic". cial Christophe Boulierac. Yemen Julien Harneis said earlier ering food to more than 100,000 government forces for three oth- at the Brookings Doha Centre by "a need to show force, to basi- Diplomats say a similar hu- Another 26 children had been this month that up to a third of people sheltered around the south- ers around the city, Abdel Rahman think tank. cally kick ass and show they could manitarian assessment, along with killed by unexploded bombs and fighters in the country were chil- ern port city of Aden. added. “This would be very danger- handle their own national interest the emboldening of al Qaeda, led mines, 19 by gunshots, three by dren. "Hundreds of thousands of "But we are struggling to reach He said that the clashes had ous for the regime,” he said. without waiting for the U.S.," said Washington to call for a pause. shelling and three by "unverified children in Yemen... continue to people because of deteriorating left 13 rebels and 10 regime troops Nusra Front and its allies al- Rami Khouri, a political analyst at "Saudi Arabia must have felt causes related to the conflict," the live in the most dangerous circum- security," a WFP statement said, dead so far. ready control much of Idlib prov- the American University of Beirut. this was hurting their image in the agency said. stances, many waking up scared adding that dire fuel shortages were On its official Twitter and Fa- ince. Long a "soft power" heavy- West. But their blockade contin- Saudi Arabia and its Arab al- in the middle of the night to the also hampering the response. cebook accounts, the Nusra Front More than 220,000 people weight due to its vast oil wealth, ues - trade and food imports are lies launched the air war at the end sounds of bombing and gunfire," The food agency said it hoped posted pictures of explosives and have been killed in Syria’s four- the kingdom has relished taking on still cut off - so this mission change of March as Iranian-backed Houthi Harneis said in a statement on Fri- to provide emergency food aid to destroyed buildings, saying it year conflict, which began with a lead role in a regional war in just distracts the media," Yemeni fighters swept across the country. day. 2.5 million people from May to would “purify Jisr al-Shughur” peaceful protests but devolved into which it spearheaded an alliance writer and activist Farea al-Musli- Yemen's children: 'When can I Humanitarian crisis July. from President Bashar al-Assad’s a complex civil war. of Sunni Muslim countries against mi said. Iran says nuclear Israeli tanks strike Gaza after rocket fired talks making gradual headway

VIENNA: Nuclear talks between "The Europeans and Ameri- Iran and six world powers are mak- cans made good clarifications ing good but slow progress as they about lifting of the sanctions," he work toward a June 30 deadline said, adding that drafting of the text for a final deal, Tehran's senior ne- had begun. gotiator said on Friday. Diplomats also need to iron Diplomats are negotiating to out details about the future of Iran's fill the gaps in an April 2 frame- atomic research and development work agreement that would curb program, the exact scope of the Iran's nuclear program, allaying U.N. atomic watchdog's monitor- Western fears it could develop an ing regime, and what kind of urani- atomic bomb, in return for relief um stockpile Tehran will be al- from international sanctions. lowed to keep. Iran, which denies seeking nu- Bilateral meetings earlier this clear weapons, has said sanctions week with the European Union's must be lifted as soon as any final political director Helga Schmid and deal is signed. The United States U.S. Under Secretary Wendy Sher- wants a gradual lifting of restric- man will be followed on Friday by tions. meetings with Russian, Chinese, "The progress is good... We are British, French and German en- Israeli tanks hit a position of the Islamist movement Hamas in the Gaza Strip after a rocket was launched on southern Israel from the Palestinian enclave, Israel's army said Friday. at preliminary stages and the pace voys. A military statement said its overnight strike had targeted "terrorist infrastructure" in the north of the Strip. A spokesman for Gaza's emergency services said nobody was wounded. An is slow but it is good," Iranian state U.S. Secretary of State John Israeli military spokeswoman confirmed that the tank fire had been in response to the rocket launched from the Gaza Strip Thursday, which triggered warning sirens in southern Israel television quoted negotiator Abbas Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minis- but caused no damage. Israel went to war against Hamas, the de facto power in Gaza, last summer with the aim of stamping out cross-border rocket fire. The 50-day conflict killed 2,140 Araqchi as telling reporters in Vi- ter Mohammad Javad Zarif are Palestinians, most of them civilians, and 73 people on the Israeli side, most of them soldiers. In December Israeli warplanes struck the strip for the first time since an August 26 ceasefire enna. expected to meet next week. went into effect, after a rocket hit the Jewish state. There were no casualties on either side. This document was created with Win2PDF available at http://www.win2pdf.com. The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only. This page will not be added after purchasing Win2PDF. SATURDAY .APRIL 25, 2015 AFGHANISTANTIMES

We a r e a n a t ion a l in st it u t ion a n d n ot t h e voice of a gov t or a p r iva t e or ga n iza t ion AFGHANISTAN TIMES Editor: Abdul Saboor Sarir Phone No: +93-772364666 E-mail: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Suhasini Haidar Much will depend on how poised on the brink of big on transit trade with Afghani- much Pakistan delivers in terms changes. The P5+1 (the United stan. This would strengthen www.afghanistantimes.af As India prepares to welcome of persuading senior Taliban States, United Kingdom, Ger- Mr. Ghani’s request to the Pa- Afghanistan President Ashraf leaders to appear for talks, even many, France, Russia, and Chi- kistan Commerce Minister, Photojournalist: M. Sadiq Yusufi Ghani, it must recognise that while curbing attacks by the na, facilitated by the European Khurram Dastgir Khan, to in- political changes and new re- groups under its control in Af- Union) agreement to work on a clude India in the Afghanistan- Advisory editorial board gional equations, rather than ghanistan. deal over Iran’s nuclear pro- Pakistan Transit and Trade Saduddin Shpoon, Dr. Sharif Fayez, Dr. Sultana Parvanta, Dr. Sharifa Sharif, past years of goodwill, will be Engagement with China, gramme by June 30 opens up Agreement (APTTA) in talks the most important determi- Iran many possibilities for Afghan- this month. Dr. Omar Zakhilwal, Setara Delawari, Ahmad Takal nants of the future course of Talks with the Taliban have istan, which had a go-slow at Second, the delays in the Graphic-Designers: India-Afghanistan relations changed the nature of Afghan- several points on trade with alternate route through Iran’s On a visit to Afghanistan istan’s engagement with China Tehran because of sanctions by Chabahar port can be attribut- Mansoor Faizy and Edriss Akbari in February 2014, it looked as as well. China has traditionally the United States. There is no ed to U.S. pressure against Marketing & Advertising: though relations between India stayed away from playing an doubt that the economic land- deals with Iran. Putting off work and Afghanistan were on a overt role in the internal politi- scape of Afghanistan will on this route will ignore Indian Mohammad Parwiz Arian, 0708954626, 0778894038 high. Relations were set to get cal process of countries it in- change with the development sacrifices already made in or- Mailing address: P.O. Box: 371, Kabul, Afghanistan into a new pace, with India com- vests in. Yet, in February this of trade routes through Iran der to build the Zaranj-Delaram Our Bank Accounts: Azizi Bank: 000101100258091 / 000101200895656 mitting to projects as part of the year, its Foreign Minister, and Pakistan. highway on the Afghanistan total package of $2 billion for Wang Yi, announced at a press A role for India side. It is imperative that India Printed at Afghanistan Times Printing Press development aid and to a re- conference in Islamabad that Where does India fit in in makes good on its promise to quest from Afghanistan for he- China was “ready to play a all this? Has Mr. Ghani spoken quickly refurbish the Iranian licopters. The helicopters, three constructive role” and would with his feet, by travelling to port, and re-establishes full The constitution says upgraded ‘Cheetals’ from Hin- “provide necessary facilitation China on his first state visit, in trade relations with Iran in or- dustan Aeronautics Limited, at any time if it is required by October 2014, and later to Paki- der to have a head-start on the were to be delivered “soon”. various parties in Afghani- stan, in November, leaving In- new trade route to Afghani- “Soon” has meant more stan.” What he didn’t say then, dia to much later, after a visit to stan, that will no doubt emerge Article 121: than a year later. The helicop- but which is well known, is that the U.S. in March 2015? Does as a consequence of the P5+1 At the request of the Government, or courts, the Supreme Court shall review the laws, legislative decrees, ters will now be handed over Beijing has already hosted a India risk being left out of the agreement with Iran. international treaties as well as international covenants for their compliance with the Constitution and their when Afghanistan President team headed by the leader of loop when it comes to strate- Third, the government’s interpretation in accordance with the law. Ashraf Ghani visits New Delhi the Taliban’s political office in gy, trade and development with opposition to China’s Silk on April 27. But the Afghani- Qatar, Qari Din Mohammad, to Afghanistan? This in a chang- Route initiative in the neigh- stan they will land in has discuss the way forward. The ing region where the U.S.’s in- bourhood should be revisited. Editorial changed vastly in the past year, Taliban visit came a month af- fluence is receding, China’s in- If China is willing to invest in and their impact may not be as ter Mr. Ghani had been to fluence is rising, Pakistan is the region’s infrastructure, this deeply felt as when they were Beijing, in October 2014, and more powerful, and Iran is is something India can also needed a year ago. What has issued a public invitation for showing the potential to be the benefit from, by developing its Iran’s Middle East proxy war: changed? New governments in talks to the Taliban when at a economic powerhouse in its own trade relations with each New Delhi and Kabul are the press conference with the Chi- neighbourhood? The answer: of the countries along the Silk most visible change; so have nese President, Xi Jinping. not necessarily. But as Mr. and Maritime Silk Routes. In- Afghan refugees in Syria Afghanistan’s regional equa- Around the same time, a senior Ghani comes to New Delhi, it is dia’s influence over its neigh- tions with Pakistan, Iran, and Minister in the Ghani cabinet necessary to recognise the bours, be it in the South Asian A new video from Syria has gone viral on media where four Afghan nationals have China, especially since its Pres- visited India and his message contours of this changing Association for Regional Co- ident, Hamid Karzai, demitted to the Indian government was world as well as build a new dy- operation (SAARC) region or been purportedly shown by the Syrian rebels. Two teenage boys are seen among office. clear; “For peace in Afghani- namism into the India-Afghan- in the Indian Ocean region has those taken hostage by the rebels during skirmishes. The group is said to be dis- As Prime Minister Narendra stan, we need a handle on the istan relationship. always been in a historical and Modi prepares to welcome Mr. Taliban, for which we need a Negative impulses cultural context, and involving patched to Syria by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. The men in the video speak in Ghani, it is this change, rather handle on Pakistan, for which To begin with, policymak- a large-heartedness in sharing Dari—one of the two officials languages in Afghanistan. It is heart rending that they than past years of goodwill, we need China.” ers in New Delhi will have to its resources with its neigh- blamed unemployment as the main driving factor behind their decision to join Iran’s that will be the most important For China, the move to acknowledge that three essen- bours. India must extend its determinant of the future reach out is clearly driven by tially negative impulses have generosity of spirit by encour- proxy war in the Middle East. Since Iran and Saudi Arabia have locked horns in the course of India-Afghanistan Mr. Xi’s desire to clear the path dogged most of the moves aging its neighbours to benefit Middle East for political maneuvering therefore in a new escalation of its sectarian relations. to Central Asia with his Silk made over the past few years. from Chinese prosperity, while Turnaround with Pakistan Route “One Belt, One Road” These are: manoeuvres against “being the Un-China” itself and involvement in Syria, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps is reportedly training Mr. Ghani’s turnaround initiative, spanning cities from Pakistan’s terror threat; mea- reaching out in ways China and dispatching scores of Afghan refugees—most of them Shiite Hazaras to fight with Pakistan is probably the Xian to Venice. The project — sures cutting trade with Iran can’t. Mr. Modi’s visit to the most dramatic shift in Kabul’s which involves hundreds of because of U.S. sanctions; and Seychelles, Mauritius and Sri alongside President’s Bashar al-Assad forces. According to media reports nearly foreign policy. From the mo- billions of dollars to be spent moves countering China’s rise Lanka, in March 2015, under- 3,000 Afghan refugees have been sent to Syria. Over the past few months, scores ment he assumed office, he has on infrastructure along the in the neighbourhood. lined just what this engagement shunned making any com- route from China to Europe — The decision to refuse Af- could look like. have been killed and wounded. The driving force that goads them on joining Assad’s ments on Pakistan’s Inter-Ser- envisages Afghanistan as an ghanistan’s demands of mili- Afghanistan has shown forces is that Iran’s government has offered them permanent residency in Iran and vices Intelligence (ISI) support investment hub, while also se- tary transport and combat as- that it values relations with In- to the Taliban and Lashkar-e- curing energy supplies for Chi- sistance was essentially driv- dia, even as it essays the new other benefits. Syria’s sectarian rift, between a Shiite axis of Iran, Assad and Hezbol- Taiba (LeT) insurgents in the na’s burgeoning needs. Mr. Xi en by India’s nervousness over opportunities in its own neigh- lah, and rebel groups backed by Sunni Arab governments, has caused thousands of way Mr. Karzai had, and has is making it known that he is Pakistan’s reaction, and attacks bourhood, and Mr. Ghani’s visit pursued closer ties on the mili- willing to spend, and spend big by the LeT on Indian nation- will be a chance to repose con- deaths and rendered millions homeless. There are about 2.5 million Afghans living in tary front. He has invited Paki- on the venture, along with a als. Eventually, Afghanistan’s fidence in those ties. In his in- Iran, a third of them registered refugees and the remainder economic migrants. The stan’s Army Chief General Ra- more modest “Maritime Silk government gave up waiting, augural address, Mr. Ghani heel Sharif, the ISI Chief, Lt. Route” initiative. His an- and Mr. Ghani withdrew the re- outlined his country’s “five-cir- problem is that Afghans have always allowed themselves to be used as elements of General Rizwan Akhtar, and two nouncement of a $46 billion quests, made by Mr. Karzai in cle foreign policy”: relations proxy wars, which has always created troubles for their very much own homeland. corps commanders to Kabul. plan to build an economic cor- 2012-13. While India may still with neighbours, Asian coun- He went to Pakistan in Novem- ridor through Pakistan to the not wish to accede to the Af- tries, the Islamic world, donor This time, Iran’s use of Afghan refugees as elements of proxy war, is likely to have ber, visiting the Army General Gwadar port, and which the ghan plea for lethal weaponry countries and international in- serious fallouts for Afghanistan—a country which has already been gripped by seri- Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawal- Chinese will manage, is in line and combat assistance on the stitutions. As one of its most pindi. Mr. Ghani agreed to send with that. His plan to link Af- ground, it is necessary that the reliable donors — as the archi- ous militancy. Iran’s meddling in Afghanistan has oft-times slammed but in the recent the first batch of six officers to ghanistan to Pakistan through government moves quickly on tect of development projects as years Tehran started scaling back its intrusion inside Afghanistan but found a new Abbottabad for training in Feb- highways, and new railway other requests for helicopters, prominent as the Parliament, opportunity in Afghan refugees living on its soil by sending them to Syria to safeguard ruary this year. The Peshawar lines will also boost more trade jeeps, and plans for an acade- highways and the Salma dam, school massacre in December along the route. Simultaneous- my to train security forces in a provider of health and edu- its own foreign policy objectives. Iranian influence in Afghanistan following the draw- 2014 and the Kabul embassy ly, the Chinese outlay of $40 Kabul. The delivery of the cation to lakhs of Afghans, and down of coalition forces must have been positive but unfortunately it didn’t happen attack might have brought the billion in the Silk Route Fund Cheetal helicopters in a few as a strategic partner with a two countries closer, evident in will strengthen Afghan trans- days could be the signal that long history of shared culture as it has been deporting Afghan refugees and at the same time sending Afghan refu- their sharing information on the port and trade links with Cen- India is finally ready to do and faith — India already has a gees to the Middle East. In the wake of Iran’s decision in 2007 to expel Afghan terror groups responsible. The tral Asian countries. much more. At the same time, big place in the Afghan heart. other part to this closeness Finally, in the discussion on Mr. Modi may have to accept Now, it can well occupy a sig- refugees, its then minister for interior said the international community must be sensi- comes from Mr. Ghani’s desire Afghanistan’s neighbourhood, the inevitability of a dialogue nificant part of each of these tive to this issue. Since then Afghan refugees have been targeted, tortured, killed, to restart talks with the Taliban. there is Iran, a country now with Pakistan on cooperating circles. jailed and also raped. Once, Iranian officials said there was no reason why they should tolerate a large number of refugees who have entered Iran and why should a group of people—the US and its coalition forces, come from the other side of the world to Afghanistan and Iranians must pay the price? In such a situation the blame is on the Afghan government as billions of dollars were funneled into the country in the name of reconstruction, but unfortunately millions were stashed back into foreign accounts and refugees coming from Iran and Pakistan find no reason to stay here as the ministry concerned is inefficient and the government is engrossed in certain other matters, particularly in internal bickering. Why the government failed in relocating these refugees from Iran and Pakistan? Iran deports over 25,000 Afghans on month- ly basis whereas the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has raised its concerns over the issue. But where is the government’s standpoint and if it has any plan regarding the repatriation of the refugees, the nation wants to know. 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SATURDAY .APRIL 25 , 2015 AFGHANISTANTIMES War-torn and What did Saudi poor, Yemen gain in Yemen? must be given ingly a new front in Cairo’s fight a chance for against jihadists. The threat from the ISIS, will also prevent Jordan salvation from any significant contribution By Abdulrahman al-Rashed to Saudi military efforts in Yemen. Yemen has been under the spot- These hard realities leave Riy- light in the Arab region and the rest adh with two options. It can look of the world for four weeks. Ev- for or even mediate a political so- eryone has been talking about it lution that will invariably include with the beginning of the opera- tion “decisive storm”. However, the same Houthis that Riyadh is we do not know much about the attacking today. Alternatively, giv- old and ongoing tragedy of the Ye- en the absence of willing states to meni people that has been burden- contribute ground troops, Riyadh ing Yemen for more than half a cen- By Manish Rai tury. This historically booming will have to contemplate a full-scale country has a deprived population Saudi Arabia announced that it is invasion of Yemen. It’s also not a suffering from unprecedented star- scaling back its military interven- win-win equation for Iran as well. vation and lack of development, tion in Yemen, after more than three The Iranians too are faced with among most countries in the world. The Yemenis are suffering from a weeks of airstrikes failed to drive stark choices. It is beyond Tehran’s silent humanitarian crisis that has back the Shiite rebels that have ability to tame the Yemeni crisis. been kept off the scenes. plunged the Arabian Peninsula As tempting as it might be for Te- Yemen’s stability is not the poorest nation into chaos. The hran to see the Saudis bleed in Ye- problem as the country has wit- nessed throughout its history nu- coalition declared that the initial men, the danger of this conflict merous consternations that were phase of the campaign named “De- further fuelling sectarian tensions limited in the space and time. It cisive Storm” had achieved its mil- in the Middle East will undermine hasn’t been a problem even after itary objectives by successfully broader regional Iranian interests. the emergence of Al Qaeda, Amer- ican drone warfare that has been eliminating threats to Saudi Ara- A political compromise that both ongoing for years now, and the brief bia’s security, including the de- Riyadh and Tehran and their re- wars between government-allied struction of the rebels’ supply of spective Yemeni allies can live with forces and the Houthis. Neverthe- missiles and heavy weapons. But seems to be the only option that is By Dalia Hashad to the people on the factory floor. Our work is not done. After every claim has been assessed, the fund has less, most of the country is lack- determined it is still $6m short of fulfilling the needs of those so deeply impacted by this disaster. And there ing civilization. Poverty long pre- this initial campaign of airstrikes not cataclysmic. These airstrikes ceded Ali Abdullah Saleh’s rule. Two years ago, the eight-story are large national companies still refusing to pay their fair share. The US' JCPenney; France's Carrefour; by the Saudi led Arab coalition has have proven to be counter-produc- Yemen has witnessed decades Rana Plaza fashion building crashed Germany's NKD and Adler Modemarkte; and the UK's Lee Cooper have not paid a cent. As we remember further destabilized Yemen, help- tive for the regional stability. without development. It is now to the ground in just 90 seconds, those who died two years ago, there's one powerful way to honour them: Our pressure can make sure all the ing radical groups such as al-Qae- Across southern Yemen, al-Qaeda languishing at the bottom of the 1,134 people died, some sawed companies involved with the Rana Plaza disaster pay into the groundbreaking fund for victims. Together we world, and ranks among the coun- da expand their influence there. in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) through their limbs to escape; it can send a clear signal that customers don't just want high quality products - we demand high quality tries that are the most affected by The coalition’s initial war aim of is on the offensive taking advan- was a record-breaking disaster. But companies. Dalia Hashad is a campaign director of the advocacy group Avaaz.org. The views expressed in this poverty and ignorance. driving the rebels out of major ur- Half of the Yemeni population tage of the chaos in the country. out of its painful legacy, a new article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial policy. ban centers, including Sanaa, the AQAP has freed its members from model has emerged that brings re- earns just two dollars per month. It is one of the countries that are capital, has not been achieved. The various jails and has raised its flag sponsibility for worker health and suffering from the lack of educa- rebels control most of northern over Mukalla, a city of nearly four safety to the doorstep of global Everybody loves a good tion, medication and other servic- Yemen. The Houthis are still ac- hundred thousand and a major port brands. Often, desperately poor es. This misery has been haunting tively fighting to take territory and with critical oil and gas handling people work in dangerous sprawl- Yemenis for nearly five decades; it is a bigger and more dangerous is- this could lead to further, heavy facilities. The primary targets of ing factories to produce cheap products for a suite of famous cor- death in India sue than the crisis we are witness- clashes. Although Saudi Arabia has the aerial campaign, beyond criti- ing today. It is important to men- characterized operations to date as cal infrastructure, food factories, porations. But when disaster By Chandrahas Choudhury tion that Yemeni’s chance is un- strikes, those same familiar names and let go. He hung for close to 10 was to be attributed both to the successful, the Houthis still con- and refugee camps, are the likely to change with the lingering distance themselves from the "Everybody loves a good minutes before the crowd got wind Delhi police and to the Land Ac- of the old regime and its heirs. trol large areas of the country and Houthis, a Zaidi Shi’a group that source, leaving the people that drought," goes the title of the Indi- that something had gone terribly quisition ordinance. All that we wish for is that the have not been dislodged from has had more success at fighting power their businesses behind. The an journalist P Sainath's classic wrong. By the time he was brought The Congress, the main oppo- world deploys all possible efforts Aden, Yemen’s commercial hub. AQAP in the last six months than to save Yemen from its humanitar- Rana Plaza Donor Trust fund, set book about rural distress in India. down, he was already dead. As he sition party in Parliament, was For sure Saudi led Air campaign the US and its drones have had in ian plight through providing relief up by the UN's International La- To judge from the unseemly clam- was taken away to hospital, the particularly delighted to make to all parts of the country put a dent in the military capabil- the last decade. So in a way Saudi bor Organization, changes that. It our of India's political class in the rally, headed by Delhi's chief min- Singh a martyr in support of the The current war might be the ities of the Houthis in Yemen but led air campaign has benefitted lo- independently assesses the mon- Indian capital, New Delhi, over the ister Arvind Kejriwal, continued. shallow tirade, full of simplistic only way out of the long Yemeni they are still holding strong posi- cal Al-Qaida franchisee which is ey owed to victims and their fam- tunnel, in case the concerned coun- last day, everybody loves a good A politician with a flair for binaries, against the bill launched tries in the Gulf and the West, care tion on the ground. also very much against the ruling ilies to cover lost income and crit- death too. both political theatre and conspir- this week by Rahul Gandhi, the to provide a project that will save Now rumors of a coordinated royal family of Saudi Arabia. ical medical support. Help eludes The Indian farmer Gajendra acy theories, Kejriwal seems to party's vice president and eternal the country and not only save the land invasion from multiple fronts Moreover on the other hand these Dhaka garment disaster victims Singh Kalyanwat was one of a few have been persuaded to the very heir-in-waiting of the Gandhi dy- rule of law. The international com- are mounting but that may be very strikes added to the misery of the Some companies that made their munity, governments and interna- thousand people to attend a rally end that Singh's actions were a nasty. unlikely. Saudi’s knew from begin- defenseless Yemeni people and clothes in Rana Plaza stepped in tional funds, have previously held organised on April 22 by the Indi- stunt pre-programmed by his po- And the BJP, though thank- conferences to help the Yemeni ning that airstrikes alone will not Anti Saudi sentiments are on all to pay their share straight away. an political outfit the Aam Aadmi litical adversaries and likely sup- fully not Modi himself, was only people, before and after the finish off the Houthi movement and time high among the masses. The For others, it's been a two year Party, which runs the state gov- ported by the police (whom his too keen to paint as cynical the “Spring Revolution,” but Saleh’s its allies in the Yemeni armed forc- International Red Cross says the battle. Benetton compensation regime was unsettling all deployed ernment of Delhi. Like many of state government does not con- AAP's decision to continue its ral- es. It requires ground troops on a humanitarian situation in Yemen is Last week, Benetton's CEO Mar- efforts to help the country get out the parties in opposition in the trol). Even a day after his death, ly despite Singh's death. The de- of the long tunnels of ignorance, huge scale. Riyadh has tried hard nothing short of catastrophic. The co Airoldi announced his compa- ny will contribute $1.1m to the Lok Sabha, the lower house of Par- the reasons for Singh taking his bate consumed proceedings in par- corruption or mere political inter- to muster a military coalition that Red Cross reports since Saudi ests. Saleh has purposely left Ye- Rana Plaza victims in Bangladesh. liament, the AAP had in the last own life remain mysterious. A "sui- liament, to no good end. is willing to dispatch ground Arabia launched its air campaign men outside the cycle of civiliza- For two years Benetton had re- week been trying to drum up re- cide note" emerged stating that the Manufactured war troops but its effort has so far been on March 26, violence has escalat- tion; his government only managed fused to pay any compensation at sistance among India's peasantry deceased, a father of three, had The manufactured war over major cities and left the rest of the nothing short of a fiasco. The Pa- ed and conditions for millions of all. After two months of pressure to the Land Acquisition ordinance, been turned out of his house by Singh's death, and claims by all country to the rule of the tribes. kistanis most famously turned civilians in Yemen have dramati- by more than one million Avaaz.org a forerunner of a crucial bill that his own father after the unseason- parties to represent the interests During the 60s, Yemen has wit- down the Saudi request and let it cally deteriorated. nessed transitions like all other members, the company was con- Narendra Modi's government had al rain had destroyed his crops. of the Indian farmer, will continue be known that Yemen is a quag- Only thing which can rebuild Arab states, the transition from vinced it had to step forward. Ben- been trying to pass into law in the It's hard to see how a law that to play itself out for as along as colonialism, as is the case of South- mire they can do without. Instead, Yemen and put bam on the wounds etton's contribution is not nearly current session. has yet to come into effect can be the media can find viewers and ern Yemen in 1968, or transition Islamabad has asked Iran to push of the Yemeni people is the com- enough to ease the death and suf- The bill, which the opposition the cause of a suicide, or why performers. One hopes, though, from an obscure tribal power into the Houthis for a political com- posite dialogue. The resumption the modern state, as is the case of fering of people who made clothes parties have painted as a "pro-cor- Singh should in death serve as a that Indian citizens, if not the po- promise that Riyadh can live with. of diplomatic negotiations with all for the fashion giant. But the huge Northern Yemen in 1964. porate" conspiracy designed to al- tabula rasa for political parties to litical class, have the good sense to Similarly to what happened in The Turks were enthusiastic at the political factions is required to public outcry and Benetton's an- low big business easy access to the write simplistic scripts that serve leave Singh out of the debate on other Arab countries, the wave of first about stopping the Houthis put an end to the fighting in Ye- nouncement sends a crystal clear lands of small farmers, had also run their own agendas. the Land Acquisition bill in the independence veered towards mil- but in his visit to Tehran Turkish men. The Yemeni people deserve message: When workers die, no itary dictatorship or extremist ide- into some literal rough weather in But it's hard to work Singh coming months. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan the opportunity to hold a peace- company can walk away. Every ology. Northern Yemen has wit- recent weeks. into the larger narrative of farmer Tragic though the farmer's nessed conflicts over power be- made it clear that he has priori- ful debate about their new consti- major global brand with direct links Indian farmer hangs himself at suicides that, occurring in their death was, it would be ridiculous tween the different victorious au- tized Iranian-Turkish trade rela- tution, to participate in a credible to the factory has now contribut- protest over land reform thousands, have been a pointer for if the direction of agricultural and thorities; five presidents have come tions over rivalry in Yemen, and and safe constitutional referen- ed to the Rana Plaza fund and cit- to power in 15 years, and then, at izens have the stragglers in their Unseasonal rains in north In- many years to the crisis in Indian land-use policy for a country of emphasized a political solution for dum, and to vote in free and fair the end, an unexperienced, uncul- sites. A generation ago, this would dia had grievously damaged matur- agriculture. Reporters found that over a billion people were to be tured, low-ranked military individ- the Yemeni conflict. The Egyptians national elections. All the diplo- have been unthinkable. In 1984, ing crops, leading the media to fo- he came from what seemed to be a swayed by a single emotive inci- ual became president and dominat- and the Jordanians are still sup- matic and international communi- when a huge pesticide plant in cus (as it does intermittently) on relatively prosperous farming fam- dent in the capital, and not on facts ed the country for more than 30 portive of Saudi efforts and claim ty measures should be taken in this years. Bhopal, India, exploded, the Amer- the long-term crisis in Indian agri- ily, that he had ran in two local and careful scholarship. publicly to be open to the idea of direction. So that the vulnerable and As for Southern Yemen, it has ican company Union Carbide culture, which over the last two elections in the past, and that he'd It's hard to see how a law that fallen into the clutches of the Com- deploying military forces to assist poor Yemeni people living in a land, walked away from the disaster, decades has resulted in thousands come to the Delhi protest with the has yet to come into effect can be munists and extremist Marxists, Riyadh in Yemen. But whether once the home of the world’s old- leaving chemicals on the ground of farmer suicides. intention of meeting Kejriwal and the cause of a suicide, or why loyal to the Soviet Union; they they will go through with it is an- est civilizations, can find peace. took control after the departure of that continue to poison families to Ignored at first trying to join the Aam Aadmi Par- Singh should in death serve as a other matter. Egypt has a long list (Author is a columnist for this day. Responsibility Now cus- the last British soldier in 1968. For a while, it seemed as if ty. Rhetoric and reality None of tabula rasa for political parties to Yemenis were divided between two of problems of its own, including Middle-East and Af-Pak region tomers expect, and demand loud- Singh, clad in the dhoti, kurta and these details held up the rhetoric write simplistic scripts that serve Yemens: South and North. They a bloody counter-terrorism cam- and Editor of a geo-political news ly, that companies take responsi- safa (or turban) of the Rajasthani of Delhi's three major political par- their own agendas. were ruled by two futile regimes paign in Sinai that it cannot afford agency Views Around can be bility for all of the workers who that failed to build a modern state, peasant, was just one of the throng. ties, all of which rushed to claim In the absence of self-restraint to lose, but also an eastern border r e a c h e d touch their products, from those and after the so-called unity, the Even when Singh climbed up a tree, the high ground on Singh's death, or argumentative rigour among In- country turned into a poor state. with lawless Libya that is increas- at [email protected]) in the front offices and retails stores most people assumed he was try- proving, even if by a trivial exam- dia's political class, the strange Abdulrahman al-Rashed is the ing to get a better view. ple, just how hard it is to separate demise of Gajendra Singh in New former General Manager of Al Ar- rhetoric from reality and sympa- Delhi would be mourned best by a abiya News Channel. A veteran and LETTER TO THE EDITOR What happened next was, in internationally acclaimed journal- the end, definitely a tragedy, but thy from self-interest when it dignified silence. ist, he is a former editor-in-chief Children and malnutrition in the slow progress of its details comes to arguments about the fu- Chandrahas Choudhury is a of the London-based leading Arab it played itself out as a farce. Eye- ture of Indian farming. Party novelist and columnist based in daily Asharq al-Awsat, where he spokesmen outdid themselves in New Delhi. His work on Indian still regularly writes a political col- From lack of access to education to lack of access to quality health services, from economic problems to witness reports said that Singh umn. He has also served as the family disputes, Afghan children are surrounded by different problems. According to the Ministry of tried without much success to at- trying to win the war of moral out- politics appears regularly on Public Health, thousands of children die of malnutrition and some infectious diseases in Afghanistan every editor of Asharq al-Awsat’s sister year. Most of these children are suffering from pneumonia and measles. These diseases were mostly tract the attention of the crowd rage for the benefit of TV cameras Bloomberg View and in The Cara- publication, al-Majalla. Through- pneumonia and measles. According to some surveys by the ministry, at least 45 percent of under five- from the tree. Those politicians on waiting to begin the long night of van. out his career, Rashed has inter- viewed several world leaders, with year-old children in Afghanistan lose their lives as a result of malnutrition. There are several reasons stage who noticed him also ignored accusations and recriminations rou- The views expressed in this his articles garnering worldwide behind this problem. First, children are not breastfed in first hours and later in first six months of their life him. So did the police. tine in nightly debates on prime article are the author's own and do due to different reasons including lack of mothers’ capability to breastfeed their children. In remote areas recognition, and he has successful- of Afghanistan for instance in some parts of northeastern families are living in bad Finally, Singh tied a towel time in news-hungry India. not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's ly led Al Arabiya to the highly re- condition. They have nothing to eat except of milk. They are having only breakfast and dinner. Children in around a branch and then his neck, For the AAP, Singh's death editorial policy. garded, thriving and influential these areas are more prone to malnutrition in compare with other provinces. These problems are numer- position it is in today. ous. The main were the motioned. The Ministry of Public Health and children’s rights organizations should first raise public awareness regarding breastfeeding and some other related issues. The ministry should increase infant care centers in all provinces. The government should try to overcome joblessness in the country and boost living condition of people in Afghanistan in a bid to overcome Disclaimer: child mortality as soon as possible. Nadim Hamraz, Khwaja Bughra, Kabul The views and opinions expressed in the articles are those of the author(s) Letter to editor will be edited for policy, content and clarity. All letters must have the writer’s name and address. You may send your letters to: and do not reflect the views or opinions of the Afghanistan Times. [email protected] This document was created with Win2PDF available at http://www.win2pdf.com. The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only. This page will not be added after purchasing Win2PDF. SATURDAY . APRIL 25, 2015 AFGHANISTANTIMES Q&A: Turkey looks beyond ‘Armenian genocide’ debate ISTANBUL: With the centennial Correction : This article originally of the Armenian massacre just days stated that Raïssa Maïga was from away, Armenian-Turkish relations the Democratic Republic of Con- and the history the neighbouring go. Maïga is from the Republic of countries share have come under Congo. As World Malaria Day ap- the spotlight again. The diplomat- proaches, the World Health Orga- ic arena has been heating up as nization (WHO) is busy advocat- Pope Francis recently used the ing for malaria control and elimi- word "genocide" for the first time nation, particularly in the hardest to describe the 1915 killings and, hit continent of Africa. earlier this week, the European Malaria is a disease caused by Parliament reiterated its call for a parasite called Plasmodium, Turkey to recognise the "Arme- transmitted through bites from in- nian genocide". fected mosquitos and is an endem- Ankara agrees that many Ar- ic, plaguing more than 20 countries menians died in ethnic fighting and in Africa. the deportation process between "In 2013, 20 of the 22 coun- 1915 and 1917 during World War tries accounting for 90 percent of I, putting its estimate at 300,000 the estimated global cases of ma- casualties. Armenia says 1.5 mil- laria were from Africa," the WHO lion died in the process, including Africa's regional director Dr Mat- the march to Syria, in what it calls shidiso Moeti told Al Jazeera. a genocide - an accusation denied World Malaria Day on April by Turkey, which says there was 25 was instituted by the World no systematic attempt to destroy Health Assembly at its 60th ses- Armenians. sion in May 2007 to recognise the Al Jazeera spoke with Etyen global effort to provide effective Mahcupyan, Turkish Prime Min- malaria control. ister Ahmet Davutoglu's chief ad- It endeavours to educate peo- viser who has Armenian roots, ple in affected regions about the about a range of issues, from Tur- disease's spread, and for nations key's changing rhetoric on 1915, to learn from common experiences to the future of Turkish-Armenian while providing research and in- relations, and the conditions of the ternational partnership to combat Armenian minority in Turkey. the disease. RELATED: EU parliament According to the WHO, 90 calls for Turkey to recognise 'geno- percent of the estimated 627,000 cide' global malaria deaths occurred in Al Jazeera: Turkish President Africa in 2012. Recep Tayyip Erdogan made a Economic woes statement on April 23, 2014, send- Malaria has a devastating so- ing his condolences to the victims cioeconomic impact on African of the 1915 killings and their fam- countries causing poverty because ilies. Moreover, Prime Minister of absenteeism from work and Ahmet Davutoglu sent dialogue school, thereby rendering children messages to Armenians all around unequipped for promising careers. the world on the anniversary of Raïssa Maïga from the Repub- Armenian Turkish journalist Hrant lic of Congo, whose 11-month-old ernment will provide free mosqui- malaria incidents and an estimated insecticide to control the vector memorate World Malaria Day control and elimination agenda Dink's murder this year. These daughter contracted malaria, ex- to nets and a clean place to sleep. 584,000 deaths. Those living in the mosquitoes. Global focus The Roll 2015, in New York, Brussels, through supporting advocacy moves are different than Turkey's plained the economic woes of the Intervention poorest countries are the most Back Malaria Partnership - which Geneva, Jeddah, and Livingstone, events like media briefing, publi- traditional position. How is Tur- disease. Dr Moeti, while acknowledg- vulnerable to the disease. comprises of more than 500 part- Zambia. cation of news briefs, statements key's policy on Armenia and 1915 Baby Jenny Maïga with her ing African governments are "do- Symptoms of malaria include ners, including malaria endemic Their mission is to focus on and articles in newspapers and elec- evolving? mother Raïssa [WHO] ing their best given competing pri- fever, headache, and vomiting, and countries, non-governmental or- the need for increased financing, tronic media, and support to com- Etyen Mahcupyan: Turkey is "Malaria is affecting me be- orities", says a lot more can be usually appear between 10 to 15 ganisations, and research institu- tackling drug and insecticide resis- memoration events at select cen- acting with a perspective to create cause I'm currently at the hospital done to prevent and eliminate ma- days after the mosquito bite. If tions - is also planning programmes tance, increasing investment in tres within countries," Moeti told an environment for the sides of the with my daughter when I need to laria. timely treatment is not provided, to mark World Malaria Day. Chil- elimination efforts, improving pro- Al Jazeera in an email. issue to come to an agreement. be working in the market. I'm a "Governments can do more ... it rapidly becomes life-threatening dren run with advertising banners tection for pregnant women, and However, ordinary people Ankara wants to achieve this with- shopkeeper and I can't sell any- by increasing domestic investment because it disrupts the blood sup- highlighting the fight against ma- prioritising malaria prevention in such as Maïga are looking for only out any negative spillover to its thing, and I'm losing money as I in malaria control - the current av- ply to vital organs. laria [Getty Images] a new era of development. simple solutions to this life threat- other policy areas. It is pursuing a need to stay here with her until erage domestic investment in Afri- The main interventions for The partnership will convene Meanwhile, WHO is working ening disease such as mosquito balanced policy without rushing she is well," Maïga told Al Jazeera. ca is about $4 per person at risk. controlling the spread of malaria with UN ambassadors, EU parlia- on advocating malaria control and nets. Maïga says she believes she things, leaving it to time. Maïga comes from the Bacon- This needs to rise to at least $10 include the prompt and effective mentarians, officials from the Is- elimination throughout the world will see a malaria-free Congo in her The Armenian issue is not the go district of Brazzaville in Congo per person," she said. treatment with artemisinin-based lamic Development Bank and Or- with a special focus on Africa. lifetime. "Yes, I would really like most important topic on Turkey's and says her daughter contracted Every year, 3.2 billion people combination therapies; use of in- ganisation of Islamic Cooperation, "The WHO regional office for to see that. I think it can be done if agenda. It ranks somewhere in the the disease from mosquito bites. are at risk of contracting malaria. secticidal nets by people at risk; and communities in the Elimina- Africa works through its 47 coun- we all work together with nurses middle. And for this reason, it is She says she now hopes the gov- This leads to about 198 million and indoor residual spraying with tion Eight (E8) countries, to com- try offices to advance the malaria and doctors." (AL JAZEERA) kept a bit in the background in case it might harm positive develop- ments in other policy areas. The government will continue with its Rebel seizure of positive approach on the issue as far as the situation allows it to. Many people use the word 'genocide' here. Turkey is over this Syrian border post issue. Al Jazeera: Erdogan changed the date of the Gallipoli Campaign hits exporters [a World War I conflict] anniversa- ry and invited Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan to Turkey this across region year. If Sargsyan accepted the in- vitation and uttered the word 'geno- Syrian rebels' seizure of the main Thaer Fayad, head of foreign trade cide' in his speech, how would that frontier crossing with Jordan has in the Economy Ministry, told be received in Turkey? dealt a heavy blow to the Dam- state television. Mahcupyan: It is not really ascus government's efforts to re- Syrian exports climbed back to significant for Sargsyan to say vive a once thriving export trade $1.8 billion last year, the highest 'genocide' in Turkey. Many peo- crippled by civil war, and is also level since the crisis began in 2011, ple use the word 'genocide' here. hurting businesses across the re- according to Ihab Smandar, the Turkey is over this issue. gion. president of the state-run Exports The important issue is if the Western-backed mainstream Promotion Authority. However, Turkish state is going to formally insurgents took control of the Na- this fell far short of the import bill, accept it or not. And this issue is sib crossing three weeks ago, clos- which he estimated at $4.3 billion, going to be resolved in the domain ing the chief conduit for bilateral and remained a small fraction of of nation states. So, I don't think it trade worth over $2 billion a year. exports in 2010 which totalled $12 makes sense to revisit what hap- Along with Syrian and Jorda- billion. pened in 1915 all the time. Nation- nian firms involved in the border Until now Syria's southern state mentality does not seek ac- trade, Lebanese exporters are also border has played a leading role in knowledging historical facts, but feeling the pain as they are no long- the revival drive: Jordanian figures seeks the interest of its people to- er able send goods by truck through show two-way trade with Syria day. Al Jazeera: The Armenian di- Syria and Jordan to their major was in the region of $2 billion last aspora is influential both on the markets in the Gulf. Exporters are year. Armenian government and on being forced to turn to a far more The Nasib crossing on the some of the other governments in costly sea and land route via Egypt main Damascus-Amman highway the world. And the diaspora ac- to reach consumers in the wealthy grew in importance due to a steady tively promotes recognition of the oil producing states. rise in exports of garments and 1915 tragedy as 'genocide'. How does this situation influence Ar- European leaders meet on Thurs- be created," Italian MP Khalid nomic pain continue to embark on who held him hostage for nine "Nasib in particular is a catas- consumer goods from the plants trophe for us and for our products that Syrian entrepreneurs relocat- menian-Turkish relations? Mahcu- day in Brussels to discuss emer- Chaouki told Al Jazeera. the deadly journey towards Eu- months inside a crammed house pyan: The strategy implemented gency measures to protect thou- Serious advocate rope. with hundreds of other migrants. and also for the Jordanian side too ed to government-controlled areas because it also handled cargo and in Damascus and the Mediterra- [by the diaspora] through third sands of desperate migrants mak- In 2013, Chaouki locked him- "What we need is a European During his stay he saw dozens of parliaments and governments has ing treacherous sea journeys to self inside a detention centre in Sic- search-and-rescue mission in the people die from malnourishment, commercial exchanges," Muhanad nean coastal region. Bad time for al-Asfar, a senior member of the farmers a negative influence on the atmo- escape war and poverty back ily to highlight the plight faced by Mediterranean Sea. Anything short Said recounted. sphere in Turkey. Turkish society home. migrants staying there. of that will fail to avoid a new trag- When his family was finally Syrian Exporters' Union told state The timing of the closure could television this week. not have been worse for Syrian has been carrying out this initia- EU politicians have been "I am confident that the plan edy," said Giovanna di Benedetto able to pay his ransom he headed tive and opening up, but the inter- scrambling for solutions in the can be implemented in the near from the NGO Save the Children. to Tripoli, where on the night of Syria, home to an ancient mer- farmers as a good rainy season had cantile culture, was once a cross- created a surplus in recent months ventions from abroad stall the pro- wake of what has been described future, as there are already some Over the past month di Bene- April 18 he boarded the ill-fated cess. There is this dilemma: You as the worst ever migrant disaster European countries, such as Ger- detto has witnessed the arrival of ship. He said he was beaten sever- roads for trade between Europe of produce ranging from apples to and the Arabian peninsula, carry- citrus fruit that was available for try to use foreign countries to push in the Mediterranean Sea, after many, that are trying out some thousands of people, almost on a al times as smugglers sought to Turkey to make a move, but as about 800 people died on Satur- models of this," said Chaouki. daily basis, and heard accounts of cram the vessel with migrants to ing billions of dollars of goods ar- export. Other major land routes are riving from Turkey and heading for not an option for official trade. In you use these countries, the change day off of Libya when a people- Italy is also expected to ask increasing violence in Libya and maximise their profit. in the Turkish society stalls and smuggling boat capsized. for greater cooperation among Eu- increasingly deadly journeys. "Initially traffickers attempt- the Gulf. Its own producers were the north, the Bab al Hawa and also major suppliers to the region. Azaz crossings with Turkey are prevents the Turkish government Italy's proposal to introduce ropean states in resettling refugees, She was among a small group ed to pack 1,200 people on an old from taking certain steps. Al "humanitarian channels" for refu- and ask for the EU to review its of NGO workers who on Mon- fisherman boat, but stopped at 800 This trade has dived during four also in rebel hands while most years of crisis, which began with a routes into Iraq are controlled by Jazeera: What realistic steps can gees from war-torn nations could role in responding to issues in the day provided assistance to the 27 as they realised that they could not be taken between Armenia and be the first step in saving lives, Mediterranean Sea. survivors from the smuggler's ship- physically push people any clos- peaceful uprising against President Islamic State militants. The only Bashar al-Assad and descended major exception is Yarubiyeh, but Turkey today in order to norma- some officials say. But NGOs "I think the first key political wreck on Saturday. er together," said Di Benedetto. lise relations? Mahcupyan: There working on the ground say they result will be to convince EU lead- Among them were four unac- When the ship capsized, Said into civil war. Now Damascus is that is held by Syrian Kurds. Jor- trying to rebuild Syrian industry dan, a U.S. ally, has backed the is a third party in this equation: fear the proposal will fail to ade- ers there is a common border for companied minors from Somalia fainted and woke up in Italy Azerbaijan, in relation to the quately tackle the ongoing human- us all," said Chaouki. and Bangladesh. Her team went to bruised but alive. Of the other 60 and exports to withstand sanctions mainstream rebels but still has dip- imposed by the West and defeat lomatic relations with Syria. Close Nagorno-Karabakh dispute. We itarian crisis. Among other key issues being the refugee centre in the Sicilian unaccompanied minors who left need a three-party solution, in Italy is expected to ask for discussed is building a Europe town of Mascalucia where the four the coast of Libya with Said, only the insurgency. commercial ties link many busi- t least 40 percent of industrial nesses in both countries while Jor- which Turkey and Armenia as well greater cooperation among Euro- wide search-and-rescue mission. boys are staying. four made it to European shores. as Armenia and Azerbaijan solve pean states to resettle refugees and Migrant rights groups work- Said said he now wants to con- capacity was left idle, but firms danian-owned banks are a pillar of have moved some production away the Syrian financial system. Hun- their problems and normalise rela- open humanitarian channels at ing on the ground say they want Migrants arrive at the Sicilian tinue his journey to reach his fam- tions simultaneously. We need a Thursday's emergency summit in to see a clear and immediate polit- harbor of Augusta [Reuters] ily in Norway, but doesn't want to from areas worst hit by the fight- dreds of Syrian investors who have ing. The government is pushing lost their factories have also relo- political conjuncture [where] this Brussels. ical solution - above all developing They met Said, a 16-year old put his life in the hands of traf- can be realised. Perhaps after the Many children among mi- a Europe-wide policy towards Somali boy whose journey to Ita- fickers again, di Benedetto them hard to raise exports needed cated their operations to Jordan. to earn scarce foreign currency and Amman was therefore keen to elections in Armenia and Azer- grants rescued migration not focused exclusively ly lasted more than a year, di Bene- recounted.Fleeing Eritrea baijan, we can find such an oppor- These would provide a legal on the continent's security. detto told Al Jazeera. Refugees from Eritrea are the boost imports of essential raw maintain the border trade and used materials. its influence with rebel groups to tunity. Or the Minsk Group [a route into Europe for those fleeing "It's early days but I hope this Last summer his family hand- second-largest group of migrants group within the Organisation for conflict-ridden countries, including meeting will be a step in the right ed him over to a Sudanese human arriving to Europe, according to a "Syria's priority is to get for- stop them taking over Nasib. But eign exchange and not to import they eventually moved in, appar- Security and Cooperation in Eu- Syria and Somalia. direction," Chaouki said. trafficker in the hope he would 2014 UNHCR report. Among their rope dedicated to solving the "I think that in certain coun- Avoiding tragedy reach his two aunts in Oslo. reasons for fleeing is the country's goods that are produced locally. I ently to pre-empt a takeover by want to preserve my foreign cur- the Nusra Front, the Syrian affili- Nagorno-Karabakh dispute] might tries where there is a clear cut case Meanwhile flows of people On his arrival to Libya, Said, dictatorship and economic strife. start to take on such an initiative. of war, a humanitarian channel can fleeing war, persecution, and eco- was kidnapped by criminal gangs (AL JAZEERA) rency to buy essential goods," ate of al Qaeda. (AL JAZEERA) This document was created with Win2PDF available at http://www.win2pdf.com. The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only. This page will not be added after purchasing Win2PDF. SATURDAY. APRIL 25, 2015 AFGHANISTANTIMES EU gas under pressure as Ukraine signals Russian return Ukraine is poised again to rely of gas, or 63 percent of total gas most on Russia for its gas, dimin- imports, from the bloc, according ishing demand from the West and to pipeline operator UkrTrans- driving down prices that are al- Gaz. That volume may stay with- ready at a five-year seasonal low. in the EU as a 48 percent decline Imports from the European in crude last year filters into oil- Union will drop because Russian linked prices in Naftogaz’s con- gas is now competitive, according tract with OAO Gazprom, Rus- to state-run NAK Naftogaz sia’s state-owned gas exporter. Ukrainy. Flows from Slovakia, the Combined with extended dis- EU’s biggest supplier to Ukraine, counts from the Russian govern- may fall by a quarter from May, ment into this quarter, Gazprom’s Tomas Marecek, the chairman of gas is becoming cheaper, Yuriy Vit- Slovak grid operator Eustream, said renko, managing director of inter- Friday. European prices for next national business at Naftogaz, said winter will drop at least 9 percent in an interview in Amsterdam. by October as liquefied natural gas Halting Imports flows expand, Russian supplies Naftogaz will buy about 30 swell and demand weakens, ac- percent less gas from Europe via cording to Bank of America Corp. Slovakia compared with January Ukraine imported more gas and will probably halt imports from the EU than from Russia in through Poland and Hungary, the first quarter, after decades of where the price is already not com- reliance on its eastern neighbor, petitive, he said, without specify- according to pipeline operator ing when the reduction would UkrTransGaz. That helped com- start. pensate for a fourth year of weak- Slovakia offers “the biggest er consumption in Europe that and the cheapest” route of the three combined with rising LNG sup- EU countries that supplies ply to damp prices. Ukraine, meaning some volumes “Any import reduction will will continue to be shipped, Eus- result in further downward pres- tream’s Marecek said in an inter- sure on European gas prices,” view. Ukraine will also keep up Massimo Di-Odoardo, a research such purchases for security of sup- director for European gas at Wood ply, he said. A surge of LNG and Mackenzie Ltd. in London, said Russian pipeline gas imports is ISLAMABAD: In a move that The federal government wants jurisdictional ground over the de- in the last one year. industrial unit financially unviable. by e-mail April 21. He forecasts a forecast to outpace growth in Eu- will certainly invite criticism and to review LNG prices every month cision. The ECC took the decision on The ECC also approved the 5 percent drop in fourth-quarter ropean gas demand by more than has been labelled as violation of in an attempt to pass on the fluc- “The decision is in violation the proposal put forth by the Pri- import of 100,000 tons of fertilis- prices from now. half in the April-September peri- the constitution, the federal gov- tuation in prices in international of the constitution and the federal vatisation Commission. It was also er for Kharif season 2015 (April- Winter gas in the U.K., Eu- od, Societe Generale said in a note ernment decided on Thursday to markets to consumers. government has been constantly decided that the revised realistic September) and enhanced import- rope’s biggest traded market, may on April 22. While the flexibility treat imported Liquefied Natural To declare the LNG as a pe- distorting Article 172 (3) of the operational plan of PSM, contain- ed supply of around 82,000 tons drop to below 45 pence a therm to buy from either Russia or the Gas (LNG) as a “petroleum prod- troleum product, the ECC ap- Constitution,” said Dr Bengali. ing the precise funding requirement under the Saudi Arabia financing ($6.77 a million British thermal EU depends on prices, Naftogaz uct” instead of gas. proved amendments in the Sched- He said any decision that per- would also be presented to the facility within the earlier allocated units) by October, Bank of Amer- may boost purchases from the The move is aimed at fixing its ule of the Petroleum Products Or- tains to natural gas could only be ECC after the PSM Board duly amount. It allowed agreement be- ica said in a research note on April West again for security of supply price on a monthly basis — a pat- dinance of 1961, according to a taken by the Council of Common recommended it. The ECC was tween the Economic Affairs Divi- 2. The fuel for delivery for the six if the war situation in Ukraine es- tern followed by petroleum prod- handout issued by the Finance Interests having representation of informed that the PSM has been sion and Saudi Arabia’s fertiliser months from October rose 0.6 per- calates, Vitrenko said. No deal to ucts. Ministry after the ECC meeting. the federation and the federating unable to increase its production manufacturer in order to ensure cent Friday to 49.55 pence a therm extend Russian price discounts into The Economic Coordination It added that the Committee com- units, adding that the ECC did not to 70% of the total capacity, seek- timely arrival of the fertiliser. on the ICE Futures Europe ex- the third quarter has been agreed Committee (ECC) of the Cabinet prising Finance Secretary, Petro- have constitutional powers to ing a three-month extension in The ECC also approved in change in London. Bearish Outlook yet, casting uncertainty over Rus- took the decision in response to leum & Natural Resources secre- reach to such a decision. The case meeting the level. At present, the principle the signing of the Mas- Spot gas may slip below $7 sian gas imports beyond June, he an objection raised by the Oil and tary, Secretary Law and Member of PSM Meanwhile, the ECC ap- PSM is running below 50% of its ter Agreement and Power Purchase per million British thermal units said. “The Ukraine situation is a Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra) Gas Ogra proposed the changes. proved yet another injection of Rs1 capacity. The PSM has been un- Agreement of CASA-1000 Project (46.6 pence a therm) in the fourth downside risk to European de- that had refused to fix LNG prices Kaiser Bengali opposes move billion in Pakistan Steel Mills in able to pay salaries despite having subject to approval by the Central quarter, according to Di-Odoardo. mand” as they will buy Russian on a monthly basis. Under the reg- Meanwhile, renowned econo- order to pay two-month salaries Rs9 billion in inventories. Finance Development Working Party. His forecast assumes Ukraine gas for storage in the summer, May ulatory framework, gas prices are mist Dr Kaiser Bengali, to employees. This comes as the Ministry officials have also alleged The ECC also allowed the ex- buys about 3 billion cubic meters Mannes, head of gas and LNG fixed bi-annually, while prices of Balochistan-nominated member of new management has failed to re- that some senior management port of wheat on a government- quarterly this year from the EU. analysis at Platts’ London-based petroleum products are subject to the 9th National Finance Commis- vive the entity despite availing members were involved in shabby to-government basis at subsidised In the January-March period, it Eclipse Energy Group, said by monthly revision. sion as well, said the ECC had no bailouts amounting to Rs20 billion deals to keep the country’s largest rates. bought 3.65 billion cubic meters phone April 9. Bulls are backing Apple aims to ship more than 20m

"Even if the product doesn't total component requirement, but oil price sell well this year, Apple won't give the deal indicates Apple may place smartwatches in 2015 up on it," said Kylie Huang, an a larger amount of component or- analyst at Daiwa Capital Markets ders relative to the number of fin- breakthrough TAIPEI: Apple Inc aims to ship at watch. Firms in the supply chain ply appeared to dry up. On in Taipei who follows Apple and ished watches it expects to pro- least 20 million Apple Watches this estimate Apple will ship 2 million Wednesday, Apple notified some its supply chain. "They're play- duce. After a period of relative stability in oil prices, a slew of market partic- year, well above many analysts' watches per month in the current buyers that they would not have ing a long game." The relative novelty and com- ipants are growing increasingly upbeat on a turnaround for the com- forecasts, according to supply quarter, said one of the sources. to wait so long after all. "Our team LARGE COMPONENT OR- plexity of the watch has led to pro- modity, predicting a sustained rally in the near term. chain sources. Another source said Apple is plan- is working to fill orders as quickly DERS duction problems up and down the The price of oil collapsed from near $120 a barrel in June last year Shipment estimates for the ning to ship 26 million watches this as possible based on the available Apple usually works with supply chain, the sources said, to a low of around $45 a barrel in January. It has since bounced back to smartwatch, Apple's first wearable year. "Apple always gives a high supply and the order in which they three or more suppliers of tiny without elaborating on the specif- around the $60-a-barrel level. Analysts are now contemplating what the gadget that went on sale on Fri- target because they believe there's were received," Apple said in a components like circuits in order ic issues. day, vary widely as it's a relative- market demand out there," said the statement. Analyst forecasts of to ensure stable supply if demand Prior to the first quarter, there new equilibrium should be for the commodity, with a slew of market ly new type of consumer product person. The sources declined to be Apple Watch sales for this year watchers predicting it could climb to around $70 before the end of the should spike, the supply-chain were market forecasts as high as and the market is largely untapped. named due to confidentiality agree- vary from 10 million to 26 million. sources said. 36 million Apple Watch shipments year. "What we are seeing now is improvement, suggesting a recovery But while smartwatch sales ments with Apple. Apple declined Compared to the iPhone, within the longer term downtrend...I'm short-term bullish on Brent," One such supplier received for 2015, said one of the sources. are set to be well below those of to comment on its production plan. which sold 74.5 million units in orders to equip 15.65 million "But then when production Roelof van den Akker, a chartist at ING Wholesale Banking, told CNBC the blockbuster iPhone, Apple's It has not released any sales num- the fourth quarter alone, initial es- Friday. He expects the price of Brent crude to reach $72.40 a barrel in watches between January and Au- began ramping up in the first quar- own production plan indicates the bers since it opened pre-orders on timated sales of the watch are low. gust, one of the sources said. ter and problems showed up, the the near future. "I would not be surprised by further upside potential in company is optimistic about its April 10, but many buyers were A Reuters poll put the number at The source declined to say guidance was cut," he said. Since Brent oil towards $78 to $80," he added. And van den Akker is not potential, said people at compa- told their watches would not ar- about 15 million units in the Unit- how big a portion the company's then production has become rela- alone. Michael Wittner, global head of oil research at Societe Generale, nies that make components for the rive for a month or more as sup- ed States. supply accounts for in Apple's tively smooth, the source said. upgraded his own price targets for oil Friday morning, following size- able gains in the previous session. What new owner Loews will change at this iconic San Francisco hotel American City Business Journals q 6 days ago Dow adds 100 points with Intel up 2%; earnings, data in focus CNBC q 8 days agoMore On Thursday, both Brent and WTI rallied to Sisi ratifies $500m World Bank loan deal new 2015 highs on the back of tensions in the Middle East, a pickup in global demand and the expectation that the U.S. will continue to curb Egyptian President Abdul Fattah In late march, Egypt’s finance production. On Friday morning, Brent crude (Intercontinental Exchange al-Sisi ratified a $500 million loan ministry said the country’s fuel Europe: @LCO.1) for June delivery was up 70 cents at $65.55 a barrel agreement with the World Bank to subsidy bill for the first half of the by 10:00 a.m. London time. U.S. crude (New York Mercantile Ex- channel money into a national nat- current fiscal year fell to $5.9 bil- change: @CL.1) for June delivery was flat for the session at $57.75 a ural gas project set to benefit 1.5 lion from $8.4 billion a year earli- barrel. Wittner now sees the "average" price of Brent being $58 a barrel million households who currently er. in the second quarter of 2015, $60 in the third quarter and $65 in the rely on older means of gas con- Egypt cut fuel subsidies last fourth quarter. "U.S. crude production has reached a plateau and is sumption, local paper al-Ahram summer, raising prices of gasoline, expected to decline soon in May," he said in the note. reported. diesel and natural gas by as much "Based on this, we have higher conviction in a balanced second Connecting new households to as 78 percent. half. We also have evidence that the global rebalancing process, taking Egypt’s natural gas grid system Sisi’s ratification of the deal place on the back of U.S. shale oil, is finally getting underway. As a will enable Cairo to reach its target comes after Egypt and the World result, we are revising our price forecast upwards." to save about $300 million annual- Bank signed an initial agreement in Hedge funds and other money managers are also among those eye- ly in fuel subsidies. September last year. ing a sustainable rally. Market data from the InterContinental Exchange The deal also comes in line The World Bank has funded (ICE) Monday showed that hedge fund bets on rising Brent crude oil with Sisi’s reforms targets which 26 projects in Egypt, worth a to- prices last week hit record levels. include subsidies and massive debt. tal of $5.4 billion.

China unveiled free-trade zones in Tianjin, less than an hour from aim at opening China's capital mar- three provinces this week as it Beijing by the high-speed train. ket,'' said Li Xiaoyang, assistant pushes ahead with opening up Tianjin, with about 15 million professor of economics and fi- more areas of its economy. people, had output of $253 billion nance at Cheung Kong Graduate An FTZ in Guangdong will last year, more than Pakistan, Por- School of Business in Beijing. fuse the province's economy more tugal and Peru. Fujian's output of "Now we often talk about the div- closely with Macau's and Hong $387.5 billion last year was about idend of reform, and that dividend Kong's and boost yuan-denomi- equal to the economies of Thai- will come next from the opening nated trade and financing. Guang- land or South Africa. of the capital market.'' dong, Hong Kong and Macau's It's all part of Premier Li Ke- The Guangdong zone is limit- combined output exceeded that of qiang and President Xi Jinping's ed to three districts in the prov- Mexico, South Korea and Spain in push for a more market-driven ince and has several exceptions to 2014, according to IMF estimates economy with fewer financial re- the "free-trade'' designation. It's and data compiled by Bloomberg. strictions and more innovation. aimed at boosting manufacturing The population of 107 million The FTZs echo the approach and financial services. in Guangdong -- a production hub former supreme leader Deng It "will be a window to Hong for electronics, garments and au- Xiaoping took when opening the Kong, Macau and Southeast Asia,'' tomobiles -- exceeds that of Ger- economy to trade and investment said Zhou Hao, an economist at many's and Vietnam's. in the 1980s through special eco- Australia & New Zealand Bank- The other two FTZs that nomic zones such as Shenzhen. ing Group in Shanghai. An aim of kicked off this week after a trial "Deng's special economic the FTZ is "to help upgrade the period were in neighboring Fujian zones opened China's trade in traditional trade sector and move province and the municipality of 1980s -- now the free-trade zones up the value chain.'' This document was created with Win2PDF available at http://www.win2pdf.com. The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only. This page will not be added after purchasing Win2PDF. SATURDAY . APRIL 25, 2015 AFGHANISTANTIMES Emma Stone, Andrew RACIST AD FEATURING Garfield part ways for good Aishwarya Rai Bachchan withdrawn after backlash Freida Pinto to skip 68th Cannes film gala Actress Freida Pinto, who made her red carpet debut at Cannes In- ternational Film Festival as L'Oreal Paris Brand Ambassador in 2012, will not be attending the event this year due to prior work commit- ments. "Freida is a beautiful person and is truly a 'Woman of Worth'. Our Indian consumers wait to see Freida on the Cannes red carpet. It would have been a pleasure to see her join Aishwarya (Rai Bach- chan), Sonam (Kapoor) and Katri- na (Kaif) at the French Riviera, but unfortunately she will be giving the event a miss this year. "We definitely hope to have LOS ANGELES: Emma Stone and actor’s dedication to his role as a dedication to their respective ca- her join the rest of the Indian am- Andrew Garfield were earlier this 17th century Jesuit in “Silence”, reers was partly responsible for bassadors in 2016," Manashi month reported to have taken a for which he has lost 40 lbs the problems in their relationship. Guha, general manager of global break from their three-year rela- (around 18 kg) and began shooting A source said previously: beauty brand L'Oreal Paris India, tionship but insiders say the ac- in Taiwan in January. “Emma understands his work anx- said in a statement. tress has called time on their ro- Another source said: “He’d ieties, it’s why she originally The Cannes International Film mance for good. been in a dark place for months, pulled out of ‘Cabaret’ last year Festival is scheduled to be held A racist ad by a jewellery brand gastar faced severe backlash. long-time ambassador Aishwariya. “(Emma) ended things and getting into his role. He wasn’t and only did it this year, but from May 13-24. moved back to LA. It’s finished. being the best partner.” they’re taking a break from seeing featuring Former Miss World Indian newspaper The Hindu The ad showed the actress sitting Katrina is all set to make her Aishwariya Rai Bachchan was re- ran a full page ad by Kalyan Jew- poised adorned in precious jewel- It’s not just a break,” a source told While the 26-year-old actress each other. “They’re both slave to red carpet debut at the prestigious usmagazine.com. is said to be understanding about their schedules. This time last year moved after the Bollywood me- ellers on April 17, featuring their ry depicting a luxurious and festival, joining Aishwarya and wealthy woman. However, the One reason for the couple’s Garfield’s “work anxieties”, it was they were privately discussing Sonam, to represent L'Oreal Paris split is said to be the 31-year-old previously revealed that the pair’s marriage.” contentious part of the ad was the this year. little dark skinned boy standing behind her, barely clothed, hold- ing an umbrella over her head. Although Kalyan’s previous Paul Walker’s ‘Fast and Furious’ ads have shown Ash in a regal spotlight which fits the brand’s pected to fetch around $200,000. image, their recent ad, however, The car, which is one of a few used crossed the line. CAR TO BE AUCTIONED in the movie, was used in the mem- It seems that the ad was in- orable final scenes of the 2001 Fast spired by a 1935 photo by fash- LOS ANGELES: Paul Walker and Furious movie. In the scene, ion photographer Horst P Horst might be gone but he will surely Walker is driving the bright orange titled “Model, Boy, Umbrella, not be forgotten. The actor’s bright coloured car, racing against actor Vogue”. Child activists were out- orange coloured 1993 Toyota Su- Vin Diesel who is in his Dodge raged at the glamorization of child pra from the first Fast and Furi- Charger, and jumping across a rail- labour and racist representation in ous franchise is going to be up for road crossing before Diesel collides the ad. They wrote a letter ad- auction in May. with a truck. dressed to Aishwariya via Scroll The original car will be auc- Here’s a scene from Fast and and pointed out the similarities tioned by Mecum Auctions at their Furious (2001), Paul Walker and between Kalyan Jewellers’ latest Indy 2015 event in Indianapolis, Vin Diesel battling it out in a car ad and the 18th century European Indiana, between May 12 and 17, race: Even though Paul Walker is portraits which displayed the reports Aceshowbiz. no longer with us, the Fast and Fu- same racist treatment and child la- The Supra sports a 2JZ-GE rious franchise is still as much, if bour on the hands of white aristo- 3.0-liter inline-6 engine, with a 220 not more of, a force to be reckoned crats. The letter directed concern horse power under the hood. It is with than it ever was. Not only is towards Aishwariya and the brand, equipped with a pair of Holley the latest chapter, Furious 7, the asking to cease ad circulation. “We Performance nitrous-oxide bottles, fastest movie ever to earn $1 bil- wish to convey our dismay at the as in the movie, but they are not lion at the box office, but just to- concept of this advertisement, and connected. Additionally, it has a day, Vin Diesel announced that Fast that you have, perhaps unthink- five-speed manual transmission, a and Furious 8 will roar into the- ingly, associated with such a re- heavy duty suspension and roll aters on April 14, 2017, reports gressive portrayal of a child to sell cage. The phenomenal car is ex- Cineblend. a product,” reads part of the letter. N-tailing a mix of Harry Styles might fixes for Pakistani skin be next to leave One Direction

LAHORE: With 30 years of a successful career and a new make-up palette being stocked at exclusive stores, Nabila has been one step ahead of her contemporaries. The make-up dynamo comes armed with prod- ucts that are expected to be game-changers in the beauty industry of Pakistan; recently launching her No Makeup palette in Lahore. Nabila, who had been working on her No Makeup palette for years, knew that now was the right time to launch it. With years of experience working on desi skin, she says, “It has been the perfect solution for dark circles, which no international brand had been able to cover without making the skin look grey.” This brings to mind the Too Faced Natural Face Palette but, unlike Nabila’s creation, it hasn’t been formulated for Pakistani skin and weather. “It’s also convenient to carry and quick to use, leaving your face invisibly beautiful, so that no one can tell you have imperfections.” The product promises “flawless results in under-a-minute and all you have to do is identify your skin tone.” The palette offers five options, which are NGelic, NLight, NGage, NChant and NTice. The It’s been a hard hit for 1D fans group. One Direction’s filmmaker box is compartmentalised to include a concealer, blush, lip colour, blender, after Zayn Malik’s departure from Morgan Spurlock, who directed powder and puff. At the launch, Nabila demonstrated the use of the the boy band, but Harry Styles the band’s One Direction: This Is product and it mostly seemed to blend effortlessly, without the use of might have been affected the most. Us documentary, believes that the any brushes. The powder, however, is quite strong and doesn’t blend as Rumour has it that the One Direc- band might stay together “for a lit- easily. A problem with the packaging of the box is that there is no place tion member will be next to part tle while” but will soon disperse. to store the puff for the setting powder once the protective seal comes ways with the group. “Obviously they already have off. The make-up pro herself has been using the palette for the past 15 It has barely been a month [survived]. I think they’ll stay to- years and mixing little amounts for friends. “I visited European labs to since Zayn decided to quit 1D, af- gether for a little while, for a little get the science just right and it has been nothing short of magic,” she ter apologising to his fans and band bit longer and then at some point says, talking to The Express Tribune about the process of perfecting the members. Although he knew that Harry will leave he’ll be next…” palette and the factors she had to address while creating it. People in wasn’t the end of their friendship. predicted the director. “Then I Pakistan generally have a penchant for fair skin rather than the bronze, “I know I have four friends for life think Niall [Horan] and Louis tanned look, so, she claims to cover the entire spectrum of Pakistani in Louis, Liam, Harry and Niall. I [Tomlinson] and Liam [Payne], I skin, from pale to dark, with her palette. know they will continue to be the think the three of those guys will All in all, at Rs6,500, the product is a good buy because it’s all one best band in the world,” he had become the new Bell Biv DeVoe [a needs to carry. No Makeup will be available at Scentsation, Dolmen said. But seems like the band 1990s group formed of the three Mall, along with The Place and all Nabila salons in Karachi and Lahore. hasn’t fully recovered after Zayn’s remaining members of New Edi- TCS is on board for home deliveries within 60 minutes through its Hazir exit. According to The Mirror, tion].” service. Harry is having difficulties coping How this will affect the One Nabila wants to bring the advancements of the West to Pakistan. In with Zayn’s sudden departure and Direction members and their fu- doing so, she doesn’t want just a niche market to enjoy her products. To Sania Maskatiya: compiled a stellar collection titled ‘Paristan’, especially crafted from luxe fabrics, such as is thinking of following in the ture is yet to be determined, but this end, she has made an appearance on popular television shows, silk, organza, crepe and charmeuse, made into ensembles that were structured and fluid at the same time. former 1D’s footsteps. He broke Simon Cowell might not take the which cater to a wide audience. She believes her work at fashion shows The colour palette was magnificent since it complemented the cuts of the outfits. There were quite a few down in tears on stage hours after news so well. After Zayn’s exit he focuses on a different clientele, but a majority of Pakistanis watch these favourites from the collection, such as the one showcasing the combination of mustard and yellow and the Zayn had announced his departure took to Twitter to show his sup- shows regularly, so it’s imperative to make her make-up mantra accessi- olive-green coatee sported by models. She collaborated with Rema for jewellery and Charles and Keith for and sources say that Harry has still port for the band and still had faith ble to them. footwear to round off the demonstration of her clothes. not adjusted to the four-member in them: This document was created with Win2PDF available at http://www.win2pdf.com. The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only. This page will not be added after purchasing Win2PDF. SATURDAY. APRIL 25, 2015 AFGHANISTANTIMES Maria Sharapova’s winning run in Champions League draw: Bayern, Barca, Stuttgart ended by Angelique Kerber Real, Juve await clinch victory in just over 90 min- utes. The 25-year-old will next semi-final fate face France's Caroline Garcia who put out Carina Witthoeft of Ger- many 7-6 (7-4) 6-2. Kvitova, who took a six-week break to recover from exhaustion, resumed training three weeks ago and won both her Fed Cup semi- final singles rubbers as the Czechs beat France 3-1 last weekend. "I think that Madison played a solid match. She didn't miss much and it was really difficult for me because when I had the opportu- nity for winners I missed," said Kvitova, who hit 39 unforced er- rors and the same number of win- ners. "The confidence wasn't real- ly high then and I didn't feel phys- ically there as well. "I mean I was still tired prob- ably from the Fed Cup. And on the clay you need to be physically ready for it. So, that was one of the reasons as well. I need to be still patient and I'm looking for- ward to next week which I'm going to use to practice on clay." Fourth-seed Caroline Wozni- acki defeated Czech veteran Lucie Safarova 7-6 (7-5) 6-1 in her first outing of the clay court season. The Dane won just one clay match in 2014 but with the French Maria Sharapova’s 13-match win- champion will lose her world No 2 course for a comfortable win at one World No 4 Petra Kvitova also Open fast approaching she has ning run in the WTA Stuttgart ranking to Romania’s Simona stage, leading by a set and 5-4. But suffered a shock defeat in the sec- enlisted the help of three-time With this season's UEFA Cham- at Bayern in June 2013, Guardiola Grand Prix has been halted by Halep next week. Kerber, the world left-handed Kerber won three ond round in Stuttgart when she Roland Garros champion Arantxa pions League nearing its thrilling is yet to replicate this in European Germany’s Angelique Kerber. No 14, will face Sharapova's Rus- games in a row to sneak the sec- was beaten 6-3 7-6 (7-2) by un- Sanchez-Vicario to be part of her climax, we take a look at the po- competition. His former side The defeat was Sharapova's sian compatriot Ekaterina Makaro- ond set 7-5 before eventually tak- seeded American Madison Bren- coaching team this season. tential outcomes of the semi-final would certainly be out to ensure first in the German city after claim- va in the quarter-finals. Sharapo- ing victory after two hours and 27 gle. Brengle, who reached the last Wozniacki next plays Spain's draw. this continues and make it an un- ing the title in 2012, 2013 and 2014 va, who skipped Russia's Fed Cup minutes. Sharapova finished with 16 at the Australian Open in Janu- Carla Suarez Navarro who beat Barcelona, Bayern Munich, happy homecoming, especially on the back of 13 successive wins. semi-final win over Germany with 44 winners to 40 unforced errors, ary, broke the 2014 Wimbledon Belinda Bencic of Switzerland 6-4 Juventus and Real Madrid are anx- having suffered a demoralising 7-0 It also means the French Open a leg injury last weekend, was on while Kerber was 22-20. champion's serve seven times to 7-6 (7-1). iously waiting to find out who they aggregate loss to the Germans at will face in the last four and six this stage of the competition in different ties could come out of the 2013. Usain Bolt hat. The draw could also throw up Paul Smith faces WBA super-middleweight Here are the permutations and a re-run of the 1998 final between the rivalries that could be played Real and Juventus. Real ended a says drug out next month… 32-year wait for European foot- champion Andre Ward in the summer A potential match-up between ball's biggest prize that night at the Barcelona and Juventus would pit Amsterdam Arena 17 years ago cheat Tyson Luis Suarez against two not-so- with Predrag Mijatovic netting in Paul Smith will return to the ring opportunity for me and one that I friendly faces from his past. The a 1-0 victory. against another world champion took with both hands when it was former Liverpool forward was The current Real side, who are Gay got off when he faces unbeaten Andre offered. I have spent a lot of time banned for eight matches during the looking to create history by be- Ward this summer. boxing in the United States and I 2011/12 Premier League campaign coming the first team to retain the lightly The Liverpool super middle- look forward to returning for this after being found guilty of racially UEFA Champions League, would weight will go up against the WBA fight." abusing Manchester United de- need to overcome Juve's formida- super-middleweight champion I am fresh and confident go- Usain Bolt believes Tyson Gay got fender Patrice Evra, now of Juven- ble home record. The Italians have when he faces the undefeated Amer- ing into this fight. It's a massive tus. Suarez has long disputed the lost only once at home in all com- off lightly for using performance ican, exclusively live on Sky Sports opportunity for me and one that I enhancing drugs and should have charge and punishment handed petitions this season and could on June 20 took with both hands when it was down to him, resulting in a more provide a significant threat to end- been kicked out of athletics. Smith, 35-5 (20 KO’s), suf- offered. Paul Smith Ward will be Gay, the second-fastest sprint- than frosty relationship between ing Real's chances of back-to-back fered back-to-back defeats against cheered on by his hometown fans the pair. European titles. er in history, failed three drugs test WBO champion Arthur Abraham in Oakland’s Oracle Arena when in 2013 but was given a reduced In addition, Suarez would also Barcelona could, however, in his last two fights but the 35- he returns from a 19-month lay- come face-to-face with Italy inter- face El Clasico rivals Real. In their one-year ban after turning inform- year-old is itching to bet back in off against the former British cham- er for the US Anti-Doping Agen- national Giorgio Chiellini for the last Champions League meeting in the ring. pion. first time since he infamously bit 2011, coincidentally at the semi- cy. "I cannot wait to get back in The 31-year-old has fought “I was really upset about,” him at the 2014 World Cup. The final stage of the competition, Bar- the ring and test myself against a just twice since defeating Carl Uruguay forward was hit with a ca secured a 3-1 aggregate win, with Bolt said in an interview with Run- class act like Andre Ward," said Froch in 2011, claiming a one-sid- four-month worldwide football a 2-0 victory in Madrid proving ner’s World. “He got a year just Smith. ed points win over Edwin Rodriqu- ban and only returned to action last decisive. because he talked to the authori- "I proved that I belong at the ez in his last fight in November October, but has since rediscov- It would also give Lionel Messi ties about how it was done and top level with my performances 2013. I have an extremely tough ered his very best form. and Cristiano Ronaldo the oppor- who helped him. against Arthur Abraham and this fighter in front of me in Paul Smith, Barcelona forward Luis Suarez tunity to continue their battle at “That sends the wrong mes- is a challenge that I am relishing. who's looking to pull the upset, could come up against two faces the top of the all-time European sage: ‘If you do it and get caught, “Andre is a top pound-for- but I can't let that happen,” said from his past in the next round. scoring charts, with both current- just tell us all you know and we’ll pound fighter and someone I re- Ward. "I have to be on my best Barcelona forward Luis Suarez ly on 75 goals each. Although, if lower you ban.’ spect a lot, but he has only boxed game to turn Smith away and beat could come up against two faces the two sides do avoid one anoth- “It’s the most stupidest thing once in almost three years and I him the way I want to beat him. from his past in the next round. er in Friday's draw, it would open I’ve ever heard. The message will give it everything I have got. As always, I'm ready to put on a Bayern Munich v Real Madrid the door for the first ever El Clasi- should be: ‘If you get cheat you’re "I am fresh and confident go- tremendous performance in front Reigning European champions Real co Champions League final. going to get kicked out of the ing into this fight. It's a massive of my hometown fans.” Madrid could return to the Allianz Lionel Messi (centre) and Cris- sport.’” Arena - the scene of their devas- tiano Ronaldo (right) are currently Gay returned to athletics last tating semi-final victory last sea- the all-time top scorers in the com- year and was faster than the six- son. Real, who would meet Bay- petition, both on 75 goals. time Olympic champion. NBA play-off victory for Atlanta ern at this stage of the competi- Lionel Messi (centre) and Cris- Bolt is likely to line-up along- tion for the third time in four sea- tiano Ronaldo (right) are currently side the American for the first time sons if drawn together, cruised to the all-time top scorers in the com- since his exile at this summer’s Hawks who beat Brooklyn 96-91 an emphatic 4-0 victory in Mu- petition, both on 75 goals. World Championships in Beijing. nich, with Sergio Ramos and Cris- Juventus v Bayern Munich “I’m not looking forward to tiano Ronaldo both scoring twice The final possibility of Fri- competing against Tyson,” admit- The Atlanta Hawks took a 2-0 lead points and grabbed 13 rebounds in itors by 31 to 18. Mike Conley had 18 points and six assists for the to seal a 5-0 aggregate win. day's draw would be a semi-final ted the world’s fastest man. in their first-round NBA play-off addition to handing out seven as- Grizzlies with Marc Gasol adding 15 points, seven rebounds and five A potential tie between the encounter between Juventus and “It really bothers me. I’m not series against the Brooklyn Nets sists. assists. And, the Los Angles Clippers were beaten 111-107 by the San two sides would see Real midfield- Bayern. Juve - targeting their first after a 96-91 victory in Georgia . Jarrett Jack tallied 23 points, Antonio Spurs, who levelled the series 1-1 with the overtime win. Mean- worried about him beating me, I er Toni Kroos take on his former European crown since 1996 - have The Hawks triumphed as Paul with Brook Lopez finishing on 20 while, the Oklahoma City Thunder have fired coach Scott Brooks after employers for the first time since failed to overcome the German gi- think it’s because I respected him Millsap top-scored with 19 points while Joe Johnson also notched 19 the team missed the play-offs for the first time in six seasons. The so much over the years. his £20m switch to the Bernabeu. ants in their previous four meet- for the team that posted the best for the losers. Thunder finished with a win-loss record of 45-37 after star forward Madrid will be more than wary of ings, the last of which came in April “He was a competitor, kept record during the regular season in Millsap said: "The three-point Kevin Durant missed most of this season. me on my toes and he pushed me Bayern forward Robert Lewan- 2013, when they fell to a 2-0 home the Eastern Conference. shot was working. I was wide-open dowski, who smashed four goals defeat in the quarter-finals of the to always to my best. Then to find The match was played just on a lot of shots. The drive-and- past them for Borussia Dortmund competition. out that he was on drugs – it’s a bit hours after the club announced its kick helped us out a lot. in the 2012/13 semi-finals. Five-time winners Bayern - in like I think parents must feel when sale to a group headed by US busi- “I was able to get free a few Barcelona v Bayern Munich the last four for the fourth succes- they have a kid who does some- ness tycoon Tony Ressler for a times. It really started with the Former Barcelona boss Pep sive season - would be out to ex- thing bad and lets them down. reported $850m. guards penetrating, getting me easy Guardiola could face his old club tend that record as they target Eu- “I feel like he let me down and The hosts led after each of the buckets." at the Nou Camp for the first time ropean glory once again. Though, he let the sport down.” quarters and took a seven-point In other first round play-off since leaving in 2012. Guardiola, the threat of evergreen Juve mid- Gay failed three tests for us- advantage into the final segment. cintests, the Memphis Grizzlies now in charge at Bayern, led Barca fielder Andrea Pirlo is likely to give ing steroid creams which he later Kyle Korver buried a trio of breezed past the Portland Trail to unprecedented success during Bayern boss Guardiola some food admitted he had been using before three pointers en route to 17 Blazers 97-82 to take a 2-0 lead in his four-year stint as manager, for thought. the London Olympics. points while Jeff Teague hit a pair their Western Conference series which included three La Liga titles Watch the Champions League The 32-year-old won silver in of triples while collecting 16 points clash. and two Champions League semi-final draw live on Sky Sports the 4x100m in London but was lat- and six assists. A strong second quarter set up crowns. News HQ during the Morning er stripped of his medal when his Despite playing with a dislo- Memphis for their comfortable tri- Despite having achieved huge View from 10am on Friday morn- results for 2012 were erased. cated finger, Al Horford tallied 14 umph, as they out-scored the vis- domestic success since taking over ing. holds off Stuart Carrington in World Championship Judd Trump overcame a late wob- ing six frames. Trump things I need to work on but oth- ble to conquer Stuart Carrington Trump, world No 6, resumed Trump, who next plays er than that I feel very confident. and make the second round of the on 7-2 against Carrington but after , told the BBC: "I'm It was nice for Stuart to play as World Championship. a re-rack in the opening frame on just going to focus on my own he did, it just shows there is al- , the 2005 Thursday had to watch his oppo- game. If I play how I know I can, ways stuff to work on and you world champion and current Mas- nent, making his Crucible debut, I'll win it. won't get many sessions where ters title holder, had no problems strike in a 97 to reduce the gap to "But Carrington played well, someone plays that well." in booking his spot in the last 16 four. considering it's his first time here. On the other table, defend- after conceding just one additional Trump, runner-up in 2011, Second session he hardly missed ing champion was frame to his overnight lead of 7-2 settled his nerves with a 74 in the a ball. He probably won't take as locked in a tough battle with An- as he wrapped up a 10-3 win over next but back came Carrington with much credit as he would if it was thony McGill in the opening sec- . smooth knocks of 74 and 70 to a top player making those breaks. ond round match. Finland's Hull was able to pick trail 8-5 at the interval. He played as good as anyone I've Selby, who needed to scrap up frame 12 but Murphy's He was in again but stalled on seen first time here." for a 10-9 win over Kurt Maflin wrapped up the contest with a 24, allowing the 25-year-old from Trump is one of the crowd in the first round, started slowly break of 111 and set up a clash Bristol to clear up and get within favourites wherever he plays and to lose the opening two frames with Joe Perry. one of the finish line. admits there is a weight of ex- but breaks of 51, 65 and 87 had Former world No 1 Ding Jun- Grimsby potter Carrington pectation on him this year. the 'Jester from Leicester' sneak- hui impressed in the evening to showed his mettle, though, with a "There's obviously a lot of ing ahead. win back-to-back frames with 99 in the next before a closing 109 anticipation this year," he add- The contest was proving to breaks of 67 and 94 to cut John from Trump put an end to his cam- ed. "My results have shown that be a fascinating duel with McGill Higgins's advantage to two frames paign with a 10-6 victory. I'm playing some good stuff, I hitting back with a 74 and 73 to at 5-3, hitting back after a misera- There's obviously a few things felt like I played well over the gain the advantage, only for Sel- ble start to their contest with the I need to work on but other than past two days. by to draw level again to end the Chinese star losing five of the open- that I feel very confident Judd "There's obviously a few session at 4-4. This document was created with Win2PDF available at http://www.win2pdf.com. The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only. This page will not be added after purchasing Win2PDF.