A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF GLASS TRADE BEADS IN NORTH AMERICA Karlis Karklins and Roderick Sprague Originally published in 1980, and long out of print, this bibliography is reproduced here as it continues to be a valuable research tool for the archaeologist, material culture researcher, museologist, and serious collector. Although some of the references are out-of-date, the majority contain information that is still very useful to those seeking comparative archaeological data on trade beads. The bibliography contains 455 annotated entries that deal primarily with glass beads recovered from archaeological contexts in Canada, the United States, and Mexico. A number of works that deal with bead manufacturing techniques, bead classification systems, and other related topics are also included. An index arranged by political unit, temporal range, and other categories adds to the usefulness of the bibliography. INTRODUCTION Since a thorough review of pertinent literature is prerequisite to the meaningful study of a specific artifact category, this bibliography is offered as an aid to those who are carrying out research on glass trade beads found in the continental United States, Canada, and Mexico. The references in this bibliography are primarily those which will be useful in dating bead collections, establishing bead chronologies, and compiling distribution charts of individual bead types. However, references dealing with bead manufacturing techniques, beadwork, bead classification systems, and the historical uses and values of trade beads have also been listed. Some sources dealing with beads from areas outside North America have been included because they have a definite bearing on the study of glass beads in North America.
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