Main site: 30 km from 7 A.Sołtana street 05-400 Otwock-Świerk

Warsaw site: (divisions BP1, BP2, BP3, BP4) 7 Pasteura street, 02-093 Warsaw

Łódź site: (division BP4) 28 Płk. Strzelców Kaniowskich 69, 90-558 Łódź

Editors: N. Keeley A. Malinowska

Technical editors: G. Swiboda


PL-05-400 Otwock-Świerk, tel.: 048 22 273 10 01 fax: 048 22 779 34 81 e-mail: [email protected] ISSN 2299-2960



GENERAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT OF THE INSTITUTE ...... 5 SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL ...... 5 DEPARTMENTS AND DIVISIONS OF THE INSTITUTE ...... 7 MAIN RESEARCH ACTIVITIES ...... 8 SCIENTIFIC STAFF OF THE INSTITUTE ...... 10 PROJECTS ...... 13 Grant projects for young Scientists ...... 24 List of prizes and awards for employees and PhD students of the NCBJ in science - 2018 ...... 26 DSc Thesis and PhD Thesis ...... 29


NUCLEAR FACILITIES OPERATION DEPARTMENT ...... 33 Maria Reactor Operations Division ...... 33 Reactor Research & Technology Division ...... 39 Radiation Protection Measurements Laboratory ...... 47 Radiological Metrology and Biomedical Physics Division ...... ………51

MATERIAL PHYSICS DEPARTMENT ...... 65 Materials Research Laboratory ...... 67 Nuclear Methods in Solid State Physics Division ...... 77 Plasma/Ion Beam Technology Division ...... 81

DEPARTMENT OF FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH ...... 97 Nuclear Physics Division ...... 99 Theoretical Physics Division ...... 105 High Energy Physics Division ...... 117 Astrophysics Division ...... 133

DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR TECHNIQUES AND EQUIPMENT ...... 145 Particle Acceleration Physics & Technology Division ...... 147 Electronics & Detection Systems Division ...... 157 Radiation Detectors and Plasma Diagnostic Division ...... 165 Division of Nuclear Equipment - HITEC ...... 185


DEPARTMENT OF COMPLEX SYSTEM ...... 189 Division of Nuclear Energy & Environmental Studies ...... 189




AUTHOR INDEX ...... 281




Director Associate Professor Krzysztof KUREK

Deputy Director, Science Professor Ewa RONDIO

Deputy Director, Innovations Paweł SOBKOWICZ, PhD DSc and Commercialisation

Deputy Director, Michał WÓJTOWICZ, MSc Economy

Deputy Director for Administrative and Marek JUSZCZYK, MSc Technical Matters

Deputy Director, Adam HRYCZUK, MSc Eng Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection till 1.12.2018

Grzegorz KRZYSZTOSZEK, MSc Eng from 1.12.2018

Acting Scientific Secretary Aneta MALINOWSKA, PhD DSc

Spokesman Marek PAWŁOWSKI, PhD

Spokeman for Nuclear Power Andrzej STRUPCZEWSKI, PhD Eng


Chairman Tomasz Matulewicz, Professor Warsaw University Physics Faculty, Institute of Experimental Physics

Deputy Chairmen Andrzej Chmielewski, Professor Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology Renata Mikołajczak, Associate Professor National Centre for Nuclear Research, member of Scientific, Research and Technology Employees Review Commission Krzysztof Rusek, Professor Heavy Ion Laboratory at the University of Warsaw), member of Scientific, Research and Technology Employees Review Commission Professor Grzegorz Wrochna National Centre for Nuclear Research

Members Bożena Birkenfeld, Professor med Pomeranian Medical University in Grażyna Birnbaum, Msc Eng National Centre for Nuclear Research Ryszard Broda, Associate Professor National Centre for Nuclear Research Izabela Cieszykowska, PhD National Centre for Nuclear Research Andrzej Gałkowski, Associate Professor Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion Piotr Garnuszek, Associate Professor National Centre for Nuclear Research Michał Gryziński, PhD Eng National Centre for Nuclear Research Krystyna Jabłońska, Professor Institute of Physics PAS Jan Kalinowski, Professor Institute of Theoretical Physics WU


Grzegorz Kamiński, Professor n. med. Military Institute of Medicine Nicholas Keeley, Associate Professor National Centre for Nuclear Research Adam Kisiel, Associate Professor Eng Faculty of Physics Warsaw University of Technology, member of Scientific, Research and Technology Employees Review Commission Michał Kowal, Associate Professor National Centre for Nuclear Research, member of Doctoral Programs Commission Marek Lankosz, Professor Eng AGH Zbigniew Leśnikowski, Professor Eng Institute of Medical Biology PAS Justyna Łagoda, Associate Professor National Centre for Nuclear Research, member of Doctoral Programs Commission Marek Moszyński, Professor National Centre for Nuclear Research member of Scientific, Research and Technology Employees Review Commission Bartłomiej Nowak, Associate Professor Kozminski University Dariusz Oleszak Associate Professor Eng Materials Engineering Faculty of Warsaw Technical University Paweł Olko, Professor Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS, member of Scientific, Research and Technology Employees Review Commission Bogdan Pałosz, Professor Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS Rafał Pawełczak, MSc KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Katarzyna Pietrzak, Associate Professor Eng Institute of Electronic Materials Technology Anna Piotrowska, Professor Institute of Electron Technology Roman Płaneta, Professor Institute of Physics JU Agnieszka Pollo, Associate Professor National Centre for Nuclear Research, member of Doctoral Programs Commission Marek Sadowski, Professor National Centre for Nuclear Research Janusz Skalski, Associate Professor National Centre for Nuclear Research member of Scientific, Research and Technology Employees Review Commission Błażej Skoczeń, Professor Eng Cracow University of Technology Marek Stankiewicz, Professor National Synchrotron Radiation Centre Józef Sobolewski, PhD Ministry of Energy Łukasz Świderski, Associate Professor National Centre for Nuclear Research Mikołaj Tarchalski, PhD Eng National Centre for Nuclear Research Wojciech Wiślicki, Professor National Centre for Nuclear Research Anna Wysocka-Rabin, Associate Professor National Centre for Nuclear Research

Ex-officio members NCBJ Director General Krzysztof Kurek, Associate Professor NCBJ Deputy Director General Ewa Rondio, Professor NCBJ Deputy Director General Paweł Sobkowicz, Associate Professor PhD




Maria Reactor Operations Division (EJ2) Head of Division – Ireneusz OWSIANKO, MSc Eng

Reactor Research and Technology Division (EJ3) Head of Division – Janusz JAROSZEWICZ, MSc Eng

Radiation Protection Measurements Laboratory (LPD) Head of Laboratory – Tomasz PLISZCZYŃSKI, MSc Eng

Radiological Metrology and Biomedical Physics Division (H2) Head of Division – Łukasz BARTOSIK, PhD Eng

MATERIAL PHYSICS DEPARTMENT Director of the Department – Professor Jacek JAGIELSKI

Material Research Laboratory (LBM) Head of Laboratory – Łukasz KURPASKA, PhD

Nuclear Methods in Solid State Physics Division (FM1) Head of Divison – Jacek J. MILCZAREK, PhD

Plasma/Ion Beam Technology Division (FM2) Head of Division – Katarzyna NOWAKOWSKA-LANGIER, PhD

DEPARTMENT OF FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH Director of the Department – Professor Stanisław MRÓWCZYŃSKI

Nuclear Physics Division (BP1) Head of Division – Professor Zygmunt PATYK

Theoretical Physics Division (BP2) Head of Division – Associate Professor Michał KOWAL, PhD DSc

High Energy Physics Division (BP3) Head of Division – Associate Professor Justyna ŁAGODA, PhD DSc

Astrophysics Division (BP4) Head of Division – Associate Professor Agnieszka POLLO, PhD DSc


Particle Acceleration Physics & Technology Division (TJ1) Head of Division – Sławomir WRONKA, PhD DSc Eng

Electronics and Detection Systems Division (TJ2) Head of Division – Michał GIERLIK, PhD


Radiation Detector Physics and Plasma Reasearxh Division (TJ3) Head of Division – Associate Professor Łukasz Świderski, PhD DSc


DEPARTMENT OF COMPLEX SYSTEM Director of the Department – Professor Wojciech WIŚLICKI

Laboratory for Information Technologies (UZ1) Head of Divison – Adam PADEE, PhD Eng

Division of Nuclear Energy and Environmental Studies (UZ3) Head of Divison – Professor Mariusz DĄBROWSKI






I. Astrophysics, Cosmic Rays & Physics, Obserwational Astronomy 1. High-energy -hadron interactions. 2. Elastic and inelastic  and e interactions. Nucleon structure - theory and astronomy experiments. 3. Rare decays. 4. Baryon resonances and near threshold meson production. 5. physics. 6. Astrophysics: optical detection of short bursts, large-scale structure, dark matter. 7. Cosmic ray physics. 8. Cosmology. 9. Theory of lepton and hadron interactions. 10. Theory of gravitational systems. II. Nuclear physics 1. Relativistic ion collisions. 2. Nuclear reactions. 3. Nuclear structure. 4. Properties of heavy and superheavy nuclei (theory). 5. Theory of nuclear matter, hypernuclei & nuclear structure and dynamics. 6. Exotic nuclei.


III. Plasma physics and technology 1. Development of methods and tools for plasma diagnostics. 2. Physical phenomena in hot plasma and plasma interaction with solid targets. 3. Thin Nb and Pb film coating by means of arc discharges under ultra-high vacuum conditions. 4. Nonlinear effects in extended media & Bose-Einstein condensates (theory). 5. Fusion power reactors - development of diagnostic tools. IV. Accelerators, detectors & electronics 1. R&D of linear accelerators for high-energy electrons. 2. Optimization of TiN coating processes for accelerating structures. 3. New detection methods and their application in physics experiments, nuclear medicine and homeland security. 4. Electronics and detectors for large-scale experiments. 5. Systems for nuclear radiation spectrometry. 6. R&D of special silicon detectors for physics experiments and environmental protection. 7. POLFEL design projects. V. Solid state physics, physics & engineering of materials; applications 1. Materials structure studies by nuclear methods. 2. Ion/plasma material modyfication; synthesis of new materials. 3. Diffusion processes in solids. 4. Study of ion and electron acceleration mechanisms in new RPI facility IBIS II. 5. Optimization of neutron diffractometers. 6. Arheometry: material studies of archeological objects using physical methods. VI. Reactor physics, nuclear technology in energy generation, modelling & calculations 1. Development of computational tools for safety analysis and operation of energy and research reactors. 2. Nuclear power energy generation. 3. Management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste. Nucelar transmutation. 4. New reactors for non-electric applications (HTGR, VHTR, DFR). VII. Nuclear technology in health and enviromental protection, management of hazards 1. Development of new radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostics and radionuclide therapy. 2. Dosimetry and nano-dosimetry. 3. Computer modelling of radiation sources, transport of radiation through matter and radiation dose calculations. 4. X-ray sources for medicine and industry. 5. New methods for obtaining radioactive isotopes; radioactivity standards. 6. Methods of assessment and forecasting of environmental threats from nuclear and industrial facilities. 7. Air monitoring.



PROFESSORS 1. BIAŁKOWSKA Helena (**) 18. SANDACZ Andrzej (**) 2. DĄBROWSKI Ludwik (**) 19. SIEMIARCZUK Teodor (**) 3. DĄBROWSKI Mariusz (**) 20. SŁOWIŃSKI Bronisław (**) 4. DOBRZYŃSKI Ludwik 21. SOSNOWSKI Ryszard 5. INFELD Eryk (**) 22. SPALIŃSKI Michał (**) 6. JAGIELSKI Jacek (**) 23. STEPANIAK Joanna (**) 7. KOWALSKI-GLIKMAN Jerzy 24. SZEPTYCKA Maria (**) 8. KRÓLAK Andrzej (**) 25. SZYMANOWSKI Lech 9. MEISSNER Krzysztof (**) 26. TUROS Andrzej (**) 10. MOSZYŃSKI Marek 27. TYMIENIECKA Teresa (**) 11. MRÓWCZYŃSKI Stanisław (**) 28. WIBIG Tadeusz (**) 12. PARUS Józef (**) 29. WILK Grzegorz (**) 13. PATYK Zygmunt 30. WIŚLICKI Wojciech 14. PIECHOCKI Włodzimierz 31. WROCHNA Grzegorz 15. RONDIO Ewa 32. WYCECH Sławomir (**) 16. ROSZKOWSKI Leszek 33. ZABIEROWSKI Janusz (**) 17. SADOWSKI Marek (**) 34. ZWIĘGLIŃSKI Bogusław (**)


1. ADRICH Przemysław 2. BRODA Ryszard 17. SEKUTOWICZ Jacek (**) 3. GARNUSZEK Piotr 18. SKALSKI Janusz 4. GUZIK Zbigniew (**) 19. SOBKOWICZ Paweł 5. HELLER Michał(*) 20. STRUPCZEWSKI Andrzej 6. ILLER Edward (**) 21 SZLEPER Michał 7. KEELEY Nicholas 22. SZUTA Marcin (**) 8. KOWAL Michał 23. SZYDŁOWSKI Adam 9. KOZŁOWSKI Tomasz (**) 24. ŚWIDERSKI Łukasz 10. KUPŚĆ Andrzej (*) 25. SZYMAŃSKI Piotr (*) 11. KUREK Krzysztof 26. WERNER Zbigniew(**) 12. ŁAGODA Justyna 27. WRONKA Sławomir 13. MALINOWSKA Aneta 28. WYSOCKA-RABIN Anna 14. MAURIN Jan (**) 29. ZALEWSKI Piotr 15. MIKOŁAJCZAK Renata 30. ZYCHOR Izabella 16. POLLO Agnieszka 31. ŻUPRAŃSKI Paweł (**)



1. ALTINOLUK Tolga 58. MIANOWSKI Sławomir 2. ANDRZEJEWSKI Krzysztof (**) 59. MIESZCZYŃSKI Cyprian 3. BANTSAR Aliaksandr 60. MIJAKOWSKI Piotr 4. BARLAK Marek 61. MILCZAREK Jacek 5. BERŁOWSKI Marcin (*) 62. NAWROT Adam (**) 6. BILICKI Maciej (**) 63. NIETUBYĆ Robert 7. BLUJ Michał 64. NOWAKOWSKA-LANGIER Katarzyna 8. BOIMSKA Bożena 65. NOWICKI Lech (**) 9. BORYSIEWICZ Mieczysław (**) 66. OSTROWSKI Jan 10. BRYLEW Kamil 67. OŚKO Jakub 11. BURAKOWSKA Agnieszka 68. PĘDRAK Aleksandra 12. CAP Tomasz 69. POCHRYBNIAK Cezary 13. CHARVIAKOVA Volha 70. POTEMPSKI Sławomir 14. CIEŚLIK Iwona 71. PROKOPOWICZ Rafał 15. CZAJKA Alina 72. PRZEWŁOCKI Paweł 16. CZARNACKI Wiesław (**) 73. PSZCZEL Damian 17. CZUCHRY Ewa 74. PYLAK Maciej (*) 18. CZUMA Paweł 75. PYTEL Krzysztof 19. DARMÉ Luc 76. RABIŃSKI Marek 20. DEJA Katarzyna 77. RACZYŃSKI Lech 21. DOROSH Orest 78. RAO Soumya 22. DURKALEC Anna 79. RATAJCZAK Renata 23. FIGUEIRA Sebastiano Miguel 80. ROŻYNEK Jacek 24. FIJAŁ-KIREJCZYK Izabela 81. RZADKIEWICZ Jacek 25. FRUBOES Tomasz 82. SERNICKI Jan (**) 26. GIERLIK Michał 83. SESSOLO Enrico Maria 27. GOLDSTEIN Piotr 84. SHOPA Roman 28. GÓRSKI Maciej 85. SIBCZYŃSKI Paweł 29. GRODNER Ernest 86. SOKOŁOWSKI Marcin (*) 30. GRODZICKA-KOBYŁKA Martyna 87. SOLARZ Aleksandra 31. GRYZIŃSKI Michał 88. STANO Paweł (till 28.02.18) 32. HARATYM Zbigniew (**) 89. STRUGALSKA-GOLA Elżbieta 33. HRYCYNA Orest 90. SULEJ Robert 34. HRYCZUK Andrzej (*) 91. SYNTFELD-KAŻUCH Agnieszka 35. IWANOWSKA-HANKE Joanna 92. SZABELSKI Adam 36. JANKOWSKA-KISIELIŃSKA Joanna (**) 93. SZABELSKI Jacek 37. KARAMITROS Dimitros 94. SZAMOTA_LEANDERSSON Karolina 38. KAZANA Małgorzata 95. SZCZĘŚNIAK Tomasz 39. KISIELOWSKI Marcin 96. SZEWIŃSKI Jarosław(**) 40. KOWAL Karol 97. SZNAJDER Paweł 41. KOWALIK Katarzyna 98. TRACZYK Piotr (**) 42. KOWALSKA Kamila 99. TROJANOWSKI Sebastian (**) 43. KOZIOŁ Zbigniew 100. TRZCIŃSKI Andrzej 44. KRZEMIEŃ Wojciech 101. TULIK Piotr (**) 45. KUMAR Dinesh 102. TYMIŃSKA Katarzyna 46. KUNHIKANNAN Kannichankandy Meghna 103. UKLEJA Artur 47. KUPRASKA Łukasz 104. WAGNER Jakub 48. KURASHVILI Podist 105. WAWRZYNIAK Karol 49. KWIATKOWSKI Roch 106. WAWRZYŃCZAK-SZABAN Anna 50. LORKIEWICZ Jerzy 107. WIELGOSZ Monika 51. MAJCZYNA Agnieszka 108. WOJACZYŃSKI Rafał 52. MAKSIAK Bartosz 109. WOJCIECHOWSKI Andrzej (*) 53. MAŁEK Katarzyna 110. YAMAMOTO Yasuhiro 54. MAŁKIEWICZ Przemysław 111. ZADROŻNY Adam 55. MARCINKOWSKA Zuzanna 112. ZALIPSKA Joanna 56. MARIAŃSKI Bohdan (**) 113. ZIN Paweł 57. MELNYCHUK Dmytro 114. ŻEBROWSKI Jarosław



1. ADAMUS Marek(**) 46. ŁUCZYK Arkadiusz (**) 2. AUGUSTYNIAK Witold (**) 47. MALESA Bożena 3. BARTOSIK Łukasz 48. MALESA Marzena 4. BATSCH Tadeusz (**) 49. MALISZEWSKA-OLEJNICZAK Kamila 5. BIELEWICZ Marcin (*) 50. MAŁETKA Krzysztof 6. BIRNBAUM Grażyna 51. MARKIEWICZ Alina 7. BOETTCHER Agnieszka 52. MAURIN Michał 8. BOREK–KRUSZEWSKA Elżbieta (**) 53. NASIŁOWSKA Sylwia 9. BUDZIANOWSKI Armand 54. NAWROCKI Krzysztof (**) 10. CELIŃSKA Agnieszka 55. NIERADKA Grzegorz (**) 11. CHMIELOWSKI Władysław (*) 56. NOWAK Arkadiusz 12. CIESZYKOWSKA Izabela 57. PADEE Adam 13. DZIEL Tomasz 58. PAWLAK Dariusz 14. DZIEWIECKI Wojciech 59. PAWŁOWSKI Marek 15. FILIKS Anna 60. PĘDRAK Aleksandra 16. FINDEISEN Michał 61. PIEKART Magdalena 17. FISZER Marzena 62. PIJAROWSKA-KRUSZYNA Justyna 18. GAJEWSKI Jacek 63. PLEWA Grzegorz 19. GÓJSKA Aneta 64. POLAŃSKI Aleksander 20. JANIAK Tomasz 65. ROMAŃCZUK Małgorzata 21. JANIAK Łukasz 66. RUSINEK Dariusz 22. JANOTA Barbara 67. RZEMEK Katarzyna 23. JAROŃ Antoni 68. SASINOWSKA Iwona 24. JAWORSKI Wojciech 69. SAWICKA Agnieszka 25. JĘDRZEJCZAK Karol 70. SENDAL Jagoda (**) 26. JÓŹWIK Iwona (**) 71. SOCHA Dariusz 27. KACPERSKI Krzysztof (**) 72. STANISZEWSKA Joanna 28. KABIRNEZHAD Monireh 73. STEFAN Dorota 29. KAPUSTA Maciej (*) 74. STEFAŃSKA-SKROBAS Kamila 30. KARCZMARCZYK Urszula 75. STONERT Anna 31. KIREJCZYK Marek 76. ŚWIDERSKA Karolina(*) 32. KLIMASZEWSKI Konrad 77. SZABELSKI Adam 33. KOROLCZUK Stefan 78. SZYSZKO vel Chorąży Tomasz 34. KONIOR Marcin 79. TARCHALSKI Mikołaj 35. KŁUDKIEWICZ Dominik Daniel 80. TYMIŃSKI Zbigniew 36. KORSAK Agnieszka 81. WASILEWSKI Adam 37. KORYTKOWSKI Michał 82. WOJDOWSKA Wioletta 38. KOZIOŁ Karol(**) 83. WÓJCIUK Karolina (**) 39. KRAWCZYK Paweł 84. ZAŁOGA Dobromił 40. KRÓL Krystian (**) 85. ZAKRZEWSKI Tomasz 41. LASZUK Ewa 86. ZARĘBA Barbara 42. LICKI Janusz (**) 87. ZIEMEK Tomasz 43. LINCZUK Maciej 88. ŻOŁĄDEK-NOWAK Joanna 44. LISTKOWSKA Anna 89. ŻÓŁTOWSKA Małgorzata 45. LIPKA Robert

(*) on leave of absence (**) part-time employee




National Science Centre

Badanie wpływu parametrów modeli oddziaływań wielkich energii na rozwój WPA i możliwości 1 pomiarowe eksperymentu JEM-EUSO No. 2016/20/T/ST9/00589 (2016-2018) Principal Investigator: Z. Plebaniak (ETIUDA 4)

2 Classification and clustering analysis of infrared-selected galaxies No. 2015/16/S/ST9/00438 (2015-2018) Principal Investigator: A. Solarz, PhD (FUGA 4)

3 Participation of Poland in the Advanced Virgo project No. 2014/14/M/ST9/00707 (2015-2018) Principal Investigator: Prof. A. Królak (Leader: Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences) (HARMONIA 6)

4 T2K - the second generation neutrino experiment No. 2014/14/M/ST2/00850 (2015-2018) Principal Investigator: Prof. E. Rondio (Leader: The Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences) (HARMONIA 6)

5 Study of -proton, hadron-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus relatyvistic collisions in the NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN SPS - second stage No. 2015/18/M/ST2/00125 (2016-2019) Principal Investigtaor: Prof. J. Stepaniak (Leader: Jagiellonian University) (HARMONIA 7)

6 Nuclear studies with radioactive beams at the CERN-ISOLDE laboratory No. 2015/18/M/ST2/00523 (2016-2019) Principal Investigator: Prof. Z. Patyk (Leader: Warsaw University) (HARMONIA 7)

7 Polish contribution to preparation and implementation of the research program for CTA 2016/22/M/ST9/00583 (2017-2020) project in its first phase of operation prof.. L. Roszkowski (Leader: Jagiellonian University) (HARMONIA 8)

8 Research of fundamental properties of nuclear matter in the ALICE experiment at the LHC at CERN No. 2016/22/M/ST2/00176 (2017-2020) Prof. T.Siemiarczuk (Leader: The Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nucelar Physics Polish Academy of Sciences) (HARMONIA 8)

9 Tomografia hadronów: precyzyjne przewidywania fenomenologiczne w erze nowych eksperymentów


No. 2017/26/M/ST2/01074 (2018-2021) Prof.. L. Szymanowski (HARMONIA 9)

10 Badanie hadronów pięknych i powabnych w eksperymencie LHCb: symetrie dyskretne, stany egzotyczne oraz procesy produkcji No. 2017/26/M/ST2/00620 (2018-2021) Prof.. A. Królak (Lider: IFJ PAN) (HARMONIA 9)

11 Eksperyment COMPASS - badanie wewnętrznej struktury nukleonu No. 2017/26/M/ST2/00498 (2018-2020) Prof.. A. Sandacz (Lider: NCBJ) (HARMONIA 9)

12 Dark matter: theoretical models, particle candidates and prospects for their experimental discovery No. 2015/18/A/ST2/00748 (2016-2021) Principal Investigator: Prof. L. Roszkowski (MAESTRO 7)

13 Decays onto tau leptons - a tool to probe properties of a Higgs boson with the CMS experiment at LHC No. 2014/13/B/ST2/02543 (2014-2018) Principal Investigator: M. Bluj, PhD (OPUS 7)

14 The synthesis and characterization of copper nitride coatings deposited by use of plasma surface engineering methods No. 2014/15/B/ST8/01692 (2015-2018) Principal Investigator: K. Nowakowska-Langier, PhD (OPUS 8)

15 A search for long-lived massive charged particles using the CMS detector at the LHC operating at proton-proton collisions energy of 13 TeV No. 2014/15/B/ST2/03998 (2015-2018) Principal Investigator: Assoc. Prof. P. Zalewski 9OPUS 8 0

16 Dynamics of Yang-Mills plasma No. 2015/19/B/ST2/02824 (2016-2018) Principal Investigator: Prof. M. Spaliński 9OPUS 10 0

17 In vitro and in vivo preclinical studies of NaA nanozeolite functionalized with antibodies anti- PSMA and labeled with radium radioizotope for targeted prostate cancer therapy No. 2015/19/B/NZ7/02166 (2016-2019) Principal Investigator: Assoc. Prof.. R. Mikołajczak (Leader: Institute of nuclear Chemistry and Technology) (OPUS 10)

18 Investigation of correlated nucleon pairs in neutrino interactions No. 2016/21/B/ST2/01092 (2017-2020) Principal Investigator: J. Zalipska PhD (Leader: University of Wrocław) (OPUS 11)


19 Pomiar promieniowania kosmicznego najwyższych energii w ramach Współpracy JEM-EUSO – przygotowanie elementów detektora, wykonanie pomiarów i analiza danych No. 2017/27/B/ST9/02162 (2018-2021); pozytywna decyzja odnośnie finansowania dr J. Szabelski (OPUS 14)

20 Determination of Charge Parity symmetry (CP) breaking in the B meson decay channel B0s->J/Psi Phi No. 2015/17/N/ST2/04056 (2016-2018) Principal Investigator: V. Batozskaya (PRELUDIUM 9)

21 Indirect search for dark matter with the Super-Kamiokande detector No. 2015/17/N/ST2/04064 (2016-2018) Principal Investigtaor: K. Frankiewicz (PRELUDIUM 9)

22 Experiment EUSO-TA - detector calibration and Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays measurements of cosmic rays in coincidence with Telescope Array experiment No. 2015/19/N/ST9/03708 (2016-2019) Principal Investigator: Z. Plebaniak (PRELUDIUM 10)

23 New source of knowledge about Early Piast history. Technological study on slavic jewelry No. 2016/23/N/HS3/03160 (2017-2020) Prinicipal Investigator: E. Miśta (PRELUDIUM 12)

24 Evolution and star formation history in red passive galaxies No. 2016/23/N/ST9/02963 (2017-2019) Principal Investigator: M. Siudek (PRELUDIUM 12)

25 Mechanika kwantowa i kwantowa kosmologia w formalizmie rozszerzonej przestrzeni fazowej 2017/27/N/ST2/01964 (2018-2020) Kierownik projektu mgr A. Miroszewski (PRELUDIUM 14)

26 Zastosowanie teorii indeksów Sobola do Globalnej Analizy Niepewności i Wrażliwości procesów zachodzących w reaktorach jądrowych DEC-2017/01/X/ST8/01605 (2018-2018) (MINIATURA 1)

27 Classification if z~1 No. 2013/09/D/ST9/04030 (2014-2018) Principal Investigator: K. Małek, PhD (SONATA 5)

28 The nitride semiconductor stuctures for long-lived betavoltaic nuclear batteries on galium nitride substrates with reduced of dislocations No. 2014/15/D/ST7/05288 (2015-2018) Principal Investigator: P. Laskowski (Leader: Institute of High Pressure Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences) (SONATA 8)

29 Properties of galaxy clustering in the early stages of universe evolution No. 2015/17/D/ST9/02121 (2016-2019) Principal Investigator: A. Durkalec, PhD (SONATA 9)


30 Scenariusze nowej fizyki w świetle danych z eksperymentów zapachowych i z poszukiwań ciemnej materii No 2017/26/D/ST2/00490 (2018-2021) E. Sessolo (SONATA 13)

31 Indirect search for dark matter with water neutrino detectors No. 2015/18/E/ST2/00758 (2016-2020) Principal Investigator: P. Mijakowski, PhD (SONATA BIS 5)

32 Rozszerzenia Modelu Standardowego z fermionami wektoropodobnymi 2017/26/E/ST2/00470 (2018-2022) Kierownik projektu dr K. Kowalska (SONATA BIS 7)

33 Badanie efektów kwantowej grawitacji w kosmologii i teorii czarnych dziur w oparciu o modele pian spinowych 2018/28/C/ST9/00157 (2018 - 2021) dr Marcin Paweł Kisielowski (SONATINA 2)

34 Dozymetria promieniowania jonizującego pochodzącego od Y-90 mikrosfer stosowanych w radioembolizacji UMO-2017/25/B/ST7/01745 (OPUS 13) (Polatom)

34 Dozymetria promieniowania jonizującego pochodzącego od Y-90 mikrosfer stosowanych w radio- embolizacji UMO-2017/25/B/ST7/01745 (OPUS 13) (Polatom)

Research Projects co-finansed by 7PR and Horizon 2020

1 EUROfusion EA.084.1 Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon 2020 through a Joint programme of the members of the EUROfusion consortium Contract No. 633053 (2014-2018)

2 SKPLUS EA.084.2 Super-Kamiokande plus Contract No. 641540 (2014-2018)

3 JENNIFER EA.084.3 Japan and Europe Network for Neutrino and Intensity Frontier Experimental Research Contract No. 644294 (2015-2019)

4 C-BORD EA.084.4 Effective Container inspection at BORDer control points Contract No. 653323 (2015-2018)


5 IVMR EA.084.5 In-Vessel Melt Retention Severe Accident Management Strategy for Existing and Future NPPs Contract No. 604984 (2015-2019)

6 BRILLIANT EA.084.6 Baltic Region Initiative for Long Lasting InnovAtive Nuclear Technologies Contract No. 662167 (2015-2018)

7 VINCO EA.084.7 Visegrad Initiative for Nuclear Cooperation Contract No. 662136 (2015-2018)

8 QUACO EA.084.8 QUAdrupoleCOrrector Contract No. 689359 (2016-2020)

9 GEMMA EA.084.10 GEneration iv Materials Maturity Contract No. 755269 (2017-2021)

10 GEMINI Plus EA.084.11 Research and Development in support of the GEMINI Initiative Contract No. 755478 (2017-2020)

11 M4F EA.084.12 Multiscale Modelling For Fusion And Fission Materials Contract No. 755039 (2017-2021)

12 NARSIS EA.084.13 New Approach to Reactor Safety ImprovementS Contract No. 755439 (2017-2021)

13 NOMATEN EA.084.14 Centre of Excellence in Multifunctional Materials for Industrial and Medical Applications Contract No. 763604 (2017-2018)

14 FOREvER EA.084.15 Fuel fOR REsEarch Reactors Contract No. 754378 (2017-2021)

15 EU-SysFlex EA.084.16 Pan-European system with an efficient coordinated use of flexibilities for the integration of a large share of RES Contract No. 773505 (2017-2021)


Ministry of Science and Higher Education

1. MOB Trojanowski Mobilnośc Plus – IV edycja programu EA.083.4 Principal Investigator: S. Trojanowski, PhD Umowa nr 1309/MOB/IV/20185/0 (2016-2018)

2. C-BORD Wydajny system do inspekcji kontenerów na przejściach granicznych Nr 328682/PnH/2016 (2016-2018) EA.083.6

3. JENNIFER Japońsko-europejska sieć dla eksperymentalnego badania neutrin i wysokich intensywności Nr 328686/PnH/2016 (2016-2019) EA.083.7

4. VINCO Inicjatywa Wyszehradzka Współpracy Jądrowej Nr 328538/PnH/2016 (2016-2018) EA.083,8

5. QUACO Korektor kwadrupolowy Nr 328598/PnH/2016 (2016-2020) EA.083.9

6. BRILLIANT Bałtycka Inicjatywa na Rzecz Zrównoważonych Technologii Jądrowych Nr 328540/PnH/2016 (2016-2018) EA.083.10

7. SKPLUS Suoper-Kamiokande plus Nr 328780/PnH/2016 (2016-2018) EA.083.11

8. IVMR Retencja stopionego rdzenia w zbiorniku reaktora - strategia zarządzania awariami ciężkimi dla istniejących i przyszłych elektrowni jądrowych Nr 328610/PnH/2016 (2016-2019) EA.083.12

9. EUROfusion Wdrożenie zadań przedstawionych na Mapie Drogowej Fuzji w projekcie "Horyzont 2020" w ramach wspólnego programu realizowanego przez członków Konsorcjum EUROfusion Nr 329717/PnH/2016 (2016-2018) EA.083.13

10. ALICE-PL Eksperyment ALICE przy akceleratorze LHC w CERN. nr DIR/WK/2016/17 (2017-2021) EA.083.14

11. NEUTRINA-T2K Eksperyment T2K (Tokai-toKamioka) nr DIR/WK/2017/05 (2017-2022)



12. XFEEL NADZÓR Europejski Ośrodek Badań Laserem Rentgenowskim na Swobodnych Elektronach nr DIR/WK/2017/11 (2017-2021) EA.083.16

13. POLFEL Budowa zimnego źródła, jako pierwszego etapu konstrukcji Polskiego Lasera na Swobodnych Elektronach Nr 212727/E-78/S/2017-1 (2017-2018) EA.083.18

14. FOREvER Paliwo dla reaktorów badawczych Nr 382245/PnH/2018 (2018-2021) EA.083.20

15. GEMMA Materiały dla IV Generacji Reaktorów Jądrowych Nr 382308/PnH/2018 (2018-2021) EA.083.21

16. M4F Wielowymiarowe modelowanie materiałów przeznaczonych do zastosowań w fuzji i energetyce jądrowej Nr 382236/PnH/2018 (2018-2021) EA.083.22

17. NARSIS Nowe podejście do poprawy bezpieczeństwa reaktorów jądrowych Nr 382254/PnH/2018 (2018-2021) EA.083.23

18. SHINE Eksperyment NA61/SHINE w CERN DIR/WK/2016/2017/10-1 (2018-2020) EA.083.24

19. LHCb


20. LSST Large Synoptic Survey Telescope nr DIR/WK/2018/12 (2019-2023) EA.083.26

21. ESS ERIC Projektowanie oraz instalacja systemów sterowania LLRF dla sekcji M-Beta i H-Beta akceleratora European Spallation Source (ESS) nr DIR/WK/2016/03 (2016-2021) EA.085.4

22. ESS ERIC ESS ERIC - European Spallation Source ERIC.Finansowanie kosztów wkładu krajowego wnoszonego na rzecz udziału we wspólnym międzynarodowym przedsięwzięciu nr DIR/WK/2016/04 (2016-2018) EA.085.5


23. XFEL Budowa i funkcjonowanie Europejskiego Ośrodka Badań Laserem Rentgenowskim na Swobodnych Elektronach – XFEL nr 6109/IA/621/2010 nr 6109/IA/621/2010/2011 nr 6109/IA/621/2010/2011/2014 nr 6109/IA/621/2010/2011/2014/2016 (2010-2017) EA.085.8

National Centre for Research and Development 1. GRAFEL Zaawansowane uszczelnienia połączeń ruchomych na baize kompozytów elastromerowo- grafenowych (leader – National Centre for Nuclear Research) Applied Research Programme – programme path B No PBS2/B2/11/2013 (2015-2018) EA.083.1

2. MCAS Universal, multichannel control and data acquisition system TANGO No TANGO1/267932/NCBR/2015 (2015-2018) EA.083.2

3. EVARIS Program do oceny ryzyka wystapienia awarii w obiektach przemysłowych stwarzających zagrożenie poza swoim terenem Program na rzecz Obronności i Bezpieczeństwa Państwa Nr DOB-BIO7/09/03/2015 (2015-2018) EA.083.3

4. PANDA2 Centrum Informatyczne w Świerku: infrastruktura i usługi dla energetyki PANDA2/1/2016 (2016-2020) EA.083.5

5. CYBERSECIDENT Narodowa Platforma Cyberbezpieczeństwa CYBERSECIDENT/369195/I/NCBR/2017 (2017-2020) EA.083.17

6. INNDEX Technologie wytwarzania materiałów i struktur do detekcji promieniowania X i gamma, z wykorzystaniem nisko defektowych jednorodnych kryształów (Cd,MN)Te, o wysokiej odporności na generację defektów w wyniku napromieniowania Umowa TECHMASTRATEG1/346720/8/NCBR/2017 EA.083.19

7. GRAN-T-MTC Phase I clinical trial using a novel CCK-2/gastrin receptor-localizing radiolabelled peptide probe for personalized diagnosis and therapy of patiens with progressive or metastatic medullary thyroid carcinoma ERA NET TRANSCAN No ERA-NET-TRANSCAN/01/2013 (2013-2018) POLATOM

8. BIOTECHNET Nowatorski generator technetu (99Mo/99mTc) z mikroporowatym sorbentem na bazie chitozanu, wykorzystujący molibden 99Mo, do zastosowań w diagnostyce izotopowej STRATEGMED2/269080/8/NCBR/2015 (2015-2018) POLATOM


9. PET-SKAND Otrzymywanie radiofarmaceutyków opartych na radionuklidach skandu dla pozytonowej tomografii emisyjnej PBS3/A9/28/2015 POLATOM

European Regional Development Found

1. CERAD CERAD - Centrum Projektowania i Syntezy Radiofarmaceutyków Ukierunkowanych Molekularnie POIR.04.02.00-14-A001/16-00 (2017-2021) OPI POLATOM

2. MULTISOM Wielowariantowe formulacje peptydu DOTATATE jako prekursora do otrzymywania radiofarmaceutyków POIR.01.02.00-00-0041/15 (2017-2020) NCBR POLATOM

3. CentriX Utworzenie centrum Informacyjno-wdrożeniowego przemysłowych technik radiacyjnych CentriX RPMA.01.01.00-14-8516/17-00 (2018-2020) EA.084.17 MJWPU

4. Nowe koncepcje reaktorów i analiz bezpieczeństwa dla polskiej energetyki jądrowej POWR.03.02.00-00-I009/17-00 (2018 – 2023) EA.084.19 NCBR

5. MAB PLUS NOMATEN Międzynarodowa Agenda Badawcza NOMATEN MAB PLUS/2018/8 (2018-2023) EA..084.21 FNP

6. PolFEL PolFEL - Polski Laser na Swobodnych Elektronach POIR.04.02.00-00-B002/18-00 (2018-2022) EA..084.22 OPI


1. BSUIN Baltic Sea Underground nnovationNetwork Contract No. #R037 (2017-2020) EA.084.9 INTERREG

2. CyberRLAB Active testing of PLCs used in nuclear installations by Bug Fuzzing Search for Cyber Vulnerabilities.


Principal Investigator: J.Gajewski , PhD IAEA No. 20576 (2016 – 2019) EA.084.18 IAEA

3. GBAR The development and construction of an Electron Linear Accelerator for the GBAR Experiment Principal Investigator: S. Wronka, PhD 2545/DG (2014-2019) EA.085.1 CERN

4. BENICE Beryllium poisoning model development and experimental validation in research reactors with exploitation in MARIA and Jules Horowitz Reactor. Principal Investigator: Z.Marcinkowska, PhD BENICE 15PPLA000350 (2015-2019) EA.085.2 CEA

5. CEPTA Porównanie własności fosforku galu implantowanego tytanem po wygrzewaniu termicznym i po impulsie elektronowym ST 17000973 (2017-2018) EA.085.3 HZDR

6. CONQRE Optymalizacja poziomu domieszkowania kryształów ZnO jonami ziem rzadkich 17000941_ST (2017-2019) EA.085.6 HZDR

7. ESS Linac Radiation Safety Related Studies for ESS Linac ESS-0092240 (2018-2019) EA.085.7 ESS

8. DVCS Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) Data Inclusion CRADA No 2017S002 (2018) EA.085.9 JSA LLC

9. MaPSCrING-II Właściwości magnetyczne monokryształów ZnO implantowanych jonami Co i gazów szlachetnych – implantacja jonów HZDR 17001173-ST (2018-2019) EA.085.10 HZDR

10. MaPSCrING-RBS Właściwości magnetyczne monokryształów ZnO implantowanych jonami Co i gazów szlachetnych – badania RBS HZDR 17001178-ST (2018-2019) EA.085.11 HZDR


11. Ren186 Badanie produkcji izomeru 186m-Re oraz jego depopulacja poprzez foto-indukcję do nisko leżących stanów pośrednich W911NF1820106 (2018-2019) EA.085.12 US ARMY ACC-APG-RTP W911NF

12. Nanosized Delivery Systems for Radiopharmaceuticals. Principal Investigator: M. Maurin, MSc. IAEA No. 18475/R0 (2014-2017) POLATOM IAEA

13. Sharing and Developing Protocols to Further Minimize Radioactive Gaseous Releases to the Environment in the Manufacture of Medical Radioisotopes, as Good Manufacturing Practice. Principal Investigator: M. Konior, PhD IAEA No 18869 (2015 – 2018) IAEA

14. SCAND-I-CO Therapeutic Radiopharmaceuticals Labelled with New Emerging Radionuclides (67Cu, 186Re, 47Sc) in Poland. Principal Investigator: R. Mikołajczak, PhD IAEA No 20496 (2016 – 2019) POLATOM IAEA

15. Contract KE3291/00 01-10-2016. Principal Investigator: D. Stefan, PhD CERN KE3291/RCS (2016-2019 CERN

16. GLISTEN: GPCR – Ligand Interactions, Structures and Transmembrane Signalling: a European Research Network. COST CM1207 (2015-2017) POLATOM COST

17. Native Mass Spectrometry and Related Methods for Structural Biology COST BM1403 (2014-2018) COST

18. Cosmology and Astrophysics Network for Theoretical Advances and training Actions CANTATA:CA15117, oc-2015-1-19562 COST

19. AXA Development of methodology to assess the risk of states in which grid does not operate under the "normal" conditions and to support the process of taking remedial actions by Transmission Systems Operators AXA (2016-2018) AXA

20. NOV GEN TECH Nowatorskie metody otrzymywania technetu-99m i generatorów technetu-99m w Polsce IAEA Research Contract No: 22652 (2017-2020) POLATOM IAEA


Grant projects for young scientists

1. mgr inż. MARIA PRUSIŃSKA Oznaczanie aktywności polonu (Po-210) w próbkach wody 2. mgr inż. MELANIE CLOZEL Investigation of the nanomechanical properties of ion-irradited ferric-nartenstic steels with different chemical compositions 3. mgr inż. MAŁGORZATA DYMECKA Oznaczanie Sr90 w środowiskowych próbkach stałych 4. mgr Miguel FIGUEIRA SEBASTIAO Star Formation around HII regions: A molecular study towards RCW120 5. mgr inż. KATARZYNA JERZYK Opracowanie oraz optymalizacja sposobu wytwarzania pochodnej estrowej cheladora HBED-CC do znakowania 68Ga 6. mgr inż. ANNA KOSIŃSKA Badanie zależności pomiędzy opornością, twardością a dawką defektującą dla materiałów izolacyjnych 7. dr KAROL KOZIOŁ Obliczenia atomowe wysokiej precyzji metodami MCDF-CI i CI-MBPT dla analiz przejść TEOP Kα1,2α3 oraz linii hipersatelitarnych Khα1,2 wynikających z de-ekscytacji atomów z dwiema dziurami w powłoce 8. mgr inż. TOMASZ KWIATKOWSKI Referencyjna baza danych jako narzędzie do walidacji i weryfikacji modeli turbulencji niższych rzędów 9. mgr inż. MACIEJ MACIAK Numeryczne modelowanie detektorów promieniowania jonizującego na potrzeby dozymetrii wiązkowej i ochrony radiologicznej 10. dr Kamila MALISZEWSKA-OLEJNICZAK Opracowanie wstępnych procedur badawczych na wybranych liniach komórkowych jako wstęp dp badań nad terapią BNCT przy reaktorze MARIA w ramach utworzenia nowego laboratorium biologicznego 11. inż. ŁUKASZ MURAWSKI Przystosowanie aparatury do pomiarów narażenia na promieniowanie jonizujące na poziomie tła naturalnego oraz weryfikacja pomiarowa układu w obszarach o obniżonym tle 12. mgr SZYMON NAKONECZNY Simultaneous classification and redshift prediction i Kilo-Degree and VIKING surveys 13. mgr inż. KAMIL NAMYŚLAK Zaprojektowanie i wykonanie układu startowego wysokiego napięcia typu US-5 oraz modułu kontroli czasu trwania wyładowania elektrycznego do procesów osadzania warstw metodą łukową 14. mgr NILS ALBIN NILSSON Phenomenology of tensor Lorenz vilation in the Extention 15. mgr inż. SEBASTIAN OKRASA Wpływ temperatury wygrzewania na strukturę i skład fazowy warstw azotku miedzi otrzymywanych metodą impulsowego rozpylania magnetronowego 16. mgr inż. MARCIN PIETRZAK Analiza możliwości wykonania doświadczenia nanodozymetrycznego na wiązce cząstek gamma- projekt eksperymentu i symulacje Monte Carlo 17. mgr inż. NATALIA PIOTROWSKA Badania grubości elementów konstrukcyjnych reaktora MARIA pod kątem zmian korozyjnych - przygotowanie do realizacji Programu Zarzadzania Procesami Starzenia Reaktora MARIA


18. mgr ARTEM POLISZCZUK Poszukiwanie czarnych dziur w centrach galaktyk w danych AKARI NEP Wide za pomocą metod uczenia maszynowego 19. mgr inż. PIOTR PRUSIŃSKI Problem lokalizacji i wartości temperatury szczytowej na powierzchni obiektów zanurzanych w kanałach do napromieniania reaktora MARIA 20. mgr inż. ELEONORA SKRZYPEK Badanie zachowania cieplno-przepływowego warstwy stopionego metalu na powierzchni rdzenia w trakcie ciężkiej awarii: czy kody CFD będą wsparciem do analiz bezpieczeństwa 21. dr ALEKSANDRA SOLARZ Eksploracja danych przy pomocy uczenia maszynowego w wielkich przeglądach nieba: poszukiwanie zapylonych kwazarów 22. mgr inż. GRZEGORZ SZACIŁOWSKI Opracowanie metodyki oznaczania aktywności polonu 210 w filtrach powietrza 23. mgr PARITOSH VERMA Search for gravitational waves from r-mode instabilities in the LIGO detector data 24. mgr. inż. EDYTA WYSZKOWSKA Wpływ defektowania radiacyjnego na właściwości strukturalne i mechaniczne monokryształów w układzie Ni-Fe 25. dr PAWEŁ SIBCZYŃSKI Symulacje MCNP6 sondy geofizycznej oraz zaprojektowanie stanowiska testowego do pomiaru promieniotwórczości naturalnej w odwiertach skalnych w oparciu o nowe kryształy scyntylacyjne 26. mgr. inż. MICHAŁ SPIRZEWSKI Globalna Analiza Czułościowa wykorzystująca indeksy Sobola w celu zbadania źródeł niepewności modeli zjawisk osadzania i odrywania kropelek wody w reaktorach typu BWR z użyciem autorskiego narzędzia symulującego przepływy dwufazowe. 27. mgr MONIKA DUCHNA Powłoki ochronne o podwyższonej odporności na wysokie temperatury na bazie stopów Inconel do zastosowań w energetyce 28. mgr. inż. NATALIA PIOTROWSKA Badania grubości elementów konstrukcyjnych reaktora MARIA pod kątem zmian korozyjnych - przygotowanie do realizacji Programy Zarządzania Procesami Starzenia Reaktora MARIA 29. mgr. inż. GRZEGORZ OLSZEWSKI Badania spoin poszycia zbiornika reaktora MARIA wykonanych ze stali austenistycznych, pod kątem wykrywania zmian powstałych w czasie eksploatacji - przygotowanie do realizacji Programu Zarządzania Procesami Starzenia Reaktora MARIA 30. mgr. inż. MAŁGORZATA FRELEK-KOZAK Określenie wpływu implantacji jonowej na mikrostrukturę , właściwości mikro i nano-mechaniczne oraz morfologię warstwy wierzchniej wolframu i jego stopów w aspekcie badań nad fuzją jądrową. 31. mgr. inż. AGATA ZABOROWSKA Ocena właściwości funkcjonalnych zaawansowanych powłok AL2O3 dedykowanych do zastosowań w reaktorach IV generacji typu LFR 32. mgr. inż. WOJCIECH BONICKI Badanie Parametrów mechanicznych z pomocą metody nanoindentacji i symulacji numerycznych - przykład dla stali C100S 33. mgr. inż. KRZYSZTOF KOBYŁKA Modelowanie uszkodzeń strukturalnych w krysztale MgO z wykorzystaniem dynamiki molekularnej 34. mgr. inż. KAROL SZYMCZYK Zbieranie danych i symulacje w projekcie GBAR


35. mgr TOBIASZ ZAWISTOWSKI Przeprowadzenie symulacji metodami MC, w celu optymalizacji procesu naświetlania tarczy molibdenowej wiązką elektronów z akceleratora liniowego do uzyskiwania molibdenu 99 Mo. 36. mgr IVAN SLIPUKIHN Projekt, budowa oraz testy Wysokotemperaturowego systemu Kształtowania Sygnałów z detektorów scyntylacyjnych 37. mgr. inż. MAGDALENA JACNIAK Ocena przemian strukturalnych i właściwości warstw azotku miedzi otrzymywanych metodą rozpylania magnetronowego 38. mgr. inż. MICHALINA KOSTECKA Mineralizacja próbek środowiskowych i przemysłowych 39. mgr. inż. MATEUSZ POCIĘGIEL Synteza nowych znaczników do diagnostyki chorób nowotworowych z zastosowaniem techniki PET. Badania wstępne 40. mgr. inż. GRZEGORZ WITOLD STRZELECKI Wpływ częstotliwości modulującej w procesach mPMS na strukturę i kinetykę wzrostu warstw metalicznych 41. mgr MONIKA ORZEŁOWSKA Badania porównawcze aktywności biologicznej in vitro inhibitorów PSMA do diagnostyki i terapii nowotworu prostaty 42. mgr inż. TOMASZ KWIATKOWSKI Referencyjna baza danych jako narzędzie do walidacji i weryfikacji modeli turbulencji niższych rzędów - uzupełnienie rozszerzenie

Domestic and foreign awards granted to researchers and PhD students of the NCBJ in 2018

1. ALTINOLUK TOLGA Stypendia dla wybitnych młodych naukowców (Krajowa) Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego 2. ALTINOLUK TOLGA Stypendia Pobyt badawczy (Zagraniczna) Bourses du Gouvernement Français (BGF) 3. ALTINOLUK TOLGA Short-term Visitor (Zagraniczna) CERN Theory Department 4. BOREK-KRUSZEWSKA ELŻBIETA Nagroda II stopnia (Krajowa) Dyrektor NCBJ 5. DĄBROWSKI MARIUSZ P. "Naukowiec Roku 2017" (Krajowa) Rektor Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego 6. FIGUEIRA MIGUEL Young Scientist Project (Krajowa) NCBJ 7. FRANKIEWICZ KATARZYNA Poster Award (Zagraniczna) Poster prize selection committee of XXVIII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics 8. FRANKIEWICZ KATARZYNA Nagroda NCBJ za osiągnięcia dydaktyczne w roku 2017 (Krajowa) Dyrektor NCBJ


9. FRANKIEWICZ KATARZYNA Wyróżnienie rozprawy doktorskiej "Indirect Search for Dark Matter with the Super-Kamiokande Detector (Krajowa) Rada Naukowa NCBJ 10. JANOTA BARBARA Dyplom wyróżnienie w konkursie na najlepszą polską publikację w Nuclear Medicine Review w latach 2015-2017, za publikację Oxidation of methionine — is it limiting the diagnostic properties of 99mTc- labeled Exendin-4, a Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 receptor agonist? Autorzy: Barbara Janota, Urszula Karczmarczyk, Ewa Laszuk, Piotr Garnuszek, Renata Mikołajczak (Krajowa) Redakcja czasopisma Nuclear Medicine Review i Prezesa Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Nuklearnej 11. KOWALSKA KAMILA Grant badawczy SONATA-BIS (Krajowa) Narodowe Centrum Nauki 12. KRÓLAK ANDRZEJ Złoty Krzyż Zasługi (Krajowa) Prezydent RP 13. MIESZCZYŃSKI CYPRIAN Wyróżnienie osiągnięć naukowych (Krajowa) Komisja Rady Naukowej NCBJ 14. MIKOŁAJCZAK RENATA Dyplom wyróżnienie w konkursie na najlepszą polską publikację w Nuclear Medicine Review w latach 2015-2017, za publikację Radiopharmaceuticals for somatostatin receptor imaging. Autorzy Renata Mikołajczak i Helmut R. Maecke. (Krajowa) Redakcja czasopisma Nuclear Medicine Review i Prezesa Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Nuklearnej 15. MIKOŁAJCZAK RENATA The SNMMI 2018 International Best Abstract Award for Poland, presented to Renata Mikolajczak for "Cyclotron production of Sc-44 from natural calcium”, R. Mikołajczak, D. Pawlak, W. Wojdowska, T. Janiak, T. Barcikowski, M. Żółtowska, I. Cieszykowska, J. L. Parus, I. Hajdu, G. Baranyai, V. Forgács, D. Szikra, G. Nagy (Zagraniczna) Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, SNMMI, 16. MIKOŁAJCZAK RENATA Hisada Award 2018 (Annals of Nuclear Medicine Award) Gold Prize for the paper entitled: Long-term results and tolerability of tandem peptide receptor radionuclide therapy with 90Y/177Lu-DOTATATE in neuroendocrine tumors with respect to the primery location: a 10-year study. Annals of Nuclear Medicine 2017;31(5):347-356 (Krajowa) Annals of Nuclear Medicine, journal of the Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine 17. MOSZYŃSKI MAREK 2018 Glenn Knoll Radiation Instrumentation Outstanding Achievement Award (Zagraniczna) IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Science Society 18. PAWLAK DARIUSZ Hisada Award 2018 (Annals of Nuclear Medicine Award) Gold Prize for the paper entitled: Long-term results and tolerability of tandem peptide receptor radionuclide therapy with 90Y/177Lu-DOTATATE in neuroendocrine tumors with respect to the primery location: a 10-year study. Annals of Nuclear Medicine 2017;31(5):347-356 (Zagraniczna) Annals of Nuclear Medicine, Journal of the Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine 19. PAWLAK DARIUSZ Najlepsza polska publikacja w 'Nuclear Medicine Review" w latach 2015-2017 (Krajowa) Nuclear Medicine Review 20. PIJAROWSKA-KRUSZYNA JUSTYNA Wyróżnienie rozprawy doktorskiej (Krajowa) Rada Naukowa Instytutu Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej


21. PRZYBYSZ ZBIGNIEW Nagroda II stopnia. (Krajowa) Dyrektor NCBJ 22. SESSOLO ENRICO Grant badawczy SONATA (Krajowa) Narodowe Centrum Nauki 23. SKRZYPEK ELEONORA Nagroda za osiągnięcia naukowe NCBJ w 2017 roku (Krajowa) Dyrektor Narodowego Centrum Badań Jądrowych Krzysztof Kurek 24. SOBKOWICZ PAWEŁ Druga nagroda w konkursie „Eureka! DGP – odkrywamy polskie wynalazki” dla wynalazków " Sposób wytwarzania nośnika danych pamięci masowej, nośnik danych pamięci masowej" i "Sposób odczytu informacji z nośnika danych pamięci masowej" (Krajowa) Dziennik Gazeta Prawna 25. WILCZEK IRENEUSZ Nagroda II stopnia (Krajowa) Dyrektor NCBJ 26. WOJDOWSKA WIOLETTA Wyróżnienie za najlepszą polską publikację "Studies on separation of 99mTc from large excess of molybdenum" w Nuclear Medicine Review w latach 2015-2017 (Krajowa) Redaktor naczelny Nuclear Medicine Review 27. WRONKA SŁAWOMIR Drugie miejsce w konkursie "Eureka! DGP – odkrywamy polskie wynalazki” (Krajowa) Dziennik Gazeta Prawna 28. WRONKA SŁAWOMIR Złoty Radiogram (Krajowa) Politechnika Opolska, Polskie Towarzystwo Badań Nienieszczących i Diagnostyki Technicznej SIMP Oddział w Poznaniu, NDT System Warszawa


DSc Thesis

ANETA MALINOWSKA Spektrometryczna analiza cząstek naładowanych przy użyciu dielektrycznego detektora śladowego i jego zastosowanie w eksperymentach fizycznych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem badań reakcji jądrowych zachodzących w plaźmie (Spectrometric analysis of charged particles by the use of solid state dielectric detector and its use in physical experiments with a special consideration in study of nuclear reaction in plasmas)

PRZEMYSŁAW ADRICH Formowanie wiązek elektronowych. Nowe koncepcje układów formowania i rozwój metod projektowania w oparciu o narzędzia współczesnej fizyki subatomowej (Electron beam forming. New concepts of beam forming systems and development of design methods on tools of contemporary subatomic physics)

EWA CZUCHRY Wielkie odbicie oraz inflacja w zmodyfikowanych i kwantowych teoriach grawitacji (Big Bounce and inflation in modified and quantum theories of gravity)

PhD Thesis

KABIMEZHAD MONIREH Improvement of single pion production

DAMIAN PSZCZCEL Search for a new light boson in meson decays (Poszukiwanie nowego lekkiego bozonu w rozpadach mezonów)

KATARZYNA FRANKIEWICZ Indirect Search for Dark Matter with the Super-Kamiokande Detector

MONIREH KABIRNEZHAD Improvement of single pion production for simulation tools

JUSTYNA PIJAROWSKA Innowacyjna metoda syntezy radiofarmaceutyku do obrazowania transportera dopaminy (DAT) w technice Pozytonowej Tomografii Emisyjnej (PET)






ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______NUCLEAR FACILITIES OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Director of Department Michał Gryziński, PhD Eng


Maria Reactor Operations Division Head of Division Ireneusz Owsianko, MSc Eng

There are 59 employees (engineers and technicians) in the Maria Reactor Operations Division . The main activity of this unit is the safe operation of the MARIA research reactor. In 2018 the reactor operated for 4508 hours at power levels from 18 MW to 25 MW. The main activities carried out at the MARIA reactor were focused on: . irradiation of target materials in the vertical channels and in the rabbit system, . irradiation of uranium targets for 99Mo production, . neutron scattering condensed matter studies with neutron beams from the reactor horizontal channel, . neutron radiography studies, . neutron modification of minerals, . training.

Irradiations of target materials such as: TeO2, KCl, Lu2O3, SmCl2, S, Co etc. were performed for the Radioisotope Centre POLATOM and irradiations of uranium targets were performed for CURIUM (formerly Mallinckrodt Medical). Based on cooperation with the company QUIREM, irradiations of targets containing holmium microspheres for radiotherapy treatment were performed. The total activity of irradiated targets in 2018 was 1451 TBq. The neutron irradiation services utilising the MARIA reactor also include the colouring of topaz minerals. The irradiation of minerals in special channels located outside the reactor core changes their clear natural state to shades of blue, thereby increasing the commercial value of the product. Blue topaz stones are released to the market as non- radioactive materials, conforming to strict international criteria. Commercial irradiations of uranium targets for 99Mo production were carried out at the MARIA reactor in 2018 during 16 reactor operation cycles. Production of the radioisotope 99Mo by irradiation of highly-enriched uranium (HEU) and low enriched uranium (LEU) targets reached the level of 7676 TBq in 2018.

Ireneusz Owsianko


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Maria Reactor Operation A. Gołąb, J. Jaroszewicz, I. Owsianko

The multipurpose high flux research reactor MARIA is ▫ shape 5 MC) or 6 (MR) concentric tubes a water and beryllium moderated reactor of pool type ▫ active length 1000 mm with graphite reflector and pressurised channels . output thermal neutron flux containing concentric tube assemblies of fuel elements at horizontal channels 35·109 n/cm2s (Fig. 1, 2). It was designed to provide a high degree of The MARIA reactor reached its first criticality in flexibility. December 1974. The reactor was in operation until 1 2 3 4 1985 when it was shut down for modernisation. The modernisation encompassed refurbishment and upgrading of technological systems. In particular, the efficiency of the ventilation and cooling systems was improved. In 1993 the MARIA reactor was put into operation again.


5 9 6 7 10 8

H3, H8 - 135 cm H7 - 115 cm -1.7 H4, H5, H6 - 95 cm

11 12 13 14 Fig. 1. Vertical section of the MARIA reactor. 1. control 1. control rod drive mechanism 8. beam tube shutter rod drive2. mounting mechanism, plate 2. mounting plate, 9. fuel channel 3. ionisation 3. ionization chamber channel 10. ionization chambers shield 4. ionization chamber drive mechanism 11. core and support structure chamber5. fuel and channel, loop channels support 4. ioniplate sation chamber12. core and drivereflector support plate 6. plate support console 13. reflector blocks mechanism,5.7. horizontal beam tubefuel shutter and drive mechanismloop channels14. beam support tube compensator plate, joint 6. plate support console, 7. horizontal beam tube shutter drive mechanism, 8. beam tube shutter, 9. fuel channel, 10. ionisation chamber shield, 11. core support structure, 12. core and reflector support plate, 13. reflector blocks, 14. beam tube compensation joint. Fig. 2. View of the reactor pool and control rod drive The fuel channels are situated in a matrix containing mechanism. beryllium blocks and enclosed by a lateral reflector made of graphite blocks in aluminium cans. The The main areas of reactor applications are as follows: MARIA reactor is equipped with vertical channels for . irradiation of target materials in the vertical irradiation of target materials, a rabbit system for short channels and the rabbit system irradiations and six horizontal neutron beam channels. . testing of fuel and structural materials for nuclear The main characteristics of the MARIA reactor are as power engineering follows: . neutron radiography . neutron activation analysis . nominal power 30 MW(th) . neutron transmutation doping 14 2 . thermal neutron flux density 2.5·10 n/cm s . research in neutron and condensed matter physics . moderator H2O, beryllium . training . cooling system channel type . fuel assemblies: In 2018 the reactor completed 35 operation cycles at power levels from 18 MW to 25 MW (Fig. 3). The ▫ material U3Si2Al / UO2 ▫ enrichment 19,75% / 19,7% overall operation time was 4 508 h. ▫ cladding aluminium


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Fig. 3. Schedule of MARIA reactor operations in 2018.

The main activities carried out at the MARIA reactor In 2018 the MARIA reactor was operated successfully. were focused on: The reactor scram was activated 5 times for a very short . irradiation of target materials in the vertical time and it wasn’t necessary to shorten the operation channels and the rabbit system cycles. . neutron radiography studies Operational availability factors were the following: . neutron modification of crystals and minerals 푂푇 . training of students 퐴1 = ∙ 100% = 99,9% 푁퐻 . due to modernisation of the horizontal channels neutron scattering condensed matter studies with 푂푇 neutron beams from the reactor are temporally 퐴2 = ∙ 100% = 51,0% suspended. 8784 where OT (operational time) denotes the number of The MARIA reactor was initially operated with 80% hours on power and NH is the sum of the number of enriched HEU fuel and converted in 1999 to 36%. The hours on power and the number of unscheduled next conversion programme of the MARIA reactor, shutdowns. closely associated with the ”Global Threat Reduction Initiative” led to the current core with low-enriched fuel In 2018 the total emissions of radioactive materials to (LEU) fuel. Actually, the reactor is operated with two the environment were: types of LEU fuels: MC-5 manufactured by AREVA . noble gases (mainly 41Ar): 8.4·1012 Bq, i.e. 0.8% of (France) operated since 2012 and MR-6 designed and the limit determined by the NAEA fabricated by TVEL (Russian Federation) operated since . iodine: 1.2·107Bq, i.e. 0.2% of the limit determined 2014. The reactor core was converted in full in 2017. by the NAEA Only low-enriched fuel (LEU) with enrichment 19.75% /19.7% in 235U is currently used. The yearly emissions of the noble gases and iodines The core configuration was changed several times are presented in Fig. 5, 6. because of fuel and irradiation requirements. The core In 2018 one hundred and fifteen workers received configuration of December 2018 consisted of 26 fuel measurable whole body doses (Hp-10) from 0,1 to assemblies. During operation cycles dedicated to 1.46 mSv and 9 workers received skin doses (Hp- 99 irradiation of uranium plates for Mo production two 0.07) from 0.79 to 2.8 mSv. This means that received fuel assemblies were replaced by special irradiation rigs doses were extremely under the permissible limits. (Fig. 4).


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Nuclear reactors remain a key component in the production of useful isotopes mainly for nuclear medicine treatments. Available services cover activation of a large variety of target materials for the production of isotopes, which can be processed at the discretion of the customer. Irradiation services are performed in various facilities constructed at the MARIA reactor, depending on the required neutron flux levels, irradiation time, target mass and geometry. The standard vertical in-core isotope channels as well as special ones equipped with a hydraulic transport system are in operation. Currently four channels with a hydraulic transport system (rabbit system) are operational in the reactor core.

Targets of TeO2, KCl, LuCl3, S, Yb2O3, Sm2O3 as well as Cu, Ho, In, Cr, NiO, Re, Cr, W, MoO3 were irradiated for customers (Fig. 7). Most of them were irradiated for the Radioisotope Centre POLATOM of the National Centre for Nuclear Research for radioisotope production. Total annual isotope production in 2018

Fig. 4. Core configuration of December 2018. reached an activity of 1451 TBq. 99 The irradiation of uranium targets for Mo production plays a particular role in the utilization of the Maria reactor. The activity of 99Mo as a fission product of the irradiation of uranium targets was equal to 7 676 TBq. This production supports the global chain of the research reactor producers of 99Mo. Among those in Europe are: HFR (Netherlands), BR2 (Belgium) and LVR15 (Czech Republic). A key medical isotope is 99mTc, which is a decay product of 99Mo. One possible source of 99Mo can be achieved in the course of the 235U fission reaction. The main objective of 235U irradiation is to obtain the 99mTc Fig. 5. Yearly emissions noble gases in the last ten isotope, which is widely used in the domain of medical years(2009-2018). diagnostics. The 99mTc from a source of decaying 99Mo can be easily transported to hospitals, where it is extracted and used for a variety of nuclear medicine diagnostic procedures. The commercial irradiation of uranium plates for 99Mo production has been carried out at the MARIA reactor since 2010. In 2018 sixteen reactor operation cycles were dedicated to 99Mo production. The targets were irradiated according to the order on the two or three positions inside the irradiation rigs. This means that one reactor operation cycle includes irradiation of 16 or 24 uranium targets per cycle. Following the shortage of the 99 99m Fig. 6. Yearly iodines total emissions in the last ten key medical radioisotope Mo and its daughter Tc years(2009-2018). related to long-term reliability the MARIA reactor has declared its readiness to irradiate newly designed LEU

targets. Upon agreement with Mallinckrodt Neutron irradiation services Pharmaceuticals (actual CURIUM) one of the main MARIA is one of the biggest research reactors in producers of 99Mo, a programme of certification of the Europe. The neutron irradiation services provided at the new LEU targets (Low-Enriched Uranium) was MARIA research reactor include a wide range of successfully completed in December 2017 and since the radioisotope production, neutron activation analyses and beginning of 2018 only LEU targets have been biomedical technology. irradiated.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

The good perspective for using 99Mo in medicine In 2018 cooperation with the Dutch company QUIREM enabled a second programme dedicated to 99Mo Medical BV Division on irradiation of Ho-PLLA production to be started. The new programme is realised microspheres was continued. The microspheres in collaboration with the U.S. company containing holmium are used in radioembolisation NorthWestMedical Isotopes (NWMI). The advantage of procedures as an innovative form of radiotherapy for the the new technology is the design of the uranium targets treatment of liver cancer. A similar programme was and the limited quantity of radioactive waste. The started based on collaboration with BTG International targets are constructed using a special kind of Canada, Inc., owner of the new technology microspheres consisting of a UO2 core. The target TheraSphere™ Yttrium-90 Glass Microspheres. prepared for the hot test is a result of a collaboration Analyses of irradiation in the MARIA reactor of the between the MARIA reactor team and specialists from microspheres consisting Y2O3 targets has been MURR (Missouri University Research Reactor). performed. Collaboration with NWMI covers all steps of the The neutron irradiation services utilising the MARIA process of obtaining the 99Mo radioisotope starting reactor also include the colouring of topaz minerals. The from the irradiation of the new type of target in the irradiation of minerals in special channels located MARIA reactor to extraction of 99Mo as a product of outside the reactor core changes its clear natural state to a radiochemical process in the Class 1 Laboratory shades of blue, thereby increasing the commercial value located in the Radioactive Waste Management Plant of the product. Blue topaz is released to the market as (ZUOP) in Świerk. non-radioactive material, conforming to strict The Safety Analysis Report for the special irradiation international criteria. facility has been completed by the MARIA reactor The year 2018 was the beginning of closer cooperation team. The first test was performed in August 2017 and with the JMTR reactor (Japan) part of the JAEA Centre the next with modified uranium targets was completed in Oarai. The JMTR type capsule for material testing in June 2018. has been adopted for installation in the MARIA reactor Based on the feasibility study and experience in core. The start experiment is planned in 2019. irradiation of 235U targets in the MARIA reactor, the project “Molybdenum Świerk Project” for production of 99Mo was continued during 2018. The project for a production facility foresees the adaptation the existing infrastructure of the MARIA reactor and the Radioisotope Centre POLATOM for 99Mo/99mTc generator assembly. .

Fig. 7. Distribution of irradiated target materials.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


Annual Report 2017. MARIA reactor operation A. Gołąb, J. Jaroszewicz, I. Owsianko, G. Krzysztoszek NCBJ


Invited Talk

MR Type Spent Fuel Shipment from the Maria Reactor to the Russian Federation IN 2010-2016 E. Borek-Kruszewska, I. Owsianko Research Reactor Operators Group 2018 (Poland, Otwock-Świerk, 2018-05-23 - 2018-05-26)

Online Monitoring – NDT – In-service Inspections Maria Reseach Reactor - Poland Ł. Bąk, P. Nowakowski On-line Monitoring, Non-Destructive Examination and In-Service Inspection of Research Reactors (Austria, Wiedeń, 2018-06-18 - 2018-06-22)

Oral Presentation

Structural transformations in heavy ion implanted ZnO A. Turos, R. Ratajczak, C. Mieszczyński, A. Stonert, P. Jóźwik, J. Gaca, M. Wójcik International Conference on Microelectronic Devices and Technologies (Spain, Barcelona, 2018-06-20 - 2018-06- 22)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Reactor Research and Technology Division Head of Division Janusz Jaroszewicz, MSc Eng

There are 36 employees in the Research and Reactor Technology Division including researchers (5 employees with a PhD degree), engineers and technicians. The organisation of the Division was established in 2016 and includes 5 Groups:  Reactor Analyses & Measurements Group (DAP)  Irradiation Technology Group (DTN)  Designers Group (DTK)  Technical Group (DTE)  Workshop Group((DTW).

The main activity of the Division is in supporting the MARIA Reactor Operations Division in safety analyses of the reactor and the irradiation facilities as well as providing new program covering research based on utilisation of the MARIA reactor. In 2018 the Division’s activities were strongly related to programmes which were dedicated to utilisation of the MARIA reactor, mainly for irradiation of targets used to produce radioactive sources for nuclear medicine. Research and development activity was focused on application and led to the implementation of innovative irradiation technologies. In recent years the Division has launched a new irradiation technology for different uranium targets used for 99Mo production. Among these, an irradiation technology using the new LEU uranium targets composed of UO2 microspheres was implemented. The programme was performed in cooperation with NWMI (USA). Based on cooperation with a Dutch company, QUIREM Medical BV, the Division completed the technology for Ho-PLLA microsphere irradiation in the MARIA reactor. The microspheres containing holmium are used in radioembolisation procedures as an innovative form of radiotherapy for treatment of liver cancer. The Division’s activities also cover safety analyses, numerical calculations, irradiation technology as well as design and manufacture of the reactor facilities. The Division carries out intensive scientific cooperation with domestic scientific institutions and universities as well as collaborations with foreign institutions taking part in international projects and research programmes. These include collaborations with such institutions as: CEA (France), JAEA (Japan), ANL (USA), CCFE / UKAEA (Great Britain) and others. The effect of collaboration with academic institutions was training organised and provided for students (Technical University of Warsaw). The main activities carried out in the Division were focused on:  safety analyses and numerical calculations supporting operation of the MARIA research reactor;  reactor measurements: neutron parameters (activation measurements, SPND), gamma heating / dose rate (calorimeters, ionisation chambers), temperature measurements (thermocouples, etc.);  application of numerical codes: Origen (fuel depletion, radionuclide composition, activity), MCNP6 (neutrons, gamma, charged particles transport), Ansys-Fluent (thermos-hydraulic calculations), etc.;  operational measurements, e.g. reactivity measurements of control rods, temperature reactivity coefficient measurements;  failed fuel detection system (control and data acquisition, processing);  experiments and completed monitoring software;  design and manufacture of new elements and facilities for reactor operation systems and for irradiation facilities including gamma sterilisation;  technology for irradiation ofmaterials for radioisotope production in cooperation with the Radioisotope Centre POLATOM, QUIREM (Netherlands) and CTC (Japan).

Janusz Jaroszewicz


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Validation of the Applicability of the Point Kinetics Model to the MARIA Reactor R. Prokopowicz, K. Pytel, P. Nowakowski, G. Madejowski, A. Frydrysiak

The point kinetics reactor model assumes a constant measured on-line with 1 Hz frequency by means of the spatial shape of the neutron flux in a critical reactor, SAREMA system, whereas the fission power even in transients. According to this approach, a local distribution is directly proportionaly to the thermal perturbation in the neutron flux affects reactor reactivity neutron flux distributions. Therefore, it was decided to which is a global parameter of the entire reactor and use the fission power distribution to determine the shape which, in turn, alters the global neutron population. function spatial distribution. Therefore, when a critical reactor is locally perturbed, The experiment was carried out in two steps: on 11th and the perturbation propagates uniformly across the entire 12th May 2018. Each time the compensation of two reactor, retaining a constant spatial shape of the neutron control rods was made: control rod PK1 (in channel flux. As a result, the spatial neutron distribution remains H-VII) and control rod PK6 (in channel G-VIII), fixed and only the total neutron population changes in cf. fig. 1. All the other rods were withdrawn except the time [1]. This means that the neutron flux at any point r automatic regulation rod (PAR). of the considered reactor may be expressed as follows: During the compensation, the reactor was operated with 휑(풓, 푡) = 휓(풓) 푛(푡), the automatic power control system on, maintaining where 휓(풓) is a shape function and 푛(푡) is the flux constant reactor power. In the first step PK1 was intensity. withdrawn from 630 mm up to 730 mm, whereas PK6 was simultaneously inserted from 580 mm down to Let us assume that as a result of a perturbation, the 350 mm. This resulted in inserting of the reactivity shape function changes to equal to +0.46 $ and –0.46 $ respectively. In the second 휑′(풓, 푡) = 휓′(풓) 푛(푡). step PK1 was inserted from 740 mm down to 605 mm, whereas PK6 was simultaneously withdrawn from Thus, a measure of the departure of the reactor response 380 mm up to 1100 mm, Which resulted in inserting of to the perturbation from the point reactor kinetics model the reactivity equal to –0.92 $ and +0.92 $ respectively. is given by the following relationship: 휓(풓) 휀(풓) = − 1 휓′(풓) The point applicability of the kinetics reactor model is limited to reactors with dimensions that are only a few neutron migration lengths (or diffusion lengths). The predominant construction material and main neutron moderator in the MARIA reactor core is beryllium. In the case of beryllium the migration length (or diffusion length) is more than 20 cm [2], whereas the extent of the MARIA reactor core reaches approx. 70 cm. Answering the question of the Polish National Nuclear Regulatory Body concerning the applicability of the point kinetics model to the MARIA reactor, it was decided to perform an appropriate experiment. Fig. 1. The MARIA reactor core configuration. A peculiarity of the MARIA reactor enables on-line measurement of the neutron flux shape function 휓(풓) The thermal power of each of the nuclear fuel channels spatial distribution. The thermal (fission) power of each were recorded for 10 minutes before the compensation. of the nuclear fuel elements in the MARIA reactor is Subsequently, 15 minutes after compensation (break for thermal parameter equalisation) the power was recorded once again for a period of 10 minutes.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Table 1. Absolute values of departure parameters for fuel each of the fuel channels was calculated and normalised channels [%]. to the reactivity perturbation equal to 0.20 $. The mean absolute values of the determined parameters 휀(풓) in 5 6 7 8 9 percent are collected in table 1. The results shown in the j 0.5 0.5 0.5 table are very small values – the overwhelming majority of them significantly below 1%. In addition, one should i 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.2 remember that the power measurement relative h 0.4 0.7 0.5 0.1 0.1 uncertainty is equal to 2%. Therefore, it is difficult to distinguish any significant change in the shape function g 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.3 0.8 as a result of a significant reactivity perturbation. This f 0.0 0.2 1.3 2.0 result confirms the validity of using the point kinetics model in the MARIA reactor. e 0.2 0.4 1.3 References [1] W. M. Stacey: Nuclear Reactor Physics. Second Based on the collected data, the departure of the Edition, WILEY-VCH Verlag, 2007 individual fuel channel power from the initial power, as a result of compensation, was determined for both [2] A. Strzałkowski, Wstęp do fizyki jądra perturbations, as 0.46 $ and 0.92 $ respectively. atomowego, wyd. trzecie – zmienione, PWN, 1978 Afterwards, the measured departure parameter 휀(풓) for

Computer System and Graphical User Interface for Automated Reactivity Calculations T. Machtyl, Z. Marcinkowska, K. Klimaszewski, P. Kopka, R. Możdżonek

Follow-up calculations of the MARIA reactor core configurations, reactor start and shutdown dates and neutronics characteristics are a very important part of results of previous calculations. Data are available for the safety analysis. An excess of reactivity for specific every operational cycle since 2012 (from the beginning core configuration has to be obtained before every of the core conversion from high to low enriched fuel) operation. till now. The historical data are used as a basis for the analysis of proposed core configurations. The analysis is carried out using a three-dimensional diffusion model. To automate these calculations and An additional advantage of a GUI is the use of colour reduce the errors in preparation of a complex input file maps for fuel burn-up and beryllium block poisoning. a special computing system with easy to use Graphical This allows quick, visual evaluation of the reactor core User Interface was developed (Fig. 1). state. The system consists of the server that manages the execution of calculation tasks by a pool of workers, a database and the user interface. The GUI allows for intuitive/easy preparation of a new core configuration (drag’n’drop method), and sends it to the calculating module. Calculations can be carried out in parallel, so many different configurations can be analysed. The database stores historical information about fuel elements and beryllium block composition, operational Fig. 1. Graphical User Interface for core and fuel data such as excess of reactivity, power changes during storage management. cycles, fuel burn-up, core and fuel storage .


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Model for Radionuclide Migration Through the MARIA Reactor Safety Barriers M. Lipka

Migration of the radionuclides gathered in partially 10 burned-up fuel element through the safety barriers is an important issue during a hypothetical incident with fuel cladding integrity loss. The MARIA reactor has several layers of safety barriers and filtration systems that 1 significantly minimise the threat to the reactor personnel and the general public. Fission products from cracked fuel elements are released to the fuel channels cooling loop and are then 0,1 deposited in the filtration system of fuel channels Dose rate[mSv/h] cooling loop, migrate to the pressuriser gas space, and leak through seals to the reactor pool 0,01 Radionuclides in the filtration system are not further 0 3600 7200 10800 14400 18000 removed but they undergo radioactive decay. From the Time [s] reactor pool, radionuclides are released to the air space Fuel channels filter below the reactor pool covers, additionally they deposit Pressurizer on the hall surface and some of them are desorbed back. Finally, through the ventilation system protected by the Vokes filtration system Vokes filters set, radionuclides are released from the reactor stack to the atmosphere. A schematic of Fig. 2: Dose rates to reactor personnel. radionuclide migration routes through the MARIA 1 reactor safety barriers is presented in figure 1



0,001 Dose Dose rate[mSv/a] 0,0001 10 100 1000 10000 Distance from the reactor stack [m] A D F

Fig 3: Yearly dose rates to the general population. Calculation results show that a reactor worker might receive a maximum dose in the proximity of the Fig. 1: Schematic of radionuclide migration routes pressuriser (31 mSv) after 5 hours of constant exposure. through the safety barriers. The maximum annual dose for the general population In figure 2 the dose rate in the proximity of certain equals 0.61 mSv, 200 metre downwind from the reactor reactor system is presented. Figure 3 shows the yearly stack (point located within NCBJ area). Both of the dose to the general population from all routes of doses are within legal limits: 100 mSv for reactor exposure (cloud immersion, inhalation and ground personnel during an accident and a general limit of deposits). A, D, and F refer to the corresponding 1 mSv/a for the general population respectively. Pasquill atmosphere stability class.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Thermal Conditions of MARIA Reactor in the Case of Pool Water Disappearence G. Madejowski

One may observe a turn towards a safety functions- 풕ퟎ - time of cooling stopping, based philosophy in the approach of the Polish National 풕풛 - time of rod breakdown. Nuclear Regulatory Body to reactor safety. In this aproach, certain safety functions are assigned to the Melt down time, including gamma and neutronic reactor installations. The reactor behaviour under a set heating dynamics, would be reached about 8 minutes of scenarios, assuming that a certain installation loses after the event. one of its safety functions, is then analysed. However, An exposed core would cause a massive radiation neither the physical possibility of the particular kind of hazard. Taking into consideration radiation scattered by event nor the triggering scenario are taken into account. the control rod trolley and the reactor dome, assessing Probably even more controversial is the neglect of the existing shields and spatial distance, one can very dynamics of the loss, assuming its immediacy. This roughly estimate the dose rate changes after the event in paper presents the results of an attempt to evaluate the some characteristic spots. The chart and the table impact of a disappearence of the pool water, as required present normalised time-dependent functions of dose by the Regulatory Body. rate and integrated dose. To estimate the value of the The reactor pool fulfils two safety functions – it shields desired function at a certain time and place, one has to against ionising radiation and removes heat from the read the function value for the required time and core, especially from the control rods (but not from the multiply by a geometry coefficient for the required spot. fuel, as this has a separate cooling system). Disappearence of the pool water should trigger an automatic reactor shutdown; however, the fission power would follow the laws of reactor kinetics, forming a delayed tail. Gamma radiation and residual heating decline much more slowly, following roughly the formula:

P -0.2 -0.2 = 0.066 [(τ-τs) -τ ] P0 [Neil E. Todreas and Mujid S. Kazimi, Nuclear Systems I, Thermal Hydraulic Fundamentals, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 1990, ISBN 0-89116-935-0 (v. 1)] where: P - residual heating power, P0 - initial power level, τ - time since reactor startup [s], τs - time of reactor operation [s].

Both of it would heat up the control rods, which would melt down when: Radiation risk geometry coefficients

풕풛 Dose rate Dose (integrated) ′′′ ′′′ A spot ∫ [풒풏 (풕) + 풒풅 (풕)]풅풕 = coefficient [mSv/h] coefficient [mSv] 풕 ퟎ Pool edge, top level 4.1e+07 9.8e+07 = [풘푨풍풉푨풍(푻풎푨풍) + (ퟏ − 풘푨풍)풉푩 푪(푻풎푨풍)] − ퟒ Top level −[풘 풉 (푻 ) + (ퟏ − 풘 )풉 (푻 )] 4.0e+04 9.5e+04 푨풍 푨풍 ퟎ 푨풍 푩ퟒ푪 ퟎ (core invisible) Level +5 (rod engines where: 1.7e+04 4.0e+04 ′′′ invisible) 풒풏 (풕) - mass heat generation from neutrons, ′′′ Control room 18 42 풒풅 (풕) - mass heat generation from other radiation, 풘푨풍 - an aluminium content in the rod, Facility boundary 43 102 풉 (푻) - specific enthalpy of ith substance having 풊 The presented results must be treated as an estimate and temperature T, are very assumption–dependent. Please remember that 푻 - aluminium melting temperature, 풎푨풍 the results are based on an unphysical event, which is 푻 - initial temperature, ퟎ a consequence of the requested methodology.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


Annual Report 2017. MARIA reactor operation A. Gołąb, J. Jaroszewicz, I. Owsianko, G. Krzysztoszek NCBJ

Deliverable 11.1 Report on Safety Related Characteristics M. Migdal, M. Lipka, Z. Marcinkowska, R. Prokopowicz, K. Pytel Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych (NCBJ), Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)

Deliverable 11.2 Report on Neutronic Code Validation M. Migdal, M. Tarchalski, Z. Marcinkowska, A. Boettcher, R. Prokopowicz, K. Pytel Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych (NCBJ), Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)

Modernization of the stand to control releases from the LEU spent fuel to water E. Borek-Kruszewska, A. Małkiewicz, I. Wilczek, J. Wilczek, A. Zawadka NCBJ


Invited Talk

MR Type Spent Fuel Shipment from the Maria Reactor to the Russian Federation in 2010-2016 E. Borek-Kruszewska, I. Owsianko Research Reactor Operators Group 2018 (Poland, Otwock-Świerk, 2018-05-23 - 2018-05-26)

Preparation of irradiation experiments in the MARIA reactor R. Prokopowicz, M. Lipka, K. Pytel, G. Wojtania, G. Madejowski, A. Małkiewicz, I. Wilczek, A. Zawadka 6th WPENS Technical Meeting (Poland, Kraków, 2018-10-17 - 2018-10-19)

Conversion of MARIA Reactor in Poland: History, Obstacles and Lessons Learned M. Migdal, G. Krzysztoszek The 3rd International Symposium on HEU Minimization (Norway, Oslo, 2018-06-05 - 2018-06-07)

Pebble bed type HTGR modelling in MCNP in scope of HTR-PL project M. Migdal, A. Boettcher Workshop on Design and Technology Status of Innovative (non water cooled) SMRs for Near Term Deployment under the framework of TC Project RER2014 - (Austria, Wiedeń, 2018-10-29 - 2018-11-02)


Conceptual design of STUMM module for characterization of neutron and gamma radiation fields duringcommissioning phase of IFMIF DONES G. Madejowski, K. Pytel, R. Prokopowicz, J. Szewiński, M. Tarchalski 30th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2018) (Italy, Giardini Naxos, 2018-09-16 - 2018-09-21)


Neutron Transmutation Doping of the Silicon Crystals (NTD-Si) in the MARIA Research Reactora J. Jaroszewicz Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ), 2018-10-03

Irradiation Test with JMTR type Capsule (JAEA, Japan) in the MARIA Research Reactora J. Jaroszewicz Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ), 2018-12-05

Irradiation Test with JMTR typed Capsule in MARIA Research Reactora


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

M. Migdal Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-12-05 a) in Polish


J. Jaroszewicz National Centre for Nuclear Research, Member of Scientific Council

M. Migdal Member of Organizing Committee on HTR2018 9th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology in Warszawa, Poland Member of Advisory Board on FOREvER: Workshop for Data Analysis Presentation in Řež, Czech Republic


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Radiation Protection Measurements Laboratory Head of Laboratory Tomasz Pliszczyński, MSc Eng

The activities of the Radiation Protection Measurements Laboratory are focused on environmental monitoring and the assessment of the radiation exposure of NCBJ personnel. Scientific interests mainly concern methods of environmental dosimetry and internal dosimetry. The main tasks of the Laboratory include: - Radiation monitoring of the Świerk Centre and Różan (KSOP) sites, - Surveillance of radiation safety, - Environmental radiation monitoring, - Sewage and drainage water activity measurements, - Radioactive waste control (especially liquid waste), - Preparedness for radiation protection in emergency conditions, - Calibration of radiation protection monitoring instruments, - Personal dosimetry, - Research in dosimetry - Development of radiation protection measurements and methods. The Radiation Protection Measurements Laboratory is also conducting an R&D project in the field of radiological dosimetry in collaboration with an industrial partner – KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. In 2018 the Radiation Protection Measurements Laboratory successfully continued its activities concerning the improvement of measuring procedures within the two domains of the Laboratory accredited by the Polish Centre for Accreditation (PCA), namely: - Radiological measurements of internal contamination (whole body counter, thyroid counter and urine radiological analysis) and environmental samples – Accreditation Certificate No. AB 567. - Calibration of dosimetric instruments in reference gamma and neutron radiation fields and surface contamination monitors – Accreditation Certificate No. AP 070. One of the members of the Radiation Protection Measurement Laboratory staff, Grzegorz Szaciłowski, defended a doctoral thesis “Evaluation of the radioactivity of natural and artificial isotopes and heavy metals in sediments taken from selected mountain lakes” at AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow.

Tomasz Pliszczyński


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


K. Tymińska, A. Talarowska, G. Wojtania, Ł. Krzemiński, A. Niepokólczycka-Fenik, M.A. Gryziński Brak tytułu!!!

Assessment of the condition of radiological protection in the territory and in the vicinity of the National Radioactive Waste Repository in Różan (2017). T. Pliszczyński, J. Ośko, M. Dymecka, M. Feczko, Z. Haratym, D. Zielińska NCBJ

Estimation of radiological protection on the territory of Nuclear Centre Świerk and its vicinity (2017). T. Pliszczyński, ... , J. Ośko, Z. Haratym, A. Araszkiewicz, B. Boimski, A. Burakowska, S. Domański, M. Dymecka, R. Ejsmont, M. Feczko, B. Karpińska, J. Lechniak, A. Leszko, M. Mądry, P. Okniński, K. Osiecka, A. Pawełczuk, B. Piotrkowicz, M. Prusińska, M. Umaniec, K. Wiśniewska, K. Wojdowska, J. Wojnarowicz, Z. Worch, G. Zagórski, D. Zielińska, ... et al. NCBJ

Measurement System for Monitoring of Radioactive Contamination and Component of Natural Cosmic Radiation in the Station System: Otwock (Świder) - Hornsund (North Pole) - Kasprowy Wierch (~ 2000 m a. s. l.) A. Burakowska, Ł. Murawski, K. Szewczak, P. Tulik, M. Maciak, M.A. Gryziński, Ł. Chmura Annual Report 2017, NCBJ (in press)


Invited Talk

Good practices on Operation and Maintenance of Maria Research Reactor B. Piwowarski Technical Meeting on Good Practices for the Operation and Maintenance of Research Reactors (Austria, Wiedeń, 2018-10-15 - 2018-10-19)

Nuclear Power in Poland: Status and Challenges J. Ośko 4th Central & Eastern Europe Nuclear Industry Congress 2018 (Hungary, Budapest, 2018-01-18 - 2018-01-19)

Zasady prowadzenia akcji ratowniczych, pożarowych i antyterorystycznych w obiektach jądrowych lub w przypadkach gdzie mamy do czynienia z narażeniem na promieniowanie jonizujące T. Pliszczyński XVI Konferencja Naukowo-SzkoleniowaHAZMAT i CBRNE (Poland, Smardzewice k. Spały, 2018-11-15 - 2018- 11-16)

Concentration of cosmogenic and anthropogenic radionuclides in theground layer of the atmosphere in the polar and mid-latitudes regions. A. Burakowska, M. Kubicki, H. Trzaskowska, R. Sosnowiec, M. Piotrowski, B. Mysłek-Laurikainen XXXVII Sympozjum PolarnePolar Change - Global Change (Poland, Poznań, 2018-06-07 - 2018-06-10) Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań No. (2018) p. 16

Pomiary wiązki po otwarciu kanału pośredniego –planowany eksperyment A. Niepokólczycka-Fenik, K. Tymińska, G. Wojtania, Ł. Krzemiński V Warsztaty BNCT (Poland, Łódź, 2018-03-27 - 2018-03-27)

Oral Presentation

Monte Carlo modeling of shielding at the irradiation room at the H@ horizontal channel of MARIA reactor in Polish National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ). K. Tymińska, G. Wojtania, Ł. Krzemiński EURADOS Annual Meeting 2018 (Portugal, Lizbona, 2018-02-05 - 2018-02-08)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

BNCT research facility at MARIA reactor (NCBJ, POLAND) - numerical models and first measurements K. Tymińska, G. Wojtania, Ł. Krzemiński, A. Talarowska, M.A. Gryziński, M. Maciak, G. Madejowski, A. Niepokólczycka-Fenik 18th International Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy (ICNCT-18) (Taiwan, Province of China, Taipei, 2018-10-28 - 2018-11-02)


Measurements of iodine activity in thyroid after accidentsa J. Ośko Otwock, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-02-28

a) in Polish


B. Boimski - Conducting exercises in the field of nuclear safety and radiological protection. Type A course, April 16-26, 2018

B. Boimski - Conducting practical exercises for the School of Fire Service (February 2018)

M. Dymecka - Conducting the workshop on radiaton protection-"Radiochemistry", 10th International School on Nuclear Power in Warsaw-Świerk-Różan, November 26-29, 2018

M. Dymecka - Training on dosimetry and radiation protection for KGHM employees, 19th-20th April 2018

J. Ośko - Dosimetry and radiation protection training course for KGHM staff, 19-20 April 2018

J. Ośko - Radiation protection training course for NCBJ staff, 23-24 April 2018

J. Ośko - Sebastian Szymański Physics Faculty Warsaw University Development and implementation of procedure of radon activity in buildings measurements

M. Prusińska - Training on dosimetry and radiation protection for KGHM employees, 19-20 April 2018.

R. Sosnowiec - Prowadzenie ćwiczeń z ochrony radiologicznej - X Międzynarodowa Szkoła Energetyki Jądrowej, Warszawa - Świerk - Różan 26-29.11.2018

G. Szaciłowski - Conducting the workshop on radiation protection - "Radiochemistry" 10th International School on Nuclear Power, Warsaw - Świerk - Różan 26th - 29th Nov 2018

M. Umaniec - Prowadzenie ćwiczeń z ochrony radiologicznej - X Międzynarodowa Szkoła Energetyki Jądrowej, Warszawa - Świerk - Różan 26-29.11.2018


Z. Haratym Association for the Promotion of Quality in Radiotoxicological Analysis (France)

E.A. Jakubowska Secretary of Polish Society for Medical Physics - Warsaw Division


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

J. Ośko Polish Society of Medical Physics full member EURADOS WG7 - Internal Dosimetry

B. Piwowarski Session chairman on Workshop on Self-Assessment of Research Reactor Safety in Wiedeń, Austria Member of Polish Association of Medical Physics

T. Pliszczyński Association for the Promotion of Quality in Radiotoxicological Analysis (France)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Radiological Metrology and Biomedical Physics Division Head of Division Łukasz Bartosik, PhD Eng

The activities of the Radiological Metrology and Biomedical Physics Division are primarily focused on three main areas: 1. Dosimetry and radiation measurements in mixed radiation fields 2. Nanodosimetry and medical physics 3. Radiobiology

The main research topics of the dosimetry group consist of:  development of methods for the determination of operational dosimetric quantities and dose distribution vs. LET in mixed radiation fields, using high-pressure ionisation chambers;  design and construction of recombination ionisation chambers and dosimeters;  investigation of ionisation and recombination phenomena in gases;  metrology of mixed radiation fields including short-pulse and high energy radiation;  neutron dosimetry in a wide energy spectrum;  verification of installed dosimetry systems for medical applications;  absorbed dose distribution assessment for SIRT therapy;  passive dosimetry including TLD and EPR.

In 2018 the repertoire of available research in the field of dosimetry was expanded by the addition of an EPR spectrometer to the instrument base of the division. The primary use of this apparatus is alanine dosimetry which complements the array of dosimetry methods (such as TLD) already available in the division. Furthermore, the ability to gather EPR spectra has led to the commencement a research project aimed at examining other aminoacids and their derivatives as potential dosimeters in biological applications. This project may also branch out into a radiochemical project aimed at determining free radical structures via the use of EPR spectroscopy. Another major focus of the division is the “Neutrony H2” project aimed at constructing and maintaining a research- training facility at the MARIA reactor. The bulk of renovation and construction work has already been completed. The goals of research at this facility are:  constructing a uranium neutron converter for a dense neutron beam;  thermo-hydraulic analyses (CFD) of the neutron converter, aimed at optimizing and enabling safe output of the epithermal neutron beam;  development of a Beam Shaping Assembly (BSA) and room shielding;  development of dosimetry methods for hadron therapy, with particular emphasis on boron-neutron capture therapy (BNCT) and investigation of radiation fields near radiation therapy facilities.

One of the major achievements of 2018 was the creation of the Biomedical Research group. The group is focused on the influence of ionising radiation on biological material, mainly cancer cells and nematodes. The group has swiftly organised a laboratory, entered several research collaborations and expanded in members and competence. One of the focuses of this group is preparation of pre-clinical trials for research related to Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT). Thanks to the actions of members of the group at the ICNCT-18 congress, NCBJ has been nominated to host the ICNCT-20 conference in 2022. This is a large (over 400 expected participants), international event in the field of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy hosted biannually in various major scientific institutions. Nanodosimetry focuses on the use of the JetCounter, a unique apparatus for measurements of single ionisation events. In 2018 a new approach was suggested which would expand the JetCounters applications to non-charged particles such as neutrons and photons. Initial research and calculations of this new non-coincidence mode are very promising as measurements from the non-coincidence mode have been successfully recalculated into measured coincidental mode spectra. Moreover, the Nanodosimetry and Medical Physics group is engaged in the JINR-NICA project in which they are developing a dosimetric system. Secondary research interests in the group are recombination chambers at the micro scale. Łukasz Bartosik


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Applications and Research Plans for EPR Spectroscopy in Dosimetry Based on Organic Compounds K. Dobrzelewski, Ł. Bartosik, S. Domański

EPR spectroscopy allows the measurement of corresponds to a variety of different free radicals, like microwave radiation absorption in a variable magnetic methyl radical, aminomethyl radical and glycine radical, field to detect free radicals. Free radicals are formed, for according to the reaction[Fig.4] example, during irradiation of organic substances with NH2 gamma radiation[1]. The EPR spectrometer available in CH h COOH the department is an MS5000 MAGNET TECH made COOH by Freiberg Instruments, working on the X-band (9,5MHz) MARIA fuel rods were used to irradiate the samples used in our research. Fig. 2. Mechanism of free radical formation in The goals of our research are to determine the chemical 2-phenylglycine. structure of created organic radicals and to assess the potential of various compounds as dosimeters in biological models. Using EPR spectroscopy we can define which nuclei, and how many of them, present in organic substances interact with electrons. We can also measure the parameters of this interaction. This knowledge enables us propose a structure and make simulations to confirm predictions. The most important thing in assessing compounds as potential dosimeters is the dependence of the EPR signal on the absorbed dose. We are looking for Fig. 3. First derivatives of microwave absorption of compounds that give a linear response. We also irradiated N-methylglycine. investigate extinguishing the signal over time to determine the longevity and stability of the dosimeters. H3C NH H2C NH2 Our initial research includes some amino acids that have NH h CH + + + been irradiated and examined with EPR. H3C COOH H3C COOH CH3 Based on the EPR spectrum [Fig. 1] of irradiated H3C COOH 2-phenylglycine we were able to define the structure Fig. 4.Probable mechanism for the breakdown of and mechanism of free radical formation in this N-methylglycine. compound.[Fig. 2] This research has the potential to find new passive gamma-ray detectors with other properties and ranges of use than alanine, as well as better to understand the mechanisms that act during the absorption of high energy photons.

References [1] Marina Brustolon, Elio Giamello, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance A practitioner’s Toolkit, Fig. 1. First derivative of microwave absorption of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, New Jersey, irradiated 2-phenylglycine. 2009, ISBN: 978-0-470-25882-8 [2] Y. Osmanoglu, K. Sutcu, Journal of Molecular We confirmed that the carbon-nitrogen bond is broken Structure 1145, 240-243, 2017 in this compound, like in other aminoacids[2,3]. [3] M.Aydin, Brazilian Journal of Physics vol. 40 no. On the other hand, during irradiation of 4, 429-431, 2010 N-methylglycine we were able to observe a very complicated spectrum [Fig. 3] which probably


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Examination of REM-3 Chambers Intended for Use in the New Generation of Recombination Dosimeters: Status at the End of 2018 M. Kuć, P. Tulik, M. A. Gryziński The scope of this study is the current status of the REM- Table 1. Calibration coefficients for the REM-3 and 3.4, REM-3.8 and REM-3.9 recombination chambers REM-2 no. 8 detectors [2] obtained in the accredited designed and made at the National Centre for Nuclear (AP 070). calibration laboratory in the Radiation Research in 2010-2014 [1-2]. Protection Measurements Laboratory (LPD, NCBJ) according to the internal operational procedures [G-1, The REM-3 series detectors are cylindrical parallel- 2016; N-1, 2016]. plate recombination chambers based on the REM-2 3 detector with an active volume of about 2000 cm ultimately filled with ethane. The REM-3.4, REM-3.8 Detector REM-2 REM-3.4 REM-3.9 and REM-3.9 detectors are respectively: integrating

(one large volume with only one voltage terminal), Filling gas 95% CH4 5% 100% C2H6 100% C2H6 differential (alternating two types of voltage electrodes N2 connected to the two terminals), and dual (two Reference voltage, 990 990 990 electrically separated active volumes with terminals US [V] from both sides) recombination chambers. Recombination 60 70 U1 - 280 The expected result of the work was to determine the voltage, UR [V] U2 - 295 current response of REM-3 series detectors exposed to Dark current [fA] 14.61 63 U1 - 25.87 ionizing radiation. Main goals: to become acquainted U2 - 157.49 with the operation, construction and technology of Sensitivity A137Cs Air 381 ± 19 534 ± 27 U1 399 ± 20 REM-3 detectors; development of the workplace for [µC/Gy] U2 399 ± 20 assembly and work on the detectors; modification, start- Sensitivity A137Cs D*(10) 317 ± 16 446 ± 22 U1 332 ± 17 up and calibration of REM-3 chambers. Effects: [µC/Gy] U2 333 ± 17 commissioning and calibration of REM-3.4 and REM- Sensitivity APu-Be 367 ± 48 438 ± 57 ---- 3.9 detectors (Tab. 1); a proposal to redesign the REM- Dn*(10) [µC/Gy] 3.8 detector; purchase and manufacture of laboratory Relative sensitivity 115 ± 15 98 ± 18 ---- equipment and instruments for further work on the APu- detectors. Be Dn*(10)/A137Cs D*(10) [%] Status of the detectors after the work:

Sensitivity A252Cf 560 ± 56 698 ± 70 ----  REM-3.4. Assembled, filled with gas, calibrated in Dn*(10) [µC/Gy] gamma and neutron radiation fields using 137Cs, Pu- Be and 252Cf isotopic sources, recombination Relative sensitivity 176.4 ± 8.5 156.6 ± 9.6 ---- A252Cf Dn*(10)/A137Cs D*(10 voltage in recommended range, fully functional. )  REM-3.8. Disassembled, under reconstruction. [%]  REM-3.9. Assembled, filled with gas, calibrated Work on the launch and calibration of the detectors was with a 137Cs isotopic gamma source, recombination carried out from part of the Young Scientists voltage outside the recommended range. Project.

The main conclusion from this research is the need to References change the approach to the construction issue. [1] M. Kuć, „Badanie komór typu REM-3 A mechanically stiff construction with a repeatable przeznaczonych do zastosowania w structure should be obtained. The implementation of rekombinacyjnym dawkomierzu nowej generacji. a unique detector in individual quantities is undesirable Stan na koniec 2018 r.”, NCBJ REPORT due to the possibility of commercialization. The changes B1/2019, Świerk, 2019 made to the REM-2 detectors were justified, but too [2] M. Zielczyński, N. Golnik, „Rekombinacyjne radical. Despite the better dosimetric properties, komory jonizacyjne”, Monografie IEA, wol. 3, mechanical sturdiness tightness and reproducibility Świerk, 2000 were lost. In the new design the current electrode was redesigned, but the pressure connections and valves were also changed. The effect of the changes is the simultaneous appearance of many new challenges, each of which may have an impact on the final effect, i.e. the result of measurements in radiation fields.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Evaulation of the Radiation Exposure Around the H2 Channel Rooms in the MARIA Reactor using Thermoluminescence Dosimetry Methods M. Wiliński Thermoluminescence detectors (TLD) based on Lithium measurement period at each examined point. Results are Fluoride are detectors that enable α, β, γ and neutron shown in [Fig. 2 and 3]. dose measurements, as well as measurement in mixed fields, while still being able to have a wide measuring Neutron Dose range [1-2]. 10000 I The goal of this study was to determine the radiological hazard in rooms adjacent to the H2 channel in the 1000 II

MARIA reactor.

For this purpose, LiF: Mg, Cu, P detectors were used. 100 III They are available commercially as MCP-N (N stands 6 7 for natural Li/ Li abundance) and MCP-7 material. [mSv]Dose MCP-7 contains about 99% 7Li (with negligible cross- 10 IV section for neutron interaction compared to 6Li). The cross-sections for ionization by gamma radiation are 1 similar in both cases [1-2]. V 1 2 3 4 5 Measurement points in rooms adjacent to H2 channel Based on previously made measurements [3], five points [Fig. 1] were selected, in which the TLDs were Fig. 2. Neutron dose results, measurement periods placed for five measuring periods within a year, lasting marked as I-V. from 2 to 3 months.

10000 Gamma Dose I


I 100 I

Dose [mSv]Dose 10 I I 1 I 1 2 3 4 5 Measurement points in rooms adjacent to H2 channel Fig. 1. Measurement points in rooms adjacent to the H2 Fig. 3. Gamma dose results, measurement periods channel. marked as I-V. 137 In addition, a calibration was carried out using a Cs The study further confirmed previous measurements and source with doses from 100 µSv to 1 Sv. Within the showed the radiation distribution inside the rooms scope of this calibration the detectors showed a linear adjacent to the H2 channel. Therefore, the proposed response. method of measurement might be used again for further After the measurement the irradiated detectors were radiation situation monitoring in rooms adjacent to the read using a TLD reader – TL RA94. The reading was H2 channel. carried out at a temperature ranging from 50 to 270 °C, This research was financed by the Young Scientists with a temperature rise of 1°C/s. Temperature increased project from 2017. linearly the whole time. The results were then analyzed with custom prepared software. The data obtained from glow curves allowed us to calculate the absorbed dose (Hp*(10)) for the


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Establishment of the Biomedical Research Division Laboratory, Research Plans and Collaborations K. Maliszewska-Olejniczak, A. Dróżdż, E. Michaś The activities of the Biomedical Research Division are tumour cell line at the Maria research reactor focused on development of infrastructure and a research (Miniatura 2 NCN project, 2019). planning system for boron-neutron capture therapy In September 2018 the Biomedical Research Division (BNCT). started to create a cell culture laboratory room. Our The purpose of our division is to broaden knowledge of laboratory is equipped to perform BSL-1 cell culture, the radiobiological mechanisms involved in the repair which covers the scope of the planned experiments. The mechanisms activated as a tumour responds to the cell culture room is equipped with basic specialized mixed beam in BNCT. We are going to introduce apparatus for research in the area of cell biology: a range of tumor cell lines derived from aggressive laminar flow hood, humidified CO2 incubator, CKX53 tumours which will allow us to unravel the mechanisms Olympus inverted microscope and the necessary small involved in cancer cell response to radiation. Scientific laboratory equipment. Moreover, we have access to interests mostly concern studies of biological effects in a cell culture laboratory, fluorescent microscope and full BNCT therapy using a thermal and epithermal neutron access to the laboratory facilities of POLATOM in beam on in vitro and in vivo models. The main tasks of cooperation with Piotr Garnuszek DSc. We have the division include: introduced the first tumour cell lines including the colon cancer cell line HCT116 in order to perform irradiations 1. Adaptation of space and laboratory equipment in experiments at the Maria reactor. We have started the research infrastructure dedicated to a cell culture first experimental research to assess DNA damage in room fulfilling the criteria of Biosafety Level-1. colon cancer cells and a human control cell line after 2. Reactor Laboratory for Biomedical Research. neutron beam irradiation used in BNCT. 3. Forming a BNCT platform for the new Laboratory for Biomedical Research based on collaborations Research plans: 1. Study of molecular mechanisms of DNA damage with international and Polish institutes. 4. Development of preliminary research procedures on and repair after induction by boron neutron capture selected cell lines as an introduction to research on therapy in cancer cells. 2. Development of a Caenorhabditis elegans model for BNCT therapy at the MARIA reactor as part of the the application of thermal neutrons in BNCT therapy creation of a new biological laboratory (the young at the Maria research reactor. scientists project – Ministry of Higher Education and 3. C. elegans as a tool for in vivo nanoparticle Science, 2018). applications in BNCT therapy 5. Study of biological effects at the cellular level in BNCT therapy using a neutron beam for a selected


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Nanodosimetry with the Jet Counter – Progress in the Acquisition System M. Pietrzak1, A. Bancer1, A. Dudziński1, E. Jaworska1, M. Mietelska1,2 1National Centre for Nuclear Research, Świerk, Poland 2Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland Experimental nanodosimetry is aimed at direct measurement of the ionisations created by a single ionising particle in a nanometric volume equivalent to a short segment of DNA [1]. The track structure of the ionizing particle is frequently considered to play an important role in the whole balance of the radiation damage. The nanodosimeter—Jet Counter (JC)—is capable of measuring track structure characteristics on the nanometric scale by counting the number of ions created by a single projectile in a nanometric volume. Ions created in such a nano-volume form an ionization cluster and the number of ions in a cluster is called the cluster-size. An estimation of the ionization cluster-size probability distribution, ICSD, is the main results of Fig. 1. Diagram presenting the current acquisition a nanodosimetric experiment. For details see Ref. [2]. system. One of the most important components of the device is The oscilloscopes are synchronized to register 5 signals its acquisition system. The first system was based on simultaneously (1 for ions, and 4 for projectiles). simple ion counting with the use of a fast multiscaler. Waveforms are recorded by a custom developed However, it soon became clear that for a full program that also allows for preliminary data analysis characterization many more parameters should be during the experiment. The program window with registered. The new acquisition system is capable of a sample result is presented in Figure 2. simultaneous registration of the drift time of each ion in The new acquisition system of the Jet Counter has been the cluster, as well as the arrival time, energy and successfully used during nanodosimetric measurements position of the trajectory of the projectile responsible for of the carbon ion beam at Heavy Ion Laboratory, the given cluster. University of Warsaw. The current acquisition system (see Fig. 1) consists of References one fast oscilloscope with a sampling rate of 1 GS/s (to [1] S. Pszona, J. Kula, S. Marjańska, Nucl. Instrum. register ions) and a second one with a sampling rate of Meth. Phys. Res. A447, 601-607 (2000). 10 MS/s (to register projectiles). [2] A. Bantsar, PhD Thesis, e-Print: arXiv:1207.6893 (2011).

Fig. 2. An example of the interface appearance of the program for acquisition, analysis and visualisation of nanodosimetric data.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Dosimetry of Ionising Radiation from 90Y Microspheres Applied to Radioembolisation Therapy M. Maciak1, E. Iller1, A. Budzyńska2, P. Piasecki2, M. Konior1, M. Wiliński1, A. Kubik2, K. Buraczewska2, M. Dziuk2, M. A. Gryziński1 1National Centre for Nuclear Research, Otwock, Poland 2Military Institute of Medicine, Warsaw, Poland Primary liver cancers (PLC) such as hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma are one of the most frequently diagnosed malignancies and show relatively low survival rates. The most common approaches to cancer treatment include surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. However, external-beam radiotherapy and chemotherapy affect not only the tumour but also its surrounding tissues. Administration of a radio- Fig. 1. 3D image obtained from CT imaging and digital pharmaceutical in direct proximity of the tumour yields voxel model obtained with FLUKA software. superior therapeutic results and limits the number of Task 2. Energetic / efficiency experimental side effects. Radiopharmaceuticals used for PLC calibration for PET and SPECT tomography using 90 treatment are yttrium or holmium microspheres. an aqueous solution of YCl3 Microspheres are administered directly to the hepatic These experiments were carried out using an in-house arteries supplying the tumour. This ensures the spheres built bucket phantom (Figure 2). The phantom will reach cancer cells and limits the irradiation of possessed two perpendicularly arranged PMMA plates healthy tissues surrounding the tumour. The and an additional transverse PMMA plate, which was to administration of radiolabelled microspheres, called stabilise the position of the vertical plate. The phantom radioembolisation (or Selective Internal Radiation was filled with water. The vertical plate contained holes Therapy, SIRT), is a procedure nowadays commonly with gaskets, allowing them simultaneously to contain performed in leading nuclear medicine facilities, in up to 4 radioactive sources in the form of 2 ml vials. Poland uniquely at the Military Institute of Medicine in The range of applied 90Y activities ranged from 2 MBq Warsaw (WIM). to 100 MBq. Since one of the issues that need to be revised and developed in SIRT is the dosimetry during and after the treatment, NCBJ and WIM formed a consortium and began a common project in 2018. The aim of the project is comprehensively to assess the distribution of radiation emitted by 90Y microspheres used for liver tumour embolisation in a model. The following activities were performed during the first period of the realisation.

Task 1. Numerical simulation of dose distribution derived from 90Y isotope in a patient equivalent Fig. 2. in-house built bucket phantom for calibration phantom experiments. Software for digital phantom modelling as well as for Task 5. Development of a tool for automatic image Monte Carlo simulations was chosen. In order to processing for dose distribution evaluation accomplish this task the FLUKA and MCNP codes were selected. It was decided to use both applications due to The program prepared for the project aims to import the the mutual validation of the obtained results, as well as image obtained from the DICOM files, and then allow reducing the risk of non-implementation of the task due its space to be analysed in order to create a dependence to possible program limitations. A procedure, based on of the intensity of the obtained image on the dose used DICOM images from X-ray computed tomography, for in the study. At the moment, a simple program has been obtaining a digital representation of a bucket phantom created in the C # programming language using the free (a digital voxel model) was developed (Fig. 1.). library. C # is an object-oriented programming language that is easy to use and at the . same time allows one to create professional data processing programs. The high availability of free libraries allows a wide range of activities. The class library will make it easier to read the data contained in the DICOM files and allow faster 58

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______and more efficient delivery of data necessary for image The image obtained, which can be transformed into analysis. The task of the program is to pre-import numerical values, will allow for a comprehensive images from DICOM files and save them in the form of analysis, or only selected fragments. For this purpose it numerical data, which is the grey scale of will be necessary correctly set the matching criterion so a given pixel in the image. The initial working program that only those fragments of the image that contain will allow further processing of the data thus obtained. information relevant to the study are analysed.

Activities within the EURADOS – European Radiation Dosimetry Group M. Maciak, K. Tymińska, E. Michaś, M. Kuć, M. Murawski, S. Domański, J. Ośko, M. A. Gryziński The European Radiation Dosimetry group (EURADOS) laboratories and services; normalisation for the is a non-profit organisation promoting research and establishment of Standards for appropriate quality development and European cooperation in the field of assurance programmes that guarantee reliability of the the dosimetry of ionising radiation [1]. EURADOS results of monitoring and dose E(50) and permit comprises a self-sustainable network of more than 60 accreditation of internal dosimetry laboratories. European institutions and 300 scientists active in the WG9 – Radiation dosimetry in radiotherapy field of radiation dosimetry and has established The motivation of this Working Group is to assess and Working Groups (WGs) in various dosimetric develop existing and potential dosemeters and disciplines such as harmonisation of individual dosimetric techniques in radiotherapy and, in particular, monitoring, environmental dosimetry, computational to assess non-target patient doses and the related risks of dosimetry, internal dosimetry, dosimetry for medical secondary malignancy, with the emphasis on a thorough applications, retrospective dosimetry, and dosimetry in evaluation of dosimetry methods for the measurement high energy radiation fields. of doses remote from the target in two parts at the Researchers from NCBJ participate in research activities Cyclotron Centre Bronowice volume in phantom within EURADOS ( in the experiments. In 2018 comparative measurements were following groups: carried out: WG6 – Computational dosimetry 1) Dosimetry of scattered radiation in 30x30x60cm3 Working Group 6 promotes good practice in the field of water phantom after irradiation through a mesh computational methods in radiation dosimetry for collimator (grid proton therapy). radiation protection and applications in radiation 2) Measurements of doses from scattered radiation in medicine. It carries out scientific research and a child phantom, with a beam formed by a 3D development as well as knowledge transfer activities in printed compensator. the area of computational dosimetry. While Monte The main aim of these studies was to determine the Carlo simulations are the dominant method, other influence of the doses from scattered and secondary aspects of computational dosimetry such as spectra radiation fields generated by a high-energy proton beam unfolding or the proper use of voxelised geometrical to the total dose including the planned therapeutic dose. models are also considered. The Polish team from NCBJ participated in the second In 2018 we took part in an intercomparison study on the part of the comparisons with the 3D printed usage of the ICRP/ICRU voxel reference computational compensator. For the measurements REM-2 and GW-2 phantoms together with radiation transport codes. The ionization chambers were used. Results of the aim of this activity is to give participants the measurement session will be published at the end of opportunity to check their own calculations against 2019. quality-assured master solutions, and to improve their WG11 – High energy radiation fields approach, if needed. The tasks to be solved consider a variety of exposure scenarios (occupational, The motivation of Working Group 11 is to increase environmental, and medical) and radiation types knowledge and expertise regarding field (photons, electrons, neutrons). characterisation and dose assessment in various activities where high energy radiation fields are found, WG7 – Internal Dosimetry such as medicine, research, civil aviation, and space. In The Internal Dosimetry community dealing with addition, the WG contributes to the development of occupational exposure is currently focused on: the international standards and recommendations (e.g. ISO, harmonisation of methods and tools to obtain the “best ICRU, ICRP). From a practical aspect, the objective of estimate” of the intake and dose due to the incorporation this WG is the continuation and extension of the work of radionuclides into the body (ICRP, IDEAS done by both the former WG8/CONRAD WP6: Guidelines); networking and coordination of research to promote collaboration of internal dosimetry experts, 59

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Complex Mixed Radiation Fields at Workplaces and coordinates). Several dozen different radiation detectors WG5: Aircraft Crew Dosimetry. were compared. They were based on the Embraer At the end of 2017 the Research Centre of Cosmic Rays Legacy 600 aircraft operated by ABS Jets, which and Radiation Events in the Atmosphere (CRREAT) succeeded in making this research flight and its fleet team carried out an international experiment focused on fulfilled the demanding requirements of the scientific the influence of cosmic radiation on board aircraft. experiment. According to the International Atomic International experts, including those from NCBJ, Energy Agency (IAEA), the group of airline personel compared – directly in flight – the methods and devices belongs to the groups that receive the highest annual used to measure cosmic radiation. The results of the effective doses, often exceeding the limits for the experiments will contribute to the further development public. Results of the measurement session will be of the most accurate standardised dosimeter to be flown published in 2019. on board commercial aircraft and will provide valuable Reference insight into further development of air transport safety. [1] EURADOS Report 2014-01: W. Rühm et al. The test focused on the characterisation of the radiation "Visions for Radiation Dosimetry over the Next field with various instruments on board the aircraft Two Decades – Strategic Research Agenda of the during their common flight under steady conditions (one European Radiation Dosimetry Group” flight level and a small range of geographical


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


K. Tymińska, A. Talarowska, G. Wojtania, Ł. Krzemiński, A. Niepokólczycka-Fenik, M.A. Gryziński

MCORD - MPD Cosmic Ray Detector for NICA M. Bielewicz, ... , M. Grodzicka-Kobyłka, S. Mianowski, P. Sibczyński, T. Szczęśniak, M. Linczuk, A. Chłopik, A. Bancer, K. Grodzicki, M. Pietrzak, A. Dudziński, E. Jaworska, ... et al. Dubna

Estimation of radiological protection on the territory of Nuclear Centre Świerk and its vicinity (2017). T. Pliszczyński, ... , J. Ośko, Z. Haratym, A. Araszkiewicz, B. Boimski, A. Burakowska, S. Domański, M. Dymecka, R. Ejsmont, M. Feczko, B. Karpińska, J. Lechniak, A. Leszko, M. Mądry, P. Okniński, K. Osiecka, A. Pawełczuk, B. Piotrkowicz, M. Prusińska, M. Umaniec, K. Wiśniewska, K. Wojdowska, J. Wojnarowicz, Z. Worch, G. Zagórski, D. Zielińska, ... et al. NCBJ

The Prototype Dosimetry System to Protect NICA Slow Control Electronic Equipment A. Chłopik, ... , A. Bancer, M. Bielewicz, A. Dudziński, E. Jaworska, M. Pietrzak, J. Rzadkiewicz, ... et al. Dubna

Measurement System for Monitoring of Radioactive Contamination and Component of Natural Cosmic Radiation in the Station System: Otwock (ŚWIDER) - Hornsund (North Pole) - Kasprowy Wierch (~ 2000 m a. s. l.) A. Burakowska, Ł. Murawski, K. Szewczak, P. Tulik, M. Maciak, M.A. Gryziński, Ł. Chmura Annual Report 2017, NCBJ (in press)


Invited Talk

Wszystko co chcieliście wiedzieć o MARII, ale baliście się zapytać K. Tymińska V Warsztaty BNCT (Poland, Łódź, 2018-03-27 - 2018-03-27)

Pomiary wiązki po otwarciu kanału pośredniego –planowany eksperyment A. Niepokólczycka-Fenik, K. Tymińska, G. Wojtania, Ł. Krzemiński V Warsztaty BNCT (Poland, Łódź, 2018-03-27 - 2018-03-27)

Oral Presentation

BNCT research facility at MARIA reactor (NCBJ, POLAND) - numerical models and first measurements K. Tymińska, G. Wojtania, Ł. Krzemiński, A. Talarowska, M.A. Gryziński, M. Maciak, G. Madejowski, A. Niepokólczycka-Fenik 18th International Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy (ICNCT-18) (Taiwan, Province of China, Taipei, 2018- 10-28 - 2018-11-02)

Reactor Laboratory for Biomedical Research in National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland. E. Michaś, K. Tymińska, M. Maciak, M.A. Gryziński, G. Wojtania 18th International Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy (ICNCT-18) (Taiwan, Province of China, Taipei, 2018- 10-28 - 2018-11-02)

Nanodosimetry for radiation exposure assessment M. Pietrzak, S. Pszona, A. Bancer Sixth International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (Macedonia, Ohrid, 2018-06-18 - 2018-06-22)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Research Station for the Bnct at the Maria Research Reactor (Poland) and Interdyscyplinary Approach to the Therapy E. Michaś 3rd Symposium on Positron Emission Tomography and 1st Symposium on Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (Poland, Kraków, 2018-09-10 - 2018-09-15)

Teleradioterapia: Korekcja NAL, czyli czy warto każdego dnia weryfikować ułożenie pacjenta? M. Mietelska Fizyka Medyczna Farmacja Fizyczna (Poland, Warszawa, 2018-05-24 - 2018-05-24)

Jet Counter nanodosimeter as a tool for investigating particle track structure A. Bancer, M. Pietrzak, S. Pszona Sixth International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (Macedonia, Ohrid, 2018-06-18 - 2018-06-22)

MCORD - MPD Cosmic Ray Detector a new features M. Bielewicz, M. Milewicz-Zalewska, M. Grodzicka-Kobyłka, S. Mianowski, P. Sibczyński, L. Świderski, T. Szczęśniak, M. Linczuk, D. Wielanek, A. Kisiel, G. Kasprowicz, K. Pozniak, W. Zabołotny, R. Romaniuk, A. Chłopik, A. Bancer, K. Grodzicki, M. Pietrzak, A. Dudziński, E. Jaworska, E. Strugalska-Gola, M.J. Peryt, M. Rybczynski, Z. Włodarczyk, G. Stefanek, P. Kankiewicz XXIV BALDIN International Seminar on High Energy Problems - Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics (Russia, DUBNA, 2018-09-17 - 2018-09-22) EPJ Web Conf. (2018)

MCORD: MPD cosmic ray detector for NICA M. Bielewicz, M. Grodzicka-Kobyłka, S. Mianowski, P. Sibczyński, Ł. Świderski, T. Szczęśniak, M. Linczuk, D. Wielanek, A. Kisiel, G. Kasprowicz, K. Pozniak, W. Zabołotny, R. Romaniuk, A. Chłopik, A. Bancer, K. Grodzicki, M. Pietrzak, A. Dudziński, E. Jaworska, M.J. Peryt, M. Rybczynski XXIV BALDIN International Seminar on High Energy Problems - Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics (Russia, DUBNA, 2018-09-17 - 2018-09-22) Proc. SPIE Vol. 10808 (2018) 1080847

Monte Carlo modeling of shielding at the irradiation room at the H@ horizontal channel of MARIA reactor in Polish National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ). K. Tymińska, G. Wojtania, Ł. Krzemiński EURADOS Annual Meeting 2018 (Portugal, Lizbona, 2018-02-05 - 2018-02-08)


Izotop 26Al we fragmentach meteorytu Pułtusk. A. Burakowska, Z. Tymiński, A.M. Krzesińska, M. Stępisiewicz, R. Maćkowska, K. Tymińska X Konferencja Meteorytowa w Pułtusku (Poland, Pułtusk, 2018-04-20 - 2018-04-22)

Preparation of the Recombination Chamber Use in Environmental Measurements Ł. Murawski, M. Kuć Sixth International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (Macedonia, Ohrid, 2018-06-18 - 2018-06-22)

A high-dose ionization chamber for real-time monitoring at spent fuel irradiation stand M. Maciak, M.A. Gryziński Sixth International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (Macedonia, Ohrid, 2018-06-18 - 2018-06-22)

Review of recent Jet Counter experiments M. Filipek, A. Bancer, M. Pietrzak, S. Pszona, Z. Szefliński Sixth International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (Macedonia, Ohrid, 2018-06-18 - 2018-06-22)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


Liver radioembolization i.e. cancer treatment using microspheres containing Yttrium and Holmiuma M. Maciak Warsaw, The Maria Skłodowska Curie Memorial Cancer Centre and Institute of Oncology, 2018-03-22

Beam dosimetry for BNCTa M. Maciak Lodz, Institute of Medical Biology of Polish Academy of Sciences, 2018-03-27

Research station for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy. BNCT Platform.a E. Michaś Wroclaw, Lower Silesian Centre of Oncology, 2018-06-28

Nanodosimetry, or how to track individual acts of ionisation and what it gives usa M. Pietrzak Warsaw, Military University of Technology in Warsaw, 2018-10-24

Anticancer therapies developing in National Centre for Nuclear Research.a E. Michaś Warsaw, Warsaw University of Technology , 2018-11-08

Preparation of training materials for e-learning titled: Basics of boron-neutron therapy (BNCT) - therapeutic application as a saving techniquea M. Wiliński Otwock, Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-09-03

BNCT – lecture for doctors specializing in Centre for Postgraduate Medical Educationa K. Maliszewska-Olejniczak Warsaw, Centre for Postgraduate Medical Education, 2018-10-01

New Reactor Laboratory for Biomedical Researcha K. Maliszewska-Olejniczak Warsaw, Military University of Technology in Warsaw , 2018-10-24

a) in Polish


Mixed Radiation Dosimetry Labolatorya Ł. Bartosik Otwock- Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-01-12

Investigation of Secondary Mixed Radiation Field Around the Medical Linear Acceleratora P. Tulik Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-01-17

Pulse Shape Discrimination methods in mixed radiation fields.a M. Kuć Otwock, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-01-31

Thermoluminescence dating methoda M. Wiliński Otwock, Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-03-07

Thyroid activity measurements after a nuclear accident - numericalmodeling.a K. Tymińska Otwock, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-04-11


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Biological dosimetry significance for the radiation effects assessmenta N. Knake Otwock, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-05-16

Nanodosimetry, or how to track individual acts of ionisation and what it gives usa M. Pietrzak Otwock-Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-07-04

JetCounter: nanodosimetric measurementsa A. Bancer Otwock-Swierk, National Centre For Nuclear Research, 2018-11-07

H2 Divisions first yeara Ł. Bartosik Otwock- Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-12-12

a) in Polish


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______MATERIALS PHYSICS DEPARTMENT Director of Department Professor Jacek Jagielski

In 2018 the Materials Physics Department was composed of three divisions: the Materials Research Laboratory (LBM) headed by Dr Łukasz Kurpaska, the Nuclear Methods in Solid State Physics Division (FM1) headed by Dr Jacek Milczarek and the Plasma/Ion Beam Technology Division (FM2) headed by Dr Katarzyna Nowakowska Langier. The Department staff is composed of 57 persons, among them 26 Ph.D. or D.Sc. In recent years a major effort has been put into the rejuvenation of the MPD personnel and long-term planning of materials research in NCBJ. In 2018 the priorities of the Material Physics Department were focused on three axes: preparation for articipation in the Polish Nuclear Energy Programme, modernisation of the thermal neutron beams laboratory of the MARIA reactor and fundamental and applied research on materials with special emphasis on nuclear techniques used for modification and/or analysis. MPD participated in 6 European projects: VINCO, BRILLIANT, NOMATEN, GEMMA, M4F and EuCard2. Two of them (VINCO and NOMATEN) were coordinated by MPD staff. The main research topics were: 1. Nanomechanical analysis of irradiated materials. 2. Molecular dynamic simulations of defect transformation in irradiated materials. 3. Development of ion implantation doping of zinc oxide for luminescence applications. 4. Studies of copper nitride synthesis via the plasma surface engineering technique. 5. Modification of materials using ion beam and plasma pulses. Among the main achievements of MPD in 2018 one may list the successful completion of the NOMATEN Phase 1 project and the preparation of the proposal for Phase 2 of the programme (the NOMATEN Phase 2 project was approved by the European Commission in early 2019), approval of the MAB+ project (again, in the framework of the NOMATEN CoE), a large research grant GOSPOSTRATEG prepared jointly with the Ministry of Energy and the Institute for Nuclear Chemistry; the grant was approved by NCBJ in 2019). Successful international collaborations allowed us to strengthen links with top laboratories worldwide. Department scientists published 54 papers in international referred journals and participated in 60 conferences. The research and organisational activities of MPD were carried out in numerous international collaboration programmes, among these we have particularly close relations with French organisations (CEA and CNRS), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (project related to irradiation and damage accumulation in Single Phased Concentrated Solution Alloys), German laboratories (HZDR and HZB) and Japanese Atomic Energy Agency. Special emphasis was placed on the European Research Area, mainly through the Joint Project Nuclear Materials for European Energy Research Alliance. MPD staff were also involved in EuroFUSION activities. In addition to its research activities MPD carried out actions related to the accreditation and certification of the MRL Laboratory and regular technical analyses of the MARIA reactor, e.g. non-destructive testing of the MARIA cooling system continued in 2017. Commercial services, e.g. assessment of the mechanical parameters of cast steel for railway systems were also carried out. MPD plans for the near future include continuation of European projects, modernisation of the neutron beam laboratory and further development of nuclear materials, from atomistic scale simulations made with Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo methods to measurement of functional properties. As main axes of MPD development one may list the NOMATEN Centre of Excellence and theNeutron Beam Laboratory.

Jacek Jagielski


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Materials Research Laboratory Head of Laboratory Łukasz Kurpaska, PhD

The Materials Research Laboratory (MRL) is one of the three laboratories included in the Department of Materials Physics (MPD) of the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ). MRL is engaged in research work covering all aspects of materials engineering. Investigations are carried out on structural materials and their welded joints including investigations performed on irradiated materials. The MRL Hot laboratory is the only facility in Poland able to handle and perform mechanical, structural and chemical investigations on materials irradiated in nuclear reactors. All studies performed in MRL are conducted according to a Quality Assurance Programme. The main part of the Hot Laboratory is a set of 12 hot cells with lead shielding to enable handling of radioactive materials with activity levels up to 4 TBq related to 60Co. Every cell is equipped with different devices providing flexibility for a wide nuclear research programme involving metallurgical, physical and chemical testing of irradiated structural materials. The main equipment installed at MRL includes:  Instron 8500 Dynamic Testing System with two 100 kN frames for testing tensile and compressive strength, low cycle fatigue resistance, fracture toughness, bend characteristics and crack growth resistance over the - 150 ᵒC to 1000 ᵒC temperature range (a tender for comprehensive modernisation of this system was completed at the end of 2018),  Instrumented Wolpert Pendulum Impact Testing Machine PW 30/15 for dynamic tests of Charpy-V type specimens carried out over the -150 ᵒC to 800 ᵒC temperature range, for determination of significant force and deflection values, partial energy values and characteristic mechanical fracture values,  DIA-TESTOR 7521 Wolpert Hardness Testing Machine for tests using the Brinell, Vickers and Rockwell procedures,  ROBOFIL 200 Spark Erosion Machine for specimen preparation,  ISOCS (In Situ Object Counting System) Shield System for in situ gamma spectroscopy with a germanium detector,  ARL 3460 Spectrometer for quantitative analyses of the chemical composition of metals. The devices are fully automated, remotely operated and instrumented. The remaining equipment of the hot cell complex allows us to perform:  Cutting out of samples from irradiated reactor components.  Sample preparation for metallographic examinations.  Optical microscopy.  Thermal treatment and annealing.  Chemical analysis.

At the end of 1998, the laboratory for non-destructive testing of materials was put into operation in the MRL. The non-destructive laboratory is equipped with state-of- the-art equipment and uses four different non-destructive methods of investigation, i.e.: visual inspection, liquid penetration inspection, ultrasonic examination, radiographic inspection and structure investigation. The NDT division of MRL is strongly involved in the study of the technical condition of the MARIA Research Reactor. Several different ND tests have been performed in 2018. Among many one can name the periodic investigation of the cladding material, complex analysis of the main and secondary circuit of the MARIA research reactor and preparation of a working plan related to the assessment of the reactor ageing. MRL holds the Testing Laboratory Accreditation Certificate No AB 025 which confirms the fulfillment of the ISO/IEC 17025:2001 criteria and since 1995 holds the Testing Laboratory Certificate 2nd Degree Approval No LB- 038/27 granted to the MRL by the Office of Technical Inspection. This indicates that MRL fulfils the criteria of the PN-EN IOS/IEC 17025:2005 standard. It should be emphasised that MRL is the only laboratory in Poland which is able to provide accredited measurements in the field of fracture mechanics of materials according to the ASTM E399-09, ISO 12108, BS 6835-1: 1998 and BS EN ISO 12737: 2011 standards. Such competences ensure that all the work performed in MRL is in accordance with widely used international research standards. Currently, besides projects funded by the European Commission in 2015: VINCO and BRILLIANT new projects are ongoing. MRL performs nanomechanical investigations of materials and is involved in projects funded by EC R&D – GEMMA (Generation IV Materials MAturity) and M4F (Multiscale modelling for fusion and fission


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______materials). Both projects aim to develop dedicated materials for Generation IV Nuclear Reactors and will last till 2021. In the frame of these projects, MRL performs nanoindentation measurements of ion irradiated samples under room and high temperature conditions. In 2018 the main areas of research were: investigation of the mechanical properties of ion implanted nickel based alloys, aluminum alloys and fabrication and mechanical properties of ODS RAF steels and Al2O3 coatings. Among these tests, special attention was given to an investigation of the nanomechanical properties of ion implanted layers. In 2018 MRL researchers published 16 high impact journal papers and participated in over 10 international conferences and symposia. Among a number of scientific articles prepared by MRL personnel, one should name three which deserve attention:  M. Frelek-Kozak, L. Kurpaska, E. Wyszkowska, J. Jagielski, I. Jóźwik, M. Chmielewski, Evaluation of consolidation method on mechanical and structural properties of ODS RAF steel, Applied Surface Science 446 (2018) 215-221;  I. Cieslik, T. Bolek, M.J. Wozniak, A. Majchrowski, S. Hirano, A. Budzianowski, Potassium gadolinium tungstate nanocrystals doped with holmium ions as candidates for optical imaging, Applied Surface Science 446 (2018) 139-144;  L. Kurpaska, J. Favergeon, L. Lahoche, G. Moulin, On the determination of growth stress during oxidation of pure zirconium at elevated temperature, Applied Surface Science 446 (2018) 27-35.

Finally one should mention the collaboration programme with the Ministry of Energy and the preparation of guidelines entitled “Nondestructive (NDT) and destructive (DT) tests in nuclear power facilities”. In addition, several projects have been carried out for industrial partners, i.e. NDT tests, chemical composition analysis and fracture mechanics investigations. The most important national and international collaboration programmes were performed with ITME Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, AGH University of Science and Technology and Warsaw University of Technology, the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) and the University of Tennessee. 7 persons from the MRL staff participated in internships and courses in France, the Czech Republic, Spain and the UK. No foreign guests visited the MRL facilities during 2018 . As of December 2018, MRL employed 18 people of whom 3 were working in scientific positions, 1in a research position and 16 in engineering positions. Due to the reorganisation of the laboratory staff, starting from 2016, MRL has gone through a major reorganisation process. Currently, the average age of the staff employed at MRL is 35.

Łukasz Kurpaska


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Evaluation of the effect of Consolidation Methods on the Mechanical and Structural Properties of ODS RAF Steel M. Frelek-Kozak1, Ł. Kurpaska1, E. Wyszkowska1, J. Jagielski1,2, I. Jóźwik1,2, M. Chmielewski2 1National Centre for Nuclear Research, Świerk, Poland 2Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, Warsaw, Poland In the present work, the effects of the fabrication Conclusions method on the mechanical and structural properties of Three types of 12% Cr ODS steel specimens 12% Cr, 2%W, 0.25%Ti, 0.25%Y2O3 steels were consolidated with different methods were investigated investigated. Materials obtained by Spark Plasma in terms of microstructure and mechanical properties. Sintering (SPS), Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) and Hot All consolidation methods provide the possibility of Extrusion (HE) methods were studied. The manufacturing fine-grained materials with microstructure was characterised using Scanning homogenously dispersed nanoprecipitates. The Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Electron Backscatter difference between the methods lies in the material Diffraction analysis (EBSD). The mechanical properties volume production feasibility. SPS and HIP methods of the studied samples were evaluated using the Vickers allows microstructures with grains sim- ilar in terms of micro hardness HV0.1, Small Punch Test (SPT) and size and shape (equiaxed) to be obtained. Thus, nanoindentation (NI) methods. The analysis revealed materials manufactured with these methods exhibit that samples manufactured via the HIP and SPS comparable mechanical properties. HE samples display processes exhibit very similar properties, whereas the a strong texture according to the extrusion direction. SPS method produces material with slightly lower Complex post-processing including hot forging, cold hardness. In addition, significantly lower mechanical rolling and heat treatment did not eliminate the properties of the specimens after the HE process were microstructural anisotropy. Microstructure texture is observed. The study described in this article also related to the anisotropy of the mechanical properties, addresses the problems of the mechanical parameters i.e. yield strength, ultimate strength, Young modulus measured in micro- and nano-scale experiments and and hardness. aims to identify possible pitfalls related to the use of various manufacturing technologies. Mechanical parameters were evaluated with three different methods: nanoindentation, micro-hardness and small punch tests. Good correlation between nano- and micro-scale measurements was observed. The highest similarity was revealed between nanoindentation and micro-hardness tests. The relationship between nanoindentation and SPT was less accurate, although SPT tests are able to reveal differences and tendencies between materials, so that this method may thus be used for additional screening and selection of materials. Acknowledgments Financial support from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education through the ‘‘Young Scientist” programme is gratefully acknowledged. This work contributes to the Joint Programme on Nuclear Materials (JPNM) of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA).

Fig. 1. SEM (left) and EBSD (right) images of ODS steels manufactured using A) Spark Plasma Sintering, B) Hot Isostatic Pressing and C) Hot Extrusion technique.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Potassium Gadolinium Tungstate Nanocrystals Doped with Holmium Ions as Candidates for Optical Imaging I. Cieślik1, T. Bolek1, M. J. Woźniak2, 3, A. Majchrowski4, S. Hirano 5 A. Budzianowski1 1Material Physics Department, National Center for Nuclear Research, Świerk, Poland 2Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland 3MJW RnD, Warsaw, Poland 4Institute of Applied Physics, Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland 5National Institute for Environmental Studies, Onogawa, Japan

The main aim of this work was to synthesise the We successfully obtained one phase of nanocrystals of holmium-doped monoclinic KGd(WO4)2 (KGW) KGW:Ho 10 at.% in the size range 80–200 nm. We nanoparticles by the mechano-chemical method. The also provided the physicochemical characterisation second aim was to investigate the chemical, physical, (agglomeration, solubility, stability in body fluids) and optical properties and viability cells study in the viability in in vitro tests (Fig. 2 a-b). The purpose of this direction of application in medical diagnostics. KGW is study was to show KGW:Ho 10 at.% nanocrystals as an excellent host for RE ions giving possibilities to potential nanomaterials for biological imaging. obtain a wide spectrum of light emission [1]. In recent Preliminary immunity cell studies demonstrated a high times, KGW have started to play an important role in viability of KGW:Ho 10% at. Our optical and chemical nanosize scale form. study confirmed their strong luminescence and physicochemical stability in typical organic fluids. In our work, the structure and morphology of KGW:Ho Hence, these nanoparticles are promising for imaging 10 at.% nanopowders were investigated with the use of applications. To the best of our knowledge, this is the X-ray Powder Diffraction, Atomic Force Microscopy first study of KGW:Ho 10 at.% nanomaterials and Scanning Electron Microscopy. Emission and regarding their usefulness in bioimaging. excitation spectra of KGW nanocrystals were also measured using a fluorometer with a xenon lamp and . OPO laser source. The influence of nanoparticles on the viability of J774.1 mouse BALB/c monocyte macrophage cells was tested by WST8 assay.

Fig. 1. Diffractogram (A) of sample KGW:Hoat.% . Background was removed and reflections from CuKα2 were stripped. Diffractogram (B) was calculated for structure no. 2300442 [2] with FWHM 0.13 deg.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Fig. 2. SEM images of KGW doped with 10 % at. holmium a) after incubated in PBS (80h) b) after being incubation in SBF (80h). References [2] PDF-2/PDF-4 Powder diffraction file, JCPDS - [1] M.C. Pujol, J. Masson, M. Aguilo, F. Diaz, International Centre for Diffraction Data, 12 M. Rico, C. Zaldo, Emission Cross Section and Campus Blvd., Newtown Square, PA 19073-3273 Spectroscopy of Ho3+ Laser channels in KGW U.S.A., 1997 – 2016. single crystals, J. Quantum Electron, 38 (2002) 93- 100.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


Invited Talk

Badanie elementów techniki jądrowej na podstawie wizualnej oceny uszkodzeń pochwy elementu paliwowego B. Zając 47 Krajowa Konferencja Badań Nieniszczących (Poland, Kołobrzeg, 2018-10-15 - 2018-10-18) Badania Nieniszczace i Diagnostyka Vol. 3 No 4 (2018) 72

Wykrywanie pęknięć w połączeniach nitowanych elementów lotniczych z wykorzystaniem technologii EC Array P. Synaszko, B. Zając 47 Krajowa Konferencja Badań Nieniszczących (Poland, Kołobrzeg, 2018-10-15 - 2018-10-18) Badania Nieniszczace i Diagnostyka Vol. 3 No 4 (2018) 77

Certyfikacja i wymagania stawiane dla personelu NDT w Energetyce Jądrowej B. Zając XII Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna, Diagnostyka Instalacji Ciśnieniowych i Urządzeń Technicznych (Poland, Łask, 2018-04-11 - 2018-04-13)

Badania materiałów i elementów techniki jadrowej prowadzone przez Laboratorium Badań Materiałowych NCBJ B. Zając, Ł. Kurpaska, G. Olszewski Nieniszczące Badania Materiałów (Poland, Zakopane, 2018-03-14 - 2018-03-16) Badania Nieniszczące i Diagnostyka Vol. 3 No 1 (2018) 45

Nanomechanical properties of ion implanted ferritic/martensitic steels. Ł. Kurpaska, Mel. Clozel, I. Jóźwik, Iw. Jozwik, J. Jagielski CAARI - 25th Conference on Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry (USA, Grapevine, 2018-08-12 - 2018-08-17)

Oral Presentation

Investigation of the mechanical properties of ODS steels at high temperatures using nanoindentation technique E. Wyszkowska, Ł. Kurpaska, M. Frelek-Kozak, I. Jóźwik, K. Perkowski, J. Jagielski IBMM 2018 21st International Conference on Ion Beam Modification of Materials (USA, San Antonio, 2018-06-24 - 2018-06-29) Nuclear Instruments and Methods B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms (2018)

Study of toxicology in an active optical nanocrystals I. Cieślik Nanosmat Conference (Poland, Gdańsk, 2018-09-10 - 2018-09-14)

Nanoindentation of Ferritic-Martensitic Steels submitted to Low Energy Ion implantation M. Clozel ION2018 (Poland, Kazimierz-Dolny, 2018-06-18 - 2018-06-21)


Study of strenght properties after high temperature crawl conditions in ceramic thermal bariier coatings based on IN 740 I. Cieślik, R. Sitek, S. Czarniewicz, M. Płocińska, Ł. Kurpaska Nanosmat Conference (Poland, Gdańsk, 2018-09-10 - 2018-09-14)

Functional properties of low energy ion-irradiated acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber A. Kosińska, J. Jagielski, U. Ostaszewska, E. Wyszkowska, M. Clozel, Ł. Kurpaska, M. Romaniec 21st International Conference on Ion Beam Modification of Materials - IBMM 2018 (USA, San Antonio, 2018-06-24 - 2018-06-29) Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B Vol. 443 (2019) 15

72 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Study of strength properties after high temperature crawl conditions in ceramic thermal barrier coatings based on In 740 M. Duchna, I. Cieślik, Czarnewicz, R. Sitek, Ł. Kurpaska, M. Płocińska XII-th International ConferenceIon implantation and other applications of ions and electrons (Poland, Kazimierz Dolny, 2018-06-18 - 2018-06-21) Kazimierz Dolny No.12 (2018) p. 80

Study of nanotoxicology in an active optical nanocrystals M. Duchna, I. Cieślik, M. Płocińska, S. Hirano ChemSession 18 (Poland, Warszawa, 2018-06-08 - 2018-06-08) Oddział Warszawski Polskiego Towarzystwa Chemicznego No.15 (2018) p. 68

Rodzaje urządzeń wykorzystywanych do badań reaktorów energetycznych metodami NDT G. Olszewski 47 Krajowa Konferencja Badań Nieniszczących (Poland, Kołobrzeg, 2018-10-15 - 2018-10-18)


Ultrasonic Inspection Dissimilar Weld Materials and Stainless Steel Welds with TRL PA Probe Solutionb B. Zając Warsaw, Olympus, 2018-02-21

II Mazowia Welding Symposium \a B. Zając Warsaw, Warsaw University of Technology, 2018-06-14

Demonstration of the procedures of sample preparation, transfer to Hot Cell facility and mechanical measurements of active samples.a W. Chmurzyński Otwock-Swierk, National Center of Nuclear Research, 2018-03-19

Demonstration of the procedures of sample preparation, transfer to Hot Cell facility and mechanical measurements of active samples.b A. Zaborowska Otwock-Świerk, Otwock-Świerk, 2018-03-19

International Workshop: Mechanical measurements of irradiated materialsb B. Zając Warsaw, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-03-19

Nanoindentaion as a novel method of materials characterizationb E. Wyszkowska Swierk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-03-20

Agenda of NOMATEN Scientific Workshopb B. Zając Warsaw, Agenda of NOMATEN Scientific Workshop, 2018-05-15

a) in Polish b) in English

73 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


Modern non-destructive methods for diagnostics of materials used in Nuclear Energya B. Zając Warsaw, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-05-14

Metrology - Supervision of measuring equipment in laboratoriesa G. Olszewski Otwock, National Center for Nuclear Research, 2018-05-23

Report on participation in conferences x.2017-V.2018a B. Zając Warsaw, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-05-23

Protective coatings based on Inconel alloys for high temperature applicationsa M. Duchna Otwock, National Centre For Nuclear Research, 2018-11-23

Classification of the SEKW of the MARIA reactora B. Zając Warsaw, National Centr for Nuclear Research, 2018-11-30

a) in Polish


W. Chmurzyński - Conducting lectures on the work in the Laboratory of Materials Research on open days of the National Center for Nuclear Research on October 6-7, 2018

W. Chmurzyński - Conducting lectures on work at the Materials Reserch Laboratory

B. Zając - NDT research course - Eddy Current method, level 2 according to PN-EN ISO 9712 for the Staff Training Center "INTERPROFESJA"

B. Zając - NDT research course - Penetration Testing method, level 2 according to PN-EN ISO 9712 for the Staff Training Center "INTERPROFESJA"


W. Bonicki Member of Organizing Committee on HTR 2018 - International conference on high temperature reactor technology in Warszawa, Poland

W. Chmurzyński Member of Organizing Committee on VINCO - International Workshop entitled “Mechanical measurements ofirradiated materials” in Otwock - Świerk, Poland Member of Organizing Committee on NOMATEN Scientific Workshop in Otwock - Świerk, Poland Member of Organizing Committee on HTR 2018 - International conference on high temperature reactor technology in Warszawa, Poland

K. Kobyłka Member of Organizing Committee on HTR 2018 - International conference on high temperature reactor technology in Warszawa, Poland

Z. Kozioł Journal of Nanoscience with Advanced Technology, Verizona Open Access (JNAT-Journal)

74 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Ł. Kurpaska Corrosion Science, Springer Mechanics of Materials, Elsevir Journal of Molecular Structure, Elsevir Surface Coatings and Technology, Elsevir

A. Zaborowska Member of Organizing Committee on International Workshop “Mechanical measurements of irradiated materials” in Otwock-Świerk, Poland Member of Organizing Committee on NOMATEN Scientific Workshop in Otwock - Świerk, Poland Member of Organizing Committee on HTR 2018 - International conference on high temperature reactor technology in Warszawa, Poland

75 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

76 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Nuclear Methods in Solid State Physics Division Head of Division Jacek J. Milczarek, PhD

The Division is involved in research into the microscopic structure and dynamics of condensed matter systems. The techniques employed permit studies to be performed from the atomic level to macroscopic phenomena. Methods based on the interaction of radiations with matter comprise X-ray (XRD and synchrotron radiation) and thermal neutrons (neutron scattering and neutron radiography). Six thermal neutron beams from the MARIA research reactor were used in research till 2017. Some specialised techniques such as high pressure systems, rapid quenching and the sol-gel method have also been applied. In 2018 the Division was involved in a major refurbishment of the experimental hall of the MARIA nuclear reactor. The aim is the deployment of the thermal neutron diffractometers from the Ber-II reactor of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin. The instruments to be transferred to MARIA are equipped with two-dimensional detector systems and special systems for settings changes based on air-cushions. The scientific staff has been trained at the Helmholtz- Zentrum Berlin in the maintenance of and haw to perform experiments with the advanced neutron diffractometers of the HZB.

In 2018 the Division comprised two laboratories: Regional Laboratory of Neutronography, X-ray Diffraction Laboratory. There were 10 employees with one full professor, 6 researchers with PhD degree, two with MSc degree, and 1 technician. The main work performed in 2018 dealt with: - X-ray diffraction studies on active pharmaceutical compounds. - Application of neutron imaging in cultural heritage and paleontological research. - Preparation of the MARIA reactor experimental hall for the installation of the neutron diffractometers from the Ber-II reactor of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin.

Jacek J. Milczarek

77 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Suzuki–Miyaura Reaction Between Selected or Tho-Substituted Phenylboronic Acids and 3,4,5-Tribromo-2,6-Dimethylpyridine P. Pomarański1, P. Roszkowski1, J. K. Maurin2,3, A. Budzianowski3, Z. Czarnocki1 1Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland 2National Medicines Institute, Warsaw, Poland 3National Centre for Nuclear Research, Świerk, Poland

Stereoisomers with axial chirality which are study of the sequence of coupling with 3,4,5-tribromo- consequences of restricted rotation around single bonds 2,6-lutidine. We also observed an additional chelation are found in various classes of compounds. They are effect (N-chelation) in the case of 4-amino-3,5-diaryl- called atropisomers. In the last few years we have been 2,6-dimethylpyridine derivatives. interested in the phenomenon of atropisomerism occurring in ortho-substituted di-, tri- and pentaarylpyridine derivatives. This phenomenon was found in several compounds and also in byproducts formed during the synthesis of analogues of amphetamine prepared by the Leuckart method. The treatment of 3,4,5-tribromo-2,6-dimethylpyridine (4) with 2-methoxyphenylboronic acid (5) under Suzuki– Miyaura reaction conditions gave a mixture of three atropisomeric stereoisomers of 3,4,5-tri-(2- Fig. 2. ORTEP diagrams derived from X-ray structural methoxyphenyl)-2,6-dimethylpyridines which were studies [1] of compounds 14 white solid, mp 107-109°C, separated by column chromatography. crystallisation from ethyl acetate, and 13* HCl: white solid, mp 254-255.5°C, crystallisation from dichloromethane/heptane.

On the basis of HT NMR and thermal epimerisation experiments the rotational barrier in selected atropisomers has been determined. Racemic chiral, differently substituted atropisomers were examined by 1H NMR spectroscopy. Additionally, single-crystal X- ray diffraction measurements using the diffractometer at NCBJ allowed usto determine and confirm most of the presented atropisomeric derivatives of 2,6- dimethylpyridine [1,2]. It has been observed that the use of various ortho-substituted phenylboronic acids givs the reverse selectivity in the Suzuki-Miyaura regio- and atroposelective process of cross-coupling. In the Fig. 1. ORTEP diagrams of compounds 16 white solid, reaction, aryl boronic acids both poor and rich in mp 153-155°C, crystallisation from ethyl acetate, and electrons can be used. These results may be helpful in 15*picrate: yellow solid, mp 214-216°C, crystallisation obtaining chiral atropisomeric arylpyridine derivatives. from dichloromethane/methanol. Both structures derived from X-ray structural studies[1]. Future reading [1] P. Pomaranski, P. Roszkowski, J. K. Maurin, Surprisingly, the least thermodynamically stable A. Budzianowski, Z. Czarnocki Beilstein J. Org. atropisomer syn-syn-3 was isolated as the main product Chem. 14, (2018) 2384-2393. and the proportion of isomers 1:2:3 was ca. 8:42:50. [2] P. Pomaranski, P. Roszkowski, J.K. Maurin, Z. Czarnocki, J. Mol. Struct. 1177, (2018) 564- This observation stimulated us to further investigate the 570. mechanism of the palladium cross-coupling between 4 with 5. For this purpose we performed a more detailed

78 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


Invited Talk

BER II neutron diffractometers at the nuclear research reactor MARIA A. Budzianowski, I. Fijał-Kirejczyk, J. Jankowska-Kisielińska, J.J. Milczarek, D. Rusinek, K. Stefańska- Skrobas, J. Żołądek-Nowak The 11th Frolic Goats Workshop on High-Pressure Single-Crystal X-Ray Diffraction (Poland, Poznań, 2018-05-13 - 2018-05-15)

Przyrządy pomiarowe w bliskiej przestrzeni kosmicznej (Measuring instruments in near space) A. Budzianowski 8. Ogólnopolska Konferencja Uczestników i Sympatyków Programu ARISS w Polsce (Poland, Ostrów Wielkopolski, 2018-10-20 - 2018-10-20)

Oral Presentation

CosmicWatch - particle detector you can build yourself A. Budzianowski, K. Frankiewicz, A. Bigos, B. Maksiak, S.N. Axani Near Space Conference 2018 - Poland (Poland, Toruń, 2018-09-22 - 2018-09-22)


Neutron diffraction patterns of AuCN from the E6 diffractometer before transfer to MARIA in Świerk A. Budzianowski, D. Rusinek, I. Fijał-Kirejczyk, K. Stefańska-Skrobas, J. Żołądek-Nowak, J. Żołądek, A. Hoser, D. Paliwoda, A. Katrusiak, J. Jankowska-Kisielińska, J.J. Milczarek Tenth Joint BER II and BESSY II User Meeting (Germany, Berlin, 2018-12-05 - 2018-12-07)

Neutron Laue Diffractometer for Ambient and Non-Ambient Single Crystal Analysis M. Tovar, D. Wallacher, N. Grimm, A. Hoser, J. Allibon, A. Budzianowski, D. Rusinek, D. Paliwoda, S. Schorr Tenth Joint BER II and BESSY II User Meeting (Germany, Berlin, 2018-12-05 - 2018-12-07)


J.J. Milczarek - 15 lectures on "Application of neutrons in materials research and technology" for senior year at the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering of Warsaw University of Technology


A. Budzianowski Member of Advisory Board on 8. Ogólnopolska Konferencja Uczestników i Sympatyków Programu ARISS w Polsce in Ostrów Wielkopolski, Poland

J. Jankowska-Kisielińska member Polish Society of Neutron Scattering

J.J. Milczarek Polish Neutron Scattering Society Polish Physical Society

79 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

80 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Plasma/Ion Beam Technology Division Head of Division Katarzyna Nowakowska-Langier, PhD

The Plasma/Ion Beam Technology Division (FM2) is located in buildings 7 - 8, and 84 of the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ). FM2 is part of the laboratories included in the Material Physics Department (MPD). Scientific activity of the Plasma/Ion Beam Technology Division (FM2) includes different aspects of research related to materials engineering, surface engineering, characterization of functional properties and materials synthesis and modification. Plasma and plasma related techniques are the main tools used by FM2 groups. Plasma surface engineering as a scientific field is being expanded in our laboratory, and allows us to improve, modernize and develop modern and unique methods of materials synthesis. Our investigations also includes research related to plasma diagnostics which is an important and indispensable part of the work conducted by the FM2 group. Basic features of this phenomena as well as the specificity of plasma generation in various systems (experimental and technological) are studied. The final, very important tools used in our research are ion and electron beams produced by implantation techniques. They are considered as a promising technique for modification of the structure of materials and the synthesis of non-equilibrium structures. The Plasma/Ion Beam Technology Division is divided into specialized laboratories:

1 - NUCLEAR MICROANALYSIS LABORATORY During 2018 the nuclear microanalysis group grew slightly regarding the number of employees. An assistant professor was hired to support the division responsible for development of a new version of McChasy – a computer simulation tool for Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry in the channeling direction. During the year our group realized three main projects. All of them are still in progress. Fourteen papers were published or accepted for publication and one submitted.Most of the papers were published in refereed journals. The total, predicted number of impact factor for all publications is equal to 25.86 (23.45 – published/accepted, 2.41 – submitted). In 2018 the investigations of our group were focused mainly on the structural changes of materials after implantation, development and validation of the McChasy code and analysis of archeological relics. Project objectives were realized within a close collaboration between our group and UW (Poland), IF PAN (Poland), HZDR (Germany), Paris-Sud University (France), CNRS (France) and several other national and foreign institutions.

Short summary of chosen, realized project in 2018 (ongoing). Optimal doping concentration of RE ions implanted in a single ZnO crystal – ConQRE. Financial support of:The Polish Ministry of Science from resources intended for education in 2017-2019 for the implementation of an international co-financed project (Grant No 3846/HZDR/17/2018/0). Even though the research focusing on ZnO started many decades ago, this material has been experiencing a renewed interest because of a wide potential application spectrum in microelectronics, organic electronics, biosensors and spintronics. Moreover, the high exciton binding energy (60 meV) of this material also suits it to optical and optoelectronic applications such as light-emitting diodes and phosphors. The basic light emission from ZnO is located in the violet-blue spectral range. Doping with Rare Earths (RE) can modify the optical properties of ZnO and tune the optical emission into the visible spectral range. However, the simple recipe of increasing the concentration of dopant to increase the luminescence intensity in the case of RE ions doesn't work due to the increasing energy transfer between the densely packed RE centers, causing an increased probability to lose the excitation energy by non-radiative processes. This phenomenon, called the concentration quenching effect has been poorly investigated so far in RE doped ZnO and the achieved results are quite inconsistent. The investigations performed within the Project are aimed at studies of the concentration quenching effect for ZnO epitaxial layers doped with RE by ion implantation. Ion implantation is an attractive tool for doping materials commonly used in opto- and micro- electronics. However, an important limitation of this technique is the buildup of lattice disorder due to the ballistic nature of the process. Additionally, in the as-implanted stage, most of the dopants are optically inactive and post-implantation annealing is required. The authors are planning to compare the concentration dependence of the luminescence intensity of Yb3+ and Er3+ ions incorporated in the ZnO matrix. Interestingly, the concentration quenching effect also influences the electrical properties of the material, therefore, this aspect will also be studied. The crucial task of this Project is understanding the driving forces for the quenching effects.

81 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

In the framework of the proposed Project fundamental structural, optical and electrical research is performed. A qualitative determination of defect concentration is made by ion channeling RBS/c before and after annealing. In selected cases, the strain measurements will be performed by high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD). Finally, photoluminescence investigations will be performed in order to evaluate the optical emission from the ZnO:RE films. These measurements will be supplemented by Hall effect studies. Such a combination of different structural techniques used together with the optical and electrical studies creates a novel approach, which will provide extensive knowledge of RE surroundings in the zinc oxide matrix and as a result it will be possible an answer the main goals of the Project. According to the schedule of the Project, in 2018 the following tasks were completed:  Implantation with Er and Yb to fluencies of 5x1013-1x1016 /cm2,  RBS/c study of implanted samples,  Analysis of RBS/c spectra using the Monte Carlo simulation code McChasy,  Defect elimination and optical activation of dopant in the RTA system.  Photoluminescence (PL) intensity measurement of annealed samples

2 - ION/PLASMA MATERIALS MODIFICATION LABORATORY Research on materials modification covers issues related to the modification of the surfaces of materials by ion/electron beam or plasma stream interaction. These studies focus on the synthesis of non-equilibrium structures of materials and their influence on the properties as well as the synthesis of new materials. 3 main projects related to these issues. have been realized. One of the results of our investigation is an improvement of the durability of WC-Co tools used in the treatment of wood materials after surface modification by electron beam pulses and plasma stream. The work was realized in cooperation with the Faculty of Wood Technology of Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW. Currently, in the field of plasma surface engineering, research is focused on the issues of pulse energy and masses which are delivered to the system during plasma processes. In addition, much research is carried out in the domain of synthesis and characterizations of the layers of a variety of materials. Studies performed by this group are also focused on the development of plasma surface engineering techniques.

Short summary of the implemented project in the field of plasma surface engineering (accomplished) The synthesis and characterization of copper nitride coatings deposited by the use of plasma surface engineering methods - This work was financially supported by the National Science Centre within the project 2014/15/B/ST8/01692. The research problem initiated in this project concerns the use of unconventional synthesis conditions in order to obtain a material which is very difficult to synthesize (due to its narrow range of thermodynamic stability). Therefore, the utilization of synthesis methods using non-equilibrium plasma allows the process to be controlled by other parameters than those which come from thermal activation. Synthesis of materials by the plasma engineering method plays an important role in a modification of their functional properties. Implementation of the project opens opportunities to extend our knowledge in the area of synthesis mechanisms from the point of unconventional synthesis, especially in narrow ranges of thermodynamic stability which are very important for materials science. The results of these studies were the published in 4 papers and were the subject of engineering & master's theses and a doctoral dissertation. The most important technical and technological achievements include: design, construction and commissioning of a modern facility for synthesis of layers using the GIMS method (Gas Injection Magnetron Sputtering). Research in the field of Plasma surface engineering, was carried out in close cooperation with the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology.

82 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

The main equipment in FM2 includes: experimental and technological materials characterisation

 Pulse Magnetron Sputtering (PMS)  Scanning microscope with EDS probe  Gas Injection Magnetron Sputtering (GIMS)  Ball-disc tribotester  Flat cathode arc UHV set-up  UHV set-up for testing quantum yield of photocathodes  Vacuum sputtering  MEVVA high current metallic ion implanter  Semi-industrial implanter of gaseous ions  Electron gun  RPI-type plasma gun

Summarizing, in 2018, researchers from the FM2 group published 38 journal papers and participated in 50 international conferences and symposia. At the same time 16 projects were ongoing. Detailed descriptions of outstanding achievements can be found in the thematic reports prepared by task leaders. In 2018, FM2 employed 26 people of whom 10 were in scientific positions, 5 were in research positions and 11 were employed as engineers.

Katarzyna Nowakowska-Langier

83 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______The Influence of Nitrogen Ion Implantation on the Tool Life of Drills for Wood-Based Materials M. Barlak1, J. Wilkowski2, Z. Werner1, J. Zagórski1, P. Czarniak2, P. Podziewski2, K. Szymanowski2 1National Centre for Nuclear Research, Świerk, Poland 2Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Warsaw, Poland

High-speed stainless (HSS) steel is still a popular The durability tests were performed during the process material in wood-based material mechanics, especially of drilling laminated particleboard with: a density of as it applies to drills, despite the introduction of new 670 kg/m3, tensile strength of 0.39 MPa, swelling after tool materials like WC-Co composite, polycrystalline 24 h of 61.8%, flexural strength of 15.35 MPa and diamond and others. The continued use of HSS can be modulus of elasticity of 2950 MPa. attributed to lower cost, reduction of breakage in older Table 1. Main parameters of ion implantation processes. spindles and hand routers, sharper edges allowing for Beam Implanted Acceleration easier hand feeding, and different geometries [1]. Modification Implanted current dose voltage type ions density (cm-2) (kV) Tools are often surface-modified to prolong their (mA/cm2) 1 ~0.3 lifetime. There are three ways to extend the lifetime of 2e17 tools: modification of the surface region, deposition of 2 ~1 3 N ++N+ ~0.3 an additional layer, and duplex treatment, i.e., 2 3e17 60 4 (~1:1) modification of the surface region and the deposition of 5 5e17 ~1 an additional layer [2]. 6 6e17

Ion implantation is the method whereby the near-surface Drilling was carried out for the cutting parameters area is modified. The modified region is not a layer, recommended by the tool manufacturer, i.e., feed speed therefore no problem occurs with adhesion and a change 2 m/min and a spindle speed of 6000 rpm. in the dimensions. This process can be conducted at temperatures <100°C. The tool-life criterion was pre-established as 0.25 mm. This means that at the moment when the drill achieved HSS Leitz drills (Leitz GmbH and Co. KG, Stuttgart, or exceeded this value in a given cycle, the process of Germany) with a diameter of 10 mm and total length of blunting was terminated, recognizing this tool as not 68 mm (dowel drills with 10-mm shanks), commonly suitable for further exploitation. used in the furniture industry and presented in Fig. 1, were used for the investigations. The durability tests of the examined tools were expressed with the relative tool life index (Fig. 2) in comparison to the reference (non-modified) drills.

Fig. 1. The high-speed stainless steel drills. The rake faces of high-speed steel drills were implanted with nitrogen ions with a non-mass separated beam in a homemade semi-industrial implanter (beam current Fig. 2. Cumulated results of the tool lifetime tests. density at a level of 0.3 mA/cm2) and with a MEVVA type implanter with a direct beam (beam current density Nitrogen ion implantation improved drill bit wear at a level of 1 mA/cm2). Nitrogen of 99.9% purity was resistance and prolonged their tool-life in most cases. used as the source of the implanted ions. The implanted Better results were achieved by the tools treated with doses were in the range from 2e17 cm-2 to 6e17 cm-2. higher nitrogen doses and a higher beam current The implanted nitrogen was delivered as two kinds of density. A higher relative index above 1 meant a longer + + ions, i.e., N2 +N . Ions were implanted at 60 kV tool life compared to the reference tool (non-modified). acceleration voltage. The temperature of the implanted Thus, the modification in case 5 caused more than drills was approximately 200°C for 0.3 mA/cm2 beam twofold prolongation of tool life with respect to the current density and in the range 300°C to 400°C for reference tool (Relative index = 2.24). 1 mA/cm2. Details of the ion implantation parameters are presented in Table 1. Additionally, non-modified drills were used for comparison.

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References [2] C. Labidi, R. Collet, C. Nouveau, P. Beer, S. [1] P. Gogolewski, J. Klimke, A. Krell, P. Beer: Nicosia, M. Djouadi: Surface treatments of tools Al2O3 tools towards effective machining of wood- used in industrial wood machining; Surface and based materials; Journal of Materials Processing Coatings Technology 200 (2005) 118-122 Technology 209 (2009) 2231-2236

Structural and Magnetic Properties of Co, Ar, and Kr Implanted ZnO Z. Werner1, M. Barlak1, J. Gosk2, R. Puźniak3, R. Ratajczak1 1National Centre for Nuclear Research, Świerk, Poland 2Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw,Poland 3Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland

The origin of the magnetic properties of implanted monocrystalline ZnO is still a question of controversy. There are reports in which such properties are detected after implantation of non-magnetic ions, thus suggesting that the magnetism is created by post-implantation defects. In an attempt to resolve this question, we implanted ZnO with three different ions, including magnetic Cobalt, at comparable energies and fluencies. The reference energy and fluence is that of Co, which was irradiated previously at 110 keV with 2e16 cm-2 fluence.

Therefore, we implanted Ar and Kr (noble gases, lighter Fig. 1. RBS spectra (random and aligned) of ZnO and heavier than Co, respectively) at energies samples implanted at the energies and fluencies corresponding to the range of damage in 110 keV Co indicated in Table 1. implantation and at fluencies which carry the same amount of energy delivered to the crystal lattice. The defect ranges were simulated using the SUSPRE code Finally, the samples were analyzed magnetically using and gave the following data. the SQUID equipment. The results are shown in Fig. 2 and lead to the conclusion that only Co implantation creates a paramagnetic phase. The effects of Ar and Kr Table 1. Energies and fluencies of Co, Ar, and Kr, implantations are negligible. leading to comparable damage effects. Fluence I Fluence II Energy Ion (1e16 cm-2) (1e16cm-2) (keV) Sample No Sample No Co 110 ΦCo = 2 (#1) 2ΦCo = 4 (#5) Ar 70 ΦAr = 3.14 (#2) 2ΦAr = 6.30 (#3) Kr 160 ΦKr = 1.37 (#4) 2ΦKr = 2.75 (#6)

Implantations were performed at the 500 keV implanter at HZDR (Dresden) within the joint research project. To confirm the results of SUSPRE simulations, RBS measurements were performed on all samples. The results are presented in Fig. 1. and confirm the range Fig. 2. Magnetic moment measurements at 2K in Co, and amount of damage after implantation. Ar, and Kr implanted samples.

85 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Investigation of the Intermediate Layers Located Between the Niobium Substrate and Lead Films Destined for Superconducting Photocathodes A. Kosińska1, M. Barlak1, D. Derewnicka-Krawczyńska2, J. Lorkiewicz1, J. Sekutowicz3, R. Nietubyć1 1National Centre for Nuclear Research, Świerk, Poland 2Institute of Precision Mechanics, Warsaw, Poland 3Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg, Germany

High Brightness Electron Injector techniques play an Application of the RPI technique leads to the creation of important role in the development of Free Electron Pb layers characterized by better adhesion properties Lasers (FELS) and Electron Positron Linear Colliders. than lead films on niobium generated by UHV arc The injector is expected to produce electron bunches of technology. Pb layers deposited directly on the Nb normalized emittance which does not exceed 1 µrad, substrate without additional layers present with charges up to 1 nC. A Continuous Wave (CW) unsatisfactory morphology, show lack of continuity and option and long pulse operation regimes of the device enhanced porosity (Fig. 1). are also envisioned [1]. An efficient and durable Radio Frequency (RF) electron gun is the most critical and demanding part of the injector. The concept of RF, fully superconducting (sc), hybrid Nb-Pb electron injectors for linear sc accelerators was proposed and developed within the last decade [2-5]. Pb layers deposited on Nb substrate are considered as one of the best candidates for photocathodes in superconducting electron sources in linear superconducting accelerators which drive free electron lasers [4]. To overcome the problem of too low quantum efficiency (QE) of Nb, which is the most common the superconducting material used for RF cavities in accelerating structures, it has been proposed to use a photocathode based on Pb layers deposited on a Nb substrate [5]. However, one of the biggest challenges in this area is to improve the adhesion of the Pb layers. For this reason, in this paper we present an improvement of Pb layer adhesion by implementing two different approaches. The first one depends on using the high intensity pulsed plasma ion beams (HIPPB) technique generated in a rod plasma injector (RPI) [6-7]. In this case the substrate is repeatedly melted and gradually dosed with alloying additions in subsequent depositions of the intermediate layers at properly modified coating parameters. The second approach is based on the creation of intermediately graded layers of Fig. 1. SEM images and EDS maps of elemental Ti or Sn. Quantum efficiency was measured using distribution of all layer types. monochromatized Xe tube light for the wavelength range of 350 – 200 nm. The power focused on the The use of Ti-reach intermediate layers improves the sample surface was in the range of a few hundred adhesion between the Pb layers and the Nb substrate microwatts (400 µW at 266 nm). Focal spot area was which was confirmed by a scratch-test (Fig. 2). The use 1 cm2. For a sample prepared in such a way laser of this coating provides better adhesion properties cleaning was applied. QE for the cleaned sample was without losing surface smoothness or continuity. measured as equal to (7.0± 0.1) ·10-6.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


[1] N. Solyak, M. Awida, A. Grassellino, C. Grimm, A. Hocker, J. Holzbauer, T. Khabibobulline, O. Melnychuk, A. Rowe, D. Sergatskov, J. Sekutowicz, Proc. of SRF2015, Whistler (CA), 2015 [2] D.H. Dowell, J.F Schmerge, Phys. Rev. Spec. Top. Accel. Beams, 12 (2009) 074201 [3] R. Russo, A. Cianchi, Y. Akhmadeev, L. Catani, J. Langner, J. Lorkiewicz, R. Pollini, B. Ruggiero, M.J. Sadowski, S. Tazzari, N.N. Koval, Surf. Coat. Technol. 201 (2006) 3987–3992 [4] J. Smedley, T. Rao, J. Sekutowicz, Phys. Rev. Spec. Top. Accel. Beams 11 (2008) 013502 [5] J. Sekutowicz, A. Ayvazyan, M. Barlak, J. Branland, W. Cichalewski, W. Grabowski, D. Kostin, J. Lorkiewicz, W. Merz, R. Nietubyć, R. Onken, A. Piotrowski, K. Przygoda, E. Schneidmiller, M. Yurkov, Phys. Rev. Spec. Top. Accel. Beams 18 (2015) 050701 [6] M. Barlak, J. Piekoszewski, Z. Werner, B. Sartowska, M. Pisarek, L. Walis, W. Starosta, Fig. 2. Scratch test tracks with an indenter collapse A. Kolitsch, R. Gröetzchel, K. Bochenska, graph (penetration profile): a) Nb/Pb (RPI), b) Nb/Pb C. Pochrybniak, Surf. Coat. Technol. 206 (2011) (UHV), c) Nb/Ti/Pb (RPI), d) Nb/Sn/Pb (RPI) 916–919 [7] J. Piekoszewski, W. Kempinski, B. Andrzejewski, Z. Trybula, L. Piekara-Sady, J. Kaszynski, . J. Stankowski, Z. Werner, E. Richter, F. Prokert, J. Stanislawski, M. Barlak, Vac. 78 (2005) 123– 129

Functional Properties of Low Energy Ion-Irradiated Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Rubber A. Kosińska1, J. Jagielski1,2, U. Ostaszewska3, E. Wyszkowska1, M. Clozel1, Ł. Kurpaska1, M. Romaniec1 1National Centre for Nuclear Research, Świerk, Poland 2Institute for Electronic Materials Technology, Warszawa, Poland 3Institute for Engineering of Polymer Materials & Dyes, Division of Elastomers & Rubber Technology, Piastów, Poland It is known that ion irradiation leads to a considerable effect is more visible in the case of NBR rubber without improvement of the mechanical properties of elastomers addition of graphene filler and irradiated with an energy (commonly known as the hardening effect) [1-6]. It has of 150 keV. In this case, the hardness increases from been observed that ion implantation leads to cross- 0.01 GPa up to 0.12 GPa after the irradiation campaign linking and chain scission phenomena [7], also (Fig. 1a). A similar situation can be observed for Young shrinking and smoothening of the surface, which can be Modulus calculations (Fig. 1b). explained by massive hydrogen release [8-9]. This paper presents studies focused on improving friction and wear properties of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR). The main objective of the present study is to investigate the impact of a wide range of ions, irradiated with different energies and fluencies, and find correlations between friction coefficient, nanohardness and mechanical strength of NBR-type elastomers. Fig. 1 a) Hardness and b) Young Modulus values measured for He irradiated NBR elastomers with and The studies revealed that both hardness and Young without graphene filler under different fluencies and Modulus increase with irradiation dose [10-11]. This irradiation energies.

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This suggests that the hard layer on the surface of the by the National Centre for Research and Development – soft bulk may lead to spreading of the load over a much Poland [Grant PBS 3 No 244897]. higher volume, hence reducing the deformation of the References elastomer below the counter-sample and, in [1] T. Venkatesan, Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 7/8 consequence, the work readed for displacement of the (1985) 461 counter-sample, hence the friction coefficient. To [2] K. Nowakowska-Langier, K. Zdunek, R. Chodun, confirm this hypothesis, friction tests were performed. S. Okrasa, R. Kwiatkowski, K. Malinowski, The tests were carried out under a constant load of 10 N. E. Skladnik-Sadowska, M. J. Sadowski, Phys. Scr. Results show a significant decrease of the friction T161 (2014) 014063 coefficient, typically from 1.0 down to 0.3 – 0.4, see [3] A.M. Abdul-Kader, A. Turos, D. Grambole, (Fig. 2a). J. Jagielski, A. Piatkowska, N.K. Madi, M. Al- Maadeed, Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 204 (2005) 152 [4] A.M. Abdul-Kader, A. Turos, J. Jagielski, L. Nowicki, R. Ratajczak, A. Stonert, M. Al–Maadeed, Vac. 78 (2005) 281 [5] J. Jagielski, A. Turos, D. Bielinski, A.M. Abdul- Kader, A. Piatkowska, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Fig. 2. Friction coefficient measured during a pin-on- B 261 (2007) 690 disc test of NBR elastomers with a) and without b) [6] D. Bielinski, D. Tranchida, P. Lipinski, graphene filler, before and after He ion irradiation J. Jagielski, A. Turos, Vac. 81 (2007) 1256 campaigns. [7] E.H. Lee, Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 151 (1999) 29 [8] J. Jagielski, D. Grambole, I. Jozwik, D.M. Bielinski, U. Ostaszewska, D. Pieczynska, It thus seems that the reduction of the friction Mater. Chem. Phys. 127 (2011) 342 [9] J. Jagielski, U. Ostaszewska, D.M. Bielinski, coefficient is related to the higher hardness of the D. Grambole, M. Romaniec, I. Jozwik, surface layer, which leads to a better distribution of the R. Kozinski, load over the surface of the material. This phenomenon A. Kosinska, Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 371 reduces elastic deformation of the underlying bulk (2016) 216 material and, finally, the friction forces. The studies [10] J. Jagielski, U. Ostaszewska, , R. Kozinski, performed in this work allowed us to observe, that the A. Hassa-Zaloba, M. Romaniec, L. Kurpaska, Young modulus and hardness of the irradiated layers A. Kosinska, D. Grambole, I. Jozwik, Surf. Coat. increase with the irradiation fluence. The effect is likely Technol. 306 (2016) 176 due to a massive hydrogen release from the surface [11] J. Jagielski, A. Kosinska, U. Ostaszewska, layer. The results obtained in friction and wear tests M. Romaniec, L. Kurpaska and I. Jozwik, Nucl. confirm the assumption that He irradiation leads to Instrum. Methods B 435 (2018) 323. significant reduction of friction and increase of wear resistance of NBR elastomers. This work was supported

88 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Calibration and Detection Limits of a Homemade ED-XRF System in the Analysis of Silver-Copper Alloys A. M. Gójska, E. A. Miśta-Jakubowska

The X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is one of the most ESPI Ag-Cu alloys calibration are ~30 ppm for Cu and useful analytical techniqe used in materials ~120 ppm for Ag. composition determinations and it is often used in art and cultural heritage research1. Since the XRF method is non-destructive, it gives among others an opportunity to analyze the composition of Ag-Cu based artifacts1,2. Quantitative analysis of samples requires the application of adequate theoretical methods or empirical approaches. In quantitative XRF analysis, the measured fluorescence intensities are converted into element concentrations. There are several methods which are based on the theoretical relationship between the intensities and concentrations of elements, among others2: the fundamental parameters method, Casting approximation and “par-to-ccr” calibration. These three quantitative evaluation methods were used to determine the elemental composition analysis of three Fig. 2. XRF spectra of ESPI reference material and historical Polish coins (Fig. 1). background spectrum. The Ag content of the Ag-Cu coins obtained using the three quantitative evaluation methods is presented in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Silver concentration obtained using FP, Casting and “par-to-ccr” methods. Fig. 1. ED-XRF spectrum of boratynka 1664, 15 kopek/1 złoty 1838 and 2 złote 1933. The differences between the concentrations obtained using the XRF-FP software and the par-to-ccr The XRF system was calibrated for the intensity calibration method and Casting approximation are ~1% analysis by means of the ESPI Metals reference for copper and ~2% for silver. The obtained results material with 75%-90% Ag and 25%-10% Cu (Fig. 2). showed the system designed at NCBJ gave comparable In the XRF elemental composition analysis the values for determining the concentrations so it could be possibilities and limitations of the XRF system are a good alternative to other spectroscopic methods. crucial for the determination of the sample base alloys and to verify whether the obtained results are References consistent. One of the key parameters determining the [1] A.M. Gójska, E.A. Miśta-Jakubowska, et al., Archaeological applications of spectroscopic lowest possible amount of the element that can be measurements. Compatibility of analytical methods in detected is the minimum detectable limit: MDL = comparative measurements of historical Polish coins, 2.33Ci√B/S, where Ci is the concentration of the Measurement 135 (2019) 869-874 element, B is the background counting rate, and S is [2] A.M. Gójska, E.A. Miśta-Jakubowska, Calibration and the net peak counting rate. The minimum detectable detection limits of homemade ED-XRF system in the analysis of silver-copper alloys, NIM B 433 (2018) limits of the system for Cu and Ag obtained using the 28-33

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Invited Talk

Electron beam dynamics in PolFEL superconducting accelerator R. Nietubyć, J. Sekutowicz, M. Staszczak SPAS 2018 (Superconductivity & Particle AcceleratorS) (Poland, Kraków, 2018-11-27 - 2018-11-29)

Electron Injector for Polfel P. Czuma, J. Lorkiewicz, R. Nietubyć, J. Sekutowicz, M. Staszczak, K. Szymczyk, M. Terka Superconductivity & Particle Accelerators (Poland, Kraków, 2018-11-26 - 2018-11-30) SPIE Proceedings (2019)

Optical laser system for generation of the PolFEL electron beam. P. Czuma, R. Nietubyć, J. Szewiński Superconductivity & Particle Accelerators SPAS 2018 (Poland, Kraków, 2018-11-27 - 2018-11-29)

Ions in materials testing B. Sartowska, M. Barlak, P. Konarski XII-th International ConferenceIon implantation and other applications of ions and electrons (Poland, Kazimierz Dolny, 2018-06-18 - 2018-06-21)

Pulsed plasma generated in coaxial accelerator for the synthesis of thermodynamic unstable materials K. Nowakowska-Langier, R. Chodun, K. Zdunek CAARI - 25th Conference on Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry (USA, Grapevine, 2018-08-12 - 2018-08-17) development of plasma and ion beam technology for material engineering at NCBJ K. Nowakowska-Langier International Conference-School on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion ICPPCF-2018 (Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2018-09-10 - 2018-09-13)

Science and sports activities in the National Centre for Nuclear Research A. Gójska 33nd Annual Conference of ASCERI Delegates (Belgium, Antwerpia, 2018-04-19 - 2018-04-22)

Nanomechanical properties of ion implanted ferritic/martensitic steels. Ł. Kurpaska, Mel. Clozel, I. Jóźwik, Iw. Jozwik, J. Jagielski CAARI - 25th Conference on Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry (USA, Grapevine, 2018-08-12 - 2018-08-17)

Oral Presentation

Demonstration of the principle operation of the MEVVA implanter M. Barlak International Workshop “Mechanical measurements of irradiated materials” (Poland, Otwock-Świerk, 2018-03- 19 - 2018-03-20)

Advanced Monte Carlo simulations for ion-channeling studies of defects in crystals P. Jóźwik, L. Nowicki, C. Mieszczyński, R. Ratajczak, A. Stonert, A. Turos, J. Jagielski, K. Lorenz, E. Alves E-MRS 2018 Fall Meeting (Poland, Warsaw, 2018-09-16 - 2018-09-20)

The wear curves of nitrogen-implanted WC-Co indexable knives during particleboard milling J. Wilkowski, M. Barlak, Z. Werner, J. Wachowicz, P. Czarniak 11th International Science Conference of Chip and Chipless Woodworking Processes (Slovakia, Terchová, 2018- 09-13 - 2018-09-15) Chip and chipless woodworking processes (Trieskové a beztrieskové obrábanie dreva) Vol. 11 (2018) 205-210

90 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

The effect of the WC-Co properties on the tool wear during particleboards milling J. Wilkowski, M. Barlak, Z. Werner, P. Czarniak, J. Wachowicz 11th International Science Conference of Chip and Chipless Woodworking Processes (Slovakia, Terchová, 2018- 09-13 - 2018-09-15) Chip and chipless woodworking processes (Trieskové a beztrieskové obrábanie dreva) Vol. 11 (2018) 211-216

Preliminary Design of the PolFEL Control, DataAcquisition and Synchronization Systems J. Szewiński, P. Krawczyk, R. Nietubyć, P. Czuma, K. Szamota-Leandersson, M. Staszczak, M. Terka, J. Sekutowicz, M. Gosk, D. Rybka, W. Grabowski, K. Szymczyk, J. Lorkiewicz, M. Matusiak 25th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (MIXDES 2018) (Poland, Gdynia, 2018-06-21 - 2018-06-23)

Design Considerations of the PolFEL Control, DataAcquisition and Timing Systems J. Szewiński, P. Krawczyk, R. Nietubyć, P. Czuma, K. Szamota-Leandersson, M. Staszczak, M. Terka, J. Sekutowicz, M. Gosk, D. Rybka, W. Grabowski, K. Szymczyk, J. Lorkiewicz XLII-nd IEEE Joint Symposium Wilga 2018 (Poland, Wilga, 2018-06-03 - 2018-06-10)

Preliminary Design of the PolFEL Control, Data Acquisition and Synchronization Systems J. Szewiński, P. Krawczyk, R. Nietubyć, P. Czuma, K. Szamota-Leandersson, M. Staszczak, M. Terka, J. Sekutowicz, M. Gosk, D. Rybka, W. Grabowski, K. Szymczyk, J. Lorkiewicz Superconductivity & Particle Accelerators SPAS 2018 (Poland, Kraków, 2018-11-27 - 2018-11-29)

Recent measurements of fast electrons by means of a Cherenkov-type probe in COMPASS tokamak D. Załoga, M.J. Sadowski, M. Rabiński, M. Jakubowski, R. Kwiatkowski, R. Mirowski, J. Żebrowski, O. Ficker, J. Mlynar, V. Weinzettl, J. Cerovsky, E. Macukova, COMPASSTeam 14th Kudowa Summer School (Poland, Kudowa-Zdrój, 2018-06-04 - 2018-06-08)

RBS/C, XRR and XRD studies of damage buildup in Er-implanted ZnO P. Jóźwik, S. Magalhães, R. Ratajczak, C. Mieszczyński, M. Sequeira, A. Turos, R. Böttger, R. Heller, K. Lorenz, E. Alves E-MRS 2018 Spring Meeting (France, Strasbourg , 2018-06-18 - 2018-06-22) Phys. Status Solidi B (2018) 1800364

Structural transformations in heavy ion implanted ZnO A. Turos, R. Ratajczak, C. Mieszczyński, A. Stonert, P. Jóźwik, J. Gaca, M. Wójcik International Conference on Microelectronic Devices and Technologies (Spain, Barcelona, 2018-06-20 - 2018- 06-22)

Ion-irradiated damage visualization by means of Low-kV Scanning Electron Microscopy I. Jóźwik, A. Barcz, E. Dumiszewska, E. Dąbrowska 19th International Conference on Extended Defects in Semiconductors (Greece, Thessaloniki, 2018-06-24 - 2018- 06-29)

PolFEL photoinjector laser system P. Czuma XLII-nd IEEE Joint Symposium Wilga 2018 (Poland, Wilga, 2018-06-03 - 2018-06-10)

Channeling Simulations of Er-implanted Epitaxial and Single Crystal ZnO C. Mieszczyński, R. Ratajczak, P. Jóźwik, E. Guziewicz, A. Turos, R. Böttger, R. Heller 19th International Conference on Extended Defects in Semiconductors (Greece, Thessaloniki, 2018-06-24 - 2018- 06-29)

Investigation of the mechanical properties of ODS steels at high temperatures using nanoindentation technique E. Wyszkowska, Ł. Kurpaska, M. Frelek-Kozak, I. Jóźwik, K. Perkowski, J. Jagielski IBMM 2018 21st International Conference on Ion Beam Modification of Materials (USA, San Antonio, 2018-06-24 - 2018-06-29) Nuclear Instruments and Methods B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms (2018)

91 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


PolFEL-Free Electron Laser R. Nietubyć, J. Szewiński, K. Szamota-Leandersson, P. Czuma, P. Krawczyk XLII-nd IEEE Joint Symposium Wilga 2018 (Poland, Wilga, 2018-06-03 - 2018-06-10)

PolFEL-free Electron Laser R. Nietubyć, K. Szamota-Leandersson XII Sympozjum Techniki Laserowej STL 2018 (Poland, Jastarnia, 2018-09-25 - 2018-09-27)

Studies on transformation of magnetron sputtered and pulse electron beam meltedzirconium silicide coatings, deposited on zirconium alloy W. Starosta, M. Barlak, J. Smolik, L. Waliś, B. Sartowska XII-th International ConferenceIon implantation and other applications of ions and electrons (Poland, Kazimierz Dolny, 2018-06-18 - 2018-06-21)

Spectroscopic studies of tungsten samples exposed to intense deuterium and argon plasma streams A. Marchenko, E. Składnik-Sadowska, K. Nowakowska-Langier, D. Załoga, M.J. Sadowski, V. Makhlai International Conference-School on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion ICPPCF-2018 (Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2018-09-10 - 2018-09-13)

Anomalous electron pulse annealing in Ti implanted GaP Z. Werner, M. Barlak, P. Dłużewski, R. Heller, A. Markov, D. Proskurowsky 20th Conference of YUCOMAT 2018 (Montenegro, Herceg Novi, 2018-09-03 - 2018-09-07)

Crystallographic structure of anomalously electron pulse annealed GaP implanted with Ti M. Barlak, Z. Werner, P. Dłużewski, A. Markov, D. Proskurowsky, R. Heller 20th Conference of YUCOMAT 2018 (Montenegro, Herceg Novi, 2018-09-03 - 2018-09-07)

The effect of nitrogen ion implantation on the properties of WC-Co composites used in wood-based materials machining J. Wilkowski, M. Barlak, Z. Werner, R. Böttger, P. Konarski, M. Pisarek 20th Conference of YUCOMAT 2018 (Montenegro, Herceg Novi, 2018-09-03 - 2018-09-07)

Defect Induced Luminescence Phenomenon in Annealed ALD-ZnO Films Implanted with Different Rare Earth Ions R. Ratajczak, E. Guziewicz, S. Prucnal, T. Krajewski, W. Wozniak, G. Luka, R. Böttger, R. Heller, C. Mieszczyński, A. Turos 19th International Conference on Extended Defects in Semiconductors (Greece, Thessaloniki, 2018-06-24 - 2018- 06-29)

Impact of different Cu3N structure on properties of layers K. Nowakowska-Langier, S. Okrasa, K. Król, G. Strzelecki, R. Chodun, B. Wicher, K. Zdunek Nanosmat Conference (Poland, Gdańsk, 2018-09-10 - 2018-09-14)

The effect of a sophisticated way of rare earth co-implantation in ALD-ZnO on the luminescence efficiency R. Ratajczak, A. Turos, E. Guziewicz, C. Mieszczyński, P. Jóźwik, S. Prucnal, R. Heller, K. Kopalko, S. Kobyakov, R. Böttger 10th International Workshop on Zinc Oxide and Other Oxide Semiconductors (Poland, Warsaw, 2018-09-11 - 2018-09-14)

Synthesis of metallic layers in different electrical conditions of plasma generation G. Strzelecki, K. Nowakowska-Langier, R. Chodun, S. Okrasa, B. Wicher, K. Zdunek Nanosmat Conference (Poland, Gdańsk, 2018-09-10 - 2018-09-14)

Zgodność metod analitycznych w porównawczych pomiarach historycznych monet polskich A. Gójska, E. Miśta-Jakubowska, D. Banaś, A. Kubala-Kukuś, I. Stabrawa Analiza chemiczna w ochronie zabytków (Poland, Warszawa, 2018-12-06 - 2018-12-07)

92 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Valence band of ZnO:Yb probed by resonant photoemission spectroscopy I. Demchenko, R. Ratajczak, Y. Melikhov, P. Konstantynov, E. Guziewicz E-MRS 2018 Fall Meeting (Poland, Warsaw, 2018-09-16 - 2018-09-20) Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing (in press)

Functional properties of low energy ion-irradiated acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber A. Kosińska, J. Jagielski, U. Ostaszewska, E. Wyszkowska, M. Clozel, Ł. Kurpaska, M. Romaniec 21st International Conference on Ion Beam Modification of Materials - IBMM 2018 (USA, San Antonio, 2018-06- 24 - 2018-06-29) Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B Vol. 443 (2019) 15

System laserów optycznych do generacji elektronów w laserze na swobodnych elektronach PolFEL P. Czuma, R. Nietubyć, J. Sekutowicz, J. Szewiński XII Sympozjum Techniki Laserowej STL 2018 (Poland, Jastarnia, 2018-09-25 - 2018-09-27)


PolFEL free electron lasera R. Nietubyć Warsaw, IFPILM, NCBJ, 2018-02-20

Modern methods of increasing lifetime of cutting tools for furniture industrya M. Barlak Fojutowo, Research & Development Centre for Wood-Based Panels Sp. z o. o. in Czarna Woda, 2018-04-26

a) in Polish


Modern analytical techniques in the study of cultural heritage objectsa A. Turos Świerk-Otwock, NCBJ, 2018-01-15

Nuclear Materialsa A. Turos Warsaw, ITME, 2018-02-06

PolFEL Free Electron Lasera R. Nietubyć Warsaw, Instytut Fizyki PAN, 2018-03-06

A-Bomb race - Manhattan Project etc.a A. Turos Świerk-Otwock, NCBJ, 2018-04-16

Synchrotron Radiation - Techniques Used for Material Research.a C. Mieszczyński Warszawa, Instytut Technologii Materiałów Elektronicznych, 2018-04-17

Scanning electron microscopy: theoretical introduction and application examples in materials sciencea I. Jóźwik Otwock, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-11-16

a) in Polish

93 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


M. Barlak - Consultation of Engineering Dissertations of Konrad Ziółkowski, Filip Szkarłat and Krzysztof Ostrowski - attendants of the 3-rd course of stationary study of first degree of Faculty of Wood Technology of Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) - Agreement between SGGW and NCBJ No CIiTT/95/2016

A. Gójska - Preparing a PhD dissertation E.A. Miśta

C. Mieszczyński - Supervising an internship of Mr. Juan Peixoto Barroco Magalhaes- 4th year student at the State University of North Fluminense, Brazil (July 23th - August 31st, 2018)


A. Gójska Polish Physical Society

M. Jacniak Member of Organizing Committee on 10th International School on Nuclear Power in Warsaw, Poland

J. Jagielski Boehmische Physical Society Polish Physical Society Member of the Scientific Council

A. Kosińska Member of Organizing Committee on 10th International School on Nuclear Power in Warsaw, Poland

E. Miśta-Jakubowska Vice-President, Polish Nuclear Society - Youth Forum Member, European Nuclear Society - Young Generations (ENS YNG) Member, Women in Nuclear member, Inter-Society for Scientific Research and Protection of the World Cultural Heritage HUMANICA NCBJ representative person European Infrastructure for Heritage Study - PL Representative in the ERIHS Council

R. Nietubyć Session chairman on XLII-nd IEEE Joint Symposium Wilga 2018 in Wilga, Poland Polish Synchrotron Radiation Society

K. Nowakowska-Langier Polish Synchrotron Radiation Society (PSRS)

L. Nowicki Session chairman on Interakcja-Integracja in , Poland Session chairman on Interakcja-Integracja in Katowice, Poland

R. Ratajczak Member of Organizing Committee on 10th International Workshop on Zinc Oxide and Other Oxide Semiconductors in Warsaw, Poland

A. Turos Member of the Materials Research Society member of Boehmische Physical Society Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, member

94 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

K. Zdunek European Joint Committee on Plasma and Ion Surface Engineering (EJC PISE) Faculty of Materials Science, Warsaw University of Technology

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DEPARTMENT OF FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH Director of Department Professor Stanisław Mrówczyński

The activities of the department in 2018are presented in some detail in the sections devoted to its four Divisions: the Nuclear Physics Division (BP1), Theoretical Physics Division (BP2), High Energy Physics Division (BP3) and Astrophysics Division (BP4). Here only the three main achievements of the department in 2018 are highlighted. Observation of Higgs boson coupling to fermions of the third generation. The CMS experiment observed for the first time the Higgs boson decay into a pair of τ leptons and the production of a Higgs boson together with a top quark-antiquark pair. The observations, which were made in proton-proton collisions at a LHC, fully agree with the theoretical predictions of the Standard Model. The group of physicists from NCBJ much contributed greatly to the data analysis. Polarisation measurement of gammas from a Gamma Ray Burst by the POLAR experiment. The polarisation of gammas originating from a Gamma Ray Burst was measured for the first by the space gamma detector operating on the Chinese satellite TiangGong 2. The measurement, which was achieved by observation of double Compton scattering, shows a very small degree of polarisation which is hard to reconcile with current models of Gamma Ray Bursts. Physicists from NCBJ were responsible for a significant part of electronics and software of the detector. Proposal of the FASER experiment. A new experiment ForwArd Search ExpeRiment, or FASER, was proposed to be carried out at the Large Hadron Collider. A theorist from NCBJ was among the proponents. The objective of the experiment is to look for new physics beyond the Standard Model that could have broad implications for particle physics and cosmology, including for dark matter and baryogenesis. The FASER detector will be looking for highly- displaced decays of new light particles decaying into energetic pairs of charged particles of the Standard Model. The experiment is now fully approved by the CERN Research Board.

Stanisław Mrówczyński


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Nuclear Physics Division Head of Division Professor Zygmunt Patyk

Our scientific activities in 2018 concentrated mainly on two subjects: low energy nuclear physics and medium energy physics. The activities of the low-energy direct reactions group in 2018 resulted in a total of 7 articles, six in Phys. Rev. C and one in Eur. Phys. J. A, describing work performed in collaboration with colleagues from Poland and abroad. Two invited talks were presented at the ENSAR2 - NUSPRASEN Workshop on Nuclear Reactions and at The Third Gosia Workshop. /N. Keeley/. Employing the fast timing technique, the half-life of the 10+ excited state in the nucleus 128Cs was experimentally studied. 128Cs nuclei were produced at the Heavy Ion Laboratory of Warsaw University. The data are still being evaluated. Additionally, a new setup called EAGLE-EYE was launched at the Heavy Ion Laboratory extending the Institute’s research portfolio by rapidly developing Fast-Timing techniques. The setup was developed in cooperation with the Heavy Ion Laboratory and consists of 16 high efficiency HPGe spectrometers of the EAGLE array coupled with 24 LaBr3 detectors forming the EYE Fast-Timing detectore. 24 LaBr3 detectors of the FATIMA collaboration were used for the first time in beam measurements with theEAGLE-EYE full configuration. / V. Charviakova, T. Cap and E. Grodner./ Octupolar shapes were established experimentally in the Ba isotopes up to neutron number N = 90. To extend the systematics, the 148-150Ba isotopes have been studied via β decay at the ISOLDE Decay Station (CERN). The results were published in Phys. Rev. C 97, 024305 (2018) /V. Czarviakova, Z. Patyk/ Our efforts were still concentrated on the exclusive vector mesons (VM- rho, omega and phi) obtained in the reaction mu +p → VM+ mu' +p or simply virtual gamma* →VM. The Spin Density Matrix Elements (SDMEs) were the main aim of the data analysis. The SDME describes the spin relation between a virtual photon and the vector meson. Additional experimental data were obtained in the COMPASS COLLABORATION where we studied three kinds of vector mesons - omega, rho and phi. However, an analysis of the omega and rho (with a recoil detector). /W. Augustyniak and B. Mariański/. The group is still engaged in the large-scale international collaboration PANDA (anti Proton ANnihilations at DArmstadt) at FAIR and terminated Addendum 1 to the Tripartite Contract signed by FAIR, JU-Cracow and NCBJ administration representatives. In 2018 a Contract with JU-Cracow was signed which opened the way to fund the project. Additionally, the group bought from National Instruments the first part of the required software and devices /B. Zwieglinski, A. Trzcinski, G. Kęsik/.

Zygmunt Patyk


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______β Decay Studies of 148-150Ba Isotopes V. Charviakova, Z. Patyk

We report half-lifes measurements in 148-150Ba nuclei Details of the setup and data analysis may be found in [1-3]. The experiments were performed in Ref. [2]. collaboration with the ISOLDE group [4,5]. The octupole deformations in the Ba (Z=56) isotopes The 148-150Ba isotopes were populated by β decay of the have been recently established experimentally up to parent 148-150Cs isobars produced at ISOLDE- CERN [1] N = 90. To extend this systematics, 140-150Ba nuclei have in Uranium fission induced by 1.4 GeV been studied via β decay. [1-3]. The ISOLDE Decay Station (IDS) experimental We report in [4,5] the first measurement of the setup was equipped with positive- and negative-parity low-spin excited states of 150Ba and present an extension of the β-decay scheme of 148Cs. Employing the fast timing technique we measured + [5] half-lives for the 2 1 level in both nuclei, resulting in 148 150 T1/2 = 1.51(1) ns for Ba and T1/2 = 3.6(1) ns for Ba. The systematics of the low-spin states, together with the experimental determination of the B(E2 : 2+ → 0+) transition probabilities, indicate increasing collectivity in 148–150Ba towards prolate, deformed shapes. Transitions belonging to the decay 150Cs→150Ba were studied (Fig. 1) for the first time. Intense short-lived transitions at 101.1, 217.1, 597.4, 613.4, and 945.7 keV were associated with the internal de-excitation of 150Ba. The high statistics collected for 149Ba allowed to extend the level scheme up to 14 MeV. 30 transitions and 18 energy levels were identified for this isotope [5]. References [1] J. Catherall et al., J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 44, 094002 (2017). [2] J. Catherall et al., J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 44, 094002 (2017). [3] B. Bucher et al., Phys. Rev. Lett 116, 112503 (2016). [4] R. Lica et al., J. Phys. G: Nucl. Phys. 44, 054002 (2017). [5] R. Lica et al., Phys. Rev. C 97, 024305 (2018) [6] H. Mach et al., Phys. Rev. C 41, R2469(R) (1990).

Fig. 1. Proposed scheme for the beta decay 150Cs150Ba [5].


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______The Coulomb Modified ANC for the Second 1/2+ State in 17O: a Cautionary Tale N. Keeley1, K. W. Kemper2,3, K. Rusek3 1National Centre for Nuclear Research,Świerk, Poland 2Department of Physics, The Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA 3Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

The Asymptotic Normalization Coefficient or ANC Note that the Coulomb modified ANC depends on the [1,2] has been much in vogue over the past decade or so binding energy through both the Whittaker function in to quantify the nuclear structure information extracted the definition of the standard ANC and the argument of from direct reaction data, although the concept dates the gamma function used in the renormalisation back some fifty years to the reduced renormalisation of procedure. This suggests that for states close to Ref. [3]. However, for transfer of charged particles, threshold any uncertainty in the binding energy could particularly to states close to emission thresholds, the impact the accuracy with which the Coulomb modified ANC can become inconveniently large, so the concept ANC can be extracted from reaction data. One such of the Coulomb modified ANC was introduced [4], state in the 6.356 MeV 1/2+ state of 17O, ~ defined as: 3 keV below the α emssion threshold with a stated uncertainty of ± 8 keV [5]. In Ref. [6] we re-analysed two existing data sets probing the <17O(1/2+)|13C + α> overlap via the 13C(6Li,d)17O

and 13C(11B,7Li)17O reactions using the distorted wave where ℓ is the angular momentum of the transferred Born approximation to test the dependence of the particle (a) relative to the core nucleus (A), η = extracted Coulomb modified ANC on the binding Z Z e2μ /k the Sommerfeld parameter, k = a A aA aA aA energy. Tests were carried out increasing ε in steps of √(2μ ε) the wave number, μ the reduced mass, ε the aA aA 1 keV up to the limit of the experimental uncertainty; binding energy, Γ the gamma function and C the we did not investigate the effect of reducing ε since this standard ANC. would have led to the state becoming unbound and therefore unsuitable for the extraction of an ANC in this fashion. Figure 1 shows our results, which demonstrate a linear dependence of the ANC on ε (the lines on the figure are straight line regression fits assuming a linear dependence), with a variation of approximately a factor of 4 over the range of 8 keV. This represents an intrinsic limit on the precision with which the Coulomb modified ANC can be obtained for this state unless or until the uncertainty in the excitation energy is reduced. References [1] L.D. Blokhintsev, I. Borbely, E.I. Dolinskii, Fiz. Elem. Chastits At. Yadra 8, 1189 (1977); Sov. J. Part. Nucl. 8, 485 (1977). [2] L.D. Blokhintsev, A.M. Mukhamedzhanov, A.N. Safronov, Fiz. Elem. Chastits At. Yadra 15, 1296 (1984); Sov. J. Part. Nucl. 15, 580 (1984). [3] M. Dost, W.R. Hering, Z. Naturforsch. A 21, 1015 (1966). [4] A.M. Mukhamedzhanov, Phys. Rev. C 86, 044615 (2012). [5] D.R. Tilley, H.R. Weller, C.M. Cheves, Nucl. Phys. A 564, 1 (1993). Fig. 1. Coulomb modified ANC as a function of binding [6] N. Keeley, K.W. Kemper, R. Rusek, Eur. Phys. energy (ε) and excitation energy (Eex) for the J. A 53, 71 (2018). <17O(1/2+)|13C + α> overlap extracted from (a) 13C(6Li,d)17O and (b) 13C(11B,7Li)17O data.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Fast-Timing EAGLE-EYE Setup Launched at HIL for in-Beam Measurements E. Grodner1, M. Kowalczyk2, J. Srebrny2, T. Abraham2, M. Brunet3, T. Cap1, V. Charviakova1, S. Lalkovski4, T. Marchlewski2, S. Mianowski1, C. Mihai5, R. Mihai5, S. Pascu5, M. Rudigier3, M. Saxena2, Zh. Toneva4, A. Tucholski2, A. Turturica5 1National Centre for Nuclear Research, Świerk, Poland 2Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Poland 3Department of Physics, University of Surrey, UK 4Sofia University, Bulgaria 5IFIN-HH, Bucharest, Romania

A new setup called EAGLE-EYE has been launched at - Fast-Timing measurements in two-, three- or four- the Heavy Ion Laboratory (HIL) extending the National fold LaBr3 coincidence events, Centre for Nuclear Research’s (NCBJ) scientific - cleaning of LaBr3 energy spectra by gating on portfolio by rapidly developing Fast-Timing techniques. contaminating gammas in HPGe detector spectra, The setup has been developed in cooperation with HIL - Selection of prompt and delayed gamma quanta in and consists of 16 high efficiency HPGe spectrometers theLaBr3 spectra by using Fast-Timing and delayed-timing logic branches. of the EAGLE array coupled with 24 LaBr3 detectors forming the EYE Fast-Timing detection device. 24 LaBr3 detectors of the FATIMA collaboration were used for the first in beam measurements with the full EAGLE-EYE configuration. The fast timing logic was based on six ORTEC 935 quad CFD blocks connected with anode signals from 24 LaBr3 detectors. Three output logic signals from each of 24 CFD units were used forming three sets of 24 output signals utilised for 3 different purposes. Two sets were used for fast timing measurements within the 0-50ns limit using ORTEC TAC 566 blocks. One of the two sets was directly connected to a CEFE unit [1] in order to open appropriate gates for signals coming from Fig. 1. Schematic drawing of the EAGLE-EYE setup another set which was delayed by 15ns. The delayed with the LaBr3 arrangement forming a half-sphere signals were then redirected to three TAC units where geometry. A single triple LaBr3 detectors cluster is the signal with the lowest number was used as replaceable by a HPGe spectrometer. a common start. The remaining signals were fed into three stop TAC inputs allowing the time measurement of subsequent gamma quanta within a two-, three- or LaBr3 detectors from FATIMA, RHOSPHERE, the University of Warsaw and NCBJ were successfully used four-fold LaBr3 coincidence. The last set of 24 CFD logic output signals was used for time measurements of during recent measurements. The above properties delayed gamma quanta within the 0-500ns range with allow several experimental techniques to be applied to the help of two 16 - channel FERA modules. Such the study of isomeric decays, fast single-particle nuclear a design has enabled simultaneous fast timing and transitions or collective nuclear states. delayed timing measurements in one event. Reference The main features of the EAGLE-EYE setup for in- [1] M. Kowalczyk, Heavy Ion Laboratory Annual beam experiments are: Report 2017, page 16 (2018).

- proper identification of gamma quanta registered by the LaBr3 crystals by using additional spectra from the HPGe spectrometers,


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


Invited Talk

Doubly magic nucleus 270Hs Z. Patyk XXV Nuclear Physics Workshop Structure and dynamics of atomic nuclei, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 25-30 September 2018 (Poland, Kazimierz Dolny, 2018-09-25 - 2018-09-30)

Extracting the ANC for the 17O 6.356 MeV 1/2+ state from transfer data: a cautionary tale N. Keeley ENSAR2 - NUSPRASEN Workshop on Nuclear Reactions (Theory and Experiment) (Poland, Warsaw, 2018-01-22 - 2018-01-24)

Estimating Nuclear Effects With FRESCO N. Keeley The Third Gosia Workshop (Poland, Warsaw, 2018-04-09 - 2018-04-11)

Oral Presentation

Study of multi-nucleon transfer reactions in collisions of the 197Au+197Au system at an energy of 23A MeV. T. Cap 53rd Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics (Poland, Zakopane, 2018-08-26 - 2018-09-02)

Two-particle correlations at small relative momenta in heavy-ion collisions at 1.9A GeV V. Charviakova, K. Piasecki, T. Matulewicz XIII Workshop on Particle Correlations and Femtoscopy (Poland, Kraków, 2018-05-22 - 2018-05-26)


Determination of the atomic mass for nuclei far from the beta stability linea Z. Patyk Wydział Fizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Physics Department, Warsaw University, 2018-03-01

Habilitation Seminar of dr J. Perkowskia B. Zwięgliński Łódź, Department of Physics, University of Łódź, 2018-04-19 a) in Polish


Z. Patyk - Introduction to the nuclear physics, lecture for Phd students and reserchers, NCBJ


V. Charviakova FOPI colaboration, GSI Darmstadt. Study the characteristics of heavy ion reactions, to reconstruct the properties of the hot and dense reaction zone and investigate particle production at the SIS beam energies. ISOLDE, CERN. Experiments in the fields of nuclear and atomic physics, solid-state physics, materials science and life sciences.

N. Keeley Fellow of the Institute of Physics Council member. National Centre for Nuclear Research


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

P. Żuprański Member of the Scientific Council of the HERMES Collaboration at DESY

B. Zwięgliński Coordination Board of the PANDA Detector activities, SINS representative representative of NCBJ, National Consortium FEMTOPHYSICS


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Theoretical Physics Division Head of Division Professor NCBJ Michał Kowal, PhD DSc

The Theoretical Physics Department consists of 34 physicists (three of them on leave) and 2 PhD students working on different areas of low and high energy physics, plasma and nonlinear phenomena as well as general problems related to the quantisation of particle dynamics, astrophysics, string theory and cosmology, “new physics” models beyond the Standard Model and the dark matter problem. The results of our scientific activity in 2018 were presented in ~100 publications in total, 38 of them with less than 5 co-authors. We gave 54 talks including 30 invited lectures at international conferences and workshops. Our research effort was mainly concentrated on the following topics:  properties of heavy and superheavy nuclei;  properties of nuclear matter, nuclear collisions and exotic atoms;  phenomenology of collisions of and leptons;  dark matter;  “new physics” models beyond the Standard Model;  supersymmetric models;  theoretical cosmology;  string theory;  nonlinear effects in extended media. Collaborations with several universities and institutes have been maintained ( e.g. the Universities of Warsaw, , UMCS, Paris, Liege, and Scientific Institutes like: PAN, CERN, GANIL, GSI, JINR and RIKEN).

Michał Kowal


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Integrable Toda System as a Quantum Approximation to the Anisotropy of Mixmaster 1 2 3 2 H. Bergeron , E. Czuchry , J.P. Gazeau , P. Małkiewicz 1SMO, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France 2 National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warszawa, Poland 3APC, Université Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité, France

The Mixmaster model plays an essential role in our anisotropy excitation level limits (given by the understanding of the near-singularity dynamics of the harmonic and steep- wall approximation, Universe. The classical Hamiltonian for this model respectively), but also in the vast and unexplored in- involves an elaborate two-dimensional anisotropy between region. potential. Therefore, the quantisations of the model found in the literature often rely on one of the two approximations to the anisotropy potential: the steep- wall or the harmonic approximation. They enable us analytically to determine the respective eigenstates and eigenvalues and apply adiabatic or nonadiabatic approaches to study the quantum dynamics of the model.

Fig. 2. Contour plot of the Toda potential and a sample solution.

In our previous work we proved the discreteness of the spectrum originated by the exact Bianchi IX anisotropic potential despite its noncompact character. This result validates all implementations of approximations of the potential, which remove the Fig. 1. A sample solution to the motion of a particle in three nonconfining canyons. Moreover, it was shown the anisotropy potential. on the classical level that the canyons (referred to there as “channels”) do not contribute to the chaotic

behaviour of the mixmaster. Therefore, our procedure In Ref. [1] we developed an alternative proposal for preserves key properties of the model, specifically approximating the anisotropic part of the quantum those regarding energy levels or possible chaotic Hamiltonian with the integrable three-particle Toda behaviour. system. It approximates the three exponential walls while smoothing out the problematic canyons. This result brings additional possibilities to studies of the Reference quantum dynamics of mixmaster. The periodic three- [1] H. Bergeron, E. Czuchry, J.P. Gazeau, and body Toda system has been analysed both on the P. Małkiewicz, Phys. Rev. D 98, 083512 (2018). classical and quantum levels. Thus, we provide an analytically solvable approximation to the anisotropy potential of the Bianchi IX model, which is valid not only in the large volume and low anisotropy excitation level or in the small volume and high


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Testing Light Dark Matter at Colliders and Fixed Target Experiments L. Darmé1, S. Rao1, L. Roszkowski2,1 1National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warsaw, Poland 2AstroCeNT, Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw, Poland The nature of dark matter remains one of the greatest We have explored [1,2] a simple, self-consistent model puzzles of particle physics and cosmology. A primary for such a “dark sector” built to resemble closely what is candidate for dark matter is a new kind of elementary already known from the visible world. It contained particles that has not been discovered yet, in particular a Dirac fermion DM (a candidate for dark matter), weakly-interacting massive particles (WIMPs). They a and a dark Higgs boson. The visible and are theoretically expected to be “heavy” in the sense dark sectors communicate through a tiny mixing that they correspond to an energy range from several between the dark photon and the photon. The key 2 2 GeV/c to TeV/c . However, the lack of an finding is that such a dark matter candidate should be experimental signal has triggered a surge of interest in primarily searched for in accelerator and fixed-target exploring another possibility: dark matter could be experiments, at the so-called “high-intensity frontier” of made of “lighter” particles with mass in the range particle physics. Indeed, it turned out that more standard 2 2 from a few MeV/c to hundreds of MeV/c . limits, such as bounds from the cosmic microwave 2 Reproducing WIMP scenarios at the MeV/c scale background (CMB) observations and direct searches are requires the presence of an additional “dark sector”, naturally avoided by such a dark matter, mostly because also light but very feebly-interacting with the other most of its interactions with the visible sector are elementary particles. strongly suppressed at low velocity. We have demonstrated that some of the strongest bounds to date on such dark matter were given by nearly decades-old experiments, LSND and E137, as can be visualised in Figure 1. One of the most interesting signatures of the scenarios, and one which is typical of such light dark sectors, is the presence of long-lived particles. Such particles can travel hundreds of metres in matter before decaying into an electron-positron pair. Since the experimental scene searching for such particles is currently extremely active, the sensitivity to such a dark sector will therefore be strongly enhanced in the course of the next decade. Consequently, it is critical to accompany these experimental advances by identifying and promoting the various recasting possibilities they offer.

Fig. 1. Bounds on the forbidden regime from E137 and References LSND arising from dark Higgs boson decay (orange [1] Luc Darmé, Soumya Rao, Leszek Roszkowski, shaded regions), from visible dark photon searches and JHEP12 (2018) 014 from χ2 decay (blue shaded region). The thick black [2] Luc Darmé, Soumya Rao, Leszek Roszkowski, lines correspond to points featuring the correct relic JHEP 1803 (2018) 084 density of DM.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______FASER: ForwArD Search ExpeRiment at the LHC 1 1 1 1,2 J.L. Feng , I. Galon , F. Kling , S. Trojanowski 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Irvine, USA 2National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warsaw, Poland

New physics has traditionally been expected in the high- TeV-scale neutrino cross section measurements in pT region at high-energy collider experiments. If new FASER are analysed where there are no other particles are light and weakly-coupled, however, this experimental results. focus may be completely misguided: light particles are FASER will be targeting a number of popular new typically concentrated within a few mrad of the beam physics models. In particular, in the initial proposal [1] line, allowing sensitive searches with small detectors, the prospects for finding dark photons were carefully and even extremely weakly-coupled particles may be examined (cf. Fig. 2). More models employing light produced in large numbers there. We have proposed new physics particles have also be studied in the context a new experiment [1] at the Large Hadron Collider of FASER including, e.g., dark Higgs bosons [4], heavy (LHC), the ForwArd Search ExpeRiment, or FASER, neutral leptons [5], -like particles [6], as well as which will be placed downstream of the ATLAS many others in the recently released physics case study interaction point in the very forward region and [7]. operated concurrently there.

Fig. 1. Layout of the FASER detector to be placed in tunnel TI12 at the Large Hadron Collider. The idea has received a great deal of attention in the Fig. 2. FASER sensitivity to dark photons after the first period of data taking (10 fb-1) and after the full LHC community and within a short period of time the -1 growing FASER Colaboration has prepared a Letter of Run 3 (150 fb ). Intent [2] and Technical Proposal [3] for the References experiment. The FASER experiment has recently been [1] J.L. Feng, I. Galon, F. Kling, and fully approved by the CERN Research Board to be S. Trojanowski,Phys.Rev. D97 (2018) no.3, installed during the Long Shutdown 2 of the LHC and 035001 to start taking data during LHC Run 3 in 2021. [2] FASER Collaboration, CERN-LHCC-2018-030 The FASER detector will be looking for highly- [3] FASER Collaboration, CERN-LHCC-2018-036 displaced decays of light new physics particles into [4] J.L. FENG, I. Galon, F. Kling, and energetic pairs of charged particles from the Standard S. Trojanowski,Phys.Rev. D97 (2018) no.5, Model (e.g. electron-positron pairs). The decay products 055034 will be detected in the tracker part of the detector and [5] F. Kling, and S. Trojanowski, Phys.Rev. D97 will deposit energy in the calorimeter (see Fig. 1) (2018) no.9, 095016 Possible discovery of light and long-lived new physics [6] J.L. FENG, I. Galon, F. Kling, and particles in FASER could have broad implications for S. Trojanowski,Phys.Rev. D98 (2018) no.5, 055021 particle physics and cosmology e.g. for dark matter [7] FASER Collaboration, preprint arxiv: 1812.09139 studies and baryogenesis. In addition, prospects for (accepted in phys.rev. D)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


Invited Talk

From instantons to spontaneous fission rates W. Brodziński, P. Jachimowicz, M. Kowal, J. Skalski Spontaneous and Induced Fission of very Heavy and Super - Heavy Nuclei (Italy, Trento, 2018-04-09 - 2018-04-13)

Low Energy Antikaon-nucleon/nuclei interaction studies by AMADEUS K. Piscicchia, S. Wycech, MESON 2018 – 15th International Workshop on Meson Physics (Poland, Krakow, 2018-07-07 - 2018-07-12) EPJ Web Conf. Vol. 199 (2019) 01014

Introduction to saturation effects in proton-nucleus collisions T. Altinoluk, T. Altinoluk XXV NUCLEAR PHYSICS WORKSHOP Structure and dynamics of atomic nuclei, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 25-30 September 2018 (Poland, Kazimierz Dolny, 2018-09-25 - 2018-09-30)

Fission of odd nuclei and high-K isomers J. Skalski, W. Brodziński, P. Jachimowicz, M. Kowal XXV NUCLEAR PHYSICS WORKSHOP Structure and dynamics of atomic nuclei, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 25-30 September 2018 (Poland, Kazimierz Dolny, 2018-09-25 - 2018-09-30)

Exploring the fate of singularities with affine symmetry and coherent states P. Małkiewicz The 2nd workshop on (Poland, Warszawa, 2018-05-21 - 2018-05-25)

Dark sectors with sub-GeV dark matter L. Darme, S. Rao, L. Roszkowski The puzzle of dark matter - assembling the pieces (Germany, Hambourg, 2018-10-29 - 2018-10-31)

Unruh effect without spacetime M. Arzano, J. Kowalski-Glikman The 5th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity (Poland, Wojanów, 2018-09-24 - 2018-09-27)

Nucleon Properties and Nuclear Equation of State J. Rożynek Thirty Seventh International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (Bulgaria, Borovetz - Rila Mountans, 2018-06-25 - 2018-06-29)

Internal clock formulation of quantum mechanics P. Małkiewicz The 2nd workshop on (Poland, Warszawa, 2018-05-21 - 2018-05-25)

Asymptotic safety at large NF K. Kowalska On a safe road to quantum gravity with matter (Croatia, Hvar, 2018-09-11 - 2018-09-14)

Non-extensive Quasiparticle Description of QCD Matter J. Rożynek, G. Wilk Workshop on QCD and Diffraction Various Faces of QCD (Poland, Krakow, 2018-11-16 - 2018-11-17)

Reductions of cosmological perturbation theory via the Dirac procedure P. Małkiewicz The 5th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity (Poland, Jelenia Góra - Wojanów, 2018-09-24 - 2018-09-27)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Long-lived searches, including MATHUSLA, FASER, CODEX-b S. Trojanowski Large Hadron Collider Physics 2018 (Italy, Bologna, 2018-06-04 - 2018-06-09) An instanton-motivated approach to the spontaneous fission of odd nuclei. W. Brodziński, J. Skalski Spontaneous and Induced Fission of very Heavy and Super - Heavy Nuclei (Italy, Trento, 2018-04-09 - 2018-04-13)

FASER: ForwArd Search ExpeRiment at the LHC J.L. Feng, I. Galon, F. Kling, S. Trojanowski New Physics with Displaced Vertices (Taiwan, Province of China, Hsinchu, 2018-06-20 - 2018-06-22)

Transient effects in hydronization M. Spaliński Foundational aspects of relativistic hydrodynamics (Italy, Trento, 2018-05-07 - 2018-05-11)

Mixmaster cosmological dynamics approximated by the 3-body Toda system. E. Czuchry 11th Symposium on Integrable Systems (Poland, Warszawa, 2018-06-29 - 2018-06-30)

Universality and transient effects in N=4 SYM plasma M. Spaliński Holography and Extreme Chromodynamics (Spain, Santiago de Compostela, 2018-07-02 - 2018-07-06)

The FASER project S. Trojanowski workshop of the LHC Working Group on Forward Physics and Diffraction (Switzerland, Geneva, CERN, 2018-12-18 - 2018-12-19)

Fission hindrance of heaviest high-K isomers P. Jachimowicz, M. Kowal, J. Skalski Spontaneous and Induced Fission of very Heavy and Super - Heavy Nuclei (Italy, Trento, 2018-04-09 - 2018-04-13)

Probing parton distributions of the nucleon at the future Electron Ion Collider J. Wagner XXV Nuclear Physics Workshop Structure and dynamics of atomic nuclei, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 25-30 September 2018 (Poland, Kazimierz Dolny, 2018-09-25 - 2018-09-30)

Hindrance in fission and in alpha decay of heaviest high-K nuclear ground states and isomers P. Jachimowicz, M. Kowal, J. Skalski Nuclear Structure and Related Topics -(NSRT18) (Bulgaria, Burgas, 2018-06-03 - 2018-06-09)

Probing GPDs in new exclusive processes J. Wagner, A. Pędrak, L. Szymanowski, B. Pire Workshop on QCD and Diffraction Various Faces of QCD (Poland, Krakow, 2018-11-16 - 2018-11-17)

Hindered alpha decays of heaviest high-K isomer P. Jachimowicz, M. Kowal, J. Skalski BLTP/JINR – KLFTP/CAS Joint Workshop on Physics of Strong Interacting Systems (Russia, St. Petersburg, 2018-09-02 - 2018-09-07)

Timelike Compton Scattering and related processes J. Wagner, A. Pędrak, L. Szymanowski, B. Pire Next-generation GPD studies with exclusive meson production at EIC (USA, Stony Brook, 2018-06-04 - 2018-06-06)

Concluding remarks and outlook L. Roszkowski COSMO 2018 (Korea, Daejeon, 2018-08-27 - 2018-08-31)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Hindered alpha decays of heaviest high-K isomers P. Jachimowicz, M. Kowal, J. Skalski XXV Nuclear Physics Workshop Structure and dynamics of atomic nuclei, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 25-30 September 2018 (Poland, Kazimierz Dolny, 2018-09-25 - 2018-09-30)

Probing Generalized Parton Distributions through the photoproduction of a gamma pi pair G. Duplančić, K. Passek-Kumerički, B. Pire, L. Szymanowski, S. Wallon Diffraction and Low-x 2018 (Difflowx2018) (Italy, Regio Calabria, 2018-08-26 - 2018-09-01) Acta Phys. Pol. B (in press)

Dark matter on and off the beaten track L. Roszkowski Thematic meeting on Dark matter (Spain, Canfranc, 2018-01-07 - 0018-01-09)

Double and triple inclusive gluon production: quantum interference in pA colliisions T. Altinoluk, T. Altinoluk, N. Armesto, A. Kovner, M. Lublinsky Probing QCD at the High Energy Frontier (Italy, Trento, 2018-05-21 - 2018-05-25)

Shapes and symmetries in fission of (super)heavy nuclei P. Jachimowicz, M. Kowal, J. Skalski Shapes and Symmetries in Nuclei: from Experiment to Theory (SSNET 18 Conference) (France, Pari, 2018- 11-05 - 2018-11-09)

Intriguing feature of multiplicity distributions M. Rybczyński, G. Wilk, Z. Włodarczyk XLVIII International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD2018) (Singapore, Singapore, 2018-09- 03 - 2018-09-07) EPJ Web Conf. (in press)

Light dark sector at colliders and fixed target experiments L. Darme, S. Rao, L. Roszkowski 53rd Rencontres de Moriond 2018: QCD and High Energy Interactions (Italy, La Thuile, 2018-03-17 - 2018-03-24)

Quantum interference in pA collisions T. Altinoluk, T. Altinoluk, N. Armesto, A. Kovner, M. Lublinsky Collectivity and correlations in high energy hadron and nuclear collisions (Spain, Benasque, 2018-08-05 - 2018-08-18)

Oral Presentation

Hunting light dark sectors in sub-GeV dark matter scenarios L. Darme, S. Rao, L. Roszkowski Planck 2018 (Germany, Bonn, 2018-05-21 - 2018-05-25)

Non-equilibrium Viscous Correction and Bulk Viscosity in the Relaxation Time Approximation A. Czajka Workshop Various faces of QCD (Poland, Kraków, 2018-11-15 - 2018-11-17)

Integrable Toda system as a novel approximation to the Mixmaster E. Czuchry The 2nd workshop on Singularities of general relativity and their quantum fate (Poland, Warszawa, 2018- 05-21 - 2018-05-25)

FASER: ForwArd Search ExpeRiment J.L. Feng, I. Galon, F. Kling, S. Trojanowski COSMO 2018 (Korea, Daejeon, 2018-08-27 - 2018-08-31)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Quantum Toda-like regularisation of the Mixmaster anisotropy E. Czuchry The 32nd International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (Group32) (Czech Republic, Praga, 2018-07-09 - 2018-09-13) J Phys Conf Ser (in press)

Classification and new solutions of the Vlasov equation by means of singularity analysis P. Goldstein 60th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics (USA, Portland OR, 2018-11-05 - 2018-11-09)

Hard photoproduction of a diphoton with a large invariant mass A. Pędrak, B. Pire, L. Szymanowski, J. Wagner XXV Nuclear Physics Workshop Structure and dynamics of atomic nuclei, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 25-30 September 2018 (Poland, Kazimierz Dolny, 2018-09-25 - 2018-09-30)

Toda system as a quantum approximation to the anisotropy of Mixmaster universe E. Czuchry The 5th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity (Poland, Jelenia Góra - Wojanów, 2018-09-24 - 2018-09-27)

The Brans-Dicke cosmology with non-minimally coupled scalar field O. Hrycyna The 5th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity (Poland, Jelenia Góra - Wojanów, 2018-09-24 - 2018-09-27)

Quantum Motion Algebras and Partner Groups A. Pędrak, A. Góźdź, A.A. Gusev, S.I. Vinitsky, A. Deveikis The 32nd International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (Group32) (Czech Republic, Praga, 2018-07-09 - 2018-09-13) Journal of Physics: Conf. Series (in press)

Recasting four top quarks searches: the sgluon case L. Darme, B. Fuks, M. Goodsell (Re)interpreting the results of new physics searches at the LHC (Switzerland, Geneva, 2018-05-14 - 2018- 05-16)


Flavor of cosmology B. Lillard, M. Ratz, T.M.P. Tait, S. Trojanowski COSMO 2018 (Korea, Daejeon, 2018-08-27 - 2018-08-31)

Hard photoproduction of a diphoton with a large invariant mass A. Pędrak, B. Pire, L. Szymanowski, J. Wagner The 37th edition of the Joliot-Curie International School (France, La Grande Motte, 2018-10-07 - 2018-10- 12)

Reconstructing properties of WIMP DM L. Roszkowski, E. Sessolo, S. Trojanowski, K. Turzyński, A.J. Williams COSMO 2018 (Korea, Daejeon, 2018-08-27 - 2018-08-31)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


Soft photon and two hard jets forward production in pA collisions b T. Altinoluk Krakow, Jagiellonian University, 2018-04-09

New solutions of the Vlasov equation by singularity analysisa P. Goldstein Warsaw, Institute of Theoretical Physics Univerity of Warsaw , 2018-06-20

New Superheavy elementsa M. Kowal Warszawa, SGGW, 2018-10-09

Cosmological scenarios in Horava-Lifshitz theory of gravityb E. Czuchry Warsaw, University of Warsaw, Physics Department, 2018-10-12

Prospects for a nucleon tomographyb J. Wagner Cracow, AGH University of Science and Technology , 2018-10-26

Quantum Bose-Bose droplets at a dimensional crossoverb P. Ziń Cracow, Faculty of Physics, Jagiellonian University, 2018-11-05

Hamiltonian formalism and gauge-fixing conditions for cosmological perturbation theory b P. Małkiewicz Warsaw, University of Warsaw, 2018-11-16

Hydrodynamization and transseriesa M. Spaliński Białystok, University of Białystok, 2018-11-27

Quantum Bose-Bose droplets at a dimensionall crossoverb P. Ziń Warsaw, Center for Theoretical Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 2018-12-05

Universality and transient effects in N=4 SYM plasmab M. Spaliński Oxford, Wielka Brytania, Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, 2018-08-09

On the various aspects of relativistic inhomogeneous cosmologyb J. Ostrowski Cologne, Institute for Theoretical Physics, 2018-11-06

Equilibration, universality and transient effects in N=4 SYM plasmab M. Spaliński Utrecht, University of Utrecht, 2018-11-22

Looking forward to new physics with FASER: ForwArd Search ExpeRiment at the LHCb S. Trojanowski Lancaster, Lancaster University, 2018-11-22

Unruh effect without spacetimeb J. Kowalski-Glikman Waterloo, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, 2018-11-29

FASER: ForwArd Search ExpeRiment at the LHCb S. Trojanowski


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Sheffield, UK, University of Sheffield, 2018-12-12

From spontaneous initiation to bosonic stimulationb P. Ziń Jastarnia, Quantum Technologies IX conference, 2018-09-13

a) in Polish b) in English


Exact quantum dynamics of Bose-Fermi systems via classical field stochastic equations.b P. Ziń Warsaw, NCBJ, 2018-02-21

Asymptotic safety in the limit of large Nb K. Kowalska Warsaw, NCBJ, 2018-04-18

Hunting light dark sectors in sub-GeV dark matter scenariosb L. Darme Aachen, Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology, 2018-05-03

HYDRO for heavy-ion collisions or heavy-ion collisions for HYDRO?b A. Czajka Warsaw, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-11-28

b) in English


J. Kowalski-Glikman - 3 lectures on asymptotic symmetries of spacetime

W. Piechocki - Co-promotor of PhD studies of Nick Kwidzinski (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Cologne University, Germany)

S. Trojanowski - mentoring undergraduate student during his summer training in the research group at NCBJ


E. Czuchry Member of Organizing Committee on The 2nd workshop on Singularities of general relativity and their quantum fate in Warszawa, Poland member of Polish Society of Relativity

J. Dąbrowski Fellow of the American Physical Society Acta Physica Polonica B, Member of the International Editorial Council of Acta Physica Polonica B

P. Goldstein Polish Physical Society American Mathematical Society


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

O. Hrycyna Ordinary member, Polish Society on Relativity

E. Infeld Fellow of the Institute of Physics, London, UK fellow Journal of Technical Physics, Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Technical Physics Institute of Fundamental Technical Research, Polish Academy of Sciences M. Kowal Scientific Council

P. Małkiewicz Polish Society on Relativity

J. Mielczarek Polish Society on Relativity

W. Piechocki Session chairman on Singularities of general relativity and their quantum fate in Warszawa, Poland Member of the Polish Relativistic Society Member of the Polish Physical Society

L. Roszkowski Reports on Progress in Physics, Reports on Progress in Physics, IOP Universe, Universe, MDPI

J. Skalski member of the Scientific Council of the National Centre for Nuclear Research

A. Sobiczewski Corresponding Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences Corresponding Member of Polish Academy of Learning full member, Polish Academy of Sciences full member, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences Warsaw Scientific Society, full member Postępy Fizyki, Honorary editor of "Postępy Fizyki" (Advances in Physics) Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy, Editor: Kiev Insitute for Nuclear Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Member of the Scientific Council of the Heavy Ion Laboratory of Warsaw University Member of the Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics, JINR, Dubna (Russia) Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center Member of the Scientific Council, The Niewodniczański Institute for Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Cracow) National Center for Nuclear Research: member

M. Spaliński International Journal of Modern Physics A, Member of the Editorial Board, International Journal of Modern Physics A member

L. Szymanowski member of PANDA Theory Advisoty Group


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______High Energy Physics Division Head of Division Professor NCBJ Justyna Łagoda, PhD DSc

The Division participates in various high energy physics experiments, covering the most interesting topics in article physics, including experiments at the Large Hadron Collider, neutrino oscillations, searches for Dark Matter and accelerator experiments with fixed targets. Division employees participate in three experiments at the LHC: CMS, ALICE and LHCb. The CMS NCBJ group collaborates with Warsaw University and Warsaw University of Technology. The group continues to work on the improvement of one of the muon triggering subsystems and to perform data analysis. The main subjects of interest are decays of the Higgs boson into a pair of τ leptons, in which the significance reached currently is 5σ, and the search for heavy stable charged particles predicted by some extensions of the Standard Model, for which no signal has been found yet and only limits on the cross section could be obtained. The aim of the ALICE NCBJ group is to study the quark-gluon plasma produced in the collisions of heavy ions and small nuclear systems at high energies. Experimental data have been taken for lead-lead, xenon-xenon, proton-lead and proton-proton collisions at the CERN LHC. The NCBJ group is involved in the reconstruction of the neutral pion and ηº-meson spectra and the analysis of the prompt and thermal photon production, which allows the properties of the early stage of the interaction and the thermal properties of the plasma to be determined. The goal of the analysis of the charged particle emission carried out by the group is to infer the degree of plasma thermalisation from the imprint left on the secondary charged particles leaving the interaction region. The group also took part in the construction, maintenance and upgrade of the photon spectrometer and software development for the ALICE experiment. The LHCb experiment is dedicated to studies of heavy flavour production and the decays of particles containing the b and c quarks. The NCBJ group participates in studies on the violation of the CP and CPT symmetries in the decays of K, D, B and Bs mesons, analysis of charmed hyperons and the search for exotic hadronic states. The activity of the group also includes detector maintenance and alignment as well as software development and contribution to computing . The neutrino group is mainly involved in the T2K long-baseline experiment in Japan, which aims at a precise determination of the neutrino mixing parameters and a search for CP violation in the lepton sector by observing neutrino oscillations in a muon neutrino beam. The group activity is mostly related to analyses performed in the Near Detector, including measurements of the cross section for (anti)neutrino interactions, in particular a search for interactions of the pair of correlated nucleons, pion production by antineutrinos and strangeness production. The group is also involved in the Near Detector upgrade project for phase II of the T2K experiment and in the Hyper- Kamiokande project. Some members of the neutrino group participate in astrophysical activities at the Super-Kamiokande and KM3NeT, performing a search for Dark Matter in the former, and simulations of cosmic ray muon and neutrino production by cosmic ray showers in the latter (which is still under construction). Among the fixed-target experiments in which the Division is involved, the NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN SPS accelerator has a connection with neutrino group, as it provided the differential cross sections for hadron production in the collisions of a proton beam with carbon and the T2K replica target, which allowed the neutrino beam systematic error in the T2K experiment to be greatly suppressed. NA61/SHINE also studied the hadron production in proton-proton and π--carbon collisions. COMPASS is a CERN SPS experiment devoted to the study of the intrinsic three-dimensional and spin structure of the proton as well as hadron spectroscopy using high energy hadron and polarised muon beams scattering off polarised and unpolarised targets. Recently, the experiment has provided the first results in the intermediate range of the Bjorken scaling variable xBj on the cross section for deeply virtual Compton scattering on unpolarised protons as a function of the squared four-momentum transfer t. When combined with the results from JLab and HERMES at the valence xBj region, and with results from the ZEUS and H1 experiments at very small xBj, the COMPASS results allows us to study ‘proton tomography’, i.e. the dependence of the transverse-position distribution of quarks and gluons in the proton as a function of their longitudinal momentum.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Two experiments located outside CERN in which members of the Division participate are: KLOE, running on the DAΦNE e+e- storage ring, in which the NCBJ group looks for violation of T and CPT symmetry in neutral kaon pairs coming from the Φ meson decays; and WASA at COSY, where the NCBJ group studies rare decays of η mesons searching for possible deviations from the Standard Model. Thanks to a wide and active involvement in international experiments, in 2018 members of the Division were (co-)authors of 274 peer-reviewed publications.

Justyna Łagoda


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Search for CP, CPT Symmetry Violation and Exotic Hadrons at LHCb Experiment D. Melnychuk

The LHCb detector at the LHC accelerator in CERN is phase ϕs, which is predicted with very high accuracy. 0 a single arm spectrometer which has been designed for The phase ϕs, is tested in the decays B s → J/ψϕ, CP violation measurements and the search for rare where the meson J/ψ decays into two electrons, and decays. However, due to the exceptional detector the meson ϕ decays into two kaons. The most precise properties such as precise tracking and displaced vertex measurement is performed by LHCb in the same resolution and excellent performance of the PID reaction with J/ψ decays into two muons and the detectors, its experimental programme has been current analysis gives additional 12% to the total extended to cover a much wider physics programme statistics. including the search for possible CPT violation and The group also performed a search for possible CPT hadron spectroscopy. Several topics of this physics symmetry violation with neutral flavour mesons. programme are covered in the analyses of the Warsaw Violation of CPT is usually studied in the framework LHCb group. of the Standard Model Extension and any deviation In the Standard Model (SM) CP violation originates from CPT symmetry would be an indication of from the single irreducible complex phase in the physics beyond the Standard Model. The search for Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix and all the CPT symmetry violation is performed in the decays of measurements of CP violation in particle decays are D mesons and semileptionic decays of B mesons. consistent with this explanation. Nevertheless, the Hadron spectroscopy studies performed by the group degree of CP violation permitted in the SM is are concentrated on the search for exotic hadrons i.e. inconsistent with the macroscopic matter-antimatter states different from conventional mesons and asymmetry observed in the universe, motivating further baryons. Two analyses have been performed, namely studies and searches for non-SM sources of CP confirmation of the exotic states Z+(4050) and violation. Z+(4250) observed by the Belle experiment in the + + - + The Warsaw LHCb group performed an analysis of CP decay of B → χc1π π K and possible interpretation + symmetry breaking in the decays of charged baryons Ξ c of excited Ωc as pentaquarks. → pK-The expected value of CP violation in the In addition, the Warsaw LHCb group participates in charm sector is below 10-3, however, the possible -2 technical and service tasks for the needs of the LHCb contribution of new physics could enhance it up to 10 , experiment such as development of DIRAC, which makes it a perfect candidate for the search for a general-purpose Interware software for distributed new physics. The search for CP violation in multi-body computing systems and technical service and decay gives hope for observation of local CP development of a T2-level Grid node for data asymmetries around the resonance states. production. Another test of CP violation consistency with the Standard Model prediction is the measurement of the


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Dark Matter Searches and Neutrino Astrophysics at Super-Kamiokande and KM3NeT P. Mijakowski

Astrophysical activities within the neutrino group at 2018 we started a sensitivity analysis towards detection NCBJ revolve around the experimental programme at of DM-induced from the galactic center for Super-Kamiokande (Kamioka Mine, Japan) and the KM3NeT ORCA detector. KM3NeT (the Mediterranean Sea) neutrino telescopes. We are involved in educational outreach and the The first detector has been in operation since 1996, the popularization of science. Katarzyna Frankiewicz is one latter is currently under construction in two locations, the leaders of an international programme for the near the coast of Capo Passero (Sicily, Italy) and Toulon development of portable and affordable cosmic ray in France. muon detectors for schools and education The group is led by dr Piotr Mijakowski (PM) and in ( These activities are 2018 consisted of 2 PhD students: Piotr Kalaczyński, led in collaboration with MIT and in 2018 were Katarzyna Frankiewicz; 2 Post-Docs: Rafał highlighted throughout several educational activities Wojaczyński, Meghna Kunhikannan Kannichankandy; and publications [2]. and 1 M.Sc. student: Jerzy Mańczak, from the On September 19-21, 2018 we organized the “European Department of Physics, Warsaw University. Workshop on Water Cherenkov Precision Detectors for Katarzyna Frankiewicz defended her PhD in September Neutrino and Nucleon Decay Physics” in the series of 2018 with a thesis entitled “Indirect Search for Dark international conference meetings entitled TMEX – Matter with the Super-Kamiokande Detector”. This Theory Meeting Experiment. The edition in 2018 was work was supervised by PM and professor Ewa Rondio. fully dedicated to neutrino physics within the scope of The thesis was awarded a distinction by the Scientific our activities, gathered around 50 participants and Council of NCBJ. Jerzy Mańczak also graduated in consisted of 35 invited and contributed plenary talks by September 2018. His M.Sc. thesis was supervised by international experts in the field. PM and entitled “Sensitivity study for Glashow Our activities in 2018 were supported by the National Resonance detection at KM3NeT”. The results of the Science Centre, Poland: (1) SONATA-BIS grant above analyses were in cases approved by the 2015/18/E/ST2/00758 (P.Mijakowski, 2016-2020); (2) corresponding international collaborations. PRELUDIUM grant 2015/17/N/ST2/04064 Our group at Super-Kamiokande (SK) is responsible for (K.Frankiewicz, 2016-2018); (3) the European Union indirect searches for dark matter (DM) particles. We are H2020 MSCA-RISE-GA641540-SKPLUS grant looking for a potential excess of DM-induced neutrinos (P.Mijakowski, 2014-2018) and its corresponding related to the center of the Galaxy or coming from the supplements: (4) Premia na Horyzont Earth’s core with respect to the background level of (328780/PnH/2016) and (5) Projekt Międzynarodowy atmospheric neutrinos. The latter analysis was the main Współfinansowany (W55/H2020/2018) provided by the subject of the PhD thesis of K. Frankiewicz. Results Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland. obtained in our analyses yield the most stringent limits References to date for the presence of DM particle masses below [1] P.Mijakowski: ”Dark Matter Searches at Super- ~100 GeV as compared to other neutrino experiments. Kamiokande”, 53rd Rencontres de Moriond 2018: In 2018, we presented these results at international Cosmology, La Thuile, Italy, 2018/03/17-24 & Dark conferences [1]. Ghosts - 2nd GNN Workshop on Indirect Dark Matter Searches with Neutrino Telescopes, Brussels, During the summer, five people from our group Belgium, 2018/11/13-14 & TMEX-2018-WPC: participated in a large campaign related to the upgrading European Workshop on Water Cherenkov Precision and renovation of the Super-Kamiokande detector. In Detectors for Neutrino and Proton Decay Physics, total we have fulfilled 3 months FTE as service work to Warsaw, Poland, 2018/09/19-21 the detector. [2] S.N.Axani, K.Frankiewicz, J.M.Conrad, “The CosmicWatch Desktop Muon Detector: a self- KM3NeT is currently in its construction phase with two contained, pocket sized particle detector”, JINST 13 detectors: ARCA (in Italy) and ORCA (in France). In (2018) no.03, P03019; presentation and balloon flight this project we are responsible for simulations of cosmic at Near Space Conference Toruń, 2018/09/22/; ray muon and neutrino production by cosmic ray NCBJ program: “Detectors for Schools”; training showers. This work aims at background estimation in program for academic sector at Wisconsin IceCube the search for neutrinos of cosmic origin and involves Particle Astrophysics Center, Madison, USA; comparison with the first data for cosmic ray muons participation in program “Far Horizons” at Adler registered at a sea depth of 2450-3500 m. Moreover, in Planetarium Chicago, USA.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Rare Decays of the η Meson at the WASA Detector D. Pszczel, M. Berłowski, J. Stepaniak

We present an attempt to search for physics beyond the Standard Model that led to the setting of an upper limit on the coupling between the photon and a hypothetical massive dark boson U. The gauge boson U, with mass MU, can couple to the SM through the kinetic small mixing term in the Lagrangian: μν Lmix = ½ ε F QED Fμν DARK

We describe the extraction procedure of the η meson transition form factor, based on a sample of around 108 η mesons. We also provide an estimate of the branching Fig. 2. Upper limit (90% C.L.) on the dark photon – ratio upper limit for the very rare η → e+e- decay. photon coupling parameter squared, ε2 , as a function of its mass. The data sample used was collected by the WASA-at- COSY collaboration in proton-proton collisions at In addition, we extracted the η transition form factor 1.4 GeV beam kinetic energy. The experiment took which is a function of the inner quark and gluon place at Forschungzentrum Juelich in Germany at the structure of the meson. The transition form factor was COSY storage ring. An internal proton beam interacted obtained by comparing (dividing) the experimental with a pellet target of frozen hydrogen. Both charged spectrum of e+e- invariant mass from the η Dalitz decay and neutral particles were observed and measured in the with the theoretical pure QED distribution (see Fig. 3). WASA set-up. The η meson was tagged by the missing mass of two protons observed in the forward part of the WASA detector. We constrained the data sample with a set of selection criteria in order to extract the η→e+e-γ event candidates. This is a rare electromagnetic decay of the η meson. The resulting set of events served as the basis for further analysis. Fig. 3. Extracted η meson transition form factor compared with the result of MAMI (CB/TABS), pure QED and the Vector Meson Dominance theoretical model. Black points correspond to experimental data. 2 2 They are fitted by the following function:1/(1-mee /Λ ), where Λ is the slope parameter of the form factor. The best value for the fit parameter Λ-2 is equal to 1.97 +0.13sys -2 ± 0.29stat -0.23sys GeV . + - Fig. 1. Distribution of the invariant mass of the e e pair A search for other very rare SM η decay channels for selected data and Monte Carlo simulations of the η→e+e- and η→π0e+e- was also performed. The 90% signal and three main background channels. Black limit on the branching fraction for the former is 4.14 ∙ points are experimental data. 10-6. The BR limit from this experiment for the latter, The signature of a hypothetical massive dark boson η→π0e+e-, was not better than that observed previously (photon) decaying into an e+e- pair would appear as a by the WASA-at-COSY collaboration from proton- narrow peak in the e+e- invariant mass spectrum, deuteron interactions (see Ref. 2). smeared by detector resolution and reconstruction References features, superimposed on the theoretical distribution [1] Dielectron pairs from h meson decays at WASA for the η→e+e-γ channel. We scan the e+e- invariant detector, D.Pszczel, MESON2018 Conference, mass spectrum; for each bin (equivalent to MU), the Kraków probability of non-SM events depends on the branching [2] Search for C violation in the η→π0e+e- decay with + - ratio of η→U(→e e )γ, thus ε. No statistically WASA-at-COSY, Phys. Lett. B 784 (2018) 378-384 significant peak is observed, therefore we can set an [3] Search for a new light boson in meson decays, upper limit on the branching ratio for a hypothetical Damian Pszczel PhD thesis NCBJ and UU (2018) η→Uγ decay and thus for ε (see Fig. 2).


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Border and Skewness Functions from a Leading Order Fit to DVCS Data H. Moutarde1, P. Sznajder2, J. Wagner2 1 IRFU, CEA, Universite Paris-Saclay, France 2 National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warsaw, Poland

Hard exclusive leptoproduction on nucleons has played Form Factors (CFFs), which are Deeply Virtual an important role in studies of hadron structure and Compton Scattering (DVCS) sub-amplitudes, at the gained renewed interest as it allows us to access the leading order and leading twist accuracy. We constrain Generalised Parton Distributions (GPDs). GPDs provide a restricted number of free parameters of the new a novel and comprehensive description of nucleon parameterisations in a global CFF analysis of almost all structure in terms of quarks and gluons, and contain existing proton DVCS measurements. The fit is a wealth of new information. In particular, GPDs give performed within the PARTONS framework, this being a description of the nucleon as an extended object, the modern tool for generic GPD studies. A distinctive referred to as three-dimensional nucleon tomography, feature of this CFF fit is a careful propagation of and give access to the orbital angular momentum of the uncertainties based on the replica method. quarks, which in the future may help to solve the so- The fit results genuinely permit nucleon tomography called nucleon spin crisis. and may give some insight into the distribution of forces In our recent work we propose new parameterisations acting on partons. As a flavour of the results obtained for the functions appearing in the description of the 3D we show Fig. 1, where a spatial distribution of up nucleon structure in the language of GPDs. These quarks is shown as a function of the longitudinal parameterisations are constructed in such a way as to momentum carried by those partons. fulfill the basic properties of GPDs, like their reduction Reference to Parton Density Functions and Elastic Form Factors. [1] H. Moutarde, P. Sznajder, J. Wagner, Eur. Phys. They also rely on the power behaviour of GPDs in the J. C78 (2018), 890. x→1 limit and the propounded analyticity property of the Mellin moments of GPDs. We evaluate Compton

Fig. 1. Spatial distribution of up quarks inside an unpolarized proton as a function of longitudinal momentum carried by those quarks.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______The CMS Experiment in 2018 H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, O. Shkola, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski

The year 2018 was the last before the planned shutdown of the LHC accelerator for the following two years. During this year the combined integrated luminosity for proton-proton running was about 63 fb-1, compared to 45 fb-1 obtained in 2017. During the final month of running data were taken for lead-lead collisions with 1700 μb-1. The Warsaw CMS group, consisting of about 20 members from NCBJ, Warsaw University and Warsaw Technical University, worked on improving one of muon triggering subsystems – the so-called OMTF (Overlap Muon Track Finder) operating in the barrel- endcap region and using data from all the CMS muon detectors – Drift Tubes, Cathode Strip Chambers and Resistive Plate Chambers. Work included studies for the high luminosity upgrade of the LHC foreseen for 2025. Data analysis was devoted to two subjects: Higgs boson decays into a pair of τ leptons and the search for long- + - lived charged particles. The results already obtained in Fig. 1. The p-values for observed H→ τ τ decay. The the previous year were published in Physics Letters B in calculations were performed for a Higgs boson mass of February. The participation of the Warsaw CMS group 125.09 GeV. was concentrated on the reconstruction and The results obtained are presented in Fig. 1 and show identification of τ leptons. This decay channel of the that the presence of the H→ τ+ τ- decay is established at Higgs boson is much more difficult to observe since the level of about five standard deviations with the neutrinos originating from the τ lepton decay escape probability that the observed effect is due to statistical detection. fluctuation being less than one in a million. The agreement with the theoretical prediction is very good. The group also continued work on the search for Heavy Stable Charged Particles (HSCP) but the results obtained from the last data taking period are still in the preliminary stage.

Neutrino Physics in the T2K Experiment J. Zalipska, G. Żarnecki, J. Łagoda

The Warsaw Neutrino Group is an active participant in neutrinos is introduced due to matter effects, but their the T2K experiment. T2K is a long baseline neutrino impact is much smaller than for maximum CPV. oscillation experiment, the main goal of which is the T2K probes the already mentioned oscillation mode precise measurement of neutrino oscillation parameters ν →ν and compares it to similar oscillations in an [1]. μ e antineutrino beam, looking for ͞νμ→͞νe transitions. The neutrino mixing matrix is parametrised by three Recently, a sample of 1.49·1021 POT of neutrino data mixing angles and the CP violation (CPV) phase δCP. was analyzed together with antineutrino data with The latter parameter is crucial for studying the accumulated statistics of 1.63·1021 POT. The predicted difference between neutrino and anti-neutrino number of charged current quasi-elastic (CCQE) νe oscillations. For δCP = 0 or π, the probability νμ→νe events is 62.2 and 62.7 for CP conserving values of δCP oscillation in vacuum is the same as for ν͞ μ→ ͞νe, while of 0 and π, respectively, while the prediction for the for δCP = ± π/2 (maximum CPV) the relative difference number of νe induced events for δCP = -0.5 is 74.4. This of these probabilities is up to 27% for the T2K baseline. can be compared with the measured value of 75 CCQE In fact, some asymmetry between neutrinos and anti- events induced by νe oscillated from νμ. On the other


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______hand, when the antineutrino beam results are taken into MPPCs. It will provide a 2-ton active target oriented account the predicted number of events is 19.4 and 19.3 horizontally and interleaved with two horizontal TPCs for δCP = 0 and π, respectively. For the case of a CP [4]. Together with the current tracker setup of 2 vertical violating value of δCP = -0.5π the number of expected detectors, FGD, and 3 TPCs it will provide events is 17.1 which can be compared to 15 observed ͞νe 4π coverage for detection of muons coming out of the events for the antineutrino beam. To conclude, more νe CC neutrino interactions in the detector. Additionally, appearance and less ͞νe appearance events are observed thanks to its fine segmentation it will lower the energy than expected for δCP values of 0 and π. These results threshold for detection of pions and protons. This will can be expressed as allowed regions of the oscillation help with some cross-section measurements of neutrino parameter δCP as shown in Fig.1. Summarizing, the ±2σ interactions, such as the search for the interaction on the intervals allow for δCP between [-2.97, -0.63] rad for correlated nucleon pairs. The prototypes of the new Normal Hierarchy and [-1.80, -0.98] rad for Inverted horizontal TPCs and SuperFGD have been built and Hierarchy. This excludes the CP conserving values of tested using the CERN particle beam during summer

δCP at the 2 level so far. 2018. We participated in the tests and currently the students working within our group are involved in the analysis of the beam tests data preparing their Master’s theses (Fig. 2).

Fig. 1. Allowed 2region of δCP for Normal and Inverted Hierarchy derived with the Feldman-Cousins method using T2K and reactor data. In the near future T2K will enter a new phase of the Fig. 2. The prototype of the SuperFGD with the team experiment – T2K-II. In this phase of the experiment we working on the beam test in summer 2018 at CERN. are planning to accumulate 20x1021 POT by the year The last upgrade is related to the Super-Kamiokande far 2028 and we may reach 3σ sensitivity to exclude δ = 0 CP detector for which the plan is to add Gadolinium (0.02% and π. However, to obtain these results an upgrade of all of Gd (SO ) ) to the water tank by 2020. Since the experimental parts is planned: a beam line upgrade, 2 4 3 Gadolinium can capture thermal neutrons providing near detector upgrade and doping the far detector Super- delayed gamma signals, it can help to discriminate Kamiokande with Gadolinium [2,3]. interactions of νμ and and ͞νμ. The Super-Kamiokande The beam line upgrade will reduce the repetition rate tank was drained and opened in summer 2018 in order from 2.48s to 1.16s, more protons per pulse (up to to perform cleaning of the detector, water sealing, tank 3.2x1014) will be produced and the horn current will piping and replacement of dead photomultiplier tubes. reach 320kA to improve beam focusing. Consequently Many people from the Polish Neutrino Group including the beam power is expected to reach 1.3MW. employees and PhD students from NCBJ participated in this work. At this moment the detector is already filled The current systematic uncertainty related to the with water and taking data. precision of the event rate prediction in the far detector is of the order of 6%, but to reach 3σ sensitivity to CPV it needs to be reduced. This can be obtained by reducing References the systematic errors related to the near detector [1] K. Abe et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. A659, 106, 2011. measurements down to 4%. [2] K. Abe et al., arXiv: 1609.04111 [hep-ex]. [3] K. Abe et al., arXiv: 1607.08004 [hep-ex]. For that purpose a new scintillator target detector is [4] K. Abe et al., arXiv: 1901.03750 [physics.ins-det], 3 proposed, SuperFGD. It will be built from 1x1x1cm CERN-SPSC-2019-001. cubes of scintillator read out by 3 WSL fibers and


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______



Posibilities to deploy high temperature nuclear reactors in Poland G. Wrochna, ... , S. Potempski, ... et al. Ministry of Energy

NC2I Vision Paper V. Chauvet, M. Fuetterer, D. Hittner, T. Jackowski, Z. Nowak, H. Tuomisto, G. Wrochna NC2I, Paris


Invited Talk

Deeply Virtual Meson Production in muon scattering A. Sandacz Next-generation GPD studies with exclusive meson production at EIC (USA, Stony Brook, 2018-06-04 - 2018-06- 06)

Dark Matter Searches at Super-Kamiokande P. Mijakowski Dark Ghosts - 2nd GNN Workshop on Indirect Dark Matter Searches with Neutrino Telescopes (Belgium, Brussels, 2018-11-13 - 2018-11-14)

Probing symmetries of Nature with quantum phenomena W. Krzemień New Quantum Horizons: From Foundations To Biology (Italy, Frascati, 2018-11-15 - 2018-11-16)

Recent results from COMPASS on the GPD program A. Sandacz QCD@Work 2018 - International Workshop on QCD Theory and Experiment (Italy, Matera, 2018-06-25 - 2018-06- 28) EPJ Web Conf. Vol. 192 (2018) 00012

Dark matter searches at Super-Kamiokande P. Mijakowski 53rd Rencontres de Moriond 2018: Cosmology (Italy, La Thuile, 2018-03-17 - 2018-03-24) 53rd Rencontres de Moriond No. (2019)

Message Queues@DIRAC W. Krzemień 8th Dirac workshop (France, Lyon, 2018-08-21 - 2018-08-25)

Current and future neutrino experiments J. Łagoda XXIV Cracow Epiphany Conference on Advances in Heavy Flavour Physics (Poland, Kraków, 2018-01-09 - 2018- 01-12) Acta Phys. Pol. B Proc. Suppl. Vol. 49 (2018) 1213

Pilots (3.0) W. Krzemień, A. McNab, F. Stagni 8th Dirac workshop (France, Lyon, 2018-08-21 - 2018-08-25)

On the calculation of efficiency (MC correction factor) uncertainties J. Stepaniak NA61/SHINE Collaboration Meeting at CERN (Switzerland, Genewa, 2018-09-10 - 2018-09-14)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

EFT same-sign WW studies M. Szleper 2nd Annual VBSCan Meeting (Greece, Thessaloniki, 2018-06-19 - 2018-06-21)

Searches for long-lived particles with CMS detector M. Kazana ICISE2018: 25th Rencontres du Vietnam - Windows on the Universe (Vietnam, Qui Nhơn, 2018-08-05 - 2018-08- 11)

SUSY at CMS M. Kazana QCD 18: 21st International Conference in Quantum Chromodynamics (France, Montpellier, 2018-07-02 - 2018-07- 06)

Co-Generation a game changer in build plans for Poland, Europe & the World? G. Wrochna Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology AMNT2018 (Germany, Berlin, 2018-05-29 - 2018-05-30)

Extracting GPDs from DVCS data: Border and skewness functions at LO P. Sznajder Getting to Grips with QCD - Summer Edition (Croatia, Primosten, 2018-09-18 - 2018-09-22)

Poland\'s roadmap for High Temperature Reactor deployment G. Wrochna 4th Symposium of the Generation IV International Forum (France, Paris, 2018-10-16 - 2018-10-17)

Heavy Quarks in Turbulent QGP St. Mrówczyński Strong and Electroweak Matter Conference (Spain, Barcelona, 2018-06-25 - 2018-06-29)

Transport of Heavy Quarks across Glasma St. Mrówczyński International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions (France, Aix- les-Bains, 2018-10-01 - 2018-10-06)

Exptics and BSM in ATLAS and CMS (non DM searches) P. Zalewski Corfu Summer Institute 2018: Workshop on the Sntandard Model and Beyond (Greece, Corfu, 2018-09-01 - 2018- 09-08)

Cosmic Watch: a self-contained, pocket sizedparticle detector K. Frankiewicz Advanced Workshop on Technology for Sustainable Development: Low-Cost Tools to support Scientific Education (Italy, Trieste, 2018-09-17 - 2018-09-21)

Production of light nuclei in relativistic heavy-ion collisions St. Mrówczyński Workshop `Light up 2018 (Switzerland, Geneva, CERN, 2018-06-14 - 2018-06-16)

KLOE-2 results and perspectives on hadron physics M. Berłowski Ninth International Workshop on Chiral Dynamics 2018 (USA, Durham, 2018-09-17 - 2018-09-21) Proceedings of Science (2019)

Transport of Heavy Quarks across Glasma St. Mrówczyński Workshop Various faces of QCD (Poland, Kraków, 2018-11-15 - 2018-11-17)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Baryonic and mesonic resonances at LHCb D. Melnychuk XIII Workshop on Particle Correlations and Femtoscopy (Poland, Kraków, 2018-05-22 - 2018-05-26)

Search for dark matter induced neutrinos with the Super-Kamiokande detector K. Frankiewicz 14th Patras Workshop on , WIMPs and WISPs (Germany, Hamburg, 2018-06-18 - 2018-06-22)

Neutrinos - experimental status and prospects - 3 flavour oscillations E. Rondio 18-th Hellenic workshop on elementary particle physicsand gravity - EISA (Greece, Corfu, 2018-08-31 - 2018-09- 09)

Dark matter searches with the Super-Kamiokande detector P. Mijakowski TMEX2018- WPC: European Workshop on Water Cherenkov Precision Detectors for Neutrino and Proton Decay Physics (Poland, Warsaw, 2018-09-19 - 2018-09-21)

Overview of the J-PET analysis and simulation software W. Krzemień 3rd Symposium on Positron Emission Tomography and 1st Symposium on Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (Poland, Kraków, 2018-09-10 - 2018-09-15)

Oral Presentation

Dielectron pairs from η meson decays at WASA detector J. Stepaniak, D. Pszczel 15th International Workshop on Meson Physics (Poland, Kraków, 2018-06-07 - 2018-06-12) EPJ Web Conf. (2018)

GATE Monte Carlo simulations for plastic scintillator based PET detector development: application in diagnostic imaging and proton therapy range monitoring A. Rucinski, W. Krzemień, P. Kowalski GATE User’s Meeting - workshop in frame of IEEE NSS-MIC 2018 conference (Australia, Sydney, 2018-11-10 - 2018-11-17)

Actions towards HTGR deployment in Poland A. Budzyńska-Sieczkowska, G. Wrochna HTR2018 9th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology (Poland, Warszawa, 2018- 10-08 - 2018-10-10) NCBJ, Warszawa No. (2018)

Implementation and validation of clinical proton beam model in GATE and GPU-accelerated MC code Fred for quality assurance and detector development applications A. Ruciński, W. Krzemień The Geant4 2018 3rd International User Conference at the Physics - Medicine - Biology (France, Bordeaux, 2018- 10-29 - 2018-10-31)

CMS Higgs results M. Bluj 53rd Rencontres de Moriond 2018: QCD and High Energy Interactions (Italy, La Thuile, 2018-03-17 - 2018-03-24) ARISF No. (2018) p. 3

Off-line QA - experience and documentation D. Pszczel NA61/SHINE Collaboration Meeting at CERN (Switzerland, Genewa, 2018-09-10 - 2018-09-14)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Towards HTGR Deployment in Poland G. Wrochna Nuclear Days 2018 (Czech Republic, Prague, 2018-04-11 - 2018-04-12)

CosmicWatch - particle detector you can build yourself A. Budzianowski, K. Frankiewicz, A. Bigos, B. Maksiak, S.N. Axani Near Space Conference 2018 - Poland (Poland, Toruń, 2018-09-22 - 2018-09-22)


The upgrade project of the T2K near detector J. Łagoda, M. Zito XXVIII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (Germany, Heidelberg, 2018-06-04 - 2018- 06-09) platforma Zenodo No. (2018)

Addressing Scalability with Message Queues:Architecture and Use Cases for DIRAC Interware W. Krzemień, F. Stagni, Ch. Haen, Z. Mathe, A. McNab, M. Zdybał CHEP2018 (Bulgaria, Sofia, 2018-09-09 - 2018-07-13)

Search for neutrinos from dark matter annihilation in theEarth core with the Super-Kamiokande detector K. Frankiewicz XXVIII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (Germany, Heidelberg, 2018-06-04 - 2018- 06-09)


Charged-current muon neutrino cross-section measurements in the near detector of the T2K experiment.b J. Zalipska Warsaw, University of Warsaw, 2018-03-09

Test of Lepton Flavour Universality at LHCbb W. Krzemień Warszawa, Warsaw University, 2018-03-23

Neutrino Properties Determined in Oscillation Experimentsb E. Rondio Wrocław, IFT Uniwersytet Wrocłąwski, 2018-03-23

Dark Matter Searches at Super-Kamiokandeb P. Mijakowski Warsaw, Warsaw University, 2018-05-25

Production of light nuclei in relativistic heavy-ion collisionsb St. Mrówczyński Kielce, Institute of Physics of Jan Kochanowski University, 2018-06-06

Recent news on neutrinos– a report from NEUTRINO 2018b J. Łagoda Warsaw, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, 2018-10-05

PARTONS project to study Generalized Partons Distributionsb P. Sznajder Newport News, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, 2018-06-13

Extracting GPDs from DVCS data: Border and skewness functions at LOb P. Sznajder Newport News, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, 2018-08-20


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

CORSIKA simulation chain overview at KM3NeTb P. Mijakowski Bologna, INFN, 2018-09-13

PARTONS project to study Generalized Partons Distributionsb P. Sznajder Newport News, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, 2018-10-05

GPD phenomenology:towards the extraction of nucleon tomography andenergy-momentum form factorsb P. Sznajder Geneva, CERN, 2018-11-14

b) in English


The CMS experiment at LHC in 2017; Observation of the Higgs boson decay to a pair of tau leptonsa M. Bluj Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-01-09

CosmicWatch projecta K. Frankiewicz Otwock Świerk, NCBJ, 2018-01-10

Update on HSCP Searchb M. Kazana Geneve, CERN, 2018-01-23

Update on HSCP Searchb M. Kazana Geneve, CERN, 2018-03-29

Update on HSCP Searchb M. Kazana Geneve, CERN, 2018-04-05

Overview of the latest LHCb resultsb D. Melnychuk Warsaw, University of Warsaw, 2018-04-13

Recent Higgs measurements and other selected topics from the Rencontres de Moriond/QCD 2018b M. Bluj Warsaw, University of Warsaw, 2018-04-20

Nuclear Energy in Poland - facts and mythsa G. Wrochna Warsaw, Heavy Ion Laboratory, 2018-04-26

Dark Matter Searches at Super-Kamiokandeb P. Mijakowski Warsaw, NCBJ, 2018-06-12

Dynamic vs fixed strip (pi0) reconstruction for Phase-2 at =200b M. Bluj Geneva, CERN, 2018-07-30


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Validation of DNN-based tau-Idb M. Bluj Geneva, CERN, 2018-10-08

Performance with various choice of tau decay modes & different anti-e discriminantsb M. Bluj Geneva, CERN, 2018-10-29

Progresses towards DNN-based Tau-Id discriminantsb M. Bluj Geneva, CERN, 2018-11-16

a) in Polish b) in English


M. Bluj - Auxiliary supervisor of Ph.D. thesis of Michał Olszewski, a doctoral student at Physics Department of University of Warsaw

K. Frankiewicz - Co-leading summer internship for high school students organized by Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center (WIPAC), Madison, WI Project: CosmicWatch

K. Frankiewicz - Leading workshop during ALPhA’s 2018 Laboratory Immersions, projekt: CosmicWatch Muon Detectors, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI

K. Frankiewicz - Workshop for teachers about educational project: CosmicWatch muon detectors.

W. Krzemień - Currently supervising 6 students in total

W. Krzemień - Lectures for NCBJ PhD students "Selected topics in Data Science and Machine Learning"

W. Krzemień - The Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomography detector is suitable to perform discrete symmetry tests in positronium decays. The main aim of this thesis is to estimate the capability of the J-PET detector with respect to various positronium decay channels by means of Monte Carlo simulations.Physics models of para- and ortho-positronia decays to 2, 3, 4 and 5 photons together with the de-excitation gamma were implemented and corresponding simulations was performed. Two different geometrical configurations were taken into account: a three-layer setup corresponding to the current operating prototype and an upgraded version of a four-layer prototype.The obtained detection efficiency was used to determine preliminary experimental sensitivity estimates for several processes. The performed feasibility studies show that the J-PET detector can provide results competitive to the currently established experimental upper limits.

J. Łagoda - Grzegorz Żarnecki

B. Maksiak - Student internship supervision for a student from Faculty of Physics, WUT. Internship period: 20.08- 14.09.2018

P. Mijakowski - Supervisor on doctoral studies of Katarzyna Frankiewicz. Her dissertation entitled "Indirect Search for Dark Matter with the Super-Kamiokande Detector" was defended in September 2018 and reported independently for distinction by both reviewers.

P. Mijakowski - Together with Dr. Magdelena Macieała-Zezula (UW), the promoter of the master's thesis of Mr. Jerzy Mańczak entitled "Sensitivity study for the Glashow Resonance detection at KM3NeT" carried out at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw. The theis was graded with 5 (very good). Mr. Jerzy Mańczak during the preparation of the thesis was receiving a MSc scholarship related to the SONATA-BIS grant, of which I am the coordinator.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

E. Rondio - Katarzyna Frankiewicz - PhD thesis "Indirect Searches for Dark Matter with the Super-Kamiokande Detector"

E. Rondio - PhD student - Piotr Kalczyński

A. Sandacz - Supervision of master degree student Piotr Orpel from Physics Faculty of Warsaw University of Technology. The thesis was defended on October 22, 2018. The subject of the thesis is the analysis of experimental data from COMPASS experiment at CERN.

A. Sandacz - Supervision of the Ph.D. student Anatolii Koval, who participates in the Graduate Studies program at NCBJ since October 1, 2018. The subject of his studies is the analysis of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) based on the data collected by experiment COMPASS.

T. Siemiarczuk - PhD supervision: graduate student: Oleksandr Kovalenko title of PhD Thesis: Measurement of pi-zero and eta-zero mesons in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV with ALICE Photon Spectrometer at CERN Large Hadron Collider; graduate student: Rahul Nair; title of PhD Thesis: A study of the imprints of thermalisation in charged particle emission using light-front variables in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt(s)=2.76 TeV measured in ALICE experiment at Large Hadron Collider

M. Szeptycka - M Kasztelan finished his PhD work

P. Zalewski - Oleg Shkola, NCBJ

J. Zalipska - Popular Lecture presented during Festival of Science "See unvisible, history of neutrinos".

J. Zalipska - Supervising 2 MofS students with preparation of master thesis, from October 2018 - Kamil Skwarczyński, Wojciech Żurek

J. Zalipska - Supervising 2 students from Warsaw University (Kamil Skwarczynski, Wojciech Żurek) during their Sumer Practice at our institute. During that time students were send to CERN to participate in the beam tests of one prototype of the detector which is going to be used in T2K. I was supervising their work at CERN laboratory.

J. Zalipska - Supervising MofS work of Karolina Rozwadowska, who is a student of University of Warsaw. Title of the thesis: "Neutrino interactions on correlated nucleon pairs in the T2K experiment"


H. Białkowska Warsaw Scientific Society Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Experimental Physics, Warsaw University

J. Łagoda NCBJ, member, head of Doctorate Board

B. Maksiak Data production, software development

P. Mijakowski Member of Organizing Committee on TMEX2018- WPC: European Workshop on Water Cherenkov Precision Detectors for Neutrino and Proton Decay Physics in Warsaw, Poland

St. Mrówczyński member of Committee of Physics of Polish Academy of Sciences


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

E. Rondio Member of Organizing Committee on TMEX2018- WPC: European Workshop on Water Cherenkov Precision Detectors for Neutrino and Proton Decay Physics in Warsaw, Poland Electron-Ion-Collider Advisory Committee member of Scientific Advisory Committee Institute Cosmology and Physics of Americas (COFI) Member of scientific Board member of Scientific Board for Institute of Experimental Physics, Physics Faculty of Warsaw University

R. Sosnowski Corresponding member of Polish Academy of Learning Member of the Warsaw Scientific Society Member of the European Physical Society Full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences Active member Polish Academy of Knowledge Fellow European Physical Society Uniwersity of Warsaw Heavy Ion Laboratory

W. Wiślicki Member Pl-Grid National Consortium Member of Steering Committee of the Scientific Board, National Centre for Nuclear Research Member of the European Technology Platform for High Performance Computing Board Member Member of the Scientific Council

G. Wrochna Member of Advisory Board on HTR2018 9th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology in Warszawa, Poland Member of the Polish Nuclear Society Member of the Physics Committee PAN Societas Scientiarum Varsaviensis Member of the Governing Board of European Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNETP) Chairman of Nuclear Cogeneration Industrial Initiative (NC2I) Member of the Science Policy Committee, Minstry of Science and Higher Education Member of the Governing Board of Polish Committee of World Energy Council Expert of Euratom Program Committee Member of Adisory Panel for Nuclear Innovations 2050, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Member of the Steering Committee of V4G4 Association (Visegrad-4 group for Generation-4 reactors) Member of the European-XFEL Council Member of OECD High Level Group on Medical Radioisotopes Member of the panel of experts for the interim evaluation of the JRC’s nuclear activities under the Euratom programme (2014-2018). Member of Working Group of European Atomic Energy Society Member of Board of Governors of EU Joint Research Centre Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion Member of the Scientific Council of the Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection Member of the presidium of the scientific council of National Centre for Nuclear Research


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Astrophysics Division Head of Division Professor Agnieszka Pollo

The Division of Astrophysics consists of two laboratories: the Laboratory of Cosmic Ray Physics in Łódź and the Laboratory of Astrophysics in Warsaw. The Laboratory of Astrophysics in Warsaw is performs active research in observational cosmology, high-energy astrophysics, and studies of astrophysical transient sources, in particular sources of gravitational waves and gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). The search for gravitational waves is performed by the international LIGO/VIRGO consortium. The Polish POLGRAW group belongs to the VIRGO Collaboration, and some of its members, led by prof. Andrzej Królakin, belong to our Division. The year 2018 was devoted to modernisation and refurbishment of the experiment, as well as to analysis of historical data. The new observing run has just started in 2019. We contribute both to the scientific and technological work of the LIGO/VIRGO consortium. The cosmology group specialises in the statistics and evolution of the large scale structure of the Universe, galaxy evolution and methods of source classification in large astrophysical databases, including machine-learning based methods. It participates in and/or actively uses data from the largest projects in the field: VIPERS, VUDS, AKARI, and WISE. The year 2018 brought numerous papers from this field. A series of papers following the release of the VIPERS data, including a novel method of blind classification of galaxy properties (Siudek et al. 2018), catalogue of photometric redshifts for the Kilo Degree Survey galaxies (Bilicki et al, 2018), studies of mass and luminosity dependence of high redshift VUDS galaxies (Durkalec at al. 2018) or demonstrating the importance of dust attenuation models for the estimation of galaxy physical properties based on the HELP project data (Malek et al. 2018) are only some among notable examples. We also co-organised the 4th International Cosmology Summer School “Introduction to Cosmology” in Kraków. The Laboratory of Cosmic Ray Physics is continuing its traditional line of research, concentrated on Cosmic Rays - energetic particles from outside the Solar System, and high-energy astrophysics. The origin of most Cosmic Rays is still unknown. Our activities are directed towards studies of the origin of Cosmic Rays which is still unknown. Energetic Cosmic Rays produce cascades of particles in the atmosphere, called Extensive Air Showers (EAS). Measuring EAS and their properties is the main from of experimental studies of very high energy Cosmic Rays. In 2018 the main activity focused on participation in space borne experiments of the EUSO family. The JEM-EUSO Collaboration is preparing a large ultraviolet (UV) space telescope to measure ultra high energy cosmic rays (UHECR - with energies above 3E19 eV). With the expected statistics we should find correlations with the positions of astrophysical sources of such particles (if these sources can be identified). In the Łódź laboratory we have developed and are producing high voltage power supply units (HVPS) for the EUSO photomultipliers. In 2018 we continued tests of the HVPS system with new ASICs and multi anode PMTs for coming experiments from the EUSO familly: EUSO-SPB2, K-EUSO and an upgrade of EUSO-TA. We have also delivered an additional spare HVPS unit for Mini-EUSO, which is scheduled for launch in July 2019 (delayed due to the Progress failure event in 2018). EUSO-SPB2 is the next version of EUSO-SPB (NASA's Super Pressure Balloon), while K-EUSO is a large UV telescope project for UHECR measurements, and Mini-EUSO is a small test experiment to measure atmospheric UV emission from the International Space Station. The test experiment EUSO-TA and the site of the Telescope Array experiment in the Utah desert were modified to make it possible to use electronics similar to those used by other EUSO telescopes currently under construction. We participated in gamma-ray burst polarisation mesurements by the POLAR detector launched at the Chinese Space Laboratory TiangGong-2. The results, published this year, show variable polarisation directions during the same burst. GRBs are possible canditates for UHECR sources. In 2018 we measured the neutron flux in mines in Freiberg (Germany) and Pyhäsalmi (Finland) in the framework of the BSUIN project - Baltic Sea Underground Innovation Network.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

KASCADE-Grande addresses experimentally the problems of the mass composition and EAS development in the atmosphere in the energy range 1E15-1E18 eV. The LOPES Collaboration in KIT – Karlsruhe develops radio techniques for EAS measurements in Karlsruhe. These experiments, in which our group has participated from the beginning, have finished data taking, but we continue data analysis publishing results in the top journals with high impact factors. In the area of high energy particle physics our Division participates in the ZEUS experiment at DESY (Hamburg, Germany), and in the WASA @ COSY Collaboration in Juelich, Germany.

Agnieszka Pollo


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Gravitational Waves From Rotating Neutron Stars P. Verma

Our research at NCBJ is focused on gravitational waves (GWs) which are disturbances in the fabric of spacetime as predicted by Einstein's general theory of relativity (GR). There are various sources of GWs but our group is working on radiation emitted from neutron stars. A neutron star is a collapsed core of a massive star which is supported by the neutron degenerate pressure. These objects emit GWs whenever there is a time- varying quadrupole moment. GR predicts two polarisation states of GWs and they are known as plus (+) polarisation and cross (x) polarisations. But GR has some limitations and hence there are many attempts to develop alternative theories of gravity. Our first project was to study one such alternative theory called the Jordan Brans Dicke theory (JBD) and we extracted the GW polarizations for a rotating ellipsoid neutron star. This theory incorporates Mach's principle and hence the gravitational constant (G) isno longer a constant. In general, a metric theory can have six polarisation states but there are only three in the JBD theory, two tensor polarisations and one scalar polarisation. Unlike in GR, the scalar polarization also has some contribution from Fig. 1. Stars show 95% confidence upper limits on the the dipole moment. gravitational-wave amplitude, h_0^95%, for 200 pulsars using data from the O1 run. Black triangles give In the next project, we are studying GWs due to r-mode the spin-down limits for all pulsars (based on distance oscillation in a rotating neutron star. There are different values taken from the ATNF pulsar catalogue classes of neutron star oscillation modes which depend (Manchester et al. 2005), unless otherwise stated in (sometimes quite sensitively) on different pieces of Tables 1 and 4) and assuming the canonical moment of physics. The r-modes are associated with oscillating inertia. The upper limits shown within the shaded flows of material (currents) in the star that arise due to circles are those for which the spin-down limits (linked the Coriolis effect and the frequency of these modes is via the dashed vertical lines) are surpassed with our proportional to the angular velocity of the star. observations. The grey curve gives an estimate of the Currently we are writing codes in Python to detect GWs expected strain sensitivity for O1, combining predicted by the Jordan Brans Dicke theory and due to representative amplitude spectral density measurements r-modes. These codes will be part of targeted searches for both H1 and L1. This estimate is an angle-averaged for GWs from known pulsars in LIGO and Virgo value. Previous initial detector run results for 195 detector data ([1]). In Figure 1 the recently published pulsars are shown as red circles, with 122 of these results of such searches in observational run O1 of the sources corresponding to sources searched for in O1. LIGO and Virgo data are presented.

References [1] First search for gravitational waves from known pulsars with Advanced LIGO LSC, Virgo and radio astronomers, Astrophys. J. 839, 12 (2017) [2] Manchester R. N., Hobbs G. B., Teoh A. and Hobbs M. AJ 129, 1993 (2005)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Gamma Ray Burst Polarisation Measurements Obtained by the POLAR Experiment T. Batsch1, R. Marcinkowski1, A. Rutczyńska1, D. Rybka1 K. Jędrzejczak2, J. Karczmarczyk 2, Z. Plebaniak2, J. Szabelski2, T. Tymieniecka2, A. Zwolińska-Tomczak2 1National Centre for Nuclear Research, Świerk, Poland 2National Centre for Nuclear Research, Łódź, Poland POLAR was up to the present time the largest gamma- to obtain the amplitude and direction of the asymmetry. ray burst (GRB) detector which measured the Results and some details of the analysis published [2]. polarisation of the gamma ray (50 - 500 keV) flux. It GRBs are the most powerful gamma-ray emitters in the measured 55 GRBs, and 5 of them where suitable for Universe. The origin and physics of photon emission in polarisation measurements. The main discovery was the GRBs is unknown. If GRBs are a kind of powerful measurement of the variable polarisation angle of cosmic explosion then the polarisation level (a measure photons during a single GRB. Unfortunately, only one of the fraction of photons polarised in the same GRB was large enough for this kind of analysis. direction) would indicate a chaotic emission (no polarisation) or some order in the explosion, probably a strong and well organised magnetic field in the emitter. The discovery of the change in polarisation direction a GRB lasting 9 seconds makes the puzzle still more difficult. NCBJ groups were responsible for some key subsystems of the POLAR detector, like the event trigger, prototypes of the scintillating bars and the prototype of the high voltage power supply. They also participated in many tests and data analyse.

Fig. 1. Each of 25 POLAR modules has 64 scintillating bars inside. The POLAR experiment was a collaboration between Switzerland (University of Geneva and Paul Scherrer Institut), Poland (National Centre for Nuclear Research) and China (IHEP). POLAR was launched in September 2016 on board the Tiangong-2 Chinese space laboratory. The detector measures each gamma photon separately. Each photon has a polarisation. The Fig. 2. POLAR detector fixed to the TiangGong-2 space principle of the polarisation measurements is Compton laboratory. scattering described by the Klein-Nishina equation in the framework of Quantum Electrodynamics (QED), References namely the asymmetry in the azimuthal angle of the [1] N. Product et al., Nuclear Instruments and scattered photon. The POLAR detector [1] was made of Methods in Physics Research, 877, 259-268, 2018 1600 scintillation bars, viewed by 25 multi-anode [2] Shuang-Nan Zhang, Merlin Kole, et al., Nature photomultipliers with 64 pixels each. Events with two Astronomy 3, 258-264, March 2019 subsequent scatterings of "the same" photon were analysed and compared with the results of simulations


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Fig. 3. Light curves of 5 GRBs taken for polarisation analysis. Polarisation levels of these GRBs were low. However, for the largest event (in the middle of the left column) in 3 time ranges the polarisation was larger, but in different directions in each range.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


Invited Talk

Machine learning and astronomical big data M. Bilicki Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2018 (Poland, Warszawa, 2018-03-12 - 2018-03-15)

Results of KASCADE-Grande in the view of the post-LHC hadronic interaction models A. Haungs, P. Łuczak, J. Zabierowski 26th Extended European Cosmic Ray Symposium (E+CRS 2018) (Russia, Barnaul - Belokurikha - Altai Mountains, 2018-07-06 - 2018-07-10) J Phys Conf Ser (in press)

Latest news from the gravitational wave detector projects A. Królak The 5th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity (Poland, Wojanów, 2018-09-24 - 2018-09-27)

Summary of the main results of the KASCADE and KASCADE-Grande experiments A. Chiavasa, P. Łuczak, J. Zabierowski The 20th International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions (ISVHECRI 2018) (Japan, Nagoya, 2018-05-21 - 2018-05-25) European Physical Journal Web of Conferences (in press)

Kilo-Degree Survey machine-learning photo-zs: Current status, future prospects M. Bilicki Colours of the Universe: Photometric Redshifts for Large-scale Sky Surveys (Netherlands, Leiden, 2018-09-24 - 2018-09-28)

How luminous galaxies trace the dark Universe A. Pollo The Third Zeldovich meeting (Belarus, Minsk, 2018-04-23 - 2018-04-27)

Unsupervised machine learning algorithms for galaxy classification K. Małek 1st Transverse Science Workshops: Machine Learning and Numerical Simulations (France, Marseille, 2018-04-16 - 2018-10-16)

Near-future large-scale surveys in the optical and infrared M. Bilicki A BAM in the Anisotropic Universe (Italy, Barolo, 2018-09-02 - 2018-09-05)

Galaxies, large scale structure and whatever you want A. Pollo Radio - vis - IR Rzepiennik Meeting (Poland, Rzepiennik Biskupi, 2018-06-07 - 2018-06-09)

New data - new unknowns A. Pollo CREDO Week (Poland, Kraków, 2018-10-01 - 2018-10-05)

CREDO in the multimessenger context A. Pollo CREDO Week (Poland, Kraków, 2018-10-01 - 2018-10-05)

Time Domain F-statistics O2all-skysearch for isolated rotating neutronstars M. Bejger, P. Ciecieląg, M. Cieślar, O. Dorosh, B. Haskell, A. Królak, F. Morawski, M. Sieniawska LVC Meeting 2018 (Netherlands, Maastricht, 2018-09-04 - 2018-09-07)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Machine-aided anomaly detection in Large Datasets A. Solarz Statistical Inference Workshop of the IHP Trimester on Mathematics of Cosmology (France, Paris, 2018-10-22 - 2018-10-26)

Update on the follow up procedure of thetime-domain F-statistic pipeline M. Sieniawska, O. Dorosh, M. Bejger, P. Ciecieląg, A. Królak LVC Meeting 2018 (Netherlands, Maastricht, 2018-09-04 - 2018-09-07)

Oral Presentation

Wide-angle galaxy catalogs and their applications to multi-messenger astronomy M. Bilicki 23rd Symposium on Astroparticle Physics in the Netherlands (Netherlands, Driebergen, 2018-03-22 - 2018-03-23)

Application of Feldman-Cousins upper limits to gravitational wave data analysis A. Królak GEMMA Physics Workshop (Italy, Lecce, 2018-06-04 - 2018-06-07)

Probing the large-scale structure with the largest photometric catalogues: today and tomorrow M. Bilicki Statistical challenges for large-scale structure in the era of LSST (United Kingdom, Oxford, 2018-04-18 - 2018-04- 20)

The impact of dust attenuation laws on the measure of the main physical properties of galaxies K. Małek, V. Buat, D. Burgarella, Y. Roehlly Semaine de l Astrophysique Francaise (SF2A) (France, Bordeaux , 2018-07-03 - 2018-07-06)

Automatic classification of sources in large astronomical catalogues - how LSST will gain from experience gathered on the largest datasets available today A. Pollo LSST@Europe3 (France, Lyon, 2018-06-11 - 2018-06-15)

HELP - a dreamed-of multiwavelength dataset for SED fitting: a new approach to select peculiar galaxies, the prediction of Ldust and the influence of used models for the main physical properties of galaxies K. Małek, V. Buat, D. Burgarella IAU Symposium 341: PanModel2018: Challenges in Panachromatic Galaxy Modelling with Next Generation Facilities (Japan, Osaka, 2018-11-12 - 2018-11-16) Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union No. (2019)

(Some) KiDS – GAMA synergies from the KiDS point of view M. Bilicki GAMA + Friends 2018 Team Meeting (United Kingdom, Brighton, 2018-09-12 - 2018-09-13)

The BSUIN project K. Jędrzejczak, J. Szabelski, M. Kasztelan, J. Orzechowski, W. Marszał, Z. Dębicki 26th Extended European Cosmic Ray Symposium (E+CRS 2018) (Russia, Barnaul - Belokurikha - Altai Mountains, 2018-07-06 - 2018-07-10) Journal of Physics: Conf. Series (2018)

Automatic classification of sources in large astronomical catalogues A. Pollo, A. Solarz, M. Bilicki, A. Durkalec Semaine de l Astrophysique Francaise (SF2A) (France, Bordeaux , 2018-07-03 - 2018-07-06)

How galaxies trace the Large scale structure at z~3? A. Durkalec The Near, The Far, and the In-between: Synergy between low and high redshift galaxy evolution studies in the era of JWST and EUCLID (Netherlands, Noordwijk, 2018-07-23 - 2018-07-27)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Young Stellar Objects in the Outer Galactic Plane: the l ~ (102°-109°) field A. Solarz, R. Szczerba, M. Sewiło Interstellar: The Matter (Mexico, Cozumel, 2018-05-14 - 2018-05-18)

How to measure neutron stars A. Majczyna, J. Madej, A. Różańska, M. Należyty POLNS18 (Poland, Warszawa, 2018-03-26 - 2018-03-28)

Search for unusual objects in WISE survey A. Solarz, M. Bilicki Statistical Challenges in 21st Century Cosmology (Spain, Valencia, 2018-05-22 - 2018-05-25)

“Multi-messenger” capabilities of EUSO-like telescopes. J. Szabelski The multi-messenger astronomy: gamma-ray bursts, search for electromagnetic counterparts to neutrino events and gravitational waves (Russia, Nizhnij Arkhyz, 2018-10-07 - 2018-10-14)

Automated classification and novelty detection A. Pollo, A. Solarz, M. Siudek, K. Małek, M. Bilicki, S. Nakoneczny, A. Poliszczuk REBASED (France, Paris, 2018-10-17 - 2018-10-18)

State-of-the-art panchromatic surveys and studies A. Pollo, A. Solarz, M. Siudek, K. Małek, M. Bilicki, A. Durkalec IAU Symposium 341: PanModel2018: Challenges in Panachromatic Galaxy Modelling with Next Generation Facilities (Japan, Osaka, 2018-11-12 - 2018-11-16)

Recent rresults from the KASCADE-Grande Data Analysis K. Dongwa, P. Łuczak, J. Zabierowski The 20th International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions (ISVHECRI 2018) (Japan, Nagoya, 2018-05-21 - 2018-05-25) European Physical Journal Web of Conferences (in press)

Studies of the muon content of high-energy air showers with KASCADE-Grande J.C. Arteaga-Velasquez, P. Łuczak, J. Zabierowski The 20th International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions (ISVHECRI 2018) (Japan, Nagoya, 2018-05-21 - 2018-05-25) European Physical Journal Web of Conferences (in press)


When radio-loud AGNs are loud? A. Solarz, A. Pollo European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (United Kingdom, Liverpool, 2018-04-03 - 2018-04-06)

Measurements of thermal neutron flux in underground laboratories, a standard proposal for the BSUIN project Z. Dębicki, K. Jędrzejczak, M. Kasztelan, W. Marszał, J. Orzechowski, J. Szabelski, P. Tokarski The multi-messenger astronomy: gamma-ray bursts, search for electromagnetic counterparts to neutrino events and gravitational waves (Russia, Nizhnij Arkhyz, 2018-10-07 - 2018-10-14)

Connecting light and dark side of the Universe A. Durkalec Statistical Challenges in 21st Century Cosmology (Spain, Valencia, 2018-05-22 - 2018-05-25)

Fast multi channel aquisition system without dead time capable tomeasure osciloscope-like signals. Z. Dębicki, K. Jędrzejczak, M. Kasztelan, W. Marszał, R. Nowak, J. Orzechowski, J. Szabelski, P. Tokarski 26th Extended European Cosmic Ray Symposium (E+CRS 2018) (Russia, Barnaul - Belokurikha - Altai Mountains, 2018-07-06 - 2018-07-10) Journal of Physics: Conf. Series (2018)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

BSUIN - Baltic Sea Underground Innovation Network P. Jalas, V. Isoherranen, J. Joutsenvaara, E. -RNiinikoski, R. Heikkila, T. Makkonen, H. Ahola, P. Aro, T. Vuorela, J. Kisiel, K. Karpa, K. Szkilniarz, M. Laaksoharju, M. Ohlsson, W. Pytel, D. Horner, H. Mischo, R. Giese, K. Jaksch, V. Mockus, T. Valys, K. Jędrzejczak, M. Kasztelan, J. Szabelski, V. Gostilo, V. Shekov, A. Stepanov, T. Lindborg, V. Karu, A. Paat The multi-messenger astronomy: gamma-ray bursts, search for electromagnetic counterparts to neutrino events and gravitational waves (Russia, Nizhnij Arkhyz, 2018-10-07 - 2018-10-14)

Searching for Young Stellar Objects in the Outer Galactic Plane: the l ~ (102o-109o) field R. Szczerba, A. Solarz, B.H.K. Yung, M. Sewiło, N. Siódmiak, A. Karska The Olympian Symposium 2018Gas and stars from milli- to mega- parsecs (Greece, Paralia Katerini, Mount Olympus, 2018-05-28 - 2018-06-01)

EAS longitudinal development distribution parameters for different extrapolations of the nuclei interaction cross section to the very high energy domain Z. Plebaniak, T. Wibig The 20th International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions (ISVHECRI 2018) (Japan, Nagoya, 2018-05-21 - 2018-05-25) European Physical Journal Web of Conferences (in press)

IRAS 22147+5948 – a cradle of star birth N. Siódmak, R. Szczerba, A. Solarz, D. Elia, M. Sewiło, T. Ueta, K. Asano, A. Karska, M. Gawronski, K. Dutkowska The Olympian Symposium 2018Gas and stars from milli- to mega- parsecs (Greece, Paralia Katerini, Mount Olympus, 2018-05-28 - 2018-06-01)


Search for unusual objects in AllWISE Sky Surveyb A. Solarz Kraków, Astronomical Observatory of Jagiellonian University, 2018-03-02

Gravitational wave astronomy - a new window on the Universeb A. Królak Wrocław, Instytut Fizyki Teoretycznej, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, 2018-03-09

Connecting light and dark side of the universeb A. Durkalec Toruń, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, 2018-03-19

In search for green valley… and other news from the Universe at z~1a A. Pollo Toruń, N. Copernicus University, 2018-03-26

Connecting light and dark side of the Universeb A. Durkalec Kraków, Obserwatorium Astronomiczne, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, 2018-04-27

Search for unusual objects in AllWISE sky surveyb A. Solarz Toruń, Centrum Astronomii - Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, 2018-06-11

HELP project - modeling spectral energy distributions of thousands IR galaxies - dust attenuation influence for main physical parametersb K. Małek Toruń, CAMK PAN, 2018-10-04 Galaxies in the large scale structure at z∼1b A. Pollo Poznań, A. Mickiewicz University, 2018-10-11


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Star formation around HII regions - From Herschel HOBYS to ALMAb M. Figueira Torun, CAMK PAN, 2018-10-18

Polish astronomers @ galaxy surveysa K. Małek Krakow, IFJ PAN, 2018-10-23

HELP project - modeling spectral energy distributions of thousands IR galaxies - dust attenuation influence for main physical parametersb K. Małek Krakow, OA UJ , 2018-10-26

Search for unusual objects in AllWISE Sky Surveyb A. Solarz Warszawa, Obserwatorium Astronomiczne Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2018-11-13

The widest-angle galaxy catalogs and their applicationsb M. Bilicki La Laguna, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, 2018-04-11

Applications of the widest-angle galaxy catalogsb M. Bilicki Brighton, University of Sussex, 2018-09-11

a) in Polish b) in English


The main objective of Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Project (HELP). Spectral energy distribution fitting, the influence of the attenuation laws for main parameters and dust luminosity predictions.b K. Małek Warszawa, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-01-30

Pi of the Sky data base.a A. Majcher Warsaw, NCBJ, 2018-02-27

Simulations of an Extensive Air Shower at Ultra High Energiesb Z. Plebaniak Paryż, APC - Astroparticule et Cosmologie - Université Paris Diderot, 2018-03-14

Estimation of air conditions during EUSO–TA observations using starsb Z. Plebaniak Murren, Switzerland, JEM-EUSO Collaboration, 2018-06-15

The power of cross-correlationsb M. Bilicki Leiden, Leiden University, 2018-06-27

Applications of the widest-angle galaxy catalogsb M. Bilicki Leiden, Leiden University, 2018-09-14

Applying the experience of measuring starts with EUSO–TA to measure stars with EUSO–SPB2b Z. Plebaniak Golden, USA (remotely, videoconference), JEM-EUSO Collaboration, 2018-11-02


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Gamma Ray Burst polarization measurements obtainedby the POLAR experimenta J. Szabelski Otwock-Swierk, NCBJ, 2018-12-10

a) in Polish b) in English


A. Królak - Supervision of PhD stident Mr. Maritosh Verma - 1st year of PhD studies at NCBJ.

K. Małek - co-supervisor Małgorzata Bankowicz "Analysis of the physical properties and local environment of ULIRGs"

K. Małek - co-supervisor of mgr Tomasz Krakowski “Machine learning in astrophysical data”

Z. Plebaniak - Works with students of Technical University of Lodz regarding on EUSO-TA data analysis and an Extensive Air Shower simulations.

A. Pollo - Mateusz Rałowski, OA UJ

A. Pollo - NCBJ, Artem Poliszczuk

A. Pollo - NCBJ, Chetan Bavdhankar

A. Pollo - NCBJ, Szymon Nakoneczny

A. Pollo - NCBJ, Tomasz Krakowski

A. Pollo - OA UJ, lecture "Galactic and extragalactic astronomy II"

A. Pollo - OA UJ, monograph lecture "Observational cosmology"

A. Pollo - Paweł Piątek, OA UJ

J. Szabelski - Work for the Engineer degree at the Technical University of Łódź by Miss Karolina Królik, entitled "Simulations of detection frequency of Cerenkov radiation in planned experiments EUSO-SPB2 and POEMMA".


K. Jędrzejczak Member

J. Karczmarczyk member of JEM-EUSO Collaboration

A. Królak member

P. Łuczak Member of the LOPES Collaboration Member of the KASCADE-Grande Collaboration

A. Majcher Member of Polish Society of Amateur Astronomers


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

A. Majczyna member Polskie Towarzystwo Astronomiczne member of Polish Fireball Network

K. Małek Polish Astronomical Society associate researcher Delta - matematyka, fizyka, astronomia i informatyka, Delta - mathematics, physics, astronomy and computer science, University of Warsaw

Z. Plebaniak JEM-EUSO Collaboration

A. Pollo Session chairman on IAU Symposium 341: PanModel2018: Challenges in Panachromatic Galaxy Modelling with Next Generation Facilities in Osaka, Japan Member of Organizing Committee on Radio - vis - IR Rzepiennik Meeting in Rzepiennik Biskupi, Poland Member of Organizing Committee on 4th Cosmology School in Krakow, Poland member, National Council for Astroparticle Physics National Centre for Nuclear Research

B. Szabelska member of Collaboration JEM-EUSO

J. Szabelski Polish PI (Principal Investigator) of JEM-EUSO Collaboration Polish representative in the International Particle Physics Outreach Group (IPPOG) Member of the International Advisory Committee (IAC) of the European Cosmic Ray Symposia Polish group PI in the EUSO-Balloon Collaboration Polish PI Polish representative at IPPOG member of International Advisory Committee (IAC) of the European Cosmic Ray Symposia participant in the POLAR Collaboration EMMA Experiment, member of the International Advisory Committee

T. Tymieniecka JEM-EUSO Collaboration member

T. Wibig Polish Physical Society JEM-EUSO Collaboration member

J. Zabierowski Member of The LOPES Collaboration Chairman of the Steering Committee and the Collaboration Board of The KASCADE-Grande Collaboration Member of the WAS@COSY Collaboration Board Chairman of the KASCADE-Grande Collaboration Board and Chairman of the KASCADE-Grande Steeering Committee


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR TECHNIQUES & EQUIPMENT Director of Department Jacek Rzadkiewicz, PhD

The Department of Nuclear Techniques and Equipment has ~85 employees, including 2 professors, 6 associate professors and more than 30 employees with a PhD degree. The Department includes three divisions:  (TJ1) Particle Acceleration Physics & Technology Division,  (TJ2) Electronics and Detection Systems Division,  (TJ3) Radiation Detectors and Plasma Diagnostics Division.

The Department supports the scientific research programme of NCBJ that is managed by the Head of Department, Heads of Divisions and the Department Scientific Council. Most of the scientific achievements of the Department were summarised in top level peer reviewed publications, namely Nature, Physical Review A, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, Review of Scientific Instruments, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Optical Materials, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Fusion Engineering and Design and many others. Among the others, in 2018 we published important results on:  Strong isomer depletion in ion-beam experiments,  Practical aspects of using beta-delayed gamma emission for copper ore analysis on a running belt conveyor,  Luminescence and scintillation characteristics of selected crystals,  Upgraded JET Gamma-ray Cameras based on high resolution/high count rate compact spectrometers  Triple Cherenkov probe measurements at the FTU tokamak.

In 2018 the Department’s activities were focused on the development of accelerators for science and industry. In particular we conducted extended Monte-Carlo simulations for the free-electron laser POLFEL under construction at NCBJ, as well as for other international projects like ESS and ENS. We also developed advanced detection systems including those for gamma spectroscopy based on silicon photomultipliers. In 2018 the Department’s activities were also related to the design and construction of a neutron activation analyser and X-ray radiography prototype systems for monitoring the quality of mined copper ore in the mine and on conveyors.

Our research groups participated in the following National and European projects (selected):

 KGHM – development of Neutron Activation Analysis and X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) for monitoring the quality and composition of copper ore at various stages of mining,  PGNiG - development of the Neutron Activation Analysis for borehole applications,  C-BORD - development and testing of a complex, affordable solution for inspecting containers and large cargo at EU borders (under the framework of the European programme for research and innovation Horizon 2020),  EUROFUSION–engineering validation and engineering design activities for the Early Neutron Source (ENS) dedicated to fusion technology, development of gamma-ray and X-ray diagnostics based on scintillation detectors and high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy, respectively for JET tokamak and Cherenkov-type detectors, designed for the FTU and Compass tokamaks,  CENTRIX – design and construction of accelerator stands, models and prototypes,  SOWA - design and construction of an automobile scanning system,  X-FEL - development of PLC modules for X-FEL,  186-Ren - study of the 186m-Re isomer production and its photo-induced depopulation via low-lying intermediate states.

Jacek Rzadkiewicz


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Particle Acceleration Physics & Technology Division Head of Division Sławomir Wronka, PhD DSc Eng

The activities of the Department of Accelerator Physics and Technology (TJ1) are focused on the development of new acceleration techniques and technologies as well as on applications of particle accelerators, other radiation sources and detectors. In 2018 three main directions were explored, i.e. participation in scientific projects, realisation of the NDT laboratory within the CENTRIX project and further development of cargo-scanning tools. For the first point the following projects should be mentioned:

 European Spallation Source ESS Two complete Gamma Blocker systems have been manufactured and tested.  Early Neutron Source ENS Continuation of beam dynamics and beam optics calculations  Gravitational Behaviour of Antihydrogen at Rest (GBAR) TJ1 is responsible for the functioning of a strong positron source at CERN, based on an electron linac  POLFEL.

The first FEL source is under construction at NCBJ. For the CENTRIX project a new, 30 MeV electron linac is under construction with the ambitious plan of commissioning this new accelerator in 2020. This device will be equipped with imaging detectors for X-cinematography and high energy tomography. In 2018, the 300 keV X-ray personal vehicle scanner SOWA was completed and presented to the public. This innovative system is completely shielded, thus it can be used in many locations without special zones. Some of the topics mentioned above are described in detail in separate articles elsewhere in this report. TJ1 is quite well equipped with experimental accelerator stands. Due to the availability of radiographic detectors, a number of radiographic tests have been performed with good results. Monte-Carlo calculations for different applications play an important role in TJ1. These include medical applications, for example mammography. TJ1 offers friendly surroundings for young people; for many years engineering and masters degree theses have been realised in cooperation with and under the supervision of our experts. Summer internships are also offered to students, typically from Warsaw University and Warsaw University of Technology.

Sławomir Wronka


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______NCBJ Participation in the GBAR (Gravitational Behaviour of Antihydrogen at Rest) Project at CERN W. Dziewiecki, T. Kosiński, M. Matusiak, A. Łubian, M. Staszczak, M. Terka, S. Wronka

In 2016 the electron linear accelerator for the GBAR installation, pumping, vacuum conditioning and gun experiment at CERN was manufactured at NCBJ. The activation. Afterwards measurements were made to linac was designed to deliver a 9 MeV and 300 mA confirm the parameters of the electron beam. peak current electron beam. With these parameterers it Measurements with multiple settings were made to is the strongest radiation source in easily-accessible cover the possible needs of the experiment. Here is an areas at CERN. example of a series of measurements made for 144.5 kV In February 2018 installation of the final acceleration klystron cathode voltage: structure took place. The work covered mechanical Klystron Klystron HV pulse Klystron current Gun grid Gun peak current Output peak Energy - HV [V] (CVD) [kV] (CT) [A] [V] [mA] current [mA] [MeV] 1080 144,5 105,5 100 1155 327 8,5 1080 144,5 105,5 90 1058 323 8,7 1080 144,5 105,5 80 938 310 9 1080 144,5 105,5 70 845 279 9,5

In Fig. 1 the final linac head set-up is shown. One can voltage. The accelerator is at the stage of reaching the also see the dependance of the beam energy for different final pulse repetition frequency. settings of the gun current at 144.5 kV klystron cathode


9,4 9,2 9 8,8

Beamenergy[MeV] 8,6 8,4 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Gun peak current [mA]

Fig. 1. Final linac head set-up.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Gamma Blocker System for the European Spallation Source S. Wronka, K. Szymczyk, M. Wojciechowski

The European Spallation Source (ESS) aims to be the connected to the beam line. The movement range will brightest source of neutrons in the world for scientific allow it to reach two positions: “Open”, in which the research. ESS consists of a linear accelerator that core does not interfere with the proton beam, and delivers a 2 GeV, 5 MW proton beam to a rotating “Closed”, in which the core will block residual gamma tungsten target. These will be used in parallel radiation coming from the target/beam dump. Indication experiments that will foster major advances from ageing of “Open” and “Closed” core positions, separate circuits and health, materials technology for sustainable and for the Machine Protection System, Personnel Safety renewable energy, to experiments in quantum physics, Systems (redundant for the “Closed” position) and biomaterials and nano-science. The ESS will be located Motion Control is provided by mechanical limit in Lund, Sweden, co-hosted by both Sweden and switches.[3] Vacuum chamber covers are equipped with Denmark and will be funded and operated by interfaces for vacuum bellows (CF standard) and a partnership of 17 European countries. mounting holes for linear actuator and installation equipment (including metrology targets, GB core locking devices, lifting eyes etc.) GB core movement is driven by a stepper motor, reduction gear and roller chain connected to a linear guide carriage, allowing the an emergency dosing of GB core to emergency close on power failure.

Fig. 1. The ESS site [1].

The “Gamma Blocker System” project began in the middle of 2016, and will be completed at the end of 2019. GBs are responsible for stopping gamma radiation from the activated target wheel and dump in the ESS accelerator tunnel. Two Gamma Blockers were designed. One gamma blocker is foreseen in the accelerator to target the (A2T) region, in the line of sight of the target wheel, and the second in the dump Fig. 2. Final assembled Gamma Blocker systems. line region, in the line of sight of the tuning beam dump. As a result, the dose level inside the accelerator tunnel In December during a meeting at NCBJ the final will decrease, because of the stopped gamma radiation assembled and operating Gamma Blocker systems were from the activated target and activated dump, inside the presented. beam pipe. The gamma blockers will only be used Delivery of the GB system is planned for May 2019. during beam off mode. Expected gamma radiation levels in the final accelerator-to-target region of the References European Spallation Source, have been calculated using [1] the Fluka [2] program. [2] [3] “Gamma Blocker detailed design report” – A Gamma blocker is consisting of a vacuum chamber Sławomir Wronka enclosing a movable GB Core was designed. The movable GB core is placed in a vacuum chamber


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


Invited Talk

System Kontroli Rentgenowskiej SOWA S. Wronka, W. Dziewiecki, J. Klimaszewski, M. Matusiak Krajowa Konferencja Badań Radiograficznych (Poland, Bolesławiec, 2018-09-10 - 2018-09-12) 20 konferencja KKBR (2018)

PolFEL, beam dynamics. M. Staszczak XLII-nd IEEE Joint Symposium Wilga 2018 (Poland, Wilga, 2018-06-03 - 2018-06-10)

Electron beam dynamics in PolFEL superconducting accelerator R. Nietubyć, J. Sekutowicz, M. Staszczak SPAS 2018 (Superconductivity & Particle AcceleratorS) (Poland, Kraków, 2018-11-27 - 2018-11-29)

Electron Injector for Polfel P. Czuma, J. Lorkiewicz, R. Nietubyć, J. Sekutowicz, M. Staszczak, K. Szymczyk, M. Terka Superconductivity & Particle Accelerators (Poland, Kraków, 2018-11-26 - 2018-11-30) SPIE Proceedings (2019)

Progress in the development of IORT ( Intraoperative Radiotherapy) and SIRT ( Selective Internal Radiation Therapy) in Poland A. Wysocka-Rabin The 3rd International Conference Innovative Technologies in Biomedicine (Poland, Kraków, 2018-10-22 - 2018-10- 24) Office of the Organizing Committe:The John Paul II Hospital in Kraków, 80 Pradnicka St., 31-202 Kraków, Poland No.1 (2018) p. 30

Oral Presentation

Nanodosimetry for radiation exposure assessment M. Pietrzak, S. Pszona, A. Bancer Sixth International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (Macedonia, Ohrid, 2018-06-18 - 2018-06-22)

How to minimize stray X-ray contamination of a therapeutic electron beam P. Adrich SPAS 2018 (Superconductivity & Particle AcceleratorS) (Poland, Kraków, 2018-11-27 - 2018-11-29)

Jet Counter nanodosimeter as a tool for investigating particle track structure A. Bancer, M. Pietrzak, S. Pszona Sixth International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (Macedonia, Ohrid, 2018-06-18 - 2018-06-22)

IPPLM contribution to Error analysis and beam losses studies W. Grabowski, K. Kosiński, M. Staszczak, A. Wysocka-Rabin 5th WPENS Technical Meeting (France, Saclay, 2018-04-10 - 2018-04-12)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Kliniczna ocena skuteczności radioembolizacji (RE) z uzyciem Y-90 SIRspheres u pacjentów z nieresekcyjnym, zaawansowanym, progresywnym, pierwotnym lub przerzutowym rakiem wątroby na podstawie oceny całkowitego przeżycia. M.L. Nowicki, A. Kolasinska-Ćwikła, J. Ćwikła, A. Sankowski, A. Wysocka-Rabin, J. Walecki XVI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Nuklearnej (Poland, Szczecin, 2018-05-23 - 2018-05-26)

Preliminary Design of the PolFEL Control, DataAcquisition and Synchronization Systems J. Szewiński, P. Krawczyk, R. Nietubyć, P. Czuma, K. Szamota-Leandersson, M. Staszczak, M. Terka, J. Sekutowicz, M. Gosk, D. Rybka, W. Grabowski, K. Szymczyk, J. Lorkiewicz, M. Matusiak 25th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (MIXDES 2018) (Poland, Gdynia, 2018-06-21 - 2018-06-23)

Design Considerations of the PolFEL Control, DataAcquisition and Timing Systems J. Szewiński, P. Krawczyk, R. Nietubyć, P. Czuma, K. Szamota-Leandersson, M. Staszczak, M. Terka, J. Sekutowicz, M. Gosk, D. Rybka, W. Grabowski, K. Szymczyk, J. Lorkiewicz XLII-nd IEEE Joint Symposium Wilga 2018 (Poland, Wilga, 2018-06-03 - 2018-06-10)

Preliminary Design of the PolFEL Control, Data Acquisition and Synchronization Systems J. Szewiński, P. Krawczyk, R. Nietubyć, P. Czuma, K. Szamota-Leandersson, M. Staszczak, M. Terka, J. Sekutowicz, M. Gosk, D. Rybka, W. Grabowski, K. Szymczyk, J. Lorkiewicz Superconductivity & Particle Accelerators SPAS 2018 (Poland, Kraków, 2018-11-27 - 2018-11-29)

The Lubnowy Wielkie Hoard –Archaeometallurgy as a Means of Understanding the Phenomenon of Bronze Deposits in the Late Bronze Age M. Maciejewski, Ł. Szczepański, B. Miazga, T. Kosiński 24th EAA Annual Meeting (Spain, Barcelona, 2018-09-05 - 2018-09-08) European Association of Archaeologists (Barcelona) No. (2018) p. 532

NCBJ contribution to Beam Dynamics Preliminary Final Layout W. Grabowski, K. Kosiński, M. Staszczak, A. Wysocka-Rabin WPENS 6th Technical Meeting (Poland, Kraków, 2018-10-17 - 2018-10-19)

Polish contribution to final Beam Dynamic calculations for accelerator systems analysis in the Early Neutron Source project W. Grabowski, K. Kosiński, M. Maćkowski, M. Staszczak, A. Wysocka-Rabin, R. Heidinger SPAS 2018 (Superconductivity & Particle AcceleratorS) (Poland, Kraków, 2018-11-27 - 2018-11-29)


Review of recent Jet Counter experiments M. Filipek, A. Bancer, M. Pietrzak, S. Pszona, Z. Szefliński Sixth International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (Macedonia, Ohrid, 2018-06-18 - 2018-06-22)

Absorbed dose readings using gafchromic films EBT2 and XR-RV3 in an experimental system with low radiation X-rays J. Czub, J. Braziewicz, M. Brodecki, A. Wasilewski, P. Wołowiec, A. Wójcik, A. Wysocka-Rabin Sixth International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (Macedonia, Ohrid, 2018-06-18 - 2018-06-22) RAD Association Bulevar Nikole Tesle 17/12, 18000 Niš, Serbia No. (2018) p. 84


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Measurements of half value layer using different detectors and calculations of effective energies for low energy X-ray experimental set up J. Czub, J. Braziewicz, M. Brodecki, A. Wasilewski, P. Wołowiec, A. Wójcik, A. Wysocka-Rabin Sixth International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (Macedonia, Ohrid, 2018-06-18 - 2018-06-22) RAD Association Bulevar Nikole Tesle 17/12, 18000 Niš, Serbia No. (2018) p. 83

Computationalmethods for determining optimal input electron beam parameters for a new medical linear accelerator constructed in NCBJ A. Wasilewski, A. Wysocka-Rabin, M. Staszczak, S. Allen The 3rd International Conference Innovative Technologies in Biomedicine (Poland, Kraków, 2018-10-22 - 2018-10- 24) Office of the Organizing Committe:The John Paul II Hospital in Kraków, 80 Pradnicka St., 31-202 Kraków, Poland No.1 (2018) p. 40

Radiological protection for newly built experimental setup with low energy X-ray beams J. Czub, J. Braziewicz, A. Wasilewski, A. Wysocka-Rabin, A. Wójcik International Conference on Astronomy, Astrophysics, Astrobiology. (Japan, Osaka, 2018-05-30 - 2018-05-31) Journal of Astrophysics & Aerospace Technology No.6 (2018) p. 31

NCBJ participation in GBAR experiment M. Matusiak, SławomirWronka, KosińskiTymoteusz Superconductivity & Particle Accelerators SPAS 2018 (Poland, Kraków, 2018-11-27 - 2018-11-29)

Monte Carlo calculations in preliminary evaluation of reliability of treatment plan verification in brachytherapy performed using ArcCHECK device W. Bulski, K. Chełmiński, A. Cichoński, E. Gruszczyńska, A. Wysocka-Rabin The 3rd International Conference Innovative Technologies in Biomedicine (Poland, Kraków, 2018-10-22 - 2018-10- 24) Office of the Organizing Committe:The John Paul II Hospital in Kraków, 80 Pradnicka St., 31-202 Kraków, Poland No.1 (2018) p. 50

System laserów optycznych do generacji elektronów w laserze na swobodnych elektronach PolFEL P. Czuma, R. Nietubyć, J. Sekutowicz, J. Szewiński XII Sympozjum Techniki Laserowej STL 2018 (Poland, Jastarnia, 2018-09-25 - 2018-09-27)


Accelerators in contemporary radiotherapya A. Wysocka-Rabin Warsaw, Warsaw University of Technology, 2018-05-17

Accelerators for hadrontherapya A. Wysocka-Rabin Warsaw, Warsaw University of Technology, 2018-06-05

Approach proposed by NCBJ for shut-down dose rate calculations, WPENS 5-th Technical Meetingb B. Zaręba Saclay, CEA, 2018-04-11


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Approach proposed by NCBJ for shut-down dose rate calculationsb A. Wysocka-Rabin Saclay, CEA, 2018-04-12

Approach proposed by NCBJ for shut down dose rate calculations, 6th Technical Meeting of the Early Neutron Source work package (TM6 WPENS).b B. Zaręba Cracow, Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2018-10-18

NCBJ shut-down dose rate calculationsb A. Wysocka-Rabin Cracov, Institute of Nuclear Physics of PAN, 2018-10-19

Accelerators for modern radiotherapy constructed in NCBJa A. Wysocka-Rabin Warsaw, Warsaw University of Technology, 2018-11-08

a) in Polish b) in English


The first model of the device for measuring the photon beam spectra from a linear electron acceleratora A. Wasilewski Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-03-09

Optimization of thickness of the tungsten target as a neutron generator by 30MeV electron beama A. Wasilewski Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-04-03

X-rays attenuation in rubbera A. Wasilewski Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-05-25

Optimization of the neutron generation efficiency of 30MeV electron acceleratora A. Wasilewski Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-06-12

Analysis of activation of neutron generator for 30MeV electron beama A. Wasilewski Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-06-12

Generation of neutrons from the 30MeV electron beam at the output Ti window of the electron acceleratora A. Wasilewski Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-06-12

Neutron generator with 30MeV electron beam. The system is approximate to the real one.a A. Wasilewski Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-07-13


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Optimization of the neutron reflectora A. Wasilewski Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-07-13

W or Pb as a neutron generator with 30MeV electron beama A. Wasilewski Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-08-09

Hyper Kamiokande Photodetectors Timing Parameters Dependency on Input Conditionsb M. Chabera Tokyo, Hyper Kamiokande, 2018-09-11

Neutron tube - the first tests with the wall of the bunkera A. Wasilewski Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-10-05

Neutron tube - the first tests with the entire bunkera A. Wasilewski Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-11-07

Review of works performed in the Acceleration Theory & Computational Methods 2018a A. Wysocka-Rabin Swierk-Otwock, NCBJ, 2018-12-12

a) in Polish b) in English


P. Adrich - Supervision of engineering thesis of miss Magdalena Anna Przybył entitled "Design of replaceable scattering foils for therapeutic beam forming system in the IntraLine mobile electron accelerator for intraoperative radiotherapy", The thesis was graded at 5.0 and was defended on 25.06.2018 at the Technical University of Warsaw.

K. Kacperski - Lab course: Laboratory of Imaging Techniques, (60 hrs) at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw

K. Kacperski - Running the lab exercise "Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) in nuclear medicine: scanning technique and image reconstruction" as a part of the course Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology at the Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology

A. Wasilewski - Assistance with the preparation of master thesis of Cyprian Pypeć, a student of the Warsaw University of Technology, in the part concerning Monte-Carlo calculations with FLUKA code.

A. Wasilewski - Assistance with the preparation of master thesis of Karolina Midura, a student of the Warsaw University of Technology, in the part concerning Monte-Carlo calculations with FLUKA code.

A. Wasilewski - Assistance with the preparation of master thesis of Weronika Modrzewska, a student of the Warsaw University of Technology, in the part concerning Monte-Carlo calculations with FLUKA code. S. Wronka - Lecturer at Warsaw University of Technology, "Biomedical accelerators"


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

S. Wronka - Supervising of M. Matusiak PhD progress

S. Wronka - Supervising T. Zawistowski PhD

A. Wysocka-Rabin - "Monte Carlo modelling of a digital mammography unit components using EGSnrc code"

A. Wysocka-Rabin - A. Cichoński;"Numerical dose distribution for applicators with irradiation source in brachytherapy and its dosimetric verification".

A. Wysocka-Rabin - Analyse and optimisation of dose distribution in stereotactic irradiation using linear accelerator


M. Chabera T2K Student

S. Wronka Session chairman on Szkoła w świecie zmian i nowych technologii in Zakopane, Poland Polish Society of Medical Physics

A. Wysocka-Rabin Polish Society of Medical Physics PTCOG Polish Society of Radiation Oncology WiN Poland, Women in Nuclear Polish Nuclear Society vice president Society of Environmentals for Nuclear member Society of Environmentals for Nuclear member


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Electronic and Detection Systems Division Head of Division Michał Gierlik, PhD

2018 marked the completion of two major commercial projects, one of them being the operational prototype of an XRF copper ore analyser. Two other notable international cooperations were successfully continued. Laboratory of Spectrometry and Nuclear Electronics (Dr Michał Gierlik) MSc Eng Piotr Mazerewicz, development of an XRF analyser prototype for KGHM “Polska Miedź” S. A. Two independent teams were involved in commercial R&D contracts for a major Polish mining company. One of them, led by MSc Eng Piotr Mazerewicz , tacked the challenge of a robotic XRF analyser for locating and determining the quality of a copper lode directly at an excavation working face. MSc Łukasz Kaźmierczak, Applications of Neutron Activation Analysis for investigating the quality of copper ore for KGHM “Polska Miedź” S. A. This team was created to apply sophisticated physical knowledge mainly in the mining industry. The team consists of physicists, electronics engineers, programmers and technicians. The main task of the team is to build sophisticated analytical devices designed in accordance with the requirements of customers. The construction of devices consists of a design, construction and advanced data analysis that allows us to get answers to questions of interest to our clients. MSc Łukasz Kaźmierczak, R&D contract for PGNiG. An R&D project on the application of nuclear detection techniques to well logging for PGNiG was successfully completed. The project commenced in the Autumn 2017 with the goal of exploring innovative approaches to applications of Neutron Activation Analysis for well logging. Prof. Izabella Zychor, EUROfusion_NCBJ_JET4. This group was involved in the JET4 Enhancements Projects dealing with the modernisation of two gamma-ray diagnostics, the Gamma-ray Camera (GC) and the Gamma-ray Spectrometer (GS), at the Joint European Tokamak (JET). Upgrade of the gamma-ray diagnostics was considered necessary because of the expected high event count rates in the planned deuterium-tritium campaign measurements. The GC has 19 lines of sight, 10 horizontal and 9 vertical, equipped with detector modules based on 25.4×16.9 mm LaBr3:Ce coupled to multi-pixel photon counters (MPPC). The GS consists of a single 3″×3″ CeBr3 scintillator coupled to a photomultiplier tube (PMT). In 2018 we tested new upgraded diagnostics at the JET Torus Hall. Both detector systems saisfy the requirements for measurements at high count rates of about 0.5 Mcps. The energy resolution is less than 5% at gamma-ray energies above 1.1 MeV. Results obtained so far are useful in preparation for gamma-ray diagnostics in plasma devices such as ITER or DEMO. The EUROfusion_NCBJ_JET4 project will continue in 2019. Dr Eng. Jarosław Szewiński, PLC Modules for X-FEL Experiments. During 2018 two commercial projects "PLC modules for XFEL 60" and "PLC modules for XFEL 100" were successfully completed. According to the agreements, respectively 60 and 100 PLC modules for controlling the measurement lines in the X-FEL project were delivered to X-FEL GmBH. These commercial projects were a natural continuation of the work performed by NCBJ for X-FEL GmbH as part of the Polish in-kind contribution (IKC). By the end of the year, NCBJ delivered to X-FEL GmbH a total of 360 modules with PLC terminals, of which 200 were delivered as part of the IKC, and 160 as part of commercial orders. The high quality of the provided solutions resulted in the signing of a further commercial contract for the supply of 50 PLC modules in 2019. Dr Eng. Jarosław Szewiński, LLRF for the European Spallation Source (ESS). At the begining of 2018 the initial firmware for the RTM Carrier first prototype was developed. Analysis of tests resulted in the design of the RTM Carrier M-Beta prototype, including the correction of revealed mistakes. Devices were produced, examined and delivered to the partners with all essential features implemented in firmware code. During 2018 two milestones "RTM Carrier prototype" and "M-Beta RTM Carrier prototype" were successfully completed, with acceptance by the Swedish partner.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

NCBJ is also responsible for the production of several other devices, developed by ESS Sweden. In 2018 anaudit of the PIN-diode and E-Pickup projects was accomplished. Several corrections were proposed and accepted by ESS engineers. After receiving the corrected designs, production of prototypes started. MSc Dominik Rybka, Polar-2. During 2018 discussions about possibility of building the POLAR-2 experiment were conducted. This is a follow-up of the successful POLAR project, which collected data during 6 months on the Tiangong-2 spacelab. POLAR-2 is foreseen to answer several fundamental questions regarding the origin of GRBs by performing polarisation measurements during 2 years of operation on a future Chinese space station. NCBJ was asked to be part of the European consortium and will be responsible for the development of the central processing unit, including the trigger of the experiment. MSc Tomasz Krakowski, electronics engineers team. The contract for PGNiG revealed the importance of gamma spectrometry under extreme conditions. For this reason the group has started working on the prototype of a multi-channel analyser designated for a high-temperature operating environment. The prototype has been pre-launched and undertook a series of tests. The tests results exposed the design’s weak points and showed directions for further development. An improved version of the analyser is now under development. Laboratory of Environment Protection Physics (Dr Janusz Licki). At the beginning of the year the mobile air monitoring mobile unit was outfitted with the following equipment:  two MP101M automatic reference analyzses of suspended dust fractions PM10 and PM2.5, from Environnement S.A.  T200 chemiluminescence NO/NO2/NOx analyser,  MCZ Uwelttechnik CMK5 calibration system for the mandatory zero and end point verification of gas analysers, especially useful for those in automated measuring networks,  Zero air supply system for compressing and cleaning ambient air, model NGA 19S from MCZ Uwelttechnik,  Calibration gas receptacle. The Laboratory scope of the research was then extended with measurements of carbon monoxide concentrations in ambient air. For this purpose a CO model T300 Teledyne API analyser and a meteo station model WS601-UMB from Lufft have been acquired and installed. The implemented DAC System database solution enabled real time storage and processing of measurement data. Tests of the new, enhanced set-up were performed at NCBJ.

Michał Gierlik


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______EUROFUSION_NCBJ_JET4 Project for Gamma-Ray Detectors in Plasma Experiments I. Zychor, P. Adrich, A. Broslawski, S. Korolczuk, G. Nieradka, A. Urban

The EUROfusion_NCBJ_JET4 Project for Gamma-Ray A Multi Pixel Photon Counter (MPPC) is one of the Detectors in Plasma Experiments is a four-year project devices known as silicon photomultipliers. It is realised within the European Joint Programme, co- characterised by a fast response time, high gain financed by EUROATOM, the Research and Training coefficient, high photon detection efficiency resulting in the Programme of the European Atomic Community good energy resolution, low voltage operation, (2014 - 2018) Complementing Horizon 2020 - The resistance to mechanical shocks, and compactness and Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, immunity to magnetic fields. An MPPC gain is and partly supported by the Polish Ministry of Science temperature dependent, so it is necessary to use a device and Higher Education within the framework of which will allow maintaining it at a constant value. For scientific financial resources in the years 2015-2017 the upgraded Gamma-ray Camera, a detector based on allocated for the realisation of international co-financed a LaBr3:Ce scintillator, is equipped with projects. In 2018 the project was prolonged to the end of MTCD@NCBJ, an MPPC Temperature Compensation 2019. Device to stabilise the MPPC gain. 19 detector systems, consisting of an MPPC, MTCD@NCBJ and Since 2012 NCBJ has been involved in work on a 25.416.9 mm LaBr :Ce scintillator, were tested in gamma-ray diagnostics for plasmas. The main objective 3 the final installation position at the JET Torus Hall. of our activities is participation in long term projects carried out at the Joint European Torus (JET). A new detector system, called DM2, for the Gamma-ray Spectrometer based on a 3”×3” CeBr scintillator The 4.4 MeV gamma line emitted in the 9Be(α,nγ)12C 3 coupled to a photomultiplier tube (PMT) is now being nuclear reaction, occurring between confined α particles prepared for installation the JET Torus Hall. The and beryllium impurity ions typically present in the optimal voltage for the PMT determined from plasma, is used to study the energy and spatial measurements of the gamma-ray energy resolution was distribution of fast ions in plasmas. In particular, found to be lower than -700 V. gamma-ray diagnostics of magnetically confined plasmas provide information on runaway electrons Both diagnostics of satisfy the requirements for appearing during plasma disruptions. measurements at high count rate about 0.5 Mcps and the energy resolution is less than 5% at gamma-ray energies Two projects are currently being carried out by NCBJ above 1.1 MeV. within the JET4 Enhancements Projects: modernisation of two detector systems at JET, the Gamma-ray Camera The results obtained so far are useful in preparation for (GCU) and Gamma-ray Spectrometer (GSU). gamma-ray diagnostics in plasma devices like ITER or DEMO. The Gamma-ray Camera is a very useful diagnostic tool to study confined α particles as well as fast ions. The Our activities are presented in more detail in information provided by the upgraded Gamma-ray 5 publications in peer-reviewed journals. Camera will complement the high resolution This scientific work was partly supported by the Polish spectroscopy measurements with the Gamma-ray Ministry of Science and Higher Education within the Spectrometer. Upgrade of the gamma-ray diagnostics is framework of the scientific financial resources in the necessary because in the planned deuterium-tritium years 2015-2019 allocated for the realisation of campaigns measurements high count rates are expected. international co-financed projects. Our special interest is in measurements at high count rates and for this purpose CeBr3 and LaBr3:Ce scintillators were used with a decay time of about 20 ns.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Practical Aspects of Using Beta-Delayed Gamma Emission for Copper Ore Analysis on a Running Belt Conveyor M. Gierlik1, Ł. Kaźmierczak1, S. Borsuk, A. Burakowska, S. Burakowski, M. Gosk, Z. Guzik, T. Kaźmierczak, T. Krakowski, T. Lotz, J. Rzadkiewicz, P. Sobkowicz, M. Szeptycka, J. Szewiński, A. Urban

1 First two co-authors contributed equally to this work increase in measurement efficiency is not unthinkable. Abstract There are efficient, long life solutions for NGs with In this work we studied the feasibility of copper ore yields as high as 0.51010 n/s, and it is possible to analysis on a running belt conveyor by measuring the procure affordable detection matrices of adequate size delayed positon annihilation quanta from the beta-decay to assure sufficient statistics in acceptable, ie. one – two of 62Cu, as previously activated by a D-T, 14 MeV minutes, intervals. However, the design of the neutron generator. We built a 10 metre long model of operational prototype would not be simple, its cost a belt conveyor to test the idea. Although the would be unacceptably high, and the functionality measurement results demonstrate the feasibility of the would hardly be competitive with the alternative idea, practical constraints imposed by user demands and neutron capture approach. the industrial environment would make the design impractical and cost inefficient. Introduction The mining company has expressed an interest in a mobile, lightweight neutron analyser for copper ore analysis on a running belt conveyor. This request was motivated by the fact that existing solutions are stationary installation requiring significant investments in site preparation and modifications. We started looking for an answer to this request by adopting an approach that was studied at NCBJ over 60 years ago, see [1]. The method is based on the measurement of 511 keV annihilation quanta from β+ decay of (mostly) 62Cu. The novelty of the idea was to separate the Fig. 1. An example of a measured energy spectrum. The activation point and the detection set-up by time and inset demonstrates the 511 keV peak fitted with a distance, positioning the neutron generator (NG) and Gaussian function for the peak and a linear function for detectors far from each other. This approach would the background. yield energy spectra with significantly suppressed background that are easy to interpret and analyse, see Acknowledgements Fig. 1. This work was sponsored by KGHM “POLSKA MIEDŹ” S. A. under contract KGHM-BZ-U-0445- The experiment and its outcome. 2014. A mathematical model implied that the activity of References a stream of moving material is, in the first approach, [1] L. Górski, W. Kusch, J. Wojtkowska, „Fast inversely proportional to its speed. The aim of the neutron activation analysis for determination of experiment was to determine how far the response of copper content of lower silesian copper deposits,” the reference experimental set-up is from the level Talanta 11 (1964) 1135-1142. required to achieve the desired precision. The reference [2] M. Gierlik, Ł. Kaźmierczak, S. Borsuk, set-up consisted of the Genie 16 GT NG, with a neutron A. Burakowska, S. Burakowski, M. Gosk, yield of 108 n/s, and a cylindrical 5ʺ2ʺ NaI(Tl) Z. Guzik, T. Kaźmierczak, T. Krakowski, T. Lotz, scintillation detector. The measurement analysis revealed that in a realistic industrial environment with J. Rzadkiewicz, P. Sobkowicz, M. Szeptycka, a conveyor speed above 2.5 m/s and expected copper J. Szewiński, A. Urban, „Practical aspects of using concentrations of the order of 1 %, the results fall short beta-delayed gamma emission for copper ore of the requirements by three orders of magnitude. In analysis on a running belt conveyor,” Appl. a full length article, see [2], we demonstrate that such an Radiat. Isot. 142 (2018), 187–193.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Laboratory for Environmental Protection Physics with Mobile Air Monitoring Container for Determination of Air Quality J. Licki, M. Kowalski, M. Lasiewicz, A. Bigos

A good index of the air quality was determined at the air quality in the NCBJ area have been made, because it NCBJ site in 2017 [1]. This was the motivation to is interesting to conduct nitric oxide measurements in extend the laboratory’s capabilities to measurements of correlation with ozone levels when they originate from other pollutants than suspended dust and nitric oxides. traffic. An example of the measurement results is shown in Additionally, online access to the database DAC System Fig. 1. has been provided where measured data can be The laboratory is research scope has been extended with processed and stored in real time. The data collection measurements of the concentration of carbon monoxide and presentation mode is user configurable. in ambient air having in mind its toxicity for people. References The mobile container has been equipped with a model T300 Teledyne API CO analyser. A meteorological [1] Raport z pomiarów jakości powietrza na terenie station type WS601-UMB Lufft has also been included NCBJ obok reaktora Maria. Raport NCBJ B- to provide high accuracy measurements. A calibration 14/2017. of its temperature and relative humidity sensor readings [2] Raport ze sprawdzenia wskazań czujników has been conducted [2]. At the end of the year model temperatury i wilgotności względnej powietrza ze stacji pogodowej typu WS601-UMB. T400 Teledyne API O3 analyser was included in the equipment and preparations for further measurements of

Fig. 1. An example of hourly measurements of four air pollutants at the NCBJ site.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


MCORD - MPD Cosmic Ray Detector for NICA M. Bielewicz, ... , M. Grodzicka-Kobyłka, S. Mianowski, P. Sibczyński, T. Szczęśniak, M. Linczuk, A. Chłopik, A. Bancer, K. Grodzicki, M. Pietrzak, A. Dudziński, E. Jaworska, ... et al. Dubna

Raport z realizacji I-go etapu umowy „Rozwój technologii zintegrowanego monitorowania zawartości wybranych pierwiastków oraz porowatości skał w odwiertach wydobywczych z wykorzystaniem generatorów wysokoenergetycznych neutronów” Ł. Kaźmierczak, M. Gierlik, T. Krakowski, G. Bołtruczyk, S. Burakowski, J. Iwanowska-Hanke, Ł. Komorowski, M. Moszyński, J. Rzadkiewicz, P. Sibczyński, K. Trela NCBJ, Otwock(2018); Język: Polski; N=11,n=11; nr ref.: M2734

Raport z realizacji II-go etapu umowy „Rozwój technologii zintegrowanego monitorowania zawartości wybranych pierwiastków oraz porowatości skał w odwiertach wydobywczych z wykorzystaniem generatorów wysokoenergetycznych neutronów” Ł. Kaźmierczak, G. Bołtruczyk, A. Brosławski, S. Burakowski, M. Gierlik, J. Iwanowska-Hanke, T. Krakowski, K. Niechcielski, J. Rzadkiewicz, P. Sibczyński, I. Slipukhin, K. Trela, A. Urban, K. Zezuliński NCBJ(2018); Język: Polski; N=14,n=14; nr ref.: M2795

Raport z realizacji umowy pt. „Wykorzystanie technologii neutronowej analizy aktywacyjnej do określania zawartości pierwiastków użytecznych w rudzie miedzi in situ, oraz na różnych etapach jej urabiania i transportu” Raport Ł. Kaźmierczak, A. Urban, T. Krakowski, A. Brosławski, G. Bołtruczyk, S. Burakowski, M. Gierlik, T. Lotz, K. Niechcielski, J. Rzadkiewicz, P. Sibczyński, I. Slipukhin, P. Sobkowicz, K. Trela, K. Zezuliński NCBJ(2018); Język: Polski; N=15,n=15; nr ref.: M2794


Invited Talk

Study of Evolution of MPPC Properties Induced by Neutrons S. Mianowski, J. Baszak, Y.M. Gledenov, Y.N. Kopatch, Z. Mianowska, M. Moszyński, P. Sibczyński, T. Szczęśniak The first International Conference on the Advancement of Silicon Photomultipliers (Germany, Schwetzingen, 2018- 06-11 - 2018-06-15)

Oral Presentation

Non-proportionality phenomenon of CsI:Tl scintillators – new observations Z. Mianowska, M. Moszyński, A. Dziedzic, A. Gektin, S. Gridin, X. Lu, M.R. Mayhugh, S. Mianowski, P. Sibczyński, Ł. Świderski, A. Syntfeld-Każuch, T. Szczęśniak, R.T. Williams, S. Vasyukov Europhysical Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials (EURODIM 2018) (Poland, , 2018-07-08 - 2018-07-13)

MCORD - MPD Cosmic Ray Detector a new features M. Bielewicz, M. Milewicz-Zalewska, M. Grodzicka-Kobyłka, S. Mianowski, P. Sibczyński, L. Świderski, T. Szczęśniak, M. Linczuk, D. Wielanek, A. Kisiel, G. Kasprowicz, K. Pozniak, W. Zabołotny, R. Romaniuk, A. Chłopik, A. Bancer, K. Grodzicki, M. Pietrzak, A. Dudziński, E. Jaworska, E. Strugalska-Gola, M.J. Peryt, M. Rybczynski, Z. Włodarczyk, G. Stefanek, P. Kankiewicz XXIV BALDIN International Seminar on High Energy Problems - Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics (Russia, DUBNA, 2018-09-17 - 2018-09-22) EPJ Web Conf. (2018)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

MCORD: MPD cosmic ray detector for NICA M. Bielewicz, M. Grodzicka-Kobyłka, S. Mianowski, P. Sibczyński, Ł. Świderski, T. Szczęśniak, M. Linczuk, D. Wielanek, A. Kisiel, G. Kasprowicz, K. Pozniak, W. Zabołotny, R. Romaniuk, A. Chłopik, A. Bancer, K. Grodzicki, M. Pietrzak, A. Dudziński, E. Jaworska, M.J. Peryt, M. Rybczynski XXIV BALDIN International Seminar on High Energy Problems - Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics (Russia, DUBNA, 2018-09-17 - 2018-09-22) Proc. SPIE Vol. 10808 (2018) 1080847


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Radiation Detectors and Plasma Diagnostics Division Head of Division Łukasz Świderski, PhD, DSc

The Radiation Detectors and Plasma Diagnostics Division (TJ3) was established in 2018 as a result of merging two divisions of the Nuclear Equipment and Technology Department. Most of our division’s activity is focused on the characterization of scintillation detectors coupled to various photodetectors and the development of detectors for plasma diagnostics. In the past year our efforts were concentrated on:  pulse shape n/γ discrimination in EJ-276 and EJ-276G plastic scintillators,  positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy in aluminum garnets,  characterization of a large size (50 × 50 mm2) Multi Pixel Photon Counter (MPPC) performance for gamma-ray spectroscopy with 2 inch scintillators (LaBr3 and NaI:Tl),  characterization of the temperature dependence of La-GPS:Ce scintillator gamma-ray response up to +150ºC,  study of the temperature dependence of scintillation intensity and decay time in CsI:Tl crystals and its influence on their non-proportionality and energy resolution,  study of irradiation effects induced by proton flux in MPPCs,  study of muon detection using plastic scintillators with fibers and MPPC light readout,  investigation of large size LuAG:Pr response to intrinsic radioactivity and external gamma rays,  nano-10B lined proportional counters for neutron detection in security applications (in cooperation with ILL Grenoble),  development of orthogonal-strip Si(Li) semiconductor detectors,  depopulation of the long-lived isomeric state in 186Re,  application of multichannel Cherenkov-type probes for studies of runaway electrons in tokamaks (within the framework of the H2020 EUROfusion programme),  research on physical phenomena in PF discharges and plasma interactions with selected materials,  application of solid-state nuclear track detectors (NTD),  characterization of polyallyl diglicol carbonate (PADC) detectors for fast neutron measurements,  analysis of high-resolution measurements of Cu- and Ni-like tungsten spectra recorded at the upgraded Shanghai Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT),  examining Breit interaction and QED corrections to atomic and molecular orbital energies,  development of a digital model of the electrodynamic acceleration process in a coil gun device.

The results of our studies were used in the realization of R&D projects, including:  C-BORD: we were involved in the development of the Rapidly Relocatable Tagged Neutron Inspection System (RRTNIS) and we co-organized with the National Revenue Administration a field test campaign of the C-BORD system for the detection of illicit goods and dangerous materials inside containers transported through sea-ports. This project has been funded by the EU.  INNDEX: we have been involved in the characterization of a novel semiconductor material (Cd, Mn)Te, that was proposed by the Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences (IP PAS), as a candidate for an X-ray and gamma-ray detector. This project is funded by the National Centre for Research and Development and is carried out in cooperation with IP PAS, Warsaw University of Technology and a private company, PUREMAT Technologies.  Contract with PGNiG: we were involved in the characterization of the scintillation properties at elevated temperatures and gamma-ray response simulations for detectors intended for use in well logging. This work was done in cooperation with the Division of Electronics and Detection Systems (TJ2).

Most of the scientific achievements of the Division were summarized in 38 reviewed publications, published mainly in Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, Physical Review A, Physics of Plasmas and Optical Materials. Besides that, our scientists presented 9 contributions at international conferences – including 4 presentations and 5 posters – and 4 invited talks during various Workshops.

We proudly draw attention to a review paper on SiPM use in gamma spectroscopy [1], published by Prof. Marek Moszyński, Dr. Martyna Grodzicka-Kobyłka and Dr. Tomasz Szczęśniak in a special issue of Nuclear Instruments


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______and Methods A. It is also worth noting that Dr. Jacek Rzadkiewicz co-authored a publication on nuclear excitation by electron capture [2], published in Nature, a leading international scientific journal. The Division has also been involved in scientific collaborations with a number of international centers, such as Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden), KMUTT (Bangkok, Thailand), CEA-Saclay and ILL Grenoble (France), ISC i NSC KIPT (Kharkov, Ukraine), NRC Kurchatov Institute (Moscow, Russia), LNL INFN, (Legnaro, Italy), JINR (Dubna, Russia), IPPLM and Military University of Technology (Warsaw Poland) and UMK (Torun, Poland), Tohoku University, (Sendai, Japan), Wake Forest University, (Winston-Salem, USA), CVUT (Prague, Czech Republic), Shanghai EBIT Laboratory and Fudan University, (China), EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland) and companies as Scionix B.V., (Bunnik, Holland), Siemens Healthcare, (Knoxville, USA), CAEN, (Viareggio, Italy), Syskon, OTJ Polon (Wroclaw, Poland), Lubrina, (Lodz, Poland), Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., Tokuyama and C-and-A, (Japan).

Details regarding the Division is achievements in selected areas can be found in the dedicated records of this Annual Report.

References [1] M. Grodzicka-Kobylka, M. Moszyński, T. Szczęśniak, ”Silicon photomultipliers in gamma spectroscopy with scintillators”, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A Vol. 926 (2019) 129 [2] C.J. Chiara, et al., ”Isomer depletion as experimental evidence of nuclear excitation by electron capture”, Nature Vol. 554 (2018) 216

Łukasz Świderski


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy in Aluminum Garnets K. Brylew1, T. Szczęśniak1, M. Moszyński1, W. Drozdowski2 1National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ), Świerk, Poland 2Institute of Physics, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland The aim of this research is to explore and establish the After a convolution of the decay spectrum with possibility of including the methods of positron lifetime a Gaussian resolution function with a standard deviation spectroscopy in the area of inorganic scintillator crystal of σs, the spectrum function becomes: characterization as an additional source of information 2 휎푠 푡−푡0− on defects in these materials, since only a few studies 푘+1 퐼푖 4휏푖 1 푡−푡0 퐷푓(푡) = ∑푖=1 exp⁡[− ] [1 − erf ( − )] (2) have been performed concerning garnets. 2 휏푖 2휎푠휏푖 휎푠

Fig. 2. Comparison of measured positron annihilation lifetime spectra for LuYAG crystals (left) and molybdenum co-doped samples (right).

Fig. 2. show typical spectra obtained using the PALS measurement for each of the samples. Using equation (2) the model curves have been fitted to the data and the resulting decay components are shown in Tab. 1.

Table 1. Calculated decay parameters. Fig. 1. Overview of the experimental setup.

Lu amount τ1 [ps](%) τ2 [ps](%) τ3 [ps](%) I1 I2 I3 (LuxY1−x)3Al5O12:Pr crystals, where x corresponds to the amount of lutetium, and LuAG:Pr,Mo, were grown 0 % 188 (69) 516 (29) 2149 (2) 1.39 0.21 0.004 using the Czochralski method. 100% 106 (30) 389 (65) 2380 (5) 0.93 0.55 0.007 75% 104 391 (56) 2279 1.08 0.40 0.004 A depiction of the experimental setup used in the (40.4) (3.6) measurements of coincidence timing applications 50% 138 (51) 372 (47) 1850 (2) 1.14 0.39 0.003 adjusted for positron lifetime spectroscopy is presented 25% 123 (44) 362 (54) 2144 (2) 1.05 0.45 0.003 in Fig. 1. Two fast scintillators (usually BaF2 due to 0.0005% 141 355 2022 1.02 0.44 0.005 their extremely fast cross-valence luminescence) are Mo (46.4) (50.4) (3.2) coupled to two fast timing XP20D0 photomultipliers The preliminary results clearly indicate that it is with a screening grid, where one has the role of possible to distinguish different positron lifetimes in producing start signals and the other generates the stop wide band-gap scintillating materials such as aluminum signal. garnets and the observed changes vary with the crystal The positron originating from the 22Na source is emitted composition. simultaneously with a 1.274 MeV gamma ray according Similarly, the results for molybdenum doped samples 22 22 + to the decay Na → Ne + β + νe + γ. The lifetime of are also promising despite the similarity of the spectra. the particle is measured as the time difference between This is due to the fact that in our previous work we have the 1.274 MeV birth gamma ray and the emission of the shown that the molybdenum co-doping has no any 0.511 MeV annihilation radiation. meaningful impact on the scintillation and luminescence The time dependent positronium decay spectrum in properties of the host crystal, which is in agreement a given material can presented as: with what we observe here.

푘+1 푡 Acknowledgements: 퐷(푡) = ∑푖=1 퐼푖 푒푥푝 − (1) 휏푖 The growth of the crystals used in this research was where k corresponds to the number of various defects financed by the Polish National Science involved in positron trapping, giving rise to a combined Centre (grant no. 2012/05/B/ST5/00324). decay spectrum D with lifetimes τi and intensities Ii.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Pulse Shape Discrimination in EJ-276 and EJ-276G Plastic Scintillators M. Grodzicka-Kobyłka1, T. Szczęśniak1, M. Moszyński1, K. Brylew1,Ł. Świderski1, J.J. Valiente-Dobón2, P. Schotanus3 1National Centre for Nuclear Research, Świerk, Poland, 2INFN, Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Legnaro, Italy, 3Scionix, Bunnik, The Netherlands In this paper we report the scintillation properties and pulse shape discrimination (PSD) performance of new plastic scintillators EJ-276 and EJ-276G. Samples with dimension of 1x1 and 2x2 inches were tested. Additionally, two samples of 1x1inches and three samples of 2x2 inches of EJ-276 plastic were measured in a stack configuration in order to check the PSD possibility of larger samples (up to 2x6 inches). The paper covers the measurements of neutron/gamma discrimination, emission spectra, photoelectron yield and analysis of the light pulse shapes originating from events related to gamma rays and fast neutrons. All results were compared with data related to previous plastic scintillators EJ-299-33, EJ-299-33G, EJ-299-34, EJ-299-34G and to EJ-301 liquid scintillator. In order to quantify the performance of the tested detectors, the PSD figure of merit (FOM) was calculated, as follows: ( peak separation) FOM  (1) ( FWHM )  (FWHM ) Fig. 1. 2D plots of ZC time versus energy recorded for  n the XP5300B PMT. The spectra of 241Am, 137Cs, 22Na Due to the slight dependence of the ZC time on energy gamma sources and a PuBe neutron source are (neutrons and γ rays) in the PSD method used, FOMs presented sequentially. were measured for narrow energy cuts (100, 300, 500 and 1000 keV±10%), which ensured that the ZC time projections were Gaussian–shaped. 2-dimensional plots recorded for 2x2 inch sample using the Kmax data acquisition system are presented in Fig. 1. Measurements were done with EJ-276 and EJ-276G scintillators and next compared with EJ301liquid scintillator or EJ299-33, EJ299-34. The calculated FoMs for all tested samples are presented in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Figure of merit (FoM) for ej-276, ej299-33, ej299-34 plastics and ej301 liquid scintillator.

The results obtained showed significant improvement in the EJ-276 plastic scintillators comparing to the old version EJ 299. However, PSD performance obtained with EJ-301 liquid scintillator is still much better. Nevertheless, taking into account the practical advantages (robustness, non-toxicity and inflammability) over liquid scintillators the plastics can be a reasonable alternative for neutron detection with gamma discrimination in many real-life applications, for example in border monitoring devices. Up to now the biggest limitation for plastic scintillators was the size of the sample. Together with the increase


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______of the scintillator size the PSD performance was degraded. To check the quality of the new material two or three samples of 2x2 inches of EJ-276 plastic were measured in a stack configuration to verify the PSD possibility of large samples up to 2x6 inches. The calculated FoMs for the tested samples and length from 2inch to 6inch are presented in Fig. 3. Because the quality of the samples is slightly different, the results for the 4-inch stack were slightly different depending on the configuration of the samples (sample 1+2 or 2+3). It is worth noting that for EJ-276 with a length from 2 inch to 6 inch, the FOM measured for 300keV±10% only Fig. 3. Figure of merit (FoM) for ej-276 plastic dropped from 1.78 to 1.47. According to these scintillator. The length of the sample from 2inch to 6 promising results the EJ-276 plastic is the first inch. scintillator for PSD that can be used in large sizes.

MCDF and CI Study of 4d-3p x-Ray Transitions in Cu- and Ni-Like Tungsten Ions Relevant to the Diagnostic of High-Temperature Tokamak Plasmas K. Kozioł, J. Rzadkiewicz

High-resolution measurements of Cu- and Ni-like The |[Ne]3s23p53d104s0,14d1>→|[Ne]3s23p63d104s0,1> tungsten spectra were performed at the upgraded (simply called 4d→3p) x-ray transitions in Cu- (W45+) Shanghai EBIT (Electron Beam Ion Trap). Spectra and Ni-like (W46+) tungsten ions were studied relevant to the high-resolution x-ray diagnostics in JET theoretically. The Multi-configuration Dirac–Hartree– were measured in the 5.19–5.26 Å wavelength region at Fock (MCDHF) and large-scale relativistic electron beam energies from 3.16 keV to 4.55 keV. Configuration Interaction (CI) methods were employed Wavelengths of the so-called Ni1, Ni2, Cu1, Cu2, and in order to take into account electron correlation effects Cu3 lines were determined with very good accuracy. on the wavelengths and transition rates. It was found The wavelength of the Cu1 line was measured for the that the wavelengths and transition rates obtained from first time. the MCDHF-CI method depend strongly on the size and type of the Active Space used in the calculations. It was found that extending the Active Space of orbitals without careful control of the Configuration State Function base does not always lead to good quality MCDHF-CI results for highly ionized tungsten ions. In present work very good agreement between the measured wavelengths and the theoretical ones was obtained and new predictions for the wavelength and intensity of x-ray lines were produced for the sake of future experiments. Applying the MCDHF-CI approach instead of the pure MCDHF approach allowed us to reduce the experiment–theory gap in wavelengths from about 5–8 mÅ to <1.2 mÅ. The results of this study provide an important benchmark for x-ray measurements in tokamaks, in particular for JET and ITER.

Fig. 1. X-ray spectra of Cu- and Ni-like tungsten ions measured in the upgraded Shanghai EBIT for electron- beam energies of 3.16, 3.76, 4.34, and 4.55 keV (figure taken from Ref. [2]).


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References [1] K. Kozioł and J. Rzadkiewicz, Phys. Rev. A 98, 062504 (2018). [2] J. Rzadkiewicz, Y. Yang, K. Kozioł, M. G. O’Mullane, A. Patel, J. Xiao, K. Yao, Y. Shen, D. Lu, R. Hutton, Y. Zou, and JET Contributors, Phys. Rev. A 97, 052501 (2018).

Fig. 2. Comparison of the present theoretical (MCDHF and MCDHF-CI) and experimental wavelengths of the Ni1, Ni2 and Cu1, Cu2, Cu3 lines. The experimental uncertainties are represented by the shaded area.

Dielectric Track Detectors in Fast Neutron Measurements R. Kwiatkowski1, A. Malinowska1, A. Szydłowski2, M. Gierlik1, J. Rzadkiewicz1, A. Urban1, K. Mikszuta2 1National Centre for Nuclear Research, Świerk, Poland 2Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion, Warsaw, Poland In this report we present the applicability of PADC Table 2. Selected converters and conversion factors. (polyallyl diglicol carbonate) detectors of the CR-39 TASTRAK type and the activation technique to the Converter Conversion factor monitoring of neutrons emitted from a 14 MeV neutron protons alpha particles generator. Both of the diagnostic methods were used PE 5×10-5 1.2×10-5 along with numerical simulations. The measurements Ni 1.8×10-5 1×10-5 were performed using an NSD 35 2-DT-C-W type Mo 1.8×10-5 1.1×10-5 neutron generator, where neutrons are produced mainly in Fe 5×10-5 1.1×10-5 the deuterium-tritium fusion reaction. The majority of neutrons have an energy of 14.6±1.7 MeV. During the experiments, the generator was set to emit, according to Based on a previously performed calibration of track the manufacturer, about 2.5×108 neutrons per second in detectors (see Fig. 1), the tracks induced by protons and full solid angle [1]. alpha particles could be distinguished for chosen etching times [1, 2]. Therefore, it should be possible to neglect The activation method is based on measurements of the proton tracks and count only tracks produced by the gamma radiation emitted by short-lived isotopes which heavier particles (e.g. alphas) emitted from the converter. are produced during neutron irradiation of the selected materials. During the experiment we used samples made of the following elements: Al, Zn, Fe, Ni and Zr. After activation, gamma-radiation emitted from the samples was measured using a BriLlanCe380 probe (equipped with a LaBr3:Ce scintillator) [1]. Charged particles penetrating the track detector material cause radiation damage which, after chemical etching, can Fig. 1. Calibration plots of the track detector used, be observed and counted under an optical microscope. plotted for 1h and 2h etching times. The detector sheet can be cut in to small samples of any desired shape and placed around or within the During the analysis of the ions recorded by the track experimental facility. Although a PADC detector cannot detector the diameter (D) and brightness (B) of the register neutral particles directly, the neutrons can be observed craters were taken into account. The B versus registered by using special converters [1, 2]. D plot of the tracks recorded using one of the detector In order to find appropriate converter materials and samples is shown in Fig. 2. Due to the short etching time evaluate their usefulness we carried out Monte Carlo (1h) proton tracks were not observed in this sample. simulations [3]. As a result, we obtained the number of ions which could be registered by the track detector (protons or alpha particles) per incident neutron. Final results of our computations are presented in Table 2.


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statistical uncertainties and imperfection of the detector calibration (both PADC and scintillator probe). The following factors could also introduce some systematic errors, i.e.: contribution of scattered neutrons to measured signals, additional tracks generated inside the PADC detector or improper identification of background signals [1, 2]. Fig. 2. B(D) plots of ion tracks registered with PADC References track detectors and PE radiator with Cu filter (left) or PE [1] R. Kwiatkowski, A. Malinowska, M. Gierlik, et al., radiator (right) after 4h irradiation and 1h etching. The Fusion Engineering and Design (2019), U-like shape on the right plot marks the area corresponding to alpha particles. [2] A. Malinowska, A. Szydlowski, R. Kwiatkowski, et Based on the values measured using track detectors and al., Radiation Meas. 119 (2018), activation methods, we calculated the neutron flux emitted by the generator used to be equal to about [3] T. Sato et al., J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 50:9 (2013), 913 0.5-5×108 n·s-1. The observed discrepancy between the results obtained with various samples could be caused by

Research on Physical Phenomena in Pf Discharges and Plasma Interactions with Selected Materials* M.J. Sadowski1-2, R. Kwiatkowski1, E. Składnik-Sadowska1, D. Załoga1, M. Paduch2, P. Kubes3, V.I. Krauz4, and I. Garkusha5 1National Centre for Nuclear Research, Świerk, Poland 2Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion, Warsaw, Poland 3Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic 4NRC Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia, 5NSC KIPT, Kharkov, Ukraine In the first quarter of 2018 an NCBJ team, in coaxial electrodes were equipped with two copper cones collaboration with researchers from the IFPiLM in fixed on the anode and anti-anode surfaces and oriented Warsaw and CVUT in Prague, finished the edition of in opposite directions. The dynamics of the formation a paper on the characterization of fast deuterons and evolution of plasmoids inside the pinch column involved in the production of fusion neutrons in dense were studied. For the first time axial compression of the plasma focus discharges. Characteristic waveforms, ion observed plasma structures was proved experimentally pinhole images and interferometric pictures were [2]. investigated, as shown in Fig. 1. Within the framework of scientific collaboration with researchers from the Kurchatov Institute in Moscow another paper on the influence of gas conditions on plasma jets generated in the PF-1000U plasma-focus facility was completed. The studies performed proved that it is possible to generate long plasma jets which can be used for simulation of astrophysical phenomena [3].

Fig. 1. (a) Waveforms from shot #12088: a current Another publication concerned the influence of gas derivative (thick grey), soft x rays (thin grey), hard x conditions on electron temperatures inside a pinch rays (thin black) and fusion neutrons (dashed); (b) column of a plasma-focus discharge [4]. High electron Pinhole pictures of fast deuterons recorded at angles - temperatures (ranging from 3.3-7.5 keV) were estimated 600 (1) and 00 (2); (g) An interferometric image taken on the basis of x-ray signals measured by means of PIN- after the pinch interruption (at t = 63 ns). type detectors with different absorption filters. XUV pictures were also recorded in order to determine the It was proved that fast deuteron beams are emitted from dimensions of current filaments and so-called “hot- different pinch regions and deuteron trajectories are spots”, as shown in Fig. 2. strongly deflected by local magnetic fields [1]. Within the same collaboration new experimental studies were carried out with a modified PF-1000U facility. Its


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A summary and comments on recent achievements in research on dense magnetized plasmas in Poland were presented in an invited talk at the international conference ICPPCF-2018 in Kharkov, Ukraine [8]. References [1] P. Kubes, M. Paduch, M. J. Sadowski, et al., Phys. Plasmas 25 (2018) 012712. [2] P. Kubes, M. Paduch, M. J. Sadowski, et al., Phys. Plasmas 25 (2018) 062712. [3] E. Składnik-Sadowska, S. A. Dan’ko, A. M.

Kharrasov, et al., Phys. Plasmas 25 (2018) 082715. Fig. 2. XUV frame-pictures taken at the PF-1000U [4] D. R. Zaloga, M. J. Sadowski, E. Składnik- facility, at different instants after the discharge current Sadowska, et al., J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. Vol. 959 peculiarity. The bottom pictures present colour (2018) 012003. enhanced images. [5] I. Garkusha, V. Makhlaj, O. Byrka, et al., J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. Vol. 959 (2018) 012004. In the scientific collaboration with researchers from [6] A. Marchenko, I. Garkusha, V. Makhlaj, et al., J. KIPT in Kharkov extensive studies were performed on Phys.: Conf. Ser. Vol. 959 (2018) 012006. material surface damage and modification under high- [7] V.A. Makhlai, S.S. Herashchenko, N.N. Aksenov, power plasma streams [5]. Particular attention was et al., PAST (VANT), Ser. Plasma Phys. 6(118) focussed on the analysis of optical spectra from steel (2018) 59-62. samples exposed to pulsed plasma streams [6]. Other [8] M. J. Sadowski, PAST (VANT), Ser. Plasma Phys. studies concerned erosion properties of tungsten and 6(118) (2018) 121-126. WTa5 alloy exposed to repetitive QSPA plasma loads * Scientific collaboration of NCBJ, IFPiLM, CVUT below melting threshold [7]. (Prague), Kurchatov Institute (Moscow) and KIPT (Kharkov).

Performance of the Newest S14161-6050HS-04 HWB MPPC Arrays in Timing and Scintillation Spectroscopy with 2 Inch Scintillators T. Szczęśniak1, M. Grodzicka-Kobyłka1, M. Szawłowski1, D. Wolski1, M. Moszyński1, S. Mianowski1, J. Baszak2 1National Centre for Nuclear Research, Świerk, Poland, 2Hamamatsu Photonics Deutschland GmbH, Germany The timing and spectroscopic performance of the In 2017/2018 the first samples of the newest newest Hamamatsu Hole Wire Bonding MPPC arrays Hamamatsu MPPC arrays were introduced onto the with 2 types of 2 inch scintillators, LaBr3 and NaI(Tl) market. These devices use Hole Wire Bonding (HWB) was studied. The measurements were made with four, instead of Through Silicon Via (TSV) and were S14161-6050HS-04 MPPC arrays (SN: 1, 2, 3, 4) with produced using new technology. The most important a 50x50 µm2 cell size and active area of 25x25 mm2 improvements are: increase of fill factor to 74% (for (4x4 channels with area of 6x6 mm2 each). In order to 50µm cells) and increase of Photon Detection read the light from 2 inch crystals, 4 arrays were tiled Efficiency (PDE) to 50% for 450nm. Moreover, the together creating a 50.2 x 50.2 mm2 photodetector. In all technology change affected the I-V characteristics measurements the common readout of all channels, leading to a lowering of the breakdown voltage to from all 4 arrays, was used to mimic the simplicity of values below 40V. The cost of the new design is an a classic photomultiplier readout. The studies contained increase of capacitance from 320pF to 500pF for an optimization of the detector with respect to the MPPC area of 3x3 mm. requirements for the best energy resolution at 662 keV or timing resolution for 511 keV, analysis of low energy spectra (up to 16.6 keV), a check of linearity characteristics and sensitivity to counting rate, and inspection of light pulse shapes. The results were compared with measurements presented in 2016 and 2017 of the same crystals on previous generation of the Hamamatsu MPPC array S12642-1616PB-50(X) and with data collected with classic photomultipliers.


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Fig. 1. Dependence of the energy resolution for 662 keV Fig. 2. Dependence of timing resolution on fraction on the bias voltage for 4x HWB MPPC array S14161- level set at leading edge discriminator for different bias 6050HS-04 and 2 inch LaBr3 scintillator. voltages. The measurements were made with a 2 inch LaBr3 scintillator. Since photon detection efficiency and noise depend on the bias voltage, the first step in the optimization of any In Fig. 2 an example of timing resolution results SiPM should be the selection of the optimal operating obtained for the 2 inch LaBr3 scintillator is presented. voltage. In Fig. 1 the energy resolution dependence at The plot contains the dependence of the timing 662keV on the bias voltage for the “new” array and resolution on fraction level set at leading edge a 2 inch LaBr3 is presented. In addition 4 dashed lines, discriminator for different bias voltages. The timing corresponding to measurements with different resolution of large SiPM arrays is strongly affected by photodetectors, are also placed on the plot. The orange their large capacitance and hence slow output pulse. line shows the best energy resolution value recorded Application of a transimpedance amplifier and strong with the “old” array. The green line represents differentiation of the signal allows “speeding” of the measurement with a 2 inch classic PMT Photonis detector output pulse and achieve rise times at the level XP5212B. The last two dashed lines represent the of 20ns and 30ns for LaBr3 and NaI(Tl) crystals, optimized PMT readout, which leads to an energy respectively. These parameters allow reasonable timing resolution of 3.13% – 3.17%. Huge improvement is resolution, below 400ps for LaBr3 and 1.4µs for observed for the newest array, which allows an energy NaI(Tl). resolution of 3.11% when transimpedance amplifier In the course of this work we confirmed that simple readout is applied or slightly worse, 3.19%, for direct readout of a large SiPM array with parallel connection readout. of all channels is possible and sufficient for most applications, especially when energy resolution is more important than timing. In the case of 2 inch crystals such as LaBr3 and NaI(Tl) the light readout by means of a large SiPM array can give results (3.11% and 6.45%, respectively) equal to or better than the best classic PMTs.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Research on Runaway Electrons on Tokamaks M. Rabiński, R. Kwiatkowski, M.J. Sadowski, J. Żebrowski, R. Mirowski, D. Załoga, and the EUROfusion MST1 Team*

One of the most important tasks for research into studies within COMPASS, obtained in 2016-2017 by magnetic confinement of high-temperature plasma is means of an older 3-channel detector, were published in measurements of fast Runaway Electrons (REs) two papers [1-2] and as a conference report [3]. produced inside and escaping from tokamak facilities. Such measurements make it possible to attempt to control and mitigate tokamak inner-wall damage and to improve the quality of the tokamak magnetic confinement. For measurements of the REs inside tokamak vessels the NCBJ team had proposed to apply detectors equipped with diamond radiators several years ago. It was proved that for electron beams of energy in the range of 50 keV-300 keV the primary source of optical signals obtained from the diamond radiators was the Cherenkov effect. In 2018 new research on REs was carried out in the framework of the EUROfusion Work Package MST1 “Medium-Size Tokamaks Experimental Campaigns”. These studies were performed within the TCV tokamak (SPC, EPFL) in Lausanne, which is one of three main facilities exploited in the MST1. The diamond radiators installed in a three-channel detector were covered by thin molybdenum filters of different thickness, which made it possible to determine the low-energy part of the RE energy spectrum. The values of low-energy thresholds for electrons in the described 3-channel detector dedicated to the TCV facility were: 109 keV, 145 keV and 226 keV, respectively. Some diagnostic tests of this detector were performed during experimental sessions in 2018 performed within the TCV in the framework of MST1. Interesting electron- induced signals were recorded in correlation with other waveforms, i.e.: plasma current, Uloop voltage, MHD signals from Mirnov coils, Halpha signals, soft X rays (DPMX), hard X rays (PMTX), and also with the poloidal structure of the TCV magnetic field. An example of such signals, which were recorded during Fig. 1. Results from TCV shot #61437. Signal of plasma the 6th experimental session (in June 2018), is shown in current, Uloop, MHD (Mirnov coils), Halpha, soft X-rays Fig.1. (DPMX), hard X-rays (PMTX), and from the Cherenkov diamond detector (channels: ch1 Ee >109 keV; ch2 Ee In the framework of research on RE, which was carried >145 keV; ch3 Ee >226 keV). The poloidal structure of out within the COMPASS tokamak at the Institute of the TCV magnetic field (with the marked position of the Plasma Physics, AS CR in Prague, a new 3-channel detector head) was shown at t = 0.55 s. detector was constructed and manufactured. The measuring head of this detector was equipped with CVD Another paper concerning earlier studies of REs, which diamond radiators of 3-mm in diameter. They had were performed at the FTU (at ENEA, Frascati) by a stick shape with and one end of hemi-spherical form. means of 1- and 3-channel diamond detectors designed The whole detector was assembled on a new linear shift at NCBJ in 2015 and before, was also published in 2018 mechanism. This detector was installed within the [4]. An analysis of the capability of such detectors for COMPASS tokamak vessel before the experimental measurements of RE losses in the presence of session scheduled in autumn 2018, but before its start reconnection phenomena was also presented. It was the session was cancelled. Unfortunately, as it turned shown that for very fast electrons (of energy up to a few out, some mechanical part of the detector needed to be MeV) the signals obtained can be dominated by repaired. At the same time, results of the previous RE cathodoluminescence.


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Acknowledgements: The reported scientific research Vol. 42A (2018) P2.1006 ISBN: 979-10-96389- was partly supported by the Polish Ministry of Science 08-7. and Higher Education within the framework of the [3] D. Załoga, M.J. Sadowski, M. Rabiński, et al, 14th scientific financial resources in the years 2016-2018, Kudowa Summer School, Kudowa-Zdrój, Poland, allocated for the realization of the international co- June 4-6, 2018, oral presentation. financed projects. [4] F. Bagnato, ….. , L. Jakubowski, M. Rabiński, J. Żebrowski, et al, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion References Vol. 60 No 11 (2018) 115010 DOI: 10.1088/1361- [1] J. Żebrowski, L. Jakubowski, M. Rabiński, 6587/aae0b3. M.J. Sadowski, et al, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. Vol. 959 (2018) 012002 DOI: 10.1088/1742- *See the author list of Meyer H. et al, Nucl. Fusion 57 6596/959/1/012002. (2017) 102014. [2] J. Cerovsky, ….., J. Żebrowski, M. Rabiński, M.J. Sadowski, et al, EPS Conference Abstracts


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MCORD - MPD Cosmic Ray Detector for NICA M. Bielewicz, ... , M. Grodzicka-Kobyłka, S. Mianowski, P. Sibczyński, T. Szczęśniak, M. Linczuk, A. Chłopik, A. Bancer, K. Grodzicki, M. Pietrzak, A. Dudziński, E. Jaworska, ... et al. Dubna

Raport z realizacji I-go etapu umowy „Rozwój technologii zintegrowanego monitorowania zawartości wybranych pierwiastków oraz porowatości skał w odwiertach wydobywczych z wykorzystaniem generatorów wysokoenergetycznych neutronów” Ł. Kaźmierczak, M. Gierlik, T. Krakowski, G. Bołtruczyk, S. Burakowski, J. Iwanowska-Hanke, Ł. Komorowski, M. Moszyński, J. Rzadkiewicz, P. Sibczyński, K. Trela NCBJ, Otwock(2018); Język: Polski; N=11,n=11; nr ref.: M2734

Raport z realizacji II-go etapu umowy „Rozwój technologii zintegrowanego monitorowania zawartości wybranych pierwiastków oraz porowatości skał w odwiertach wydobywczych z wykorzystaniem generatorów wysokoenergetycznych neutronów” Ł. Kaźmierczak, G. Bołtruczyk, A. Brosławski, S. Burakowski, M. Gierlik, J. Iwanowska-Hanke, T. Krakowski, K. Niechcielski, J. Rzadkiewicz, P. Sibczyński, I. Slipukhin, K. Trela, A. Urban, K. Zezuliński NCBJ(2018); Język: Polski; N=14,n=14; nr ref.: M2795

Raport z realizacji umowy pt. „Wykorzystanie technologii neutronowej analizy aktywacyjnej do określania zawartości pierwiastków użytecznych w rudzie miedzi in situ, oraz na różnych etapach jej urabiania i transportu” Raport Ł. Kaźmierczak, A. Urban, T. Krakowski, A. Brosławski, G. Bołtruczyk, S. Burakowski, M. Gierlik, T. Lotz, K. Niechcielski, J. Rzadkiewicz, P. Sibczyński, I. Slipukhin, P. Sobkowicz, K. Trela, K. Zezuliński NCBJ(2018); Język: Polski; N=15,n=15; nr ref.: M2794

The Prototype Dosimetry System to Protect NICA Slow Control Electronic Equipment A. Chłopik, ... , A. Bancer, M. Bielewicz, A. Dudziński, E. Jaworska, M. Pietrzak, J. Rzadkiewicz, ... et al. Dubna


Invited Talk

Study of Evolution of MPPC Properties Induced by Neutrons S. Mianowski, J. Baszak, Y.M. Gledenov, Y.N. Kopatch, Z. Mianowska, M. Moszyński, P. Sibczyński, T. Szczęśniak The first International Conference on the Advancement of Silicon Photomultipliers (Germany, Schwetzingen, 2018- 06-11 - 2018-06-15)

Runaway Electron experiments at COMPASS in support of the EUROfusion ITER physics research J. Mlynar, O. Ficker, E. Macusova, N. Lamas, T. Markovic, D. Naydenkova, G. Papp, J. Urban, M. Vlainic, P. Vondracek, V. Weinzettl, O. Bogar, D. Bren, D. Carnevale, A. Casolari, J. Cerovsky, M. Farník, M. Gobbin, M. Gospodarczyk, M. Hron, P. Kulhanek, J. Havlicek, A. Havranek, M. Imrisek, M.J. Jakubowski, V. Linhart, K. Malinowski, M. Marcisovsky, K. Matveeva, R. Panek, V.V. Plyusnin, M. Rabiński, V. Svoboda, P. Svihra, J. Varju, J. Żebrowski 45th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics (EPS) (Czech Republic, Prague, 2018-07-02 - 2018- 07-06)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Concentration of cosmogenic and anthropogenic radionuclides in theground layer of the atmosphere in the polar and mid-latitudes regions. A. Burakowska, M. Kubicki, H. Trzaskowska, R. Sosnowiec, M. Piotrowski, B. Mysłek-Laurikainen XXXVII Sympozjum PolarnePolar Change - Global Change (Poland, Poznań, 2018-06-07 - 2018-06-10) Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań No. (2018) p. 16

Multi-Configuration Dirac-Hartree-Fock and Configuration-Interaction study of 4d-3p x-ray transitions in Cu- and Ni-like tungsten ions relevant to the diagnostic of high-temperature tokamak plasmas K. Kozioł, J. Rzadkiewicz ADAS Workshop 2018 (Germany, Bad Honnef, 2018-12-09 - 2018-12-11)

Progress in studies and applications of Plasma-Focus and Z-Pinch devices M.J. Sadowski 14th Kudowa Summer School (Poland, Kudowa-Zdrój, 2018-06-04 - 2018-06-08)

Comments on recent achievements of research on dense magnetized plasmas in Poland M.J. Sadowski International Conference-School on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion ICPPCF-2018 (Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2018-09-10 - 2018-09-13)

Research on PF-1000 during 2018 in a frame of ICDMP P. Kubes, D. Klir, J. Cikhardt, J. Kravarik, V. Munzar, K. Rezac, B. Cikhartova, M. Paduch, E. Zielinska, M.J. Sadowski, E. Składnik-Sadowska, D. Załoga, K. Tomaszewski ICDMP-2018 Workshop and Expert Meeting (Poland, Warsaw, 2018-10-04 - 2018-10-05)

Laboratory simulation of astrophysical jets: plasma focus application for fundamental scientific research V. Krauz, V. Myalton, V. Vinogradov, E. Velikhov, S. Ananyev, S. Dan’ko, Yu. Kalinin, A. Kharrasov, Yu. Vinogradova, K. Mitrofanov, M. Paduch, R. Miklaszewski, A. Szymaszek, E. Zielinska, E. Składnik- Sadowska, R. Kwiatkowski, M.J. Sadowski, D. Załoga, K. Tomaszewski, V.S. Beskin, V.M. Chechetkin, I.Yu. Kalashnikov, S.A. Lamzin, A. Dodin ICDMP-2018 Workshop and Expert Meeting (Poland, Warsaw, 2018-10-04 - 2018-10-05)

Scintillators in application to industry and security Ł. Świderski Nuclear Physics Research-Technology coaction workshop (Poland, Warszawa, 2018-10-11 - 2018-10-12)

Oral Presentation

Cyfrowy model procesu elektrodynamicznej akceleracji w urządzeniu typu Coilgun A. Horodeński, C. Pochrybniak XII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Uzbrojeniowa (Poland, Warszawa, 2018-09-17 - 2018-09-20) Problemy Techniki Uzbrojenia (in press)

Scientific Application of PolFEL radiation K. Szamota-Leandersson SPAS 2018 (Superconductivity & Particle AcceleratorS) (Poland, Kraków, 2018-11-27 - 2018-11-29)

Scintillation Properties of YAlO3:Ce – Past and Present C. Melcher, S. Donnald, J. Hayward, R. Williams, F. Meng, M. Koschan, S. Friedrich, J. Johnson, M. Zhuravleva, M. Kapusta, M. Moszyński IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference (Australia, Sydney, 2018-11-10 - 2018-11-17)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Performance of the Newest S14161-6050HS-04 HWB MPPC Arrays in Timing and Scintillation Spectroscopy with 2 inch Scintillators T. Szczęśniak, M. Grodzicka-Kobyłka, M. Szawłowski, M. Moszyński, S. Mianowski, D. Wolski, J. Baszak IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference (Australia, Sydney, 2018-11-10 - 2018-11-17)

Neutron-Gamma Pulse Shape Discrimination with 2x2 inches SiPM array and 2 inch scintillation detectors (phoswitch with 6Li glass) M. Grodzicka-Kobyłka, T. Szczęśniak, M. Moszyński, D. Wolski, M. Szawłowski, Ł. Świderski, S. Mianowski, J.J. Valiente-Dobón, P. Schotanus IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference (Australia, Sydney, 2018-11-10 - 2018-11-17)

Preliminary Design of the PolFEL Control, DataAcquisition and Synchronization Systems J. Szewiński, P. Krawczyk, R. Nietubyć, P. Czuma, K. Szamota-Leandersson, M. Staszczak, M. Terka, J. Sekutowicz, M. Gosk, D. Rybka, W. Grabowski, K. Szymczyk, J. Lorkiewicz, M. Matusiak 25th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (MIXDES 2018) (Poland, Gdynia, 2018-06-21 - 2018-06-23)

Design Considerations of the PolFEL Control, DataAcquisition and Timing Systems J. Szewiński, P. Krawczyk, R. Nietubyć, P. Czuma, K. Szamota-Leandersson, M. Staszczak, M. Terka, J. Sekutowicz, M. Gosk, D. Rybka, W. Grabowski, K. Szymczyk, J. Lorkiewicz XLII-nd IEEE Joint Symposium Wilga 2018 (Poland, Wilga, 2018-06-03 - 2018-06-10)

Non-proportionality phenomenon of CsI:Tl scintillators – new observations Z. Mianowska, M. Moszyński, A. Dziedzic, A. Gektin, S. Gridin, X. Lu, M.R. Mayhugh, S. Mianowski, P. Sibczyński, Ł. Świderski, A. Syntfeld-Każuch, T. Szczęśniak, R.T. Williams, S. Vasyukov Europhysical Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials (EURODIM 2018) (Poland, Bydgoszcz, 2018-07-08 - 2018-07-13)

Preliminary Design of the PolFEL Control, Data Acquisition and Synchronization Systems J. Szewiński, P. Krawczyk, R. Nietubyć, P. Czuma, K. Szamota-Leandersson, M. Staszczak, M. Terka, J. Sekutowicz, M. Gosk, D. Rybka, W. Grabowski, K. Szymczyk, J. Lorkiewicz Superconductivity & Particle Accelerators SPAS 2018 (Poland, Kraków, 2018-11-27 - 2018-11-29)

Design of the Cost Effective AMC Board for Supporting RTM Units in LLRF Systems of the European Spallation Sourc J. Szewiński, M. Gosk, D. Rybka, P. Markowski, Z. Wojciechowski, K. Chmielewski, M. Sitek, K. Kostrzewa, P. Krawczyk, J. Kopeć, J. Kopec, I.M. Kudła 25th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (MIXDES 2018) (Poland, Gdynia, 2018-06-21 - 2018-06-23)

PEG contributon to ESS LLRF system J. Szewiński, P. Krawczyk, J. Kopeć, M. Gosk, D. Rybka, P. Markowski, Z. Wojciechowski, K. Chmielewski, K. Kostrzewa, K. Czuba, M. Grzegrzółka, I. Rutkowski, W. Cichalewski, D. Makowski, P. Perek, A. Mielczarek, P. Plewiński Superconductivity & Particle Accelerators SPAS 2018 (Poland, Kraków, 2018-11-27 - 2018-11-29)

Recent measurements of fast electrons by means of a Cherenkov-type probe in COMPASS tokamak D. Załoga, M.J. Sadowski, M. Rabiński, M. Jakubowski, R. Kwiatkowski, R. Mirowski, J. Żebrowski, O. Ficker, J. Mlynar, V. Weinzettl, J. Cerovsky, E. Macukova, COMPASSTeam 14th Kudowa Summer School (Poland, Kudowa-Zdrój, 2018-06-04 - 2018-06-08)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

MCORD - MPD Cosmic Ray Detector a new features M. Bielewicz, M. Milewicz-Zalewska, M. Grodzicka-Kobyłka, S. Mianowski, P. Sibczyński, L. Świderski, T. Szczęśniak, M. Linczuk, D. Wielanek, A. Kisiel, G. Kasprowicz, K. Pozniak, W. Zabołotny, R. Romaniuk, A. Chłopik, A. Bancer, K. Grodzicki, M. Pietrzak, A. Dudziński, E. Jaworska, E. Strugalska-Gola, M.J. Peryt, M. Rybczynski, Z. Włodarczyk, G. Stefanek, P. Kankiewicz XXIV BALDIN International Seminar on High Energy Problems - Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics (Russia, DUBNA, 2018-09-17 - 2018-09-22) EPJ Web Conf. (2018)

MCORD: MPD cosmic ray detector for NICA M. Bielewicz, M. Grodzicka-Kobyłka, S. Mianowski, P. Sibczyński, Ł. Świderski, T. Szczęśniak, M. Linczuk, D. Wielanek, A. Kisiel, G. Kasprowicz, K. Pozniak, W. Zabołotny, R. Romaniuk, A. Chłopik, A. Bancer, K. Grodzicki, M. Pietrzak, A. Dudziński, E. Jaworska, M.J. Peryt, M. Rybczynski XXIV BALDIN International Seminar on High Energy Problems - Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics (Russia, DUBNA, 2018-09-17 - 2018-09-22) Proc. SPIE Vol. 10808 (2018) 1080847

Detection of heavy Au ions accelerated from thin foils by a femtosecond 10TW laser pulse M. Rosiński, J. Badziak, D. Makaruk, J. Domański, P. Parys, A. Szydłowski, A. Malinowska, R. Kwiatkowski 14th Kudowa Summer School (Poland, Kudowa-Zdrój, 2018-06-04 - 2018-06-08)

Physics Research on the TCV Tokamak Facility: from Conventional to Alternative Scenarios and Beyond S. Coda, J. Adamek, M. Agostini, D. Aguiam, J. Ahn, L. Aho-Mantila, R. Akers, R. Albanese, S. Alberti, R. Aledda, E. Alessi, S. Allan, J. Allcock, D. Alves, R. Ambrosino, L. Amicucci, H. Anand, G. Anastassiou, Y. Andrèbe, C. Angioni, G. Apruzzese, M. Ariola, H. Arnichand, W. Arter, F. Auriemma, J.M. Ayllon-Guerola, A. Baciero, F. Bagnato, J. Ball, M. Baquero-Ruiz, M. Barnes, L. Barrera, R. Behn, A.A. Beletskii, A. Bencze, J. Bernardo, M. Bernert, P. Bettini, M. Beurskens, P. Bilková, W. Bin, G. Birkenmeier, J.P.S. Bizarro, P. Blanchard, T. Blanken, T.C. Blanken, M. Bluteau, V. Bobkov, J.A. Boedo, O. Bogar, P. Böhm, T. Bolzonella, F. Bombarda, N. Bonanomi, L. Boncagni, A. Botrugno, C. Bottereau, F. Bouquey, C. Bourdelle, C. Bowman, S. Brémond, S. Brezinsek, D. Brida, F. Brochard, J. Bucalossi, J. Buchanan, J. Buermans, H. Bufferand, P. Buratti, P. Cahyna, G. Calabrò, L. Calacci, Y. Camenen, R. Caniello, B. Cannas, A. Canton, A. Cardinali, D. Carnevale, F. Carpanese, M. Carr, D. Carralero, L. Carraro, P. Carvalho, L. Casali, A. Casolari, C. Castaldo, F. Castejón, R. Castro, F. Causa, R. Cavazzana, M. Cavedon, M. Cecconello, S. Ceccuzzi, J. Čeřovský, R. Cesario, C.D. Challis, I.T. Chapman, S. Chapman, O. Chellaï, M. Chernyshova, P. Chmielewski, D. Choi, N. Christen, C. Cianfarani, G. Ciraolo, J. Citrin, F. Clairet, I. Classen, R. Coelho, J.W. Coenen, L. Colas, G. Conway, L. Cordaro, Y. Corre, S. Costea, F. Crisanti, N. Cruz, G. Cseh, A. Czarnecka, O. D’Arcangelo, R. D’Inca, A. DalMolin, P. David, M. DeAngeli, G. DeMasi, H. DeOliveira, G. DeTemmerman, G. DeTommasi, J. Decker, R.S. Delogu, R. Dendy, P. Denner, C. DiTroia, M. Dimitrova, V. Dorić, D. Douai, A. Drenik, M.B. Dreval, B. Dudson, D. Dunai, M. Dunne, B.P. Duval, L. Easy, T. Eich, S. Elmore, O. Embréus, B. Erdös, B. Esposito, E. Fable, M. Faitsch, A. Fanni, M. Farník, A. Fasoli, N. Fedorczak, F. Felici, S. Feng, J. Ferreira, G. Ferró, O. Février, O. Ficker, S. Fietz, L. Figini, A. Figueiredo, A. Fil, G. Fishpool, M. Fitzgerald, M. Fontana, O. Ford, L. Frassinetti, R. Fridström, D. Frigione, G. Fuchert, C. Fuchs, I. Furno, M. FurnoPalumbo, S. Futatani, L. Gabellieri, D. Gahle, D. Galassi, J. Galdon- Quiroga, S. Galeani, D. Gallart, A. Gallo, C. Galperti, K. Gałązka, Y. Gao, S. Garavaglia, J. Garcia, A. Garcia- Carrasco, J. Garcia-Lopez, M. Garcia-Muñoz, J.-L. Gardarein, A.J. Garrido, I. Garrido, L. Garzotti, J. Gaspar, J. Gath, E. Gauthier, P. Geelen, B. Geiger, P. Ghendrih, F. Ghezzi, L. Giacomelli, L. Giannone, E. Giovannozzi, C. Giroud, G. Giruzzi, C. GleasonGonzález, M. Gobbin, T.P. Goodman, G. Gorini, M. Gospodarczyk, G. Granucci, M. Gruber, M. Gruca, A. Gude, L. Guimarais, R. Guirlet, J. Gunn, P. Hacek, S. Hacquin, A. Hakola, S. Hall, C. Ham, T. Happel, G. Harrer, J. Harrison, D. Harting, V. Hauer, E. Havlíčková, J. Hawke, T. Hellsten, W. Helou, S. Henderson, P. Hennequin, L. Hesslow, M. Heyn, B. Hnat, D. Hogeweij, J.-Ph. Hogge, M. Hölzl, C. Honoré, C. Hopf, M. Hoppe, J. Horáček, G. Hornung, L. Horváth, Z. Huang, A. Hubbard, A. Huber, A. Iantchenko, J. Igitkhanov, V. Igochine, M. Imrisek, P. Innocente, C. Ionita-Schrittwieser, H. Isliker, I. Ivanova-Stanik, A.S. Jacobsen, P. Jacquet, R. Jacquier, M. Jakubowski, A. Jardin, F. Jaulmes, F. Jenko, T. Jensen, O. JeppeMikiBusk, M. Jessen, E. Joffrin, O. Jones, T. Jonsson, A. Kallenbach, N. Kallinikos, S. Kálvin,


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

A. Kappatou, J. Karhunen, A. Karpushov, S. Kasilov, G. Kasprowicz, P.-V. Kazantzidis, D. Keeling, A. Kendl, W. Kernbichler, D. Kim, A. Kirk, N. Kirneva, S. Kjer, I. Klimek, G. Kocsis, D. Kogut, M. Komm, M. Kong, S.B. Korsholm, H.R. Koslowski, M. Koubiti, J. Kovacic, K. Kovarik, N. Krawczyk, J. Krbec, K. Krieger, A. Krivska, R. Kube, O. Kudlacek, T. Kurki-Suonio, R. Kwiatkowski, B. Labit, F.M. Laggner, L. Laguardia, A. Lahtinen, P. Lalousis, P. Lang, P. Lauber, N. Lazányi, A. Lazaros, E. Lazzaro, H.B. Le, A. Lebschy, J. Leddy, L. Lefévre, M. Lehnen, F. Leipold, A. Lessig, M. Leyland, L. Li, Y. Liang, B. Linehan, B. Lipschultz, Y.Q. Liu, X. Llobet, T. Loarer, T. Loewenhoff, B. Lomanowski, R. Lombroni, V.P. Loschiavo, T. Lunt, I. Lupelli, H. Lux, A. Lyssoivan, E. Macusova, J. Madsen, P. Maget, C. Maggi, R. Maggiora, M.L. Magnussen, J. Mailloux, B. Maljaars, E. Maljaars, A. Malygin, P. Mantica, M. Mantsinen, M. Maraschek, B. Marchand, C. Marchetto, A. Marco, N. Marconato, A. Mariani, C. Marini, M. Marinucci, T. Markovic, D. Marocco, L. Marrelli, P. Martin, Y. Martin, J.R. MartinSolis, A. Martitsch, S. Mastrostefano, F. Matos, M. Mattei, G. Matthews, R. Maurizio, B. Mavkov, M. Mavridis, M.-L. Mayoral, D. Mazon, R. McAdams, G. McArdle, P. McCarthy, K. McClements, R. McDermott, B. McMillan, G. Meisl, V. Menkovski, A. Merle, H. Meyer, O. Meyer, D. Micheletti, D. Milanesio, F. Militello, I.G. Miron, K. Mitosinkova, J. Mlynář, A. Mlynek, V. Moiseenko, D. Molina, P. Molina, P.A. MolinaCabrera, I. Monakhov, J. Morales, D. Moreau, P. Morel, J.-M. Moret, A. Moro, D. Moulton, H.W. Müller, R.T. Mumgaard, F. Nabais, E. Nardon, V. Naulin, R.D. Nem, A. NemesCzopf, F. Nespoli, R. Neu, A.H. Nielsen, S.K. Nielsen, V. Nikolaeva, S. Nimb, M. Nocente, R. Nouailletas, S. Nowak, M.G. O’Mullane, M. Oberkofler, M. Oberparleiter, R. Ochoukov, T. Odstrčil, N. Offeddu, J. Olsen, J. Omotani, F. Orain, F.P. Orsitto, N. Osterman, R. Paccagnella, A. Palha, S. Pamela, L. Pangione, M. Panjan, G. Papp, R. Papřok, V. Parail, F.I. Parra, A. Pau, G. Pautasso, R.O. Pavlichenko, S.-P. Pehkonen, A. Pereira, A. Perek, E. PerelliCippo, V. PericoliRidolfni, F. Pesamosca, M. Peterka, P. Petersson, V. Petrzilka, V. Piergotti, L. Pigatto, P. Piovesan, C. Piron, A. Pironti, F. Pisano, T. Pisokas, R. Pitts, I. Ploumistakis, V. Plyusnin, G. Pokol, E. Poli, D. Poljak, P. Pölöskei, Z. Popovic, L. Porte, S. Potzel, G. Pór, I. Predebon, M. Preynas, G. Primc, G. Pucella, M.E. Puiatti, T. Pütterich, M. Rabiński, M. Rack, G. Ramogida, C. Rapson, J. JuulRasmussen, G.A. Rattá, S. Ratynskaia, T. Ravensbergen, G. Ravera, D. Réfy, M. Reich, H. Reimerdes, F. Reimold, M. Reinke, D. Reiser, M. Resnik, C. Reux, D. Ricci, P. Ricci, D. Ripamonti, N. Rispoli, D. Rittich, G. Riva, M. RodriguezRamos, V. Rohde, J. Rosato, F. Ryter, S. Saarelma, R. Sabot, F. Saint-Laurent, M. Salewski, A. Salmi, D. Samaddar, L. SanchisSanchez, J. Santos, O. Sauter, R. Scannell, M. Scheffer, Ch. Schlatter, B. Schneider, B.S. Schneider, M. Schneider, P. Schneider, M. Schneller, R. Schrittwieser, M. Schubert, J. Schweinzer, J. Seidl, M. Sertoli, S. Šesnić, A. Shabbir, A. Shalpegin, B. Shanahan, S. Sharapov, R.R. Sheeba, U. Sheikh, R. Shousha, G. Sias, B. Sieglin, A. Silva, C. Silva, M. Silva, M. SilvaFuglister, J. Simpson, J. Sinha, A. Snicker, C. Sommariva, C. Sozzi, S. Spagnolo, G. Spizzo, M. Spolaore, T. Stange, M. StejnerPedersen, I. Stepanov, L. Stipani, J. Stober, P. Strand, A. Šušnjara, W. Suttrop, T. Szepesi, B. Tál, T. Tala, P. Tamain, G. Tardini, M. Tardocchi, A.S. TemaBiwole, A. Teplukhina, A.A. Teplukhina, D. Terranova, D. Testa, C. Theiler, A. Thornton, P. Tolias, G. Tomaž, M. Tomes, L. Tophøj, M.Q. Tran, W. Treutterer, G.L. Trevisan, M. Tripsky, C. Tsironis, C.K. Tsui, O. Tudisco, A. Uccello, J. Urban, M. Valisa, M. Vallar, P. Vallejos, M. Valovic, H. VandenBrand, D. VanVugt, B. Vanovac, S. Varoutis, S. Vartanian, O. Vasilovici, J. Vega, G. Verdoolaege, K. Verhaegh, L. Vermare, N. Vianello, J. Vicente, E. Viezzer, L. Vignitchouk, W.A.J. Vijvers, F. Villone, B. Viola, L. Vlahos, I. Voitsekhovitch, P. Vondráček, N.M.T. Vu, D. Wagner, N. Walkden, N. Wang, T. Wauters, M. Weiland, V. Weinzettl, H. Weisen, M. Wensing, E. Westerhof, M. Wiesenberger, G. Wilkie, M. Willensdorfer, M. Wischmeier, I. Wodniak, E. Wolfrum, K. Wu, D. Yadykin, M. Yoshida, R. Zagórski, I. Zammuto, P. Zanca, R. Zaplotnik, J. Żebrowski, P. Zestanakis, W. Zhang, A. Zisis, S. Zoletnik, M. Zuin, 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (India, Ahmedabad, 2018-10-22 - 2018-10-27)

Poster Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy in Aluminum Garnets K. Brylew, T. Szczęśniak, M. Moszyński, W. Drozdowski Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (Czech Republic, Prague, 2018-09-09 - 2018-09-14) Radiat. Meas. (2018)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Effect of wet etching on surface topography of bismuth germanate (BGO) scintillator detector K. Szamota-Leandersson, E. Lusakowska, T. Sworobowicz, K. Brylew, J. Rzadkiewicz 10th International Workshop on Zinc Oxide and Other Oxide Semiconductors (Poland, Warsaw, 2018-09-11 - 2018- 09-14)

Large size LuAG:Pr response to intrinsic radioactivity and external gamma-rays Ł. Świderski, S. Mianowski, K. Brylew, J. Iwanowska-Hanke, M. Moszyński Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (Czech Republic, Prague, 2018-09-09 - 2018-09-14) PolFEL-Free Electron Laser R. Nietubyć, J. Szewiński, K. Szamota-Leandersson, P. Czuma, P. Krawczyk XLII-nd IEEE Joint Symposium Wilga 2018 (Poland, Wilga, 2018-06-03 - 2018-06-10)

PolFEL-free Electron Laser R. Nietubyć, K. Szamota-Leandersson XII Sympozjum Techniki Laserowej STL 2018 (Poland, Jastarnia, 2018-09-25 - 2018-09-27)

Erosion properties of tungsten and WTa5 alloy exposed to repetitive QSPA plasma loads below melting threshold V.A. Makhlai, N.N. Aksenov, O.V. Byrka, I.E. Garkusha, S.S. Herashchenko, S.V. Malykhin, S.V. Surovitskiy, M. Wirtz, M.J. Sadowski International Conference-School on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion ICPPCF-2018 (Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2018-09-10 - 2018-09-13)

Pulse shape discrimination in EJ-276 plastic scintillator M. Grodzicka-Kobyłka, T. Szczęśniak, M. Moszyński, K. Brylew, Ł. Świderski, J.J. Valiente-Dobón, P. Schotanus IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference (Australia, Sydney, 2018-11-10 - 2018-11-17)

Spectroscopic studies of tungsten samples exposed to intense deuterium and argon plasma streams A. Marchenko, E. Składnik-Sadowska, K. Nowakowska-Langier, D. Załoga, M.J. Sadowski, V. Makhlai International Conference-School on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion ICPPCF-2018 (Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2018-09-10 - 2018-09-13)

Characterization of a Cherenkov diagnostic for fast electrons measurements in tokamak plasmas F. Bagnato, A. Romano, D. Pacella, P. Buratti, A. Doria, L. Gabellieri, E. Giovenale, A. Grosso, L. Jakubowski, V. Piergotti, M. Rabiński, G. Rocchi, A. Sibio, B. Tilia, J. Żebrowski 45th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics (EPS) (Czech Republic, Prague, 2018-07-02 - 2018- 07-06)

Simulation of trajectories of runaway electrons for support diagnostics at the COMPASS tokamak J. Cerovsky, O. Ficker, J. Mlynar, J. Urban, E. Macusova, V. Weinzettl, M. Farnik, J. Żebrowski, M. Jakubowski, M. Rabiński, M.J. Sadowski, R. Panek, M. Hron, COMPASSteam 45th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics (EPS) (Czech Republic, Prague, 2018-07-02 - 2018- 07-06)

Low cost FPGA based AMC for handling RTM devices D. Rybka, M. Gosk, J. Szewiński, P. Krawczyk, J. Kopeć, I.M. Kudła, P. Markowski, Z. Wojciechowski, K. Chmielewski, K. Kostrzewa, Z. Gołębiewski 7th MicroTCA Workshop for Industry and Research (Germany, Hamburg, 2018-12-05 - 2018-12-06)


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Runaway Electron Beam Stability and Decay in COMPASS O. Ficker, E. Macusova, J. Mlynar, J. Cerovsky, A. Casolari, M. Farnik, A. Havranek, M. Hron, M. Imrisek, P. Kulhanek, T. Markovic, D. Naydenkova, R. Panek, M. Tomes, J. Urban, M. Vlainic, P. Vondracek, V. Weinzettl, D. Carnevale, J. Decker, M. Gobbin, M. Gospodarczyk, G. Papp, Y. Peysson, V.V. Plyusnin, M. Rabiński, C. Reux, COMPASSteam, MST1Team 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (India, Ahmedabad, 2018-10-22 - 2018-10-27)

The role of gas injection and magnetic perturbations in Runaway Electron experiments at COMPASS tokamak J. Mlynar, E. Macusova, O. Ficker, T. Markovic, M. Gobbin, P. Bilkova, A. Casolari, J. Cerovsky, M. Farnik, O. Grover, P. Hacek, A. Havranek, M. Hron, M. Imrisek, M. Jerab, P. Junek, P. Kulhanek, N. Lamas, D. Naydenkova, R. Panek, M. Rabiński, M. Tomes, J. Urban, J. Varju, P. Vondracek, V. Weinzettl, D. Carnevale, G. Papp, V.V. Plyusnin, M. Vlainic, J. Żebrowski, COMPASSteam, MST1team 60th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics (USA, Portland OR, 2018-11-05 - 2018-11-09)

Measurement of neutron flux emitted from 14 MeV DT generator R. Kwiatkowski, A. Malinowska, M. Gierlik, J. Rzadkiewicz, A. Szydłowski, A. Urban, K. Mikszuta 30th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2018) (Italy, Giardini Naxos, 2018-09-16 - 2018-09-21)

Analysis of changes in the elemental composition of diesel particulate filters K. Więcławski, T. Nowak, A. Burakowska, H. Trzaskowska, J. Szymanowski 14th International Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials (Poland, Zakopane, 2018-06-04 - 2018-06-06)


Beamlines in PolFEL projecta K. Szamota-Leandersson Warsaw, Institute of Physics PAS, 2018-04-06

Radiation - Techniques Used for Material Research.a K. Szamota-Leandersson Warsaw, Instytut Technologii Materiałów Elektronicznych, 2018-04-17

First experimental evidence of nuclear excitation by electron capturea J. Rzadkiewicz Warsaw, University of Warsaw, 2018-05-17

The PolFEL project and the first steps towards its implementation, J.Lorkiewicz.K.Szamota-Leanderssonb K. Szamota-Leandersson Hamburg, DESY, 2018-07-19

A concept and the first steps to construct and implement the test linear accelerator for FEL development and THz-IR-VUV radiation” on preparation of PolFEL project at NCBJ.b K. Szamota-Leandersson Daresbury, STFC Daresbury Laboratory , 2018-08-16

Outlook for further studies of the NEEC processb J. Rzadkiewicz Torun, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Faculty of Chemistry, Atomic Spectroscopy Department, 2018-09-03


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Latest RE results from TCV (MST1 campaign)b J. Żebrowski Garching, Germany, IPP, 2018-10-17

Genesis and course of Chernobyl disastera M. Rabiński Warsaw, Warsaw University of Technology, 2018-04-19

a) in Polish b) in English


Time evolution of the process of doping of solids by plasma-ion beams a A. Horodeński Świerk, NCBJ, 2018-11-15

a) in Polish


M. Grodzicka-Kobyłka - "Measurement of properties of scintillation in crystals in a wide temperature range"

M. Rabiński - "Thermonuclear Fusion" - Warsaw University of Technology

Ł. Świderski - "Measurement of properties of scintillation in crystals in a wide temperature range"


K. Brylew Member of Organizing Committee on COST Action: TD1401Action annual meeting, Management Committee Meeting, ESR event in Bukareszt, Romania

R. Kwiatkowski Member of Polish Physics Society

A. Malinowska International Nuclear Track Society, member Plasma Physics Section of the Committee of Physics at the Polish Academy of Sciences Polish Physical Society (PPS) Member of the Board of Plasma Physics Section

M. Moszyński Session chairman on IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference in Sydney, Australia Fellow of IEEE


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Member of TransNational Committee of IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Science Society Member of the Management Committee of COST Action TD1007, "Bimodal PET-MRI molecular imaging technologies and applications for in vivo monitoring of disease and biological processes" ( Neutron Detectors Array (NEDA) Warsaw Scientific Society Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A, Elsevier, Member of Advisory Editorial Board Journal of Instrumentation, Institute of Physics Publishing, Member of Editorial Board Recent Patents on Engineering, Bentham Science Publishers, Member of Editorial Board National Centre for Nuclear Research, Member of Scientific Council Deputy President of Scientific Council National Centre for Nuclear Research National Centre for Nuclear Research, memeber of Scientifc Counsel

M. Rabiński Member of the Board of the Polish Nuclear Society, Head of the Information Committee Member of the European Nuclear Society Member of the Board of the Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy - Poland (treasurer) Polish Physical Society Postępy Techniki Jądrowej, Member of the Editorial Board of the Advances of Nuclear Technique, National Atomic Energy Agency Ekoatom, "Ecoatom" - Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy - Poland

J. Rzadkiewicz Chairman of the Governing Board of the Centre for Scientific and Industrial New Energy Technologies Governing Board of the European Union’s Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy (Fusion for Energy) Member of Scientific & Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) in EUROATOM Horizon 2020

M.J. Sadowski Member of the European Physical Society (Plasma Physics Division) Fellow of the Institute of Physics, London, UK Member of the Polish Physical Society (PPS), from 2012 untill 2017 - Chairman of Plasma Physics Section at PPS Member of the Polish Society of Applied Electromagnetics Member of the Warsaw Scientific Society. Nukleonika, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, and Polish Nuclear Society. Member of the Scientific Council, National Centre for Nuclear Research Honorary Chairman of the Scientific Council, Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion

Ł. Świderski Member of IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society Scientific Council Member

A. Syntfeld-Każuch Member of IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society member-observer, HiLumi LHC Collaboration Board


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______DIVISION OF NUCLEAR EQUIPMENT - HITEC Director of Division Edyta Dymowska-Grajda, Eng

The Division of Nuclear Equipment HITEC (ZdAJ) is a facility of the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) dealing with the construction, production, sale and maintenance services of equipment employed in the industrial and medical sectors. Over 100 highly qualified employees of the Department of Nuclear Equipment HITEC closely cooperate with the research part of the National Centre for Nuclear Research, streamlining existing and developing new products. The Division of Nuclear Equipment HITEC has the technological facilities and, above all, modern laboratories, production hall and bunkers necessary to work with devices generating ionising radiation. The scope of our research and development, implementation, manufacturing and services covers in particular:

 Linear electron accelerators for radiography, medicine and other applications,  Devices supporting the operation of accelerators, including radiotherapy shielding doors and radiography manipulators,  Construction of research equipment at the request of other scientific departments of NCBJ as well as external recipients,  Carrying out maintenance services,  Cooperation with other scientific departments of NCBJ and other research institutions in Poland and abroad.  HITEC’s industrial products are focused around the LILLYPUT models of linear accelerators designed for non- destructive testing by radiographic methods with a beam of a wide range of energy. The Department of Nuclear Equipment HITEC offers complete radiographic systems tailored to individual customer needs utilising digital imaging detectors and dedicated manipulator systems. HITEC latest project in the field of medical accelerators is a device for intraoperative radiation therapy. It is an electron accelerator with a wide spectrum of emitted radiation energy and with a large range of movements in the work-operating field. This precise device irradiates the lodges immediately after removal of the tumour, during surgery in the operating room. As a unit of the National Centre for Nuclear Research, the Division of Nuclear Equipment HITEC is involved in a number of purely scientific projects and constantly cooperates with leading scientific laboratories from around the world. HITEC is additionally involved in the most recent projects run by NCBJ including CentriX and POLFEL. The Department of Nuclear Equipment HITEC has implemented an integrated quality management system certified in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015-10 and ISO 13485:2016-04 standards. The Director of NCBJ HITEC has established the Quality Policy as an expression of our endeavours for continuous improvement of the organisation as well as its products and services.

Edyta Dymowska-Grajda


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


Invited Talk

Electron Injector for Polfel P. Czuma, J. Lorkiewicz, R. Nietubyć, J. Sekutowicz, M. Staszczak, K. Szymczyk, M. Terka Superconductivity & Particle Accelerators (Poland, Kraków, 2018-11-26 - 2018-11-30) SPIE Proceedings (2019)

Oral Presentation

Design Considerations of the PolFEL Control, DataAcquisition and Timing Systems J. Szewiński, P. Krawczyk, R. Nietubyć, P. Czuma, K. Szamota-Leandersson, M. Staszczak, M. Terka, J. Sekutowicz, M. Gosk, D. Rybka, W. Grabowski, K. Szymczyk, J. Lorkiewicz XLII-nd IEEE Joint Symposium Wilga 2018 (Poland, Wilga, 2018-06-03 - 2018-06-10)

PEG contributon to ESS LLRF system J. Szewiński, P. Krawczyk, J. Kopeć, M. Gosk, D. Rybka, P. Markowski, Z. Wojciechowski, K. Chmielewski, K. Kostrzewa, K. Czuba, M. Grzegrzółka, I. Rutkowski, W. Cichalewski, D. Makowski, P. Perek, A. Mielczarek, P. Plewiński Superconductivity & Particle Accelerators SPAS 2018 (Poland, Kraków, 2018-11-27 - 2018-11-29)

Preliminary Design of the PolFEL Control, Data Acquisition and Synchronization Systems J. Szewiński, P. Krawczyk, R. Nietubyć, P. Czuma, K. Szamota-Leandersson, M. Staszczak, M. Terka, J. Sekutowicz, M. Gosk, D. Rybka, W. Grabowski, K. Szymczyk, J. Lorkiewicz Superconductivity & Particle Accelerators SPAS 2018 (Poland, Kraków, 2018-11-27 - 2018-11-29)

IPPLM contribution to Error analysis and beam losses studies W. Grabowski, K. Kosiński, M. Staszczak, A. Wysocka-Rabin 5th WPENS Technical Meeting (France, Saclay, 2018-04-10 - 2018-04-12)

NCBJ contribution to Beam Dynamics Preliminary Final Layout W. Grabowski, K. Kosiński, M. Staszczak, A. Wysocka-Rabin WPENS 6th Technical Meeting (Poland, Kraków, 2018-10-17 - 2018-10-19)

Polish contribution to final Beam Dynamic calculations for accelerator systems analysis in the Early Neutron Source project W. Grabowski, K. Kosiński, M. Maćkowski, M. Staszczak, A. Wysocka-Rabin, R. Heidinger SPAS 2018 (Superconductivity & Particle AcceleratorS) (Poland, Kraków, 2018-11-27 - 2018-11-29)

Preliminary Design of the PolFEL Control, DataAcquisition and Synchronization Systems J. Szewiński, P. Krawczyk, R. Nietubyć, P. Czuma, K. Szamota-Leandersson, M. Staszczak, M. Terka, J. Sekutowicz, M. Gosk, D. Rybka, W. Grabowski, K. Szymczyk, J. Lorkiewicz, M. Matusiak 25th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (MIXDES 2018) (Poland, Gdynia, 2018-06-21 - 2018-06-23)


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Design of the Cost Effective AMC Board for Supporting RTM Units in LLRF Systems of the European Spallation Sourc J. Szewiński, M. Gosk, D. Rybka, P. Markowski, Z. Wojciechowski, K. Chmielewski, M. Sitek, K. Kostrzewa, P. Krawczyk, J. Kopeć, J. Kopec, I.M. Kudła 25th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (MIXDES 2018) (Poland, Gdynia, 2018-06-21 - 2018-06-23)


Low cost FPGA based AMC for handling RTM devices D. Rybka, M. Gosk, J. Szewiński, P. Krawczyk, J. Kopeć, I.M. Kudła, P. Markowski, Z. Wojciechowski, K. Chmielewski, K. Kostrzewa, Z. Gołębiewski 7th MicroTCA Workshop for Industry and Research (Germany, Hamburg, 2018-12-05 - 2018-12-06)

PolFEL-Free Electron Laser R. Nietubyć, J. Szewiński, K. Szamota-Leandersson, P. Czuma, P. Krawczyk XLII-nd IEEE Joint Symposium Wilga 2018 (Poland, Wilga, 2018-06-03 - 2018-06-10)


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ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______DEPARTMENT OF COMPLEX SYSTEM Director of Department Professor Wojciech Wiślicki ______

Division of Nuclear Energy and Environmental Studies Head of the Division Professor Mariusz Dąbrowski, PhD, DSc.

Main scientific and technical achievements.

The Neutronics and New Technologies Section’s main activities were:

1. Neutron-physics analysis of the research and power nuclear reactors: • Burnup calculations for the MARIA research reactor fuel elements and poisoning in beryllium blocks using the APOLLO, SERPENT, TRIPOLI and MCNP codes. Calculations were performed in the framework of the BENICE Project and NCBJ&CEA cooperation. • Modelling of a PWR core with new cladding material using the MCNP code. • Neutron-physics safety analysis of a PWR core with thorium fuel elements using the MCNP code. • Analysis of the influence of beryllium blocks vertical asymmetry on the neutronic characteristics of the MARIA reactor core matrix. • National and international projects: BENICE, GEMINI+

2. Education: • Scientific supervision of bachelor’s and master’s papers.

The Reactor Analyses Section together with the Fuel Cycle Section has been engaged in a number of activities – the most important were the following: 1. Activities in the field of safety assessment, code development and validation:  Development of a model of the core supporting plate in a PWR reactor, including phenomena occurring during severe accidents – molten core propagation and its impact on the plate;  Thermal-hydraulic modelling of a HTGR with prismatic fuel using the MELCOR code in the framework of the UE Horizon 2020 Euratom Project GEMINI+;  Modelling of typical European reactors for severe accident analyses for use with the novel methodology of safety assessment developed within the framework of the UE Horizon 2020 Euratom Project ”NARSIS”;  Continuation of work on molten core retention and propagation in the framework of the UE Horizon 2020 Euratom Project „In-Vessel Melt Retention – IVMR”; (i) Studying the effects of turbulence on mixing and heat exchange between layers (ii) Analytical evaluation and analysis of external boiling and convection, (iii) Strength calculations of the internal structure elements of the reactor pressure vessel;  Continuation of work on ”dryout” phenomena (drying fuel elements in a BWR) and on the possibilities of the system code CATHARE-3 in predicting dryout; A semi-phenomenological model for the "Initial entrained fraction" phenomenon was developed, implemented and validated in the CATHARE-3 code for wide two-phase flow conditions; A statistical analysis was also carried out for various models of entrainment and deposition of water droplets phenomena in the context of the results obtained compared to experiment;  Development of a thermal-hydraulic model of the cooling system of Allegro – a gas-cooled fast reactor using the CATHARE2 code – analyses of steady state and selected accident scenarios;  Continuation of development of the new code ”DARIA” for modeling selected thermal-hydraulic phenomena: (i) a simulation engine balancing mass and energy in two-phase flow with heat exchange taking into account three fields flow, (ii) prediction of dryout phenomena.

2. In the field of the fuel cycle the following tasks were conducted:  Actinide burning and determination of the energy spectrum of neutrons in a „KWINTA” assembly: (i) Analysis and processing of experimental results from 2016 and previous years was continued; (ii) New samples of Np-237 were irradiated with 660 MeV protons; (iii) Analysis of the use of minority actinides as detectors of neutron fluence;


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 Behaviour of fuel during operation: Prediction of the release of helium atoms from the sample (U, Am) O2 during irradiation with neutrons as a function of temperature (capabilities of immobilization of helium in the fuel);  Dynamic modelling of the fuel cycle of a molten salts power reactor (MSR);  Transmutation of spent nuclear fuel with electron beams, protons and heavy nuclei;  The structure of electron-photon cascades in dense amorphous matter;  Kinematic correlations in nuclear reactions in the GeV energy range.

3. The study:  Technology and costs estimation of a technological steam source with a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR).

The work of the Centre of Hazard Analyses MANHAZ was concentrated mainly on the analysis of environmental issues and risk analyses. The most important activities are the following:

1. Development of methods and a practical approach for performing probabilistic safety assessment analyses:  Development of some event and fault trees for the MARIA reactor, which will also be applied to the classification of systems and components used to fulfil safety functions.  Methodology of implementing PSA for nuclear-chemical installations, in particular for the application of high temperature reactors in chemical plants.

2. High fidelity modelling of thermal-hydraulic phenomena and fire propagation suited for high performance computing:  Within the collaboration with the Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group (NRG Netherlands) complex time-consuming CFD simulations are being performed aiming at the generation of a high quality thermo- hydraulic DNS database for a rod bundle configuration; the generated database will serve as a reference for validation purposes.  Simulations of various fire propagations have been performed for the planned DONES (Demo Oriented Early Neutron Source) installation within the Eurofussion framework programme.

3. Development of tools for the analysis of the impact of nuclear installations on the environment:  Application of the decision support system RODOS for preliminary estimation of the restricted use areas and emergency planning zones for five nuclear technologies considered in the Polish Nuclear Power Programme.  Evaluation of atmospheric dispersion models in order to improve Decision Support Systems following radiological dispersion device events in an urban environment.  Development of a prototype version of a computerized system for risk assessment of major accident in industrial installations with potential off-site hazards – within the national project EVARIS.  Contribution to the safety and reliability analysis for the planned DONES installation within the Eurofussion framework programme.

Mariusz Dąbrowski


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Geometry of a Beryllium Block Poisoning Measurement A. Boettcher, Z. Marcinkowska, K. Pytel

Beryllium blocks form the moderator matrix in the To find the best geometry for the experimental set up, MARIA reactor core. The isotope composition of around twenty different models were projected and individual blocks changes during fuel burnup. In the investigated using the MCNPX code. The results of the material of each block, the concentrations of such calculations enabled us to choose the most effective isotopes as 3H, 6Li and 3He increase. The last two are geometry for the beryllium block, neutron beam source, strong thermal neutron absorbers, that is why we call moderator (polyethylene) and neutron detector (fission them “poisons”. chamber). The experiment will take place in a hot cell and the medium field of the hot cell will be air (Fig. 2). Attenuation of a neutron beam after passage through a poisoned beryllium block is determined by the effective macroscopic absorption cross-section of 6Li and 3He together. In Fig. 1 and Tab. 1the calculated 6Li distribution in a beryllium block are presented.

Fig. 2. Geometry of the experiment. Neutronics calculations were performed using the MCNPX code, version 2.7.0 developed by Los Alamos, Fig. 1. MCNPX model for the 6Li distribution and the ENDF/B-VII.0 nuclear data library[1]. calculations. The measurement of beryllium block poisoning is part Table 1. The amount of 6Li in each cell of the BENICE project, implemented in cooperation with CEA (France) and co-financed by MNISW. Cell number 6Li [ppm] Cell number 6Li [ppm] Reference 1 12.1 7 10.0 [1] J.S. Hendricks, G.W. McKinney et al.: MCNPX 2 10.6 8 11.5 2.6.0 Extensions, Los Alamos National 3 9.6 9 10.0 Laboratory, 2008. 4 8.8 10 7.4 5 8.3 11 7.1 6 8.2 12 7.0


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Probabilistic Safety Assessment of HTR-Based Nuclear-Chemical Installations K. Kowal, S. Potempski

In 2017 the Polish Ministry of Energy published including analysis of interfaces, mutual reactions and a report on the possibilities for deployment of High- interdependencies of the nuclear and chemical systems. Temperature Nuclear Reactors (HTR) in Poland. This The time-sequence of potential failures within such technology has been recognised as an attractive a joint nuclear-chemical facility is quite complex and alternative to the gas and coal boilers used to date by the thus the traditional approach to PSA studies would be largest Polish industrial heat recipients. The inherent ineffective due to: (i) numerical ineffectiveness of safety of HTRs makes it possible to operate them in the calculations for large and complex fault three structures; immediate vicinity of industrial facilities or even as an (ii) multiple modelling of the same sequences of events integral part of chemical installations. However, appearing at different time frames; (iii) and difficulties integration of HTGRs with chemical facilities poses in adding new systems, interactions or time frames to some new challenges, among others, with safety the existing models. Therefore, a new framework of demonstration (inadequate core damage definition, PSA studies for HTR-based nuclear-chemical interfaces between nuclear and non-nuclear systems, installations has been developed based on the etc.), licensing procedures (inadequate legislation), and application of Bayesian networks to risk assessment. An social acceptance (nuclear technology in the place of example of such a block framework is presented in Fig. work, close to industrial centre). This is also a challenge 1. This network is constructed from the following types for Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) due to the of blocks: (i) a collection of N initial events defined for novel technological concepts applied in the reactor a nuclear plant (IEn) and M initiating events defined for design and the interfaces between the nuclear and the chemical plant (IEch); (ii) collection of n nuclear and chemical parts of the facility. m chemical systems potentially affected by previously defined initial events; (iii) natural and human-made The aim of this work was to develop a novel integrated external hazards (EH); and (iv) logical gates that allow approach to PSA studies, suitable for HTR-based the introduction of complex Boolean expressions. The nuclear-chemical joint installations, and to propose an interactions between any two blocks are defined by appropriate framework for such analyses. a pair of transition probabilities, p and times, t. This Implementation of the integrated approach requires, approach to PSA analysis has more advantages than the among others, consideration of insights coming from the traditional one and the authors believe that it can be Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) developed for the applied to real studies for joint nuclear-chemical chemical part of the installation and the Probabilistic facilities. Risk Assessment (PRA) developed for the nuclear part,

Fig. 1. A general framework of integrated PSA studies for combined nuclear-chemical facilities with HTRs.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Analysis of a Lithium Fire for the DEMO Oriented Neutron Source O. Dorosh, A. Kaszko, K. Kowal, S. Potempski

The Demo Oriented Neutron Source (DONES) is contain very large quantities of radionuclides. Under a planned installation aimed at the development of extreme conditions this might come about through a comprehensive database for irradiated structural melting or vaporisation. materials, a necessary step before the construction of In the simulations an idealised geometry of the Test Cell a fusion reactor. was used based on information from technical One of the main concerns related to fire risk in the documentation [2]. The results of the performed DONES installation is a so-called lithium fire, in simulations contain pressure and temperature profiles particular in the Test Cell of the DONES installation. for a certain geometry of room and the mass of lithium The LITFIRE program was applied to perform such spilled in it. simulations. A number of scenarios with different amounts of lithium LITFIRE is a computer code developed at the released were considered (from 10 kg to 90 kg of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the lithium spill). In the case where this amount was lower USA over 30 years ago [1]. The code was originally than 50 kg the duration of the fire was quite short (up to written to simulate the combustion of lithium in fusion 200 sec), while it is essentially longer for larger reactor containments. amounts. As an example, in Fig. 1 plots of temperature and pressure are presented for an idealised geometry of Application of the code allows quantification of the two the Test Cell assuming 60 kg of lithium spill. principal hazards arising from a lithium spill: References 1) Lithium combustion may cause over-pressurization [1] Tillack M. S. and Kazimi M. S.; Modeling of if heat flow out of the containment gas is sufficiently lithium fires; Fusion Science and Technology, vol. slow. This could lead to leakage of tritium and 2 / No 2 (April 1982), pp. 233-245 (USA) activated materials or possibly containment rupture. [2] Industrial contribution to Preliminary Engineering 2) The heat released in the process of combustion may Design of TC (2017). ENS- cause mobilisation of the first wall which could

Fig. 1. Plots for 60 kg of lithium spill in the Test Cell.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Application of the RODOS System to Determination of the Restricted use Area and Emergency Planning Zones for Planned Nuclear Power Plants in Poland P. Kopka, M. Korycki, S. Potempski, A. Wawrzyńczak-Szaban, H. Wojciechowicz

The purpose of this work was to perform simulations of 10 mSv (criterion following §9 p. 1 of project the dispersal of radioactive contamination in the regulation – RP, and §1 p. 2 of regulation on atmosphere, terrain contamination and doses from intervention levels – RPI ). ionising radiation in the vicinity of a nuclear power - OOU4: In the case of a design basis accident with plant (NPP). The models of the RODOS system were extended conditions: 7-days effective dose received used in order to make a first comparison of the potential due to external and internal exposure, except size of the restricted use areas and emergency planning ingestion –zone limiting value: 100 mSv (criterion zones for the five nuclear reactors technologies following: §9 p. 2a RP, and §1 p. 1 RPI ). considered in the Polish Programme of Nuclear Energy. The five nuclear reactors technologies considered are: - OOU5: In the case of a design basis accident with ABWR GE-Hitachi USA/Japan; AP1000 Westinghouse extended conditions (criterion following: §9 p. 2c USA; EC6 SNC-Lavalin (Candu) Canada; EPR EdF RP, and §1 p. 6 RPI ): France and EU-APR KHNP Korea. Computations have - OOU5a: lifetime dose (50 years for adults, 70 years been performed for two potential sites Lubiatowo- for children) effective dose received due to external Kopalino and Żarnowiec. and internal exposure except for ingestion – zone Several criteria were applied following binding national limiting value: 1 Sv, or rules and IAEA guidelines or EUR requirements – they - OOU5b: if 30-days effective dose received due to concern emission during normal operation and various external and internal exposure except ingestion does types of accidental situations: without core melt, design not decrease below 10 mSv during the first 2 years basis accident and with design extension conditions, as from the occurrence of a radiation accident. well as representative accidents for emergency planning. In each category of accidental conditions, The emergency planning zones were established limiting the consequences of radiation impact on the according to the following criteria: environment was applied. This is the first such vast 1. Internal zone: for external exposure technical analysis made in Poland, and the results may be used in discussions concerning the introduction of - SPA1. The absorbed radiation dose in internal changes in the Atomic Law and regulations related to human organs (bone marrow, lung, intestine, the design, construction, and operation of NPP. In the gonads, and thyroid) and eye lens: Dred marrow = 1 Gy, simulations, data from the potential vendors were used, in the period of 10 hours. which are characterised not only by different accuracy - SPA2. The absorbed radiation dose for the fetus: and applied assumptions but also the fact that to the D = 0,1 Gy, in a period of 10 hours. same types of different accident scenarios were assigned fetus accidents. 2. External zone: The following criteria for determination of the restricted - SPA3. Efdfectivew dose: E=100mSv – received use area were considered: during 7 consecutive days from the beginning of the exposure. - OOU1: Annual effective dose received from all exposure pathways in a normal operation period – - SPA4. Equivalent dose for the fetus: Hfetus = 100 zone limiting value: 0.3 mSv/year (criterion mSv – received during 7 consecutive days from the according to art. 36f sec. 2 p. 1 of Atomic law – beginning of the exposure. PA). Conclusions - OOU2: Annual effective dose received from all The most restrictive criterion is OOU2 related to the exposure pathways in the case of an accident one-year dose from all pathways for an accident without core melt - zone limiting value: 10 mSv/year without core melt. Therefore, for newly processing (criterion according to art. 36f sec. 2 p. 2 PA). regulations under Polish Atomic Law it is proposed to - OOU3: In the case of a design basis accident: 2-days exclude ingestion doses from one-year effective dose effective dose received due to external and internal for an accident without core melt. exposure except for ingestion - zone limiting value:


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Fig. 1. Boundaries of the restricted use area obtained taking into account all the criteria OOU1- OOU5a, b (right panel - in the case when the food dose was omitted in the OOU2 criterion) for all considered technologies in the Żarnowiec location.

Uncertainty Analysis of Heat Transfer in a Finite Annular Flow P. Prusiński Annular flow is the most common and obvious idea The currently most advanced practice provides useful when it comes to basic heat transfer approximations predictions for precise locations and exact values of applied to bare rod (fuel) bundles used in nuclear maximum temperature, assuming a starting point at the reactor technology. This idealised (generic) model beginning of the development of a thermal boundary assumes the existence of an infinite cylindrical cooling layer. The crucial here is this starting point, since as its channel with a coaxially located heating rod. The most location is still a matter of engineering judgement when important advantage of this analytical approach is its sudden contraction to annular flow is taken into relatively easy but robust description. account. No reference data, either experimental or numerical, are available yet, but it seems to be The problem is such that in engineering practice, important to the nuclear industry as the current approach infinite rods do not exist and even if the approach may yield non-conservative results. provides a generally good first guess, one cannot forget that real rods have a beginning at some point and finally This ongoing project is dedicated to close this gap, to end somewhere. This means that in a real life example, provide the lacking data, to determine the most suitable a sudden contraction appears and then sudden expansion or to develop a new numerical tool to solve this issue. shaping the flow path (Fig. 1.) and what is even more The project has started with an uncertainty study of important – the heat transfer conditions. 3 influencing factors: turbulence model (numerical discrepancies – Fig. 2.), inlet velocity and heat flux (physical parameters), by means of CFD steady-state calculations in the RANS approach as well as transient LES in a preliminary study towards DNS. The simulations are ongoing. Final results of the uncertainty analysis are expected in 2019.

Fig. 1. Selected streamlines altered due to sudden contraction and expansion.


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Fig. 2. Centreline axial velocity before and after the rod – turbulence model uncertainty.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Direct Numerical Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer in a Simplified Pressurized Thermal Shock Scenario Afaque Shams1, Dante De Santis1, Donato Rosa1, T. Kwiatkowski2, Ed Komen1 1Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group (NRG), Petten, the Netherlands 2National Centre for Nulcear Research, Świerk, Poland Several components in a nuclear power plant undergo a variety of ageing mechanisms that can lead to a reduction of their lifetime and ultimately pose safety issues. In particular, the integrity of a Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) is considered to be an important issue for the safety of nuclear reactors. A transient that can compromise the integrity of the RPV is the occurrence of a Pressurised Thermal Shock (PTS). PTS denotes the occurrence of a rapid cooling of the internal RPV surface under pressurised conditions. This overcooling may induce the criticality of an existing or postulated defect inside the vessel wall. The most severe PTS scenario concerns Emergency Core Cooling (ECC) injection during a LOCA (Loss Of Coolant Accident). The injected cold ECC water mixes with the hot primary water present in the cold leg and the mixture flows towards the downcomer, where further mixing takes place, leading to large temperature gradients at the vessel surface. PTS is identified as one of the safety issues where Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) can bring real benefits complementary to system code analyses. However, to gain confidence in the CFD code Fig. 1. Contours of the mean velocity magnitude on the results a comprehensive validation programme is vertical plane in the downcomer, together with the necessary to demonstrate the capability of such codes streamlines of the mean velocity. reliably to predict PTS-related phenomena. In the The configuration analysed in the present work is absence of detailed experimental data on RPV cooling a simplification of a realistic situation, and does not for CFD code validation, Direct Numerical Simulation consider the actual transient of the injection of cold (DNS) databases constitute a valid alternative to fluid into the cold leg. Despite this simplification, the experiment. For example, for the ECC injection considered case contains the main features of the scenario, detailed data on the stratification and thermal velocity and the heat transfer during a PTS scenario mixing in the cold leg are present in literature, but no (Fig. 1). This makes the present DNS a valuable source accurate data on the heat transfer in the down comer are that can be used for the validation and, if needed, the available. Hence, in this work, the aim was to generate further improvement of the turbulence models adopted a reference numerical database for a simplified PTS in (U)RANS and hybrid approaches. These models can geometry. This geometry has been previously subsequently be used to simulate realistic PTS extensively studied and calibrated at NRG to meet the scenarios. To this end, the generated DNS database may DNS requirement. Afterwards, the simulations were be obtained by contacting the corresponding author. The performed using the spectral element code Nek5000, database contains the mean and RMS profiles of which is capable of performing high fidelity CFD velocity and temperature at selected locations the duct calculations. All the simulations were performed at the and in the down comer. Świerk Computing Centre (CIŚ).


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Reliability and Availability Analysis for the DONES Plant Systems K. Kowal, S. Potempski, A. Kaszko

Construction of the DEMO Oriented Neutron Source The aim of this work was a Reliability and Availability (DONES) aims to provide a high energy neutron beam analysis for the conventional systems of DONES, with sufficient intensity and irradiation volume for the including: the Heating, Ventilation and Air investigation of materials under realistic fusion Conditioning System, the Heat Rejection System, the irradiation conditions. The outcomes of this Service Water System and the Service Gas Systems. investigation will serve the preparation of the first The block-wise approach was applied to the analysis, in Demonstration fusion power plant, DEMO. which the systems were broken down into smaller parts A target of 70% of operational availability has been (subsystems/components), while the dependencies established for the DONES facility in order to fulfill its between them were maintained via logical connections. foreseen irradiation plan. This means that the facility is Failure Mode and Effect Analysis was performed for all expected to be available for at least 256 days per year. the identified units and the reliability of each of them However, the foreseen operational scheme assumes two was calculated. annual preventive maintenance periods (20 and 3 days). In addition, Reliability Block Diagrams were developed This makes the requirement for DONES availability as for the systems, where the blocks corresponding to high as 75%. After allocating this number for the whole functional elements were modelled assuming an facility to the single systems, the targets for their exponential reliability function with appropriate inherent availability is about 98%. parameters and the approximate time of repair and In order to achieve an adequate level of systems restoration. Such models were then quantified for the availability the Design for Availability (DfA) approach whole systems in order to simulate their reliability and has been applied during the systems development. This availability during the whole lifetime of the facility approach is based on an iterative process where the (20 years). The results were presented in the form of system design is analysed in terms of Reliability, possible design changes that could potentially improve Availability, Maintainability, and Inspectability the systems operability. Some of these changes have (RAMI), and then improved by the insights from such actually been implemented in the engineering design of studies until an appropriate level of the RAMI metrics is DONES. achieved.

Fig. 1. Reliability Block Diagram developed for the HVAC Heated Water Subsystem of DONES.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Computational Models of the 3D Unit Cell of the MARIA Reactor D. Muszyński, K. Andrzejewski

One of characteristic features of the MARIA research Results from diffusion rectangular (current approach) reactor core [1] is the matrix of beryllium blocks with and diffusion tapered (proposed method) models were fuel elements placed in suitable cut-outs in the block compared to the reference solution of the Monte Carlo corners. The beryllium blocks are of a tapered shape of tapered model. This allows for the evaluation of the a truncated square pyramid. proposed method. At present, operational calculations of the reactor core The asymmetry in the axial neutron flux distributions [2] are based on a simplified, rectangular prism model was quantified using the concept of axial offset. of the beryllium blocks. The present computational Calculated AO values for different models are presented model utilizes one set of beryllium and one set of fuel in Table 1. Neutron flux distributions are symmetrical in cross sections for the entire length of the 3D unit cell. the rectangular diffusion model, thus there is no axial Cross sections are generated using a 2D unit cell with offset, 퐴푂 = 0%. a height averaged fuel element pitch. This simplification Table 1. Axial offsets, different models. results in hard to evaluate systematic errors in the neutronics calculations of the MARIA reactor. Region, Monte Carlo Diffusion Diffusion neutron flux tapered tapered rectangular The possibility of increasing the accuracy of the fuel, 횽풕풉 -2.0 % -0.9 % 0.0 % MARIA reactor calculations was examined. The fuel, 횽풇 -5.0 % -4.6 % 0.0 % inclusion of the tapered shape of the beryllium blocks in beryllium, 횽풕풉 0.5 % 0.2 % 0.0 % the diffusion calculations is restricted to a rectangular beryllium , 횽풇 -5.9 % -4.8 % 0.0 % geometry by the diffusion code. The proposed method uses, as previously, the rectangular geometry but An improvement is achieved for the diffusion tapered enables us to introduce height-dependent cross sections model, especially in the fast neutron flux distributions in and diffusion coefficients into the diffusion code which the fuel and beryllium regions. were not considered before. This approach allows us to simulate height-dependent neutron-physics properties. The results are promising and development of this method seems to be prerequisite for further study on The study was performed on a single 3D unit cell, modelling tapered geometry effects in the MARIA comprised of one fuel element, and four adjacent reactor. quarters of the surrounding beryllium blocks. The Monte Carlo code MCNP [3] allows for the precise References representation of the tapered shape of the 3D unit cell. [1] K. Pytel et. al., 2015. The MARIA Reactor Safety Analysis Report, National Centre for Nuclear Research, A Monte Carlo tapered model was used for assessment Otwock-Świerk, Poland. of the accuracy of the diffusion models. Two 3D unit [2] K.J. Andrzejewski, T.A. Kulikowska, 2004. Isotopic cell models were considered in diffusion calculations in Transmutations in Irradiated Beryllium and their the CITATION [4] code, i.e. the diffusion rectangular Implications on Reactor MARIA Operation. Nuclear model (current model with height-independent material Technology 146(1), 72-82. properties) and the diffusion tapered model (the [3] D.B. Pelowitz, 2008. MCNPX user’s manual, Los Alamos National Laboratory. proposed one with height-dependent material [4] T.B. Fowler, D.R. Vondy, Cunningham, G.W., 1971. properties). Both models have the same geometrical Nuclear Reactor Core Analysis Code: CITATION, dimensions. The only difference is the number of cross ORNL-TM-2496. sections used and the diffusion coefficient sets. [5] M.A. Jessee, M.D. DeHart, 2011. NEWT: a new transport algorithm for two-dimensional discrete- The NEWT [5] package from the SCALE code was ordinates analysis in non-orthogonal geometries, Oak used to calculate 7-energy group homogenized cross Ridge National Laboratory. sections for the CITATION code, i.e. cross sections for neutron production (nu-fission), absorption, group-to- group transfer, and transport. Cross sections were calculated using a general 238-energy group ENDF/B- VII.0 library.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Calculation Scheme for Beryllium Studies in Application to the MARIA Reactor M. Wróblewska

The MARIA reactor operates using beryllium and water as moderators. Due to interactions with neutron, so- called poisons in are being produced beryllium. This study carried out in order to analyze a calculation scheme and its meshing regarding the beryllium poisoning effect. Calculations were performer with the Monte Carlo code: SERPENT2 [2], using the JEFF-3.1.1 neutron data library. SERPENT2 depletion calculations without the need to externally provides the define the decay chain of the depleted materials [4]. Fig. 2. Macroscopic cross section for 6Li and 3He in The analysis was made in two steps: each material layer. a) Fresh compositions for all materials were used as Calculated values of material compositions at the final a starting point. Burnup calculations with a beryllium burnup step were taken as a starting point for the block divided into 2mm thick parts, as shown in Fig. 1. homogenization calculations. The composition of the a) for 20 cycles of typical reactor operation (100hours beryllium block was homogenized into two zones per on power, 64 off-power). quarter. Results: evolution of the infinite multiplication factor as a function of burnup, concentrations of materials after all cycles, distribution of poisons in the beryllium block b) Infinite multiplication factor calculation for a block with two zones, homogenized in each quarter of the block. All material compositions taken from the last step of a). The material compositions in the beryllium were homogenized from 12 zones in each quarter of the block into two, with 2mm step change, with an example of the geometry presented in fig. 1. b).

Fig. 3. Multiplication factor for each homogenized geometry. The aim of this work was to estimate the impact of the meshing in the beryllium on the calculation results and plan an optimal geometry for translation of the geometry used in transport calculations to diffusion Fig. 1. a) beryllium mesh b) homogenised mesh. calculations. It seems that there is no statistically significant impact and thus there is no difference in the size of the mesh used. Nonetheless, it is important to notice that the accuracy of the Monte Carlo calculations limits the precision of this analysis. If the difference is of the order of magnitude of 2σ, the Monte Carlo method does not seem accurate enough.


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References [1] K. Andrzejewski, T. Kulikowska, Isotopic [5] T. Kulikowska, K. Andrzejewski, M. Bretscher, Transmutations in Irradiated Beryllium and their He-3 and Li-6 Poisoning of the MARIA Reactor Implications on Reactor MARIA Operation. Beryllium Matrix. Report IAE-40/A, (1999). Nuclear Technology, vol.146(1), pp. 72-82, [6] K. Pytel et all, Eksploatacyjny Raport (2004). Bezpieczeństwa Reaktora MARIA part V, (2009). [2] Leppänen, J. User Manual . Retrieved 6 March [7] M. Wróblewska, A. Boettcher, 6LI concentrations (2013). in beryllium block. Report NCBJ B2, (2016). [3] T. A. Tomberlin, Beryllium – A Unique Material In Nuclear Applications, 36th International SAMPE Technical Conference, (2004). [4] S. Glasstone, A. Sesonske, Nuclear Reactor

Engineering, D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., (1967).

Am-241 Incineration Measurements with the Activation Method in the ADS-Type Setup QUINTA S. Kilim , E. Strugalska-Gola , M. Szuta

Americium is one of 15 actinides produced artificially reduce X-ray and low-energy gamma activity. This was in power reactors as a by-product of energy production. followed by the gamma spectra analysis aimed at It is α-active with a half-life of 432.2 years [1]. Its identifying gamma peaks as well as calculating their neutron capture cross section ( Fig. 1) dominates areas and parent isotopes. Generally, some peaks stem considerably over the fission one in 0 - 1 MeV energy from Am-241 fission products and the others from the range, i.e. in the most available energy in present-day neutron capture products. The final measurements power reactors. As a consequence, neutron capture identified the number of Am-241 fissions and nuclei induces the production of other actinides. The newly that absorbed neutrons. produced actinides affect the neutron balance so much that the fuel campaign is shortened. A neutron energy region exists, at approximately 1 MeV and above, where fission of Am-241 dominates over radiative capture. To eliminate long-lasting actinides one needs a fast neutron source like a fast reactor or an accelerator-driven system (ADS). The Am-241 incineration results presented here have been taken from an experiment carried out at the ADS- type setup QUINTA at JINR in Dubna, Russia. The QUINTA setup was irradiated with a 0.66 GeV proton beam. The core of the QUINTA setup (Fig. 2) consisted of aluminum-clad elements of natural uranium arranged in five hexagonal sections. The total weight of the uranium was 500 kg. The uranium core was surrounded by a 10 cm-thick lead shield. For more details of the Fig. 1. Am-241 neutron-included fission (dark blue) and QUINTA setup see [2]. The accelerated beam of capture (green) cross section dependence on Energy. 660 MeV protons impinged on the uranium core causing nuclear spallation and the production of fast neutrons. The Am-241 sample was located in a side window about 20 cm from the axis of the beam. The spallation neutrons caused U-238 fission which generated a number of neutrons while converting the Am sample. The Am-241 sample was formed of a disc 21 mm in diameter encapsulated in a U-shaped casing. The gamma spectrum of the sample was measured several times by a CANBERRA GR1819 spectrometer. The spectroscopy filters were made of Pb, Cd and Cu to


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Fig. 4. 984 and 1028 keV lines corrected activity showing that there are two independent sources of the Fig. 2. QUINTA setup vertical-axial cross section. specified gammas. Fig. 3 presents the experimental Am-241 fission rate The Am-241 sample used in the experiment was quite results averaged over the whole measurement. The old, 10 – 15 years. As Am-241 undergoes α-decay with points represent average values for one isotope (FP). a 432.3 years half life it permanently produces Np-237. The solid line represents the average value, averaged During irradiation in QUINTA the Np-237 captures over all isotopes. Dashed lines represent the ± neutrons yielding the β-active Np-238 isotope which has (standard deviation) range. 2.117d half-life. The average Am-241fission rate was found to be -5 Another channel – Am-241(n,γ)Am-242m(α)Np-238 – 1.34(37)x10 fissions/g/beam particle. yields the same lines. Nevertheless the Am-242m 141y half-life dominates the observed decay time. The Am-241 neutron capture channel – Am- 241(n,γ)Am-242(β-)Cm-242 – yields the lines 561.1, 605.13, 897.33 keV and more, this channel specific, but their intensity is so low, that the lines were not registered and the number of captures was not determinated. To surmount this problem one should use a very fresh Am-241 sample or apply a completely different method. Am-241 capture specific gamma lines were dominated by Np-238 β-decay lines making it impossible to determine the number of captures. The Am-241 activation method fails as a means of determining the Fig. 3. Am-241 fission rate FP isotope specific results. number of captures. Fig. 4 was supposed to present the experimental Am- References 241 capture rate. In fact it shows how complicated the [1] problem is. At first, the lines supposedly belonging to &Z=93 the capture product isotopes are identical with the Np- [2] W. Furman et al.; Recent results of the study of 238 ones, i.e. with the Np-237 neutron capture product ADS with 500 kg natural uranium target assembly ones. Secondly, the correction for cooling time yields a QUINTA irradiated by deuterons with energies strange dependence on the cooling time. This from 1 to 8 GeV at JINR NUCLOTRON; dependence shows that there are two independent PoS(Baldin ISHEPP XXI)086, 2013. sources of 984 and 1028 keV gamma lines. The first one [3] S. Kilim, E.Strugalska-Gola, M.Szuta et al.; Np- with a 2.117 day half -life time and the second one with 237 incineration study in various beams in ADS a 141 year half- life. setup QUINTA; Nukleonika 63(1), 17–22, 2018; [4] Evaluated Nuclear Data File (ENDF); [5] TABLE OF ISOTOPES, 8E


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Impact of Average Neutron Energy on Fast Neutron Fluency Measurement by the Np-237 Fission to Capture Ratio and Reverse Dark Current of Planar Silicon Detector Methods M. Szuta, S. Kilim, E. Strugalska-Gola, M. Bielewicz

This work forms the next step of a feasibility study of retrieved distinct fission and capture cross sections for fast neutron fluency measurement using two different a distinct neutron energy from the nuclear data base complementary methods. describe the average values.

A feasibility study of fast neutron fluency measurement Two different equations for fissioned (Nyf) and captured using two different complementary methods was (Nyc) actinide isotopes should give the same average performed earlier [1]. neutron flux value as proof of a correct measurement. Np-237 samples and planar silicon detectors were N yf  Vp  N  f t ; (1) mounted very close to each other on different sections of a subcritical assembly irradiated with a proton beam N yc  Vp  N  c t (2) (the Quinta assembly at the Joint Institute for Nuclear where Research, Russia) giving the assurance that the same - average neutron flux at the actinide sample location neutron fluency passed through both samples.  [n/cm2∙s], We have processed the experimental data for the N – number of actinide isotopes in unit volume [cm-3], irradiated Np- 237 actinide samples and silicon detectors directly placed on sections 2 and 4 of the  f ;  c - average microscopic cross section for the target of the Quinta assembly (see Fig. 1) without a lead (n, f) or (n, γ) reactions [barns], shield-reflector. t - irradiation time.

The idea of the second method is a measurement of the fast neutron irradiation induced reverse dark current increase in planar silicon detectors which is linearly proportional to the neutron fluency. The reverse dark current of the detector grows linearly [2, 3]with increasing fast neutron fluency:

I = IV, (3) where:

I = (Iirrad .- Inonirrad.), [А], increment detector current, -3 Fig. 1. Schematic of the uranium target with supporting V-volume of the detector, [cm ], -2 structures and plastics used for sample placement. Ф-neutron fluency, [cm ], - equivalent for silicon damage fluency of fast neutrons with an energy of 1 MeV, These samples were 16 cm from the neutron spallation -17 -1 source, about 4 cm closer than before when we placed I=(5±10%)10 [ Acm ], constant of radiation. the actinide samples in the window of the lead shield- The cross sections used in both methods depending on reflector. neutron energy are the primary reasons of final result The idea of the first method is to search the neutron (I and Nyf or Nyc) which let us to evaluate the searched neutron fluency(see Fig. 2). energy (Ed) for the ratio (α(Ed)) of fission cross section (σf(Ed)) to capture cross section (σc(Ed)) of the selected actinide isotope from the nuclear data base that is equal to the measured ratio (αm) of fissioned (Nyf) and captured (Nyc) actinide isotopes (spectral indexes):

 f (Ed ) N yf  f (Ed )   m    c(Ed ) N yc  c Since the measured spectral index is defined as the ratio of the average fission to capture cross sections the


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Minor actinide samples and planar silicon detectors can be used as neutron fluency detectors especially in the high neutron energy range that is difficult to measure. Given the importance of high energy neutron measurements in ADS (Aclerator Driven Systems) actinide and silicon detectors could be a very useful tool for research into the efficiency of minor actinide incineration. The difference between the two fast neutron fluency measurements of the two methods additionally gives an estimate of the neutron fluency for neutron energies below 170 keV – an additional approach. Fig. 2. Cross section of neutron induced damage in the The higher the average neutron energy the smaller the silicon detector (red curve) and cross sections of difference between the neutron fluency measurements neutron induced fission and capture on Np-237 minor of the two methods. actinide.

The values of the neutron damage cross section of the References silicon detectors as a function of the neutron energy [1] M. Szuta, S. Kilim, E. Strugalska-Gola, presented in Fig. 2 are extracted from the figure M. Bielewicz, N.I. Zamyatin, A. I Shafronovskaya, describing “Function of defect formation of D(E) in S. Tyutyunnikov; Comparison of two fast neutron MeV×mb, (Ougouag) and the function NIEL-FN-522 in fluence measurement methods based on Np237 keV×cm2/g,” presented in reference [4]. fission to capture ratio measurement (spectral index) and a reverse dark current measurement of The Quinta target was irradiated with a pulsed proton planar silicon detector; XXIII International Baldin beam of 0.66 GeV energy extracted from the Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems – Synchrotron accelerator, also located at JINR. The total “Relativistic Nuclear Physics & Quantum number of protons of the irradiation is equal to 7.78 1014 Chromodynamics”; Russia, Dubna, September, for an irradiation time equal to 11890 seconds (5h 15 2016.; Baldin ISHEPP XXIII; EPJ Web of min). Conferences 138 10006 (2017), DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201713810006 Gamma-ray spectrum analysis was carried out in a well [2] N. I. Zamyatin, A. E. Cheremukhin, and established manner. The measured activities of the A. I. Shafronovskaya; Measuring Fluence of Fast considered isotopes at the end of irradiation (EOI) were Neutrons with Planar Silicon Detectors; Physics of corrected for decay during the irradiation according to Particles and Nuclei Letters, 2017, Vol. 14, No. 5, the known deuteron beam profile, for decay between pp. 762–777. EOI and start of counting (cooling time) and for decay [3] I.A. Golutvin et al., “Radiation hardness of silicon during the counting time and also not forgetting the detectors for collider experiments”, preprint E14- dead time correction. 95-97, Dubna 1995. [4] A. Van Ginneken, Non ionizing energy deposition The values obtained for the average fission and capture in silicon for radiation damage studies: Fermi Nat. cross sections let us evaluate the neutron fluencies with Accelerator Lab. Report FN-522.-1989. the help of equations (Eq. 1. and Eq. 2.). Adding the values of the neutron fluencies measured by the silicon detector method we can compare the two methods.

The precision of these methods is estimated to be around 25 %.


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Deliverable 11.2 Report on Neutronic Code Validation M. Migdal, M. Tarchalski, Z. Marcinkowska, A. Boettcher, R. Prokopowicz, K. Pytel Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych (NCBJ), Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)

MCORD - MPD Cosmic Ray Detector for NICA M. Bielewicz, ... , M. Grodzicka-Kobyłka, S. Mianowski, P. Sibczyński, T. Szczęśniak, M. Linczuk, A. Chłopik, A. Bancer, K. Grodzicki, M. Pietrzak, A. Dudziński, E. Jaworska, ... et al. Dubna

Posibilities to deploy high temperature nuclear reactors in Poland G. Wrochna, ... , S. Potempski, ... et al. Ministry of Energy

The Prototype Dosimetry System to Protect NICA Slow Control Electronic Equipment A. Chłopik, ... , A. Bancer, M. Bielewicz, A. Dudziński, E. Jaworska, M. Pietrzak, J. Rzadkiewicz, ... et al. Dubna

Third periodic activity report, In-Vessel Melt Retention Severe Accident Management Strategy for Existing and Future NPPs M. Skrzypek, ... , E. Skrzypek, ... et al. IRSN, Cadarache


Invited Talk

Pebble bed type HTGR modelling in MCNP in scope of HTR-PL project M. Migdal, A. Boettcher Workshop on Design and Technology Status of Innovative (non water cooled) SMRs for Near Term Deployment under the framework of TC Project RER2014 - (Austria, Wiedeń, 2018-10-29 - 2018-11-02)

Eksperymentalny Reaktor Wysokotemperaturowy otwarte drzwi do przyszłych zastosowań przemysłowych reaktorów HTR E. Skrzypek X Międzynarodowa Szkoła Energetyki Jądrowej (Poland, Warszawa, 2018-11-26 - 2018-11-29)

Anthropic selection of physical constants, quantum entanglement, and the multiverse M.P. Dąbrowski XXII Krakow Methodological Conference (Poland, Kraków, 2018-10-11 - 2018-10-12)

Time Domain F-statistics O2all-skysearch for isolated rotating neutronstars M. Bejger, P. Ciecieląg, M. Cieślar, O. Dorosh, B. Haskell, A. Królak, F. Morawski, M. Sieniawska LVC Meeting 2018 (Netherlands, Maastricht, 2018-09-04 - 2018-09-07)

Update on the follow up procedure of thetime-domain F-statistic pipeline M. Sieniawska, O. Dorosh, M. Bejger, P. Ciecieląg, A. Królak LVC Meeting 2018 (Netherlands, Maastricht, 2018-09-04 - 2018-09-07)


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Problems of minor actinides incineration in ADS: a) Fast Neutron Fluency Measurement by Np237 Fission to Capture Ratio and b)hypothetical behavior of helium in uranium dioxide fuel under neutron irradiation in terms of defect trap model M. Szuta, S. Kilim, E. Strugalska-Gola Third Research Coordination Meeting for CRP “Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS) - Applications and use of Low- Enriched Uranium in ADS (, Budapeszt, 2018-12-10 - 2018-12-14)

Oral Presentation

A general framework for integrated risk assessment of nuclear/non-nuclear combined installations on market-oriented nuclear industry K. Kowal, S. Potempski, P.M. Stano European Safety and Reliability Conference (Norway, Trondheim, 2018-06-17 - 2018-06-21) Taylor & Francis Group (London) No. (2018)

Modular Global Uncertainty Analysis of Event-driven Indicators of System’s Availability P.M. Stano, M. Spirzewski, K. Kowal European Safety and Reliability Conference (Norway, Trondheim, 2018-06-17 - 2018-06-21) Taylor & Francis Group (London) No. (2018)

NCBJ contribution to Accident Analysis Report 2018 M. Borysiewicz, O. Dorosh, A. Kaszko, S. Potempski 6th WPENS Technical Meeting (Poland, Kraków, 2018-10-17 - 2018-10-19)

Application of Probabilistic Safety Assessment for nuclear-chemical installations with High Temperature Reactors: Challenges and Insights K. Kowal, S. Potempski, G. Siess, P.M. Stano HTR 2018 - International Conference on High Temperature Reactor Technology (Poland, Warsaw, 2018-10-08 - 2018-10-10) National Centre for Nuclear Research No. (2018)

RAMI analysis of HVAC, Heat Rejection, Service Water, Service Gas systems K. Kowal, S. Potempski, A. Kaszko 6th WPENS Technical Meeting (Poland, Kraków, 2018-10-17 - 2018-10-19)

RAMI analysis of Ratwaste systems K. Kowal, S. Potempski, A. Kaszko 6th WPENS Technical Meeting (Poland, Kraków, 2018-10-17 - 2018-10-19)

241Am Incineration Measurements With Activation Method in the «QUINTA» Neutron Field S. Kilim, E. Strugalska-Gola, M. Szuta, S.I. Tyutyunnikov, V.I. Stegailov, XXIV BALDIN International Seminar on High Energy Problems - Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics (Russia, DUBNA, 2018-09-17 - 2018-09-22)

The HTR project in Poland: Licencing, Safety, Research & Education K. Kowal Workshop on Design and Technology Status of Innovative (non water cooled) SMRs for Near Term Deployment under the framework of TC Project RER2014 - (Austria, Wiedeń, 2018-10-29 - 2018-11-02)


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Np-237 transmutation effectiveness dependence on beam particle, energy and sample position in QUINTA setup S. Kilim, E. Strugalska-Gola, M. Szuta, S.I. Tyutyunnikov, J. Adam, V.I. Stigailov XXIV BALDIN International Seminar on High Energy Problems - Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics, (Russia, DUBNA, 2018-09-17 - 2018-09-22)

An integrated risk assessment of the HTR-based nuclear-chemical facilities K. Kowal IAEA Technical Meeting to Assess the Prospects of Coupling Non-Electric Applications to High Temperature Nuclear Reactors (Austria, Vienna, 2018-11-19 - 2018-11-21)

NCBJ/IPPLM contribution to Non Radiological Safety 2017 M. Borysiewicz, O. Dorosh, A. Kaszko, T. Kwiatkowski, S. Potempski, P. Prusiński 5th WPENS Technical Meeting (France, Saclay, 2018-04-10 - 2018-04-12)

Performance of Julia programming language in HPC simulation of the cosmic ray transport in the heliosphere A. Wawrzyńczak-Szaban, R. Modzelewska, A. Gil Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2018 (Poland, Warszawa, 2018-03-12 - 2018-03-15)

Last year experience with JRodos in Poland I. Matujewicz, R. Dabrowski, S. Potempski, H. Wojciechowicz RODOS User s Group (Germany, Munich, 2018-05-14 - 2018-05-15)

NCBJ contribution to Non Radiological Safety 2018 M. Borysiewicz, O. Dorosh, A. Kaszko, T. Kwiatkowski, S. Potempski, P. Prusiński 6th WPENS Technical Meeting (Poland, Kraków, 2018-10-17 - 2018-10-19)

Fast neutron flux measurement in the energies range from 10 to 100 MeV in the QUINTA assembly after short proton irradiation M. Bielewicz, E. Strugalska-Gola, M. Bajdel, A. Kawalec, P. Pisarczyk, S. Kilim, M. Szuta, S. Tyutyunnikov XXIV BALDIN International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (Russia, DUBNA, 2018-09-17 - 2018-09- 22)

Contribution of NCBJ to Safety Principles – CI&CS S. Potempski, A. Kaszko 6th WPENS Technical Meeting (Poland, Kraków, 2018-10-17 - 2018-10-19)

NCBJ/IPPLM Contribution to Accident Analysis 2017 M. Borysiewicz, O. Dorosh, A. Kaszko, K. Kowal, S. Potempski 5th WPENS Technical Meeting (France, Saclay, 2018-04-10 - 2018-04-12)

Impact of Average Neutron Energy on the Fast Neutron Fluency Measurement by Np237 Fission to Capture Ratio and Reverse Dark Current of Planar Silicon Detector Methods. M. Szuta, S. Kilim, E. Strugalska-Gola, M. Bielewicz, N.I. Zamyatin, A. Shafronovskaia, S. Tyutyunnikov XXIV BALDIN International Seminar on High Energy Problems - Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics (Russia, DUBNA, 2018-09-17 - 2018-09-22)

High Performance Computing For Nuclear Reactor Design And Safety Applications A. Shams, D. DeSantis, A. Padee, T. Jarosiewicz, P. Wasiuk, T. Kwiatkowski, S. Potempski Advances in Thermal Hydraulics (ATH 2018) (USA, Orlando, Fl., 2018-11-11 - 2018-11-15) American Nuclear Society No. (2018)


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NCBJ/IPPLM Contribution to FMECA & PIE Studies 2017 M. Borysiewicz, O. Dorosh, K. Kowal, S. Potempski 5th WPENS Technical Meeting (France, Saclay, 2018-04-10 - 2018-04-12)

MCORD - MPD Cosmic Ray Detector a new features M. Bielewicz, M. Milewicz-Zalewska, M. Grodzicka-Kobyłka, S. Mianowski, P. Sibczyński, L. Świderski, T. Szczęśniak, M. Linczuk, D. Wielanek, A. Kisiel, G. Kasprowicz, K. Pozniak, W. Zabołotny, R. Romaniuk, A. Chłopik, A. Bancer, K. Grodzicki, M. Pietrzak, A. Dudziński, E. Jaworska, E. Strugalska-Gola, M.J. Peryt, M. Rybczynski, Z. Włodarczyk, G. Stefanek, P. Kankiewicz XXIV BALDIN International Seminar on High Energy Problems - Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics (Russia, DUBNA, 2018-09-17 - 2018-09-22) EPJ Web Conf. (2018)

Design of a closely-spaced rod bundle for a reference Direct Numerical Simulation A. Shams, T. Kwiatkowski 26th ICONE – International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (United Kingdom, London, 2018-07-22 - 2018-07- 26) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) No.Volume 8 (2018)

RAMI Analysis for Plant Systems 1 P. Stano, A. Kaszko, K. Kowal, S. Potempski 5th WPENS Technical Meeting (France, Saclay, 2018-04-10 - 2018-04-12)

MCORD: MPD cosmic ray detector for NICA M. Bielewicz, M. Grodzicka-Kobyłka, S. Mianowski, P. Sibczyński, Ł. Świderski, T. Szczęśniak, M. Linczuk, D. Wielanek, A. Kisiel, G. Kasprowicz, K. Pozniak, W. Zabołotny, R. Romaniuk, A. Chłopik, A. Bancer, K. Grodzicki, M. Pietrzak, A. Dudziński, E. Jaworska, M.J. Peryt, M. Rybczynski XXIV BALDIN International Seminar on High Energy Problems - Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics (Russia, DUBNA, 2018-09-17 - 2018-09-22) Proc. SPIE Vol. 10808 (2018) 1080847

Thermal-hydraulic analysis of GFR demonstrator A. Siwiec, M. Spirzewski 27th International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe-NENE2018 (Slovenia, Portoroz, 2018-09-10 - 2018- 09-13)

RAMI Analysis for Plant Systems 2 P. Stano, A. Kaszko, K. Kowal, S. Potempski 5th WPENS Technical Meeting (France, Saclay, 2018-04-10 - 2018-04-12)

Qualification of beryllium poisoning models for Maria and Jules Horowitz research reactors M. Wróblewska, A. Boettcher, P. Blaise, P. Sireta, D. Blanchet European Research Reactor Conference (Germany, Munich, 2018-02-11 - 2018-02-15)


Thin metallic layer on the top of the molten corium pool study, under severe accident conditions with its impact on the core support plate - CFD software application M. Skrzypek, E. Skrzypek, A. Siwiec 27th International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe-NENE2018 (Slovenia, Portoroz, 2018-09-10 - 2018- 09-13)


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Gravitational-wave astronomy: background, achievements and perspectivesb O. Dorosh Warsaw, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Science, 2018-01-12

Supercomputer for R&D in Power Engineeringa T. Kwiatkowski Warszawa, Instytut Techniki Cieplnej, Politechnika Warszawska, 2018-04-23

Supercomputer for R&D in Power Engineeringa P. Prusiński Warszawa, Instytut Techniki Cieplnej, Politechnika Warszawska, 2018-04-23

Review of international law, convention on nuclear safety, and treaties and agreements signed by Polanda Ł. Koszuk Warszawa, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, 2018-12-12

Varying Speed of Light Cosmologies and Observations b M.P. Dąbrowski London, Imperial College, London, 2018-02-21

Polish Nuclear Perspective and High Temperature Reactorsb M.P. Dąbrowski Urbana-Champaign, University of Illinois, Departament of Nuclear, Plasma and Radionuclear Engineering, 2018- 04-03

Theoretical and Observational Issues of c-Varying Cosmologyb M.P. Dąbrowski Bloomington, Indiana University, Department of Physics, 2018-04-09

Information of CATHARE2 input deck update by NCBJ and results of LOCA and SBO.b J. Malesa Budapest, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Energiatudományi Kutatóközpont (MTA-EK), Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Nukleáris Technikai Intézete (BME NTI), 2018-06-26

Current Status Of Htrdevelopment in Polanda A. Boettcher Paris, OECD NEA, 2018-07-18

Reactor simulation in 3 partsb T. Kozłowski Paris, Nuclear Energy Agency, Nuclear Science Committee Seminar, 2018-09-14

Cost estimation of HTR for industry in Polandb J. Malesa Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency, 2018-10-04

Qualification of the severe accident codes RELAP/SCDAPSIM and MELCOR for HTR applications- HEFUS3 - helium cooled facility benchmarkb E. Skrzypek Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency, 2018-10-31


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Potential difficulties in applying Polish legal regulations for licensing HTR reactors for industrial applicationsb M. Klisińska Warsaw, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-11-13

a) in Polish b) in English


Analysis of the isotopic composition and radiotoxicity of the spent fuel assemblies of the ABWR, AP-1000, APR1400 and EPR reactors using high accuracy modelsa Ł. Koszuk Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-01-30

Variational Multiscale Method for solving Navier-Stokes equationsb S. Potempski Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-02-06

Cost estimation of HTR reactor for polish industryb J. Malesa Świerk, NCBJ, 2018-02-13

Qualification of Beryllium Poisoning Models for Maria and Jules Horowitz Reactorsa M. Wróblewska Świerk, NCBJ, 2018-03-27

Measurement of the beryllium block poisoning - analysis and selection of the measurement system geometry.a A. Boettcher Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-04-10

New computational model of beryllium blocks of MARIA reactora D. Muszyński Otwock-Swierk, National Centre for Nuclear Research , 2018-04-17

Towards the DNS of a closely-spaced bare rod bundle: A Collaborative Effort Between NCBJ-NRGb T. Kwiatkowski Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-05-09

Is the Dual Fluid Reactor (DFR) Generation IV or V? b M.P. Dąbrowski Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-05-22

Integrated Risk Assessment for HTR-based nuclear-chemical facilitiesb K. Kowal Świerk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-10-16


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MCORD-MPD Cosmic Ray Detector for NICAb E. Strugalska-Gola Świerk, Departament Analiz Układów Złoiżonych, Zakład UZ3, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-10-23

The results of RODOS simulations for determination of the area of restricted use and emergency planning zones for possible different technologies of the first polish nuclear power planta S. Potempski Swierk, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-10-24

Junk In – Junk Out by examplesb P. Prusiński Świerk (Poland), National Centre for Nuclear Research, 2018-11-06

a) in Polish b) in English


K. Andrzejewski - The supervision of the master's thesis, together with Ł. Koszuk, MSc. Student of the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw - Arkadiusz Siwiec. The title of the work: "Criticality safety of spent nuclear fuel cask"

K. Andrzejewski - The supervision of the master's thesis, together with Ł. Koszuk, MSc. Student of the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw - Marcel Bajdel. The title of the work: "Physical aspects of implemetation of thorium in AP-1000 nuclear reactor"

M.P. Dąbrowski - Eryk Turski M. Sc. (admitted to phd4gen studies at NCBJ)

M.P. Dąbrowski - Introduction to nuclear and particle physics, selected introductory problems in gravitation and cosmology

M.P. Dąbrowski - Mehran Vagheian M. Sc. (admitted for phd4gen studies at NCBJ)

M.P. Dąbrowski - mgr Tomasz Kwiatkowski - CFD calculations, employee of NCBJ (PhD procedure open 20.06.2018)

M. Klisińska - Conducting didactic classes in reactor physics - thermalhydraulic

Ł. Koszuk - "Workshop on reactor physics", Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Winter semester 2018/2019 Course ID: 1100-4WFRJ

Ł. Koszuk - "Workshops on reactor physics II", Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Summer semester 2017/2018 Course ID: 1100-2ENWAFRJL


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Ł. Koszuk - The supervision of the master's thesis, together with dr. K. Andrzejewski. Student of the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw - Arkadiusz Siwiec. The title of the work: "Criticality safety of spent nuclear fuel cask"

Ł. Koszuk - The supervision of the master's thesis, together with dr. K. Andrzejewski. Student of the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw - Marcel Bajdel. The title of the work: "Physical aspects of implemetation of thorium in AP-1000 nuclear reactor"

K. Kowal - Basic physics laboratory courses for students of Bachelor's degree program (1st cycle mode) in Computer Science at Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities.

K. Kowal - Lecture in Risk Analysis Methods at Poznan University of Economics, ending with an exam and the Certificate of Risk Management.

K. Kowal - Scientific secretary of the NCBJ PhD Studies curried out under the framework of the project “New reactor concepts and safety analyses for the Polish Nuclear Energy Program” POWR.03.02.00-00.I005/17.

T. Kozłowski - Marek Orzeł M.Sc. (admitted to phd4gen studies at NCBJ)

T. Kozłowski - nairi Baghdasaryan M.Sc. (admitted to phd4gen studies at NCBJ)

J. Malesa - Carying internship student: Maciej Konieczny (Warsaw University of Technology, MEiL); Subject: preparation of the model of containment of EPR reactor using MELCOR computer code.

S. Potempski - M. NIEŚWIEC, D. GLIK, Analysis of fire protection system of founding processing plant in relation to fire of magnesium hall in „POLMAG”, Olszowa, Postgraduate Diploma

G. Siess - Certified Manager of Risk Management - Module 3 "Methods and techniques of risk analysis"

G. Siess - Lectures on "Methods and techniques of risk analysis" for students of the POLRISK Poznań Academy


K. Andrzejewski Nukleonika, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology

M. Bielewicz Polish Astronomical Society

M. Borysiewicz Member of the European Safety, Reliability and Data Association (ESReDA)

M.P. Dąbrowski Session chairman on X International School on Nuclear Power in Warszawa, Poland Member of Organizing Committee on SpringCosmo2018 in Zeuthen, Berlin, Germany Member of Organizing Committee on X International School on Nuclear Power in Warszawa, Poland Member of Advisory Board on Energetyka niekonwencjonalna na Pomorzu Zachodnim - potencjał, problemy, perspektywy. in Szczecin, Poland Universe, Universe, MDPI Switzerland Co-proposer, Management Committee Member


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Ł. Koszuk ATOMIC FORUM Foundation, President Polish Nuclear Society, member

K. Kowal Member of Advisory Board on International Advances in Applied Physics & Materials Science Congress and Exhibition in Ölüdeniz, Turkey

T. Kozłowski American Nuclear Society Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, Hidawi Chairmen of the OECD/NEA Nuclear Science Committee Uncertainty Analysis Methodology Expert Group

J. Malesa Chairman of the Technical Committee no 266 for Nuclear Equipment, Polish Committee for Standardization NUCLEAR ENERGY AGENCY (OECD), The Management Board for the Development, Application and Validation of Nuclear Data and Codes

S. Potempski European Geophysical Union, regular membership Member of the Advisory Group for high temperature nuclear reactors, Ministry of Energy Member of Board of Directors

M. Skrzypek Session chairman on International Conference on Challenges Faced by TSOs in Enhancing Nuclear Safety and Security in Bruksela, Belgium Member of Organizing Committee on X Międzynarodowa Szkoła Energetyki Jądrowej in Warszawa, Poland Member of Organizing Committee on International Conference on Challenges Faced by TSOs in Enhancing Nuclear Safety and Security in Bruksela, Belgium Polish Nuclear Society, member Member of TSO Forum - IAEA

E. Skrzypek Member of Organizing Committee on X International School of Nuclear Power in Warsaw, Poland

B. Słowiński Journal of Nuclear and Radiation Physics. A Periodical of the Egyptian Nuclear Physics Association, Journal of Nuclear and Radiation Physics a member of the Faculty Council, Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology

E. Strugalska-Gola member,Association of Polish Electricians, Committee of Nuclear Power



ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______EDUCATION AND TRAINING DIVISION Director of Division Katarzyna Deja, PhD

The basic task carried out by the Department of Education and Training is the dissemination of knowledge about radioactivity, physics and nuclear technology and its applications in the energy sector and industry in general and in medicine.

The recipients of the training and educational activities provided by the department are students from schools and universities, teachers and other adults or professionals who require specialist training. In 2018 the Department hosted 8,500 guests from educational, industrial and scientific institutions from many cities and villages from all over Poland.

For more advanced high school and university students, we offer laboratory classes at our unique Atomic and Nuclear Physics Laboratory; it is a Z-class isotope laboratory. The Department conducts periodical radiation protection training for NCBJ personnel and organises courses preparing future nuclear reactor operators.

Also noteworthy are annual popularisation and educational events, such as science festivals and picnics, whose aim is to arouse curiosity and inspire participants independently to expand their knowledge through dialogue with scientists. An important event organised by the Department was the Open Days of the Nuclear Centre in Świerk, which took place on the weekends of the 6th and 7th week of last year, giving participants the opportunity to visit the Institute's laboratories.

In April 2018 the thirteenth edition of the Physics Paths Competition was organised together with the Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, with the final gala at the Copernicus Science Centre. The main sponsor of the financial awards was the Marshal of the Mazovian Province.

Recently, the Department has developed a new initiative called "Detectors for schools". It offers projects for schools based on ionising radiation detectors (Geiger-Müller and CosmicWatch Detectors) and provides training in their use.

In addition, several investments have been made and a new didactic programme has been introduced, e.g. a cloud chamber and a multimedia application for a touch screen monitor illustrating the operation of a nuclear power plant.

Regarding scientific achievements, three scientific articles were published in internationally recognised peer- reviewed journals. A PhD student continued to work under the supervision of prof. dr hab. Ludwik Dobrzyński.

Katarzyna Deja


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Meta-Analysis of Thirty-Two Case–Control and Two Ecological Radon Studies of Lung Cancer L. Dobrzyński1, K. W. Fornalski2,3 and J. Reszczyńska1 1National Centre for Nuclear Research, Świerk, Poland 2PGE EJ 1, Warszawa, Poland 3Ex-Polon Laboratory, Łazy, Poland : A re-analysis was carried out of thirty-two case–control not support the thesis that radon may be a cause of any and two ecological studies concerning the influence of statistically significant increase in lung cancer radon, a radioactive gas, on the risk of lung cancer. incidence. This conclusion is also supported by the Three mathematically simplest dose–response histogram showing the distribution of the value of the relationships (models) were tested: constant (zero health Relative Health Factor which apparently favours no effect), linear, and parabolic (linear–quadratic). Health effect (RHF=1) and shows that the width of the effect end-points reported in the analysed studies are distribution is too large to make any definite statement odds ratios or relative risk ratios, related either to concerning the impact of radon on increased lung cancer morbidity or mortality. In our preliminary analysis we morbidity/mortality. show that the results of dose–response fitting are qualitatively (within uncertainties, given as error bars) the same, whichever of these health effect end-points are applied. Therefore, we deemed it reasonable to aggregate all response data into the so-called Relative Health Factor and jointly analysed such mixed data, to obtain better statistical power. In the second part of our analysis, robust Bayesian and classical methods of analysis were applied to this combined data set. In this part of our analysis we selected different subranges of radon concentrations. In view of the substantial differences between the methodology used by the authors of the case–control and ecological studies, the mathematical relationships (models) were applied mainly to the thirty-two case–control studies. The degree to which the two ecological studies, analysed Fig. 1. Distribution of values of Relative Health Factor. separately, affect the overall results when combined with the thirty-two case–control studies, has also been Reference evaluated. In all, as a result of our meta-analysis of the [1] Journal of Radiation Research, Vol. 59, No. 2, combined cohort, we conclude that the analysed data 2018, pp. 149–163; doi: 10.1093/jrr/rrx061 concerning radon concentrations below ~1000 Bq/m3 (~20 mSv/year of effective dose to the whole body) do


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


Invited Talk

Japan-Polish meeting on N-HRD L. Dobrzyński Human resources development in the nuclear power field (Poland, Warsaw, 2018-11-08 - 2018-11-08)

Systematic approach to the development of human resources for nuclear power L. Dobrzyński World Nuclear Spotlight Poland , Warsaw, 20.11.2018 (Poland, Warsaw, 2018-11-20 - 2018-11-21)

Introduction to Radiation Protection M. Kirejczyk International Workshop “Mechanical measurements of irradiated materials” (Poland, Otwock-Świerk, 2018-03-19 - 2018-03-20)

Do we need ionizing radiation for life? L. Dobrzyński XLII-nd IEEE Joint Symposium Wilga 2018 (Poland, Wilga, 2018-06-03 - 2018-06-10)

Oral Presentation

Damped-oscillator model of hormesis and its consequences Y. Socol, L. Dobrzyński European Radiation Research ERR-2018 (Hungary, Pecs, 2018-08-21 - 2018-08-25)

2BETINA - Post-BRILLIANT proposal K. Deja International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy Issues (Lithuania, Kaunas, 2018-05-21 - 2018-05- 25)


Low Ionization Radiation Dose in cancer and other diseases therapya L. Dobrzyński Warszawa, Faculty of Physcis, Warsaw University, 2018-06-27

This wild boar wants to be eaten. Remarks on nuclear educationb L. Dobrzyński Gdansk, Technical University of Gdansk, 2018-03-23

a) in Polish b) in English


Fukushima after an accident in NPP Daiichia L. Dobrzyński Warszawa, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Science, 2018-01-24

Biological effects of ionizing radaiationa L. Dobrzyński


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Łódź, Politechnika Łódzka, 2018-05-23

a) in Polish


Ł. Adamowski - Lectures for visitors in NCBJ Department of Education and Training.

Ł. Adamowski - Practical exercises in internal radiological protection courses.

K. Deja - Lectures and laboratory classes for visitors to the NCBJ

K. Deja - Providing substantive care for trainees doing internships at DEiS NCBJ

E. Droste - Delivering of the DEIS lectures to pupils and other guests visiting DEIS NCBJ. Overseeing of lab practice of pupils visiting teaching laboratory at DEIS NCBJ.

M. Gąsowska - Conducting laboratories offered by the Education and Training Division for secondary and higher education students. Teaching activities are provided in both Polish and English.

M. Gąsowska - Conducting lectures offered by the Education and Training Division for elementary and secondary education students, as well as higher education students and other interested social/professional groups. Teaching activities are provided in both Polish and English.

M. Kirejczyk - Delivering lectures on "Basics of Accelerator Physics", "Quantities, Units and Calculations in Radioprotection", "Nuclear Safety and Radioprotection in Accelerator Lab", and "Atomic Law" for the NCBJ employees (category A, B and AA courses)

M. Kirejczyk - Delivering of the DEiS lectures to the pupils, students and other guests visiting DEiS NCBJ

M. Kirejczyk - Overseeing of lab practice of pupils and students visiting teaching laboratory at NCBJ

M. Kirejczyk - Preparing and delivery of a lecture entitled "Atomic and Nuclear Physics II" for the RO course

M. Marcinkowska-Sanner - Laboratory classes for high school students.

M. Marcinkowska-Sanner - Lectures for visitors in National Centre for Nuclear Reasearch (Department of Education and Trainings).

A. Skwarek - Conducting practical laboratory exercises for pupils

A. Skwarek - Lectures for visitors to NCBJ


L. Dobrzyński corresponding memebr Adviser of the Polish Delegation to UNSCEAR, alternate of the delegate of Polish delegation since 2011


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______RADIOISOTOPE CENTRE POLATOM Director of Centre Dariusz Socha, PhD Eng

The Radioisotope Centre POLATOM is a self-contained unit of the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) is engaged in scientific research and development in the use of radioisotopes in nuclear medicine, industry and science and the production of radiopharmaceuticals and radioactive sources. The history of POLATOM's operations dates back to the 1950. Then, in 1957, at the then Institute of Nuclear Research in Świerk, near Warsaw, Ewa, the first research reactor in Poland was commissioned. This was the beginning of the country's activities related to the development of methods for obtaining isotopes and radioactive preparations. Further opportunities for development came in 1974, with the launching of Maria, another research reactor with which POLATOM's activities have been inextricably connected until today. Currently, POLATOM combines in its activity basic statutory scientific objectives and successfully commercialises its own potential and research achievements. In the scientific arena it is a leading centre in Poland conducting interdisciplinary research the production of radioactive preparations. The main areas of POLATOM's research activities include nuclear chemistry, radiochemistry, the physical chemistry of radioactive elements, analytical chemistry, biochemistry and the metrology of ionising radiation. POLATOM carries out intensive scientific cooperation in Poland and abroad, taking part in international projects and research programmes. The conducted research and development are primarily oriented towards applications and often lead to the implementation of innovative products and technologies. The vast majority of commercial products on offer, including approximately 150 items, are the results of our own work.

In recent years POLATOM has launched the manufacture of several innovative products, among thema 99mTc- Tektrotyd - radiopharmaceutical kit for diagnostic imaging of tumours expressing somatostatin receptors useful in oncology, ItraPol (90Y) and LutaPol (177Lu) as radiopharmaceutical precursors for radiolabelling of peptides and other biomolecules for therapy of cancer. POLATOM is a world famous supplier of high quality radiopharmaceuticals and diagnostic kits for nuclear medicine and an important manufacturer of radiochemical products for customers all over the world. Its products are exported to more than 80 countries. POLATOM is Poland's only producer of radioactive preparations, and radiopharmaceuticals. The current POLATOM's current commercial package includes:  A wide range of scintigraphic kits for 99mTc labelling for the examination of organs and cancer diagnoses,  Radionuclide 99Mo/99mTc generator,  Preparations of radioactive iodine-131 for the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid diseases, pheochromocytomas, neuroblastomas, carcinoids and medullary carcinomas,  Preparations for the palliative treatment of bone metastases,  Precursors for the preparation of therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals,  Industrial sealed sources,  Radioactive standard solutions,  Radiochemical reagents,  A wide range of special customised radioactive preparations,  Accessories for nuclear medicine units,  The calibration and servicing of dose calibrators,  The installation and maintenance of isotopic equipment,  The handling and transportation of radioactive materials. POLATOM's activities in all areas meet European and international standards; with regard to its quality-assurance system, POLATOM holds the PN-EN/ISO 9001:2015 Certificate of Compliance and with regard to trading of dual use items and technology - the Internal Control System Certificate. Its standard of radiopharmaceutical production is confirmed by the GMP Certificate and the qualifications of the ionising radiation metrology laboratory are confirmed by the Accreditation Certificate of the Calibration Laboratory in compliance with PN-EN/ISO 17025:2005.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

The Radioisotope Centre POLATOM is currently implementing the CERAD project (Centre of Design and Synthesis of Radiopharmaceuticals for Molecular Targeting) from the Polish Roadmap of Research Infrastructures. The goal of this project is to expand the research infrastructure located at NCBJ for research programme oriented to the design and pre-clinical evaluation of new drugs carrying radioactive probes.

Dariusz Socha



The R&D Department of the Radioisotope Centre POLATOM carries out research programmes related to the application of radioactive preparations and radiolabelled compounds in various fields of medicine, research and industry. The results of our investigations are directly implemented in the technologies development at POLATOM. In recent years our efforts were oriented towards the development of technologies, documentation and manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) used in radiopharmaceutical kits, resulting in a sustainable source of API. The R&D Department offers research services such as biodistribution testing of radioactive compounds, as well as contributing to preparation of pharmaceutical documentation required in the process of Marketing Authorization for radiopharmaceuticals, in accordance with current regulations.

Fig. 1. Whole body scan and targeted SPECT-CT imaging showing multiple bone and abdominal lymph node metastases with intensive 99mTc-HYNIC-PSMA uptake.

The most important achievements in 2018 were: (1) Development and synthesis of a new PSMA derivative for radiolabelling with 99mTc for SPECT scintigraphy of prostate cancer. (2) Validation of the radiopharmaceutical kit (PMA-01) for preparation of 68Ga-PSMA – radiopharmaceutical for PET diagnostics of prostate cancer, and preparation of the relevant marketing authorisation dossier. (3) Under the INNOMED project we developed technology for DOTATATE synthesis using an automatic peptide synthesiser. (4) Project PET-SCAND resulted in the first cyclotron production in Poland of 44Sc of quality suitable for the preparation of radiolabelled clinically important substances such as: DOTATATE, EDTMP and DOTA- Substance-P. The R&D Department is involved in projects financed by the Polish funding institutions: National Centre for Research and Development and National Science Centre. The active projects are: (1) NCBiR, No. ERA-NET TRANSCAN/01/2013 in the framework of theinternational project “Phase I clinical trial using a novel CCK-2/gastrin receptor-localizing radiolabelled peptide probe for personalized diagnosis and therapy of patients with progressive or metastatic medullary thyroid carcinoma”.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

(2) NCBiR No. PBS3/A9/28/2015 “Preparation of radiopharmaceuticals based on scandium radionuclides for positron emission tomography “PET-SKAND”. (3) INNOMED Programme, POIR/01.02.00-14-31/15 “Multivariate formulations of DOTATATE peptide as precursor for preparation of radiopharmaceuticals (MultiSom)”. (4) International Co-Financed Project - MNiSW No. 3639/FAO/IAEA/16/2017/0 (SCAND-I-CO) “Innovative methods of 47Sc and 67Cu production in nuclear reactor and cyclotron”. (5) NCN No. UMO – 2017/25/B/ST7/01745, OPUS-13 “Dosimerty of ionizing radiation coming from Y-90 microspheres applied in radioembolization therapy” (6) International Co-Financed Project - MNiSW No. W/47/IAEA/2018 (NOV-GENTECH) “New Ways of Producing Tc-99m and Tc-99m Generators in Poland”.

R&D Department participated in the last years and is currently active in the IAEA coordinated projects: (1) IAEA No. 20496 “Therapeutic Radiopharmaceuticals Labelled with New Emerging Radionuclides (67Cu, 186Re, 47Sc). (2) IAEA No. 18475/RO “Nanosized delivery systems based radiopharmaceuticals”. (3) IAEA No. 22652 “New Ways of Producing Tc- 99m and Tc-99m Generators”. In 2018 we contributed to COST (European Cooperation Programme of Scientific and Technical Cooperation): (1) COST CM1207 – GLISTEN: GPCR-Ligand interactions, structures, and transmembrane signalling: a European Research Network. (2) COST BM1403 - Native Mass Spectrometry and Related Methods for Structural Biology (2014-2018).


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______44 44 Cyclotron production of Sc from [ Ca]CaCo3 W. Wojdowska, D.W. Pawlak, I. Cieszykowska, M. Żółtowska, T. Janiak, T. Barcikowski, J. L. Parus, P. Garnuszek, R. Mikołajczak

Scandium-44 is a radiometal holding a great potential The presented method of scandium-44 production for PET applications. Due to its favourable nuclear allows up to 3.7 GBq of 44Sc (EOB) to be obtained. The (t1/2=3.97 h; Eγ=1499 keV; Eβ+=632 keV) and chemical overall separation yield was above 90% with about properties it could be an attractive alternative to 68Ga. 3.7% losses on the UTEVA column and about 1.5% on Several methods of 44Sc production have been the cation exchange column. Almost 85% of 44Sc investigated [1-4]. We present the relatively simple activity was obtained in 1 mL of 1M CH3COONa, pH 44 44 method of Sc production from enriched [ Ca]CaCO3 4.0. via the 44Ca(p,n)44Sc nuclear reaction followed by solid Table.1. Results of 44Sc separation from [44Ca]CaCO . phase extraction of 44Sc. 3 1 2 3 4 Calcium targets were prepared from enriched (99.2%) Target mass, mg 88.7 88.6 86.1 87.3 [44Ca]CaCO as pressed pellets (OD=6 mm, H= mm 3 Current, µA 15.1 15.2 15.0 15.2 into graphite disc), fig.1. The targets were irradiated with protons (16 MeV, 15µA) for 45-60 min by a GE Time of irradiation, min 60 45 60 60 PETtrace 840 cyclotron (HIL, University of Warsaw). Activity of Sc-44 after 3.16 2.85 2.84 3.72 target dissolution, GBq Total activity eluted 96.5 95.8 97.2 95.7 from UTEVA resin, % Total activity eluted - 94.9 97.0 92.2 from AG50WX4 column, %

Separation yield, % 96.5 90.9 94.4 92.0 Fig.1. Targets of [44Ca]CaCO before and after 3 irradiation in the cyclotron. The only measured radionuclidic impurity was 44mSc After dissolving the irradiated target in 11 M HCl, the and its content was below 0.8%. The high chemical 44 Sc was excreted by extraction chromatography on purity of the 44Sc needed for radiolabelling of UTEVA resin (Eichrom, USA) and, in order to biomolecules was confirmed by over 98% labelling decrease the acidity, on a cation exchange resin yield when 25 ug of DOTATATE was used. AG50W-X4 (200-400 mesh, hydrogen form, BIO RAD) 44 according to the scheme shown in fig.2. Conclusion: Up to 3.7 GBg of Sc was obtained by 44 proton irradiation of enriched [ Ca]CaCO3. Efficiency of 44Sc recovery from calcium targets with high yield and chemical and radiochemical purity was demonstrated. The quality of 44Sc obtained was suitable for radiolabeling of biomolecules. References [1] Minegishi K., Nagtsu K., Fukada M., Appl. Radiat. Isot. 2016;116: 8-12 [2] Valdovinos, H.F., Hernandez, R., Barnhart, T.E., Graves, S., Cai, W., Nickles, R.J. Appl Radiat Isot. 2015; 95:23–29 [3] Severin G. E., Engle J.W., Valdovinos H.F., Barnhart T.E., Nickles R.J Appl Radiat Isot. 2012; 70(8): 1526– 1530 [4] KilianK., Cheda Ł., Sitarz M., Szkliniarz K., Choiński J., Stolarz A. Molecules 2018; 23, 1787: 1-10 Fig.2. Schematic of the separation process by UTEVA extraction resin. Acknowledgements This project was supported with the funds awarded by the The radioactivity of 44Sc was measured by gamma National Centre for Research and Development in Poland spectromety with HPGe detectors: GX1520 (Canberra) within the Applied Science Programme, grant no or GEM20P4 (Ortec). The chemical purity of the 44Sc PBS3/A9/28/2015 and CERAD project, financed under Smart solutions was evaluated by radiolabelling with Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020, Priority IV, DOTATATE. Measure 4.2.


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______Laboratory of Radioactivity Standards of the Radioisotope Centre POLATOM – Overview of activity T. Dziel, A. Listkowska, Z. Tymiński, T. Ziemek, R. Broda

The Laboratory of Radioactivity Standards (LRS) in the During 2018 maintenance and development of the Radioisotope Centre POLATOM, National Centre for National Standard was partially financed as a grant-in- Nuclear Research, in Otwock, is the only laboratory in aid by the Polish Ministry of Energy. Connected Poland performing radioactivity measurements of -, activities were divided into 4 tasks: - and -emitters by absolute methods and performing  Technical service of the National Standard calibration of standard solutions and radioactive systems. sources.  Transferring of the activity unit to users in Poland The President of the Central Office of Measures in and abroad. Poland (GUM) established the National Standard of  Comparisons of radionuclide activity Radionuclides Activity in Poland in 1999. The standard measurements. is stored and used at LRS. LRS has implemented and  Maintaining of the management system according maintained a quality management system compliant to the ISO/IEC 17025:2015 standard. with the international standard ISO/IEC 17025:2005. One of the main tasks performed by the LRS is the The accreditation certificate awarded by the Polish continuous improvement and expansion of measurement Centre for Accreditation (accreditation no. AP 120) is capabilities in the field of radionuclide metrology. Our the confirmation of our technical competence as primary goal is to ensure traceability with the National a calibration laboratory. Standard for activity measurements of radioisotopes The Laboratory of Radioactivity Standards is the only used in nuclear medicine. This is achieved by Polish manufacturer of standard radioactive sources for development of primary methods and calibration of customers at home and abroad. The LRS is also the only secondary and working standards. calibration laboratory in Poland that fulfills the LRS also participates in international comparisons of requirements of the Regulation of the Health Ministry th radioactivity measurements, enabling linking to the from 18 February 2011 on conditions of safety global system of national standards. These comparisons application of ionising radiation in all kind of medical are organised by the International Bureau of Weights exposure (consolidated text, Journal of Laws 2017, Item and Measures (BIPM) and the European Association of 884) in the field of specialised technical tests for dose National Metrology Institutes EURAMET. The calibrators used by nuclear medicine departments. laboratory also participates in comparisons within the framework of the International Reference System (SIR). In 2018 NCBJ RC POLATOM received an invitation to participate in a comparison organized by Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology in Warsaw. The basis for this exercise was the Ordnance of the Council of Ministers from December 17th, 2002, which imposes on the National Atomic Energy Agency the obligation to conduct interlaboratory comparison to demonstrate the proficiency of the institutions conducting measurements within the national framework of radioactive contamination monitoring. 137 Fig. 1. Trend in customer requests for calibration Two samples of Cs in different matrices (surface of dose calibrators █ and standard sources █ water and sand) were analysed according to the in 2009-2018. accredited measurement procedure used in LRS for determination of radionuclide activity using gamma spectrometers with HPGe detectors. The final results were analysed by the comparison organiser using z and zeta statistical criteria. All results obtained by LRS are in excellent agreement with the activity values of the reference materials used for sample preparation (Fig. 2). In 2018 LRS carried out a project to build a new radionuclide activity measuring system for the needs of


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______the Slovak Institute of Metrology (SMU – Bratislava, Slovakia). SMU received funding for realisation of a primary standard of radionuclide activity based on the liquid scintillation counting technique using the triple- to-double coincidence ratio method (LSC-TDCR) from the Slovak Research and Development Agency. Due to the extensive experience with the TDCR method and a similar system built and operating in the LRS, NCBJ RC POLATOM was chosen as the contractor. The new system (presented in Fig. 3) is based on three photomultiplier tubes connected to the scintillation probe (NaI(Tl)) in anti/coincidence. This design will allow the TDCR method to be applied using the LSC technique and in coincidence with the NaI(Tl) detector

4πLS/γ-coincidence counting method. Both of these methods are accepted as primary methods for radionuclide activity standardisation. The system was assembled and validated at the SMU office. During 2018 the rooms in which most of the LRS measuring systems are located were renovated. New sets of special furniture for rooms designated for work with highly precise balances were purchased. The LRS’s other activities in 2018 included:  measurements of radionuclide activity and radionuclide purity as part of the work carried out by the production department, Quality Control Laboratory and Research Department of NCBJ RC POLATOM, Fig. 2. Final results of the interlaboratory comparison  validation of methods for measuring radionuclide 137 of Cs activity measurements. Laboratory ID for the activity and radionuclidic purity of radiochemical LRS: 8. Expanded uncertainties (k=2) reported. The preparations, reference value is shown (solid line) with its expanded  validation of measuring systems used by the uncertainty (dashed lines). production departments,  participation in work related to the preparation of registration documents for radiopharmaceuticals produced by POLATOM.

Fig. 3. New TDCRG system built for the Slovak Institute of Metrology (on the left) and the optical chamber with visible measuring source in liquid scintillator (on the right).


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


Estimation of radiological protection on the territory of Nuclear Centre Świerk and its vicinity (2017). T. Pliszczyński, ... , J. Ośko, Z. Haratym, A. Araszkiewicz, B. Boimski, A. Burakowska, S. Domański, M. Dymecka, R. Ejsmont, M. Feczko, B. Karpińska, J. Lechniak, A. Leszko, M. Mądry, P. Okniński, K. Osiecka, A. Pawełczuk, B. Piotrkowicz, M. Prusińska, M. Umaniec, K. Wiśniewska, K. Wojdowska, J. Wojnarowicz, Z. Worch, G. Zagórski, D. Zielińska, ... et al. NCBJ

Supplementary comparison of the measurement of the alpha and beta particle surface emission rates from large area sources (CCRI(II)-S10 LASCE) P. DeFelice, ... , R. Broda, T. Ziemek, ... et al. Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), Sevres, France


Invited Talk

Radiometal Production in Reactors R. Mikołajczak 12th Congress of World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology (Australia, Melbourne, 2018-04-20 - 2018-04- 24)

Perespektywy produkcji radioizotopów do celów medycznych R. Mikołajczak XVI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Nuklearnej (Poland, Szczecin, 2018-05-23 - 2018-05-26)

Production methods for high molar radioactivity Y-90/Lu-177 radioisotopes R. Mikołajczak Regional Workshop on Preparation and Clinical Utilization of Radiolabelled Therapeutic Peptides (Poland, Otwock, 2018-06-04 - 2018-06-08)

Oral Presentation

Otrzymywanie Sc-44 z naturalnego wapnia w cyklotronie D. Pawlak, W. Wojdowska, I. Cieszykowska, M. Żółtowska, T. Janiak, T. Barcikowski, P. Saganowski, A. Filiks, I. Hajdu, G. Baranyai, V. Forgacs, D. Szikra, G. Nagy, J.L. Parus, P. Garnuszek, R. Mikołajczak XVI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Nuklearnej (Poland, Szczecin, 2018-05-23 - 2018-05-26)

Production of medical Sc radioisotopes: 44Sc and 47Sc M. Żółtowska, W. Wojdowska, D. Pawlak, I. Cieszykowska, T. Janiak, T. Barcikowski, J.L. Parus, P. Garnuszek, R. Mikołajczak Radiopharmaceutical developments CERAD/NOMATEN. Young investigators Symposium (Poland, Otwock-Świerk, 2018-05-16 - 2018-05-16)

Let s look at the proposed ESIR idea R. Broda Meeting of the ICRM Liquid Scintillation Counting Working Group (Russia, St. Petersburg, 2018-06-04 - 2018-06- 05) Opracowanie i walidacja izokratycznej metody HPLC analizy kompleksów 90Y/177Lu-DOTA-TOC M. Radzik, A. Jaroń, J. Pijarowska-Kruszyna, P. Garnuszek XVI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Nuklearnej (Poland, Szczecin, 2018-05-23 - 2018-05-26)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Cyclotron production of Sc-44 from natural calcium R. Mikołajczak, D. Pawlak, W. Wojdowska, T. Janiak, T. Barcikowski, M. Żółtowska, I. Cieszykowska, J.L. Parus, I. Hajdu, G. Baranyai, V. Forgács, D. Szikra, G. Nagy Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, SNMMI 2018 Annual Meeting (USA, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2018-07-23 - 2018-06-26)

Manufacturing of API for radiopharmaceutical preparation in practice D. Kłudkiewicz, K. Jerzyk Radiopharmaceutical developments CERAD/NOMATEN. Young investigators Symposium (Poland, Otwock-Świerk, 2018-05-16 - 2018-05-16)

Studies on the separation of (99)m Tc from large excess of molybdenum W. Wojdowska, D. Pawlak, J.L. Parus XVI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Nuklearnej (Poland, Szczecin, 2018-05-23 - 2018-05-26)

Production of medical Sc radioisotopes: 44Sc and 47Sc. I. Cieszykowska, D. Pawlak, W. Wojdowska, T. Janiak, M. Żółtowska, T. Barcikowski, J.L. Parus, R. Mikołajczak 17-th Workshop on Targetry and Target Chemistry (Portugal, Coimbra, 2018-08-27 - 2018-08-31)

Otrzymywanie 47Sc w reaktorze jądrowym. D. Pawlak, W. Wojdowska, I. Cieszykowska, M. Żółtowska, Z. Tymiński, J.L. Parus, R. Mikołajczak XVI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Nuklearnej (Poland, Szczecin, 2018-05-23 - 2018-05-26)

Oznaczanie czystości radiochemicznej radiofarmaceutyków znakowanych 68Ga. Czy wyniki z TLC i HPLC są komplementarne P. Garnuszek, M. Maurin, M. Radzik XVI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Nuklearnej (Poland, Szczecin, 2018-05-23 - 2018-05-26)

Detection of insulinoma using Glucagon-like peptide-1-receptor imaging with 99mTc-EDDA-HYNIC-exendin- 4 K. Senica, A. Tomazic, A. Skvarca, R. Mikołajczak, B. Janota, P. Kolenc-Peitl, L. Lezaic Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, EANM 2018 (Germany, Dusseldorf, 2018-10- 13 - 2018-10-17)

Optymalizacja procedury znakowania zestawu PSMA-11 z użyciem eluatów z 4 różnych generatorów M. Maurin, P. Garnuszek XVI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Nuklearnej (Poland, Szczecin, 2018-05-23 - 2018-05-26)

Kit for preparation of 68Ga-PSMA-11. The critical parameters during labelling and storage of the kit. M. Radzik, M. Maurin, P. Garnuszek, U. Karczmarczyk, R. Mikołajczak Radiopharmaceutical developments CERAD/NOMATEN. Young investigators Symposium (Poland, Otwock-Świerk, 2018-05-16 - 2018-05-16)

Oxidation of methionine — is it limiting the diagnostic properties of 99mTc-labeled Exendin-4, a Glucagon- Like Peptide-1 receptor agonist? B. Janota, U. Karczmarczyk, E. Laszuk, P. Garnuszek, R. Mikołajczak XVI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Nuklearnej (Poland, Szczecin, 2018-05-23 - 2018-05-26)

Radiopharmaceuticals for somatostatin receptor imaging R. Mikołajczak, HelmutR. Maecke XVI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Nuklearnej (Poland, Szczecin, 2018-05-23 - 2018-05-26)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Prospects for Sc-47c production in nuclear reactor R. Mikołajczak, W. Wojdowska, D. Pawlak, I. Cieszykowska, M. Żółtowska, J.L. Parus The Third International Symposium on Technetium and other Radiometals in Chemistry and Medicine, TERACHEM 2018 (Italy, Bressanone, 2018-09-26 - 2018-09-29)

PFN - Polska Sieć Bolidowa Z. Tymiński, P. Żołądek, M. Wiśniewski, K. Polakowski, M. Stolarz, P. Zaręba, M. Myszkiewicz, A. Jaśkiewicz, M.P. Gawroński, T. Suchodolski, A. Olech X Konferencja Meteorytowa w Pułtusku (Poland, Pułtusk, 2018-04-20 - 2018-04-22)


Comparison of two different synthesis methods to label [Lys40,Nle14(Ahx-NODAGA)NH2]exendin-4 with Ga-68 S. Migliari, A. Sammartano, B. Janota, M. Scarlattei, G. Baldari Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, EANM 2018 (Germany, Dusseldorf, 2018-10- 13 - 2018-10-17)

Znakowanie peptydu NODAGA-Eksendyna galem-68 [68Ga] i badania jakościowe wyznakowanego preparatu w praktyce radiofarmacji Zakładu Medycyny Nuklearnej Centrum Onkologii w Bydgoszczy A. Kachniarz, B. Janota, J. Czuczejko, Ł. Bałszewski, M. Wędrowski, P. Waśniowski, M. Wróbel, B. Małkowski, R. Mikołajczak XVI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Nuklearnej (Poland, Szczecin, 2018-05-23 - 2018-05-26)

177 Opracowanie technologii chromatograficznego oczyszczania chlorku lutetu LuCl3 na złożu HDEHP M. Konior, D. Pawlak XII Międzynarodowej Konferencji Chromatografia jonowa i techniki pokrewne 2018 (Poland, Zabrze, 2018-04-17 - 2018-04-18)

Preparation of calcium targets for 44Sc production in cyclotron T. Janiak, I. Cieszykowska, T. Barcikowski, D. Pawlak, W. Wojdowska, M. Żółtowska, J. Choiński, R. Mikołajczak 17-th Workshop on Targetry and Target Chemistry (Portugal, Coimbra, 2018-08-27 - 2018-08-31)

Impact of different Cu3N structure on properties of layers K. Nowakowska-Langier, S. Okrasa, K. Król, G. Strzelecki, R. Chodun, B. Wicher, K. Zdunek Nanosmat Conference (Poland, Gdańsk, 2018-09-10 - 2018-09-14)

Tumor-induced osteomalacia - could we diagnose it by68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT? J. Kunikowska, D. Pawlak, L. Królicki Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, EANM 2018 (Germany, Dusseldorf, 2018-10- 13 - 2018-10-17)

Cyclotron production of 99mTc from highly enriched 100Mo. I. Cieszykowska, T. Janiak, W. Wojdowska, D. Pawlak, M. Żółtowska, T. Barcikowski, J.L. Parus, R. Mikołajczak 17-th Workshop on Targetry and Target Chemistry (Portugal, Coimbra, 2018-08-27 - 2018-08-31)

Optymalizacja otrzymywania analogu PSMA (MIP-1095) do znakowania izotopem jodu 123 D. Kłudkiewicz, K. Jerzyk, M. Maurin XI Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum Chemii Organicznej (Poland, Warszawa, 2018-04-08 - 2018-04-11)


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

In vitro and in vivo evaluation of 177Lu-radiolabelled nanogel-bombesin conjugates. M. Orzełowska, M. Maurin, P. Garnuszek, R. Mikołajczak, C. Dispenza, M. Sabatino, L. Ditta European Molecular Imaging Meeting, EMIM 18 (Spain, San Sebastian, 2018-03-20 - 2018-03-23)

Production of 47Sc in Maria Reactor in Polatom D. Pawlak, W. Wojdowska, I. Cieszykowska, M. Żółtowska, Z. Tymiński, J.L. Parus, R. Mikołajczak Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, EANM 2018 (Germany, Dusseldorf, 2018-10- 13 - 2018-10-17)

HPLC method for analysis of DOTA-TATE M. Radzik, A. Jaroń, M. Maurin, P. Garnuszek Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, EANM 2018 (Germany, Dusseldorf, 2018-10- 13 - 2018-10-17)

Preparation and quality control of 177Lu/90Y-DOTATATE mix formulations for concurrent PRRT P. Garnuszek, M. Maurin, M. Radzik, T. Dziel, R. Mikołajczak Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, EANM 2018 (Germany, Dusseldorf, 2018-10- 13 - 2018-10-17)

Radiochemical purity determination of 68Ga-labelled radiopharmaceuticals. Are the TLC and HPLC methods complementary? P. Garnuszek, M. Maurin, M. Radzik 19 European Symposium on Radiopharmacy and Radiopharmaceuticals (Netherlands, Groningen, 2018-04-05 - 2018-04-08)

Efficacy of 44Sc production from natural calcium W. Wojdowska, D. Pawlak, I. Cieszykowska, M. Żółtowska, J.L. Parus, R. Mikołajczak The Third International Symposium on Technetium and other Radiometals in Chemistry and Medicine, TERACHEM 2018 (Italy, Bressanone, 2018-09-26 - 2018-09-29)

HPLC method for analysis of DOTA-TOC M. Radzik, A. Jaroń, M. Maurin, P. Garnuszek 19 European Symposium on Radiopharmacy and Radiopharmaceuticals (Netherlands, Groningen, 2018-04-05 - 2018-04-08)

Izotop 26Al we fragmentach meteorytu Pułtusk. A. Burakowska, Z. Tymiński, A.M. Krzesińska, M. Stępisiewicz, R. Maćkowska, K. Tymińska X Konferencja Meteorytowa w Pułtusku (Poland, Pułtusk, 2018-04-20 - 2018-04-22)


Development of synthesis of the DOTA-TATE peptidea A. Sikora Świerk, NCBJ, 2018-05-17

a) in Polish


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


M. Fiszer - Care for the trainee Ms. Monika Malitka, 3rd year student at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. The practice concerned physicochemical research and quality control of raw materials and products.

P. Garnuszek - Lecture "Radiopharmaceuticals: charakteristic, application and legal issues. Specialisation of Hospital Pharmacy

P. Garnuszek - Lecture for IV year students of Faculty of Pharmacy "Radiopharmaceuticals - manufacturing, characteristics, applications, quality and safety"

P. Garnuszek - mgr inż. Michał Maurin
„Fragments of Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) as potential carriers for radioisotopes for cancer diagnosis and internal radionuclidic therapy."
Doctoral thesis at IChTJ

P. Garnuszek - Rafał Kędziora Title of the thesis: Studies on the effect of radionuclide purity of therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals on estimated effective doses based on animal biokinetic models. Graduate thesis in the field of Technical Physics at Warsaw University of Technology

K. Jerzyk - Care for an apprentice - Martyna Waluś

K. Jerzyk - Care of an apprentice - Łukasz Kordowski

K. Jerzyk - Care of an apprentice - Magdalena Wicik

U. Karczmarczyk - At the initiative of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, on 4-8 June 2018, the Radioisotope Center POLATOM was conducting an international workshop "Technical Meeting on Production and Quality Control of Theranostic Labeled Peptides". During the workshops I was responsible for biodistribution study of radiopharmaceuticals.

U. Karczmarczyk - Care of the trainee Ms. Kamila Zduńczyk a third year student at the University of Warsaw. The practice concerned the study of the method of conducting control tests of organ biodistribution of radiopharmaceutical preparations in mice and rats, handling and preparation of samples for HPLC and TLC analysis as well as Zetasizer apparatus for measuring particle size and Z potential.

D. Kłudkiewicz - Trainee - Łukasz Kordowski

D. Kłudkiewicz - Trainee -Magdalena Wicik

D. Kłudkiewicz - Trainee -Martyna Waluś

M. Konior - Participation in open days National Centre for Nuclear Research

M. Maurin - Care of an apprentice 20/08-14/09/2018: Magdalena Wicik third year Faculty of Chemical Technology Warsaw University of Technology


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

R. Mikołajczak - 2018/TTW/00389367, dr T. Yao Title: Application of a radio-fluorogenic (RFG) gel for 3D dosimetric validation of clinical radiotherapy treatment.

The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, NWO, Dutch funding agency for academic research. NWO domain Applied and Engineering Sciences (NWO-domain AES) is part of NWO, and is financed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the Ministry of Economic Affairs. NWO domain AES funds research in the field of applied and engineering sciences.

R. Mikołajczak - IAEA expert and lecturer at the "Regional Training Course on the Preparation and Quality Control of Therapeutic Radiolabelled Antibodies"
project No RAS6082, Supporting the Applications of Emerging Targeted Therapeutic Radiopharmaceuticals for Radionuclide Therapy". Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences (KIRAMS)Seoul, Republic of Korea, 5-9 November 2018 (Event No: EVT1804015)

R. Mikołajczak - mgr Barbara Janota

R. Mikołajczak - mgr inż. Justyna Pijarowska-Kruszyna "The innovative synthesis method of the radiopharmaceutical for the dopamine transporter (DAT) imaging in the Positron Emission Tomography (PET) technique." PhD in chemical sciences, by the resolution of the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology Scientific Council as of 21st June 2018

M. Orzełowska - Trainee - Martyna Waluś

M. Radzik - Technical Meeting on Production and Quality Control of Theranostic Labelled Peptides

A.I. Szymańska - Care for the trainee Ms. Monika. Student of the 3rd year of Warsaw University of Life Science. The practice concerned physicochemical research and quality control of raw materials and products


K. Bańko Member of Europen Association of Nuclear Medicine Member of Reactor and Isotope Group of Association of Imaging Producers & Equipment Suppliers Member of Polish Society of Nuclear Medicine.

G. Birnbaum member

R. Broda Delegate. Consultative Committee for Ionizing Radiation (CCRI). Section II - Measurement of radionuclides. Member. Polish Physical Society. Delegate member. International Committee for Radionuclide Metrology (ICRM). Elected member. Committee for Metrology and Scientific Instrumentations of Polish Academy of Science Member of EURAMET Task Group "Environment" The member of the Doctoral Studies Committee (2015-2017). The chairman of the subcommittee for research workers valuation (2016, 2018). National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) The member of the Metrology Council. Central Office of Measures


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

I. Chwalińska Europen Association of Nuclear Medicine, member

I. Cieszykowska Member of Scientific Council of NCBJ

T. Dziel Radiation Protection Inspectors Association Polish Society of Medical Physics

P. Garnuszek Session chairman on XVI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Nuklearnej in Szczecin, Poland European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) Polish Society of Nuclear Medicine Expert of Group 14 (radioactive compounds) European Pharmacopoeia,European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare, Council of Europe Member of the Expert Group for elaboration of the programme of specialisation in the field of Radiopharmacy Chairman of the Expert Group giving opinions of institutions applaying for acreditation to conduct trainings in the field of Radiopharmacy Member of Scientific Council

E. Iller European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology

B. Janota member Polish Association of Nuclear Medicine

U. Karczmarczyk Member, Polish Society of Nuclear Medicine Member

M. Konior

E. Laszuk Polish Laboratory Animal Science Association

M. Maurin Member, Polish Society of Nuclear Medicine

R. Mikołajczak Session chairman on 12th Congress of World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology in Melbourne, Australia Session chairman on XVI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Nuklearnej in Szczecin, Poland Member of Organizing Committee on Radiopharmaceutical developments CERAD/NOMATEN. Young investigators Symposium in Otwock-Świerk, Poland Member of Organizing Committee on Regional Workshop on Preparation and Clinical Utilization of Radiolabelled Therapeutic Peptides in Otwock, Poland Member of Advisory Board on The Third International Symposium on Technetium and other Radiometals in Chemistry and Medicine, TERACHEM 2018 in Bressanone, Italy European Association of Nuclear Medicine, EANM Polish Society of Nuclear Medicine, PTMN, member of the General Board of PTMN since 2006


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Society of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences European Society for Molecular Imaging, ESMI member of Expert Group evaluating units applying for the rights to run specialization program in Radiopharmacy, called by The Medical Centre of Postgraduate Education Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging PRP Group (Radiopharmaceutical Precursors) of European Pharmacopoeia, EDQM, European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines member of Expert Team for preparation of specialization program in the area of radiophamacy member of Expert Team for evaluation of institutions applying for accrediation to carry out specialized teaching and training program in the field of radiopharmacy member of Expert Team for preparation of specialization program in the field of nuclear medicine Nuclear Medicine Review , member of Editorial Board, Grupa Via Medica National Centre for Nuclear Research Member of International Scientific Committee

D. Pawlak European Association of Nuclear Medicine Society of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences Polish Society of Nuclear Medicine World Association of Radiopharmaceutical and Molecular Therapy

Z. Tymiński Member of Organizing Committee on X Konferencja Meteorytowa w Pułtusku in Pułtusk, Poland Polish Fireball Network Meteoritical Society

W. Wojdowska Polish Society of Nuclear Medicine European Association of Nuclear Medicine


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______


List of Publications ______

List of Publications

Publications in peer reviewed journals

1. Near-surface structure of the Carpathian Foredeep marginal zone in the Roztocze Hills area. M. Majdański, ... , J. Grzyb, ... et al. Acta Geophysica Vol. 66 No 2 (2018) 179-189

2. Exact cnoidal solutions of the extended KdV equation E. Infeld, A. Karczewska, G. Rowlands, P. Rozmej Acta Phys. Pol. A Vol. 133 (2018) 1991

3. Fission of SHN & its hindrance: odd nuclei & isomers W. Brodziński, P. Jachimowicz, M. Kowal, J. Skalski Acta Phys. Pol. B Vol. 49 No 3 (2018) 621

4. Nucleon and nuclear structure through dilepton production I.V. Anikin, L. Szymanowski, J. Wagner Acta Phys. Pol. B Vol. 49 (2018) 741

5. Pairing in Exotic He Isotopes K. Rusek, N. Keeley, K.W. Kemper, J.L. Aguado-Casas, T. Garcia, I. Martel, A.M. Sanchez-Benitez Acta Phys. Pol. B Vol. 49 No 3 (2018) 353

6. Search for Deeply Bound Kaonic Nuclear States inThe AMADEUS Experiment M. Skurzok, ... , S. Wycech, ... et al. Acta Phys. Pol. B Vol. 49 (2018) 705

7. The Prototype Dosimetry System to Protect NICA Slow Control Electronic Equipment A. Chłopik, ... , A. Bancer, M. Bielewicz, A. Dudziński, E. Jaworska, M. Pietrzak, J. Rzadkiewicz, ... et al. Acta Phys. Pol. B Vol. 11 No 4 (2018) 745

8. Cosmic Ray Extremely Distributed Observatory: a global network of detectors to probe contemporary physics mysteries K. Almeida Cheminant, ... , M. Kasztelan, M. Pawlik, ... et al. Acta Phys. Pol. B Proc. Suppl. Vol. 11 No 3 (2018) 489

9. Current and future neutrino experiments J. Łagoda Acta Phys. Pol. B Proc. Suppl. Vol. 49 (2018) 1213

10. Low Energy Antikaon-Nucleon/Nuclei Interaction Studies by AMADEUS K. Piscicchia, ... , S. Wycech, ... et al. Acta Phys. Pol. B Proc. Suppl. Vol. 11 (2018) 609

11. Point symmetries in the nuclear SU(3) partner groups model A. Góźdź, A. Pędrak, A.A. Gusev, S.I. Vinitsky Acta Phys. Pol. B Proc. Suppl. Vol. 11 (2018) 19

12. Study of chirality in odd–odd cs isotopes;search for critical frequency T. Marchlewski, J. Srebrny, E. Grodner Acta Phys. Pol. B Proc. Suppl. Vol. 11 (2018) 89

13. Transmutation measurements level in Accelerator-Driven Subcritical Systems (ADS) M. Bielewicz, ... , E. Strugalska-Gola, M. Szuta, S. Kilim, ... et al. Acta Phys. Pol. B Proc. Suppl. Vol. 11 No 4 (2018) 751-757


List of Publications ______

14. Historia oraz stan obecny Polish Fireball Network M. Wiśniewski, ... , Z. Tymiński, ... et al. Acta Socie. Metheori. Polonorum Vol. 9 (2018) 177-186

15. Pomiary izotopów gamma promieniotwórczych w trynitytach. Z. Tymiński, ... , A. Burakowska, K. Tymińska, E. Kołakowska, P. Saganowski, T. Ziemek, T. Dziel, ... et al. Acta Socie. Metheori. Polonorum Vol. 9 (2018) 150-157

16. Feasibility Study of the Time Reversal Symmetry Tests in Decay of Metastable Positronium Atoms with the J- PET Detector A. Gajos, ... , P. Kowalski, W. Krzemień, L. Raczyński, R.Y. Shopa, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Adv. High E Phys Vol. 2018 No ID 8271280 (2018) 1

17. The discreet charm of higgsino dark matter - a pocket review K. Kowalska, E. Sessolo Adv. High E Phys Vol. 2018 (2018) 6828560

18. Analysis of changes in diesel particulate filters (DPF) in vehicles with compressionignition engines K. Więcławski, T. Nowak, A. Burakowska, H. Trzaskowska, J. Szymanowski AIP Conf Proc Vol. 2029 No 020081 (2018)

19. The effects of iospropyl methylphosphonofluoridate (IMPF) poisoning on tumour growth and angiogenesis in BALB/c mice. R. Zdanowski, M. Leśniak, U. Karczmarczyk, M. Saracyn, M. Bilski, A. Kiepura, S. Lewicki ANN TRANSPL Vol. 23 (2018) 105-111

20. Influence of accident tolerant fuel cladding material on the European Pressurised Reactor core neutronic characteristics. A. Boettcher, Z. Marcinkowska Annals Nucl. Energy Vol. 119 (2018) 203-213

21. Towards the Direct Numerical Simulation of a closely-spaced bare rod bundle A. Shams, T. Kwiatkowski Annals Nucl. Energy Vol. 121 (2018) 146-161

22. SIMS depth profile analysis of WC-Co composite used in wood materials machining after nitrogen ion implantation J. Wilkowski, M. Barlak, P. Konarski, R. Böttger, Z. Werner Annals of WULS, Forestry and Wood Technology Vol. 104 (2018) 400-404

23. The influence of the edge defects on the lifetime of the tools for wood machining M. Barlak, J. Wilkowski, F. Szkarłat, Z. Werner, J. Zagórski, B. Staszkiewicz, J. Osipiuk Annals of WULS, Forestry and Wood Technology Vol. 104 (2018) 533-539

24. The wear curves of nitrogen-implanted WC-Co indexable knives during particleboard milling J. Wilkowski, M. Barlak, J. Wachowicz, R. Böttger, Z. Werner Annals of WULS, Forestry and Wood Technology Vol. 104 (2018) 395-399

25. Comparison of I-131 activity measurements at the NCBJ RC POLATOM and the ENEA-INMRI linked to the BIPM SIR system T. Ziemek, M. Capogni, G. Ratel, R. Broda, T. Dziel, A. Fazio, A. Listkowska Appl. Radiat. Isot. Vol. 134 (2018) 380-384

26. Estimation of collagen presence in dry bone using combined X-ray and neutron radiography A. Sołtysiak, E. Miśta-Jakubowska, M. Dorosz, T. Kosiński, I. Fijał-Kirejczyk Appl. Radiat. Isot. Vol. 139 (2018) 141-145


List of Publications ______

27. Impurities in Tc-99m radiopharmaceutical solution obtained from Mo-100 in cyclotron Z. Tymiński, P. Saganowski, E. Kołakowska, A. Listkowska, T. Ziemek, D. Cacko, T. Dziel Appl. Radiat. Isot. Vol. 134 (2018) 85-88

28. Practical aspects of using beta-delayed gamma emission for copper ore analysis on a running belt conveyor. M. Gierlik, ... , Ł. Kaźmierczak, S. Borsuk, A. Burakowska, S. Burakowski, M. Gosk, Z. Guzik, T. Kaźmierczak, T. Krakowski, T. Lotz, J. Rzadkiewicz, P. Sobkowicz, M. Szeptycka, J. Szewiński, A. Urban, ... et al. Appl. Radiat. Isot. Vol. 142 (2018) 187-193

29. Preparation method and quality control of multigamma volume sources with different matrices A. Listkowska, ... , E. Lech, P. Saganowski, Z. Tymiński, T. Dziel, D. Cacko, T. Ziemek, E. Kołakowska, R. Broda, ... et al. Appl. Radiat. Isot. Vol. 134 (2018) 126-130

30. Results of an international comparison of activity measurements of 68Ge J.T. Cessna, ... , T. Dziel, A. Listkowska, Z. Tymiński, ... et al. Appl. Radiat. Isot. Vol. 134 (2018) 385-390

31. Results of the CCRI(II)-S12.H-3 supplementary comparison: Comparison of methods for the calculation of the activity and standard uncertainty of a tritiated-water source measured using the LSC-TDCR method P. Cassette, ... , T. Ziemek, ... et al. Appl. Radiat. Isot. Vol. 134 (2018) 257-262

32. Evaluation of consolidation method on mechanical and structural properties of ODS RAF steel M. Frelek-Kozak, Ł. Kurpaska, E. Wyszkowska, W. Pawlak, J. Jagielski, I. Jóźwik, M. Chmielewski Appl. Surf. Sci. Vol. 01 (2018) 163

33. On the determination of growth stress during oxidation of pure zirconium at elevated temperature Ł. Kurpaska, J. Favergeon, L. Lahoche, G. Moulin Appl. Surf. Sci. Vol. 446 (2018) 27-35

34. Potassium gadolinium tungstate nanocrystals doped with holmium ions as candidates for optical imaging I. Cieślik, T. Bolek, M.J. Woźniak, A. Majchrowski, S. Hirano, A. Budzianowski Appl. Surf. Sci. Vol. 446 (2018) 139-144

35. Relation between modulation frequency of electric power oscillation during pulse magnetron sputtering deposition of MoNx thin films B. Wicher, ... , K. Nowakowska-Langier, Ł. Kurpaska, ... et al. Appl. Surf. Sci. Vol. 456 (2018) 789

36. A late medieval or early modern light gun barrelfrom the Castle Museum in Malbork-typology, technologyof manufacture and identification of the smelting process G. Żabiński, M. Biborski, E. Miśta-Jakubowska ARCHAEOL ANTHROP SCI Vol. 018 No 0653 (2018) 3

37. A silvered shield grip from the Roman Period: a technological study of its silver coating E. Miśta-Jakubowska, ... , A. Gójska, J.J. Milczarek, I. Fijał-Kirejczyk, ... et al. Archaeol Anthrop Sci Vol. 018 No 0761 (2018) 1

38. Effects of different nitriding methods on nitrided layer structure and morphology J.J. Jasinski, T. Fraczek, Ł. Kurpaska, M. Lubas, M. Sitarz Archiv. Metall. Mat. Vol. 63 (2018) 337

39. Dust attenuation and Hα emission in a sample of galaxies observed with Herschel at 0.6 < z < 1.6 V. Buat, ... , K. Małek, ... et al. Astron. Astrophys. Vol. 619 (2018) A135


List of Publications ______

40. HELP: modelling the spectral energy distributions of Herschel detected galaxies in the ELAIS N1 field K. Małek, ... , ... et al. Astron. Astrophys. Vol. 620 (2018) A50

41. Ly{alpha}-Lyman Continuum connection in 3.5 < z < 4.3 star-forming galaxies from the VUDS survey F. Marchi, ... , A. Durkalec, ... et al. Astron. Astrophys. Vol. 614 (2018) 11

42. Main sequence of star forming galaxies beyond the Herschel confusion limit W.J. Pearson, ... , K. Małek, ... et al. Astron. Astrophys. Vol. 615 (2018) 15

43. Photometric redshifts for the Kilo-Degree Survey. Machine-learning analysis with artificial neural networks M. Bilicki, ... et al. Astron. Astrophys. Vol. 616 (2018) A69

44. The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS). AGN feedback in [NeV] emitters D. Vergani, ... , K. Małek, A. Pollo, ... et al. Astron. Astrophys. Vol. 620 (2018) 14

45. The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS). An unbiased estimate of the growth rate of structure at ⟨z⟩ = 0.85 using the clustering of luminous blue galaxies F.G. Mohammad, ... , K. Małek, A. Pollo, ... et al. Astron. Astrophys. Vol. 610 (2018) 20

46. The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS). Full spectroscopic data and auxiliary information release (PDR-2) M. Scodeggio, ... , K. Małek, A. Pollo, ... et al. Astron. Astrophys. Vol. 609 No A84 (2018) 14

47. The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS). The complexity of galaxy populations at 0.4 < z < 1.3 revealed with unsupervised machine-learning algorithms M. Siudek, ... , K. Małek, T. Krakowski, ... et al. Astron. Astrophys. Vol. 617 (2018) 25

48. The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS). Unbiased clustering estimate with VIPERS slit assignment F.G. Mohammad, ... , K. Małek, A. Pollo, ... et al. Astron. Astrophys. Vol. 619 (2018) A17

49. The VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey. Luminosity and stellar mass dependence of galaxy clustering at z~3 A. Durkalec, O. LeFévre, A. Pollo, G. Zamorani, B.C. Lemaux, B. Garilli, S. Bardelli Astron. Astrophys. Vol. 612 (2018) 42

50. The XXL Survey XX: The 365 cluster catalogue C. Adami, ... , K. Małek, A. Pollo, ... et al. Astron. Astrophys. Vol. 620 (2018) A5

51. EUSO-TA – First results from a ground-based EUSO telescope G. Abdellaoui, ... , J. Karczmarczyk, W. Marszał, Z. Plebaniak, B. Szabelska, J. Szabelski, ... et al. Astropart. Phys. Vol. 102 (2018) 98-111

52. In-flight energy calibration of the space borne Compton polarimeter POLAR HualinXiao, ... , D. Rybka, J. Szabelski, A. Zwolińska, ... et al. Astropart. Phys. Vol. 103 (2018) 74

53. Accurate Ray-tracing of Realistic Neutron Star Atmospheres for Constraining Their Parameters F. Vincent, ... , A. Majczyna, ... et al. Astroph.J. Vol. 855 (2018) 116


List of Publications ______

54. Search for Neutrinos in Super-Kamiokande Associated with the GW170817 Neutron-star Merger P. Mijakowski, ... , K. Frankiewicz, ... et al. Astroph.J. Vol. 857 No 1 (2018) L7

55. Framework for stochastic identification of atmospheric contamination source in an urban area P. Kopka, A. Wawrzyńczak-Szaban Atmos. Environ. Vol. 195 (2018) 63-77

56. Badanie elementów techniki jądrowej na podstawie wizualnej oceny uszkodzeń pochwy elementu paliwowego B. Zając Badania Nieniszczace i Diagnostyka Vol. 3 No 4 (2018) 72

57. Wykrywanie pęknięć w połączeniach nitowanych elementów lotniczych z wykorzystaniem technologii EC Array P. Synaszko, B. Zając Badania Nieniszczace i Diagnostyka Vol. 3 No 4 (2018) 77

58. Some mechanistic aspects regarding the Suzu–Miyaura reaction between selected ortho- substitutedphenylboronic acids and 3,4,5-tribromo-2,6-dimethylpyridine P. Pomarański, P. Roszkowski, J.K. Maurin, A. Budzianowski, Z. Czarnocki Beilstein J. Org. Chem. Vol. 14 (2018) 2384

59. A concept for analysis and presentation of the ensemble simulation results in the UDINEE exercise S. Potempski, P. Kopka BOUND-LAY METEOROL Vol. 018 No 0411 (2018) 1-19

60. Urban dispersion modelling capabilities related to the UDINEE intensive operating period number 4 P. Kopka, A. Kaszko, M. Korycki, S. Potempski BOUND-LAY METEOROL Vol. 1573 (2018) 1472

61. Wyniki badania betonu z obudowy reaktora jądrowego EWA D. Jóźwiak-Niedźwiedzka, M. Dąbrowski, A.M. Brandt, A. Burakowska, T. Baran, G. Nowowiejski Cement Wapno Beton Vol. 21/83 No 3 (2018) 226-238

62. Mechanical properties and thermal stability of tungsten boride films deposited by radio frequency magnetron sputtering J. Chrzanowska-Gizynska, P. Denis, S. Wozniacka, Ł. Kurpaska Ceram. Int. Vol. 16 No 44 (2018) 19603

63. The effect of the WC-Co properties on the tool wear during particleboards milling J. Wilkowski, M. Barlak, Z. Werner, P. Czarniak, J. Wachowicz Chip and chipless woodworking processes (Trieskové a beztrieskové obrábanie dreva) Vol. 11 (2018) 211-216

64. The wear curves of nitrogen-implanted WC-Co indexable knives during particleboard milling J. Wilkowski, M. Barlak, Z. Werner, J. Wachowicz, P. Czarniak Chip and chipless woodworking processes (Trieskové a beztrieskové obrábanie dreva) Vol. 11 (2018) 205-210

65. All-sky search for long-duration gravitational wave transients in the first Advanced LIGO observing run B.P. Abbott, ... , A. Królak, A. Kutynia, A. Zadrożny, ... et al. Class. Quantum Grav. Vol. 35 No 6 (2018) 065009

66. Calibration of advanced Virgo and reconstruction of the gravitational wave signal h(t) during the observing run O2 B.P. Abbott, ... , A. Królak, A. Kutynia, A. Zadrożny, ... et al. Class. Quantum Grav. Vol. 35 No 20 (2018) 5004

67. Development of extracellular matrix supported 3D culture of renal cancer cells and renal cancer stem cells K. Maliszewska-Olejniczak, ... , ... et al. Cytotechnology Vol. 0 (2018) 1-15


List of Publications ______

68. Image reconstruction of the simulated NEMA IEC phantom in J-PET scanner using multivariate kernel density estimation R.Y. Shopa EJNMMI Physics Vol. 5(Suppl 1) (2018) A6

69. Certyfikacja i wymagania stawiane dla personelu NDT w energetyce jądrowej B. Zając Energetyka, problemy energetyki i gospodarki paliwowo-energetycznej Vol. 71 No 1 (2018) 16

70. Detectors for High Count Rate Measurements with a Compensation for MPPC Gain Dependence on Temperature A. Urban, ... , A. Brosławski, G. Bołtruczyk, M. Gosk, S. Korolczuk, D. Rybka, I. Zychor, ... et al. EPJ Web Conf. Vol. 170 (2018) 02007

71. Muon bundles from the Universe P. Kankiewicz, M. Rybczyński, Z. Włodarczyk, G. Wilk EPJ Web Conf. Vol. 171 (2018) 2003

72. New perspectives for undoped CaF2 scintillator as a threshold activation neutron detector P. Sibczyński, ... , A. Dziedzic, K. Grodzicki, J. Iwanowska-Hanke, M. Moszyński, Ł. Świderski, A. Syntfeld-Każuch, D. Wolski, ... et al. EPJ Web Conf. Vol. 170 (2018) 07012

73. On muon bundles from the Universe P. Kankiewicz, M. Rybczyński, Z. Włodarczyk, G. Wilk EPJ Web Conf. Vol. 172 (2018) 07004

74. Recent results from COMPASS on the GPD program A. Sandacz EPJ Web Conf. Vol. 192 (2018) 00012

75. Sound waves in hadronic matter G. Wilk, Z. Włodarczyk EPJ Web Conf. Vol. 172 (2018) 01002

76. Tests of the SIBYLL 2.3 high-energy hadronic interaction model using the KASCADE-Grande muon data J.C. Arteaga-Velázquez, ... , P. Łuczak, J. Zabierowski, ... et al. EPJ Web Conf. Vol. 172 (2018) 07003

77. Prolonged survival in secondary glioblastoma following local injection of targeted alpha therapy with 213Bi- substance P analogue L. Królicki, ... , D. Pawlak, ... et al. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imag Vol. 48 No 9 (2018) 1636–1644

78. Safety and efficacy of targeted alpha therapy with 213Bi-DOTA-substance P in recurrent glioblastoma L. Królicki, ... , D. Pawlak, ... et al. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imag Vol. 018 No 4225 (2018) 1-9

+ 17 79. A cautionary tale: The Coulomb modified ANC for the 1/2 2 state in O N. Keeley, K.W. Kemper, K. Rusek Eur. Phys. J. A Vol. 54 (2018) 71

80. Backward single-pion production in the pd → 3He π0 reaction with WASA-at-COSY P. Adlarson, ... , W. Augustyniak, M. Berłowski, W. Krzemień, A. Kupść, B. Mariański, H.P. Morsch, D. Pszczel, J. Stepaniak, A. Trzciński, J. Zabierowski, P. Żuprański, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. A Vol. 54 (2018) 149


List of Publications ______

81. Gluon poles and photon distribution amplitudes in Drell-Yan-like processes I.V. Anikin, L. Szymanowski Eur. Phys. J. A Vol. 54 No 8 (2018) 130

82. Azimuthal asymmetries of charged hadrons produced in high-energy muon scattering off longitudnally polarised deuterons C. Adolph, ... , W. Augustyniak, K. Klimaszewski, K. Kurek, B. Mariański, A. Sandacz, A. Szabelski, P. Sznajder, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 952

83. Azimuthal correlations for inclusive 2-jet, 3-jet, and 4-jet events in pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 566

84. Border and skewness functions from a leading order fit to DVCS data H. Moutarde, P. Sznajder, J. Wagner Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. C78 (2018) 890

85. Combination and QCD analysis of charm and beauty production cross-section measurements in deep inelastic ep scattering at HERA H. Abramowicz, ... , M. Adamus, T. Tymieniecka, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 473

86. Double and triple inclusive gluon production at mid rapidity: quantum interference in pA scatterings T. Altinoluk, T. Altinoluk, N. Armesto, A. Kovner, M. Lublinsky Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 No 9 (2018) 702

87. Electroweak production of two jets in association with a Z boson in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 589

88. Evidence for an ηc(1S)π− resonance in B0→ηc(1S)K+π− decays R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Szabelski, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 1019

89. Feasibility studies of the polarization of photons beyond the optical wavelength regime with the J-PET detector P. Moskal, ... , K. Klimaszewski, P. Kowalski, W. Krzemień, L. Raczyński, R.Y. Shopa, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 970

90. Measurement of associated Z + charm production in proton–proton collisions at √s= 8 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, K. Romanowska-Rybińska, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 287

91. Measurement of b hadron lifetimes in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 457

92. Measurement of charged particle spectra in minimum-bias events from proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 697


List of Publications ______

93. Measurement of differential cross sections for Z boson production in association with jets in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 965

94. Measurement of prompt and nonprompt charmonium suppression in PbPb collisions at 5.02TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 509

95. Measurement of the inclusive J/ψ polarization at forward rapidity in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 562

96. Measurement of the top quark mass with lepton+jets final states using pp collisions at √s=13TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 891

97. Measurement of the weak mixing angle using the forward-backward asymmetry of Drell-Yan events in pp collisions at 8 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 701

98. Measurement of the Z/γ∗→ττ cross section in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV and validation of τ lepton analysis techniques A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 708

99. Measurements of the pp→ZZ production cross section and the Z→4ℓ branching fraction, and constraints on anomalous triple gauge couplings at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 165

100. Neutral pion and η meson production in p-Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 76 (2018) 624

101. Neutral pion and η meson production in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 263

102. On the dynamics of the general Bianchi IX spacetime near the singularity C. Kiefer, N. Kwidzinski, W. Piechocki Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 691

103. PARTONS: PARtonic Tomography of Nucleon Software. A computing framework for the phenomenology of Generalized Parton Distributions B. Berthou, ... , P. Sznajder, J. Wagner, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 No 6 (2018) 478

104. Prompt and non-prompt J/ψ production and nuclear modification at mid-rapidity in p-Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 466


List of Publications ______

105. Same-sign WW scattering at the LHC: can we discover BSM effects before discovering new states? J. Kalinowski, P. Kozów, S. Pokorski, J. Rosiek, M. Szleper, S. Tkaczyk Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 No 5 (2018) 403

106. Search for lepton-flavour-violating decays of Higgs-like bosons R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 1008

107. Search for new physics in dijet angular distributions using proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV and constraints on dark matter and other models A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 789

108. Search for new physics in events with a leptonically decaying Z boson and a large transverse momentum imbalance in proton–proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 291

109. Search for standard model production of four top quarks with same-sign and multilepton final states in proton– proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 140

110. Search for third-generation scalar leptoquarks decaying to a top quark and a τ lepton at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 707

∗ 0 0 ∗ 0 0 0 111. Studies of B s2(5840) and Bs1(5830) mesons including the observation of the B s2(5840) →B K S decay in proton-proton collisions at √s= 8 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 939

112. Studies of the resonance structure in D0→K±π±π±π± decays R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 443

113. Study of dijet events with a large rapidity gap between the two leading jets in pp collisions at √s= 7 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, K. Romanowska-Rybińska, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 242

114. The KASCADE Cosmic-ray Data Centre KCDC: Granting Open Access to Astroparticle Physics Research Data A. Haungs, ... , P. Łuczak, J. Zabierowski, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 741

115. φ meson production at forward rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN=2.76 TeV S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. Eur. Phys. J. C Vol. 78 (2018) 559


List of Publications ______

116. Structural studies on radiopharmaceutical DOTA-minigastrin analogue (CP04) complexes and their interaction with CCK2 receptor P.F.J. Lipiński, ... , P. Garnuszek, M. Maurin, M. Orzełowska, R. Mikołajczak, ... et al. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Research Vol. 8 (2018) 33

117. Control and Data Acquisition Software Upgrade for JET Gamma-Ray Diagnostics B. Santos, ... , G. Bołtruczyk, A. Brosławski, M. Gosk, S. Korolczuk, A. Urban, I. Zychor, ... et al. Fusion Eng. Des. Vol. 128 (2018) 117

118. Mechanical and structural properties of ODS RAF steels submitted to low-energy ions irradiation M. Frelek-Kozak, Ł. Kurpaska, M. Leśniak, I. Jóźwik, J. Jagielski Fusion Eng. Des. Vol. 127 (2018) 54

119. New FPGA processing code for JET gamma-ray camera upgrade A. Fernandes, ... , G. Bołtruczyk, A. Brosławski, M. Gosk, S. Korolczuk, A. Urban, I. Zychor, ... et al. Fusion Eng. Des. Vol. 128 (2018) 188

120. Non-exotic conformal structure of weak exotic singularities M.P. Dąbrowski, K. Marosek Gen. Relat. Gravit. Vol. 50 (2018) 160

121. Actions towards HTGR deployment in Poland G. Wrochna, A. Budzyńska-Sieczkowska HTR 2018 International Conference on High Reactor Technology Proceedings Vol. 1 (2018) 49

122. Commissioning of the J-PET detector in view of the positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy K. Dulski, ... , K. Klimaszewski, P. Kowalski, W. Krzemień, L. Raczyński, R.Y. Shopa, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Hyperfine Interact. Vol. 239 (2018) 40

123. Evaluation of Single-Chip, Real-Time Tomographic Data Processing on FPGA - SoC Devices G. Korcyl, ... , P. Kowalski, W. Krzemień, L. Raczyński, R.Y. Shopa, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. IEEE T MED IMAGING Vol. 37 No 11 (2018) 2526

124. Comparative Study of GdLu2Al2Ga3O12:Ce andGdY2Al2Ga3O12:Ce Scintillation Crystals for γ-ray Detection O. Sakthong, ... , T. Szczęśniak, Ł. Świderski, M. Moszyński, ... et al. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. Vol. 65 No 8 (2018) 2081

125. Letter to the Editor (August 24, 2017) concerning the paper “Occupational exposure to radon for underground tourist routes in Poland: Doses to lung and the risk of developing lung cancer” S.M.J. Mortazavi, ... , K. Fornalski, L. Dobrzyński, ... et al. INT J OCCUP MED ENV Vol. 31 No 5 (2018) 703-706

126. The influence of low Prandtl numbers on the turbulent mixed convection in an horizontal channel flow: DNS and assessment of RANS turbulence models D. DeSantis, A. DeSantis, A. Shams, T. Kwiatkowski Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer Vol. C No 127 (2018) 345-358

127. Some intriguing aspects of multiparticle production processes G. Wilk, Z. Włodarczyk Int. J. Mod. Phys. A Vol. 33 (2018) 1830008

128. Minimal length and the flow of entropy from black holes AnaAlonso-Serrano, M.P. Dąbrowski, H. Gohar Int. J. Mod. Phys. D Vol. 47 (2018) 028


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129. Nucleon Properties inside Compressed Nuclear Matter J. Rożynek Int. J. Mod. Phys. E Vol. v 27 No 04 (2018) 1850030

130. Influence of DOTA Chelators on Radiochemical Purity and Biodistribution of 177Lu- and 90Y-Rituximab in Xenografted Mice U. Karczmarczyk, W. Wojdowska, R. Mikołajczak, M. Maurin, E. Laszuk, P. Garnuszek IRAN J PHARM RES Vol. 17 No 4 (2018) 1201-1208

131. Detection of Delayed Neutrons from Fissionable Samples: Monte Carlo Modelling and Physical Assumptions for a Design of the DET-12 Device A. Kurowski, ... , R. Prokopowicz, ... et al. J FUSION ENERG Vol. 37 No 2-3 (2018) 120

132. Evolution of the pinched column during hard x-ray and neutron emission in a dense plasma focus P. Kubes, ... , E. Składnik-Sadowska, D. Załoga, ... et al. J FUSION ENERG Vol. 018 No 0194 (2018) 1-9

133. The CosmicWatch Desktop Muon Detector: a self-contained, pocket sized particle detector K. Frankiewicz, S.N. Axani, J.M. Conrad J INSTRUM Vol. 13 No 03 (2018) P03019

134. Unexpected regioselectivity in the photocyclization of a chiral 2,3-bisbenzylidenesuccinate, leading to a podophyllotoxin related cyclolignan K. Lisiecki, P. Roszkowski, K.K. Krawczyk, J.K. Maurin, Z. Czarnocki J PHOTOCH PHOTOBIO A Vol. 364 (2018) 297-302

135. The Painlevé test for CP^(N-1) sigma models P. Goldstein, A.M. Grundland J PHYS Communications Vol. 2 (2018) 035046

136. Analysis of optical spectra from steel samples exposed to pulsed plasma streams A. Marchenko, ... , E. Składnik-Sadowska, R. Kwiatkowski, K. Nowakowska-Langier, M.J. Sadowski, ... et al. J PHYS CONF SER No 959 (2018) 012006

137. Influence of gas conditions on electron temperature inside a pinch column of plasma-focus discharge D. Załoga, M.J. Sadowski, E. Składnik-Sadowska, M. Paduch, E. Zielińska, K. Tomaszewski J PHYS CONF SER Vol. 959 (2018) 012003

138. Material surface damage and modification under high power plasma exposures I. Garkusha, ... , K. Nowakowska-Langier, M.J. Sadowski, E. Składnik-Sadowska, ... et al. J PHYS CONF SER Vol. 959 (2018) 012004

139. Statistical against dynamical PLF fission as seen by the IMF-IMF correlation functions and comparisons with CoMD model. E.V. Pagano, ... , T. Cap, ... et al. J Phys Conf Ser Vol. 1014 (2018) 012011

140. Studies of runaway electrons via Cherenkov effect in tokamaks J. Żebrowski, ... , L. Jakubowski, M. Rabiński, M.J. Sadowski, M.J. Jakubowski, R. Kwiatkowski, K. Malinowski, R. Mirowski, ... et al. J Phys Conf Ser Vol. 959 (2018) 012002

141. Meta-analysis of thirty-two case–control and two ecological radon studies of lung cancer L. Dobrzyński, K. Fornalski, J. Reszczyńska J Radiat Res Vol. 59 (2018) 149


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142. Pulse shape analysis of individual gamma events—Correlation to energy resolution and the possibility of its improvement S. Gridin, ... , Ł. Świderski, Z. Mianowska, A. Syntfeld-Każuch, M. Moszyński, ... et al. J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 124 (2018) 154504

143. Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: B-mode component separation M. Remazeilles, ... , A. Pollo, ... et al. J. Cosm. Astroparticle Phys. Vol. 4 (2018) A23

144. Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Cluster science J.-M. Melin, ... , A. Pollo, ... et al. J. Cosm. Astroparticle Phys. Vol. 4 (2018) A19

145. Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Cosmological parameters E. DiValentino, ... , A. Pollo, ... et al. J. Cosm. Astroparticle Phys. Vol. 4 (2018) A17

146. Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Effects of observer peculiar motion C. Burigana, ... , M. Bilicki, A. Pollo, ... et al. J. Cosm. Astroparticle Phys. Vol. 04 (2018) 021

147. Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Extragalactic sources in cosmic microwave background maps G. DeZotti, ... , M. Bilicki, A. Pollo, ... et al. J. Cosm. Astroparticle Phys. Vol. 04 (2018) 020

148. Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Gravitational lensing of the CMB A. Challinor, ... , A. Pollo, ... et al. J. Cosm. Astroparticle Phys. Vol. 4 (2018) A18

149. Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Inflation F. Finelli, ... , A. Pollo, ... et al. J. Cosm. Astroparticle Phys. Vol. 4 (2018) A16

150. Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Mitigation of systematic effects P. Natoli, ... , A. Pollo, ... et al. J. Cosm. Astroparticle Phys. Vol. 4 (2018) A22

151. Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Survey requirements and mission design J. Delabrouille, ... , M. Bilicki, A. Pollo, ... et al. J. Cosm. Astroparticle Phys. Vol. 04 (2018) 014

152. Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: The instrument P. DeBernardis, ... , A. Pollo, ... et al. J. Cosm. Astroparticle Phys. Vol. 4 (2018) A15

153. Primordial gravitational waves in a quantum model of big bounce H. Bergeron, J.P. Gazeau, P. Małkiewicz J. Cosm. Astroparticle Phys. Vol. 05 (2018) 057

154. The Flavor of Cosmology B. Lillard, M. Ratz, T.M.P. Tait, S. Trojanowski J. Cosm. Astroparticle Phys. Vol. 1807 No 07 (2018) 056

+ − + − + 155. A measurement of the CP asymmetry difference in Λ c→pK K and pπ π decays R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 03 (2018) 182


List of Publications ______

0 + − 156. Angular moments of the decay Λ b→Λμ μ at low hadronic recoil R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1809 (2018) 146

157. Anisotropic flow of identified particles in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 09 (2018) 006

158. Central exclusive production of J/ψ and ψ(2S) mesons in pp collisions at √s=13TeV R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1810 (2018) 167

159. Charged-particle nuclear modification factors in XeXe collisions at √sNN= 5.44 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 10 (2018) 138

160. Combination of inclusive and differential ttbar charge asymmetry measurements using ATLAS and CMS data at √s=7 and 8 TeV M. Aaboud, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 04 (2018) 033

161. Combination of KLOE σ(e+e−→π+π−γ(γ)) measurements and determination of aπ+π−μ in the energy range 0.10

162. Combined search for electroweak production of charginos and neutralinos in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 03 (2018) 160

163. Comparing transverse momentum balance of b jet pairs in pp and PbPb collisions at √sNN= 5.02 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 03 (2018) 181

164. Constraints on the double-parton scattering cross section from same-sign W boson pair production in proton- proton collisions at √s=8 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 02 (2018) 032

165. Correlations and the ridge in the Color Glass Condensate beyond the glasma graph approximation T. Altinoluk, T. Altinoluk, N. Armesto, D.E. Wertepny J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1805 (2018) 207

166. Dielectron production in proton-proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 09 (2018) 064

167. Energy dependence and fluctuations of anisotropic flow in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 and 2.76 TeV S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 07 (2018) 103


List of Publications ______

168. Event shape variables measured using multijet final states in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 12 (2018) 117

169. Evidence for associated production of a Higgs boson with a top quark pair in final states with electrons, muons, and hadronically decaying τ leptons at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 08 (2018) 066

170. Evidence for the decay B0s→K¯∗0μ+μ− R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1807 (2018) 020

171. First measurement of the CP-violating phase ϕdd¯¯¯s in B0s→(K+π−)(K−π+) decays R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1803 (2018) 140

172. First observation of B+→D+sK+K− decays and a search for B+→D+sϕ decays R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1801 (2018) 131

173. Flavor anomalies and dark matter in SUSY with an extra U(1) L. Darme, K. Kowalska, L. Roszkowski, E. Sessolo J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1810 (2018) 052

174. Further studies of isolated photon production with a jet in deep inelastic scattering at HERA H. Abramowicz, ... , M. Adamus, T. Tymieniecka, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1801 (2018) 032

175. Gauge contribution to the 1/N F expansion of the Yukawa coupling beta function K. Kowalska, E. Sessolo J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1804 (2018) 027

176. Inclusive J/ψ production at forward and backward rapidity in p-Pb collisions at √sNN = 8.16 TeV S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 07 (2018) 160

177. Jet properties in PbPb and pp collisions at √sNN= 5.02 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 05 (2018) 006

178. Light dark Higgs boson in minimal sub-GeV dark matter scenarios L. Darme, S. Rao, L. Roszkowski J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 03 (2018) 084

179. Measurement of branching fractions of charmless four-body Λ0b and Ξ0b decays R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1802 (2018) 098


List of Publications ______

0 ± ± 180. Measurement of CP asymmetry in B s→D sK decays R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1803 (2018) 093

181. Measurement of CP violation in B0→D±π± decays R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1806 (2018) 084

182. Measurement of D±s production asymmetry in pp collisions at √s=7 and 8 TeV R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1808 (2018) 008

183. Measurement of differential cross sections in the kinematic angular variable ϕ* for inclusive Z boson production in pp collisions at √s= 8 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 03 (2018) 172

184. Measurement of forward top pair production in the dilepton channel in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1808 (2018) 174

185. Measurement of normalized differential ttbar cross sections in the dilepton channel from pp collisions at √s=13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, K. Romanowska-Rybińska, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 04 (2018) 060

186. Measurement of the charge asymmetry for the KS→πeν decay and test of CPT symmetry with the KLOE detector A. Anastasi, ... , M. Berłowski, W. Wiślicki, W. Krzemień, A. Kupść, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 09 (2018) 021

± ± 0 + − 0 + − 187. Measurement of the CKM angle γ using B →DK with D→K Sπ π , K SK K decays R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1808 (2018) 176

− − 0 − − 0 188. Measurement of the CP asymmetry in B →Ds D and B →D D decays R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 05 (2018) 160

189. Measurement of the cross section for top quark pair production in association with a W or Z boson in proton- proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 08 (2018) 011

190. Measurement of the groomed jet mass in PbPb and pp collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 10 (2018) 161


List of Publications ______

191. Measurement of the inclusive ttbar cross section in pp collisions at √s=5.02 TeV using final states with at least one charged lepton A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 03 (2018) 115

192. Measurement of the inelastic pp cross-section at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1806 (2018) 100

193. Measurement of the inelastic proton-proton cross section at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 07 (2018) 161

194. Measurement of the production cross section for single top quarks in association with W bosons in proton- proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 10 (2018) 117

195. Measurement of the time-integrated CP asymmetry in D0→K0SK0S decays R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1811 (2018) 048

196. Measurement of the underlying event activity in inclusive Z boson production in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, K. Romanowska-Rybińska, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 07 (2018) 032

197. Measurement of Z→τ+τ− production in proton-proton collisions at √s=8 TeV R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1809 (2018) 159

198. Measurement of Υ production in pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1807 (2018) 134

199. Measurements of differential cross sections of top quark pair production as a function of kinematic event variables in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 06 (2018) 002

200. Measurements of Higgs boson properties in the diphoton decay channel in proton-proton collisions at √s=13TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 11 (2018) 185

201. Measurements of low-pT electrons from semileptonic heavy-flavour hadron decays at mid-rapidity in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 10 (2018) 061


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202. Measurements of the branching fractions of Λ+c→pπ−π+, Λ+c→pK−K+, and Λ+c→pπ−K+ R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, K. Kurek, D. Melnychuk, M. Szczekowski, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 03 (2018) 043

203. Measurements of the differential jet cross section as a function of the jet mass in dijet events from proton- proton collisions at √s=13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 11 (2018) 113

204. Medium modification of the shape of small-radius jets in central Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN=2.76TeV S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 10 (2018) 139

205. Observation of proton-tagged, central (semi)exclusive production of high-mass lepton pairs in pp collisions at 13 TeV with the CMS-TOTEM precision proton spectrometer A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 07 (2018) 153

0 + − 206. Observation of the decay B s¯→χc2K K in the ϕ mass region R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1808 (2018) 191

207. Observation of the decay Λ0b→ψ(2S)pπ− R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1808 (2018) 131

208. Probing axial quark generalized parton distributions through exclusive photoproduction of a γ, π± pair with a large invariant mass G. Duplancic, K. Passek-Kumericki, B. Pire, L. Szymanowski, S. Wallon J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1811 (2018) 179

209. Pseudorapidity distributions of charged hadrons in proton-lead collisions at √sNN=5.02 and 8.16 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 01 (2018) 045

210. Search for a charged Higgs boson decaying to charm and bottom quarks in proton-proton collisions at √s=8 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 11 (2018) 115

211. Search for a dimuon resonance in the Υ mass region R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1809 (2018) 147

212. Search for a heavy resonance decaying into a Z boson and a vector boson in the ν anti-ν q anti-q final state A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 07 (2018) 075


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213. Search for a heavy resonance decaying into a Z boson and a Z or W boson in 2ℓ2q final states at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 09 (2018) 101

214. Search for a heavy resonance decaying to a pair of vector bosons in the lepton plus merged jet final state at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 05 (2018) 088

215. Search for a heavy right-handed W boson and a heavy neutrino in events with two same-flavor leptons and two jets at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 05 (2018) 148

216. Search for a new scalar resonance decaying to a pair of Z bosons in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 06 (2018) 127

217. Search for a singly produced third-generation scalar leptoquark decaying to a τ lepton and a bottom quark in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 07 (2018) 115

218. Search for additional neutral MSSM Higgs bosons in the ττ final state in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 09 (2018) 007

219. Search for an exotic decay of the Higgs boson to a pair of light pseudoscalars in the final state of two muons and two τ leptons in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 11 (2018) 018

220. Search for beautiful tetraquarks in the Υ(1S)μ+μ− invariant-mass spectrum R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1810 (2018) 086

221. Search for beyond the standard model Higgs bosons decaying into a bbbar pair in pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 08 (2018) 113

222. Search for black holes and sphalerons in high-multiplicity final states in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 11 (2018) 042


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223. Search for CP violation using triple product asymmetries in Λ0b→pK−π+π−, Λ0b→pK−K+K− and Ξ0b→pK−K−π+ decays R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1808 (2018) 039

224. Search for dark matter in events with energetic, hadronically decaying top quarks and missing transverse momentum at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 06 (2018) 027

225. Search for dark matter produced in association with a Higgs boson decaying to γγ or τ+τ− at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 09 (2018) 046

226. Search for decays of stopped exotic long-lived particles produced in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 05 (2018) 127

227. Search for disappearing tracks as a signature of new long-lived particles in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 08 (2018) 016

228. Search for electroweak production of charginos and neutralinos in multilepton final states in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, K. Romanowska-Rybińska, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 03 (2018) 166

229. Search for excited B+c states R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1801 (2018) 138

230. Search for heavy resonances decaying into a vector boson and a Higgs boson in final states with charged leptons, neutrinos and b quarks at √s=13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 11 (2018) 172

231. Search for high-mass resonances in dilepton final states in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 06 (2018) 120

232. Search for high-mass resonances in final states with a lepton and missing transverse momentum at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 06 (2018) 128


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233. Search for lepton flavour violating decays of the Higgs boson to μτ and eτ in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 06 (2018) 001

234. Search for lepton-flavor violating decays of heavy resonances and quantum black holes to eμ final states in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 04 (2018) 073

235. Search for low mass vector resonances decaying into quark-antiquark pairs in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 01 (2018) 097

236. Search for narrow and broad dijet resonances in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV and constraints on dark matter mediators and other new particles A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 08 (2018) 130

237. Search for natural and split supersymmetry in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV in final states with jets and missing transverse momentum A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 05 (2018) 25

238. Search for natural supersymmetry in events with top quark pairs and photons in pp collisions at √s= 8 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, K. Romanowska-Rybińska, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 03 (2018) 167

239. Search for new phenomena in final states with two opposite-charge, same-flavor leptons, jets, and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 03 (2018) 076

240. Search for resonances in the mass spectrum of muon pairs produced in association with b quark jets in proton- proton collisions at √s=8 and 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 11 (2018) 161

241. Search for resonant and nonresonant Higgs boson pair production in the bbbarℓνℓν final state in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 01 (2018) 054

242. Search for resonant pair production of Higgs bosons decaying to bottom quark-antiquark pairs in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 08 (2018) 152


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243. Search for single production of vector-like quarks decaying to a b quark and a Higgs boson A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 06 (2018) 031

244. Search for supersymmetry in events with a τ lepton pair and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 11 (2018) 151

245. Search for supersymmetry in events with at least three electrons or muons, jets, and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 02 (2018) 067

246. Search for the decay of a Higgs boson in the ℓℓγ channel in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 11 (2018) 152

247. Search for the flavor-changing neutral current interactions of the top quark and the Higgs boson which decays into a pair of b quarks at √s=13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 06 (2018) 102

0 ± ± 248. Search for the lepton-flavour violating decays B (s)→e μ R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1803 (2018) 078

249. Search for top squarks decaying via four-body or chargino-mediated modes in single-lepton final states in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 09 (2018) 065

250. Search for tt¯H production in the all-jet final state in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 06 (2018) 101

251. Search for vector-like T and B quark pairs in final states with leptons at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 08 (2018) 177

252. Search for ZZ resonances in the 2ℓ2ν final state in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 03 (2018) 003

253. Search for Zγ resonances using leptonic and hadronic final states in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 09 (2018) 148


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254. Searches for pair production of charginos and top squarks in final states with two oppositely charged leptons in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 11 (2018) 079

255. Soft photon and two hard jets forward production in proton-nucleus collisions T. Altinoluk, T. Altinoluk, N. Armesto, A. Kovner, M. Lublinsky, E. Petreska J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1804 (2018) 063

256. Study of Υ production in pPb collisions at √sNN=8.16 TeV R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Szabelski, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 1811 (2018) 194

257. Transverse momentum spectra and nuclear modification factors of charged particles in pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 11 (2018) 013

+ 258. Λ c production in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV and in p-Pb collisions at sNN √sNN=5.02 TeV S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 04 (2018) 108

259. Identification of heavy-flavour jets with the CMS detector in pp collisions at 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. Instrum. Vol. 13 (2018) P05011

260. Performance of reconstruction and identification of τ leptons decaying to hadrons and ντ in pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. Instrum. Vol. 13 (2018) P10005

261. Performance of the CMS muon detector and muon reconstruction with proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. Instrum. Vol. 13 (2018) P06015

262. Precision measurement of the structure of the CMS inner tracking system using nuclear interactions A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. J. Instrum. Vol. 13 (2018) P10034

263. Functional properties of poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) gasket working in nuclear reactor conditions. E. Wyszkowska, ... , Ł. Kurpaska, R. Prokopowicz, I. Jóźwik, ... et al. J. Mol. Struct. Vol. 1157 (2018) 306

264. Functional properties of poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) gasket working in nuclear reactor conditions. E. Wyszkowska, M. Leśniak, Ł. Kurpaska, R. Prokopowicz, I. Jóźwik, M. Sitarz, J. Jagielski J. Mol. Struct. Vol. 1157 (2018) 306

265. Functionalization of Ti99.2 substrates surface by hybrid treatment investigated with spectroscopic methods J.J. Jasinski, M. Lubas, Ł. Kurpaska, W. Napadlek, M. Sitarz J. Mol. Struct. Vol. 1164 (2018) 412-419


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266. Implementation of GIXRD analysis and nanoindentation technique to study functional properties of materials – ODS case study M. Frelek-Kozak, ... , Ł. Kurpaska, W. Pawlak, J.J. Milczarek, J. Żołądek-Nowak, ... et al. J. Mol. Struct. Vol. 1166 (2018) 34

267. Investigation of nitrogen transport in active screen plasma nitriding processes - uphill diffusion effect J.J. Jasinski, T. Fraczek, Ł. Kurpaska, M. Lubas, M. Sitarz J. Mol. Struct. Vol. 1146 (2018) 37-44

268. Phase composition of copper nitride coatings examined by the use of X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy K. Nowakowska-Langier, R. Chodun, R. Minikayev, S. Okrasa, G. Strzelecki, B. Wicher, K. Zdunek J. Mol. Struct. Vol. 1165 (2018) 79-83

269. Structural properties of zirconia – in-situ high temperature XRD characterization Ł. Kurpaska J. Mol. Struct. (2018)

270. Characterisation of the Hamamatsu photomultipliers for the KM3NeT Neutrino Telescope P. Mijakowski, ... , P. Kalaczyński, ... et al. J. of Instr. Vol. 13 No 5 (2018) 05035

271. First observations of speed of light tracks by a fluorescence detector looking down on the atmosphere G. Abdellaoui, ... , J. Karczmarczyk, W. Marszał, Z. Plebaniak, B. Szabelska, J. Szabelski, ... et al. J. of Instr. Vol. 13 No maj (2018) P05023

272. On a stack of surfaces obtained from the CP^{N-1} sigma models P. Goldstein, A. Grundland J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. Vol. 51 (2018) 095201

273. Opinion Dynamics Model Based on Cognitive Biases of Complex Agents P. Sobkowicz JASSS J Art Soc Social Sim Vol. 21 (2018) 8

274. Symbolic Algorithm for Generating the Orthonormal Bargmann-Moshinsky Basis for SU(3) Group A. Deveikis, A.A. Gusev, V.P. Gerdt, S.I. Vinitsky, A. Góźdź, A. Pędrak Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. Vol. 11077 (2018) 131

275. Al-26 Isotope in Pułtusk Meteorite Fragments Z. Tymiński, ... , A. Burakowska, K. Tymińska, T. Dziel, ... et al. Meteoritics & Planetary Science Vol. SI 52 (2018) A357

276. High resolution SEM characterization of nanoprecipitates in ODS steels I. Jóźwik, A. Strojny-Nedza, M. Chmielewski, K. Pietrzak, Ł. Kurpaska, Sz. Nosewicz Microsc Res Techniq Vol. 81 No 5 (2018) 502-508

277. 4He versus 4Li and production of light nuclei in relativistic heavy-ion collisions S. Bazak, St. Mrówczyński Mod. Phys. Lett. A Vol. 33 No 25 (2018) 1850142

278. The dipole anisotropy of WISE x SuperCOSMOS number counts C.A.P.Jr. Bengaly, C.P. Novaes, H.S. Xavier, M. Bilicki, A. Bernui, J.S. Alcaniz Mon Not R Astron Soc: Letters Vol. 475 No 1 (2018) L106

279. Deep Extragalactic VIsible Legacy Survey (DEVILS): Motivation, Design and Target Catalogue L. Davies, ... , M. Bilicki, ... et al. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. Vol. 480 No 1 (2018) 768-799


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280. Extracting cosmological information from the angular power spectrum of the 2MASS Photometric Redshift catalogue A. Balaguera-Antolínez, M. Bilicki, E. Branchini, A. Postiglione Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. Vol. 476 No 1 (2018) 1050

281. KiDS-SQuaD: The KiDS Strongly lensed Quasar Detection project C. Spiniello, ... , M. Bilicki, ... et al. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. Vol. 480 No 1 (2018) 1163-1173

282. KiDS+2dFLenS+GAMA: testing the cosmological model with the EG statistic A. Amon, ... , M. Bilicki, ... et al. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. Vol. 479 No 3 (2018) 3422-3437

283. Photometric redshifts for the next generation of deep radio continuum surveys - I. Template fitting K.J. Duncan, ... , K. Małek, ... et al. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. Vol. 473 No 2 (2018) 2655-2672

284. Pollo, A.The usability of the optical parametric amplification of light for high-angular-resolution imaging and fast astrometry A. Kurek, A. Stachowski, K. Banaszek, A. Pollo Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. Vol. 476 (2018) 1696-1704

285. Studying galaxy troughs and ridges using weak gravitational lensing with the Kilo-Degree Survey M.M. Brouwer, ... , M. Bilicki, ... et al. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. Vol. 481 No 4 (2018) 5189

286. The galaxy environment in GAMA G3C groups using the Kilo Degree Survey Data Release 3 M.V. Costa-Duarte, ... , M. Bilicki, ... et al. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. Vol. 478 No 2 (2018) 1968–1979

287. Wide-area tomography of CMB lensing and the growth of cosmological density fluctuations J.A. Peacock, M. Bilicki Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. Vol. 481 No 1 (2018) 1133-1148

288. Oxygen out-diffusion and compositional changes in zinc oxide during ytterbium ion bombardment P.P. Michałowski, J. Gaca, M. Wójcik, A. Turos Nanotechnology Vol. 29 (2018) 425710

289. Magnetic configuration effects on the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator A. Dinklage, C.D. Beidler, P. Helander, J. Jagielski, €G. Fuchert, Etal. Nat Phys Vol. 14 No 8 (2018) 855

290. Isomer depletion as experimental evidence of nuclear excitation by electron capture C.J. Chiara, ... , J. Rzadkiewicz, ... et al. Nature Vol. 554 (2018) 216

291. Transition from fireball to Poynting-flux-dominated outflow in the three-episode GRB 160625B B.-B. Zang, ... , A. Ćwiek, A. Zadrożny, ... et al. Nature Astronomy Vol. 2 No 1 (2018) 69-75

292. Transition from fireball to Poynting-flux-dominated outflow in the three-episode GRB 160625B B.-B. Zang, ... , A. Ćwiek, A. Zadrożny, ... et al. Nature Astronomy Vol. 2 No 3 (2018) 258-258

293. An improved phenomenological model of annular two-phase flow with high-accuracy dryout prediction capability M. Spirzewski, H. Anglart Nuc. Eng. Design Vol. 331 No May (2018) 176-185


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294. Activation Measurements of Cross Sections for Ground and Isomeric States Production in Neutron Threshold Reactions on Y and Au P. Chudoba, ... , S. Kilim, M. Bielewicz, E. Strugalska-Gola, M. Szuta, ... et al. NUCL SCI ENG Vol. 191 (2018) 150-160

295. Calibration and detection limits of homemade ED-XRF system in the analysis of silver-copper alloys A. Gójska, E. Miśta-Jakubowska Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B Vol. 433 (2018) 28

296. Damage accumulation studies in ion-irradiated oxides: Current status and new perspectives J. Jagielski, L. Thomé, A. Chartier, O. Dorosh, C. Mieszczyński, I. Jóźwik Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B Vol. 435 (2018) 2-7

297. Ion-irradiated butadiene acrylonitrile rubber reinforced with graphene filler J. Jagielski, A. Kosińska, U. Ostaszewska, M. Romaniec, Ł. Kurpaska, I. Jóźwik Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B Vol. 03 (2018) 26

298. Low energy cathodoluminescence analysis of damage build-up in ion irradiated spinel mono- and polycrystals I. Jóźwik, M. Zielinski, A. Azarov, R. Ratajczak, C. Mieszczyński, A. Stonert, J. Jagielski Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B Vol. 435 (2018) 290-295

299. Design and construction of the POLAR detector N. PRODUIT, ... , T. Batsch, D. Rybka, J. Szabelski, A. Zwolińska, ... et al. Nucl. Instr. Meth. A Vol. 877 (2018) 259-268

300. In-Orbit Instrument Performance Study and Calibration for POLAR Polarization Measurements Z. Li, ... , D. Rybka, J. Szabelski, T. Tymieniecka, A. Zwolińska, ... et al. Nucl. Instr. Meth. A Vol. 900 (2018) 8-24

301. Neutron flux measurements in the Gran Sasso national laboratory and in the Slanic Prahova Salt Mine Z. Dębicki, ... , K. Jędrzejczak, J. Karczmarczyk, M. Kasztelan, R. Lewandowski, J. Orzechowski, J. Szabelski, M. Szeptycka, P. Tokarski, ... et al. Nucl. Instr. Meth. A Vol. 910 (2018) 133

302. Non-proportionality of GAGG:Ce scintillators down to 50 eV electron equivalent by application of alpha particle excitation P. Sibczyński, ... , W. Czarnacki, S. Mianowski, Z. Mianowska, M. Moszyński, T. Sworobowicz, Ł. Świderski, ... et al. Nucl. Instr. Meth. A Vol. 898 (2018) 24-29

303. Optimization of cathodic arc deposition and pulsed plasma melting techniques for growing smooth superconducting Pb photoemissive films for SRF injectors R. Nietubyć, J. Lorkiewicz, J. Sekutowicz, J. Smedley, A. Kosińska Nucl. Instr. Meth. A Vol. A 891 (2018) 78-86

304. Optimization of the gain factors and parameter settings for the new gamma-ray burst polarimeter, POLAR X.F. Zhang, ... , T. Batsch, D. Rybka, J. Szabelski, A. Zwolińska, ... et al. Nucl. Instr. Meth. A Vol. 879 (2018) 47-56

305. Pulse pile-up identification and reconstruction for liquid scintillator based neutron detectors X.L. Luo, ... , M. Moszyński, ... et al. Nucl. Instr. Meth. A Vol. 897 (2018) 59

306. Study of MPPC damage induced by neutrons S. Mianowski, ... , Z. Mianowska, M. Moszyński, P. Sibczyński, T. Szczęśniak, ... et al. Nucl. Instr. Meth. A Vol. 906 (2018) 30


List of Publications ______

307. Study of n-γ discrimination by zero-crossing method with SiPM based scintillation detectors M. Grodzicka-Kobyłka, ... , T. Szczęśniak, M. Moszyński, Ł. Świderski, D. Wolski, S. Korolczuk, ... et al. Nucl. Instr. Meth. A Vol. A883 (2018) 159

308. The ALICE Transition Radiation Detector: construction, operation, and performance S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. Nucl. Instr. Meth. A Vol. 881 (2018) 88-127

4 4 309. Production of He and anti- He in Pb--Pb collisions at √sNN=2.76 TeV at the LHC S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. Nucl. Phys. A Vol. 971 (2018) 1-20

310. Search for B+c decays to two charm mesons R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Nucl. Phys. B Vol. 930 (2018) 563

311. Nucleon Properties and Nuclear Equation of State J. Rożynek Nuclear Theory, Nuclear Theory Laboratory (INRNE-BAS): ISSN 1313-2822, edited by M. Gaidarov and N. Minkov. Vol. 37 (2018) 1

312. Np-237 incineration study in various beams in ADS setup QUINTA S. Kilim, ... , E. Strugalska-Gola, M. Szuta, M. Bielewicz, ... et al. Nukleonika Vol. 63 No 1 (2018) 17-22

313. Luminescence and scintillation characteristics of (GdxY3-x)Al2Ga3O12:Ce (x = 1,2,3) single crystals W. Chewpraditkul, ... , T. Szczęśniak, M. Moszyński, ... et al. Optical Materials Vol. 76 (2018) 162

314. Scintillation properties of Gd3(Al5-xGax)O12:Ce (x = 2.3, 2.6, 3.0) single crystals W. Chewpraditkul, ... , M. Moszyński, ... et al. Optical Materials Vol. 81 (2018) 23

315. Scintillation properties of Gd3Al2Ga3O12:Ce (GAGG:Ce): a comparison between monocrystalline and nanoceramic samples W. Drozdowski, M.E. Witkowski, P. Solarz, P. Głuchowski, M. Głowacki, K. Brylew Optical Materials Vol. 79 (2018) 273-278

316. Anisotropic flow in Xe-Xe collisions at √sNN=5.44 TeV S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 784 (2018) 82-95

317. Azimuthal anisotropy of charged particles with transverse momentum up to 100 GeV/c in PbPb collisions at √sNN= 5.02 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, K. Romanowska-Rybińska, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 776 (2018) 195

318. Azimuthally-differential pion femtoscopy relative to the third harmonic event plane in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 785 (2018) 320-331

319. Combined limit on the production of a light gauge boson decaying into μ+μ− and π+π− A. Anastasi, ... , M. Berłowski, W. Wiślicki, W. Krzemień, A. Kupść, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. B No 784 (2018) 336-341


List of Publications ______

320. Constraining the magnitude of the Chiral Magnetic Effect with Event Shape Engineering in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B No 777 (2018) 151-162

321. Constraints on jet quenching in p–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV measured by the event-activity dependence of semi-inclusive hadron-jet distributions S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 783 (2018) 95-113

322. Cornering sgluons with four-top-quark events L. Darme, B. Fuks, M. Goodsell Phys. Lett. B Vol. 784 (2018) 223-228

323. Evidence for the Higgs boson decay to a bottom quark–antiquark pair A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 780 (2018) 501

324. First measurement of jet mass in Pb–Pb and p–Pb collisions at the LHC S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 776 (2018) 249-264

325. First measurement of the K−n→Λπ−K−n→Λπ− non-resonant transition amplitude below threshold K. Piscicchia, ... , S. Wycech, W. Krzemień, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 782 (2018) 339-345

0 326. First measurement of Ξc production in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 781 (2018) 8-19

327. First observation of forward Z→bb¯ production in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, K. Kurek, D. Melnychuk, M. Szczekowski, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 776 (2018) 430

328. Importance of d-wave contributions in the charge symmetry breaking reaction dd→ 4Heπ0 P. Adlarson, ... , W. Augustyniak, M. Berłowski, W. Krzemień, A. Kupść, B. Mariański, H.P. Morsch, D. Pszczel, J. Stepaniak, A. Trzciński, J. Zabierowski, P. Żuprański, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 781 (2018) 645

329. Inclusive J/ψ production in Xe-Xe collisions at √sNN = 5.44 TeV S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 785 (2018) 419-428

330. J/ψ production as a function of charged-particle pseudorapidity density in p-Pb collisions at √sNN= 5.02 TeV D. Adamova, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 776 (2018) 91-104

331. K− over K+ multiplicity ratio for kaons produced in DIS with a large fraction of the virtual-photon energy R. Akhunzyanov, ... , W. Augustyniak, K. Kurek, B. Mariański, A. Sandacz, A. Szabelski, P. Sznajder, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 786 (2018) 390

332. Longitudinal asymmetry and its effect on pseudorapidity distributions in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 781 (2018) 20-32


List of Publications ______

p p 333. Longitudinal double-spin asymmetry A1 and spin-dependent structure function g1 of the proton at small values of x and Q2 M. Aghasyan, ... , W. Augustyniak, K. Kurek, B. Mariański, A. Sandacz, A. Szabelski, P. Sznajder, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 781 (2018) 464

334. Measurement of angular parameters from the decay B0 → K*0μ+μ− in proton–proton collisions at √s= 8 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 781 (2018) 517

335. Measurement of CP observables in B±→D(∗)K± and B±→D(∗)π± decays R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, K. Kurek, D. Melnychuk, M. Szczekowski, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 777 (2018) 16

336. Measurement of quarkonium production cross sections in pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 780 (2018) 251

337. Measurement of the associated production of a single top quark and a Z boson in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 779 (2018) 358

0 338. Measurement of Z -boson production at large rapidities in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 780 (2018) 372-383

339. Measurements of ttbar cross sections in association with b jets and inclusive jets and their ratio using dilepton final states in pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, K. Romanowska-Rybińska, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 776 (2018) 355

340. New analysis of ηπ tensor resonances measured at the COMPASS experiment A. Jackura, ... , W. Augustyniak, K. Kurek, B. Mariański, A. Sandacz, A. Szabelski, P. Sznajder, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 779 (2018) 464

0 341. Nuclear modification factor of D mesons in PbPb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 782 (2018) 474

342. Observation of the decay Λ0b→Λ+cpp¯π− R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 784 (2018) 101

343. Observation of the Higgs boson decay to a pair of τ leptons with the CMS detector A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 779 (2018) 283


List of Publications ______

344. Search for a massive resonance decaying to a pair of Higgs bosons in the four b quark final state in proton– proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 781 (2018) 244

345. Search for an exotic decay of the Higgs boson to a pair of light pseudoscalars in the final state with two b quarks and two τ leptons in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 785 (2018) 462

346. Search for an exotic decay of the Higgs boson to a pair of light pseudoscalars in the final state with two b quarks and two τ leptons in proton-proton collisions at s√= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 785 (2018) 462

347. Search for C violation in the decay η→π0+e++e− with WASA-at-COSY P. Adlarson, ... , W. Augustyniak, M. Berłowski, W. Krzemień, A. Kupść, B. Mariański, H.P. Morsch, D. Pszczel, J. Stepaniak, A. Trzciński, J. Zabierowski, P. Żuprański, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 784 (2018) 378

348. Search for collectivity with azimuthal J/ψ-hadron correlations in high multiplicity p-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 and 8.16 TeV S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 780 (2018) 7-20

349. Search for CP violation in Λ0b→pK− and Λ0b→pπ− decays R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 787 (2018) 124

350. Search for excited quarks of light and heavy flavor in γ + jet final states in proton–proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 781 (2018) 390

351. Search for gauge-mediated supersymmetry in events with at least one photon and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at √s=13TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 780 (2018) 118

352. Search for heavy resonances decaying to a top quark and a bottom quark in the lepton+jets final state in proton–proton collisions at 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 777 (2018) 39

353. Search for Higgs boson pair production in events with two bottom quarks and two tau leptons in proton–proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, K. Romanowska-Rybińska, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 778 (2018) 101


List of Publications ______

354. Search for muoproduction of X(3872) at COMPASS and indication of a new state X˜(3872) M. Aghasyan, ... , W. Augustyniak, K. Kurek, B. Mariański, A. Sandacz, A. Szabelski, P. Sznajder, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 783 (2018) 334

355. Search for new long-lived particles at √s=13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, K. Romanowska-Rybińska, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 780 (2018) 432

356. Search for new physics in events with two soft oppositely charged leptons and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 782 (2018) 440

357. Search for pair production of excited top quarks in the lepton + jets final state A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 778 (2018) 349

358. Search for pair production of vector-like quarks in the bWbbarW channel from proton–proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 779 (2018) 82

359. Search for R-parity violating supersymmetry in pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV using b jets in a final state with a single lepton, many jets, and high sum of large-radius jet masses A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 783 (2018) 114

360. Search for single production of a vector-like T quark decaying to a Z boson and a top quark in proton–proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, K. Romanowska-Rybińska, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 781 (2018) 574

361. Search for supersymmetry in events with one lepton and multiple jets exploiting the angular correlation between the lepton and the missing transverse momentum in proton–proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, K. Romanowska-Rybińska, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 780 (2018) 384

362. Search for supersymmetry with Higgs boson to diphoton decays using the razor variables at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, K. Romanowska-Rybińska, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 779 (2018) 166

363. Search for the pair production of third-generation squarks with two-body decays to a bottom or charm quark and a neutralino in proton–proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, K. Romanowska-Rybińska, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 778 (2018) 263


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364. Study of jet quenching with isolated-photon+jet correlations in PbPb and pp collisions at √sNN= 5.02 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 785 (2018) 14

365. Total and differential cross sections of η-production in proton-deuteron fusion for excess energies between Qη=13 MeV and Qη=81 MeV P. Adlarson, ... , W. Augustyniak, M. Berłowski, W. Krzemień, A. Kupść, B. Mariański, H.P. Morsch, D. Pszczel, J. Stepaniak, A. Trzciński, J. Zabierowski, P. Żuprański, ... et al. Phys. Lett. B Vol. 782 (2018) 297

366. Universal behaviour, transients and attractors in supersymmetric Yang-Mills plasma M. Spaliński Phys. Lett. B Vol. 784 (2018) 21

367. Estimation of the NEMA characteristics of the J-PET tomograph using the GATE package P. Kowalski, ... , W. Wiślicki, R.Y. Shopa, L. Raczyński, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, ... et al. Phys. Med. Biol. Vol. 63 No 16 (2018) 165008

368. Axial compression of plasma structures in a plasma focus discharge P. Kubes, ... , E. Składnik-Sadowska, D. Załoga, ... et al. Phys. of Plasmas Vol. 25 (2018) 062712

369. Characterization of fast deuterons involved in the production of fusion neutrons in a dense plasma focus P. Kubes, ... , E. Składnik-Sadowska, D. Załoga, ... et al. Phys. of Plasmas Vol. 25 (2018) 012712

370. Influence of gas conditions on parameters of plasma jets generated in the PF-1000U plasma-focus facility E. Składnik-Sadowska, ... , R. Kwiatkowski, M.J. Sadowski, D. Załoga, ... et al. Phys. of Plasmas Vol. 25 (2018) 082715

371. High-resolution tungsten spectroscopy relevant to the diagnostic of high-temperature tokamak plasmas J. Rzadkiewicz, ... , K. Kozioł, ... et al. Phys. Rev. A Vol. 97 (2018) 052501

372. Hypersatellite x-ray decay of 3d hollow-K-shell atoms produced by heavy-ion impact Y.-P. Maillard, ... , J. Rzadkiewicz, ... et al. Phys. Rev. A Vol. 98 (2018) 012705

373. Influence of the interaction between quasiparticles on parameteric resonance in Bose-Einstein quasicondensates M. Pylak, P. Ziń Phys. Rev. A Vol. 98 (2018) 043603

374. Multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock and configuration-interaction study of 4d-3p x-ray transitions in Cu- and Ni-like tungsten ions K. Kozioł, J. Rzadkiewicz Phys. Rev. A Vol. 98 (2018) 062504

375. Properties of atomic pairs produced in the collision of Bose-Einstein condensates P. Ziń, T. Wasak Phys. Rev. A Vol. 97 (2018) 043620

376. Quantum Bose-Bose droplets at a dimensional crossover P. Ziń, M. Pylak, T. Wasak, M. Gajda, Z. Idziaszek Phys. Rev. A Vol. 98 (2018) 051603(R)


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377. Quantum dynamics of Bose-Fermi mixtures via the stochastic-wave-function approach P. Ziń Phys. Rev. A Vol. 98 (2018) 043608

378. Bose-Einstein correlations in pp,pPb, and PbPb collisions at √sNN=0.9−7 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, K. Romanowska-Rybińska, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. C Vol. 97 (2018) 064912

379. Cluster folding analysis of 20Ne+16O elastic transfer Sh. Hamada, N. Keeley, K.W. Kemper, K. Rusek Phys. Rev. C Vol. 97 (2018) 054609

380. Constraints on the chiral magnetic effect using charge-dependent azimuthal correlations in pPb and PbPb collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. C Vol. 97 (2018) 044912

381. Erratum: Coupling effects in proton scattering from 40Ca [Phys. Rev. C 85, 064603 (2012)] R.S. Mackintosh, N. Keeley Phys. Rev. C Vol. 97 (2018) 069901(E)

382. Evolution of deformation in neutron-rich Ba isotopes up to A=150 R. Lica, ... , V. Charviakova, Z. Patyk, ... et al. Phys. Rev. C No 97 (2018) 024305

383. Hindered alpha decays of heaviest high-K isomers P. Jachimowicz, M. Kowal, J. Skalski Phys. Rev. C Vol. 98 No 1 (2018) 014320

384. Interaction of 8He with 208Pb at near-barrier energies: 4He and 6He production G. Marquínez-Durán, ... , N. Keeley, I. Strojek, ... et al. Phys. Rev. C Vol. 98 (2018) 034615

385. Neutral pion and η meson production at mid-rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. Phys. Rev. C Vol. 98 (2018) 044901

386. On the photon or meson formation in J/Psi decays into ppbar J-P. Dedonder, B. Loiseau, S. Wycech Phys. Rev. C Vol. 97 (2018) 065206

387. Production of deuterons, tritons, 3He nuclei and their anti-nuclei in pp collisions at √s = 0.9, 2.76 and 7 TeV S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. Phys. Rev. C Vol. 97 (2018) 024615

388. Pseudorapidity and transverse momentum dependence of flow harmonics in pPb and PbPb collisions A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, K. Romanowska-Rybińska, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. C Vol. 98 (2018) 044902

389. Reaction channel coupling effects for nucleons on 16O: Induced undularity and proton-neutron potential differences N. Keeley, R.S. Mackintosh Phys. Rev. C Vol. 97 (2018) 014605


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390. Remarkable independence of dynamical polarization potentials of the underlying potential R.S. Mackintosh, N. Keeley Phys. Rev. C Vol. 98 (2018) 024624

391. Single-particle strength from nucleon transfer in oxygen isotopes: Sensitivity to model parameters F. Flavigny, N. Keeley, A. Gillibert, A. Obertelli Phys. Rev. C Vol. 97 (2018) 034601

392. Sub-Coulomb 3He transfer and its use to extract three-particle asymptotic normalization coefficients M.L. Avila, ... , N. Keeley, ... et al. Phys. Rev. C Vol. 97 (2018) 014313

393. Systematic studies of correlations between different order flow harmonics in Pb--Pb collisions at √sNN=2.76 TeV S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. Phys. Rev. C Vol. 97 (2018) 024906

394. ALPs at FASER: The LHC as a Photon Beam Dump J.L. Feng, I. Galon, F. Kling, S. Trojanowski Phys. Rev. D Vol. D98 No 5 (2018) 055021

395. An Updated Tomographic Analysis of the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect and implications for Dark Energy B. Stölzner, A. Cuoco, J. Lesgourgues, M. Bilicki Phys. Rev. D Vol. 97 (2018) 063506

396. Angular analysis of the decay B+→K+μ+μ− in proton-proton collisions at √s=8 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 98 (2018) 112011

397. Atmospheric neutrino oscillation analysis with external constraints in Super-Kamiokande I-IV K. Abe, ... , P. Mijakowski, K. Frankiewicz, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 97 (2018) 072001

398. Characterisation of nuclear effects in muon-neutrino scattering on hydrocarbon with a measurement of final- state kinematics and correlations in charged-current pionless interactions at T2K K. Abe, ... , M. Kabirnezhad, K. Kowalik, J. Łagoda, P. Przewłocki, E. Rondio, J. Zalipska, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 98 (2018) 032003

399. Constraints on cosmic strings using data from the first Advanced LIGO Observing run B.P. Abbott, ... , A. Królak, A. Kutynia, A. Zadrożny, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 97 (2018) 102002

400. Constraints on models of scalar and vector leptoquarks decaying to a quark and a neutrino at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 98 (2018) 032005

401. Dark Higgs bosons at the ForwArd Search ExpeRiment J.L. Feng, I. Galon, F. Kling, S. Trojanowski Phys. Rev. D Vol. 97 No 5 (2018) 055034

402. First measurement of the νμ charged-current cross section on a water target without pions in the final state K. Abe, ... , M. Kabirnezhad, K. Kowalik, J. Łagoda, P. Przewłocki, E. Rondio, J. Zalipska, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 1 (2018) 012001

403. ForwArd Search ExpeRiment at the LHC J.L. Feng, I. Galon, F. Kling, S. Trojanowski Phys. Rev. D Vol. 97 No 3 (2018) 035001


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404. Full Band All-sky Search for Periodic Gravitational Waves in the O1 LIGO Data O. Dorosh, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 97 (2018) 102003

405. GUP impact onto black holes information flux and the sparsity of Hawking radiation A. Alonso-Serrano, M.P. Dąbrowski, H. Gohar Phys. Rev. D Vol. 97 (2018) 044029

406. Heavy Neutral Leptons at FASER F. Kling, S. Trojanowski Phys. Rev. D Vol. 97 No 9 (2018) 095016

407. Hydrodynamization and transient modes of expanding plasma in kinetic theory M.P. Heller, A. Kurkela, M. Spaliński Phys. Rev. D Vol. 97 (2018) 091503

408. Integrable Toda system as a quantum approximation to the anisotropy of the mixmaster universe H. Bergeron, E. Czuchry, J.P. Gazeau, P. Małkiewicz Phys. Rev. D Vol. 98 (2018) 083512

409. Light isovector resonances in π−p → π−π−π+p at 190 GeV/c R. Akhunzyanov, ... , W. Augustyniak, K. Kurek, B. Mariański, A. Sandacz, A. Szabelski, P. Sznajder, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 98 (2018) 092003

410. Measurement of CP asymmetries in two-body B0(s)-meson decays to charged pions and kaons R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 98 (2018) 032004

411. Measurement of differential cross sections for the production of top quark pairs and of additional jets in lepton+jets events from pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 97 (2018) 112003

412. Measurement of inclusive double-differential νμ charged-current cross section with improved acceptance in the T2K off-axis near detector K. Abe, ... , M. Kabirnezhad, K. Kowalik, J. Łagoda, P. Przewłocki, E. Rondio, J. Zalipska, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 98 (2018) 012004

413. Measurement of jet substructure observables in t anti-t events from proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 98 (2018) 092014

414. Measurement of the B0→D∗−τ+ντ branching fraction using three-prong τ decays R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, K. Kurek, D. Melnychuk, M. Szczekowski, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 97 (2018) 072013

415. Measurement of the single π0 production rate in neutral current neutrino interactions on water K. Abe, ... , M. Kabirnezhad, K. Kowalik, J. Łagoda, P. Mijakowski, P. Przewłocki, E. Rondio, J. Zalipska, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 97 (2018) 032002

416. Measurement of the tau neutrino cross section in atmospheric neutrino oscillations with Super-Kamiokande Z. Li, ... , P. Mijakowski, K. Frankiewicz, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 98 No 5 (2018) 052006


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417. Measurement of the Λb polarization and angular parameters in Λb→J/ψΛ decays from pp collisions at √s= 7 and 8 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 97 (2018) 072010

418. Measurements of total production cross sections for π++C, π++Al, K++C, and K++Al at 60 GeV/c and π++C and π++Al at 31 GeV/c A. Aduszkiewicz, ... , K. Kowalik, E. Rondio, J. Stepaniak, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 98 (2018) 052001

419. Observation of B0s→D¯∗0ϕ and search for B0→D¯0ϕ decays R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 98 (2018) 071103

420. Observation of the decay B0s→D¯0K+K− R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 98 (2018) 072006

421. QCD resummation effects in forward J/ψ and very backward jet inclusive production at the LHC R. Boussarie, B. Ducloué, L. Szymanowski, S. Wallon Phys. Rev. D Vol. 97 (2018) 014008

422. Quantum phase space trajectories with application to quantum cosmology P. Małkiewicz, A. Miroszewski, H. Bergeron Phys. Rev. D Vol. 98 (2018) 026030

423. Search for Higgsino pair production in pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV in final states with large missing transverse momentum and two Higgs bosons decaying via H→bbbar A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, K. Romanowska-Rybińska, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 97 (2018) 032007

424. Search for long-lived particles with displaced vertices in multijet events in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 98 (2018) 092011

425. Search for massive resonances decaying into WW, WZ, ZZ, qW, and qZ with dijet final states at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 97 (2018) 072006

426. Search for new physics in final states with an energetic jet or a hadronically decaying W or Z boson and transverse momentum imbalance at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 97 (2018) 092005

427. Search for pair-produced resonances decaying to quark pairs in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 98 (2018) 112014


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428. Search for physics beyond the standard model in high-mass diphoton events from proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 98 (2018) 092001

429. Search for supersymmetry in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV using identified top quarks A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 97 (2018) 012007

430. Search for the rare decay Λ+c→pμ+μ− R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 97 (2018) 091101

431. Search for top squarks and dark matter particles in opposite-charge dilepton final states at √s=13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 97 (2018) 032009

432. Search for vectorlike light-flavor quark partners in proton-proton collisions at √s= 8 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, K. Romanowska-Rybińska, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 97 (2018) 072008

433. Search for weakly decaying b-flavored pentaquarks R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 97 (2018) 032010

434. Transverse-momentum-dependent multiplicities of charged hadrons in muon-deuteron deep inelastic scattering M. Aghasyan, ... , W. Augustyniak, K. Kurek, B. Mariański, A. Sandacz, A. Szabelski, P. Sznajder, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 97 (2018) 032006

435. Uneven flows: On cosmic bulk flows, local observers, and gravity W.A. Hellwing, M. Bilicki, N.I. Libeskind Phys. Rev. D Vol. 97 (2018) 103519

436. Updated determination of D0-D¯¯¯¯0 mixing and CP violation parameters with D0→K+π− decays R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Phys. Rev. D Vol. 97 (2018) 031101

437. Amplitude analysis of the decay B¯0→K0Sπ+π− and first observation of the CP asymmetry in B¯0→K∗(892)−π+ R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 120 (2018) 261801

438. An Isotensor Dibaryon in the pp→ppπ+π- Reaction? P. Adlarson, ... , W. Augustyniak, M. Berłowski, W. Krzemień, A. Kupść, B. Mariański, H.P. Morsch, D. Pszczel, J. Stepaniak, A. Trzciński, J. Zabierowski, P. Żuprański, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 121 (2018) 052001


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439. Constraining gluon distributions in nuclei using dijets in proton-proton and proton-lead collisions at √sNN= 5.02 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 121 (2018) 062002

440. D-meson azimuthal anisotropy in mid-central Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN =5.02 TeV S. Acharya, ... , A. Deloff, O. Kovalenko, P. Kurashvili, R. Nair, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Wilk, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 120 (2018) 102301

441. Elliptic flow of charm and strange hadrons in high-multiplicity pPb collisions at √sNN= 8.16 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 121 (2018) 082301

442. Evidence for the Associated Production of a Single Top Quark and a Photon in Proton-Proton Collisions at √s=13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 121 (2018) 221802

443. Evidence for the rare decay Σ+→pμ+μ− R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 120 (2018) 221803

444. First Measurement of the g Factor in the Chiral Band: The Case of the Cs128 Isomeric State E. Grodner, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. No 120 (2018) 022502

++ 445. First measurement of the lifetime of the doubly charmed baryon Ξ cc R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 121 (2018) 052002

++ + + 446. First observation of the doubly charmed baryon decay Ξ cc→Ξ cπ R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 121 (2018) 162002

447. GW170817: Measurements of neutron star radii and the equation of state B.P. Abbott, ... , A. Królak, A. Kutynia, A. Zadrożny, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 121 (2018) 161101

448. Inclusive Search for a Highly Boosted Higgs Boson Decaying to a Bottom Quark-Antiquark Pair A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 120 (2018) 071802

449. Measurement of angular and CP asymmetries in D0→π+π−μ+μ− and D0→K+K−μ+μ− decays R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 121 (2018) 091801

450. Measurement of antiproton production in pHe collisions at √sNN=110 GeV R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 121 (2018) 222001


List of Publications ______

0 451. Measurement of prompt D meson azimuthal anisotropy in PbPb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, K. Romanowska-Rybińska, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 120 (2018) 202301

452. Measurement of the ratio of branching fractions B(B+c→J/ψτ+ντ)/B(B+c→J/ψμ+νμ) R. Aaij, V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 120 (2018) 121801

453. Measurement of the ratio of the B0→D∗−τ+ντ and B0→D∗−μ+νμ branching fractions using three-prong τ- lepton decays R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, K. Kurek, D. Melnychuk, M. Szczekowski, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 120 (2018) 171802

454. Measurement of the Splitting Function in pp and Pb-Pb Collisions at √sNN= 5.02 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 120 (2018) 142302

0 455. Measurement of the Ω c baryon lifetime R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 121 (2018) 092003

− 456. Observation of a new Ξ b resonance R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 121 (2018) 072002

457. Observation of Correlated Azimuthal Anisotropy Fourier Harmonics in pp and p+Pb Collisions at the LHC A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 120 (2018) 092301

458. Observation of Electroweak Production of Same-Sign W Boson Pairs in the Two Jet and Two Same-Sign Lepton Final State in Proton-Proton Collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 120 (2018) 081801

459. Observation of Higgs boson decay to bottom quarks A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 121 (2018) 121801

460. Observation of Medium-Induced Modifications of Jet Fragmentation in Pb-Pb Collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV Using Isolated Photon-Tagged Jets A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 121 (2018) 242301

461. Observation of t anti-t H production A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 120 (2018) 231801


List of Publications ______

462. Observation of the Z→ψℓ+ℓ− decay in pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 121 (2018) 141801

463. Observation of the χb1(3P) and χb2(3P) and measurement of their masses A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 121 (2018) 092002

464. Search for Boosted Dark Matter Interacting With Electrons in Super-Kamiokande C. Kachulis, ... , P. Mijakowski, K. Frankiewicz, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 120 (2018) 221301

465. Search for CP Violation in Neutrino and Antineutrino Oscillations by the T2K Experiment with 2.2×1021 Protons on Target K. Abe, ... , K. Kowalik, J. Łagoda, E. Rondio, J. Zalipska, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 121 No 17 (2018) 171802

466. Search for Dark Photons Produced in 13 TeV pp Collisions R. Aaij, ... , V. Batozskaya, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, D. Melnychuk, A. Ukleja, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 120 (2018) 061801

467. Search for heavy neutral leptons in events with three charged leptons in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 120 (2018) 221801

468. Search for Leptoquarks Coupled to Third-Generation Quarks in Proton-Proton Collisions at √s=13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 121 (2018) 241802

469. Search for narrow resonances in the b-tagged dijet mass spectrum in proton-proton collisions at √s= 8 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 120 (2018) 201801

470. Search for pair-produced resonances each decaying into at least four quarks in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Traczyk, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 121 (2018) 141802

471. Search for Physics Beyond the Standard Model in Events with High-Momentum Higgs Bosons and Missing Transverse Momentum in Proton-Proton Collisions at 13 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 120 (2018) 241801

0 ± 472. Search for the X(5568) State Decaying into B sπ in Proton-Proton Collisions at √s=8 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 120 (2018) 202005


List of Publications ______

473. Spin dependence of eta meson production in proton-proton collisions close to threshold P. Adlarson, ... , W. Augustyniak, M. Berłowski, W. Krzemień, A. Kupść, B. Mariański, H.P. Morsch, D. Pszczel, J. Stepaniak, A. Trzciński, J. Zabierowski, P. Żuprański, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 120 (2018) 022002

474. Suppression of Excited Υ States Relative to the Ground State in Pb-Pb Collisions at √sNN= 5.02 TeV A. Sirunyan, ... , H. Białkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, T. Fruboes, M. Górski, M. Kazana, K. Nawrocki, K. Romanowska-Rybińska, M. Szleper, P. Zalewski, ... et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 120 (2018) 142301

475. Phase Measurements for DrivenSpin Oscillations in a Storage Ring N. Heppelmann, ... , W. Augustyniak, P. Żuprański, ... et al. Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams Vol. 22 (2018) 024201

476. Ion beam modification of ZnO epilayers: sequential processing A. Turos, ... , R. Ratajczak, C. Mieszczyński, P. Jóźwik, A. Stonert, ... et al. Phys. Status Solidi A Vol. 215 No 16 (2018) 1700887

477. Luminescence in the visible region from annealed thin ALD-ZnO films implanted with different Rare Earth ions R. Ratajczak, ... , C. Mieszczyński, A. Turos, ... et al. Phys. Status Solidi A (2018) 1700889

478. RBS/C, XRR and XRD studies of damage buildup in Er-implanted ZnO P. Jóźwik, ... , R. Ratajczak, C. Mieszczyński, A. Turos, ... et al. Phys. Status Solidi B (2018) 1800364

479. Triple Cherenkov probe measurements on FTU: calibration and runaway energy spectra F. Bagnato, ... , L. Jakubowski, M. Rabiński, J. Żebrowski, ... et al. Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion Vol. 60 No 11 (2018) 115010

480. A novel CCK2/gastrin receptor-localizing radiolabeled peptide probe for personalized diagnosis and therapy of patients with progressive or metastatic medullary thyroid carcinoma -GRAN-T-MTC - a multicenter phase I study P.A. Erba, ... , R. Mikołajczak, P. Garnuszek, D. Pawlak, ... et al. Pol Arch Intern Med Vol. 128 No 12 (2018) 791-795

481. Comments on recent achievements of research on dense magnetized plasmas in Poland M.J. Sadowski Probl. Atom. Sci. Technol., Series Plasma Phys. Vol. 6(118) (2018) 121-126

482. Erosion properties of tungsten and WTa5 alloy exposed to repetitive QSPA plasma loads below melting threshold V.A. Makhlai, ... , M.J. Sadowski, ... et al. Probl. Atom. Sci. Technol., Series Plasma Phys. No 6(118) (2018) 59-62

483. MCORD: MPD cosmic ray detector for NICA M. Bielewicz, ... , M. Grodzicka-Kobyłka, S. Mianowski, P. Sibczyński, Ł. Świderski, T. Szczęśniak, M. Linczuk, A. Chłopik, A. Bancer, K. Grodzicki, M. Pietrzak, A. Dudziński, E. Jaworska, ... et al. Proc. SPIE Vol. 10808 (2018) 1080847

484. Quark correlations in the Color Glass Condensate T. Altinoluk, T. Altinoluk, N. Armesto, G. Beuf, A. Kovner, M. Lublinsky Proceedings of Science Vol. 1 No 297 (2018) 065

485. Safety analysis of Super-Critical Water Reactors–A review M. Rowiński, J. Zhao, T.J. White, Y.C. Soh Prog. Nucl. Energy Vol. 106 (2018) 87-101


List of Publications ______

486. Physics potentials with the second Hyper-Kamiokande detector in Korea K. Kowalik, ... , J. Łagoda, P. Mijakowski, P. Przewłocki, E. Rondio, J. Zalipska, ... et al. Progr. Theor. Exp. Phys. Vol. 2018 (2018) 063C01

487. Application of track detectors to measure neutrons emitted from a 14 MeV neutron generator A. Malinowska, A. Szydłowski, R. Kwiatkowski, S. Burakowski, M. Gierlik, K. Malinowski, J. Rzadkiewicz Radiat. Meas. Vol. 119 (2018) 170-173

488. Radioluminescence, low temperature thermoluminescence and scintillation properties of Ca and Eu doped ZnWO4 single crystals Z. Kowalski, ... , K. Brylew, ... et al. Radiat. Meas. Vol. 118 (2018) 1-7

489. A hybrid plasma-chemical system for high-NO x flue gas treatment A.G. Chmielewski, E. Zwolińska, J. Licki, Y. Sun, Z. Zimek, S. Bułka Radiat. Phys. Chem. Vol. 144 (2018) 1-7

490. High-Dose TL Dosimetry of Reactor Neutrons B. Obryk, ... , R. Prokopowicz, K. Pytel, ... et al. Radiat. Prot. Dosim. Vol. 180 No 1-4 (2018) 235–239

491. Investigation on radaition shielding properties of special concrete in neutron fields Ł. Murawski, M. Maciak, M.A. Gryziński, S. Domański Radiat. Prot. Dosim. Vol. 180 No 1-4 (2018) 413-416

492. Measurements of spatial correlations of ionisation clusters in the track of carbon ions - first results M. Pietrzak, A. Bancer, S. Pszona Radiat. Prot. Dosim. Vol. 180 No 1-4 (2018) 162-167

493. NANODOSIMETRY: TOWARDS A NEW CONCEPT OF RADIATION QUALITY V. Conte, ... , A. Bancer, M. Pietrzak, S. Pszona, ... et al. Radiat. Prot. Dosim. Vol. 180 No 1-4 (2018) 150-156

494. On the two modes of nanodosimetric experiment M. Pietrzak Radiat. Prot. Dosim. (2018)

495. Reference neutron fields in calibration laboratory; simple dosimetric parameters and their changes in time S. Domański, P. Tulik, B. Boimski Radiat. Prot. Dosim. Vol. 180 No 1-4 (2018) 33-36

496. State of The Art of Instrumentation in The Experimental Nanodosimetry A. Bancer, ... , M. Pietrzak, S. Pszona, ... et al. Radiat. Prot. Dosim. Vol. 180 No 1-4 (2018) 177-181

497. New theories of relativistic hydrodynamics in the LHC era W. Florkowski, M.P. Heller, M. Spaliński Reports on Progress in Physics Vol. 81 (2018) 046001

498. WIMP dark matter candidates and searches - current status and future prospects L. Roszkowski, E. Sessolo, S. Trojanowski Reports on Progress in Physics Vol. 81 No 6 (2018) 066201

499. Design of gamma-ray spectrometers optimized for fast particle studies at ITER M. Rebai, ... , J. Rzadkiewicz, ... et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. Vol. 89 (2018) 10I126


List of Publications ______

500. JET Diagnostic Enhancements Testing and Commissioning in Preparation for DT Operations J. Figueiredo, ... , I. Zychor, ... et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. Vol. 89 (2018) 10K119

501. The upgraded JET Gamma-ray Cameras based on high resolution/high count rate compact spectrometers D. Rigamonti, ... , A. Brosławski, M. Gosk, S. Korolczuk, A. Urban, I. Zychor, ... et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. Vol. 89 (2018) 10I116

502. Characterization of sp [3] bond content of carbon films deposited by high power gas injection magnetron sputtering method by UV and VIS Raman spectroscopy K. Zdunek, R. Chodun, B. Wicher, K. Nowakowska-Langier, S. Okrasa Spectrochim Acta A Vol. 194 (2018) 136-140

503. Influence of Ar-ion implantation on the structural and mechanical properties of zirconia as studied by Raman spectroscopy and nanoindentation techniques Ł. Kurpaska, J. Jasinski, E. Wyszkowska, K. Nowakowska-Langier, M. Sitarz Spectrochim Acta A Vol. 195 (2018) 184-190

504. Influence of consolidation process on functional properties of steels M. Frelek-Kozak, Ł. Kurpaska, E. Wyszkowska, J. Jagielski, I. Jóźwik, M. Chmielewski, M. Lewandowska Surf. Coat. Technol. Vol. 0 (2018) 0

505. Investigation of the intermediate layers located between niobium substrate and lead films destined for superconducting photocathodes A. Kosińska, M. Barlak, D. Derewnicka-Krawczynska, J. Lorkiewicz, J. Sekutowicz, R. Nietubyć Surf. Coat. Technol. Vol. 352 (2018) 501-507

506. (-)-Menthol as a source of new N,N-diamine ligands for asymmetric transfer hydrogenation P. Roszkowski, J.K. Maurin, Z. Czarnocki TETRAHEDRON LETT Vol. 59 No 22 (2018) 2184

507. Characteristic STATE of substrate and coatings interface formed by Impulse Plasma Deposition method R. Chodun, K. Nowakowska-Langier, K. Zdunek, P. Konarski, S. Okrasa Thin Solid Films Vol. 663 (2018) 25-30

508. Copper Nitride Layers Synthesized by Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering K. Nowakowska-Langier, R. Chodun, S. Okrasa, G. Strzelecki, K. Zdunek, R. Minikayev Thin Solid Films Vol. 645 (2018) 32-37

509. Cosmic-Ray Extremely Distributed Observatory: Status and Perspectives D. Góra, ... , M. Kasztelan, ... et al. Universe Vol. 4 No 11 (2018) 111

Publications related to physics education and popularization of physics

1. Badania materiałów i elementów techniki jadrowej prowadzone przez Laboratorium Badań Materiałowych NCBJ B. Zając, Ł. Kurpaska, G. Olszewski Badania Nieniszczące i Diagnostyka Vol. 3 No 1 (2018) 45

2. Radiotoksyczność wypalonego paliwa jądrowego Ł. Koszuk Bezpieczeństwo Jądrowe i Ochrona Radiologiczna, Biuletyn Państwowej Agencji Atomistyki Vol. 3 (2018) 46

3. Trwałość ostrzy z węglika spiekanego podczas frezowania CNC płyt drewnopochodnych J. Wilkowski, M. Barlak Biuletyn Informacyjny Ośrodka Badawczo-Rozwojowego Przemysłu Płyt Drewnopochodnych w Czarnej Wodzie Vol. 3-4 (2018) 112-122


List of Publications ______

4. Czy termin budowy pierwszego bloku do 2030 jest realny A. Strupczewski Business Insider (2018) 28.03

5. Czy Polska ma budować elektrownie jądrowe najnowszej III generacji czy też czekać na reaktory SMR A. Strupczewski CIRE (2018) 23.03

6. Energetyka jądrowa – najlepsza droga do czystego powietrza i bezpieczeństwa energetycznego. A. Strupczewski, J. Lipka CIRE (2018)

7. Energetyka jądrowa świętuje! A. Strupczewski CIRE (2018) 01.07

8. Prawda o transformacji energetycznej w Niemczech „Energiewende” A. Strupczewski CIRE (2018) 12.09

9. Charakterystyka wybranych typów elektrowni jądrowych generacji III/III+ M. Klisińska, Ł. Koszuk Postępy Techniki Jądrowej Vol. 61 No 3 (2018) 38

10. Analizy ryzyka środowiskowego związane z awariami instalacji przemysłowych M. Borysiewicz, S. Potempski Rynek Inwestycji Vol. 15-16 (2018) 36

11. Podróż do Krateru Meteorowego Barringera K. Tymińska, Z. Tymiński Urania - Postępy Astronomii Vol. 5 (2018) 64

12. Najczęstsze błędy pomiarowe w dozymetrii promieniowania jonizującego J. Ośko, M. Feczko, T. Pliszczyński W Akcji Vol. 2 (2018) 33-35

13. Promieniowanie jonizujące i ochrona radiologiczna J. Ośko W Akcji Vol. 3 (2018) 37-41

14. Wielkości i jednostki stosowane w ochronie radiologicznej J. Ośko W Akcji Vol. 6 (2018) 6-12

15. Awaria elektrowni w Czarnobylu była wyjątkowa, obecne reaktory są bezpieczne A. Strupczewski Wnp (2018) 26.04

Publications without peer review

1. Letter of Intent: FASER - forward search experiment at the LHC A. Ariga, ... , S. Trojanowski, ... et al. *CERN-LHCC-2018-030 Vol. 1 (2018) 1

2. System Kontroli Rentgenowskiej SOWA S. Wronka, W. Dziewiecki, J. Klimaszewski, M. Matusiak 20 konferencja KKBR (2018)


List of Publications ______

3. Hyper-Kamiokande Design Report K. Abe, ... , K. Frankiewicz, K. Kowalik, J. Łagoda, P. Mijakowski, P. Przewłocki, E. Rondio, J. Zalipska, ... et al. ArXiv Vol. 1805 (2018) 04163

4. On extending the Painlevé test to the one-dimensional Vlasov equation. 1. Case of one simple pole P. Goldstein ArXiv Vol. 2018 (2018) 1810.04145

5. Atomowe kłamstwa przeciwnikow energetyki jądrowej A. Strupczewski Energetyka 24 No 1 (2018) 18.styczeń

6. Characterization of a Cherenkov Diagnostic for Fast Electrons Measurements in Tokamak Plasmas F. Bagnato, ... , L. Jakubowski, M. Rabiński, J. Żebrowski, ... et al. EPS Conference Abstracts Vol. 42A (2018) P2.1010

7. Simulation of trajectories of runaway electrons for support diagnostics at the COMPASS tokamak J. Cerovsky, ... , J. Żebrowski, M. Rabiński, M.J. Sadowski, ... et al. EPS Conference Abstracts Vol. 42A (2018) P2.1006

8. Low-energy antikaon-nuclei interactions studies by AMADEUS: from QCD with strangeness to neutron stars K. Pisciccia, ... , S. Wycech, ... et al. European Physical Journal Web of Conferences Vol. 166 (2018) 00020

9. Physics perspectives with AFTER@LHC (A Fixed Target ExpeRiment at LHC) L. Massacrier, ... , L. Szymanowski, J. Wagner, ... et al. European Physical Journal Web of Conferences Vol. 171 (2018) 10001

10. Studies of discrete symmetries in decays of positronium atoms ErykCzerwiński, ... , P. Kowalski, W. Krzemień, L. Raczyński, R.Y. Shopa, W. Wiślicki, ... et al. European Physical Journal Web of Conferences Vol. 181 (2018) 01019

11. Advances on the development of the detection system of C-BORD’s rapidlyrelocatable tagged neutron inspection F. Pino, ... , P. Sibczyński, Ł. Świderski, K. Grodzicki, M. Moszyński, ... et al. Int. Journal of Modern Physics Conf. Series Vol. 48 (2018) 1860125

12. Cosmic ray physics with the KASCADE-Grande observatowy J.C. Arteaga-Velazquez, ... , P. Łuczak, J. Zabierowski, ... et al. Japan Phys. Soc. Conf. Proceedings Vol. 19 (2018) 01 1005

13. Main features of reactors EPR, AP1000, ABWR, ESBWR and CANDU that are expected to be proposed in the bidding for the NPP in Poland A. Strupczewski Materiały projektu BRILLIANT Vol. WP 3 (2018)

14. Part 7. Preparation Of Polish Industrial Companies For Nuclear Power Development and Training of Their Personnel, A. Strupczewski Materiały projektu BRILLIANT Vol. WP 4 No D 4.2 (2018) 28-52

15. Dlaczego odnawialne źródła energii nie wystarczą dla Polski A. Strupczewski Postępy Techniki Jądrowej Vol. 61 No 3 (2018) 18-24

16. Reaktor dwupłynowy jako nowa i rewolucyjna koncepcja reaktora jądrowego M.P. Dąbrowski Postępy Techniki Jądrowej Vol. 61 (2018) 25-32


List of Publications ______

17. Machine learning in astrophysical data T. Krakowski, K. Małek, M. Bilicki, M. Siudek, A. Pollo Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society Vol. 7 (2018) 252-257

18. Model atmospheres of hot neutron star A. Majczyna, J. Madej, A. Różańska, M. Należyty Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society Vol. 7 (2018) 333

19. Progress of the Cherenkov Telescope Array project in Poland M. Ostrowski, ... , J. Borkowski, A. Durkalec, A. Majczyna, A. Pollo, L. Roszkowski, M. Sowiński, ... et al. Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society Vol. 7 (2018) 343-348

20. Properties and environments of [Ultra] Luminous Infrared Galaxy candidates around the south ecliptic pole M. Bankowicz, A. Herzig, A. Pollo, K. Małek Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society Vol. 7 (2018) 233-238

21. Search for unusual objects in the WISE Survey A. Solarz Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society Vol. 7 (2018) 227-232

22. VIPERS: How luminous galaxies trace the dark Universe? A. Pollo, ... , K. Małek, A. Durkalec, A. Solarz, T. Krakowski, ... et al. Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society Vol. 7 (2018) 221-226

23. Polish In-Kind Contribution to European XFEL: Status in Summer 2017 J. Lorkiewicz, ... , K. Chmielewski, W. Grabowski, K. Kosiński, K. Kostrzewa, P. Krawczyk, P. Markowski, K. Meissner, E. Plawski, J. Sekutowicz, M. Sitek, J. Szewiński, M. Wojciechowski, Z. Wojciechowski, G. Wrochna, ... et al. Proceedings, 38th International Free Electron Laser Conference, FEL2017 Vol. 1 (2018) MOP051

24. Light dark sector at colliders and fixed target experiments L. Darme, S. Rao, L. Roszkowski Proceedings, 53rd Rencontres de Moriond, QCD and high energy interactions Vol. 1 (2018) 1

25. Learning algorithms at the service of WISE survey K. Małek, T. Krakowski, M. Bilicki, A. Pollo, M. Krupa, A. Kurcz, A. Solarz PTA Proceedings Vol. 7 (2018) 276-281

26. Search for unusual objects in the WISE Survey A. Solarz, M. Bilicki, A. Pollo PTA Proceedings Vol. 7 (2018) 227

27. The effect of the Zone of Avoidance on the measurement of the acceleration of the Local Group M. Krupa, M. Bilicki, A. Pollo PTA Proceedings Vol. 7 (2018) 270

28. Vector boson scattering: Recent experimental and theory developments C.F. Anders, ... , M. Szleper, ... et al. Rev. Phys. Vol. 3 (2018) 44-63

29. Forward Time of Flight detector (FToF Wall).Strong Interaction Studies with Antiprotons S. Belostotski, ... , A. Chłopik, G. Kęsik, D. Melnychuk, B. Słowiński, A. Trzciński, B. Zwięgliński, ... et al. Technical Design Report for PANDA Vol. January 19 (2018) 1

30. Technical Design Report for the PANDA Forward Tracker J. Smyrski, ... , A. Chłopik, G. Kęsik, D. Melnychuk, B. Słowiński, A. Trzciński, B. Zwięgliński, ... et al. Technical Design Report for PANDA Vol. October 17 (2018) 1


List of Publications ______


1. Aneks 2018/1 do Eksploatacyjnego Raportu Bezpieczeństwa Reaktora MARIA. Analizy bezpieczeństwa napromieniania tarcz NWMI do produkcji Mo-99 Autorzy:K. PytelE. Borek-Kruszewska,M. Dorosz, J. Jaroszewicz, M. Lipka, T. Machtyl, G. Madejowski, Z. Marcinkowska, M. Migdal, Z. Przybysz, R. Prokopowicz, M. Wierzchnicka, I. Wilczek, A. Zawadka, ... et al. NCBJ

2. Budowa i bezpieczeństwo pożarowe elektrowni jądrowych, rozdział 5 w monografii Bezpieczeństwo energetyki jądrowej A. Strupczewski Central School of Fire Protection Service

3. Monitorowanie bezpieczeństwa jądrowego, rozdział 6 w monografii Bezpieczeństwo Energetyki Jądrowej A. Strupczewski Central School of Fire Protection. Warsaw

4. Niezależność Energetyczna Polski wFormule Synergii Węglowo-Jądrowej w: J.Gryz, A.Podraza, M.Ruszel Bezpieczeństwo energetyczne K. Król Polish Scientific Publishers PWN

5. Nowoczesne technologie w nauczaniu przedmiotów ścisłych S. Wronka FRSE, Warsaw

6. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on WWER Fuel Performance, Modelling and Experimental Support 16 September - 23 September 2015, Nesebar, Bulgaria, Compiled by the Reactor Physics Lab. Organizers, ISSN 1313 - 4531 M. Szuta, L. Dąbrowski Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy of the Bulgarian Academy of Science, Tsarigradsko Chaussee 72, Sofia 1784, Bulgaria(2017)

7. Report of PQR for PoltechMDP (Report No. 5/18) Z. Szopa OR POLATOM

8. Report of PQR for PoltechMIBI (Report No. 6/18) Z. Szopa OR POLATOM

9. Report of PQR for Tektrotyd MTcK-6 (Report 7B/18) Z. Szopa OR POLatom

10. Report of PQR for 99Mo/99mTc Radionuclide Generator (Report No. 12/18) Z. Szopa OR POLATOM

11. Search for a new light boson in meson decays D. Pszczel Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis (Uppsala)

12. Title: Epithelial Cell Culture Subtitle: Methods and Protocols Series title: Methods in Molecular Biology Chapter: Three-dimensional cell culture model utilization in renal carcinoma cancer stem cell research K. Maliszewska-Olejniczak, K.K. Brodaczewska, Z.F. Bielecka, A.M. Czarnecka Humana Press, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

AUTHOR INDEX Dziewiecki W...... 148 Dziuk M...... 58

Abraham T...... 102 Feng J.L...... 108 Adrich P...... 159 Fornalski K. W...... 216 Andrzejewski K...... 199 Frelek-Kozak M...... 69 Fruboes T...... 123 Bancer A...... 57 Frydrysiak A...... 40 Barcikowski T...... 223 Barlak M...... 84, 85, 86 Galon I...... 108 Bartosik Ł...... 51, 53 Garkusha I...... 171 Baszak J...... 172 Garnuszek P...... 221, 223 Batsch T...... 136 Gazeau J.P...... 106 Bergeron H...... 106 Gierlik M...... 157, 160, 170 Berłowski M...... 121 Gójska A. M...... 89 Białkowska H...... 123 Gołąb A...... 34 Bielewicz M...... 203 Górski M...... 123 Bigos A...... 161 Gosk J...... 85 Bluj M...... 123 Gosk M...... 160 Boettcher A...... 191 Grodner E...... 102 Boimska B...... 123 Grodzicka-Kobyłka M...... 168, 172 Bolek T...... 70 Gryziński M. A...... 54, 58, 59 Borsuk S...... 160 Guzik Z...... 160 Broda R...... 224 Brosławski A...... 159 Hirano S...... 70 Brunet M...... 102 Brylew K...... 167, 168 Iller E...... 58 Budzianowski A...... 70, 78 Budzyńska A...... 58 Jagielski J...... 65, 69, 87 Buraczewska K...... 58 Janiak T...... 223 Burakowska A...... 160 Jaroszewicz J...... 34, 39 Burakowski S...... 160 Jaworska E...... 57 Jędrzejczak K...... 136 Cap T...... 102 Jóźwik I...... 69 Charviakova V...... 100, 102 Chmielewski M...... 69 Karczmarczyk J...... 136 Cieślik I...... 70 Kaszko A...... 193, 198 Cieszykowska I...... 223 Kazana M...... 123 Clozel M...... 87 Kaźmierczak Ł...... 160 Czarniak P...... 84 Kaźmierczak T...... 160 Czarnocki Z...... 78 Keeley N...... 101 Czuchry E...... 106 Kemper K. W...... 101 Kilim S...... 201, 203 Dąbrowski M...... 189 Klimaszewski K...... 41 Darmé L...... 107 Kling F...... 108 De Santis D...... 197 Komen E...... 197 Deja K...... 215 Konior M...... 58 Derewnicka-Krawczyńska D...... 86 Kopka P...... 41, 194 Dobrzelewski K...... 53 Korolczuk S...... 159 Dobrzyński L...... 216 Korycki M...... 194 Domański S...... 53, 59 Kosińska A...... 86, 87 Dorosh O...... 193 Kosiński T...... 148 Drozdowski W...... 167 Kowal K...... 192, 193, 198 Dróżdż A...... 56 Kowal M...... 105 Dudziński A...... 57 Kowalczyk M...... 102 Dymowska-Grajda E...... 185 Kowalski M...... 161 Dziel T...... 224 Kozioł K...... 169


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Krakowski T...... 160 Ośko J...... 59 Krauz V.I...... 171 Ostaszewska U...... 87 Kubes P...... 171 Owsianko I...... 33, 34 Kubik A...... 58 Kuć M...... 54, 59 Paduch M...... 171 Kurpaska Ł...... 67, 69, 87 Parus J. L...... 223 Kwiatkowski R...... 170, 171, 174 Pascu S...... 102 Kwiatkowski T...... 197 Patyk Z. 99, ...... 100 Pawlak D.W...... 223 Lalkovski S...... 102 Piasecki P...... 58 Lasiewicz M...... 161 Pietrzak M...... 57 Licki J...... 161 Plebaniak Z...... 136 Lipka M...... 42 Pliszczyński T...... 47 Listkowska A...... 224 Podziewski P...... 84 Lorkiewicz J...... 86 Pollo A...... 133 Lotz T...... 160 Pomarański P...... 78 Potempski S...... 192, 193, 194, 198 Łagoda J...... 117, 123 Prokopowicz R...... 40 Łubian A...... 148 Prusiński P...... 195 Pszczel D...... 121 Machtyl T...... 41 Puźniak R...... 85 Maciak M...... 58, 59 Pytel K...... 40, 191 Madejowski G...... 40, 43 Majchrowski A...... 70 Rabiński M...... 174 Malinowska A...... 170 Rao S...... 107 Maliszewska-Olejniczak K...... 56 Ratajczak R...... 85 Małkiewicz P...... 106 Reszczyńska J...... 216 Marchlewski T...... 102 Romaniec M...... 87 Marcinkowska Z...... 41, 191 Rosa D...... 197 Marcinkowski R...... 136 Roszkowski L...... 78, 107 Matusiak M...... 148 Rudigier M...... 102 Maurin J. K...... 78 Rusek K...... 101 Melnychuk D...... 119 Rutczyńska A...... 136 Mianowski S...... 102, 172 Rybka D...... 136 Michaś E...... 56, 59 Rzadkiewicz J...... 145 160, 169, 170 Mietelska M...... 57 Mihai C...... 102 Sadowski M.J...... 171, 174 Mihai R...... 102 Saxena M...... 102 Mijakowski P...... 120 Schotanus P...... 168 Mikołajczak R...... 223 Sekutowicz J...... 86 Mikszuta K...... 170 Shams A...... 197 Milczarek J.J...... 77 Shkola O...... 123 Mirowski R...... 174 Składnik-Sadowska E...... 171 Miśta-Jakubowska E. A...... 89 Sobkowicz P...... 160 Moszyński M...... 167, 168, 172 Socha D...... 219 Moutarde H...... 122 Srebrny J...... 102 Możdżonek R...... 41 Staszczak M...... 148 Mrówczyński S...... 97 Stepaniak J...... 121 Murawski M...... 59 Strugalska-Gola E...... 201, 203 Muszyński D...... 199 Szabelski J...... 136 Szawłowski M...... 172 Nawrocki K...... 123 Szczęśniak T...... 167, 168, 172 Nieradka G...... 159 Szeptycka M...... 160 Nietubyć R...... 86 Szewiński J...... 160 Nowakowska-Langier K...... 81 Nowakowski P...... 40


ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ______

Szleper M...... 123 Sznajder P...... 122 Szuta M...... 201, 203 Szydłowski A...... 170 Szymanowski K...... 84 Szymczyk K...... 149 Świderski Ł...... 165, 168

Terka M...... 148 Toneva Zh...... 102 Trojanowski S...... 108 Tucholski A...... 102 Tulik P...... 54 Turturica A...... 102 Tymieniecka T...... 136 Tymińska K...... 59 Tymiński Z...... 224

Urban A...... 159, 160, 170

Valiente-Dobón J.J...... 168 Verma P...... 135

Wagner J...... 122 Wawrzyńczak-Szaban A...... 194 Werner Z...... 84, 85 Wiliński M...... 55, 58 Wilkowski J...... 84 Wojciechowicz H...... 194 Wojciechowski M...... 149 Wojdowska W...... 223 Wolski D...... 172 Woźniak M. J...... 70 Wróblewska M...... 200 Wronka S...... 147, 148, 149 Wyszkowska E...... 69, 87

Zagórski J...... 84 Zalewski P...... 123 Zalipska J...... 123 Załoga D...... 171, 174 Ziemek T...... 224 Zwolińska-Tomczak A...... 136 Zychor I...... 159

Żarnecki G...... 123 Żebrowski J...... 174 Żółtowska M...... 223