Minutes of the REGULAR MEETING of the TAAC COMMITTEE Wednesday, April 06, 2016
Minutes of the REGULAR MEETING OF THE TAAC COMMITTEE Wednesday, April 06, 2016 Committee Members Present: Chair Kjensmo Walker, Julianne Bina, Christopher Bates, Adora Sage, Ken Rodgers, Robert Platz, Kari Sheldon, Nichole Villavicencio, Pamela Zimmerman, Bob Anderson, Margot Imdieke Cross, David Fenley and Patty Thorsen. Committee Members Absent: Heidi Myhre. Committee Members Excused: None. Council Staff Present: Dan Pfeiffer, Sarah Ghandour, Kim Zlimen, Shelley Miller and Pam Steffen from Metro Transit, Dana Rude, Andy Streasick, Leslie Kandaras, Katie White, Sheila Williams, Jonathan Ehrlich and Alison Coleman. Public Present: Joe Kapper and Loren Olson CALL TO ORDER A quorum being present, Committee Chair Walker called the regular meeting of the Council's TAAC Committee to order at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 6, 2016. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND MINUTES It was moved by Bates, seconded by Thorsen to approve the agenda. Motion carried. It was moved by Bates, seconded by Thorsen to approve the minutes of the March 2, 2016 regular meeting of the TAAC Committee. Motion carried. BUSINESS & INFORMATION 1. Legislative Update Lesley Kandaras spoke to the TAAC committee. She works in the Government Affairs department of the Metropolitan Council. This is a shortened session. It started the first week in March and will adjourn on May 23. They are not in a budget year. They are in a bonding year. The Council has bonding requests that are in the governor’s budget. None of them are directly related to transportation. Governor Dayton released a supplemental budget proposal which does include his comprehensive transportation funding bill. He does support a metro area sales tax that would be dedicated to the capital and operation costs of expanding and maintaining our metro area transit system.
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