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, ... . . 'Bosement,74 WelbeckStreet (Just behind DebenhamsStoreonOxfordStreet) Tel: 935 2794 Openi.rig Hours: Mon.TljUrs6.oo p:m,J:30o.lll. Fri 6.00 p."".2.ooo.m Sat9.00 p.m.2.ooo.m. 'We serve fresh fC?od 011 through ouropening ho~rs;Th-er~fwiHbeon entrance fee for CiJslomersorriving ofter 9.90 p.~

• ,. . .. . - - .


. " ~, The Colosseum is perhaps themos~ famousbu~id~ng.of· '.FRONT-~-,COVER.,.. : .COPERTINA Aricient.Romc which is.still standing. (part of it, at . . ~~. - ,~ . . .' . - .. " 'least). ·What, other· archaeolog1cal hnds of th1s1mp- oii:ance still lie beneath the surface of the capital? Turn to .page6 for a ,report on the 'latest 'proposals for fresh 'excavations' in' modern-day' Rome.· ,



. • .- , -. I' Printed by"Ster!ingPdnting Co. Ltd., COPYRIGHT 1983 BACKHILL, 78' Bounds Green Road, London Nl'l 2EU . 136 .. ROAD, LONDON E.C.l.

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• .... " .. ~ •

ABBONAMENTO, '."'" - . ',' ...... ~ ~

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Parole'. ,.- . .

• • 'Questa yolta le "Due Parole" ci. uniscono ancora.;piii .affet.'- tuosamente tra di: noi,· almeno tra' tutti rioi che soffriamo,.e che abbiamo la speranza deila vita'eterna~ Le parole che vi dico non' me· le invento, ma le porto nel ~uore. '

Doinenica 20 .marzo, alle 3 .. d'i 'mattina .l! inortoimprovvisamente aRoma mionipote; il .mio unico,,?"-ipote·.E' slOato un. a~t~~.co ~~. ni~n~ng~tefu~min~nte,'diec~ minut~'e~'e pas~it;g " alIa V1.ta eterna.'. Aveva. d1.c1.asette. ann1.·,••frequentava 1.1 terzo: h.ceo, class1.co "con molto -'. . .. , .-.. ~" .. '.~-..~""'''''''''~'-'', .,-, profitt;o.Non ,gli inancava niente, 'o.,.p~.r m~glio'qire, gli m~n~aya l?019 l;vyj.t;a ~.t.~rn.a. Ora ha,~nche quella. • . . - . ... , I

~ • + • • , t~1;Fe. quest~ c.()s~;. ,~()~. pei:c1i~, ~~o·~i~ot~,. p.~rch~ or~ , I!oscritto e. ma. io,mi 'I?O,SS,9.ri­ , volg~t;~ .. con tutta' la'!'ll.a 'persona 'a' tut.t.1.· gh··altr1. ·m1.e1.fratelh ,e. sorelle,.:1.n.,Cr1.sto ..' , ch~ hanno perso la moglie; 0 il marito, o,il figlio,o i1 genitore, prima del momento naturale· delle cose." ,. . I,

Cosa possi ami> .aird?·,Ass01utaiiie~te riiente che er p'ossa iiutarea capire queste;~c.ose che··succedono. Possiamo fare'"centomile' ragionamenti',non capireinomai niente'•. L 'u'nica co'sa .che possiamo' fare ,e~. ,i.o,·credo; ':metterci umilmeritein preghiera',davanti ..aDio.; Dio _ .. ~. _ , ~" •_ , • ,_ c" no~ al>bandona.~hi so.ffre, e,' .la"nostra;pregl!iera .ora non, ~ piii· come. prima:quando :st;avam() bene. E' una preghiera .che.;soffre;.,che 'piange~ 'E" .~ma pregni!,ra piena\~f. f.ede ,e,h'edice:, ,aiutam~ ;par~le'" · "Dio. dammi la 'fede; MadonIla l1!ia, ad 'avere -fede", E dopoqueste i·1 '. " ,• piantoe 11 dolore di"entano :sereni. si' senteil des'iderio di camminare verso dio, Si , _ _' , • ,'" • . -. - - 'l ."... - ., < ••• sente chepio d asp!'tta,. si sente che Dio ha accolto i: 'nostri ,cari, ai q"'.111' noi !, , volevamotanto bene •. Si serite che Dio ci ama.· , •

. . • • • • youngf,ri~nds , ,, Dear ,' . . - . ,, :i'his time I would like to tell you about my nephew. i have also written about. him . . 'in the "Due Parole!' .article:'above., , • I "~- ,,~ . .. '"'- I My nephew Roberto ~ho was lS'yearsold, ai~d' suddenly on Sunday, March 20th.at 3 0' clock in. the inorning. He 'was my only nephew, .and, just like most of you', ·a modern "I , ., - 'J _, ' _ .. ' -'. " _ · I young man. He had recently·got.a,car, a VW'Golf~ and ,he had ,a g1.rlfr1.end;:He' was I rich, he wanted, for no'thing,and he"could ha.ve had· anything.. "

!!ut for,h.im"'G~d had become:.his.main"reason for living., He attended,.all. ,the ·activitie~· of the Church, and'was close to the Sacl:'aments, He had signed;a 'form, in'which 'he . "illingly donated his, body for the.use' of organ transplants, ·in. the 'event :of'his' death. Unfortunately 'this :wish' could,no.tbe granted, as the amliularice. did not airivein' .tiT\l"" ~ 'He gave his life to God, and is: now in the eternal youth'of God '. ' , • _ ;-., • • '.< -. • 4'. '" :1 r have written this to e~courage you, the young people who, come to.c~urch 'and are Close to the .Sacraments • H~v~ .fait!t; gr.eat faith;. ask qod.for f.a;thal!d go ~orward: Yo''!, ~ill always feel the ~~ys of, hav'~ngGod- to,fiHro.ur liy~s;.of.havingQod near you; a , God whose last word w1.ll never be 'death' ·but 'resurrect1.on', . "'~~ - ..-- .. "...... - ... ~

Don Roberto Russo, St. Peter's Italian-Church, -- .. - 4 Back.. Hill,

4' . . ' i i ,.Mondo . ' .. , ' I • - 1_' ! ~ASSOCIAZIONE'REGIONAlEOEGlI, EMIGRATI , --",...... ~ '.' ." -, -"'. ....-~ ,. I. 'Perugla,:Via1e' Marcom"14 .. , . ~ - ~ - ..-

'Egregio D~;,ct~oFc;, . ~ , a~biamo giadito inolto 1,'omaggio 'deiIa sua:iivista allanostra rcgiona con,la,'pubblica.,. zione 'della' poesia· di' Zagagliii•. tai'ingra"ziamo'della 'ad:e'nzione dedicata ,all'Umbdii;' di piccolc dimensioni, ma comepo,ehe aItre, terra di emigrazi9ne. Ilnos'tro 'peiioc;t'ico .'esce omi da,parecchi: anni e'd,i'anche l'Associazione ha svihippato ,prcsen~a 'cd at'tvita'diverse:p',resso iecomunita' ~i':Umbri con,i'tinica fimilftadi'riiiintene­ t:~: vivo' il rapporto' culturale'e soci3le con,la terra d'oi"igine. ,'Colgo'I'occasione;per ,chiederLe di awiare.• tin:rapporto.piii,vi\io,ed, utile nell'interesse di ·tutei, 'ClaL iilomeilto ! , ' che la'"nostra:attivita·non"ha.a:ncora,attraversato, lii;Manic'ii: ,,-'d' piacerebbe' sapere 'se

vi''<.,..sono.comunita,',di" ".,umb'ri :i'n,Ingliilterr£"." '-'.- con i quaiFinstiiubire.. ".". un,sereno'.,-._,- ,,'proficuo , rapporto., ' " , . '.' . . r: Tiover1iailega'i:a (vedere sotto) ,una,niiova poesia,.,nella, stesura:,'coretta, visto.che suI _~ ~'" • ~ ",., ' •• '" __'0. ~~~. ->',_"',' .""' •••••.;,. ~,,~. • ""< p'o~t:.? .g~ofI~!.11~ ~,st~ta pUbblic~Fa:,c~n,qualche error~Idi ,~t~mp~. Q,!e,st~!l~l~,,~oSh~ i Le~ volesse ut~l~zzarla. ,' 0" • • • J rnsi~me' ai dirigcnti ,della 'Associ,azione, colgo l'occasion~'per'e's'priinerVi' la nostra di'spo,!ibili,Faper"ogni' ,cfrcostanz,a,,~ricuipossiamo'esservi'· utili ;ed insiem~' allhfe­ g~,itriz!-oiii'per~~a ;D~ila;:p'ub1:;~,ic~iioneyoglia ,gradire;cordi{ili saIuti. ' "

Domenico 'Corucci ~ " . ,. . '. . " , -> _.';:0_.-". ,'- .~ , .. . 'l',AUGURIO \01" FRANCESCO,

".~ .•-. .c- '-- . "," __ 0; • l ,i ,Utilbro,rieLmondo;• __ , ._~ "_ Cche', cal'chi i:l1ontano• I; 'suol0"."~,-.",'stranlero; ,spesso'a te, nemlCO;. trainite~questotuo giorIulle amico; ,ti'gitinga 1L'riostro augurio Francescano. , ~ ....~ _, " __,,~,,,"_' • -OF ' .. _ Ii ~Quiil"PACE:E: '.BEl!E;"semP!'"~· attuale e' b~llo , , .~piii!che'mai~n'questo ~verito univeisaIe, ~ ~ -- ,- , ,". ' . , . Ta lieta;,ricorrenza· del:' Natale; . ~h'e ,ar~ii:qh{"il;'i>resepe il P~verello.,. , Sappiam'. che,,.~e;:tristel' essere'cniigrati . " '",-"', ,,- " , . ""portare,,:soverite 'con dolore, c~n, iiinta,nostiii'gil1" I'antico.'amore 'pcri'Ii:an~:e perl'Umbria ove,s!e,nati! ·,-.·~__ ·'i'.· - Vorreimn" 'dhti,"non senza .euforia: ~~QUi;,t~,tto,v~lg~ al.nieglio~·~ :puoi tornare. :," 'Ma, sarebbe"d~storcere, falsare lavei'it!lf: p;ii:tf:ippo,' una bugia. ~omeuIi ,~e~o''la'C1ava annibaliana fu.miriaccia'per I!Umbria'e i suoi;Peniti. t _. ~ _ •. J '...... ~ __ 1 • ' sono:.'spade.di:',Damocle ,quei dati' della'cialata econbmia italianai :pa:c,e~:sar1i , Ma" se e non Iutt'i e ,guerra", , -se,,1'augur", -I' a~biente.ed il .•• plebeo'-' " questa"nostra e"tua Italia, come 'Anteo,

si risollevera:. J,."_> •. toccandoterra'_._" • E, in questa ricorrenza,ecceziohale diamo·ostracismo alla,malinconia, , 'diCiamaci', 'C:on,gioia cd allegrii,

,,',toto 'corde': 'Btion, Anno, e Buon NataIe! Cri stOforo" Zagagl i'a , " , ,

, ' , I nostd umbri:poiisono ricevere ,il: 'loro" giornale scrivendo 'a' ','uTnbri 'nel Mondo ::. Casella .postale''360,06100 "PERUGIA; Italiani:"" • "

,Si ,chicde',un,riilito finanZiai:'io, cheparte ,da un"Jriinimo'di 'ventimiIalire. " , " -, --.' , , . 5 - - ~-~-=-- =- " ~ , , -,-.~ ~ .-. -" ' .. • .. - .... - ... , -- -= 'F"• , 'Digging or " " ...~ ,,-- " ....." A . nClen:.,. :Rmrne Rome's administration announced some months agothat.work was soon: to start on fresh excavations ,in the. he.ar.J; ,of the city. These· plans have ,now.~een' ",frozen" .and, lUIGI STERlINI ~xamines the,~cope.of the project.a~d·the political pressur~sl involvea.

Few;history books"of ancient times, are he did notfcel bound to, accept, , ., ,. ." ".' ~" " .. , ~.' ...... '.' ." ~", - .. ' ., -.. complete'without an,account of the Roman' decl.sion of hl.s predecessor.~ ~ ~ -" . '<.~ .' "- -, - •. ~ ''-. ' ..' .. ~ . ,

Empl.re.. ~ .•More_ l.mportant, _.the,A glorl.es_ ..._.and. splendour.of that era are, evident from polit~cal co~entators' ~ave'been, ""., '," -, .- ,Many the ,artifact·s.• which have survived -the ,quick to .point out .the possible poli~ ~ - "" ,', ~ ,."" .. centurl.es. and,. of course,,,we., must not, . . .. ,~.". tical motive ,behind this latest-announ::­ forget that~e 'can find a more tangible cement. Rame's city admini'stration·is aspi~ manifestation of'the scale of the dominated by the-Communist Party and' these '.. ration's'of 'the Ancient, Romans 'in thEl' ruins· excavatl.ons'__ " , •• - •••••could," •• turn'',,' out• "J"ot be ~somethl.ng,". " "", ~_, .•....- " . .,. 0', '." •.' ~ .", '" "r of the magnificent buildings'which have ,of a ·,trl.umph 'for the left-wl.ng, local gov- withstood·the.ravagesof-atmosphedcero­ .. ".., . -

sion, wars arid human weakness. These. • • • .;-;' <::-- ". -', " -'- rul.ns.. are. scattered throughout..all corners• . ~, "" '<" ' .•-,,"- "

of Europe, the Near East and'North."~ F ~ , ...' Africa• • - __ < _ _. and serve as a constant reminder.of the . , . magnitude of the Roman operation. Natu- ral'l", however,.,tnebest, and most impressive, examp~es of thes~ windows to the past lie in Rome, itself, now a modern busy c;ty. It ,is not surpr~sing that it' was.not so.much a sense of excitement, ~s euphoria which marked' the occasion, a 'few - . - -' .. ~ months ago,. of the anno~nceme~t.,by the , c:.ity's administration of a ..series "of ,fre}lh; excavat;ions in the very .h.<,iart,of Rome;, ,

, , For the first time since most,;of :the city. was ·burl.ed'. ..- many, centurl.es<. "ago, ,wl.llsuch• • " .'a " . . ,huge part or ·the ,Rome of the emperors'be. visible for'all to, see. It was ;anticipa~ - <>" • '. " ted that by ~he year 2000 ,the work wO,uld' be ,complete, having in ,the process;,un­ covered the remains of 'the' 'imperiill for.., ums alongside the already ,exposed Roman. Forum. It was also anticipated that..:a ,start on, ~he first phase would have been made by February or March of this year, given ,that the plan had at that stage.only·,to be ernment and the-Communist Mayor Mr. Ugo approved by, the municipal' council and by Vetere..ClearlY that is an outcome which the Government. No-one foresaw any oppo­ a 'Christian Deomcrat minister might wish sition, in particular as in 1981 .parlia7 ,to avoid; " . ment set aside E77'million foriexcavations . ' and the preservation of ~ome's antiquities" Indeed, ·it· appears that the city's admini­ money which'had to be spent within five stration.considers these excavations as years. Last month, however, ·it was just part of a large programme of innova~ announced by the new'Minister for Cultural tions' which would ra,dicaHy change the Heritage, Mr. Nicola Vernala, ·that this, ,structure of ,Rome, its physical 'and the largest archaeological undertaking in organiiational form, finally' making,of i~ modern times, was to be temporarily sus­ a great contemporary capital. The arch­ pended pending "further 's·tudy". The " aelogical ,project ~ould ope~ up ~he Christian Democrat'minister, who suc­ splendoursof the past, to be.place~. ceeded to his post in ~ecembei, said that alongside modern. development" ,and the

6 , ------:------.,....------..,------.

excavated centre would ,be a well inte­ Mr. la Regina had stated, ho~ever, that the gra~ed part of the city 7 not a walled part of the greatest interest would be the off section for academics and, tourists area between this forum and,the adjacent to study.' .. Forum of Caesar, an area which has kept ·its secrets. completely.. • Other sources suggest that the Communist administration's deci~ion ~o implement Thefirsc phase would 'be projected to last the project were also motivated by ideo­ five years and the public would:be able to logical and political considerations and follow the excavations from platforms not cultural ones. The broad thrust of built over the site. The second ,phase . -. "," ~5sears,and the plans'revealed.. recently showed that, would cover the next would the final phase of the project Yould'en~ involve the whole area of the forums inclu­ . - - . ", tail the demolition of the broad highway ding re,"?val of the ~oad: Th'e final phase which Muss9ljni cut through,t~e zone would deal with completion in detail of from Piazza Venezia to the Colosseum. the whole zone and the ere-tracing of the This boulevard served il D~ce as a parade ancient roads, through ,the forums which

mall and' is considered,.,. ., in- architectual would be for the.use of pedestrians• circles, a principal example of fascist . ~. - .. -- urban pl!,nning.The superintendent of The plan is an ambitious one indeed, but' Rome's'monuments, Mr. Adriano la Regina, Mr. la Regina, tbe project's chief archi­ has emphasi'Sed that i:li:e destructionof this tect, ·has been quietly taking the first boulevard~. the Via dei 'Foriimperiali, steps for months. He. closed off the is merely incidental to the general plan ColosseUm area~to' traffic and he ' . ", ' ..' - -1 . I._ • ~ to once againreyeal the forums.~hich lie arranged,the.demol~tlon·of, the road WhlCh' beneath it. What, cannot be denied, hoW­ separated the Roman Forum from the Capitol. vere is that .any demolition or'archeo~ In his· role. as superintendent of monu­ logical work in this, area 'is going to ments, he'has also'lead a fierce campaign ",. -" ' . bring ch~os '~o the ~lready congested roads for the protection.of the, principal marble in the area, in part;icular, as the, V,ia dei monuments from the effects, of atmospheric Fori Imperiali is today a major traffic pollution. He is now anxious to press on route, unless m.ajor street planning is with the project as some sections of the undertaken immediately: . forums were excavated,in the last century, but until 1932 the still-buried sections were.'covered', with-"'"modern'''~-~."buildings,. dating Politics aside, the plan is an ambitious from 'the Middle Ages, the Renriaissance one. The first phase is 'one which was - , and the 18th Ceni:ruy •. The present project , . ~xpected to produce some early surprises. would entall.'the removal of the earth The e~cavations 'would 'begin in Trajan's layer by layer, first revealing the Forum and would unearth quiteq!lickly re­ Renaissance• ruins, and then-the Imperial mains of the huge entrance arch. This ruins ~ two joint goals worth pursuing, , ~- '"' forum was built in the second century to according to Mr. la ·Regina. 'Mr. Vernola', . - .. - the des~gns of Appollo~orus of Damascus and on the other hand considers that perhaps consisted of a' temple, libraries and markets. the archeological heritage of 'Rome has been It was considered in classical times, to be overvalued. 'Which force will' prevail will one of the architectual wonders of the world. remain.. to be seen. '

, , , • ' -U':...... LEFT: plan showing the'area to be excavated. - OPPOSITE (and front cover): Via dei "Via,Dei Fori Fori Imperiali :J. Impe,riali"•

Illustrations. by.. Mrs V.Bellini.

- ~ . ." , ,.' 7 = . ' " I

" , i vari i>aesi, e la'Commissione ba dovuto'

, ~ " rivedere le sue proposte alIa ricei'ca

• di un compromesso. Per quanto riguarda ·1'olio d'oliva, si calcola cbe con l'ade'­ sione dellaSpagna e del Portogallo le eccedenze ~alirarino a 230,000 tonnellate all'anno, il cbe rappresenta il'20% del~ 'la " produzione," e un' onere supplementare dt 1030 miliardi di lire italiane' per il bilancio 'comunitario. La Commissione 'ba' percio elabo~ato una strategia da svol­ , gere in varie direiioni. Primo: aumen-, • tare il consumo deil'olio d'oliva neila comunith, e per questo sara sUf£1ciente " avvicinare il suo prezzo, per ora ~olto alto, a qu~llo degli altri'oli c6ncor­ renti, specie. degli.- oli vegetali., La Commissione propone di arrivare a un rapporto di prezzo da 2:l'grazie a un ~ '- " aiuto al consumo,,'che,deL J;esto,c' gia " , praticato: attualmente il rapporto c di , 2.7:1: '

Eurofocus. , - -- 'Secondo mezzo per ridurre le ecce~enze: scoraggiare' la produzione, ,e a,questo Tratto da 11 Eurofocus" "un giornaletto. scopo-.~ la Comm~ss~one'.."-propone 'un programma~ settimanale 'pubblicato dalla Direzione di riconversione volontaria dt colture. Generale dell'Informazionedella Commis­ nell'ambito dei suoi nuovi "programmi sione' delle Comunita I europee,. integrati". Infine ,:ihiede un pe~iodo tran­ sitario per consentire l'assorb~mento e - , '.' . '" . ., l'attuaz~one delle az~on~.. programmate. Per Preparare LI Alla,rgamento, . - . - , -~-' " . Ben presto la Comunita passera da dieci a"dodici membri, e si prolungbera verso -, . . - ~ il sud dell'Euiopa per comprendere la Spagna e ilPortogallo. Ma'all'alla~ga­ mento si acc~mpag~a un inconven~ente:~ due nuovi meinbri, sono grandi produttor.i, di prodoi:ti mediterran~,i(olio d'oliva, vino, 'ortofrutticol'i> e la loro adesio':' ne alIa Comunita sollevera dei problemi " '. ~ per gli attuali membri ,cbe coltiv,ano,gli stessi generi, ,1'ti:alia, la Fran,Ci~a e' la Grecia: E' indispensabile p~rCio ten­ tare di regolare i problemi prima dell' adesione effettiva della Spagna e de~ Portogallo: su questo tutti ,gli stati Nel settore degli ortofrutticoli, la Com­ membri sono d'accordo. Bisogna raggiun­ missione ricorda che l'organizzazione dei gere due obbiettivi: mantenere la poli­ mercati-si appoggi~ sulle,associazioni tica ,agricola comune In tutta la sua dei produttori, che banno il,compito di coerenza, e .rimediare allo squilibrio ,primaria ,importanza di ritirare dal.mei­ di bilancio cbe puo derivarne. In altri cato parte delle derrate iri caso di crol­ termini "trovare dei fondi" perchc lo-dei prezzi. La Commissione ritiene che l'allargamento costa caro. la loro azione deve essere appoggiata, 'e che i~oltre c indispensabile rafforzare Cercando di 'rispondere a questa doppia la' protezione,esterna'ancbe nei confronti esigenza, nell'ottobre del 1981 ~a'C?­ del!e ~mportaziorii provenienti dai paesi munita ha ,proposto' di rivedere"l orga- , terzi; A questo scopo propone di estendere nlzzazione dei mercati dell'olio d'olivo il sistema dei prezzi di riferimento, gia del vino, degi agrumi e degli ortofrut'-' in fUllz'ione .per "t4,prodocti, a sette altri: ticoli. L'anno scorso il Consiglio dei albicocche, carciofi, meloni, fagiolini, ministri ha approvato un nuovo regola-, lattughe, cip9ll~ e peperoni. 11 regime mento per quanto riguarda il vino, ma 'dei prezzi di riferimento ,ha 10 scopo di , . per gli altri prodotti, sopratuttoper evitare squilibri suI mercato dovuti a ~m- l'olio d'oliva e gli ortofrutticoli portazioni dai paesi terzL a prezzi anor­ sono sorte divergenze troppo forti tra malmente bassi. 8 • Minor Consume di Gas Naturale Paul Dalsager, commissario europeo incari­ c~to.dell:agricoltura, ha ~anciato,un av­ , . ' Nel 1982 H consumo del gas naturale ,e' vertJ.mento a'Londra davantJ. alIa confede­ diminuito del 67., H' che ha provocato :un, iazione iirittanica dei produttori lattieri, calo dell'S7. nella produzione europea, e ­ sottolineando'come la.produzione del latte evviva! - del 27. nelle'importazioni pro­ nella'Comunita stia aumentandopiu in venienti dai paesi terzi. Questo e fratta del consumo e le riserve mondiali quanto risulta dalle statistiche pubbli- stiano crescendo a un ritmo.preoccu~ant.e. . "' . , cate recentemente da Eurostat, l'Ufficio E' piu che mai urgente, percio, cO'!trol~ statistico delle Comunita europe~. lare'la,produzione Europea dellatte, poi­ che'la Commlssione teme che 'in caso.con- >. ,- - < - ~ , -~••

I Paesi Bassi, primo p.roduttore di gas trario il sistemao • d'intervento.¥ _. _. ~ della poli-• naturale della Comunita, 'hanno registrato tJ.ca.agrJ.cola.- '. - comune'.sJ.a,costretto' a,spese un abbass~mento di produzione pari al esorbitanti che peserebbero.in modo intoi­ 13.97., e la Repubblica federale di Ger- lerabile 'sul 'bilancio comunitado•.· •- •• • I - , " .. . mania, a causa della minor domanda, ha egulilmente ridottola"sua del 12;8%. Il Ilproblema dell'eccessiva produz~one ~el - -.". . ..' - ," . '." ~8; del fabbisogno energetico c?mun}~~rio latte ~J. rJ.percuot7 anche su~ PJ.~~O 1.nter- ga~ ~atural~, ~uesto • e coperto dal e,per nazionale.'Oggi una grave controversia in ,, l'Europa e dunque autosufficiente per il ca~po agricolo'divide la'com~nita e gli 717.. Le importazioni provengono piinci­ Stati Uniti: questi ultiini' accusano gli palmente da', tre paesi, la Norvegia (46.6%), europei di prat:icare una,concorrenza'sle­ l'URSS (407.) e l'Algeda (13.29%). Rispet­ ale sul mercato intemazionale deipio- · . ~ ~,' to al 1981; nel 1982 le impor~aiio,!i di ' dotti dell'agricoltura poiche,. accordan9. gas provenient;i dall'Algeria sono aumeri­ delle.sovvenzioni all'esportaiione sottQ tate del 57. : sono invece diminuite ...... - . forma .eli "resti'tuzioni",. Se' it govemo rl.spett1.vamente del 3 e del 2% - quelle · ""'.' "~. . - - . ~.. . amerJ.cano mettesse. J.n opera le sue mJ.nac- .- ~ -,-' provenienti dalla Norvegia e dall'URSS. ce e decidesse di gettare·sul mercato le sue enormi scorte di prodotti lattieri ~istributori.se1f-service • • • 1 non crollebbero i prezzi mondiali, e laCo~ sono comodi munita,sarebbe_ ." • r ~ .-costretta" _ a__ spese.esorbJ.-- • ' •• ',. , - ._ ~_., _. ' •• .E" tanti per potercontinuaread esportare:, Pur di fare il pieno, gli automobilisti si ne'potrebbe-. v derJ.vare'." anche una• grave- crJ.sJ.•• adattano a tu~to; anche' a 'fare la coda in di bilimCio. autoriinesse· umide 0 esposti alle intempe­ rie, e a ser'virsi di 'pompe pesanti e unte: La Commissione reputadunque che la iidu­ resta loro la'consolazione di 'poter bron­ zione del 3% del prezzo del latta'rappre- tolare e imprecare contro ~'inventore del senti la soluzione ideale per scorag- distributore di benzina self-service. gJ.are. la produzJ.one,( ". del latte,'-.-,1.n Europa. Henry Saby, membro socialista'del Parlamento In questo momento spetta aiministri dell" europeo appartiene appunto al numero degli agricoltura approvare o·rifiutarela.pro~ automobilisti stufi di questo stato'di posta della Coromissione,ma l'altemativa - -_. cose...... e chJ.ara:·o ....J. mJ.nJ.strJ. accettano J.. prezzJ.-.',-. I In una proposta di risoluzione egli chiede propostr -a rischio'di s~ontentare il , • I' aUa Commissione europea e a1 Consiglio loro elettorato - 0 rifiutano - e il I dei ministri 'che venga varat.a una nuova rischio, e di ft far saltare 'il banco". E' , ' •• - '0 - .'. " legislaziorie in materia, e propone che il forse .possJ.b11e rJ.co~rere ancor~ a una 507. delle s.taZ1.0nL• ••d1. servJ.zJ.o•••ntrovJ.no• formula di compr6messo, grazie alle pro­ le buone abitudini di unavolta: lavare i ,poste .della Commissione miranti ~d , ' cirstaUi, verificare H livello den' aumentare "i prelievi di responsabilita". olio e dell'acqua. Quest'ultimo sistema, iniziato nel 1977, tende a suddividere in modo equo il , costa.delle eccedenze della produzione 11 Prezzo Del Latte'Non Salira' · ~, . del latte. I"' L'anno scorso la produzione del latte nel­ la Comunita e aumentata del 3,5% e i re­ • sponsabili europei incominciano a essere preoccupati dall~ spettro di disastr~se eccedenze di latte e di .gigantesche mon­ tagne di burro inutilizzate. Per fare fronte alIa situazione la Commissione ha deciso di ritoccare verso il basso ( prezzi proposti per la campagna 1983/84: il prezzo garanti'to d' intervento pagato , .' ai p'roduttori lattieri ~uropei quest'anno sara' ridotto del 37.. ' 9 .-- - -=-"".---- ", . ... ~

THE, , HILL" , .., .

In this ,month's edition our stroll mentioned in previous articles. They -" ,. "., through 'Il Quartiere' almost, but not were a large family and well known in entirely, comes to' an end. No doubt there our community as was the FERRARI FAMILY. is *till,much to be written i~ rega~d ~o many 'families who lived on the outer I have a vivid memory of BOBBY' MINCELLA fringe. 'My personal view is th~t 'Il who went to' school' with me a~d will . '...... ' Quartiere', where the main core' of Ita­ feature, J.n my. sport- edJ.tJ.on'to, . follow.. lian families lived, was in the form of a I shall also be writing about LEW NAPO~ triangle with Clerkenwell Road - Farring- LITANO in a future edition., 'The NOTARO donj Road• and'Roseberry• AvenueT being the FAMILY have also 'been mentioned in the Eyre . ' . outer fringes. Many of you'must be wait- Street.... Hill article and. the., two,. brothers '~ringes. ing for the' outer to be mentioned: LEN and FILLI will be recalled, . in in due course I shall''be writing about another edition. them. ,~, .,.. .' I,do not have many,memorJ.es. of,the..'qLIVA, Our'stroU this' month, takes 'us; to the FAMILY. RUGG'rO··:,'·of whomSAMMY willb,; •• ' J ~ -'. ~ ." third bastion of ~'the Hill"which is written about later. STABELLL: already .. . .,- ,. '" . Bourne Estate': the other two being mentioned in the Victoria Dwellings edi- . ., Victoria 'Dwellings and Cavendish Man­ tJ.on.SULLIVAN : of whom MICKY was a been'mentioned~ sions'which have. . already_. - . . school friend of mine." TIRANI : jOHNNY knoWn 'to all his friends as JOHNNY THE' Bourne Estate has in my memory hardly SAILOR, a g~od friend.oi,mine, also ~e~a~ changed, except for internal alterations; ted to the FALCO FAMILY. J'OHNNY TIRANI This is'also another block of flats in will be mentio~ed in my Sports art1cle. "the Hill" which has always'been'used' by many Ital'ian families as temporar'y Bourrie E'st,ate in itself is a large block accoim!1odation.However, it mu'stbe said of flats and stretches,par~llel with that many. stayed until this very day Leather Lane. N9doubt many more families to'· be part' of 'Il Quartiere' •. could be mentioned. and ,we always hope . tha~ someone wili put pen, to.paper and Once again, I rely ~n my memories over the forward' it .to the Editor or-phone me on ye~rs to do my best to Yecall some of the 01";253 4016. - families who li'ved' there ': BRUSCINI, BALTONI', CAVALLI; CAPPUCCI,.CALIENDO, This article will, for the time being, CICCO, CLARK, DAMIESI~ FALCO,'FERRARI, end our so';called stroll through "the MINCELLA,' NAPOLITANO, .NOTARO;OLlvA, Hill", but I intend to add occassionally RUGGIO, STABELLI, SULLIVAN and TIRANI. parts of '!the -Hill" in other articles. • • The BRUSCINI famiiy has cropped up many I am delighted- to publish below yet times in my editions and with'the MAMOU­ another letter from' Mrs. IRENE.DRINKWATER ZELLO FAMILY they can boast about living expanding on my memories of "the Hill". in many parts of "the" Hill". The BRUSCI­ My ~hanks to IRENE' for taking the trouble NI brothers : DUNNI, a 'floorlayer ard to wrJ.te.• the other brother a barber. Of the BALTONI FAMILY ido-not have' much 'know- "Greville Street, , , , ledge.CAVALLI : involved in the cater­ London, E.C.l. ing trade. CAPPOCCI, having been men­ .~ . . tioned in an earlier edition was a Dear, PJ.no, barber., CALIENDO,,,' also mentioned in .. - . ' Eyre Street Hill edition : father a cabi­ I am an avid' reader of BACKHILL and have net maker and sons ANDREW and LEN, been particularly interested in your , ' parquet floorlayers. CICCO, also men­ article, "THE. HILL". tioned.. in an earlier edition: I was born'in Leather Lane, over fifty CLARK, two brothers I knew at school• years ago; moving into Coldbath Buildings .' DANIESI : FRED, deceased, and LEW who at the age 6f four. Except for the war both ably assisted with floats for our years my whole life has been spent here annual procession. FALCO have been . ' in'Clerkenwell, and so I know a great 10 • '. - ' -'. -. - '~'--,,- -. ,~~ .'- many families ment1.oned in

your 'memory tr1.p -excurs1.on,. 'lnto,:Leather , , . ~_"! ,_ _ c,,"< _'.'-" e:cpe~ted,a,.menti.on MRS~' jRiiii;qlitINKwATER" Lane, ,as r would have - . -. - of Uncle Tom Nutley'. H1.s,' was ,the gree,n­ , grocers at No.'Sl, corner of Portpool, ~onclualng ~he s~op ~t Lea~he, ,Before I regret that in March Lane; !te also had 90 we saw the deaths, of MRS., YOLANDA GAZZANO ~irs,t, W~rla pri~r ~~ , ,.".. ., .... ,'"'" .,.",. ~ . - I Lane.. ,imie.1. ,!,h~ in~t;t~ ay!" his. s!lop , ,• ~an' T~m". " . , ' read "Ypu t buy, wr9ng from Uncle P.lNO MAESTRI •" '., .. ! l, ,(, / , ,

. , .. " ,.' G~ A.V, S i \ , " ," . . - . ... . ,. ~ ~-'." ,. • .. -. - -.-. -. , , , , .. l , , r. ,. ' •, , " , ,

BRUSCINi-BALTONI , . , .. ~. i" .~ . CAVALLI-CAPPoccr CAVENDISH; ,cyc-CO:':CLAR!.<;;OANIESI' - ~ . '" ,_. -", - , '.. . ·FALCO,..FERRARI ! " ,'x ,-. _. • MINCELLA~NAPOLITANO MANSIONS~ .~, .- >~ ..... -.<~, I: NOTARO-OLIVA"'RUGGIO \ STABELLi"sULLIVAN .. ,. , I' TIRANr-CALIENDO- , 1 \, , , , •

, , • •

, , . .-' _. ." ., . ," • • • , LEATHER'.LANE' LAYSTALL STREET ~. • -< - < , , , . .- .. ~ " . " , '"-,''''''' .,

, '

• , • • "

• , , • • " , ,' ...-,.' .'. . . - . ', .

"J ~ ... '"

:LlNEAITALlCAtiMITED, .- " ,, (aporlo la domenica) '-, '. ""-"', , 'WAREHOUSE/SHOWROOM " . . . 3,"7,-< RAY STREET..,'.ECI, TEL: 01·8377377 , S{j,i/~/y Th~ DeSI Qua;i;:" • Ilalian Furni;urc , .. .. ' , '. • •

- ~. . - . -' _. ~ --= ,~ ~ , . - -- '­ CRO;NA,CA ."- ,-~"'< -" ' - -."-, ;$p~c:ii31IReport;


" ' '00. Saturday 26th' March 1983~, the ~ondon th~ F~ascai:i f,l,y'half t? run in a try • _ .< _ v • - •• • from the halfway line. 'Fraquelli, con.,. Italiiins left"London on:-their most: amb'i- , - ..-" ~ t10US-a . ,-,tour',._.yet;. 'a- S1X'•• ," day ",.'tr1p "-.to. '-,Rome - verte~. Catt at h,?oke,r was 'having a profitable afternoon and the Italians encompassIng three' niatcbes:against 'local "'",,',." _' - .- ,•." I were gaining a surfeit of possession which opposition'. By the smne evening tliey :had , , . ' ,,' .-.. ,,-' .. arrived at the picturesque town of Frasc~ti Ra,~}elli,did 'lJ, , • •• ,~ .~,. .,~ " ~ . but. determined" to. succeed. Because'of " when he J1nked past ~ disorganised unavailabil~ty of certain members"~f the defence to score try number three from team to travel, ,the Italians''were fortunate all of' 25 yards. He converted to make ~obeable' to ellll' upon certain members ,the, half .time score 18-0. Mass substi­ of the London Scottish 'Rugby Club to tution; at'half ti~~ did nothing to ~trengthen: the" squad. 'Ameasuie -0£ their" improve .Frascati's performance in the willi~g~essto ca~be second ,half• 'The Italians .were allowed, join·the tour gauged .'" ~"" ..... - by Stuart Irvine, ,and his charming wife' " th" lux~~y of 'easing up and they conten- Patricia,. Fho cauglit' ilS!Jnqay f;Jight, to ted' themselv:es~o.only· .one more .try in Rome to join up with' the squad. Stuart, .the half wneri.Si~claii::intercepted ~ a Scotla\ld B international', hil.d played 'ki~k ~o ~core'his .second try of the game. against Leicester in the semi final of ~ight stepped up to slot the conversion. the .John'Player Cup ,on Saturday and .hence Frascat( frlistrated:by.i:heir inadequecies the London Scottish. full back had'"travelled in the fight";a'1;:te;';pted to gain advailtage late 'to join. up with ,the London Italians 'with some. .v.iol"e!l.tp~ay, but the. Italians in time f!,r >.their sEicond.matci,,' ' were well .~apable, of' deal'ingwith these indiscretions. The'inatchwill not be The evening of Saturday 26th·was·dull an~ remembered·:f.~i; t~e, q~aTityof ,rugby, des­ • >,-""~. ""'- 'pite the-pace ,of Sin'Clair and the overcast '1n· Frascati ,and 'one could hav'e '. >'~_J._' ,~,_."- ,-, -'.J'",", - • forgiv~n"the Italians:f!,r oot'being .at e.xpert,1se,,:()f ba5k FowWlayshown by t1}eirbest after th,eir ,~rd'uous J!'urn.ey, ;.Knig~t:" bui: ~t '!as >L.t,?inning .start to be~ng . the tour" and .force4 to play on a·rock·hard " gravel: type pitch alien .to'British r~gby:,. This was,indeed l:he case.~imonlngram 'On Sunday 27th March; the toWn of Fras­ Ita~ian cati was in a·state of elation, Their the captain picked tlie followin& .- - - team wh1ch won a scrappy and' sometimes f1rst team were ensured promotion to violent affairby'24 'p'oints .toriiT' ,the Italian first .. division when. they' defeated Mirano' 'of Venice ilt the local . , v. FRASCATI'OLD'BOYS stadium: 'Whe~ they lined up against: • • • ~he, Xtaliaris on'~he foliowing'Tuesday D, Cuddeford; G. Fulbrook; G. Sinclair; ~ne could sense that .they were ,not expecting ·too·many problems against the' R: ,Oddi; J. Belli;.S. Fraqu!,l1i; M•. • Rastelli;S. Alfano; A. Catt; D. Simbari; Sunday side from London. ' L, Richard; E. 'Quaiadeghini; 11, Heogh; 1 S •. Ingram (Capt.); G. Knight; sub: The .team and result waS ·as follows : .r! 1 M. Collini for S. Alfano (60 mins.) v. FRASCATI won 16-12 (ht 12~O) • 1j The'Ital:iansstarted' with,' promise and soon' D; ·Cuddeford;· P. Cl"ark;. R. Oddi; A.'Catt·; ~ad points to' show for the~~ !'~thusiastic G. SiIJclair; G. FUlbro~k;, S• Irvine; start. Ingram broke from· the scrum, arid ·S·.: 'Fraquelli; G. 'Knight'; D, 'Siinbari; shr,:,gged\off s,?me sloppy tackling 'to score E. Quaradeghini; L; Richard;. :H. ·Mcr.ean; the opening try of the tour. Fraquelti . b. 'lIeogh; S. ·Ingram.·(Capt.) sub' .:' c,?nverted. Frascati' stepped up a' gear 'L,Barber, .' fot; G. Fulbrook'(40, min) and their expertise in the rolling 'mauis ·S. Alfano for p. Knight (60 minh had the Italians .baffled for a.while. Frascati howeycr began to ~ick instead of ~he match. was not a pleasant aff~ir. testing the I~alian' line and they were Fra"scati who originally fielded' a some.,. further discouraged. froin doing so when what weak side used so many substitutes Sinclllir intercepted:awayward.. pass from throughout ·the· course of the. game that 12 ' " , , , .. . - , ,', . ' , ' , , " .... " "

'the ,side that ,finished"the.match ,bore,no evening~and'in,the dim"light"'of< the -- - -. -'. . .- reiai:ion to, the one which 'started it. flood~lt..plt~h the, EXlles lmmedlately. , . .~'... . '~?ok ~he offe~~iy~ seri~s ~f ~rusb; _~._"!l .,~ ,~ with.a The Lon l" ~ ~. . , match ,before Irvinesteppedup to conver­ Sinclair onge again to the jore burst ted penalty to give 'the Iealians' the lead. through. after a" "missed"tackle to open the Two minutes later'!enough, sp.ace was.,created , scoring and ,Barber drove ~ver, ably assis­ I, in the line for Fulbrook 'the scamper .'over ted by the Keogh brothers' in a forward, ' , I in tile corne'" andthe..try ',was converted' rusn; ,to ',score',the ,tries • . -'" '., ~" p, " __ ', C •• from,a, difficult 'angle 'bY Irvine, Another - "., - _. , ~inl\ ,peria~ty,k~c~ :Irv).n~'~tretc.h,ed' The ,second half ,saw 'the Exiles come back by the - , , -., '- ''- lead ',to '12 points by" :halftime.Through­ with; a vengen'ce',. '"Oddi',guest.ing, for the out the"game foul play was ,rife and'the oppo~ition began td step up his harassment ,London'It,!:li'ans ,sh0l'ed,:tremendous"charac­ 'of'Rastelli and"following a'hack through' ., '" - -' \ ,ter in not 'allowfng ,:the,'g,"neC"to, erupt into from a.'.l,ne'out McLean ,was caughtcln'.' a full' scale brawl. Frascati gained a possession and Cuddeford(also,guesting stream, of. ,pimalt:ies for 'retaliatory offen­ for the Exiles) snapped up the loose!liall ces and pulled back to l2-9,with 10 mimites 'to ;score., ,McLean made amends for' his· . --- . - . . ,- " - . ". . _. . ~ . to ,go ~ However a 'try by, Clark, after 'the ,mistake when·he ~ee~e~,inside'hisopposing. Frascatif~l1 back 'had"beenhOlhidedinto -'."'~ ,·.",.!.. ,. ..,.t'··~I·' , c~nt~e ~,o :~core ,~i:i'y; The ~talians , a mistake by the' scorer ,~ndKe~gh, ,put ,the ,though',tulng, rapldlyfrom the effects of , result ,beyond'Frascat;.' reach. They 'did '. . . .' ," . ~ - ~. - . -',' -, s " ...... thls':brulslng match', ,,\;heprevious matches " :manage 'to ,score' from ,a penalty on the :and,probably ~he amounts of alcohol' con~ stroke of no side but the game encled,on a - .". ',.' , . , -'., .' . . '. --- ." . .. . ' sume'd"on 'the'·to'ilI"held ,on bravely co' sour',riotewhen most, of ',the 0ppoSltlOn, finish',the tour with" three:"ins out of '" - -. 0 -" .. - refused"to shake hands and the after -_..... ~ .- , . three. 'match festivities were cancelled. 'A good victory for London,itaiians.and~sterling, performances' fl'om·HcLe',iii· who.w(;rl

Thethir~ and ~inal game-ofthe' tou~ saw , the' London Itarianstravelling',to'the north of.<, - Rome;,where,-they- managed',".' - to'.mam- " _." , " - -. . - The. tour overall' was"a success. The London , tain a'100% tour record ,victory over a • • • • competent and' hardworkirig,.Exiles team. Italians:~adcp~q~ered'a1l, 'managed to , -'~'~'~'l:; "',,~' , .• a~m6st drink FFa~cati'dry o~ wine and a The' Exiles 'refused 'to subniit" and 'went down , fighting"; When I say f~ghting, this time, good time 'was had:liy all. Thanks must be , '.r .",...... _..". - " •. ,.' < '" • howeye,r" I mean playing, 'good" har~ rugby, give,n to the wives, ari~girlfriends'who, desplte,••••extreme_<"-, provocatlon.-to dampen , not the' liackstreetorawlingofthe previ-' , " .:' ~. ,.:- '~' _ ' _E.' .. -. .-. .',... . ous'games. ,the "enthuSlasm of ,the male contlngent, o .~.,' re'stricted .themseivesiiithe:main to sightseeing and shopping. Special rn~ntiori' Injuries ,had ,taken thefr toli'at' this ',~ ".~", - - ~" ." - ", - -, • - ,"'.' > • stage'of the ,tour and the Itallans'. agalnst. must be given ,to"our 'Scottish contlngent th'7ir :intentio,ri~ were, forced '~o select who performed:admirably, on:t!te pitch and ~uc- ;led,the drinking capabilities' off it. some players for" the third 'time, in ,- -- -.-,' ,.~'-.'" ,-,'.. -,;, ,.,. , ceSSion... .Statistics- 'were as.. follows: , Th~ h~rd work of organising the, tour in th~ V EXILES ,Won' 12-4. (ht 8-0) first place was magnificeritly per~ormed:bYI S. Iryiue.;, F.,·Negri,;,·H.jlcLean,,; ,J. Belli; Danilo:Simbari'iuld' Stefano Fraquelli 'and ' ~ .S~nclail;"; ·S. Fr!lq,:,ep,i(CjlP~:); ensured that the London Italians Rugby Tour ',of 'Rome 1983 wilf"not be forgotten M. Rastelll; M. Colllnq, A•. Catt; , • D; Simbari; N; Tre'ppas'i; E., QUaradeghini; bytl10se who wci.:e fo~tuna:te enough to: , ~ • 7' •• • ,', .. - '. ~ - D; K~ogh;K.Keogh;· 'L.' .Barber 'par'take. , The.'match"was, played, at '8,'0~clock"in',the ",,' .,JOHN,BElLi,.'(Secretary,,, .london.ItaUans) , - . - . " 13, ___ o-~-:-:,_--=-~ =- -=.:..O'--_-,,=..-o -- -- -"S -- --=-:.-__ -=- r ".- --- " , _. , , -- .- , . • • ~ ,- , ,- -.. .". .. ,

. . .' .--.' .. •• • •


Outpatients > , ' 'Physiotherapy' , • Monday 'Cardiologist and ,X~'RC3YS" ~o~~~~ta~~ Physic~~n* Monday to.Friday :Opthalmic Surgeon* , . ' , By appoin!,ment ,only

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" Continuiarilo la, 'stor,ia,;di'Madre, Teresa, di CalClitta. -~_. ' _. ~ .""- TERZA PUNTATli _i'VI ,E' :UN SOLOAMORE'" ------'~a~rE!, Teres~ lavav~.,!;I!1a d.on!la, trovat~ in que,cosa, che' fate non, sari!' cne ,una sola' ,s~rad~ ,(er~ i!ffamata, cniedel(a l'elemo~ina, gocCia d'acqua in un oceano di niiseria";, :~a faccia coperta di piaghE! "; la Madre Madre Teresa Hspose : "L! India ha bi.so:'-' i::~a'(a per mette.re 'questa povera disgra­ gno di tecnici, uomini' di genio, dottor,i Iz:,-ata a letto quando ella mormora :"Perche e infermiere per il futuro", dimostrando· ia nece~sita,di.tin.piatio!d'azioneco- 'fate• , questo?"11 Mad're~. 'Teresa,, rispose~,~ ~ gentil,..- .•-- ."-,_ .... '<... _.- ;mente:, Per' l'amore di, 'Dio"" . .' . ordinato.. ',Ne! medesimo 'tempo.le persone , , _, ~ .4" "_.. ~. , devono ,,{vere, devono aV-ere' eibo, de- . , ' - . ~ . .... 'D!l' lungo, tempo Madre Tere'sa aveva adottato vono esserevest1t1'... Le1'. cont1nuo,. :. .~ ~ ..,. -.. - .. :le parole dell'apologista cristiati.o"Tei~' '.'Meri.tre esiste 'la s1tuanone attuale n01 :tulliano :. ".voi avete visto 'il vosfro' abbiamo bisogno di doni e carita continua: :fratello, voi avetevisto' il .,fostro· Dio". A questa,risposta RaYmond de Becker las~j cia Madre'Teresa,e torrio a quell'arca~~lla, , \!>: cni ispiraTe.rtulliano ad identificare ,, 'Cristo con i miserabili se, non,Cristo .citta dove gliIndiani,Inglesati'dimos­ ,stesso? '·"-10 avevo;"fame 'E; 'mi '~eresal" ~is,se Foliereau,.,lIcom~url""eroi:na tiel riiorido. Si,la cosa'piu'remplice sarebbe e'~ come ,santa- : ,1.1...suo V1.S0' ....e teso, 1.SU01-. una bomba" E'chi acconsenterebbe a questa " ~ ,<' - ~, ,foii~e' p:cchi sono secchi. Essa non puo penne- sofuzionevei'ame'nte iegittimase' iion . t.tersi di sciupare le,sue'energienelle per gli uomini e donne che fanno eco al, 'fI'jtililagrime die essa. chiaina lrisso.,' grido del Golgota : "10 ho.sete"? Perche ',. , . Essa, non ha pieta nel senso sentimentale 'l'umanita'egiustificata nell'oscuriti' <;lella parola. ' Lapieta e un' pallido ·;;os­ della terza ora quando qualche ereiico :t'~tuto per amore. Essa e l'amoreo" Centui'ione che.'df fronte alla'.. morente et:'­ ernita del mondo, si, degna di pas'sare la , Madre Teresa,dice ad,ogni Suora destiriata'a spugna bagnata.nell'aceto per inumidire'le diventare una lavoratrice neiquartieri labbra di-ir'ine ... Delusione? Pieta sincera bassi; 'di provare, a comprendere ,che Cristo delCenturione? Noi Inon" sappiamo ma ~ ,." • -, " .' J • , .- .-&Jve in, ,1eLOgni 'suora deve comprendere 'certamente, ' con 1mmensa'tenerezza che'le' figlie diMadre Teresa eseguiscono'il lavo- '.,:he Dioe con leiquando visita, i, luridf ,.. .. - .' . ;quartieri, 'cosicche quando,;i"p'ove"ii' la 'ro, e non,solamente loro ma,anche'altre' 'persone ii cuore' e manidi cui 'sono' state, , ,v.edono'vengono attratti verso'Cristo e , . • cercherannodi, invit~rlo,nelle loro abi- aperte• .. . - . ,tazioni e nella loro vita. If bene e contagioso. "Un. grande cambio, " 'La peggiore delle malaei:ie rion ;ela lebi'-ra 'sta-ora ,per,'venire", dice' Madre Teresa .:: :mala sensazione che non si e';piii: voluti 0 ,"I "ricchi' verigono '11 lavare e a dare' da 'man­ , . -. . -. -- 'accettati' dalla ,societa,' 'Trel'arole sono giare'ai, poved,". 'Essi famlo un grande' . ."-poste,'.1.n r1sal. to- sopra'.1.1 Croc1f1sso.. nella lavoro. Prima diadesso noi, come' Cristia-, I·~· . ,. Cappella delle Missionarie della Carita: ni, non ,avevamo mai dato" ,loro l'opportunita. . " ' , ~." ' ''',10 ho. ,sete~' .', Madre Teresa ha sentito N01 pensavamo 'che la' carita, era, solo per'i ,~'ultima preghiera di Cristo'sulla'Croce.. Cristiani~Madre Teresa si ferma perrin- , ,.con'tutte le sue forze essa si e dataal graziare una donna del Bengali che l'aveva .. ." ~ dovere. d~ ris~ondere a,questa preghiera. accompagnata, c fu allora che fece questa Ma queste parole eClieggiano dietro di sorprendente,osserVazione:: "Oh, 'no', Mad~e, ;!lssa ello per- 11·S1gnore". '15 -- - ~- --'-" ~- •• ---- - ~~-~---.- =-- ••

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'16 .. N~\NS 'from ltaly' you mc;iy: have .missed • Dr. Elda PucCi, it 55 year old Christian Democratic ,doct~r; h

• Polic.e investigating' absenteeism,among'Government employees in Rome discovered - tha:~ a, '19~~,nw~~king. in,~ltax offic~ sl~pped' away f~r"two hOlJrs each mo!,nin~ to w~ll:k as a"prostl.tute. ' - '. " ~, Fiv~ 'beencharged~ii:h~iyi~gtosmugg1~ , • memb.ers Of the wealthy Gettyfamilyhave ' • , ,a valuable marble Roman bath from.:theiiItal.'i'an'villa to 'the Getl;y Museuniin California. • In~~udedi~ ~he fiye ~s Paul Getty III w~o lies, ,pai:alyse~ ~n ~ ~rug indl,lced COnla' in ' a Los Angeles hospital' and'thefiitiiily's :Rome lawier: 'The bath walLinsur'ed for $Lmil- ." -. - '.~' , . ) - - -.(. ", , ~ ., . ,. , 1l.0n ~nd 'exper~.s say 'it is. qne. of the, fines~ ,~xa:mples.~.n the w!?rld, " . - . • The bodies of thre'e men, ,each shot once in.theleft temple, were 'found' in die 'boot. of ap. aba~doned car in Agdge....i:o.Police. said the killings appear.ed to 'be part'of warfare b,etweeririval gangs ,for'control 'of drug trafficking;

.' ,Int~rrogation begariin Rome of 5ig. ,Az'elioNegdno, the microfilni experta:rrested for allegedly passing'fiim:containing niilii:.iiysecrets to Mr. yibtorPro~iri,~ssistant sales 'manager in, Rome for 'the Soviet,airline Aeroflot. ,The Russian is being held for ~ 7 • r.. ,,~ -",,_ .'. -, ~ , -. _. .'" ...- ,- . ~. "." qu~stl.o~~ng~ ' , • Rome' s 'communist mayor and two' party, colleagues were· cleared of wrongdoing :~i a Rome'magistrate investigating the alleged embezzlement. of public funds. The mayor was ele'ar~d of imprope:i:fy drawing a two million lire advance, later repaid, for a ,security escort to the Communist Part>: congress in Milan. ,All three were' cleareu, '"'. '_'" ~ ,,_-- -""., "'"'xJ •• :.> .• :,.-' ,. ' •. -.~:.'. ,.,. ,- -<'. of clal.ml.ng fals,e tra~~L e?,p~ns!,s from ,the Rome munlcl.pal~ty.

• ~ ~t:aU:~n~. P~610; Fa:t:sett:~,;, h,\~,l1ee~ j~~~e.Nor ~O ,to. 12 }ears forplt0togral'h~ng 1l.1}1~a.nan'ml.l1.ta;,y s~tes.• , H~~ 1"0nm.n 'complln~on g9t ~hr.ee years,

, . . , ,. ,~ ". '. '.. .. . • Giuseppe 'Sinopli takes 'his post as'Principal Conductor o~ tlie Philharinonic up ~.- ~ . ". , . - . - ...... '" '". . .. 'Orchestra with:~effect from January 1984;:

, , •. Three 'Belgians, two Frenchmen and a, Portuguese, ,who ,spent ten, days adrift on,a rubber dinghy after ,their yacht went down ·in.astorni;.:w~re picked up,by fishermen off the eastern' coast ,of 'Sardinia.'at ;Porto. Suedda. Two: of ,them, were, taken.'to"hospital. suffering from. qehydrat;i,qn; , '. , . . I, • As Vittorio Luise drove.. aIong 'a'" road. near 'Naples, a. fierce .. gust, of wind, caught •, his tiny, bubble car and ,s'Yept'it in~o. the River,Se!e.As ,the' car sank below, the surface, Vittodowas lucky,mough' t~ 'b'teak 3 window, climb out ,and swim to the shore. But as he scrambled, up ,the river bank·his luck ran out: the wind blew down a tree which fell' on Vittorio and killed him. " . " .. • Tho!,sands of pilgrims 'hoping to 'seE;' ~!lP.e ~ohl) P:iul. ope~ tl!!! ~man Catholic Church.'s' Holy 'Year were frustrated bya 12 hour riational airport ,strike which paralysed air traffic' throughout Italy;,

, I • ',Workers in Levico Te~e near Trento claim to have made the world's largest Easter i, egg;;' 13ft. tall and weighing 1760 Ibs.', half of wnich.,is chocolate. .. , •. The Pantheon in Rome;. temple al~· j. I to the ,gods has,' been, closed: for checks-, afte':i: . a chunk of ceiling ,plaster fell on,thehead of'a,West German visitor. I . ~ - - - I 17 -,' - -- --' --- ', ~__,_~'--"--';.~-- _,,_ ", co•• ~, _ " . - • I _ . i ~ ' .'- . . - -- -, , -:; -,;;-;- , , , Chiesa

, Questa Chiesa ~ ~pertaa't'!tti voi.;PoteJ:e venire, ,padare con noi e fra di voi, stare con noi. Cerchiamo insieme'" fratellf ;tra;'fratHli di gustare '1 'amore di Dio, di miglio­ rare l~ vit~.s~i~itua~e della ~ies~.~ d~~!a comunita. State qui con ,noi; potete avere un momento d~ pace per lavostra an~ma. ' -- ", , " -. ~ ,- - Cari giovani; quando volete,par~are di Dio; quando volete conoscere Dio; venite quf da .' ~. - _....,.,.". ., noi" parlate cori'noi, state nella nostra casa: Non v~ vergognate; c~ poss~amo,a~utare ~ ' - -.- ' " ... gli uni con gli altri. Coraggio v~..a~pett~amo.

This Church is open toal! of you. Why not come arid talk:to us or even ~ybe stay with us. Let us, a~ brothers, trY to discover how to enjoy ,God's love, how ,to'improve the spiritual life 'of the Church and that of the community. In sp.ending a little time with ... ~ ',,' , ""'" . ~" " .~, ..'" "...... ,~ . - . - . u~, y,~t!r s~ulo o~ p'~ace. may, have a few moments . Dear young people,when'you ,feel that :you' want talk about 'God" 'or perhaps 'feel' 'that,you would• ~. -# like'to- ~'get to "'know 'God' • '"better; 'feeT'free~, • - '"'to.,corne,"to"us',,.. .,'to, speak'' ~" toils,"<'to• stay',~ • , •-- '. • ., ". .'. .., y ~ - in our house. Don't be shy. We can of'help t~'one another; have :couiage. We will' b~ -. ,- . . ..De -, . '. ,here waiting for Y,OU...... ,

, , '" - .. . , , . . • • Dalla vita della comunita,italiana nasce ,la vita di questa Chiesa e ritorna a VOL Pas-, . ' satlC?' g!i' 3tlui; m~ la ,?,ita.,dentr~·di noi divlmt'!-p'iii prof0tld,a e s:!:'alt~rga:

Per questci voi, comimita' parrocchiale,irisieme a noi preti, arinunciariio,' 'il Vangelo fra d'L noi e 'alle altre Chiese; specialmente ,Don Carffielo e incaricato da q'!esta ~ornUriita:ita-· liana, d~,questa Ch~es~'e da noi preti'di portare l'ann~n~io del V~ng~l? anche alle al~ tre Chiese. ~ . . '"

The life of'this Church is born from the iife 'of"tne Italian"Community that ,revolves~ .-' .. , • < , •• , ••,,' • -. .-. if. ".. ' • ..' c· . . ~ around you; Years may pass, but ,the life within us 'deepens arid grows. , , , For ,this ,reason, you as co~nity p~rri~hion~rs, tog~thet~ith us, the priests, spread, the Gospel amongst ourselves, and'also to,the other 'churches. Father Carfuelo is special­ ly assigne4 by ~his Chu~ch~ thi~ Italian co~nity; and we .th~ priests;. to spread 'th~ Gospel to the other Churches also. ,

, , ,

. '--" 'ORARI ,DELLE MESSE , . Giorni IFeriali· ~ -. ;; .. 10.00" a.m. - 7'.00 p.m; (non sempre)' Sabato .. 10.00 ,a.m. - 7.00 p.m. (Vale· per la domenica) Domenica ~ ;; .. 9.00 a.m." 10,00 .a',II\;, 11.00 a.m. Cantata in Italiano e Latino . ., '. . 12.15 p .m.; 7.00 p.m.

, Giorni di Precetto.....••...... ••• 10.00 a .m. , 7~00 p.I'1., 8.00

,.,. ... . ,", , . , .

, , Se risponde la· segretaria telefonica, (ANSAFONE), lasciate il vostro numero di telefono e vi richiameremoi~piu presto possibile. 18 • • - - '" • • • • > <" , • • ,San;p'ietr.D~>" '. , ., - - ," ,', --', • '. . .- ',' - , . , , •

• AIUTATECI A MANDARE i GIOVANiDE:'l 'PELlEGRINAGGiO DELLA PACE>INTERRA. SANTA •• ,. Un gruppo di giovani ~aranno:guida~i.datnostro' Vescovo 'David' Konstant. durante I'Anno Santo in un pellegrinaggio di pace :verso 18. Terra Santa.saranno,giovaniAnglesi, ir­ landesi:,argentini;.deUa:.nostra'Chicsa .partiranno,sei deinostri,giovimi, il costo ,- '. - " • ,. to _" • '- ':' , .' .. ••- " _ 0 e! di 350·sterlinc 'a pe.rsona,. "';, •.

Ai,;,~.~~~ci_'aracc~gU~!:le'" 'SuIle, ~u#.te~deile oi:~erte pOj;etes.crivere "TERRA ,SANTA"; • _g1l.ch~ques p0t:.e.te ,far1j,' '? ~t~ PETER'~ I,TALIAN1CII~RCH -: '!-'ER,RASANTA.· ... . ---- -. -- . , ." ~. ~ ,-' .- .USTSEND·:OUR~-YOiJNGSTERSTO 'PLEASE ·HEtl' THE HOLY 'LAND 'FOR THE PILGRIMAGE OF ,PEACE AND • --~ ,," .,,~~ .... -. ,~~.-. ~ RECONCILIATION , ~ A group of youn'gs'ters ...:i:lt'be guided by, ,our Bishop, David,Konstant,•• on a.pilgrimage to:-thc Holy. Land for Peace and 'Recoilcili~tion·{n,'this 'H~ly,:Yea~.Tne·groupwili in­ I ·i:~isii.and.~rgentinianyou~hs. I, clu,de young 'EngUs,h', Six ,youngsters"from oUl:.Church wil1De;:going~"The ,is,·£350.00,per person. - . cost: .. - ~e lp~ us. :to: c'il1ect ~hfs money'- IOn the enve rope~ containi~g Ao,ni't~on~, ': p ~.eas<;:. write HOLY LAND"., and any cheqiles' can be madE;' p3:yabl~ to St. PETERls ITALIAN CHURC)l'­ HOLY 'LAND. . • ~.,~. ,"': ,'" , ' ,",','," .. ,' , . . " -. . , .-... . ,

Sono Nati 'Alla Vita Di Dio"Con 11 Santo Battesimo


'Christina Innocenti .. . • RebeccaSavalli 'Nicola Boggi Daniele Sorge - .. . . Rosanna'Mattia Steven-. Bull' Loretta ,.AyanZ1

Andiony Traidia Davide Lim Piero Mendola , • • •

Luisa Bragoli' .. Annette, Sidoli Bianca Bonomi, . • • •

Angela Berardo Salvatore, Parla ,Maria, Rosa.Giliberti ~. ,', -\. - . "" .---.,..- ·Jenn~fer Innocenti Sabrina Forte· Peter HackwOrth-Ponti . -. . - ..., ~.. •• -p Daniela ColumDano • .. '

.,-~., .. --,,--'- ,-,,. • Mark .. Holiiom. V.eion~~a, -~ Barpi,ed.. , ... .. , .' -.. ,Si1vio' Giovanelli F~ l!~~e~~8:'\l-~,c_h: ) ...... " ... " . - Lorenzo.:Barone ,Sllvana, Repucci' - ... . , .~ ~ ".- .. ", ~'.' ,-, I, .Giuscppe,Polverino MarlaAntonla.. Lacovara , ~'" ~- - . '- .. - Francesco Paone - Incoronata Vecchiolla Gimnaro Ca'passo - Giulia di, Gennaro

Bij>os1mo.Nella Pace Denostro Signore

Jolarida Gazzano Giu5cppe Faccini Ido Cassettari Antonio Ferrari Petronella Legal '- . -

. ;c . -_._~-- ~ - -- - . _. ­ -- - . -- ~. " -- .. '-'.,-"-,,,--- , , ' ,. "'.-.- Volette Yiaggiare tranquilli.. puntuali e a , .. .. ", - ,prezzi ,~~n~'!1!ci .La'vostra risposta I·age'nzia italiana~ ~ e - . . •:Linda':Palazzo, , , ,MUNDUS AIR TRAVEL LTO. o •• • .. , VO!,I CHARTER.E 01 LINEA A PREZZI RIOOTTlSSIMI Pensions~ ".' >.'

, PER TUTTA L'EUROPA, , E LE PRINCIPALI CITTA' ITALIANE 'MUNOUS AIR'TR'AVEL LTO "Savings " , 5 Peter Street _ « Q:"'" 'London W1V 3RR Tel: 01-4372272 Life,Assurance·. -. -

IVielno'al merCato Berwick Street, ) > , . . .. . -. . ." -.' • Slamo In ollre Agentl per viaggl ferroylarlln tutta,Europa... .friendly, and:, . . -" . . . -

. ~ ,_..... ", -. ~- .. - . ~ '. '. ' . . , _. - ...'.- . -, ._, 'L'Agenzia di Collocamento per ·comDetent. _. "" Albergl)i ~ Rist~raz:-ti" , --'~,~;,~.~"~-:.~. ';=.'. - - _.' , ,advice ' "R.BIsCI EMPLOYMENT LTO: • - ....", • ,,_ c_ • , , . ~e lietadiannunciaTe la riapertu'ra al nuovo' . . .AssOciate of . ,- ~indirizzo di' - . 'Tr.iClent:Ufe Assurance

• • > '- ~. ~ ,,,, 5 PETERSTREET.(primo piano) . CompanyLimited ' '-<--, -.,-". 'LONDON W.1. ~ .' ~ " ,Tel: 01·437 7387 ' Telephone . - , . ,- , , .. Se avete camere, flat 0 case da affrttare • 'tolefonate 01~37 7388' . " '-. 01-4390069" , , - .. • e ' •

. , .,


• e' It

~ @} • •

ITAdAN RESTAURANT. ,. ~ 150 SOU:TH,-\MPTOl'l ROW tOl'lUONWCI Tel: 01-837'4584/5837, Openll,31)'a.ni.~:lIillil 11 P:in;. , '. . -,. , ..

, , • p~r ·~posalizi , sala, . di 120 posti ricevimenti e ··parties··

• 'BCLLETTINEJ' .. ' - Y'., _ ...•,."_, ._, ,>,_,,,, ASSOCIAZIONE .SAKlMICHELE YALCHERO. ,- .' . -' .' ".. . · ", ,~.-.- :E'..sCatocanche'. deciso d1 :renderenoto JIA .COMPlUTO IL PRIMO ANNO'DI VITK LA - -" . . .' - . PUBBLICA ASSISTENZA DI MORFASSO mediante periodich~ pUbblicazioni il • • ,rlnidiconto-dell!attivita svolta.e della iii e 'l;volto' ·nei.' giorrii scors,i atHo:rfassp,_ situazione.fiha~ziaria'per. dare a tutti il consiglio delVassociaziohe··PubIl.Hc_a la'pos'siliilita:diseguire'la'vita dells Assistenza, durante 11 quale e.s~ato.fatto PubblicaAssistenza dI Morfasso, .E' , '." ".- il iesoconto deU'attivita· svolta nel' stata'inoltre. fissata··la.data - domenica :- • - - '.~ "-- r-- c"rsodeUo scorso ..anno·ed,·e 'stato '-pre.;:: .... 3l.1ug(~o,';:. p:er~if'i>Hmo .almiversaiio , simtatoil programma.perquest'anilo.E'· ufficiale dell'associazione.,. '.' la prima vOlta ' febbra107de1, • Ilsegretario Tiramani ha ricordato il '''. , ... - lodevoleedistinteressato lavoro'dei ;I98l, 'che i responsabili della Pubblica • '.~ -.' ".' . • 0 . 0 •• 0 'volonta,1 che: mettono a .d1Spos1z10ne 11 . A;;sistanza hanno compiutoun'averifi!'a - 0 ~ 0 .. • , 0 " • , loro' tempo dl,,:g1Orn~· e anche d1, notte per. dell'attivita svolta; .. .' .. . ,", " un'opera,umanitar~? e,altruistica. 11 I, Da tale bil'ancio sono,emersi" alcuni dad: presiderite:,Secclii h·-chiusura di seduta ,-. -.-' .. -.-' "'-.- " h~invi~a~o;>-' ,,. .' • --"~ . f' -, ',. '. •• ! ,-;' . E' stato eletto direttore ,sanitario dell" 57 f.amigli~" inpratic,a ·tut~o il- paese.. associazione' i1: dotto\:.".' Ma'rco',Polledri-', : 'Lit 'scuola, :costrtiita aquota·:p1ii., • ~". J~"'.,.""C ,',', ; ~ssere.consegnato l.n un pr1lDO momento di riserva a ,quota piu alea per dare ai militi e 1'01 in un secondo momento . all'- .'acq'uedotto'". una."~"'''.'magg~orepress10nee-'. O' , potrn.essere distribuito a:iichiest:a agli pote~ rifornire anc~e la parte'alta di 1nteressati.· , ., '.' 'S;·M1chele·e'la'scuola.- ' .. _-_. -- 2]: 0' __--' '._'__ .'.'_'~_' ~.;..'--c..--- =--~,'----~-==.,,"--'" ~ ~ .-; - ;;;=. _. = __ -,= -:-_'-= .._-=- - ---"----, -"'7-' .. - • • .,,, ... , • • , ..


- , ", J ,

St.. -- Peters -School-- , '

'Re-un'ion". ~. . .' .. . . .

SATURDAY 14THiMAY'1983 , , • at .7 .30 p,m.

, . . ·, .1·1c:::'IC-­ - • L..:J~ • -- . <> ,. M • FOOD• .. • • • ..- . • " Drlnks at Bar' ,. .- .. --

-- •, . Tickets £5.00 , -

• ." obtainable Vie Heissel or any -Committee Member-at the Social Club .. -" , ~ from . ---. ," - . ""~' . - .,' - - Te1'. 01-278 9402. ,

~ - .. . '.'"

c._.,., ,~' ." ••". 'c. • • , ,~ , " , -, , ,,- -,~ • • .. '- . . ,...... • • Dixon, investigations .~. ..' "~' "', 102."103.;Dixons. Green, Avviso Dud1ey, .West:.Mid1 ands, -- DY2 7DJ • rel: 'DUDLEY 232746

Dear., Sirs,.-' '-' .~-.' '.' ANTONIETJA SALVA -.TRICE MARANO - BORN,12/3/1937

Yo~rs ~aithfull~ , • M.K... James, .. .. . -- -- . 22 •• • ~ - . - - -- -~~

,-- -'




,. .

V • • H • ~ ~ • Il 1?~pr.ge~p

'We,a:re al~ ~!,lighl;ed !=~at ,thi~ 'ma,riage .now joinsw~th 'll'Oewbond of' affe~~ion. two farilili'es which are very much invo1ve

; Italian Community., , . We wis.h the ,happy couple every b~essing 1n the same way as:we do for 'everyone who geb! ~rried. a'b1!lssingwhich wiU' help them, as' a newfamHy; to'",itne'ss the ' . '. l

~~ ~ch:,lf (If ou:, read~~s'Jmd eachmem~er of the 'BACKHILi. team'we would 'like to ~Xpt;~s!l.~'.'r~eart;elt JO?, and 9ffer ou(sincerest,congiatija~dons to Francesco .ana Francesca. ? 23 - ~- ""~-- ---=--'-~-""'."-~ - -- -~ ~" . ,"- ~- ~- =- , ,

, , • • ~.-.---

With my cousin's permission I ,would :i.ike, However, we do·ha~e some faint glimmers of 'to declare ,this year "'the 'year of, tlie hope. So 'far the. biggest British offering 11' . '~,-,,' sequel. E,' T., has,'come, and gone home, in'th~ can ,this year is from Hugh (Chariots) , b"t Speilberg, witr ,an eye,oll his''ba,rik. Hudson withGREYSTOKES, : THE LEGEND OF balance, is trarisp,ox:ting"himbacka,gain ~ARZAN. ;This~ersion is a serious attempt ,-' , " . ,- ., , . - in the sequeL - E.T. IX., Nexche is to r!"create EdgarR1ce 'Burroughs' legend;, . - .. - .'.... ,"' " doub1l.ng up with George Lucasfoi a trom j!,ngleism to,,'Edwardianism. The magi' ,further RAIDERS,>.ri'pping· ya,rn',with Harri';' ,of .the horx:or ,movies' : Messrs. ',price, son Ford" due oue:at tlie end, of the year. Cushing and ~eejoiri, forces for HOUSE OF If it is done as w~ll.as' it's"pr~decessor, LONG, SHADOWS .., 10ye"rs too late?

then, the more 'the merrier. ,Another serial -' ' - ". -- ."." .. ' ..--' ...... Around Chr1s~mas t1me Barbara'Stre1sand which stands on' its, own'merits is 'the STAR . - ,.~ .- - _. - I~ARS saga, This 'time~ in the form of the ' makes, her directing; debut a~d ~tars, ip' a RETURN OF THE JimI ';ut in the first w~ek musical' called.'YENTL,', 'She joins the num­ erous, whiiz-ki- , .,to start Ulaligning hi;; "centuries since ,.can turn' a' hand:,'on either side of the , , " -' -,. '.'., .' 1:he last three.: episodcs;wiU not be. ~ens. 'An'-;,t\ler. ~xiimpi~ also bring~m~ t:6 filmeCl until,i996·''::fir~t.·1:heYhl!i

as we "non Foreigri~ Of,ficc'" people' will STAYING. . ALIVE..,~.or'SATURDAY- NIGHT,. - FEVER- have, it - OCTOPUSS,Y;~pisode 13 of the, MARK ,2', starring ·Mr,. Iravolta with the Fleming master spy 'missions is due out, Bee, Ge~s s~pp!ying,~he, mu~ic, no doubt o ,. _ • - as usual, in mrd~June. This time it's they 'are hopil!g,ctq, inak~ enough money to London to India, (which 'seems'to ,be the, cover ,the cos,ts,of a law 'suit be,ing, • '~ - -. -". -" <, brought "gainst,~hem. Script and'direc~ 1n-,place th1s vear·, ',what 'w1th, HEAT AND • • '. V ~ ,. .' • .. • DUST and GANDHI) :' , t10n :1S donated,:by"Sylvestex: Stallone who,, at.,' first-".,glance, ,seems as qualified- . , " . -'- - -. - ... ' It is at this poirit th~t we qiverge' from t~,ditect ~'mu~ic~l as, Henry Cooper is the norm and, gimm~cks,enter the race. to ,sing, opera·'

, ,But, before' you go -may ,1 just say .. that 'it I S been nice talking, too you, see ,you again' when Bosco;goes globetrott:ing to'il0.other .ANSWERS TO 'CINEMA QUIZ, pa~t "()~ the-world. 1 'hope 1~av:en,lt beel) .. too ,!,uch"of ,a' ,1et-doWl).Jand ':thank",you, for

your :patience.-Buc ol)/with "the' quiz. 0 0' •• :>~snw }O punos,:' L' . . . - ll.lado alj~ ~ll:iq8!N ,09 L ,Return of- "the Furious .Jury , spall'S 2'. Children ,of Scarlett 'O'Hara, Splld u~ .11.'ldV :,~, 3., Thc. Flying Umbrclla, Strikes Back.. sUJddod A.lllH °t 1n"Ca~ais' .4: '!1ay.. " ,'" " ,pu!ll,alJ~ lj~~1 ,auo:l 'z' 5. -Orang<,;s .. • '\law ~.i18UV""."t

- .. I See, you at :tlie sequel!'

,CIRILLO .. , , , , .. .. ' - , - ,

, ~ ". -


, , , . ' , The' Editor, Lettere:, -. " . . . -.' ~ . 'BACKHILIi; , , ,, '136' Cle'i:kenwe'll• ". - .Rd,<>,: ,London', 'E.C.1'., . - -. - . ' ., .,.' , ~ . ~ ~ " . , "

--> ~.""

FYetton 'Road, , _." ~ .... ",._.7 Bounds, :Green i .. ",~ .. ,,' . 'Londont·, 'Nl'l 2QL., .-',

Mi- sono','deCisa a ,scrivereque'sta letterapei: cliiedereuo' g'iande: :£avore ,e ,questo sarebbe :,:se'fosse'possibile 'incliideren,ell;' rivisi:~,gli inc(il:iz?i e,' n!,mer~' d{,tel!,:', fono di pensioni: ital.iane e camere da affittilre a,prez.zi n1o~e,str.

, , Ayo!tesi ri'6evonot~lef(in'!tc,~ail'~tana,da anir~,i' ch'e ci~von.o'ven~:rea ,!:qn,dt'aper vari ,m.0tivi ,!" chfedon6 una, camera; 'Se uno ,:ha, la ~a.~·api~~O~'ac!)Iii~'la",iUiii,non ,i~puo o~pii:arc:,piil di {ina tierSon,a alIa ,volta: Inpiil, al;itando at~ord' diL~n!lra" g §re~;,o d.el1~ ,n!etropoVt>!I).a 'da ~pui: al cent'ro e proibitivo·ed anche la distanza e ~comod

SpeCi~~!!'e:nte q':';i,Mo unO. dce~\!i:\il'efonllt': durantl,ll;l setthnana, uno de,?~ 'i,!vor~(e} 1)01\ ha l:c".'p,? per. glrare ,per 'l~ C1tt~ per trovare una,' c,a,!,er::a. E' vero oche <:1, son,?"tante "Bed .. Bi~;ikH~i:":m~_i>.l,: ~iorl)o q' oggi.Il'cins~puo'¥einp'f~ Jlla~1~regeritc 'Lq,!!,s~i p'osti ~en~acon,o.scere. !E,!' p,ersone che danno"l.n af~ltto ~\I~ste, "amere:

Se ci fosse un 'ei'enco di ,n9mi 'nella vostra i:ivista sar'ibbe. facile prenot,!re"p~r,'~ele­ fono e dare cosi:aiuto ad amici che, non sapendo parlaie I' inglese; 'si troverebbero " .. ' -" ".~ -'... ,.,.",

a loro ;igio fra 'italiaiiL, , La ringrazio sentftanicnte e spero proprio che,'il 'miC> Msi~erio vimgjl #pagat~.

'.-.. D1stlntl salut1'"'.- , ,

25 , -~--- , - - -.-.------""'---- - ~-,' - --~- --=~ ..... , , ,--,-" - .~- " " , J Armatrading pop-rock. Day .four••••previously it would have been a fair comment to say that J.A•.was well ,known ,for her ballads,.., ,a, trade mark; if you like. Songs like "Love and,Affection", '~Shelter From The Storm" and "Tall In The Saddle" gave full scope, for -her rich reso­ nant voice: ,her ,sensual phrasing,a clever foil to the lush pro,duction. ,It struck me today that "Everybody Gotta Kno~";and "I ,Love My Baby" are tracks intended' to fol-,' low the glories of the aforementioned bal­ lads. 'Trouble is they, don't.. quite make it, • ..instead of being.. anthemic. they end up soun- USIC ding anemic - come o~~o~n: you're dea!ing • with emotions which are plundered from - - -' the ,heart' and .not the pocket.

.I • Scene Daifive•••• IR~,sseig: even worse•. when ,L,goe-:home and played it: the, sound bounces>...... ". When ,she was 'last touring in' this country ,, . my new L.P. over breakfast. That soon put something over a year ago, I went, to see an end to the jollities -I still didn't her at :, - now,. that- 'was, a real' ,. . like it. Interesting sleeve, though, cracker of a show where the 'audience was , ,.' .. --",.,,'-., pretty colourful and: I always find it c;pmposed oddly enough, alt(>ost excl~!liyely heartening, to see the lyrics printed on of young white couples aged ~etween 20 the inside sleev~. Mind~you, as I sither~' and' 30. 'The band was .tighe, .the light .. '.. - tryfng,to think how to fill today's,spac~ show superb' and the set;well paced; You in the diary I can recall strains of "The " ,~~ . can't achieve that:degreeof contact and Dealer" perhaps the song which has, most, communication~ " at ' , I refl~ct~d as' " .-":~4 ,," .•.' -. '0 _ '.' ,,' ' ... immediate' impact. Not too sure 'I iike ,the I trudged up to ~he fr~~t door, .key 1~ , ... . "" -' " "". - lyrics '(we're not talkin'g''about cards' ,hand. here; knoworramean?) ,but'the'diversityand • volatility of this ditty helps to balance ,~., ,Day six••••of ,course, The ,Key: t.he ,t()ol 11' -.' - , , ., •• - <, •• a rather plodaing beat. Infact, I' found' . to:an end, means,of 'escape••• or perhaps •• '_. u , , • ' _. myself humming this .tune 'to, myself 'as I an anchor,tetheririg"youdo to one ' ,-.. " -, , ...... , .. _ ..- , wn went out' of 'the,housc'today. direction. "I want t,hekey to your, heart" - - '.' ~ .. • she exclaims 'in" the tide track, I!d' like Day three••••wipingthe mises of'sleep ,to beHeve' her: and I'd like to 'think . ~~om ,e~es ~~~!,g th.i~ 1U~r!,ing, ,~' ,that one of the most delicate· songwriting n:Y: fit;st ~ (" ". ... ' .' . , . ' ... '. ,. '" " was bombarded by "Drop The'P1lot"on the ,!=iil'e~ts arourid foday is.not, thi,nni,ng do~ radio". '''That's certain to' wake 'you up, ,,' and .br~n~ing ,C),ut. ,\o(itn,ess, the W~mbley , ~ .~. quipped'.' '. , c the·D.J." _, "set you right...' " • for'.' the• shows, the soppy ba!!ads th~ g!ossy P~R. . ' ,- ".-- day." Personally, a coupre ,of extra hours wOrk.:. just the merest hint of selling sleep would have set me up better, ,but out. I ,went t() be~ depressed tonight. mustclike this is ce1:tainl)'pa13table. In.., . " - " ~. " ., deed' I would go as far as to say that the -(jay seven•• , •everything ,s~enied t() be going album is largely made up of very uplif~ , so well today - all the breaks came my way. ting and inspiring mus~c. y~s, as I stood I tho.ught of '!The Key", again today, I trie in mY slippers scraping my burnt toast, I to listen to it quite 'impartially and· I was reflected that apart from "The Dealer", pleasantly surprised: it is growing on me (see yesterday's entry), "Everybody'GOtta (especially the uptempo numbers). Maybe, Know" and "I Love My Baby" all eleven ~'m the one that's selling out. tracks were meaty and beaty, no-holds barred•• :. in short the inimitable Joan Ludi Strambella 26 - -- o

, .- . , ' , , • . . , , , Have 'you' • , , c'

C -'< .- • ' " , , , -, • " .- been "there ':I• AKASH TANDOORI RESTAURANT, •. .. 21 BRUNHAM HIGH ST. BUPNHAM, BUCKS .

. Tel: Burnham ,3507 Open daily: 12 noon-2.30 p.m. and 6 p.m.-ll.30~p.m.

Ever heard ,of the Burnham Joggers? I understand' that in jogging circles th~s The decor is still red plush'furniture intrepid band of "manic bi-peds" are very with,white walls, sort of cottagy, with well knoWn. The 'group was started' appa"­ a mish-mash of artwork on the walls, rently by a couple'of local doctors e.g. two or three phoney Constables, a (trying to conjure.up more business?). Chinese,print and a.still~life, artist Thus it was that oneevening last month I unknown.; was exposed to the sl.ght, .

, " .. Si. PATRICK'S ItlTERNATIONA[ SCHOOL 24 'Great Chapel Street - London W1V 3AF - Tel:01-734 2156 &01-439 0116 ,ENGLISH LANGUAGE COURSES , , AT ALL LEVELS Morning and afternoon classes •

, ..

_ -=--0- . --- .- ,~- 27 ~ .~ -- ,- - -." , ' , .. _- " '

Anglo Italian Football :L.f;!aSLie,

- . " ,13·.3~83.,LEAGUE ,cup SEMLFINALS - Ita1ia Wastee1s 1 Pilgrim Air 3 , ' " Gariba1dini 3 A.C. Napoli 2 (AET)

, Friendly - Carneva1e 6 S.S. Wi11esden o , • Division :2 - C.LL.S.E• 3 St. Peters Y.C. 2 20:3.83 Di~ision 1 Salvo C.F.S. o Gariba1dini o Ita1ia Wastee1s 1 Carneva1e ,3 Italian Sporting 1 A.C. Napoli 1

Friendly ­• Club 20 4 Artizan 4 Com. It. Waking 2 C.LL.S.E. 4 27.3.83 Division 1, - A.C. Napoli 7.> Garioa1dini 1 4 Sa1vo'C.F.S. 2 ,Ita1ia Wastee1s, . 'Friendly' , ,Pilgrim Air 3 Italian Sporting 1 - -. ------~--- Carneva1e 3 'C,:LL.S.E. 2 ,-'

" • , ' ·. , .. Linea Italics Division 1 Punt Gioc: Vin Pers Par Fat. Sub, . Pnts P1yd Won ·Lost Drn For· t\gst .Spor'tsmanshir- , • . .- , . , A.C.NAPOLI , 19. 12 8 , 1 3 , 32 1.7 7.70 •• ' '. . • , • • CARNEVALE . 17 11. 7 1 3 16 '6.58

. . . ARTIZAN 12 11 5 4 2 33 30 7.71

-, , . , . . . , , " ITALIAN SPORTING . 8 .11 3 6 2 23. '. 27 7.17 .' .- -" . , , '" • ITALIA WASTEELS 8 11 . 2, 5 4 15 21 8.62 • • -' '-- .. ~ . - ..- . , . SALVO CFS 7 ,11. , 2 , 6 , 3 17 ,31 8.00 • ., • - .. , , , GARIBALDINI 3 ,,7. 1 5. , 1 13 25 7.. ,61

• .. .

. • . • • , , - Linea, Italics Punt Gioc Vin Pers Par Fat, Sub , Division 2 • Sport~ • Pnts .P1Yd Won Lost Drn' ·For l\gst .msh~ . · . • .• 12' PILGRIM AIR . 22 12 11 1 0 40 7.83 • • • • • , • , . . , • • COM. IT. WOKING 21 • . .12 10 1. 1 40' '16 7.90 , · , , • • • ST. PETERS Y.C; 11 12 5 6 1 24 22 • 8.15 • . • • • • .. , , • FRECCIA AZZURRI 11 12 5 6 1 24 16 7.50 , . .. • . •• • 1; • • • C. L. S.E. 11 12 5 6 1 24 30. 9.00 .. • . . • - , A.F. LN. S. 8 12 4 8 0 17 28 8.66 "",' • • ' . • .. • •• ,-' • • .. .. , ... • • • • . • , , CALABRITTO. 0 12 0 12 , . '0 12 57 7.85.



SporlSOfC N~vonL '-'CaIlCb.. Lboou luba. F.A.I.F. St. rclfllQ\uch. 28 SPORTLIGHT." - o' - - -'- < • •• , Richard Evens writes....

The Grand National Who can forget the way'he was brought down so cl~se to home, remounted and made up The Editor has proinised·,that the' society acres.of ground'on the eventual winner to pages of this magazine will feature the finish third? 1983 Aintree Expedition Dinner (subject ..... ,.... _'- to an appropr1ate art1cle being prepared - Bonum Omen had experienced aifficulties , Ed) and so I' shall simply concentr~t!l on with his jumping incthe past, 'but had won " the race itself. in January,over"Cheltenhani's stiff ferices. He al~o'needed soft'grou'!d, but a week's Form had beE\n studied c,arefully. Last heavy: rain and his trainer, 72 year old year's winner, Grittar, was ,a relatively Fulke WalwYn, ·being bang on' form indicated I short-priced fayciurite; but had only been to me that ,all the omens were in his favour. on a racecourse-> -•tW1ce'. S1nce."'.h1s,v1ctory• 'Others'seem~d to agr~e as he was backed because of an injury interrupting his down from 12-1 to second favourite.at 15-2 "reparation. Second it! the 'betting 'a 'during'the'week leading up to' the race. week beforehand, was -Spartan Missile, Next best for me was' Mid 'Day Gun. who had chased hom~ Bob Champion and Aldaniti two years earlier• His, appear- Well, J, need not have ,worried '. about• him! ance 1n'~ the race was., a > near miracle• He was one.of the casualties at the first following such a severe' breakdoWn-that fence, along with GeralaineRees on Midday he 'had not raced at all from mid: 1981 and Welcome. Corbiere was up with the leaders throughout 1982. Our Ormskirk host had on the inside, from the start.' After Becher's obtained very favourable' ante-post oads first time round (which saw the demise of of 25-10 The gamble had been laid but Joy Carrier on ~ing:Spruce) the lead was would ,it payoff? For me it was asking contested.,by. Keengaddy and the perennial too much at the weights to expect e'ither Delmoss. As they reached the. fence at of them to re~apture t;heir past glories. which'wewere all statioried~ The Chair, Bonum Omen was way back and, although he Because of begging letters, one of our was unluckily baulked at 'the 20th, the party has specifically asked to remain truth is, that he was only in the running . ' anonymous. The re1!son -as" early as the for t~e minor,places. Circolo Veneto dinner in. January, he had o . . indicated a preference for Corbiere, All this time Corbiere was jumping soundly winner of the Welsh Grand National at in a prominent position and pushing on in Chepst6w by a head from Pilot Officer. the country second, time round his only "The wife" was to share this' selection for serious rivals were Greasepaint and.Grittar.

the sound racing reason that Jenny Pitman's The two brave outsiders,, Hello" Dandy, and hOJ=se had' an i'i:alian~soundingmime.' Yer Man were tiring and comiJ1g over the When it was pointed out the name was in' last, Jenny Pitmari's"horse'looked to have fact that of a Jersey lighthouse she re­ it sewn up. But ,on the 494 yard'run in mained adamant:' although I 'have still to Mr. -qoJin'Magnier produced a remarkable see the colour of her ~oney! burst of acceleration from his Irish mount. Deafened by 'the shouts, from his supporters Corbiere. was als'o the local tip. Our in my ear'Beri de Haan held on to ~in by Aintree Uncle kindly gave much neelled half-a-"lerigth. susten'ance at his house an hour before the race." '.H1s part1ng..".adv1ce was" a small All that was left was to collect our re­ '. . ... - each-way wager on the Ben de Haen mount. spective winnings from Mr. Joseph'Turnbull, bookmaker~' I' should. have<",,.heeded hi\;,,. words. For •me AND 'lay our plaJ1s 'for 1984!! the form horse' was Bonum Omen. He had wori the Brooke Bond/Oxo National 'Trial at Our Ormskirk host? Regrettably Spartan Warwick beating Pilot Officer by. ove,r 18 Missile unseated his rider at Becher's lengths. This race has proved 'an excel­ second time'round. The final result in lent guide to the Aintree victor in the case you did not know was : past. Ben Nevis- -'had been a close" second~ in 1980 and'Loving Words had won in 1982. 1st Corbiere - Ben de Haan 13-1 Indeed, this grey (the selection of our 2nd Greasepaint -'Mr. C. Magnier 14-1 Corbiere supporter 12 months earlier, 3rd Yer Man - T.V. O'Connell 80-1 incideJ1tally)' was considered by many to 4th Hallo Dandy - N. Doughty 60-1 have been unlucky.not to beat Grittar. 5th Grittar - P. Barton 6-1 Fav. .. . . , , - =----=------29 , ."." - .. --- ,~ , Parole ,'Incrociate

1 , , 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 •

14 15 " , • -, 17 18 19 20 - • 21 22, ' , 24 , 27

, ' , , 28 •

= ~ ---. - <---<---- 33 ,

, 4 , • 36 37 -. •

" , 40 41 , •

-, • , , " • 42 43 - 46 , " • •

- , '.' ORIZZONTAlI: 1.Previsioni••• calcist1che 'VERTICALI:l. Sono robuste quelle dei " ., ' . . '., 10. Firenze 12. Smaltire la fatica 13. rompighiacci 2. Riepilogare 3. L'inizio Un veicolo urbano i4~I •••confini del~'U­ dell'opera-4. Un datodelle generalitA ganda,15; 11 nome di Del Monaco'l? Compe~ 5. Mostrare ardim

30 ._. , ------,------,--,...... ,....-.....,..------,---.,-~ -- '---' _: ~ ~. , • .. " . . · ,

• ,. -• .' •• - • •• ,• • • • , -• • , ­ -::. :Piccoli; ~, ':WO . - , , ...... -~.eF' -.- i .•... .. - - "$. • t < ' ••• ¥ ••' FM rOUE LITIGANT!•.•• .. . ", -. '. - Due cani intorno a uri.osso· - ,- .. - ,,'. - 1, I. :WISFOR••••• stavan per darSi addosso. E cori.occhi'lucent'i" , t . .w.;.----y9\' look' thr0!1gh ~t; ·col pelo 'dritto'e, digrig.l'ando ,i.'denti, 1 'uno' all'altrodiceva- in:' Italiano: ?: W---- It ·tells. the time - .. ~.' ,. 3. W------Small ,inscct,~hich\loves .- se l6'tocchi, ti sbrano! . ,boles in floor ,boards, . lritanto '1' ~sso, in- mezzo ,all:aspra '. . ·4. 'W---'- Put pen to paper' guerra,. . ..,. stava 'intati:o,e"odoroso:ll: per terra. 5., ·W---- Not: correct • • + , , • '6. W--- A. poirit"on the compass' Un terzo cane, che, a'",a'so pa~s2; . -' ,."" , W--~-- zitto zitto 10 prese,e"se ne ando. 7. A person, who. .works with a;loom. ." _ to produce woven fabric, ·8., W-'- What candles',are made of: ,. - . "'-'.' ,'. "' _.-...... • ~ !, "!-"'--'" ·.C'.!pi.t:.~l. pf ~p'lan~ , On~ ",,,.,R. ·FUCINI,- ,! 10. W--'-'-- of the seasons of the 'year



, • ,!la Lingua , ,

, ;M.?l~ise",oli i~ • b, 9recia, viyeva un u()mo, .di nome E.sopo. 'Egli era 'uno schiavo; era, 1, ·brut:to~ ma mo~to intelligente. ;Ungiorno il padrone gli dice';; "Perdomani.,Esopo, pniparami un' buon pranzo. ,Voglio 'mangiare la cosa 'piu buorie"...... , , . i I}sopo prende una lingua e ,la cuoce, '''Perche hai".preparato questa lingua?".; ·chiede il' .. ° ,• • ,padrone, "Tu mi' hai detto di preparare 'lili:osapiu buona", risjionde Esopo ... !',E' la lingua, s~condo te, e',la 'cosa'-piu',buona?", !'Sl,perche con la lingua noi ,dieiam~ .parole ,buone e lriveritli". . '. .. . , , "Hai ragione'" dice il pridrone. "Per domanf preparami' la coslqiiu cattiva". • • '!lsopo it giorno dopo', porta;al suo". pad'rone" uti' altra,lingua.;, "Ancora una lingua?'!,. qhiede il padrone, "ma non era la cosa piu buona?". ' , • . ' ,,' "~Si.", . quando, dice'. lebugie e rispose Esopo, "ma puci,.essere imclie la cosa piu cattiva . . - . le parole cattive. ' .. , . ~. . . , , '~-" ... ,P~JBarge1hn1.- -.-.-. 31 -" ~ -- , -- -- -=- --, , ',- '~--"~-r; '~, -~ -- 0-_ , . -~- .. ... - =- ...... - .

, , •• ,\ ,, t ; , ' , I

, ",

- • .~

salalJli ' • ' made il/ Italy '" , bomboniere , ,, , tulle " ',. l , i, :~ Qonletti" 'I , ,. liori- '" ",.- , ,. • , OITTA-'.A VERONESI S:o,o. MILANO,, . - ITALY 'SAlES _ •• , I , . .. Je1 ephone: (91 ) 837, 0426/7 " ,, ~"". . . . , • • , . •, I ,,i ,, l j , ••, , , , , ; •, ,, , ,, , ! I 1 ••

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, •, , i l •

, , 32 ---_.

...... , .. .. ., • bnino medici' PhOtographer . ;47a W.id.csta- sQ.Hc. ~ SWI~- '.TO/; -.-,.,,~ 01-834 '501 , .. " . .." , . - ~ ,/'

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, , , " ,'- ' The Italian Church .. • - ~. . , , .. Travel Agency .. , .., .. . ,

• r •_ • • 136 CLERKE:-/WELL ROAl> , '" "LONDO:-/'ECI; , .. .' ~ TEL. 01·2781399 .. 01·831'1528'

. .. • Per ikotWre 1vostii momen:J;N k5d ~ ~ Studo /'1f:6d. I , "', - . '_.' -,' ..- ..... ~ . . '

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·Catholic-~ '-. j «-, Undertakers'* .. SERVIZI. :FUNEBRI,-,ALL'ITALIANA- ." < ... 'FUNERALS. . J\RRANGED IN!>ONDON, THE 'COUNTRY' ·AND- 'ITALY. -. .- ',' ,,- .' - , .. ..


• ......


. PRIVATE CRaPELOF REST Head Office: also at: , ~5 LaIlI\)s Conduit St. ,WCl 41 MonmouihSt.,WC2 Till: 405 4901 1'4 Watford Way,N1V4 405 2094 166 Caledonian.- ..Rd.,Nl -. .. ======-.-;------=----" ------='--=- =--- --"- .'------=- = -==­ -- ..- ~-' --.-.,~--: ~." ---­ • • '. .-,.--=-= .:'-<' .---- =--: - - -.- ,-- -~- ". -~". • .' ,.. . .. ,

Ricetta Recipi:!

I .. , APPLE,SPONGE CAKE' DOLCE ·01 '·lELE • . ' • Simply made, 'simply delicious~ Sveltissimo e facil.issimo~ .. "

Ingredients, Ingredienti ... ". .'I 2 eggs 2 uova .. '. 7 oz ;:sugar 200 gr. z!,c,ch~ro 4 oz'.butter. 110 gr. burro \. ... - ~ " 7 oz' pla1n flour ).. d 200· gr••farina, ,-). " " . 3 tea'sp,opo.!! ba~ing power·'"'d ")s1eve : l'busta di lievito Bertolini)stacc1ato , . pinch ofsalt. pizzico dL' sale 11 pintof'mi-lk ·150 -ml; latte '4 apples 4 mele handful of sultanas una mariata di uva' sultanina gratedlemofl'rind buccia.di 'limon~' gr~tuggiata ·few blanc~ed, sliced ·almonds poche ,mandorle .sbucciat.e e tagliate

.. •

.Method. Metodo

, ~- .. -'., . Beat the eggs .and,.8ugar .until light ~battete.leu~va.e lo,zucchero aSS1eme ".nd fluffy. . ',' , 'finche. risultino soffice e,cremose. . .~.. _. . . Put butter andifuilk into ,a saucepan 'Mettete, it'burro ed,~l latte in una and,bring'to the boil. ' ~asse!uol~ e quandp.bolle versatela ~nto Pour ,this the:egg'mixture ana 'sopra• le·,uova-. r· sbattute.,. mix !=horoughly. , ,." ' , Aggiungete'la- rfarina, it lievito ed .- .. il. sale. Fold· the flour" bakmg powder i'nd " .. ~.:~~. .. •, maki~~'sure salt into the mixture" Mescol'ate blme badanda, che' non ,'si formino, .. . .that the,e. are no lumps'., .grumoli'. .. , ~' - . . , . . Versate .'11 composto 1n. una terr1netta. Pour the m1xture, 1nto ,a .. greased -.- •• ,,,- ",> baking pan about 8" xlI". . imbur~ata larga, circa 20 cm x 28 cm. j Sprinkle sultanas ,over the mixture. Cospargetel~ con l'uva .sultanina, le I " Cover'with sl'ices p~ apples and" mele tagliate iri' fette sattili, la 'bucc'ia di limone e in ultimo le mandorle" j lemon rind and almonds. " ~ ~

• ,Place 1n• preheated oven No. 5 ,for "Cuccinate nel forno No. 5 per circa about 45 m1nutes.• 45 mimiti, I . --, serve warm with custard or cream ServiteIa calda con panna.,oppure fredda~ or serve cold.

Instead of using apples, ,pears, or 'Potete sostiuire le mele con pere 0 peaches may ,be us~d. pesche. I • l


34 .. ' - ,,,

Calendaria...... -.- ,T. . ," . A",V~V;:EN.I , ,r R OS,·S 1 MI... M.E Nr L D'I: L· C'A . D"O,M,·U,NI.. TA"

. - . - . . .. . ~ . sabato 14 - Grand Reuinon, of' St·. Peter's\Scl)ooi"St. ,piincras" Town Hall, 7.30 ~ -. ' ,- - - - Fes~a cii ChiesaBianca; Vit~1io a'Oro · . - - "' . .;. ,F~sta, dj:'Lugagnano,SilcredHeart"Schoo1, .!fuets,to,ne ~ ... ,." .- ,1, --." .' , domenica 22 - Grand" 'Pel'legdii"a'ggio ,cien~ ,Co"*unitillt.aiialla: ad Ay1esford .C

, ' .\ - ~. . \ domenica 29 .;. Assoc. 'Genitori Harrow-Weinbi'ey,.:Mediey'~l'Ba'1quet; Thithe Barn, 'Headstone Manor,' Harrow '.- GIUGNO

. domenica' 5 " ..- 'Scamp,agnata' dei Padri' Scaiabrin'i', Dyrh~m Park'Farm; Barnet .- .. ~~'.,~. ", ". LUGI.:IO

· domenica 3 ..;, 'Assoc. 'Genitorf di :. Barn Dance, 'Dyrham Park,Farm" Barnet.

The next ,~4ition Of,BACKHIlL wih:beptiblished ori,Sunday 5~h June. - \ -- . Il pr,ossimo n'!n\ercr·di,BP,CKH.ILL verri\ ~ 'pubbi i c'ato d9inerijca: 5 gliJgno.,

, .- ..,

,, A.....RESIDENCE", -.+'.'- - TORRES· ... "' 13orgo41ro, ,

, ,. ~ -~--_ -.- . • ...,... "."" "'." "e. > •• <' ... . , , " ,- .~. " ' -' " . . ,'" 11 complessoimmobi~are ":rO.RRESANN';.Ubicatone~e adiacenze . 'del campo SportlVO, SI SVllupperlnu dl un'area dl 12.000 mq. , .circa; Per un totale di 31 ease a:schieradistribuite in 6 . 'corPi di fabbriCa, distanziati frilloroda'ampi viali. . , giardjU! c0!1domi~ali, par~he~ e gill!"~in! . rpnvall. Le smgole umta Immobllian .:'sono' state progetlate per consentire , '. ' '. ~la.propriet.a u!la totale .mdlpendenzadal resto del, ,. • Jabbrieato'.i L'unita si.sviluppa ,~" .. ,.. ' . 5U tre piani Per un totale di 'cifca 183 mq.commerciali. 11 grado di'finitura eda considerarsi altamente signorile, pr~vedendo fraj'!I'trnsegna delle stra(la, ,che sara atlreizato, a giardino ", , abitazicini avverra entro:15 mesi dalla data inizio lavori. pubblico,\!'accordo prevede al.lche· . " " ' c . " , Prezzo da L. 700.000 al mq. !'jristallazione di un campo da tennis '. . - , , 0 dhina' piscina. - . , . . . ., :uNAVISITAVAtE PH} In,OGNtALTRkPAROLA , -- - '. - - -- .. . ." . . " , "- - ,. .. ' " ,.,c-' j _. ·.-A~' ,~-';"";', ...;,..-::'1 , .. .." '. " , ., -- , . ..;.. ,''--'. , • lri£orm.aiioni.~preriotaiionip'i:e.s~(ri. ~9stri t.iffic!:7 " - - , Via q,!r~baldh,2-:-PARMA-teI.0521·36752 J' ",'i1mestiere ' P.ttaLa Qua'dl'·,J~ORG9TJ\.RO,-,tel;0525-97458'''::::':±: ,di prcimuovere


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Cumbcrland Hotcl ; London

• The Queen's Hoicl Cheltenham The Post House Hotcl , •. ' Yort Shakespeare Hotel Slratfordoup?n';A\'On , I