FROM AMBASSADOR’S DESK Greeting to all & Dear Friends, visit by Foreign Minister YB Dato’ Saifuddin Abdullah, just this. past November As 2019 draws to a close, it is with great pleasure that I convey warmest greetings to you, on behalf of the Embassy of Malaysia That notwithstanding, I am especially pleased that under my watch, the in the Russian Federation. Embassy successfully coordinated the visit of YAB Prime Minister Tun Dr. to Vladivostok, in the Russian Far East region. I am pleased to share with you the Embassy’s Newsletter which YAB Prime Minister’s meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin encapsulate key diplomatic events and activities which we had had effectively laid the foundation for strengthened relations, as undertaken throughout 2019. Among others, these include evidenced by the follow-up visit by YB Minister of Economic Affairs, official engagements, people-to-people contacts as well as Dato’ Seri in October, for the inaugural meeting of social and sports activities. the Malaysia Russia Joint Commission Meeting on Economic, Scientific, Technical and Cultural Cooperation. Despite being geographically far apart, Malaysia and Russia have enjoyed a long history of friendship and relations. Fifty-two From the various highlights in the newsletter, I believe that the years since the establishment of diplomatic ties, Malaysia and Embassy has successfully maintained the excellent momentum and Russia today stand as two countries with shared values, global successes achieved in the previous year, especially on core business interests and strong links. areas such as engagement with various diplomatic, business, academia and other communities, as well as with the Malaysian Despite that, there have been challenges which tested the diaspora in Russia. relations most notably the MH17 tragedy of 2014. Nevertheless, as strong and equal partners, both Malaysia and Russia remain I wish to reaffirm the Embassy’s commitment to advancing sustained committed to uncovering the truth surrounding the tragedy, in and steady development of bilateral cooperation, as well as the keeping with the strength of Malaysia-Russia relationship and enhancement of mutual understanding and friendship between the the trust the two countries have in each other. peoples of Malaysia and Russia.

As Ambassador, I feel a great amount of satisfaction at the On behalf of all Embassy officials and staff, I take this opportunity to significant improvement in Malaysia-Russia relations during my wish everyone happy holidays. May the new year bring ever increasing tenure, but especially so in 2019. Throughout the year, there joy, happiness and prosperity and Happy New Year 2020! have been several ministerial level visits, including the recent AMBASSADOR DATUK MAT DRIS HAJI YAACOB


As part of the Embassy’s commitment to recognise and appreciate the work and contribution of both Home-Based Staff (HBS) and Locally Recruited Staff (LRS), an Annual Dinner / Appreciation Dinner event was held with “Masquerade”, as theme.

The dinner also contained a competition segment entitled “Embassy’s Got Talent: Season II”, which saw HBS and LRS trying to outdo each other through various performances.

Especially memorable and noteworthy performances included the Panca Sitara, Kalinka, magic show and singing or traditional Russian songs by the LRS. The event concluded on a very cheerful note as participants received their various prizes!

In his pre-dinner remarks, H.E. Ambassador thanked all officials and staff for their hard work and dedication to the Embassy in 2018, and expressed hope that similar commitment and momentum will continue throughout 2019 and beyond.

Best wishes to everyone in 2019!

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MOSCOW, 16 April 2019 – H.E. Ambassador Datuk Mat Dris Haji Yaacob hosted a farewell dinner in honor of two (2) Embassy officials and their families namely, Ms. Hadiyana Md Yatim (Prime Minister’s Department - JPM) and Staff Sergeant Mohamad Faisol Md Nasir (MINDEF), who had completed their tours of duty.

In his remarks, H.E. Ambassador expressed Puan Hadiyana Md. Yatim S/Sgt. Mohamad Faisol Md Nasir appreciation and gratitude on behalf of all officials and staff to both Ms. Hadiyana and Mr. Faisol for their support and contribution to the Embassy, during their tenure in Moscow.

Wishing all the best to Ms. Hadiyana and Mr. Faisol in their future undertakings and hoping that the spirit of close friendship and camaraderie Moscow, 25 June 2019 – The Embassy forged in Moscow will continue undiminished. organized a joint farewell and

welcoming luncheon for Mr. Hanisan “До Свидания” Hadiyana and Faisol! Hamzah, departing Chief Administrative

Clerk and his successor, Mr. Mohd Izuwan Mohamad Nor.

The Embassy wishes all the very best to Mr. Hanisan who will be assuming a Encik Hanisan Hamzah new position at Wisma Putra headquarters and warmly welcomes Mr. Izuwan to Moscow!

Moscow, 8 July 2019 – H.E. Ambassador hosted a welcoming Encik Mohd Izuwan Mohamad Nor luncheon for two (2) newly arrived officers namely, Mr. Johan Ariff Abdul

Razak, Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM) and Mr. Jeffri Munir, Tourism Attaché (TM Moscow).

The luncheon was attended by all HBS

and LRS and is part of the Embassy’s tradition to celebrate the arrival of newcomers to Moscow and to introduce them to embassy officials and staff. Encik Jeffri Munir Encik Johan Ariff Abdul Razak добро пожаловать в москву

Mr. Johan and Mr. Jeffri! 3 | P a g e


Vladivostok- 2019 saw a significant and positive development in diplomatic relations with Russia, beginning with the 4th September bilateral meeting between YAB Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the 5th Eastern Economic Forum (EEF 2019) in Vladivostok, Russia.

Throughout the visit, YAB Prime Minister was accompanied by YB. Dato’ Saifuddin Abdullah, Minister of Foreign Affairs, YB. Dato’ Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali, Minister of Economic Affairs, YB. Datuk Darrel Leiking, Minister of International Trade and Industry, HE. Ambassador Datuk Mat Dris Haji Yaacob and other Senior Government Officials.

Among the highlights of Malaysia’s participation in the EEF include the keynote address by YAB Prime Minister during the EEF Plenary Session, alongside President Putin and the leaders of India and Mongolia.

YAB Prime Minister also held talks with Prime Minister Modi of India on the EEF sidelines, while YB Minister of MEA and MITI also held sideline talks with their respective counterparts.

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In the course of a global tour to engage with foreign leaders on the upcoming Summit to be hosted by Malaysia, YB Dato’ Saifuddin Abdullah, Minister of Foreign Affairs undertook a working visit to Moscow.

From the perspective of Malaysia-Russia relations, the visit was especially significant as it was YB Dato’ Saifuddin’s first ever working visit to Moscow in his capacity as Foreign Minister. The visit also comes in close and rapid succession to previous high level engagements between Malaysia and Russia since September 2019.

During the visit, YB Dato’ Saifuddin held talks with his Russian counterpart, HE on a wide range of bilateral and contemporary international issues.

Following the conclusion of the official business of the working visit, the Embassy organised a high tea session in honor of YB Dato’ Saifuddin Abdullah, Minister of Foreign Affairs in conjunction with the latter’s working visit to Moscow on 20-21 November.

YB Foreign Minister was accompanied by his spouse, YBhg. Datin Norlin Shamsul Bahari and they took the opportunity to engage with Embassy officials and staff, as well as the PERWAKILAN ladies in an informal and relaxed atmosphere.

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In conjunction with YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali’s working visit to Moscow for the First Malaysia-Russia Joint Commission Meeting on Economic, Scientific, Technical and Cultural Cooperation (JC ESTC), the Embassy organized a dinner in honor of YB Minister and the Malaysian delegation to the JC ESTC.

The dinner was held at the Embassy’s Main Hall and was well attended by Embassy officials and staff as well as the Malaysian diaspora, including students who are currently pursuing their studies at various local universities in Moscow and other regions.

In his remarks, YB Minister shared his thoughts on the current economic and political developments in Malaysia as well as on the outcomes of the Malaysia-Russia JC ESTC.

As the event was informal and relaxed in nature, YB Minister also took questions and responded in a candid and frank manner. He also took the time to mingle with attendees and moved from table to table to interact with them.

All in all, it was a very successful event which was much appreciated by all participants as it afforded an opportunity to get to know YB Minister in a relaxed atmosphere!

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MOSCOW, 15 May 2019 - PERWAKILAN Moscow (EOM Ladies Association) gathered this morning at the Embassy to plan and prepare for the upcoming Eid-ul Fitr (Hari Raya Aidilfitri) celebrations, including the preparation of some traditional Malaysian ‘kueh’ and other delicacies.

The activity was part of PERWAKILAN Moscow’s ongoing effort to encourage the sharing of knowledge and fresh ideas on how best to prepare for and celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri in a joyful and meaningful way.

The Embassy takes this opportunity to wish all Muslims, their families and loved ones in Moscow and elsewhere a blessed Ramadhan!


MOSCOW, 31 May 2019 - In celebration of the holy month of Ramadhan, the Embassy organised an event to prepare and cook Bubur Lambuk, a savoury rice porridge traditionally enjoyed and served during the iftar (breaking of fast).

The event was held in a warm and joyful spirit of gotong- royong, led by the Embassy’s Social Committee and PERWAKILAN Moscow, involving embassy officials and their spouses.

More than 150 portions of Bubur Lambuk were then distributed to neighbouring missions in the diplomatic enclave, as well as to Malaysian students in Moscow who were also invited to the event.

In view of the imminent arrival of Eidulfitr, the Embassy takes this opportunity to wish all Muslims, their families and loved one a blessed and joyful Eid Mubarak.

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In keeping with tradition, the Embassy hosted an informal gathering at the Embassy to celebrate the arrival of Syawal and to mark the end of the blessed month of Ramadhan.

The gathering began early morning with the customary Eid prayers, followed by a delicious meal of traditional Malaysian delicacies, specially prepared for Eid.

In fulfilling the craving of Malaysians expatriates in Moscow, the Embassy through PERWAKILAN prepared quintessentially Malaysian traditional dishes such as nasi impit, rendang, lontong, kuah kacang, nasi minyak, kurma ayam, kari daging and sambal tumis.

More than 150 Malaysian diaspora in Moscow including university students attended the event which concluded just after lunchtime.

To make the event more memorable and special, a special photoshoot involving Embassy HBS and families in full Hari Raya attire was organised in Red Square / Kremlin area following the gathering at the Embassy. This colourful gathering saw many tourists stop by to ask about Malaysia and incidentally served as a mini Malaysia promotion event!

“Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 1440H; Maaf Zahir dan Batin!”

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A low key gathering was held at the Embassy in a simple yet meaningful celebration, beginning with the traditional Eid prayers.

Alongside embassy officials and staff, roughly 100 Malaysian students from various universities in Moscow also participated. The highlight of the event was the processing and distribution of the Qurban meat.

This event which has been traditionally hosted by the Embassy on an annual basis, provides an opportunity to engage not only with Malaysians in Moscow, but also in reaching out to the wider Muslim community in the city and region.

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Embassy officials supported and participated in a reception co-hosted by the Myanmar and Royal Thai Embassies to commemorate and celebrate the 52nd ASEAN Day anniversary.

Alongside representatives of the ASEAN Missions, invited guests included representatives from the diplomatic corps, Russian Government officials, the business community, academia and think-tanks.

The reception showcased the unity and cooperation of all 10 ASEAN Embassies in Moscow with the contribution of food and cuisine unique to each member state, among others.

In remarks delivered on behalf of the ASEAN member states, the Thai Ambassador emphasized the importance of building stronger partnership with its dialogue partners, including Russia. ASEAN’s strategic partnership with Russia is wide ranging and includes areas such as counter-terrorism, trade, investment and education.

Luncheon for Heads of Mission Spouses by ASEAN Ladies Circle (ALC)

The ASEAN Ladies Circle of Russian Federation (ALC) organized a luncheon for the Heads of Mission Spouses (HOM) hosted by the Embassy of Malaysia.

The event successfully gathered more than 30 HOM spouses from ASEAN, Europe, Middle East and Latin American missions based in Moscow.

Among the highlights of the event include the cooking demonstration and cultural performances from various delegations.

As always, PERWAKILAN Moscow played an instrumental role in ensuring the success of the event.

Syabas ladies!

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In keeping with tradition, the Embassy hosted a reception to celebrate the 62nd anniversary of Malayan Independence and the 56th Malaysia Day anniversary.

The event was well attended by senior Russian Government officials, members of the diplomatic corps, representatives of international and regional organizations, academicians, journalists as well as friends of Malaysia.

As usual, the primary draw for attendees was the sumptuous buffet spread, consisting of authentic and homemade Malaysian delicacies lovingly prepared by the ladies of PERWAKILAN Moscow.

The event’s success was a showcase of the excellent cooperation among the officials and staff of the Embassy, with the strong support of Perwakilan Moscow.

Syabas dan Terima Kasih Semua!!!

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In conjunction with the national launch of the Bulan Sukan Negara by the Minister of Youth and Sports in Kuala Lumpur which took place on the same day, the Embassy took the opportunity to support the event by organising its own version of various sporting events.

The event was officiated by H.E. Ambassador Datuk Mat Dris Haji Yaacob and involved all Embassy officials and staff, including LRS as well as family members.

Apart from the Embassy’s ongoing efforts to promote a healthy lifestyle among officers and staff, the event has also provided the opportunity for all officers and staff to strengthen their camaraderie and friendship.

“Majulah Sukan Untuk Negara!!!”

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A group of Malaysian drivers participating in the Retro Havoc Motorsport World Tour 2019 had a brief stop-over at the Embassy of Malaysia in Moscow. The showcase vehicle of the tour is the Toyota Trueno AE86, which has been popularized in the cult Japanese motorsports film ‘Initial D.’

The tour which began in Kuala Lumpur in May 2019 involves a total distance of some 25,000 kilometres with scheduled stops in 25 cities in Southeast Asia, East Asia, Russia and Europe.

The tour is part of ongoing efforts by Tourism Malaysia to spark interest and promote Visit Malaysia Year 2020.

While in Moscow, the Retro Havoc drivers were met by the AE86 Clud of Moscow and the group was treated to a sumptuous tea at the Embassy where they took some time to relax and regale the audience with tales of their adventures on the road.

The tour was then flagged off by H.E. Ambassador to its next destination in Western Europe.

“Syabas dan Tahniah Retro Havoc team; Malaysia pasti boleh!!”


In inculcating esprit-de-corps, the Bowling Summer Season 2019 competition was held at Cosmic Evropevskiy, Moscow city centre for Embassy officials and families.

The event was also partly a welcoming gesture for new arrivals Mr. Johan Ariff Abdul Razak, Mr. Jeffri Munir and Mr. Mohd Izuwan Mohamad Nor.

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The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Ladies and Spouses Association of the Embassy of Malaysia in Moscow (PERWAKILAN Moscow) was convened today by its President, YBhg. Datin Nor Azirah Noor Hashim.

Held at the Embassy premises, the AGM was officiated by H.E. Ambassador Datuk Mat Dris Haji Yaacob in his capacity as PERWAKILAN Moscow Advisor.

In his remarks, H.E. Ambassador thanked members of PERWAKILAN Moscow for their untiring effort and support for the Embassy’ activities and events.

H.E. Ambassador also expressed appreciation for PERWAKILAN’s ‘soft diplomacy’ role, including by promoting Malaysian culture through various events in Moscow, and further urged PERWAKILAN to remain actively engaged in such activities.

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