From 17-20 February 2020, a four-member Commonwealth Parliamentary Association UK (CPA UK) cross-party delegation visited and Singapore for a diplomatic visit. Against the backdrop of the Covid-19 outbreak, this visit proved to be unique in so many ways.

The visit focused on four key themes; trade, economic links, human rights and civil liberties and defence and security. Although Malaysia and Singapore have a shared history, in the context of the above themes, there are clear differences between the two countries and their respective approaches to them. Both countries still have close links to the UK and the Commonwealth and this was evident during our time in country, with clear similarities including both respective following the Westminster committee system.

This report outlines some of the key learnings from the visit. IMPACT & OUTCOMES

Impact A stronger relationship between the UK, Malaysian and Singaporean Parliaments by building knowledge and understanding among parliamentarians of the issues facing the UK, Malaysia and Singapore.

Outcomes a) UK parliamentarians have a deeper understanding of Malaysia’s and Singapore’s political systems and

parliaments. The CPA UK delegation in , Malaysia b) UK, Malaysian and Singaporean parliamentarians PROGRAMME PARTNERS & SUPPORTERS have shared challenges and solutions in parliamentary management practice and procedure, security and reform. c) UK parliamentarians have a deeper understanding of the political landscape and current salient issues in Malaysia and Singapore. MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE - CPA UK DIPLOMATIC VISIT FULL REPORT 17 - 20 FEBRUARY 2020


In recent years, parliamentarians from the UK and Malaysia have participated in regular activities facilitated by the CPA UK. Most recently, the second CAPAC Regional Workshop took place in Kuala Lumpur in August 2019, where PAC Chairs, Members and clerks from across the Asian Commonwealth joined together to enhance their scrutiny skills.

The delegation was welcomed to the UK Department for Internationl Trade in SIngapore by Her Majesty’s Trade Commissioner CPA UK & SINGAPORE Natalie Black

This diplomtic visit to Singapore was the first CPA UK activity since 2014. The visit provided an important opportunity to BACKGROUND democracy thrives within Malaysia. discuss important issues and look at how best the future Both Malaysia and Singapore have a unique While our delegation was in Malaysia, there was relationship between CPA political landscape. After the elections in a sense of political uncertainty, with calls for a UK and Singapore can be Malaysia in 2018, a new Government was elected change of leadership. At time of writing, a new strengthened. into power for the first time in over 60 years. Prime Minister, Tan Sri , was Changes and challenges within the existing appointed in March 2020 and may face early Parliamentarians from both power structures were going to be prominent election calls, according to some observers. countries have attended CPA with such a dramatic shift. However, work is UK’s annual Westminster being done to strengthen the effectiveness Seminar on Parliamentary of their and key achievements are TRADE AND ECONOMIC LINKS Practice and Procedure in being met. London. Singapore is the heart of trade within Singapore on the other hand, has had one southeast Asia. With a strong financial district dominant ruling party since becoming an and technology driving their economic independent republic in 1965. Singapore’s growth, they are a leading figure around economy and population has grown rapidly the globe for key areas of trade. Singapore in the last few decades and with this in accounts for 11.6% of the UK’s trade with mind, our diplomatic visit had a strong the Commonwealth1. The UK Government Meeting with Select Committee Chairs in the focus on trade and the possibilities of has recognised this and have positioned Her furthering our economic ties. Majesty’s Trade Commissioner for the Asia and Pacific Region, Natalie Black, in Singapore. The delegation met with the Department PARLIAMENTARY REFORM for International Trade while in country and learnt about the approach that needs to be The new has taken by the UK in order to grow the trading launched a strong reform agenda relationship with this region. It is apparent that and CPA UK has been supporting this the UK will need to further develop economic over the last year. While in Malaysia, relationships with countries in Asia and ensure our delegation met with Chairs of the that existing connections between the UK and newly formed Select Committees and Commonwealth countries in the region remain discussed the progress that has been strong. made so far. With strong leadership of these committees, effective scrutiny of Meetings with organisations such as Enterprise Government business can take place. Singapore, a Government organisation It is important the scrutiny function of that focuses on supporting Singapore Parliament is strong to ensure that entrepeneurs break into the global market, led to interesting conversations on how best the UK their concerns with the delegation about the could support British businesses post-Brexit. As effects that this will have on minority groups a global leader, our delegation was able to learn in the country. Globally, younger generations COUNTRY PROFILE: a lot from the steps that the country has taken are becoming more liberal, however this is MALAYSIA over the last few decades when it comes to not the case in Malaysia. Civil society groups trade. It was evident that the focused approach report that the rise in conversatism seems to that Singapore takes when implementing a new be coming from the youth. With this, rights initiative, in that every strand of government for LGBT groups and women seem to be gets behind new processes, is very effective. becoming marginalised and there is a real call from civil society to increase the protections After deciding to leave the European Union, for these and other minority groups. there is a general realisation of the importance of looking at how the rest of the world handles In Malaysia, our delegation heard from business and trade. Trading relationships that representatives from three key organisations were previously covered by EU agreements that are actively working to combat Population: 31.6million will have to be revisited. Asia is seeing a violations against vulnerable groups. vast increase in trade, from China being a They were passionate and willing to share Area: dominant global player to Indonesia rapidly their knowledge and experience with the 329,847 sq km expanding. The southeast Asia region itself delegation. Although many agree that with the has great opportunities for UK business and change of Government, freedom of speech Major languages: English, both Singapore and Malaysia could become had dramatically increased, this does not Malay, Mandarin Chinese ever important trading partners for the seem to be the case for other human rights. UK. A week prior to our diplomatic visit, the Civil society groups are now coming together Major religions: Islam, Chris- Foreign Secretary conducted his first foreign and working as a unit to tackle certain issues, tianity and Buddhism engagement in Malaysia and Singapore. such as women’s and transgender rights. It This arguably shows the importance of the was reported by the stakeholders that the Life expectancy: 75 years relationship between the UK and the two delegation met with, that despite women countries. It is also key to note the effect that outnumbering men two to one in universities, Currency: Covid-19 will have on the economy of both this level of education among women does not countries and the fallout from this outbreak seem to be translating to the workforce. It is a Joined Commonwealth: could have a disastrous effect. At the time common tale in Malaysia, that once married, Joined as the of of writing, countries across the globe have women leave employment. This means there Malaya in 1957; reformed as initiated travel bans and state-wide lockdowns. is a lack of female representation within the Malaysia on 16 September With such a high proportion of national income workforce which leads to reduced economic 1963 with its federation with coming from the tourism sector, both Malaysia empowerment. This way of life is seemingly Singapore (which became a and Singapore are likely to see a downward embedded into society, and civil society groups separate state on 9 August turn in their economic growth this year. The are trying to change this. With the joined-up 1965), , and impact of Covid-19 is yet to be fully understood, approach that these groups are taking, there is . but it is clear that it will have a significant impact hope that in time, real change can be achieved on the economies of countries around the and that more women will join and stay in paid Bicameral: world, like Malaysia, that rely heavily on the employment. The Government also seem to () tourism industry. be recognising the need for change. While and (upper the delegation was in country, the Foreign house) Minister annouced radical steps to recognise HUMAN RIGHTS AND CIVIL LIBERTIES the marginalisation of . He Multi Party system elected by committed to 50% female representation in all first-past-the-post system Discussions on human rights and civil liberties Government meetings and boards. This seems are always interesting and empassioned, and to be a step in the right direction. discussions in Malaysia proved no different. Traditional conservatism seems to be on the The proactive approach that the civil society rise in Malaysia and civil society groups shared groups and Government are taking is

Meeting with Select Committee Chairs in the Parliament of Malaysia Meeting with the former Malaysian Foreign Minister,

CPA UK Diplomatic Visit to Malaysia and Singapore | 3 COUNTRY PROFILE: SINGAPORE

Population: 5.6 million

Area: 721.5 sq km

Major languages: English, The delegation listened to a Q&A session with the Prime Minister’s Economic and Communications Malay, Mandarin Chinese Advisers. and Tamil

Major religions: Buddhism, extremely positive, however the concerns that with a highly advanced communications Christianity and Islam remain that with liberalisation decreasing, department aleady functioning in Singapore, some groups will suffer. This means the they are able to take on this level of work Life expectancy: 83 years charities will have to work even harder to without added resources or support. This achieve equality in the future. would not be the case in many other countries, Currency: Singapore dollar including the UK. Unlike Malaysia, critics argue that Singapore President: Halimah Yacob has limited freedom of speech and this is Civil society groups across the world have (since 2017) explored further in the next section, which pointed out the serious constraints on considers the controversial ‘fake news’ freedom of speech within Singapore and that Prime Minister: Lee Hsien legislation. According to Human Rights Watch, the creation of this legislation only inhibits it Loong Singapore’s political environment is stifling. further. While Malaysia has seen a marked (since 2004) Citizens face severe restrictions on their basic increase in freedom of speech within their rights to freedom of expression, association, media and across social media platforms Unicameral: Legislative and peaceful assembly through overly it seems that for Singapore, this may be in Assembly broad criminal laws and regulations.2 Capital decline. Despite this criticism, POFMA has of Singapore punishment is another salient human rights been used effectively during the Covid-19 issue in Singapore; after a moratorium on outbreak in stopping misinformation getting Political Parties: executions was lifted in July 2014 the number through to the public. This is an example of PAP (70%), WP (12%),SDP of executions has steadily risen, despite an how a law such as this could really make a (4%) overall decline in the region. Singapore carried difference to how the public receive correct out a total of 13 executions in 2018, up from 8 information during times of crisis. in 2017 and 4 in 20163. While countries around the globe look to ’FAKE NEWS’ LAW create legislation to tackle the spread of misinformation and bullying online, some may Singapore is one of the first countries in seek to emulate what Singapore has done the world to legislate against ‘fake news’. and the UK may be one of these countries. An Arguably, they have become a leading ‘Online Harms’ Bill is currently being discussed example of how states can take action against within Parliament and legislators are exploring misinformation online. However, critics of ways to protect those who use the internet the legislation have stated that the law is without limiting their human rights. There is merely another tool for the Government to a fine line between the two and a particularly control the citizens of Singapore and limit difficult balancing act. freedom of speech. The delegation met with the government department that created and now implements this law, the ‘Protection CONSERVATION from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act’ (POFMA). At the time of our diplomatic visit, Due to their geographical location, both the law had been in effect for four months Malaysia and Singapore face similar and had been used eight times, with no conservation issues. Yet due to their respective appeals. The department explained that no sizes, both are trialling different ways to legal representation is needed for an appeal, protect the natural environment. The impact of but critics say this would not be possible due palm oil production is widely felt in both states, to the complicated legal process. They then with smog appearing for a number of months explained that when misinformation is found each year due to forest burning in Indonesia. on a social media platform, the department The production of palm oil threatens wildlife can request a correction to be put alongside habitats through mass deforestation and also the original post. With social media platforms creates higher carbon emissions. Malaysia on board, corrections can be put at the top has committed to maintaining its natural of newsfeeds. The department point out rainforests, as they are some of the most fertile in the world, and the delegation saw with COP 26 fast approaching, it seems that first-hand how some of this work is taking conservation is on the forefront of policy and ABOUT CPA UK place. In the middle of the vast city of Kuala decision making. How the production of palm oil Lumpur, there is a protected area of rainforest will impact these commitments is yet to be fully The international that has been cleared of debris from years of understood, but what is clear, is that profits and Commonwealth Parliamentary dumping. This area is now open to the public economic growth are key deciding factors when Association (CPA) is the for talks on conservation and nature walks. countries are making policy decisions. professional association Malaysia committed to retain 50% forest cover of all Commonwealth at COP 214. Ensuring that key areas of natural DEFENCE AND SECURITY parliamentarians, an active beauty remain protected in Malaysia will be key network of over 17,000 to ensuring that they reach this commitment While in Singapore, the delegation visited parliamentarians from 185 and others set under the Paris Agreement. the Kranji Commonwealth War Cemetary, an national, state, provincial and In November 2020, the UK will host the 26th important place that commemorates those territorial Parliaments and UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties who lost their lives in the region during the . (COP 26) and commitments made by countries Second World War. While laying wreaths, the will come under scrutiny at this event. With delegation learnt the history of those who The Commonwealth the lure of high profits from the production of fought and died and was able to delve into Parliamentary Association palm oil, there are questions over Malaysia’s individual stories of soldiers. This is a key UK Branch (CPA UK) is one of ability to limit deforestation and ensure that reminder of the strong relationship that the the largest and most active nature conservation remains a high priority Commonwealth retains over many years. branches in the CPA community going forward. This is a question that the whole and delivers a unique region now faces and one that will take centre The group visited the Sembawang Naval Facility, annual programme both in stage at COP 26. which is the port that services the many ships Westminster and overseas. coming through the region. It is a key facility Overseen by the Houses of Malaysia is vast, but Singapore is half the size that the UK is heavily engaged with alongside Parliament and governed of London and being this small has its own other global partners, including the USA and by an Committee difficulties. Singapore is constantly growing and Russia. The facility offers a rare insight into the of cross-party bicameral in order to keep up with the demand for space strong naval relationships that exist around parliamentarians, CPA UK for residents, Singapore has been reclaiming the world, with politics seemingly not playing a undertakes international land from the sea. The Singapore Strait is one large part in its running. This facility showcases parliamentary outreach on of the busiest shipping lanes in the world as the global importance of Singapore and the behalf of the UK Parliament it provides the shortest sea route between reach that it has. It also highlights the need for and the wider CPA. the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. Because international cooperation when it comes to of this, Singapore is the second busiest port inhibiting the transportation of illegal goods, With a specific focus on in the world and although this has incredible like those discussed in the previous section. parliamentary diplomacy and economic benefits, it also means illegal items parliamentary strengthening can sometimes slip the net at port immigration. NEXT STEPS activities, CPA UK seeks to One key example of this is the illegal wildlife foster co-operation and trade. Legislation is now being designed to understanding between tackle this, with a focus on financial tracing, At a time when Covid-19 is gripping the world, parliaments, promote good as merely searching the cargo of every ship is maintaining strong relationships between parliamentary practice and not feasible. The delegation witnessed first- countries is now more important than ever. advance parliamentary hand the work that is being done in Singapore When an issue can travel across borders, democracy through a variety of to focus on this important area when they ethnicities and wealth groups, it calls for global international outreach activities visited the wildlife charity ACRES. ACRES is communication and cooperation. Covid-19 has and multilateral programmes. working with the Government to help stop the already had a large impact on both Malaysia Its work is divided into three wildlife trade and is using Singapore’s unique and Singapore and the impact will undoubtedly regions, which include national, shipping position to do this. The importance of continue to be felt over the coming weeks and regional and provincial maintaining this shipping route will be explored months. An economic downturn is expected legislatures and the legislatures more in the next section. for both countries and the approach now of Overseas Territories: is to mitigate as much as possible against • Americas, Caribbean, and With both Malaysia and Singapore making this, with the aid of strong parliaments Europe commitments to tackle climate change and and proactive policy decisions. There are • Africa • Asia- Pacific With Commander Michael Moore and his team at the Kranji Commonwealth War Cemetary Working closely with parliamentarians and parliamentary officials, CPA UK focuses its bilateral and multilateral outreach activities on a number of areas, including parliamentary practice and procedure, and themes including human rights, public financial scrutiny, sustainable development, equal access to political and economic empowerment and democratic strengthening through election observation.

CPA UK Diplomatic Visit to Malaysia and Singapore | 5 ABOUT CPA UK (CONT.)

CPA UK is also the secretariat for the CPA British Islands and Mediterranean Region, organising activities in support of the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians network. CPA UK also works to strengthen the Commonwealth Association of Public Accounts Committees in its core objectives.

CPA UK continues to work in partnership with a multitude of national and international organisations for mutual benefit; including the Commonwealth Secretariat, World Bank, UNDP, UNEP, OAS and many others. CPA The delegation in Kuala Lumpur UK has, and continues to work alongside the UK Government. concerns that the economic impact of Covid-19 Singapore. CPA UK and our delegation Over the last five years, CPA could cause countries to turn to palm oil to are committed to further improving this UK has leveraged close to £3 support economic growth, with the associated relationship with clear commitments for future million of government funds environmental impact of this. Economic growth work. to achieve its strategic aims in may trump environmental protections in the strengthening parliamentary near future, as it so often has. Endnotes democracy across the 1 “Statistics on UK trade with the Com- Commonwealth. monwealth”, Briefing Paper Number CBC 8282 Malaysia July 2019, House of Commons CPA UK has committed to working with the 2 CPA UK’S STRATEGIC GOALS Parliament of Malaysia to strengthen their 3 “New wave of executions condemned”, select committee system. Over the past year International Federation for Human Rights (pub- 1. To strengthen parliamentary work has been undertaken between the UK lished online on 25 October 2018, available at democracy by undertaking and Malaysia, through CPA UK, to enhance their international parliamentary parliamentary procedures. With the Malaysian new-wave-of-executions-condemned) outreach work on behalf of the system so closely linked to the UK system, clear 4 Houses of Parliament and the progress in this area can be made by sharing nation/2015/12/15/msia-commits-to-retain-50-of- wider CPA ideas and practices. forest-cover-after-cop-21-deal/

2. To contribute to sustainable development, poverty Singapore reduction, trade, investment The key themes outlined in this report will and business development continue to develop over the coming years opportunities through and as the UK leaves the European Union, the parliamentary strengthening relationship between the UK and Singapore Discussing Conservation in Taman Tugu, Kuala Lumpur work that supports democracy, will most likely deepen. As such, forming new good governance, human trading agreements will take a prominent rights, environmental position in UK Government business going protection and the rule of law forward and we should see a concerted effort to improve exisiting relationships with 3. To further co-operation Commonwealth countries, like Malaysia and between Commonwealth Singapore, in the region. CPA UK will continue and non-Commonwealth to delve into the vast topic of trade, as one of Parliaments and legislatures, our thematic areas, and will seek to further and other democratically exchange knowledge and share experiences elected institutions with Singapore.

4. To communicate the work of The Parliaments of Malaysia and Singapore have CPA UK and the Commonwealth expressed a desire for continued cooperation within Westminster, across in the future. CPA UK looks forward to working UK and internationally to closely with both Parliaments in assisting in enhance the profile of the strengthening their parliamentary democracy, Houses of Parliament, the via bilateral and multilateral cooperation Commonwealth, the CPA and and sharing best practice. The impact of the CPA UK. diplomatic visit is felt, by creating a stronger relationship between the UK, Malaysian and Singaporean Parliaments by building knowledge and understanding among parliamentarians of the issues facing the UK, Malaysia and FULL PROGRAMME Monday 17 February 2020

Kuala Lumpur


0900 - Welcome Briefing by the British High Commissioner and team 1000 InterContinental Hotel, Executive Lounge

Political Overview & BHC Objectives, inc: - Economy and trade - Human rights and reform - Environment and COP26

1000 Depart for Malaysian Parliament 1030 - Half day of engagement with the Malaysian Parliament 1300 Meetings with -Defence and Home Affairs PSC -International Affairs and Trade PSC

1300- Lunch with CPA Malaysia 1345 1345 Depart for Intercontinental Hotel and change into casual, lightweight clothing. 1440 - Travel to Taman Tugu 1600 Following the completion of a short forest trail the delegation will have a briefing on the conservation project currently taking place in Malaysia.

1600- Return to Hotel 1630 With some time to freshen up and attend to emails 1830- Depart Hotel for dinner venue 1900 1900 - Dinner with Cross-Party Members of Parliament 2100 Tamarind Springs

A chance to discuss the progress being made by the Parliament on reform and the regional dynamics.

Attending: - (PKR) -Vivian Wong (DAP) - Wong Tak (DAP) - Syed Ibrahim (PKR) - Shahar Abdullah (UMNO) 2100 End of day 1

CPA UK Diplomatic Visit to Malaysia and Singapore | 7 Tuesday 18 February 2020

Kuala Lumpur


0830 Depart Hotel for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 0930 - Briefing by the Foreign Minister 1200 Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Foreign Minister, Saifuddin Abdullah, will deliver a briefing on diplomatic cooperation alongside the Prime Minister’s Economic and Communications Advisers. Following the briefing, there should be time for the delegation to ask questions. 1215 Depart Ministry of Foreign Affairs for lunch venue 1300- Lunch with the Media 1430 An opportunity to discuss politics and media freedom in Malaysia off the record.

Attending: Shannon Teo - Chair of Foreign Correspondents Club Malaysia Rizal Zulkapli - News Anchor and producer, Awani Tehmina Kashooji - News Anchor, and member of Media Council ProTem Committee Aidila Razak - Long Feature Editor and Chevening 2017

1430 Photo opportunity at KLCC 1500 - Roundtable Discussion with Civil Society 1600 An opportunity for an in-depth discussion on organisation, structure and the work of organisations tackling human rights issues in Malaysia, including the death penalty, freddom of religion and gender equality.

Attending: Thomas Fann, Bersih Sherry Sheriff, JAG Dobby Chew, SUARAM Andrew Khoo, Bar Council

1600- Debrief with the British High Commission Team 1630 InterContinental Hotel

1700 Depart hotel for Airport Singapore Airlines SQ 119 Departing at 2030 2130 Arrive at Singapore Changi Airport Transfer to hotel Wednesday 19 February 2020



0800- Meeting with the British High Commissioner 0900 British High Commission 0900- Defence Briefing 0930 British High Commission

A briefing by Defence Advisor, Commander Martin Moore and British Defence Staff Sou- theast Asia, Acting Chief of Staff Group Captain Tim Monk. 0930 Travel to Commonwealth War Cemetary at Kranji 1000- Wreath Laying Ceremony 1045 A wreath laying ceremony followed by a tour of the Commonwealth War Cemetary 1045 Travel to Sembawang Naval Base 1115- Visit to the UK naval refuelling station in Sembawang 1215 This will be an opportunity to look at the naval defence systems and have an in-depth discussion on defence.

1215 Travel to lunch venue 1245- Lunch with MPs from the Committee for Defence 1430 1430 Travel to the British High Commission 1445- Meeting with the Department for International Trade (DIT) Singapore 1545 A briefing by Justinian Habner, Director of DIT Singapore on the approach Singapore is taking to trade. 1600 Travel to Enterprise Singapore 1630- Enterprise Singapore 1730 A chance to discuss the approach that Enterprise Singapore is taking to business within Singapore and abroad. 1730 Travel to British Chamber of Commerce 1800 British Chamber of Commerce

A chance for the delegation to meet with the British Chamber of Commerce Singapore. 1930 Private Dinner for the delegation 2030 End of Day 3

CPA UK Diplomatic Visit to Malaysia and Singapore | 9 Thursday 20 February 2020



0830- Breakfast with the Royal Commonwealth Society of Singapore 0930 A chance for the delegation to look at how Singapore is engaging with the Commonwealth

0930 Travel to 1000- Parliament of Singapore 1200 This will be an opportunity to meet with Members of the Parliament of Singapore to discuss the current political climate. 1200 Travel to lunch venue 1230- Lunch with NGOs of Singapore 1345 This lunch will be a chance for in-depth discussions on human rights within Singapore and across the region. 1345 Travel to POFMA 1400- Visit to the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA) 1500 A chance to delve into the new ‘fake news’ law and it’s implications for the citizens of SIngapore.

1500 Travel to the Economic Development Board (EDB) 1515- Meeting with the Economic Development Board 1615 This meeting will be an opportunity to discuss how Singapore attracts inward investment. 1630 Travel to ACRES 1700- ACRES, Wild Animal Rescue and Conservation Centre 1800 An opportunity for members of our delegation to learn all about animal conservation in Singapore. Animal conservation is a large issue in the region due to the production of Palm Oil. 1800 Travel to the Singapore Night Safari 1830- Singapore Night Safari 2130 This section of the programme will begin with a dinner in the Singapore Night Safari. Following this, a tour of the Night Safari will be provided. There will then be an opportunity to further discuss animal welfare and conservation in Singapore, against the backdrop of COP26. 2145 Depart for Singapore Changi Airport

Flight EK 353 departing at 0030 (for those on the original itinerary) CPA UK DELEGATION


Andrew Rosindell was first elected to represent Romford in 2001. He has served as a Vice-Chairman of the Conservative Party from 2004-2005, Whip from 2005-2007, and Shadow Home Affairs Minister and Spokesman on Animal Welfare from 2007-2010. He is the longest-standing member of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee in the House of Commons. Some of his other duties and responsibilities in Parliament include being a member of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly; a member of the Speaker’s Panel of Chairs; a member of the Executive Committees of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), Co-Chair of the British-Irish Parliamentary Assembly, as well as being the longest serving Governor of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) from until last year.

RUTH CADBURY MP Labour MP for Brentwood and Isleworth

Ruth Cadbury was first elected to represent Brentford and Isleworth inMay 2015. Since then she has been a member of the Women and Equalities, Justice, and Transport Select Committees in the House of Commons. She also served as Shadow Minister for Housing from 2016 to 2017. Before entering Parliament she served as a councillor in the London Borough of Hounslow for more than 20 years. During her local government career she held two cabinet portfolios, Regeneration and Economic Development and Financial Inclusion, and also served as Deputy Leader of the authority between 2010 and 2012.

DARREN JONES MP Labour MP for Bristol North West

Darren Jones was elected to represent Bristol North West for Labour at the 2017 general election. From 2017 to 2019 he was a member of the Select Committees on Science and Technology and European Scrutiny in the House of Commons. A technology and telecommunications lawyer by training, Darren leads a number of technology and climate change groups in Westminster in addition to international roles on the topic of AI regulation at the OECD and Institute of AI.

CPA UK Diplomatic Visit to Malaysia and Singapore | 11 LORD GILBERT OF PANTEG Conservative Life Peer

Stephen Gilbert was raised to the peerage as Baron Gilbert of Panteg in 2015. After serving as member of the Lords Select Committee on Communications from 2016 he became chair of the Committee in 2017. In 2018 he was appointed as one of three new Electoral Commissioners. From 2015 to 2016 he held the role of Deputy Chair (Campaigning) on the Party Board of the Conservative Party. He was the Political Secretary to David Cameron as Prime Minister from 2010 to 2015. Outside of politics he also acts as Director at Stephen Gilbert Consulting.


LYDIA BUCHANAN Programme Officer, CPA UK

Lydia Buchanan is a Programme Officer in the International Partnerships Team at the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association UK (CPA UK) based in the UK Parliament. Before this, she supported the UK Overseas Territories (UKOT) Project on public financial scrutiny, one of CPA UK’s special projects funded by the UK Government. Before joining CPA UK she worked as the Clerk of Council for the Legislative Council of St Helena. Lydia has a degree in Politics from the University of Greenwich and a Masters in Public Policy and Practice. The delegation in the Parliament of Malaysia meeting Select Committee Chairs and clerks

The delegation meeting with the Royal Commenwealth Society in Singapore The delegation meeting with the British Chamber of Commerce Singapore

CPA UK Diplomatic Visit to Malaysia and Singapore | 13 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

CPA UK would like to thank the Parliament of Malaysia for welcoming the UK delegation. In particular, we would like to thank the British High Commission in Malaysia for their organisational support, in particular Mr Tom Soper and his team.

CPA UK would also like to thank the Parliament of Singapore for their warm welcome. The British High Commission in Singapore was very supportive, we would like to extend a special thanks to Mr Paul Broom for all his help.

This report has been written by Lydia Buchanan.

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