Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden Regular Meeting Tuesday, December llth, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. One Municipal Square The Agenda 1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call 3. Proclamations - Walden Local Development Corp. Army Corp. of Engineers

4. Approval of Minutes 1 : Meeting November 27, 200 1

5. Public Comment 6. Business of the Board of Trustees a. 1 : Payment of Audited Bills 2: Resolution No. 14-01-02 - Orange County Recreation Grant 3: Maplebrook Subdivision Status 4: Freedom Road Bible Church Request

A. Z)»C«*MOM J*«»3 1 : Gerald Jacobowitz - Walden View Apartments c. 1 : Alan Sorensen - Downtown Revitalization Strategy

7. Miscellaneous Comments by Board Members 8. Attorney / Client

9 . Adjournment Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting December 11,2001

Mayor Rocco Pellegrino called the regular meeting of the Village of Walden Board of Trustees to order at 6:30 P.M.

On roll call Mayor Rocco Pellegrino, Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop, Trustees Mary Jean Norman, Richard Hurd, Bill Meisel, Craig Maslik and Conrad Flickenschild were present. Village Manager James Politi, Village Clerk Nancy Mitchell and Village Attorney Kevin Dowd were also present.

Approval of Minutes

Trustee Flickenschild moved to adopt the minutes of November 27,2001. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried.

Public Comment Becky Pearson, 167 Walnut Street asked if the signs around the monument were coming down or staying up?

Manager Politi advised her that they are coming down.

Bill Kiman, 47 Walker Street indicated that the zoning board approved building lots at the top of Walker Street and Center Street, which were existing lots with no street frontage. He believes the Village Law states that you shouldn't be able to build on a lot without street frontage. He thinks this is a bad precedent to be setting. He would like the trustees and village manager to look into this.

Jessica Metzger 82 Wait Street inquired about the stop signs on Highland Avenue.

Manager Politi advised her that they will be put up.

Frank Power 175 South Montgomery Street stated that he would like the village to take a look at the Hecht property. They are dumping dirt and they have a storage shed there.

Manager Politi indicated that he will follow up on this.

Page-1- Lori Keator, 29 Rifton Place asked for an update on 50-52 South Montgomery Street.

Manager Politi stated that the time is not up yet. They are moving along.

Becky Pearson stated that she doesn't think the rail trail should be paved because people are moving here from the city and they are trying to get away from black top and macadam. It's so much prettier not to have it black topped. From New Paltz down it's not black topped. She asked if the board felt it should or shouldn't be black topped? Mayor Pellegrino stated that he and Trustee Flickenschild walked the trail today. He also indicated that acquiring the grant calls for the trail to be black topped. There are some steep inclines that will need fencing.

Lisa Melville indicated that there are lots of other things besides paving. Frank Ciliberto stated that when the houses were built on Berwick Avenue the developer destroyed his property. They promised to drop off top soil and to this date nothing has been done.

Mrs. Reggero stated that she is trying to build her house and she has a question regarding the service line and no one will return her phone call. This has nothing to do with the law suit. She needs to know if there is a problem on her property. She also needs to know what the village found out when the videoed the line. Manager Politi asked Mrs. Reggero to call him tomorrow.


Mayor Pellegrino presented Derrick Wynkoop, representative of the Walden Local Development Corporation with a certificate for the efforts in planning, designing and building the children's playground at Wooster Grove.

Payment of Audited Bills

Trustee Wynkoop moved to pay the audited bills of December 11,2001. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried.

Resolution No. 14-01-02, Authorizing the Village Manager to Submit a Grant to the Orange County Municipal Parks Planning Advisory Board Trustee Flickenschild moved to adopt Resolution No. 14-01-02, Authorizing the Village Manager to Submit a Grant to the Orange County Municipal Parks Planning Advisory Board. Seconded by Trustee Maslik. All ayes. Resolution adopted.

Page-2- Maplebrook Subdivision Status

Manager Politi advised the Board that the engineer has estimated that it will cost $106,405.00 to complete the work at Maplebrook Subdivision and the developer has agreed to pay this to the Village and the Village will finish the work. Trustee Flickenschild indicated that he has difficulty removing the money for the trees. Manager Politi explained that they were trying to come to an agreement on the number, what they had available in the corporation as opposed to what was needed to complete the project. Since the neighborhood has been there awhile their landscaping is pretty far along. We thought if we took that number out we'd get closer to what they were offering.

Trustee Flickenschild asked what kind of a bond were they required to put up? Mr. Dowd stated that there is a performance bond of $200,000.00 that is still in effect. What would happen is if they did not complete the project you would begin proceedings against the bonds and where ever that took you the bonding company would come in and finish it or you would end up in litigation, suing the developer and the bond company. They have proposed that if we give them back the bond they will give us this cash and the village will be able to finish whatever has to be done in the subdivision minus the street trees. They want to be out of this all together. Its been going on so long that they have lost money on this project. The way they get out is by giving the village the money and saying they don't want anymore responsibility. Trustee Meisel asked if this will cost the village any money? Manager Politi stated its not going to cost us anything.

Trustee Meisel asked if in the future can the village choose not to deal with a bonding company that so loosely finances obligations? Mr. Dowd stated that was a very unusual situation with this bonding company. Most bonding companies don't go belly up and most bonding companies aren't willing to come into the project and complete them. You end up fighting in court.

Trustee Wynkoop indicated that these people have been waiting a long time for their streets to be finished and their storm sewers finished.

Mr. Dowd explained that one of the alternatives would be to enact a law that would require them to put up bonds in the form of letters of credit or cash.

Page-3- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting December 11,2001 Trustee Flickenschild moved to authorize the work to be done at Maplebrook Subdivision by the village at a cost to the developer of $120,000. Seconded by Trustee Maslik. On roll call Trustee Flickenschild voted yes. Trustees Norman, Hurd, Meisel, Maslik, Wynkoop and Mayor Pellegrino voted no. Motion defeated. Trustee Wynkoop moved to authorize the work to be done at Maplebrook Subdivision by the village at a cost to the developer of $106,000.00. Seconded by Trustee Norman. On roll call Trustees Norman, Wynkoop, Hurd, Meisel, Maslik and Mayor Pellegrino voted yes. Trustee Flickenschild voted no. Motion carried.

Freedom Road Bible Church Request Trustee Flickenschild moved to permit the Freedom Road Bible Church to sing and play Christmas Carols in the Municipal Square on Saturday evening December 22,2001 from 5:00 - 7:00 P.M. Seconded by Trustee Meisel. All ayes. Motion carried.

Downtown Revitalization Strategy Alan Sorensen presented his downtown strategy report. Trustee Flickenschild indicated that there's been some substantial grant money that has been applied for as a result of the work Mr. Sorensen has done.


Trustee Flickenschild moved to adjourn for Attorney/Client privileges. Seconded by Trustee Meisel. All ayes. Motion carried.

Trustee Flickenschild moved to reconvene the regular meeting. Seconded by Trustee Meisel. All ayes. Meeting reconvened.


Trustee Flickenschild moved to adjourn. Seconded by Trustee Meisel. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Mitchell Page-4- Village Clerk Resolution No. 14-01 -02 Authorizing the Village Manager to Submit a Grant to the Orange County Municipal Parks Planning Advisory Board

WHEREAS, the County of Orange has formed The Orange County Municipal Parks Planning Advisory Board, and

WHEREAS, The Orange County Municipal Parks Planning Advisory Board wishes to provide funds for municipal park projects.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of Walden Board of Trustees does hereby authorize the Village Manager to submit an application to the Orange County Municipal Parks Planning Advisory Board on behalf of the Village of Walden.

Motion to adopt by Trustee Flickenschild and seconded by Trustee Maslik. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted on December 1l'\ 2001 after a vote of seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays with zero (0) abstentions.

CERTIFICATE The foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden at a meeting held on December 11, 2001. Public notice was given and the meeting was conducted in full compliance with the Ne York Open Meeting Law (Public Officers Law, Section 100-111. Minutes of the meeting will ab available by the Act.

«^\ \

DECEMBER 11.2001

General Fund $233,043.16 Water Fmnd $ 7,093.15 Sewer Fnnd $. Decsaber 12. 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 1 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account aaount general SUBWAY ENERGY PRODUCTS 1640.410-A 63.27 vendor total: 63.27 2549 claia nuaber total: 63.27 2550 AGWAYEKRGY PRODUCTS 1640.410-A 26.88 vendor total: 26.88 2550 claia nuaber total: 26.88 2551 AGNAY ENERGY PRODUCTS 1640.410-A 426.69 vendor total: 426.69 2551 claia nuaber total: 426.69 2552 ARDEN HILL HOSPITAL 1930.400-A 50.00 vendor total: 50.00 2552 claia nuzber total: 50.00 2553 AUTHOR'S WELDING SERVICE 1640.412-A 83.05 vendor total: 83.05 2553 claio nuaber total: 83.05 J^ITY OF MIDDLETONN 8160.497-A 196,461.00 vendor total: 196,461.00 2554 claia nuaber total: 196,461.00 2555 CHAMPION SUPPLIES, INC. 1640.410-A 126.44 vendor total: 126.44 2555 claia nuaber total: 126.44 2556 CHAMPION SUPPLIES, INC. 5110.490-A 257.20 vendor total: 257.20 2556 claia nuaber total: 257.20 2557 CHAMPION SUPPLIES, INC. 1640.412-A 1,525.28 vendor total: 1,525.28 2557 claia nuaber total: 1,525.28

2558 DRAKE,SQKMERS,LOEB, P.C. 1420.411-A 3,891.67 vendor total: 3,891.67 2558 claio nuaber total: 3,891.67 KHRLICH 1640.440-A 30.00 Villaoe of WaldehPane:2" Abstract of Audited Vouchers claie claimant account aaount vendor total: 30.00 ^:laia nuaber total: 30.00 2562 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS,INC. 1640.413-A 403.12 vendor total: 403.12 2562 clala nuaber total: 403.12 2563 HEALEY BROTHERS 1640.412-A 80.00 vendor total: 80.00 2563 claia nuaber total: 80.00 2564 NYSEG 7110.471-A 109.49 vendor total: 109.49 2564 claia nu&ber total: 109.49 2565 NYSEG 5182.471-A 46.05 vendor total: 46.05 2565 claie nuaber total: 46.05 2566 NYSEG 1620.440-A 2,301.90 vendor total: 2,301.90 Elaia nuaber total: 2,301.90 2567 NYSEG 1640.471-A 884.48 vendor total: 884.48 2567 claia nuaber total: 884.48 2568 NYSEG 7110.471-A 414.65 vendor total: 414.65 2568 claia nuaber total: 414.65 2571 NYSEG 5182.471-A 5,831.34 vendor total: 5,831.34 2571 claia nuaber total: 5,831.34 2572 PINE BUSH PET,U»8I & GARDEN I 1640.440-A 135.98 7550.475-A 50.98 vendor total: 186.96 2572 claia nuaber total: 186.96 2573 PERFECT TQPERATURE 1640.440-A 69.95 vendor total: 69.95 iDeceaber 12, 2001 "ViTlage of Maiden Page: 3 | , Abstract of Audited Vouchers claimant account aaount 2573claianuaber total: 69.95 SWSMITH'S COMMERCIAL TIRE 1640.412-A 473.68 vendor total: 473.68 2574 claio nuaber total: 473.68 2575 SMITH'S COMMERCIAL TIRE 1640.412-A 245.64 vendor total: 245.64 2575 claia nuaber total: 245.64 2576 COFFEE SYSTEM OF THE 1620.440-A 21.70 vendor total: 21.70 2576 claia nusber total: 21.70 2582 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 1640.490-A 40.44 vendor total: 40.44 2582 claim nuaber total: 40.44 2584 VERIZON WIRELESS 3122.408-A 85.88 vendor total: 85.88 2584 claia nuaber total: 85.88 iTIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CHIEF 3120.460-A 50.00 vendor total: 50.00 2585 claia nuaber total: 50.00 2586 AMERICAN CLEANER 3120.435-A 300.00 vendor total: 300.00 2586 claia nuaber total: 300.00 2587 COFFEE SYSTEM OF THE 3122.401-A 13.00 vendor total: 13.00 2587 claia nuaber total: 13.00 2588 HARRY FOURTUNIS,INC. 7550.474-A 56.40 vendor total: 56.40 2588 claia nuaber total: 56.40 2589 FUN SERVICES 7550.474-A 55.00 vendor total: 55.00 2589 claia nuaber total: 55.00 XI WIRELESS 3620.401-A 32.87 December 12, 2001 Village of WaReii Page: 4" Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account amount vendor total: 32.87 ^wclaim number total: 32.87 2591 JAMES POLITI 1230.460-A 32.65 vendor total: 32.65 2591 dais nusber total: 32.65 2592 GENERAL CODE PUBLISHERS 1410.433-A 741.84 vendor total: 741.84 2592 claim number total: 741.84 2593 LEGAL ADV ATTNPATF 1410.407-A 88.08 vendor total: 88.08 2593 claio number total: 88.08 2594 WALLKILL VALLEY TIMES 1410.407-A 18.10 vendor total: 18.10 2594 claim number total: i 18.10 2595 WALLKILL VALLEY TIMES 1410.407-A 18.10 vendor total: 18.10 j^^laim number total: 18.10

2596 AMERICAN LEGION POST 158 7550.474-A 438.76 vendor total: 438.76 2596 claim number total: 438.76 2597 AGWAY ENERGY PRODUCTS 1640.410-A 190.27 vendor total: 190.27 2597 claim number total: 190.27 2598 ARCH WIRELESS 1640.408-A 8.08 3620.401-A 6.08 vendor total: 14.16 2598 claim number total: 14.16 2600 AUTHOR'S WELDING SERVICE 1640.412-A 203.32 vendor total: 203.32 2600 claim number total: 203.32 2601 AUTHOR'S WELDING SERVICE 1640.412-A 179.92 vendor total: 179.92 ^December 12, 2001Village of MaidenPage:5" | Abstract of Audited Vouchers dais claimant account amount 2601 claim number total: 179.92 %IYSEG 5182.471-A 33.21 vendor total: 33.21 2602 claim number total: 33.21 2604 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS.INC. 1640.411-A 591.12 vendor total: 591.12 2604 claim number total: 591.12 2605 VEN-MAR SALES, INC. 1M0.417-A 206.90 vendor total: 206.90 2605 claim number total: 206.90 2606 CIARDULLO PRINTING 8160.401-A 205.00 vendor total: 205.00 2606 claim number total: 205.00 2607 MEM.ON TRUCKING INC. 5110.490-A 332.50 vendor total: 332.50 2607 claim number total: 332.50 ARTISTIC EMBROIDERY 1490.435-A 64.00 1640.435-A 1,546.16 vendor total: 1,610.16 2608 claim number total: 1,610.16 2613 M & N INTERNATIONAL 7550.475-A 300.80 vendor total: 300.80 2613 claim number total: 300.80 2614 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP. 1620.497-A 209.92 vendor total: 209.92 2614 claim number total: 209.92 2615 AIRPAGE BEEPER PEOPLE 1230.408-A 24.06 vendor total: 24.06 2615 claim number total: 24.06 2619 N.Y.PLANNING FEDERATION 8010.484-A 25.00 8020.484-A 100.00 vendor total: 125.00 aim nucber total: 125.00 Village of MaidenPage:6"

Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claieant account amount

MYS CONFERENCE OF MAYORS 1410.460-A 50.00 vendor total: 50.00

2620 claim number total: 50.00

2621 ALFrS UNIFORMS, INC. 3120.435-A 539.88 3121.435-A 99.98 3123.435-A 80.98 vendor total: 720.84 2621 claim number total: 720.84

2622 ANNESE & ASSOCIATES,INC. 3122.482-A 173.95 vendor total: 173.95

2622 claim number total: 173.95 2623 NYS ASSOCIATION OF 1110.401-A 25.00 vendor total: 25.00 2623 claim number total: 25.00

2624 GALLS INC. 3120.435-A 89.99 3120.480-A 385.41 vendor total: 475.40 plaia nuaber total: 475.40

2625 THRUNAY SHOPPING CENTER 7550.475-A 68.70 vendor total: 68.70 2625 claim number total: 68.70 2626 PURCHASE POWER 1410.408-A 754.00 vendor total: 754.00 2626 claim number total: 754.00 2627 SERVICE EDUCATION,INC. 1110.407-A 600.00 vendor total: 600.00

2627 claim number total: 600.00

2628 RALPH C HERMAN CO.,INC. 1640.413-A . 150.70 vendor total: 150.70

2628 claim number total: 150.70

2633 MONTGOMERY OVERALL SER 1620.440-A 107.00 vendor total: 107.00

klaia number total: 107.00 'sceober 12, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 7 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claieant account amount

^INEBUSHESIIPMENTIKC. 1640.413-A 22.85 "vendor total: 22.85 2634 claim number total: 22.85 26$ FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 3122.408-A 100.99 vendor total: 100.99 2635 claim number total: 100.99 2636 VINCENT TOQMEY,ESG. 1420.401-A 1.198.60 vendor total: 1,198.60 2636 claim number total: 1,198.60 2637 TOW OF MONTGOMERY 6772.481-A 7,124.88 vendor total: 7,124.88 2637 claim number total: 7,124.68 2638 LAKGEVELD BULB CO.,INC 7110.491-A 218.44 vendor total: 218.44 2638 claim nutber total: 218.44 BM^ERIZON WIRELESS 1490.401-A 596.69 ^P 1640.408-A 58.26 vendor total: 654.95 2639 claim number total: 654.95 2641 AL VALK'S GARAGE,LTD. 1640.411-A 117.00 1640.412-A 260.13 vendor total: 377.13 2641 claim number total: 377.13 2643 AIRPAGE BEEPER PEOPLE 1490.401-A 11.83 vendor total: 11.83 2643 claim number total: 11.83

fund total: 233,043.16 Abstract Distributions .2/12/01 14:00 JUTIY oaoe: Village of Walden furd account description debit credit A osneral A.401-A Office Expense 25.00 ",407-A Service Contract 600.00 1230.408-A Telephone 24.06 1230.460-A Education 32.65 1410.407-A Advertising 124.28 1410.408-A Telephone 754.00 1410.433-A General Code Publication 741.84 1410.460-A Education 50.00 1420.401-A Legal Miscellaneous 1,198.60 1420.411-A l_gn:i Retainer 3,891.67 1490.401-A Office Expense 608.52 1490.435-A Clothing Allowance 64.00 1620.440-A Building Maintenance 2,430.60 1620.497-A Service Contract 209.92 1640.408-A Telephone 66.34 1640.410-A Gas, Oil, Lube 833.55 1640.411-A Auto Maintenance 708.12 1640.412-A Truck Maintenance 3,051.02 1640.413-A Equipaent Maintenance 576.6? 1640.417-A Shop Equipaent Maintenance 206.90 1640.435-A Clothing 1,546.16 1640.440-A Building Maintenance 235.93 1640.471-A Electricity 884.48 1640.49M Other Materials/Supplies 40.44 1930.400-A Judgaents and Claims 50.00 JHL435-A Police Uniforas 929.87 Education 50.00 ^^460-3120.48AM Safety 385.41 3121.435-A Unifore Allotment 99.98 3122.401-A Office Expense 13.00 3122.40E-A Telephone 186.87 3122.482-A Coammications Equipaent Exp. 173.95 3123.435-A Uniforas 80.98 3620.401-A Office Expense 38.95 5110.490-A Street Maintenance 589.70 5182.471-A StreetLighting 5,910.60 6772.481-A Adult Services Contract 7,124.88 7110.471-A Electricity 524.14 7110.491-A Beautification 218.44 7550.474-A Parades and Celebrations 550.16 7550.475-A Holiday Decorations 420.48 8010.484-A Municipal Dues 25.00 8020.484-A Municipal Dues 100.00 8160.401-A Miscellaneous Office 205.00 8160.497-A Garbage Contract 196,461.00 A total general 233,043.16

F Nater 8310.408-F Telephone 372.76 8310.493-F Legal Fees 486.50 8320.433-F Heating Fuel 102.69 A459-F Miscellaneous Testing Services 120.00 %^463-F Purification Cheaicals 742.50 Abstract Distributions 2/12/01 14:00 JUDY page: 2 Village of Walden und account description debit credit 8320.471-F Power for Utilities 3,179.43 ^^HK»206""F Mater Meter Repair Parts 1J650.09 W.433-F Material and Supplies '122.00 8340.435-F Uniforss 322.18 F total water 7,098.15 g sewer 8110.408-G Telephone 137.97 8110.435-G Uniforms 384.92 8110.493-G Legal Fees 486.50 8120.471-G Power for Utilities 1,439.50 8130.401-G Material and Supplies 1,300.00 8130.4404 Sewer Maintenance 445.28 8130.458-G Landfill 1,271.27 8130.4594 Miscellaneous Testing Services 6,420.00 8130.4714 Power for Utilities 2,732.52 G total sewer 14,617.96 December IS, 2001 Village of MaidenPage:IT Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claisant account aaount water MW)RAKE,Su«MERS.LOEB, P.C. 8310.493-F 486.50 vendor total: 486.50 2559 claim ntaber total: 486.50 2569NYSEB 8320.471-F 3,171.65 vendor total: ' 3,171.65 2569 claim number total: 3,171.65 2599 ARCH WIRELESS 8310.408-F 12.28 vendor total: 12.28 2599 claim number total: 12.28 2609 ARTISTIC EMBROIDERY 8340.435-F 322.18 vendor total: 322.18 2609 claim number total: 322.18 2611 INVENSYS METERING SYSTEM 8340.206-F 1,650.09 vendor total: 1,650.09 2611 claim number total: 1,650.09 WCL ANALYTICAL SERVICE 8320.459-F 120.00 vendor total: 120.00 2612 claim nusber total: 120.00 261? RAMSCO,INC. 8340.433-F 122.00 vendor total: 122.00 2617 claim number total: 122.00 2618 BOTTINI FUEL 8320.433-F 102.69 vendor total: 102.69 2618 claim number total: . 102.69 2629 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 8310.408-F 251.38 vendor total: 251.38 2629 claim number total: 251.38 2631 NYSEG 8320.471-F 7.78 vendor total: 7.78 2631 claim nuzber total: 7.78 VERIZON WIRELESS 8310.408-F 109.10 December 12, 2001Village of MaidenPage:9" Abstract of Audited Vouchers dais claimant account amount vendor total: 109.10 WFclais nucber total: 109.10 2642DUSOQZMICALS,INC 8320.463-F 742.50 vendor total: 742.50 2642 claim niaber total: 742.50

fund total: 7,098.15 Village of Maiden Pane: 10 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claio claimant account aaount sewer 2WDRAKE,SOMMERS,LOEB, P.C. 8110.493-6 486.50 vendor total: 486.50 2560claianusber total: 486.50 2570NYSE6 8120.471-6 1,439.50 8130.471-6 2,732.52 vendor total: 4,172.02 2570clai:nuober total: 4,172.02 2577SEVERN TRENT LABORATORIE 8130.459-6 1,195.00 vendor total: 1,195.00 2577 claia nudter total: 1,195.00 2578SEVERNTRENT LABORATORIE 8130.459-6 800.00 vendor total: 800.00 2578clai:nuaber total: 800.00 2579SEVERNTRENTLABORATDRIE 8130.459-6 2,740.00 vendor total: 2,740.00 aia nudier total: 2,740.00 25SOSEVBWTIBITIJABORATIRIE 8130.459-6 1,050.00 vendor total: 1,050.00 2580 claim nuaber total: 1,050.00 2581SEVIWTRENTLABORATORIE 8130.459-6 635.00 vendor total: 635.00 2581 claianuaber total: . 635.00 2583IWTIB&HINvHORS 8130.440-6 445.28 vendor total: 445.28 2583claianud»r total: 445.28 2603STEPKNMISERJR 8130.401-6 1,300.00 vendor total: 1,300.00 2603 claia nudier total: 1,300.00 2610 ARTISTIC EMROIDERY 8110.435-6 286.0? vendor total: 286.07 26102610 Cclaia nucber total: 286.07 Village of MaidenPaoe: 11 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account atwrnt 2616 SPECTRA SERVICES 8130.458-G 1,271.27 total: 1271.27 2616 claia number total: 1,271.27 2630 FRONTIER QMJHICATIOIB 8110.408-G 137.97 vendor total: 137.97 2630 claia nuaber total: 137.97 2632 nmiMAY SMRTItS GOODS 8110.435-G 98.85 vendor total: 98.85 2632 claia nuaber total: 98.85

fund total: 14,617.96









"^ DATE: NANCY~%ITCHBLL VILLAGE\ CLERK Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden Work Session Meeting Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. One Municipal Square The Agenda 1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes 1: Meeting of November 13*, 2001

4. Public Comment 5. Business of the Board of Trustees a. 1 : Payment of Audited Bills 2: Street Light Authorization - Municipal Square 3: Commercial Loan Program Guidelines

1 : Walden View Apartments 2: Hecht Property c. 1 : Village Manager Report

6. Executive Session(s) l:105-(f) Personnel

7. Adjournment VILLAGE OF WALDEN BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING NOVEMBER27,2001 Mayor Rocco Pellegrino called the regular meeting of the Village of Walden Board of Trustees to order at 6:30 P.M.

On roll call Mayor Rocco Pellegrino, Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop, Trustees Mary Jean Norman, Richard Hurd, Bill Meisel, Craig Maslik and Conrad Flickenschild were present. Village Manager James Politi, Village Clerk Nancy Mitchell and Village Attorney Kevin Dowd were also present.

Approval of Minutes Trustee Hurd moved to adopt the minutes of November 13,2001. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Minutes adopted.

Public Comments Theresa Reggero, 23 Fairview Avenue indicated that at the last meeting she brought up the sewer problem she had and everyone was to go over that and let her know what is going to happen. Since then she has received a letter from the insurance company's attorney stating they are denying liability. She now has to hire a lawyer and she has an appointment to speak to a reporter with the Times Herald Record. She asked where the village stands on this? Mayor Pellegrino stated that at this point its between the insurance companies. Manager Politi stated that the attorney called him and asked that he handle this now and a . hearing has been set up.

Audited Bills

Trustee Norman moved to pay the audited bills of November 27,2001. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Motion carried.

Street Light Authorization-Municipal Square Deputy Mayor Wynkoop moved to authorize the street light agreement with State Gas and Electric for the new streetlights in the municipal square. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried.

Page -1- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting November 27,2001

Commercial Loan Program Guidelines

Trustee Flickenschild moved to approve the revised Commercial Loan Program Guidelines. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried. Hecht Property The Village Manager stated that the Joint Board would like to review the Hecht property on South Montgomery Street.

Trustee Flickenschild stated that they were waiting to find out if fees were paid for the water line. The Village Clerk indicated that the fees were not paid. Trustee Flickenschild stated that based on that they should be able to change the zoning backtoR-1.

Mr. Dowd stated that the Board has a copy of his letter of May 23,2000, under confidence. He suggested this be discussed under attorney/client.

Village Manager Report Manager Politi stated that John Howland has asked if the Board could do a walk through the parks. A walk through was scheduled for Saturday, December 1", 2001 at 10:00 a.m., starting at Wooster Grove.

Mayor Pellegrino indicated that Mr. Howland advised him that the equipment for the Pond Road Playground is here and will be installed.

Manager Politi advised the Board that on December 11*, 2001 Alan Sorensen is going to present his downtown strategy.

Board Comments

Trustee Norman asked if the signs in the square could be removed and be replaced by Page-2- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting November 27,2001 arrows on the pavement? Trustee Hurd asked how the Board felt about changing the meeting time to 7:00 P.M.? It was the consensus of the Board to leave the time of the Board meetings at 6:30 P.M. Trustee Meisel asked that the Village check their legal responsibility before the signs are removed from the square. Trustee Maslik asked about Mrs. Reggero's sewer backup, at the last meeting the Board asked that someone look at that. Manager Politi stated that he asked for the insurance companies report and as a result they said they would handle it.

Executive Session Trustee Flickenschild moved to hold an executive session pursuant to 105-(f), Police Personnel, of the Public Officers Law. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried. Trustee Flickenschild moved to reconvene the regular meeting. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Meeting reconvened.

Trustee Hurd moved to adjourn for attorney/client privileges. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried. Trustee Norman moved to reconvene the regular meeting. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Meeting reconvened.


Trustee Maslik moved to adjourn. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,


NOVEMBER 27,2001

General Fund $ 15,912.56 Water Fund $ 1,242.71 Sewer Fund * 2,594.54 Abstract of Audited Vouchers aia claiaant account aaount

245nWLLKILLAUTO SALES 1640.411-A 33.67 vendor total: 33.67 2451 claia nuaber total: 33.67

2452 HI TREE REMOVAL 8560.412-A 1,065.00 vendor total: 1,065.00

2452 claim nuzber total: 1.065.00

243 COntE SYSTEM OF THE 1640.440-A 84.80 vendor total: 84.80 2453 claim nuaber total: 84.80

2454 C C P INDUSTRIES 1640.440-A 91.23 vendor total: 91.23

2454 claia number total: 91.23

2455NYSES 1640.471-A 21.39 5182.471-A 15.49 vendor total: 36.88

2<^Asia nusber total: 36.88

2456 SCOTT'S CORNERS PAINT & HARDW 5110.490-A 38.23 vendor total: 38.23

2456 claia nuaber total: 38.23

. 2461 FEDEX 1410.406-A 154.55 vendor total: 154.55

2461 claia nuaber total: 154.55

2462 NANCY MITCHELL 4020.459-A 130.00 vendor total: 130.00 2462 claia nuaber total: 130.00

2463E.A.MOREE&CO..INC. 1620.431-A 165.51 vendor total: 165.51

2463 claim nuaber total: 165.51

2464THRUWAY SHOPPING COMER 3120.480-A 58.51 vendor total: 58.51

2466^ianuaber total: 58.51 Abstract of Audited Vouchers aia claimant account aaount 246^0FFESYSTEMQFTHE 3122.401-A 2.80 jhdor total: 32.80 2465clai:nudier total: . 32.80 2466 HOLIDAY INN 3120.460-A 196.00 vendor total: 196.00 2466 clai* nuaber total: 196.00 2467 WILLIAM IZRLIHY 3120.460-A 62.87 vendor total: ' 62.87 2467 claia nuaber total: 62.87 2468NANCYMITOB1 4020.459-A 6.50 vendor total: 6.50 2468clai:nuabert3tal: 6.50 2469 BECKER BUSINESS SYSTEMS 3122.401'-A 140.00 vendor total: 140.00 2469 clei! nunbar total: . 140.00 2470JBARLES 8 MERRILL 1325.40H 120.56 1410.401-A 14.53 3122.401-A 56.36 7310.40M 15.60 vendor total: . 207.05 2470 clai: nuAer total: 207.05 2471 PITNEY BOHES 1410.406-A 186.00 vendor total: 186.00 2471 claia nuaber total: 186.00 2472 WARWICK VALLEY TELEPHONE 1410.408-A 59.85 vendor total: 59.85 2472 clai: nuiber total: 59.85 2473 AD TIMES ItRALD RECORD 7310.415-A 409.35 vendor total: 409.35 2473 clai* nuaber total: 409.35 2474 DRAKE,SCMMERS,UB, P.C. 1420.401-A 21.40 vendor i,otal: 21.40 aia nuober total: 21.40 Abstract of Audited Vouchers laia claiaant account aaount

24JMD JENKINS 8560.412-A 280.00 ^^Ador total: 280.00

2476 claia number total: 280.00

2478 THRUMAY SHOPPING CENTER 3120.435-A 69,95 3122.401-A 8.99 7310.413-A 4.99 vendor total: 83.93

2478 claia nuaber total: 83.93

2479 WALDEH PLUMBING/HEATING 7110.451-A 273.78 7110.452-A 375.00 vendor total: 648.78

247? claia nuaber total: 648.78

2480 HALDEN PLUMING/HEATING 1620.440-A 68.50 vendor totai: 68.50

2480 claia nuzber total: 68.50

2481 THRUMAY SHOPPING CENTER 3120.201-A 2E9.00 vendor total: 229.00

2<^Aia nuaber total: 229.00

2482 CIARDULLQ PRINTING 3122.401-A 60.00 vendor total: 60.00

2482 claianuaber total: 60.00

2483 GOOSETOMN CDMJNICATIONS 1640.482-A 83.00 vendor total: 83.00

2483 claia nuaber total: 83.00

24S4MEHLOHTRUCKINGINC. 7110.452-A 795.00 vendor total: 795.00 2484 claia nuzber total: 795.00

2485 DUFRESNE-HENRY CONSULTING 1440.459-A ' 32.52 vendor total: 22.52

2485 claia nuaber total: 3252

2486 DUFRESNE-HENRY CONSULTING 8020.495-A 550.85 vendor total: 550.85 :a nuaber total: 550.85 Abstract of Audited Vouchers aia daiaant account aaount

248.UHRUMAY SHOPPING CENTER 1620.440-A 37.36 1640.490-A #^a^K 101.23 3120.401-A 5.49 3122.401-A 82.17 7110.449-A 28.74 7110.451-A 19.97 7110.452-A 2.38 7110.453-A 25.73 7310.413-A 9.78 vendor total: 312.85

2487 claia nusber total: 312.85

2490NYSEG 5182.471-A 5.77 vendor total: 5.77

2490 dais nuaber total: 5.77

2494 FRONTIER COMMMICATIGNS 1110.408-A 26.52 1410.408-A 60.38 1640.408-A 38.82 7110.408-A 26.55 vendor total: 152.27

2494 dais nuzber total: 152.27

2*^&«TIER QMMICATICNS 3122.408-A 188.49 ^^ndor total: 188.49

2495 claia nucber total: 188.49 2496 WALLKILL VALLEY THES 1410.407-A 12.71 vendor total: 12.71

2496 claia nuaber total: 12.71

2497VERIZCWHIKEUESS 1230.408-A 144.26 vendor total: 144.26

2497 claia nuaber total: 144.26 2498 VERIZON WIRELESS 3620.401-A 32.87 vendor total: 32.87

2498 claii nuaber total: -^ — 32.87

2499 NYS CONFERENCE OF MAYORS 1230.460-A 85.00 vendor total: 85.00

2499 daia nuder total: 85.00

250^gS CONFERENCE OF MAYORS 3120.46M 85.00 ^wdor total: 85.00 Abstract of Audited Vouchers aia claiaant account aaount

E^Maia nuaber total: 85.00

2501 AUTHOR'S WELDING SERVICE 1640.412-A 960.26 vendor total: 960.26

2501 claia nuaber total: 960.26

2502 AHTHOR'S WELDING SERVICE 1640.413-A 462.00 vendor total: 462.00 2502 claia nuaber total: 462.00 2503 SLATER'S POWER EQUIP. INC . 5142.215-A 2.798.00 . vendor total: 2.798.00

2503 claia nuaber total: 2,798.00

2504 CHAWION SUPPLIES. INC. 1640.413-A 92.92 vendor total: 92.92

2504 claia nuaber total: 92.92

2506 CHAMPION SUPPLIES, INC. 2640.410-A 644.12 vendor total: 644.12

24Kaia nuaber total: 644.12

2507 SMITH'S COMERCIAL TIRE 1640.412-A 1,138.40 vendor total: 1,138.40 2507 claia nuaber total: 1,138.40

2508 WALDEN PLUMBING/HEATIIS 1620.440-A 68.50 vendor total: 68.50

2508 claia nuabar total: 68.50 2509 CALLANAN INDUSTRIES, INC 5110.490-A 797.64 vendor total: 797.64

2509 claia nuaber total: 797.64

25.10 CALLANAN INDUSTRIES, INC 5110.490-A 1.238.48 vendor total: 1,38.48 2510 claia nuaber total: 1,238.48 2511 CHERRY TIRE SERVICE. INC. 1640.41M 141.00 vendor total: 141.00 SlaWaianuaber total: 141.00 Abstract of Audited Vouchers aim claimant account

7110.471-A 100,06 lor total: 100.06

2512 claim number total: 100.06

2515 SCOTT'S CORNERS PAINT & HARDM 1640.490-A 2.08 vendor total: 2,08

2515 claim number total: . ' . 2.08 2518 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS.INC. 1640.412-A 416.45 vendor total: 416.45

2518 claim number total: 416.45

2519 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS.INC. 1640.413-A 309.34 vendor total: 309.34 2519 claim number total: 309.34

2520 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS.INC. 1640.412-A 204.13 1640.413-A 32.50 vendor total: 236.63

2520 claim number total: 236.63

CREE'SAUTOPARTS.IKC. 1640.413-A 38.46 •Vendor total: 38.46 2521 claim number total: 38.46 2522 AL VALK'S GARAGE.LTD. 1640.412-A 371.60 vendor total: 371.60 2522 claim nusber total: 371.60

2523 CHESTER VALLEY EBJIP. 7110.449-A 65.62 vendor total: 65.62

2523 claim number total: 65.62

fund total: 16,912.56 1/27/01 11:33 JUQY page: 1 Village of Walden und account description debit credit _ general ^Ao8-A Telephone 26.52 1230.408-A Telephone 144.26 1230.460-A Education 85.00 1325.401-A Office Expense 120.56 1410.401-A Office Expense 14.53 1410.406-A Postage 340.55 1410.407-A Advertising 12.7! 1410.408-A Telephone 120.23 1420.401-A Legal Miscellaneous 21.40 1440.459-A Engineering Miscellaneous 32.52 1620.431-A Cleaning Supplies 165.51 1620.440-A Building Maintenance 174.36 1640.408-A Teleohone 28.82 1640.410-A Sas, Oil, Lube 644.12 1640.411-A Auto Maintenance 33.6? 1640.412-A Truck Maintenance 3.231.84 1640.413-A Equipment Maintenance 935.22 1640.440-A Building Maintenance 176.03 ^64** ^1*4 pi -r*^. ;,.;+,. 21.39 1640.482-A Radio Repairs 83.00 1640.490-A Other Materials/Supplies 103.31. 3120.201-A • Video Equipaent 229.00 3120.401-A Office Suoplies 5.49 3120.435-A Police Uniforms 69.95 3120.460-A Education 343.87 sd&BO-A Safety 58.51 3%Roi-A Office Expense 380.32 3122.408-A Teleonone 188.49 3620.401-A Office Expense 32.87 4020.459-A Registrar of Vital Statistics 136.50 5110.490-A Street Maintenance 2,074.35 5142.215-A Snow Removal Equipment 2,798.00 5182.471-A Street Lighting E1.26 7110.408-A Telephone 26.55 7110.449-A Lawn Mower Repairs 94.36 7110.451-A Park Haint-Bradley/Alfred Park 293.75 7110.452-A Park Maintenance-Wooster's 1,172.38 7110.453-A Park Maintenance-Maiden Park 25.73 7110.471-A Electricity 100.06 7310.402-A Basketball Prograa 15.60 7310.413-A Soccer Prograa 14.77 7310.415-A Special Events 409.35 8020.495-A Engineering 550.85 " " 5560.412-A Tree Reaoval Services ' 1.345.00 total general 16,912.56

water 8310.401-F Office Expense 30.00 8310.408-K Telephone 31.47 8320.433-F Heating Fuel 96,36 83^63-F Purification Cneaicals 669.80 G^W1-F Power for Utilities 389.33 8340.433-F Material and Supplies 25.75 page: 2 Village of Walden und account description . debit credit water 1,242.71 sewer 8120.471-G Power for Utilities • 1,519.59 8130.401-6 Material and Supplies 376.80 8130.408-6 Telephone 26.95 8130.459-6 Miscellaneous Testing Services 590.00 8130.471-6 Power for Utilities 81.30 total sewer 2,594.64 . ,. „ Abstract of Audited Vouchers laia claiaant account aaount

245% JONES OtMICALS 8320.463-F 669.80 vendor total: 669.80 2458 claia nuaber total: 669.80 2460 CLOYD HOWARD CO 8320.433-F 96.36 vendor total: .96.36 2460claianuaber total: 96.36

2475 U.F.P.O. / DIG SAFELY NEW YOR 8310.401-f 30.00 vsidor total: 30.00 2475 claia nuaber total: 30.00 2488 THRuWY SHOPPIE CENTER 8340.433-F 25.75 vendor total: 25.75

2488 claia nuaber total: 25.75

2492 FRONTIER CO»M*IICATIO!C 8310.408-F 31.47 vendor total: 31.47

2492 claia nuaber total: 31.47

. 25^^EG 8320.471-F 12.34 vendor total: 12.34 2513 claia nuaber total: • 12.34

2517 CHEICRGYGROlf, INC. . 8320.471f 376.99 vendor total: 376.99 2517 claia miaber total: 376.99

fund total: 1.242.71 Abstract of Audited Vouchers laia claiaant account aaount

2457NYSEG 8130.471-G 81.30 vendor total: 81.30 2457 claianuaber total: 81.30 2459 HUDSON AUTO & INDUSTRIAL 8130.401-G 169.63 vendor total: 169.63 2459 clai: nuaber total: 169.63 2477 SEVERN TRENT LABORATORIE 8130.459-6 590.00 vendor total: 590.00 2477 claia nuaber total: 590.00 2489 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 8130.401-S 69.44 vendor total: 69.44 2489 claia nuder total: 69.44 2491 NYSEG 8120.471-G 1.350.83 vendor total: 1.350.83 2491_claia nuzber total: 1,350.83 249%ONTIER CtMJNICATIONS S130.408-S 26.95 vendor total: 26.95 2493 claia nuaber total: 26.95 2505 CHAfPION SUPPLIES, INC. 8130.401-6 89.32 vendor total: 69.32 2505 claia nuaber total: 89.32 2514 NYSEG 8120.471-S 168.76 vendor total: 168.76 2514 claia nuaber total: 168.76 2516 SCOTT'S CORNERS PAINT & HARDM 8130.401-G 48.41 vendor total: 48.41 2516 claia nuaber total: 48.41










VILLAGE Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden Regular Meeting Tuesday, November 13th, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. One Municipal Square The Agenda

1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call 3. Proclamation - Walden Local Development Corp.

4. Approval of Minutes 1 : Meeting October 23, 2001

5. Public Comment - Agenda Action Items Only

6. Business of the Board of Trustees a. 1 : Payment of Audited Bills 2 : Resolution 1 2- 1 -02, Surplusing Equipment 3 : Harvard Drive - Cul de sac

1 : Harvard Drive-Sullivan 2: Joint Board Meeting 3: 50-52 South Montgomery Street 4: Alfreda Robinson - 1 Ayr Court


7. Public Comment

8. Miscellaneous Comments by Board Members

9. Executive Session(s)

10. Adjournment Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting November 13,2001

Mayor Rocco Pellegrino called the regular meeting of the Village of Walden Board of Trustees to order at 6:30 P.M.

On roll call Mayor Rocco Pellegrino, Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop, Trustees Mary Jean Norman, Richard Hurd, Craig Maslik, Bill Meisel and Conrad Flickenschild were present. Village Manager James Politi, Village Clerk Nancy Mitchell and Village Attorney Kevin Dowd were also present.

Approval of Minutes Trustee Norman moved to adopt the minutes of October 23,2001. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Minutes adopted. Public Comment-Agenda Items There were no comments regarding agenda items.

Audited Bills Deputy Mayor Wynkoop moved to pay the audited bills of November 13,2001. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried.

Resolution No. 12-01-02 Declaring Certain Vehicles Surplus Trustee Hurd moved to adopt Resolution No. 12-01-02, Declaring Certain Vehicles Surplus, (attached). Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Resolution adopted.

Harvard Drive

Mayor Pellegrino indicated that the recommendations from the Fire and Police Departments were to leave Harvard Drive open to increase response time and for officer safety. Most of the residents want it left closed for the safety of their children.

There was no response from the ambulance corp.

Trustee Flickenschild stated that he also lives in the area and although he's not happy to

Page-1- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting November 13,2001 see the street open, but with the recommendation of the police department and fire department he feels it should be open and he will make a motion to have Harvard Drive an open street. Seconded by Trustee Meisel. Trustee Meisel asked what the ramifications were to the other streets? Will this cause the Village to have to widen other streets? He asked that before anything is done to look at the ramifications.

Trustee Hurd stated that he would have made the proposal the other way and it's not that he doesn't take into account the reports from the police and fire departments. Many of the residents came here and they are all aware of the situation and yet they requested it remain a cul de sac. Trustee Norman stated that she feels it's the best thing to do, to open that street up. There was an instance where a child had gotten hurt and the ambulance couldn't find the house. Trustee Flickenschild stated that you do have the statements of the residents who live on Harvard Drive saying they did not want it open. That statement was made a number of years ago. He does believe that if you ask the other homeowners that are in close proximity to that road, he thinks some of the people in the new development may say open it up.

Mayor Pellegrino stated that he uses book maps on his job daily and most of the village streets are not up to date. He will call the map companies and have it corrected. Trustee Maslik asked if there has been any feedback from the people that signed the petition?

Manager Politi stated no.

Trustee Maslik asked if it would be possible to get some input from the local homeowners?

Manager Politi stated that this has been stretching out and the board promised last time that the developer would know last meeting so he can begin his process.

On roll call Trustees Meisel, Norman and Flickenschild voted yes. Trustees Maslik, Hurd, Wynkoop and Mayor Pellegrino voted no. Motion defeated after a vote of three ayes to four nays. Page-2- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting November 13,2001 Trustee Flickenschild indicated that the minute you ignore the fire and police departments in your community you're subjecting yourself to ridicule by not listening to the emergency response teams. Trustee Hurd stated that he is listening. Mayor Pellegrino stated that he is concerned with the safety of the children on the street. He isn't turning his back on the fire or police departments. Deputy Mayor Wynkoop stated that he doesn't like Walker Street. You get a lot of traffic coming down Walker Street, it's narrow where it comes out at Route 52, it's a bad spot.

Trustee Hurd moved to make the end of Harvard Drive a cul de sac. Seconded by Trustee Wynkoop. On roll call Trustees Maslik, Hurd, Wynkoop and Mayor Pellegrino voted yes. Trustee Meisel, Norman and Flickenschild voted no. Motion carried after a vote of four ayes to three nays. Harvard Drive-Sullivan

Dan Sullivan stated that he spoke to Steve Hager from Schoonmaker Homes. Schoonmaker is a little reluctant to do anything without the Planning Board okaying it. They do seem open to putting up a fence along the most severe section of the drop, from his property to Yale Drive. Mr. Hager raised the issue saying that he wasn't aware that fencing was allowed along a roadway. He said it would have to go before the planning board.

Mr. Dowd asked whose fence would it be to maintain and was it going to be in the village right of way?

Manager Politi asked Mr. Sullivan if he was comfortable with a fence, if it's allowable?

Mr. Sullivan stated yes.

Manager Politi stated that he will call Mr. Hager.

Deputy Mayor Wynkoop asked about the sloping of the property? Mr. Sullivan stated that they are willing to do that, but he doesn't want his lawn affected.

Trustee Hurd asked about terracing?

Page-3- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting November 13, 2001 Mr. Sullivan stated that they are not willing to do too much along those lines. They said the Planning Board's okayed it as is. He is also concerned about the erosion that could happen there. Mr. Dowd stated that this has to go back to the Planning Board.

Trustee Meisel stated that if this is going back to the Planning Board he would like to see some guarantee from the developer on the erosion problem. Deputy Mayor Wynkoop asked if he's pulled the curbs out? Manager Politi stated that they will.

Trustee Hurd asked why the property owner isn't erecting the fence?

Mr. Sullivan stated that he didn't cause the situation. The developer dug that out. There was a slope there before.

Trustee Flickenschild stated that when the developer first came before the board the developer assured him that there would be no major problem when they cut the road. Trustee Maslik asked if the developer included erosion control? He assumes they would have to. Manager Politi stated that a retaining wall was originally planned. Mr. Sullivan indicated that at the time he was lead to believe that it wasn't going to be that steep of a drop. They said the road would angle up. Trustee Meisel asked if any potential liability rest on the shoulder of the developer?

Mr. Dowd stated that it is still the developer's property. It's a roadway issue and that hasn't been taken over by the village yet.

Joint Board Meeting Manager Politi stated that the joint committee has reviewed the Mx zone with the possibility of changing it. That will be part of the plan that Mr. Sorensen is putting together.

Trustee Hurd asked, by the time the board gets to changing the Mx zone won't Oak Street Page-4- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting November 13, 2001 almost be set in concrete? Trustee Flickenschild stated that they are trying to leave it residential. Manager Politi stated that they are trying to keep businesses in the Main Street area. Trustee Meisel stated that his concept when they were putting this committee together was to try and coordinate, on a bigger scale, any road blocks from things that were causing difficulty in the boards. Trustee Flickenschild stated that if you have read the minutes you will see that as a joint board we have spoken of what things can be corrected prior to people coming before another board. With the larger businesses on Main Street they were able to alleviate some difficulty that the Planning Board is having and the Zoning Board is having because of the business that is on Main Street. Trustee Hurd asked if there's been any feedback on how the current businesses feel? Trustee Flickenschild stated that there was some animosity of certain businesses that certain board's were objecting to some changes. As a result the joint board agreed that we have to use a little leeway to try and maintain the businesses we have in the community.

Trustee Flickenschild stated that the board's also discussed signs. Controlling what kind of signs, we want to allow.

50-52 South Montgomery Street Manager Politi stated that the owner has cleaned up all the electric and its been inspected. They are moving ahead.

Alfreda Robinson -1 Aye Court

The Manager stated that he did call the builder and he has contacted Mrs. Robinson. They are trying to work this out.

Utopian Place

Manager Politi stated that Mr. Wilkinson has the petition which has been reviewed by the attorney.

Page-5- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting November 13,2001 TEA Grant Application Manager Politi stated that the TEA Grant application has been completed and was mailed today. Trustee Hurd asked if they were going to allow horseback riding on the trail?

Trustee Hurd stated that there is a lot of space which you can do something with without having to necessitate taking people across the road. Trustee Meisel stated that they are talking about the train station being used as an intricate part of the project. He'd be concerned that the group that's sponsoring it picks up the maintenance on the train station rather than the tax payers.


A letter was received from the Task Force thanking the Village for the use of the Village Hall for their October 20^ river conference.

A letter was also received from the Walden Fire Department thanking the Village for working with them on the issue of the truck bay at Col. Bradley Hose.

Public Comment Jodi Lynn, 56 Donna Chrystie Lane stated on behalf of herself and other community members and the WLDC what a great showing it was and pleasure to see everyone there building the children's playground. She thanked the Board for their support. Mr. Clemans asked if the Village Manager has had a chance to look at Richardson Street after the last time he was in here?

Manager Politi stated that he had the engineer go out and look and see what he could do with it.

Mr. Clemans stated that they are going to start pouring cement tomorrow and at one point the sidewalk is higher than where the downstairs apartment is.

Manager Politi stated that he'll have them start pouring somewhere else.

Mr. Clemans asked if they were going to replace the blacktop that they tore up? Page-6- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting November 13,2001 Manager Politi stated yes. Mr. Clemans stated that the people across the street from him are sickly people and their driveway has been open. He asked that be checked out. Theresa Ruggero 23 Fairview Avenue asked if anything was going to be done to upgrade the sewer system in her area? She talked to her plumber about getting a check valve installed and he said it's not going to help. With that much force it will be blown off. The manager stated that they will be looking at it. Mayor Pellegrino asked if there was a time frame for that? The manager stated that once a month the village flushes the sewers in certain areas because of low flow.

Mrs. Ruggero asked if notices could go out when the sewers are going to be flushed. Trustee Meisel suggested a gate valve be installed from the house to the main and when the village flushes the sewers they close it. Greg Raymondo 200 Orange Avenue asked when the equipment was going to be installed at the Marty Besdesky playground?

Manager Politi stated that John Howland is working out a schedule.

Mr. Raymondo stated that the village has a sign committee and they've done a lot of work on the signage in the village. Also, the bottom of Orchard Street by Route 52, are sidewalks going in? The granite curb is sticking out at least five inches. Trustee Flickenschild stated that it's a very unsafe situation, because the children walk to school that way and they have to walk in the road.

Jodi Lynn asked if sidewalks are going to be put on South Montgomery Street from where they end to Donna Chrystie Lane?

Becky Pearson stated that she was on the sign committee and they discussed that people who had signs already were able to keep the signs for five years and when a new business came in they would have to go with the new code. She came to the Planning Board meeting for the Guardian Storage sign and when they started out the sign was low to the ground, now its Page-7- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting November 13, 2001 fourteen feet in the air. The Planning Board had to waive that and let them have it that high. She'd like to see the village get back to the sign committee or finalize something. Trustee Flickenschild indicated that the joint board talked about bringing the sign committee back.

Mrs. Pearson also stated that architectural review is also important. There should be color regulations. She suggested an individual committee.

Board Comments Trustee Meisel stated that the village had a very successful river clean up and he thinks the village should show their gratitude to the people involved.

Trustee Norman stated that she agrees with Mr. Raymondo. They went to many meetings to get the Marty Besdesky playground done on Pond Road. She would like to see it completed before the winter. She also thanked everyone for helping with the playground at Wooster Grove.

Trustee Flickenschild asked about the employee recognition? Manager Politi stated that he's picking a place and time. Trustee Hurd stated that while working at the Wooster Grove one of the men working there has a piece of equipment which is capable of cleaning out the Tinbrook. He is willing to come back and do that. Mayor Pellegrino stated that he'd like to flood the basketball court at Wooster's so they can have skating this winter. He's aware that its cost prohibited to make snow at Bradley, but he'd like to name the hill Mad Mountain. He'd like to have more fun with families, so he'd like to have more family involvement with things in the village that are under utilized.

Trustee Norman stated that she spoke to some people that would like to have the annual winter festival that's been lost. They also asked about the ski tow. They'd like a special meeting to get this started.

Lori Keator suggested President's weekend. Brian Sebring asked about the drought conditions?

Manager Politi stated that we're not near any danger point right now. He could put a Page-8- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting November 13,2001 volunteer notice to conserve water. Executive Session Trustee Flickenschild moved to go into executive session pursuant to 105-(d), litigation, of the Public Officers Law. Seconded by Trustee Meisel. All ayes. Motion carried.

Trustee Hurd moved to reconvene the regular meeting. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried.

Adjournment Trustee Hurd moved to adjourn. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted,

NAicyWitchell Village Clerk



WHEREAS, from time to time the village accumulates vehicles that are no longer in use by the village departments; and,

WHEREAS, New York State Law requires the governing body to declare such vehicles surplus and no longer of any value to the village.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden does hereby declare the following vehicle surplus and no longer needed for village use:

Minimum Bid 1993 Chev Caprice Vin.No. 1G1BL537XPW138571 $4600.00 1993 Chev Caprice Vin.No. 1G1BL5371PW138670 $4600.00

(2) Federal street Hawk Light Bars with Federal PW300 Siren Box and light switch $ 175.00 each

Upon motion by Trustee Hurd, seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. The vote was 7 ayes to 0 nays with 0 abstentions. Mayor Pellegrino declared the resolution adopted.

CERTIFICATE The foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden at a meeting held on November 13,2001. Public notice was given and the meeting was conducted in full compliance with the New York Open Meeting Law (Public Officers Law, Sections 100-111). Minutes of the meeting will be available by the Act. VILLAGE OF WALDEN ABSTRACT OF AUDITED VOUCHERS

NOVEMBER 13,2001

General Fond $45,860.02 Water Fund $ 7,426.51 Sewer Fund *ig village a? waiaen rage: i

Abstract of Audited Vouchers aia claiaant account aaount

2333TKH WIRELESS 1640.408-A 8.08 3620.401-A 6.08 vendor total: 14.16

2333 claia nuaber total: 14.16

2335 BELL-HERRING, INC. 1640.411-A 110.29 vendor total: 110.29

2335 claia nuaber total: 110.29

2337 COFFEE SYSTEM OF ME 1620.440-A 26.55 1640.440-A 22.40 vendor total: 48.95

2337 claia nuaber total: 48.95

.2338 CHERRY TIRE SERVICE, INC. 1640.412-A 124.00 vendor total: 124.00

2338 claia nuaber total: 124.00

2339 CIARDU10 PRINTING 8160.401-A 205.00 vendor total: 205.00 23X%ia nuaber total: 205.00 2340 DRAKE,SOMMERS,LOEB. P.C. 1420.411-A 3,891.67 vendor total: 3,891.67

2340 claia nuaber total: 3,891.67. 2343 EHRLICH 1640.440-A 30.00 vendor total: 30.00 2343 claia nuab@r total: 30.00

2346 FIRESTONE STORES 1640.411-A 424.64 vendor total: 424.64

2346 claia nuabar total: 424.64

2347 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS,INC. 1640,411-A 28.58 vendor total: 28.58 2347 claia nuaber total: 28.58

2349 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS,INC. 1640.413-A 34.84 vendor total: 34.84

bia nuaber total: 34.84 village ot Maiden Page: 2

Abstract of Audited Vouchers • aia claiaant account aaount

23&]RGE'S AUTO PARTS,INC. 1640.413-A 8.58 vendor total: 29.58 2350 claia nuaber total: 29.58 2351 GOOSETONN COMMUNICATIONS 1640.482-A 106.20 vendor total: 106.20

2351 claia nuaber total: 106.20

2352 HUDSON RUG CLEANING 1620.440-A 985.96 vendor .total: 985.96 2352 claia nuaber total: 985.96 2354NYSEG 5182.471-A 5,630.94 vendor total: 5,850.94

2354 claia nuaber total: 5,850.94

2357NYSEG 5182.471-A 65.98 vendor total: 65.98 2357 claia nuaber total: 65.98

234&SEG 1620.471-A 1,695.29 ^Wndor total: . 1,695.29

2358 claia number total: 1,695.29

2359NYSEG 1640.471-A 557.68 vendor total: 557.68 2359 claia nuaber total: 557.68

2361 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 1620.408-A 577.31 1640.408-A 332.77 7020.408-A 23.81 vendor total: 933.89 2361 claia nuaber total: 933.89 2362 STEVE NEUHAUS 1490.401-A 15.00 vendor total: 15.00

2362 claia nuaber total: 15.00

2363 NYS CONFERENCE OF MAYORS 1490.401-A 75.00 vendor total: 75.00 .

236^12363^ai!a nuaber total: 75.00 Vmage OT kaioen Page:

Abstract of Audited Vouchers aim claimant account amount

JRANGECOlfn ASSOCIATION OF 1210.460-A 20.00 1230.460-A 20.00 . . 1490.460-A 20.00 vendor total: 60.00 2365 claim number total: 60.00

2367 SCOTT'S CORNERS PAINT & HARDN 1640.490-A 31.15 5110.490-A 70.20 vendor total: 101.35 2367 claim number total: 101.35 2369 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP. 1620.497-A 209.92 vendor total: 209.92

2369 claim number total: . 209.92

2372 VERIZON WIRELESS 1640.408-A 612.29 vendor total: 612.29

2372 claim number total: 612.29 2373 WALDEN PLUMBING/BEATING 1620.440-A 68.50 vendor total: 68.50

im number total: 68.50 2375 HALOR AUTO BODY & GLASS 1640.412-A 698.60 vendor total: 698.60 2375 claim number total: 698.60

2376 WALLKILL AUTO SALES 1640.411-A 124.07 vendor total: 124.07

2376 claim number total: 124.07 2377 WALLKILL AUTO SALES 1640.412-A 697.58 vendor total: 697.58 2377 claim number total: 697.5B

2382 ACTION FIRE & SAFETY EQUIP 1640.417-A 125.00 vendor total: 125.00

2382 claim number total: 125.00

2383 A.C.MOORE INC. 7550.475-A 31.98 vendor total: 31.98

238383g3 claia m number total: 31.98 Abstract of Audited Vouchers aia claiaant account aaount 2384 A.C.MOORE INC, 7550.475-A 178,20 g&idor total: 178.20 2384 claia nuaber total: 178.20 2385 DUFRESNE-HENRY CONSULTING 8020.495-A 2,134.84 vendor total: 2,134.84 2385 claia nuiber total: 2,134.84 2386 MCGOEY,HAUSER & EDSALL 1440.459-A 385.00 vendor total: 385.00 2386 claia nuiber total: 385.00 2387 BOXER BUSINESS SYSTEMS 1325.401-A 119.00 vendor total: 119.00 2387 claia nuaber total: 119.00 2389 ENVIRONHEHTAL PAPER 1620.44M 229.05 vendor total: 229.05 23G9 claia nuiber total: 229.05 2390 ENVIRONMENTAL PAPER 3120.480-A 19.74 ^aendor total: 19.74 239uclaia nuaber total: 19.74 2391 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 3122.408-A 395.81 vendor total: 395.81 2391 claia nuaber total: 395.81 2392 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 1110.408-A 64.61 vendor total: 64.61 2392 claia nuaber total: 64.61 2393 HAK,INC. 1110.401-A 140.00 vendor total: 140.00 2393 clai: nuaber total: 140.00 2394 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS 1410.410-A 1,514.88 vendor total: 1,514.88 2394 claia nuaber total: 1,514,88

2395 OUTDOOR AFFAIR, INC. 7550.474-A 100.00 vendor total: 100.00 eaoer ij. cuui viuage OT waioen rage:

Abstract of Audited Vouchers aia claimant account aaount

2395 c.laia number total: 100.00

f BOWES 1410.406-A 114.75 vendor total: 114.75 2396 claim nuaber total: 114.75 2397 PITNEY BOWES 1410.406-A 32.74 vendor total: 32.74 2397 claia number total: 32.74

2398 JAMES POLITI 1230.460-A 41.08 vendor total: 41.08 2398 claia number total: 41.08

2399 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS 3122.401-A 217.25 vendor total: 217.25

2399 claia number total: 217.25 2400 AMERICAN CLEANER 3i20.435-A 375.00 vendor total: 375.00 2400 claia number total: 375.00

OF AWARDS 7310.4154* 459.00 vendor total: 459.00

2401 claia nuaber total: 459.00 2402 JOHNSTABNER 3620.431-A 73.20 vendor total: . 73.20 2402 claia number total: 73.20 2403 SIRCHIE FINGER PRINT LABORATO 3120.480-A 318.00 vendor total: 318.00 2403 claia nuaber total: 318.00 2404 VINCENT TOOMEY,ESQ. 1420.401-A 2,752.00 vendor total: 2,752.00

2404 claia nuaber total: 2,752.00

2405 VERIZON WIRELESS 1230.408-A 152.25 vendor total: 152.25

2405 claia number total: 152.25 WIRELESS 3620.401-A 67.32 Abstract of Audited Vouchers aia claimant account aaount

vendoTO r total: 67.32

2*18aim number total: 67.32 2407 VERIZON WIRELESS 3122.408-A 224.25 vendor total: 224.25 2407 claim number total: 224.25 2408 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 3120.201-A 69.00 vendor total: 69.00 2408.claim number total: 69.00 2409 DINN BROTHERS,INC. 7310.413-A 1,123.75 vendor total: 1,123.75 2409 claim number total: 1.123.75 2410 FLEET LEASING CORP 3122.483-A 173.30 vendor total: 173.30 2410 claim number total: 173.30 2411 WILLKIE FARR & GALLAGHER 1420.401-A 750.00 vendor total: 750.00 (aim number total: 750.00 2412 WILLKIE FARR & GALLAGHER 1420.401-A 375.00 vendor total: 375.00 2412 claim number total: 375.00 2413 WALLKILL VALLEY TIMES 1410.407-A 10.78 vendor total: 10.78 2413 claim number total: 10.78 2414 HALDEN PLUMBING/HEATING 7110.453-A 386.35 vendor total: 386.35 2414 claim number total: 386.35 2415 PICTURE IT FRAMED 1410.401-A 158.00 vendor total: 158.00 2415 claim number total: 158.00 2416 HEWLETT PACKARD CO. 1230.401-A 325.00 vendor total: 325.00 in number total: 325.00 viuags or waioen rage: / Abstract of Audited Vouchers aim claimant account amount

2^ANTGOMERYOVERALLSER 1620.440-A 133.75 total: 133.75 2417 claim number total: 133,75 2418 OBTER VALLEY EQUIP. 7110.449-A 234.35 vendor total: 234.35 2418 claim number total: 134.35 2419 COFFEE SYSTEM OF THE 1620.440-A 16.80 vendor total: 16.80 2419 claim number total: 16.80 2420 CHARLES B MERRILL 1110.401-A 4.99 1410.401-A 222.28 1620.431-A 38.55 1620.440-A 76.03 3620.401-A 222.28 7310.402-A 37.40 7310.415-A (4.94 vendor total: 616.47 2420 claim number total: 616.47 2JK.M.A. 1230.484-A 530.00 vendor total: ' 530.00 2421 claim number total: 530.00 2422 ANNESE & ASSQCIATES,INC. 3122.482-A 173.95 vendor total: 173.95 2422 claim number total: 173.95 2423 ANESCO REMITTANCE 1640.417-A 40.92 vendor total: . • 40.92 2423 claim number total: 40.92 2424 AGWAY ENERGY PRODUCTS 1640.410-A 216.06 vendor total: 216.06 2424 claim number total: . 216.06 2425 PURCHASE POWER 1410.406-A 819.00 vendor total: 819.00 2425 claim number total: 819.00 COUNTY SANITARY LANDFI 8160.401-A 10.00 village OT (

Abstract of Audited Vouchers aim claimant account amount

vendor total: 10.00

?laim number total: 10.00

24E7 RALPH C HERMAN CO.,INC. 8170.413-A 29.37 vendor total: 29.37 2427 claim number total: 29.37 2428 ARKEL MOTORS,INC. 8170.413-A 490.54 vendor total: 490.54 2428 claim number total: 490.54

2431 RALPH C HERMAN CO.,INC. 1640.49M 72.73 8140.410-A 56.74 vendor total: 129.47

2431 claim number total: 129.47

2432 FIRESTONE STORES 1640.411-A . 491.44 . vendor total: 491.44

2432 claim number total: 491.44 2433 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS. 3122.408-A 100.99 ndor total: 100.99

2433 claim number total: 100.99 2436 BILL SIMICNE * ASSOCIATES,INC 7110.451-A 358.39 vendor total: 358.39

2436 claim number total: 358.39 2437 NEWBUBGH PARK MOTORS 1640.411-A 363.64 vendor total: 363.64

2437 claim number total: . 363.64 2438 MALLKILL VALLEY TIMES 1410.407-A 6.55 vendor total: 6.55 2438 claim number total: 6.55

2439 FLAB BUYS 7110.452-A 76.70 vendor total: 76.70

2439 claim number total: 76.70

2440 PRINTABLE SERVICES 1325.401-A 145.10 vendor total: 145.10 Veeoer Ij, cOul vniage 07 waiaen page: 9"

Abstract of Audited Vouchers aia claiaant account aaount

2440 claia nuaber total: 145.10 249KBAY ENERGY PRODUCTS 1640.410-A 265.44 vendor total: 265.44

2442 claia nuaber total: 265.44

2443 DRAKE,SQMMERS,LOEB, P.C. 1420.401-A 371.06 vendor total: 371.06

2443 claia nuaber total: 371.06 2444 KACEY'S COMPUTER 3122.401-A 20.00 vendor total: 20.00

2444 claia nuaber total: 20.00

2445 ARCH WIRELESS 1230.408-A 26.78 vendor total: 26.78

2445 clsia nuaber total: ' 26.78 244? NOKTRAX EQUIPMENT CO. 1640.413-A 1,575.70 vendor total: 1.575.70

2447 claia nuaber total: 1,575.70

FUEL 7110.433-A 71.46 vendor total: 71.46 2448 claia nuaber total: 71.46

2450 PRECISE LANDSCAPING AND 7110.451-A 750.00 8560.412-A 7,360.00 vendor total: 8,110.00

2450 claia nuaber total: 8,110.00

fund total: 46,860.02 . /13/01 13:22 JUDY page: 2 Village of Walden id account description debit credit

7550.475-A Holiday Decorations 210.18 8M^95-A Engineering 2,134.84 ™W*1M Saall Tools 56.74 8160.401-A Miscellaneous Office 215.00 8170.413-A Equipment Maintenance 519.91 8560.412-A Tree Reaoval Services 7,360.00 total general 46,860.02 water 8310.408-F Telephone 406.60 8310.493-F Legal Fees 486.50 8310.495-F Engineering 110.00 B320.403-F Miscellaneous Expenses 949.70 8320.459-F Miscellaneous Testing Services 193.00 8320.463-F Purification Cheaicals 746.75 J 8320.471-F Power for Utilities 3,205.42 8340.206-F Mater Meter Repair Parts 1,123.52 8340.433-F Material and Supplies 205.12 total water 7,426.61

sewer 8110.408-G Telephone 183.58 8110.459-G Other Misc. Services 55.00 8110,460-G Education 128.00 8110.493-6 Legal Fees 486.50 8110.495-G Engineering 11,617.50 81^08-6 Equipsent Maintenance 151.37 8^W1-G Power for Utilities 1,232.53 812^^2-G Electrical Maintenance 210.00 8130.401-G Material and Supplies 12.85 8130.440-G Sewer Maintenance 121.39 8130.45B-G Landfill 2,277.66 8130.465-G Cheaicals 919.80 8130.471-6 Power for Utilities 1,980.64 total sewer 19,376.82 Abstract of Audited Vouchers aim claiaant account amount «r 23@@ERICAN ALARM 8320.459-F 28.00 vendor total: 28.00 2331 claim nuaber total: 28.00 2332 AML EXCAVATING HC 8320.403-F 752.50 vendor total: 752.50 2332 claia nuaber total: 752.50 2334 ARCH WIRELESS 8310.408-F 12.28 vendor total: 12.28 2334 claim number total: 12.28 2336 C H ENERGY GROUP, INC. 8320.471-F 460.49 vendor total: 480.49 2336 claia number total: 480.49 2341 DRAKE,SOMMERS,LOEB, P.C. 8310.493-F 486.50 vendor total: 486.50 2341 claia nuaber total: 486.50 23^&TIER COMMUNICATIONS 8310.408-F 142.94 vendor total: 142.94 2344 claia nuaber total: 142.94 2353 INVENSYS METERING SYSTEM 8340.206-F 1,123.52 vendor total: 1,123.52 2353 claia nuaber total: 1,123.52 2355NYSEG 8320.471-F 2,724.93 vendor total: 2,724.93 •2355 claia nuaber total: 2,724.93 2364 OCL ANALYTICAL SERVICE 8320.459-F 165.00 vendor total: 165.00 2364 claia number total: 165.00 2370 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 8340.433-F 28.42 vendor total: 28.42

2370 claia number total: 28.42 23MAOEY,HAUSER & EDSALL 8310.495-F 110.00 --nTiayc <.•: noiusi 1 aye;

Abstract of Audited Vouchers aia claiaant account aaount vendor total: 110.00 aia nuaber total: 110.00 2388 DUSO CHEMICALS,INC 8320.463-F 746.75 vendor total: 746.75 2388 claia nuaber total: 746.75 8340.433-F 176.70 vendor total: 176.70 2430cla»nu

fund total: 7,426.6i Abstract of Audited Vouchers aia claimant accotmt aaount

NBT ,SOMtRS,LOEB, P.C. 8!!0.493-G 486.50 vendor total: 486,50 2342claianuaber total: 486.50 2345 FRONTIER QIMJNICATIONS 8110.40M 45.61 vendor total: 45.61 2345claianuaber total: 45.61 2348 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS.MC. 8120.408-G 31.37 vendor total: 31.37 2348 claia nuaber total: 31.37 2356HYSEG 8120.471-G 1,183.99 . 8130.471-G 1,980.64 vendor total: 3,164.63 2356 claia nuaber total: 3.164.63 2360NYSEG 8120.471-G 48.54 vendor total: 48.54 Jaianumber total: 48.54 236n%LYDY*E,INC. 8130.465-G 919.80 vmdor total: 919.80 2366 clain mxber total: 919.80 2368 SJTER'S POWER EaiP.INC 8130.401-G 12.85 vendor total: 12.85 2368 claia nuaber total: 12.85 2371 U S A BUCBOOK 8130.440^ 121.39 vendor total: 121.39 2371 claia nuabar total: . 121.39 2374 MATER ENVIMKNT FED. 8110.4604 128.00 vendor total: 128.00 2374 claia nuaoer total: 128.00 2378 MHOEY,HAUSER & EDSAU. 8110.459-G 55.00 vendor total: 55.00 2378 claia nuaber total: 55.00 Abstract of Audited Vouchers ia claiaant account aaount 2379 MCGOEY,HAUSER & EDSALL 8110.495-6 7,850.00 Render total: 7,850.00 2379 claia nuaber total: 7,850.00 2380 MCGOEY,HAUSER& EDSALL 8110.495-S 3,767.50 vendor total: 3.767.50 2380 claia nuaber total: 3,767.50 2429 SPECTRA SERVICES 8130.458-G 2,277.66 vendor total: 2,277.66 2429 claia nuaber total: 2,277.66 2435 FRONTIER CDMMIICATIDNS 8110.408-G . 137.97 vendor total: 137.97 2435 claia nuaber total: 137.97 2441 NAPP ELECTRIC QMTRACTuR CO., 8120.472-G 210.00 vendor total: 210.00 2441 clai: nuaber total: . 210.00 2446 GEN-TECH LTD 8120.408-6 120.00 ^endor total: 120.00 244%aia nuaber total: 120.00

fund total: 19,376.82











VILLAGE (CLERK s Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden Work Session Meeting Tuesday, October 23, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. One Municipal Square The Agenda

1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call 3. Public Hearing - Introductory Local Law 1-4, Amending Chapter 1 4 1 of the Village Code entitled "Vehicles and Traffic" to Add Additional Handicapped Parking Areas and to Amend Certain Parking Regulations 4. Approval of Minutes 1 : Meeting of October 9*, 200 1

5. Public Comment 6. Business of the Board of Trustees a. 1 : Payment of Audited Bills 2: Resolution No 7-01-02, Amending Water & Sewer Tap-In Fees 3: Resolution No. 11-01-02, Authorization to File an Application for Greenway Communities Grant

A. WbrA Jg»fOM JJfeww 1 : Third Floor Meeting Room 2: Harvard Drive

1 : 50-52 South Montgomery Street

7. Executive Session(s)


Mayor Rocco Pellegrino called the work session meeting of the Village of Walden Board of Trustees to order at 6:30 P.M. On roll call Mayor Rocco Pellegrino, Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop, Trustees Mary Jean Norman, Richard Hurd, Conrad Flickenschild, Bill Meisel and Craig Maslik were present. Village Manager James Politi and Village Clerk Nancy Mitchell were also present. Introductory Local Law 1-4 of 2001, Amending Chapter 141 of the Village Code Entitled "Vehicles and Traffic** to Add Additional Handicapped Parking Areas and to Amend Certain Parking Regulations Mayor Pellegrino presented the Affidavit of Publication, Affidavit of Posting Notice and Notice of Hearing which he read. Trustee Flickenschild moved to close the public hearing. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Public hearing closed. Deputy Mayor Wynkoop moved to declare the Board of Trustees lead agency and to declare an unlisted, uncoordinated action under SEQRA. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Motion carried.

Trustee Norman moved to adopt Introductory Local Law 1-4 of 2001 as Local Law No. 5 of 2001, Amending Chapter 141 of the Village Code Entitled "Vehicles and Traffic" to Add Additional Handicapped Parking Areas and to Amend Certain Parking Regulations, (attached). Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Local law adopted.

Approval of Minutes Trustee Flickenschild moved to adopt the minutes of October 9,2001. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried.

Public Comment Frieda Robinson advised the Board that she lives at River Heights Subdivision and she has a problem of water ponding in her driveway. She has sent letters to the Mayor, and also the builder, Andy Bell, Vantage Construction, because she has had no satisfaction regarding her problem with her driveway. She asked that the village not release Mr. Bell from any financial

Page-1- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting October 23,2001 obligation or bonds for that development until he gets her driveway dug up and slope it so the water doesn't collect in her driveway. Mayor Pellegrino informed Mrs. Robinson that the Village Engineer will come up and take a look at her driveway.

Mr. Clemens, 103 Ulster Avenue stated that he owns the house on the comer of Richardson Street and Ulster Avenue and has asked many times for the village to help him with the problem he has with water pressure. Before the Village starts ripping up the street he would like them to tap into the water line on Richardson Street and he'll pick it up from the curb to his house.

Manager Politi stated that they would have to shut the water service off at Ulster Avenue. He stated that they haven't started paving so the Village would be able to tap Mr. Clemens water line into the Richardson Street line.

Mr. Clemens further stated that he has a parking lot for his apartment house on Ulster and Richardson Street and the contractor put a hole in the middle of his parking lot and said his plans didn't show a driveway. He'd like that taken care of. Mr. Clemens also stated that for four days he couldn't get his car out. The contractor is not taking care of the tax payers. Not one driveway was open. He called the Village yesterday and finally he got some item four in the driveway. George Ronk, Chief of the Walden Fire Department stated that he noticed on William Street, Woodruff Street, Lincoln Street and Richardson Street they are doing work on the sidewalks. He asked if those streets were going to be narrowed up again. The Manager stated no. Most of the streets have more room.

Mr. Clemens stated that on the comer of Valley Avenue and Richardson Street they did narrow the street. He has a tractor trailer and he couldn't make the turn.

Jodi Lynn, 36 Donna Chrystie Lane asked for permission to plant daffodil bulbs in Wooster Grove on behalf of shaken baby syndrome awareness week.

Trustee Flickenschild indicated he'd donate 100 daffodil bulbs.

Audited Bills Page -2- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting October 23, 2001 Trustee Norman moved to pay the audited bills of October 23, 2001. All ayes. Motion carried. Resolution No. 7-01-02, Amending Water and Sewer Tap-In Fees Trustee Hurd moved to adopt Resolution No. 7-01-02, Amending Water and Sewer Tap- In-Fees, (attached). Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Resolution adopted. Resolution No. 11-01-02, Authorization to File an Application for Greenway Communities Grant Trustee Norman moved to adopt Resolution No. 11-01-02, Authorization to File an Application for Greenway Communities Grant, (attached). Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Resolution adopted.

Third Floor Meeting Room Trustee Flickenschild stated that the tests have come back that there's no asbestos in the wall of the third floor meeting room. Deputy Mayor Wynkoop stated that the leak still has to be fixed. Manager Politi stated that conduit can be put in the wall if the Village wants to use that room.

After a brief discussion it was the consensus of the Board to get the carpet down and the wall closed up.

Harvard Drive Tabled until responses are received from the Fire Department and Ambulance Corp.

Harvard Drive and Yale Drive

Manager Politi advised the Board that the developer and Dan Sullivan are meeting to see if they can come to an agreement on the slope. The Manager asked the developer to remove the concrete and replace it with granite.

This was also tabled until after Mr. Sullivan meets with the developer.

Page-3- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting October 23,2001 Informational-50-52 South Montgomery Street The manager indicated that the Building Inspector has been back to 50-52 South Montgomery Street and they are working. He didn't see much of a change since the last inspection.

Correspondence A letter was received from the Walden Jewish Community Center indicating that they are having a ceremony dedicating their new facility and asked the Village to subscribe to their journal.

It was consensus of the Board to subscribe to a full page ad.

Board Comments Trustee Norman asked that the stop sign by the Firemen's Monument go back to a yield sign.

Adjournment Trustee Flickenschild moved to adjourn. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.

Very trulyyoursj

Mitchell !ge Clerk


WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees is empowered by local law to amend fees and charges by resolution, and

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees now wishes to amend its Schedule of Fees and Charges for water and sewer tap-in charges.


1. That the Schedule of Fees and Charges of the Village of Walden is hereby amended to set the fees for Water and Sewer Tap-in fees to $1,000 for each water and $500 for each sewer connection made to the respective Village systems, or in the case of new subdivisions, $1,000 for each water and $500 for each sewer connection made to any new extension of the water and sewer systems. Such fee shall include the cost of any application fee, street opening fee and inspection fee associated with making any such connection. The water tap-in fee shall also include the cost of a curb stop, curb box, corporation cock and the tapping of main needed to make the connection. The water tap-in fee does not include the cost of a meter which shall be an additional charge. 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately. Upon a motion made by Trustee Hurd and seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted after a vote of 7 ayes to 0 nays with 0 abstentions.

CERTIFICATE The foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden at a regular meeting held on October 9'\ 2001. Public Notice was given and the meeting was conducted in full compliance with the New York State Open Meetings Law (Public Officers Law, Sections 100-111). Minutes of the meeting will be available as required by the Act.

NancyL. MitchMl, Village Clerk Resolution No. 11-01-02


RESOLVED, that James C. Politi, Village Manager is hereby authorized and directed to file an application for funds from the Valley Greenway in accordance with the provisions of the Hudson River Valley Greenway Act (Article 44, Environmental Conservation Law) Greenway Communities Grant for the Downtown Revitalization Strategy and Comprehensive Plan update in an amount of $10,000, and upon approval of said request the Mayor is hereby authorized to enter into and execute a project agreement with the Hudson River Valley Greenway for such financial assistance to this municipality.

Motion to adopt by Trustee Norman and seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted on October 23, 2001 afer a vote of 7 ayes and 0 nays with 0 abstentions.

CERTIFICATE The foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden at a regular meeting held on October 23, 2001. Public notice was given and the meeting was conducted in full compliance with the New York State Open Meeting Law (Public Officers Law, Sections 100-111). Minutes of the meeting will be available as required by the Act.


OCTOBER 23,2001

General Fnnd $ 12,907.97 Water Fiend $ 849.51 Sewer Fnnd $. 4,521.17 Abstract of .Audited Vouchers aim claimant account aaount

•"e**IRPAGEBEEPERPEOPLE 1490.401-A. 11,83 vendor total: ILK

2229 claianusber total: ILK

2230 AIRPAS BEEFS PEOPLE 1230.408-A 12.03 vendor total: 12.03

2230 claia nuaber total: 12.03

2231AMERICAN CLEARER 3120.435-A 300.00 vsidcr total: 300.00

2231 claia nuaber total: 300.30

S3 AT&T. 3122.40G-A 9.83 vendor total: 9.S3

2232claianujber total: 9.83

2233 BEUL-IGRIfe.INC. 1640.411-A 59.00 vendor total: . 59.00 2233 claim number total: 59.00

ER GF COMMERCE CF ORANGE 1010.434-A 40.00 1210.434-A 20.00 * 1325.460-A 20.00 1410.460-A 20.00 1490.460-A 20.00 3120.460-A 20.00 vendor total: 140.00

2235 claia number total: 140.00

2236 CHAMPION SUPPLIES,INC. 1640.490-A 312.82 vendor total: 312.82 2236 claia number total: 312.82

2237 CHAMPION SUPPLIES,INC. 1640.440-A 75.18 vendor total: 75.18 2237 claim number total: 75.18 2238 CHESTER VALLEY EQUIP. , 7110.449-A 160.45 vendor total: / 160.45

2238 claia number total: 160.45

SYSTEM OF THE 1640.440-A 28.00 Abstract of.Audited Vouchers aia claiaant account amount vsidor total: 28.00

"aia number total: 28.00

2240 FLEET LEASING CORF 3122.483-A 173.30 vendor total: 173.30

2240 claim number total: 173.30

2243 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 3122.408-A 575.09 vendor total: 575.09

2243 claim number total: 575.09

2244 CLOCK.INC 3120.469-A 454.SO vendor total: 454.50 2244 claim number total: 454.50

2245 GENERAL CODE PUBLISHERS 1410.433-A 757.73 vsidor total: 757.73 2245 claim number total: 757.73

2246 JEFFRY HOLMES 3120.430-A 19.00 vendor total: 19.00

aim number total: 19.00

2247 JOHN'S QUALITY CLOTHIERS * 3620.401-A 146.40 vendor total: - 146.40

2247 claia number total: 146.40

2248 JIM SMITH CHEVROLET,INC. 1640.411-A 330.84 vendor total: 330.84

2248 claim number total: 330.84

2249 KACEY'S COMPUTER 3122.201-A . 84.00 vendor total: 84.00

2249 claim number total: 84.00

2251 CALLANAN INDUSTRIES,INC 5110.490-A 642.71 vendor total: 642.71

2251 claim number total:/ .. 642.71

2252 MID-AMERICAN SPECIALTIES 3120.44M . 181.09 .vendor total: . 181.09

kirn number total: 181.09 Abstract of^Audited Vouchers aim claimant account amount

-1410.408-A 59.85 vendor total: 59.85 2E54 claim number total: 59.65 2255 ClHRDULLO PRINTS 8160.401-A 92.00 vendor total: 92.00 2255 claim number total: 92.00 2256 GANNON MUNICIPAL 8!70.4!4-A 295.00 vendor total: 295.00 2256claianuicber total: . 295.00 2257 1490.460-A 430.56 vendor total: 430.56 2257 claim number total: 430.56 2258 MONTGOMERY OVERALL SER 1620.440-A 107.00 vendor total: 107.00 2258 claim nuzber total: 107.00 SCHWANDT PO 3120.469-A 433.87 lidor total: 433.87 2259 claim number total: 433.87 2260 DECATuR ELECTRONICS 3120.420-A 1.451.40 1.451.40 2260 claim number total: 1.451.40 2261 SCOTT'S CORNERS PAINT & IWRDW 1640.490-A 12.98 7310.413-A 59.15 vendor total: 72.13 2261 claia nuaber total: 72.13 2263 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 7550.479-A 63.94 vendor total: 63.94 2263 claia number total: 63.94 2264 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER- 7110.452-A 29.45 vendor total: 29.45 2264 claim number total: 29.45 KZON WIRELESS 3122.'408-A . 56.09 Abstract of -Audited Vouchers iaia claiaant account aaount vendor total: 56.09 ''caWlaia nuaber total: 56.09 2266KSTERRPPAYKMTCTR 1410.402-A 51.00 vendor total: 51.00 2266 claia nudier total: 51.00 2267 UALDEN PUMINS/KATING 1620.440-A 73.45 vendor total: 73.45 5267 claia nuaber total: 73.45 2268 STEVE IEJMUS 1490.401-A 53.00 vendor total: 53.00 2268 clai: nuzber total: 53.00 2269 NYSEE 5182.471-A . 8.12 vendor total: 8.12 2269 claia nuaber total: 8.12 2274 MYS COHERENCE OF MAYCRS 1210.460-A 5.00 vendor total: 5.00 . ^Pais nudier total: 5.00 2275 QUALITY SRVICE CENTER ' 1640.411-A 250.00 vendor total: 250.00 2275 claia nuaber total: 250.00 2276 NYSEG 5182.471-A . 1.82 vendor total: 1.82 2276 claia nuaber total: . 1.82 2277 NYSEG 1640.471-A 17.85 vendor total: 17.85 2277 claia nuaber total: 17.85 2279 DONNSTATE RECREATIuW COFEREN 7020.460-A 58.00 vendor total: 58.00 2279 claia nuaber total? .• . . 58iOO 2281 AGMAY ENERGY PROMCTS 1640.410-A 148.58 vendor total: 148.58 kia nuober total: 148.58 Abstract of-Audited Vouchers aia claimant account aaount

RYENERGYPRODUCTS 1640.410-A *endor total: 58.77 22G2 claia nudier total: 558.77 2284NYSEG ' 7110.47H vendor total: 77.47 2284 claianuaber total: 77.47 22S5MALLKILLVAI1EYTIMES "1410.407-A 23,49 vendor total: 23.49 2285 claia nusber total: 23.49 2286 SUSKC55 ELECTRIMIC3 3122.483-A 1,616.50 vendor total: 1.616.56 2286 claia nuaber total: 1.616.50 2ES7 ATI'S UNIFt3%.INC. 3120.43-A 756.90 3122.435-A 117.00 vendor total: 873.90 2287 claia nuaber total: 873.90 brr'S CORNERS PAir tl 1620.440-A 50.32 5110.490-A 17.94 vendor total: 68.26 2288 claia nuaber total: 68.26 2289 ALTRNATIVE ENVIRQMENTAL 1620.440-A 235.00 vendor total: 235.00 2289 claia nuaber total: 235.00 2290 FRMTIER COMMUNICATIONS 1410.401-A 92.14 1640.408-A 54.43 7020.408-A 26.58 vendor total: . 173.15 2290 claia nuaber total: 173.15 2291 FRONTIER CGMMUMCATIGNS 3122.408-A 166.12 vendor total: 166.12 2291 clai: nuaber total: 166.12 2292 FRONTIER COhMiNICATIONS 1110.408-A 26.56 ^enddoor total: 26.56 Abstract of Audited Vouchers aia claimant accmmt aewmt

2292claianuiber total: 26.56

SUPPLIES. «C. 1640.410-A 74.44 1640.490-A 168.86 vendor total: 36.30 2295 claia nmber total: 243.30

2296RAJHC«MJCO.,INC. 1640.490-A 8.32 8170.413-A 605.22 . 613.54

2296 claia nuaber total: 613.54

fund total: 12.907.97 0/24/01 07:41 JUDY page: 1 Village of Walden und account docrrinHnn debit credit general ;^4HAjp6-ji Entertainnent 40.00 ""•^%08-A Telephone 26.56 1210.434-A Entertainment 20.00 1210.460-A Education .5.00 1230.408-A Telephone 12.03 1225.460-A Education 20.00 1410. Wl-A ntTira Fvnoneo 92.14 1410.402-A Reproducing Expense 51.00 1410.407-A Advertising 23.49 1410.406-A Telephone 59.85 1410.433-A General Code Publication 757.73 1410.460-A Education 20.00 1490.401-A Office Expense 64.83 1490.460-A Education 450.56 1620.440-A Building Maintenance 463.77 1640.408-A Telephone 54.43 !640.410-A Gas, Oil, Lube 781.79 1640.411-A Auto Maintenance 629.84 ' 1640.440-A Building Maintenance 103.18 1640.471-A Electricity 17.85 1640.490-A Other Matsrials/Etaplies 5)2.96 31E0.4EM Equipment 1.451.40 3120.430-A Travel 19.00 31E0.435-A Police Uniforss 1.056.90 3120.440-A Eauisisnt Maintenance 181.09 .".:]J^^60"A Education 20.00 ^9^69*A Auunition 888.37 3122.201-A nffiro FmiinMOnt 84.00 3122.408-A Telephone 807.13 3122.4354 Uniforx 117.00 3122.483-A Equipment Rental 1,789.80 3620.401-A . Office Expense 146.40 5110.490-A Street Maintenance 660.65 5182.471-A Street Lighting 9.94 7020.406-A Telephone 26.58 7020.460-A Education 58.00 7110.449-A LawnMower Repairs 160.45 7110.452-A Park Maintenance-wooster's 29.45 7110.471-A Electricity 77.47 7310.4134 Soccer Prograa 59,15 7550.479-A Maiden Day 63.94 8160.401-A Mixellaneous Office 92.00 8170.413-A Equipaent Maintenance 605.22 8170.414-A a«mr&M% 295.00 total • general 12,907.97 water .• 8310.408-F Telephone 282.84 9220.403-F Miscellaneous Expenses 188.19 8320.433-F Hsating Fuel 154.97 832&45K Miscellaneous Testing Services 150.00 . '''^Wl-F Power for Utilities 73.51 i^ai water 849.51 /24/01 07:41 JUDY • page: 2 Village, of Maiden jnd account descriction debit credit

sewer Telephone 164.54 8120.401-G Materials and Supplies 310.17 8130.291-6 Miscellaneous Equipaent 4.080.00 8130.471-6 Power for Utilities 66.46 total sewer 4.621.17 Abstract of Audited Vouchers laia claimant account amount ater 23KoNTIER COMMLNICATIONS 8310.408-F 251.38 vendor total: 251.38 2241 claim number total: 251.38 '

2250 U.F.P.O. / DIG SAFELY KEH YCR B220.403-F 27.60 vendor total: 27.60

2250 claia nusber total: 27.60 2253 NENBRS4 WINTER 8320.403-F 60.00 vendor total: 60.00

2253 clai: number total: 60.00 2271 CLOYD k^MARD C3 8220.433-F 154.97 vendor total: 154.97

2271 claia number total: 154.97 2272 OCL ANALYTICAL SERVICE 8320.459-F 150.00 vendor total: 150.00

2272 claia number total: 150.00

2!i^&EEE B220.471-F 42.96 vendor total: 42.96

2278 claim number total: 42.96

2280 GRAPHIC CmTROL,CORP. 8320.403-F 100.59 vendor total: 100.59 2280 claim number total: 100.59

2283 NYSEE 8320.471-F 30.55 vendor total: 30.55 2283 claim number total: 30.55 2293 FRONTIER CQMSiNICATIQNS 8310.408-F 31.46 vendor total: 31.46


fund total: 849.51 Abstract of Audited Vouchers ai: claiaant account aaount

CONTROL SYSTEMS 8130.291-6 4.080.00 vendor total: 4,080.00 2234 claia nuaber total: 4.080.00 2242 FRONTIER COWUNICATIQNS 8110.408-8 137.97 vendor total: 137.97 2242 claia nuaber total: 137.97 2262 SCOTT'S CORNERS PAIHT & HARM S!20.401-€ 8.97 vendor total: 8.97 2262 claia nucber total: 8.97 2270NYSES 8130.471-G . 66.46 vendor total: 66.46 2270 clai: nuaber total: . 66.46 2273SD@)IDT'SMHOLE:ALE.!NC. 9120.401-S 301.20 vendor total: 301.20 2273 claiz nuaber total: 301.20 I3NTIER COMJNICATICNS 8110.408-S 26.57 vendor total: _ 26.57 2294 claia nuaber total: 26.57

fund total: 4,621.17




T & A McGOEY.HAUSER & EDSALL 17,417.50




DATE: BANG? MftCHgCt—"^ VILLAGE(CAERK. Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden Regular Meeting Tuesday, October 9th, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. One Municipal Square The Agenda

1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call

3. Executive Session-Personnel 4. 4.1 Hearing - 50-52 South Montgomery Street 4.2 Public Hearing - Introductory Local Law 1-3 of 2001, Amending Chapter 144 of the Village Code Entitled "Water" to Change Certain Regulations Regarding Costs and Expenses for Water Service 5. Approval of Minutes 1 : Meeting September 25 , 200 1 6. Public Comment - Agenda Action Items Only 7. Business of the Board of Trustees g. 1 : Payment of Audited Bills 2 : Resolution 7-0 1 -02, Amending Water & Sewer Tap-In Fees 3: Resolution 8-01-02, Authorizing the Village Manager to Submit a TEA-21 Grant Application for a Rail-to-Trail & Visitor's Center Project to be Known as the "Walden Trails Connection" 4: Resolution No. 9-01-02, Request for Real Property Tax Exemption of the Village Owned Property Devoted to Water Supply Facilities 5: Introductory Local law 1-4, "Vehicles and Traffic"


1 : Walden View Apartments -Restructure of Limited Partnership 2: Harvard Drive 8. Public Comment

9. Miscellaneous Comments by Board Members

10. Executive Session(s)


Mayor Rocco Pellegrino called the regular meeting of the Village of Walden Board of Trustees to order at 6:30 P.M.

On roll call Mayor Rocco Pellegrino, Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop, Trustees Richard Hurd, Mary Jean Norman, Bill Meisel, and Conrad Flickenschild were present.

Trustee Craig Maslik was absent. Village Manager James Politi, Village Clerk Nancy Mitchell, Building Inspector Dean Stickles and Village Attorney Kevin Dowd were also present.

Executive Session Trustee Wynkoop moved to hold an executive session pursuant to 105-(f), police personnel, of the Public Officers Law. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried. Trustee Hurd moved to reconvene the regular meeting. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Meeting reconvened.

50-52 South Montgomery Street

Mr. Stickles indicated that he did inspect the building. He went through five apartments and only one had serious problems. The two ground level apartments only have one means of exit. He recommended these two apartments either be abandoned or combined them. The only work he's seen is they started working on the floor of the back apartment. That's the last he's been in the building.

Manager Politi advised the board that Mr. Stickles estimates that it will take two months with two people working steadily to complete the work.

Mr. Stickles stated that would be two men, five days a week, eight hours a day, provided that all the materials they need will be on site.

Mrs. Navas indicated that the new stairs were put in the back and in the front. Apartment #7 the floor joists have been worked on. Apartment #8, the tiles were being put in. The electrician has also been working.

Page -1- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting October 9,2001

Manager Politi asked Mrs. Navas to make contact with the Building Inspector so the Board knows what work is happening. Deputy Mayor Wynkoop asked how many apartments were occupied?

Mr. Stickles stated that there are only two vacant apartments, out of nine.

Trustee Flickenschild asked if the smoke detectors have been installed? Mr. Stickles advised the Board that he hasn't been back. The only thing he saw was the back apartment the floor being repaired.

Trustee Norman stated that she doesn't feel there should be people living in the two bottom apartments if there aren't proper exits.

Deputy Mayor Wynkoop asked about the report on the first floor left side apartment, THE bathroom floor has to be removed, new sub-flooring, sheet vinyl has to be installed. Is it safe for someone to walk on that bathroom floor? Mr. Stickles indicated that it was safe. The tiles are curled. It's not a water tight floor, according to state code. Structurally there is no movement of the floor.

Trustee Flickenschild asked about the code requiring smoke detectors?

Mr. Stickles stated that you either have to have battery or hardwired detectors.

Trustee Flickenschild asked if any of the apartments had smoke detectors? Mr. Stickles stated that there are smoke detectors, but most of the time the batteries are missing. Through the electrical upgrade there are boxes for electrically wired smoke detectors.

Dennis Sweeney stated that Carl Wantje the Electrical Inspector will be notified for an appointment tomorrow morning. From that point the smoke detectors will be hooked up. All new security lighting is going around the building. There will be new lighting in the hallways which will all be controlled by photocell. From that point he intends to go from apartment to apartment to apartment. It's a very old building and he's a one man show. He does need time.

Trustee Meisel indicated that he is looking for a schedule of work. When will everything be done? Page-2- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting October 9,2001 Ms. Navas stated that everything will be done in three weeks. Trustee Flickenschild stated that there are two apartments in the basement that are not safe, they only have one means of entering and exiting, what do we do pertaining to those two apartments?

Mr. Dowd stated that the Building Inspector has some authority on his own to close them down, or one of them down.

Trustee Flickenschild also stated that the vacant apartments should remain vacant until brought up to code.

Trustee Flickenschild moved to adopt Resolution No, 10-01-02, Resolution Affirming the Board of Trustees Resolution Declaring a Certain Building Located at 50-52 South Montgomery Street in the Village of Walden to be an "Unsafe Building" as Defined in Section 63-2 of the Village Code and Ordering Such Building to be Repaired, (attached). Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried.

Introductory Local Law 1-3 of 2001, Amending Chapter 144 of the Village Code Entitled "Water" to Change Certain Regulations Regarding Costs and Expenses for Water Service Mayor Pellegrino presented the affidavit of publication, affidavit of posting notice and notice of hearing, which was read by the Mayor.

Becky Pearson asked if this local law pertains to new developments and how much the Village is charging?

Deputy Mayor Wynkoop stated it was for new services. Mrs. Pearson asked if this would be to replace a meter?

Deputy Mayor Wynkoop stated it was for new services.

Brian Sebring asked who will be responsible for meter problems down the road?

The Village Manager stated that it would depend on the manufacturer's warrantee.

Trustee Flickenschild stated that he feels the replacement and maintenance of the meter should be borne by the Village.

Page-3- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting October 9,2001 Trustee Meisel suggested there be a policy that the Village is not going to require payment for replacing a meter unless they see some abuse. Mrs. Pearson stated that a couple of years ago the Village went back through thirteen years of water meter readings and her water bill was $1,000 and she didn't live there part of the years. She pays her water bill and part of the expense should be in her taxes for that water meter. Why should she be billed extra?

Mr. Dowd stated that the local law states that when the initial meter is installed there will be a charge bome by the owner. Trustee Flickenschild moved to close the public hearing. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Hearing closed.

Trustee Hurd moved to declare the Board of Trustees lead agency and to declare a negative declaration under SEQRA. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried.

Trustee Hurd moved to adopt Introductory Local Law 1-3 of 2001, Amending Chapter 144 of the Village Code Entitled "Water: to Change Certain Regulations Regarding Costs and Expenses for Water Service as Local Law No. 4 of 2001. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Local law adopted.

Approval of Minutes

Trustee Flickenschild moved to adopt the minutes of September 25,2001. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Minutes adopted.

Public Comment - Agenda Items

Lori Keator, 29 Rifton Place asked about Action Item #5, Vehicles and Traffic?

Mayor Pellegrino explained that this local law is for two handicapped spaces on Orchard Street in front of the school.

Brian Sebring asked about Resolution No. 9-01-02, Request for Real Property Tax Exemption of the Village Owned Property Devoted to Water Supply Facilities?

Manager Politi explained that its for the well properties.

Page-4- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting October 9,2001 Becky Pearson asked about Resolution No. 7-01-02, Amending Water & Sewer Tap-In Fees?

Manager Politi stated that was tabled.

Audited Bills

Trustee Hurd moved to approve the audited bills of October 9,2001. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried.

Resolution No. 8-01-02, Authorizing the Village Manager to Submit a TEA-21 Grant Application for a Rail-to-Trail & Visitor's Center Project to be Known as the "Walden Trials Connection"

Trustee Norman moved to adopt Resolution No. 8-01-02, Authorizing the Village Manager to Submit a TEA-21 Grant Application for a Rail-to-Trail 7 Visitors' Center Project to be Known as the "Walden Trails Connection", (attached). Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Resolution adopted.

Resolution No. 9-01-02, Request for Real Property Tax Exemption of the Village Owned Property Devoted to Water Supply Facilities Trustee Flickenschild moved to adopt Resolution No. 9-01-02, Request for Real Property Tax Exemption of the Village Owned Property Devoted to Water Supply Facilities, (attached). Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Resolution adopted,

Introductory Local Law 1-4 of 2001, "Vehicles and Traffic"

Trustee Flickenschild introduced Introductory Local Law 1-4 of 2001, 'Vehicles and Traffic."

Trustee Hurd moved to hold a public hearing on Introductory Local Law 1-4 of 2001, "Vehicles and Traffic on October 23,2001 at 6:30 P.M. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried.

Harvard Drive

Manager Politi explained that a five-lot subdivision was discussed at the Planning Board work session on October 1, 2001. The portion between Harvard Drive and Selena Courts which will become the roadway currently belongs to the Village of Walden, and the developer will have Page-5- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting October 9,2001 to receive approval through the Village Board before they can develop this roadway, along with the posting of needed bonds. He showed the Board two layouts, one being a cul-de-sac, and the other a thru street. The developer has no problem doing either one.

Trustee Meisel asked if this has been discussed with the Fire Department? Manager Politi stated that whenever he discusses this with the Fire Department they say they would like to see Harvard Drive open.

Mayor Pellegrino stated that the one concern he has is if that street is opened up all the way it will become a race track and there are small children in the area. Jay Wilkins stated that years ago the village proposed to open it up and pass the cost on to all the homeowners on Harvard Drive. At that point they decided against it. Opening that up will cause a tremendous additional amount of traffic along with the two new streets. The fire truck and ambulance can still get up there.

Joe Zaleski, 13 Selena Court stated that his home is next to the property the Board is discussing. He has no opposition to them building homes there. The cul-de-sac idea would work either way. He's not in favor of a thru street. He asked who would pay to improve Walker Street if this was a thru street?

Richard Barger who is the developer of the property explained to the Board that they can go either way for the cul-de-sac or the thru street.

Trustee Flickenschild indicated that he would like to see comments from the Fire Department. He suggested they make it a thru street only for emergency vehicles and put a chain across there.

Trustee Meisel suggested that instead of making it a thru street conduct it as a street with a barrier across it.

Manager Politi suggested the cul-de-sac go in and where they construct the cul-de-sac it will be separated from Selena Courts and the Village retain the little piece of property so in the future if you want to open it, it can be open.

Mr. Sebring asked who would be responsible for rebuilding Walker Street? Mr. Dowd indicated the Village would.

Page-6- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting October 9,2001 Manager Politi advised the Board that he will get the Fire Departments opinion.

Becky Pearson asked if the builder is still responsible for granite curbs and sidewalks?

Mr. Barger stated that whatever is required he will do. Public Comment

Mr. Wilkins stated that on the comer of Harvard Drive and Yale Drive, the new subdivision, someone let the developer, Schoonmaker Homes, substitute granite curbs with 150 feet to concrete.

Mayor Pellegrino stated that's supposed to be a retaining wall. Mr. Wilkins further stated that he met the Village Engineer up there and he assured him, and so did the builder's, that's not going to be a retaining wall. There's not going to be a fence and they were told to put a concrete curb in. On the other side someone told Schoonmaker's they could put two curb cuts in on Princeton because they were coming before the Zoning Board to get a variance to go to the Planning Board and there was no problem to subdivide that property in the back. The main thing he's concerned about is in front of the Sullivan property they put in 150 feet of concrete curb and its no higher than the granite curb. Trustee Flickenschild stated that he was under the impression that was either going to be graded at a slope with a fence on the top or there was going to be a wall there.

Dan Sullivan, 8 Harvard Drive stated that when the developer came before the Planning Board Schoonmaker told him that they were going to work with him and take care of the situation and have a fence put up. Now when its time to get this stuff done their backing away from it. That's the attitude he's getting from them. They don't want to do anything right now. There is a five to six-foot drop at the front of his property. There is a temporary construction fence up. When that goes away, they're talking about not putting anything in its place. He has small children.

Trustee Flickenschild stated that the Village needs to find out who gave them permission to put the concrete curbs in and who authorized the curb cuts.

Mr. Wilkins stated that last winter he met with Mr. Steinberg and he said we're going to cut into that back, but we're going to take care of that property owner. The engineer for the Planning Board said they were going to put up a retaining wall with a fence on top and now the Village Engineer says they're not doing anything. Page -7- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting October 9,2001 Becky Pearson stated that she was at the Planning Board meeting when they reassured Mr. Sullivan that they would do everything needed because its such a large drop. She further asked about sidewalks, in the Village Code it states there are to be two sidewalks, granite curbs and trees. They waive a lot of things and she has asked why and was advised that they didn't have enough room. Mr. Dowd stated that the Planning Board has the power to waive sidewalks on one side of the street or both sides of the street. The Planning Board for years has always waived it on one side of the street. Putting sidewalks on the south side, which will melt the snow fastest. They try to avoid the north side. They cannot waive granite curbing or street trees. Becky Pearson stated that the municipal square looks so beautiful, but she doesn't like the five signs in the circle. She suggested painting arrows on the road and remove the signs.

Jim McCann, 106 Orchard Street stated that he is representing the Library Board of Trustees and they sent a letter to the Village Manager asking when the 3"* floor community room will be finished. They have library programs coming up that would require a large room

Manager Politi stated that there are repairs that have to be made. There is an asbestos issue in the room. He doesn't have a projected date. Trustee Flickenschild asked that the third floor meeting room be put on the next work session agenda. Mr. McCann asked if the room should be closed to the public?

Trustee Flickenschild stated that it doesn't have to be closed.

Jessica Metzger asked if a notice should be put on the Municipal Building advising the public that there is asbestos in the building?

Trustee Hurd advised Mrs. Metzger that there's no work going on to disturb the area. In its present form its not a danger.

Mrs. Metzger questioned the absences of Trustee Maslik. She asked if this was on going? As an elected official who is collecting a pay check its discouraging when you don't see him here.

Trustee Flickenschild asked the attorney what the Board could do?

Page-8- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting October 9,2001 Mr. Dowd stated that the alternative is at the ballot box. Mrs. Metzger stated that if there's not enough people to vote, at what point would the Board appoint someone in his place? Deputy Mayor Wynkoop stated that they can't do that. Mrs. Metzger asked about the law on the books regarding a stop sign on Highland Avenue and the stop sign has not been put up yet.

Theresa Ruggerio explained the problem she had with a sewer back-up which caused raw sewage to go throughout the house. She feels it was an emergency and it wasn't dealt within a timely manner.

Manager Politi asked Mrs. Ruggerio to stop by his office tomorrow Mr. Muehlin stated that he has a problem at 1 Walnut Street where the sidewalks are torn up. Before the village blacktopped the street he ran a water line. The driveway was cracked and Mr. Sloboda cracked the other side. He spoke to the Village Manager and they agreed to split the cost to repair the sidewalk. While Mr. Politi was on vacation he spoke to Mr. Stickles and said he would do the sidewalk himself. He also told Mr. Stickles that he would do the sidewalk after he got the blocks layed for the foundation in the back of the building. If the concrete truck goes over the sidewalk, it will crack the sidewalk again. On Monday the village contractors cut the sidewalk and he asked him not to remove it, because he's not done yet, there's a cement truck coming in. Today they took out the sidewalk and there is a hole there. If they pour the cement he won't drive over it and crack the sidewalk. He further asked why the village had an engineer and two painters paint the lines on the street when they are not enforceable. The engineer, on the restaurant side, did not put any parking, yet Mr. Politi is saying its legal parking. People park right up to his driveway, which makes it dangerous to back out of his driveway. He asked if there was a law that says you have to park so far away from a driveway?

Manager Politi stated that he will put stone in the driveway.

Mr. Sebring asked when the village was going to start work on Valley Avenue and if sidewalks were going on Richardson Street?

Manager Politi stated that work has started and yes they are putting sidewalks on Richardson Street.

Board Comments Page-9- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting October 9,2001 Mayor Pellegrino indicated that a small child fell from the swings at the Harvard Drive playground. He would like the other swings inspected and if they are bad, take them down. Trustee Meisel stated that several months ago employee appreciation was discussed. He asked if anything has been done? Manager Politi stated yes, he's working on it now.

Trustee Hurd stated that about two years ago the Board passed a law for stop signs and yield signs and to date most signs haven't been put in place. He asked if this law should be looked at again. Adjournment Trustee Flickenschild moved to adjourn. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Page-10- RESOLUTION NO. 8-01-02 RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE THE VILLAGE MANAGER TO SUBMIT A TEA-21 GRANT APPLICATION FOR A RAIL-TO-TRAIL AND VISITOR'S CENTER PROJECT TO BE KNOWN AS THE "WALDEN TRAILS CONNECTION" WHEREAS, the Town's of Montgomery in Orange County and Shawangunk in Ulster County own the former New York Central R-O-W from the Village of Walden to the hamlet of Wallkill in Ulster County; and WHEREAS, the Village of Walden, Town of Montgomery, and Town of Shawangunk desire to recreate a Rails-to-Trails multipurpose trailway from the Village of Walden to hamlet of Wallkill; and WHEREAS, the proposed Walden Trails Connection project would create a Visitor's Center within the Historic Walden Train Station to create a gateway to the proposed rail trail; and WHEREAS, NYSDOT Region 8's proposed Bikeways and Trail ways System identifies this segment of railroad R-O-W as the proposed continuation of the Wallkill Valley Rail Trail South; and WHEREAS, there has been significant reinvestment in Wooster Grove Park and the streetscape in Downtown Walden providing enhanced recreational and tourism opportunities; and WHEREAS, the creation of a Visitor's Center and Rail Trail will enhance the Village's Downtown Revitalization Efforts; and WHEREAS, there is a need additional opportunities for area residents and visitors. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board of Walden does hereby Authorize the Village Manager to seek funding through TEA-21 to create a Visitor's Center and Rail Trail beginning in the Village of Walden and extending to the hamlet of Wallkill to be known as the "Wz/den Motion to adopt by Trustee Norman and seconded by Trustee Flickenschild The Mayor declared the resolution adopted on October 9*\ 2001 after a vote of 6 ayes to 0 nays with 0 abstentions. CERTIFICATE

The foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden at a regular meeting held on October 9'\ 2001 . Public Notice was given and the meeting was conducted in full compliance with the New York State Open Meetings Law (Public Officers Law, Sections 100-1 1 1). Minutes of the meeting will be available as required by the Act. f, the Village of Walden is the owner of real property in the Town of Montgomery, County of Orange, identified on the tax map as follows: SECTION BLOCK LOT

10 1 4.21 2 1 211 PKHERE/4.S, the above real property is devoted solely to public use and is part of the village owned water system and the sites for water wells, necessary connections and appurtenances, and

, the Real Property Tax Law, Section 406 (3), provides the authority for each taxing district in which municipally owned property used in such manner is located to grant a whole exemption from real property taxes levied by that taxing district, and

, such exemption for the Village of Walden water supply site real property would provide a direct and immediate benefit for the taxpayers and water users of the Village of Walden which would enhance real property ownership, encourage industrial and commercial development, and exemplify a spirit of inter municipal cooperation between the County of orange and this Village.

; THEREFORE, JE/7JKEJO1KED by the Village Board of the Village of Walden on behalf of the Village of Walden, its taxpayers, water users and citizens hereby petition the County of Orange to grant a whole exemption from Orange County real property taxes commencing for calendar year 2003 for the parcels of real property identified as follows in the Town of Montgomery:


10 1 4.21 2 1 24.1

XM) 77VJ Ft/RTWER REJO1KEZ) that a copy of this resolution and application be forwarded to each of the following to request their attention to this petition, processing of the same and affirmative action: Hon. Richard L. Hansen Sr., Chair Orange County Legislature Hon. Roy G. Weyant, Chair Finance Commissioner Hon. Edward Diana, Majority Leader Hon. Anthony R. Marino, Minority Leader Hon. L. Stephen Brescia, County Legislator /4JVD /?" JS FC/KZHEK gESOlKED, that the Mayor and Village Attorney are authorized to attend such meetings for the Orange County Legislature and Committees thereof as may be appropriate to aid and assist in the deliberations on this petition by that body.

Motion to adopt by Trustee Flickesnchild and seconded by Trustee Wynkoop . The vote was 6 ayes to 0 nays with 0 abstentions. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted on October 9,2001.


THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT I, Nancy Mitchell, Clerk of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden, have compared the foregoing copy of a resolution with the original resolution in the minutes book on file in my office and which was passed by the board of Trustees of the Village of Walden on the 9"* day of October, 200 1 , and that the same is a correct and true transcript of such original resolution and the whole thereof. J7V W7T7VES; ZHEMFOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of said Village of Walden this 9 "" day of October, 2001.


WBXREAS, by report dated August 13, 2001, and updated on October 1, 2001, the Village Building Inspector advised this Board that a building located at 50-52 South Montgomery Street, Walden, New York, was in a state of disrepair and in violation of several provisions of the Village and State Building Codes; and WBEREAS, on August 21, 2001, the Board of Trustees by resolution declared said building an "unsafe building" under the Village Code and ordered the owner to repair the same; and WEZREAS, on September 25, 2001, and October 9, 2003L, a hearing was held on due notice to the owner and in accordance with the Village Code to determine if said order of the Board should be affirmed, modified or vacated; and WHEREAS, the Board heard from Maria Navas, the owner of said property; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees now wishes to affirm its prior resolution and order regarding the premises at 50-52 South Montgomery Street. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden hereby finds that the building located at 50-52 South Montgomery Avenue, Walden, New York, is dangerous and unsafe to the public and hereby orders that said building shall be repaired by the owner* thereof within 60 days of the date of this resolution and, it is FURTHJBK REBOLVE3, that should said building not be repaired by the owners by within 60 days, the Village Manager and building Inspector are authorized and ordered to take all necessary steps to have such building repaired by the employees or agents of the Village so that such building is no longer unsafe and is in compliance with the Village Code* FORTBER RESOLVED, that all expenses incurred by the Village in connection with the proceedings to repair the building, including the cost of actually repairing such building, shall be assessed against the land on which such building is located and shall be levied and collected in the same manner as provided in Article 5 of the Village Law for the levy and collection of real property taxes. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the owner is hereby ordered to discontinue the occupancy of either of the two apartments located at the ground floor level at the front of the building and to bring the other remaining apartment into conformity with the State Uniform Fire code by providing a second means of egress to that apartment. The Building Inspector is authorized to revoke any certificate of occupancy for any apartment which is not brought into conformity with the State Uniform Fire Code. FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution shall be mailed to the owner of said building.

nor? m Opon a motion made by Trustee Flickenchild, seconded by Trustee Wynkoop, the resolution was adopted as follows:

Rocoo Pellegrino, Mayor Aye Roy Wynkoop, Trustee Aye Richard Hurd, Trustee -Aye Mary Jean Norman, Trustee Aye William Maieel, Trustee Aye Craig Maslik, Trustee Absent Conrad Fliokenchild, Trustee Aye

CERTIFICATE The foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden at a regular meeting held on October 9, 2001. Public notice was given and the meeting was conducted in full compliance with the New York state Open Mrr^jng T,nw (PtVhTIr Officers Law, Sections 100-111). Minutes /olf the meeting wiJ^^Seavailable as^equired by the Act.


Date* OCTOBER 9,2001

General Fmpd *29.111.49 Water Fwnd * @.««7.«) Sewer Fond * 9,197 a: Village of Maiden Page: 1 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account amount geney ALL TREE REMOVAL 8560.412-A 350.00 vendor total: 350.00 2144 claim number total: 350.00 2145 AL VALK'S GARAGE,LTD. 1640.411-A 14.00 vendor total: 14.00 2145 claim number total: 14.00 2146 AL VALK'S GARAGE,LTD. 1640.411-A 10.00 1640.412-A 14.00 vendor total: 24.00 2146 claim number total: 24.00 214? ARCH WIRELESS 1640.408-A 8.08 3620.401-A 6.08 vendor total: 14.16 2147 claim number total: 14.16 2148 AMERICAN ALARM 1620.497-A 1,596.00 vendor total: 1,596.00 laim number total: 1,596.00 2149 AGWAY ENERGY PRODUCTS 1640.410-A 587.31 vendor total: 587.31 2149 claim number total: 587.31 2150 COFFEE SYSTEM OF THE 1640.440-A 16.80 vendor total: 16.80 2150 claim number total: 16.80 2151 DRAKE,SOMMERS,LOEB, P.C. 1420.411-A 3,891.67 vendor total: 3,891.67 2151 claim number total: 3,891.67 2154 EHRLICH 1640.440-A 30.00 vendor total: 30.00 2154 claim number total: 30.00 2155 GROSSO MATERALS,INC. 5110.490-A 746.76 vendor total: 746.76 klaim number total: 746.76 Village of MaidenPage: 2 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account aaount

kGOOSETOHN COMUNICATIONS 1640.482-A 55.15 vendor total: 55.15 2156 claia nuaber total: 55.15 215? CIARDULLO PRINTING 1325.401-A 150.00 8160.401-A 205.00 vendor total: 355.00 2157 claia nuaber total: 355.00 2158 MARIST COLLEGE 1490.460-A 557,21 vendor total: 557.21 2158 claia nuaber total: 557.21 2159 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS,INC. 1640.411-A 501.61 1640.413-A 4.35 vendor total: 505.96 2159 claia nuaber total: 505.96 2160 ED JENKINS 8560.412-A 65.00 vendor total: 65.00 :ia nuaber total: 65.00 2161 NORLAB,INC. 8140.401-A 189.60 vendor total: 189.60 2161 claia nuaber total: 189.60 2162 NY TECH SUPPLY,INC. 1640.417-A 61.15 vendor total: 61.15 2162 claia nuaber total: 61.15 2163 NYSEG 5182.47H 31.26 vendor total: 31.26 2163 claia nuaber total: 31.26 2164 NYSEG 5182.471-A 5,826.10 7110.471-A 517.8? vendor total: 6,343.97 2164 claia nuaber total: 6,343.97 2165 AGMAY ENERGY PRODUCTS 1640.4104* 802.01 vendor total: 802.01 Haia nuaber total: 802.01 Village of WaldenPage: 3 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account amount

)NYSEG 1620.471-A 1,807.29 1640.471-A 320.00 5182.471-A 34.28 7110.471-A 186.97 vendor total: 2,348.54 2166 claim number total: 2,348.54 2167 THYSENKRUPL? ELEVATOR CORP. 1620.497-A 209.92 vendor total: 209.92 2167 claim number total: 209.92 2168 VERIZON WIRELESS 1640.40M 103.36 vendor total: 103,36 2168 claim number total: 103.36 2173 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 1620.490-A 29.00 vendor total: 29,00 2173 claim number total: 29.00 2176 WEINERT-T-SHIRT,INC, 7310.413-A 203.50 vendor total: 203.50 'claim number total: 203.50 2180 CHARLES B MERRILL 1410.401-A 106.38 3620.401-A 106,38 vendor total: 212.76 2180 claim number total: 212.76 2185 RALPH C HERMAN CO.,INC. 1640.417-A 67.97 vendor total: 67.97 2185 claim number total: 67.97 2186 HANDY RENTALL CENTER 7110.453-A 68.48 vendor total: 68,48 2186 claim number total: 68,48 2187 MALLKILL VALLEY TIMES 7550.479-A 99.45 vendor total: 99.45 2187 claim number total: 99.45 2188 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 7020.408-A 26.43 ^vendor total: 26,43 October 9, 2001 Village o? Maiden Page: 4 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account amount 2188 claim number total: 26.43 TmDEVITT'SSUPPLYpINC. 7110.451-A 71,63 vendor total: 71.63 2189 clai* number total: 71.63 2190 MONTGOMERY MARKETING, INC. 7110.451-A 605.00 7310.414-A 537.00 vendor total: 1,142.00 2190 claim number total: 1,142.00 2191 NANCY MITCHELL 4020.459-A 110.00 vendor total: 110.00 2191 claim number total: 110.00 2192 LEGAL ADV ATTNPATF 1410.407-A 56.96 vendor total: 56.96 2192 claim number total: 56.96 2193 PURCHASE POWER 1410.406-A 114.75 vendor total: 114,75 j^^laia number total: 114.75 2194 THE DANIELS AGENCY, INC, 1910.400-A 82.00 vendor total: 82.00 2194 claim number total: 82.00 2195 DUFRESNE-HENRY CONSULTING 8020.495-A 1,621.67 vendor total: 1,621.6? 2195 claim number total: 1,621,67 2196 VERIZON WIRELESS 3620.401-A 34.43 vendor total: 34.43 2196 claia number total: 34.43 2197 VERIZON WIRELESS 1230.408-A 75.59 vendor total: 75.59 2197 claia number total: 75.59 2198 MCGOEY,HAUSER & EDSALL 1440.459-A 1,662.50 vendor total: 1,662,50 laianuaber total: 1,662.50 Village of MoenPage: 5 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account amount JOHN REARDON AGENCY 9055.800-A 1,158,24 vendor total: 1,158,24 2200 claim number total: 1,158.24 2201 DRAKE,SOMMERS,LOEB, P.C. 1420,401-A 87.40 vendor total: 87.40 2201 claim number total: 87.40 2202 COFFEE SYSTEM OF THE 1620.440-A 30.00 1640.440-A 36.00 vendor total: 66.00 2202 claim number total: 66.00 2203 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 1110.408-A 71.97 1410.408-A 509.56 1640.408-A 402.55 vendor total: 984.08 2203 claim number total: 984.08 2204 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 7020.408-A 26.75 vendor total: 26.75 claim number total: 26.75 2207 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 1620.408-A 46.89 vendor total: 46.89 2207 claim number total: 46.89 2208 JAN NEINER 1930.400-A 100.00 vendor total: 100.00 2208 claim number total: 100.00 2209 NEINERT-T-SHIRT,INC. 7310.413-A 40.00 vendor total: 40.00 2209 claim number total: 40.00 2210 WALDEN ROTARY CLUB 1490.484-A 130.00 vendor total: 130.00 2210 claim number total: 130.00 2211 HALDEN ROTARY CLUB 1230,484-A 130.00 vendor total: 130.00 laim number total: 130.00 Village of Maiden " P^e:6" Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account amount MELISSANAUGHTON 1930.4004) 120.00 #vendor total: 120.00 2213 claim number total: 120.00 2215 AMESCO REMITTANCE 1640.417-A 39.60 vendor total: 39.60 2215 claim number total: 39.60 2216 ANNESE & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3122.482-A 173.95 vendor total: 173.% 2216 claim number total: 173.95 2217 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 1640.490-A 19,43 3122.401-A 19.01 7110,449-A 9.29 7110.451-A 21.50 7110.452-A 2.38 7310.41M 43.46 vendor total: 115.07 2217 claim number total: 115.07 2220AGHAY ENERGY PRODUCTS 1640.410-A 170.62 gAvendor total: 170.62 229) claim number total: 170.62 2221 IKLKILL VALLEY TIMES 1410.407-A 15.02 vendor total: 15.02 2221 claim number total: 15.02 2222 imKILL VALLEY TIMES 1410.407-A 9.63 vendor total: 9.63 2222 claim number total: 9.63 2224 PURCHASE POWER 1410.406-A 758.69 vendor total: 758.69 2224 claim number total: 758.69 2226 R& T SPECIALTY 2989.460-A 154.60 vendor total: 154.60 2226 claim number total: 154,60 2227 VINCENT TOOMEY,ESQ, 1420.401-A 207.00 ..vendor total: 207.00 Village of MaidenPage: 7 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account aaount

PB9 claia nuAer total: 297.00

fund total: 29,111.49 Village of Maiden Page: 8 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account aaount

! DRAKE,SOMMERS,LOEB, P.C. 8310.493-F 486,50 vendor total: 486.50 2152 claia nuaber total: 486.50 2157 CIARDULLO PRINTING 8310.401-F 150.00 vendor total: 150,00 2157 claia nuaber total: 150.00 2169 NYLD 8320.403-F 300.00 vendor total: 300.00 2169 claia nuaber total: 300.00 2172 NYSEG 8320.471-F 2,455.02 vendor total: 2,455.02 2172 claia number total: 2,455.02 2174 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 8320.201-F 124.79 vendor total: 124.79 2174 claia nuaber total: 124.79 ».H.GRAINGER,INC, 8320.201-F 297.70 vendor total: 297.70 2179 claim nuaber total: 297.70 2182 CHARLES B MERRILL 8310.401-F 106,37 vendor total: 106.37 2182 claia nuaber total: 106.37

2183 DIG SAFELY NEW YORK, INC. 8320.403-F 30,60 vendor total: 30.60 2183 claia nuaber total: 30.60 2184 RAMSCO,INC. 8340.206-F 2,370.00 vendor total: 2,370.00 2184 claia nuaber total: 2,370.00 2205 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 8310.408-F 191.02 vendor total: 191,02 2205 claia nuaber total: 191.02 TIER COMMUNICATIONS 8310.408-F 48.53 October 9, 2001 Village of MaidenPage:9" Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account vendor total: 48.53

tWo claia nuaber total: 48.53 2214 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 8310.408-F 12.28 vendor total: 12.28 2214 claia number total: 12,28 2218THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 8340.433-F 28.59 vendor total: 28.59 2218 claia number total: 28.59 2219 NEHBURGH HINWATER 8320.403-F 115.00 vendor total: 115.00 2219 claim number total: 115,00

ARCh lo/alo fund total: 6,716.40 Dctobar 9, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 10 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account aaount sewe^^ m3 DRAKE,SOMMERS,LOEB, P.C. 8110.493-6 486.50 vendor total: 486.50 2153 claia number total: 486.50 2157 CIARDULLO PRINTINB 8110.401-6 150.00 vendor total: 150.00 2157 claia nuaber total: 150.00 2170 NYSES 8120.471-6 231.01 vendor total: 231.01 2170 claia nuaber total: 231.01 2171 NYSES 8120,471-6 793.92 8130.471-6 1,791.59 vendor total: 2,585.51 2171 claia nuaber total: 2,585.51 2175 ALL COUNTY RESOURCE 8120.408-6 2,400.00 vendor total: 2,400.00 ^^:laia nuaber total: 2,400.00 2177 FILTER BELTS, INC. 8130.465-6 100.58 vendor total: 100.58 2177 claia nuaber total: 100.58 2178 KEMBURGH HINWATER 8120.401-6 45.00 vendor total: 45.00 2178 claia nuaber total: 45.00 2181 CHARLES B MERRILL 8110.401-6 106.37 vendor total: 106.37 2181 claia nuaber total: 106.37 2199 MCGOEY,HAUSER & EDSALL 8110.45M 722.00 vendor total: 722.00 2199 claia nucber total: 722.00 2223 NY RURAL WATER ASSOC. 8110.460-6 25.00 vendor total: 25.00 22jlcclaia nuaber total: 25.00 October 9, 2001Village of MaidenPage: 11 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account amount : SPECTRA SERVICES 8130.458-G 2,335.41 jvendor total: 2,335,41 2225 claim nuaber total: 2,335.41

fund total: 9,187.38

abstract total: 45,015.27 Abstract Distributions 10/09/01 14:18 JOY . . page: 1 Village of Walden Fund account description debit credit general Telephone 71.97 ^50.4084^^.4084* Telephone 75.59 1230.4844* Dues 130.00 1325.4014* Office Expense 150.00 1410.4014* Office Expense 106.38 1410.4064* Postage 873.44 1410.4074* Advertising 81.61 1410.4084* Telephone 509.56 1420.4014* Legal Miscellaneous 294.40 1420.411-A Legal Retainer 3,891.67 1440.4594* Engineering Miscellaneous 1,662.50 1490.4604* Education 557.21 1490.4844* Dues 130.00 1620.4084* Telephone 46.89 1620.4404) Building Maintenance 30.00 1620.4714* Electricity 1,807.29 1620.4904* Miscellaneous 29.00 1620.4974* Service Contract 1,805.92 1640.4084* Telephone 513.99 1640.4104* Gas, Oil, Lube 1,559.94 1640.4114* Auto Maintenance 525.61 1640.4124* Truck Maintenance 14.00 1640.4134* Equipaent Maintenance 4.35 1640.4174* Shop Equipaent Maintenance 168.72 1640.4404* Building Maintenance 82.80 g&.4714* Electricity 320.00 ^BW.4824* Radio Repairs 55.15 1640.4904* Other Materials/Supplies 19.43 1910.4004* Unallocated Insurance 82.00 1930.4004* Judgasnts and Claias 220.00 2989.4604* Other Education - DARE 154.60 3122.4014* Office Expense 19.01 3122.4824) Coaamications Equipaent Exp. 173.95 3620.4014* Office Expense 146.89 4020.4594* Registrar of Vital Statistics 110.00 5110.4904* Street Maintenance 746.76 5182.471-A Street Lighting 5,891.64 7020.4084* Telephone 53.18 7110.4494* Law Mower Repairs 9.29 7110.4514* Park Maint-Bradley/Alfred Park 698.13 7110.4524* Park Maintenance-Wooster's 2.38 7110.4534* Park Maintenance-Maiden Park 68.48 7110.4714* Electricity 704.84 7310.4134* Soccer Prograa 286.96 7310.4144* Playground Prograa 537.00 7550.4794* Walden Day 99.45 8020.4954* Engineering 1,621.67 8140.4014* Other Material and Supplies 189.60 8160.4014* Miscellaneous Office 205.00 8560.4124* Tree Reaoval Services 415.00 9055.8004* Disability Insurance 1,158.24 general 29,111.49 Abstract Distributions 10/09/01 14:18 JUDY . . page: Village of Walden fund account description debit credit r water A.401-a^ F Office Expense 256.37 4*W0.408-F Telephone 251.83 8310.493-F Legal Fees 486.50 8320.201-F Miscellaneous Equipment 422.49 8320.403-F Miscellaneous Expenses 445.60 8320,471-F Power for Utilities 2,455.02 8340.206-F Water Meter Repair Parts 2,370.00 8340.433-F Material and Supplies 28.59 total Mater 6,716.40

3 sewer 8110.401-G Office Expense 256.37 8110.459-6 Other Misc. Services 722.00 8110.460-6 Education 25.00 8110.493-6 Legal Fees 486.50 8120.401-6 Materials and Supplies 45.00 8120.408-6 Equipaent Maintenance 2,400.00 8120.471-6 Power for Utilities 1,024.93 8130.458-6 Landfill 2,335.41 8130.465-6 Qieaicals 100.58 8130.471-6 Power for Utilities 1,791.59 G total sewer 9,187.38 VILLAGE OF WALDEN ABSTRACT OF AUDITED VOUCHERS OCTOBER BILL LIST - OCTOBER 9,2001 PERPAID BILLS GENERAL FUND VOUCHER VENDOR AMOUNT POSTMASTER OF NEWBURGH 291.86 WATER FUND VOUCHER VENDOR AMOUNT POSTMASTER OF NEWBURGH 91.52






The Agenda

1 . Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call 3. 3.1 Hearing - 50-52 South Montgomery Street

3.2 Public Hearing - Introductory Local Law 1-1, "Zoning" to Add Retail Uses to the B-4 Zoning District

4. Approval of Minutes 1 : Meeting August 1 4, 2 1 and 29, 200 1

5. Public Comment - Agenda Action Items Only 6. Business of the Board of Trustees a. 1 : Payment of Audited Bills 2: Street Light Authorization - River View Landing, Winding Brook Townhouses (Phase n) and Devonshire Woods 3: 2000-2001 Audit Proposal from Nugent &Haeussler,P.C. 4: Frontier Lease - Overlook Terrace 5: Sweeney's Outdoor Cafe" Application 6: Introductory Local Law 1-3 of 2001, A Local Law Amending Chapter 144 of the Code of the Village of Walden Entitled "Water" to Change Certain Regulations Regarding Costs and Expenses for Water Service

1 : Village Manager's Report c. 1 : Walden View Apartments-Restructure of Limited Partnership 7. Public Comment

8. Miscellaneous Comments by Board Members 9. Executive Session(s) 10. Adjournment VILLAGE OF WALDEN BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING SEPTEMBER 25,2001 Mayor Rocco Pellegrino called the regular meeting of the Village of Walden Board of Trustees to order at 6:30 P.M. On roll call Mayor Rocco Pellegrino, Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop, Trustees Richard Hurd, Mary Jean Norman, Conrad Flickenschild and Bill Meisel were present. Trustee Craig Maslik was absent Village Manager James Politi, Village Clerk Nancy Mitchell, Village Attorney Kevin Dowd and Building Inspector Dean Stickles were also present.

Hearing - 50-52 South Montgomery Street Mayor Pellegrino read the notice for the hearing on 50-52 South Montgomery Street. Maria Navas, owner of 50-52 South Montgomery Street stated that presently there is work being done on her building. The windows have been put in. Number seven, the walls have been knocked down and the ceiling has been knocked down and a new floor is being put in, as of today. She just got a bill for more wood. There are only two people working on the house right now.

Mayor Pellegrino asked if the house is occupied at this time? Ms. Navas indicated that apartment number seven is empty. By the time Mr. Stickles sent her the notice of violation the windows were being put in on the front of the house. Apartment number six is being repaired. Apartment number seven she's waiting for the sheriff to evict the people from the apartment. Mr. Stickles advised Ms. Navas that there is electric that needs to be done.

Ms. Navas stated that she just gave the electrician another $300.00. That's $12,000.00 already, and he hasn't finished the work.

Trustee Flickenschild asked Mr. Stickles when he was last in the building to verify anything that should have been done?

Mr. Stickles stated that he has not been called since the permit was issued on the 14^ of September.

-1- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting September 25,2001

Trustee Flickenschild asked if Mr. Stickles was aware of anything being done since the board met?

Mr. Stickles stated that since he issued the permit to take care of the violations he has not been there to see any work being done. Trustee Flickenschild asked how many apartments were in the building? Mr. Stickles advised Trustee Flickenschild that there are eight, as far as the village records show.

Trustee Flickenschild asked Ms. Navas how many people are still living in the building at this time, how many families? Ms. Navas indicated six.

Trustee Flickenschild stated that there are eight apartments in the building that our building inspector felt should be condemned, it wasn't a safe building.

Mr. Stickles stated that he only saw four of the eight apartments. Trustee Flickenschild stated that of the four apartments that he witnessed two are still occupied. As far as the board was concerned they felt the building was unsafe and Ms. Navas still has six people living in the apartments. Ms. Navas stated that it's not a big thing. It's a tile in the ceiling, a bathroom on number five, the top floor was finished, completely. Everything has been worked on before she got the notice from Dean Stickles. Apartment number four, she has pictures, they demolished the whole apartment.

Mayor Pellegrino asked for documentation on the work.

Trustee Meisel asked Ms. Navas if she had a problem granting access to the apartments that the building inspector hasn't seen?

Ms. Navas indicated that the building inspector can see the entire building.

Trustee Meisel asked why there were only two people working on the building?

-2- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting September 25,2001 Ms. Navas stated that's how many she hired. When you don't get rents, you can't hire anyone.

Trustee Flickenschild stated that from the report they received from the building inspector the house was in deplorable condition and the board felt it was unlivable. It was unsafe for citizens of the Village of Walden to live in the home. Ms. Navas is sitting here tonight saying there is nothing wrong with the building. Ms. Navas stated that she's not saying there's nothing wrong, it's simplicities. It's not things that you have to condemn a building, it's simplicities.

Manager Politi asked the Building Inspector if he's had access to the basement yet?

Mr. Stickles stated that he's been in the basement many times. The basement has nothing wrong with it other then electric has to be done. He needs to get into the other apartments. There are three of those four apartments which most of those violations that are written on that have quite a few items to be taken care of that is not just simplicities as Ms. Navas says. Trustee Hurd asked Mr. Stickles to be specific.

Mr. Stickles stated the one back apartment on the ground floor is completely demolished, it needs to be completely rebuilt. The middle apartment has a leaky roof in the back section, has a wall that is very loose, needs electrical work, sheet rock, painting, plumbing, kitchen floor, and bathroom floor. The apartment upstairs just needs plumbing work and ceiling tiles replaced or redone.

Trustee Norman stated when she was there the bottom apartment windows were boarded up. Mr. Stickles stated that they have been replaced. There is supposedly a water leak in that apartment that the village is aware of. He can't verify that until he gets into the apartment.

Trustee Flickenschild asked the Village Attorney what the board has to do to go forward? They have seen no documentation to prove that anything has been corrected.

Mr. Dowd indicated that's one thing Ms. Navas can present to the Board. She is saying that she has hired workers and the work is being done. He asked Ms. Navas if she has that documentation?

Trustee Flickenschild stated that if they see the bills what recourse do they have from this -3- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting September 25, 2001 point forward, if there are still people living in the apartment that the village believes is an unsafe structure?

Mr. Dowd indicated that the Board has a few options. One is to affirm your findings, that it is an unsafe building and give the owners a specific time period in which to complete the repairs as well as gaining access to the other four apartments. If it's not done by a certain date then you can order the Village Manager and Village Building Inspector to take whatever is necessary to get those repairs done to make that building safe and pass on the cost to the property tax.

Trustee Flickenschild asked if it would be a safe approach for the Board to request of the owners of the building access of our Building Inspector tomorrow?

Mr. Dowd stated that these are living units and while they have certain landlord rights they still have to make sure that their tenants are home and grant them access. That should not be hard to arrange from the landlord's point of view. It's a little more difficult for the Building Inspector to get in there. Either way, certainly within the week he would think the apartments will be able to be seen by the Building Inspector and report back to this Board. The best way to solve this is the owner's fix up this house and not have the village expend its money and then charge it back. Trustee Meisel asked that Building Inspector give a reasonable completion date after he's seen the apartments? Trustee Flickenschild indicated that Ms. Navas has given the Board a receipt that says that $978.00 of wood and other items have been purchased. She also has a bid from a contractor that says to bring everything up to code, except for electric and plumbing. There is nothing for electrical, which is in violation, nothing for plumbing, which is in violation and nothing for the repair of the roof, which is a violation. Other then Ms. Navas showing the Board purchase of material, that doesn't show that work is being accomplished.

Trustee Meisel asked Ms. Navas if legally she has a problem with granting the Building Inspector access to the apartments?

Ms. Navas stated that she doesn't see any problem. Trustee Flickenschild suggested that Building Inspector inspect the apartments now and gain access again just before the next Board meeting.

Trustee Meisel suggested that by Friday Ms. Navas settle with her tenants and gain access -4- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting September 25,2001 for the Building Inspector. Ms. Navas agreed.

Trustee Flickenschild made a motion to adjourn the hearing until October 9,2001 at 6:30 p.m. at which point between that time and now the Board wants the Building Inspector to gain access to all the apartments as well to give an assessment of the amount work done, so the Board will be able to decide what to do on October 9^ and make a final decision. Seconded by Trustee Meisel. All ayes. Motion carried. Trustee Flickenschild stated that the Board was given a memo from Mr. Stickles this evening, the record showing how many apartments are in the building. It's upsetting to him because it appears that the property was owned by John and Marie Lunt from February of 1969 to November of 1970 and there's no record of any apartments in the building. (_ Mr. Stickles stated that he has no record of change from 1952 to 1969.

Trustee Flickenschild asked, shouldn't the Village have records? Mr. Stickles stated that the records are very vague. Our records only go back to the 70's and early 60's. He has building permits from the 30's but they only say if it was a new roof or new furnace.

Public Hearing - Introductory Local Law 1-1 of 2001, "Zoning" Mayor Pellegrino read the notice of hearing, affidavit of posting and affidavit of publication.

Mr. Lustig, 54 Oakland Avenue asked what the current uses were in a B-4 zone?

Manager Politi read the list of uses.

Trustee Flickenschild stated that he believes this is the right direction for the Board to take. He thinks it was just an over sight that this wasn't changed before.

Trustee Norman moved to close the public hearing. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Public hearing closed.

Trustee Flickenschild moved to declare the Board of Trustees lead agency under SEQRA and to declare a negative declaration. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried. 5 Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting September 25, 2001 Trustee Flickenschild moved to adopt Introductory Local Law 1-1 of 2001, Amending Chapter 148 of the Code of the Village of Walden entitled "Zoning" to Add Retail Uses to the B- 4 (service commercial) Zoning District and to Amend the Table of Use Regulations for Business, Mixed Use and Industrial Districts Accordingly, as Local Law No. 3 of 2001. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Local Law adopted.

Approval of Minutes Trustee Norman moved to adopt the minutes of August 14*,21" and 29* . Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes with the exception of Deputy Mayor Wynkoop abstaining from the August 14* minutes. Minutes adopted.

Public Comment - Agenda Items Paul Pullar asked about the Frontier Lease, is this just for their tower or the cell tower? Manager Politi indicated that it's for the village's transmitter on Frontier's tower.

Audited Bills

Deputy Mayor Wynkoop moved to pay the audited bills of September 25,2001. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried.

Street Light Authorization Trustee Norman moved to authorize the street light agreement with New York State Electric and Gas for River View Landing, Winding Brook Townhouses (Phase II) and Devonshire Woods. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried.

2000-2001 Audit Proposal from Nugent & Haeussler, P.C.

Trustee Norman moved to authorize the 2000-2001 audit proposal from Nugent & Haeussler, P.C. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Motion carried.

Frontier Lease - Overlook Terrace

Trustee Hurd moved to authorize the manager to sign the lease with Frontier Communications of NY, Inc. Seconded by Trustee Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried.

Sweeney's Outdoor Caf6 Application -6- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting September 25,2001 Trustee Meisel moved to approve the application from Sweeny's Pub to have an outdoor cafe". Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Motion carried. Mayor Pellegrino indicated that there is correspondence from Mr. Sweeney asking the Board to waive the 30-day notification required by the New York State Liquor Authority. Trustee Wynkoop moved to waive the 30-day notification requirement placed on an establishment by the New York State Liquor Authority. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. Trustee Hurd stated that he would be curious to see if the outdoor cafe" will be a help to Mr. Sweeney.

Introductory Local Law 1-3 of 2001, A Local amending Chapter 144 of the Code of the Village of Walden Entitled "Water" to Change Certain Regulations Regarding Costs and Expenses for Water Service Mr. Dowd indicated that this would allow the village to charge for a meter and make way for the Board to increase the fees and make them pay the cost of those fees. Trustee Hurd introduced Introductory Local Law 1-3 of 2001 and set a public hearing on October 9,2001 at 6:30 p.m. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried.

Manager's Report Manager Politi stated that Governor Pataki will be speaking at the Chamber of Commerce breakfast on October 15,2001. He asked the Board members to let him know if they are going.

Manager Politi stated that the Wallkill River Conference will be held in the Village of Walden on October 20,2001 from 9a.m. - 4 p.m.

Mr. Barnes gave a brief overview and invited the Board to the conference.

Resolution No. 6-01-02 - Budget Amendment Manager Politi indicated that this resolution will move money from parkland fees to the new building that's being built at Wooster Grove.

John Howland stated that when they bid for the second time they removed flooring out of the building. The bid had alternates for the flooring. They actually bid three things, basketball -7- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting September 25, 2001 standards, vinyl tile flooring and sports flooring. Vinyl tiles would give us nothing better than a concrete floor. This has already been bid and it's the same general contractor who is presently on site. The sports floor is $29,950 and the basketball standards are $12,500.00. There is money for this in parkland fees. Trustee Meisel asked if this would be the final cost for the building?

Mr. Rowland stated yes, for the building. They will need other things such as chairs. Mr. Howland was asked to get more information regarding the resolution. Correspondence

Mayor Pellegrino stated that the Board received a letter from the Library Board regarding their concerns with the slow work on the completion of the third floor of the Municipal Building.

Walden View Apartments-Restructure of Limited Partnership Mr. Dowd indicated that Mr. Jacobowitz had a conversation with him and the Village Manager regarding the reworking of the partnership agreement. The Board had rejected their offer and he would like to revisit this. Mr. Jacobowitz sent him some language to try to assure that its not going to affect the village loan agreement. Mr. Dowd had one of his corporate partners review it. He sent a letter to Mr. Jacobowitz this afternoon telling him the Village's position on this. He asked Mr. Jacobowitz to get back to him. He suggested the Village Board carry this over until the next meeting at which time he hopes to hear back from Mr. Jacobowitz and he can better discuss this with the Board. The other issue is the Board approved the extension of the Village loan by about a year. In speaking with Mr. Barnes and looking at the loan documents it may be that you're extending it two years, not one year. In additional it would appear that there is a provision in the loan agreement that perhaps the secretary of HUD will have to approve that. That was also mentioned to Mr. Jacobowitz pointing out to him that he believes that any significant modification of that agreement and extending the loan two years is a significant change that the secretary of HUD may have to get involved.

Resolution No. 6-01-02 - Budget Amendment Continued After further explanation of the resolution Trustee Hurd moved to adopt Resolution 6- 01-02, Budget Amendment (attached). Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried.

Public Portion -8- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting September 25,2001 Mr. Lustig, 54 Oakland Avenue read the attached letter. Jodi Lynn, 36 Donna Chrystie Lane stated that she is on the committee for the new children's playground and she is here on behalf of the WLDC Fund-Raising Committee. The playground is going forward as scheduled. They are asking for the Board's support. They asked for public support for the building of the playground by the Village Board. Trustee Meisel moved that the Village of Walden Board of Trustees extends its full support for the children's playground and encourage all its citizens to join in the effort whatever way they can. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Motion carried. Beck Pearson suggested something be put in the calendar regarding the children's playground.

Mrs. Pearson stated that in regard to the building on Oak Street, they should have been built right the first time instead of waiting to see how it was going to end up and not hold other people responsible. Only one person is getting a salary from that, but they didn't state what the salary was. She further asked about parking and the purchase of the house behind the municipal building. Are there going to be more houses bought? Manager Politi stated that they will leave the house up right now, because he's not sure of the other house.

Trustee Flickenschild indicated that Mr. Lustig's letter was very well received. He thought the knife museum and a mini factory were great ideas and they should be pursued. What is needed are people in the community that are extremely knowledgeable about the knife works and what it brought to the village.

Mayor Pellegrino suggested they start with a knife show.

Trustee Flickenschild also liked Mr. Lustig's ideas about the Big Apple Circus.

Mr. Lustig stated that he thinks about parking all the time. He suggested the village approach the Walden Savings Bank and lease their upper parking lot. He also suggested the village look into a free trolley that would make a tour every half hour from the Thruway to Main Street. It would be a way to get the children to Wooster Grove.

John Rowland stated that the village was asked if the playground committee could put a sign at the entrance to Wooster Grove to say how much money they've raised. People are also coming to the soccer games to sign up volunteers. -9- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting September 25,2001

Lori Keator, 29 Rifton Place asked when the street lights are going to be put in the square?

Manager Politi stated that about four to five weeks.

Mrs. Keator stated that she received the minutes from the joint board meeting and she feels they are making progress. Enforcement seems to be a problem. She suggested the secretary keep a list of questions that the different board members need answered. Planning Board Chairman Plato had asked two months ago to have a letter written to Frontier Communications to see how they would feel about taking their little Nextel, Verizon, etc. and incorporate them into one building. That letter has not been done yet. She also asked when she was getting a tree? She also asked about the idea for the farmers market. Brian Sebring asked when is the village going to fix the water leak on Orchard Street?

Manager Politi stated that it will be done Wednesday night. Mr. Sebring asked about sidewalks that haven't been repaired, in front of the Walnut House, Ambulance Corp. and Orange Avenue. Also, the road plate hasn't been picked up on Sherman Avenue.

Mrs. Pearson asked if you can run large machinery on Sundays?

The manager advised her yes.

Board Comments Mayor Pellegrino indicated that he would like to see the sign committee activated again.

Trustee Norman thanked Trustee Flickenschild and John Green for putting the flags around the village.

Trustee Flickenschild stated that he would like to go on record that he supports the library and repair the meeting room on the third floor.


Trustee Flickenschild moved to adjourn for attorney/client privileges. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried. -10- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting September 25,2001

Respectfully submitted,


SEPTEMBER 25..2001

General Fund $44,543.40 Water Fnnd $ 9,045.10 Sewer Fund $15,989.44 Septeaber 25, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 1 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account aaount

NYSEG 1620.471-A 2,332.01 1640.471-A 391.70 vendor total: 2,723.71 1969 claia nuaber total: 2,723.71 1970 FRONTIER COMMUNICATION 1410.408-A 568.30 1620.408-A 46.63 1640.408-A 257.20 70G0.408-A 22.96 vendor total: 895.09 1970 claia nuaber total: 895.09 1971 OUTDOOR AFFAIR, INC. 7550,479-A 200.00 vendor total: 200.00 1971 claia nuaber total: 200.00 1974 ARCH WIRELESS 1640.408-A 8.08 3620.401-A 6.08 vendor total: 14.16 1974 claia nuaber total: 14.16 'COFFEE SYSTEM OF THE 1640.400-A 16.80 vendor total: 16.80 1975 claia nuaber total: 16.80 1976 COFFEE SYSTEM OF THE 1620.440-A 24.80 vendor total: 24.80 1976 claia nuaber total: 24.80 1977 CIARDULLO PRINTING 1410.405-A 63.45 8160.401-A 205.00 vendor total: 268.45 1977 claia nuaber total: 268.45 1978 C C P INDUSTRIES 1640.44M 91.07 vendor total: 91.07 1978 claia nuaber total: 91.07 1979 THYSENKRUPUP ELEVATOR CORP. 1620.497-A 209.92 vendor total: 209.92 19% claia nuaber total: 209.92 September 25, 2001 Villageof Maiden Page: 2 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account amount 19BOEHRLICH 1640.440-A 30.00 ^A vendor total: 30.00 1980 claim number total: 30.00 1981 DRAKE,SOMMERS,LOEB, P.C. 1420.411-A 3,891.67 vendor total: 3,891.67 1981 claim number total: 3,891.67 1984 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS, INC. 1640.411-A 54.79 1640.412-A 32.97 vendor total: 87.76 1984 claim number total: 87.76 1985 SCOTT'S CORNERS PAINT & HARDW 5110.490-A 125.89 vendor total: 125.89 1985 claim number total: 125.89 1986 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS, INC. 1640.412-A 17.73 1640.441-A 66.12 vendor total: 83.85 1986 claim number total: 83.85 ^HUDSON VALLEY ASPHALT 5110.490-A 144.30 vendor total: 144.30 1987 claim number total: 144.30 1988 CALLANAN INDUSTRIES, INC 5110.490-A 1,671.26 vendor total: 1,671.26 1988 claim number total: 1,671.26 1989 ORANGE COUNTY SUPT ASSOCIATED 1490.460-A 20.00 vendor total: 20.00 1989 claim number total: 20.00 1990 STEVE NEUHAUS 1490.401-A 20.00 vendor total: 20.00 1990 claim number total: 20.00 1991 PINE BUSH EQUIPMENT INC. 5110.490-A 47.00 vendor total: 47.00 1991 claim number total: 47.00 kWALDEN PLUMBING/HEATING 1620.440-A 397.40 September 25, 2001 Village"6rWaTden Page: 3 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account amount vendor total: 397.40 claim number total: 397.40 2001 NYSEG 5182.471-A 34.67 7110.471-A 278.13 vendor total: 312.80 2001 claim number total: 312.80 2002 NYSEG 5182.471-A . 8.87 vendor total: 8.87 2002 claim number total: 8.87 2003 HEHBURGH WINWATER 5110.490-A 272.25 vendor total: 272.25 2003 claim number total: 272.25 2004 PLAZA MATERIALS COMPANY 5110.490-A 79.56 vendor total: 79.56 2004 claim number total: 79.56 2005 GDDEFFROY CAR CO;,INC. 7310.434-A 2,235.00 & vendor total: 2,235.00 2005 claim number total: 2,235.00 2006 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 7020.408-A 42.11 vendor total: 42.11 2006 claim number total: 42.11 200? SHOWCASE OF AWARDS 7310.415-A 263.70 vendor total: 263.70 2007 claim number total: 263.70 2008 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 7110.451-A 39.97 7110.453-A 69.90 vendor total: 109.87 2008 claim number total: 109.87 2009 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 7550.475-A 158.03 vendor total: 158.03 2009 claim number total: 158.03 2010 ANACONDA-KAYE SPORTS,INC 7180.401-A 87.00 total: 87.00 September 25, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 4 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account

^Mclaim number total: 87.00 2011 DRAKE,SOMMERS,LOEB, P.C. 1420.401-A 99.90 vendor total: 99.90 2011 claim number total: 99.90 2012 FEDEX 1410.406-A 91.06 vendor total: 91.06 2012 claim number total: 91.06 2013 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 3120.480-A 21.72 vendor total: 21.72 2013 claim number total: 21.72 2014 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 3122.408-A 461.56 vendor total: 461.56 2014 claim number total: 461.56 2015 FLEET LEASING CORP 3122.483-A 173.30 vendor total: 173.30 A& claim number total: 173.30 ^^201F6 AT & T . 3122.408-A 6.55 vendor total: 6.55 2016 claim number total: 6.55 2017 HALLKILL VALLEY TIMES 1410.407-A 10.01 vendor total: 10.01 2017 claim number total: 10.01 2018 HALLKILL VALLEY TIM-S 1410.407-A 14.25 vendor total: 14.25 2018 claim number total: 14.25 2019 JOHN STABNER 3620.431-A 72.00 vendor total: 72.00 2019 claim number total: 72.00 2020 DEAN STICKLES 7550.479-A 23.37 vendor total: 23.37

W%)claim number total: 23.37 September 25,2001 Villageof Maiden Page: 5 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account aoount A-l PORTABLE TOILETS 7550.479-A 195.00 vendor total: 195.00 2021 [lain nuaber total: 195.00 2022 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 1110.408-A 71.35 vendor total: 71,35 2022claianuober total: 71.35 2023 CHARLES B MERRILL 1410.401-A 85.81 3620.401-A 67.83 vendor total: 153.64 B023 claia nuaber total: 153.64 2024 E.TETZ & SONS,INC. 5110.490-A 532.00 vendor total: 532.00 2024 claia nuaber total: 532.00 2025 AL VALK'S GARAGE,LTD. 1640.411-A 10.00 1640.412-A 52.00 vendor total: 62.00 2025 claia nuaber total: 62.00 *NYSEG 5182.471-A 5,825.00 vendor total: 5,825.00 2026 claia nuaber total: 5,825.00 2027 TRI-COUNTY A/C AND 1620.440-A 130.00 vendor total: 130.00 2027 claia nuaber total: 130.00 2028 NYSEG 5182.471-A 27.93 vendor total: 27.93 2028 claia nuaber total: 27.93 2029 CARL O'DELL JR 7110.451-A 49.80 vendor total: 49.80 2029 claia number total: 49.80 2030 PINE BUSH EQUIPMENT INC. 5110.490-A 143.21 vendor total: 143.21 2030 claia number total: 143.21 R. CO. MUNICIPAL P 1010.434-A 60.00 September 25, 2001Village of MaidenPage!T Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account aeount 1210.434-A 60.00 8020.460-A 120.00 #^^ vendor total: 240.00 2031 clain number total: 240.00 2032 DUFRE3E-HENRY CONSULTING 8020.495-A 1,060.26 vendor total: 1,060.26 2032 claia nusber total: 1,060.26 2033 BROSSO MATERALS,INC. 5110.490-A 456.60 vendor total: 456.60 2033 claia nuaber total: 456.60 2034 GENE'S AUTONAXING CENTER 1640.411-A 100.00 vendor total: 100.00 2034 claia nuaber total: 100.00 2037 WALLKILL VALLEY TIMES 1410.407-A 114.35 vendor total: 114.35 2037 claia nuaber total: 114.35 ^& NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION 3620.484-A 705.00 ^y vendor total: 705.00 2039 claia nuaber total: 705.00 2040 OR. CO. MUNICIPAL P 8020.46M 225.00 vendor total: 225.00 2040 claie nucber total: 225.00 2041 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 3122,408-d 105.01 vendor total: 105.01 2041 dais nuabsr total: 105.01 2042 AIRPAGE BEEPER PEOPLE 1230.408-A 11.7? vendor total: 11.77

2042 claia nuaber total: 11.77 2043 AIRPAGE BEEPER PEOPLE 1490.401-A 11.83 vendor total: 11,83 2043 claia nuaber total: 11.83 2066 SCOTT'S CORNERS PAINT & HARDM 5110.490-A 28.50 7550.479-A 15,00 * September 25, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 7 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account amount vendor total: 43.50 wK claim maber total: 43.50 2045LEGALADV ATTNPATF 1410.407-A 44.00 vendor total: 44.00 2045 claia number total: 44.00 2046AHESCOREMinANCE 1640.417-A 40.92 vendor total: 40.92 2046 claim nuaber total: 40.92 2047 WALLKILL VALLEY TIMES 1410.407-A 13.48 vendor total: 13.48 2047 claim number total: 13.48 2048 SQITT'S CORNERS PAINT &HARDH5110.490-A 23.79 vendor total: 23.79 2048 claim number total: 23.79 2050 HILTON LAKE PLACID RESORT 3120.460-A 60.00 vendor total: 60.00 claim number total: 60.00 2051 HILTON LAKE PLACID RESORT 3120.460-A 1,224.00 vendor total: 1,224.00 2051 claim number total: 1,224.00 2052 JANICE SMALLING 7550.479-A 88.00 vendor total: 88.00 2052 claim number total: 88.00 2053 AGMAY ENERGY PRODUCTS 1640.410-A 226.27 vendor total: 226.27 2053 claim number total: 226.2? 2054 AGMAY ENERGY PRODUCTS 1640.4104* 640.57 vendor total: 640.57 2054 claim number total: 640.57 2055 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 1620.440-A 72.00 3122.401-A 40.91 3620.401-A 8.29 5110.490-A 166.63 "Septeaber"25, 2001 Village of Walden Page: 8 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account aaount 7110.449-A 10.39 7110.453-A 23.59 7110.49H 36.08 7310.415-A 32.41 7550.479-A 19.75 vendor total: 410.05 2055 claim number total: 410.05 2061MONTGOMERYOVERALLSER 1620.440-A 107.00 vendor total: 107.00 2061 claia number total: 107.00 2063 VINCENT TOQEY,ESG. 1420.401-A 596.60 vendor total: 596.60 2063 claie nuaber total: 596.60 2064HODGSONFAQG 7110.491-A 295.00 vendor total: 295.00 2064 claianumber total: 295.00 M 1620.440-A 16.80 16.80 FclsianuEber total: 16.80 2067 CHARLES B MERRILL 1410.401-A 123.39 vendor total: 123.39 2067 claim number total: 123.39 2068 COFFEE SYSTEM OF THE 1640,440-A 22.40 vendor total: 22.40 2068 claia number total: 22.40 2069 (HBO FASTENER CO,, INC. 1640.417-A $.44 vendor total: 52.44 2069 claim number total: 52.44 2071 AIBICANI1EANER 3120.435-A 300,00 vendor total: 300.00 2071 claim number total: 300.00 2072 PITie WORKS 1410.406-A 519.00 vendor total: 519.00 claimnuzber total: 519.00 September 25, 2001 Villageof Maiden Page: 9 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account aaount

4A HODGSON FARMS 7110.491-A 162.50 ^^ vendor total: 162.50 2073 claia nuaber total: 162.50 2074 THRUHAY SHOPPING CENTER 1620.436-A 119.88 vendor total: 119.88 2074 claia nuaber total: 119.88 2075 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 7310.416-A 39.04 vendor total: 39,04 2075 claim number total: 39.04 2076 ENVIRONMENTAL PAPER 1620.440-A 229.05 3122.40H& 17.86 vendor total: 246.91 2076 claia nuaber total: 246,91 2078 FOSTER & COMPANY INC. 1640.441-A 159.18 vendor total: 159.18 2078 claia number total: 159.18 W? WARWICK VALLEY TELEPHONE 1410.408-A 59.85 vendor total: 59,85 2079 claia number total: 59.85 2080 ALL TREE REMOVAL 8560.412-A 2,600.00 vendor total: 2,600.00 2080 claim nuaber total: 2,600.00 1640.410-A 1,071.27 vendor total: 1,071,27 2081 claia nuaber total: 1,071.27 2082NYSEG 5182.471-A 12.07 vendor total: 12,07 2082 claia nuober total: 12.07 2083 AKONDA-KAYE SPORTS, INC 7310.413-A 199.71 vendor total: 199.71 2083 claia nuaber total: 199,71 ^CHESTER VALLEY EQUIP. 7110.449-A 108.02 September 25, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 10 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account amount vendor total: 108.02 claia number total: 108.02 2085 NYSEB 1640.471-A 17.40 vendor total: 17.40 2085 claia nuaber total: 17.40 2086 »EINERT-T-SHIRT,INC. 7310.413-A 1,820.00 vendor total: 1,820.00 2086 claim nuaber total: 1,820.00 2087 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 3120.460-A 170.00 vendor total: 170.00 2087 claia number total: 170.00 2088 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 3120,435-A 15.95 3122.401-A 19.96 vendor total: 35.91 2088 claia number total: 35.91 2089 NEWHBGH PARK MOTORS 1640.411-A 169.95 vendor total: 169.95 2089 claio nuaber total: 169.95 2090 ASHQMFT'S LOCK & DOBS 3122.401-A 80.35 vendor total: 80.35 2090 claia nuaber total: 80.35 2091 ALFI'S UNIFORMS,INC. 3120.435-A 433.90 3121.435-A 87.98 3122.435-A 143.96 vendor total: 665.84 2091 claia nusber total: 665.84 2092 JEFFRY HDUES 1640.41H 27.29 vendor total: 27.29 2092 claia nuaber total: 27.29 2093 CHARLES B KRRII1 1410.401-A 67.98 3122.401-A 207.87 vendor total: 275.85 claia nuzber total: 275.65 September 25, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 11 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account amount JB95 HARLEM VALLEY MATERIAL 5110.490-A 1,066.50 vendor total: 1,066.50 2095 claim number total: 1,066.50 2096 ZEP MANUFACTURING,!!!). 1640.490-A 193.29 vendor total: 193.29 2096 claim number total: 193.29 2097 ANNESE & ASSOCIATES,INC. 3122.482-A 173.95 vendor total: 173.95 2097 claim number total: 173.95 2098 JIM SMITH CHEVROLET,INC. 1640.411-A 360.37 vendor total: 360.37 2098 claim number total: 360.37 2099 REBECCA McNALLY 7550.479-A 70.94 vendor total: 70.94 2099 claim number total: 70.94 2100 NYSEG 5182.471-A 15.64 7110.471-A 78.23 vendor total: 93.87 2100 claim number total: 93.87 2101 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 1110.408-A 26.52 1410.408-A 62.06 1640.408-A 31.46 7020.408-A 26.54 vendor total: 146.58 2101 claim number total: 146.58 2107 ALEX LANDOLINA 2989.460-A 42.88 3120.460-A 163.02 vendor total: 205.90 2107 claia number total: 205.90 2108 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 3122.408-A 229.86 vendor total: 229.86 2108 claim number total: 229.86 2109 GALLS INC. 3120.469-A 160.99 vendor total: 160.99 September 25, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 12 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claieant account amount ^J9 claim number total: 160.99 i^TREADWAY GRAPHICS 2989.460-A 227.10 vendor total: 227.10 2110 claim number total: 227.10 2111 J.MARCEL ENTERPDRISE 3120.435-A 435.00 3121.435-A 1,275.10 vendor total: 1,710.10 2111 claim number total: 1,710.10 2112 EXCEL LAMINATING 1410.401-A 180.00 3122.201-A 119.00 vendor total: 299.00 2112 claim number total: 299.00 2114 HUDSON RUG CLEANING 1620.440-A 996.68 vendor total: 996.68 2114 claim number total: 996.68 2115 GOOSETQHN COMMUNICATIONS 1640.482-A 80.00 vendor total: 80.00 Wn claim number total: 80.00 2117 ASHCRAFT'S LOCK & DOORS 1640.440-A 14.25 vendor total: 14.25 2117 claim number total: 14.25

fund total: 44.643.40 Village of Walden Page: 13 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account amount water WsNYSEG 8320.471-F 2,476.94 vendor total: 2^476.94 1968 claim number total: 2,476.94 1972 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 8310.40B-F 45.46 vendor total: 45.46 197B claim nuober total: 45.46 1982 DRAKE,SOMMERS,LOEB, P.C. 8310.493-F 486.50 vendor total: 486.50 1982 claim number total: 486.50 1996 JOSEPH G POLLARD CO. , INC 8340.441-F 307.02 vendor total: 307.02 1996 claim number total: 307.02 1997 DUSO CHEMICALS, INC 8320.463-F 594.50 vendor total: 594.50 1997 claim number total: 594.50 ^i C H ENERGY GROUP, INC. 8320.471-F 456.83 vendor total: 456.83 1998 claim number total: 456.83 1999 AMERICAN ALARM 8320.459-F 28.00 vendor total: 28.00 1999 claim number total: 28.00 2000 UNDERGROUND FACILITIES PROTEC G310.401-F 39.00 vendor total: 39.00 2000 claim number total: 39.00 2035 ARCH WIRELESS 8310.408-F 12.28 vendor total: 12.28 2035 claim number total: 12.28 2036 HACH CO 8320.463-F 190.38 vendor total: 190.38

2036 claim number total: 190.38 ^FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 8310.40B-F 251.23 September 25, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 14 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account amount vendor total: 251.23 ?1 claim nuaber total: 251.23 2056 THRUMAY SHOPPING CENTER 8310.401-F 9.99 vendor total: . 9.99 2056 claim number total: 9.99 2058 OCL ANALYTICAL SERVICE 8320.459-F 420.00 vendor total: 420.00 2058 claim nuaber total: 420.00 2062 BOTTINI FUEL 8320.433-F 41.21 vendor total: 41.21 2062 claim number total: 41.21 2066 INVENSYS METERING SYSTEM 8340.206-F 97.23 vendor total: 97.23 2066 claim nuaber total: 97.23 2070 JO JONES CHEMICALS 8320.463-F 157.35 vendor total: 157.35 claim nuober total: 157.35 2077 INVENSYS METERING SYSTEM 8340.206-F 2,469.70 vendor total: 2,469.70 2077 claim number total: 2,469.70 2094 PRINTABLE SERVICES 8310.401-F 414.39 vendor total: 414.39 2094 claim number total: 414.39 2102 FRONTIER QXMJNICATIONS 8310.408-F 31.49 vendor total: 31.49 2102 claim number total: 31.49 2105 NYSEE 8320.471-F 19.89 vendor total: 19.89 2105 claim nuaber total: 19.89 2116 C H EW2RGY GROUP,INC. 8320.471-F 495.71 vendor total: 495.71 I claim number total: 495.71 Septeaber 25,2001 ViiTagrofWaldaT Page: 15 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant accotmt azount

fund total: 9,045.10 September 3, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 16 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account amount sewsL. W7NYSEG 8120.471-G 832.28 8130.471-6 1,915.75 vendor total: 2,748.03 1967 claim number total: 2,748.03 1973 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 8110.408-6 145.78 vendor total: 145.78 1973 claia number total: 145.78 1983 DRAKE,SOMMERS,LOEB, P.C. 8110.493-G 486.50 vendor total: 486.50 1983 claim number total: 486.50 1993 6EN-TECH LTD 8120.408-G 2,084.50 vendor total: 2,084.50 1993 claim number total: 2,084.50 1994 HYDRA-NUMATIC SALES CO. 8120.408-6 774.74 vendor total: 774.74 & claia number total: 774.74 1995 MORRIS COOPER 8120.408-6 3,000.00 vendor total: 3,000.00 1995 claim number total: 3,000.00 2038 IRA D. CONKLIN & SONS 8120.408-6 297.00 vendor total: 297.00 2038 claia number total: 297.00 2041 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 8110.408-8 139.70 vendor total: 139.70 2041 claim number total: 139.70 2057 THRUMAY SHOPPING CENTER 8130.401-6 21.99 vendor total: 21.99 2057 claim number total: 21.99 2059 SPECTRA SERVICES 8130.458-6 4,241.93 vendor total: 4,241.93 2059 claim number total: 4,241.93 SeptaiberS, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 17 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account amount JQ60 PQLYDYKE.INC. 8130.465-G 613.20 vendor total: 613.20 2060 claia nueber total: 613.20 2094 PRINTmif SERVICES 8110.401-G 414.38 vendor total: 414.38 2094 claia nuaber total: 414.38 2103 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 8110.408-G 26.56 vendor total: 26.56 2103 claia nuaber total: 26.56 2104 NYSEG 8120.471-G 284.91 8130.471-G 58.21 vendor total: 343.12 2104 claia nuaber total: 343.12 2106 NYSEG 8120.471-G 52.01 vendor total: 52.01 2106 claia number total: 52.01 gE P M CONSTRUCTION 8130.440-G 600.00 ^kW vendor total: 600.00 2113 claia nuaber total: 600.00

fund total: 15,989.44 Abstract Distributions 09/25/01 13:59 JUDY page: 1 Village of Walden

fund account description debit credit

A ^_ general ^Ao.4344 Entertainment 60.00 iuO.4084 Telephone 97.87 1210.4344 Entertainment 60.00 1230.4084 Telephone 11.77 1410.4014 Office Expense 457.18 1410.4054 Printing 63.45 1410.4064 Postage 610.06 1410.4074 Advertising 196.09 1410.4084 Telephone 690.21 1420.4014 Legal Miscellaneous 696.50 1420.4114 Legal Retainer 3,891.6? 1490.4014 Office Expense 31.83 1490.4604 Education 20.00 1620.4084 Telephone 46.63 1620.4364 Bulbs 119.88 1620,4404 Building Maintenance 1,973.73 1620.4714 Electricity 2,332.01 1620.4974 Service Contract 209.92 1640.4004 Central Garage Cont. Expenses 16.80 1640.4084 Telephone 296.74 1640.4104 Gas, Oil, Lube 1,938.11 1640.4114 Auto Maintenance 722.40 1640.4124 Truck Maintenance 102.70 1640.4174 Shop Equipment Maintenance 93.36 1640.4404 Building Maintenance 157.72 .4&&0.4414 Saall Tools 225.30 ^WsO.4714 Electricity 409.10 1640.4824 Radio Repairs 80.00 1640.4904 Other Materials/Supplies 193.29 2989.4604 Other Education - DARE 269.98 3120.4354 Police Uniforss 1,184.85 3120.4604 Education 1,617.02 3120.4694 Assunition 160.99 3120.4804 Safety 21.72 3121.4354 Uniform Allotment 1,363.08 3122.2014 Office Equipment 119.00 3122.4014 Office Expense 366.95 3122.4084 Telephone 802.98 3122.4354 Uniforms 143.96 3122.4824 Communications Equipment Exp. 173.95 3122.4834 Equipment Rental 173.30 3620.4014 Office Expense 82.20 3620.4314 Mileage - Per. Auto 72.00 3620.4844 Municipal Dues 705.00 5110.4904 Street Maintenance 4,757.49 5182.4714 Street Lighting 5,924.18 7020.4094 Telephone 91.61 7110.4494 Lawn Mower Repairs 118.41 7110.4514 Park Maint-Bradley/Alfred Park 89.77 7110.4534 Park Maintenance-Maiden Park 93.49 ^110.4714 Electricity 356.36 ^A.4914 Beautification 493.58 ^80.4014 Miscellaneous Supplies 87.00 ^Abstract Distributions 09/3/01 13:59 JUDY page: 2 Village of Walden fund account description debit credit

\M4Q A4%J\ Soccer Prograa 2,019.71 w^0.415-A Special Events 296.11 ?%0.416-A Tennis Progras 39.04 !^7310.434-A Entertainment and Trips 2,235.00 7550.475-A Holiday Decorations 158.03 7550.479-A Walden Day 612.06 8020.460-A Education 345.00 8020.495-A Engineering 1,060.26 8160.401-A Miscellaneous Office 205.00 B560.412-A Tree Recoval Services 2,600.00 A total general 44,643.40 F water 8310.401-F Office Expense 463.38 8310.408-F Telephone 340.46 8310.493-F Legal Fees 486.50 8Z0.433-f Heating Fuel 41.21 8320.459-F Miscellaneous Testing Services 448.00 8320.463^ Purification Chemicals 942.23 8320.471-F Power for Utilities 3,449.37 8340.206-F Water Meter Repair Parts 2,566.93 8340.441-F Saall Tools 307.02 F total water 9,045.10 G sewsr 8110.401-G Office Expense 414.38 &0.408-G Telephone 312.04 W0.493-G Legal Fees 486.50 ^8120.408-G Equipment Maintenance 6,156.24 ^8120.471-G Power for Utilities 1,169.20 8130.401-G Material and Supplies 21.99 8130.440-G Sewer Maintenance 600.00 8130.458-G Landfill 4,241.93 8130.465-G Cheaicals 613.20 8130.47H Power for Utilities 1,973.96 G total sewer 15,989.44 VILLAGE OF WALDEN ABSTRACT OF AUDITED VOUCHERS





















(Use this form to Hie a local law with the Secretary or State.) Text of law should be given «s amended. Do not include matter beiag ciiminnted and do not use italics or underlining to indicate new matter.

- Walden Village Local Law No » of the year 1*2001 A local law spending Chapter 148 of the Code of the Village of Walden entitled WxMMjllW "Zoning" to add retail uses to the B-4 (service commercial) zoning district and to amend the table of use regulations for business, mixed'use and industrial districts accordingly.

Be It enacted by the ?°%?»..9A..tAy.Bcees of the (W*»wq" ' ' ' ""

_ of JzaiSf.?. as follows: JL&WJB Village

See annexed

(If additional space Is needed, attach pages the same size as this sheet, and number each.)

DOS-239 (Rev. 2/98) (1) (Complete the certification In the paragraph that applies to the filing of this local law and strike out that which Is not applicable.)

1, (Final adoption by local legislative body only.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of the (@WM*«^ep%Bwm)(Village) of ....%ald.en...... wa s duly passed by the ..Bp.?zK.a#..i?HS.tSSS ...... on&SEA*..25..... ]3&0&lin accordance with the applicable provisions of law. (Wax* «;( i*f iibinv

2* (Passage by local legislative body with approval, no disapproval or rapassage attar disapproval by the Elective Chief Executive Officer*.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No of: of the (County)(City)(Tbwn)(V*llage) of ; was duly passed/By the on 19 —, and was (approved)(not approved)(repassedafter f^faM* e/l#ji*fa(:v* Jaa/J disapproval) by the-- — and was deemed duly adopted on yX- 19—, in accordance with the applicable provisions of law.

3. (Final adoption by referendum.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 19 of the (County )(City)(Tbwn)(Village) of ^X- was duly passed by the on — 19— xdnd was (approved)(not approved)(repassed after

disapproval) by the v0n^ 19 Such local law was submitted (Ffacnw CAi#/f*«CMf:*v O^!c#r*J . y/^ to the people by reason of a (mandatory)(permissive) referendum, and received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors voting thereon at the (general)(special)(annual) election held on 19—-- , in accordance with the applicable provisions of lawf

4. (Subject to permissive referendum and final adoption because no valid petition was filed requesting referendum.) I hereby certify that thMocal law annexed hereto, designated as local law No of 19- of the (County)(Chy)(Tbwn)(VMhge)of -^ — was duly passed by the on 19—, and was (approved)(not approved)(repassed after (Warn* disap permissive referendum and no valid petition requesting such referendum was filed as of 19-— , in awordane* with *h@ applieabla provioiono of law,

* Elective Chief Executive Officer means or Includes the chief executive officer of a county elected on a county- wide basis or, If there be none, the chairperson of the county legislative body, the mayor of a city or village, or the supervisor of a town where such officer Is vested with the power to approve or veto local laws or ordinances. (2) 5# (City loeal law QoncemlMg Charter MvlsloM prepoaed by I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No of the City of- haying been submitted to referendum pursuanMcTfhe provisions of section (36)(37) of the Municipal Home Rule Law, ard having received the affirmative: vpj»^fa majority of the qualified electors of such city voting thereon at the (special)(general) election held^»n<2». 19.-., became operative.

6. (County local law concerning adoption ofj I hereby certify that the local law^aage"xed hereto, designated as local law No.-. of 19 of the County of ..^^2. State of New York, having been submitted to the electors at the General Elecjien^ofNovember 19...., pursuant to subdivisions 5 and 7 of section 33 of the Municipal Honre^Rule Law, and having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the cit- ies ofjaSTcounty as a unit and a majority of the qualified electors of the towns of said county considered as a unit ; at said general election, became operative.

(If any other authorized form of final adoption ha: been followed, please provide an appropriate certification.) I further certify that I have compared the preceding local law with the original on file in this office and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of such original local law, and was finally adopted in the manner in- dicated in paragraph—^ , above.


(Certification to be executed by County Attorney, Corporation Counsel, Town Attorney, Village Attorney or other authorized attorney of locality.)

STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ORANGE I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing local law contains the-co»ectjext and that all proper proceedings have been had or taken for the enactment of the local law annexed hereto. ^

EVtN T. DOWD Village Attorney Till*

of Walden Village



BE IT ENACTED by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden as follows:

SECTION 1. Legislative Intent. The Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden finds that it is in the best interest of the citizens of the Village to encourage the expansion of viable business opportunities within the Village. The introduction of new businesses into the Village increases the real property tax base of the Village, lessens the tax burden on residential properties, provides employment opportunities for Village residents, makes goods and services more accessible to Village residents and promotes the overall economic vitality of the community. The Board of Trustees determines that it is appropriate to maximize the economic potential of commercially-zoned properties within the Village by making such properties available for many different types of commercial enterprises, including retail operations. To that end, the Board of Trustees determines that it is appropriate to include retail uses within the only commercially-zoned district within the Village which does not presently permit such uses, namely, the B-4 (Service Commercial) Zoning District. Thus, it is the intent of this local law to encourage economic growth within the B-4 District by allowing retail operations within said District.

SECTION 2. §148-11 of the Zoning Code of the Village of Walden entitled "Uses in business, mixed use and industrial districts" is hereby amended by adding retail uses to the Table of Use Regulations - Business, Mixed Use and Industrial Districts (Part 2) as follows:

Use Classifications B-4 Service Commercial

21. Retail Store or Shop P SECTION 3. Savings Clause. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part if this local law shall be adjudicated by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered.

SECTION 4. This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing in the Office of the Secretary of State in Albany.

119257 WALDEN BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING - SEPTEMBER 11,2001 Observations and recommendations by David C. Lustig, Jr., 54 Oakland Ave., Walden I am reluctant to think of myself as an "old timer"; however, being a third generation Waldeniteand father of a fourth generation Walden businessman while creeping up on my eightieth year, over fifty on Main Street, I can hardly be described at the "new kid on the block/' Despite all my accumulated years and activity in the Village, I don't consider myself burned out, out of touch with reality, or a reactionary who can't "see the forest for the trees". My interest and stake in the Village of Walden hasn't diminished one iota over the years and, as a result, I would humbly beg to bring your attention to the following observations, some very recent and some a rehashing of old concerns: 1. Of the 65 commercial store fronts or buildings on Main Street from the mini mall to the Methodist church, Orange Avenue from the car wash to Maple Street, and Orchard and Scofield Street, 47 are occupied and 18, or 38% are empty. Plus, there are two glaring vacant lot where three story mercantile buildings once stood. 2. Walden has 1432 single family residences, 383 two and three family homes, 48 apartment buildings encompassing 389 apartment units, which includes 91 units of subsidized senior citizen or low income tenants, with at least two or three more apartment buildings under construction or proposed. 3. Walden seems to have adequate enforcement of the snow removal ordinance but either lacks a sidewalk mud, leaf, and trash removal ordinance or enforcement of the same. This comment is in reference to the No. 32 to 42 parcels on the west side of Ulster Avenue, one of Walden's main boulevards. 4. Despite very vocal opposition by a number of responsible Walden residents, a previous administration of the Village changed the zoning of the Hudson Wire industrial site to facilitate its acquisition by the Big Apple Circus. A major publicity campaign by circus management hoodwinked the sitting administration into believing that Walden's bragging rights as "Home of the Big Apple Circus" would enhance its cultural reputation and only good things would follow. I acknowledge the contributions of a few very entertaining clowns on Walden Day and a somewhat limited open house, but I fail to see any tangible benefits to the Village. The corporate name, The Big Apple Circus", is in itself a glaring pronouncement that was, is, and always will be their "home" base. Walden will remain forever more the circus warehouse and six week rehearsal site. Also, while the Big Apple Circus is still not tax exempt, it is paying a lesser tax than Hudson Wire did and its management is still pursuing a full tax exemption.

5. Recently, my wife and I completed a five week automobile tour of the northern United States - coast to coast. Although we visited many large cities, for the most part, we chose to seek smaller communities for our night's stay. In the process, we ate in neighborhood restaurants and (2) visitedlocalplacesofinterest-andwewererarely, if ever, disappointed. With a few slight exceptions, most every place we stayed seemed vibrant, active, and prosperous. And what did all of these communities have in common? A central theme and an identity! - some significant attraction to draw people to visit, to open their pocketbooks, or to open a business. I'm not thinking of Niagara Falls, Salt Lake City, Plymouth, MA, or even Hershey, PA. I'm thinking of a small community like Pella, Iowa. Settled over a century ago by Dutch immigrants, the residents have recreated a quaint village right out of Holland, selling Dutch wares, featuring Netherlands menus, a tulip festival and are in the process of building a section of a Dutch We stopped by on a rainy day and this remote village, over 25 miles off Rt. 80, was teaming with life and the shops and restaurants were overflowing. Little Pittsburgh, TN declared itself the "Combread Capital of the World" and its annual week long combread festival and bake-off attracted participants from all over the country. It even warranted national TV coverage. Locally, Maybrook will continue to get mileage out of being the "Rail Hub of the Northeast" - even 'though trucks have replaced trains - and they have a fine museum to prove it. And how about Montgomery? Look at the draw they get out of General Montgomery - even though his military adventures were in far upstate New York and Canada. Montgomery also lays claim to museums for Farmers and Firemen as well Now back to Walden! First I want to commend Mayor Pellegrino and the Board of Trustees along with Manager Politi and the village employees for their efforts to make Walden a more attractive and a safer community in which to live and work. Certainly the "Rail Trail" in cooperation with Wallkill and Montgomery holds great promise. While Walden is still not perfect, it has been noticeably unproved and, in that vein, I would like to offer the following suggestions for furthering that effort: When I mention the Big Apple Circus, many of you might well have thought: "Here goes sour grapes again." Admittedly, the zone change was a bitter pill for me to swallow but my thoughts, previously suggested to both the circus and the Village Board, have not changed. Why can't that significant site be developed into an attraction that would be beneficial to Walden and profitable to the circus as well - at least during the Spring and Summer season r Without a large investment in dollars or manpower, while using the existing structure, it would seem feasible to set up a museum and theater that would feature the sights, sounds and history ofjthe actual circus. It would then make the circus available to the vast multitudes of adults and children who can neither afford the regular admission fees nor have access to their widely scattered urban performances. Certainly it must be worth exploring.

As a local landlord, as well as a businessman, it would be imprudent to speculate as to whom benefits the most from rental units: the tenants, the landlords, or the local economy. I am sure that there is a cost effective ratio, as far as the village is concerned, between single family owner occupied properties and rental units. Currently, approximately 80 % of Walden's housing is single or two family residences and over 17 % are rental units. Of the rental units, slightly over (3)

3 % are subsidized by Section 8 Housing or Social Services. For those of us who are not recipients of the generous market level rents received through government agencies, it is a constant struggle to acquire respectable long term tenants. The village does benefit from subsidized tenants indirectly. Not only from their disposable income, but due to the fact that the agencies mandate that apartments and the buildings themselves meet their safety, cleanliness, and esthetic standards under the threat of withholding rent - and not retroactively! Obviously, money is the ultimate weapon! Just think of the two to five family houses in Walden that might be improved if the landlords had access to subsidized tenants and had to play by those rules. In regard to the playground and proposed youth center at Woosters Grove: My only objection to making the park more attractive for children from day one was the location. Unless delivered by automobile, every child has to cross heavily trafficked Route 52 - now even busier with Donuts Plus, the medical ofBce, the custard stand, Stewarts and the prospects for new businesses on the DeGroodtsite. Stnct enforcement of the speed lim% may help, a walk light might be better, a pedestrian bridge the safest of all, but at least a crossing guard at periods of expected high activity. It's a situation that I hope, and expect, is being given careful consideration. Also, concerning the same neighborhood, it is troubling that the owners are unable to sell either the Star Glass property or Pat Suo's parcel. There has been considerable interest in both properties, and any change would be an improvement, but prospects are unable to obtain financing - and for one seemingly unsurmountable reason: Banks will not consider a mortgage on former service station property without it being certified contamination free. One prospect invested considerable money on the Star Glass property by ordering test borings only to find that a substantial number of the cores showed fuel contamination. The properties became untouchable! The Star Glass owner can't af&rd the cleanup cost, the bank won't foreclose because they don't want to become responsible for the cleanup cost, and the village sutlers because of this blight on one of its main entrances - and almost adjacent to its promising improvement project. Everybody loses! Perhaps someone, on one governmental level or another* can convince the EPA or the DEC to lighten up and give Walden a break. If in the many years since auto servicing operations ceased at that location, no fuel has reached either the aquifer or the Tin Brook, it would appear to be a very unlikely possibility. Now to get to what appears to be the most pressing problem of all - the 18 vacancies on Main Street. Sidewalk cafes are a constructive thought but, except for Sweeney's Irish Pub and possibly the lot next to Lillo's, there's not many possible locations. Parking on Main Street has always been a problem due to the heavy trafSc on both Routes 208 and 52. With the Walden Savings Bank headquarters moving to Scotts Comers around year's end and the removal of over thirty employees from the Bank Street, Main Street, and Ulster Avenue buildings, perhaps Bank management would be receptive to deeding the upper comer thirty-two space private parking lot to the Village as a municipal parking lot thereby reducing their assessment, upkeep, and liability costs. A dialogue with Bank management might be a prudent first step. (4)

All that the Village has accomplished so Jar, phis all the projects in the pipeline, and even a smattering of the ideas expressed above, still will not be enough to turn the village around. No - what Walden needs is something to put Waldenbackon the map! I emphasize: "Back on the map!" For almost a century, Walden was known as the "ShefGeld of America", or "Knife town." It produced more pocket knives than any other place in the United States. Almost every working man in Walden was a cutler of some description. We were a blue collar town and proud of our heritage. The statue of the working man's President, McKinley, at the bottleneck at Rt. 52 and 208 is a constant reminder. Three flourishing factories: The New York Knife Co., The Walden Knife Company, and The Schrade Cutlery Co. shipped untold thousands of superior quality pocket knives by rail, trolley, and horse and wagon. Walden's most prominent benefactor, Thomas Bradley, the man who built this building in which we are meeting tonight, was president of the New York Knife Company. Walden High School's athletic teams used the jackknife logo. No self respecting Waldenite would be caught dead without a locally made knife in his pocket. Now, what am I suggesting to give Walden the identity and vitality to bring the people and fill the store fronts? No, not a knife factory, but close! - a museum of the cutlery trade - a tribute to our glorious past! The Historical Society has an unsurpassed and priceless pocket knife collection for starters and who knows what would come out of the woodwork once the ball gets rolling. Of course it will be costly but money has been raised for far less noteworthy historical preservation projects. Perhaps a grant writer could justify reviving a heritage and rescuing a community. Schrade Cutlery might even be supportive if they are approached while a former Waldenite is still at the helm. Where, you might wonder, would this dynamic tourist attraction be located? Right by the upper falls where the largest of Walden's knife companies formerly stood. Now, before work on the upper bridge starts, eminent domain proceedings should be instituted to reclaim the existing two properties nearest the bridge. Their construction should have never been allowed in the first place. Perhaps one of the reniaining two buUdings, the industrMstmcture on lower Orchard Street that has a magnificent view of the dam and the upper river, could be acquired. It once contained, I believe, the executive offices of the New York Knife Company. I envision even a working museum where water power could be harnessed to turn grinding wheels and a skeleton crew of cutlers could assemble Walden knives, or Schrade, as the case may be, for sale on the premises - much the same as the operation at the Coming Glass museum in Elmira. Such a project will reveal the beauty and the power of the upper falls - the magnet that brought the mills and factories to Walden in the first place. It's a complicated and expensive proposal but one that Walden richly deserves. Thinking big is the only way to secure Walden's future. For those of you who have been entrusted with Walden's destiny, "Knife Town of America" could be the ultimate answer. THE VILLAGE OF WALDEN

Pursuant to Section 5-2.of Chapter 5 of the Code of the Village of Walden, this is to. certify that today I personally delivered the attached notice to the Members of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden, or to some person of suitable age and discretion, at their residence. In .addition, the attached was faxed to die Wallkill Valley Times and the Times Herald Record, and;posted in the Municipal Building on the bulletin board outside the Village Clerk's office and outside the Police Department, . .

• '" '.' •'•',' ' ' ; . ' • This proof should be made part of the minutes of the special meeting.

Receipt of Notice of Special Meetin Mayor Rocco Pellegriho.(4 Harvard Drive) Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop (83 Hill Street) Trustee Mary .Jean Norman (211 Cliff Street) Trustee Conrad Flickenschild (6 Linden Dr.) Trustee Richard Hurd (59 Wileman Ave!) trustee Bill Meisel (88 Orange Avp.) Trustee Craig Maslik (109 East Ave.)

NancAMitchell, Village\Cler ' Date: August 27,2001

•ON.E MUNICIPAL SQUARE. | WALDEN, NEW-YORK 12586 | 845.778.2177 I FAX: 845.778.2170 THE VILLAGE OF W&LDEN

Per Cnapter F/ye of fne Code of tne V?//age of We/den, *ve are ca///ng a spec/a/ meetmg of tne Board of Trustees for Wednesday; dugusf 29, 200f at 6;00 P.M. Meeting will convene at the Village Manager's Office, One Municipal Square, Walden, New York. AGENDA 1. Resolution No. 5-01-02, Authorization to File an Application for Funds From the Hudson River Valley Greenway Act

Please call Village Clerk, Nancy Mitchell if you are unable to attend this meeting. Very truly yours,

Date: August 27,2001


Mayor Rocco Pellegrino called the special meeting of the Village of Walden Board of Trustees to order at 6:00 P.M.

On roll call Mayor Rocco Pellegrino, Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop, Trustees Mary Jean Norman, Richard Hurd and Conrad Flickenschild were present. Trustee Craig Maslik was absent and later present. Trustee Meisel was absent. Deputy Village Manager Steve Neuhaus and Village Clerk Nancy Mitchell was also present.

Resolution No. 5-01-02 Authorization to File an Application for Funds from the Hudson River Valley Greenway Act Trustee Hurd moved to adopt Resolution No. 5-01-02, Authorization to File an Application for Funds from the Hudson River Valley Greenway Act, (attached). Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Resolution adopted.


Trustee Hurd moved to adjourn. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted,

Vilage Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 5-01-02


Resolved, that James C. Politi, Village Manager is hereby authorized and directed to file an application for funds from the Hudson River Valley Greenway in accordance with the provisions of title 3 of the Clean Water/Clean Air Bond Act and/or the Hudson River Valley Greenway Act (Article 44, Environmental Conservation Law) for the Walden Trails Connection in an amount not to exceed $75,000, and upon approval of said request the Mayor is hereby authorized to enter into and execute a project agreement with the Hudson River Valley Greenway for such financial assistance to this municipality.

Motion made to adopt by Trustee Hurd and seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted on August 29*\ 2001 after a vote of 5 ayes and 0 nays with 0 abstentions.

The foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Village of Walden Board of Trustees at a special meeting held on August 29*, 2001. Public notice was given and the meeting was conducted in full compliance with the New York State Open Meetings Law (Public Officers Law, Sections 100-111). Minutes of the meeting will be available as required by law. THE VILLAGE OF WALDEN

Per Chapter F/ve of (he Code of (he V7//age of Wa/den, ive are ca//mg a spec/a/ meef/ng of (he Board of Trustees for Tuesday, 4ugusf 2f, 200Y af 5;30 P.M. Meeting will convene at the Village Manager's Office, One Municipal Square, Walden, New York. AGENDA 1. Resolution No. 4-01-02, 50?52 South Montgomery Street 2. Resolution No. 3-01-02, Request for Designation of the Village of Walden As a Greenway Community 3. Audited Bills 4. M.V.P Sports Bar Restaurant Waiver.

Please call Village Clerk* Nancy Mitchell if you are unable to attend this meeting. ' ' * '•','.-. Very truly yours,

oy WfVkoop, aputy Village

Mary JeawNq/man, Truste Date: August 17,2001


Pursuant to Section 5-2 of Chapter 5 of'the Code of the Village of Walden, this is to certify that today I personally delivered the attached notice to the Members^ of the Board of . . Trustees of the Village of Walden, or. to some person of suitable age and discretion, at their residence: In addition, the attached was faxed to the. Wallkill. Valley Times and the Times Herald Record, and posted in the Municipal Building on the bulletin board outside the Village Clerk's office and outside the Police Department. , ... •'. • ' ' ' • . ^ ' . "This proof should be made part of the minutes of the special.meeting.

Receipt of Notice of SpecialJSleetin Mayor Rbcco Pellegrino (4 Harvard Drivd)

.Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkopp (83 Hill Street)

Trustee Mary Jean Norman (211 Cliff Street) . Trustee Conrad Flickenschild (6 Linden Dr.)' Trustee Richard Hurd (59 Wileman Ave/.)

Trustee Bill Meisel (88 Orange Ave.) ,

Trustee Craig Maslik (109J^Ave^

Date: August 17,2001


Mayor Rocco Pellegrino called the Village of Walden Board of Trustees special meeting to order at 5:30 P.M.

On roll call Mayor Rocco Pellegrino, Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop, Trustees Mary Jean Norman, Bill Meisel, Richard Hurd and Conrad Flickenschild were present. Trustee Maslik was absent and later present. Village Manager James Politi, Village Clerk Nancy Mitchell and Village Attorney Kevin Dowd were also present.

Resolution No. 4-01-02, Declaring a Certain Building Located at 50-52 South Montgomery Street in the Village of Walden to be an "Unsafe Building" as Defined in Section 63-2 of the Village Code, Ordering Such Building to be Repaired and Further Ordering a Public Hearing to be Held. Trustee Norman moved to adopt Resolution No. 4-01-02, Declaring a Certain Building Located at 50-52 South Montgomery Street in the Village off Walden to be an "Unsafe Building" as Defined in Section 63-2 of the Village Code, Ordering Such Building to be Repaired and Further Ordering a Public Hearing to be Held, (attached). Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Resolution adopted

Resolution No. 3-01-02, Request for Designation of the Village of Walden as a Greenway Community On motion by Trustee Flickenschild and Seconded by Trustee Hurd to adopt Resolution No. 3-01-02, Request for Designation of the Village of Walden as a Greenway Community, (attached). All ayes. Resolution adopted.

Audited Bills

Trustee Norman moved to pay the audited bills of August 21,2001. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Motion carried.

M.V.P. Sports Bar Restaurant (Sweeney's) Request

Trustee Flickenschild moved to approve the request of^Gary Sweeney, M.V.P. Sports Bar Restaurant to waive the thirty (30) day notification requirement prior to making application to the state liquor authority. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried. Adjournment Trustee Meisel moved to adjourn for attorney/client discussion. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Motion carried. Respectfully subrfliRSd?

tchell Village Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 4-01-02


WHEREAS, by report dated August 13, 2001, the Village Building Inspector advised this Board that a building located at 50-52 South Montgomery Street, Walden, New York, was in a state of disrepair and in violation of several provisions of the Village Building Code; and WHEREAS, the condition of said building has deteriorated to the point where said building constitutes a danger to the health, safety and welfare of the public as well as to the tenants who presently occupy it; and WHEREAS, Chapter 63 of the Village Code provides a procedure for the Village to order the repair of "unsafe buildings" within the Village at the sole expense of the owners of said buildings and, failing action by the owners,

t?0/Z0'cl E090 S9S SW3 50-52 South Montgomery Street, Walden, New York, is dangerous and unsafe to the public and hereby orders that said building shall be repaired by the owner thereof and, it is

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby orders a hearing to be held before it on September 11 . 2001 at 6:30 p.m. at the village office*, One Municipal Square, Walden, New York, to determine whether the order to repair the building located at 50- 52 South Montgomery Street, Walden, New York shall be affirmed, modified or vacated and, it is

FURTHER RESOLVED, that said hearing shall be held upon at least five (5) days notice to the owner of said building or persons having an interest therein.

Upon a motion made by Trustee Norman seconded by Trustee Hurd , the resolution was adopted as follows:

Rocco Pellegrino, Mayor Roy Wynkoop, Trustee Mary Jean Norman, Trustee Richard Hurd, Trustee William Meisel, Trustee Craig Maslik, Trustee Conrad Flickenchild, Trustee

DATED: August 21, 2001 Walden, New York

E090 S9S t?0'd "TW101

The (oTegoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by (he Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden at a special meeting held on August 21,2001. Public notice wo$ given and the meeting wus conducted in full compliance with (be New Yodc State Open Meeting Low (Public Officer: Law, Sections 100-111) Minutes of the meeting will be available us required by the Act


E090 S9S RESOLUTION NO. 3-01-02


WHEREAS, the Hudson River Valley Greenway Act, (hereinafter, the "Greenway Act") Chapter 748 of the Laws of 1991, has as a legislative goal the establishment of the Greenway Compact, a process for voluntary regional cooperation and decision-making among the communities of the Hudson River Valley, and

WHEREAS, the process and programs that will comprise the Compact are under development, and

WHEREAS, communities may participate in the initiation and implementation of the compact process, and

WHEREAS, the Village of Walden is situated in the Greenway area as it was officially designated in the Greenway Act, and

WHEREAS, the Greenway Act permits the Hudson River Valley Greenway Communities Council (hereinafter the "Council"), and the Greenway Conservancy for the Hudson River Valley, Inc. (hereinafter the "Conservancy") to assist communities in developing local planning and projects related to the five criteria contained in the Greenway Act: natural and cultural resource protection, regional planning, economic development (including tourism, agriculture and urban redevelopment), enhancing public access to the Hudson River and heritage and environmental education, and

WHEREAS, communities can become eligible to receive technical and financial assistance from the Greenway, and

WHEREAS, community participation in the Greenway planning process is voluntary, and

WHEREAS, the Greenway Act does not supersede or change the powers that the State has previously granted municipal governments under the New York Stare Constitution, the Municipal Home Rule Law or pursuant to the various municipal .enabling acts, and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: The Village of Walden Board of Trustee supports the criteria contained in the Greenway Act and the process by which the Compact will be achieved, and the Village of Walden Board of Trustees endorses the designation of the Village of Walden by the Greenway Council and Conservancy as


rut \ jXiA^^



The foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Village of Walden Board of Trustees at a regular meting held QjLy \yA\l , 2001. Public notice was given and the meeting was conduced in full compliance(w^h the New York State Open Meetings Law (Public Officers Law, Sections 100-111). Minutes of the meeting will be available as required by law. MILAGE OF WALDEN ABSTRACT OF AUDITED VOUCHERS

* AUGUST 21,2001

General Fund $ 10,156.41 Water Fund $ 478.27 Sewer Fund $ 1,142.90 Abstract of Audited Vouchers clai: claiaant accornt asouni:

AMERICAN ALARM 1620.440-A 187.50 vsidor total: 187.50 1901 claia nucber total: 187.50 1902 AMTHB'S WELDING SERVICE 1640.412-A 118.7E 42.80 vender total: 1902 clain nuaber total: 1903 CHAI^iCN SUPPLIES.INC. 1640.490-A 181.02 1903 claii; nuc-csr total: lv# CHA)?'ICN SL'/FtlEE.DiC. 1640.49(!-A

i?C5 C^LES B hEhh'L 1410.406-A 1620.440-s vencor "Otai:

^117 '^r ^1, 1906 Ci-ZSTIF. V.^iLE:' ESUIP. 71i0.44?-A v=nd-:-r %-tal: 1?C6 claiu nuaer total: •907 'UsN LAKES INC 7M0.453-A 2.600.00 vendor total: 2.600.00 1907 claia nuaber total: 2.600.00 1908 CEFFEE SYSTEM i? TrE 1640.44(Mi 39.20 vendor total: 3?.20 19C8 Llaia nuzber total: 39.20 1909 EMPIRE STATE LL?RI'ZANT !6v).410-A 298.30 vendor to:al: 298.GO i909 -:lai2 nueber total: 298.80 19tO E.TETZ & S'J%.I!4C. S140.401-A vendor t^tal: 3.05.C3 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claiz ciaiaant account aaount

3JVIRDNMENTAL PAPER 1620.440-A 195.75 3122.401-A 29.10 vendor total: 224.85

1911 ciaia nuaber total: 224.85

1912 DRRKE.SDMMER3.LuES, P.C. 1420.401-A 212.45 vendor total: 212.45

1912 claim nuiber total: 212.45

1913 FEDERAL BLOCK CORF. 5110.490-A 347.10 vendor total: .147.10

1913 claia nuzber total: 347.10

!?14 H02EECN FARMS 7110.491-A 63.75 vsndor total: 63.75

1914 :l=ia nuzbsr t;tal: 63.75

If!5 NY3 A5S[-'] CITY VLG Q.ERK i410.454-A 15.00 vc- t- :500

W5 NYC CITY/CCUmY KENT A5EGCIAT 1E30.460-A 250.CO vendor total: E:0.00

1916 claim nuzbsr total: S50.GO

19!?m'SEG • 1640.47M 17.09 51S2.471-A 7.22 vendor total: 24.91

1917 daiz nuaber total: 24.91

1918 P & P QUICK PRINTING 1410.405-A 77.96 3122.401-A 23.E6 vendor total: 116.76

1916 cisiz nuzbsr tc-Tai: 116.76

1919 ORANSE C2JNTY 2L?T AS5CCIATIQ 1490.430-A 30.00 vsndrr tc-t;l: 30.00

1919 :laia nusber total: 30.00

1920 PLAZA MATERIALS CCKPAHY 5110.490-A !:2.51 vendor total: 132.51

klaia nuscsr tatal: 132.51 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account aaount

4& RALPH CfERHAN CO.. INC. 1640.490-A 32.99 ^ 5110.441-A 37.21 vendor btal: 70.20

1921 claia nuaber total: 70.20

•9EE THstwAY EHCfPING CEriTER 16E0.431-A 10.72 1640.4904) 18.94 31S2.401-A 28.08 7110.45M 23.65 7110.45344 46.89 7110.491-A 27.77 7180.401-A 2.29 ?=ndor total: -63.34

I.;;; .;.:. ....^.. \-t--. 16E-.34

!?24 Ti-i'UWAY EFifJING GuODS 164tj.435*s 2:9.70

. i?24 ciaii nusbsr total: dl'V.W

1?E5 HARWI'l VflU/ TZLEPH'JsE 1410.40S-A 59.55 ^;n:;T ?o?ai: ;?.az-

^&.:lai3 nu=b=r total: 59.65

1926 WEI?ERT-T-SfiIRT.l-JC. 7310.415-A 857.50 vsndor total: 857.50

1926 :i;ia nuaber total: 557.50

•92? H-ihUWAY EHCFPIKG CEffilR 7110.451-A 34.94 vendor total: 34.94

1927 clils -iuzc=r total: 34.94

fund total: Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account aaount

I THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 8340.433-F 31.34 vendor total: 31.34

1923 claim nuaber total: 31.34 1?2S SCHCNSTEDT I^TRLTZNT CO. 8340.433-F 446.93 vendor total: 446.93

1928 clsi3 nuzbsr total: 446.93

fund total: 478.27 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account asount

NEHBURGH WINTER 8130.401-G 122.90 vendor total: 122.90 1929 claianuaber total: 122.90 1720 r-EUkN

fund total: 1.142.90 OG/22/01 15:00 JUDY csgs: ' Village of Walden fund account "secristion debit credit A ssnsral ^M0.460-A Education 250.00 ^W0.405-A Printing 77.96 1410.406-A Postage 55.90 1410.408-s Telshone 59.85 !4!').4$4-A Muriiriaal Duss 35.00 14B).401-A 1490.43M Travel 10.00 !620.440-A j'jilding Maintenance 7:3.2: 1640.410-A Gas. Oil. Lube E9S.SO 1640.412-A Truck Maintenance HP?? 1,440.435-A Clothing 25?. ?0 !i40.4?H Suildino Maintsnanc: ]?.E? (640.471-S Eiectriciiv ?7f.C 1640.490-A Other Sateri3!«;'S25:i2- 31=2.4014 [ffics Excsr." !?:.?3 5110.441-A Ssall T?;3s 27. El I'lK^H Str==: Light:*: :; 7110.449-A Latm Mower Reaair: "•" '" 711'%453-A Park Maint=r,ancs-Malden "rk E.;46.E? 7:10.491-A Bsautification -6.52 71SO.W1-K Miscellaneous SusC'lies 7310.415-A apscial Events 557.50 ^&i.401-A Othsr Material and Supaliss 3.058.CO A ^?al csneral 10.156.4! F water r totai water S xMsr 8130.401-3 Material and Su VILLAGE OF WALDEN ABSTRACT OF AUDITED VOUCHERS AUGUST BILL LIST - AUGUST 21,2001



DATE: Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden Regular Meeting Tuesday, August 14,2001 at 6:30p.m. One Municipal Square The Agenda

1. Call to order / Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes 1. Meetings of July 24,2001 and August 1,2001 4. Public Hearing - Introduction of Local Law No. 1-2 of 2001, "Zoning" Outdoor Caf6 5. Public Comment - Agenda Action Items Only 6. Business of the Board of Trustees a. Action Items 1. Payment of Audited Bills 2. Set Date and Time for Public Hearing for Introductory Local Law 1-1, Retail Use in B-4 Zoning 3. Route 52 Bridge Replacement Utility Work Agreement Resolution No.2-01-02 4. Authorization to Award 2001-2002 Street Reconstruction Project Work to Sun-up Enterprises 5. Authorization to Award 2001-2002 Curb Reconstruction Project Work to Geneva Granite b. Informational 1. NYS Route 208 Paving Project Report 2. A. Sorensen Associates Report 3. Joint Board (Village Trustees, Planning & Zoning Members) Committee Report 4. Inflow & Infiltration Study: Village Sanitary Sewer Collection System c. Correspondence 1. Misc. Correspondence Received d. Discussion Items 1. 50-52 South Montgomery Street - Building Inspector's Report 2. Karl Wilkinson - Utopian Place Construction Request 3. Streamside Subdivision Water & Sewer Fees 7. Public Comment 8. Miscellaneous Comments by Board Members 9. Executive Session(s) 10. Adjournment VILLAGE OF WALDEN BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING AUGUST 14,2001

Mayor Rocco Pellegrino called the regular meeting of the Village of Walden Board of Trustees to order at 6:30 P.M. On roll call Mayor Rocco Pellegrino, Trustees Richard Hurd, Mary Jean Norman, Bill Meisel, Conrad Flickenschild and Craig Maslik were present. Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop was absent. Village Manager James Politi, Village Clerk Nancy Mitchell, Village Attorney Kevin Dowd and Building Inspector Dean Stickles were also present. Approval of Minutes Trustee Flickenschild moved to adopt the minutes of July 24"* and August 1", 2001. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried.

Public Hearing - Introductory Local Law 1-2 of 2001, "Zoning", Outdoor Caf6* Mayor Pellegrino presented the affidavit of publication, affidavit of posting notice and notice of hearing ,which was read by the Mayor. Lori Keator, 29 Rifton Place indicated that last week at the Planning Board meeting Member DeJesus and other board members asked about extending the hours for outdoor cafes from 9pm until 10pm. She asked if that could be done on a trial basis? Mayor Pellegrino advised Mrs. Keator that it could be per applicant.

Trustee Flickenschild stated that the Board received a letter from the Chairman of the Planning Board stating that the Planning Board accepted the local law as written and if they accept what's written why would the Village entertain additional motions from Mr. DeJesus. He further stated that every issue that was brought up in Mr. DeJesus's letter was addressed in the local law.

Trustee Hurd indicated that he liked the application because you can truly see the intent of the law and parameters.

Trustee Hurd moved to close the public hearing. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Public hearing closed.

Trustee Flickenschild moved to declare this a type one action and a negative declaration Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting August 14, 2001 under SEQRA. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried. Trustee Flickenschild moved to adopt Introductory Local Law 1-2 as Local Law 2 of 2001, "Zoning." Seconded by Trustee Meisel. All ayes. Local law adopted. Public Comment - Agenda Items Becky Pearson, 167 Walnut Street asked for an explanation of Introductory Local Law I- 1, Retail Use in a B-4 Zone. Manager Politi explained that the Board would be setting a time a date for the public hearing.

Audited Bills Trustee Norman moved to pay the audited bills of August 14,2001. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Motion carried.

Introductory Local law 1-1 of 2001, "Zoning" Trustee Hurd moved to hold a public hearing on Introductory Local Law 1-1 of 2001, "Zoning" on September 11,2001 at 6:45 P.M. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Motion carried.

Resolution No. 2-01-02-Route 52 Bridge Replacement Utility Work Agreement Trustee Hurd moved to adopt Resolution No. 2-01-02, Route 52 Bridge Replacement Utility Work Agreement, (attached). Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Resolution adopted. 2001-2002 Street Reconstruction Project Work

Trustee Hurd moved to award the 2001-2002 street reconstruction project work to Sun- Up Enterprises for sidewalks and rehab of the streets. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried.

2001-2002 Curb Reconstruction Project Work

Trustee Flickenschild asked why the village was going through the expense of granite curbs? Page-2- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting August 14,2001 Manager Politi explained that granite curbs were part of a capital project prior to him becoming manager. If you were to put in concrete curbs and you went by the book its $16.00 per foot. Granite curbs came in at $15.00 and change. The life span of granite over concrete is double. Trustee Flickenschild moved to award the 2001-2002 curb reconstruction project work to Geneva Granite. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Motion carried.

NYS Route 208 Paving Project Report Manager Politi informed the board that New York State Department of Transportation is paving Route 208.

A. Sorensen Associates Report Manager Politi met with Mr. Sorensen and he is out there doing quite a bit of work. He asked the Board members if they had any questions about the survey Mr. Sorensen did? Joint Board Meeting Manager Politi informed the Board that the joint board meeting was held on August 1, 2001 and he is waiting for the minutes.

Inflow & Infiltration Study Trustee Meisel stated that he is looking for a map on this to further understand the study. The manager indicated that he will get maps for the board. Correspondence

Mayor Pellegrino informed the Board that a letter was received from the Walden Jewish Community Center expressing their appreciation for the use of the James Olley Park for their moving up breakfast.

Correspondence was also received from the Girl Scout Cabin regarding the improvements that were done.

50-52 South Montgomery Street

Page-3- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting August 14, 2001 Dean Stickles, Building Inspector stated that he gave the Board a copy of the report on four of the eight apartments he went into. One tenant would not let him in, one tenant was not home and two tenants he hasn't been able to contact. He went in to inspect on July 20'\ 2001. A letter was sent, certified and regular mail, to the owners. He has not received the return receipt or any other correspondence back. He's been back to the house several times and no one is working on the house. Other then the lawn being mowed nothing has been done. He would like to bring the owner before the board under the unsafe buildings chapter of the Village code.

Mr. Dowd explained that the Board would first adopt a resolution declaring the building unsafe and list why it's unsafe and determine if they want to knock down the building or have it repaired. That resolution would then be sent to the owners giving them the ability to appeal back to this board from the findings that it's unsafe. Your next meeting you'll have a hearing where the owners come in and say whether they agree or disagree and why they agree or disagree with the findings, and what they are going to do about it, if anything. If the Board gets no response you would then confirm your findings of an unsafe building and order it repaired within a specific period of time and if it's not repaired in that specific period of time then the village has the right to repair it and charge it back against the property owners. Trustee Flickenschild asked if the board declares the building unsafe, how soon do the tenants have to be out? Mr. Dowd stated that there is a provision under the State Building and Fire Code, if the building inspector believes that this building is uninhabitable right now, he has the power under the state codes to shut them down. However, it's better to have this board make that determination because then you have a remedy as well. The remedy is, it's unsafe, you're giving them due process rights to come back and say why we're mistaken or what they are going to do to fix this situation. If they don't do that, or you're not satisfied with their explanation you then declare it unsafe, you then empower him to do whatever it takes to shut it down or fix it. Trustee Meisel asked, with our building inspector and his professional opinion, explaining things are dangerous here, does this increase the village's liability to permit this to go on through this procedure or should some other action be taken to litigate our liability?

Mr. Dowd explained that the open liability rests with the owner's of the property, the landlords. They are the ones that have been put on notice that there are problems.

The Village Attorney further indicated he will draw up a resolution and suggested the board move on this as quickly as possible. Page-4- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting August 14,2001

Trustee Maslik asked if all the apartments at 50-52 South Montgomery Street are legal apartments? Building Inspector, Dean Stickles advised that he will check his records. Trustee Maslik also stated that previously the board discussed having landlords register their apartments. That way there would be documentation of what's out there. Mayor Pellegrino suggested the discussion of registering apartments be put on a work session. Trustee Hurd moved to hold a special meeting for 50-52 South Montgomery Street on Tuesday, August.21,2001 at 5:30 P.M. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried.

Utopian Place Construction Request Manager Politi indicated that Mr. Wilkinson asked him to bring up the possibility of the village seeing through the construction of the undeveloped portion of Utopian Place. The hardest part of the whole project is getting the whole neighborhood to agree. Mr. Wilkinson advised that's been done.

Manager Politi asked if Mr. Wilkinson had anything current? Mr. Wilkinson stated that he's waiting for Mr. Dowd to prepare some kind of petition so he could have everyone sign it. Manager Politi stated that Mr. Wilkinson was going to have a petition done by his attorney and bring it to the village for review. Mr. Wilkinson stated that he already did that. He's been waiting for the village to review the petition.

Mr. Dowd stated that the form is fine, but you have to know the length of the road, and the cost. You have to know what each property owner is going to be assessed.

Mr. Wilkinson informed the board that the homeowners he spoke to were willing to pay the additional taxes. Page-5- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting August 14, 2001

Trustee Meisel stated that all the way back to Managers' Dwyer, Kelly and Hernandez, each one was looking for a detailed estimated cost. We've yet to see one. Trustee Flickenschild asked for a proposal from Mr. Wilkinson as to the cost of the improvement, and how big the lots are. Mr. Wilkinson stated that the village is getting twelve taxable properties. Trustee Flickenschild stated that the lots aren't large enough to build on. Trustee Flickenschild asked to have this subject put on a work session to further discuss this. Trustee Meisel asked that all interested parties be at the meeting and anybody that isn't here the board will assume they're not interested.

Streamside Subdivision Water & Sewer Fees Trustee Hurd stated that the board established those fees based on what they felt was a good faith estimate of our true cost for a water and sewer tap. He could go along with it since it was one tapping fee for the multi unit, but those nine separate home, he feels the village should counter it, our fee of $2500 for each one, because we're going to look at each one.

Trustee Maslik stated that it should be all or nothing.

The Board requested to adjourn the meeting for attorney/client privileges to discuss this subject.

Public Portion Mary Huber asked for a copy of the building inspector's report on 50-52 South Montgomery Street. She further asked about the procedures for condemning the property.

Jessica Metzger, 86 Wait Street stated that it was not too long ago there was a fire at 50- 52 S. Montgomery Street

Paul Pullar stated that there were several fire calls there. They generally call the building inspector after a fire. That was a chimney fire. There's been no structural damage.

Page-6- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting August 14,2001 Kevin Findley stated that the village hired Mr. Sorensen to do grants and he understands there are some Greenway grants available at the county level. Has the board directed the grant writer to apply for those grants? Trustee Flickenschild stated that Mr. Sorensen is aware of those grants and John Cappello called him on two different occasions to ask if that had been done. Paul Pullar stated that on behalf of the Walden Fire Department he'd like to thank the Board for pushing the issue of 50-52 South Montgomery Street. The fire department feels it's a very dangerous building.

Trustee Meisel suggested that the fire department be trained by the building inspector that when they are at a fire they could recognize building violations and come back and give a deposition to the building inspector. The building inspector could go to the judge and get a search warrant and go into the building and take action. He asked if there was some way to strengthen this and get it across to the firemen? Mr. Pullar stated that the company does have people with code enforcement training. He will bring that suggestion back to the chief.

Julie Bagnarol, 84 Orange Avenue asked about the blacktop in front of her house, from the sidewalk down its an eight inch gully. Also, her water shut off is sticking up.

Lori Keator, 29 Rifton Place brought up the following concerns: Municipal Square and Orchard Street needs more period style garbage cans; there's a car that constantly parks in front of the fire hydrant on Orchard Street and its hard to see to pull out; the parking spot on Main Street, Millspaugh's side, during rush hour its hard to get through there; she's had a request from some elderly people that the police patrol all village streets at varying times during the day; by- weekly pick-up of garbage for the seniors, and vacation pick-up for seniors. She further asked if the Eickler pool came down, it was suppose to? Also, the house at 11 Pleasant Avenue, is anything going on?

Manager Politi advised Mrs. Keator that the village is working on it.

Mrs. Keator further asked if the House of Heros building was allowed to be a residence now?

She was advised that it is allowed to be a residence.

Mrs. Keator asked if the village was working with DOT to omit the left hand turn at the Page-7- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting August 14,2001 McKinley monument? Ethel Eckert, 17 South Montgomery Street stated that regarding 25 South Montgomery Street, she's been to the zoning board meeting. They have junk under the porch. She has pictures where they've had two electric meters and now there is one, because they say it's a one family dwelling. When the owner comes up for the weekend he uses a generator. The sidewalk is in bad shape. You can't walk in front of the house. She doesn't know if he has a C.O., but he has about ten people living in there. Trustee Norman stated that Mrs. Eckert invited her to see the back of this property and she doesn't understand how the village allows that. Mrs. Eckert also stated that they also bum, which they say they are cooking for their employees. He has also taken down my fence and I want that replaced. Marguerite Violante, 27 Linden Drive stated that she noticed on her water and sewer bill the charge for inside water is exactly the same as the sewer. In the summer time when she is watering her garden that water does not go into the sewer. She asked why she has to pay for water going into the sewer when it's not going into the sewer? In the town she previously lived in they look at each persons winter bill and for the summer months charge the same rate as the inside water for the winter. Mr. Dowd stated that in the Village Code, water in equals water out and there's no discemable way of measuring people filling pools, etc. How do you measure how much water being used is actually not going into the sewer system.

Trustee Hurd stated that those rates are established to meet the village requirements. The cost to provide water and the cost to take care of the sewerage remains a true cost. We can shift if, but you're still going to pay. Mrs. Eckert asked if the building inspector would be checking on any of her complaints, and is she going to get a fence?

Manager Politi stated that he will speak to the building inspector.

Becky Pearson asked about the grant money from 11-17 Main Street.

Manager Politi stated that there's $800,000, for the original project.

Mrs. Pearson asked if that was transferable to another project? Page-8- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting August 14,2001 Manager Politi stated yes. Mrs. Pearson stated that she has some concern about the parking. She doesn't think it's a good idea to take away from the municipal parking lot. Trustee Flickenschild asked, if the building is sold can the new owner of the building build the identical thing that came before the planning board? Manager Politi stated that the improvements on the building stay. Mr. Dowd informed the board that it would depend upon whether the approvals that expired. If the maps are not signed within a year of the approval then the approval does expire. He thinks the maps were signed. Mrs. Bagnarol asked if anything was going to be done with the empty lot at 11-17 Main Street. Mayor Pellegrino stated that he spoke to Christos Spanos and he is going to do something with the parking spaces and he's going to do something with the side of building and he's putting a fence up. Board Comments Trustee Flickenschild asked if the village could purchase a podium and loud speaker, because he can't hear people when they speak. Trustee Flickenschild also stated that a month and a half ago he attended a seminar on the West Nile Virus and there was to be something added to the storm sewer. He asked if they arrived. Trustee Flickenschild asked about the house at 90 Oak Street, how long does the village allow a house to remain in that deplorable condition before the village condemns it and it's taken down?

The Village Clerk advised the board that there are new owners for that property and they have been cleaning the house out.

Trustee Norman asked about the cutting down of the tress at Riverview Heights? Mayor Pellegrino thanked the Village Manager for finding the money or the ways to get Route 208 paved. Page-9- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting August 14,2001

Adjournment Trustee Norman moved to adjourn for attorney/client discussion. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Page-10- RESOLUTION NO. 2-01-02

ROUTE 52 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT UTILITY WORK AGREEMENT Whereas, by Village resolution dated April 11, 2001, the Village entered into a Utility Work Agreement with the N.Y.S.D.O.T. for NY Route 52 Bridge Replacement / Sanitary Sewer and Waterline Reconstruction, identified as PIN 8021.40.101 at a total estimated cost of $83,600, which will be reimbursed by the State of New York either in full or in part; and Whereas, under date of June 26,2001 , the N.Y.S.D.O.T. submitted a copy of a proposed Agreement in Connection With Cost of Relocating Municipally Owned Facilities Maintained for Public Use in the total amount of $83,600 covering the reimbursable costs of the NY Route 52 Bridge Replacement / Sanitary Sewer and Waterline Reconstruction, identified as P.I.N. 8021.40.101; and, Whereas, James C. Politi, Village Manager, recommend execution of said Agreement; Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the Village Manager, be and he hereby is authorized and directed to forward the original and five copies of the executed Agreement together with five copies of the enabling resolution to Mr. Gerhard L. Wetzel, Jr., Regional Utilities Engineer, Region 8 Office, 4 Burnett Boulevard, Poughkeepsie, New York, 12603. Motion to adopt was made bvTtu^ot, ntO and seconded by The Mayor declared the resolution adopted on August 24.2001 after avote of („ ayes and _d nays with o abstentions.

The foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Village of Walden Board of Trustees at a regular meeting held on August * 4, 2001. Public notice was given and the meeting was conducted in full compliance with the New York State Open Meetings Law (Public Officers Law, Sections 100-111). Minutes of the meeting wilLba-available as required by law. VXL1AGE OF WALDEN ABSTRACT OF AUDITED VOUCHERS

AUGUST 14,2001

General Fond $ 77,269.75 Water Fond $ 8.097.8$ Sewer Fund .$ 17,045.12 August 14, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 1 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claisant account amount

1745 BELL-HERRING, INC. 1640.41 1-A 66.00 vendor total: 66.00 1745 dais nucber total: 66.00 1746 CHAMPION SUPPLIES, INC. 1640.490-A 142.95 vendor total: 142.95 1746 claia number total: 142.95 1747 CHAMPION SUPPLIES, INC. 1640.490-A 445.34 5110.49M 445.34 vendor total: 890.68 1747 claim nuiber total: 890.68 1748 CHAMPION SUPPLIES, INC. 1620.440-A 182.80 vendor total: 182.80 1748 claim nuober total: 182.80 1749 CHAMPION SUPPLIES, INC. 5110.490-A 1,891.25 vendor total: 1,891.25 K49 claia number total: 1,891.25 1750 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS,INC. 1640.412-A 28.30 1640.413-A 29.16 vendor total: 57.46 1750 claim nusber total: 57.46 1751 COFFEE SYSTEM OF THE 1640.440-A 55.85 vendor total: 55.85 1751 claio number total: 55.85 1752 DRAKE,SOMMERS,LOEB, P.C. 1420.411-A 3,891.67 vendor total: 3,891.67 1752 claia number total: 3,891.67 1755 DRAKE,SOMMERS,LOEB, P.C. 1420.401-A 1,040.90 vendor total: 1,040.90 1755 claim number total: 1,040.90 1756 DRAKE,SOMMERS,LOEB, P.C. 1420.401-A 272.00 vendor total: 272.00 Ki6 claim nusber total: 272.00 "Augusn4,"200TVillage of Walden Page: 2 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account aeoimt

!7 DRAKE,SuWZRS,LQEB, P.C. 1420.401-A 336.00 vendor total: 336.00 1757 claia nuaber total: 336.00 1758 DRAKE,SOh?ERS,LOEB, P.C. 1420.401-A 163.20 vendor total: 163.20 1758 claia nuaber total: 163.20 1759 EHRLICH 1640.440-A 30.00 vendor total: 30.00 1759 claia nusber total: 30.00 1760 FEDERAL BLOCK CORP. 8140.401-A 27.75 vendor total: 27.75 1760 claie number total: 27.75 1761 FOSTER & CBPANYIIK. 1640.440-A 67.39 vendor total: 67.39 1761 claia nuaber total: 67.39 K62 FRONTIER COMUNICATIONS 1410.408-A 596.75 1620.408-A 46.66 1640.408-A 239.43 7020.408-A 58.86 vendor total: 941.70 1762 claia nuaber total: 941.70 1763 THYSENKRUPUP ELEVATOR CORP. 1620.497-A 209.92 vendor total: 209.92 1763 claia nuober total: 209.92 1764 THYSNKRUPUP ELEVATOR CORP. 1620.497-A 209.92 vendor total: 209.92 1764 claia nucber total: 209.92 1765 VERIZON WIRELESS 1640.408-A 78.12 vendor total: 78.12 1765 claia nuaber total: 78.12 1766 VERIZON WIRELESS 3620.401-A 34.65 vendor total: 34.65 W&6 claia nuaber total: 34,65 August 14, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 3 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account amount

P67VERIZONHIRELESS 1230.408-A 118.11 vendor total: 118.11 1767 claia number total: 118.11 1768 VERIZON WIRELESS 3122.408-A 56.31 vendor total: 56.31 1768 claia number total: 56.31 1770AGWAY ENERGY PRODUCTS 1640.410-A 380.70 vendor total: 380.70 1770 claim number total: 380.70 1771 WAREX TERMINALS CORP. 1640.410-A 869.90 vendor total: 869.90 1771 claim number total: 869.90 1772 AIRPAGE BEEPER PEOPLE 1490.401-A 11.83 vendor total: 11.83 1772 claim number total: 11.83 P73 AIRPAGE BEEPER PEOPLE 1230.408-A 11.77 vendor total: 11.77 1773 claim number total: 11.77 1774 MONTGOMERY OVERALL SER 1620.440-A 133.75 vendor total: 133.75 1774 claim number total: 133.75 1775 MONTGOMERY OVERALL SER 1620.440-A 107.00 vendor total: 107.00 1775 claim number total: 107.00 1776 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS,IKC. 5110.490-A 29.66 vendor total: 29.66 1776 claim number total: 29.66 1777 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS,INC. 1640.413-A 143.98 vendor total: 143.98 1777 claim number total: 143.98 NALLKILL AUTO SALES 1640.411-A 684.51 vendor total: 684.51 August 14, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 4 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claio claiaant account asount

^M/78 claia nuaber total: 684.51 1779 AL VALK'S GARAGE,LTD. 1640.412-A 60.00 vendor total: 60.00 1779 claia nuaber total: 60.00 1781 HAVE, INC. 1410.401-A 50.00 vendor total: 50.00 1781 claio nuaber total: 50.00 1782 HAVE, INC. 8010.401-A 33.00 vendor total: 33.00 1782 claia number total: 33.00 1783 HAVE, INC. 8020.401-A 33.00 vendor total: 33.00 1783 claia nudier total: 33.00 1784 STEVE NEUHAUS 1490.460-A 496.26 vendor total: 496.26 4&B4 claia nuaber total: 496.26 1785NYSEG 5182.471-A 5,840.48 vendor total: 5,840.48 1785 claio nudier total: 5,840.48 1788NYSEG 7110.471-A 295.77 vendor total: 295.77 1788 claia nuaber total: 295.77 1789NYSEG 1620.471-A 2,408.67 vendor total: 2,408.67 1789 claia nusber total: 2,408.67 1790NYSEG 1640.4714 331.37 vendor total: 331.37 1790 claia nuaber total: 331.37 1791 PINE BUSH EQUIPKNT INC. 1640.413-A 199.12 vendor total: 199.12 d291 claim nucber total: 199.12 August 14, 2001 Villageof Maiden Page: 5 Abstract of Audited Vouchers dale claiaant account aaount *1?92 R.DEE'S AUTO TOPS & TRIM 1640.411-A 80.00 vendor total: 80.00 1792 claia nuaber total: 80.00 1793 SLATER'S POWER EQUIP.INC 1640.413-A 138.00 vendor total: 138.00 1793 claim nueber total: 138.00 1794 SCOTT'S CORNERS PAINT & HARDM 1640.441-A 8.55 8140.401-A 89.76 vendor total: 98.31 1794 claie nuaber total: 98.31 1795 SCOTT'S CORKERS PAINT & HARDM 8140.401-A 39.90 vendor total: 39.90 1795 claia nuaber total: 39.90 1797 ARCH WIRELESS 1640.408-A 8.08 3620.401-A 6.08 vendor total: 14.16 1797 claia nuaber total: 14.16 FRANK E TURNER 1620.440-A 126.00 vendor total: 126.00 1799 claia nuaber total: 126.00 1800 THRUHAY SHIPPING CENTER 5110.490-A 21.79 vendor total: 21.79 1800 claia nueber total: 21.79 1811 WALDEN PLUMBING/HEATING 1620.440-A 75.00 7110.451-A 98.50 vendor total: 173.50 1811 claia nuaber total: 173.50 1812 HALDEN PLUMBING/HEATING 1620.440-A 68.50 vendor total: 68.50 1812 claia nueber total: 68.50 1813 PRICE - RITE RV MALL 1640.412-A 60.00 vendor total: 60.00 6813 claim nuaber total: 60.00 IAugust 14, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 6 j —- , "' "' "' " —"" "'" ' ..*.-«...,..,,,,rT Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account await ^815 CHARLES B IERRILL 1325.401-A 64.80 #^

GALLS INC. 3120.420-A 378.55 3120.480-A 305.94 3123.435-A 286,19 vendor total: 970.68 1828 claia nusber total: ' 970.68 1829 GALLS INC. 3120.480-A 814.87 vendor total: 814.87 1829 claia nuaber total: 814.8? 1830JEFFRYHOLMES 3120.430-A 14.50 3120.460-A 25.89 vendor total: 40.39 1830 claia nuober total: 40.39 1831 WILLIAMSON LAW BOOK 3122.401-A 221.88 vendor total: 221.88 1831 claia number total: 221.88 1832 JIM SMITH CHEVROLET,INC. 1640.411-A 94.63 vendor total: 94.63 ^%32 claim nuaber total: 94.63 1833 ALFI'S UNIFORMS,INC. 3120.435-A 667.85 3121.435-A 469.89 vendor total: 1,137.74 1833 claia nuaber total: 1,137.74 1834 FLEET LEASING CORP 3122.483-A 173.30 vendor total: 173.30 1834 claia nuaber total: 173.30 1835 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 3122.408-A 498.96 vendor total: 498.96 1835 claim number total: 498.96 1836 MOBILE LIFE SUPPORT SERVICES 3120.460-A 760.00 vendor total: 760.00 1836 claia nucber total: 760.00 1837 SNY POLICE JUVENILE 3120.460-A 465.00 vendor total: 465.00 August 14, 2001 Village of Walden Page: 8 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claisant account asount ^^837 claio nuzber total: 465.00 ^838 TMQIWAY SHOPPING CENTER 3122.401-A 78.64 vendor total: 78.64 1838 dais nuaber total: 78.64 1839 THRUWAY SHOPPHB CENTER 3120.420-A 29.90 3120.435-A 44.95 vsidor total: 74.85 1839 claia nuaber total: 74.85 1840 UPPER KST SIDE DELI 3120.433-A 136.25 vendor total: 136,25 1840 claie nuaber total: 136.25 1841 THRUMAY SHOPPING CENTER 7310.414-A 41.03 vendor total: 41.03 1841 claia nuaber total: 41.03 1842 TIC CASTLE F!@l CENTER 7310.434-A 963.00 vendor total: 963.00 ^&42 claia nuAer total: 963.00 1843 CIARDULLO PRINTING 7550.474-A 114.00 vendor total: 114.00 1843 claia nuaber total: 114.00 1844 THRUHAY SHOPPIIB CENTER 7310.414-A 33.25 vendor total: 33.25 1644 claia nuaber total: 33.25 1845 TOWN TINKER TUBING 7310.434-A 466.73 vendor total: 466.73 1845 claia nudier total: 466.73 1846 FUN CENTRAL 7310.434-A 1,015.00 vendor total: 1,015.00 1846 dais nusber total: 1,015.00 184? JACKIE GOLDSTEIN 7310.414-A 30.00 vendor total: 30.00 &S4? claia nueber total: 30.00 August 14, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 9 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claisant account amount 848 FUN STATION USA 7310.434-A 527.00 vendor total: 527.00 1848 claia nuaber total: 527.00 1849 MID-HUDSON ROAD CLUB 7310.415-A 20.00 vendor total: 20.00 1849 claia nuaber total: 20.00 1850 MALDEN SENIOR CITIZEN 7620.453-A 600.00 vendor total: 600.00 1850 claia number total: 600.00 1851 MALLKILL VALLEY TIMS 1410.407-A 164.40 vendor total: 164.40 1851 claia nuaber total: 164.40 1853 ZEP MAKuTACTURING,CO. 1640.490-A 189.74 vendor total: 189.74 1853 claia nudier total: 189.74 1854 US LATEX PRODUCTS 3120.420-A 88.85 vendor total: 88.85 1854 claia nuaber total: 88.85 1855 NYSEG 5182.471-A 37.29 vendor total: 37.29 1855 claia nuaber total: 37.29 1856 THRUHAY SHOPPING CENTER 7110.453-A 99.99 vendor total: 99.99 1856 dais nuaber total: 99.99 1857 VALUATION CQNSULTANTS,INC. 1440.459-A 275.00 vendor total: 275.00 1857 claim nuaber total: 275.00 1858 COFFEE SYSTEM OF THE 1620.440-A 30.40 vendor total: 30.40 1858 claia nuaber total: 30.40 1859HOE-80H - ORANGE LANES 7310.434-A 330.00 vendor total: 330.00 August 14, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 10 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account amount ^^859 claia nudier total: 330.00 ^H860 SHERATON SARATOGA SPRINGS 3120.460-A 480.00 vendor total: 480.00 1860 claia nuober total: 480.00 1861 OR. CO. MUNICIPAL P 8020.484-A 100.00 vendor total: 100.00 1861 claia nudier total: 100.00 1862 LEGAL ADV ATTNPATF 1410.407-A 152.00 vendor total: 152.00 1862 dais nusber total: 152.00 1863 NYS INFERENCE OF MAYORS 1325.460-A 175.00 1410.460-A 175.00 vendor total: 350.00 1863 claie nuaber total: 350.00 1864 MALLKILL VALLEY TIKES 8010.407-A 13.48 vendor total: 13.48 4&64 daia nusber total: 13.48 1865 NYS MAGISTRATES ASSOC 1110.401-A 60.00 vendor total: 60.00 1865 claia nusber total: 60.00 1867 PITNEY BOWES 1410.406-A 144.69 vendor total: 144.69 1867 claia number total: 144.69 1868 COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 9040.800-A 31,505.00 vendor total: 31J505.00 1868 dais nuober total: 31,505,00 1871NYSEG 7110.471-A 641.66 vendor total: 641.66 1871 claia nusber total: 641.66 1410.406-A 1,238.00 vendor total: 1,238.00 1,238.1 August 14, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 11

Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account aaount

aiPRLEGALADV ATTNPATF 1410.407-A 43.44 vendor total: 43.44 1873 claia nusber total: 43.44

1874 WOODARDSCONCRETE PROD 8140.401-A 571.50 vendor total: 571.50

1874 claia nuaber total: 571.50

1875 CARL 0"DELL JR 7110.491-A 42.00 vendor total: 42.00 1875 claia nuaber total: 42.00

1876 ERIN AMHREIN 7310.414-A 72.00 vendor total: 72.00 1876 claia nuaber total: 72.00 1877 KEVIN FALK 7110.491-A 9.00 vendor total: 9.00 1877 claim nuzber total: 9.00

1878 BOTTINI FUEL 7110.433-A 80.57 vendor total: 80.57 1878 claia nuaber total: 80.57 1879 GLOBAL COMPUTER SUPPLIE 3122.201-A 401.26 vendor total: 401.26 1879 claia number total: 401.26 1882 MCGOEY,HAUSER & EDSALL 1440.459-A 2,230.00 vendor total: ' 2,230.00 1882 claio number total: 2,230.00 1883 DICKQVER,DONNELLY,DONQVAN & 1420.401-A 156.75 vendor total: 156.75 1883 claia nuaber total: 156.75 1884 THE DANIELS ABENCY,INC. 1910.400-A 50.00 vendor total: 50.00 1884 claia nuaber total: 50.00 1887 AWESCO REMITTANCE 1640.417-A 40.92 vendor total: 40.92 August 14, 2001 "" Village of Hainan Page: 12 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account aaount J887 claia number total: 40.92 ^889 MICKES LUMBER,CO. 3320.401-A 22.17 vendor total: 22.17 1889 claia number total: 22.17 1890 ORANGE AUTO ELECTRIC 1640.412-A 300.00 vendor fatal: 300.00 1890 claim number total: 300.00 1891 EHRLICH 1640.440-A 13.41 vendor total: 13.41 1891 claia number total: 13.41 1892 ORANGE COUNTY SANITARY LANDFI 8160.401-A 20.80 vendor total: 20.80 1892 claim number total: 20.80 1893 SECURITY DESIGN SERVICES 3122.401-A 306.85 vendor total: 306.85 1893 claia number total: 306.85 894 BUSINESS ELECTRONICS . 3122.483-A 883.50 vendor total: 883.50 1894 claim number total: 883.50 1895 E.A.MORSE & CO.,INC. 1620.431-A 154.81 vendor total: 154.81 1895 claim number total: 154.81 1896 PLAZA MATERIALS COMPANY 5110.490-A 427.78 vendor total: 427.78 1896 claim number total: 427.78 1897 ONTEORA RUNNERS CLUB 7310.415-A 20.00 vendor total: 20.00 1897 claim number total: 20.00 1898 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 7310.414-A 202.69 vendor total: 202.69 1898 claim number total: 202.69 THRUWAY SPORTING GOODS 7310.414-A 132.19 August 14, 2001 Village of Haldsi Page: 13 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claie claiaant account amount vendor total: 132.19 "l899claienuaber total: 132.19 1900 AL VALK'S GARAGE,LTD. 1640.411-A 32.00 vendor total: 32.00 1900 claim number total: 32.00

fund total: 77,269.76 Abstract Distributions 08/14/01 13:05 JUDY page: 1 Village of Walden fund account description debit credit

JV general (M110.401-A Office Expense 60.00 1110.408-A Telephone 65.47 1230.408-A Telephone 129.88 1325.401-A Office Expense 64.80 1325.460-A Education 175.00 1410.401-A Office Expense 102.45 1410.406-A Postage 1,382.69 1410.407-A Advertising 359.84 1410.408-A Telephone 596.75 1410.460-A Education 175.00 1420.401-A Legal Miscellaneous 1,968.85 1420.411-A Legal Retainer 3,891,67 1440.459-A Engineering Miscellaneous 2,505.00 1490.401-A Office Expense 11.83 1490.460-A Education 496.26 1620.408-A Telephone 46.66 1620.431-A Cleaning Supplies 154.81 1620.440-A Building Maintenance 723.45 1620.471-A Electricity 2,408.67 1620.497-A Service Contract 419.84 1640.4084) Telephone 325.63 1640.410-A 6as, Oil, Lube 1,250.60 1640.411-A Auto Maintenance 957.14 1640.412-A Truck Maintenance 448.30 1640.413-A Equipaent Maintenance 510.26 ^M^UiAA 617-A Shop Equipsent Maintenance 40.92 ^B?1640.440-A Building Maintenance 166.65 1640.441-A Saall Tools 8.55 1640.471-A Electricity 331.3? 1640.490-A Other Materials/Supplies 778.03 1910.400-A Unallocated Insurance 50.00 3120.420-A Equipaent 497.30 3120.430-A Travel 14.50 3120.433-A Court/Investigating Services 136.25 3120.435-A Police Uniforss 1,364.78 3120.440-A Equipssnt Maintenance 200.00 3120.460-A Education 1,730.89 3120.480-A Safety l|379.85 3121.435-A Unifora Allotment 469.89 3122.201-A Office Equipsent 401.26 3122.401-A Office Expense 729.54 3122.408-A Telephone 660.28 3122.482-A Coasunications Equipssnt Exp. 347.90 3122.483-A Equipsent Rental 1,056.80 3123.435-A Uniforss 286.19 3Z0.401-A Citations and Supplies 22.17 3620.401-A Office Expense 99.77 5110.49(H) Street Maintenance 3,060.82 5182.471-A Street Lighting 5,877.77 7020.408-A Telephone 58.86 ^^7110.433-A Fuel 80.57 Park Maint-Bradley/Alfred Park 98.50 7110.453-A Park Maintenance-Maiden Park 99.99 Abstract Distributions 08/14/01.13:05 JU|)Y page: Village of Walden fund account description debit credit

7110.471-A Electricity 937.43 a(7110 &91-A Beautification 51.00 ^y 7310.414-A Playground Prograa 511.16 7310.415-A Special Events 40.00 7310.434-A Entertainssnt and Trips 3,301.73 7550.474-A Parades and Celebrations 114.00 7620.453-A Other Rental Charges 600.00 8010.401-A Office Expense 33.00 8010.407-A Advertising 13.48 8020.401-A Office Expense 33.00 8020.484-A Municipal Dues 100.00 8140.401-A Other Material and Supplies 728.91 8160.401-A Miscellaneous Office 20.80 9040.800-A worker's Coapensation 31,505.00 A total general 77,269.76 .

F water 8310.408-F Telephone 334.54 8310.493-F Legal Fees 486.00 8310.495-F Engineering 55.00 8320.459-F Miscellaneous Testing Services 250.00 8320.463-F Purification Cheaicals 397.35 8Z0.471-F Power for Utilities 3,069.62 8340.206-F Mater Meter Repair Parts 1,650.09 6340.433-F Material and Supolies 119.44 8340.435-F Uniforas 98.85 gIL9340 459*f Miscellaneous Services 136.96 "9040.800-F workers Compensation 1,500.00 F total water 8,097.85 ^ G sewer 8110.408-6 Telephone 187.24 8110.459-6 Other Misc. Services 330.00 8110.460-6 Education 25.00 8110.493-6 Legal Fees 486.00 8120.471-6 Power for Utilities 1,244.90 8130.401-6 Material and Supplies 113.74 8130.440-6 Sewer Maintenance 616.37 8130.458-6 Landfill 2,257.64 8130.465-6 Cheaicals 933.50 8130.471-G Power for Utilities 1,850.73 8130.473-6 Peraits 7,500.00 9040.800-6 worker's Cospensation 1,500.00 G total sewer 17,0 August 14, 2001 Village of Walden Page: 14 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account asount j^=r ^753 DRAKE,S(MIERS,LDEB, P.C. 8310.493-F 486.00 vendor total: 486.00 1753 claia nudier total: 486.00 1780 JO JOGS OEMICALS 8320.463-F 397.35 vendor total: 397.35 1780 claia wisher total: 397.35 1786NYSEG B320.471-F 2,441.19 vendor total: 2,441.19 1786 claia nueber total: 2,441.19 1798 ARCH WIRELESS 8310.408-F 12.28 vendor total: 12.28 1798 claia nuaber total: 12.28 1804 INVENSYS PETERINB SYSTEM 8340.206-F 1,650.09 vendor total: 1,650.09 18% claia nuober total: 1,650.09 Ws0g^5 FRONTIER CuMKICATIQNS 8310.408-F 138.03 vendor total: 138.03 1805 claia nuaber total: 138.03 1807 C H ENERGY GROUP,INC. 8320.471-F 628.43 vendor total: 628.43 1807 claia nucber total: 628.43 1808 HANDY RENTALL CENTER 8340.459-F 136.96 vendor total: 136.96 1808 claia nuaber total: 136.96 1809 NENBURGH HINWATER 8340.433-F 87.49 vendor total: 87.49 1809 claia mxber total: 87.49 1810 THRUMAY SHFPING CENTER 8340.435-F 98.85 vendor total: 98.85 1810 dais nudier total: 4^16CHARLESBMERRILL 8340.433-F 23.95 August 14, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 15 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account aaount vendor total: 23.95 1816 claia number total: 23.95 1821 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 8310.408-F 184.23 vendor total: 184.23 1821 claia nusber total: 184.23 I866NENBURBHUINWATER 8340.433-F 8.00 vendor total: 8.00 1866 claia nuober total: 8.00 1869 COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 9040.800-F 1,500.00 vendor total: 1,500.00 1869 claia number total: 1,500.00 1881 MCGOEY,HAUSER & EDSALL 8310.495-F 55.00 vendor total: 55.00 1881 claio nucber total: 55.00 1886 00. ANALYTICAL SERVICE 8320.459-F 250.00 vendor total: 250.00 claia number total: 250.00

fund total: 8,097.85 Aigust 14, 2001Village of Maiden Page: 16 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account asount

DRAKE,SuWERS,LOEB, P.C. 8110.493-6 486.00 vendor total: 486.00 1754 claio number total: 486.00 1787NYSEG 8120.471-6 1,244.90 8130.471-6 1J850.73 vendor total: 3,095.63 1787 claia nuaber total: 3,095.63 1796 SCOTT'S CORNERS PAINT & HARDW 8130.401-6 15.90 vendor total: 15.90 1796 claim nuaber total: 15.90 1801 U S A BLUEBOOK 8130.440-G 104.37 vendor total: 104.37 1801 claia number total: 104.37 1802 LAWRENCE LOW ASSOCIATES 8130.440-G 512.00 vendor total: 512.00 claia nudier total: 512.00 1803 DUSO QtMICALS,INC 8130.465-G 933.50 vendor total: 933.50 1803 claia number total: 933.50 1806 FRONTIER QM8MICATIONS 8110.408-6 47.54 vendor total: 47.54 1806 claia nuaber total: 47.54 1814 SPECTRA SERVICES 8130.458-6 2,257.64 vendor total: 2,257.64 1814 claia nuaber total: 2,257.64 1820 FRONTIER QMMIICATIONS 8110.408-6 139.70 vendor total: 139.70 1820 claia nudier total: 139.70 1852 ZEP MANUFACTURINS,CO. 8130.401-6 97.84 vendor total: 97.84 852 claio nueber total: 97.84 August 14, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 17 Abstract of Audited Vouchers dais claiaant account amount ,1870 COMMISSION OF FINANCE 9040.800-6 1,500.00 vendor total: 1,500.00 1870 claim number total: 1,500.00 1880 MCGOEY,HAUSER & EDSALL 8110.459-G 330.00 vendor total: 330.00 1880 claim number total: 330.00 1885 NYS D E C 8130.473-G 7,500.00 vendor total: 7,500.00 1885 claim number total: 7,500.00 "1888 NY RURAL HATER ASSOC. 8110.460-G 25.00 vendor total: 25.00 1888 claim number total: 25.00

fund total: 17,045.12








T & A McGOEY,HAUSER & EDSALL 18,048.00



Per Chapter F/ve of (he Code of (he W//age of Wa/den, *ve are ca///ng a spec/a/ meet/ng of (he Board of Trustees for Wednesday; August f, 200? at 7;00 P.M. Meeting will convene at the Village Manager's Office, One Municipal Square, Walden, New York.

' -. •'. . . \ • •. '• . AGENDA' ",•••. .• v 1. Introductory Local Law I-2 of 2001, "Zoning" 2. Accept Bid for Street Sweeper

Please call Village Clerk, Nancy Mitchell If you are unable to attend this meeting.

Very trulyyours,

, Deput^/illage ManAer

Mary Jeifn NBrman, Trustee DATE: July 2Y, 2001


Mayor Rocco Pellegrino called the special meeting of the Village of Walden Board of Trustees to order at 7:00 P.M. On roll call Mayor Rocco Pellegrino, Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop, Trustees Mary Jean Norman, Richard Hurd, Bill Meisel, Craig Maslik and Conrad Flickenschild were present. Village Manager James Politi, Village Clerk Nancy Mitchell and Village Attorney Kevin Dowd were also present.

INTRODUCTORY LOCAL LAW 1-2 OF 2001 - ZONING Trustee Flickenschild introduced Local Law 1-2 of 2001, A Local Law Amending Chapter 148 of the Code of the Village of Walden Entitled, "Zoning" To Add Outdoor Cafes as an Accessory Use in the Business and Mixed Use Zoning Districts. Trustee Flickenschild moved to hold a public hearing on Introductory Local Law 1-2 of 2001, A Local Law Amending Chapter 148 of the Code of the Village of Walden Entitled, "Zoning" To Add Outdoor Cafes as an Accessory Use in the Business and Mixed Use Zoning Districts, on August 14"* at 6:30 P.M. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried. Trustee Hurd moved to refer Introductory Local Law 1-2 of 2001, "Zoning" to the Planning Board and the Orange County Planning Department. Seconded by Trustee Wynkoop. Trustee Meisel asked why someone that applies for this permit would need insurance, when this would be on their own property? Mr. Dowd advised that he put that in the law only because of the fact that if you're on the edge of the street comer. It's added protection for the Village. The Board can waive it during the permit process.

All ayes. Motion carried Trustee Flickenschild moved to declare the Village of Walden Board of Trustees as lead agency and to declare a Type I action under SEQRA. Seconded by Trustee Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried.

STREET SWEEPER BID Trustee Norman moved to accept the street sweeper bid from Gannon for $ $153,900 with a deduct for trade in of $20,000. Seconded by Trustee Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried. Adjournment Trustee Flickenschild moved to adjourn. Seconded by Trustee Wynkoop. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.

spectfully submitted, THE VILLAGE OF

Pursuant to Section 5-2 of Chapter 5 of the Code of the Village of Walden, this is to certify that today I personally delivered the attached notice to the Members of the Board of Trustees of the Village, of Walden, or to some person of suitable age and discretion, at their residence. In additipn, the attached was faxed to the Wallkill Valley Times .and the Tjmes Herald Record; and posted in the Municipal B.uilding on the bulletin board outside the Village Clerk's office and outside,the Police Department.

This proof should be made part of the minutes of the special meeting. , '

Receipt of Notice of Special Meeting Mayor Rocco Pellegrino (4 Harvard Drive)

Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop (83 Hill Street)

Trustee 'Mary Jean Norman (211 Cliff Street) ^.

Trustee Conrad Flickenschild (6 Linden Dr.) •?

Trustee Richard Hurd (59 Wileman Ave.)

Trustee'-Bill Meisel (88 Orange Ave.)

Trustee, Craig Maslik (109 East Ave.)

.ONE-MUNICIPAL SQUARE I WA1DEN.; NEWYORkk2586 I 845.778.2177 I FAX/845.778.2170 Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden Work Session Meeting Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. One Municipal Square

The Agenda 1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call

3. Approval of Minutes 1: Meeting of July 10"% 2001 4. Public Comment 5. Business of the Board of Trustees

a. 1 : Payment of Audited Bills 2: SEQRA Determination 2001-2002 Road Projects 3 : Bond Resolution - 200 1 -2002 Road Projects 4: Board Authorization of Bid Release for 2001-2002 Road Projects 5: Zoning Amendment/ B-4 Retail, Local Law 1-1 of 2001

1 : Out Door Cafe" Seating 2: Sorensen Planning Services 3 : Walden View Apartments

c. 1 : Meeting with Senator Larkin and Assemblyman Mills 2: Planning and Zoning Minutes 3: Joint Board Committee

6. Executive Session(s) 1 : Attorney/Client Legal Advise, Water/Sewer Hookup Fees

7. Adjournment Board of Trustees Work Session Meeting Tuesday, July 24,2001 at 6:30 p.m.

Mayor Rocco Pellegrino called the work session meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. On roll call Mayor Rocco Pellegrino, Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop, Trustees Mary Jean Norman, Richard Hurd, Bill Meisel, and Conrad Flickenschild were present. Trustee Maslik was absent. Village Manager James Politi, Village Clerk Nancy Mitchell, Village Attorney Kevin Dowd were also present. Approval of Minutes Trustee Norman moved to adopt the minutes of July 10*% 2001. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Minutes adopted. Public Comment

Mary Huber and Mary Pillius spoke to the Board about the living conditions at 50 S. Montgomery Street.

William Kiman, Walker Street stated that he sees there was a caf6 law that came before the Board and he thinks it's become an individual opposition as opposed to possibly something that is for the better good of the village. He feels this can be worked out. He suggested it be kept on private property and contained within an enclosure that was only accessed by the interior of the premises and limited to a time. CafS's are a drawing card to the village. Kevin Findley, Kelmour Street indicated that he is in favor of outdoor cafS law. He doesn't know if a law is required, there is already outdoor seating in the village. He doesn't think it's precluded by the existing laws. Bob Nichol, Harvard Drive stated that outdoor cafe's would bring business into the village.

Tom Newcomb, 89 Liberty Street advised the Board that Mr. Sweeney goes out of his way to beautify his property. He also goes around and picks litter up.

Mrs. Sheeley asked if Mr. Sweeney goes around and cleans up after his patrons at Sheeley's

Page-1- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting July 24,2001

Car Wash?

Chris Ryan, 8 Utopian Place stated that you're not allowed to leave the bar with anything. If there's litter from the bar it has to be minimal. Sweeney's doesn't have canned beer. George Blaison stated that he lives across from Sweeney's and he's seen Mr. Sweeney come across the street to pick up litter. He further stated that the litter comes from when people clean their cars and throw their garbage on the ground.

Mr. Sweeney stated that many people come and use their bathroom facilities, get water, use the phone, etc. He never refuses anyone. A few years ago there was a problem with the noise issue, he went to the ZBA and installed a stockade fence, the one the highway's recommend. He also sat down with the Village Engineer and worked out the plans.

Payment of Audited Bills

Trustee Norman moved to pay the audited bills of July 24, 2001. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Motion carried.

2001-2002 Road Projects Trustee Hurd moved to declare the Village Board lead agency and to declare an unlisted, uncoordinated action under SEQRA. Seconded by Trustee Meisel. All ayes. Motion carried.

Trustee Hurd moved to adopt A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $350,000 Serial Bonds of the Village of Walden, Orange County, New York, to Pay the Cost of the Reconstruction of Streets Throughout and in and for Said Village, (attached). Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Resolution adopted. Trustee Flickenschild moved to authorize the bid release for the 2001-2002 Road Projects. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion earned.

Trustee Norman moved to set the 2001 -2002 Road Projects bid opening for August 10'\ 2001 at 10:00 a.m.. Seconded by Trustee Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried.

Zoning Amendment/ B-4 Retail, Local Law 1-1 of 2001 Trustee Hurd moved to refer Introductory Local Law I-1 of 2001, "Zoning Amendment" to the Planning Board. Seconded by Trustee Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried. Page-2- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting July 24,2001

Sorensen Planning Services Alan Sorensen, Sorenson Planning Services informed the Board that in addition to doing the consulting for the village he also is Sullivan County's Planning Commissioner. The primary function was to work with the village to develop a downtown revitalization strategy and to develop program guidelines, and get them in place to help to encourage economic reinvestment downtown and to also establish new programs to assist businesses. All of those components are things he received authorization from the legislature to work with the Village of Walden to provide those services. The issue of grant procurement is one that, he won't be in the position to have a direct roll in. There are two consultants he worked with previously who have said they would be willing to work with the village in that capacity to provide that assistance to the village.

Trustee Flickenschild stated that at the previous meeting with Mr. Sorensen stated that he did the planning, advising and the grant writing as well. Now when the village is ready to finalize the contract, Mr. Sorensen is not able to do the grant writing. If there was an employment problem he can understand that, because Mr. Sorensen has a full time position representing Sullivan County. If that's what the legislature's told him to do, Trustee Flickenschild would like him to say that is the reason he's not going to do it.

Mr. Sorensen stated that is the reason.

Trustee Flickenschild asked if the costs of these consultants that Mr. Sorensen is aware of are comparable to the costs that Mr. Sorensen proposed for the village or are their costs far greater?

Mr. Sorensen stated that they are comparable.

Trustee Meisel moved to authorize the revised contract with Mr. Sorensen. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Motion carried.

Walden View Apartments

Mr. Gerald Jacobowitz stated that he and Marcia Jacobowitz Paz represents Walden Center Associates which is the 60 unit apartment project on Oak Street. The project was in was built in 1986, 60 units, 32 bedrooms, 17 are low moderate affordable housing units and one is low/low income housing. That means those 18 units can only receive rents that are allowed by the government. Those are tied to medium income and those are generally below market by approximately 30%-40%. At the time of the project the total debt was $2,712,000. The debt now is $1,900,300. None of the partners have taken a penny out of this project in these fifteen years. The property is managed by Marcia Jacobowitz Paz, who is the general partner. She manages it and collects a management fee. Page-3- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting July 24,2001 When the project was done, as a result of the consultation between the engineers and the architects and New York State Electric and Gas they recommended an electric heating system that was a stored energy system and every unit was equipped with a stored energy facility, so that off peak energy was stored and on peak the energy was taken from the storage unit. The idea being that it would bring the cost down. Unfortunately, it didn't work out that way over the years, because that system works best when you have even temperatures, but in the winter at night you don't get anything stored, because they need it all to heat the unit. So, the system became very inefficient. At this point, its fifteen years old and no one makes this any more and the parts are no longer available. That entire heating system must be replaced. The cost to replace it runs $220,000. The work doesn't require any significant renovation. The result of it will be to put the heating systems on gas energy. There is gas right in front of the property, which wasn't there in 1986. The Village of Walden holds the second mortgage for this property. Part of the money came from the federal government, through the Department of Housing and Urban Development as a grant to the Village and the Village lent the money to the project. That money gets paid back over a period of time. The mortgage has to go until 2008. The first mortgage is held by three different banks in a participation and their mortgage goes until 2004. They are willing to finance the $220,000. They need the Village's cooperation to make this happen. What they are requesting from the Village is: 1.) Authorize them to borrow back up to the $1,000,000 from the bank 2.) Extend the maturity to January 1,2010 from December 31, 2008.3.) Approval for the general partner to transfer the general partner interest to a limited liability company. 4.) Approval for the transfer of limited partnership interests among the limited partners. Mr. Dowd stated that he has not discussed this issue with the Board at all. If the original agreement was seven partners and therefore there are seven people who are personally on the hook and seven people who have income that will guarantee that this mortgage will be repaid. Now they want to go from seven to three. The Board feels this is less secure because there are only three people personally liable as opposed to seven and therefore the pool of resource has now dwindled.

Trustee Flickenschild suggested the Board discuss the transfer of the limited partnership interests among the limited partners with their attorney. Trustee Flickenschild moved to authorize Walden Center Associates borrow back up to $1,000,000 from the bank, and to extend the maturity day until January 1, 2010. Seconded by Trustee Meisel. All ayes. Motion carried.

Meeting with Senator Larkin and Assemblyman Mills Manager Politi stated that he, the Deputy Manager, and the Police Chief met with Senator Larkin and Assemblyman Mills in an effort to forward the village's bond act application. Planning and Zoning Minutes Page-4- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting July 24, 2001 Planning and Zoning Minutes The manager indicated that the planning and zoning board minutes have been distributed to the Village Board and they will continue to receive them. Joint Board Committee

Manager Politi also indicated that he is waiting for a response from the planning board as to who will be appointed to the joint committee.

Out Door Caf6 Seating Gary Sweeney stated that he's operated his pub for four years. All he's trying to do is to have an out door cafS on his own property, in front of his establishment. There would be four tables on the blacktop area and two tables on the deck. He would have security cameras and security supervision. Seats only, no standing. It would close at 9pm. The month of September it would close at 8:30pm. The reason he would like to have an out door cafe" is it would add to his establishment and enhance the village. Mrs. Sheeley is looking for $ 150,000 for her property and he can't afford it. All the trouble with Mrs. Sheeley started when her granddaughter left his employ. He asked Mrs. Keator about the incident with Mrs. Sheeley's car. He further stated that the noise from the car wash, screeching tires speeding out of the car wash, doesn't bother Mrs. Sheeley. He's concerned with the children walking on the sidewalk. He's seen Mrs. Sheeley sitting on her porch while there was rude, vulgar language coming from the car wash. He has had Mrs. Sheeley's property landscaped and he shovels snow off her sidewalk. What he does for the village is, he has the best kept property in Walden, involved with the WLDC, $ 1000 sponsorship for the playground, subscribes to the Walden Business Community Council, WLDC, Most Precious Blood, Wallkill Health Center, PBA, all local fire departments, churches, Valley Central, penny socials, basketball and Little League. He is also responsible for getting WPDH to stop knocking Walden.

Mayor Pellegrino handed out pictures he took of out door cafS's. He stated that things to consider are fencing in the area, and not advertising alcohol. He's worried about something going crazy here. He doesn't want someone sitting outside, drunk, making comments about someone walking by. He's against drinking out front on the sidewalks. The more he thinks about it, it's not such a good idea.

Trustee Flickenschild indicated that he sat at the last meeting hearing derogatory statements about Mr. Sweeney and he decided to look further to see how much was true, he did, and there have not been criminal charges pressed against anyone from all the complaints that were filed. There have not been violations you can read about in the court. There are reasons to be concerned. He believes the village should give it a try. Page-5- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting July 24, 2001 Trustee Meisel proposed that Board pass trial legislation permitting sidewalk cafe's on private property. He doesn't think the village has the right to stop them from advertising liquor on an umbrella, if it's on their own property, the Village has no liability. Bill Kiman suggested the Board incorporate it into the law that it will be an enclosed area only accessible from the establishment. No street access.

Bob Nichol stated that if the village reviews the State Liquor Authority laws that issue would go away, because they will tell you, you have to have a barrier and you can't enter that area any other way except through the bar. He will also have to go for a variance on the liquor license.

Becky Pearson stated that the Village doesn't have a law now, and there is only 2 !4 months that they will be able to do this. She suggested a special permit for the 2 ^ months, and look at this during the winter.

Mr. Dowd explained that this property is regulated by the zoning laws of the Village of Walden. The law does not allow out door cafe's either on property or off property.

Julie Bagnarol stated that there is a house on Coldenham Road that has a picnic table out in the front and they sit there and drink all the time Trustee Flickenschild indicated that Costanza' s Pizza on East Main Street has outside dining.

Mr. Findley stated that the law does not preclude tables from being outside.

Mr. Dowd indicated that's not correct. The law doesn't say it's allowed, so therefore it's prohibited. The Building Inspector should be looking into violators. Ms. Bagnarol stated that the Village makes it so difficult for new business or existing businesses to operate in the Village. There's been a bar there for forty years, so she doesn't know what the problem is. She suggested the Village cut them a little slack and let them do what they want.

Jessie who works at Sweeney's stated that it's a great place and they've never had trouble before.

Trustee Meisel made a motion to approve cafe" dining for a six-month period on private property. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild.

Mr. Dowd stated that he would be happy to draft a local law for out door cafS's but the Board Page -6- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting July 24,2001 has to indicate what they want in it. Trustee Hurd suggested that if something is to be drafted lets draft something that makes sense, look at all the issues. He would like some time.

Mr. Findley stated that when you talk about restrictions that you will be placing on the entities it's not easy. We don't need a law. If you talk barriers, the custard stand will have to have a barrier. We need to use common sense. This has to apply to everybody.

John Katonah stated that he works in Kingston and he comes through New Paltz every evening. There are small establishments that have outdoor seating out. The general rule is they can't block the sidewalk. They also do not serve liquor. It adds to the character and the atmosphere. It would be an attraction to the Village of Walden.

Donna Penny stated that she's been a resident of Walden for 30 years. She lives on Capron Street. She used to walk late at night to the convenient store and not worry about it. You can't do that anymore. She can walk past Sweeney's and feel safe.

Elaine Ryan asked if there was someone besides Sweeney's that wants to do this? Mayor Pellegrino explained that there are other people that the Board has to consider.

Mr. Sweeney asked where is there an award for him for doing what he does. The people that work hard and beautify and help the Village, the Board has to start rewarding those people.

Mr. Blaison explained that if the Board turns Mr. Sweeney down tonight then the Thruway, Dairy Queen and any place that has a table outside should be told they have to take them in. Donna Sotlinski, West Main Street indicated that the Board said they represent the people of the Village, well they represent them to and what they are saying is give it a try.

Dave Bartino, 5 Watkins Drive stated that he's been here for nine years and one thing he's learned is that compromise is an essential part of village life. Gary is more than willing to make any compromise he needs to get this thing going.

Mr. Nichol stated that he goes through the village Saturday and Sunday and Main Street is absolutely empty. Perhaps this would bring more people into the village and there will be different types of shops.

Trustee Meisel stated that if they were talking about an ice-cream stand that wanted to put Page-7- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting July 24, 2001 a table outside and have ice cream sodas, this discussion wouldn't be going on. If he violates any liquor laws or someone is drunk, let the proper enforcement be taken. As far as he's concerned he's running a business on his own property, if he stays within reason he can't see why they can't give it a trial basis. Mr. Ryan stated that if the Board gives approval the only thing Gary is doing tomorrow is to put a plate of food on a table. You don't see anyone drunk, harassing people. He has to go to the State Liquor Authority and they have unbelievable restrictions. Trustee Hurd indicated that what the Board is talking about is taking action that will affect every establishment and every citizen in the Village, not just Mr. Sweeney's establishment. We can't just draft a law, or be pressured into a time, based on one establishment.

Trustee Flickenschild stated, nor can we single him out as a private business and say you're not allowed to put a table out in front and sell food, because there's many other establishments in the Village now that do just that and we don't close them down.

Trustee Meisel stated that his motion was to permit the use of tables on private property, on your own property.

Mr. Dowd stated that it's his opinion that this would be an improper amendment to the zoning law.

Trustee Hurd stated that he would like to have some counsel.

Trustee Meisel indicated that there is a dispute where people are claiming that the law does not exist. He asked the attorney to point it out. Mr. Dowd stated that the rules of zoning are, if a use is not listed as permitted, it's prohibited. There is no law on the books of the Village of Walden that permit out door or sidewalk cafes'. Therefore, they are prohibited. That is the way zoning laws are interpreted everywhere in the State of New York.

Trustee Flickenschild stated that all the people that have businesses in the village right now, the custard stand, Thruway Market, Costanza's are illegal.

Mr. Dowd stated that he says yes to the extent that they were not pre-existing, non conforming.

Trustee Flickenschild stated, let that man open his the same way they opened their's. Page-8- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting July 24,2001 Mr. Dowd stated that any effect of this law would be village wide. This is not just about Gary Sweeney. This is about all the businesses who have restaurants or bars who would be able to put their tables out whether on the side, rear, front yards, on their own property without any controls by the Village of Walden. You cannot legislate for one particular business owner Trustee Meisel stated that if they are violating another law on their own property, such as being rowdy, that's another thing and you go in after that.

Mr. Dowd asked under what jurisdiction?

Trustee Meisel stated misconduct.

Trustee Flickenschild indicated that this is the only man that came before this board to do it, so let him do it. Then during the Board's next session they can finalize whatever laws put into place.

Trustee Norman asked, if the Board votes on this tonight and says yes you can do this and then if there's a problem will the Board be able to change it?

Mr. Dowd stated that his concern is if you do it tonight then what's the purpose of doing a law? If there's a problem what do you do to stop it? There's nothing to revoke. He doesn't believe the Board has the right to do that this way. There is a legal way to amend the zoning law and the other communities have done so. Mr. Kiman proposed that the Board vote on a moratorium against enforcing the law which doesn't permit it until you pass the law that does.

Mr. Dowd stated that if he knows what the Board wants in the local law he can draft it in a day, get it to the Board, the Board can set a special meeting, set a public hearing, do the notice, do the public hearing and the Board can enact it some time in August.

On roll call Trustees Norman, Meisel, and Flickenschild voted yes. Trustees Hurd, Deputy Mayor Wynkoop and Mayor Pellegrino voted no. Motion defeated.

Kevin Findley stated that it's just not fair. He does agree it needs to be regulated. If he wants to put chairs out tomorrow let him.

Becky Pearson stated that she really likes the idea of a cafe". She does appreciate the Board thinking about it and she really thinks it's great that the Board is taking the responsible end of it and look at the law.

Page -9- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting July 24,2001 Trustee Meisel moved to hold a closed session for attorney/client legal advice. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Motion carried. Trustee Flickenschild moved to reconvene the regular meeting. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried.

Trustee Flickenschild moved not to accept Parts 3 & 4 of Marcia Jacobowitz's letter dated December 7,2000, "to approve to transfer the general partnership interest to a limited liability and approval for the transfer of limited partnership interests among the limited partners" Seconded by Trustee Meisel. All ayes. Motion carried. Adjournment

Trustee Hurd moved to adjourn. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.


y Mitchel !ge Clerk

Page -10- 089140-00319P

At a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden, Orange County, New York, held at One Municipal Square , in Walden, New York, in said Village, on the 24th day of July, 2001, at 6:30 o'clock gM., Prevailing Time. The meeting was called to order by Mayor and upon roll being called, the following were

PRESENT: Mayor Rocco Pellegrino Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop Trustees Mary Jean Norman Richard Burd Bill Meisel Conrad Flickenschild

ABSENT: Trustee Craig Maslik

The following resolution was offered by Trustee Richard Hurd who moved its adoption, seconded by Trustee Conrad Flickenschild , to-wk:


A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $350,000 SERIAL BONDS OF THE VILLAGE OF WALDEN, ORANGE COUNTY, NEW YORK, TO PAY THE COST OF THE RECONSTRUCTION OF STREETS THROUGHOUT AND IN AND FOR SAID VILLAGE. WHEREAS, the capital project hereinafter described has been determined to be an Unlisted Action pursuant to the regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated pursuant to die State Environmental Quality Review Act, the implementation of which as proposed, the Board of Trustees has determined will not result in any significant environmental effects; and WHEREAS, all conditions precedent to the financing of the capital project hereinafter described have been performed; and WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize the financing of such capital project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden, Orange County, New York, as follows: Section 1. For the class of objects or purposes of paying the cost of the reconstruction of streets throughout and in and for the Village of Walden, Orange County, New York, including incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith, there are hereby authorized to be issued $350,000 serial bonds of said Village pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 2. The maximum estimated cost of the aforesaid class of objects or purposes is hereby determined to be $350,000, and the plan for the financing thereof is by the issuance of

the $350,000 serial bonds of said Village authorized to be issued pursuant to this bond resolution; provided, however, that the amount of serial bonds ultimately to be issued will be

928456.1 -2- reduced by the amount of any State aid received by said Village for such class of objects or purposes. Section]. It is hereby determined that the period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid class of objects or purposes is fifteen years, pursuant to subdivision 20(c) of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law. It is hereby further determined that the maximum maturity of the serial bonds herein authorized will exceed five years. Section 4. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the serial bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the Village Treasurer, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said Village Treasurer, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 5. The faith and credit of said Village of Walden, Orange County, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same respectively become due and payable. An annual appropriation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds becoming due and payable in such year. There shall annually be levied on all the taxable real property of said Village, a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same become due and payable. Section 6, Such bonds shall be in fully registered form and shall be signed in the name of the Village of Walden, Orange County, New York, by the manual or facsimile signature of the Village Treasurer and a facsimile. of its corporate seal shall be imprinted or impressed thereon and may be attested by the manual or facsimile signature of the Village Clerk.

928456.1 -3-

Section 7. The powers and duties of advertising such bonds for sale, conducting the sale and awarding the bonds, are hereby delegated to the Village Treasurer, who shall advertise such bonds for sale, conduct the sale, and award the bonds in such manner as he or she shall deem best for the interests of said Village; provided, however, that in the exercise of these delegated powers, he or she shall comply fully with the provisions of the Local Finance Law and any order or rule of the State Comptroller applicable to the sale of municipal bonds. The receipt of the Village Treasurer shall be a full acquittance to the purchaser of such bonds, who shall not be obliged to see to the application of the purchase money. Section 8. All other matters, except as provided herein relating to such bonds, including determining whether to issue such bonds having substantially level or declining annual debt service and all matters related thereto, prescribing whether manual or facsimile signatures shall appear on said bonds, prescribing the method for the recording of ownership of said bonds, appointing the fiscal agent or agents for said bonds, providing for the printing and delivery of said bonds (and if said bonds are to be executed in the name of the Village by the facsimile signature of the Village Treasurer, providing for the manual countersignature of a fiscal agent or of a designated official of the Village), the date, denominations, maturities and interest payment dates, place or places of payment, and also including the consolidation with other issues, shall be determined by the Village Treasurer. It is hereby determined that it is to the financial advantage of the Village not to impose and collect from registered owners of such serial bonds any charges for mailing, shipping and insuring bonds transferred or exchanged by the fiscal agent, and, accordingly, pursuant to paragraph c of Section 70.00 of the Local Finance Law, no such charges shall be so collected by the fiscal agent. Such bonds shall contain substantially the recital of validity clause provided for in section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law and shall otherwise be in

928458.1 -4- such fbnn and contain such recitals in addition to those required by section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law, as the Village Treasurer shall determine. Section 9. This resolution shall constitute a statement of official intent for purposes of Treasury Regulations Section 1.150-2. Other than as specified in this resolution, no monies are, or are reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long-term basis, or otherwise set aside with respect to the permanent funding of the object or purpose described herein. Section 10. The validity of such bonds and bond anticipation notes may be contested only if: 1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said Village is not authorized to expend money, or 2) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or 3) Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. Section 11. Upon this resolution taking effect, the same shall be published in full in Wallkiil Valley Times , the official newspaper, together with a notice of the Village Clerk in substantially the form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law. Section 12. This resolution is adopted subject to permissive referendum in accordance with Section 36.00 of the Local Finance Law and Article 9 of the Village Law.

928456.1 The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call, \ which resulted as follows:

Mayor Pellegrino VOTING

Deputy Mayor Wynkoop VOTING

Trustee Norman VOTING Yes

Trustee W,,rd VOTING Yes

Trustee Meisel VOTING

Trustee Flickenschild VOTING Yes VOTING

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

928456.1 STATE OF NEW YORK ) )s»: COUNTY OFORANGE ) I, the undersigned Clerk of the Village of Walden, Orange County, New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY: That I have compared the annexed extract of the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees of said Village, including the resolution contained therein, held on the 24th day of July, 2001, with the original thereof on file in my ofSce, and that the same is a true and correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original so far as the same relates to the subject matters therein referred to. I FURTHER CERTIFY that all members of said Board had due notice of said meeting. I FURTHER CERTIFY that, pursuant to Section 103 of the Public Officers Law (Open Meetings Law), said meeting was open to the general public. I FURTHER CERTIFY that, PRIOR to the time of said meeting, I duly caused a public notice of the time and place of said meeting to be given to the following newspapers and/or other news media as follows: Newspaper and/or other news media Date given Wallkill Valley Times July 20, 2001 Times Herald Record July 20, 2001

928456.1 -2-

I FURTHER CERTIFY that PRIOR to the time of said meeting, I duly caused public notice of the time and place of said meeting to be conspicuously posted in the following designated public location(s) on the following dates: Designated Locations) of posted notice ' Date of Posting

Village Ball July 20, 2001

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Village this 25th day of July, 2001.

.1.. 0 ^J VillageC^erk




General Fnnd $ 17,577.45 Water Fnnd $ 2,939.22 Sewer Fmnd .$ 5,493.94 July 24, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 1 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account aaount osoeraisneral 1638 UPPER WEST SIDE DELI 1640.490-A 40.29 vendor total: 40.29 1638 claia nuaber total: 40.29 1639 WALDEN PLUMBING/HEATING 1620.440-A 318.00 vendor total: 318.00 1639 claia nuaber total: 318.00 1640 ORANGE COUNTY DEPT OF 8160.401-A 21,45 vendor total: 21.45 1640 claia nuaber total: 21.45 1641 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS,INC. 1640.411-A 46.3? 1640.412-A 1.51 vendor total: 47.88 1641 claia nuaber total: 47.88 1643 AMERICAN ALARM 1620.497-A 1,596.00 •vendor total: 1,596.00 63 claia nudier total: 1,596.00 1646 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS,INC. 1640.411-A 29.30 1640.412-A 25.79 vendor total: 55.09 1646 claia nuaber total: 55.09 1647 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS,IIC. 1640.411-A 144.07 vendor total: 144.07 1647 claia nuaber total: 144.07 1648 CHARLES B MERRILL 1410.401-A 62.73 7310.414-A 23.98 8560.401-A 62.74 vendor total: 149.45 1648 claia nuaber total: 149.45 1651CIARDULLO PRINTING 1010.40H) 40.00 1230.401-A 40.00 1490.401-A 40.00 8160.401-A 205.00 vendor total: 325.00 kl claia nusbsr total: 325.00 I July 24, axil Village of Walden Page: T Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claieant account aaount

AIRPAGEBEEPERPEOPLE 1230.4084) 11.77 *"vendor total: 11.77 1652 claia nuaber total: 11.77 1653 AIRPAGE BEEPER PEOPLE 1490.401-A 11.83 vendor total: ILK 1653 claia nuaber total: 11.83 1654AMESCOREMITTANCE 1640.417-A 39.60 vendor total: 39.60 1654 claia nuaber total: 39.60 1657NANCYMITCHELL 4020.459-A 77.00 vendor total: 77.00 165? claia nuaber total: 77.00 1658 LEGAL ADV ATTNPATF 8010.407-A 50.84 vendor total: 50.84 1658 claio number total: 50.84 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 3122.408-A 105.01 (K vendor total: 105.01 1660 claia number total: 105.01 1661 SPORTS NINE,INC. 7310.434-A 460.00 vendor total: 460.00 1661 claia number total: 460.00 1662 HEINERT-T-SHIRT,INC. 7110.451-A 19.65 7310.414-A 19.65 vendor total: 39.30 1662 claim number total: 39.30 1663 FLAG GUYS 7550.475-A 119.50 vendor total: 119.50 1663 claia number total: . 119.50 1664 CATSKILL LASER TAG 7310.434-A 660.00 vendor total: 660.00 1664 claia number total: 660.00 NYS SOC. OF MUNICIPAL 1325.484-A 70.00 July 24, 2001 Village of Walden Page: 3 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account amount vendor total: 70.00 : claim number total: 70.00

1666 WAREX TERMINALS CORP. 1640.410-A 955.13 vendor total: 955.13

1666 claim number total: 955.13 1668 BEORBE'S AUTO PARTS,INC. 1640.412-A 98.34 vendor total: 98.34 1668 claim number total: 98.34

1669 DRAKE,SOMKERS,LOEB, P.C. 1420.411-A 3,891.67 vendor total: 3,891.67 1669 claim number total: 3,891.67 1672 WARWICK VALLEY TELEPHONE 1410.4084 59.85 vendor total: 59.85

1672 claim number total: 59.85

1673 COFFEE SYSTEM OF THE 1620.440-A 17.70 vendor total: 17.70 claim number total: 17.70 1674 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 7310.414-A 67.23 vendor total: 67.23

1674 claim number total: 67.23 1677 PITNEY BOWES 1410.406-A 258.14 vendor total: 258.14 167? claim nucber total: 258.14 1678 COFFEE SYSTEM OF THE 1640.440-A 1.70 vendor total: 1.70

1678 claim number total: 1.70

1680 MOUNTAIN CREEK 7310.434-A 540.00 vendor total: 540.00

1680 claim number total: 540.00

1681 THRUHAY PHARMACY,INC. 7310.414-A 19.56 vendor total: 19.56 :1 claim number total: 19.56 July 24, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 4 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claioant account acount

PITNEY BOHES INC 1410.406-A 32.74 vendor total: 32.74 1682 claim number total: 32.74 1683 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 1640.411-A 1.99 1640.490-A 37.86 3122.401-A 37.71 3620.401-A 4.22 7020.401-A 2.38 7110.449-A 19.96 7110.451-A 0.85 7110.491-A 22.06 vendor total: 127.03 1683 claia number total: 127.03 1686 PLAZA MATERIALS COMPANY 5110.490-A 135.58 vendor total: ^ 135.58 1686 claim number total: 135.58 3122.401-A 60.00 vendor total: 60.00 687claiBnusber total: 60.00 1688JAMESPOLITI 1230.460-A 83.44 vendor total: 83.44 1688 claia nmber total: 83.44 1691NYSEG 5182.471-A 7.82 vendor total: 7.82 1691 claim nuaber total: 7.82 1693 ARTISTIC EMBROIDERY 1640.435-A 1,097.00 vendor total: 1,097.00 1693 claim number total: 1,097.00 1696 SPRINT ROTHAMER INTERNATIONAL 7180.401-A 129.21 vendor total: 129.21 1696 claim number total: 129.21 1697 PLAZA MATERIALS CtBPANY 5110.490-A 298.91 vendor total: 298.91 J697 claim number total: 298.91 July 24, 2001 Village of Maiden Pane: 5 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claio claiaant account asount ,98 PRINTABLE SERVICES 8160.401-A 2,524.68 vendor total: 2,524.68 1698 claia nusber total: 2,524.68 1699 LEGAL ADV ATTNPATF 8020.407-A 48.32 vendor total: 48.32 1699 claia nuaber total: 48.32 1700 LEGAL ADV ATTNPATF 8020.407-A 48.32 vendor total: 48.32 1700 claia nuaber total: 48.32 1701 AT&T. 3122.408-A 68.37 vendor total: 68.37 1701 claia nuaber total: 68.37 1702 BECKER BUGIKSS SYSTQB 1325.401-A 152.12 vendor total: 152.12 1702claianuaber total: 152.12 1703 NYSEG 1640.471-A 14.81 vendor total: 14.81 1703 claia nuaber total: 14.81 1705 LIBERTY PEST CONTROL 7110.451-A 134.06 vendor total: 134.06 1705 claia nuaber total: 134.06 1706 GLOBAL CROSSING TELECOMMJNICA 1110.408-A 26.57 vendor total: 26.57 1706 claia nuaber total: 26.57 1709 GLOBAL CROSSING TELECOMUIICA 1620.408-A 58.17 1640.408-A 31.45 3122.408-A 142.24 7020.408-A 26.59 vendor total: 258.45 1709 claia nuaber total: 258.45 1710 CHARLES B IERRILL 1230.401-A 34.16 1410.401-A 33.57 vendor total: 67.73 claia nuober total: 67.73 July 24, 2001 Village of Nalden Page: 6 Abstract of Audited Vouchers clai: claimant account aaount

4&711 CIARDU10 PRINTMB 3620.401-A 265.00 ^ 8160.401-A 205.00 vendor total: 470.00 1711 claie nudier total: 470.00 1712 ENVIR08ENTAL PAPER 1620.440-A 195.50 vendor total: 195.50 1712 claia nucber total: 195.50 1713 CHESTER VAUEY EQUIP. 1640.413-A 72.54 vendor total: 72.54 1713 claia nudier total: 72.54 1714 EINERH-SHIRT,INC. 7310.414-A 57.00 vendor total: 57.00 1714 claia nuiber total: 57.00 1715 DUFXE9E-HENRY 030171% 8020.495-A 1,315.85 vendor total: 1,315.85 1715 claia nueber total: 1,315.85 WA fund total: 17,677.45 Abstract Distributions 07/24/01 13:52 JUDY page: 1 Village of Walden fund account description debit credit A general ^^^A()10 401"A Office Expense 40.00 ^110.408-A Telephone 26.57 1230.401-A Office Expense 74.16 1230.408-A Telephone 11.77 1230.460-A Education 83.44 1325.401-A Office Expense 152.12 1325.484-A Municipal Association Dues 70.00 1410.401-A Office Expense 96.30 1410.406-A Postage 290.88 1410.408-A Telqihons 59.85 1420.411-A Legal Retainer 3,891.67 1490.4014) Office Expense SLR 1620.4084) Telephone 58.1? 1620.440-A Building Maintenance 531.20 1620.497-A Service Contract 1,596.00 1640.408-A Telephone 31.45 1640.410-A Gas, Oil, Lube 955.13 1640.411-A Auto Maintenance 221.73 1640.412-A Truck Maintenance 125.64 1640.413-A Equipment Maintenance 72.54 1640.417-A Shop Equipasnt Maintenance 39.60 1640.435-A Clothing 1,097.00 1640.440-A Building Maintenance 1.70 1640.471-A Electricity 14.81 1640.490-A Other Materials/Supplies 78.15 ^A0122.401-A Office Expense 97.71 ^%122,408-A Telephone 315.62 3620.40H) Office Expense 269.22 4020,459-A Registrar of Vital Statistics 77.00 5110.490-A Street Maintenance 434.49 5182.471-A Street Lighting 7.82 7020.401-A Material and Supplies 2.38 7020.408-A Telephone 26.59 7110.449-A Lam Mower Repairs 19.96 7110.451-A Park Maint-Bradley/Alfred Park 154.56 7110.491-A Beatification 22.06 7180.401-A Miscellaneous Supplies 129.21 7310.414-A Playground Prograa 187.42 7310.434-A Entertaineent and Trips 1,660.00 7550.475-A Holiday Decorations 119.50 8010,407-A Advertising 50.84 8020,407-A Advertising 96.64 8020.495-A Engineering 1,315.85 8160.401-A Miscellaneous Office 2,956.13 8560.401-A Other Material and Supplies 62.74 A total general 17,677.45 F water 8310.401-F Office Expense 93.94 8310.408-F Telephone 349.73 ^^8310.493-F Legal Fees 486.50 ^M320.459-F Miscellaneous Testing Services 28.00 8340.206-F Water Meter Repair Parts 1,470.00 Abstract Distributions 07/24/01 13:52 JUDY page: 2 Village of Walden fund account description debit credit 8340.433-F Material and Supplies 203.05 ^^^8340.435-F Uniforss 358.00' i^^^ total water 2.989.22 sewer 8110.401-G Office Expense 62.74 8110.406-G Telephone 166.25 8110.435-G Uniform 340.00 8110.493-6 Legal Fees 486.50 8120,408-6 Equipment Maintenance 600.00 8120.471-G Power for Utilities 85.87 8130.401-G Material and Supplies 268.97 8130.458-G Landfill 3,458.84 8130.471-G Power for Utilities 24.77 total sewer 5.493.94 July 24, 2001 Village of Walden Page: 7 Abstract of Audited Vouchers dais claimant account aaount

AMERICAN ALARM 8320.459-F 28.00 vendor total: 28.00 1644 claim number total: 28.00 1645 JOHN'S QUALITY CLOTHIERS 8340.435-F 158.00 vendor total: 158.00 1645 claim number total: 158.00 1649 CHARLES B MERRILL 8310.401-F 62.74 vendor total: 62.74 1649 claim number total: 62.74 1655 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 8310.408-F 318.23 vendor total: 318.23 1655 claim number total: 318.23 1670 DRAKE,SOMMERS,LOEB, P.C. 8310.493-F 486.50 vendor total: 486.50 1670 claim number total: 486.50 @76 NEHBURGH NIMHATER 8340.433-F 65.00 vendor total: 65.00 1676 claim number total: 65.00 1679 UNDERGROUND FACILITIES PROTEC 8310.401-F 31.20 vendor total: 31.20 1679 claim number total: 31.20 1684 THRUHAY SHOPPING CENTER 8340.433-F 123.10 vendor total: 123.10 1684 claim number total: 123.10 1690 SLATER'S POWER EQUIP.INC 8340.433-F 14.95 vendor total: 14.95 1690 claim number total: 14.95 1694 ARTISTIC EMBROIDERY 8340.435-F 200.00 vendor total: 200.00 1694 claim number total: 200.00 GLOBAL CROSSING TELECOMMUNICA 8310.408-F 31.50 July24,2001 Villageof Maiden Page: 8 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claiaant account x- aatmt vendor total: 31.50 "T707claianud)er total: 31.50 1716 RAMSCO,INC. 8340.206-F 1,470.00 vendor total: 1J470.00 1716 claim number total: , 1.470.00

fund total: 2,989.22 July 24," 2M1 Village of Maiden Page: 9

Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account amount

GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS,INC. 8130.401-G 19.50 vendor total: 19,50

1642 claim maker fatal: 19.50

1650 CHARLES B MERRILL 8110.401-G 62.74 vendor total: ' 62.74 1650 claim number total: 62.74

1656 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 8110.409-G 139.70 vendor total: 139.70

1656 claim number total: 139.70

1659 CHAMPION SUPPLIES, INC. 8130.401-G 125.40 vendor total: 125.40

1659 claim number total: 125.40

166? SPECTRA SERVICES 8130.45B-G 3,458.84 vendor total: 3,458.84

166? claim number total: 3,458.84 DRAKE,SOMMERS,LOEB, P.C. 8110.493-G 486.50 vendor total: 486.50 1671 claio number total: 486.50

1675 ZEP MANUFACTURING,CO, 8130.401-G 82.66 vendor total: 82.66 1675 claio number total: 82.66 1685 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 8130.401-G 41.41 vendor total: 41.41

1685 claim number total: 41.41

1689 ALL COUNTY RESOURCE 8120.408-G 600.00 vendor total: 600.00

1689 claim number total: 600.00

1692NYSEG 8130.471-G 24.77 vendor total: 24.77

1692 claim number total: 24.77

J95 ARTISTIC EMBROIDERY 8110.435-8 340.00 July 24, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 10 Abstract of Audited Vouchers dais claimant account aaunt vendor total: 340.00 1695 claim number total: 340.00 1704NYSEG 8120.471-G 85.87 vendor total: 85.87 1704 claim number total: 85.87 1708 GLOBAL CROSSING TELECOMUNICA 8110.408-G 26.55 vendor total: 26.55 1708 claim number total: 26.55

fund total: 5.493.94







1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes 1 : Meeting June 26 and 28, 200 1

4. Public Comment - Agenda Action Items Only

5. Business of the Board of Trustees 1: Payment of Audited Bills 2: Tibetan Buddhist Property Tax Refund 1 : Village Manager's Report A. NYSEG -Wait Street 2: Sorensen Planning Services Company 3 : Planning/Zoning Review Committee 4: Planning/Zoning Applications c.

1 : Leroy DeGroodt - East Main Street Zoning Petition 2: Walden Estates Water and Sewer Hook Up Fees 3: CafeVOutdoor Seating 4: Employee Service Award 6. Public Comment

7. Miscellaneous Comments by Board Members

8. Executive Session(s) 1: 105-(f), Personnel

9. Adjournment VILLAGE OF WALDEN BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING JULY 10™, 2001 Mayor Rocco Pellegrino called the regular meeting of the Village of Walden Board of Trustees to order at 6:30 P.M. On roll call Mayor Rocco Pellegrino, Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop, Trustees Mary Jean Norman, Richard Hurd, Conrad Flickenschild, Bill Meisel and Craig Maslik were present. Village Manager James Politi, Village Clerk Nancy Mitchell and Village Attorney Randall Coffill were also present.

Approval of Minutes Trustee Flickenschild moved to adopt the minutes of June 26"* and 28'\ 2001. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes with the exception of Trustee Maslik abstaining. Public Comment - Agenda Items Only There were no comments from the public. Audited Bills Trustee Norman moved to pay the audited bills of July 10'\ 2001. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Motion carried.

Tibetan Buddhist Property Tax Refund Trustee Flickenschild moved to authorize the property tax refund to Sakya Phuntsok Ling, Section 310 Block 4 Lot 8.2, (Tibetan Buddhist). Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried.

Village Manager's Report

NYSEG - Wait Street

Manager Politi explained to the Board that the work NYSEG was doing on Wait Street was installing gas mains for the new houses on Beamer Road.

Trustee Meisel brought to the Board's attention the fact that NYSEG puts gas lines in and they patch the road and its never right. He asked if there was a way to demand that they resurface the street or a way to guarantee the patch for four or five years?

Page -1- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting July 10*, 2001

Manager Politi stated that he has to speak to NYSEG. He has in the past called them back to fix a patch. \ R.J. Smith Proposal Richard J. Smith indicated that he has been representing and working with the DeGroodt family that owns the property on East Main Street immediately adjacent to the Stewart's facility. They have been working on a use plan for that site. They have been working with perspective occupants for this site. The property is zoned B-4 and retail is not a permitted use. One of the perspective occupants is retail. They asked the Board for a zoning modification that would add retail as a permitted use in a B-4 zone. Trustee Meisel stated that he would like Mr. Sorensen to look at this. Manager Politi stated that he has spoken to Mr. Sorensen regarding this and he is in favor of it. Deputy Mayor Wynkoop moved to direct the attorney to draft a local law amending Village Code to permit retail in a B-4 zone. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried.

Sorensen Planning Services Company Manager Politi informed the Board that he spoke to Mr. Sorensen about the revision. Mr. Sorensen feels comfortable with the revision.

Trustee Flickenschild asked if the manager has compared any grants the village presently has, the number of hours it takes to do grants and tally that up with Mr. Sorensen's fee.

Manager Politi stated yes.

Trustee Meisel moved to hire Sorensen Planning Services Company. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried.

Planning/Zoning Review Committee Manager Politi stated that he has spoken to the Chairman of the Zoning Board and he will put his two committee members together and there are two from the Planning Board. Once that Page-2- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting July 10"", 2001 committee is in place they will schedule a meeting. Trustees Flickenschild and Wynkoop volunteered to be on the committee. Planning/Zoning Applications Manager Politi advised the Board that the Village Clerk has started revising the zoning and planning applications. Walden Estates Water and Sewer Hook Up Fees Manager Politi stated that Walden Estates has its approvals, he doesn't have his building permits. He asked the Board if they want to pursue the new water and sewer hook up fees. Trustee Meisel stated that it was his understanding that anyone with building permits would not be charged the new fee. Mr. Coffill stated that he would be glad to go into attorney/client and discuss this further. CafeVOutdoor Seating Manager Politi stated that sample legislation regarding cafeVoutdoor seating was given to the Board. Mr. Dowd felt the Village of Monroe's local law is the best. The only issue that wasn't in there was regarding alcohol. Mayor Pellegrino stated that what bothers him about alcohol being served is it doesn't stop someone from going out in front of Stewart's and popping a twelve pack and giving the girl a hard time. He's all in favor of outside dining, but he doesn't feel the message of alcohol is not a good message going out. We're just looking for problems. Trustee Norman stated that the problem of people congregating bothers her.

The manager stated that there would have to be a clearly defined space and passage way.

Trustee Flickenschild stated the attorney continually makes reference to a five-foot area for disabled people, where the ADA requirement is thirty-six inches. He believes if the code is thirty-six inches what reason would the Village of Walden want to give up an extra two feet. He also believes any food establishment facility is going to police their own restaurant far sooner than the village has to be concerned with, if they are allowing people to eat outside the restaurant. His concern to limit it to only milk or soft drinks is ludicrous to ask of a restaurant that serves Page -3- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting July 10*, 2001 food and drink. Trustee Meisel stated that a hard drinker would be more likely to stand at the bar and drink. The type that would be utilizing the table outside is someone that would be sipping a beer or glass of wine. You're talking apples to oranges when you're talking about the drink. Trustee Meisel further stated that page two, second paragraph of the Village Attorney's letter disturbs him. Deputy Mayor Wynkoop stated that he agrees with the Mayor, you're going to jeopardize the open container law. Probably 90% of the people are from outside the village. They are twenty one year olds that come in from outside the village and we're having plenty of problems right now with noise and fights and urinating on the bushes next door, and parking in the lots they're suppose to park in. We're opening up a can of worms. Trustee Hurd suggested outside dining on private property set on the side or rear of the building or on an upper deck. Trustee Meisel suggested a trial period. Greg Raymondo stated that what the Board is discussing is something that was brought up before and was turned down by the Board, Planning Board and Zoning Board. There were several incidents, where people being drunk. The Village Board allowed Sweeney's to put tables outside and it was nothing but problems. Drunks throwing beer bottles. There are photos to prove this. It didn't work, this shouldn't be done again. Deputy Wynkoop stated that he doesn't remember the Board giving Sweeney's permission to have outdoor seating. He did that oh his own and then was asked to take the tables in. Trustee Flickenschild stated that if there were problems he would like to see the police reports. It was the consensus of the Board to further discuss this at a work session. Employee Service Award The manager is compiling the list. Public Comment Page -4- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting July 10*, 2001 Mrs. Sheeley, 35 Orange Avenue stated that she has lived here for forty years and never had a complaint until Mr. Sweeney came. She's not complaining about the bar during the day, it's a very nice bar, except between 10pm until three a.m.. LorivKeator read the following statement for Mrs. Sheeley. 2. Patrons of the bar come outside to urinate between my home and the bar as well as some have thrown up behind and in the car wash. My fems were brown one year and I wondered why until I observed someone urinating on them. I put up a little chain link fence hoping to deter this. It did not work. Mr. Sweeney has no parking other then both sides of Grant Street. 3. The Walden Diner pays someone to stop cars from parking in the diner's lot. On St. Patrick's Day the parking at Sheeley's Laundromat was full and there were only two Laundromat customers in the facility at the time. There is a sign in the laundromat lot that states it is for laundromat/car wash customer use only. Apparently the patrons of the bar and the owner do not care. 4. Mr. Sweeney seems to have no consideration for anyone just as long as he's making money, anything goes. 5. I spend time in Florida over the colder months and one year when I came home I saw Gary and asked him to please turn down the music, his reply was, that's the way his customer's like it. 6. I have been home since May 8'\ 2001 and I have noticed that Mr. Sweeney has not been putting the acoustic sound barriers that are required by the court order dated April 13,2001. He also has the windows open most of the time. I'm also concerned as to when the vestibule will be added to the front of the building. That too was part of the court order. Why are these blatant violations not being enforced? 7. Walden Police are called to the bar just about every weekend which is why, I'm sure, Mr. Sweeney feels the police are picking on him, when in fact, they are only doing their job. As you know, the bar has been here since before my family moved in at 35 Orange Avenue. Until Mr. Sweeney started playing live, loud music no, one ever complained. Now it seems that's all my neighbors and I do is complain. I have copies of police calls from the bar from November 1997 to 6/23/2001. The number of calls for music and noise disturbance alone totals 36 out of 84. It has also come to my attention that Mr. Sweeney would like to have tables outside once again. This was stopped back in September or October of 1998. Why is this being entertained once again? What about the open container law that the Village has had for many year. Does the Village people really want to see, possibly rowdy drunken people on the street of such an important entrance to our Village? What image would that project? It's my understanding that you are also trying to rejuvenate the business district, not make it look worse. What about the proximately of State Route 208. Doesn't the possibility of someone accidently ending up in that street frighten you? 9. It has recently come to my attention that a popular band, Meat Box, will be appearing again at Sweeney's on or about July 13*. I would like to take this opportunity to invite all the Trustees, Mr. Pellegrino, Mr. Politi and Chief Holmes to come and have a listen to what my neighbors and I have had to live with for the past several years. You would all have a different spin on this problem if it was you who had to live nearby. Finally, I'm asking all of you to please help my neighbors and me to do something to make this situation tolerable for all concerned. Is it possible to limit the days and hours and volume of this music Page-5- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting July 10'", 2001 being played? There has to be a way to make it work for all of us. We just want to sleep on our own beds peacefully and it is our right to be able to do just that. Mr. Aidella stated that he and his wife Judy have sat on the porch at their house and watched someone come out of Sweeney's and drop in the street, stone drunk. His house is next door to Sweeney's. Sweeney's has a kitchen upstairs and there is a dumpster outside the window. They just stand there and throw stuff out the window into the dumpster. The only thing he's appalled at is they were at a hearing of the Planning Board last year and went all through the things that were just mentioned. He asked if the Village Board gets copies of all this? The police are just doing their job. They are not harassing. They've had to call them and they've been very responsive. Jim Pangia 38 Hepper Street, stated that he has a two-family house and he has tenants that one sleeps during the day and one sleeps the night-and this guy, Sweeney doesn't go away. He's trying to put tables out. The bar is a block away and you can sit there and hear what's going on, word by word. That bar was meant for 35 people, not what he's trying to pack in. He doesn't care about anyone. He's tired of coming here. Greg Raymondo stated that there are enough written and enough reports on Sweeney's. It's just foolish that the Board brings this up again.

Mayor Pellegrino explained that the reason Sweeney's was brought up was because the Board has attended a lot of seminars on revitalizing Main Street and this is something that draws people to a Village. We're trying to do something good. We're not trying to slide anything by anyone. Trustee Flickenschild further explained that there are two new members on the Board and one other member that have attended the various seminars. They are not aware of what happened a year and a half or two years ago, but they attended these seminars and what you see at these seminars is revitalization. You have people sitting at sidewalk cafe's and it works. That's all the Board is trying to do in the Village.

Mr. Raymondo stated that if the Village had adopted the New York State Department of Transportation standards, you wouldn't have problems with road repairs.

Mr. Raymondo further stated that at 21 Valley there is enough garbage in front of the house to fill two dumpsters. This house has illegal apartments. He asked if the house was going to be converted back to a one family?

Manager Politi advised Mr. Raymondo that property has been scheduled for bulk pick up. Page-6- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting July 10*, 2001 He will check into the illegal situation. Mrs. Keator stated that Mrs. Sheeley had. called her last Sunday and told her that she called the police either Friday or Saturday night about the music being loud. Whatever officer came told Her that he would go over and tell Mr. Sweeney that he had a half an hour to turn the music down. Deputy Mayor Wynkoop stated that he checked on that, there's no mention of half and hour wait in the code. Manager Politi stated that to his knowledge the officer got a call during that time, that's why he said a half an hour. Mrs. Keator stated that she received a copy of police complaints regarding Sweeney's from November 1997 until May 1999 and the very first part dated June 14,1999 it says tables outside and serving, customers walking outside with bottles of alcoholic beverages, sidewalk and road. March 17,1999, chairs and tables outside and serving to them. Police advised to move them inside and Sweeney refused. Police took pictures and pictures were given to the building inspector and as of this date nothing has been done by the building inspector. Also a sign was put up on this date and it did not meet zoning code. Building Inspector is aware and the sign is still up. She also has a copy of part of the meeting of the Board of Trustees from October 13, 1998 stating that Mrs. Sheeley and her son were here, Mr. Kiman was also here representing Mr. Sweeney. Mrs. Sheeley stated at the public portion about the urination, parking and loud noises. The owner of the diner stated that there is a problem on weekends with the parking. He's also finding glass bottles on his property. Mr. Kiman states that he is very sorry that Mr. Sweeney is unable to be here. If he sees people parking in the diner, he will ask them to move their cars. With the new security they are planning to have someone at the door and there will be someone walking around the building and the neighborhood, especially when the crowds are breaking up. He will also see that the band stops at exactly 2am. If she read back to the police reports there are times that they've had music complaints at 3:33 a.m.. September 17,1998, loud music, and in parenthesis it states continues for six and a half hours. Also, loud music 11:02, no am or pm. This Meat Box band that is coming and she understands they have a huge following. What are they going to do with the over capacity in that building? She asked what was allowed?

Deputy Mayor Wynkoop stated forty-nine.

Mrs. Keator further advised Board that Mrs. Sheeley had her car parked at the car wash and someone smashed the back window of her car. Mr. Pflag, 170 Walnut Street asked about the Martin Besdesky Playground? Page-7- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting July 10*, 2001 Manager advised Mr. Pflag that the equipment has been ordered.

Board Comments Trustee Meisel stated that the Board's interpretation of what sidewalk dining is and what Mr. Sweeney's is, from what these people are saying are two different things. The Board is looking for a quiet place where someone can sit down quietly and have a slice of pizza or a beer or sip a glass of wine. We're not looking for rowdyism. That's what the Board is supporting. Trustee Flickenschild stated that he was not aware of all these complaints. He has great difficulty if our laws are violated and the police are not making arrests.

Mayor Pellegrino stated that Mr. Sweeney's patrons should show a little more respect for him and his establishment and conduct themselves in a little better manner.

Deputy Mayor Wynkoop stated that he's been told there are ATV's in the park. It's a big liability if someone gets hurt.

Deputy Mayor Wynkoop further indicated that going down Scofield Street, on the left, there are trees, and bushes that block the view. Deputy Mayor Wynkoop also asked that the no parking sign be straightened out on Scofield Street.

Trustee Norman indicated that on the comer of Pine and Orchard Streets there's unregistered vehicles and garbage. Trustee Maslik asked to advise John Howland that everyone is happy with the condition of the water at the beach.


Mr. Coffill advised the Board that notification was received that is coming from a representative from the state arising out of the Orange County Landfill. This notification is going to numerous municipalities along with corporations. This is a notification of potential liability arising out of use of the Orange County Landfill site. There are some complex legal issues which are not going to be resolved at this meeting. Someone from his office will be attending this meeting and he also feels someone from the Board and the Village Manager should go and hear this on their own. The meeting will be at the Wallkill Golf Club, July 18,2001 at 1:30 P.M. Mr. Coffill further explained that the Orange County Landfill operated a landfill from 1974-1992. Page-8- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting July 10*, 2001 This was closed. The state alleges its incurred $12,900,000.00 in response costs and annual operating expenses of $300,000.00. A representative from the New York State Attorney Generals Office will attend the meeting to discuss this. Under the CERCLA there is the potential for the State to seek recovery as against users. The reason the Village of Walden is receiving this is that during that period of time they were a user of the landfill. There is also an issue that this was bonded.

Executive Session Trustee Meisel moved to go into an executive session pursuant to 1 05-(f), employment and 105-(d), Walden Estates, of the Public Officers Law. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried.

Trustee Maslik moved to reconvene the regular meeting. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Meeting reconvened.

Trustee Flickenschild moved that the Village of Walden provide vision and dental coverage to Village Employees as written in the CSEA contract. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried.


Flickenschild moved to adjourn. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.

.espectfully submitted; —-- -


Date* 11*2001

General Fnnd $ 50,852.97 Water Fiuid $ 3,263.48 Sewer Fmnd . $ 3,943 53 "Jul^MBO) Village of Maiden Page: 1 'Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account aaount gaieral ^583 EAGLE POINT /T.J. MORRIS 3120.469-A 1,232.72 vendor total: 1,232.72 \ 1583 claia nuaber total: 1,232.72 ' 1584 ENVIRONMENTAL PAPER 3120.420-6 232.60 vendor total: 232.60 1584 claia nuaber total: 232.60 1585 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 3122.408-A 487.43 vendor total: 487.43 1585 claia nuaber total: 487.43 1586 FLEET LEASING CORP 3122.483-A 173.30 vendor total: 173.30 1586 claia muber total: 173.30 1587 THRUMAY SHOPPING CENTER 3120.420-A 21.04 vendor total: 21.04 1587 claia nuaber total: 21.04 ^R88 AMERICAN CLEANER 3120.435-A 300.00 vendor total: 300.00 1588 claia nuaber total: 300.00 1589 GOOSETOWN COMMUNICATIONS 3122.497-A 984.00 vendor total: 964.00 1589 claim nuaber total: 984.00 1590 GOOSETONN COMMUNICATIONS 3120.214-A 3,360.00 3120.215-A 2,160.00 vendor total: 5,520.00 1590 claia nuaber total: 5,520.00 1591 JEFFRY HOLMES 3120.435-A 34.35 vendor total: 34.35 1591 claia nuaber total: 34.35 1592 GROSSO MATERALS,INC. 5110.49M 5,551.01 vendor total: 5,551.01 1592 clain nuaber total: 5,551.01 July 11,2001 VillageofWalden Page: 2 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account amount 1593STEWARTCONSTRUCTION i62o.44o-A 425.00 vendor total: 425.00 1593 claia nuaber total: 431.00 1594 TRI-STATE WINDOW CLENING,INC. 1620.440-A 2,390.00 vendor total: 2,390.00 1594 claim number total: 2,390.00 1595 ARKEL MOTORS,INC. 1640.412-A 11.64 vendor total: 11.64 1595 claim number total: 11.64 1596 COFFEE SYSTEM OF THE 1620.440-A 39.70 vendor total: 39.70 1596 claim number total: 39.70 1597 COFFEE SYSTEM OF THE 1640.440-A 61.70 vendor total: 61.70 1597 claim number total: 61.70 1598 CALLANAN INDUSTRIES,INC 5110.490-A 239.29 vendor total: 239.29 1598 claim number total: 239.29 1599 CALLANAN INDUSTRIES,INC 5110.490-A 3,559.37 vendor total: 3,559.37 1599 claim number total: 3,559.37 1600 AGWAY ENERGY PRODUCTS 1640.410-A 747.02 vendor total: 747.02 1600 claim nuaber total: 747.02 1601 ARCH WIRELESS 1640.408-A 8.08 3620.401-A 6.08 7020.408-A 8.08 vendor total: 22.24 1601 claim number total: 22.24 1607 SCOTT'S CORNERS PAINT & HARDW 1640.490-A 55.86 7110.453-A 7.18 vendor total: 63,04 1607 claim nuiber total: 63.04 July" 11,2001 Village of Maiden """" Page: 3 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account awunt 1608NYSEG 1640.471-A 309.86 5182.471-A 2.72 7110.471-A 263.47 vendor total: 576.05 1608 claim nudier total: 576.05 1609NYSEG 1640.471-A 18.16 5182.471-A 15.79 7110.471-A 78.38 vendor total: 112.33 1609 claim number total: 112.33 1610NYSEG 1620.440-A 2,256.01 5182.471-A 5,813.59 vendor total: 8,069.60 1610 claim number total: 8,069.60 1613 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 1410.408-A 613.89 1620.408-A 46.60 1640.408-A 227.61 7020.408-A 54.49 vendor total: 942.59 613 claim number total: 942.59 1614 THRUMAY SHOPPINB CENTER 8560.240-A 730.95 vendor total: 730.95 1614 claim number total: 730.95 1616 NY BITUMINOUS PRODUCTS CORP. 5110.490-A 5,993.79 vendor total: 5,993.79 1616 claim number total: 5,993.79 1620 EASTERN MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS,! 0600.000-A 3,744.00 vendor total: 3,744.00 1620 claim number total: 3,744.00 1621 HINUM LANDSCAPE SPECIALISTS 0600.000-A 2,038.25 vendor total: 2,038.25 1621 claim number total: 2,038.25 1623 SCHWANDT RONALD P.O. 3120.460-A 24.00 vendor total: 24.00 1623 claim nuaber total: 24.00 July 11, 2001 Village of Walden Page: 4

Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account aaount

1624 PITNEY WORKS 1410.406-A 1,267.18 4& vendor total: 1,267.18 1624 claia nuaber total: 1,267.18

1625 LEGAL ADV ATTNPATF 1410.407-A 101.33 vendor total: 101.33

1625 claia nuober total: 101.33 1626 E.A.MORSE & CO., INC. 7110.431-A 217.69 vendor total: 217.69 1626 claia nuaber total: 217,69

1627 A.C.MOQRE INC. 7310.414-A 231.98 vendor total: 231.98

1627 claia nuaber total: 231.98

1628 AMERICAN RED CROSS 7310.414-* 180.00 vendor total: 180.00 1628 claia nuaber total: 180.00

1629 SHOWCASE OF AWARDS 7310.415-A 241.50 ^ak vendor total: 241.50

1629 claia nuaber total: 241.50 1630 JOHN REARDQN AGENCY 9055.8004) 1,158.24 vendor total: 1,158.24

1630 claia nuaber total: 1,158.24

16310MPPAGUADUTCHESS 0600.000-A 550.00 vendor total: 550.00

1631 claie nuaber total: 550.00 1632 JOHN STABNER 3620.431-A 52.35 vendor total: 52.35

1632 claia nuaber total: 52.35

1633 JACKIE GOLDSTEIN 7310.414-A 30.00 vendor total: 30.00 1633 claia nueber total: 30.00

1634 EXECUTIVE OFFICE SYSTEMS 1325.407-A 2,299.00 vendor total: 2,299.00 July 11, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 5 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account amount 1634 claia number total: 2,299.00 ?635 FMNTIER COMUNICATIONS 1110.408-A 68.34 vendor total: 68,34 1635 claia number total: 46.34 1636 CONRAD FLICKENSCHILD 1010.460-A 115.26 vendor total: 115.26 1636 claim number total: 115.26 1637 WALLKILL VALLEY TIMS 8010.407-A 13.09 vendor total: 13.09 1637 claim number total: 13.09

fund total: 50,852.97 Abstract Distributions 07/11/01 10:12 JUDY page: 1 Village of Walden fund account description debit credit A general ^&0600.000-A Accounts Payable 6,332.25 ^^1010.460-A Education 115.26 1110.408-A Telephone 68.34 1325.407-A Service Contracts 2,299.00 1410.406-A Postage 1,267.18 1410.407-A Advertising 101.33 1410.406-A Telephone 613.89 1620.408-A Telephone 46.60 1620.440-A Building Maintenance 5,110.71 1640.408-A Telephone 235.69 1640.410-A Gas, Oil, Lube 747.02 1640.41M Truck Maintenance 11.64 1640.440-A Building Maintenance 61.70 1640.471-A Electricity 328.02 1640.490-A Other Materials/Supplies 55.86 3120.214-A Police Radio 3,360.00 3120.215-A Mobile Radio 2,160.00 3120.420-A Equipment 253.64 3120.435-A Police Uniforms 334.35 3120.460-A Education 24.00 3120.469-A Asaunition 1,232.72 3122.40B-A Telephone 487.43 3122.483-A Equipasnt Rental 173.30 3122.497-A Service Contracts 984.00 3620.401-A Office Expense 6.08 A3620.431-A Mileage -Per. Auto 52.35 W5H0.490-A Street Maintenance 15,343.46 5182.471-A Street Lighting 5,832.10 7020.408-A Telephone 62.57 7110.431-A Cleaning Supplies 217.69 7110.453-A Park Maintenance-Walden Park 7.18 7110.471-A Electricity 341.85 7310.414-A Playground Prograa 441,98 7310.415-A Special Events 241.50 8010.407-A Advertising 13.09 8560.240-A Equipsent 730.95 9055.800-A Disability Insurance 1,158.24 A total general 50,852.97 F water 0600.000-F Accounts Payable 442.83 8310.401-F Office Expense 316.00 8310.408-F Telephone 157.42 820,403-F Miscellaneous Expenses 30.00 8320.471-F Power for Utilities 2,317.23 F total water 3,263.48 G sewer 8110.401-G Office Expense 80.00 8110.40M Telephone 49.31 8120.471-G Power for Utilities 1,215.23 A8130.465-G Cheaicals 613.20 ^8130.471-G Power for Utilities 1,985.79 July, 11, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 6 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account aaount watewagr ^^^,1602ARCHWIRELESS 8310.408-F 12.28 vendor total: 12.28 1602 claim number total: 12.28 1603 FRONTIER CuMMICATIONS 8310.408-F 145.14 vendor total: 145.14 1603 claim number total: 145.14 1606NYSEG 8320.471-F 2,309.41 vendor total: 2,309.41 1606 claim number total: 2,309.41 1611NYSEG 8320.471-F 7.82 vendor total: 7.82 1611 claim number total: 7.82 1617 CIARDULLO PRINTING 8310.401-F 236.00 vendor total: 236.00 161? claim number total: 236.00 P618 CIARDULLO PRINTING 8310.401-F 80.00 vendor total: 80.00 1618 claim number total: 80.00 1619 ORANGE COUNTY 8UPT ASSOCIATE 8320.403-F 30.00 vendor total: 30.00 1619 claim number total: 30.00 1622 HACH CO 0600.000-F 442.83 vendor total: 442.83 1622 claim number total: 442.83

fund total: 3,263.48 July 11, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 7 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant accmmt aaount sewer 1604 FRQMIER COMUNICATIQB 8110.408-G 49.31 vendor total: 49.31 1604 claia nuaber total: 49.31 1605 NYSEG 8120.471-6 1,175.76 8130.471-6 1,985.79 vendor total: 3,161.55 1605 claia nuaber total: 3,161.55 1612 NYSEG 8120.471-6 39.47 vendor total: 39.47 1612 claim number total: 39.47 1615 POLYDYNE,INC. 8130.4654 613.20 vendor total: 613.20 1615 claim number total: 613.20 1618 CIARDULU) PRINTING 8110.401-6 80.00 vendor total: 80.00 &618 claim number total: 80.00

fund total: 3,943.53

abstract total: 58,059.98 Abstract Distributions 07/11/01 10:12 JUDY page: 8 ' Village of Walden fund account description debit credit







PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Village of Walden Board of Trustees, Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board will be holding a joint meeting on Thursday, June 28, 2001 at 7:00 P.M. on the second floor of the Municipal Building, One Municipal Square, Walden, New York.


1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call 3. Introduction of Meeting by Mayor 4. Discussion by All Board Members 5. Planning Presentation by Alan Sorrenson 6. Final Comments by Board Members 7. Adjournment Village of Walden Board of Trustees Planning Board Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting June 28,2001 Mayor Rocco Pellegrino called the joint meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. On roll call Mayor Pellegrino, Deputy Mayor Wynkoop, Trustees Mary Jean Norman, Richard Hurd, Conrad Flickenschild, and Bill Meisel were present. Trustee Maslik was absent. On roll call for the Planning Board Members Jose DeJesus, John Voss and Ed Leonard were present. On roll call for the Zoning Board of Appeals Members Lauren Keator, James Corbett and Debra Lewis were present. Village Manager James Politi, Village Clerk Nancy Mitchell and Village Attorney Kevin Dowd were also present. Planning Presentation by Alan Sorensen Alan Sorensen, Commissioner for Planning and Community Development for Sullivan County spoke to the board's about the process of revitalization and economic development that has occurred in Sullivan County under his leadership and how that process could be put into place to enhance our economic development strategies in the Village.

Trustee Flickenschild asked what area sparked interest for Mr. Sorensen? Mr. Sorensen stated the downtown area.

Trustee Hurd asked about traffic control? He's seen where communities have created pedestrian areas that were formally streets. Mr. Sorensen stated that is something they have to look at.

Mayor Pellegrino asked how they attracted business people to Liberty or Monticello? Was it local people or did he advertise? Mr. Sorensen stated that what attracted the business people were the incentives.

Page-1- Village of Walden Joint Board Meeting June 28, 2001

Trustee Flickenschild asked if they changed the length of time for the planning process?

Mr. Sorensen stated that they did redraft the ordinance, but it is pretty restrictive. Trustee Hurd stated that the Board's have discussed the concept of identifying and keeping current the inventory of available property, either for sale or for use, within the Village. Also, working with the Planning and Zoning Board to identify those uses that would require a minimum or no time to start use. He asked if Mr. Sorensen has done anything in those lines? Mr. Sorensen stated that they have tried to streamline the process as much as possible. Trustee Meisel stated that the Board has come to the conclusion that some of our ordinances have become over restrictive. The Planning and Zoning Board's have been complying with the laws that have been made. The laws that were made have put them in a position where people have chosen to go to other places rather then going through our procedures. The Board has asked them to let them know what is too restrictive. Mr. Sorensen agreed that's exactly what you have to do. Trustee Flickenschild asked if Mr. Sorenson does grants for infrastructure? Mr. Sorenson stated absolutely. Member DeJesus asked how would Mr. Sorensen, as Planning Commissioner for Sullivan County and consultant for the Village of Walden, handle a situation where a business may be interested in relocating to either Walden or to the corporate park in Rock Hill? Mr. Sorensen indicated that business is generated within Sullivan County, and that no outreach is done for businesses outside of the county. Member DeJesus asked how would Mr. Sorensen handle a situation involving a grant application in which Walden and Sullivan County are competing for the same funding?

Mr. Sorenson indicated that each application would be handled in a case-by-case basis.

Mr. Millspaugh asked about grants for community organizations? Mr. Sorensen stated that he has secured foundation grants. Page -2- Village of Walden Joint Board Meeting June 28, 2001 Trustee Hurd asked about communities where there is a lack of certain services, have they ever tried dealing with local owners who have franchises? Mr. Sorensen that they subscribe to a publication that lists multiple regional franchises. That would be a good place to start. Trustee Hurd suggested a committee be formed consisting of two members from the Planning Board, two members from the Zoning Board and two members from the Board of Trustees to deal with streamlining the application process. Trustee Meisel stated that he would also like Mr. Sorensen's review and input.

Trustee Meisel moved that the Board goes on record wishing to employ Mr. Sorensen predicated upon an agreement between him and the Board members. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Motion carried. Member Corbett stated that he's concerned that no one misconstrues the concept of streamlining where it degrades the process. Trustee Flickenschild stated that fees also have to be looked at. The Planning and Zoning Board's were asked to have the committee selections to the manager by the 10^ of July.


Trustee Meisel moved to adjourn. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted?

A Niicy Mitchell Vitlage Clerk

Page-3- Jose E. De Jesus 4 Tin Court Walden, NY 12586 1 (845) 778-0351 [email protected] Ms. Nancy Mitchell Village Clerk Village of Walden Walden, NY 12586 Dear Ms. Thank you for the copy of the Minutes of the joint Board Meeting (Board of Trustees, Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals) of June 28, 2001. I respectfully request that the Minutes be amended to acknowledge my questions to Mr. Sorensen pertaining to potential conflicts in his capacity as Sullivan County Planning Commissioner, and as consultant to the Village of Walden. My questions, and Mr. Sorensen's answers, were as follow: 1. How would you, as Planning Commissioner for Sullivan County and consultant for the Village of Walden, handle a situation where a business may be interested in relocating to either Walden or to the corporate park In Rock Hill? Mr. Sorensen indicated that business is generated within Sullivan County, and that no outreach is done for businesses outside of the county. 2. How would you handle a situation Involving a grant application In which Walden and Sullivan County are competing for the same funding? Mr Sorensen Indicated that each application would be handled In a case-by-case basis. Thank you for your attention in this matter. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely,

Jose E. De Jesus Member, Walden Planning Board Due to the acoustics in the meeting room all comments were not audible. As per the attached letter, Mr. DeJesus has requested his comments be added. Therefore, I have amended my minutes. Village of Walden z.J%%

On roll call for the Zoning Board of Appeals Members Lauren Keator, James Corbett and Debra Lewis were present. Village Manager James Politi, Village Clerk Nancy Mitchell and Village Attorney Kevin Dowd were also present.

Planning Presentation by Alan Sorensen Alan Sorensen, Commissioner for Planning and Community Development for Sullivan County spoke to the board's about the process of revitalization and economic development that has occurred in Sullivan County under his leadership and how that process could be put into place to enhance our economic development strategies in the Village. Trustee Flickenschild asked what area sparked interest for Mr. Sorensen? Mr. Sorensen stated the downtown area.

Trustee Hurd asked about traffic control? He's seen where communities have created pedestrian areas that were formally streets. Mr. Sorensen stated that is something they have to look at.

Mayor Pellegrino asked how they attracted business people to Liberty or Monticello? Was it local people or did he advertise?

Mr. Sorensen stated that what attracted the business people were the incentives.

Page-1- Village of Walden Joint Board Meeting June 28,2001

Trustee Flickenschild asked if they changed the length of time for the planning process?

Mr. Sorensen stated that they did redraft the ordinance, but it is pretty restrictive. Trustee Hurd stated that the Board's have discussed the concept of identifying and keeping current the inventory of available property, either for sale or for use, within the Village. Also, working with the Planning and Zoning Board to identify those uses that would require a minimum or no time to start use. He asked if Mr. Sorensen has done anything in those lines?

Mr. Sorensen stated that they have tried to streamline the process as much as possible. Trustee Meisel stated that the Board has come to the conclusion that some of our ordinances have become over restrictive. The Planning and Zoning Board's have been complying with the laws that have been made. The laws that were made have put them in a position where people have chosen to go to other places rather then going through our procedures. The Board has asked them to let them know what is too restrictive.

Mr. Sorensen agreed that's exactly what you have to do. Trustee Flickenschild asked if Mr. Sorenson does grants for infrastructure?

Mr. Sorenson stated absolutely.

Mr. Millspaugh asked about grants for community organizations?

Mr. Sorensen stated that he has secured foundation grants.

Trustee Hurd asked about communities where there is a lack of certain services, have they ever tried dealing with local owners who have franchises? Mr. Sorensen that they subscribe to a publication that lists multiple regional franchises. That would be a good place to start. Trustee Hurd suggested a committee be formed consisting of two members from the Planning Board, two members from the Zoning Board and two members from the Board of Trustees to deal with streamlining the application process.

Trustee Meisel stated that he would also like Mr. Sorensen's review and input. Page-2- Village of Walden Joint Board Meeting June 28,2001 Trustee Meisel moved that the Board goes on record wishing to employ Mr. Sorensen predicated upon an agreement between him and the Board members. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Motion carried.

Member Corbett stated that he's concerned that no one misconstrues the concept of streamlining where it degrades the process. Trustee Flickenschild stated that fees also have to be looked at. Adjournment

Trustee Meisel moved to adjourn. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted^

Nam&MitchelOGl \ ^ VillageClerk

Page-3- Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden Work Session Meeting Tuesday, June 26, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. One Municipal Square The Agenda 1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call

3. Approval of Minutes 1 : Meeting of May 24'" and 30'", 2001

4. Public Comment 5. Business of the Board of Trustees a. 1: Payment of Audited Bills 2: Municipal Square Lighting Installation Bid Approval 3: Recreation Dept. Road Race Request, July 4"\ 2001 1 : Out Door Cafe" Seating 2: Meeting Procedures 3: Sweeney's Site Plan Amendment 4: Full Time Police Officer c. 1 : Orange Avenue Speed Limit Enforcement Report 2: Please note that there will be a joint meeting of the Board of Trustees, Planning and Zoning Boards on June 28*, 7PM, 2^ Floor Community Room 3: Clean Air/Clean Water Bond Act, Review of Application 4: Medical Training/Police Department

6. Executive Sessiou(s) 1 : Attorney/Client •*• 2: Tauber Parkland Fees 7. Adjournment VILLAGE OF WALDEN BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING JUNE 26,2001

Mayor Rocco Pellegrino called the regular meeting of the Village of Walden Board of Trustees to order at 6:30 P.M.

On roll call Mayor Rocco Pellegrino, Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop, Trustees Mary Jean Norman, Richard Hurd, Conrad Flickenschild, and Bill Meisel were present. Trustee Craig Maslik was absent.

Village Manager James Politi, Village Clerk Nancy Mitchell, and Village Attorney Kevin Dowd were also present.

Approval of Minutes Trustee Norman moved to adopt the minutes of May 24"* and 30*\ 2001. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Minutes adopted.

Sign Committee

Mayor Pellegrino advised the Board that he has received information from Becky Pearson regarding the sign committee and he would like to meet with them.

Public Comments Lori Keator, 29 Rifton Place stated that in regard to outdoor cafe" seating at Sweeney's, the Village doesn't allow businesses to put their stuff on the sidewalk, putting seats on the sidewalk is the same thing. There is also the open container law.

Jessica Metzger asked about the Orange Avenue speed limit enforcement report, are there any plans to do any reports on any other streets in the village?

Manager Politi advised Mrs. Metzger that they would be doing other streets.

Audited Bills

Trustee Flickenschild moved to pay the audited bills of June 26,2001. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried.

Municipal Square Street Lighting Bid

Page -1- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting June 26,2001

Trustee Norman moved to accept the bid for the municipal square street lights from Napp Electric Contractor. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Motion carried Fourth of July Road Race Deputy Mayor Wynkoop moved to approve the use of village streets for the Fourth of July Road Race. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried. Out Door Caf6 Seating Trustee Flickenschild moved to discuss out door cafe" seating. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried. Mayor Pellegrino advised the Board that he is in favor of doing this. He feels it makes the village more attractive. He does feel that the tables should be limited so you have enough sidewalk space and they should also be fenced in. He doesn't feel alcohol should be served. Manager Politi stated that the widths of the sidewalks vary, so you're limited to where you could put tables. Trustee Flickenschild stated that at all the seminars he's attended this is a big calling factor that other towns are doing. Warwick allows it and their sidewalks are narrow. He also feels it's a good thing. He does feel alcohol should be allowed to be served, because many times if you allow the company's to advertise they will donate tables and umbrellas.

Deputy Mayor Wynkoop reminded the Board that there is an open container law in Walden.

Mr. Dowd asked what the Board was going to do about the noise issue?

Mayor Pellegrino suggested the time be limited.

Trustee Hurd stated that the communities he's seen that allow outdoor seating have setbacks or they are on the side of the establishment or at the rear of the establishment. Manager Politi stated that you also have the American Disability Act requirement requirements.

Trustee Meisel suggested the Village do something on a trial basis. Page -2- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting June 26,2001 Trustee Flickenschild asked about the A.D.A. requirements?

Mr. Dowd stated that the A.D.A. requires five feet.

Trustee Norman stated that she has problems with umbrellas with advertisements for beer on them. It was the consensus of the Board to canvass other communities to see what their regulations are.

Meeting Procedures Trustee Flickenschild informed the Board that in some of the information just received from NYCOM there were recommendations that Planning Boards, Zoning Boards of Appeals and Architectural Review Boards should not have members of the Board of Trustees in attendance. Mr. Dowd stated that he totally disagrees with that position by NYCOM. Because you are on this board you do not lose your citizen rights and you certainly don't lose your powers as Board of Trustees members to find out and to keep up with what goes on in this village.

Sweeney's Site Plan Amendment Trustee Flickenschild stated that he would like to know why a business that is already established, requests to add a door without changing the foot print of a building, why are they now sent back to the Planning Board.

Manager Politi stated that if it's just a door they wouldn't go back to the Planning Board. The Building Inspector can handle that.

Mr. Dowd stated that Mr. Sweeney is adding a door, the steps and the landing.

The Manager explained that he's changing the foot print of the building, so he does have to go to the Planning Board. Mr. Sweeney is also adding a vestibule.

Mr. Dowd further stated that in order to get a building permit for outside alterations to an existing building you must get site plan approval.

Trustee Flickenschild informed the Board that he thinks this is ridiculous because this man is making his facility safer for all community residence. To make him go back before all Page-3- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting June 26,2001 these other boards and take all this time to do what he's doing, we should have a requirement saying that if you're making it safer for the present people there is no reason to go back to the Planning Board or anyone else. Trustee Meisel stated that Mr. Sweeney is being penalized now because there isn't a second door. Legally he has enough space for the occupancy. The only reason he's being penalized is because there's not a second door. Mr. Dowd stated that because of the way he has his seating and the way you measure capacity in the fire codes for seating, removable chairs, that's one reason he's going to booths that are into the wall. It allows him at fixed seating to give him more occupancy under the fire codes. The second egress that he presently has is a legal egress, but he's choosing to block it off in violation of the fire codes to put a band in there. Trustee Flickenschild asked when Mr. Sweeney started this process? Look how long it's taking this man just to get final approval in the Village of Walden to do something.

Mr. Dowd stated that it might have been March when he talked to Mr. Stickles about the issue of the site plan amendment being needed. It's then incumbent upon the owner of the business to get his plans and his application before the appropriate board. It's been three months and that plan the Board is looking at now still is not properly complete, because it doesn't show the vestibule. He hasn't made application for anything either. That's not the village's fault. Trustee Flickenschild feels that the Village needs to make changes to allow these things to happen faster. Trustee Meisel suggested a check off list for applicants be created.

Full Time Police Officer Trustee Flickenschild moved to approve the addition of a full time police officer. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried.

Orange Avenue Speed Limit Enforcement Report Village Manager Politi explained to the Board that over the last two weeks the Police Department has placed an extra traffic detail for speed control on Orange Avenue. They issued 93 citations. Joint Meeting Page-4- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting June 26,2001 The Village Manager reminded the Board of the joint meeting between the Village Board, Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals, June 28,2001, 7:00 P.M.

Clean Air/Clean Water Bond Act Manager Politi stated that this report shows the summery of the funding efforts the village has sought for improvements to the wastewater system. Police Department Medical Training The medical training of the Police Department has been completed. Ten full-time officers were trained and nine of the twelve part-time officers were trained. Jessica Metzger advised the Board that the defibrilator cannot be used on anyone eight years of age and younger. The gentleman that came before the Board did not explain that. Public Comment Gregory Raymondo stated that the NARI Organization has been working on the Girl Scout Cabin. Wickes Lumber and LOWES have donated all the lumber. He would like the Village to give them a certificate for the donation. Board Comments Trustee Flickenschild informed the Board that he attended a seminar on the West Nile Virus at the Department of Health in Goshen. There have been birds that have tested positive for the West Nile Virus that was located in the Village of Walden. The health department is going around to all communities in Orange County and they are inserting granular materials into storm sewers. They have not done Walden yet. There is free bug repellent available at any drug store. Trustee Norman stated that the grass at the Highland Avenue water tower needs to be cut.

Trustee Norman also informed the Board that the Alfred Place Park needs to be updated.

Mayor Pellegrino stated that one of his neighbors asked for wood chips instead of sand around the swings at the Alfred Place Park.

Trustee Meisel stated that the biggest asset to the Village is its employees and he feels the Village should show appreciation.

Page-5- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting June 26, 2001 Trustee Meisel stated that every time the Village looks into grants and loans, we always come in last. The reason we come in last is because the Village doesn't go see the politicians. He would like to form a committee of a few members of the Board and when the Village wants something get in the car and go see our representatives and make a pest of ourselves. Mayor Pellegrino stated that he's trying to make improvements in the Village and trying to satisfy everyone. There's not going to be one big winner and a loser. Everything we do we're going to have to compromise with each other. We have to keep the Village in mind. Becky Pearson stated that it was nice to see the Mayor at Valley Central's graduation.

Trustee Norman also stated that it's nice to see the Mayor out at different occasions.

Executive Session Trustee Norman moved to hold an Executive Session pursuant to 105-(d), to discuss pending litigation regarding the Tauber parkland fees, of the Public Officers Law. Seconded by Trustee Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried.

Trustee Norman moved to adjourn into an attorney/client privilege to discuss a personnel matter. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Motion carried. Trustee Flickenschild moved to reconvene the regular meeting. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Meeting reconvened.

Adjournment Trustee Norman moved to adjourn. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted*

NpcyJMitchell Village Clerk


Dale* JUNE 2t* 2001

General Fond $ 155,782.25 Water Fond $ 32,175.46 SewerFund * 26,395.30 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account amount

' AL VALK'S GARAGE,LTD. 1640.411-A vendor total: 1370 claia number total: 1371 CHARLES B MERRILL

1371 claM"' ./

1374 i VB 1374claia. 48.30 1375DRAKE.SQA oc7.90 vendor total. 627.90 kclaim number tot, 6E7.90 1376 WMKE,9»#ERS.UK3, . 1420.401-A 30.60 . vendor fatal: . 30.60 1376 claia nuober total: 30.60 1377 DRAKE,SOMMERS,LOEB, P.C. 1420.401-A 6.00 vendor total: 6.00 1377 claim nuaher total: 6.00 1378 DRAKE,SOMMERS.LOEB, P.C. 1420.401-A 277.69 vendor total: 277.69 1378 claim number total: 277.69 1379 DRAKE,SO»IERS,LOEB, P.C. 1420.401-A 160.00 vendor total: 160.00 1379 claia number total: 160.00 1380 DRAKE,SOMMERS,LOE8, P.C. 1420.401-A 3.30 vendor total: 3.JO claia number total: 3.30 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account EXPAmQSUPPLYPRODUCTS 1640.413-A 205.31 ^vendor total: 205.31 1381 claia nudier total: 205.31 1384GROGSOMATEKALS.INC. 5110.490-A 189.30 vendor total: 189,30 1384 claia nuaber total: 189.30 1385 FRONTIER CDMMJNICATIQJS 1110.408-A 65.49 1410.408-A 622.94 1620.408-A 46.55 1640.408-A 232.19 31E2.408-A 459.13 7020.408-A 23.53 vendor total: 1.449.83 13B5 claim number total: 1.449.83 1386 SEME'S AUTO PART5.INC. 1640.411-A 156.61 vendor total: 156.61 1286 claia nuaber total: 156.61 1387 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS.INC. 1640.411-A 60.58 kvendor total: 60.58 1387 claia nuaber total: . 60.58 13E8 HAIEHT FIRE EQUIPMENT 1620.440-A 144.55 vendor total: 144.55 1388 claia nuaber total: 144.55 1389 JOHN HOMUND 7020.431-A 464.40 vendor total: 464.40 1389 claia nuaber total: 464.40 1392 MIHIAM J MEISEL 1010.460-A 97.20 vendor total: 97.20 1392 claia nuaber total: 97.20 1394NYSEG 5182.471-A 5,813.59 vendor total: 5,813.59 1394 claia nuaber total: 5,813.59 1395 NYSEG 1640.471-A 339.72 vandor total: 339.72 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account aaount ^S5 claia nuaber total: 339.72 %NYSEG 1620.471-A 1,957.47 vendor total: 1,957.47 1396 claia nuaber total: 1,957.47 1397NYSEG 7110.471-A 389.38 vendor total: 389.38 1397 claia nuaber total: 389.38 1400 MENBURGH WINMATER 5110.490-A 85.00 vendor total: 3.00 1400 claia nuaber total: 85.00 1404 COUNT/ OF QRANS OFFICE 6772.481-A 2,600.00 vendor total: 2.600.00 1404 claia nuaber total: 2.600.00 1407LESALADV ATTNPATF 8010.407-A 44.88 vendor total: 44.38 1407 clai: nuaber total: 44.88

W? UHTEO RENTALS 5110.4904% 223.02 vendor total: 223.02 1408 claia nuaber total: 223.02 1409 TMaJMAY SHOPPING CENTER 1620.43M 23.21 1640.411-A 1.01 1640.412-A 7.58 1640.490-A 1.19 3122.401-A 21.83 36S0.40H 5.49 7110.449-A 15.78 7110.453-A 16.18 7110.491-A 18.22 7310.4164 . 33.42 vendor total: 143.91 1409 claia nuaber total: 143,91 1411 MALLKILL VALLEY TIMES 8010.407-A 14.25 vendor total: . 14.25 1411 claia nuaber total: 14.3 j^MALLKILL VALLEY TIMES 1410.407-A 522.00 ^^@^endor total: 522.00 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account amount

^A claim number total: 522.00 1413 MALLKILL VALLEY TIMES 1410.407-A 32.64 vendor total: 32.64 1413 claim numbw total: 32.64 1414 WEST GROUP PAYMENT CTR 1410.402-A 46.50 vendor total: 46.50 1414 claim number total: 46.50

1415 WEINERT-T-SHIRT.INC. 7110.491-A 45.00 7180.401-A 105.W vendor total: 150.40 1415 claim number total: 150.40 1416 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 7020.408-A 95.07 vendor total: 95.07 1416 claim number total: 95.07 1417 FLAG GUYS 7550.475-A 375.70 vendor total: 375.70 ^p claim nusber total: 375.70 1418 NRPA NORTHEAST SERVICE CENTER 7020.460-A 230.00 vendor total: 230.00 1418 claim number total: 230.00 1419 CIARDULLO PRINTING 7180.401-A 50.00 vendor total: 50.00 1419 claim number total: 50.00 1420 THRUNAY SHOPPING CENTER 7110.491-A 99.99 vendor total: 99.99 1420 claim number total: 99.99 1421 NYSEG 7110.471-A 372.12 vendor total: 372.12 1421 claim number total: 372,12 143 WIRE LUMBER.CO. 1&20.440-A . 14.71 7110.453-A 2.25 _^ vendor total: 16.96 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account aaount

J*Z claia nuaber total: 16.96

1424 VINCENT TOOMEY,ESO. 1420.401-A 795.10 vendor total: 795.10

1424 claia nuaber total: 795.10

1425 HODGSQJ FARMS 7110.491-A 27.00 vendor total: 27.00

1425 claia nuaber total: 27.00

1426 THRUMAY PHARMACY. INC. 7180.401-A 88.26 vendor total: 88.26

1426 claia nuaer total: 88.26

1427 THRUM SHAPING CENTER 7110.453-A 36.72 vendor total: 36.72

1427 claia nuaber total: 36.72

1428 AHESCO REMITTANCE 1640.417-A 40.92 vendor total: 40.92

1429 claia number total: 40.92

^W CUSTOM CLAY & SOIL CO. 7110.453-A 3.200.00 vendor total: 3,200.00

1430 claia nuaber total: 3.200.00

1431 CLEAN LAKES INC 7110.453-A 725.00 vendor total: 725.00

1431 claia nuaber total: 725.00

1432 MAREX TERMINALS CORP. 1640.410-A 1,709.76 vendor total: 1,709.76

1432 claia lumber total: 1,709.76

1434 THRUMAY SPORTING GOODS 1640.435-A 98.85 vendor total: 98.85

1434 claia nuaber total: 98.85

1435 DUFRE9E-HENRY CONSULTING 8020.495-A 561.58 vendor total: 561.58

1435 claia nuaber total: 561.58

SALES BOX OFFICE 7310.434-A 1.206.00 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account aaount ,_ 7620.434-A 1,614.00 ^A vendor total: 2.820.00 1436 claia nuaber total: 2,820.00 1437 CUSTOMERLINK OF NEW YORK 1355.4104* 701.20 vendor total: 701.20 1437 claia nuaber total: 701.20 1438 GOOSETONN COMMUNICATIONS 1640.4S2-A 75.00 vendor total: 75.00 1438 claia numer total: 75.00

1441 CROWN AWARDS 7310.416-A 253.10 vendor total: 33.10 1441 claia nuaber total: 253.10 1442 BOTTINI PEL 7110.433-A 154.76 vendor total: 154.76 . 1442 claia nudier total: 154.76 1444 CUSTOM MONITORING 7110.45H 84.00 ^^ vendor total: 34.00 1444 claia nuabsr total: 84.00 1446 PLAZA MATERIALS COMPANY 5110.490-A 1,806.10 vendor total: 1,806.10 1446 claia nuaber total: 1,806.10 1447 SCOTT'S CORNERS PAINT & HARDM 7110.453-A 14.35 vendor total: 14.35 1447 claia nuaber total: 14.35 1449 AMERICAN CLEANER 3120.435-A 300.00 vendor total: 300.00 1449 claia nuaber total: 300.00 1450 MONTGOMERY OVERALL SER 1620.440-A 133.75 vendor total: 133.75 1450 claia nuaber total: 133.75 1452 PLAZA MATERIALS COMPANY . 5110.490-A 682.85 vendor total: 682.35 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account aaount

2 claia nuaber total: 682,85 PRINTING COPANY 1490.401-A 244.00 vendor total: 244.00 1453 claia nuaber total: 244.00 1454 DtfRESNE-KM C3NS1TING 80S0.495-A 199.29 vendor total: 199.29

1454 claia nuaber total: 199.29

1465 WEST GROUP PAYIENTCTR 35.80 vendor total: 35.80

1465 claia nuaber total: 35.80

1466 KSTGR01P PAYMENT CTR 1410.40S-A 35.80 vsidor total: 35.80

1466 claia nuaber total: 35.80

1467 TRI-COUNTYA/C AND 1620.44M 191.30 vendor total: 191.30

1467 claia nuaber total: 191.30

WATER SAFETY PRODUCTS 7180.401-A 185.00 vendor total: 185.00

1468 claia nuaber total: 185.00 1472MCGOEY,HAUSER&EDSALL 1440.459-A 1,017.50 vendor total: 1.017.50

1472 claia nuaber total: 1.017.50

1473MCGOEY,HAUSER&EOSALL 1440.459-A 942.50 vendor total: 942.50

1473 cilia nuaber total: 942.50

1474 FEDEX 1410.406-A 36.18 vendor total: 36.18

1474 claia nuaber total: 36,18

70S0.40H 130.00 vendor total: 130.00

1475 claia nuaber total: 130.00

PRINTING COMPANY 1010.401-A 47.00 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account aaount 1230.401-A 47.00 ^M vendor total: 94.00 1477 claia nuaber total: 94.00 1479 ENVIRONMENTAL PAPER 1620.440-A 225.65 vendor total: 225.65 1479 claia nusber total: . 225.65. 1480 THE DANIELS AGENCY, INC. 1910.400-A 80,295.00 vendor total: 80,295.00 1480 claia nuder total: 80,295.00 1483 NYS Q3NFERENCE OF MAYORS 1920.400-A 2.328.00 vendor total: 2.328.00 1483 claia nuober total: 2,328.00 1484 BECKER BUSINESS SYSTEMS 1110.407-A 105.00 1325.407-A 315.00 1410.4104) 105.00 3122.497-A 105.00 vendor total: 6SO.OO ^& claia nuaber total: 630.00 1485 DRAKE,SOMMERS,LOEB, P.C. 1420.411-A 3.891.63 vendor total: 3,891.63 1485 claia nusber total: 3,891.63 1488 COFFEE SYSTEM OF THE 1620.440-A 55.45 vendor total: 55.45 1488 claia nuaber total: 55.45

1489 NYS CONFERENCE OF MAYORS 1010.460-A 180.00 1210.460-A 180.00 vendor total: 360.00 1489 claia nuaber total: 360.00 1490 NY COMMUNICATIONS CO.INC 3120.214-A 2.980.00 3120.215-A 2,892.00 3122.425-A 10.740.00 vendor total: 16,512.00 1490 claia maker total: 16,512.00 Jgl VERIZON WIRELESS 3620.401-A 30.13 ^M vendor total: 30.13 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account aaount

^B claia nuaber total: 30.13 1492 VERIZON WIRELESS 1640.408-A 73.07 vendor total: 73.07 1492 claia nuaber total: 73.07 1493 VERIZCN WIRELESS 3122.408-A 54.20 vendor total: 54.20 1493 claia nuaber total: 54.20 1494 VERIZON WIRELESS 1230.408-A 163.02 vendor total: 163.02 1494 claia nuaber total: 163.02 1496 COFFEE SYSTEM ? THE 1640.440-A 28.90 vendor total: 28.90 1496 claia nuaber total: 28.90 !497 AIRPAGE BEEFER PEuPLZ 2230.408-6 17.00 vendor total: 17.00 ^Aclaia nuaber total: 17.00 1498 AIRPAEE BEEPER PEOPLE 1640.408-A 27.24 vendor total: 27.24 1498 claia nuder total: 27.24 1499 HUDSON VALLEY PAPER CO 1110.401-A 99.29 1410.401-A 99.29 3122.401-A 99.29 3620.401-A 99.29 71B0.401-A 99.28 vendor total: 496.44 1499claianuaber total: . 496.44

1502 WARWICK VALLEY TELEPHONE 1410.408-A 59.35 vendor total: 59.85 1502 claia nusber total: 59,85 1503SARATOGAARMS 1010.460-A 450.00 1230.460-A 450.00 'vendor total: 900.00 jglclaia nuaber total: 900,00 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account asount ^4 ARCH WIRELESS 1640.408-A 8.08 3620.401-A 6.08 ^A 70E0.408-A 8.08 vendor total: 22.24 1504 claia nuaber total: 22.24 1506 ALL TREE REMOVAL •5560,412-4 2,000.00 vendor total: 2,000.00 1506 clai: nuaber total: 2,000.00 1509 GLOBAL CROSSING TELECOMMUNICA 1410.408-A 75.88 1640.408-A 31.45 31E2.40B-A 125.24 7')20.408-A 26.52 vendor total: 259.09 1509 -:laia nuaber total: 259.09. 1510 ALL TREE REMOVAL S560.41E-A 1.000.00 vendor total: 1,000.00 •510 claia nuscer total: 1.000.00

1511 AGHAY EKRGY PRODUCTS 1640.410-A 408.53 ^A vendor total: 408.53 151! =Iaia nueber total: 408.53

1512 AMTHQR'S lELDING SERVICE 1640.412-A 10.G8 vendor total: 10.88 1512 claia nuaber total: 10.88 1514 ARCH WIRELESS 3122.408-A 219.88 vendor total: 219.88 1514 claia nuaber total: 219.88 1515 AMES & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3122.4624* 173.95 vendor total: 173.95 1515 claia nuaber total: 173.95 1516 CHARLES B MERRILL 1325.401-A 204.49 1410.401-A 4,89 vendor total: 209.28 ISIa claia nuaber total: 209.38 ^3 CHARLES B MERRILL 3122.401-A 984.94 ^M vendor total: 984.94 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account aaount

' claia number total: 984.94 1518 BOB LOUNBURY SPORTING GOODS 3121.491-A 116.98 vendor total: 116.98 1518 claia nuaber total: 116.98 1519 CIARDULLO PRINTING 3122.401-A 60.00 vendor total: 60.00 1519 claim nuzbar total: 60.00 1520 CHESTER VALLEY E3UIP. 7110.449-A 85.19 vendor total: 85.19 1520 :laia nuaber total: 85.19 1521 CHARLES B MERRILL 1410.401-A 134.88 vendor total: 134.38 1521 claia number total: 134.38 !522 FLEET LEASING CORP 3122.483-A 173.30 vendor total: 173.30 •:la:a nuaber total: !73.20 1523 CHESTER VALLEY EQUIP. 7110.449-A 100.10 vendor total: 100.10 ,523 claia nudier total: 100.10 1524 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS,INC. 1640.411-A 308.22 1640.412-A 53.52 164i).413-A 51.46 vendor total: 413.20 1524 claia nuaber total: 413.20 1525 GLOBAL CROSSING TELECQMiNICA 1110.408-A 26.55 vendor total: 26.55 1525 claia nuaber total: . 26.55 1526 GRAPHIC DETAIL 7110.453-A 25.00 vendor total: . 25.00 1526 claia nuaber total: 25.00 1527 FLEET LEASING CORP 3122.483-A > 173.30 vendor total: 173.30 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account amount claim number total: . 173.% 1530 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 3122.408-A 105.01 vendor total: 105.01 !530 claim number total: 105.01 1531 FIRESTONE STORES 1640.411-4 861.22 vendor total: 861.2 1531 claim number total: • 861.22 1533 JOHN HOHL4ND 1640.411-A 199.62 vendor total: 199.62 1533 claia number total: 199.62 1534 KACEY'S COMPUTER 3122.201-A 2.2E2.00 vendor total: 2.2S2.00 1534 claim number total: 2.282.00 1535 NYS ASSOC.CHIEFS/?QLIC!- 3120.46-H 100.00 vendor total: . 100.00 1535 claim number total: • 100.00 LIHO'S PIZZA • 3120.460-A 70..81 vendor total: 70.81 1526 claia number total: 70.81 1537 NUB SRAFIX 1640.41H 200.00 vendor total: 200.00 1537 claim number total: 200.00 1538 GARDIIZR ANIMAL HOSPITAL 3510.492-A 161.25 vendor total: 161.25 1538 claim number total: 161.25 1539 RALPH C HERMAN CO.,INC. 1640.413-A 145.66 vendor total: 145.66 1539 claim number total: 145.66 1540 TKRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 7110.453-A 24.98 vendor total: 24.98 1540 claim number total: 24.98 NEUHAUS 1640.490-A 53.08 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account aaount vendor total: 53108 T542 claia nuaber total: 53.08 1543 SCOTT'S CORNERS PAINT & HARDH 5110.490-A 42.87 vendor total: 42.87 1543 ziaianusber total: 42.87 1544 TtRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 1620.440-A 22.49 vaidor total: 22.49 i544 claia nuaber total: 22.49 1620.436-A 113.70 vendor total: 113,70 1Z45 clsia nuaber total: 113.70 1547 THSUMAY SHOPPING CENTER 7110.453-A 28.31 vendor total: 38.31 1547 =laianusbar total: 38.31 !548 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 7110.453-A 29.94 vendor total: 29.94 %d ciaia nuaber total: 29.94 1549 LEGAL ADV ATTNPATF 1410.407-A 145.68 vendor total: 145.68 1549 claia nuaber total: 145.68 1550 LEGAL ADV ATTNPATF 1410.407-A 132.72 vendor total: 132.72 1550 claia nuaber total: 132.72 1551 THYSENKRUPUP ELEVATOR CORP. 1620.497-A 209.92 vendor total: 209.92 1551 claia nuaber total: 209.92 1552 HALLKILL AUTO SALES 1640.411-A 127.16 vendor total: • 127.16 1552 claia nuaber total: 127.16 1553'WALDEN PLUMBINS/HEATING 1620.440-A 75.00 vendor total: 75.30 I claia nuaber total: 75.00 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account aaount

^P»AL^A m AUTO BOY & GLASS 1640.4M-A 1.119.75 vendor total: 1,119.75 1554 claia nua6er total: 1,119.75 1555 WILLIAMSON LAM BOOK 1110.40M 3.42 13E5.40H 50.41 vendor total: 37.83 1555 claia nuaber total: 37.83 1556 WEINERT-T-SHIRT.INC. 7310.416-A 1,528.80 vsnaor total: 1.528.80 i556 :Iaia nuaber total: 1,:23.80 1557 WALLKILL VALLEY TIMS 1410.407-A 58.91 vendor total: 58.91 1557 claia nusber total: 58.91 1558 HIKES LUMBER.CO. 7110.453-A 99.94 vendor total: 99.94 1553 claia nuaber total: 99.94 WLECALADV ATTNPATF 1410.407-A 175.92 vendor total: 175.92 1559 clai: nuzber total: 175.92 1560 MALLKILL VALLEY HIES 1410.407-A 54.67 S020.407-A 11.55 vendor total: 66.22 1560 claia maker total: 66.22 1562 CALLANAN INDUSTRIES.INC 5110.490-A 547.69 vmdor total: 547.69 1562 claim number total: 547.69

fund total: 156,782.25 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account aaount ate^a 1373CHENERGYGRQUP.INC. 3320.471-F 858.75 vendor total: 83.% 1373 claia nuaber total: 358.75 1382 FRQITIER [(MMICATIQNS 8310.408-F 140.79 vendor total: 144.79 1382 claia nuaber total: .140.79 1391 MJDSON VALLEY RESORT &SPA 3310.460-F 417.00 vendor total: 417.00 1391 claia nuaber total: 417.00 1398 NYSEG S320.471-F 2.469.24 vendor btai: 2.469.24 1398 claia nuaber total: 2,469.24 1399 NWSB 3320.471-F 7.82 vendor total: 7.32 claia nuaber tatal: 7.82 TW5QH ANALYTICAL SERVICE 3320.459-F 210.00 vendor total: 210.00 1403 claia nuaber total: 210.00 1406 RAMSCO,INC. 8340.206-F 1.480.00 vendor tstal: 1,480.00 1406 claia nuaber total: 1,480.00 1410 TMUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 8340.433rF 58.91 vendor total: 58,91 1410 claia nuaber total: 58.91 1429 DUFRESNE4ENRY CONSULTINB 8310.495-F 691.03 vendor total: 691.03 1429 claia nuaber total: 691.03 1433 HANDY RENTAL CENTER 8340.459-F 408.74 vendor total: 408.74 1433 :laim nuaber total: 408.74 lijNDERSROUND FACILITIES PROTEC 9310.401-F 35.40 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account aaount vendor total: 35,40 1440 claia nuaber total: 35.40 1443 BOTTINI FUEL 8320.433-F 146.03 vendor total: 146.03 1443 claia nuaber total: 146.03 1448 W.W.SRAINSER.INC. 8320.403-f 25.84 vendor total: 25.84 1448 claia nuaber total: 25.84 1451 LEGGETTE.BRASEARS.GRAHAM.IM: 3310.495-F 193.80 vendor total: 193.80 1451 claia nuaber total: 193.30 1471 KGOEY.HAUSER & EDSALL 8310.495-? 27.50 vendor total: 27.50 1471 claia number total: 27.50 1476 LESGETTE.BRASZARS.ERAHAM.INC 8310.475-F 216.24 vendor total: 216.24 % =Isia nuaber total: 216.24 14817IS 3ANIELS AGENCY.IK. 1910.400-F 22,770.00 vendor total: 22.770.00 1481 claia nuaber total: 22.770.00 1486 DRAKE.SMBS.LOEB, P.C. 8310.493^ 486.50 vendor total: 486.50 1486 claia nuaber total: 486.50 1495 C H EKRGY 30UP.IC. 8320.471-F 812.60 vendor total: 812.60 1495 claia nuaber total: 812.60 1500 MJDSON VALLEY PAPER CO 8310.401-F 99.28 vendor total: 99.28 1500 claia nuaber total: 99.28 1505 ARLH WIRELESS 8310.40d-F 12.28 vendor total: 12.28 claia nuober total: • 12.28 ---- jjj;. .70..=!:

Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account aaount

BM. CROSSING TELZQMJNICA8310.408-F 31.48 vendor total: 31.48

1507 clai: nmber total: 31.48

8320.459-F 28.00 vendor total: 28.00

1513 =laia nmber total: 28.00 1516 CHARlfS B tERRIll 8310.401-F S5.00 vendor total: 85.00 I516clai:nudiertatal: . . • 85.00

•529 FwMTIER COM4UNICATH3C 3310.408-F 251.23 vendor total: 251.23 1529 claia nuaber total: 251.23

1546 THRUWAY SHAPING CENTER 8320.403-F 213.00 vender total: 213.00 1546 claii nudier tftal: 213.00

fund total: 32.176.46 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account aaount sews r%Q FRONTIER OMIUNICATIQNS 8110.40M 47.93 vendor total: 47.93 1383 claia nualier total: 47.93 1390 HUDSON VALLEY RESORT & SPA 8110.460-G 417.00 vendor total: 417.00 1390 claia number total: 417.00 1393NYSEG 8120.471-S . 1,270.71 8130.471-6 2,193.41 vendor total: 3.464.12 1393 claia nuaber total: 3.4.;4.!2 1401 NEHBURGH WINWATER 8I20.401-S =23.40 8120.401-S 298.90 vendor total: 322.30 1401 claia nuaber total: 822.30 1402 NYS D E C 8130.473-5 700.00 vendor total: 700.00 ^kf claia number total: 700.00 1405PCLYDYNE.IKC. G130.465-S ' 613.20 vendor total: 613.20 1405 claia nuaber total: 613.20 1422 NYSES 8120.471-G 543.99 vendor total: 543.99 1422 claia nuaber total: 543.99 1439 JOHN'S QUALITY CLOTHIERS 8110.435-S 126.40 vendor total: 126.40 1439 claia nuaber total: 126.40 1470 MCSOEY.HAUSER & EDSALL 8110.459-S 516.50 vendor total: 516.50 1470 claia nuaber total: 516.50 1478 GRAPHIC CONTROL.LORP. 8130.401-G 192.22 vendor total: 192.32 klaia number total: 192.22 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account aaount

^^ THE DANIELS AGENCY,INC. 1910.400-G 16,778.00 vendor total: 16,778.00 1482 claia nusber total: 16,778.00 1487 DRAKE,StM(RS,LOEB, P.C. 8110.493-6 486.50 vendor total: 486.50 1487 claia nucber total: 486.50 1501 HUDSON VALLEY PAPER CO 8110.401-G 99.28 vendor total: 99.28 1501 claia nucber total: 99.28 1508 GLOBAL CROSSING TELECOMMUNICA 8130.408-S 26.58 vendor total: 26.58 1508 claia nuaber total: 26.58 1516 CHARLES 8 KRRILL 8110.401-S 55.00 vendor total: 85.00 1516 claia nuaber total: 55.00

^AFRONTIER COMMUNICATIGS 8110.408-G 139.70 ^^ vendor total: 139.70 1528 claia nuaber total: 139.70 1532 G8MECH LTD 8130.440-G 1.260.00 vendor total: 1.260.00 1532 claia nuaber total: 1,260.00 1541 SCOTT'S CORNERS PAINT & HARDH 8130.401-G 35.63 vendor total: 35.63

1541 claia nuaber total: 35.63 1561 ZEE MEDICAL 8130.401-G 40.85 vendor total: 40.85 1561 claia maker total: 40.85

fund total: 26,395.30 1-11- 3 HSL. ^ 1<^.3'.1 H — L_--.-- U'l .S 06/29/01 09:47 JUDY page: 1 Village of Wai den

fund account description debit credit

general A ^^).401-^^ A Office Expense 47.00 1010.460-A Education 727.20 1110.401-A Office Expense 136.71 1110.407-A Service Contract 105.00 1110.408-A Telephone 92.04 1210.460-A Education 180.00 1230.401-A Office Exoense 47.00 1230.408-A Telephone 180.02 1230.460-A Education 450.00 1225.401-A Office Exoenss 254.90 1325.407-A Service Contracts 315.00 1355.41M Other Material/Supolies 701.20 1410.401-A Office Expense 245.84 1410.402-A Reproducing Expense S2.SO 1410.406-A Postage 36.18 1410.407-A Advertising 1.1E2.54 1410.408-A Telephone 753.67 1410.410-A Service Contracts 105.00 1420.401-A Legal Miscellaneous 1.948.89 1420.411-A Legal Retainer 3.891.63 1440.459-A Engineering Miscellaneous 1,960.00 1490.40M Office Exoense 244.00 1620.408-A • Telephone 46.55 1620.431-A Cleaning Supplies 23.21 1620.436-A Bulbs 113.70 ^Mk.44i)-A Building Maintenance • 862.90 ^%EQ.471*A C?ar*T4r4ty 1.957.47 1620.497-A Service Contract 209.92 1640.408-A Telephone 372.03 1640.410-A Gas. Oil. Lube 2,118.29 1644.411-A Auta Maintenance 3,223.17 1640.412-A Truc^ Maintenance 71.98 !640.413-A Equipaent Maintenance 402.43 1640.417-A Shoo Equipaent Maintenance 40.92 1640.435-A Clothing 98.35 1640.440-A Building Msintenancs 2.20 1640.471-A Electricity 339.72 1640.482-A Radio Repairs 75.00 1640.490-A Other Materials/Supplies 54.27 1910.40M Unallocated Insurance 80,295.00 . 1920.400-A Municipal Assoc. Dues 2.229.00 3120.2144 Police Radir 2,880.00 3120.215-A Mobile Radio 2.892.00 3120.435-A Police Uniforas 300.00 3120.460-A Education 170.81 3121.491-A Police Equioaent 116.98 3122.201-A Office Equipaent 2,232.00 3122.401-A Office Expense 1,166.06 3122.408-A Telephone 963.46 3122.425-A Radio Maintenance 10,740.00 ^^22.482-A Coaaunications Equipaent E)m. 173.95 ^P.483-A Equipaent Rental 346.60 3122.497-A Service Contracts 105.00 06/29/01 09:47 JUDY paga: 2 Village of Waiden fund account description debit credit ^g0.492-A Veterinarian Fees 161.25 ^^M).401-A Office Exoense 176.79 5110.490-A Street Maintenance 3,576.83 5182.471-A Street Lighting 5,813.59 6772.481-A Adult Services Contract 2,600.00 7020.401-A Material and Supplies 177.88 7020.408-A Telephone 153.20 7020.431-A Mileage-Per. Auto 464,40 7020.460-A Education 230.00 7110.433-A Fuel 154.76 7110.449-A Lawn Mower Repairs =01.07 7110.451-A Park M:int-9radlsy/Alfrsd Park 84.00 7110.453-A Park Maintsnance-Walden Park 4,212.67 7110.471-A Electricity 761.50 7110.491-A Bssutificstion 190.21 Miscsllansaus Stzoliss 7310.416-A Tennis Prooraa ,n^w 7310.434-A Entertainment and Trips 1,206.00 7550.475-A Holiday Dscaratians 375.70 7620.434-A Entertainment 1.614.03 S010.407-A Advertising 59.12 8020.407-A Advertising 11.55 E020.495-A Engineering 7iO.S7 8560.412-A Tree Removal Services 3.000.00 A total . general 156J82.25 xatsr ^W!) 41)1— 'In^n.^r^aH Tqcm*jp[a 22.770.iX) 8310.401-F Office ExQense 219.68 8310.408-F Telephone 435.78 8310.460-F Education 417,00 8310.493-r • Legal Fees 486.50 8310.495-F Engineering ' 1,128.57 8320.403-F Miscellaneous Expenses 238.84 8320.433-F Heating Fuel 146.03 BH20.459-F Miscellaneous Testing Services 238.00 8320.471-F Power for Utilities 4,148.41 8340.206-F Mater Meter Repair Parts 1,480.00 8340.433-F Material and Supplies '58.91 8344.459-F Miscellaneous Services 408.74 F total water 32,176.46 G sewer 1910.400-G Unallocated Insurance 16,778.00 8110.4014 Office Expense 1G4.29 8110.4084 Teleohone 187.63 8110.4354 Uniforms 126.40 8110.4594 Other Misc. Services 516.50 8110.4604 Education 417.00 8:19.4934 Legal Fees 486.50 8120.4014 Materials and Supplies 22.40 ^20.4714 Power for Utilities 1,814.70 @9.4014 Material and Supplies 567.70 8130.4084 Teleohone 26.58 06/29/01 09:47 JUDY page: Village of Walden fund account description debit credit ^K0.440-G Sewer Msintaance 1,260.00 1^^).465-S OiMical: 613.20 8130.471-G Power for Utilities 2,193.41 8130.473-S Peril ts 700.00 G total sewer 26,395.30 library 7410.40H. Office Expense 4.29 7410.4084. Telephone 144.26 7410.459-L Misc. Services (Programs) 27.97 total library 176.52 06/29/01 10:26 JUDY ae: Village of Walden check nmber vndrid date pay to aaount

checking 'A' 'XM^^y 00293 06/29/01 AMERICAN ALARM 28.00 003096 00898 06/29/01 AGWAY ENERGY PRODUCTS 408.53 003097 00135 06/29/01 AIRPAGE BEEPER PEOPLE 44.24 003098 00299 06/29/01 AL VALK'S SARAGE.LTD. 189.00 003099 .01780 06/29/01 ALL TREE REMOVAL 3.000.00 003100 01425 06/29/01 AMERICAN CLEANER 300.00 003101 00083 06/29/01 AMTHOR'S WELDING SERVICE 10.88 003102 00270 06/29/01 ANNESE & ASSOCIATES, INC. 173.95 003103 00115 1)6/29/01 ARCH WIRELESS 254.40 003104 01226 06/29/01 AWESCO REMITTANCE 40.92 003105 00002 06/29/01 BECKER BUSINESS SYSTEMS 630.00 003106 01875 06/29/01 BOB LOUNBURY SPORTING GOODS 116.98 003107 01593 06/29/01 BOTTINI FUEL 300.79 003108 00073 06/29/01 CALLANAN INDUSTRIES. INC 547.69 J03109 00243 06/29/01 C H ENERGY GROUP. INC. 1.671.35 003110 01034 06/29/01 CHARLES B MERRILL 1.553.86 003111 01580 06/29/01 CHESTER VALLEY EQUIP. 185.29 003112 00050 06/29/01 CIARDULLQ PRINTING 110.00 003113 01359 J6/29/01 CLEAN LAKES INC 725.00 003114 01713 06/29/01 COFFEE SYSTEM OF THE 107.65 003115 00611 06/29/01 COUNTY OF ORANGE OFFICE 2.600.00 003116 01547 06/29/01 CROW AWARDS 253.10 003117 00084 06/29/01 CUSTOM CLAY & SOIL CO. 3.200.00 .003118 00273 06/29/01 CUSTOM MONITORING 84.00 003U1 00295 06/29/01 CUSTOMERLINK OF MEN YORK 701.20 coj^A 00451 06/29/01 THE DANIELS AGENCY. INC. . 119.843.00 oos^r 00145 06/29/01 DRAKE.SOMMERS.LOEB. P.C. 6.018.42 003125 00012 06/29/01 DUFREEKE-HEMRY CONSULTING 1,451.90 003123 00887 06/29/01 ENVIRONMENTAL PAPER 225.65 i)03124 00060 06/29/01 EXPANDED SUPPLY PRODUCTS 205.31 003125 00809 06/29/01 FEDEX 36.18 003126 01267 06/29/01 FIRESTONE STORES 861.22 003127 01411 06/29/01 FLAG GUYS 375.70 003128 01016 06/29/01 FLEET LEASING CORP 346.60 003129 00071 06/29/01 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 2,229.56 003130 01965 06/29/01 GARDINER ANIMAL HOSPITAL 161.25 003131 01409 06/29/01 GEN-TECH LTD 1,260.00 003132 00047 06/29/01 GECRS'S AUTO PARTS, INC. 630.39 003133 01563 06/29/01 GLOBAL CROSSING TELECOMMUNICATE 343.70 003134 01434 06/29/01 GOOSETOHN COMMUNICATIONS 75.00 003135 01229 06/29/01 W.W.GRAINGER.INC. 25.84 003136 00800 06/29/01 8MPHIC DETAIL 25.00 003137 00869 06/29/01 GRAPHIC CONTROL.CORP. 192.32 003138 00622 06/29/01 6ROSSO MATERALS.INC. 189.30 003139 01962 06/29/01 GROUP SALES BOX OFFICE 2,820.00 003140 00474 06/29/01 HAIGHT FIRE EQUIPMENT 144.55 003141 01737 06/29/01 HANDY RENTALL CENTER 408.74 003142 00132 06/29/01 RALPH C HERMAN CO..INC. 145.66 003143 01966 06/29/01 STEVE NEUHAUS 53.U3 003144 01284 06/29/01 HODGSON FARMS 27.00 0031^ 00179 06/29/01 JOHN HONLAND 664.02 003^9 01925 06/29/01 HUDSON VALLEY RESORT & SPA 834.00 003147 01964 06/29/01 HUDSON VALLEY PAPER CO 695.00 VILLAGE OF WALDEN ABSTRACT.'OF AUDITED VOUCHERS








PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Village of Walden Board of Trustees will be holding a special meeting on Wednesday, May 30, 2001 at 6:30 P.M. on the third floor of the Municipal Building, One Municipal Square, Walden, NY.


1. Resolution No. 17-00-01 -Amending the 2000-2001 Budget 2. Water/Sewer Hook-up Fees VILLAGE OF WALDEN BOARD OF TRUSTEES SPECIAL MEETING MAY 30,2001 Mayor Rocco Pellegrino called the special meeting of the Village of Walden Board of Trustees to order at 6:30 P.M. On roll call Mayor Rocco Pellegrino, Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop, Trustees Mary Jean Norman, Richard Hurd, Bill Meisel, Craig Maslik, and Conrad Flickenschild were present. Village Manager James Politi, Deputy Village Clerk Vicki Kurtz and Village Attorney Kevin Dowd were also present. Resolution No. 17-00-01 - A Resolution Amending Resolution 31-99-00 (Adopting a Budget for the Fiscal Year Commencing June 1,2000 and Ending May 31,2001) to Transfer Funds Trustee Norman moved to adopt Resolution No. 17-00-01, A Resolution Amending Resolution 31-99-00 (Adopting a Budget for the Fiscal Year Commencing June 1,2000 and Ending May 31,2001) to Transfer Funds, (attached). Seconded by Trustee Maslik. All ayes. Motion carried.

Trustee Flickenschild stated that the Board questioned the budget amendment only because there were some questions, not because they felt there was any inappropriate behavior.

Resolution No. 19-00-01 Amending the Schedule of Fees and Charges for Water and Sewer Tap-in Applications and Connections Trustee Norman moved to adopt Resolution No. 19-00-01, Amending the Schedule of Fees and Charges for Water and Sewer Tap-in Applications and Connections, (attached). Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild.

Trustee Hurd asked if new construction had to pay for each house hooked up? Mr. Dowd explained that in a subdivision they are going to put in a water and sewer line, they install it and make the connections to it. They make one tap into the existing main and that extension becomes part of the water and sewer system of the Village of Walden. What this resolution is saying is that every tap on the new extensions for water and sewer is $1,000. If you're making a new connection on Main Street then you have to pay $1,000 each to the existing system. Ones new and one is existing.

Trustee Maslik asked about industrial hook ups?

Mr. Dowd stated that this includes any hook up. It was the consensus of the Board that the meter is an extra charge and to raise the fee to $1250.00.

All ayes. Resolution adopted.


Trustee Norman moved to adjourn. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkdop. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,



WHEREAS, it is necessary from time to time to amend certain expenditure accounts to accommodate departmental needs; and, WHEREAS, money is available to transfer into said accounts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden does hereby amend Resolution 31-99-00 to transfer funds as following: Decrease Account Amount Amended Fund /Increase Appropriations General Increase Revenue A1120(Non-Prop.Tax) $51,705.00 $ 528,305.00 General Increase Revenue A4389 (Other Public Safety) 40,387.00 60,387.00 General Decrease A1210.434 (Entertainment) 150.00 0 General Decrease A1230.430 (Travel) 230.00 0 General Decrease A1230.431 (Mileage) 390.00 0 General Decrease A1230.460 (Education) 200.00 1,800.00 General Decrease A1325.460 (Education) 200.00 0 General Decrease A1325.484(Dues) 225.00 275.00 General Decrease A1460.401 (Records Management) 450.00 550.00 General Decrease A1490.100 (Personal Services) 39,000.00 14,820.00 General Decrease A1490.435 (Clothing Allowance) 250.00 0 General Decrease A1490.460 (Education) 300.00 1,455.00 General Decrease A1490.484(Dues) 50.00 0 General Decrease A1640.201 (Overtime) 2,000.00 500.00 General Decrease A1920.400 (Municipal Dues) 200.00 2,800.00 General Decrease A1930.400 (Judgments & Claims) 3,000.00 5,515.00 General Decrease A1990.400 (Contingent Account) 1,982.00 0 General Decrease A3120.100 (Personal Services) 16,000.00 511,571.00 General Decrease A3120.415 (Removal-Vehicles) 200.00 0 General Decrease A3120.435 (Police Uniforms) 1,500.00 3,900.00 General Decrease A3120.440 (Equipment Maint.) 750.00 698.00 General Decrease A3120J69 (Ammunition) 2,500.00 500.00 General Decrease A3122.425 (Radio Maintenance) 1,000.00 19,500.00 General Decrease A3122.497 (Service Contracts) 1,000.00 512.00 General Decrease A3510.100 (Personal Services) 500.00 6,175.00 General Decrease A3510.201 (Harness Equipment) 100.00 0 General Decrease A3510.401 (Misc. Small Implements) 125.00 0 General Decrease A3510.435 (Uniforms) 100.00 0 General Decrease A7110.100 (Personal Services) 10,000.00 12.400.00 General Decrease A7989.100 (Personal Services) 500.00 0 General Decrease A8170.414 (Sweeper Brooms) 1,000.00 0 General Decrease A8560.240 (Equipment) 350.00 0 General Decrease A9015.800 (Retirement) 16,000.00 2,960.00 General Decrease A9040.800 (Worker's Comp.) 10,000.00 57,501.00 General Decrease A9720.700(Stat.Inst.-Int.) 14,000.00 42,008.00 TOTAL 216,344.00 Fund Decrease Account Amount Amended /Increase Appropriation General Increase A1010.460 (Education) $ 1,025.00 $ 2,940.00 General Increase A1110.100 (Personal Services) 1,290.00 46,668.00 General Increase A1110.120 (Overtime) 650.00 5,771.00 General Increase A1110.401 (Office Expense) 675.00 6,290.00 General Increase A1210.460 (Education) 410.00 916.00 General Increase A1230.100 (Personal Services) 5,415.00 69,415.00 General Increase A1410.100 (Personal Services) 275.00 41,250.00 General Increase A1410.407 (Advertisement) 500.00 4,370.00 General Increase A1410.408 (Telephone) 1,400.00 7,500.00 General Increase A1420.401 (Legal Misc.) 1,500.00 31,675.00 General Increase A1440.459 (Engineering) 3,000.00 10,500.00 General Increase A1620.100 (Personal Services) 1,435.00 27,410.00 General Increase A1620.440 (Building Maintenance) 1,000.00 13,655.00 General Increase A1620.471 (Electricity) 4,200.00 33,015.00 General Increase A1640.410 (Gas, Oil, Lube) 2,000.00 22,000.00 General Increase A1640.100 (Personal Services) 1,475.00 32,900.00 General Increase A2989.460(Dare) 1,875.00 2,575.00 General Increase A3120.201 (Video Camera) 12,720.00 20,973.00 General Increase A3120.420 (Equipment) 5,200.00 5,725.00 General Increase A3121.100 (Personal Services) 73,190.00 116,092.00 General Increase A3121.120 (Overtime) 6.000.00 8,000.00 General Increase A3122.100 (Personal Services) 21,700.00 109,063.00 General Increase A3122.120 (Overtime) 3,160.00 5,500.00 . General Increase A3122.202 (Word Processor) 4,802.00 5,102.00 General Increase A3122.401 (Office Expense) 1,150.00 10,385.00 General Increase A3123.100 (Personal Services) 2,900.00 26,916.00 General Increase A3620.100 (Personal Services) 1,840.00 40,680.00 General Increase A4020.459 (Registrar) 100.00 850.00 General Increase A5110.100 (Personal Services) 6,500.00 177,612.00 General Increase A5142.445 (Salt and Sand) 43,740.00 73,740.00 General Increase A8160.497 (Garbage Contract) 4,467.00 387,765.00 General Increase A8160.401 (Miscellaneous Office) 750.00 8,000.00 Total $216,344.00 Motion to adopt by Trustee Norman and seconded by Trustee Maslik The vote was 7 ayes to 0 nayes with 0 abstentions. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted on May 24,2001. The foregoing is a true nd complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden at a special meeting held on May 30, 2001. Public notice was given and the meeting was conducted in full compliance with the New York Stae Open Mga-CTSk Law (Public Officers Law, Sections 100-111). Minutes will be a\wj.labl@^d^ required by the Act. VILLAGE OF WALDEN RESOLUTION NO.19-00-01


WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden has determined that the Schedule of Fees and Charges for water and sewer tap-in applications, connections and inspections related thereto are not reflective of the administrative costs incurred by the Village in providing such services; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has also determined that the Schedule of Fees and Charges for water and sewer tap-ins has not kept pace with the cost of materials and labor and must be increased therefor; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has determined that a $1,000 tap-in fee for each water and sewer connection to the respective Village systems is a fair, reasonable and appropriate charge; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees now wishes to amend it Schedule of Fees and Charges to reflect the increase in water and sewer tap-in charges..

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. That the Schedule of Fees and Charges of the Village of Walden is hereby amended to increase the Water and Sewer Tap-in fees to $1,250 for each water and $1,250 for each sewer connection made to the respective Village systems or, in the case of new subdivisions, $1,250 for each water and $1,250 for each sewer connection made to any new extension of the water and sewer systems . Such fee shall include the cost of any application fee, street opening fee and inspection fee associated with making any such connection. The water tap-in fee shall also include the cost of a curb stop, curb box, corporation cock and the tapping of main needed to make the connection. The water tap-in fee does not include the cost of a meter which shall be an additional charge. 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately.

Upon a motion made by Trustee Norman, seconded by Trustee Flickenchild, the resolution was adopted as follows: Rocco Pellegrino, Mayor Aye Roy Wynkoop, Trustee Aye

E0/Z0'd E090 S9S SfB '"Id' 13 "SM3WWOS" 3X030 SE:M T00Z-90-NHf E0'd TJ101

Mary JeanNorman, Trustee Aye Richard Hurd, Trustee Aye WilliamMeisel, Trustee /Lye CraigMaslik, Trustee Aye Conrad Flickenchild, Trustee Aye

CERTTFTCATE The foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by m« Board of Trustees of (he Village of Walden at a apecial meeting held on May 30,2001. Public notice was given and the meeting wa; conducted in full compliance with (be New York State Open Meeting Lajy^PHMnrOrRcers Law, Sections 100-111). Minulss of the meeting will he available asrwuiredbytheAcL ^^^ —„ ,.,fA*y^ * — Nancy I..\4itcAell, Village Clerk


E090 S9S SW3 'TJ'13V%EWWOS'3XW*I SE:M T0BZ-90-Nnf Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden Work Session Meeting Thursday, May 24, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. One Municipal Square The Agenda

1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes 1: Meeting of May 8* and 14th, 2001

4. Public Comment 5. Business of the Board of Trustees a. 1 : Payment of Audited Bills 2: Resolution No. 17-00-01 - Amending the 2000-2001 Budget 3: Firemen's Fair July T - July 8th 4: PBA Contract

1 : Water/Sewer Hook-up Fees 2: Meeting Procedures C.

6. Executive Session(s)

7. Adjournment Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting May 24,2001

Mayor Rocco Pellegrino called the regular meeting of the Village of Walden Board of Trustees to order at 6:30 P.M. On roll call Mayor Rocco Pellegrino, Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop, Trustees Mary Jean Norman, Richard Hurd, Bill Meisel, Craig Maslik and Conrad Flickenschild were present.

Village Manager James Politi, Village Clerk Nancy Mitchell and Village Attorney Kevin Dowd were also present.

Approval of Minutes Trustee Norman moved to adopt the minutes of May 8^ and 14*% 2001 with the following correction to the May 8* minutes: Trustee Conrad Flickenschild was present. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Minutes adopted.

Public Comment Eric Metzger thanked the Board for the defibrilator training the board authorized for the police department. Appointing the Village Attorney

Mayor Pellegrino appointed the firm of Drake, Sommers, Loeb Tarshis and Catania as village attorney's.

Trustee Hurd moved to approve the appointment of the firm of Drake, Sommers, Loeb, Tarshis and Catania as village attorney's. Seconded by Trustee Norman. On roll call Deputy Mayor Wynkoop, Trustees Norman, Hurd, Flickenschild, and Meisel voted yes. Trustee Maslik voted no. Motion adopted.

Audited Bills

Trustee Hurd moved to pay the audited bills of May 24,2001. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried.

Resolution No. 17-00-01 - Amending the 2000-2001 Budget After a brief discussion this resolution was tabled until further information is received.

-1- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting May 24,2001

Special Meeting Trustee Norman moved to hold a special Board of Trustees meeting on Wednesday, May 30,2001 at 6:30 P.M. at the village manager's office. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Motion carried.

Firemen's Fair Trustee Norman moved to allow exclusive use of Bradley Field to Enterprise Steamer Company No. 2 from July 1,2001 to July 8,2001 for their fair. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Motion carried.

PBA Contract Trustee Flickenschild moved to authorize the village manager sign the PBA contract. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried.

Playground Committee Dance Trustee Norman requested permission for the playground committee to use Wooster Grove for a dance on June 15*, 2001 from 7pm-10pm. There will be a DJ and soft food.

Trustee Flickenschild moved to allow the playground committee to use Wooster Grove for a dance on June 15*, 2001 from 7pm-10pm. Seconded by Trustee Meisel. All ayes. Motion carried.

Resolution No. 18-00-01 - Maple/Pine Streets Waterfront Park Funding

Trustee Norman moved to adopt Resolution No. 18-00-01, Maple/Pine Streets Waterfront Park Funding, (attached). Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried.

Water/Sewer Hook Up Fees Manager Politi stated that in the board's packet there is a copy of the Village of Walden's water connection fees and the schedule from the Village of Fishkill. Trustee Meisel stated that during the tour of the water/sewer facilities they discussed what -2- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting May 24, 2001 was being charged to hook up to the system, for new houses and developers. While talking to the engineer to replace the village's sewer system it would be between 12 and 15 million dollars. It turns out that the hook up fee is only a couple hundred. A developer coming in and putting up a group of houses is required to hook the sewers from his houses together and come to the village's line. When he hooks into our line we only get a couple hundred dollars like it was one house. These houses will sell for $180,000 to $190,000 and this will be into our twelve million dollar sewer system. It was his feeling that these new houses coming up that the contractor should be paying a hook up fee more than a few hundred dollars. He doesn't feel it's unreasonable for a developer to have a hook up fee equivalent to their share of the system. Let them tack the fee onto the homes. We can then dedicate this money to upgrade our system and keep it going. Mr. Dowd advised the Board that they can raise their fees and make them applicable immediately. The question is the extent to which you can increase your fees. If the village's fees have not been raised in a number of years, you should revisit it and you can justify the raise based upon the cost of labor and other things. One thing you have to be careful of is that when fees become excessive or too high or collected for a different reason other than to defray the cost of the service you are giving. If you are trying to charge a fee that is so far beyond that expense, that you are creating a slush fund of money to make improvements to the water/sewer system, it's illegal in the State of New York.

Trustee Meisel stated that if someone was forced to go into the town where there is no water and sewer, he would be putting in over $20,000 to get septic and a well. So they are taking advantage of our facility.

Mr. Dowd stated that in the Village of Walden you have a sewer system and everyone in this village has paid capital charges on that sewer to build it and to maintain it. You get charged sewer rents which goes towards the operation and maintenance of that system, but every property owner in this village, regardless of whether it's that particular developer who is now trying to build homes or the prior property owner, has paid his taxes to pay for the capital chargers on the construction of that system. He has not paid to the maintenance of that system, because he is not connected yet.

Deputy Mayor Wynkoop suggested the village collect for every home in a development, not just one fee.

Trustee Meisel suggested a moratorium on building permits while the board considers the fees.

Mr. Dowd explained that to impose any kind of moratorium you need a local law.

-3- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting May 24, 2001 This was tabled until May 30*. Meeting Procedures Trustee Maslik stated that he has been looking through Roberts Rules and one of the topics dealt with requesting to be recognized by the Mayor. This would give the Mayor better control of the meeting.

Trustee Maslik further suggested that if the board does enact rules and procedures for a meeting that they be voted on every year so new members get a chance to look at them.

Trustee Maslik also asked that this be on the work session agenda. Manager's Report Manager Politi informed the board that a letter was drafted giving more leverage to the police department regarding trespassing issues with the business owners. Mr. Dowd advised the board that this requires no action from this board.

Manager Politi stated that the police department has completed the defibrilator training, except for two part time officers who could not attend and another officer had court. They will be put in another cycle of training. Also, everyone will be trained for first aid by August.

Trustee Hurd asked about the police transporting to hospitals.

Trustee Flickenschild stated that the board requested the first of April that they wanted the police department trained in first aid. He asked if any member of the police department has been trained in first response as of this date? Manager Politi stated no.

Trustee Meisel suggested the Police Chief or some designated person become an instructor and instruct the rest of them right down stairs. He further stated that this is a public safety issue.

Deputy Mayor Wynkoop stated that three of Walden's officers saved a little girls life. They weren't certified, they did it.

Public Portion -4- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting \ May 24, 2001 Sam Phelps spoke to the board regarding developers working on Sundays and the hours of operation. He requested a local law to protect the taxpayers from this noise on weekends.

Mr. Phelps also complained about the mud left on the road by the project on Route 52. Board Comments Trustee Meisel stated that he, Trustee Flickenschild and the Mayor attended a seminar in Lake George and they have compiled a lot of information. They have some people they've invited to attend a board meeting who will have proposals that would be advantageous to the business district. The seminar he attended today was also very good and there were people there with some good ideas. Trustee Flickenschild stated that the trees on Main Street need to be trimmed. He also asked about allowing outside tables at a local establishments. He asked why Sweeney's wasn't allowed to have outside tables?

Mr. Dowd advised the board that they're not allowed according to the present code and there is also an issue of having them on village sidewalks.

Trustee Flickenschild suggested the village amend the law to allow for that. Mayor Pellegrino stated that he will get a copy of Batavi's local law regarding outside establishments.

Deputy Mayor Wynkoop stated that cars are speeding on Orange Avenue. He also stated that catch basins on Scofield Street and Sherman Avenue need to be repaired.

Trustee Flickenschild reminded the manager that the planning and zoning board's recommended there be joint meetings once a month.

Trustee Norman stated that cars are constantly making left hand turns at the intersection of Main Street where they are prohibited.

Deputy Mayor Wynkoop asked if anything has been done with the intersection of Routes 208 and 52?

Manager Politi stated that he will be meeting with Howard Mills regarding that.

Trustee Flickenschild stated that he will give a list of catch basins to the manager that 5 Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting May 24, 2001 need repairs. Trustee Meisel suggested that if the village does any major work on the storm sewersor catch basins, that they alleviate them from going into the sewer systems. He also asked that the board get a map of the I & I Study. Adjournment Trustee Norman moved to adjourn. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

* \JLU\\W^ \ I^^-A Natcy Mitchell \ Village Clerk \



Whereas, the Greenway Conservancy for the Hudson River Valley, Inc., has established an annual Conservancy Grants Program to enhance the quality of life in communities in the Greenway; and Whereas the Village of Walden lies within the boundaries of the Greenway and is eligible to apply for funding under the Conservancy Grants Program; and Whereas the Village of Walden owns a parcel of land at the foot of Maple and Pine Streets which has potential to increase Wallkill River Waterfront access and recreation; and Whereas the Village of Walden recognizes the need to expand recreational opportunities for its residents; and Whereas the proposed park project will promote increased public access through the creation of a new riverside park; Now, therefore, be it resolved that James C. Politi, as Manager of the Village of Walden is hereby authorized and directed to file an application for funds from the Hudson River Valley Greenway in accordance with the provisions of title 3 of the Clean Water / Clean Air Bond Act in an amount not to exceed $10,000, and upon approval of said request to enter into and execute a project agreement with the Hudson River Valley Greenway for such financial assistance to the Village of Walden for the Maple/Pine Street Waterfront Park.

I, the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the Village of Walden, New York do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the Village of Walden Board of Trustees held on May 24, 2001 and is on file and of record, and that said resolution has not been altered, amended or revoked and is in full force and effect. Date of adoption (T\(\v\ Certification of Clerk

Signature ^\ j* Printed Name R(\o^\ (\\\ Title VILLAGE OF WALDEN ABSTRACT OF AUDITED VOUCHERS

MAY 24,2001

General Fmnd Water Fmnd Sewer Fund 05/24/01 14:18 JUDY page: 1 Village of Walden tran line vndr po invoice claia date due sdescription debit credit awmt unallocated W^^^ 00898 AGWAY ENERGY PRODUCTS 1246 080516494 1246 05/11/01 05/11/01 DIESEL FUEL GARAGE 0001 NDIESELFUELDPW 1640.410-A 0600,000-A 201,91 invoice total: 201.91

01326 AWESCO REMITTANCE 1247 121901 1247 04/30/01 04/30/01 REFILL CYLINDER 0001 N REFILL CYLINDERS 1640.417-A 0600.000-A 39.60 invoice total: 39.60 00323 E.A.MQRSE & CO,, INC. 124B 50306 1248 05/09/01 05/09/01 CLEANING SUPPLIES 0001 N CLEANING SUPPLIES MUNICIPAL EL 1620.431-A 0600.000-A 188.80 invoice total: 188.80

00399 PLAZA MATERIALS COMPANY 1249 85141 1249 04/30/01 04/30/01 0001 N FINE TOP DRIVEWAY 5110.490-A 0600.0004* 970.84 invoice total: 970.84 00399 PLAZA MATERIALS COMPANY 1250 85043 1250 04/09/01 04/09/01 FINE TOP / DRIVEWAY 0001 N FINE TOP / DRIVEWAY 5110.4904* 0600.000-A 511.81 invoice total: 511.81 (Ik 01942 SCOTT'S CORNERS PAINT & HARIXMRE 1251 207515 1251 04/27/01 04/27/01 GRASS SEEDS 0001 NGRASSSEED 5110.490-A 0600.000-A 105.97 invoice total: 105.97

01574 J & D SUPPLY GROUP,INC. 123 54172 1252 05/01/01 05/01/01 PART 54172 0001 N PART 54172 JD YELLOW 1640,413-A 0600.000-A 72,35 invoice total: 72.35

00857 INVENSYS METERING SYSTEM 1253 10000895 1253 03/30/01 03/30/01 REMOTE READ METER 0001 NREMOTE READ METER 8340.206-F 0600.000-F 270.64 invoice total: 270.64

00055 DUS) CHEMICALS, INC 1254 59128 1254 05/08/01 05/08/01 CHEMICALS WATER DEPT 0001 N CHEMICAL HATER DEPT 8320.463-F 0600.000-F 1,206.00 invoice total:. 1,206.00 00077 JCI JONES CHEMICALS 1255 99231 1255 05/07/01 05/07/01 CHEMICAL WATER DEPT OOOi N CHEMICALS WATER DEPT 8320.463-F 0600,000-F 577.35 invoice total: 577,35

00039 00. ANALYTICAL SERVICE 25530 1256 04/30/01 04/30/01 LAB TEST 05/24/01 14:18 JUDY page: 2 Village of Walden tranlinevndr po invoice clai* date due sdescription debit credit aaoimt 0001 NLABTEST 8320.459-F 0600.000-F 120.00 # invoice total: 120.00 ^^ 00009 THRUWAY SUPPING CENTER 1257 198073. 1257 04/10/01 04/10/01 CONNECTOR/SHOVE. 0001 NSUPPUES 8340.433-F 0600.000-F 38.17 invoice total: 38.17

01947 UNDERGROUND FACILITIES PROTECT 1KB 996125 1258 04/30/01 04/30/01 COPY OF LOCATION REQUEST 0001 N COPY OF LOCATION REQUEST 8310.408-F 0600.000-F 34.80 invoice total: 34.80

01503 UTILITIES SUPPLY CO. 1259 6466499 1259 05/08/01 05/08/01 ELECTRIC PUP MOTOR 0001 N ELECTRIC PUP MOTOR 8220.403-F 0600.000-F 567.79 invoice total: 567.79

00055 DUSO CHEMICALS.INC 1260 59146 1260 05/11/01 05/11/01 CHORINE CYLINDERS SEWER DEPT 0001 N CHLORINE CYLINDERS SEHERDEPT8130.465-G 0600.000-G 790.00 invoice total: 790.00

00875 P & P QUICK PRINTING 1261 109925 1261 05/07/01 05/07/01 MIS COPIES 0001 N MISC COPIES 8120.401-G 0600.000-G 134.75 invoice total: 134.75 .0 00281 SLATER'S POWER EQUIP.INC 1262 32701 1262 03/27/01 03/27/01 PARTS FOR LAWNMDWER 0001 N PARTS FOR LOWNMOMER 8130.440-G 0600.0004 87.00 invoice total: 87.00

00061 SEVERN TRENT LABORATORY 1263 225286 1263 04/23/01 04/23/01 LAB TESTING 0001 ' N LAB TESTING 8130.459-6 0600.000-G 360.00 invoice total: 360.00

01284 HODGSON FARMS 1264 3999 1264 05/14/01 05/14/01 20 BEDDING PLANT FLATS 0001 N BEDDING PLANTS PARKS DEPT 7110.491-A 0600.000-A 160.00 invoice total: 160.00

01953 DEBRA LEWIS IMS 5719 1265 04/01/01 04/01/01 CONFERENCE OR CO FEDERATION 0001 N CONFERENCE OR CO PLANNING FED 8020.460-A 0600.000-A 75.00 invoice total: 75.00

00310 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS 12% 1560320 1266 05/04/01 05/04/01 DEVELOPER 0001 N 1 BOTTLE DEVELOPER 1410.402-A 0600.000-A 26.25 invoice total: 26.25 05/24/01 14:18 JUDY page: 3 Village of Walden tranlinevndr po invoice claia date due s description debit credit aaount

0000? NANCY MITCHELL 126%^ 5102 1267 05/01/01 05/01/01 LUNCHEON N LUNOEON 1410.4604* 0600.0004* 15.00 invoice total: 15.00

01952 MID-HUDSON PATTERN FOR PROGRESS 1268 5812 1268 05/09/01 05/09/01 ANNUAL CONFERENCE 0001 N PROGRESS CONFERENCE B MEISEL 1010.4604* 0600.0004* 50.00 0002 NCONFERENCE CFLICKENSCHILD 1010.4604* 0600.0004* 50.00 0003 NCONFERENCE RPELLEGRINO 1210.4604* 0600.0004* 50.00 invoice total: 150.00

01948 JOHNSTABNER 1269 42328 1269 05/01/01 05/01/01 MILEAGE 0001 N MILEAGE JSTABNER 3620.431-A 0600.0004* 21.60 invoice total: 21.60

01913 WARWICK VALLEY TELEFtBE 180 50101 1270 05/01/01 05/01/01 ON LINE 0001 N ON LINE 1410.4084* 0600.0004* 59.85 invoice total: 59.85

01665 WILLKIE FARR & GALLABER 1271 5751 1271 04/16/01 04/16/01 PROF SERVICES 0001 N PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1420.4014* 0600.0004* 450.00 invoics total: 450.00

A 00751 VINCENT TOOHEY.ESO. 127^^ 04012001 1272 04/01/01 04/01/0! LEGAL SERVICES 0001 . N LEGAL SERVICES 1420.4014* 0600.0004* 361.00 invoice total: 361.00

01284 HODGSON FARMS 1273 3987 1273 05/10/01 05/10/01 BEDDING PLANTS 0001 N BEDDING PLANTS 7110.4914* 0600.0004* 626.75 invoicstotjl* 626.75

01954 BIRDXINC. 1274 205442 127405/14/0105/14/01 GOOSE CHASE 0001 N GOOSE CHASE 7110.4534* 0600.0004* 102.00 invoice total: 102.00

00009 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 1275 196932 1275 05/04/01 05/04/01 SUPPLIES 0001 N SUPPLIES PARKS 7110.4914* 0600.0004* 137,09 0002 N SEAL WD4 7110.4494* 0600.0004* 8.28 \ invoice total: 145.37

01942 SCOTT'S CORNERS PAINT & HARDWARE 1276 203714 1276 04/10/01 04/10/01 SUPPLIES HARDWARE 0001 N SUPPLIES HARDWARE 7110.4524* 0600.0004* 0.99 0002 N SUPPLIES HARDWARE PAMSDEPT 7110.4514* 0600,0004* 4.47 ^M03 N SUPPLIES HARDWARE DPW 5110.4904* 0600.0004* 11.97 invoice total: 17.43 05/24/01 14:18 JUDY page: 4 Village of Walden tran line vndr po invoice clai* date due s description debit credit axnmt 01942 SCOTT'S CORNERS PAINT & HARDWARE 12g^ 205134 1277 04/17/01 04/17/01 SHUT OFF HOSE ^Kl N SHUT OFF HOSE 8340,433-F 0600.000-F 2.94 invoice total: 2.94 01942 SCOTT'S CORNERS PAINT & HARDWARE 1278 207495 1278 04/27/01 04/27/01 PARTS SWEEPER 0001 NNUZZLE SWEEPER 8120.401-G 0600.000-G 18.94 invoice total: 18.94 01593 BOTTINI FUEL 1279 42192 1279 03/01/01 03/01/01 FUEL OIL 0001 N FUEL OIL JIMOLLEYPART 7110.433-A . 0600.000-A 154.39 invoice total: 154.39 01593 BOTTINI FUEL 1280 8900 1280 03/27/01 03/27/01 FUEL OIL 0001 N FUEL OIL JIM OLLEY PARKS 7110.433-A 0600.000-A 191.24 invoice total: 191.24 01593 BOTTINIFUEL 1281 15882 1281 04/19/01 04/19/01 FUEL GROVE 0001 N FUEL OIL WOOSTER GROVE 7110.433-A 0600.000-A 280.89 invoice total: 280.89 01593 BOTTINI FUEL 128^ 8087 1282 03/20/01 03/20/01 FUEL CHERRY ST WATER DEPT ^kl N FUEL CHERRY ST WATER DEPT 8320.433-F 0600.000-f 147.07 invoice total: 147.07 00050 CIARDULLO PRINTING 1283 6204 1283 05/18/01 05/18/01 TAX ENVELOPES 0001 N TAX ENEVELOPS 1325,401-A 0600.0004* 66.00 invoice total: 66.00 00002 BECKER BUSINESS SYSTEMS 1284 43476 128405/10/0105/10/01 SERVICE CALL PRINTER OFFICE 0001 N SERVICE CALL FOR OFFICE PRINTE 1325.404-A 0600.000-A 98.00 invoice total: 98.00 01955 . FORT WILLIAM HENRY RESORT 1285 5706 1285 04/03/01 04/03/01 CONFERENCE 0001 NNYCOM CONFERENCE 1210.460-A 0600.000-A 458.00 0002 N NYCOH CONFERENCE 1010.460-A 0600.000-A 916.00 invoice total: 1,374.00 01796 MCGOEY,HAUSER & EDSALL 1286 01495 128605/07/0105/07/01 MISC 99-401 0001 N MISC ENGINEERING 1440.459-A 0600.000-A 317.00 invoice total: 317.00 05/24/01 14:18 JUDY page: 5 Village of Walden tranlinevndr po invoice claia date due s description debit credit aiount 01796 MCGOEY,HAUSER&EDSALL 128^ 01498 1287 05/09/01 05/09/01 PROF SERVICE 99401 #1 . ' N PROF SERVICE 1440.459-A 0600.000-A 317.00 invoice total: 317.00 01796 MCGOEY.HAUSER&EDSALL 1288 01499 1288 05/09/01 05/09/01 PROF SERVICE 99404 0001 N DPW/HIGHWAY 1440.459-A 0600.000-A 880.00 invoice total: 880.00 01796 MCGZY,HAUSER & EDSALL 1289 01-387 1289 04/03/01 04/03/01 PROF SERVICES WATER 0001 NENBINEERING WATER 8310.495-F 0600.000-F 97.00 invoice total: 97.00 01796 MCGCEY,HAUSER& EDSALL 1290 01496 1290 05/09/01 05/09/01 PROF SERVICES SEWER 0001 N ENGINEERING SEWER 8110.459-6 0600.000-G 639.00 invoice total: 639.00 01034 CHARLES B MERRILL 1291 332238 1291 05/16/01 05/16/01 SUPPLIES OFFICE 0001 N FOAM BOARD • 1230.401-A 0600.000-A 65.76 0002 N MAIL BOX 1620.440-A 0600.000-A 59.96 invoice total: 125.72 00822 WAREX TERMINALS CORP. 12A 468267 1292 04/01/01 04/01/01 GASOLINE DPW ^^w)l N GASOLINE DPW 1640.410-A 0600.000-A 1,282.81 invoice total: 1,282.81 00602 WALDEN PLUMBING/HEATING 1293 51101 1293 05/11/01 05/11/01 REPAIRS PARK/OLLEY PARK 0001 N OLLEY COMM PARK 7110.453-A 0600.000-A 75.00 0002 N MEN'S ROOM BLDG 1620.440-A 0600.000-A 68.50 invoice total: 143.50 01907 NEWBURGHPARKMDTORS 1294 193486 1294 05/08/01 05/08/01 JEEP CAR 3 0001 N JEEP CAR 3 1640.411-A 0600.000-A 157.00 invoice total: 157.00 00270 ANNEZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1295 8672 1295 05/01/01 05/01/01 SYMBOLIC FWAL 0001 N SYMBOLIC FWAL 3122.4G2-A 0600.000-A 173.95 invoice total: 173.95 00382 THRUWAY SPORTING GOODS 1296 198308 1296 05/15/01 05/15/01 TENNIS BALLS 0001 N TENNIS BALLS 7310.416-A 0600.000-A 39.80 invoice total: 39.80 00070 NYSEB 5782 1297 05/01/01 05/01/01 ELECTRIC SIGNS 05/24/01 14:18 JUDY page: 6 Village of Walden tranlinevndr po invoice claia date due sdescription debit credit aaount 0001 N ELECTRIC WINDING BROOK SIGN 51G2.471-A 0600.0004 7.82 $ invoice total: 7.82 ^^ 00070 NYSEG 1MB 1298 1298 05/01/01 05/01/01 ELECTRIC HATER 0001 NELECTRICWATERDEPT 8320.471-F 0600.000-F 129.80 invoice total: 129.80 00070 NYSEB 1299 1299 1299 05/01/01 05/01/01 ELECTRIC SEWER 0001 N ELECTRIC SEMER DEFT 8130.4714 0600.000-G 240.96 invoice total: 240.96 00047 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS, INC. 1300 41035 1300 05/04/01 05/04/01 TRUCK BATTRY 0001 N BATTERY CLEANER/OIL FILTER 1640.412-A 0600.000-A 43.89 invoice total: 43.89

00521 FEDERAL BLOCK CORP. 1301 3-374112 1301 04/26/01 04/26/01 CATCH BASIN REPAIR 0001 N CATCH BASIN REPAIR 5110.490-A 0600.000-A 333.65 invoice total: 333.65 00247 IRA D. CQNKLIN & SONS 1302 91902 1302 05/01/01 05/01/01 HOSE PARTS 0001 N SUCTION HOSE 8130.291-G 0600.000-G 159.51 invoice total: 159.51 A 01920 UPPER WEST SIDE DELI 1303 3 1303 05/20/01 05/20/01 CAREER IN LAN 0001 N CAREER IN LAW 3122.401-A 0600.000-A 13.00 invoice total: 132.00 00050 CIARDULLO PRINTING 1304 6110 1304 05/09/01 05/09/01 LEAD WORKSHEET 0001 N LEAD WORK SHEETS LOS 3120.433-A 0600.000-A 80.00 invoice total: 80.00 '

00089 JIM SMITH CHEVROLET, OE. 1305 36886 1305 05/15/01 05/15/01 REPAIR DIRECTIONAL FOR CAR 2 0001 N REPAIR DIRECTIONAL FOR CAR 3 1640.411-A 0600.000-A 100.53 invoice total: 100.53 01845 VANHAYS,INC. 1306 . 5848 1306 03/22/01 03/22/01 TRIP TO ALBANY CAREER 0001 N GRADUATION CAREER IN LAN 3122.401-A 0600.000-A 320.00 invoice total: 320.00

01397 DECATUR ELECTRONICS 1307 91751 130704/25/0104/25/01 REPAIRED* CERTIFIED GHS 0001 N RADAR REPAIR 3120.440-A 0600.000-A 229.00 invoice total: 229.00 05/24/01 14:18 JUDY page: 7 Village of Walden tranlinevndr po invoice clai: date due sdescription debit credit aaount

01058 HACHCO lA 2705247 1308 05/10/01 05/10/01 SAMPLE CELLS Woi NSAMPLE CELLS/CAPS FOR CELLS 8320.403-F 0600.000-F 30.40 invoice total: 30.40 01518 DARE AMERICA 1309 16506 1309 05/02/01 05/02/01 DAREPRODUCTS 0001 NDARE PRODUCTS 2989.460-A 0600.000-A 98.72 invoice total: 98.72

01957 CHOICE POINT PUBLIC RECORDS 1310 28641 1310 05/01/01 05/01/01 BACK GROUND CHECK 0001 NBACKGROUND CHECK 3122.201-A 0600.000-A 290.00 invoice total: 290.00

01207 DICTAPHONE COT 1311 20067902 1311 04/30/01 04/30/01 DICTAHONE 0001 NDICTAPHQNE . 1410.401-A 0600.000-A 102.20 invoice total: 102.20 01820 CITY OF MIDDLETONN 1312 5809 1312 05/01/01 05/01/01 SERVICES GARBAGE COLLECTION 0001 NGARBAS COLLECTION 8160.497-A 0600.0004* 194,379.75 invoice total: 194,379.75

00050 CIARDULLO PRINTING 13J&^ 6198 1313 05/22/01 05/22/01 CALENDAR PINK #» N CALENDAR PINK STOCK 8160.401-4 0600.00M 205.00 invoice total: 205.00 01958 MOBILE LIFE SUPPORT SERVICES INC 1314 51001 1314 05/10/01 05/10/01 SUPPLIES 0001 N SUPPLIES FOR MOBILE LIFE SUP?3 3120.460-A 0600.000-A 1,176.00 invoice total: 1,176.00

00073 CALLANAN INDUSTRIES,INC 1315 4994 1315 05/12/01 05/12/01 BLACKTOP 0001 NBLACKTOPPINB 5110.490-A 0600.000-A 244.60 invoice total: 244.60

00070 NYSEG MM 5% 1316 05/12/01 05/12/01 DPM GARAGE 0001 N ELECTRIC DPM GARAGE 1640.471-A 0600.000-A 15,42 invoice total: 15.42

00070 NYSEG 1317 571 1317 05/12/01 05/12/01 SEWER DEPT 0001 N ELECTRIC SEWER DEPT 8120.4714 0600.00M 110.38 invoice total: 110.38

00281 SLATER'S POWER EQUIP. INC 1318 52201 1318 05/21/01 05/21/01 LAMNBOY NLANNBQY #10320 7110.491-A 0600.000-A 349.00 # invoice total: 349.00 05/24/01 14:18 JUDY page: 8 Village of Walden tranlinevndr po invoice claia date due sdescription debit credit axMmt 00009 THRUHAY SHOPPING CENTER 13*

00183 PETTY CASH ( FINANCE ) 1329 1400 1329 05/22/01 05/22/01 PETTY CASH 05/24/01 14:18 JUDY page: 9 Village of Walden tranlinevndr po invoice claia date due s description debit credit awunt

0001 N PETTY CASH 7020.4014* 0600.0004* 12.25 N PETTY CASH DPH 5110.490-A 0600.0004* 1.75 ^M02 ™ invoice total: 14.dO 01034 CHARLES BMERRH1 1330 332486/715 133005/22/0105/22/01 KEYS/LABELS OFFICE 0001 N KEYS PARKS BOX/ LABELS OFFICE 1410.4014* 0600.0004* 15.78 invoice total: 15.78

01959 USABLUEBOOK 131 435893 131 05/11/01 05/11/01 CYLINDER WRENCH 0001 N TWISTED CHLORINE CYLINDER WREN 8130.441-G 0600.000-G 37.18 invoice total: 37.18

00145 DRAKE.SOMMERS.LOEB. P.C. 128 12434 1332 05/20/01 05/20/01 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0001 N PROF SERVICES FILE 288045503 1420.4014* 0600.0004* 80.30 invoice total: 80.30

00145 DRAKE,SOMMERS,LOEB, P.C. 1333 12435 133 05/20/01 05/20/01 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0001 N PROF SERVICES FILE 47323 1420.4014) 0600.0004* 48.00 invoice total: 48.00

00487 HERMAN HOLDING 1334 32720 1334 03/30/01 03/30/01 CARB/CASE ^001 N 1 CRC CARB/CASE BACK ORDER 1640.4904* 0600.0004* 50.47 invoice total: 50.47

01713 COFFEE SYSTEM OF THE 1335 10122703 1335 05/23/01 05/23/01 MATER COOLER OFFICE 0001 N HATER COOLER OFFICE 1620.4404* 0600.0004* 9.70 • invoice total: 9.70

00738 JAMES SHORTELL 1336 2130 1336 05/20/01 05/20/01 MILEAGE 0001 N MILEAGE NYRW CONFERENCE 8110.460-G 0600.000-G 21.30 invoice total: 21.30

00857 INVENSYS METERING SYSTEM 137 20000122 1337 05/16/01 05/16/01 REMOTE METER 0001 N REMOTE METER 8340.206-F 0600.000f . 1,649.99 invoice total: 1,649.99

01703 MARKBERTI 1338 1950 1338 05/20/01 05/20/01 MILEAGE 0001 N MILEAGE 8310.430-F 0600,000-F 19.50 invoice total: 19.50

00070 NYSEG 1339 51339 1339 05/21/01 05/21/01 ELECTRIC GENERAL 0001 N ELECTRIC STREAMSIDE SIGN 5182.4714* 0600.0004* 20.13 4h invoice total: 20.13 05/24/01 14:18 JUDY page: 10 Village of Walden tran line vndr po invoice claim date due s description debit credit amount 00070 NYSEG 13jA 51340 1340 05/21/01 05/21/01 ELECTRIC HATER Woi N ELECTRIC HATER 8320.471-F 0600.000-F 109.78 invoice total: 109.78 00070 NYSEG 1341 51341 1341 05/21/01 05/21/01 ELECTRIC SEWER 0001 N ELECTRIC SEWER 8120.471-G 0600.000-G . 112.81 invoice total: 112.81 00992 NEWBURGH WINHATER 1342 031337 1342 05/22/01 05/22/01 VOLLEY COURT PARK 0001 N VOLLEYBALL COURT PARK 0600.000-A 0200.000-A 275.00 invoice total: 275.00 01796 MCGOEY.HAUSER & EDSALL 1343 01535 1343 05/22/01 05/22/01 ENGINEERING SEWER 0001 N ENGINEERING SEWER 8110.459-G . 0600.000-G 602.90 invoice total: 602.90 01796 MCGOEY,HAUSER& EDSALL 134s 01534 1344 05/22/01 05/22/01 PROF SERVICES 0001 N PROF SERVICE MISC 1440.459-A 0600.000-A 1,155.00 invoice total: 1.155.00

^ total: 219,132.43 final total: 219.132.43 05/24/01 14:18 JUDY Village of Walden post fund account description debit credit

03/2001 general 0600.000-A Accounts Payable 716.10 1640.490-A Other Materials/Supplies 50.47 3122.401-A Office Expense 320.00 7110.433-A Fuel 345.63 total general 716.10 716,10 water 0600.000-F AccountsPayable 417.71 8320.433-F Heating Fuel 147.07 8340.206-F Water Meter Repair Parts 270.64 total water 417.71 417.71

sewer 0600.000-G Accounts Payable 87.00 8130.440-6 Sewer Maintenance 87.00 total sewer 87.00 87.00

03/2001 total 1.220.81 1.220,81

04/2001 general 0600.000-A Accounts Payable 6,134.20 1010.460-A Education 916.00 1210.460-A Education 458.00 1410.401-A Office Expense 102.20 1420.401-A Legal Miscellaneous 811.00 1640.410-A Gas, Oil, Lube 1,282.81 1640.417-A Shop Equipaent Maintenance 39.60 3120.440-A Equipaent Maintenance 229.00 5110.490-A Street Maintenance 1,934.24 7110.433-A Fuel 280.89 7110,451-A Park Maint-Bradley/Alfred Park 4.47 7110.452-A ' ParkMaintenance-wooster's 0.99 8020.460-A Education 75.00 total . general 6,134,20 6,134.20 water 0600.000-F Accounts Payable 292.91 8310.408-f , Telephone 34.80 8310.495-F Engineering 97.00 8320.459-F Miscellaneous Testing Services 120.00 8340.433-F Material and Supplies 41.11 total water 292.91 292.91

sewer 0600.0004 Accounts Payable 378.94 8120.401-G Materials and Supplies 18.94 8130,459-6 Miscellaneous Testing Services 360,00 total sewer 378.94 378.94

total 6,806.05 6,806.05 05/24/01 14:18 JUDY page: 2 Village of Walden post fund account description debit credit 05/2001 A ** general ^K 0200.0004* Cadi 275.00 0600.0004* Accounts Payable 275.00 203,623.09 1010.4604* Education 100.00 1110.4084* Telephone 26.58 1210.4604* Education 50.00 1230.4014* Office Expense 65.76 1325.4014* Office Expense 66.00 1325.4044* Machine Repair 98.00 1410.4014* Office Expense 15.78 1410.4024* Reproducing Expense 26.25 1410.4084* Teleohone 120.38 1410.4604* Education 15.00 1420.4014* Legal Miscellaneous 128.30 1440.4594* Engineering Miscellaneous 2,669.00 1620.4314* Cleaning Supplies 188.80 1620.4404* Building Maintenance 138.16 1640.4084* Telephone 41.54 1640.4104* Gas. Oil. Lube 201.91 1640.4114* Auto Maintenance 257.53 1640.4124* Truck Maintenance 549.46 1640.4134* Equipment Maintenance 72.35 1640.4714* Electricity 15.42 2989.4604* Other Education - DARE 98.72 3120.4334* Court/Investigating Services 80.00 ^^ 3120.4604* Education 1,176.00 M 3122.2014* Office Equipaent 290.00 3122.4014* Office Expense 132.00 3122.4084* Telephone 198.29 3122.4824* Cowunications Equipment Exp. 173.95 3620.4314* Mileage - Per. Auto 21.60 4020.4594* Registrar of Vital Statistics 101.00 5110.4904* Street Maintenance 246.35 5182.4714* Street Lighting 27.95 7020.4014* Material and Supplies 12.25 7020.4084* Teleohone 26.57 7110.4494* Lawn Mower Repairs 8.28 7110.4534* Park Maintenance-Maiden Park 286.52 7110.4914* Beautification 1,272.84 7310.416-A Tennis Prograa 39.80 8160.4014* Miscellaneous Office 205.00 8160.4974* Garbage Contract 194,379.75 . A total general 203.898.09 203,898.09 F water 0600.000-F Accounts Payable 4,331.93 8310.408-F Telephone 41.32 8310.430-F Travel 19.50 8320.403-F Miscellaneous Expenses 598.19 8320.463-f Purification Cheaicals 1,783.35 8320.471-F Power for Utilities 239.58 g^ 8340.206-F Mater Meter Repair Parts 1,649.99 WF total water 4,331.93 4,331.93 05/24/01 14:18 JUDY page: Village of Walden cost fund account description debit credit

sewer 0600,000-6 Accounts Payable 2,873.55 8110.408-G Telephone 26.76 8110.459-G Other Misc. Services 1,241.90 8110.460-G Education 21.30 8120.401-G Materials and Supplies 134.75 8120.471-G Power for Utilities 223.19 8130.291-G Miscellaneous Equipaent 159.51 8130.4414 Swll Tools 37.18 8130.465-G Che





Per Chapter F/^e of */;e Code of f/;e V7//age of M/a/den, we are ca//Mg a spec/a/ meefrng of f/;e Board of Trustees for Monday; May 74, 200? af 5;00 P.M. Meeting will convene at the Village Manager's Office, One Municipal Square and then a walking tour of the village's water/sewer facilities will commence. The general public are invited to join the tour, but will not be given access tothefacllities.

Please call Village Clerk, Nancy Mitchell If you are unable to attend this meeting.

Very truly yours,

Roy Wyjfkpop, Deputy Mayor, Conrad Flickenschild, Trustee

May 10,20Q1

W'ALOEN, New YORK .125.86 |.845.778.2'I77-| FAX: 845.778.2170 Village of Walden Board of Trustees Special Meeting May 14,2001

Mayor Rocco Pellegrino called the special meeting of the Village of Walden Board of Trustees to order at 5:00 P.M. On roll call Mayor Pellegrino, Trustees Craig Maslik, Bill Meisel, Richard Hurd and Mary Jean Norman were present.

Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop and Trustee Flickenschild were absent. Trustee Flickenschild was later present. Village Manager James Politi, Deputy Village Manager Steve Neuhaus, Village Clerk Nancy Mitchell and engineers Jim Fair and Dave Fritts were also present.

Rescheduling May 22"", 2001 Board Meeting

Trustee Norman moved to reschedule the May 22,2001 Board meeting to May 24,2001. Seconded by Trustee Maslik. All ayes. Motion carried.

Resolution No. 16-00-01 - Changing the Real Property Tax Rate Trustee Maslik moved to adopt Resolution No. 16-00-01, Changing the Real Property Tax Rate, (attached). Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Resolution adopted.

Tour of the Village Sewer/Water Facilities.

The Board toured the wastewater treatment plant, Tinbrook pump station, village garage and the east Walden well sites.


Trustee Maslik moved to adjourn. Seconded by Trustee Meisel. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.


, the value of taxable property has changed because the equalization rate has increased. ; THEREFORE, J%E JT J^SOLKEB, that the Real Property Tax Rate for the Fiscal year commencing June 2, 2001 and ending May 31, 2002 as a result of this change is now fixed at $ 1 2,7630 per $ 1 ,000 of assessed valuation.

Motion to adopt by Trustee Maslik and seconded by Trustee Norman. The vote was five ayes to zero nays with zero abstentions. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted on May 14,2001.

The foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden at a legally convened meeting held on May 14, 2001. Public notice was given and the meeting was conducted in full compliance with the New York State Open Meetings Law (Public Officers Law, Sections 100-111). Minutes of the meeting will e available, as required, by

' —^.^ \\J^ ' ' NancyXL. Mitchell Village^ Clerk THE VILLAGE OF WALDEN

Proof of Cpmpliance of Written Notice of Calling of Special Meeting

Pursuant to Section 5-2 of Chapter 5 of the Code *of the Village of Walden, this is to .. certify that today I personally delivered the attached notice to the Members of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden, or to some person of suitable age and discretion, at their residence. In addition, the attached was faxed to the WallkillValley Times and the Times Herald Record, and posting in the Municipal Building on the bulletin board outside the Village Clerk's office and outside the Police Department . . This proof should be made part of the minutes of the special meeting. .< . . Receipt of Notice of Special Meeting Mayor Rocco Pellegrlnp.( 4 Harvard Drive) Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop (83 Hill Street) Trustee Mary Jean Norman (211 Cliff Street) Trustee Richard Hurd (59 Wileman Avenue) Trustee Bill .Meisel (88 Orange Avenue). trustee Craig Maslik (109 East Avenue) Trustee Conrad Flickenschild (6 Line

iJLAx \ K^jko_ Nanc} MiU^lpll, Village\:ierk^ DateSJ

MUNICIPAL $QUARE. . ,NEwYORK\l2586 | "8.45. 778. 2'I77.| FAX: 84S-.-778. 2170 TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT

TIME : 85/10/2001 12:23


TIME : 85/10/2001 12:18

DATE,TIME 05/10 12:18 FAX NO./NAME 93432170 DURATION 00:00:21 PAGE

4. Public Comment - Agenda Action Items Only

5. Business of the Board of Trustees a. 1 : Payment of Audited Bills 2: Resolution No. 15-00-01, Levying Village Taxes for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 3: McGoey, Hauser & Edsall Contract, Tinbrook and Inflow & Infiltration Study 4 : Bruderhof Water & Sewer Agreement 5: B & D Taxi License Renewal

1 : Village Manager's Report

1 : Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals

6. Public Comment

7. Miscellaneous Comments by Board Members

8. Executive Session(s) l:105-(e)PBA Contract

9. Adjournment VILLAGE OF WALDEN BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MAY 8,2001 Mayor Rocco Pellegrino called the regular meeting of the Village of Walden Board of Trustees to order at 6:30 PM. On roll call Mayor Rocco Pellegrino, Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop, Trustees Mary Jean Norman, Richard Hurd, Bill Meisel, and Craig Maslik were Manager James Politi, Deputy Village Manager Steve Neuhaus, Village Clerk Nancy Mitchell and Village Attorney Kevin Dowd were present.

Approval of Minutes

Trustee Hurd moved to adopt the minutes of April 24,2001. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Minutes adopted.

Public Comment - Agenda Action Items Only Becky Pearson, 167 Walnut Street asked about Bruderhof water and sewer agreement?

Manager Politi stated that this is not to enter into a proposal with Bruderhof.

Brian Sebring asked about the engineer's contract for the Tinbrook and inflow and infiltration study?

Manager Politi stated that it's to investigate everything that enters into the Tinbrook and everything within the collection agency.

Audited Bills

Trustee Hurd moved to pay the audited bills of May 8,2001. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried.

Resolution No. 15-00-01 - Levying Village Taxes for Fiscal Year 2001-2002

Trustee Flickenschild moved to adopt Resolution No. 15-00-01, Levying Village Taxes for Fiscal Year 2001-2002, (attached). Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Resolution adopted.

McGoey, Hauser, and Edsall Contract, Tinbrook and Inflow and Infiltration Study

-1- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting May 8"\ 2001

Trustee Flickenschild moved to enter into contract with McGoey, Hauser and Edsall Contract, Tinbrook and Inflow and Infiltration Study. Seconded by Trustee Norman.

It was the consensus of the Board to go out and see the inflow and infiltration system on Monday, May 14,2001 at 5:00 pm.

All ayes. Motion carried.

Bruderhof Water and Sewer Agreement

Manager Politi read the a letter received by fax today from Bruderhof stating that they are exploring other options to the Village of Walden with respects to water and sewer services that would be needed by their proposed development.

Deputy Mayor Wynkoop moved to accept the letter from Bruderhof and that the Village agrees to withdraw. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes with the exception of Trustee Maslik voting no.

B & D Taxi Renewal Trustee Norman moved to approve the renewal of B&D's taxi license contingent upon the taxi's being inspected and fees being paid. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Motion carried.

Village Manager's Report

Manager Politi explained to the Board that Mr. Dowd received a letter from Frontier Communications stating that they have discovered they owe additional gross receipt tax which is imposed on utilities in the amount of $23,082.00.

Trustee Flickenschild moved to impose a 5% penalty, per year, on the Frontier Communications gross receipt tax. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried.

Planning and Zoning Board

Mayor Pellegrino explained that the Village Board has invited the Planning and Zoning -2- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting May 8^,2001 Board members to come in tonight to try and get some ideas as to how they can work more closely together to attract more businesses to the village.

Trustee Meisel stated that the board is asking for the planning and zoning board's advise on how they can make it easier for the public to go through these processes and make the fees more reasonable. Ed Leonard, Planning Board member, stated that they did change the code so that if there is an existing site plan, they will accept that. The usage would be the best area to look into.

Trustee Hurd stated that one of the ideas that was discussed, because we are a small community, as spaces become available, we could identify the space and list everything it's approved for. Trustee Flickenschild asked if preliminary requirements are given to applicants?

Member Leonard stated that he doesn't know if the language for the drawing is on the application.

Trustee Meisel suggested a piece of draft paper be attached to the application. Manager Politi asked about facade work?

Planning Board member Leonard stated that they always get stuck on the colors of paint. Parking is another issue.

Trustee Hurd asked what the Board could do, if someone is interested in a site, they could come in and know what they could use it for with almost nothing?

Mr. Dowd stated that if an applicant comes in to use a space, the first person he sees is the building inspector and if he says he wants to put a retail store in there, if it was already approved for retail the building inspector will tell them that there's not a problem it's already been approved for retail. If you're not going to do any structural alterations, you don't have to do anything. A law was just passed regarding that.

Trustee Meisel stated that if you open a retail business, the object to any retail business is to get a lot of traffic. Whether it's a hardware store or deli, the traffic is the same.

Mr. Dowd stated that some uses by their very nature are much more traffic bond than others. The intent of the design of the code is to try and find those high intensive uses so that you -3- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting May 8"\ 2001 can prepare for them and say what they have to go through to get permitted. You don't want the other store owners getting upset because their customers have no place to park because this business is constantly blocking parking.

Trustee Meisel stated that the control of the traffic should come down to the village later on. Why should we keep a viable business out. Mr. Dowd explained that your not trying to keep them out. You're trying to make sure they are compatible with the neighborhood they are going into. The one thing the planning board has to wrestle with is parking. There are specific requirements that most people can't comply with. If they can't comply with it they're going to be on the street and if there's not enough parking lots for them, then how are you going to handle the overflow of traffic.

Trustee Meisel stated that the majority of cases would be a business within a business district. The hardware store, he doesn't see much difference between whether it's the hardware store or a restaurant as long as they pass for the proper stoves and ventilation. For the actual use of the traffic it's in the commercial area. Maybe it's better to delineate our areas.

Mr. Dowd stated that the tattoo parlor created a lot of stir. The business people were very concerned about the use and what kind of an element it might bring to Main Street. There were public hearings and it got approval. They turned out to be a very good neighbor. It allowed the planning board to look at the use and to give the public an input as to whether or not this belongs on Main Street.

Trustee Flickenschild stated that he agrees with Trustee Meisel, you've had a business there, Country Hardware, for a number of years in a retail area of our village and he feels another retail business coming in there wouldn't make a difference. He thinks the village creates problems for themselves by eliminating people from coming in and creating a business.

Mr. Dowd stated that as planning board attorney parking has always been a problem and will always be a problem unless the village decides to revise their code regarding parking requirements.

Trustee Hurd suggested that as a first step couldn't we identify everything that's currently eligible and then everything we could possibly use it for.

Zoning Board Member James Corbett stated that first the village has to decide what is our goal for the Main Street corridor, what do you want to see in there, who do we want to try and entice and whose job is it to entice those businesses in. Also, parking is a substantial concern in every respect. Human nature being what it is everyone wants to park right in front of a -4- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting May 8'", 2001 restaurant. Trustee Flickenschild stated that thirty years ago the stores were full. We didn't have this parking lot in the back. We had no parking.

Trustee Hurd stated that you didn't go to the galleria, because it didn't exist. Trustee Meisel stated that there is an ordinance saying there are no apartments on the first floor in designated areas of the village. This could be extrapolated upon to handle any commercial venture in retail.

Trustee Meisel further stated that what the village board is looking for is for the planning and zoning board to suggest ways to streamline the process, so we don't lose businesses.

Member Corbett stated that the board along with the public has to decide what do we want the complexion of our village to be. Trustee Flickenschild asked about fees? Deputy Mayor Wynkoop advised Trustee Flickenschild that Mr. Barnes is looking at the possibility of using grant money to help them pay the fees.

Mr. Barnes explained that the Community Development Board recommended establishing a new business assistance loan fund. They want to do something to try and attract businesses which are renting. They would make available $5,000 to those new businesses. They would provide up to $1,000 for planning and zoning fees. The idea is not to waive the fees but rather find a way to assist that business to pay the fee. Second would be to lend up to $5,000 toward the first months rent, $500.00 for a new sign and $2,000 for any other direct start up costs. All at 3%. The last item is up to $1,000 for design services, which would be a grant. So you could help that person design an attractive facade or do their site plan if they need one.

Trustee Meisel suggested that the village find an architect that would be willing to work for a set fee and everybody goes for the same architect.

Trustee Hurd stated that the board has suggested a packet be prepared for every available space.

Trustee Meisel suggested that the board's get together again with any other suggestions they have to discuss.

5 Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting May 8'", 2001 Member Leonard stated that the village really needs the Oak Street parking lot finished. Zoning Board Member Lori Keator stated that she would like to see the planning and zoning board members issued an identification badge for when they go view properties.

Member Keator asked if the village has a comprehensive plan? Trustee Hurd stated that there was a master plan done in the early 19.70's.

Trustee Hurd requested a map with the streets of the village be put up in the meeting room.

Member Keator asked about colors. Member Keator further suggested that the three boards meet more often Member Leonard asked about the water and sewer situation?

Trustee Flickenschild asked how many homes were to be built in the village?

Member Leonard stated there is approval for 144.

Manager Politi stated that there is room for 500 homes. Trustee Flickenschild asked for a map of the approved developments pasted on the walls of the meeting room. Members Leonard and Keator suggested the village put a moratorium on building in the village until the water and sewer situation is looked at.

Trustee Meisel suggested the hook up fees for water and sewer on new developments be raised.

Public Portion Ann Bouchman from the Wallkill River Task Force explained that this group is a spinoff from the Orange County Land Trust. They are working on river related issues. The Orange County Land Trust has a small fund of money for river related issues to enhance access to the river, look at river quality, recreational opportunities, wildlife habitat and all issues related to good things about the river. They are ready to work with the Village of Walden on some kind of •6- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting May 8"\ 2001 clean up and park projects. They are available to offer the village money on a matching basis. Michael Lynch, 54 Albany Avenue advised the board the there is back current in the river that runs from Maple Street to Riverview Street. He further stated that the Wallkill River is a great place for fishing and recreation.

Greg Raymondo, 200 Orange Avenue advised the board that there is free money at the county for river clean up. He further stated that the road from the diner to Scofield Street needs to be cleaned up. He also asked about the entrance signs to the village. Mr. Raymondo further stated that the recreation building at Wooster Grove, the project was approved, and the contractor was hired. The problem now is with the Child Services. They don't want to relinquish the funds. The village just gave them $50,000. It would be helpful if the Mayor and Village Manager contact that agency rather then a village employee contacting them. There is plenty of grant money at the village level for parks, recreation and other stuff that we the village has never went up to Albany to try and look for those grants. Six years ago he pushed for water meters and water replacement lines. Those applications are still valid. Also, with the county, we have to talk to Steve Bresscia. Brian Sebring asked about franchise fees? He also asked when the pot holes on Hill Street were going to be fixed and when are the holes on Sherman Avenue going to be fixed?

Mike Lynch stated that there is an abundance of poison ivy along the fence at Bradley Field. He has another problem with people parking along the private road that goes to the Thruway Market. They walk through his property to enter the park. He asked for an entrance be made to that end of the park. Marcus Millspaugh, Jessup Street asked about the availability of a copy of the village zoning code? Also, when he was on the Zoning Board there was a data base started at that time on all the properties that had consideration then. He feels it's important that the zoning law be reviewed particularly with the non nuisance industry. That should get further defined, what constitutes a non nuisance. He asked if there was a sunset on subdivision building permits?

Mr. Dowd stated that there are several state laws that usually govern that. They are only guaranteed the same zoning for three years under state law. Mr. Millspaugh stated that the recent public hearing regarding the property on Main Street, he was almost not aware of it. If he hadn't heard it from Mr. Lustig he wouldn't have known. The notice was probably delivered to the store. If it got there and signed for it was put some place and they never found it. There was no notice on the building. The five day notice -7- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting May 8*, 2001 that was published in the paper isn't sufficient if you have to change your schedule to make the meeting. It used to be 10 days notice in the paper. Becky Pearson asked if Walden has a web site? Manager Politi stated that the Walden Local Development Corp. has a web site for Walden. Mrs. Pearson suggested that a web site be created and the properties be put on the web site. She further stated that the Christmas banners are still on the telephone poles. Also, if parking is an issue there is always the Oak Street parking lot. Once more businesses come into Main Street walking from that parking lot is not a big deal.

Mrs. Mullarky advised the board that there is a lot of poison ivy behind the Girl Scout cabin. She further asked if there was a curb your dog law in Walden? They have to clean up after dogs all the time. Mr. Sebring asked it the village has given permission to the WLDC to put their park at Wooster Grove in the spot they originally picked? Deputy Wynkoop stated that they have moved it to the spot where the designer recommended.

Mr. Raymondo stated that he and his wife are members of an organization called NARY and they have approached the Girl Scouts to do a civic project. They would like to renovate of the kitchen and bathroom.

Board Comments Trustee Norman stated that she would like to see the gate at the bottom of Bradley Field open.

Trustee Flickenschild suggested the Village Manager or Mayor do a news and notes letter in the monthly calendar.

Trustee Hurd stated that Wileman Avenue from Jessup to Sadlier is in disparate need of repairs. The bottom of Oakland Avenue is also bad.

Deputy Village Manager Neuhaus stated that they are working on pot holes this week.

-8- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting May8'",2001 Trustee Meisel suggested that before any streets are resurfaced the village check the sewer lines, so we're not paving and ripping up.

Executive Session

Trustee Hurd moved to hold an executive session pursuant to 105-(e), PBA contract, of the Public Officers Law. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried. Trustee Hurd moved to reconvene the regular meeting. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Meeting reconvened.


Deputy Mayor Wynkoop moved to adjourn. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Meeting adjourned. RespectfUliylubTTrr

fitchell Village Clerk


MAY 8 2001

General Fmnd $ 22,066.61 Water Fund $ 8,524.64 Sewer Fnnd $ 8,922.81 May 8,2001 Village of Maiden '"" " 'Page: "1 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account amount oeoeral 1160 ALL TREE REMOVAL 8560.412-A 550.00 vendor total: 550.00 1160 claim number total: 550.00 1161AL VALK'S GARAEE,LTD. 1640.412-A 46.00 vendor total: 46,00 1161 claim number total: 46.00 1162 COFFEE SYSTEM OF THE 1620.440-A 22.40 vendor total: 22.40 1162 claim number total: 22.40 1163 DRAKE,SOMMERS,LOEB, P.C. 1420.411-A 3,777.00 vendor total: 3,777.00 1163 claim number total: 3,777.00 1166 THYSENKRUPUP ELEVATOR CORP. 1620.497-A 204.20 vendor total: 204.20 1166 claim number total: 204.20 ' ENVIRONMENTAL PAPER 1620.440-A 229.05 vendor total: 229.05 1167 claim number total: 229.05 1168 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 1110.408-A 68,32 vendor total: 68.32 1168 claim number total: 68.32 1169 GROSSO MATERALS,INC. 5110.490-A 307.22 vendor total: 307.22 1169 claim number total: 307.22 1170 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS,INC. 1640.412-A 94.14 .. vendor total: 94.14 1170 claim number total: 94.14 1172 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 1620.408-A 708.48 1640.408-A 179,89 7110.408-A 21.85 vendor total: 910.22 : claim number total: 910.22 May 8, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 2 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claiaant account amount

4&T3 GOVJDBS,CDM 1490.401-A 125.00 ^^ vendor total: 125.00 1173 claim number total: 125.00 1174 HUDSON VALLEY LIESURE SR 7020.401-A 25.00 vendor total: 25.00 1174 claia nuaber total: 25.00 1175 MONTGOMERY OVERALL SER 1620.440-A 107.00 vendor total: 107.00 1175 claim number total: 107.00 1176 NYSEG 5182.471-A 2.53 7110.471-A 120.66 vendor total: 123.19 1176 claim nuaber total: 123.19 1177 NYSEG 7110.408-A 123.55 vendor total: 123,55 1177 claim number total: 123.55 ^a^ WflTB NYSEG 1640.471-A 19.68 5182.471-A 14,89 vendor total: 34.57 1178 claia number total: 34.57 1179 NY RURAL HATER ASSOC. 1230.460-A 85.00 vendor total: 85.00 1179 claim number total: 85.00 1180 NEWBURGH WINWATER 5110.490-A 200.00 vendor total: 200.00 1180 claim number total: 200.00 1182 CHARLES B MERRILL 3122.401-A 169.95 3620.401-A 169,95 vendor total: 339.90 1182 claia number total: 339.90 1183 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 3122.408-A 520.16 vendor total: 520.16 k83 claia nuaber total: 5X1,16 May 8, 2661" VillageofWalden Page: 3 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant accoimt amount

84THRUWAYSFORTINBGOODS 3121.435-A 59.95 #vendor total: 59.95 1184 claim number total: 59.95 1185 WALLKILL VALLEY TIMES 1410.407-A 117.33 vendor total: 117.33 1185 claim number total: 117.33 1186 VERIZON WIRELESS 3122.408-A 55.02 vendor total: 3,02 1186 claim number total: 55.02 118? VERIZON WIRELESS 1640.408-A 71.43 vendor total: 71.43 1187 claim number total: 71.43 1188 VERIZON WIRELESS 3620.401-A 48.77 vendor total: 48.77 1188 claim number total: 48.77 ,189 VERIZON WIRELESS 1230.408-A 58.61 vendor total: 58.61 1189 claim number total: 58.61 1190 FEDEX 1410.406-A 42.40 vendor total: 42.40 1190 claim number total: 42.40 1191 STIEFEL RESEARCH 3122.401-A 11.60 vendor total: 11.60 1191 claim number total: 11.60 1192 WALLKILL VALLEY TIMES 1410.407-A 45.83 vendor total: 45.83 1192 claim number total: 45.83 1193 CUSTOM MONITORINB 7110.451-A 84.00 vendor total: 84.00 1193 claim number total: 84.00 J194 CUSTOM MONITORING 7110.452-A 55.50 vendor total: 55.50 MayB, 2001 Villageof Maiden Page: 4 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account

)194 claia nuaber total: 55.50 1195 MM MAGILL 1110.401-A 10,50 vendor total: 10.50 1195 claia nuaber total: 10.50 1196DuTRESNE4IENRYCOeULTING 8020,495-A 462.21 vendor total: 462.21 1196 claia nuaber total: 462,21 1197NYSEG 1640.471-A 917.75 vendor total: 917.75 1197 claie number total: 917,75 1198NYSEG 1620.4714 2,460.08 vendor total: ' 2,460.08 1198 claia nuaber total: 2,460.08 12I2COFFEESYSTEMOFTHE 1640,440-A 39,20 vendor total: 39.20 claia nuaber total: 39,20 1213GRAPHICDETAIL 0600,000-A 385,00 vendor total: 385.00 1213 claia nuaber total: 385.00 1214 CHARLES B MERRILL 1230.401-A 8.79 7020.401-A 25,12 vendor total: 33.91 1214 claia muber total: 33.91 1216 CHAMPIM SUPPLIES,INC. 5110.420-A 284,75 5110.490-A 102.30 vendor total: 387.05 1216 claio nuAer total: 387,05 1640.408-A 8.08 3620.401-A 6.08 7020.408-A 8.08 vendor total: 22.24 1217 claia nuaber total: 22,24 CIARDULLO PRINTINB 3122.401-A 98.00 "May"8,2001 Village of Maiden ^" Page: 5 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claie claimant account a@ount vendor total: 98.00 1219 claia nuaber total: 98.00 1220 CIARDdLO PRINTING 8160.401-A 450.00 vendor total: 450.00 1220 claia nuaber total: 450.00 1221AIRPAGEBEEPERPEOPLE 1640.408-A 11.77 vendor total: 11.77 1221 claia nuaber total: 11.77 1222 NEHBURSi HINMATER 8140.4014* 159.50 vendor total: 159.50 1222 claia nuaber total: 159.50 1223 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 3120.469-A 25.52 3122.40H 24.18 vendor total: 49.70 1223 claia nmber total: 49.70 1225 NYSEG 5182.471-A 5,813.59 vendor total: 5,813.59 1225 claia nuaber total: 5,813.59 1226 ALBANY HARRIOT 3120.460-A 267.00 vendor total: 267.00 1226 claia nuiber total: 267.00 1227RAYNARDOZMAN 1110.401-A . 402.45 vendor total: 402.45 1227 clai: nuaber total: 402.45 1230 FRONTIER COMJNICATIONS 3122.408-A 105.01 vendor total: 105.01 1230 cla» number total: 105.01 1231 HARRY FOURTUNIS,INC. 7310.415-A 69.50 vendor total: 69.50 1231 claia nuaber total: 69.50 1233 AMERICAN CLBIKER 3122.435-A 375.00 vendor total: 375.00 MayB, 2001 VillageofWalden Page: 6 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account amount ^^233 cla» nuaber total: 375,00 ^234ASHCRAFT'SU)CK&DOORS 1620.440-A 501.50 vendor total: 501.50 1234 claia nmber total: 501.50 1235 THRUMAY SUPPING CENTER 1620.43H 15.42 1620.436-A 6.17 1620.440-A 15.47 1640.412-A 10.04 1640.413-A 3.3B 1640.490-A 18.85 3122.401-A 82.85 3620.401-A 19.62 5110.490-A 45.21 7110.449-A 8.28 7110.45H 7.14 7110.452-A 5.95 7310.415-A 14.91 vendor total: 253.29 1235 claio nmber total: 253.29 1237 KERRON BARNES ASSOCIATES 1110,401-A 250.00 vendor total: 250.00 WR37clain nuaber total: 250.00

fund total: 22,066.61 Abstract Distributions 05/08/01.14:22 JUpY page: 1 Village of Walden fund account description debit credit A^ general ^M)600.0004) Accounts Payable 385.00 1110.401-A Office Expense 662.95 1110.408-A Telephone 68.32 1230.401-A Office Expense 8.79 1230.408-A Telephone 58.61 1230.460-A Education 85.00 1410.406-A Postage 42.40 1410.407-A Advertising 163.16 1420.4114) Legal Retainer 3,777.00 1490.401-A Office Expense 125.00 1620.408-A Telephone 708.48 1620.431-A Cleaning Supplies 15.42 1620.436-A Bulbs 6,17 1620.440-A Building Maintenance 875.42 1620.471-A Electricity 2,460.08 1620.497-A Service Contract 204.20 1640.408-A Telephone 271.17 1640.412-A Truck Maintenance 150.18 1640.413-A Equipment Maintenance 338 1640.440-A Building Maintenance 39.20 1640.471-A Electricity 937.43 1640.490-A Other Materials/Supplies 18.85 3120.460-A Education 267.00 3120.469-A Amunition 25.52 3121.435-A Uniform Allotment 59.95 ^9^3122.4014) Office Expense 386,58 ^^3122.4084) Telephone 680.19 3122.435-A Uhiforas 375.00 3620.401-A Office Expense 244.42 5110.420-A Traffic Signs 284.75 5110.490-A Street Maintenance 654.73 5182.471-A Street Lighting 5,831,01 7020.401-A Material and Supplies 50.12 7020.408-A Telephone 8.08 7110.408-A Telephone 145.40 7110.449-A Lawn Mower Repairs 8.28 7110.451-A Park Maint-Bradley/Alfred Park 91.14 7110.4524) Park Maintenance-Wooster's 61.45 7110.471-A Electricity 120.66 7310.4154) Special Events 84.41 8020.49541 Engineering 462.21 8140.401-A Other Material and Supplies 159.50 8160.4014) Miscellaneous Office 450.00 8560.412-A Tree Reaoval Services 550.00 A total general 22,066,61

F water 8310,401-F Office Expense 1,871.01 8310.408f Telephone 406.71 8310.493-F Legal Fees 473.00 ^B310.495-F Engineering 1,154.92 ^M320.201-f Miscellaneous Equipment 114.99 8320.471-F Power for Utilities 3,711.68 Abstract Distributions 05/08/01 14:22 JUDY page: 2 Village of Walden fund account description debit credit 8340.201-f Miscellaneous Equipment 604,20 *&8340.433-F Material and Supplies 54.48 w"8340.441-f Saall Tool: 133.65 F total water 8,524.64 sewer 8110.401-G Office Expense 701.01 8110.408-6 Telephone 49.27 8110,493-G Legal Fees 473.00 8120.4084: EquipientMaintenance 150.00 8120.471-G Power for Utilities 2,067.00 8130.408-6 Telephone 139,70 8130.458-6 Landfill 2,326.94 8130,471-6 Power for Utilities 3,015,89 total sewer 8,922,81 May 8, 2001 Villageof Maiden Page: 7 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account amount wbr *164 DRAKE,SOMERS,LOEB, P.C. 8310.493-F 473.00 vendor total: 473.00 1164 claia nuaber total: 473.00 1171 W.M.GRAINGER,IIC. 8340.441-F 133.65 vendor total: 133.65 1171 claia nuaber total: 133.65 1181 HALDEN PRINTING COhTANY 8310.401-F 995.00 vendor total: 995.00 1181 claia nuaber total: 995.00 1200NYSEG 8320.471-F 2,934.78 vendor total: 2,934.78 1200 claia nuaber total: 2,934.78 1201 PRINTABLE SERVICES 8310.401-F 701.01 vendor total: 701.01 1201 claia nuaber total: 701.01 ^aa^ Wl203 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIQNG 8310.408-F 143.20 vendor total: 143.20 1203 claia nuaber total: 143.20 1205 HALDEN PRINTING CDMPANY 8310.401-F 175.00 vendor total: 175.00 1205 claia nuaber total: 175.00 1206 DUFRESNE4IENRY CONSULTING 8310.495-f 1,154.92 vendor total: 1,154.92 1206 claia nuaber total: 1,154.92 1207 SCMIDT'S MHOLESALE,INC. 8340.201-F 604.20 vendor total: 604.20 1207 claia nuaber total: 604.20 1208NYSEG 8320.471-F 9.59 vendor total: 9.59 1208 claia number total: 9.59 C H ENERGY GROUP,INC. 8320.4714 759.49 May 8, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 8 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account aaount vendor total: 759.49 ^1211 claia nuaber total: 759.49 1216 CHAMPION SUPPLIES, INC. 8340.433-F 39.80 vendor total: 39.80 1216 [lain nmber total: 39.80 1218 ARCH WIRELESS 8310.408-F 12.28 vendor total: 12.28 1218 claia nuiber total: 12.28 1224NYSEG 8320,471-F 7.82 vendor total: 7.82 1224 claie naber total: 7.82 1229 FRONTIER COmUNICATIlK 8310.408-F 251.8 vendor total: 251.23 1229 clai: nu«ber total: 251.3 122THRUMAYSHQPPINSCENTER 8320.201-F 114.99 vendor total: 114.99 ^^2$ claim nuaber total: 114.99 1236 TWUMAY SUPPING CENTER 8340.433-F 14.68 vendor total: 14.68 1236 clai» muber total: 14.68

fund total: 8,524.64 May 8, 2001 Villageof Maiden "Page: 9' Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account amount coxor

' 1165 DRAKE,SOMMERS,LOEB, P.C. 8110.493-6 473.00 vendor total: 473.00 1165 claim number total: 473.00

1199 NYSEB 8120.471-6 2,008.72 8130.471-G 3^015.89 vendor total: 5,024.61 1199 claim number total: 5,024.61 1202 PRINTABLE SERVICES 8110.401-G 701.01 vendor total: 701.01 1202 claim number total: 701.01 1204 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 8110.408-8 49.27 vendor total: 49.27 1204 claim number total: 49.2? 1209 NYSEG 8120.471-6 58.28 vendor total: 58.28 209 claim number total: 58.28 1210 STEPHEN S MOSER JR 8120.408-6 150.00 vendor total: 150.00 1210 claim number total: 150.00 1215 SPECTRA SERVICES 8130.458-6 2,326.94 vendor total: 2,326.94 1215 claim number total: 2,326.94 1228 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 8130.408-6 139.70 vendor total: 139.70 1228 claim number total: 139.70

fund total: 8,922.81










VILLAG , this Board by resolution dated April 24, 2001 has adopted a budget and made appropriations for the conduct of the Village Government for the fiscal year 2001-2002, and , the Village Clerk has this date presented a certificate to the collector of water and sewer rents indicating on May 8, 2001 the amount of unpaid water and sewer including penalties thereon and a description of real property affected thereby. ^ ZHEREFOJKE, on motion by Trustee Fliokenschild and seconded by Trustee Hurd be it,

, that to meet the amount of said appropriations this Board hereby determines the amount to be raised through taxes on real property in the village for 2001-2002 is $2,349,745 to be levied against each parcel of taxable property at the rate of $12.7683 per $1,000 of assessed valuation, and it is AESOIKED, that the amounts shown on the certified list of unpaid water and sewer rents including penalties computed to the first day of the month following the month in which the fiscal year commences, to wit, to July 1, 2001, the total amount of $41,851.42.

-RESOZKED, that the Village Clerk is directed to extend and carry out upon the roll the amount to be levied against each parcel of real property shown thereon and to complete the same on or before May 31,2001, and it is, FE/R7HER JKESOZKED, that pursuant to Section 1420, Real Property Tax Law, this Board hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the village, the sum of $2,349,745 at the rate of $ 12.7683 per $ 1,000 of assessed valuation and it is,

^%/K7HR% JKEJOIKED, that pursuant to Article 11-1118 Village Law, and the General Municipal Law Article 14F, Section 452, Subsection 4, this Board hereby includes in the village levy for 2001-2002 and levies upon each of the real properties is more particularly described in the certified list annexed, and amount to unpaid water and sewer rent and the penalty thereon computed to July 1,2001 specified in said certified list, in the total amount of $41,851.42, and it is,

JKEZOf KED, that the certified list of unpaid water and sewer rents be made part of the minutes of this meeting, and it is

MSSOIKEB, that the amounts shown on the certified list of lien for services performed by the village, said list in the total $3,006.72 by the same hereby are included in the annual tax levy for 2001-2002 and levied respectively upon the parcels of real property set forth on the list, and it is

, that the amounts shown on the certified list of unpaid refuse including penalties computed to the first day of the month following the month in which the fiscal year commences, to wit July 1, 2001, total amount of $38,782.20. RESO1KED, that the amount shown on the certified list of omitted taxes, said list in the total amount of $6,567.62 be and the same hereby are included in the annual tax levy for 2001-2002 and levied respectively upon the parcels of real property set forth on the list. The vote was 7 ayes to 0 nays with 0 abstentions. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted May 8, 2001.


The foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden at a legally convened meeting held on May 8,2001. Public notice was given and the meeting was conducted in full compliance with the New York State Open Meetings Law (Public Officers Law, Sections 100-111). Minutes of the meeting will be available as required by the Act.

Nanty L. Mitchell Village Clerk REJO1C/J7ONM).

PKHERE49, this Board by resolution dated April 24, 2001 has adopted a budget and made appropriations for the conduct of the Village Government for the fiscal year 2001-2002, and the Village Clerk has this date presented a certificate to the collector of water and sewer rents indicating on May 8, 2001 the amount of unpaid water and sewer including penalties thereon and a description of real property affected thereby. "^..J. THEREFORE, on motion by Trustee _ and seconded by Trustee be it, . RESOLED, that to meet the amount of said appropriations this Board hereby determines the amount to be raised through taxes on real property in the village for 2001-2002 is $2,349,745 to be levied against each parcel of taxable property at the rate of $12.7683 per $1,000 of assessed valuation, and it is F[/RT1HER RE3O1KED, that the amounts shown on the certified list of unpaid water and sewer rents including penalties computed to the first day of the month following the month in which the fiscal year commences, to wit, to July 1,2001, the total amount of $41,851.42.

F[/RTHER RE3O1KED, that the Village Clerk is directed to extend and carry out upon the roll the amount to be levied against each parcel of real property shown thereon and to complete the same on or before May 31,2001, and it is,

FURTHER RESOZKED, that pursuant to Section 1420, Real Property Tax Law, this Board hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the village, the sum of $2,349,745 at the rate of $12.7683 per $1,000 of assessed valuation and it is,

FURTHER RESO1KED, that pursuant to Article 11-1118 Village Law, and the General Municipal Law Article 14F, Section 452, Subsection 4, this Board hereby includes in the village levy for 2001-2002 and levies upon each of the real properties is more particularly described in the certified list annexed, and amount to unpaid water and sewer rent and the penalty thereon computed to July 1,2001 specified in said certified list, in the total amount of $41,851.42, and it is,

FURTHER RESO1PED, that the certified list of unpaid water and sewer rents be made part of the minutes of this meeting, and it is JKESO1PED, that the amounts shown on decertified list of lien for services performed by the village, said list in the total $3,006.72 by the same hereby are included in the annual tax levy for 2001-2002 and levied respectively upon the parcels of real property set forth on the list, and it is JKESOZKEZ), that the amounts shown on the certified list of unpaid refuse including penalties computed to the first day of the month following the month in which the fiscal year commences, to wit July 1, 2001, total amount of $38,782.20.

fT/RTBER JKESOIKED, that the amount shown on the certified list of omitted taxes, said list in the total amount of $6,567.62 be and the same hereby are included in the annual tax levy for 2001-2002 and levied respectively upon the parcels of real property set forth on the list. The vote was ayes to nays with abstentions. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted May 8, 2001.


The foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden at a legally convened meeting held on May 8,2001. Public notice was given and the meeting was conducted in full compliance with the New York State Open Meetings Law (Public Officers Law, Sections 100-111). Minutes of the meeting will be available as required by the Act.

Nancy L. Mitchell Village Clerk To: Nancy Mitchell Village Clerk Village of Walden

I, Jan Weiner, Village Treasurer of the Village of Walden, certify the following list of liens against real property for services rendered to be true and correct. TO BE ADDED TO THE 2001-2002 TAX ROLL: $3,006.72

Dated: May 7, 2001 Jan Weiner 6Village Treasurer TAX LIENS - 2001-2002.

305-3-3 JZ Jones, Alice and Andrew 18 Fairview Avenue $334.69

305-17-5.12 QW Fortress Homes Inc.i. 14 Sunnyside Avenue 275.00

306-4-9 PI Cranzel, Selene 48 Ulster Avenue 463.24

306-4-10 JL DeRosa, Joanne 44 Ulster Avenue 728.55 306-16-7 PR Key Bank NA 15 Bank Street 170.55 308-5-1 KU Moscato, Pasquale and Laurette 97 South Montgomery Street 334.69 309-17-7.21 TR Trail, Patricia 40 Gladstone Avenue 600.00

315-3-6 MM Shea, James and Eileen 247 Old Orange Avenue 100.00 To: Nancy Mitchell Village Clerk Village of Walden

I, Jan Weiner, Collector of Water and Sewer Rents do hereby certify that the annexed list consisting of 11 pages contains all accounts for which there is unpaid water and sewer rents as of this date, including therein the description of property upon which or in connection with which the water and sewer are used, the amount of unpaid rent and penalties thereon up to July 1, 2001, in the amount of:

Water $20,821.74

Sewer $21,029.68

Total $41,851.42

Dated: May 7, 2001 in Weiner ollector of Water and Sewer Rents AREA I - UNPAID WATER AND SEWER RENTS

Water Sewer Grand Section Block Lot Name and Address Ck. Digit Total Total Total 302-1-8 Sandbothe, Annetta LJ 22.55 22.55 45.10 10 Liberty Street

302-1-14 Conaway, Kevin & JD 318.65 321.68 640.33 Walston, James 74 Liberty Street 302-1-27.21 Bongiorno, Athur & . OJ 27.06 27.06 54.12 Suzanne 11 Overlook Terrace 302-2-8 . Kugligowski, Michael LZ 8.51 8.78 17.29 4 Evans Lane 302-4-17 Randolph, Carla "NE 54.12 54.12 108.24 61 Second Street 302-6-8 Dunn, Edwiti.. Jr. OL 67.66 67.66 135.32 56 Second Street 302-7-3 DeGroodt, Dennis . LK 263.60 271.79 535.39 32 Seeley Street 302-7-5 Corkey, David MW 165.84 167.49 333.33 24 Seeley Street 302-8-14 Curtone, Anthony J. NL 143.78 143.78 287.56 51 Winding Brook Drive 302-8-37 Cannon, Joseph & RA 67.65 67.65 135.30 Kathleen 42 Winding Brook Drive 305-3-3 Jonea, Andrew & Alice JZ 8.51 8.78 17.29 18 Fairview Avenue 305-3-4.2 Cody, Terrance & KittiJo MG 179..L25; 180.61 359.86 4 Fairview Avenue 305-5-16, Heal, Dorothy OC 90.24 90.24 180.48 82 Wait Street 305-5-18 Brown, Barbara & Dennis PO 38.34 38.34 76.68 90 Wait Street 305-6-3 Alzamora, Arthur LV 83.03 88.44 171.47 44 Wait Street 305-6-6 Michelucci, Albert OA 24.81 24.81 . 49.62 30 Wait Street 305-7-2.1 Noviski, C. MM 431.42 435.58 867.00 31 George Street Water Sewer Grand Section Block Lot Name and Address Ck..Digit Total Total Total 305-10-6 Coulter, Michael KX 24.60 25.06 49.66 14 No. Montgomery St.

305-10-7 Coulter, Michael LQ 125.12 125.12 250.24 6-8 No. Montgomery St.

305-10-1.2 Palffy,. Christopher IU 92.46 92.46 184.92 115 First Street

305-10-3 Sheehan, Thomas & IS 33.83 33.83 67.66 Kathleen 9 Wait Street

305-10-8 Autumn Sky Development MJ 132.66 133.98 266.64 2 No. Montgomery St.

305-11-1 Willis, Wade & Linda EW 24.81 24.81 49.62 97 First Street

305-11-3 Rose, Robert & Hope JI 22.55 22.55 45.10 10 So. Montgomery St.

305-12-2 DeGroodt, Ronald JF 17.82 17.82 35.64 32 So. Montgomery St.

305-12-3.2 Samuel, Eda.thar.ayil LM 179.10 180.88 359.98 38 So. Montgomery St.

305-12-3.1 Snyder, Scott KS 360.43 373.30 733.73 8 Walker Street

305-14-28 Holbert, Gregory QF 61.34 61.34 122.68 13 Harvard Drive

305214-51 Stranzl, John NE 142.07 142.07 284.14 7 Selena Court

305-15-9 MacNear, Russell QE 22.55 22.55 45.10 32 Alfred Place

305-16-53 Petrillo, Barry PW 39.33 39.33 78.66 8 Linden Drive

305-16-51 Stewart, Basil & Dawn OK 115.91 115.91 231.82 21 Donner Drive

305-17-2 Lopez,"Steve 1MB 135.30 135.30 270.60 145 Wait Street

305-17-12 Carson, Bruce MZ 124.73 125.51 250.24 21 Linden Drive

305-17-16 Vidi, Russell PX 74.87 74.87 149.74 29 Linden Drive Section Block Lot Name and Address Ck. Digit Total Total Total 305-19-21 Newton, Richard OE 33.83 33.83 67.66 19 Brook Road

306-1-5 Samuel, Edatharayil KO ^ 364.83 368.46 733.29 37 No. Montgomery St.

306-1-9 Orange Co. Dept. of Fin. NM 8.51 8.78 17.29 21 No. Montgomery St.

306-1-23.1 Oak Street Management LG 1,622.70 1,622.70 3,245.40 Oak Street

306-14-10 Vinci, Paul KA 160.95 160.95 321.90 36 Oak Street

306-14-13.2 Wright, Sam NT 8.51 8.78 17.29 2 Pleasant Avenue

306-14-15.1 MJL Realty OL 289.50 300.30 589.80 60 Oak Street

306-18-11 Bogert, Darrin & Lisa NF 35.00 35.00 70.00 23 Oak Street 306-18-12 Farrell, Daniel & Catherine NY 197.52 197.52 395.04 21 Oak Street

305-18-3 Selfridge, Fred Jr. NQ 65.40 65.40 130.80 137 Wait Street

306-18-25.1 F. Briggs Development RP 200.93 200.93 401.86 126 West Main Street

306-18-8.1 Walden Center Associates SK 904.71 920.42 1,825,.1S 33-43 Oak Street

306-18-34 Caltenco, Esther Elizabeth QU 339.37 349.86 689.23 154 West Main'Street 306-18-40 Samuel, Edatharayil 00 538142 543.87 1,082.29 31 So. Montgomery Street

306-18-41 Greak, Thomas " PH 45.10 45.10 90.20 27 South Montgomery Street

308-1-9 Conn, William OE 42.85 42.85 85.70 27 Walker Street

308-1-18 Leonard, Edmond & Lavina OD 90.21 90.21 180.42 130 So. Montgomery Street

308-2-8 Suber, Richard James OB 196.19 196.19 392.38 70 So. Montgomery Street Water Sewer Grand Section Block Lot Name and Address Ck. Digit Total Total Total 308-2-13 Markanus, Thomas LC 111.30 112.03 223.33 43 First Street 308-2-4 Navas, Anders & Maria LD .902.00 902.00 1,804.00 50 So. Montgomery St. 308-2-16 Bruggeman, Harold NH 49.61 49.61 99.22 55 First Street 308-5-2 Thomas, John G. Jr. LN 82.53 82.53 165.06 101 So. Montgomer St. 308-8-1 Burgin, Agatha MQ 24.81 24.81 49.62 11 South Way 305-16-56 Krom, Richard SB 30.45 30.45 60.90 17 Alfred Place

309-2-1 Gremmert, Mark JH 60.89 60.89 121.78 145 West Main Street

309-2-4 Edward, James LM 79.15 79.15 158.30 135 West Main Street

309-7-10 Javaid, Bushra MI 9.04 9.04 18.08 39-45 Main Street

309-7-12 Bertolotti, Steven NU 131.21 131.21 262.42 29 Main Street

309-7-13 Bertolotti, Steven NO 315.71 315.71 631.42 29 Main Street

309-2-3 Wood-Depew, Amy .. KT 764.23 768.85 1,533.08 139 West Main Street

311-2-27 Yozzo, B..& Walz, K. MP 184^00 186.65. - 370.65 13 Hidden View Drive

311^2-37 Mayo, NH 47.59 .47.59 95.18 8 Hidden View Drive 302-8-36 JMainess, Karen QH 9.22 9.22 18.44 40 Winding Brook Drive 305-13-10 Dise, Lawrence JB 27.47 27.47 54.94 38 Walker Street

Total 11,698.26 11,794.41 23,492.67 AREA.II - UNPAID WATER AND SEWER RENTS

Water Sewer Grand Section Block Lot Name and Address Ck. Digit Total Total Total 309-3-19 Sager, Marie QL 20.61 20.61 41.22 78 Orchard Street

309-3-15 Woodruff, Richard & NN. 45.10 45.10 90.20 Vera Jean 70 Orchard Street

309-4-13.2 Marcant.onio., Nicholas OF 60.89 60.89 121.78 , 78 Maple Street

309-5-6 Schoonmaker, Olive OU 93.60 94.61 188.21 64 Maple Street

309-8-17 Tarshis, David & SB 339.58 343.54 683.12 Michael 46 Scofield Street

309-9-12 Spencer, Gordon PA 50.83 50.83 101.66 41 Maple Street

309-8-27 Wynkoop, Roy ST 13.98 13.98 27.96 19 Orchard Street 309-12-6 Maddox, Geraldine NN 38.34 38.34 76.68 20 Elm Street

309-14-6 Elliot Sr., Robert OT 60.89 60.89 121.78 72 Elm Street

309-14-9.2 Frontier Communication SM 25.15 25.15 50.30 75 Orange Avenue

309-16-3 Simonds, Sarah NU 40.59 40.59 8l;l8 95 Scofield Street

309-16-4 Hinchliffe, Charles ON 162.36 162.36 324.72 82 Orange Avenue

309-17-7.21 Trail, Patricia TR 518.56 573.01 1,091.57 40 Gladstone Avenue

309-17-16 Baca, Michael & Jennifer RE 270.60 270.60 541.20 28 Gladstone Avenue

309-18-4 Lacy, Michael PT 96.97 96.97 193.94 59 Maple Street

309-18-13 . Sparano, Robert PS 54.12 54.12 108.24 11 Gladstone Avenue

309-18-22 Straut, Adele PR 11.28 11.28 22.56 84 Walnut Street Water Sewer Grand Section Block Lot Name and Address Ck. Digit Total Total Total 309-19-7 Thompson, Leona SO: 74.42 74.42 148.84 16 Grandview Avenue 309-19-8 Fratto, Greg TE 45.10 45.10 90.20 10 Grandview Avenue

309-20-8 Murphy, Dennis & 01 63.14 63.14 126.28 Kelly Anne 75 Walnut Street 309-20-18 Lennon, Kenneth & Lisa PA 56.38 56.38 112.76 22 Riverview Street 309-r21-10 Calabrese & Raffaele JU 67.65 67.65 135.30 41 Riverview Street 309-22-13 Cuomo, Robert & Sandra MP 270.60 270.60 541.30 101 Maple Street 309-22-15 Stratton, Brian & Julie OB 45.10 45.10 90.20 91 Maple Street

312-1-13 McErlean, James IS 4.96 4.96 9.92 143 Walnut Street 312-1-4 Szymczak, William & • IT 101.20 107.14 208.34 Sandra 107 Walnut Street 312-1-18 Gallagher, Timothy MJ 45;10 45.10 90.20 48 Riverview Street 312-3-3 Vermilyea, Paul JG 2.26 2.26 4.52 13 Clinton Street •312=3-16 Fowler^ James MD 31.57 31.57 63.14 120 Orange Avenue

312-4-2 Jefferson, Arthur JD 33.83 33.83 67.66 15 Grove Street

010 f 1 JJ.Unn nJi

312-6-2 Ortiz, Raymond & Chavis. KJ 71.04 71.04 142.08 113 Scofield Street 312-6-3 Roberson, T. & Ishmael I. LC 90.20 90.20 180.40 119 Scofield Street 312-7-9 Osterhout, Lou QC 41.04 41.04 82.08 8 Harrison Street

312-9-10 Navas, Jose LL 71.04 71.04 142.08 46 Coldenham Road Water Sewer Grand Section Block Lot Name and Address Ck. Digit Total Total Total 312-10-1.2 Napoli, D. IB 65.40 65.40 130.80 35 Coldenham Road

313-3-4 Big Apple Circus KI 2.26 2.26 4.52 39 Edmunds Lane

314-1-4 McErlean, James JL 49.61 49.61 99.22 159 Walnut Street 314-1-35 Deverson, Richard MG 42.85 42.85 85.70 8 Pond Road 314-2-31 Ozman, Brandon JY 22.55 22.55 45.10 160 Walnut Street 314-2-21 Thompson, A. & JG 56.38 — 56.38 112.76 Power, Kathy 200 Walnut Street 313-1-1.2 Vernooy, Gregory &. IL 56.16 56.16 112.32 Bruce 20 Edmunds Lane 315-1-2 Grattan, Ken II 205.21 205.21 410.42 225 Orange Avenue 315-3-2 Barilli, Scott JO 42.18 42.18 84.36 239 Orange Avenue 315-5-4 Ball, Lori MG 101.49 101.49 202.98 97 Coldenham Road 309-13-4.2 Jackson, Richard OF 58.41 58.41 116.82 46 Grant Street 316-2-13 Parry, Vincent KS 103.84 103.84 207.68 5 Windrift Lane 309-4-5 Vass, Istvan NL 20.57 22.75 43.32 43 Pine Street

Total 3,844.99 3,912.53 7,757.52 AREAZIII - UNPAID WATER AND SEWER RENTS

Water Sewer Grand Section Block Lot Name and Address Ck. Digit Total Total Total 301-1-2 Forte, Steven GQ 11.28 . 11.28 22.56 24 Northgate Drive

301-1-16 Ditizio, Joseph KG 33.83 33.83 67.66 5 Northgate Drive

301-1-30 Coriano, Carlos Lopez HG 164.62 164.62 329.24 10 Northern Avenue

301-1-31 Torres, Irma HZ 56.38 56.38 112.76 12 Northern Avenue

301-2-3 Nilsson, Christopher HZ 99.22 99.22 198.44 194 Ulster Avenue

301-3-2.1 Goshen Garden Aprts. IQ 135.31 135.31 270.62 183 Ulster Avenue

301-5-1 Aventurato, Benedict IJ 45.10 45.10 90.20 7 Northern Avenue

303-1-3 McKinstrie, Diane IB 8.80 8.80 17.60 176 Ulster Avenue

304-1-3 Roebuck, Kelly IK 105.99 105.99 211.98 1 Sadlier Place

304-2-2.2 Abate, Dennis JV 67.65 67.65 135.30 88. Highland Avenue

304-3-35 Neusch, Charles NE 76.90 76.90 153.80 57 Oakland Avenue

304-3=50 Collazo, Carmin & " .;.. KX 138.24 138.24 276.48 Carlos 30 Oakland Avenue

304-5-7 Miranda, Jose NJJ 92.46 92.46 184.92 3 Brook Court

304-7-10 Melnyk, Thomas & Cindy KP 47.36 47.36 94.72 19 Walden Estates Road 304-7-11 Wood, Terrence LI 232.20 235.77 467.97 21 Walden Estates Rd. 306-1-25 Vermilyea, Paul LY. 67.20 67.20 134.40 60 Pleasant Avenue

306-2-19 Williams, Silas OU 350.06 363.79 713.85 11 Pleasant Avenue

306-2-22 Schreiber, Karl KJ 15.79 15.79 31.58 21 Pleasant Avenue Water Sewer Grand Section Block Lot Name and Address Ck. Digit Total Total Total 306-2-24 Verge, Kevin LV 56.38 56.38 112.76 29 Pleasant Avenue i 306-3-6 Bliss, George MN 69.91 69.91 139.82 80 Capron Street

306-3-8 Federal National NZ 2.26 2.26 4.52 Bank 72 Capron Street

306-3-9 Hoyle, J. & Kanat, All OS 37.88 37.88 75.76 68 Capron Street

306-4-2 Plant, Keith & KF 78.93 78.93 157.86 Patricia 68 Ulster Avenue

306-4-10 DeRosa, Joann ^JL 2,0.57. 22J5 A3. 3? 44 Ulster Avenue

306-4-16 Samuel, Edatharayil NV 359.28 367.13 726.41 22 Ulster Avenue

306-4-39 Felder/Ramos RK 81.18 81.18 162.36 77 Capron Street

306-5-1 Michelucci, Albert KG 18.04 18.04 36.08 67 Ulster Avenue

306-5-3 Degon, Richard LO 135.31 135.31 270.62 15 James Street

306-6-6 Skonberg, Lorraine OJ 173.46 177.63 351.09 76 Valley Avenue

306-3*10 Cassisi, Dominick LB 33.83 33.83 67.66 93 Ulster Avenue

306-8-5 Bavarian, Kenneth & OW 61.57 61.57 123.14 81 Valley Avenue -'_

306-8-10 Vomdran, Joel & Tina LX 116.36 116.36 232.72 65 Valley Avenue

306-6-12 Anderson, Brad & MD 33.83 33.83 67.66 Linda 77 Ulster Avenue 306-8-12 Arthurs, Terry NJ 22.55 22.55 . 45.10 57 Valley Avenue

306-9-3 Wood, Randy OA 33.83 33.83 67.66 43 Valley Avenue

306-9-9 . Romer, Douglas SK 22.55 22.55" 45.10 17 Valley Avenue Water Sewer Grand Section Block Lot Name and Address Ck. Digit Total Total Total 306-10-7.1 Renner, P. & MT 155.60 155.60 311.20 Epsaro, J. 40 Valley Avenue

306-10-12 Day, Harold JA 148.84 148.84 297.68 30 Valley Avenue

306-10-16 Davis, Robert LY 95.34 98.19 193.53 35 Ulster Avenue

306-10-13.2 Kearsing, Michael LS 2.26 2.26 4.52 11 William Street

306-10-19 Plaza, Jerome OD 8.39 8.72 17.11 47 Ulster Avenue

306-11-2 Palenzuela, Andres IY 90.20 90.20 180.40 11 William Street

306-11-10 Michaelczyk, Janine IE 225.50 225.50 451.00 12 Valley Avenue.

306-12-2 Yandle, Michael & JO 52.29 52.29 104.58 Wendy 24 High Street 306-13-3 Penney, Richard & KX 67.65 67.65 135.30 Kathy 52 Capron Street

306-13-4 Miller, Daniel & LQ 32.94 35.87 68.81 40 Capron Street

306-13-5.2 Jacob, Joseph NX 207.08 207.08 414.16 34 Capron Street

306-15-3 Clark, James MW '.115.01 115.01 230.02 31 Bank Street 306-2-28 Bailey QT 33.83 33.83 67.66 43 Pleasant Avenue

307-2-8 Thompson, Eric NS 47.36 47.36 .94.72 28 Highland Avenue

307-2-10 Dolson, Kenneth 10 47.36 47.36 94.72 24 Highland Avenue

307-5-20.11 Sedotto, Anthony & MR 204.09 204.09 408.18 Wendie 73 East Avenue

307-6-2 Piasecki, Leon LU 39.86 41.15 81.01 83 East Main Street Water Sewer Grand Section Block Lot Name and Address Ck. Digit Total Total ' Total 307-5-17.1 Rapp, Charles QH 106.67 106.67 213.34 43 East Avenue

307-7-2 Rodriquez, Ann MK 11.28 11.28 22.56 86 East Main Street

307-6-16 Simmons, Harry PK 42.85 42.85 85.70 48 East Avenue

309-11-5 Williams, Edwin Jr. ME 33.83 33.83 67.66 27 East Main Street

310-2-8.1 Weissman, Steven MJ 51.87 51.87 103.74 89 Hill Street

316-3-1.1 Sorg, William & JY 272.86 272.86 545.72 Diane 131 East Avenue

307-6-29 Carlino, Joseph &' SH 28.93 28.93 57.86 Antoinette 40 Hill Street

306-1-36 Ponessa, Joseph NJ 50.49 55.84 106.33 20 Pleasant Avenue

Total 5,278.49 5,322.74 10,601.23 To: Nancy Mitchell Village Clerk Village of Walden I, Jan Weiner, Collector of Refuse Charges do hereby certify that the annexed list consisting of 11 pages contains all accounts for which there is unpaid refuse charges as of this date, including therein the description of property upon which or in connection with which collection was made, the amount of unpaid refuse charges and penalties thereon up to July 1, 2001, in the amount of:

Total Refuse Charges $ 38,782.20

Dated: May 7, 2001 Weiner, Collector of Refuse Charges AREA I - UNPAID REFUSE CHARGES

Section Block Lot Name and Address Ck."Digit Total Refuse Charge 302-1-8 Sandbothe, Annetta LJ 234.96 10 Liberty Street 302-1-14 Conaway, Kevin & JD 234.96 Walston, James 74 Liberty Street 302-1-26 Alvaro, Mark LH 352.44 34 Fairview Avenue 302-2-8 Kuligowski, Michael LZ 234.96 4 Evans Lane

302-4-17 Randolph, Carla NE 64.08 61 Second Street

302-6-3 Kuveke, Deidre KU 92.48 30 Lafayette Street

302-6-8 Dunn, Edwin OL 234.96 56 Second Street

302-7-3 DeGroodt, Dennis LK 234.96 32 Seely Street

302-7-5 Corkey, David MW 234.96 24 Seely- Street

302-8-37 Cannon, Joseph & RA 176.22 Kathleen 42 Winding Brook Drive

-.363*1-4.2 Keitel, Scott LA 117.48 200 Wait Street

305-3-3 Jones, Alice JZ 234.96 18 Fairview Avenue

305-3-4.2 Cody, Terrance MG 234.96 4 Fairview Avenue

305-4-9 Brundage, Stanford OZ 181.56 98 Wait Street

305-5-6 Edwards, Harry NK 234.96 7 Lafayette Street

305-5-18 Brown, Barbara & Dennis PO 176.22 90 Wait Street

305-6-3 Alzamora, Arthur LV 234.96 44 Wait Street Section Block Lot Name and Address Ck. Digit Total Refuse Charge 305-10-1.2 Palffy, Christopher IU 234.96 115 First Street 305-10-6 Coulter, Michael KX 234.96 14 No. Montgomery Street

305-10-8 Autumn Sky Development MJ 704.88 2 No. Montgomery Street

305-11-3 Rose, Robert & Hope JI 234.96 10 So. Montgomery Street

305-12-2 DeGroodt, Ronald JF 176.22 32 So. Montgomery Street

305-12-3.1 Snyder, Scott KS 234.96 8 Walker Street

305-12-3.2 Samuel, Edatharayil LM 704.88 38 So. Montgomery Street

305-12-7 Tenbroeck Corp. MW 176.22 69 First Street

305-13-4 Cheverier, Craig LB 176.22 35 Center Street

305-13-5 Vandermark, Harriet MA 58.74 86 First Street

305-13-7 Ozman, Brandon NM 58.74 78 First Street

305-14-28 . Holbert, Gregory QF 176.22 13 Harvard Drive 305-44-51 Stranzl, John NE 117.48 7 Selena Court 305-15-9 MacNear, Russell QE 58.74 32 Alfred Place

305-16-53 Petrillo, Barry PW 234.96 8 Linden Drive

305-16-46 Thornton, Tracey RJ 58.74 11 Donner Drive

305-16-56 Krom, Richard SB 117.48 17 Alfred Place

305-16-51 Stewart, Basil & Dawn OK 181.56 21 Donner Drive

305T17-.2 Lopez, Steve MB 122.82 145 Wait Street Section Block Lot Name and Address Ck. Digit Total Refuse Charge 305-17-12 Carson, Bruce MZ 234.96 21 Linden Drive 305-17-16 Vidi, Russell PX 117.48 29 Linden Drive 305-18-16 Johnson, Troy & Beverly QN 117.48 5 Sunnyside Place

306-1-5 Samuel, Edatharayil KO 939.84 37 No. Montgomery Street

306-1-9 Orange Co. Dept. of NM. 234.96 Finance 21 No. Montgomery Street

306-14-10 Vinci, Paul KA 117.48 36 Oak Street

305-18-3 Selfridge, Jr. Fred NQ 234.96 ' 137 Wait Street

306-18-11 Bogert, Darrin & Lisa NF 58.74 23 Oak Street

306-18-12 Farrell, Daniel & NY. 234.96 Catherine 21 Oak Street 306-18-34 Caltenco, Esther Elizabeth QU 469.92 154 West Main Street

306-18-40 Samuel, Edatharayil 00 939.84 31 So. Montgomery Street

"3%-l-27.21 Bongiomo, Arthur & OJ 58.74 Suzanne 11 Overlook Terrace

308-1-4 Weeden, Howard & Karen KN _ 46.9. S2 . . 16 Harvard Drive

308-1-9 Conn, William OE 58.74 27 Walker Street

308-1-24.24 Bradley, Celestine Ql 117.48 8 PrincetonvDrive

308-2-8 Huber, Richard James OB 469.92 70 So. Montgomery Street

308-2-12 Giglio, Joseph KJ 176.22 24 South Street Section Block Lot Name and Address Ck. Digit Total Refuse Charge

308-2?13 Markanus, Thomas LC 234.96 43 First Street 308-2-16 Bruggeman, Harold KM 176.22 55 First Street 308-4-1 Partington, Ken & Vicki ICE 234.96 29 First Street 308-8-1 Burgin, Agatha . MQ 234.96 11 South Way 308-10-1 Idehen, Francis & Violet 58V74 2 Berwick Avenue 309-2-1 Gremmert, Mark JH 234.96 145 West Main Street

309-2-3 WoodTDepew, Amy KT 939.84 139 West Main Street 309-2-4 Edwards, James LM 352.44 135 West Main Street 311-2-18 Gale, Harry MQ 117.48 201 So. Montgomery Street

311-2-27 Yozzo, B. & Walz, K. MP 234.96 13 Hidden View Drive

311-2-31 Lowry, Sheryl & IX 234.96 Johnson, Laura 20 Hiden View Drive 311-2-37 Mayo,Charles M. & Satina] NH 117.48 8 Hidden/View.Drive 305-6-6 Michelucci, Albert OA 176.22 30 Wait Street 305-7-2.1 Noviski, C. MM 234.96 31 George Street


Section Block Lot Name and Address Ck. Digit Total Refuse Charge

309-4-2 Reynolds, Arcady LG 234.96 89 Orchard Street 309-4-13.2 Marcantonio, Nicholas OF 469.92 78 Maple Street 309-3-19 Sager, Marie & Yerks, Anna QL 234.96 78 Orchard Street

309-5-2 Bblzheid, Paul & Mary LW 234.96 33 Scofield Street 309-4-5 Vass, Istvan NL 117.48 43 Pine Street 309-4-7 Vinci, Paul OX 126.22 112 Maple Street 309-5-6 Schoonmaker, Olive OU 352.44 64 Maple Street 309-5-8 Weber, Thomas & Dawn QG 58.74 36 Walnut Street 309-3-15 Woodruff, Richard & NN 181.56 Vera Jean 70 Orchard Street 309-11-1.1 Stalley, Daniel KA 939.84 1-5 Orange Avenue 309-12-9 Cruver, Marion PS 58.74 19 Railroad Avenue 309-14-6 Elliot, Robert Sr. OT 176.22 72 Elm Street 309-14-12 Brundage, Sidney MN 469.92 57 Orange Avenue

309-14-14 Murray, Vincent NZ 234.96 1 Cherry Street 309-16-4 Hinchliffe, Charles ON 58.74 82 Orange Avenue 309-16-9 Brewer, Robert SE 234.96 94 Orange Avenue

309-16-14 Latini, Richard & Frances PF 117.48 25 Ridge Avenue Section Block Lot Name and Address Ck. Digit Total Refus* # 309-16-16 Rogers, William QR 234.96 21 Ridge Avenue

309-17-16 Baca, Michael & Jennifer RH ' 117.48 28 Gladstone Avenue

309-18-4 Lacy, Michael & Kathleen FT 58.74 59 Maple Street

309-19-8 Fratto, Greg TH 234.96 10 Grandview Avenue

309-18-13 Sparano, Robert PS 234.96 11 Gladstone Avenue

309-18-22 Straut, Adele PR 58.74 84 Walnut Street

309-19-7 Thompson, Leona SO 58.74 16 Grandview Avenue

309-2-18 Lennon, Kenneth & Lisa PA 58.74 22 Riverview Street

309-21-10 Calabrese & Raffaele JU 234.96 # 41 Riverview Street 309-22-13 Cuomo, Robert & Sandra MP 234.96 101 Maple Street

309-22-15 Stratton, Brian Jr. & Julie OB 181.56 91 Maple Street

309-8^17 Tarshia, David &. Michael SB 939.84 46 Scofield Street

310-4-8.1 Benchmark. Realty NP 234.96 14 Edmunds Lane

312-1-4 Szymczak, William & Sandra IT 234.96 107 Walnut Street

312-1-9 Bryden, William MK 117.48 131 Walnut Street

312-1-13 McErlean, James IS 58.74 143 Walnut Street

312-3-3 Vermilyea, Paul JG 234.96 13 Clinton Street .^^ # 312-4-2 Jefferson, Arthur, Anna JD 234.96 Arthur.J. & Shirley 15 Grove Street Section Block Lot Name and Address Ck; Digit Total Refuse Charge 312-6-3 Ishmael, I. . LC 234.96 119 Scofield Street 312-6-2 Ortiz, Raymond & Chavis, C. KJ 117.48 113 Scofield Street 312-7-9 Osterhout, Lou QC 176.22 8 Harrison Street 312-9-10 Navas, Jose LL 176.22 46 Coldenham Road 312-10-1.2 Napoli, D. IB 234.96 . 35 Coldenham Road 313-1-1.2 Vernooy, Gregory & Bruce IL 234.96 22 Edmunds Lane 314-1-2 Winterton Irrevocable Trust HZ 117.48 42 Kelmore Street 314-1-4 McErlean, James JL 176.22 159 Walnut Street 314-1-35 Deverson, Richard MG 64.08 8 Pond Road 314-2-21 Thompson, A. & Power, Kathy JG 234.96 200 Walnut Street

314-2-31 Ozman, Brandon JY 58.74 160 Walnut Street 315-1-2 Grattan, John K. & Barbara II 234.96 225 Old Orange Avenue 316.-2-43 Parry, Vincent KS 58.74 5 Windrift Lane 315-3-2 Barilli, Scott JO 234.96 239 Orange Avenue

315-3-7 Arciero, Denise NF 234.96 253 Orange Avenue

315-5-4 Ball, Lori MG 234.96 97 Coldenham Road

316-2-18 Cagney, Richard OJ 234.96 6 Windrift Lane


Section Block Lot Name and Address Ck. Digit Total Refuse Charge 301-1-2 Forte, Steven GQ 117.48 24 Northgate .Drive 301-1-3 Wagner, C. & Brown, S. HJ 58.74 22 Northgate Drive

301-1-30 Coriano, Carlos Lopez EG 234.96 10 Northern Avenue

301-1-31 Torres, Irma . HZ 234.96 12 Northern Avenue

301-1-40 Johnson, Judith HY 58.74 515 Ivy Hill Road

301-5-1 Aventurato, Benedict & Judy IJ 117.48 7 Northern Avenue

301-2-3 Nilsson, Christopher HZ 234.96 194 Ulster Avenue

303-1-3 McKinstrie, Dianne IB 234.96 176 Ulster Avenue

303-2-6 Latini, Richard & Frances KW 117.48 10 Richardson Street

304-3-30 Caruso, Calolo & Regina JN 52.28 47 Oakland Avenue

304-3-35 Neusch, Charles IKE 58.74 57 Oakland Avenue

304-3-50 Collazo, Carmin & Carlos KX 234.96 30 Oakland Avenue

304-4-8 Magliola, Donald & Laura NX 57.88 2 Watkins Drive 304-5-7 Miranda, Jose NU 122.82 3 Brook Court

304-7-10 Melnyk, Thomas & Cindy KP 176.22 19 Walden Estates Road 304-7-11 Wood, Terrence LI 234.96 21 Walden Estates Road

306-1-25 Vermilyea, Paul LY 234,96 60 Pleasant Avenue Section Block Lot Name and Address Ck. Digit Total Refuse Charge 306-2-3 Wright, Samuel JS 117.48 25 Albany Avenue

306-2-19 Williams, Silas OU 234.96 11 Pleasant Avenue 306-2-24 Verge, Kevin LV 234.96 29 Pleasant Avenue 306-2-28 Bailey, Robert. & Susan OT 117.48 43 Pleasant Avenue

306-2-34 Maziello, Michael MN 234.96 63 Pleasant Avenue

306-3-4 Robb, Deborah LB 224.28 86 Capron Street

306-3-8 Federal National Bank NZ 117.48 72 Capron Street

306-4-11 E & C Realty KE 117.48 42 Ulster Avenue

306-4-7 Fortunate, Conan NW 64.08 52 Ulster Avenue

306-4-39 Felder/ Ramos RK 176.22 77 Capron Street

306-4-16 Samuel, Edatharayil NV 469.92 22 Ulster Avenue

306-5-3 Degon, Richard LO 58.74 15 James Street

.304*;6-6 Skonberg, Lorraine OJ 234.96 76 Valley Avenue 306-7r6.2 Dempsey, John QN 234.96 90 Valley Avenue 306-8-5 Haverlan, Kenneth & OW 234.96 Cynthia 81 Valley Avenue

306-8-10 Vorndran, Joel & Tina LX 469.92 65 Valley Avenue 306-10-12 Day, Harold JA 234.96 30 Valley Avenue 306-10-16 Davis, Robert LY - • 176.22 35 Ulster Avenue

306-10-13.2 Kearsing, Michael LH 117.48 14 William Street Section Block Lot Name and Address Ck. Digit Total Refuse. Charge

306-11-1 Wagemann,..Thelma IF 234.96 27 Ulster Avenue

306-11-2 Palenzuela, Andres IY 234.96 11 William Street

306-11-10 Michaelczyk, Janine IE 469.92 12 Valley Avenue

306-10-19 Plaza, Jerome OD 469.92 47 Ulster Avenue

306-9-3 Wood, Randy OA 704.88 43 Valley Avenue

306-10-7.1 Renner, P. & Epsaro J. MT 234.96 40 Valley Avenue

306-12-2 Yandle, Michael & Wendy JO 117.48 52 Capron Street

306-13-3 Penney, Richard & Kathy KX 117.48 52 Capron Street

306-13-4 Miller, Daniel & LQ 234.96 & Elizabeth 40 Capron Street

307-1-3 Martinez, Paul JL 58.74 22 Wileman Avenue

307-2-10 Dolson, Kenneth 10 58.74 24 Highland Avenue

307-5-2 Steiner, G. LE 234.96 235 East Main Street

307-5-14 Maurovich, Giovanni NI 58.74 39 Bast AVenue

307-5-20.11 Sedotto, Anthony MR ' 117.48 & Wendie 73 East Avenue

307-6-18.1 Dallas, Dallas RQ 176.22 56 East Avenue 306-15-4 Clark, James MW 469.92 31 Bank Street

307-6-16 Simmons, Harry PK 117.48 48 East Avenue

307-6-29 Carlino, Joseph & SH 234.96 Antoinette 40 Hill Street Section"Block Lot Name and:Address Ck. Digit Total Refuse*Charge 307-7 t2 Rodriguez, Ann MK 117.48 86 East Main Street 309-11-4 Aiello, Carl LL 58.74 23 East Main Street 310-2-6 Wynkoop, Roy KD 58.74 83 Hill Street

310-2-8.1 Weissman, Steven MJ 176.22 89 Hill Street 309-11-5 Williams, Ed#in ME 234.96 27 East Main Street

Total 11,446.98 I, Nancy Mitchell, Village Clerk of the Village of Walden, certify the following h'st of Omitted Taxes to be true and correct:

TO BE ADDED TO THE 2001-2002 TAX ROLL $6,567.52

DATED: May 8,2001 2001-2002


ND 301-1-29 Gordon,Barry $ 159.38 8 Northern Ave. Walden, New York 12586 MT 302-1-28 Abromowitz, Frederick &Dena 742.06 14OverlookTerr. Walden, New York 12586

BX 305-2-1 Long, Frederick 186.49 10 Overlook Terrace Walden, New York 12586

MQ 305-14-5 Thompson, Michael 518.61 59WaitStreet Walden, New York 12586 SQ 305-19-9 Mann, Christopher & Kathleen 427.15 30 Linden Drive Walden, New York 12586

MK 306-4-5 Curasi, Lawrence* Nancy 169.25 ^7^ 20 Waverly Willow Lane Montgomery, New York 12549 JL 307-2-2 Winum,Jerrel& Jessica _ 378.85 44 Highland Avenue Walden, New York 12586

MX 309-11-6 Cooper, Beverly 712.91 POBoxl35 Wallkill, New York 12589 MZ 309-16-20 Townwsend, Duane & Brenda 350.55 9 Ridge Avenue Walden, New York 12586 QM 309-18-5 Abrahamsen,Arne 655.44 55 Maple Aye. Walden, New York 12586

TJ 309-18-18 Eickler, Scott & Jennifer 387.18 33 Gladstone Avenue Walden, New York 12586 UC 309-18-19 Frankel, Scott & Ann 373.65 37 Gladstone Avenue Walden, New York 12586

UU 309-18-29 Buck, David & Alissa 167.78 60 Walnut Street Walden, New York 12586

NO 309-20-16 Vincelette, Richard & Mahssa 296.27 30 Riverview Street Walden, New York 12586

OD 312-5-8 McNeely, Charles & Kimberly 278.20 139 Orange Avenue Walden, New York 12586 MH 314-1-26 Bohler, Karl 7 Donna 619.02 23 Westwood Drive Walden, New York 12586 JF 316-2-20 Isaksen, John & Suzanne 144.73 10 Windrift Lane Walden, New York 12586

Total 6,567.52 Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden Work Session Meeting Tuesday, April 24, 2001 at 6:30 j).m. One Municipal Square The Agenda

1. Call to Order /Pledge of Allegiance

2. RollCaU 3. Approval of Minutes 1: Meeting of April 10"% 2001 4. Public Comment 5. Business of the Board of Trustees a. 1: Payment of Audited Bills 2: ResolutionNo. 14-00-01 - AdoptingtheBudgetfbr Fiscal YearCommencing June 1,2001 and Ending May 3 1,2002 3: Bond Resolution - 33 Scofield Street 4: Resolution No. 13-00-01 - A Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Village Manager to File an Application for the Funds from the State of New York Unified Court System Through the Justice Court Assistance Program, and Upon Approval of Said Request to Enter into and Execute a Project Agreement with the State for Such Financial Assistance to the Village of Walden for the Upgrade of the OfGce of the Justice Court 5: Proclaiming the Month of May as the Month of Poppy's 6: Walden Girl Scouts -Yard Sale

1: Parks and Recreation Committee 2: Village Attorney C.

6. Executive Session(s) 7. Adjournment VILLAGE OF WALDEN BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING APRIL 24,2001

Mayor Rocco Pellegrino called the Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. On roll call Mayor Rocco Pellegrino, Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop, Trustees Mary Jean Norman, Richard Hurd, Bill Meisel, Craig Maslik and Conrad Flickenschild was present

Village Manager James Politi, Village Clerk Nancy Mitchell, and Village Attorney Kevin Dowd were also present.

Approval of Minutes Trustee Flickenschild moved to adopt the minutes of April 10, 2001. Seconded by Trustee Norman. On roll call Trustees Maslik, Meisel, Norman, Flickenschild, Wynkoop and Mayor Pellegrino voted yes. Trustee Hurd abstained.

Public Comments Jessica Metzger asked about the bond resolution for the purchase of 33 Scofield Street and stated that she feels this is a bad idea. Becky Pearson also commented on the bond resolution. She is not sure she is in favor of purchasing the house because you have to get the other house too. She feels the village should take the money and fix the Oak Street parking lot and have the village employees park there.

Larry Sager asked if the debt for this bond was included in the proposed budget and if the bond isn't approved, will the village revise the budget? Manager Politi stated that it is included and the budget will be revised.

Brian Sebring asked about the money that was paid back to the village from the demotion of the house on East Avenue?

Manager Politi stated that will go back into the general fund.

Mr. Sager asked where the code enforcer's salary was coming out of?

Manager Politi stated that it's coming out of the community development funds.

-1- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting April 24,2001

Audited Bills

Trustee Norman moved to pay the audited bills of April 24,2001. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Motion carried.

Resolution No. 14-00-01 - Adopting the Budget for the Fiscal Year Commencing June 1, 2001 and ending May 31,2002, Making Appropriations for the Conduct of Village of Walden Government, Establishing Rates of Compensation for Officers and Employees for Such Period, Setting the Property Tax Rate, Setting the Rate for Garbage and Refuse Collection Charges, and Establishing Policies for the Administration of the Budget Deputy Mayor Wynkoop moved to adopt Resolution No. 14-00-01, Adopting the Budget for the Fiscal Year Commencing June 1,2001 and ending May 31,2002, Making Appropriations for the Conduct of Village of Walden Government, Establishing Rates of Compensation for Officers and Employees for Such Period, Setting the Property Tax Rate, Setting the Rate for Garbage and Refuse Collection Charges, and Establishing Policies for the Administration of the Budget, (attached). Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Resolution adopted.

Bond Resolution - 33 Scofield Street Trustee Flickenschild moved to declare the Board of Trustees as lead agency and declare an unlisted, uncoordinated action under SEQRA. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Motion carried.

Trustee Flickenschild moved to A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $83,000 Serial Bonds of the Village of Walden, Orange County, New York, To Pay the Cost of the Purchase of a Parcel of Land and the Building Located Thereon at 33 Scofield Street, Adjacent to the Village of Walden Village hall, in and for Said Village, (attached). Seconded by Trustee Norman. On roll call Trustees Wynkoop, Maslik, Hurd, Norman, Flickenschild, and Mayor Pellegrino voted yes. Trustee Meisel voted no. Resolution adopted.

Resolution No. 13-00-01, A Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Village Manager to File an Application for the Funds From the State of New York Unified Court System Through the Justice Court Assistance Program, and Upon Approval of Said Request to Enter into and Execute a Project Agreement with the State for Such Financial Assistance to the Village of Walden for the Upgrade of the Office of the Justice Court Trustee Hurd moved to adopt Resolution No. 13-00-01, A Resolution Authorizing and -2- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting April 24, 2001 Directing the Village Manager to File an Application for the Funds from the State of New York Unified Court System Through the Justice Court Assistance Program, and Upon Approval of Said Request to Enter into and Execute a Project Agreement with the State for Such Financial Assistance to the Village of Walden for the Upgrade of the Office of the Justice Court, (attached). Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Resolution adopted. Proclaiming the Month of May as the Month of the American Legion Poppy Trustee Norman moved to declare the month of May the Month of the American Legion Poppy. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried.

Walden Girl Scouts Yard Sale Trustee Norman moved to permit the Walden Girl Scouts to hold a yard sale on Monday, May 28^ from 8am-4pm at the Girl Scout Cabin. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Motion carried. WORK SESSION

Parks and Recreation Committee Trustee Flickenschild stated that in talking with Trustee Meisel the wording of a parks and recreation committee, he asked if that precludes the ability of that committee from raising funds? If they were called the friends of the parks and recreation committee, does that allow them to hold fund raisers for parks and recreation?

Mr. Dowd explained that if the Village Board designated this committee, then he believes they would be under the same preclusion for fund raising that the village itself is, it's a village committee. If it was a private organization, not for profit corporation, called the friends of Walden parks they could raise their own funds and donate them to the village. Municipalities are not allowed to solicit funds because their source of funds are the taxation power. People can give donations to the village. You are not physically allowed to go out and say as a village, please donate your money to the village parks.

Trustee Flickenschild asked if the friends of the parks were allowed to solicit funds?

Mr. Dowd stated that they are governed by different rules. They are a private organization. If a separate group of individuals got together and formed a friends of the park and got not for profit status, tax exempt status from the IRS and their sole mission was to raise money for municipal park purposed, they can do that. They would be totally independent. -3- ' Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting April 24, 2001 Trustee Meisel asked if the Village could put something to show their desire to see something like this done without forming the committee themselves? Mr. Dowd stated that he can't see any reason why you can't make a generic statement. Trustee Flickenschild stated that he feels in a community like this it's nice to have a group of people that also work with them, so suggestions are able to be given and direction given if needed. The input comes from the people in the community rather then just one man saying this is where it goes.

Mr. Dowd stated that would be different then friends of the parks. Trustee Flickenschild stated that he feels the parks and recreation committee is a worthwhile committee and he would like to see one again. John Rowland stated that he thinks it was addressed, something about the library and the library is totally separated by education law. They have a library board that governs personnel and funds. The only way that can be done in recreation would be to form a recreation committee which you would lose your powers once the budget is had to direct any funds. A committee would be an advisory group. This is a village manager form of government. The manager directs the department heads and there is no other department that has an advisory committee in this village. When you form an advisory committee two things happen, they want to spend more money then the department has and sometimes they think they are in charge and they are not. There is always the opportunity to give suggestions. Trustee Flickenschild stated that he still feels the parks and recreation committee was a viable committee.

Trustee Norman stated that the committee was disbanded when she got on it. They claimed there were never meetings. There is a committee now that is trying to put a park in the village. These are a lot of hard-working people. She likes the idea of friends of the parks.

Trustee Hurd stated that the recreation department comes before the Board of Trustees and if we want a report the board has the right to request that through the village manager.

Trustee Flickenschild asked the manager if they can find out if there is an interest from the community to have a friends of the parks.

Deputy Mayor Wynkoop stated that suggestions are always good, but their suggestions almost have to fall on deaf ears because it is a budget system that has already been passed. The -4- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting April 24,2001 money has already been allocated to the programs. Mr. Howland stated that what the village really needs is a master plan for parks and recreation.

Bruderhof Deputy Mayor Wynkoop stated that it's been brought to the Board's attention that there are problems with the village sewer system. He would like to withdraw any offer the village has made to Bruderhof and lay low before the village does anything to commit our sewer or water to an outside entity.

Trustee Maslik stated that he is still interested in the proposal. Just because we are having difficulties. We need this to correct things like this. Trustee Meisel stated that no official offers have been made to Bruderhof. They show no interest in coming back. His hope was for the Bruderhof to help with the expenses of upgrading the sewer system.

Trustee Flickenschild stated that he has spoken with Al Valk and we have to realize that Bruderhof is here whether we give them sewer and water or not. There is only one chance we're going to have to get any money from this non profit organization. The town master plan includes the elevations of the land and the best area to propose a sewer treatment facility is right behind Ajayem Lumber.

Trustee Meisel stated that the information that came to the village came partly from money given to the village from Bruderhof to investigate the feasibility of building it, with no strings attached. It's silly to preclude a deal when you might get a good deal. Deputy Mayor Wynkoop mentioned 75,000, which would be at a maximum amount. There is a leak that is infiltrating more than that and they would have been required to fix it.

Trustee Hurd stated that he's concerned about the legal aspects, once we extended the water/sewer line outside the village border, could we be forced to provide for other developers. Trustee Meisel stated that Mr. Donnelly, the attorney has advised them no.

Deputy Mayor Wynkoop moved to end discussions with Bruderhof regarding the selling of water/sewer services. There was no second. This was tabled until May 8"\ 2001.

Informational Items 5 Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting April 24,2001 Trustee Flickenschild stated that he's been approached by residents of Valley Avenue regarding the parking side of the street. They claim it's the wrong side. Manager Politi explained to Trustee Flickenschild why the parking side of Valley Avenue is where it is. Trustee Flickenschild asked that maybe the village could control the direction of how the plows push the snow and put the snow on the opposite side of the street from where the people park.

Manager Politi stated that you can do that.

Trustee Flickenschild requested that the Village of Walden get a historian.

Village Attorney Trustee Flickenschild moved to go out for requests for contracts for the Village Attorney position. Seconded by Trustee Maslik.

Trustee Hurd asked how long this firm has been with the village? Mr. Dowd advised Trustee Hurd that they started officially in 1987. Trustee Hurd asked how many other municipalities do they represent?

Mr. Dowd stated, Town of Cornwall, Town of Newburgh, Village of Montgomery, Town of Monroe and they do special council work for a number of municipalities here and across the river including the Town of Fishkill, Town of Phillipstown, Town of Wallkill, Town of Woodbury, Town of Goshen, and Village of Cornwall on Hudson.

Manager Politi stated that the attorney's retainer is $66,700.00. Outside litigation is $160.00 per hour.

Mr. Dowd explained that as far as the planning board work is concerned, when they bill the village for planning board work the village in rum take some of their fees and charge them back to the applicants.

On roll call Trustees Maslik, Flickenschild and Mayor Pellegrino voted yes. Trustees Hurd, Norman, and Wynkoop voted no. Trustee Meisel abstained. Motion defeated.

-6- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting April 24, 2001 Deputy Mayor Wynkoop moved to retain the services of Drake, Sommers, Loeb, Tarshis and Catania. Seconded by Trustee Norman. Trustee Flickenschild stated that since the Mayor and he asked for a ninety-day extension out of common courtesy to the two new board members he'd like that extension.

Mayor Pellegrino stated that he asked for the ninety days just to learn more about the law firm and he is meeting with Mr. Dowd's partners next week. Deputy Mayor Wynkoop withdrew his motion and tabled any discussion until May 8'\ 2001.

Executive Session Trustee Flickenschild moved to hold an executive session pursuant to 105-(f) Personnel, Deputy Village Manager position, of the Public Officers Law. Steve Newhouse was invited to attend the executive session. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Motion carried.

Trustee Hurd moved to reconvene the regular meeting. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Meeting reconvened. All ayes. Motion carried.


Trustee Maslik moved to adjourn. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted,



WHEREAS, the State of New York recently established the Justice Court Assistance Program to enable towns and villages to apply to the Chief Administrative Judge for a grant of State funds to assist in the operation of their Justice Courts: and,

WHEREAS, these funds may be used for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, new or updated automation, recording devices, security equipment, legal reference materials (i.e., law books, treastises and related materials), benches and the purchase of flags or gavels; and,

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustee of the Village of Walden hereby determines to direct and authorize an application to the Chief Administrative Judge for funds under the Justice Court Assistance Program.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden that James C. Politi, Village Manager, is hereby authorized and directed to file an application for funds form the State of New York Unified Court System through the Justice Court Assistance Program, in an amount not to exceed $20,000, and upon approval of said request to enter into and execute a project agreement with the State of New York for such financial assistance to the Village of Walden for the upgrade of the office of the Justice Court..

Motion to adopt by Trustee Hurd and seconded by Trustee Norman. The vote was 7 ayes to 0 nays with 0 abstentions. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted on April 24,2001.

CERTIFICATE The foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden at a meeting held on April 24; 2001. Public notice was given and the meeting was conducted in full compliance with the New York State Open Meetings Law (Public Officers Law, Section 100-111). Minutes of the meeting will be available as required by the Act.



A RESOLUTION adopting a budget for the Fiscal Year commencing June 1,2001 and ending May 31, 2002, making appropriations for the conduct of Village of Walden government, establishing rates of compensation for officers and employees for such period, setting the property tax rate, setting fees and charges, setting the rate for water charges, setting the rate for sewer charges, setting the rate for garbage and refuse collection charges, and establishing policies for the administration of the budget.

WHEREAS, it is provided in Article Five of the Village Law of the State of New York and Chapter 32 of the Code of the Village of Walden that the Village Manager shall submit to the Board of Trustees a tentative budget detailing the contemplated expenditures and estimated revenues for the ensuing fiscal year, not later than the twentieth day of March, and that said proposed budget, as so revised by the Board of Trustees, shall be adopted by resolution of the Board not later than the first day of May; and,

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees held a Public Hearing on the proposed budget on the 1 Oth of April, 2001, as required by Article Five of the Village Law of the State of New York; and,

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees desires to establish certain policies covering the administration of the budget for Fiscal Year commencing June 1,2001 and ending May 31,2002. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that'the preliminary budget attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference is hereby passed and adopted as the annual appropriation of die Village of Walden for the Fiscal Year commencing June 1,2001 and ending May 31,2002.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Real Property Tax rate for the Fiscal Year commencing June 1, 2001 and ending May 31, 2002 as a result of the adoption of the annual budget is hereby fixed at $12.7683 per $1,000 of assessed valuation; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the monthly rate for garbage-and refuse collection shall be $17.85 per housing or commercial unit; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following policies are hereby established to govern the .administration of the budget for Fiscal Year commencing June 1,2001 and ending May 31,2002: I. Salaries and Wages: Any increase in salaries or wages above those set forth in the salary and wage schedule shall be made only by resolution or motion of the Board of Trustees, unless otherwise provided for in a collective bargaining agreement. II. Limitation of Expenditures: It shall be the duty of the Village Treasurer and the Village Manager to oversee that each department head does not exceed the amount appropriated for his or her department except by prior specific authority of the Board of Trustees. III. Budgeted Funds: The annual budget resolution shall apply to all funds except bond funds, grant funds, trust and agency funds, capital funds, and special assessment funds. Legislative action by the Board of Trustees to issue bonds, accept grants, authorize special assessment projects and/or authorize capital projects shall be considered as authority to expend funds for those purposes, and no further appropriation authority will be necessary. IV. Transfers (Budget Amendments): Transfers shall require Board of Trustee approval if the transfer will result in an increase or decrease in one or more items of appropriation as set forth in the annual Budget Resolution. Transfers, when made by the Board of Trustees, shall be considered amendments to the budget for the Fiscal Year commencing June 1,2001 and ending May 31,2002. V. Interfund Transfers/Transfers to Reserves: Interfund transfers and transfers to reserves authorized by this Budget Resolution shall occur as follows: the transfers from the General Fund to the Capital Projects Fund and the Library Fund shall occur by June 30,2001; the transfers from the Water Fund, Sewer Fund, and Community Development Fund to the General Fund shall be made by May 31,2002; and, the transfers from the Water Fund to the Water Fund Repair Reserve and from the Sewer Fund to the Sewer Fund Repair Reserve shall occur in four equal quarterly installments. VI. Monthly Report: The Village Treasurer shall make available to the Board of Trustees a report on the Village's financial position on a monthly basis.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Village Manager is hereby directed to have prepared for distribution to interested citizens a detailed summary of the budget for the Fiscal Year commencing June 1,2001 and ending May 31,2002.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that encumbered balances for purchases previously authorized as of May 31,2000, are hereby reappropriated and carried forward. The resolution was offered by Trustee Wynkoop and supported by Trustee Norman The vote was 7 ayes and o nays, with o abstentions. Mayor Uszenski declared the resolution adopted. CERTIFICATE The foregoing is a true and complete-copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden at a regular meeting held on April 24, 2001. Public notice was given and the meeting was conducted in full compliance with the New York State Open Meeting Law (Public Officers Law, sections 100-111). Minutes of the meeting will be available as required by the Act.


APRIL 24,2001

General Fond $14,086.76 Water Fund $ 885.31 Sewer Fond $. 4,155.89 Yinayc ui waiuiai Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account aeount general 1640.417-A 40.92 vendor total:. 40.92 10?3claianueber total: 40.92 10?4AGMAYENEI^PRODUCTS 1640.41M 277.78 vendor total: 277.78 1074 dale nueber total: 277.78 1076 CHAMPION SUPPLIES, INC. 1640.490-A 485.40 vendor total: 485.40 1076claMnuiber total: 485.40 1077 CIARIX110 PRINTINB 8160.401-A 205.00 vendor total: 205.00 1077 claw nmbw total: 205.00 1078 ENVIRONtNTAL PAPER 3120.480-A 23.02 vmdor total: 23.02 1078 claia nmbar total: 23.02 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTSJNC. 1640.413-A 17.11 1640.49M 27.42 vendor total: - 44.53 1079 claia nmbw total: 44.53 1081 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS, INC. 1640.412-A 1,218.91 vendor total: . 1,218.91 1081 claia nueber total: 1,218.91 1082JEFFRYHOUB 3120.46M 60.00 vendor total: 60.00 1082 claia nuaber total: 60.00 1083 OMAN HOUIING 1640.490-A 49.15 vendor total: 49.15 1083 tlale nuber total: 49.15 1085 RALPH C HERMAN CO.,INC. 1640.417-A 185.81 vendor total: 185.81 1085 dale number total: 185.81 *uioyc ui waiuai raye: c

- Abstract of Audited Vouchers V i\ -•:"":' ^^t"— dale clalaant account aaount 1086 CALLANAN INDUSTRIES,!* 5110.490-A 92.70 7110.4514* 390.74 Wr vendor total: 483.44 1086 dale nueber total: 483.44 1088NEMBURGMWINMATER 5110.490-A 143.66 vendor total: 143.66 1088 dale nueber total: 143.66 1089 PITNEY BONES 1410,4064* 258.14 vendor total: 258.14 . 1089 dale nueber total: 258.14 1090 ROBOTRONICS INC ' 2989.460-A 40.00 3122.4014* 44.96 vendor total: 84.96 1090 claie nueber total: 84.96 1091 VINCENT TOOMEY,ESQ. 1420.4014) 2,210.65 vendor total: 2,210.65 1091 dale nueber total: 2,210.65 8160.40141 205.00 vendor total: •'- 205.00 1092 claia nueber total: 205.00 1093 MARMICK VALLEY TELEPHONE 1410.4084* 59.85 vendor total: 59.85 1093 dale nueber total: 59.85 1094CHARLESBMERRB1 3620.4014) 171.88 7020.4014) 4.68 vendor total: 176.56 1094 daia nueber total: 176.56 1095 HUDSON VALLEY CEO 3620.4604) 175.00 vendor total: 175.00 1095 dai* nueber total: 175.00 7550.4744) 53.63 vendor total: 53.63 1097clai#nuaber total: . 53.63 «, owi vuiage oi waioen rage:

Abstract of Audited Vouchers ' • ^ ..-*..... ""/•'"..-}..* . .. •'. *_ • claia claiaant account aaount 1098 MAUXKVMEY TIMES 1410.407-A 48.61 4A vendor total: 48.61

1098 claia nuaber total: 48.61 1099 BECKER BUSINESS SYSTEMS 3122.401-A 91.05 vendor total: 91.05

1099 claia nuaber total: 91.05 1100NYSEG 5182.47H 7.82 vendor total: 7,82

1100 claia nuaber total: 7.82 1101 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS,INC. 1640.412-A .... 54.61 vendor total: 54.61

1101 claia nuaber total: 54,61 1102 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS,INC. 1640.412-A 113.93 vendor total: 113.93 1102 claia nuaber total: HIM 1103 DRAKE,SOMMERS,LOEB, P.C. 1420.411-A 3,777.00 jgk vendor total: 3,777.00

1103 claia nuaber total: 3,777.00 1106 SO&MNDT RONALD P.O. 3122.401-A 33.70 vendor total: 33.70 1106 claia nuaber total: a.w 1107THRUHAYSHOPPINGCENTER 7110.451-A 99.99 vendor totsla 99.99

1107 claia nuaber total: 99.99 :'^.^.. A" • f-ikh ^ .' " 2108 THRUMAY SHOPPING CENTER 313 4A1-A It 4? . .- ... .,.^^.K...... _...^..^^. vendor total: 14.42

1108 claia nuaber total: 14.42 1109 TMUHAY SHOPPING CENTER 5110.490-A 65.86 vendor total: 65.86

1109 claia nuaber total: 65.86

1110 U,S, SILICA 7110.452-A 1,540,06 vendor total: 1,540.06 - Abstract OT Aud i ted Vouchers ..^" .1^.%,.. clai* claiaant account ?• awmt 1110 clal* numer total: 1,540.06 W(lll SMITH'S QMERCIAL TIRE 1640.412-A 296.76 vendor total: 296.76 1111 clalanumer total: 296.76 1112 AMSTERDAM PRINTING CO. 1325.401-A 20.99 vmdor total: 20.99 1112 clal* numer total: 20.99 1113 FLEET LEASING CORP 3122.48M 173.30 vendor total: 173.30 1113 clai* maker total: 173.30 1115 GLOBAL CROSSING TELEQMUIICA 1410.4094* 62.60 1640.408-A 26.52 3122.403-A 138.41 7110.408-A 26.56 vmdor total: » 254.09 1115 clal* numer total: 254.09 1117 GLOBAL CROSSING TELEQMUUCA 1110.40M 26.56 ^^ vmdor total: 26.56 1117 clai* numer total: 26.56 1122 LEGEETTE,BRASHEARS,GRAHAM,INC 1440.459-A 8.84 vmdor total: 8.84 1122 clai* numer total: 8.84 1124 PQE BUSH EQUIPMENT INC. 7110.4494 102.80 vendor total: 102,80 1124 clal* nu*b*r total: 102.80 --JJ1125IBNERT-T-SIRT.INC. 7110.451-A 37.50 vmdor total: 37.50 1125 clal* numer total: 37.50 1126 WAKE,SMERS,UEB, P.C. 1420.401-A 88.30 vendor total: 88.30" 1126 clal* numir total: 88.30 1127 ORAKE,SOMNERS,LOEB, P.C. 1420,401-A 80,30 vmdor total: 80,30 :? Abstract of? Audi tad Vouchers claia claiaaot account aaount 1127 clai* nudxr total: 80*30 &128 MWZ,SO#ERE,UEB, P.C. 1420.401-A 81.20 wndor total:. 81,20 1128 claia nudxr total: 81.20 1129 JOHN SMEXR 3620.43M 11.85 vmdor total: 11.Z 1129 clai< nudw total: 11.85 1130 AUTS UNIPORMB,INC. 3120.43M 121.96 3121.435-A 269.91 3122.43M 223.94 total: 615.81 1130 clai* nudxr total: 615.81

fund total: 14,086.76 $)4%4/@l-i3:057JU^v['t'.'''&2^^' ' ':. .; j^'J ' -•^.#i,Kl^-'! ' '. ; P4" -i ' V\,.\"^i?^=t^-M^^.^ 3 .2^ J. .J-s: — -^^%^— T " ^"^^^ r Vi 1 lage of Waiden --.;•%•/; . . ... •"'"^"••T^^H^.^f^^t^^.I?:; fund account .... description debit. credit . . . . ^ . . A " general ' ^klllO.4084 Telephone 26.56 ^i#rl325.401-A Office Expense 20,99 1410.4064 Postage 258.14 1410.4074 Advertieing 48.61 1410.4084 Telephone 122.45 1420.401-A Legal Miscellaneous 2,460.45 1420.4114 Legal Retainer 3^777,00 1440.4594 Engineering Mixellaneou: 8.84 1640.4084 Telephone 26.52 1640.4104 Ga:, Oil, Lube 277.78 1640.4124 Truck Maintenance 1,684.21 1640.4134 Equipeent Maintenance 17.11 1640.4174 Shop Equipeent Maintenance 226.73 1640.4904 Other Material:/Supplies 561.97 2989.4604 Other Education - MRE 40.00 3120.4354 Police Unifore: 121.96 3120.4604 Education 60.00 3120.4804 Safety 23.02 3121.4354 Ihifore Alloteent 269.91 3122.4014 Office Expenee 184.13 3122.4084 Telephone 138.41 3122.4354 Unifores 223.94 3122.4834 Equipeent Rental 173.30 3620.4014 Office Expense 171.88 3620.4314 Mileage - Per. Auto 11,85 ^^3620.4604 Education 175.00 ^&110.4904 Street Maintenance 302.22 5182.4714 Street Lighting 7.82 7000 401*4 Material and Supplie: 4.68 7110.4084 Telephone 26.56 7110.4494 . Lawn Mower Repair: 102.80 7110.4514 Park Maint-Bradley/AIfred Park 528.23 7110.4524 Park Maintenance4loo:ter': 1,540.06 7550.4744 Parade: and Celebration: 53.63 8160.4014 Mixellaneou: Office 410.00 A total ... : . general . 14,086.76 p v '. ,'- " •;"• -"water v;i .8310.401-F; l 2 \rOff ice Expenee 14LOO ^"' 83ioJ493^T Legal Fee: 473.00 83B0.433f IkatingFuel 106.52 8320.471-F . Power for Utilities 138.23 F total/' water 885.31 G '• • sewer ,»M%W»MM& - 0OM1 AW*4W*A MO-R0 — ^leiBpnone . COaOPA A*l - « - - 8110.493-6 / Legal Fee: 473.00 8120.401-6 Material: and Supplie: 192.97 8120.408-6 Equipeent Maintenance 2,995.00 • 8130.440-6 Sewer Maintenance 395.71 ^eM130.471-6 Power for Utilitie: " j . 72.60 o^kwtal sewer 4,155.89 13:05JUDY : ^:: *•-.• ..^- • -•--,' page: 2 fundaccount dMcriptlon (kbit cndit wpriic*, cwi Yiiiage OT w&iaai ,;. •-: • rage: o ...... ^^^^*_..-v *!%•, "!7^ 7-^= ^^ ;- Abstract of /Audited Voucher. . • • . •-•"^$3^09^ clala ;claiaant account : • **""* • "..''"\'J..V'.jf'^? Mat? • Y''-^'^.^'- ^R95CLOYD HWARD CO 8320.433f 106.52 - '• ••V-#'f&l wndor total: 106,52 . f\ ..*

10% claia nuaber total: 106.52

1096 CIAMX1LO PRINTING 8310.401-F 120.00 vendor total: 120.00

1096 claianudwr total: 120.00

1104 DRAKE,SONBS,LOEB, P.C. 8310.493-F 473.00 vmdor total: 473.00

1104 claia nuaber total: 473.00

1116 UMBBROU9FXIUTIGPROTEC 8310.401-F 21.00 vmdor total: 21.00

flaia nudxr total: 21.00

1118 NYSEG 8320.471-F 13.23 vendor total: 13.23

1118 clai* nudxr total: 13.3 GUML CROSSING TELBMMMCA 8310.408f 26,56 *"vandor total: 26.56 1120 clal: nmbw total: 26.56

fund total: 885.31 r — Absi^act^p/F Audited Vouchers clai* claieant ...... account aeount sew ^«^ W&GO GEOSEE'S AUTO PARTS, INC. 8120.401-6 3.60 vendor total: 3.60 1080 claia nueber total: 3.60 1084 HAYES PUMPS INC. 8130.4404 395.71 vendor total: 395.71 1084 claia nueber total: 395.71 1087 NORTH EAST SCIENTIFIC 8120.401-6 81.97 vendor total: 81.97 1087 clai* nueber total: 81.97 1105 mWKE,SQ#EG,UB, P.C. 8110.49M 473.00- vendor total: 473.00 1105 claia nuiber total: 473.00 1114 EWIRE STATE E1ZTRIC MOTOR,! 8120.408-6 2,995.00 vendor total: 2,995.00 1114 claia nueber total: 2,995.00 ^119 NYSEB 8130.471-6 72.60 vendor total: 72.60 1119 claia nuaber total: 72.60 1121 8LOBAL CROSSOC TSEOMMUNICA 8110.40M 26.61 vendor total: 26.61 1121 claia nueber total: 26.61 1123HACHCO 8120.40H 107.40 vendor total: 107.40 _.. 1123 claia nuebentohl: . .

fund total: 4,155.89












I CERTIFY TEAT TEE VOUCEERS LISTED ABOVE WERE AUDITED BY TEE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. AND APPROVED ..EOR_PAYMENT_ON-..^.Q*y\ (7\«4 , J^Qg)kN TEE AMOUNTS INDICATED. YOU ARE EEREBY AUTHORIZED TO PAY TO EACE^OF TEE CLAIMANTS TEE AMOUNT OPPOSITE EIS/EER NAME. , . DATE: NANCY\MITOEELL VILLAGE CLERK Board of Trustees of the Village of Waldeo Regular Meeting Tuesday, April 10, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. One Municipal Square The Agenda 1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call

3. Budget Hearing 4. Approval of Minutes 1 : Meetings of March 27, 200 1 and April 2, 200 1

4. Public Comment - Agenda Action Items Only

5. Business of the Board of Trustees

a. 1: Payment of Audited Bills 2: Easter Sunrise Services 3: Agreement in Connection with Cost of Relocating Municipally Owned Facilities Maintained for Public Use, (Upper Bridge Project) 4: Bond Resolution for 33 Scofield. Street

A. /M/brmgdoMg/ 1:. Village Manager's Report

c. 1 : Letter from Town of Minisink 2: Letter from Ms. Nebus

6. Public Comment

7. Miscellaneous Comments by Board Members

8. Executive iSession(s) 1: 105(f)- Personnel

9. Adjournment VILLAGE OF WALDEN BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING APRIL 10,2001 Mayor Rocco Pellegrino called the regular Board of Trustees meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. On roll call Mayor Rocco Pellegrino, Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop, Trustees Mary Jean Norman, Craig Maslik, Bill Meisel and Conrad Flickenschild were present. Trustee Richard Hurd was absent. Village Manager James Politi, Village Clerk Nancy Mitchell, Village Attorney Kevin Dowd and Police Chief Jeff Holmes were present.

2001-2002 BUDGET HEARING Mayor Pellegrino presented the Affidavit of Publication, Affidavit of Posting Notice and Notice of Hearing, which was read by the Mayor. The Mayor opened the hearing up to the public. Sam Gerlack, 3 Main Street asked if any police services were going to be cut? He heard that the Village was going to a part time police department. As a business owner on Main Street he's very concerned.

Manager Politi stated that there is no cut in police services as the budget is presented now. Larry Sager, 78 Orchard asked what conclusion the Board came to from the budget meetings. Trustee Flickenschild stated that he's been very impressed with the presentations that were given. He was astounded at the different degrees each presenter covered. He's still looking at the total package trying to learn about it.

Trustee Norman agreed with Trustee Flickenschild.

Brian Sebring, 84 East Avenue asked about storm sewers, there is $5,000 in the budget, how many will that fix?

Manager Politi stated between five and ten.

-1- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting April 10,2001

Mr. Sebring asked about tree removal, other materials and supplies? Manager Politi stated that one line represents removal and one line represents replacing. Mr. Sebring suggested the village use their own employees rather than use contractors to trim trees. Mr. Sebring also asked when the last time the village used the street sweeper? Mr. Politi stated about a week or two ago.

Mr. Sebring stated that there's $3,000 in the budget for brooms.

Mr. Politi stated that is in there every year for replacement.

Mr. Sebring asked who replaces the brooms? Mr. Politi stated it's done in-house.

Mr. Sebring asked when the village was going to clean catch basins?

Manager Politi invited Mr. Sebring to come to the office and talk to him more.

Drew Uszenski, 10 Pine Street asked what the increase was in the budget? Manager Politi stated that it's proposed to be 3.9% and no increase in water and sewer rates.

Larry Sager asked about the Deputy Manager position, what's the reason?

Manager Politi stated that is your department head for public works.

Mr. Sager asked if that position has been filled yet? Manager Politi stated no.

Jessica Metzger, 86 Wait Street stated that she is opposed to the deputy manager position. It's a lot of money that the village doesn't need to spend. Mr. Politi does a lot for the village. He's out there a lot more than the former manager. -2- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting April 10, 2001 Manager Politi stated that he fills that gap with himself and he counts on the engineers a lot, he also puts a lot of stock in the supervisor. Trustee Flickenschild stated that the Board discussed that extensively at the work session. Becky Pearson 167 Walnut Street asked about the discussion to have an engineer in that position?

Manager Politi stated that's still being discussed. Mrs. Pearson asked if the village would still need an engineering firm? Manager Politi advised Mrs. Pearson that you would still need the back up from a firm. You wouldn't use them as much.

Mrs. Pearson stated that rather then hire someone with an engineering degree that you would pay much more money to, hire someone as a supervisor that can do the same job for less money. Mrs. Pearson also asked about the two engineering firms that work for the village, why are there two? Manager Politi stated that Village Law allows the Planning Board to hire their own experts.

Trustee Maslik moved to close the public hearing. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes.

Approval of Minutes Trustee Norman moved to adopt the minutes of March 27* and April 2"^, 2001. Seconded by Trustee Wynkoop. All ayes. Minutes adopted.

Public Comments - Agenda Items Jessica Metzger asked about the bond for 33 Scofield Street?

Mr. Dowd explained that the village is exploring the possibility of buying the building behind the municipal building for village purposes, and the purchase price, plus incidental costs would be bonded for five years. -3- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting April 10,2001 Mrs. Metzger asked what the building would be used for? The Village Manager stated that the original concept is to eventually own both buildings and expand the parking. Mrs. Metzger asked what the price of the house was? The Village Manager advised her the asking price was $79,500.

Brian Sebring asked how long after the village purchases 33 Scofield Street will they be tearing it down? Manager Politi stated that's depending on a couple other factors.

Mrs. Metzger asked if the building has been inspected?

The Village Manager advised her that it's been done.

Althea Mullarkey asked about the Easter Sunrise Services. Trustee Flickenschild explained where and when Easter Sunrise Services would be.

Larry Sager asked if the cost for tearing the building down was in the bond?

Manager Politi stated that its just for the purchase. Mr. Sager stated that you're taking a building off the tax roll and hoping that in the future you can purchase the other property, so we can have a parking lot. There's nothing saying we're going to get the other property? Manager Politi stated that's right, but there will be a use for that building in that time.

Brian Sebring asked about the agreement for the upper bridge replacement?

The Village Manager explained that this is for the village engineers to design the temporary by-pass that will occur with water and sewer while the bridge is out. The state will pay that bill.

Mr. Sebring asked how far back from the bridge will the include?

-4- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting April 10, 2001 Manager Politi stated that he will have to look at the plans. Becky Pearson stated that this building isn't even finished yet, so she's not sure the village should take on another building before this one is done. She suggested the village finished the Oak Street parking lot and have the village employees park there.

Audited Bills

Trustee Norman moved to pay the audited bills of April 10,2001. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Motion carried.

Sunrise Services Deputy Mayor Wynkoop moved to approve the request of Rev. James A. VanHouten to hold Easter Sunrise Services on Sunday, April 15*, 2001 from 7AM-7:45 AM in the Municipal Square. Seconded by Trustee Meisel. All ayes. Motion carried.

Agreement in Connection With the Cost of Relocating Municipally Owned Facilities Maintained for Public Use Trustee Norman moved to authorize the Village Manager sign the Agreement in Connection With the Cost of Relocating Municipally Owned Facilities Maintained for Public Use. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Motion carried.

Bond Resolution - 33 Scofield Street

Deputy Mayor Wynkoop moved to declare the Board of Trustees lead agency and to declare an uncoordinated, unlisted action under SEQRA. Seconded by Trustee Norman. On roll call Trustees Norman and Wynkoop voted yes. Trustee Meisel abstained. Mayor Pellegrino and Trustees Maslik and Flickenschild voted no.

After a brief discussion Trustee Norman moved to table the adoption of the bond resolution until April 24,2001. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Motion carried.

Correspondence A letter was received from the Town of Minisink regarding the memorial service for Edna Raymond, Deputy Town Clerk.

A letter was received from Jeanette Nebus, President, Coalition of Health Professionals 5 Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting April 10,2001 Against Pollution, which was read by the Mayor and filed.

Public Portion Carl Wilkinson, owner of the undeveloped Utopian Place came before the Board to see what they could do to help him develop his property. Mr. Wilkinson was advised to go through the proper channels and apply to the Zoning Board and Planning Board. Drew Uszenski stated that Board members are supposed to sign disclosure statements in accordance with the Code of Ethics. He's heard that the Mayor is talking about hiring a different attorney. He could be violating the code of ethics if he considers hiring Jacobowitz and Gubits since the Mayor's wife works for them.

Mayor Pellegrino stated that he understands.

Larry Sager stated that he wonders what the Wanderling's would think of the village for changing the name of the park to James Olley Park. Trustee Norman stated that it was never Wanderling Park and the reason the board changed it to James Olley Park is because he was instrumental in purchasing the property and he worked hard to put the park together.

Lori Keator read the letter to the editor that she sent to the Wallkill Valley Times regarding the attorney position and the selling of water and sewer services to Bruderhof.

Trustee Meisel stated that what is under consideration is a water district to the Town of Montgomery from the Village of Walden. The Board has not considered anything yet, its still up in the air. He serves on the committee. Bruderhof has also put up front money to the village for water studies and engineering studies. This has given the village a great deal of information on our water and sewer. j Manager Politi stated that there is still research that needs to be done. Nothing has been agreed upon.

Mrs. Keator stated that she's concerned that if the village sells their services outside and someone buys property beyond the church, can we be taken to court, and ordered to sell them water.

-6- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting April 10, 2001 Trustee Meisel stated no. We have legal advise. It's a single entity and the purpose of this water district would be to supply water to one place. If anyone wanted to hook anything on after that they would have to create another water district in the Town of Montgomery. Jessica Metzger suggested that Board hold a meeting and give the public any information they have now. She feels the entire Board should know what's going on. Mr. Lustig stated that he objects to being intimidated by the fact that a septic system could over flow and flow toward Walden. It could never happen. He admires the Bruderhof, but above all, they are business people. They make a profit. Who else could build a hanger like they did and all the other projects they have going on. They have tax advantages that none of us have. He doesn't feel sorry for them. When he was on the planning board he had a bad experience with Ajayem Lumber. They wanted to locate in the Village of Walden. They got a parcel of land. They wouldn't take the land unless they had all this water pressure, for fire protection, because the insurance was astronomical. The land was annexed, they hooked up to Walden's sewer and water and the first thing they did was drill a well for their own water. The only advantage to them for the Walden water was the water pressure, and it kept their fire insurance low. You have to look at their motives. Suppose the Bruderhof use their own wells and by pass the Walden water supply, how will the village measure the sewer use? You plan on all this revenue and it may never happen. He feels it's a bad proposition, lets take care of our own. Becky Pearson stated that she feels its totally wrong that the water/sewer committee members haven't brought the information back to the board. You're a fact finding committee and your village officials should also help to make those decisions. Trustee Meisel stated that all the information isn't in yet.

Mrs. Pearson asked if there's been a formal proposal?

Trustee Meisel stated no, when a formal proposal is brought together, it will be brought to the board to make a decision on it and the public will be made aware of it.

John Kovalsky, Hidden View Drive asked about the treatment that was added to the water. He's been having problems with his water softener, it's gummed up with a red rust colored stuff. His water bill was high because of the problem with his water softener.

Manager Politi invited Mr. Kovalsky to stop by the office to discuss this further.

Larry Sager asked if the committee for Bruderhof had open meetings?

-7- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting April 10, 2001 Trustee Meisel stated that there's only one or two members of the board. Mr. Dowd stated that under the open meetings law if its less than four members it does not have to be open.

Board Member Comments Trustee Meisel reassured the public that they are not trying to pull anything over on them. They are trying to investigate. Also, the health department requires, even before the village lets water out, that we have to be able to produce over 25% of what we need, with our best well down.

Trustee Norman stated that she contacted Mr. Stickles about 138 W. Main Street. Manager Politi stated that they are going to court.

Trustee Wynkoop stated that he got a complaint about an oil truck parked on Wileman Avenue.

Executive Session Trustee Norman moved to go into executive session pursuant to 105-(f), police personnel, and (h), real property, 33 Scofield Street, of the Public Officers Law and Chief Holmes was invited to stay. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried. Trustee Norman moved to reconvene the regular meeting. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Meeting reconvened.

Trustee Meisel moved to return the information furnished to the Board for executive session back to the Chief of Police. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried.


Trustee Norman moved to adjourn. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.


Dale* APRIL 10,2001

General Fond $ 32,254.78 Water Fmnd $ 4.916.20 Sewer Fund $ 10,234.30 April 10, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 1 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account amount general 977 AGHAY ENERGY PRODUCTS 1640.410-A 852.21 vendor total: 852.21 977claionudier total: 852.21 979 ARDEN HILL HOSPITAL 1930.400-A 70.00 vendor total: 70.00 979 claim number total: 70.00 980 ARCH WIRELESS 1640.408-A 16.16 3620.401-A 12.16 7020.408-A 16.16 vendor total: 44.48 980 claia number total: 44.48 982 BC&N CARPET INC 1620.440-A 146.63 vendor total: 146.63 982 claim number total: 146.63 984 CHAMPION SUPPLIES, INC. 1640.490-A 275.84 vendor total: 275.84 984 claim number total: 275.84 985 CRAI6 THOMAS PEST CONTROL 1620.440-A 225.00 vendor total: 225.00 985 claim number total: 225.00 986 CHARLES B MERRILL 1325.401-A 200.00 3620.401-A 218.71 vendor total: 418.71 986 claia number total: 418.71 989 CHARLES B MERRILL 1640.490-A 161.70 vendor total: 161.70 989 claim number total: 161.70 991 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 1410.408-A 571.28 1620.408-A 46.54 1640.408-A 150.32 7020.408-A 18.32 vendor total: 786.46 991 claim number total: 786.46 April 10, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 2 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account amount 992 FRONTIER COHMINICATIONS 3122.408-A 470.26 vendor total: 470.26 992 claio nucber total: 470.26 993 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 1110.408-A 63.53 vendor total: 63.53 993 claim nucber total: 63.53 994 COFFEE SYSTEM OF THE 1620.440-A 24.80 vendor total: 24.80 994 claim number total: 24.80

995 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS,INC. 1640.412-A 115.52 vendor total: 115.52 995 claim number total: 115.52 997 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS,INC. 1640,201-A 119.00 vendor total: 119.00 997 claim number total: 119.00 998 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS,INC. 1640.411-A 50.99 vendor total: 50.99 998 claim number total: 50.99

999 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS,INC. 1640.410-A 32.49 1640.412-A 48.47 1640.4134) 4.58 vendor total: 85.54

999 claim number total: 85.54

1000 HUDSON VALLEY AWARDS 1010.401-A 73.08 vendor total: 73.08 1000 claim number total: 73.08 1001 HARRY FOURTUNIS,INC. 7310.415-A 69.50 vendor total: 69.50 1001 claim number total: 69.50 1002 INTERNATIONAL ASSOC. 3120.460-A 100.00 vendor total: 100.00 1002 claim number total: 100.00 .003 JOHN REARDON AGENCY 9055.800-A 1,158.24 April 10, 2001 Villags of Maiden Page: Abstract of Audited Vouchers claio claioant account amount vendor total: 1,158.24 ^ 1003 claim number total: 1,158.24 1004 KACEY'S COMPUTER 1460.401-A 550.00 vendor total: 550.00 1004 claim number total: 550.00 1005 KACEY'S COMPUTER 3122.201-A 721.00 vendor total: 721.00 1005 claim number total: 721.00

1006 NATIONAL FIRE 3620.484-A 115.00 vendor total: 115.00 1006 claim number total: 115.00 1007 COMMISSIOR - NYS DEC 7110.4534) 100.00 vendor total: 100.00 100? claim number total: 100.00 1010 NYSEG 7110.471-A 570.76 vendor total: 570.76 M^k ^F 1010 claim number total: 570.76 1011 NYSEG 1620.471-A 3,076.07 vendor total: 3,076.07 1011 claim number total: 3,076.07 1012 POPP'S TROPHIES 3122.401-A 48.00 vendor total: 48.00 1012 claim number total: 48.00 1013 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CHIEF 3120.460-A 50.00 vendor total: 50.00 1013 claim number total: 50.00 1014 NYS RECREATION & PARKS 7020.401-A 69.00 vendor total: 69.00 1014 claim number total: 69.00 1016 PINE BUSH EQUIPMENT INC. 5110.490-A 124.80 vendor total: 124.80 clai* number total: 124.80 April 10, 2001 Village of Walden Page: 4 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account aaunt

1018 STEWART CONSTRUCTION 7110.451-A 247.25 vendor total: 247.25 1018 claim nuaber total: 247.25 1019 THINS TRUCKING & EXCAVATING,!. 5142.4194* 210.00 vendor total: 210.00 1019 claie nuaber total: 210.00 1020 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 1620.431-A 18.82 1640.441-A 20.99 1640.490-A 28.25 3122.401-A 31.78 5110.490-A 22.95 7020.401-A 0.98 7110.4524) 10.58 vendor total: 134.35 1020 claia nuaber total: 134.35 1023 HALLKILL VAUEY TIMES 1410.4074* 15.40 vendor total: 15.40 1023 claio nuaber total: 15.40 GE BEEPER PEOPLE 1640.408-A 11.17 vendor total: 11.17 1024 claio nuaber total: 11.17 1025 THRUMAY SHOPPING CENTER 5110.490-A 26.96 vendor total: 26.96 1025 claia nuaber total: 26.96 1026 R.DEE'S AUTO TOPS & TRIM 1640.412-A 300.00 vendor total: 300.00 1026 claia nuiber total: 300.00 1027 PINE BUSH EQUIPMENT INC. 5110.441-A 78.50 vendor total: 78.50 1027 claia number total: 78.50 1028 SCOTT'S CORNERS PAINT & HARDW 1640.490-A 42.39 vendor total: 42.39 1028 claia nucber total: 42.39 kl029 SCOTT'S CORNERS PAINT & HARDW 5110.490-A 228.72 April 10, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 5 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claie claimant account amount vendor total: 228.72 1029 claia number total: 228.72 1030 THYSENKRUPUP ELEVATOR CORP. 1620.497-A 204.20 vendor total: 204.20 1030 claim number total: 204.20 1032 NYSEG 5182.471-A 5,808.14 vendor total: 5,808.14 1032 claim number total: • 5,808.14 1033 HALDEN PLUMBINB/HEATING 7110.452-A 599.89 vendor total: 599.89 1033 claim number total: 599.89 1034 WALDEN DQNUTS PLUS 5110.490-A 85.95 vendor total: 85.95 1034 claim number total: 85.95 1042 COFFEE SYSTEM OF THE 1640.4404) 36.00 vendor total: 36.00 '1042 claim nueber total: 36.00 1043 COFFEE SYSTEM OF THE 1640.440-A 44.80 vendor total: 44.80 1043 claio number total: 44.80 1044 COFFEE SYSTEM OF THE 16S0.440-A 30.00 vendor total: 30.00 1044 claio nuitber total: 30.00 1045 MONTGOMERY OVERALL SER 1620.4404* 107.00 vendor total: 107.00 1045 claim number total: 107.00 1046 ANXESE & ASSOCIATES,INC. 3122.482-A 173.95 vendor total: 173.95 1046 claim number total: 173.95 104? AMERICAN CLEANER 3122.435-A 300.00 vendor total: 300.00 @104? claio number total: 300.00 April 10, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 6 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account amount

& 1048 AMERICAN CLEANER 3120.435-A 300.00 * vendor total: 300.00 1048 claia nuaber total: 300.00 1049NYSEG 1640.471-A 1,555.73 vendor total: 1,555.73 1049 claia nuaber total: 1,555.73 1051 CHAMPION SUPPLIES, INC. 1640.490-A 162.07 5110.420-A 162.07 vendor total: 324.14 1051 claia number total: 324.14 1052 HAIGHT FIRE EQUIPMENT 1640.440-A 161.50 vendor total: 161.50 1052 claio nuober total: 161.50 1054 MCGOEY,HAUSER,& EDSALL 1440.459-A 55.00 vendor total: 55.00 1054 claio nuaber total: 55.00 »^& ™ 1056 MCGOEY,HAUSER,& EDSALL 1440.459-A 1,279.00 vendor total: 1,279.00 1056 claia number total: 1,279.00 105? CARGILL INC. 5142.445-A 2,098.56 vendor total: 2,098.56 1057 claia nuober total: 2,098.56 1058 CARGILL INC. 5142.445-A 5,049.75 vendor total: 5,049.75 1058 claia number total: 5,049.75 1059 NYS CONFERENCE OF MAYORS 1010.460-A 480.00 vendor total: 480.00 1059 claim nucber total: 480.00 1060 NY TECH SUPPLYING. 1640.490-A 32.60 vendor total: 32.60 1060 claim number total: 31.60 11061 NY TECH SUPPLY.INC. 5110.49M 22.52 April 10, S001 Village of Maiden Page: 7 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account aaount __ vendor total: 2252 &| ^1061 claia nuaber total: 2252 1062 ROBERT GREEN TRUCK 1640.412-A 108.46 vendor total: 108.46 1062 claia nuaber total: 108.46 1065 THRUMAY SHOPPING CENTER 7310.435-A 47.77 vendor total: 47.77 1065 claia nuaber total: 47.77 1066 SLATER'S PO«R EQUIP.INC 7110.45H 149.00 vendor total: 149.00 1066 claia nuaber total: 149.00 1067 MARLU COSTUMES 7310.415-A 55.00 vendor total: 55.00 1067 claim nuaber total: 55.00 106G ORIENTAL TRADING CO., INC. 7310.415-A 159.95 vendor total: 159.95

M^ &W1068 claia niaber total: 159.95 1070 FRONTIER COMUNICATIONS 3122.408-A 105.01 vendor total: 105.01 1070 claia nuaber total: 105.01 1072 ICGOEY,HAUSER,& EDSALL 1440.459-A 850.00 vendor total: 850.00 1072 claia nuaber total: 850.00

fund total: 32.254.78 Abstract Distributions 04/10/01 11:48 JUDY page: 1 Village of Walden fund account description debit credit

a general Ma^ 1010.401-A Office Expense 73.08 ^ 1010.460-A Education 480.00 1110.409-A Telephone 63.53 1325.401-A Office Expense 200.00 1410.407-A Advertising 15.40 1410.408-A Telephone 571.28 1440.4594* Engineering Miscellaneous 2,184.00 1460.401-A Records Manageaent 550.00 1620.406-A Telephone 46.54 1620.431-A Cleaning Supplies 18.82 1620.440-A Building Maintenance 533.43 1620.471-A Electricity 3,076.07 1620.497-A Service Contract 204.20 1640.201-A Miscellaneous Equipeent 119.00 1640.408-A Telephone 177.65 1640.410-A Gas, Oil, Lube 894.70 1640.411-A Auto Maintatance 50.99 1640.412-A Truck Maintenance 572.45 1640.413-A Equipment Maintenance 4.58 1640.440-A Building Maintenance 242.30 1640.441-A ball Tools 20.99 1640.471-A Electricity 1,555.73 1640.490-A Other Materials/Supplies 702.85 1930.400-A Judgoents and Claims 70.00 3120.435-A Police Uniforms 300.00 A 3120.460-A Education 150.00 " 3122.201-A Office Equipment 721.00 3122.401-A Office Expense 79.78 3122.408-A Telephone 575.27 3122.435-A Uniforos 300.00 312P.482-A Coeaunications Equipment Exp. 173.95 36B0.401-A Office Expense 230.87 3620.484-A Municipal Dues 115.00 5110.420-A Traffic Signs 162.07 5110.441-A Soall Tools 78.50 5110.490-A Street Maintenance 511.90 5142.419-A Equipoent Rental 210.00 5142.44M Salt and Sand 7,148.31 5182.47H Street Lighting 5,808.14 7020.401-A Material and Supplies 69.98 70S0.40M Telephone 34.48 7110.451-A Park Maint-Bradley/Alfred Park 396.25 7110.452-A Park Maintenance-booster's 610.47 7110.453-A Park Maintenance-iialden Park 100.00 7110.471-A Electricity 570.76 7310.415-A Special Events 284.45 7310.435-A Teen Center Expenses 47.7? 9055.800-A Disability Insurance 1,158.24 A total general 32,254.78

water . M 8310.401-F Office Expense 200.00 ^ 8310.408-f Telephone 398.64 Abstract Distributions 04/10/0111:48 JUDY page: 2 Village of Walden

fund account description debit credit

8320.403-F Miscellaneous Expenses 419.98 &^ 8320.433-F Heating Fuel 729.37 ^ 8320.459-F Miscellaneous Testing Services 120.00 8320.463-F Purification Cheaicals 105.50 8320.471-F Power for Utilities 2,906.33 8340.433-F Material and Supplies ' 36.38 F total water 4,916.20

6 sewer 8110.401-G Office Expense 317.35 8110.408-G Telephone 192.38 8110.459-G Other Misc. Services 729.00 8120.40H Materials and Supplies 883.89 8120.471-6 Power for Utilities 3,082.35 8130.440-G Sewer Maintenance 78.59 8130.458-G Landfill 1,067.99 8130.459-8 Miscellaneous Testing Services 420.00 8130.465-6 Cneoicals 90.00 8130.471-6 Power for Utilities 3,372.75 G total sewer 10.234.30 April 10, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 8 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claio claioant account acount

978 DUSO CHEMICALS, INC 8320.463-F 105.50 vendor total: 105.50 97G claia nuober total: 105.50 981 ARCH WIRELESS 8310.408-F 24.56 vendor total: 24.56 981 claia nuaber total: 24.56 987 CHARLES B MERRILL 8310.401-F 200.00 vendor total: 200.00 987 claie nuober total: 200.00 1021 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 8340.433-F 36.38 vendor total: 36.38 1021 clain nuzber total: 36.38 1031 NYSEG 8320.471-F 7.82 vendor total: 7.82 1031 claia nueber total: 7.82 a^ ™1035 CLOYD HOWARD CO 8320.433-F 120.79 vendor total: 120.79 1035 claia nucber total: 120.79 1036 JCI JONES CHEMICALS 8320.433-F 608.58 vendor total: 608.58 1036 claia nuaber total: 608.58 1037 NYSEG 8320.471-F 2,898.51 vendor total: 2,898.51 1037 claia nuaber total: 2,898.51 1038 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 8310.408-F 122.85 vendor total: 122.85 1038 claie nuaber total: 122.85 1040 OCL ANALYTICAL SERVICE 8320.459-F 120.00 vendor total: 120.00 1040 claio nuzber total: 120.00 )l041 NYLD 8320.403-F 300.00 April 10, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 9 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claioant account acaunt vendor total: 300.00 1041 claia nuaber total: 300.00 1064TmUHAYSHQPPINGGNTER 8320.403-F 119.98 vendor total: 119.98 1064 claia nuaber total: 119.98 1071FRQNTIERCOMMUNICATIONS 8310.408-F 251.23 vendor total: 251.23 1071 claia nuaber total: 251.23

fund total: 4,916.20 April 10, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 10 Abstract of Audited Vouchers dais claiaant account awunt emsr 983 CHAMPION SUPPLIES, INC. 8120.401-G 133.74 vendor total: 13.74 983 dais nuober total: 133.74 988 CHARLES B MERRILL 8110.401-G 200.00 vendor total: 200.00 988 claio nucber total: 200.00 990 FILTER BELTS,INC. 8130.465-G 90.00 vendor total: 90.00 990 claio nuober total: 90.00 996 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS,IKC. 8120.401-G 131.79 vendor total: 131.79 996 claim nuober total: 131.79 1008 NYSEG B120.471-G 2,370.75 8130.471-G 3,372.75 vendor total: 5,743.50 11008 claio nunber total: 5,743.50 1009 NYSEG 8120.471-6 711.60 vendor total: 711.60 1009 claio number total: 711.60 1015 PERFECT TEMPERATURE 8130.440-G 78.59 vendor total: 78.59 1015 claio nucber total: 78.59 1017 SEVERN TRENT LABORATORY 8130.459-G 420.00 vendor total: 420.00 101? claio nuober total: 420.00 1022 THRUMAY SHOPPING CENTER 8120.401-G 19.45 vendor total: 19.45 1022 claio nu&ber total: 19.45 1039 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 8110.408-G 52.68 vendor total: 52.68 1039 claio nuober total: 52.68 April 10, 2001 Village of Walden Page: 11 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claioant account azount 1050 CHAMPION SPPLIES.IKC. 8120.40H 598.91 vendor total: 598.91 1050 claia nuaber total: 598.91 1053 HAIGHT FIRE E8UIMBT 8110.401-6 11?.% vendor total: 117.35 1053 claim nucber total: 117.35 1055 MCGOEY,HAUSER,& EDSALL 8110.459-G 729.00 vendor total: 729.00 1055 claio nuaber total: 7E9.00 1063 SPECTRA SERVICES 8130.458-G 1,067.99 vendor total: 1,067.99 1063 clai: nucber total: 1,067.99 1069 FRONTIER COfMMICATIONS 8110.408-G 139.70 vendor total: 139.70 1069 claia nuaber total: 139.70

fund total: 10,234.














Appointments of the Mayor Mayor Pellegrino made the following appointment: Trustee Roy Wynkoop Deputy Mayor; Nancy Mitchell, Village Clerk, Jan Weiner, Village Treasurer, Liaison to Planning Board, Mayor Pellegrino, Liaison to Zoning Board, Trustee Hurd, Liaison to the Library Board, Trustee Norman.

Mayor Pellegrino designated the Wallkill Valley Times and the Times Herald Record as official newspapers of the Village of Walden.

Mayor Pellegrino also asked for a ninety day extension for the appointment of the Village Attorney. Trustee Norman moved to approve the Mayor's appointments. Seconded by Trustee Flickenschild. All ayes. Motion carried. Trustee Flickenschild moved to adopt Resolution No. 10-00-01, An Investment Policy for the Village of Walden, Resolution No. 11-00-01, A Procurement Policy for the Village of Walden and Resolution No. 12-00-01, Setting Dates, Times and Locations of Board Meetings, (attached). Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Resolutions adopted.

Managers Appointments

Manager Politi made the following appointments: Fred Gorss, Acting Justice, Nancy Mitchell, Registrar of Vital Statistics and Jan Weiner Tax Collector.

Village Clerk's Appointments Village Clerk, Nancy Mitchell made the following appointments: Victoria Kurtz, Deputy Village Clerk and Jan Weiner, Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics.


Deputy Mayor Wynkoop moved to adjourn. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting April 2, 2001

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,


RESOLUTION NO. 1.0-00-01

A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN INVESTMENT POLICY FOR THE VILLAGE OF WALDEN WHEREAS, Section 39 of the General Municipal Law requires each local government to adopt by resolution a comprehensive investment policy which details the local government's operative policy and instructions to officers and staff regarding the investing, monitoring and reporting of funds of the local government; and,

WHEREAS, Section 39 of the General Municipal Law further requires that the local government shall annually review the investment policy; and,

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden desires to adopt an investment policy of which the primary objectives are, in priority order: to conform with all applicable federal, state and other legal requirements; to adequately safeguard principal; to provide sufficient liquidity to meet all operating requirements; and, to obtain a reasonable rate of return.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Walden does hereby adopt the following investment policy which shall apply to all moneys and other financial resources available for investment on its own behalf or on behalf of any other entity or individual:

Me HM/age o 1. Delegation of Authority

The Board of Trustee's responsibility for administration of the investment program is delegated to the Village Treasurer who shall establish written procedures for the operation of the investment program consistent with these investment guidelines. Such procedures shall include an adequate internal control structure to provide a satisfactory level of .accountability based on a data base or records incorporating description and amounts of investment, transaction dates, and other relevant information and regulate the activities of subordinate employees.

2. Prudence

All participants in the investment process shall seek to act responsibly as custodians of the public trust and shall avoid any transactions that might impair confidence in the Village of Walden.

Investments shall be made with judgment and care, under circumstances then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of Resolution No. 10-00-01 Page Two their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the safety of the principal as well as the probable income to be derived. All participants involved in the investment process shall refrain from personal business activity that could conflict with proper execution of the investment program, or which could impair their ability to make impartial investment decisions. 3 Diversification - It is the policy of the Village of Walden to diversify its deposits and investments by. financial institution, by investment instrument, and by maturity scheduling.

4. Internal Controls

It is the policy of the Village of Walden for all moneys collected by any officer or employee of the government to transfer those funds to the Village Treasurer within one (1) day of deposit, or within the time period specified in law, whichever is shorter.

The Village Treasurer is responsible for establishing and maintaining an internal control structure to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that deposits and investments are safeguarded against loss from unauthorized use or disposition, that transactions are executed in accordance with management's authorization and recorded property, and are managed in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

5. Designation of Depositories and Signatories

The following banks and trust companies are authorized for deposit of funds: - Key Bank - Fleet Bank -Bank of New York

The Village Treasurer shall inform the above depositories that the following combinations of signatures on Village of Walden checks are required and authorized:

PAYROLL FUND Village Treasurer or, if not available, Deputy Village Treasurer

Village Manager or, if not available, Village Clerk ALL OTHER FUNDS & ACCOUNTS Village Treasurer or, if not available, Deputy Village Treasurer

Village Clerk or, if not available, Village Manager Resolution No. 10-00-01 Page Three

6. Collateralization of Deposits

In accordance with the provisions of § 1.0 of the General Municipal Law, all deposits of the Village of Walden, including certificates of deposit and special time deposits in excess of the amount insured under the provisions of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, shall be secured: ..

A. By a pledge of "eligible securities" with an aggregate "market value" as provided by § 10 of the General Municipal Law, equal to the aggregate amount of deposits from the categories designated in Appendix A to the policy.

B. By an eligible "irrevocable letter of credit" issued by a qualified bank other than the bank with the deposits in favor of the government for a term not to exceed ninety (90) days with an aggregate value equal to 140% of the aggregate amount ofdepositsandtheagreeduponinterest, if any. A qualified bank is one whose commercial paper and other unsecured short-term debt obligations are rated in one of the three highest rating Categories by at least one nationally recognized statistical rating organization or by a bank that is in compliance with federal minimum risk-based capital requirements. C. By an eligible surety bond payable to the government for an amount at least equal to 100% of the aggregate amount of deposits and the agreed upon interest, if any, executed by an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of New York, whose claims paying ability is rated in the highest rating category by at least two nationally recognized statistical rating organizations.

7. Safekeeping and Collateralization

Eligible securities used for Collateralization deposits shall be held by a third party bank or trust company subject to security and custodial agreements.

The security agreement shall provide that eligible securities are being pledged to secure local government deposits together with agreed upon interest, if any, and any costs or expenses arising out of the collection of such deposits upon default. It shall also provide the conditions under which the securities may be sold, presented for payment, substituted or released and the events which will enable the local government to exercise its rights against the pledged securities. In the event that the securities are not registered or Resolution No. 10-00-01 Page Four inscribed in the name of the Village of Walden, such securities shall be delivered in a form suitable for transfer or with an assignment in blank to the Village of Walden or its . custodial bank. The custodial agreement shall provide that securities held by the bank or trust company, or agent of and custodian for, the Village of Walden, will be kept separate and apart from the general assets for the custodial bank or trust company and will not, in any circumstances, be commingled with or become part of the backing for any other deposits or other liabilities. The agreement should also describe that the custodian shall confirm . the receipt, substitution or release of securities. The agreement shall provide for the frequency of revaluation of eligible securities and for the substitution of securities when a change in the rating of a security may cause ineligibility. Such agreement shall include all provisions necessary to provide the Village of Walden a perfected interest in the. securities. 8. Permitted Investments

As authorized by §11 of the General Municipal Law, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden authorizes the Village Treasurer to invest moneys not required for immediate expenditure for term not to exceed projected cash flow needs in the following types of investments:

- Special time deposit accounts; - Certificates of deposit; - Obligations of the United States of America - Obligations guaranteed by agencies of the Untied State of America where the payment of principal and interest are guaranteed by the United States of America; - Obligations of the State of New York; - Obligations of the Village of Walden, but only with any moneys in a reserve fund established pursuant to General Municipal Law §§6-c,6-d,6-e,6-f,6-g,6-h,6-j,6- . k,6-l,6-m,6-n. All investment obligations shall be payable or redeemable at the option of the Village of Walden within such times as the proceeds will be needed to meet expenditures for purposes which the moneys were provided and, in the case of obligations purchased with the proceeds of bonds or notes, shall be payable or redeemable at the option of the Village of Walden within two years of. the date of purchase.

9. Authorized Financial Institutions and Dealers

The Village of Walden shall maintain a list of financial institutions and dealers approved for investment purposes and establish appropriate limits to the amount of investments which can be made with each financial institution dealer. All financial institutions with Resolution 10-00-01 Page Five which'the Village of Walden conducts business must be Credit worthy. Banks shall provide their most recent consolidated Report of Condition (Call Report) at the request of the Village of Walden. Security dealers not affiliated with a bank shall be required to be classified as reporting dealers affiliated with the New York Federal Reserve Bank, as primary dealers. The Village Treasurer is responsible for evaluating the financial position and maintaining a list of proposed depositories, trading partners and custodians. Such listing shall be evaluated at lease annually. 10. Purchase of Investments

The Village Treasurer is authorized to contract for the purchase of investments:

- Directly, including through a repurchase agreement, from an authorized trading partner. - By participating in a cooperative investment program with another authorized .. governmental entity pursuant to Article 5G of the General Municipal Law where such program meets all of the requirements set forth in the Office of the State Comptroller Opinion No. 88-46 and has been authorized by the Board of Trustees.

- By utilizing an ongoing investment program with an authorized trading partner pursuant to a contract authorized by the Board of Trustees. All purchased obligations, unless registered or inscribed in the name of the Village of Walden, shall be purchased through, delivered to and held in the custody of a bank or trust company. Such obligations shall be purchased, sold or presented for redemption or payment by such bank or trust company only in accordance with prior written authorization from the officer authorized to make the investment. All such transactions shall be confirmed in writing to the Village of Walden by the bank or trust company. Any obligation held in the custody of a bank or trust company shall be held pursuant to a written custodial agreement as described in §10 of the General Municipal Law.

The custodial agreement shall provide that securities held by the bank or trust company, as agent of and custodian for, the local government, will be kept separate and apart form the general assets of the custodial bank or trust company and will not, in any circumstances, be commingled with or become part of the banking for any other deposits or other liabilities. The agreement shall describe how the custodian shall confirm the receipt and release of securities. Such agreement shall include all provisions necessary to provide the local government a perfected interest in securities. Resolution No. 10-00-01 Page Seven 11. Repurchase Agreements Repurchase agreements are authorized subject to the following restrictions: — All repurchase agreements must be entered into subject to a Master Repurchase Agreement. — . State of New York and primary reporting dealers. — Obligations shall be limited to obligations of the Untied States of America and obligations guaranteed by agencies of the United States of America — No substitutions of securities will be allowed. - The custodian shall be a party other than the trading partner.

12. Effective Date

Any previously adopted policy is hereby repealed and superseded. This policy shall become effective immediately and shall be reviewed annually. Motion to adopt by Trustee Flickenschild and seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. The vote was 6 ayes to 0 nays with 0 abstentions. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted on April 2, 2001.


The foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden at a meeting held on April 2,2001. Public notice was given and the meeting was conducted in full compliance with the New York Sate Open Meetings Law (Public Officers Law, sections 100-111). Minutes of the meeting will be available as required by the Act.

Nancjk L,

(Seal) Resolution No. 10-00-01 Appendix A Schedule of Eligible Securities (i) Obligations issued, or fully insured or guaranteed as to the payment of principal and interest, by the Untied States of America, an agency thereof or a United States government-sponsored corporation.

(ii) Obligations issued or fully guaranteed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the African Development Bank.

(iii) Obligations partially insured or guaranteed by an agency of the United States of America, at a proportion of the Market Value of the obligation that presents the amount of the insurance or guaranty.

(iv) Obligations issued or fully insured or guaranteed by the State of New York, obligations issued by a municipal corporation, school district or district corporation of such State or obligations of any public benefit corporation which under specific State stature may be accepted as security for deposit of public moneys.

(v) Obligations issued by states (other than the State of New York) of the United States of America rated in one of the three highest rating categories by at least one nationally recognized statistical rating organization.

(vi) Obligations of the commonwealth of Puerto Rico rated in one of the three highest rating categories by at least one nationally recognizes statistical rating organization.

(vii) Obligations of counties, cities and other governmental entities of a state other than the State of New York having the power to levy taxes that are backed by the full faith and credit of such governmental entity and rated in one of the three highest rating categories by at least one nationally recognized statistical rating organization.

(viii) Obligations of domestic corporations rated in one of the two highest rating categories by at least one nationally recognized statistical rating organization.

(ix) Any mortgage related securities, as defined in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, which may be purchased by banks under the limitations established by bank regulatory agencies.

(x) Commercial paper and bankers' acceptances issued by a bank, other than the bank with the deposits, rated in the highest short term category by at least one nationally recognized statistical rating organization and having maturities of not longer than sixty (60) days from the date they are pledged.

(xi) Zero coupon obligations of the United Stated government marketed as "Treasury strips." VILLAGE OF WALDEN BOARD OF TRUSTEES RESOLUTION NO. 13-00-01


WHEREAS, Section 104-b of the General Municipal Law requires the governing body of every municipality to adopt a procurement policy for all goods and services which are not required by law to be publicly bid; and,

WHEREAS, comments have been solicited from all officers involved in the procurement process.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Walden does hereby adopt the following procurement policy which is intended to apply to all goods and services which are not required by law to be publicly bid:

1 . Every purchase to be made must be initially reviewed to determine whether it is a purchase contract or public works contract. Once that determination is made, a good faith effort will be made to determine whether it is known or can reasonably to be expected that the aggregate amount to be spent on the item of supply or service is not subject to competitive bidding, taking into account past purchases and the aggregate amount to be spent in a year. The following items are not subject to competitive bidding pursuant to Section 1 03 of the General Municipal Law: purchase contracts under $ 1 0,000 and public works contracts under $20,000; emergency purchases ; certain municipal hospital purchases; goods purchased from agencies for the blind or severely handicapped; goods purchased from correctional institutions; purchases under State and county contracts; and surplus and second-hand purchases from governmental entity. The decision that a purchase is not subject to competitive bidding will be documented in writing by the individual making the purchase. The documentation may include written or verbal quotes from vendors, a memo from the purchaser indicating how the decision was arrived at, a copy of the contract indicating the source which makes the item or service exempt, a memo from the purchaser detailing the circumstances which led to an emergency purchase, or any other written documentation that is appropriate.

2. All goods and services will be secured by use of written requests for proposals, written quotations, verbal quotations, or any other .mejhgd.that assures^that goods will be purchased at the lowest price and that favoritism will be avoided, except in the following circumstances: purchase contract over $10,000 and public works contracts over $20,000; goods purchased from agencies for the blind or severely handicapped pursuant to Section 175-b of the State Finance Law; goods purchased from correctional institutions pursuant to Section 186 of the Correction Law; purchases under State contracts pursuant to Section Resolution No. 11-00-01 Page Two

104 of the General Municipal Law; purchases under county contracts pursuant to Section 103(3) of the General Municipal Law; or, purchases pursuant to subdivision 6 of this policy. 3. The following method of purchase will be used when required by this policy in order to achieve the highest savings: . Estimated Apmupit of Purchase Contract Method $1,000 -$2,999 2 verbal quotations $3,000 -$9,999 . 3 written/fax quotations

Estimated Amount of Public Works Contract Method $ 1 ,000 - $4,999 2 verbal quotations : $5, 000 -$19,999 '-• • 3 written/fax quotations A good faith effort shall be made to obtain the required number of proposals or quotations. If the purchaser is unable to obtain the required number of proposals or quotations, the purchaser will document the attempt made to obtain the proposals. In no event shall the failure to obtain the proposals be a bar to the procurement. 4. Documentation is required of each action taken in connection with each procurement.

5. Documentation and an explanation is required whenever a contract is awarded to other than the lowest responsible offerer. This documentation will include an explanation of how the award will achieve savings or how the offeror was not responsible. A determination that the offeror is not responsible shall be made by the purchaser and may not be challenged under any circumstances.

6. Pursuant to General Municipal Law Section 104-b(2)(f), the procurement policy may ,.,. . contain circumstances when, or types of procurement which, in the sole discretion of the governing body, the solicitation of alternative proposals or quotations will not be in the best interest of the municipality. In the following circumstances it may not be in the best interest of the Village of Walden to solicit quotations or document the basis for not accepting the lowest proposal:

a. Professional services or services requiring special or technical skill, training or expertise. The individual or company must be chosen based on accountability, reliability, responsibility, skill, education and training, judgment, integrity, and moral worth. These qualifications are not necessarily found in the individual or company that offers the lowest price and the nature of the services are such that they do not readily lend themselves to competitive procurement procedures. Resolution No. 11-00-01 / Page Three

In determining whether a service fits into this category the Board of Trustees shall take into consideration the following guidelines: (a) whether the services are subject to state licensing or testing requirements;' (b) whether substantial formal education or training is a necessary prerequisite to the performance of the services; and (c) whether the services require a personal relationship between the individual anid/i-.- municipal officials. Professional or technical services shall include but not be limited to the following: • services of an attorney; services of a physician; technical services of an engineer or architect engaged to prepare plans, maps or estimates; securing insurance coverage and/or services of an insurance broker; services of a certified public accountant; investment management services; printing services invjoiymg" " extensive writing, editing or art work; management of municipally owned property; and, computer software or programming services for customized program, or services involved in substantial modification and customization of pre-packaged software. ^ .'•._ b. Emergency purchases pursuant to Section 103(4) of the General Municipal Law. Due to the nature of this exception, these goods or services must be purchased immediately and a delay in order to seek alternate proposals may threaten the life, health, safety or welfare of the residents. This section does not preclude alternate proposals if time permits. c. Purchasec of surplus and second-hand goods from any source or goods purchased at auction. If alternate proposals are required, the Village is precluded from purchasing second-hand goods at auctions or through specific advertised sources where the best prices are usually obtained. It is also difficult to try to compare prices of used goods and a lower price may indicate an older product. d. Goods or services under $ 1,000. The time and documentation required to purchase through this policy may be more costly that the item itself and would therefore not be Jn the best interests of the taxpayers. In addition, it is not likely that such de minimis contracts would be awarded based on favoritism.

e. Service contracts entered into through the State of New York Office of General Services. In these instances, the State has already investigated and secured the lowest possible price for the municipality.

7. The Board of Trustees may suspend the provisions of this policy for good cause.

8. .Any previously adopted policy is hereby repealed and superseded. This policy shall become effective immediately and shall be reviewed annually.

Motion to adopt by Trustee Flickenschild, seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. The vote was 6 ayes to 0 nays with 0 abstentions. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted on April 2,2001. Resolution No. 11-00-01 .Page Four


The foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden at a meeting held on April 2, 2001. Public notice was given and the meeting was conducted in full compliance with the New York State Open Meeting Law (Public Officers Law, sections 100-111). Minutes of the meeting will be available as required by the Act.


A RESOLUTION SETTING THE DATES, TIMES AND LOCATIONS OF MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF WALDEN FOR THE 2001- 2002 OFFICIAL YEAR , .... WHEREAS, the New York State Open Meetings Law (Section 104 of the Public Officers Lawf" requires public notice of the time and place of a meeting scheduled at least one week prior thereto shall be given to the media and shall be conspicuously posted in one or more designated public locations at least seventy-two hours before such meeting; and, . *JK* ,-* *

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden desires at this time to set the dates, • times and locations of the Annual Organizational Meeting for the 2001-2002 Official Year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden that meetings of the Board of Trustees will be held on the following dates at 6:30 P.M. in the Municipal Building located at One Municipal Square:

Tuesday, April 10,2001; Tuesday, April 24,2001; Tuesday, May 8,2001; Tuesday, May 22, 2001; Tuesday, June 12,2001; Tuesday, June 26,2001; Tuesday, July 10,2001; Tuesday, July 24,2001; Tuesday, August 14,2001; Tuesday, September 11,2001; Tuesday, September 25, 2001; Tuesday, October 9, 2001; Tuesday, October 23,2001; Tuesday, November 13, 2001; Tuesday, November 27, 2001; Tuesday, December 11,2001; Tuesday, January 8, 2002; Tuesday, January 22, 2002; Tuesday, February 12,2002; Tuesday, February 26,2002; Tuesday, March 12, 2002; Tuesday March 26, 2002; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden that the date, time and location of the Annual OrganizationalMeeting of the Board of Trustees for the 2002-2003 Official Year shall be held on Monday, April 1,2002 at 6:30 P.M. in the Municipal Building located at One Municipal Square; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden does hereby direct the Village Clerk to provide a copy of this resolution to the publisher of the official newspaper(s) of the Village of Walden and to conspicuously post a copy of this resolution on the bulletin boards located outside the Village Offices on the third floor of the Municipal Building and outside the Police Department on the first floor of the Municipal Building within forty-eight house of adoption of this resolution

Motion to adopt by Trustee Flickenschild and seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. The vote was 6 ayes to 0 nays with 0 abstentions. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted on April 2, 2001. Resolution NO. 12-00-01 Page Two

CERTIFICATE The foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden at a meeting held on April 2, 2001. Public notice was given and the mg$$ was conducted in full compliance with the New York State Open Meetings Law (Public (bS *(, sections 100-111). Minutes of the meeting will be available as required by the Law.

Nancy\L. M\tchell, Village (Seal) Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 13, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. One Municipal Square The Agenda

1 . Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call

3. Approval of Minutes 1 : Meeting of February 27, 200 1

4. Public Comment - Agenda Action Items Only 5. Business of the Board of Trustees g. 1 : Payment of Audited Bills

A. /M/brfMedowg/ 1 : Village Manager's Report c.

1 : Main Street Corridor Study 6. Public Comment

7. Miscellaneous Comments by Board Members

8. Executive Session(s)


Mayor Andrew Uszenski called the regular meeting of the Village of Walden Board of Trustees to order at 6:30 P.M.

On roll call Mayor Andrew Uszenski, Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop, Trustees Mary Jean Norman, Richard Hurd, Gregory Raymondo and Bill Meisel were present.

Trustee Craig Maslik was absent and later present. Also, absent was Village Clerk Nancy Mitchell

Also, present was Village Manager James Politi, Deputy Village Clerk Vicki Kurtz and Village Attorney Kevin Dowd.

Approval of Minutes Trustee Norman moved to adopt the minutes of February 27,2001. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes with the exception of Trustee Maslik abstaining. Minutes adopted.

Public Comments - Agenda Items

Brian Sebring asked about the air compressor?

Manager Politi explained that replacing the air compressor at DPW was part of the capital plan. The one they have is fifteen years old and is starting to break down.

Audited Bills

Trustee Norman moved to pay the audited bills of March 13,2001. Seconded by Trustee Wynkoop. All ayes with the exception of Trustee Maslik abstaining. Motion carried.

Air Compressor Bid

Trustee Hurd moved to approve the bid for the air compressor from Ralph C. Herrmann

-1- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting March 13, 2001

Co. for $19,543 and to reject the bid from United Rental because the bid was incomplete. Seconded by Trustee Raymondo. All ayes. Motion carried. Village Manager's Report Manager Politi advised the Board that the village received notice of tax reduction for 11- 17 Main Street for the period 1995 - 2000. Manager Politi further advised the Board that he has hired a Code Enforcement Officer. He has a background in New York City code inspection.


Mayor Uszenski stated that he received a letter from Greg Raymondo which was addressed to Mr. Peter Masci, Walden Local Development Corp. Mr. Raymondo is resigning from the WLDC effective March 7,2001. Main Street Corridor Study Mr. Barnes gave an overview of the Main Street National Trust, which is a group that could help the village prepare a plan for Main Street. The fee would be $1500. A report was given to the Board for their review. Trustee Meisel suggested a survey be done to see what new people have to offer to the area.

Public Comment Jessica Metzger, 86 Wait Street stated that when she was young everything that is at the Thruway Market was on Main Street. She further stated that shopping at the Thruway you see large buckets in the aisle collecting the water from the roof leaks.

Mrs. Metzger also asked about the upper bridge construction and the code enforcement officer position, salary and hours. She also inquired about the deputy village manager position.

Brian Sebring, 84 East Avenue asked about the code enforcement officers duties. He further asked about the other titles of the deputy village manager.

Mrs. Metzger asked about the deputy village managers salary? -2- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting March 13,2001 Village Manager Politi stated that its between $52,000 and $58,000.

Board Comments Trustee Meisel stated that he would like an update of grants. He also is concerned about the new sidewalks. Trustee Hurd stated that meet the candidates night went very well.

Trustee Norman thanked Paul Pullar and Jodi Lynn for doing a great job on meet the candidates night. Trustee Norman further stated that there are two bad pot holes on Main Street at the intersection of Maple Street.

Executive Session

Trustee Raymondo moved to hold an executive session pursuant to 105-(f), Personnel of the Public Officers Law. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried.

Trustee Norman moved to reconvene the regular meeting. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Motion carried.

Adjournment Trustee Norman moved to adjourn. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted

Nan^/Mitchell Village Clerk

-3- Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden Work Session Meeting Tuesday, March 27, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. One Municipal Square The Agenda

1 . Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call

3. Approval of Minutes 1: Meeting of March 13"\ 2001

4. Public Comment

5. Business of the Board of Trustees a. 1 : Payment of Audited Bills

1 : Main Street Corridor Study c.

6. Executive Session(s)

7. Adjournment VILLAGE OF WALDEN BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MARCH 27,2001 Mayor Andrew Uszenski called the regular meeting of the Village of Walden Board of Trustees to order at 6:30 P.M. On roll call Mayor Andrew Uszenski, Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop, Trustees Bill Meisel, Richard Hurd, Mary Jean Norman, and Greg Raymondo were present. Trustee Craig Maslik was absent. Village Manager James Politi, Village Clerk Nancy Mitchell and Village Attorney Kevin Dowd was also present.

Approval of Minutes Trustee Norman moved to adopt the minutes of March 13,2001. Seconded by Trustee Raymondo. All ayes. Minutes adopted.

Public Comments Lori Keator thanked Mayor Uszenski and Trustee Raymondo for their dedication, service, time and love of the Village. Claire Lennon, Dormer Drive showed the Board her mail box, which she stated was damaged by the Village plow.

Manager Politi advised Mrs. Lennon that the Village will replace the mail box and install it.

Audited Bills

Trustee Norman moved to pay the audited bills of March 27,2001. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Motion carried.

Budget Work Sessions

The following dates were scheduled for budget work sessions: March 29'\ April 3"* and April 5*" at 6:30 P.M.

Trustee Meisel moved to allow the newly elected officials to attend the budget work sessions and board meetings. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried. Main Street Corridor Study The Board viewed a film on the four point approach form the National Trust for Historic Preservation and the National Main Street Center. Trustee Hurd suggested the Board have a joint session with the Planning and Zoning Boards before they go forward. Trustee Raymondo stated the you have to identify which section of downtown you want to concentrate on. You also have to look at parking. It's time the Oak Street parking lot is improved. Executive Session Trustee Raymondo moved to hold an executive session pursuant to 105-(d), litigation, of the Public Officers Law and to allow Mayor Election, Rocco Pellegrino and Trustee Election, Conrad Flickenschild to attend.. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried. Trustee Hurd moved to reconvene the regular meeting. Seconded by Trustee Meisel. All ayes. Meeting reconvened.

Adjournment Trustee Norman moved to adjourn. Seconded by Trustee Hurd . All ayes. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Mitchell Village Clerk VILLAGE OF WALDEN ABSTRACT


* MARCH 27,2001

General Fund $67,012.14 Water Fund $ 3,877.12 Sewer Fnnd March28. 2001 VillageofWalden Page: 1 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account amount imeral ^^ 851 ANACOMMAYE SPORTS, INC 7310.402-A 49.90 vendor total; 49.90 851 claim number total: 49.90 852BECKERBUSIKESSSYSTEKS 1325.401-A 124.00 vendor total: 124.00 852 claim maker total: 124.00 853BELL-HERRING,INC. 1640.411-A 28.23 vendor total: 28,23 853 claim number total: 28.23 854 BOTTINI FUEL 7110.433-A 301.40 vendor total: 301.40 854 claim number total: 301.40 855 BOTTINI FUR 7110.433-A 131.39 vendor total: 131.39 855 claim number total: 131.39 857 CALLANAN INDUSTRIES, INC 5110.490-A 444.45 vendor total: 444.45 857 claim number total: 444.45 858 CHARLES B MERRILL 1325.401-A 30.72 vendor total: 30.72 858 claim number total: 30.72 859 CHERRY TIRE SERVICE, INC. 1640.412-A 96.80 vendor total: 96.80 859 claim number total: 96.80 860 MATTHEW CHICK 7310.402-A 60.00 vendor total: 60.00 860 claim number total: 60.00 861 MATTHEW CHICK 7310.401-A 60.00 vendor total: 60.00 861 claim number total: 60.00 862 CITY PUBLISHING CO. 3120,410-A 130.65 March 28, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 2 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account amount ^ vendor total: 130.65 862 claim number total: 130.65 863 DRAKE,SDMMERS,LOEB, P.C. 1420.401-A 50S.70 vendor total: 502.70 863 claim number total: 502.70 864 DRAKE,SOMMERS,LOEB, P.C. 1420.401-A 48.00 vendor total: 48.00 864 claim number total: 48.00 865 ETHEL ECKERT 1450.459-A 125.00 / vendor total: 125.00 865 claim number total: 125.00 866 FRANKLIN BUNERATNE 3120.433-A 45.00 vendor total: 45.00 866 claim number total: 45.00 867 WILLIAM HERLIHY 3122.401-A 11,66 vendor total: 11.66 m^ ky 867 claim number total: 11.66 868 MARY LENNON 1450.459-A 130.00 vendor total: 130.00 868 claim number total: 130.00 869 EVELYN MATISE 1450.459-A 125,00 vendor total: 125.00 869 claim number total: 125.00 870 NANCY MITCHELL 1410.430-A 10.50 4020.459-A 170.00 vendor total: 180.50 870 claim number total: 180.50 871 NATIONAL PATTEN ANALYTICAL SY 3120.420-A 4,775.00 vendor total: 4,775.00 871 claim number total: 4,775.00 872JOHNFNOSEK 7310.401-A 60.00 ^ vendor total: 60,00 March 28, S001 Villageof Maiden Page: 3

Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claioant account amount 872 claim number total: 60.00 873NYSRECREATION&PARKS 7020.460-A 138.00 vendor total: 138.00

873 claim number total: 138.00 874 NYS DARE OFFICER ASSOCIATION 3120.460-A 150.00 vendor total: 150.00 874 claim number total: 150.00 875NYSEG 5182.471-A 7.51 vendor total: 7.51

875 claim number total: 7.51 878RAYNARDOZMAN 1110.401-A 20.00 vendor total: 20.00 878 claim number total: 20.00

879 ROSE OLIVER 1450.459-A 125.00 vendor total: 125.00. 879 claim number total: 125.00

880 RICHARD POLUMBO 1450.459-A 200.00 vendor total: 200.00

880 claim number total: 200.00

881 PITNEY WORKS 1410.406-A 869.00 vendor total: 869.00 881 claim number total: 869.00 | P.O. 3122.401-A 11.28 vendor total: 11,28 882 claim number total: 11.28

883JEFFREYSOBEL 7310.414-A 13.00 vendor total: 13.00 883claianumber total: 13.00 884 STIEFEL RESEARCH 3122.401-A 11.60 vendor total: 11.60

884 claim number total: 11,60

1MB UPPER WEST SIDE DELI 3122,401-A 104.% March 28, 2001 Village of Maiden "Page: 4 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account amount vendor total: 104.50 885 claim number total: 104.50 886 VINCENT TOOMEY,ESQ. 1420.401-A 4,743.21 vendor total: 4,743.21 886 claim number total: 4,743.21 887 WARWICK VALLEY TELEPHONE 1410.408-A 59.85 vendor total: 59.85 887 claim number total: 59.85 888 WALLKILL VALLEY TIMES 8020.4074 26.95 vendor total: 26.95 888 claim number total: 26.95 889 AT & T . 3122.408-A 3.79 vendor total: 3.79 889 claim number total: 3.79 890 ANNESE & ASSOCIATES,INC. 3122.4824 173.95 vendor total: 173.95 890 claim number total: 173.95 891 AMERICAN ALARM 1620.497-A 1,596.00 vendor total: 1,596.00 891 claim number total: 1,596.00 892 AL VALK'S GARAGE,LTD. 1640.412-A 10.00 vendor total: 10.00 892 claim number total: 10.00 893 AL VALK'S GARAGE,LTD. 1640.412-A 457.38 vendor total: 457.38 893 claim number total: 457,38 897 COUNTRY HARDWARE 5110.490-A 47.68 vendor total: 47.68 897 claim number total: 47.68 898 GLOBAL CROSSING TELECOMMUNICA 1110.408-A 26.53 vendor total: 26.53 898 claim number total: 26.53 March 28, 2001 Villageof Maiden Page: 5 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account aaotmt

899 BUBAL CROSSING TELECOMMUNICA 1410.4084k 85,87 1640.408-A 26.56 7110.408-A 26.57 vendor total: 139.00 899 claia nuaber total: 139.00 902MILLKIEFARR&GALLAatR 1420.401-A 375.00 vendor total: 375.00 902claianuaber total: 375.00 903COFFEESYSTEMOFTHE 1620.440-A 25.80 vendor total: 25.80 903 claia muter total: 25.80 905DUTRESNE-HENRY CONSULTING 8020.495-A 981.20 vendor total: 981.20 905clai:nu*ber total: 981.20 906REPCOMARKETINB 3120.420-A 480.00 vendor total: 480.00 906 claia nuaber total: 480.00 MM NYSEG 1640.471-A 20,37 vendor total: 20.37 907 claia number total: 20,37 909JOANNFROEHLICH 1450.459-A 200.00 vendor total: 200.00 909 claia nuaber total: 200.00 910EWIMINMENTAL PAPER 1620.440-A 194.60 vendor total: 194.60 910 claia number total: 194.60 911THRUWYSHuT?II@QamER 1620.431-A 22.42 vendor total: 22,42 911 claia nuaber total: 22.42 912 AWESCO REMITTANCE 1640.417-A 35.00 vendor total: 35.00 912 claia number total: 35,00 March 28, 2001 Village of Maiden Page: 6 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account amount 913THRUMAYSHOPPINGCENTER 1620.436-A 37.43 1640.490-A 131.16 * vendor total: 168.59 913 claia nuaber total: 168.59 914 S & T DINER, INC. 5110.490-A 141.05 vendor total: 141.05 914 claia nudier total: 141.05 915ALFrSUNIFORMS,INC. 3120.435-A 187.97 3122.4354* 80.00 vendor total: 267.97 915 claia number total: 267.97 916JOHNFNDSEK 7310.401-A 60.00 vendor total: 60.00 916 claia nueber total: 60.00 917 ASHCRAFT'S LOCK & DOORS 1640.440-A 9.50 vendor total: 9.50 917 claia nuaber total: 9,50 I^^P 918THRUNAYSHOPPINGCENTER 3120.401-A 26.12 vendor total: '26.12 918 claia nuaber total: 26.12 919 RAYNARD OZMAN 1110.401-A 20.00 vendor total: 20.00 919 claia nuabar total: 20,00 920 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER' 3120.401-A 24.81 vendor total: 24.81 920 claia nuaber total: 24.81 921 AGWAY ENERGY PRODUCTS 1640.41M 389.43 vendor total: 389.43 921 claia nuaber total: 389,43 1640.413-A 380.00 vendor total: 380.00 922 claia number total: 380.00 923 CONSOLIDATED PLASTICS 1620.440-A 1,098,46 March 28^2001 "" Village of Waldm Page: 7 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account amount vendor total: 1,098.46 923 claio number total: 1,098,46 924FEDEX 1410.406-A 14.96 vendor total: 14.96 924claimnumber total: 14,96 923 GLOBAL COIfUTER SUFPLIE 3122.20H 1,073.26 vendor total: 1,073.26 925 claim number total: 1,073,26 927 MORE SPORTS 2989.460-A 200.00 vendor total: 200.00 927 claim nmber total: 200.00 928 U.S. TENNIS ASSOCIATION 7310,416-A 25.00 vendor total: 25.00 928 claim number total: 23.00 929 ORANGE AUTO ELECTRIC 1640.413-A 150.00 vendor total: 150.00 929 claim number total: 150.00 931 SECURITY DESIGN SERVICES 3122.202-A 4,225.00 vendor total: 4,225.00 931 claim number total: 4,225.00 932 NYSEG 1640.47H 2,010.98 vendor total: 2,010.98 932 claim number total: 2,010,98 933 NYSEG 7110.471-A 41.59 vendor total: 41.59 933 claim number total: 41,59 934 CARGILL INC. 5142.445-A 5,155.79 vendor total: 5,155.79 934 claim number total: . 5,155,79 935 DUCT DUSTERS PLUS,INC. 1640.4404) 525.00 vendor total: 525.00 935 claim number total: 525,00 March 28,2001 Villageof Maiden Page: 8 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account aaount

937Hu%ON VALLEY AWARDS 1010.40H 258.80 vendor total: 258.80 937 claim nuaber total: 258.80 938 VANHAYS,INC. 3122.401-A 160.00 vendor total: 160.00 938 claim number total: 160.00 939 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 1640.440-A 910.00 vendor total: 910.00 939 claim number total: 910.00 940 COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 9040.800-A 30,505.00 vendor total: 30,505.00 940 claim number total: 30,505.00 943 VERIZON WIRELESS 1230.408-A 82.96 1640.408-A 82.81 3122.408-A 57.90 3620.401-A 33.73 vendor total: 257.40 943 claim number total: 257.40 944 GLOBAL CROSSING 1ELECOHMUNICA 3122.408-A 184.41 vendor total: 184.41 944 claim number total: 184.41

fund total: 67,012.14 Abstract Distributions 03/28/01 08:45 JUDY page: 1 Village of Walden fund account description debit credit A general A 1010.4014 Office Expense 258.80 " 1110.4014 Office Expense 40.00 1110.4084 Telephone 26.53 1230.4084 Telephone 82,96 1325.4014 Office Expense 154.72 1410.4064 Postage 883.96 1410.4084 Telephone 145.72 1410.4304 Travel 10.50 1420.4014 Legal Miscellaneous 5,668.91 1450.4594 Election Miscellaneous Service 905.00 1620.4314 Cleaning Supplies 22.42 1620,4364 Bulbs 37.43 1620.4404 Building Maintenance 1,318.86 1620.4974 Service Contract 1,596.00 1640.4084 Telephone 109.37 1640,4104 Gas, Oil, Lube 389.43 1640.4114 Auto Maintenance 28.23 1640.4124 Truck Maintenance 564,18 1640.4134 Equipment Maintenance 530.00 1640.4174 Shop Equipment Maintenance 35.00 1640.4404 Building Maintenance 1,444.50 1640.4714 Electricity 2,031.35 1640.4904 Other Materials/Supplies 131.16 2989.4604 Other Education - DARE 200.00 3120.4014 Office Supplies 50.93 |k 3120.4104 Books & Periodicals 130.65 P 3120.4204 Equipment 5,255.00 3120.4334 Court/Investigating Services 45.00 3120,4354 Police Uniforos 187.97 3120.4604 Education 150,00 3122,2014 Office Equipment 1,073.26 3122.2024 Word Processor 4,225.00 3122.4014 Office Expense 299.04 3122.4084 Telephone 246.10 3122.4354 Uniforms 80.00 3122.4824 Communications Equipment Exp. 173.95 3620.4014 Office Expense 33.73 4020.4594 Registrar of Vital Statistics 170.00 5110.4904 Street Maintenance 633.18 5142.4454 Salt and Sand 5,155.79 5182.4714 Street Lighting 7.51 7020.4604 Education 138.00 7110.4084 Telephone 26.57 7110.4334 Fuel 432.79 7110.4714 Electricity 41.59 7310.4014 Materials and Supplies 180.00 7310.4024 Basketball Program 109.90 7310.4144 Playground Program 13.00 7310.4164 Tennis Program 25.00 8020.4074 Advertising 26.95 8020.4954 Engineering 981.20 A 9040.8004 Worker's Compensation 30,505.00 Sr total general 67,012.14 Abstract Distributions 03/28/01 08:45 JUDY page: 2 Village of Walden fund account description debit credit a water ^ 8310.408-F Telephone 26.57 8310.495-F Engineering 288.73 8320.433-F Hsating Fuel 128.08 8320.471-F Power for Utilities 158.50 8340.433-F Material and Supplies 832.27 8340.441-F Saall Tools 442.97 9040.800-F Workers Coq*ensation 2,000.00 F total water 3,877.12 sewer 8110.408-6 Telephone 26.57 8120.201-G Equipment 38.98 8120.471-G Power for Utilities 298.24 8130.471-6 Power for Utilities 176.99 9040.800-G Worker's Compensation . 2,000.00 total sewer 2J831.78 March 28,2001 Village of Walden Page: 9 " Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claimant account amount jater 856 BOTTINI FUEL 8320.433-F 128.08 vendor total: 128.08 856 claim number total: 128.08 877NYSEG 8320.471-F 158.50 vendor total: 158.50 877 claim number total: 158.50 894 W.W.GRAINGER.INC. 8340.441-F 237.70 vendor total: 237.70 894 claia number total: 237.70 895 NEWBURGH WINWATER 8340.433-F 686.00 vendor total: 686.00 895 claim number total: 686.00 900 GLOBAL CROSSING TELECOKMUNICA 8310.408-F 26.57 vendor total: 26.57 900 claia number total: 26.57 904 DUFRESNE4QIRY CONSULTING 8310.495-F 288.73 * vendor total: 288.73 904 claim number total: 288.73 926 NEWBURGH WINWATER 8340.433-F 146.27 vendor total: 146.27 926 claim nuaber total: 146.27 930 CHAMPION SUPPLIES, INC. 8340.441-F 205.27 vendor total: 205.27 930 claim number total: 205,27 941 COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 9040.BOO-F 2,000.00 vendor total: 2,000.00 941 claia nuaber total: 2,000.00

fund total: 3.877.12 March 28, 2001 • Village of Maiden Page: 10 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account aaount sewer ^ 876 NYSEG 8130.471-G 176.99 vendor total: 176.99 876claia number total: 176.99 896 SOMIDT'S WHOLESALE,INC. 8120.201-8 329.98 vendor total: 329.98 896 claia nuaber total: 329.98 901 GLOBAL CROSSING TELECOMMUNICA 8110.408-G 26.57 vendor total: 26.57 901 claia nuaber total: 26.57 908 NYSEG 8120.4714 116.13 vendor total: 116.13 908 claia nuaber total: 116.13 936 NYSEG 8120.471-G 182.11 vendor total: 1B.11 936 claia nuaber total: 182.11 a^ 9 942 COmiSSIONER OF FINANCE 9040.8004 2,000.00 vendor total: 2,000.00 942 claia nuaber total: 2,000.00

fund total: 2,831.78









VIL Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden Work Session Meeting Tuesday, February 27, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. One Municipal Square The Agenda

1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes 1: Meeting of February 13'\ 2001

4. Public Comment 5. Business of the Board of Trustees a. 1 : Payment of Audited Bills 2: Agreement for Pavement Markings 3: Tauber Subdivision Street Lights

1 : Walden Local Development Corp. Proposal 2: Tree City Designation 3: Business Start Up Fees c.

6. Executive Session(s)


Mayor Andrew Uszenski called the regular meeting of the Village of Walden Board of Trustees to order at 6:30 P.M. On roll call Mayor Andrew Uszenski, Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop, Trustees Mary Jean Norman, Greg Raymondo, Richard Hurd and Bill Meisel were present.

Trustee Craig Maslik was absent. Village Manager James Politi, Village Clerk, Nancy Mitchell and Village Attorney Randy Coffill were also present.

Approval of Minutes Trustee Norman moved to adopt the minutes of February 13,2001. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes with the exception of Trustees Meisel and Raymondo abstaining. Minutes adopted. Public Comments Becky Pearson 167 Walnut Street inquired about the DPW Supervisor position and the Deputy Village Manager position.

Manager Politi explained both positions to Mrs. Pearson. Brian Sebring asked about the status at the DPW garage regarding air quality?

Manager Politi stated that there was an incident while cleaning the duct work at DPW. The dust blew back into the building. Tests have been taken inside and outside and the results will be back in two days.

Mr. Sebring informed the Board that there is a large pot hole on Grant Street.

Payment of Audited Bills Trustee Meisel moved to pay the audited bills of February 27,2001. Seconded by Trustee Raymondo. All ayes. Motion carried.

Agreement for Pavement Markings

-1- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting February 27,2001

Mr. Coffill explained that on paragraph 10, of the agreement, there is an indemnification from the municipality to the county. There should also be an indemnification from the county to the municipality. Trustee Hurd moved to authorize the manager sign the Agreement for Pavement Markings on Non-County Roads for the 2001 Season, subject to discussing the omission with the county. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried. Tauber Subdivision Street Lights Trustee Hurd moved to authorize the manager to sign the Tauber Subdivision Light Agreement with New York State Gas and Electric. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried.

Transfer of Parkland Fees Trustee Raymondo moved to transfer $50,780 of parkland fees to New York State Office of Children and Family Services. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried.

Walden Local Development Corp. Proposal Mayor Uszenski stated that in the WLDC proposal it states that the village will put up the $3500.00 to start things and then it says they will put in equal amounts of money. If they were to need $5000.00, does the WLDC put in $3500.00 to even it or do they split $2500.00 and $2500.00. We are only going $12,500.00 per year. Manager Politi stated that they would have to catch up to where the village is.

Mr. Cofflll stated that he will clarify that.

Mayor Uszenski asked if Trustee Raymondo was a member of the WLDC?

Trustee Raymondo stated that he is the representative of the village.

Mayor Uszenski asked if he was a voting member? Trustee Raymondo stated that he is not a charter member. He's appointed as the village representative to the LDC, just as he is the village representative to the Planning Board. He replaced Village Manager Hernandez. -2- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting February 27, 2001 Mayor Uszenski asked if someone is on the LDC who is an attorney on this firm and they can manipulate things to get a grant for them, is that fair?

Mr. Coffill stated that's the issue with indirect. He suggested there be a disclosure. Trustee Raymondo asked who was going to administering these grants? Who will be paying the management fee?

Mr. Coffill stated the he will reword paragraph 6 to read, that on any funding that is being sought where a member of the WLDC Board of Directors has a direct or indirect financial interest, a disclosure will be made.

The Board agreed.

Mr. Barnes advised the Board that if the Village is the recipient the Village becomes responsible for its implementation. It's the money within that grant that pays the costs. That is not a function you turn over to someone else.

Dr. Masci stated that this is about we the community. It's not about the LDC. We have a lot of work ahead of us and our goal is to use our resources and our time to research things that they may not be able to without the village's researches and time. Mr. Coffill will redraft the proposal and have it for the Board's review.

Tree City Designation

After a brief discussion it was the consensus of the Board to further review this local law and bring any changes to the next work session.

Wooster Grove Playground Site

Mayor Uszenski stated that the Board received a request from the LDC tonight looking for the Board's approval to place the playground at Wooster Grove.

Mr. Olley stated that it is their intention to locate the playground up towards the parking lot. That is the end that doesn't flood. It would keep the fill and under drains to a minimum. One of the reasons they are locating the playground at Wooster Grove is because of the large trees which would provide shade.

Mayor Uszenski asked if the LDC has addressed the problem of young children mixing -3- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting February 27, 2001 with teens? Mr. Olley stated that they have discussed this. They also looked at the alternatives and found that Bradley Field doesn't have the room for the playground. The Little League is looking for room for another t-ball field. There isn't enough room at Alfred Place Park or Besdesky Tot Lot. Olley Park is just too remote. It was Mr. Olley's opinion that because of a potential problem between teenagers and children shouldn't be a reason to not do a good project. Its more of getting the youth involved in things rather then separating them. Trustee Norman moved that the Board of Trustees supports the Walden Local Development Corp. and the Wooster Grove site for the development of the playground. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Motion carried.

Executive Session Trustee Norman moved to hold an executive session pursuant to 105-(h), property acquisition, of the Public Officers Law. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Motion carried. Trustee Meisel moved to reconvene the regular meeting. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Meeting reconvened. Adjournment Trustee Hurd moved to adjourn. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted,

Villa&e Clerk


FEBRUARY 27,2001

General Fmnd $ 13,440.16 WaterFiuid $ 5.550.95 Sewer Fund .$ 1,282.95 Abstract of Audited Vouchers clais claimant account amount asisrsl *672ARCHHIRELESS 1640.403-A 8.08 3620.401-A 6.08 . 7020.403-A 9.% vendor totsl: 22.24 672 dais nuaber total: 22.24 674 AIR MARTERIALS 514S.445-A 1.176.48 vendor total: 1.176.48 674 -:laia nusber total: 1.176.48 675 ACTION F!!S & SAFETY EQUIP 164<).417-A 430.00 • vs-Kr total: 4E').'X' 675 -:iaia nusoer t^til: . . 430.00 676 ARTISTIC EMBROIDERY 3122.43S-A 961.20 vsndor total: 1,204.?5 676 zijia nuibsr total: 1.104.75 677 AkESCG REMITTAi

6S2 claia nuaer total: S3.E5

683 CHARLES 8 MERRILL 3620.401-A 39.26 . "vender total: 29.26

685 Q^ARLES 8 MERRILL 1410.401-A 73.17 3620.401-A 73.17 VEndar total: 146.34

686 CIARDL'LLO FRrJTING 3320.401-A 150.00 vsndjr total: • 150.00

686 claia nussr total: 150.00

687 SATTHEH CHICK 7310.402-A 60.00 vsndar t:-tal: 60.00

5SS ELG3AL CCMFUTER 5UFPLIE -1EE.2')1-A ?Lv: • YS»ccr t;tai: 72.95 .

^668 claia nuiber total: ' 72.95

689 GLOBAL CROSSING JELECOMMUHICA 3122.408-A 161.91 vendor total: 161.91

689 claia nusber total: 161.91

690 GLOBAL CROSSING TELECOMMUNICA 1410.408-A 83.90 1640.408-A 31.43 70S0.408-A 26.56 vendor total: 141.89

690 claia.number total: 141.89

691 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS,INC. 1640.412-A 96.99 1640.413-A • 24.14 1640.490-A ' 29.91 vendor total: 151.04 691 clai: nuaber total: • 151.04

692 GLOBAL CROSSING TELECOMMUNICA 1110.408-A 26.54 vendor total: 26.54 692 claia nuzbsr total: 26.54 Abstract of Audited Vouchers account asount

/ 693'IRA D. CQIKLIN & S9!S 1640.417-A 257.01 vsndor total: 257.01

693 claia nuzber total: . 257.01

694 !RA 0. C2KLIN & SONS 1640.412-A 157.61 •v»dor total: 157.61 6=4.-^iia-^sr total: :57.61 695 JIM SMITH ZJB/RCLET.I!€. 1640.411-A 14.95 vendor Kta2: 14.95

695 ilaia nusber total: 14.95

6?6 NY: [0;-f?.DEE.Cv MA\"GRS 1410.401-A :0.vO *=--jor %•%!: -• 50.00

•/=nd-:r :::al: 236.60

697 clais nasr total: 286.00

693 JOW F N5SEK 7310.402-A 60.00 vendor total: 60.00 698 clais nuaber total: 60.00 699 NYEE5 51G2.471-A 7.97 vendor total: 7.97

699 claia nusbsr total: . 7.97

700 NYSEG 1640.471-A 20.14 vendor total: 20.14 700 claia number total: 20.14

701 SLAB'S P3ZR ESIIP.INC 1640.413-A 35.95 vendor total: . 35.95 701 claia nuzber total: 3.95

702 SCHHANDT RGiALD P.O. 3120.460-A 50.00 vsndor total: 50.00 702 -:laia nuabsr total: ' 50.00

703 NYEES 51E2.471-A 41.18 vendor tctal: ' 41.18 Abstract of^ Audited Vouchers clai: claimant account aaount

703 clsiz number total: 41.18 704 DEAN STICKLES 1930.400-A . 100.00 vendor total: 100.00 704 claia nucber total: 100.00 705 STATE? NY POLICE 3120.460-A 290.00 vsndsr total: 200.M 705 :laia nuiber total: 200.00 706 THRUHAY SHQPPIPG CENTER 3120.401-A -25.55 vadcr tstal: . 25.55 706 =iai2 nusbsr total: 2:.:: 707 THRUWAY 5KCFPIN5 CENTER 1640.490-A 24.47 •vsrdor t;tal: 24.47 707 claia nuaar total: 24.47 708 LEGAL ADV ATM PAT F 1410.407-A • 84.30 vendor total: 84.20 708 claia nuzber total: 84.30 CHAMBER OF QMCRCE 3120.460-A 30.00 vendor total: 30.00 709 claim nusber total: 30.00 710 UPPER WEST SIDE DELI 3122.40M 134.00 vendor total: 134.00 710 claim nueber total: 134.00 711 VANHAYS.IMC. 3122.401-A 160.00 vendor total: 160.00 711 claia nuaber total: . 160.00 712 VEIHMR SALES.INC. 5110.490-A 300.18 vendor total: 300.18 712 claia number total: 300.18

712 XPEDX 3122,401-A 101.10 vendor total: 101.10 713 claim number total: . 101.10 *?14 WARWICK VALLEY TELEPHONE 1410.408-A 59.85 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account aacunt vendor total: 59.85 ^aa^ ^y7'4 <"la^2 nudier total: 59.85

715 !ELEY HALL 677E.4G1-A 3.000.00 vendor total: siooo.oo 715 clsis nusber total: 3.000.00 716 »ICKES LUMBER.CO. 2640.413-A 59.67 vendor total: 59.67 716 -:iai= nusbsr total: 59.67

;C^ r^_ JRC2 ZSU.L'VhL G560.412-A 675.00 vender t-:tal: 675.00

:/*..'«7C AVw\ 733 'JALLKILL VALLEY TIIE 1450.405-A 22.72 vendor total: 22.72 733 claia nuaier total: 22.72 724 T^UMAY SOPPING CENTER 1640.412-H 22.66 vendor total: 22.66 ^&724 claia nuabsr total: 22.66 735 IRA 0. CCNKLIN &• SQG 1640.413-A 257.01 vendor total: 257.01 735 clai: nuaber total: 257.01 736 GEGRE'S MJTO PARTS,INC. 1640.412-A 26.90 vendor. total: 26.90 736 claia nuaber total: 26.90 737 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS.INC. 1640.412-A 29.05- vendor total: 29.05

737 claia nuaber total: 29.05 740NYSEG 7110.471-A 151.50 vendor total: 151.50 740 claia nuaber total: 151.50 741 VERIZON WIRELESS 3122.408-A 56.70 vendor total: 56.70 claia nuaber total: . 56.70 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claisant account amount

2 VERIZGI WIRELESS 1640.408-A 2E2.41 vendor total: 232.41

742 :i=iz nudisr total: SS2.41

743 VESIZ3J WIRELESS 1230.408-A 127.57 . vendor total: 127.57

743 clcia nuaber total: . 127.57

744 VERIZ3N WIRELESS 3620.401-A 33.50 vender total: 33.5)

744 clsia nuscsr total: ' 32.50

745 wEST SRCUP PAYMENT CTR :410.*2-A 139.50 vendor total: 139.50

745 claia nuaber total: 139.50 746 QXMTRY HARDWARE 1640.490-A 3.32 7310.402-A 4.98 vendor total: 8.30

746 claia nusbar total: 8.30

&749 MQ% SPQtTS 2989.460-A 1,200.00 vendor total: 1.200.00 749 claia nuaber total: . 1.200.00

(13,697.1?) ..= ^-. =..— - -,*—-.-=. — -; — i;. — 02/27/01 11:21 JUDY page: 1 Village of Walden

fund account description debit credit

A general - ^K1110.408-A Teleohc-ne 26.54 ^yl230.408-A Telephone 127.57 1420.401-A Office Exoense •23.17 1410.402-A RonrnHyrinn Ex^STISe 139.50 1410.407-A &4yer+i=inn 84.30 1410.408-A Telephone 143.75 1450.402-A Advertising 1640.4CS-A Taiaml-nrs 321.92 1640.41H Auta Maintenance 14.95 1640.412-A Truck Maintenance 461.60 164").413-A Esuissent Maintenance 534.38 1640.417-A Shop Eouinsent Maintsnancs 7=5.76 (Q^O 1640.440-A HuilH-rp X"S.iT=n-nra 3.SO EI=ctri:it'.' E0.!4 i64i).'49?4. Other Mat=riais/Su=.:liK •48.63 1930.400-A Judzsnts and Claims ICJ.OO 2989.460-A Other Education - DARE 1.200.00 3120.401-A Office Supolies 3.5 3120.460-A Education 230.00 3122.201-A Office Equipaent 72.95 QtPP iA^-^ Office Excense 962.70 3122.408-A Telsnhcne 3123.435-A ihiforss 961.20 3220.401-A Citations and Supplies 150.00 3620.401-A Office Expense 152.01 ^^5110.490-A Street Maintenance • 686.24 ^^5142.445-A Salt and Sand '36336 51G2.47H Street Lighting 49.15 6772.481-A Adult Services Contract 3.000.00 7020.408-A Telechone 34.64 7110.47H Electricity 151.50 7310.402-A Basketball Pr-jsras 124.98 S560.412-A Tree Resoval Services 675.00 A total general /i\-^s -» 7 nS/ 13440- 1(« p water 8310.201-F Office Equipsent 148.45 8310.4084 Telephone 43.72 8320.403-F Miscellaneous Expenses 170.0? 8320.433-F Heating Fuel 309.45 8320.459-F Miscellaneous Testing Services 2,095.00 8320.463-f Purification Cheaicals 157.35 8329.471-F Power for Utilities 463.82 8340.2064 Hater Meter Repair Parts 1,960.20 8340.433-F" Material and Supplies 5.38 . 8340.441-F Siall Tools 197.52 F total water 5.550.96 g sewer ..' . 8110.409-S Telephone 26.71 8110.460-6 Education 85.00 ^^120.401-G Materials and Stsolies 30.00 ^^120.4084 Eouiosent Maintenance 235.30 02727/01 11:21 JUDY page: Village of Walden fund sccsunt dsscriotion ddiit crsdit

S120.410-S Seell Tocis 197.52 k8130.401-5 . Material and Suopliss 2.69 '8130.440-G Sewer Maintenance 345.60 8130.459-G Miscellaneous Testing Services 360.00 G "total sewer 1.2E2.G2 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account amount water

673 ARCH WIRELESS 8310.40B-F 12.28 vendor total: 12.28 673 claia nuaber total: 12.28 6G4 CHARLES S MERRILL 8310.201-F 148.45 vendor total: " !48.45

684 claia nuiber total: . ' 148.45

717 CHAMPION SUPPLIES, 1%. 8240.4414 197.52 vendor total: 197.52 717 -ziaia nussr to*ai: IV/.u^

719SAPHICCGNTRCL.C3RP. 3320.403-F 74.34 vendor total: 74.34

719 claia nudier total: • 74.34 720 SRAPHIC CGPROL.CCRP. 8320.4034 ?5.73 vendor tctal: ?5.73 720 claia nuaber total: 95.73

722 CLQYD HOWARD CO 5220.4334 130.70 vendor total: 130.70

TcSsliianusbsr total: . 130.70 723 GLOBAL CROSSING TELECSKJIICA 8310.408-F 31.44 vendor total: 31.44 723 claia nuaber total: 31.44

725NYSEG 8320.4714 463.82 vendor total: 463.82 725 clai* nuaber total: 463.82

726 JCI JONES CHEMICALS 8320.463-F 157.35 vendor total: 157.35

726 claia nuaber total: 157.35

727 RAMSCO.DC. 8340.2064 1.470.00 vendor total: 1,470.00 727 claia nuzber total: 1.470.00

4&72B RAMSCO.INC. 8340.2064 490.20 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account acaiait

vendor total: 490.20 '728c!ai*nuaber total: 490.3) 729 SEVERN TRENT LABORATORY 8320.459-F 2.095.00 vendor total: 2.095.00 729 claia number total: 2,095.00 729 CLOYD HOWARD CO 8320.433-F 178.75 vendor total: 178.75 739 -zlaim nuicber total: !78.75 747 CCUJTRY HARDWARE 834C.433-F 5.28 vender total: 5.38 747 :i:i3 nikaar total: 5.28

fund total: 5.550.96 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claiaant account amount sewer ^718 CHAMPION SUPPLIES,INC. 8120.410-S 197.52 vendor total: 197.52 718 claim number total: 197.52 724 GLOBAL CROSSING TELECCMSJNICA 8110.40S-S . 26.71 vendor total: 26.71 724 zlaiz nuzbsr total: 26.71 730 SEVEN TRENT LABGRATDRIE 8120.459-G 360.00 vsndor tctal: •• 360.50 730 claim r.uasr tctsl: 360.00 731 SCHMIDT'S WHOLESALE, INC. 8120.408-G ' 235.30 vendor total: 233.30 73! :laia nuiber tjtal: 235.30 732 SCHMIDT'S WHOLESALE.INC. ,. 8130.440-G 345.60 vender tctal: 345.60 732 claim number total: 345.60 k?38 GEORGE'S AUT3 PARTS.IfSl 8120.401-S 30.00 vsndor total: 30.00 TSS.claia nuiber total: 30.00 748 COUNTRY HARDWARE 8130.401-G 2.69 vsndor total: 2.69 748 claim numbsr total: • 2.69 750 NY RIM. WATER ASSOC. 8110.460-G 85.00 vendor total: 85.00 750 claim number total: 85.00-

fund total: . 1,282.82









I CERTIFY THAT THE VOUCHERS LISTED ABOVE.WERE AUDITED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT ON<2\ «Q^ ./9\H , J^%ptN THE AMOUNTS INDICATED. YOU ARE HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO PAY TO EACH OF THE CLAIMANTS THE AMOUNT OPPOSITE HIS/HER NAME. Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden Regular Meeting Tuesday, February 13, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. One Municipal Square The Agenda 1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes 1 : Meeting of January 23, 2001

4. Public Comment - Agenda Action Items Only

5. Business of the Board of Trustees 1 : Payment of Audited Bills 2: Resolution No. 8-00-01, Honoring Spence Engineering 3: Rehab Guidelines 4: Street Light Authorization - Tauber Subdivision 5: Little League Parade and Field Day 6: Small Claims - Daniel Davidson Sr. 1 : Village Manager's Report

c. 1 : The Orange County Office for the Aging

1: Tree City 2: Walden Local Development Proposal 3: Property Acquisition - 33 Scofield Street 6. Public Comment 7. Miscellaneous Comments by Board Members 8. Executive Session(s) 9. Adjournment Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting February 13,2001 Mayor Andrew Uszenski called the regular meeting of the Village of Walden Board of Trustees to order at 6:30 P.M. On roll call Mayor Andrew Uszenski, Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop, Trustees Richard Hurd, Craig Maslik and Mary Jean Norman were present.

Trustees Bill Meisel and Greg Raymondo were absent.

Village Manager James Politi, Village Clerk Nancy Mitchell and Village Attorney Kevin Dowd were also present. Presentation Mayor Uszenski presented Spence Engineering with a plague for their 75'^ anniversary in the Village of Walden.

Approval of Minutes Trustee Hurd moved to adopt the minutes of January 23,2001. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Minutes adopted. Public Comment - Action Items Larry Sager, 78 Orchard Street asked when is it going to come when the Board is going to stop letting Gerry Jacobowitz manipulate the situations of the Village, so he can get revenge. You sit back and you let this man manipulate this Village. He's getting a grasp and pretty soon he's going to have control. He also asked if the Village was going to put out proposals so other grant writers can come forward. You have the Jacob house asking for money for their roof. We can give money to the WLDC, why can't we give it to them for their roof. He asked when was he going to get his governing body back. The Board consists of all good people, don't let them do this to us. There is a good grant writer in the Village who has brought 2.6 million into this Village. He further asked why Trustee Raymondo is allowed to vote on issues that concern the WLDC when he's on their board.

Audited Bills

Trustee Norman moved to pay the audited bills of February 13, 2001. Seconded by Trustee Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried.

-1- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting February 13,2001

Resolution No. 8-00-01, Honoring Spence Engineering Co. Inc. Trustee Wynkoop moved to adopt Resolution No. 8-00-01, Honoring Spence Engineering Co., Inc. (attached). Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Resolution adopted.

Rehab Guidelines Trustee Norman moved to adopt the Resolution No. 9-00-01, Amending the Village's Housing Rehabilitation Program Guidelines to Permit the Award of Contracts to Sole Bidders, (attached). Seconded by Trustee Maslik. All ayes. Motion carried.

Little League Trustee Norman moved to approve the Little League's request to use the village streets for their parade on April 21,2001. Seconded by Trustee Maslik. All ayes. Motion carried.

Small Claims Trustee Hurd moved to authorize the attorney represent the Village in a small claims case. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried. Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony Deputy Mayor Wynkoop moved to approve the Memorial Day Parade and ceremony on May 28,2001. Seconded by Trustee Maslik. All ayes. Motion carried.

Municipal Building Roof Trustee Maslik moved to award the bid for the municipal building roof to EMCO Tech Construction Corp. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried.

Orange County Office for the Aging

The Orange County Office for the Aging has invited the Village Board to the 27"* Anniversary luncheon & volunteer recognition for the Walden Senior Dining Program on March 15, 2001 at 11:30 A.M.

Tree City

-2- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting February 13,2001 Mayor Uszenski asked if the Board wanted to go with a basic plan or an intense plan for creating a Tree City. This would be to protect the trees and to plant new trees in order to get a grant to increase tree planting. Mr. Dowd explained the different plans to the Board. He suggested the Board start with the minimal. It was the consensus of the Board to have a three member advisory board.

Walden Local Development Corp. Proposal

Mr. Dowd explained that the proposal states that the WLDC goes out and finds a consultant, they bring the consultant to the Board and the Village Board has to approve the consultant. The Village Board has to approve what grants they apply for and they have to approve the award of the grants. There are controls as far as what they can apply for, what areas they can go in to, what areas they have to stay away from, mostly housing they have to stay away from. They are going to need money up front to pay for the initial consulting fees. The Village starts the infusion of money to get it going and then after that its dollar for dollar. They have to submit vouchers to the village to pay the bills. The Board would have to see all the bills and approve all the bills. He tried to maintain as much control as he felt the Board should have. The Board would have to approve each application and there is a provision to make sure the Board has at least 10 business days before they make a decision. The Board would also have to accept the award of the grant.

Dr. Masci stated that Main Street revitalization will be their number one focus and there are numerous grants out there. Their goal is to bring money to the village that's not going to cost the tax payers. They want to help facilitate and chase grants. Their $12,500.00 is going to come from their advertisers. Public Portion Becky Pearson, 167 Walnut Street asked about the Bruderhof water situation?

Mayor Uszenski stated that the village has made a proposal and they haven't gotten back to the committee.

Mrs. Pearson asked if they would go to the public?

Deputy Mayor Wynkoop stated that there would be a public hearing.

-3- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting February 13,2001 Mrs. Pearson also asked if there was something in the code for new developments regarding buffer zones? Mr. Dowd stated that he wasn't aware of anything. Mrs. Pearson stated that it would be nice to use trees for buffer zones instead of cutting down all the trees.

Larry Sager, 78 Orchard Street asked about the water committee for Bruderhof?

Mayor Uszenski explained the committee to Mr. Sager. Brian Sebring asked if the uniform cleaner that wants to locate on Edmunds Lane, is that in place of the houses? Manager Politi stated that it's the same property.

Becky Pearson stated that it's in the code as to how much water a business can use and that's the reason Arma Textiles was not allowed to come into the village.

Mr. Sebring asked if the village has considered looking at their older wells? Manager Politi stated that's part of the study. Larry Sager asked about the old wells on Cherry Street?

Deputy Mayor Wynkoop stated that they were shut down. Dr. Masci advised the Board that the WLDC met with the Orange County Land Trust and they did a site inspection on the Maple Street site and they did a revised plan. This would be a clean up of the area. They are waiting for the Hudson Valley Greenway new grant applications to come out.

The WLDC has renewed the permit with DEC for the lower dam clean up.

Dr. Masci further stated that the house on Route 52 that they were trying to put back on the market, there was no clear title to that house. They hope to get that cleaned up soon. Dr. Masci also stated that the playground committee has revisited some of the comments from the last Board meeting. Bill Kiman and Tom Olley has revisited the site. They are looking -4- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting February 13, 2001 at moving the playground toward the black topped area of the basketball court. They are going to hire a professional company. They would come in and help with the fund raising, design and safety standards. Deputy Mayor Wynkoop stated that he is concerned with moving the playground closer to the basketball courts because of the problems at the Alfred Place Park with the teenagers and the language they used. Mr. Howland stated that there is no way in recreation planning that you are going to plan for adolescents in one area and toddlers in close proximity. He suggested putting the playground on the peninsula passed where they are building the new building. Mr. Sager asked if there would be any public hearings regarding the Maple Street site?

Dr. Masci stated that its just going to be cleaned up. Mr. Sager also brought up safety precautions for the playground at Wooster Grove?

Trustee Norman stated that the play area will be fenced in. There was a fall fest at Wooster Grove with a lot of children and there were no accidents. Its no different then Bradley Field. Dr. Masci stated that nothing would be done without Board approval.

Board Comments Trustee Maslik asked about the agreement with WLDC, there seemed to be some concerns and he would like to be aware of the Board's concerns. Deputy Mayor Wynkoop stated that he would like to discuss it further.

Trustee Hurd asked when the street repairs were going to start?

Manager Politi stated that as soon as the plant opens they will be out patching.

Trustee Norman stated that there seems to be a water leak on Walker Street at the intersection of First Street. Mayor Uszenski asked when the sewer waivers were due to be renewed?

5 Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting February 13, 2001 The Village Clerk advised him April 1st. The Mayor further stated that he has discussed street repairs with the manager. He asked if they could find some money in the budget to tar and chip some of the streets to temporarily save them.

Executive Session Deputy Mayor Wynkoop moved to hold an Executive Session pursuant to 105-(h) Proposed Acquisition of property, 33 Scofield Street and (f) personnel, DPW Supervisor, of the Public Officers Law. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried. Deputy Mayor Wynkoop moved to reconvene the regular meeting. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Meeting reconvened. Creating a New Position Trustee Norman moved to create a new position, Department of Public Works Supervisor. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried.

Adjournment Trustee Norman moved to adjourn. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Mitchell Village Clerk

-6- a Village does not exist without the strengA of its businesses, and

over the past 75 years Spence Engineering has been a part of the greater community serving with pride and accomplishment, and

S the Board .of Trustees of the Village of Walden wishes to commend and commemorate Spence Engineering for 75 years of service to the Village of Walden.

THEREFOR gg 77 ^E»%PEO that the Village of Walden Board of Trustees does hereby present this token of appreciation for a great accomplishment to our community.

The above resolution was offered by Trustee Wynkoop And supported by Trustee Norman. The vote was five (5) ayes to zero (0) nayes with zero (0) abstentions. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted.

Certificate The foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden at a meeting held on February 13, 2001. Public notice was given and the meeting was conducted in full compliance with the New York State Open Meeting Law (Public Officers Law, sections 100-111) Minutes of the meeting will be available as required by the Act.



WHEREAS, the Village of Walden administers a housing rehabilitation program for the upgrading of the existing housing stock within the Village ; and

WHEREAS, the Village is required to establish guidelines for administering community development block grants from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development,' including the advertising and awarding of bids to contractors to undertake rehabilitation projects; and

WHEREAS, in the current building market, the Village has found it increasingly difficult to find qualified contractors who have any interest in doing residential rehabilitation work or to bid on such projects; and

.WHEREAS, the Village wishes to amend its guidelines so as to provide more flexibility in awarding bids to contractors on residential rehabilitation projects.


1. That the Village of Walden housing rehabilitation guidelines shallbe amended as follows:

m o wgw'jpqpg/- q/"gg/;gm/ c/rc///<7//O7; //? //?g avga? «/%/ &y.\y&//g(/ /« rgcg/ vg a?/ /ear/


.s cw

Upon a motion made by Trustee Norman . seconded by Trustee Maslik . the resolution was adopted as follows:

Andrew Uszenski, Mayor Aye Nay Roy Wynkoop, Trustee Aye Mary Jean Norman, Trustee Aye Gregory Raimondo, Trustee a&pBE May Absnet Richard Hurd, Trustee Aye 34ay William Meisel, Trustee . aAge May Absent Craig Maslik, Trustee Aye


The foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden at a regular meeting held orr)\&%) . \ ^ . 200#). Public notice was given and thu meeting \vas conducted in full compliance with the New York State-Open_Meeting Law (Public Officers La\\, Sections 100-111). Minutes of the meeting will be available as required by the Act.


FEBRUARY 13,2001

General Fond $73,333.27 Water Fnnd $12,825.43 Sewer Fond $12,200.17 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account amount oenerai 539 AIRPAGE BEEPER PEOPLE 1640.408-A 11.77 vendor total: 11.77

339 claia numbs* total: . 11.77

540 ADCC ELECTRIC 1620.440-s 221.00 1640.440-A, 699.00 vendor total: 1. 020.00

540 -:lais nuasr tatal: l.OEO.vO

541 ADC3 ELECTRIC 7110.452-A 76.00 vendor total: 76.30 341 Llsi-B nuzker t;tal: 76. CO 5'42AMTHQR'iWEL3INS SERVICE 1640.413-A . 133.11 '

1620.497-A 50.00 vendor %tal: 50.00 543 claia number total: 50.00 544 AUTHOR'S 1&LQING SERVICE 1640.413-A 174.44 vendor total: • 174.44 544 claim nuaber total: 174.44

545 AMERICAN CLEANER 31E2.435-A 375.00 vendor total: ' 375.00 545 claim nusber total: . . 375.00 546ANNESE&ASSOCIATES,INC. . 3122.482-A 173.95 vendor total: 173.95

546 claia number total: . 173.95 547ARKEL%TCMS,IKC. 1640.41S-A 163.55 . vendor total: 163.55

547 claim number total: 163.55

548 BECKER BUSINESS SYSTEMS 1110.401-A 122.95 vendor total: 122.95 548 claim number total: 122.95 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account aaount

549 CHAKPUM SUPPLIES. INC. 1640.413-A E24.50 vendor total: 224.50


550 CHWON APPLIES, INC. 1640.410-A 1640.441-A 37.74 2640.490-A vsidor total: S91.23

5:0 ciaia number tatai: 391.23

551 CIAR-1M10 PRINTING vendor total: 205.00 551 -ilsis nusosr total: 205.00 5% ^JfKY HARDWARE 640.4M-A 640.412-A 20.00 10S.S2 169.08

::t -::a;i- nuzsr :o?ai: 169.08 Z55CCFFEE SYSTEM? THE 1620.440-A 37.20 vendor total: 37.20

555 claia nueber total: 37.20 556COFFZSYSTEMOFTK 1640.440-A 15.60 vendor total: 15.60 556 clai* nuaber total: 15.60

557 CUSTOM MONITORING' 7110.45H 55.50 vendor total:

557 claia nuzber total: 55.50

558 CHARLES 8 PERRILL 3122.401-A 89.76 vendor total: 89.76

558 clai* nuaber total: 89.76

. 559CARGILLINC. 5142.445-A 12.361.06 vendor total: 12/361.06

559 =laia nuaber total: 12.361.06

560 CARGILL INC.. . 5142.445-A 12,226.76 vendor total: 12.226.76 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claisant account aaourt

360 claim number total: 12.226.76

561CHARLESBMERRILL 1410.401-A . 213 • vender tots!: 23.52

561 clais nuaber total: 28.52

562CHARLESBhBRILL 1225.401-A 71.54 1410.401-A 290.34 vendor total: 261.68 562 claim •'iuiibsr. total: 361.58 563 CHAisLZS S MERRILL 3122.401-A 74G.57 vendor total: 748.57

563 clzi:!! nuiT

564 %TilEM CHICK 7310.402-A 6ij.03 vender tc-tsl: 63.CO 564 ciaiz nuissr total: 60.00

565 MATTHEW CHICK 7310.402-A 60.00 vsndor total: 60.00

565 claia nusber total: ' 60.00

566 DUFRESNE-HENRY CONSULTING 1440.459-A 105.08 vendor total:- 105.08 566 dale nuabef total: " 105.08

567 DRAKE.SCMMERS,LOEB. P.C. 1420.41M 3,777.00 vendor total: . 3.777.00

567 claia nuiiber total: 3.777.00 5"^) ENVIRONMENTAL PAPER 1620.4404) 229.05 vendor total: 229.05

570 claia number total: 229.05

571. ENVIRONMENTAL PAPER 3120.4BO-A . 27.58 vsndor total: . 27.58

571. claianuEcer total: 27.58 572 FEDEX 1410.406-A 91.54 vendor total: " 91.54

572 claim number total: • 91.54 Abstract of Audited Vouchers

account aaount

573 FLEET LEASIIG CORP 3122.483-A 173.30 vsndor total:' 173.20

573 claia nudier total: 173.30

574 FIRE5TQE STORES . 1640.411-A 123.62 vendor total: 128.62

:-74 clais nuebsr total: ' 128.62

575 DOVER ELEVATEDS 1620.497-A ^ p)4.20 vendor total: 204.20

57= ciiisnusbsr total: S04.EO

0/& ^*r%^U^J jlSTLT rriUUULib %iiv.4?'J""S 44?#4^j


577 EXP^DED StfftY PRODUCTS 1640.412-A 322.63 vendor total: 322.63

577 ciaia nudier total: 222.63

578 FrMIER CIMJIIKTISG 3122.408-A 399.36 vendor total: 399.36

578 claia nuaber total: 399.36

579FRBTIERC@MJJlCATIt«S 1110.40G-A 67.40 vendor total: " 67.40

579 ciaia nuaber total: 67.40

580 FRG4TIER COMJHICATIQNS 3122.408-A 105.01 vendor total: 105.01

580 claia nudsr total: 105.01

581FRMIER CQM3IICATIQG 1410.408-4 628.41 1620.408-A 23.36 1640.408-A 208.07 7020.408-A 24.20 vendor total: 884.04 581 claia nuaber total: ' 884.04

5G2 EDGE'S AUTO PARTS, INC. 1640.411-A 18.54 1640.412-A 2!.80 1640.490-A 15;84 vendor total: 56.2S Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account aaount

5G2claianuzber total: 56.!8

583 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS.IfC. 1640.41M 49.94 1640.441-s 39.?? 1640.490-A 48.30 vsidor total: 138.E3 583daianu$ber' total: 138.23

584 ESS'S AUTO PARTS.INC. 1640.412-A 143.80 vsndcr total: 143.30

554 -:l;i3 nuasr total: . ' 143.SO :5Z 2E5SE'S ^JTD rA?:T5.I'E. . !64*).4il*!4 173.25 vsndi- tftai: 178.G5 555 claiz nuabsr tatsl: ' 178.35

586 EEDRE'3 AUTD FARTS. IK. 1640.412-A . 36.03 vendor total: 36.03 586 zlaia nuzbsr total: 36.03 587 SEORZ'S AUTO PARTS.INC. 1640.411-A 47.99 1640.412-A 31.25 1640.413-A 26.70 1640.490-A 7.99 vendor total: • 113.93 587 claia nuaer total: . 113.93

588 SROSSO MATERALS.INC. 5110.490-A 3,627.74 vendor total: 3,627.74 588 claia nuaber total: 3.627.74

589 GOOSETBM CQMJJICATIOe . 1640.482-A 422.55 vendor total: 422.55

589 claia nuaber total: . 422.55 590H.^TtSALES.I% 1640.490-A 89.29 vendor total:' . 89.29

590 :laia maber total: 89.29

591 MORTON ISMORIAL HO?ITAL 3120.4804 200.00 vendor total: 200.00

591 claia nudier total: . 200.00 Abstract of Audited Vouchers clai: claimant account acaunt

.-\ 592 DRAKE.S9inERS.UB. P.C. S420.401-A 459.40 9& vendor total: w9.?0

592 clais nusber total: 459.40

593'DRAKE.SRKRS.LIB. P.C. 1420.401-A 6.023.30 vsxKr total: 6.023.50

593 clais nuacsr btal: 6.023.50

574 3MK2.ES%ERS.LLE5. F\[. 14E0.40i-A 80.60 Y=rg;r%"Sj: 30.60

594 clai: i^er t:-tai: 20.60

:%%JDS!JN VALLEY AWARDS ' 1410.401-A 101.38 vendor total: 101.ES

595 claia nuaer t«tal: 101.88

596 IK34 OFFICE SQ.UTIGNS 1410.40S-A 109.00 vendor total: 109.00

5?6 -:I;i3 nuzsr total: 109.00

597 L30SELEAF LAM PJBLICATIN 1I10.40H 10.50 @^ vendor total: 10.50

^K 597 claia nmaer total: 10.50

598 MC3ZY.HAUEER.& EDSALL 144#%459-s 113.00 vendor total: 113.00

596 cloia nuaber total: 113.00

59?MID4ta)5DNASSOC.CHIEF ' 3120.460-A 150.00 . vendor total: 150.00

599 claiz nueber total: 150.00

600 N8IRB8I MINUATER 5110.490-A 1,334.00 vendor total: 1,334.00

600 claim nu^ier total: 1,334.00

601 MONTEQSRY OVERALL SER • • 1620.440-A 240.75 vendor total: 240.75

601 claia nuaber total: 240.75

602 JQiN F NDSEK 7310.402-A 60.00 vendor total: 60.00 Abstract of Audited Vouchers data claisant account . . aaount 602 dais nuicber total: 60.00 ^yaOSJCMi-'QSEA . . -K 7310.402-A 60.00 vsnd;-r total: 60.00 . 603 -:laia nuscsr total: 60.00 604 NYEES 7110.471-A 4E2.55 vsnziT tc-'sl:

•J05 NYEEE 1620.471-A 4.329.92 1640.471-A" 2.S63.08 '?=!Jcr total: 7.693.00 605 -:iaia nuzber total: 7.693.00 606 NYSES 71!0.^?-*A !03.42 vzHuor total: 103.42 606 -:lii2 nisbsr total: ' 103.42 607NYZS 5122.471-A 140. E6 vendor total: 140.26 ' • 607 -:l:ia nuzbsr total: 140.26 ^j».m: 7310.402-A 60.00 vendor total: • 60.CO. 6<)9 clais nusbar total: 60.00 610 1640.490-A 49.98 vendor total: 49.98 610 daia nuzber total: 49.9G 611 ^(33 . 5182.471-A 5.759.81 . vendor total: 5.759.31 611 daia nuaber total: . ' 5.759.81 612 NEUTRQI INDUSTRIES INC 1620.431-A 218.00 vendor total: . . 218.00 612 daia nusber total: 218.00 613P&PQUICKPRINTII@ 1410.405-A 18.90 vsndr total: 18.90 613 daio nuzber total: 18.90 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claisazt account asaunt 614 POLICE CHIEF'S ASSOC.QF 3120.460-A 150.00 Mk| vender tjtal: 150.00

Oi4 C^alS iiu^SB: ^uta^: 612 PITNEY BOWES 1410.406-A 253.14 VsiuOl xjiol* 253.14 615 clsis nu22sr total: 25S.14

616 ECHK&JBT R%LD P.5. 31ES.401-A %.??' vsnjor tctai: 30.79 ' 616 claia nusber total: • 30.79

617 SC8ANDT R@IALD P.O. 3120.460-A 86.20 vsndar total: 56.20 617 claia nucbsr total: 36.20 618 STIEFEL RESEARCH 3122.401-A 11.60 11.60 613 claia nuscsr total: 11.60 619 STANDARD FUSEE CORP 3120.480-A 317.70

116.88 •621 PITS'/ iJCRXS 1410.406iA 724.% vendor total: 724.00

621 claia nu^er total: 724.00 622 AD TIMES HERALD RECORD 1410.407-A 157.65 vendor total: 157.65 622 claia nuaber total: 157.65 623 THRUHAY SHQPPIHG CENTER 3122.401-A 24.12 vendor total: 24.12 623 claia number total: •• 24.12 624 THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER 3122.401-A 48.67 A vendor total: 48.67 Abstract of Audited Vouchers

account aaount

624 :lai: nudisr total: 48.6?

625 THRUKYSHQPFMG CENTER 1620.43H 34.95 1640.412-A 4.59 312/01-A 3151.^3?-A 3620.-0'l-s 26.13 7310.402-A 9.74 vendor total: 109.22

625 claia nus:er total: 109.22

627 TIRUWAY SHPPING CENTER 5110.490-A S5.9B vendor tztal: 55.98

627 claia numsr total:

5110.490-A 224.25 vaidor total: 224.25

isi nuzsr

629 VERIZON MIREL2S3 1230.40S-A 147.56 vsndar total: 147.56

629 claia nudisr total:

630 VERIZQJ WIRELESS 31Z2.408-A 55.93 vendor total: • 630-:laianuai:sr total:.

631 VERIZS4 USELESS 36Ki40i-A .1 vendor total:

631 claia nuaber total: 32.19.

632 VERIZBI MIRELfSS " 1640.408-A 133.08 vendor total: 133.08

632 clai< nusber- total: 133.08

633 VINCNT TDOEY,ESQ. 1420.401-A 511.00 vendor total: 511.00

633 claia nuaber total: 511.0

634 WIHIAMSQ4 LAM BOCK 1450.459-A 149.71 vendor total: 149.71

634 claia nudier total:. 149.71 Abstract bf Audited Vouchers dais claiaant account azaunt 635 WALLKILL VALLEY TIMES 1410.407-A ' 13.10 A vsndar total: 18.13' 63 clais nuaber total: 13.10. 636 MEiNERT-T-SHIRT.INC. 7310.402-A 13.30 vendor total: 13.30 636 claia nuzber total: 11% . 637 WICXES LLMER.CO. 5110.490-A 44.34 v=ndjr total: 44.34

637 clais numer total: 44.34

660 EHRLICH 1640.440-A 305.00 vendor total: j^-.iX^ 660 claia nuaber total: 305.00 661 DidSLES B MERRILL 1325.401-s 178.16 •410.401-A 95.30 vsidor total: 273.96

661 ciais nussr total: 273.96

^^ 66S BQTTINI FLEL ?Hi\i]*-ii A-A..-" |y vendor total: 656.12

663 claia nuzber total: 636.EE

665 JEW POPQHICH 7320.402-A 60.00 vsidor total: 60.00 665 claia nuasr total: 60.00 666 AGMYENEIW PRODUCTS 1640.410-A 1.043.52 vendor total: 1^043.52

666 claia nudier total: 1,043.52 . 667DUFIGE4EIWCX3RILTIHS 1440.459-A 1.917.48 vendor total: 1,917.48 . 667 claianuaber total: 1,917.48 668 DUFRE9C-HEI«Y CONSULTING B020.495-A 395.25 vendor total: •395.25 668 claia niober total: ^95.? 669 EXECUTIVE OFFICE SYSTEMS 1325.201-A 622.50 At vm&rbbh 622.50 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiseiit account aiount

669 claia nusier total: 622.50

fund total: • < 73,333.27 Village of Waioe_j_.n_ :_ fund account description debit credit A general 1110.401-A Office Expense 133.45 ^Alll0.408-A Telephone " 67.40 ^^^ 1230 408-4 Telephone 147.56 . 1325.201-A Office Equipaent 622.50 1325.40M Office Eaense 249.70 1410.401-4 'Office Essise S1A% 1410.402-A Rssnducino Excense • 109.00 1410.405-A Printing 18.90 1410.406-A Postage 1,073.68 mn 6n?-d JHyer+Scinn 292.63 1410.408-A Telsohone 628.41 1420.401-A Lsoal Mi^rgiigneous 7.074.50 1420.41M Lscal Retainer 3^777.00 1440.459-A Engineering Miscellaneous 2.135.56 •450.+Z9-A Elxtisn Miscellaneous Ssrvics 149.71 16S0.408-A Telephone 23.26 1620.431-A Clsaninc Sucoliss 277.63 2620.440-A Building Maintenance 828.00 1620.47M EI%tri=itv 4.829.92 1620.497-A Service Contract '254.20 1640.408-A Teiephcns ?? 55 1640.41!H Sa=. Oil. Lube '1.ES0.5B 1640.411-A Auto Maintenance 426.52 I640.412-A 421.02 1640.4I3-A Ezuissent Maintsnsncs am %; 1640.440-A Building Maintsnahcs 1.019.60 *4^'6M.44H Ssall Tjals 77.73 %^1640.471-A Electricity 2,263.i]8 1640.482-A j^adio Repairs 422.55 1640.49M Other Materials/Supplies 496.35 3120.46M Education 386.20 3120.480-A Safety 545.28 31S.401-A Office Expense 993.77 3122.408-A Telephone 560.30 3122.435-A Uhiforss 375.00 3122.482-A Coaxmications Equipaent Exp. 173.95 3122.483-A Equipaent Rental 173.30 • 3151.439-A Prisoners Meals . ,16.50 3620.401-A • Office Expm» 48.32 5110.490-A Street Maintenance 5,799.25 5142.445-A " 'Salt and Sand .'24,517.82 .. , 51S2.471-A Street Lighting 5,900.07 7020.408-A . Telephone 24.20 7110.433-A Fuel 656.82. 7110^.452-A Park MaintBiance-Hooster's 131,50 7110.471-A Electricity 585.97 . . .'. 7310.402-A Basketball Prograa 383.04 . — 8CB0.495-A Engineering 395.25 8160.401-A Miscellaneous Office 205.00 A total general 73,333.27 p -water . 4&3310.201-F Office Equipaent 2,000.00 Village of Wale!eh''^''- •'••'• -'•••'" ' fund account description debit credit 8310.408-f Telephone 400.73 8310,431-F ... Miscelllaneous 325.00 A 8310.493-F Leg^Fees 473.00 ^8320.403-F Miscellaneous Expenses 110.00 . 8320,433-f Heating Fuel 482.26 8320.459-F Miscsllaneous Testing Services' 120.00 G320.463-F Purification Chezicals 1,477.00 8320.47!-? Power for Utilities 4^439.24 BZ0.472-? Electrical Maintenance 52.00 8340.433-? Material and Supplies 2.947.18 F total water 12,826.43 5 sewer aim w-c Qff^c= FxQBnsa 1,000.00 8110.408-3 Telephone 193.97 8110.493-S Legal Fees 473,00 S120.401-S • Materials and Supplies 51.32 . 8120.409-5 Equipesnt Maintenance 1,25.00 8120.47I-S Pn&cr fpr '!#••?

fund account description j- - debit credit

8310.408-f Telephona 400.75 8310.431-F Miscelllaneous 325.00 ^&8310.493-F Legal Fees 473.00 ^8320.403-F Miscallaneous Expenss 110.00 . 8320.433-F Heating Fuel 482.26 8320.429-F Miscellaneous Testing Services 120.00 8320.463-F Purification Cheaicals 1,477.00 83S0.471-F • Fewer for Utilities 4,439.24 8320.472-F Electrical Maintenance 52.00 8340.433-F Material and Supplies 2,947.18 F total water 12,826.43

G SBMST 8110.40H- - Office Expense 1,000.00 8110.408-S Telephone 193.97 8110.49M Legal Fees 473.00 8120.401-S Materials and Supplies .51.32 8120.408-S Equipesnt Maintenance 1,325.00 8I20.471-S Pswer for Utilities 2,321.07 8120.472-3 Electrical Maintenance 1.970.00 8130.433-S Special and Other Misc. 15.97 8130.440-6 Sewer Maintenance 600.00 8130.465-S Cheaicals 103.07 8130.47!-= Power for Utilities 3.646.77 G total sswer 12,200.17 Abstract of Audited ^Vouchers — - t.y^ claia claiaant account aaount vendor total: Z5.00 Mk 649 claia nuaber total: 325.00 650 00. ANALYTICAL SRV 8320.459-f 120.00 .vendor total: 120.00 gOclaiamaber total: 18.00 651 RAPSCQ.IK. 8340.433-F 1.337.50 vendor total: - 1.337.50 651 claia number total: 'l,337.50 652 RAMECC.IIC. 8340.433-F 948.80 74c»%u

9*8.20 657 HACH CO 8320.403-F 110.00 vendor totsl: 110,00

657 claia nuzbsr tatal: 110.00

662 EC?!IDT'S IMlEEALE.IfjC. . 8%0.433-F 592.07 vendor total: 592.07 aA662 ciaia nudier total: 592.07 ^^F664 BOTTDII FIB. . 8320.433-F 302.39 vendor total: 302.39 664 claia nuaber total: • 302.39 8310.201-F 2.000.00 vendor total: 2.000.00 670 claia number total: . 2,000.00

fund total: . ; \:i-%l-^i^7 ;.':....!••/,:'; v 12,826.43 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account amount sewer I554QUMYHARDMARE 8120.401-S 51.32 vender total: • 51.22 .• 554 clai: nucbsr total: 51.32 569 DRAKE,S[MERS.LGEB. P.C. 8110.493-S 473.00 " vendor total: 473.00 56? claia niaber total: 473.CO 626MJMAYS2VHCCEXTER 9130.433-S 15.97 . vendor total: 15.97 625 claia nusbar tatal: 15.97 6SFRCniS COMMOTIONS 8110.408-S 139.70 vendor total: 139.70 ASSclaianudier total: , 139.%) 64! ^QITISR COMMJNIUTIONS 9110.408-S 54.27 vendor total: 54.27 641 zlsis nusbsr tst:!: 54.27

9120.471-S Sfi.74 vendor total: ' 806.74 643 claia nuaber total: 806.74 645 ADCO ELZTRIC 8120.472-S 180.00 vendor total: • 180.00 - 645 claia number total: 180.00 653 EMPIRE STATE ELECTRIC MOTOR,! 8120.472-G 1,790.00 vendor total:. . 1,790.00 653 claia number total: 1,790.00 654 ALL COUNTY RESOURCE 8120.408-G 1,200.00 . vendor total:. 1,200.00 .654'claia number total: . 1.200.00 655 AL VM'S GARAEE,LTO. B120.408-G 125.00 vendor total: 125.00 655 claia nuaber total: ' 125.00 656 FILTER BELTS, INC. 8130.465-G 103.07 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant ac:zzt asunt vendor total: 102.07. 103.07

65SS1EFHEXMQSERJR 3130.4404 600.00 ' vendor total: 600.00 6ES=l;ianusn8r total: 600.00

65? >JYSES 8120.47:-s 2.014.33 S1Z0.471-S 3.646.77 vendor total: :.66!.10

65? -:l-ia nuzbsr total: 5.661.1?

671 EXE2JTIV2 3FIZ ?:"ETZS 2:i?.40:-3 l.OCO.M vsxior tstsl: l.OCQ.CO.

671 :l:i3 nuacsr t;tal: l.JOO.OO VILLAGE OF WALDEN







DATE: N VILLAGE Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden Work Session Meeting Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. One Municipal Square The Agenda

1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call

3. Approval of Minutes 1: Meeting of January 9"\ 2001

4. Public Comment 5. Business of the Board of Trustees g. 1 : Payment of Audited Bills

1 : Fire Department - Playground & Col. Bradley Fire House Deed 2: Code Enforcement Officer 3: Walden Local Development Corporation Proposal 4: Cedar Cliff Realty, Inc., Petition for Amendment of Zoning Map 5: Tree City Designation 6: Business Start Up fees


1 : Citizens Who Care 6. Executive Session(s) 1: Public Officers Law 105-(f), Personnel

7. Adjournment Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting January 23,2001

Mayor Andrew Uszenski called the regular meeting of the Village of Walden Board of Trustees to order at 6:30 P.M. On roll call Mayor Andrew Uszenski, Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop, Mary Jean Norman, Richard Hurd, Bill Meisel, and Craig Maslik were present. Trustee Greg Raymondo was later present.

Village Manager James Politi, Village Clerk Nancy Mitchell and Village Attorney Kevin Dowd were also present.

Approval of Minutes Trustee Norman moved to adopt the minutes of January 9,2001. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Minutes adopted

Public Portion Becky Pearson stated that in regards to the water, she has been doing some Internet work on how the whole world will be in a water shortage soon. She will make copies for the Board. Audited Bills Trustee Norman moved to pay the audited bills of January 23,2001. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Motion carried.

Fire Department - Playground and Col. Bradley Fire House Deed t Mayor Uszenski stated that research has been done and part of the agreement allowing for the sanitary sewer going across that property was that the Fire District agreed to bring in fill and reseed the park.

Fred Pema stated that the dirt was brought in and spread out.

Mayor Uszenski stated that more dirt is needed around the manhole.

Trustee Raymondo stated that the Board had asked for equipment, a slide, picnic table and swings. The estimated cost was given to Mr. Ryan. Last he heard was the district was going to find a way to pass the money over to the village or purchase it themselves.

-1- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting January 23,2001

Dave Green stated that the fill was in lieu of the equipment. They have already put four tandum loads of top soil put there. Mr. Green further stated that he will bring this information before his Board and they will fulfill the agreement.

Col. Bradley Hose Building Mr. Dowd stated that he received a call from Marcia Jacobowitz asking him to prepare the deeds. Dave Green stated that the Board decided to take the property with the reverter clause. He invited the Board to come to their Board meeting which are on the first Wednesday of each month to further discuss the park. Trustees Raymondo and Norman volunteered to go to the district's meeting and explain what the Village is looking for the park.

Code Enforcement Officer Manager Politi stated that he would like to hire a part time code enforcement officer. It will be done on a temporary basis.

Walden Local Development Corporation Proposal Pete Masci gave an overview of the WLDC proposal to provide an economic development service to the Village of Walden, by undertaking to act as its grant consultant for nonresidential projects. This proposal does create another source for pursuing grants that would not be pursued by the Village.

Trustee Norman moved to authorize the Village Attorney draw up an agreement between the Village of Walden and the Walden Local Development Corporation. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Motion carried.

Wooster Grove Playground

Deputy Mayor Wynkoop asked if Mr. Kiman saw Wooster Grove after the rain?

-2- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting January 23, 2001 Mr. Kiman stated that he did and it's not a major issue other than it will be under water at certain times of the year and those are the times it won't be used. It won't affect the structures.

Mr. Olley stated that the biggest question is the effects of the stream and flooding in that area. It's not in a designated flood plain. That will allow them to go in and do fill. Any development of the site would need a certain amount of fill. They would ground the site, so it drains well. There wouldn't be any standing water. There are a lot of snags in the stream and part of their work would be to remove those and that would lessen the flooding problems. Mr. Olley also explained the fencing. They are just beginning their fund-raising efforts. They have also been working with different design firms. There would be minimal improvements that would have to be made. They would be looking to the village for their backing of their effort. They would also be looking for services from the village to provide equipment and DPW personnel to help them with the drainage. The park would be constructed entirely with volunteer forces. Mr. Kiman stated that the fund raising would not allow them to do this all at one time. The first portion would be to do site prep and a fence, which is estimated at $15,000 to $20,000. That includes machinery. If the Village could come down and do trenching while they put the pipes in, they could save up to $5000.00 in machinery cost. To get the fence up this year and maybe a central structure would be his goal. Within two months they should have a reasonable design drawing for the site. They will be watching the ice breaking in the spring. Mr. Dowd stated that clearly there will be an environmental impact and they will have to do SEQRA on this. Since its on Village property the Village would be the lead agency. You have to comply with the environmental laws. Mr. Dowd further stated that there would have to be liability insurance. The Village insurance would be the main carrier because of the volunteers. If its Village equipment that is one thing, but if there are other contractors coming on the property with their equipment there are liability issues raised with that as well.

Realtor's Tour

Dr. Masci informed the Board that the Walden Local Development Corp. will be holding another realtor's tour on May 3"*, 2001. He invited the Board to attend the breakfast at Jim Smith's and the luncheon at the Crossroads.

Cedar Cliff Realty, Inc., Petition for Amendment of Zoning Map Mr. Dowd stated that Cedar Cliff Realty submitted a petition to the Board

After a brief discussion Trustee Maslik moved not to entertain the petition for amendment -3- . Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting January 23, 2001 of the zoning map submitted by Cedar Cliff Realty, Inc. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried.

It was the consensus of the Board to have the attorney look into the status of the Tyrolian Hilltop.

Tree City Designation Manager Politi stated that an application was made to the DEC for a $10,000 grant for tree enhancement throughout the village and the village has to get a designation as a tree city.

Business Start Up Fees Trustee Raymondo stated that he asked this be put on the agenda, because some times the fees are just too high for businesses to start up in the village. He suggested that for future businesses maybe the village should waive some of the fees. Mr. Dowd stated that the Board just enacted a law that allows waivers of site plans when the uses are essentially the same, go from one permitted use to another where the amount of traffic and off street parking is not significantly different. What has happened in the past is when people go from one use to another and don't get site plan approval and suddenly certain uses pop up in your downtown and people object to it. Back in 1993 the law was changed so that change in uses have to come back to the Planning Board so somebody in the Village has some review power to control a different business coming in where the impact can be tremendous. Mr. Dowd further stated that the fees help pay for the public hearing notices, engineering expenses and attorney expenses, so that the Village residents are not paying for it. He also stated that the manner the Board is talking about it, it becomes discriminatory. You're going to waive it for a business owner who can't afford it, but what about the resident who wants to go for a subdivision and can't afford to pay $500.00 to subdivide a property. When do you waive? Trustee Hurd suggested a specific fund be set up for the idea of helping new businesses, where we wouldn't be waiving fees.

It was the consensus of the Board to further discuss this at their next work session.

Trustee Meisel asked that anyone making an inquiry for a business speak to the Village Manager.

Mr. Dowd suggested that for the realtor's tour that a list of all the vacant properties along with what is permitted be made available. -4- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting January 23,2001 Informational Items Manager Politi informed the Board that a letter was received from two former trustees, Mr. Seguin and Mrs. Millspaugh concerning selling water outside the village. A letter was also received from American Septic regarding a bill he submitted that the Village Manager questioned and this letter was a reaction to that. The Manager further stated that he has appointed Jim Corbett to the Zoning Board and Kevin McFadden has been appointed to the Library Board. A letter thanking the Board was received from the Citizens Who Care regarding the Al Turi Landfill. Executive Session Trustee Maslik moved to go into Executive Session pursuant to 105- (f), personnel, DPW and (d) litigation, Tauber Subdivision. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Motion carried. Trustee Norman moved to reconvene the regular meeting. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Motion carried. Adjournment Trustee Norman moved to adjourn. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted,


Dale* JAN 23.2001

General Fund $31,081.16 Water Fond $17.005.56 Sewer Fnnd $ 6, • Abstract of Audited Vouchers ?

claia claimant account aaount


^P 310 AGWAY ENERGY PRODUCTS 1640.410-A 1,404.58 vendor total: 1.404.58 .

310 r'.]'* niiehpr total: 1,404.58

311 AL VALK'S EARASE.LTD. 1640.411-A 14.00 vendor total: . 14.00

311 dais nusber total: 14.00

312 AUTHOR'S 1CLDHB SERVICE 1640.413-A 146.92 vendor total: 146*92

312 :laia numer total: 146.72

313 A&ES & ASZECIATES.IPJC. 3122.4E2-A 110.00 vendor total: 110.00

313 claia nuzer total: 110.00

314 AIRFAGZ 3EEPES PEiRE 1640.408-A 11.77 ll*77

214 -:lais rsaber total: u.//

^&315 AKESCD FE!1ITTANCZ 1640.417-A 26.75 ^ vsr^r tjtal: 38.75

315 claia mmber total: 38.75

316 AT & T . 3122.408-A 10.27 vendor total: 10.27

316 claia nudier total: 10.27

317 BEH-KRRING.INC. 1640.411-A 66.00 vendor total: 66.00

317 dais nuzber total: 66.00

318 BOTTINI FUEL 7110.433-A 462.31 vendor total: 462.31

318 ciaia nuaber total: 462.31

320 CARGILL INC. 5142.445-A 6,198.53 vendor total: 6.198.53

320 claia nudier total: 6.198.53

k321 MATT CHICK 731Q.402-A 60.00 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account amount vendor total: . MM 21 :laia nusber total: 60.00 322 MATT CHICK 7310.402-A 60.00 vendor total: 60.00 322 ciaia nuaber total: - 60.00 323 CIARDULLO PRINTING 3620.401-A 147.50 vendor total: 147.50


224 CCFE SYSTEM OF THE 16E0.440-A ?.5? vendor tatai: 9.59 324 claia nudisr total: 9.59

325 CIARK1LG -^I'JTI'K 1410.405-A 160.00 6160.401-A 205.00 vendor total: 365.00 2E5 clsia nuaber total: 365.00

vendor total: 92.G4 326 :laif nusber total: ; 92.84 327 CHAMPIQ! Slf FLIES.INC. 1640.413-A 130.00 vendor total: 130.00 327 claia number total: 130.00 328 DMKE.SOMERS.UB. P.C. 1420.40M 7.20 vendor total: 7.20 328 claia nuaber total: 7.20 329 DRAKE.SQ#ERS,UB, P.C. 1420.401-A 566.91 vendor total: 566.91 329 claia nuaber total: . 566.91 330 DRAKE.SOMCS.LOEB. P.C. 1420.40M 30.70 vendor total: 30.70 330 date nuaber total: 30.70 331 DRAKE.EQSERS.LIB. P.C. 1420.401-A."" 40.30 vendor total: 40.30 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claiaant account aaount

331 claia nuaier total: 40.30 »^^ W 332 DRAKE.SOMBS.UB, P.C. 1420.401-A 50.00 vendor total: 50.00

332 claia nuzber total: 50.00

333 E.A.MGRZ & CO.. INC. 16E0.43H 156.76 vendor total: 156.76

333 ciais nuabsr total: 156.76

334 ZflRE STATE LUBRICANT 1640.410-A !. 619.51 vendor total: -.619.51

334 clais nuaber total: 1.619.51

335 FRCNTIEF; CCMSL^IICATIGNS 3122.4084 105.01 vsndar total: 105.3!

335 claia nusber total: 105.vl


336 ciais numer total: 262.6?

^ 337 SORE'S AUTO PARTS. INC. 1640.412-A 44.16 vendor total: 44.16

337 claia nuaber total: 44.16

338 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS.INC. 1640.413-A 387.90 vw&rbbh 387.90

338 claia nueber total: . 387.90

339 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS.INC. 1640.411-A 29.06 vendor total: 29.06

339 claia nuaber total: 29.06

340 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS.INC. 1640.413-A 193.63 vendor total: 193.63

340 claia nuaber total: 193,63

341 SCREE'S AUTO PARTS.INC. 1640.41H) 134.55 vendor total: 134.55

341 claianuzber total: • . 134.55

&342 GEORGE'S AUTO PARTS.INC. 1640.490-A 39.84 Abstract of Audited Vouchers

clai: claiaant account aaotnt

vendor total: 39.84

^y 342 claia numer total: 39.84

343 ZONE'S AUTO PARTS.INC. 1640.412-A 158.EO vsndor total: 158.20

343 claia nuaer total: 158.20

344 GU3AL CROSSING TEL2C3!^ICA 3122.408-A 127.97 vendor total: !27.?7

344 dais nuaber total: '27.97

345 EL3DAL CRCSSIfiE TEL2C2*tJI![A 1410.408-A 67.49 I640.408-A 31.56 70E0.4(i3-A S6.E5 vendor tatal: Izj#c4)

"/.p *%.:- *..-^-^ i.*..:. "-r ;r, 24. Liz^3 :;U%Q=r .Vvzi: ICJ.dV

346 3LOFAL '^OSSHB TELZ3M»fJlCA 1M0.408-A 26.56 vendor total: 26.56

346 :laia nuaber total: 26.56

^^ 347 FREESTY1E SAES [Q?AMY 3IS0.440-A 103.00 ^A vendor total: 103.00

347 claia nuscer total: 103.00

348 KJDSON RUG CLEANI% I6E0.44M 1.442.43 vendor total: 1,442.43

348 claia nuzber total: 1-.442.43

349 I Q BItKTRIX. INC 3120.410-A 59.90 vendor total: 59.90

349 claianusber total: 59.90

350 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE 1410.484-A 95.00 vendor total: 95.00

350 claia nuaber total: 95.00

351 JQM REARDOI AGEICY 9055.800-A 1.158.24 vendor total: 1.153.24

351 claia nuaber total: 1.158.24

332 MATTHEW BENDER 1110.401-A 127.16 ^^ vendor total: 127.16 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia ciaisant account aaount

^K $2 claia nuzber total: 127.16 ^kW 353 NANCY MITOS1 4020.459-A 311.00 . vendor total: 311.00

353 -:isia nuebsr btai: 311.00 354 JOHN F tiOEEK 7310.40M 60.00 vendor total: 60.00

354 claia nueber total: 60.00 35= J^ F NQSEK 7310.442-A ^0.00 vendor total: 60.00

355 cisia nuisbsr total: -0.00 356 HYS AEStJC.CHIEFS/FOLICZ 3!20.4604i 100.00 vendor total: 100.00

Z6 ilsia nuzber total: 100.00 357 NYS ASSOCIATION !F 11I0.484-A 20.00 vendor total: 20.00 ^^ 357 claia nuzber total: 20.00

33N.Y.S. GFOA 1225.4B4-A 200.00 vendor total: 200.00

358 =laia nuaber total: 200.00 359 IBIEMW AUTO GLASS 1640.411-A 100.00 vendor total: 100.00

359 claia nuaber total: 100.00 360 fSWREH AUTO GLASS 1640.411-A 130.00 vendor total: 130.00

360 clai: nuAer total: 130.00 36! fEUBU^GH WINTER 5110.490-A 18.62 vendor total: - 18.62

361 claia nuaber total: 18.62

362HYEEB 1640.471-A 25.70 vendor total: 25.70

362 claia nude? total: 25.70 ' Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant account aaount 363NYZS 5182.471-A 5.767.73 ^^@y& vender total: 5.767.78 363 claia nusber total: 5.767.78

364 (MCE COJM DEPT OF S160.401-A 30.60 vendor total: 80.60 364 :!aia nuaer total: 80.60

• 365 PERFECT TEMPERATE 1640.440-A 89.95 vendor %t:l: 39.95 365 :laia nusbsr total: 39.?5

366 PITSY 1BRKS 1410.406-A 629.00 vendor total: 629.00 366 claia nuaber total: 629.00

367 TKRUHAY SHOPPING CENTER 7310.402-A 89.99 vendor total: 99.99 367 =iaia nusber total: 89.99 368 THil'JHAY SKPPIfG CENTER 1620.436-A 239.76 ^^ vendor total: =39.76 368 clai: nuzber btal: 239.76

369 LEGAL ADV ATTNPATF 1410.407-A 84.30 vendor total: 84.30 369 clai: nuzer total: 84.30 370 MAREX TERMINALS CORP. 1640.410-A 1.372.64 vendor total: 1.372.64 370 clai: nuaber total: 1,372.64 371 TMQJMAY SHOPPING CENTER 1010.434-A 18.94 1640.411-A 24.43 3122.40H 9.51 3620.401-A 1.79 7310.402-A 14.16 7550.475-A 14.94 vendor total: 83.77 371 claii nuabsr total: 83.77 373 HALDEN PU9IBING/KEATING 1620.440-A/" 591.96 vendor total: 591.96 Abstract of Audited Vouchers

claia claimant - account aaamt

373 claia nuzber total: 591.96

@P 374 WALDEN PLUMBIIC/tCATING 1620.440-A 212.35 vendor tutal: 212.35 .

374 -:laia nusbsr total: 212.35

375 HALLXILL VALLEY TISS . 1410.407-A 10.01 vendor total: :o.oi 375 clsiz nuzisr total: 16.01

376 WALLKILL VALLEY TIMES 1410.407-A 13.86 vendor total: 13.86

376 ciaia maber total: 23.86

S77 WARWICK VALLEY TELEFBf !410.408-A 60.05 vendor total: 60.05

377 -:lsis nudier total: 60.05

379 WEST GROUP PAYItNT CTR 1410.4024 456.00 vendor total: 456.00

378 -:lak nuaer total: 456.00

^&379 ^ST SOU PAYSNT CTR 1110.40M 100.30 ^^ vendor total: 100.80

379 claia nuaber total: 100.80

380 EHERT-T-aHIRT.IIC. 7310.402-A 252.70 vendor total: 2^./0

380 claia nuaber total: 252.70

386 J & G EXCAVATING S140.401-A 3.500.00 vendor total: 3.500.00 386 claia nmbcr total: 3.500.00

fund total: 31,081.16 01/25/01 15:53 JUDY pane: Village of Walden fund account description debit credit A genersl 1010.434-A Entertaincent 18.94 w1110.401-A Office Exssnse 227.96 ^1110.408-A Teleohone 26.36 1110.424-A ^Sinirin:? Piioc 20.00 1325.484-4 Municipal Association Dues 200.00 1410.402-A Reproducino Exoense 456.00 1410.405-A Printing !60.00 1410.406-A Postage i2?.00 1410.407-A. Advertising 108.1? 1410.40S-A Telephone 1F7F& •410.434-A Municipal Dues 95.00 1420.401-A Leaal Miscellaneous AQF H 1620.43I-A Cleaning Suoolies 1620.436-A Bulbs 1620.440-A BiiilHSnn Main+ansnra 1640.408-A Teisshone 43.33 1640.410-A Sas. Oil. Lube 4.396.73 164").4il*A Autz Maintenance 760.71 164<).4i2-A Truck Maintenance 202.36 1440.413-s Eouiassnt Msintatance S5S.45 1640.417-A Shon Esuiaent Maintenance 38.75 1640.440-A Suildino Maintenance 89.95 1640.^7'-^ r?j.i_:.:t., 25.70 1640.490-A Other Materials/Supplies 39.34 312'1.410-A Books & Periodicals 59.90 ^g&3120.440-4 Esuissent Maintenance 103.00 @)3120.460-A Education 100.00 3122.40H Office Exoense 102.35 3122.408-A Teleohone 243.25 3122.432-A Coaaunications EauiaGsit Exp. 110.00 3620.401-A Office Expense 149.29 4020.459-A Registrar of Vital Statistics 311.00 5110.490-A Street Maintenance 18.62 5142.445-A Salt and Sand 6,198.53 5182.471-A Street Lighting 5.767.78 7020.408-A Telephone 26.55 7110.433-A Fuel 462.31 7310.402-A Basketball Prograo 596.85 7550.475-A Holiday Decorations 14.94 8140.401-A Other Material and Supplies 3,500.00 8160.401-A Miscellaneous Office 2S5.iO 9055.800-A Disability Insurance 4#rg% A total general 31.081.16 p watar 1940.400-F Right: Of Way 336.72 8310.408-F Telephone 282.71 8310.493-F Lecal Fees 196.05 S220.403-F Miscellaneous Excenses 298.95 8320.433-F Heating Fuel 615.81 8320.459-F NicrolljpoMHC Toc^inn Gary! roc 120.00 g^320.471-F P?Ner for Utilities 178.13 W^340.206-F Water Meter Rsoair Parts 1.604.12 01/25/01 15:53 JUDY . page: 2 Village of Walden fund account description debit credit

8340.433-F Material and Supplies 1.500.76 G340.459-F Miscsllaneous Services 11.872.31 total water I?io05.56

1940.400-S Rights of May 336.72 8110.4C8-S Telschone 166.27 3110.493-S Legal Fees 196.05 8120.471-5 Power for Utilities 176.30 8130.440-S Sawer Maintenance 4,235.00 8130.459-6 Miscellaneous Testing Services 719.29 8130.4714 Power for Utilities 242.18 tstal .sswsr 6.071.81 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claim claioant account saount watsr ga& W 302 AMERICAN SEPTAEE SERVICE 9340.459-F 9.936.93 vendor total: 9,936.93 • 308 zlaia nuzber total: 9.936.93

309 AMERICAN SEPTAEE SERVICE 8340.459-F :»Yb0.jH vendor total: 1,935.38 3C9 zlais nuzisr total: 1,935.38 319 BOTTINI PJEL SS20.433-? 155.36 VcnacrTotai: 155.36

319 clais -^uzbsr total: 155.36

372 THRIMiY -HCF?!^ CENTER 8240.4Z2-F 30.76 vender total: 30.76

372 claiz maber total: 30.76

381 00. ANALYTICAL SERV . 8320.459-F 120.00 vsnjor total: 120.00

381 claia numbsr total: 120.00 gK ^^3E2 CL3YD HQMARD CO 3320.433-F 167.61 vendor total: 167.61

3K :laia nmzer total: 167.61 383 CLOYD HOWARD CO 8320.433-F 101.09 vendor total: 101.09 383 :laia nuaber total: 101.09 384 CLOYD HOWARD CO 8320.433-F 191.75 vendor total: 191.75 384 claia nucber total: 191.75 385 DICKDVER.DCfElY.DONOVAN & 8310.493-F 196.05 vendor total: 196.05 385 clais nuaber total: 196.05 3S7 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 8310.408-F E51.23 vendor total: 251.23 387 clais nuaber total: . . , 251.23 38 GLOBAL CROSSING TELECIMJNICA 8310.408-F 31.48 January c2. ;Wi vmage o? waioen race: t

Abstract of Audited Vouchers

claia claiaant account sscunt

vendor total: 31.48 ^^388 claia nuaber total: 31.48

390HACHCQ B2E0.403-F E9G.95 vendor total: 2%.%

3?0 claia nudier total:

391 INVEMSYS fETDIiC SYSTEM 8340.206-f 1.604.12 vendor t;tal: 1.604.1E

391 claia nuabar total: 1.604.12

3% NYSES 3-EU.471-F ' 173.02 V3T:dJ- total! 173.02

392 clais nuzer total: 173.02

394?JYSES 8320.471-F • 5.11 vendor total: in 394 claia nuaber total: 5.11

396 KGRFdK EDUTi^RN CCRFQWTIBj 1940.400-F 336.72 vendor total: 336.72 ^a^ ^^396 claia number total: 336.72

404 RAMSCO.IIC. 8340.433-F 1.470.00 vendor total: 1.470.00 404 claia nusber total: 1.470.CO

fund total: ' 17.005.56 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claimant accoimt azaunt sewer ^y 385 OICKTfJER.DONSEllY.iXFCVMf & 8110.493-5 196.05 vsidor total: 196.05 .

385 cliia nusber total: 196.05 389 GLQPil [RGSSINS TEIECWIUNICA S110.408-5 26.57 ',?ndar total: 26.57 389 clsiz nuaber total: 26.37

393-NYEEG 31E0.471-S 176.30 v=ndor total: 176.30

393 claiz nuzbsr total: 176.30 395 ^'ZE% 8130.471-= 242.13 vender total: 242.18

' 39= -:l5i2 nuzbsr total: 242.18

397 NCRFC'Sl SOUTHERN [ORP-l-sATIOh 1940.400-5 336.72 vsndjr total: 326.72 S?7i:iaianuaber total: 336.72 ^&39B FCXCRGF ESUIFhDJT 8130.4=9-6 359.29 vendor %tal: 359.29

398 claia nusbsr total: 359.29

399 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 8110.408-S 139.70 vendor total: 139.70 399 -:laia nuaer total: 139.70 400 L.T. CARBINE DIE PFS.CO. 8130.440-G 125.00 vendor total: 125.00 400 =!aia nudier total: 125.00

401 SEVEN TRENT LABQRATORIE 8130.459-G 360.00 vendor total: 360.00

401 dais nuaber total: 360.00

402 STEFAN MOSER JR 8130.440-G 400.00 vendor total: 400.00

402 zlaia nusber total: .^ 400.00

k403 WASTECORP. INC. 8130.440-S 3.710.00 Abstract of Audited Vouchers claia claiaant account aaount vendor total: 3.710.00 ^403 claia nuzber total: 3.7IO.OO

fund total: 6.071.81








DATE: NANCY MITCHELL VILLAGE CLERK Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden Regular Meeting Tuesday, January 9, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. One Municipal Square The Agenda

1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call

3. Approval of Minutes 1 : Meeting of December 1 2, 2000 -

4. Public Hearing - Introductory Local Law 1-8 of 2000, Vehicles & Traffic 5. Public Comment - Agenda Action Items Only

6. Business of the Board of Trustees a. 1 : Payment of Audited Bills 2: Resolution No. 7-00-01, 2001 General Village Election

1 : Village Manager' s Report c. 1 : Letter from Josephine-Louise Public Library

6. Public Comment

7. Miscellaneous Comments by Board Members

8. Executive Session(s)

9. Adjournment Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting January 9,2001 Mayor Andrew Uszenski called the regular meeting of the Village of Walden Board of Trustees to order at 6:30 P.M. On roll call Mayor Andrew Uszenski, Deputy Mayor Roy Wynkoop, Trustees Mary Jean Norman, Greg Raymondo, Richard Hurd and Bill Meisel were present. Trustee Craig Maslik was later present.

Village Manager James Politi, Village Clerk Nancy Mitchell and Village Attorney Kevin Dowd were also present.

Approval of Minutes Trustee Norman moved to adopt the minutes of December 12,2000. Seconded by Trustee Meisel. All ayes. Minutes adopted.

Public Hearing - Introductory Local Law No. 8 of 2000, "Vehicles and Traffic"

Mayor Uszenski presented the Affidavit of Publication, Affidavit of Posting Notice and Notice of Hearing, which was read by the Mayor. Julie Bagnarol stated that she is very happy with this change in the vehicle and traffic law.

Trustee Raymondo moved to close the public hearing. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Public hearing was closed.

Trustee Raymondo moved to declare the Board of Trustees lead agency and to declare an unlisted, uncoordinated action under SEQRA. Seconded by Deputy Mayor Wynkoop. All ayes. Motion carried.

Deputy Mayor Wynkoop moved to adopt Introductory Local Law No. 8 of 2000, "Vehicles and Traffic" as Local Law No. 1 of 2001. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Motion carried.

Audited Bills

Trustee Hurd moved to pay the audited bills of January 9,2001. Seconded by Trustee Raymondo. All ayes. Motion carried.

-1- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting January 9, 2001

Resolution No. 7-00-01,2001 General Village Election Trustee Norman moved to adopt Resolution No. 7-00-01, General Village Election, (attached). Seconded by Trustee Meisel. All ayes. Resolution adopted. Manager's Report

Manager Politi reported to the Board that the upper bridge project has been pushed off for one year. He further stated that he would like to applaud the DPW crew for the great job they did with the snow removal. Also, the recreation building at Wooster Grove has to be put back out to bid for the building itself.

The manager also informed the Board that the wiring for the cameras will be completed within the next week.

Letter from Josephine-Louise Library Correspondence was received from the Josephine-Louise Library thanking the Village for the work that was done in the square. Public Portion

Brian Sebring, 84 East Avenue asked if any of the Board members went down to Wooster's Grove during the last heavy rain storm?

Deputy Mayor Wynkoop stated he saw it. Jim Korbett 126 Walnut Street stated that the DPW did a great job with snow removal.

Board Comments

Trustee Meisel stated that Spence Engineering is celebrating their 75^ year in the Village and he thinks the Board should pass a proclamation.

Trustee Meisel stated that he asked the business manager of Spence to keep alert for any subsidiary company's, and let them know there is space available in the Village of Walden. He also suggested that when local businessmen meet with their suppliers they mention Walden.

-2- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting January 9,2001 Trustee Raymondo stated that if you read the papers there are a lot of misconceptions and they are reporting a lot of rumors. They have no facts on the water and hiring of the Deputy Village Manager. He would like to let the people know what the Board's intentions are. A report on selling water outside the village hasn't even been received by the Board members yet. Trustee Norman asked that something be done with the snow on the sidewalk at the comer of Orchard Street and Pine Street. She has also received many compliments on the snow removal.

Deputy Mayor Wynkoop also commended the DPW for the good job they did with snow removal.

Mayor Uszenski stated that there is a crack in the new concrete sidewalk on the comer of Scofield and Main Street. Mayor Uszenski asked if all the information for the work session with the Fire District was completed?

Mr. Dowd advised the Mayor that he will have the information to the Clerk this week.

Executive Session Trustee Norman moved to hold an Executive Session pursuant to 105-(d), potential litigation - Tauber Subdivision, of the Public Officers Law. Seconded by Trustee Maslik. All ayes. Motion carried.

Trustee Meisel moved to reconvene the regular meeting. Seconded by Trustee Norman. All ayes. Meeting reconvened.

Water Committee Report

Trustee Meisel stated that all the village wells are surface wells. We know we need more. The hydraulics survey comes back and says there are two spots, outside the Village, along the Wallkill, that may have water. Bruderhof has the best looking water producing property around. What he would like to see is they give the Village the property, they drill the well and they turn the property and well over to the Village. The transmission lines can be fought out with the Town. In regard to sewer, take the sewer plant and see what the value is, figure the capacity of the sewer plant and 75,000 gallons a day, they would have to buy into a certain percentage of the sewer plant.

-3- Village of Walden Board of Trustees Meeting January 9, 2001 Deputy Mayor Wynkoop asked what the advantage would be to Bruderhof buying water and sewer services from the Village?

Manager Politi stated its time. Manager Politi further stated that the Village does need another well. Adjournment Trustee Raymondo moved to adjourn. Seconded by Trustee Hurd. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.


(Use this form to file a local law with the Secretary of State.) Text of law should be given %s amended. D? not include matter being ^Hminated and do not use italics or underlining to indicate new matter.

of Walden Village Local Law No ...... « ------. — oftheyearHE..?001 A local law .^%ELlS&.k%R^L.l±L.°?..JUl?..kP.4s..9A..M (hwMlidi* Vehicles and Traffi^ j[() change^ jj[QyjLRiQ]%s^ePAT"j^?p pai*1r4no

.JLdu^^(:^n^s pjn__prang^_jAvenuej

B. It ,n.ct«l by th. .. » ^ of th.

of.. .?^?=R 1 as follows: Village

See annexed

(If additional space Is needed, attach pages the same size as this sheet, and number each.)

DOS-239 (Rev. 2/98) (1) (Complete the certification In the paragraph that applies to the filing of this local law and strike out that which Is not applicable.)

1. (Final adoption by local legislative body only.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No—? ^ of:[email protected] of the (OBBHy^(E*(y%%WM^(Village) of ...Kaldea. . was duly passed by the on.Jamiazy..9.. l^^in accordance with the applicable provisions of law.

2. (Passage by local legislative body with approval; no disapproval or repassage after disapproval by the Elective Chief Executive Officer*.) , I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No -- — of 19- of the (County)(City)(Tbwn)(Village) of — was duly passedby'the on 19 —, and was (approved)(not apprpved)(repassed^fter

disapproval) by the and was deemed duly adopted on ?y^. 19— ^ (Ef#cdw# CA*#/RT*rMfiw* 0[jQScay*J in accordance with the applicable provisions of law.

3. (Final adoption by referendum.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No of 19- of the (County)(City)(Tbwn)(Village) of— ..^T. was duly passed by the on 19-— .and was (approved)(not approved)(repassed after (Afaxw qf ifgidedv* Bedy) disapproval) by the od- 19 Such local laiw was submitted (E!««m*CAM/BMc:mw*Ojp««y*) y/^ to the people by reason of a (mandatory)(permissivc) referendum, and received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors voting thereon at the (general)^special)(annual) election held on..— 19— , in accordance with the applicable provisions of lawr

4. (Subject to permissive referendum and final adoption because no valid petition was filed requesting referendum.) I hereby certify that the/local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No - - of 19 of the (County)(City%%wn)(Vrrhge)of -^.- -.« — was duly passed by the on 19-—, and was (approved)(not approved)(repassed after disapproval^bythe on 19— . Such local law was subject to .< (flfcavCkw/EwoimvOjpc*?*) permissive referendum and no valid petition requesting such referendum was filed as of 19-— , in accordance with the applicable pmvisiuus uf law. "

* Elective Chief Executive Officer mean; or Includes the chief executive officer of a county elected on a county- wide basis or, If there be none, the chairperson of the county legislative body, the mayor of a city or village, or the supervisor of a town where such officer Is vested with the power to approve or veto local laws or ordinances. (2) \

, (City local law ronoemlng Chap**? re^loa prepesed by petition,) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No of the City of— haying been submitted to referendum pursuant^afEeprovisions of section (36)(37) of the Municipal Home Rule Law, ar.d having received the affirmative voje^fam&jority of the qualified electors of such city voting thereon at the (special)(general) election heldpiK^.. 19-.., became operative. g. (County local law concerning adoption of* I hereby certify that the local lawanogxed hereto, designated as local law No. . of 19 of the County of ...^^T. State of New York, having been submitted to the electors at the General ElecdparolNovember . 19—, pursuant to subdivisions 5 and 7 of section 33 of the Municipal Hpj»«^ule Law, and having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the cit- ies of^SAMTcounty as a unit and a majority of the qualified electors of the towns of said county considered as a unit j a* oaid general election, keonme opemtive. — .

(If any other authorized form of final adoption has been followed, please provide an appropriate certification.) I further certify that I have compared the preceding local law with the original on file in this office and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of such original local law, and was finally adopted in the manner in- dicated in oarazraoh—— above. ^-^ "~"^


(Certification to be executed by County Attorney, Corporation Counsel, Town Attorney, Village Attorney or other authorized attorney of locality.)

STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing local law contains the jcorrectjext and that all proper proceedings have been had or taken for the enactment of the local law annexed hereto.



    Village Attorney Till*

    4Hp Walden 4b*BHK Village Date: u (3) INTRODUCTORY LOCAL LAW 1-8 OF 2000


    BE IT ENACTED by the Board of Trustees of the Village of . Walden as follows:

    SECTION 1. Section 141-18 of the Code of the Village of Walden entitled "No parking at any time" is hereby amended by deleting therefrom the following: Name of Street Side Location Orange Avenue East Between Grant street and Cherry street Orange Avenue East From Grant street to Coldenham Road

    SECTION 2. Section 141-18 of the Code of the Village of Walden entitled "No parking at any time" is hereby amended by adding the following: Name of Street Side Location Orange Avenue East From Grant street to soofield Street

    SECTION 3. Savings Clause. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part of this local law shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered.

    SECTION 4. This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing in the Office of the Secretary of State in Albany. RESOLUTION NO. 7-00-01 VILLAGE OF WALDEN 2001 GENERAL VILLAGE ELECTION WHEREAS, the 2001 General Village Election will be held on March 20'", 2000 from 6:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. at the Walden Elementary School, Orchard Street, Walden, New York. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following four persons are appointed inspectors of the single election district comprising the entire village, and the first named is designated Chairperson thereof: Mary Lennon Evelyn Matise Ethel Eckert Rose Oliva Carol Garcia is named as an alternate inspector and the compensation for each inspector is fixed at $125.00 for Election Day. The Chairperson to be compensated $5.00 extra, and it is further

    RESOLVED that the inspectors of the Election appointed shall within ten days take, subscribe and file their oath of office and thereafter assume the duties to preside at the Village Election, and it is further

    RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be published and posted by the Village Clerk in accordance with the law. Motion to adopt by Trustee Norman and seconded by Trustee Meisel. The vote was six (6) ayes to zero (0) nayes with zero (0) abstentions. Mayor Uszenski declared the resolution adopted.

    RESOLUTION DECLARED ADOPTED. Certificate The foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden at a regular meeting held on January 9,2001. Public notice was given and the meeting was conducted in full compliance with the New York State Open Meeting Law (Public Officers Law, Sections 100-^11). Minutes of the meeting will be available as required by the

    Nan Villa 0


    JANUARY 9,2001

    [Fund $ 43,560.36 Water Fmid $ 6,176.89 Sewer Fund $16,460.83 VILLAGE OF WALDEN ABSTRACT OF AUDITED VOUCHERS