Information, Ideas and Resources AA SSiibblliinngg’’ss GGuuiiddee ttoo PPssyycchhoossiiss Information, Ideas and Resources Prepared by: Sharon Mulder A Sibling’s GuideElizabeth Lines to Psychosis: • to the brothers and sisters who came forward to share their stories and offer suggestions that might help other families facingAcknowledgements similar challenges • to the early psychosis clinics and staff at the Psychotic Disorders Clinic Thank(Hamilton, you… Ontario), Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Service (Winnipeg, Manitoba) and the Early Psychosis Program (St. John’s, Newfoundland) who assisted us in the collection of sibling experiences through focus groups and individual interviews • to parent members of the national first episode family network for providing valuable perspectives on the family experience of psychosis • to the South Worcestershire Early Intervention Service, United Kingdom’s booklet “Information about psychosis for brothers and sisters” • to the Public Health Agency of Canada, through the Population Health Fund, for ongoing support that has allowed us to appreciate and respond to the complexities that define “early psychosis intervention.” Sharon Mulder Elizabeth Lines This document was produced by the Canadian Mental Health Association, National Office as part of its early psychosis intervention project, funded by the Population Health Fund of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). The contents herein do not necessarily represent the views of PHAC. Visit CMHA’s web site ( to find this guide and other materials produced by CMHA’s early psychosis intervention initiatives. Additional copies of this guide may be available for a limited time. Direct inquiries to If you have any comments or questions, contact:
[email protected] Canadian Mental Health Association National Office 8 King Street East, Suite 810 Toronto, ON M5C 1B5 Tel: 416-484-7750 Fax: 416-484-4617 Aussi disponible en français.