The London Gazette, 14 August, 1914
6402 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 14 AUGUST, 1914. THE ARMY SERVICE CORPS. UNATTACHED LIST FOR INDIAN ARMY. Gilbert Ferrers Yarde. Gentleman Cadet Cuthbert William Christian Charles Hubert King. Arthur Barwis, from the Royal Military Col- Hugh Ainsworth Kelsall. lege, Kingston, Canada, to be Second Lieu- Reginald Christian Horton. tenant, with a view to his appointment to the Alan St. George Adams. Indian Army. Dated 15th August, 1914. Phillip Everard Graham Marsh. Harold Montague Hinde. Guy Roland John Bellasis. Alexander John Henry Knight. David Morgan Sealy. SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS. "UNATTACHED LIST or INDIAN ARMY. RESERVE UNITS. With a view to their appointment to the Indian Army: — CAVALRY. Eric Raymond Sandars Bods. South Irish Horse, Second Lieutenant (on pro- Arthur Eustace Stirling Miller-Stirling. bation) Cyril E. Kirk is confirmed in his Douglas David Gracey. rank. Colin Sutherland Lynden-Bell. Ronald Eric Greenhouse. CORPS OF ROYAL ENGINEERS. Arthur Fancourt Logan. Royal Anglesey, Evelyn Hobson, late Cadet- Gerald Antony Gordon Young. Corporal, Rossall School Contingent, Officers Harold Rawdon Briggs. Training- Corps, to be Second Lieutenant. Reginald Humphrey Loder Minchin. Dated 12th August, 1914. Henry James Hambleton. Frederick Cyril Lyddon. Henry Gerrard Reed. INFANTRY. Donald Franklyn Hubert. Ronald Leslie Piper. 4:th Battalion, The Prince of Wales's Own James Clyde Johnson. (West Yorkshire Regiment), Second Lieu- George Bradley Roberts. tenant Guy R. Kinnell is confirmed in his Humphrey Norman Loch. rank. Carleton Lumley St. Clair dery. 3rd Battalion, The Border Regiment, Nowell John Lionel Miller-Hallett. Castle to be Second Lieutenant. Dated Roger Eustace Le Fleming. 15th August, 1914. Robert Babington Everard Upton.
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