Scheme and Design of M.A Program in Philosophy

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Scheme and Design of M.A Program in Philosophy Scheme and Design of M.A Program in Philosophy Weight of each Course : 4 credits Number of teaching Courses : 19 Total Credits of Teaching Courses : 76 Dissertation : 4 Credits (Internal – 2 Credits, External – 2 Credits) Number of Core Courses : 12 Number of Electives : 5 Multi Disciplinary Courses : 2 Total Weight : 80 Credits Dissertation is attached to the final Semester of MA program. While preparing the Dissertation the students should follow a consistent and discipline specific methodology. The Dissertation must be formally submitted on the stipulated date to the Department which may be forwarded to the University for valuation. Evaluation: Half of the credits will be valued internally through Continuous Assessment and half of the credits will be evaluated through a University Level Monitored External Examination System The evaluation will be based on the 9 point Grading System A+ 9 B- 4 A 8 C+ 3 A- 7 C 2 B+ 6 C- 1 B 5 F 0 An average of B- is the passing grade. No minimum grade is required in each course. However, if a student fails in a course, i.e., if he/she gets ‘F’ then he/she should pursue that course again when it is offered subsequently. There will be no supplementary examination. 1 The Internal/External evaluations is in the ratio 50:50 Each course is evaluated by a Nine Point Scale as followed at present. The Pass Minimum for each course is B- (B Minus). A student who acquires Pass Minimum for at least twelve credits will be promoted to the next semester. ‘Internal Assessment’ of the Teaching Courses will consist of three components: Assignment (1 No.), Seminar (1 No.), Test papers (1 No.). All the components will be evaluated by two teachers. ‘Evaluation of Dissertation’: The Assessment of Dissertation will have two components. 1) Internal evaluation by the department carrying half of Credits. 2) External evaluation carrying half of the credits. 2 Semester-wise Course Work Semester-wise Credits: 20 Ist Semester Name of the Paper Course Code Credits Indian Philosophy I PPHM 2700 4 European Philosophy I PPHM 2701 4 Logic and Language PPHS 2722 4 Elective 4 Elective 4 IInd Semester Name of the Paper Course Code Credits Indian Philosophy II PPHS 2703 4 European Philosophy II PPHS 2704 4 Symbolic Logic PPHM 2702 4 Elective 4 Elective 4 IIIrd Semester Name of the paper Course Code Credits Indian Philosophy III PPHM 2740 4 European Philosophy III PPHS 2711 4 Moral Philosophy PPHS 2705 4 Elective 4 Elective 4 3 IVth Semester Name of the paper Course Code Credits Indian Philosophy IV PPHS 2741 4 Analytical Philosophy PPHM 2706 4 Continental Philosophy PPHS 2723 4 Elective 4 Dissertation PPHS 2742 4 4 List of Core Papers for M A Philosophy Name of the Course Course Code Credits 1. Indian Philosophy I PPHM 2700 4 2. European Philosophy I PPHM 2701 4 3. Logic and Language PPHS 2722 4 4. Moral Philosophy PPHS 2705 4 5. Indian Philosophy II PPHS 2703 4 6. European Philosophy II PPHS 2704 4 7. Symbolic Logic PPHM 2702 4 8. Analytical Philosophy PPHM 2706 4 9. Indian Philosophy III PPHM 2740 4 10. European Philosophy III PPHS 2711 4 11. Continental Philosophy PPHS 2723 4 12. Indian Philosophy IV PPHS 2741 4 Dissertation PPHS 2742 4 5 List of Internal Electives Name of the Course Course Code Credits 1. Contemporary Epistemological Issues PPHM 2712 4 2. Epistemic logic PPHS 2721 4 3. Issues in Indian Epistemology PPHM 2713 4 4. Philosophy of Cognitive Science PPHS 2720 4 5. Philosophy of Religion PPHM 2734 4 6. Philosophy of Later Advaita Tradition PPHS 2739 4 7. Philosophy of Purvamimamsa System PPHM 2715 4 8. Philosophy of Language PPHS 2707 4 9. Indian Philosophy of Language PPHM 2724 4 10. Contemporary Analytic Metaphysics PPHS 2731 4 11. Studies in Buddhist Culture PPHS 2729 4 12. Aesthetics: Major Issues PPHM 2716 4 13. The Body in Philosophy PPHS 2719 4 14. Existentialism PPHS 2714 4 15. Filmosophy PPHM 2728 4 16. Martin Heidegger PPHM 2718 4 17. Post Structuralism and Psychoanalysis PPHS 2717 4 18. Philosophy of Science PPHS 2710 4 6 19. Philosophy of Zen Buddhism PPHM 2727 4 20. Introduction to Eco Philosophy PPHS 2730 4 21. Philosophy of Sankaracharya PPHS 2709 4 22. Feminist Political Philosophy PPHM 2725 4 23. Humanism and Human Rights PPHS 2732 4 24. Socio Political Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi PPHS 2735 4 25. Philosophy of Vedanta Tradition PPHM 2738 4 26. Contemporary Indian Philosophy PPHM 2726 4 27. Consciousness and Intentionality PPHS 2737 4 28. Gandhian Philosophy PPHM 2743 4 29. Greek and Medieval Philosophy PPHS 2744 4 30. Philosophy of Mind PPHS 2708 4 31. Scientific Approaches to Consciousness PPHS 2735 4 32. Problems of Philosophy PPHM 2736 4 7 1 Indian Philosophy paper I PPHM 2700 Core Paper Credits: 4 Unit I Vedic Religion & Philosophy Basic features of Indian philosophy. Literature on Indian philosophy-primary & Secondary. The concept of man in Indian thought- purusharthas. Vedic Religion-Polytheism, Monotheism & Monism. Concept of Rta- The cosmic order-The divine and the human realms. Centrality of ritual & sacrifice (Yaga & Yajna). Theories of Creation. Reference: 1. MaxMuller-Six systems of Indian Philosophy 2. S. N. Das Gupta-A History of Indian philosophy 3. Eric Frauwallner-History of Indian Philosophy 4. B. M. Barua – Pre –Buddhistic Indian Philosophy 5. Thomas . J. Hopkins – Hindu Religious Tradition Unit II Philosophy of Upanishads Atman-Self, Jagrat, Swapna, Susupti and Turiya. Brahman- Sreyas and Preyas. Karma- Samsara- Moksha. 8 Reference 1. R.E.Hume-The Thirteen principal Upanishads 2. MaxMuller-Six systems of Indian Philosophy 3. Paul Deussen –The Philosophy of Upanishads 4. S.Radhakrishnan –Principal Upanishads 5. R.D. Ranade-A Constructive survey of Upanishadic Philosophy. Unit III Philosophy of Bhagavat Gita. Central teachings. Nishkama Karma. Karma, Jnana, Bhakti and Raja Yoga. Synthesis of Yoga. Concept of Sthithaprajna and Lokasangraha. Reference Books R. D. Ranade- Bhagavad Gita as Philosophy of God Realization Balagangadhar Thilak- Gitarahasya Sri Aurubindo-Essays on Gita Unit IV Transition to Systems. Orthodox and Heterodox Systems Reference Books 1. Gangopadhyaya-Philosophy in India 2. S. Radhakrishnan ( ed.) – History of Philosophy – Eastern & western 3. Zimmer Heinrich- Philosophies in India. General Readings 1. S. Radhakrishnan.Indian Philosophy Vol.I 9 2. Hiriyanna. M. Outlines of Indian Philosophy 3. C.D.Sharma, A critical Survey of Indian philosophy 4. Datta and Chattergy -An introduction to Indian Philosophy. 5. Mohanty J. N.- Classical Indian Philosophy. 6. Karl Potter- Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies. 10 2 European Philosophy I PPHM 2701 Core Paper Credits: 4 UNIT I Themes for Discussion Early Greek Thought - Development of Pre Sophistic Philosophy - Problem of Substance - Problem of Change - Solution for the riddle of change: Quantitative Theories and Qualitative Theories - The age of Sophists – The Socratic Problem - The Socratic Method - The Socratic Ethics - The Socratic Schools. Readings 1. Frank Thilly, A History of Philosophy, Central Publishing House, Allahabad, 1984. 2. Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy, Oxford University Publication, 1964. 3. Burnet, Greek Philosophy, Part I, Thales to Plato, Princeton University Press, 1988. UNIT II Themes for Discussion Plato: Dialectic and theory of knowledge - Doctrine of Ideas - Doctrine of Immortality - Ethics - Aristotle: Physics and Meta-Physics – Logic - The Four Causes – Ethics - Post Aristotelian philosophy. Readings 1. Ian Mueller: “Mathematical Method and Philosophical Truth”, in The Cambridge Companion to Plato, Cambridge University Press, 1991. 2. Richard Craut: “The Defense of Justice in Plato”, The Cambridge 11 Companion to Plato, Cambridge University Press, 1991. 3. Jane M Day (Ed): “Plato’s Meno” in Focus, Routledge, 1994 4. Robin Smith: “Logic”, in The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle,Cambridge University Press, 1995 5 Annas, J: An Introduction to Plato’s Republic, Oxford University Press, Oxford. 1980 6. Conford, F.M: Plato’s Theory of Knowledge, Routledge, London, 1960 7. Allen,D.J: The Philosophy of Aristotle, Oxford Uni.Press, Oxford. 1952 8. Barnes, J: Aristotle, Oxford University Press. Oxford, 1982 UNIT III Themes for Discussion Medieval Scholastic Philosophy: St. Augustine: The Problem of evil, Ethics, and Freedom of the soul. St. Anslem : Proof for the existence of God. St.Thomas Acqainas: Revival of Aristotelian Tradition, Synthesis of faith and reason. Readings 1. Frank, Thilly, A History of Philosophy, Central Publishing House, Allahabad, 1984. 2. Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy, Oxford University Publication, 1964 3. A.C Pegis, St Thomas and the Greeks, 1939 4. R.McKeon, Selections from Medieval Philosophy, Two Vols, 1930. 5. D.J Kennedy, St Thomas Acquinas and Medieval Philosophy, 1919. 6. A. E Taylor, Philosophical Studies, 1934. UNIT IV Themes for Discussion: Introducing Modern Philosophy Rene Descartes: Cartesian rationalism – Method - Theories of Ideas - Mind body Dualism – Classification of Sciences – Method and criterion of knowledge – Proofs of the existence of God – Truth and Error – Existence of the external world. 12 Readings 1. John Cottingham : Cartesian Dualism, Theology, Metaphysics and Science, In The Cambridge Companion to Descartes, Cambridge Uni.Press, 1993 2. Peter Markie : Cogito and its Importance. The Cambridge Companion to Descrates 3. Cottingham. J :Descartes, Blackwell, Oxford, 1986 4 Curley,E.M: Descartes Against the Sceptics, Blackwell, Oxford, 1978 5. Williams,B: Descartes, The Project of Pure Inquiry. Penguin Harmondsworth. 1979 6. Clarke.D: Descartes’s Philosophy of Science. Manchester Uni.Press. 1982 7. Garber.D: Descartes’ Metaphysics & Physics, Uni. of Chicago Press. 1992. 13 3 LOGIC AND LANGUAGE PPHS 2722 Core paper Credits:4 UNIT I Subject matter of Logic - Logic and the Weight of Evidence - Conclusive Evidence or Proof - Partial Evidence or Probable Inference Is Logic about Words, Thoughts or Objects? Premises and Conclusion Arguments and Propositions - Arguments and Explanations - Deduction and Induction - Truth and Validity - The Use and Application of Logic .
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