"Revelation" by Eliot Deutsch
From the World Wisdom online library: www.worldwisdom.com/public/library/default.aspx Chapter 1 Revelation If we are to form a proper understanding of the meaning and scope of “Revelation,” we do well to forget at once the implications of the term in the Mediterranean religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Strictly speaking, “revelation” is a misnomer, since ultimately there is no revealer. The Sanskrit term for it is çruti, literally “the hear ing,” which means an erudition acquired by listening to the instruc tion of a teacher. This instruction itself had been transmitted to the teacher through an uninterrupted series of teachers that stretches to the beginning of creation. Revelation, therefore, is by no means God’s word—because, para doxically, if it were to derive from a divine person, its credibility would be impugned. It is held to be authorless, for if a person, human or divine, had authored it, it would be vulnerable to the defects inherent in such a person. It is axiomatic that revelation is infallible, and this infallibility can be defended only if it is authorless. Then from where does it come? The answer is stark and simple: it is given with the world. For some of the Mīmāmsā (or orthodox, exegetical) thinkers who have addressed themselves to this problem, the world is beginningless and the assumption of a creator is both problematic and unnecessary. And even if a beginning of the world is assumed, as in later Hindu thought when it is held that the universe goes through a pulsating rhythm of origination, existence, and disso lution, it is also held that at the dawn of a new world the revelation reappears to the vision of the seers, who once more begin the trans mission.
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