
Chapter 1: What Think Ye of Christ, Whose Son is He

George Washington once said, “That a Bible reading people could never be enslaved.”

Yet, today people are not sure if we even have a Bible. If so, can it be believed or is it just mythical?

It is reasonable to believe that if created a creature who uses words (write and speaks them) that God could give them a book from him.

The Bible is the sole authority for faith and practice. It is our only source of all we know about salvation, and the only source of doctrine.

What keeps man from reading the Bible with a believing attitude? Pride of Life.

1. Man is proud of himself and self accomplishments 2. When man is not pleased with himself, or his future, he may turn then. 3. God uses loneliness, family problems, illness, destroyed dreams, even death to move man to his Word.

When one questions the infallibility of the scriptures, the , who wrote it, is it real, is it just mythical, the real question is “who is Jesus.”

Matthew 22:41-46 Whose son is he?

1. How can Christ be David’s son if David called him Lord?

Everyone must answer that question.

Heb. 1: 5, 8 Thou art my son

Matt. 3:13-17 This is my beloved son.

1. The baptism of Christ

John 1:1, 2, 14 In the beginning was the Word

1. Christ is God, Christ was with God, is God, was made flesh

Gen. 1:26, 27 Let us

1. Who is us? 2. What or who is man? After what image is man?

Matt. 1:18-25 Birth of Christ

Luke 2:8-14 Born a Saviour 1 2010 (MD) Who is Jesus?

Ps. 12:6-7 The words of the Lord

Whose words are we going to be talking about?

The new believer has no problem believing that God gave man a book that comes from God.

1. But, then he becomes educated and his faith in the Bible, his faith in God becomes weakened. 2. The less influence it has on him. 3. The more he thinks there is error, the more he disobeys it.

Chapter 2: The Word of God its Purity, Preservation, Publication

Ps. 12.6,7 Tells us two things

1. V.6, it’s purity 2. V.7, it’s preservation (keep from spoiling, protected, saved)

We believe the King James Version is the preserved Word of God.

1. If it is perfect, (not King James, the scriptures), how can there be contradiction? 2. There are apparent contradictions in the Bible, but in reality, there are none. 3. One must approach these apparent contradictions with strong, steadfast, Bible-believing faith that there is an answer. (usually involving numbers)

How can we know the Bible is really the Word of God?

1. The Bible declares that is the Word of God, or thus saith the Lord. No other book says this unless it is quoting the Bible. 2. “Thus saith the Lord” is used 2,000 times.

II Peter 1:19-21 No private interpretation

1. God spoke his word—man did not 2. Not by man’s will

Heb. 1:1 God who at sundry (various) times

1. God spoke to man; shared his thoughts, desires, will to man

II Tim. 3:16, 17 All scripture is given by inspiration of God

1. God inspired the scriptures. They are the word of God. 2. There is nothing else man needs to understand the will of God, the doctrine of God.

2 2010 (MD)

Jer. 1:8-10 The words that Jeremiah was preaching were God’s words.

1. Jeremiah didn’t share his thoughts, but God’s. 2. Verse 10—the reason for the word.

Jer. 36:1-4 Take the a role of a book

1. The word of God was shared, not man’s

II Sam. 23:1-2 Spirit of the Lord spake

I Sam. 59:21 My words, which I put in thee

How can we know the Bible is the Word of God?

It’s protection:

Matt. 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass…my words shall not

1. The earth and heaven will be gone one day, but not the Words of God.

The Bible is the most beloved book in the world. It’s also the most hated.

Enemies have done everything they could to get rid of it

1. The conflict over different Bible versions is just another Satanic trick. 2. If he can’t burn it or destroy it, then he will counterfeit it. 3. He attempts to steal its influence (power) by watering it down. 4. It hasn’t been the common man that has attempted to destroy it, but the kings, those with power, money, those with a sword.

Jer. 36:1-4 God commanded his word written down

Jer. 36:21-23 The king destroys the

1. He cut out what he did not like and destroyed it. 2. Do people still cut out what they don’t like?

Jer. 36:32 God commanded Jeremiah to write

1. The fall of Jerusalem was predicted in those pages. He thought if they were cut out, it wouldn’t happen. 2. We think if we don’t listen then it will not happen.

3 2010 (MD) The Roman Emperor Diocletian ordered all to be brought to him to be burned. He thought he had destroyed Christianity from spreading.

After his death came Constantine, who was a deceiver. To the persecuted Christian, he seemed like an answered prayer. Laws were passed that stopped the burning at the stakes, people being thrown to lions, and people thought they would have their freedom. However, these laws brought about unity of Christianity and paganism, out of which came Catholicism.

Diocletian thought all Bibles had been destroyed. Yet when Constantine came to the throne, he asked if there were any Bibles. In a short time, fifty copies were brought to him.

This type of story repeats itself over and over throughout our history.

God is the protector of his word.

Matt. 24:35 Heaven and Earth shall pass

Matt. 5:18 Till Heaven and Earth shall pass

Even if man could get rid of his word on Earth, God has a copy in Heaven.

Ps. 119:89 Settled in Heaven

Satan attempts today to destroy God’s Word from the inside.

Some people are truly seeking his word and it is being replaced with a false version. Chapter 3: How can we know the Bible is the Word of God?

1. The Bible is perfect: 66 books written over a period of 1,500 years; over 40 different writers, and yet each book perfectly harmonizes with each other. 2. Many of those writers did not know one another, yet only god can make that happen. 3. The theme is consistent throughout. The inspiration of God can be clearly seen.

Before Columbus proved the Earth was round, the scriptures stated it.

Is. 40:22 Sitteth upon the circle of the earth

1. Columbus believed it to be round because of the scriptures.

True science does not contradict scripture.

Lev. 17:11 Life of the flesh is in the blood.

Job 26:7 He stretched out the north. Hangeth Earth…

1. We know truly since man has gone into space that the earth hangs on nothing.

4 2010 (MD) I Cor. 15:39 All flesh is not the same

1. The Bible declared not all flesh the same. 2. Medical science used to laugh at that and declared all flesh the same and all blood is the same. 3. It took until the 1930s before scientists discovered that flesh is not the same.

Ps. 19:1 The Heavens declare the glory of God.

1. The same mark of God that is seen in creation is also seen in his word.

In the realm of insects (entomology), there are certain scientific facts concerning how many eggs a particular insect lays, how many hatch, and the gestation period for these eggs. What is interesting is that various numbers are evenly divisible by seven—the mark of God’s handiwork.

No two snowflakes, no two leaves, no two raindrops are identical. This is another mark of God’s creation.

If the scriptures are perfect, it must have the same mathematical perfection that the leaves on trees, raindrops, etc.

The Old Testament was written in Hebrew. The was written in Greek.

There is a mathematical structure that runs through the scriptures. It is a uniform design that goes from Genesis to Revelation.

In the first chapter of Matthew the genealogy in the original language, the number of words in the vocabulary of the genealogy can be evenly divided by seven.

The number seven is God’s number of completion.

The number of words beginning with a vowel can also be divided by seven.

The words divided by a consonant are also divided by seven.

The number of letters in the vocabulary of the genealogy is also divided by seven.

Is this all just coincidence?

The same structure is seen throughout the scriptures: 1. The number of words that occurred more than once 2. Number that occurred in only one form. 3. Number of words that occurred in more than one form. 4. Numbers of words that begin with each letter of the letters of the alphabet. 5. Number o f nouns. 6. Number of female nouns all divisible by seven. 7. Number of male nouns. No other book on Earth could this be applied to.

5 2010 (MD) Being that nature and the Word of God both have the same mathematical structure that cannot be humanly duplicated proves they both have the same creator—God wrote the Book!

Man cannot even write 300 words with the same formulation.

How do we know the Bible is the Word of God?

Matt. 22:29 Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures

We know the Bible is the Word of God because the prophecy.

1. Two-thirds of the scriptures are made up of prophecy. 2. God told when, what, etc., concerning prophecy and it all happened just as he stated. 3. No other book can tell the end from the beginning.

Archeologists have dug up much evidence to vindicate the scriptures, even though the scriptures need no vindication.

Isaiah 7 predicts the virgin birth; in Matthew it is fulfilled.

There are three hundred different prophecies on the Lord alone, all made five hundred to two thousand or more years before his birth.

We know the Bible is the Word of God because of its power.

Rom. 1:16 For I am not ashamed

Heb. 4:12 For the Word of God is quick

God’s power changes lives, the Bible changes people.

Rom. 10:17 Faith cometh by hearing

It is of grace that changes the worst to the best.

No book but the Bible transforms a person into a new man.

John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power.

6 2010 (MD) : (1557 – 1644): 1. Interesting facts about the Geneva Bible a. Named because it was translated in Geneva, Switzerland by persecuted English and Scottish Christians. b. Some of the translators were William Whittingham, Miles Coverdale, John Knox, and . John Calvin also assisted. c. The first English Bible to us –Chapter and verse division. d. It is believed to be first English Bible to use italicized words to differentiate textual and supplied words. 2. It differs from King James Version only in differing English renderings of some Greek text. 3. Example in Genesis 3:7: Geneva translators chose the English word “breeches” to describe the coverings which Adam and Eve had attempted to make using the fig leaves. It has been nicknamed the Breeches Bible. 4. The Geneva Bible was hated by the Catholic Church since its first and printing in 1557 as a New Testament. a. Every copy found in England during the reign of “Bloody Mary” was burned along with its owner. 5. The Geneva Bible was the Bible that came over on the Mayflower and is still in existence at Harvard University.

The destructions of both English of the Bible, the Geneva and King James, became a primary goal of Catholic forces well into the 1600s.

Numerological “Sevens” in the King James Version: 1. The number 7 occurs in the more than 50 times. 2. In Matthew 1:1-11, the genealogy of Christ, in the Greek, there are: a. 49 different words used (7 x 7) b. 21 words begin with a consonant (3 x 7) c. 28 words begin with a vowel (4 x 7) d. 266 letters (38 x 7) e. 140 vowels (20 x 7) f. 126 consonants (18 x 7) g. 35 words that occur more than one time (5 x 7) h. 14 words that occur only one time (2 x 7) i. 35 male names (5 x 7) j. 7 names that are not male 3. In Matthew, Chapter 2, there are: a. 161 different Greek words use (23 x 7) b. 836 Greek letters used (128 x 7)

King James facts: 1. 3,566,480 letters 2. 773,693 words 3. 31,102 verses 4. 1,189 chapters 7 2010 (MD) 5. 66 books 6. The word “Lord” 8,000 times 7. “Thus saith the Lord” over 2,000 times 8. “Fear not” 365 times (one for each day of the year)

Chapter 4: The Preachers Predicament – The Old Preacher

A preacher who has been preaching 30-40 years usually did not get his training in some seminary. He felt called to preach and got help from the church or from his pastor, etc., from getting into the Bible, and studying for himself.

In 1952 the “” came out based on Westcott’s and Hart’s Greek text.

The other translation up to that point had not caught anyone’s attention.

The “English ” came out in 1851 – 1885, and then in the 1900s came to so-called “Revision” of the Bible the “Revised Version.”

When one finds it necessary to change even one word of the King James Version to teach a doctrine, he would be wise to put a question on that doctrine.

By changing just one word, a different doctrine can be invented.

You cannot read much of the Bible without picking up the claim that the scriptures are inspired and God has promise to preserve His Word.

Each time someone makes a change in God’s Word, it is because the man reading it didn’t believe God could really do what he said he would do.

A key verse in the Bible about God’s power and ability to do what he says is Genesis 1:1. If a person can’t believe this, then he can’t believe anything else.

The issue today is not so much the inspiration of the Bible, but the preservation of the Bible.

Is it hard to believe God inspired his word?

Then why is it difficult to believe God can preserve his word?

The “New American Standard Version” changes (disagrees) with the King James Version in 5,000 to 10,000 different places.

8 2010 (MD) Why we believe the King James Version to be the preserved Word of God.

Deut. 6:7 Thou shalt teach them diligently

Deut. 8:3 Man doth not live by bread alone.

Chapter 5: Did God want us to have his Word?

1. During the dark ages, the Catholic Church said God did not want us to have His Word. They kept it from the common man. 2. Many people died at the stake for trying to get the word to the common man. 3. In the dark ages, man smuggled Bibles. Today, man smuggles dope.

II Tim. 2:15 Study to show thyself approved

1. If God wanted man to study and rightly divide his word, then God intended man to have it. 2. Some people argue that their version of their Bible does not change any doctrine. 3. Using the last verse, does God mean we are not to live by bread alone, but by every doctrine that proceeds, or by every word?

Matt. 5:18 One jot or one tittle

1. Matthew even narrowed it down to jot and tittle.

 The Word of God is stable  They are the same as when they were first written. Not one jot or tittle will ever pass away.  God’s words are totally pure.

Jot comes from the word “jota”. God was saying that every letter of the Word of God is inspired – not just every word, every letter.

Tittle means a tiny ending that makes one letter different from another. Example: letters “Q” and “O” have only one little difference; “m” and “n” have a little difference; “P and R have little difference.

Not only is every book inspired, every chapter, every verse, every word, but every letter is inspired.

John 17:8 I have given unto them the words

1. Are letters and words important?

9 2010 (MD)

 Did God claim to give his word to man?

II Tim. 3:16 All scripture is given

II Peter 1:19-21 We also have a more sure word.

Did God claim to inspire His Word?

II Tim. 3:16, II Peter 1:19-21 God claims to inspire His Word.

Many times we hear the phrase “the plenary, verbal inspired” applied to the Word of God. What does that mean?

Plenary means full, complete, careful attention

Inspiration means breathing into, a divine influence upon human beings

Did God promise to preserve His Word?

Ps. 12:7 Thou shalt keep them

Ps. 119:89 Forever

It is not up to man to preserve God’s word.

God promised to preserve his word.

Man was only the pen. God held the hand.

 Does God have the power to preserve His Word?

God has the power to create the Earth. (Gen.1:1, Isa.45:18, Ps.104:30)

God has the power to part the Red Sea. (Ex.14:13-31)

God has the power to rapture Enoch right up. (Gen.5:21-24)

God has the power to drop the walls of Jericho into the ground. (Joshua 6:1-5, 20)

But, he does not have the power to preserve his word or church? (Matt.16:18, Eph.3:21)

10 2010 (MD) Bibles that are different are not the same.

There is only one preserved Word of God.

When the average person talks about the Bible (66 books, 40 different writers, 1500 years), he’s not talking about a Bible he can hold in his hand, he’s talking about some invisible, mystical, theoretical book that does not exist anymore. Chapter 6: So where is the Word of God?

1. We have it in the King James Version. 2. Not only is it inspired of God and is His Word, but we have a copy of that Word of God—100% preserved by God.

Ford, Chevrolet, Dodge are not the same. They are different. They do not have the same name because they are different.

Bible versions have different names because they are different. 1. There are over 100 different versions of the Bible today. 2. Which translation is the Word of God? 3. It cannot be all of them because they are different. 4. There are hundreds of thousands of differences between the different versions.

John 8:31, 32 If ye continue in my word 1. It is the truth that is found in the truth of God’s word that sets you free.

Man is fallible, foolish, unpredictable, untrustworthy, fallen, depraved, undone, a sinner.

So are they worthy to make the judgment?

The preserved Word of God cannot be all of the versions, but God did promise to preserve it 100%.

Has God indicated His choice?

For over 300 years exclusively in the English speaking world the King James has been around.

Beginning in 1890 – 1901, the Revised Version and the American Standard Version came on the scene. 1. It was nothing more than a satanic attack on the real text. 2. It was not accepted by common man, nor is it today. 3. Twenty to thirty years ago, no one preached from it.

God has blessed the preaching of liberal preachers, and even unsaved preachers, as they preach from the King James because the power if not in the man, but in the Word.

11 2010 (MD) A man that wants to pastor a church, that is evangelistic and soul winning, will be preaching out of the King James Version whether or not he believes it.

Chapter 7: The Global Bible

Mark 7:7-9 In vain do they worship me 1. Can man worship God in vain (emptiness)? 2. When not worshipping according to His commandments.

Today we hear much about the New International Version (NIV), the Ecumenical Bible, the International Bible—the global or universal Bible. 1. We are no longer taught to be patriotic or nationalistic. 2. The world is taught to think “global” or universal. 3. So along comes the NIV.

Many preachers today use the NIV. The basic text behind the NIV is the same as the American Standard Version and Revised Standard Version, which is the same text of Catholicism, yet is even more perverted than the .

Any leader who is pushing the nations together and planning on putting all religions together would have a problem with the King James Version, which teaches separatism.

Interesting facts about the 1613 Authorized King James Bible:

The 1613 Edition was the first year that the King James Version printed in a smaller version.

The first two years, the King James was pulpit size only.

The smaller sized edition of the King James Version helped to further popularize the custom of bringing the Bible to church with you.

Numerological “Seven” in the KJV:

A. Number of Old Testament writers mentioned in the Old Testament is 21. (3x7) B. Number of Old Testament writers mentioned in the New Testament is 7. C. These seven names occur in the Old Testament 2,310 times. (330 x 7) D. “David” is the name that appears the greatest number of times in the Old Testament 1,134 times. (162 x 7) E. “Moses” appears 847 times in the Old Testament. (121 x 7)

12 2010 (MD) Facts about the King James Version Bible:

Ps. 118:8 is the middle verse and deals with the faith that we can have that the King James Version is God’s preserved word.

The middle word in the middle verse (the middle word of the entire Bible) is “Lord.”

The longest verse is Esther 8:9.

The shortest verse is John 11:35, “Jesus wept.”

Today a person going into a bookstore to buy a Bible is faced with a tremendous decision. He may buy:

 English Revised Version of 1885  The American Standard Version 1901  Revised Standard Version 1946 & 1952  Good News for Modern Man 1976  1967 & 1971  New International Version 1973 & 1978  Condensed Reader’s Digest Bible 1982  Or any of the almost 200 translations in English.

Chapter 8: The Polluted Stream

Deut.8:3 …Man does not live by bread alone…

It is becoming increasingly difficult to find a copy of the 1611 King James that has not been tampered with.

Along with new Bible versions coming out, there has been a “Madison Avenue” approach to sell them. Yet, not one version—not American Standard, not Revised Standard, New International, could ever be sold had they not contained at least 75-90% of the King James.

Ever been lost in the woods and had to back track yourself? It is not easy. We are going to do some back tracking—tracking the King James Bible and other versions back to their beginnings.

One problem with going backwards is that we sometimes discover that the textual trails of the Bible seem to mingle, or run together.

There are two trails. One is pure and one is corrupt. At times they touch, but they are never exactly the same.

The corruption of text did not just start in 1952 with the Revised Standard Version. It was being corrupted even in the days of the Apostle Paul and within a hundred years after Paul lived.

Some of the greatest corruption came out in the first 200 – 300 years.

The polluted trail began with a man named Origen around 200 A.D. and his student, Eusebius and follower of Eusebius, St. .

13 2010 (MD) Origen was the first Catholic and the first to teach the doctrine of purgatory.

St. Jerome was responsible for preparing the Latin . All this was the beginning of the Catholic Church.

In 331 A.D. Eusebius prepared 50 bibles for the Roman Emperor Constantine, who made Catholicism the state religion of Rome.

Two of those bibles were the “Codex Vaticanus” and the “Codex Sinaiticus,” which for the most part agree with one another.

These are the two manuscripts that Westcott and Hart were to use to translate their Greek New Testament in 1881, from which the modern bible translations are taken.

The Codex Vaticanus was discovered in the Vatican Library in 1481 A.D.

The Codex Sinaiticus was lost for centuries, later to be discovered in a wastebasket in St. Catherine’s Monastery on Mount Sinai in 1844 A.D. by a man named Tischendorf.

This corrupt textual trail came up through Africa, through Alexandria, through Egypt, then to Rome.

Older is not always better when it comes to Bible text. Some of the earliest manuscripts that were found carry no record of disciples, or others coming into personal contact with the Lord after His resurrection. None record having given His N.T. church authority. (Matt. 28:18-20, Matt. 16:18)

II Cor. 11:13-15 Satan transformed as an angel of light.

The Devil counterfeits the things of God.

Anytime the American Standard, Revised Standard, NIV, or any other version is said to be a revision of the King James, they do not know what they are talking about. Yet, that is the lie they are trying to tell.

They will even say the is a revision of the King James. Find the changes and then go back and see where they came from. You will find they came from the other trail.

The New Scofield claims to be King James Version, but every change in it “jumps trail” from the King James trail and goes over the corrupt trail, then comes back and tries to install it in the text.

In the New Scofield in Daniel 3 there is a phrase that says “a Son of God” rather than “the Son of God” as found in the King James.

Even some King James Version Bible publishers must be watched. Some will print on the cover, King James Version, yet without any warning anywhere, they make changes on the inside.

The King James Version that has not been tampered with reads in II Tim. 3:17, “throughly” rather than “thoroughly.” Those who make changes in the KJV argue that they do it to give the shorter reading, shortened spelling, and so on. The word “throughly” has one letter added to it to make it “thoroughly.” What is the difference? Just doctrine, that’s all. In verse 17, “throughly” means that the man of God may find help all the way through the Bible. The emphasis is on the word of God itself. To change the word to “thoroughly” takes the emphasis off the word of God and puts it on the man.

One letter changes the entire meaning of the entire verse.

14 2010 (MD) The Corrupted Tree Bears Corrupted Fruit:

Vaticanus 331AD English Revised Version 1881AD

Sinaiticus 331AD Nestle’s 1898AD

Jeromes Vulgate 382AD American Standard Version 1901AD

Alexandrian 450AD Revised Standard Version 1952AD

Douay 1582AD All other bibles departing from the “

Clementine 1592AD

Griesbach 1805AD

Lachmann 1850AD

Tregellas 1870AD

Wordsworth 1870AD

Alford 1872AD

Tischendorf 1872AD

Westcott & Hort 1881AD

Chapter 9: The Pure Stream

Deut. 12:32 Whatsoever I command you

Peshitta = Syriac translation of the Bible set down around 150 A.D.

Majority Text = Another name for the Textus Receptus.

Vulgate = used among common people, most popular

If a stream is corrupt at its beginning, corruption will flow down through it.

Some have taken a long hard drink from these other versions, but never went around the “bend of the stream” to see where it started.

They have polluted themselves without realizing it. (As a dead cow upstream) There are two streams of the Bible:

The N.T. pure stream or trail is the Greek text of the Authorized Version and has its beginning at the church of Antioch (Acts 11:26), the Syrian capital and was already set down by 150 A.D. from the Greek Vulgate into Syrian and was known as the Pershitta Version.

This true trail comes through Antioch by the Apostles and missionaries, up through Greece to the Balkans, through southern France, Germany, and Northern Italy. 15 2010 (MD) In Italy, the Waldensians and Albigenses translated the Bible into Latin. Named the Italic Version, this was different from the Latin Vulgate, which did not come from the Received Text.

Waldensians and Albigenses were the forerunners of Baptists.

They carried the Received Text into England during the time of the Reformation.

It was preserved and protected for a thousand years by these people.

In 1516, a Dutch scholar, , published the Textus Receptus in the Greek language.

The Textus Receptus was one of the great influences that brought about the Reformation.

Martin Luther translated the Textus Receptus into German, followed by ’s translation into English, which was one of the basis of the Authorized King James Version of 1611.

The Textus Receptus was called the Majority Text because there are by far more existing transcripts and fragments of manuscripts that have this Syrian type text than other manuscripts.

The has long been regarded as the most ancient N.T. version being dated around the second century.

The word “majority” is important here. The other versions of the Bible today come from the minority manuscripts and mainly come from two—Sinaiticus and Vaticcanus manuscripts.

The Sinaiticus has been found in a Catholic monastery well preserved in the sense that it had not been used.

These manuscripts were not complete. They contained many omissions of certain sections such as the Book of Revelation. This is the basis from which new versions of the Bible are taken from.

These Minority Manuscripts are the authority that the new versions point back to.

The Majority Manuscripts number in the thousands and agree with each other.

Ninety percent of all old manuscript texts agree with the Textus Receptus from which the King James Version is translated.

These Majority manuscripts do not agree with the Vaticanus and Sinaiticus (Minority Manuscripts).

These two Minority Manuscripts from the false “trail” disagree between themselves over 3,000 times. Yet, they carry the weight behind all new versions today.

That would be equivalent to an accident with 30 – 40 witnesses that all agree with each other and then there are two other witnesses that have a different story and do not agree with each other.

Who will you believe—the two or the forty?

16 2010 (MD) Another term to be familiar with when studying the “Textual Trail” is the word “vulgate.”

Today the word vulgate is something bad.

During the days of the translators, it meant it was used by the common people. It was the best known, most popular.

Do not confuse Jerome’s Vulgate which was adopted by the Catholics, with the Greek Vulgate which is the lineage of the King James Version.

There is also a difference between the Latin Vulgate and Jerome’s Vulgate. The Good Tree: Produced from Pure and Strong Stock:

The KING JAMES VERSION: “…every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust

In him” Prov. 30:5

Original Stephen’s Textus Receptus Bible 1550AD

Peshitta Bible 150AD Geneva 1560AD

Itala Bible 157AD Bishop Bible 1568AD

Wycliffe’s Bible 1382AD Beza’s Bible 1604AD

Erasmus 1522AD King James 1611AD

Tyndale’s 1525AD

Luther’s Bible 1534AD

Coverdale 1535AD

The 1539AD

Chapter 10: Levitical Priesthood and the Old Testament

Deut. 6:6-7 Shall be in thine heart

Masoretic = Hebrew text of the Old Testament, edited by Jewish scribes of the middle ages.

The Old Testament (Masoretic traditional text) was preserved through the Levitical priesthood.

The Jews not only preserved the Old Testament to the day of Christ, they continued to the time of the Protestant Reformation. They believed it was the Word of God they were handling.

Many times the Hebrew priests translated blindly, but faithfully even if they didn’t understand it all. They wrote it anyway.

That is what is missing with modern translators. They think they pretty well understand the Bible.

17 2010 (MD)

In Isaiah 53, which points to Jesus as the Messiah, even though the Jews do not believe Jesus is the Messiah, they did not chop that chapter out. They try to dodge it, even tell their children not to read it, but they are still faithful enough not to alter it or leave it out, because they believe the Old Testament is the true Word of God.

If a modern translator does not agree with something, they simply change it or leave it out. Many times that is the purpose behind the translation.

Chapter 11: The :

Books in the Catholic Old Testament that are not used in most bibles today.

Skeptic: A person who habitually doubts, questions, or suspends judgment upon matters generally accepted.

Authentic: Reliable, trustworthy

Heb. 1:1-2 God spake

The original King James versions included in the Apocrypha

1. It was in a separate unit between the old and new testaments. 2. It was never mixed in with the books of the bible or mixed in the text. 3. Catholic bibles mix the Apocrypha in with the other books of the Bible.

The King James translators never believed it to be the inspired word of God, nor did they treat it as the Word of God.

They were kept more as a traditional thing.

They were definitely old writings, but also definitely false writings.

Some of the Apocrypha books, such as the book of Maccabees has historical value. This book deals with the war led by the Maccabees to try to free the Jews.

The King James Version translators declared their belief many times that the Apocrypha was not a part of the Word of God.

1. Neither Christ, nor the Apostles ever once quoted from the Apocrypha books. 2. Yet, they many times quoted the Old Testament over 263 direct quotes, and another 370 times alluded to the Old Testament.

The books of the Apocrypha were not lost, they were thrown away.

Chapter 12: The Priesthood of believers and the New Testament

1. One thing that makes the scholarly world so angry is God “overlooked” the “scholars” and let the common man be greatly used in preserving His word. 2. The Priesthood of believers.

18 2010 (MD) I Peter 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation

1. The old Jewish priesthood was broken down after the crucifixion. 2. They did not plan it to end; God did not allow it to continue. 3. Shortly after the crucifixion, the Romans destroyed the Temple, which is the only place the sacrifices could be made.

Many copies of the original New Testament manuscripts were made by the scribes.

1. They in turn were read and recopied by true believers. 2. Copies that contained errors were not generally read and some fell by the wayside; part of God’s preservation process.

The true text is found in most Greek New Testament manuscripts and is thus referred to by critics as the Byzantine Text. The more accurate name is the Traditional Text, as passed down through the church since the time of the apostles.

Beginning in 1516, the printing of the New Testament began and was spread throughout Western Europe during the Protestant Reformation.

This printed text is accurately called the “Textus Receptus,” the received text.

Chapter 13: The attack on the Deity of Christ

John 10:37-38 If I do not the works of my Father

Humanistic: The quality of believing that man is capable of self-fulfillment, ethical conduit, etc., without dependence upon God.

German Rationalism: A doctrine that began in Germany that rejects the supernatural and revelation, and makes educated reasoning the sole source of religious truth.

Fundamentalist: people whose religious beliefs are based upon the literal interpretation of the Bible and regard it as essential to Christian faith and morals.

Messianic Consciousness of Christ: The quality of Jesus personally knowing that he was the Messiah and claiming to be so.

Messiah: The promised and expected deliverance of the Jews (Jesus Christ)

Sanhedrin: The highest court and council of the ancient Jewish nation, having religious and civil functions. It was abolished with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.

Pharisees: Members of an ancient Jewish party or fellowship that carefully observed the written law, but also accepted the oral or traditional law.

The New Testament deals more with Jesus Christ and the attack by Satan on the deity of Christ, which is the spiritual motive behind many of the perversions of the Bible.

When changes are found in the Old Testament in other versions, they “mysteriously” also tamper with the deity of Christ.

19 2010 (MD) Isaiah 7:14 The word “virgin” is changed to “young women”

It is no accident. These changes always appear where they take away from the deity of Christ.

The New Testament tells us how to be saved. It presents Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as savior. This is where the warfare is today.

Christ not only gives information about himself in the New Testament, but he reveals himself.

The naturalistic critics must turn their backs on Christ and shut their eyes and try to approach it from a humanistic approach.

A term we which we need to be familiar with is “German Rationalism.” The high criticism of the New Testament came through what we call German Rationalism, which is where they went education crazy.

This kind of “higher” education produces Hitlers before it is over with which is what it did in Germany.

German Rationalism defines the critical attitude or approach of unbelief toward the Bible.

It started in Germany and proceeded across the land.

It is the movement behind the New Version of our day.

Some of the Bible colleges can trace their departure from the King James Versions to German Rationalism.

It is only a matter of degree between Fundamentalists caught up in German Rationalism and liberals depending on how much the Bible changes.

A liberal wants to change all; a fundamentalist would say, “A better translation would be…”

A liberal unbeliever has a real problem with the Messianic Consciousness of Christ, as is portrayed in scripture.

They make statements to the effect that Jesus never did claim to be God or the Messiah, yet anyone who reads the New Testament, believing it all, can see that he actually did.

John 10:30 I and my Father are one

The claim was so real that the religious of the Jews put him to death for it, because he claimed to be the Messiah.

Liberals try to tone that down in various ways including making films such as, “The Last Temptation of Christ,” that depicts Jesus as pretending to be the Messiah just filling a role.

The attempt is to leave doubt in people’s minds.

They also try and play down the resurrection which is the victory.

20 2010 (MD) Chapter 14: The Attack on the Deity of Christ

Romans 1:23-25 And changed the glory of the incorruptible

Vocabulary: New Age – An umbrella term to describe organizations which seem to follow one or more of these beliefs.

1. All is one; reality is part of the whole 2. Everything is God’s and God is everything 3. Man is God or part of God 4. Man never dies but continues to live through reincarnation 5. Man can create his own reality through transformed consciousness.

Dovetail – to fit together logically Heresy – a religious belief opposed to the orthodox doctrines of a church

The new age movement pushes a doctrine which many of the newer Bible Versions also push—the doctrine concerning Jesus’ baptism.

This doctrine teaches that Christ’s spirit came upon Jesus at the time of his baptism.

When he was crucified on the cross, this spirit left him.

He died not as God, but as a man.

He could not call 10,000 angles, because he was just a man.

This false doctrine denies the deity of Christ and leads to the belief that Christ’s spirit can come upon anyone.

One can become Christ for that day and age.

This false doctrine is found way back in the false corrupt texts. They compare Christ’s spirit coming on Jesus much like the spirit did on Sampson in the Old Testament.

This false doctrine was condemned as heresy centuries ago, yet is making a re-entry today.

The King James Version is a Protestant Bible of the Protestant Reformation of a Protestant King who authorized it.

Lutherans, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Methodists and others are denying the very book that brought them into existence when they choose liberal versions of the Bible over the King James.

The King James is a Baptist Bible.

Baptists are not Protestants, but if it had not been for the underground Baptists at the time, there never would have been a successful Protestant Reformation.

21 2010 (MD) would have been executed had it not been for the help he received from the Baptist Underground.

Ps. 19:7-10 The law of the Lord is perfect

Chapter 15: Coffers and Copyrights Vocabulary:

Coffer – treasury, funds

Commercializing – the act of engaging in or making use of mainly for profit, especially at a sacrifice of values

Crown – The monarch as head of state

Royalties – Shares of the proceeds or product paid to the owner of a copyright

What is behind the Copyright? Money

A copyright says that all rights are reserved. If copyrighted material is copied or used in any way without permission, it could result in legal trouble.

Some publishers change just enough of the Bible to obtain a copyright.

Even though there has not been a case yet, the holder of the copyright has the legal right to.

The use of italics in the King James Version translations was a sign of the honesty of the original translators, not dishonesty. There is a problem translating from Greek to English and to aid in the translation, they inserted some words to aide in the flow of translation without changing the translations. They marked those words so the reader would know.

A lot of copyright Bibles do not show the changes. They made enough changes to obtain a copyright, but do not show where the changes in translation are at.

The King James Version is also called the Authorized Version, but who authorized it? Many answer that the King authorized it. We need to remember what King James did concerning the Bible—he turned the copyright over to the people.

As soon as it was printed, it meant anyone could print it without going to the King. The copyright was given to the people.

The Authorized Version is authorized by the people, not the King.

That is why when people truly want to give Bibles to people, missionaries, etc., without change or profit; they use the King James Version.

22 2010 (MD) Facts concerning the Great Bible, 1539

The Great Bible started to be printed in Paris, but the caused the printing of it to be finished in England.

It was called the Great Bible because of its size.

At the bottom of the title page was written “This is the Bible appointed to use of the churches.”

And order had been given in 1538 that a copy of the Bible was to be placed in every church of the land.

In 1593, Parliament made it a crime to publicly preach or read the Bible without a license. Only the upper classes were allowed to privately read the Bible.

In 1546, all Bibles except the Great Bible were banned from use and huge numbers of the Tyndale and Coverdale Bibles were confiscated and burned.

Chapter 16: Translators Treachery

II Cor. 11:4 He that cometh preacheth another Jesus

II Cor. 11:14-15 Satan transformed into an angel of light

Satan and God are in warfare. The battle began before man was on the earth and will continue to the end of the millennial reign.

Man has been warned and told how to fight the battle throughout the scriptures.

In 1604 a group of Puritans suggest to King James I that a new Bible translation be made.

The king liked the idea and within 6 months, plans were laid and a list was compiled of 54 translators who would do the work.

A committee was formed from 47 of the 54 translators.

Fifteen rules of translation were drawn up by the Archbishop of Canterbury and were strictly followed.

Only the most learned men were chosen.

Each was convinced that the Bible was “God’s sacred truth.” Textual basis of the Authorized King James Version

Old Testament Text: Hebrew Mascretic Text – There were four Hebrew Bibles available, dated 1488, 1491, 1494, and 1517.

23 2010 (MD) Previous translations diligently compared:

Tyndale’s Old Testament translation Matthew’s Bible Geneva Bible Bishop Bible Complutension Antwerps Polyglot Peshitta

The New Testament Text

Received Greek Text: Third Additions of Stephanus – 1550 A.D.

Previous translations diligently compared: Tyndale’s New Testament Matthew’s Bible Geneva Bible Bishop Bible Olivetan Bible (French) Diodati Bible (Italian) Luther’s German Bible Waldensian bible (Old Italic) Peshitta (Syriac) Rheims – Donay New Testament Spanish Translations Tremellius Latin Versions Beza’s Latin Versions

The method of Translations

Men were divided into 6 companies – 2 at Westminster’s, 2 at Cambridge, 2 at Oxford.

Each company was assigned a particular portion of the bible to translate.

Each member was to make his own translation first, and then each member of the company compares one another’s work, reading the passages out loud while comparing written notes.

When each group completed a book, it was sent to the other 5 groups for their independent assessment.

When the complete bible was translated, it came before a select committee of 12 men, 2 from each company.

In 1609, this group met daily in London. Then the entire work was assembled and polished by a publication committee of 2 men before being sent to the Royal Printer. By this method each passage in the translations was scrutinized a minimum of 14 times.

24 2010 (MD)

The translators used an italicized word to indicate it was not found in the Greek or Hebrew text, but had been supplied by the translators to aid in the readability of the English.

This shows how serious the translators viewed the scriptures, that they would not add or take away from what they believed the verbally inspired word of God. By the use of italics, the translators had no secrets from the reader.

The translations were completed in 1611, less than seven years from when the process was started.

The inscriptions on the masterpiece read, “The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments translated out of the original tongues and with the former translations diligently compared and revised by his Majesty’s special command. Appointed to be read in the churches.”

These men made no money off the copyright. They were poor by standards today. They lived simple and studious lives.

You cannot find translating committees today with the personal spirituality and dedication as that of the King James Version translating committees.

During the time the King James Version was written was an age of belief. Socialism, Darwinism, criticism of God’s word was not in existence yet. It was a time when people really used English and had an excellent vocabulary. People today have lost much in the use of the . Today’s generation has greatly degenerated in their use of English and it carries over into understanding the King James—but that’s not God’s fault.

In today’s translations, the argument is that the so-called “archaic” words should be changed to more modern English. The problem with that is it often causes a loss of original meaning or it diminishes the reverence shown to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Exchanging the modern “you”, or “your” for “thee” or “them” brings down the reverence of the Lord to the level of mere man and deletes the honor and glory of God.

Another area of criticism concerning the King James Version is the use of the old English pronouns. In modern English, there is no difference in the singular and plural word “you.” However, in the Greek, there is a very distinct difference. The difference is carried over by the Old English giving the King James a more precise translation than modern versions.

In Old English translations, any pronoun beginning with the letter “t” was singular. Any pronoun beginning with “y” was plural. Therefore, you, ye, and your were plural. Thee, thou, thy and thine were singular. Considering the word you alone is used 2,000 times in the King James Version. The use of thee or ye in its place offers accuracy in the translation and in the interpretation of the scriptures.

Chapter 17: Translators Treachery II

Jer. 23:30 I am against the prophets

There has never been another group of translators gathered together that approached a bible translation like the translators of the King James Version.

25 2010 (MD) There was a man on the “Revised Standard Version” translating committee who was an unsaved Jew, who did not believe at all in the deity of Christ.

Stealing the Word of God can come in many different ways. In the Soviet Union, it was done by gun point. The common people were not allowed to have a bible.

It’s more dangerous here; it’s more dangerous to change the label on poison than to have it rightly identified. That is what the new versions are doing.

Remember the King James Version translator’s job was not researching and digging up manuscripts. Their job was to take existing evidence, text, manuscripts, and to make a translation; not paraphrase, not make commentary, not what they thought an interpretation ought to mean, but take what it actually said and translate it.

Other bible version committees want the people to think they have revised the King James. They have not. The 1881 Revised Version, the American Standard Version, the 1946 and 1952 American Standard Version did not revise the King James. All of these versions took the corrupt text, the false text, from the Catholic side; Vaticanus and Sinaiticus.

The translators today are like Origen (1st Catholic) who changed the word of God to fit his doctrine.

Origen was a famous theologian who lived 200 years after Christ. He taught that Jesus was a mere created being, not God.

Eusebius, and admirer of Origen, refused to accept the belief that Jesus was equal with God the Father. This heresy lasted over 300 years.

We think that our beliefs in God are old. The heresies are also old.

Origen was first to teach the doctrine of purgatory. Origen’s student was Eusebius who prepared 50 Bibles for Roman Emperor Constantine, who made Catholicism the state religion of Rome.

Two of these Bibles were the Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus.

The belief that Jesus is a creature, not the Creator, carries over into the American Standard and Revised Standard, and New World translations.

Acts 8:37 If thou believest with all thine heart This verse which states one must believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God is omitted in many versions.

Amos 8:11, 12 I will send a famine

Today we have a famine--a famine of the truth and belief in the truth—the Word of God.

Chapter 18: Translators Treachery III

Deut. 4:2 Ye shall not add

Prov. 30: 6 Add thou not unto words

26 2010 (MD) Rev. 22:19 If any man shall add

Every change made in the Word of God is one of two things; 1.) “adds to” or 2.) “takes away from.”

That is what the Bible warns about and is exactly what caused the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. Eve and Satan added to and took away from the word of God.

Satan always brings up the question; did God mean that literally, or figuratively?

How accurate is a translations that translates “lamb of God” into “pig of God” because the people doing the translation had never seen a lamb before.

*a lamb is a pictured as meek, mild, harmless

*a pig as filth, viciousness, greed

How accurate is a translating “demon” to “troll” giving the idea of a make believing being that in reality is harmless.

All man’s judgment will come from the words of God not man’s interpretation of the words.

John 12:48 Receive not my words

The King James Version translators had the attitude towards God’s word that weather they did not agreed with it or fully understood it, it was the Word of God.

Chapter 19: , who are they?

Gal. 1:6-7 So soon removed from him

Brooke Foss Westcott was born in England in 1825 and died in 1901.

His contemporary, Fenton John Anthony Hort also was born in England in 1828 and died in 1892.

Both attended English private secondary schools and graduated from Cambridge University.

At this time only Anglicans were allowed to attend Cambridge.

Anglicans: pertaining to the Church of England or any church derived from it (English only)

Both men were ritualistic Anglicans and admirers of a man named John Henry Newman.

Newman was known for his role in writing a series of pamphlets encouraging the Anglican Church to become more like the Catholic Church.

Westcott also was an admirer of Origen who was the first Catholic.

Origen= First to teach the doctrine of Purgatory

 Origen’s student Eusebius prepared 50 bibles for the Roman Emperor Constantine who made Catholicism the state religion of Rome.

27 2010 (MD)  Two of those bible were the Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus  Origen lived 200 years after Christ = taught that Jesus was a mere created being not God.  Eusebius also refused to accept the belief that Jesus was God and equal with God. St. Jerome, a follower of both men, is responsible for preparing the Latin Vulgate.  All of this is the beginning of the Catholic Church.

Westcott and Hort believed in a social . When speaking of the incarnation of Christ: God took on the form of man. He was merely showing the destiny of mankind.

They believed that Christ was inspiring man to attain the same highest thoughts and noble actions because God knew man was capable of it.

They believed man’s sin was not a natural part of his being--that sin could be separated from man.

They believed those men that were inspired of God as they wrote the holy scriptures were not divinely inspired at all, but merely making personal choices from literature and patching those pieces together to form the scriptures.

They believed all religions were related to one another, Buddhism, Confucianism, and all others.

They believed that these other religions were equal with Christianity.

They denied a literal heaven that God prepared as eternal abode for his children.

Heaven could be attained here on the earth as man became better and better.

These men were Darwinists. Westcott once said he could not believe any intelligent person could believe that the first three chapters of Genesis held any literal meaning.

Hort’s personal support of Darwin helped the spread of Darwinism and secured its success in England.

Concerning salvation, both believed in infant baptism and the taking of the sacraments of the Anglican Church for salvation.

Westcott and Hort wrote the New Greek Text, which the Revised Standard Version of the bible came from.

Codex Viticanus and Codex Sinaiticus are the two manuscripts that Westcott and Hort wrote from.

Codex Victicanus and Codex Sinaiticus are the two manuscripts that all translations other than the King James come from.

All modern translations rely heavily on the New Greek text of Westcott and Hort in the translations.

28 2010 (MD) Chapter 20: The Real Issue Purity of Doctrine

II Cor. 4:4 The god of this world has blinded the mind

People have been blinded from the pure stream of God’s Word.

Up until 1881 when Westcott and Hort’s work came on the scene: only the King James and Catholic bibles existed.

Until that time both Protestant and Baptist used the King James.

Changes in the Bible came about when people had a problem with their belief and what the King James taught.

The problem is actually a disbelief problem.

Example: The Jehovah’s Witness’ Bible, “New World Translations,” has been rewritten many times in order to remove doctrines of Hell and Deity of Christ.

The Bible is not as hard to understand as it is to believe

People think, “I will change it so I can believe what it says.” A doctrine should not have to be changed to get it to work.

Some Bibles were written to be a study guide to the King James and not intended to be a Bible at all: Example: Amplified Version

The Living Bible is no more than a paraphrase or commentary of the King James.

Some critics argue, we do not have a 1611 King James, but in fact a 1769 King James, which is the version that changes were made.

When you examine a 1611 to a 1769 King James the changes where for: 1. Spelling 2. To drop extra letters from the Old English style of spelling 3. To clean up the letters “F”, and “S” which had shapes that had become out dated and difficult to distinguish 4. The words never changed

The real reason behind the different versions is to cause confusion and mocking:

“Where is the real Bible anyway?” “How can I tell what I’m supposed to believe?”

References: Things That Are Different Are Not the Same: Dr. Mickey P. Carter Let’s Weigh the Evidence: Barry Burton personal study notes

29 2010 (MD)