
Landscape Ecol (2016) 31:481–489 DOI 10.1007/s10980-015-0305-2


Calculating the configurational of a landscape mosaic

Samuel A. Cushman

Received: 15 August 2014 / Accepted: 29 October 2015 / Published online: 7 November 2015 Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht (outside the USA) 2015

Abstract of classes and proportionality can be arranged (mi- Background Applications of entropy and the second crostates) that produce the observed amount of total law of in landscape ecology are rare edge (macrostate). and poorly developed. This is a fundamental limitation given the centrally important role the second law plays Keywords Entropy Á Landscape Á Configuration Á in all physical and biological processes. A critical first Composition Á Thermodynamics step to exploring the utility of thermodynamics in landscape ecology is to define the configurational entropy of a landscape mosaic. In this paper I attempt to link landscape ecology to the second law of Introduction thermodynamics and the entropy concept by showing how the configurational entropy of a landscape mosaic Entropy and the second law of thermodynamics are may be calculated. central organizing principles of nature, but are poorly Result I begin by drawing parallels between the developed and integrated in the landscape ecology configuration of a categorical landscape mosaic and literature (but see Li 2000, 2002; Vranken et al. 2014). the mixing of ideal . I propose that the idea of the Descriptions of landscape patterns, processes of thermodynamic microstate can be expressed as unique landscape change, and propagation of pattern-process configurations of a landscape mosaic, and posit that relationships across scale and through time are all the landscape metric Total Edge length is an effective governed and constrained by the second law of measure of configuration for purposes of calculating thermodynamics (Cushman 2015). This direct linkage configurational entropy. to thermodynamics and entropy was noted in several Conclusions I propose that the entropy of a given of the pioneering works in the field of landscape landscape configuration can be calculated using the ecology (e.g. Forman and Godron 1986; O’neill et al. Boltzmann equation. Specifically, the configurational 1989). Yet in the subsequent decades our field has entropy can be defined as the logarithm of the number largely failed to embrace and utilize these relation- of ways a landscape of a given dimensionality, number ships and concepts. Vranken et al. (2014) presented an overview of the use of entropy in landscape ecology and identified & S. A. Cushman ( ) three main uses of the entropy concept in past USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, 2500 S. Pine Knoll Dr., Flagstaff, AZ 86001, USA landscape ecology research, including spatial hetero- e-mail: [email protected] geneity, unpredictability of pattern dynamics, and 123 482 Landscape Ecol (2016) 31:481–489 pattern dependence on scale. They conclude from their thermodynamic microstate can be expressed as unique review that thermodynamic interpretations of spatial configurations of a landscape mosaic, and propose that heterogeneity in the literature are not relevant, that the landscape metric Total Edge length is an appro- thermodynamic interpretations related to scale depen- priate measurement with which to define thermody- dence are highly questionable, and that, of all appli- namic microstates of a landscape mosaic. I posit that cations of entropy in landscape ecology, only the entropy of a given landscape configuration can be unpredictability could be thermodynamically relevant calculated using Boltzmann’s equation for entropy if appropriate measurements were performed to test it. once the number of ways a landscape of that dimen- In an editorial that was published concurrently to sionality, number of classes and proportionality can be the Vranken et al. (2014) paper, I noted that the near arranged (microstates) that produce the observed absence of thermodynamic focus from the landscape amount of total edge (macrostate). ecology literature is particularly strange given the focus of landscape ecology on understanding pattern process relationships across scale and through time Landscape configurations and entropy and the fundamental importance of entropy and the second law of thermodynamics to understanding in There are n! unique ways to arrange the cells of a natural sciences (e.g. Atkins 1992; Craig 1992). Every landscape represented as a lattice of n cells. This does interaction between entities leads to irreversible not mean, however, that there will be n! unique change which increases the entropy and decreases landscape configurations. For example, if the land- the free of the closed system in which they scape is all of one class there is only 1 possible reside and descriptions of landscape patterns, pro- configuration, because every one of the n! arrange- cesses of landscape change, propagation of pattern- ments of the cells produce the same landscape pattern process relationships across scale and through time are of a single uniform patch of class 1. In a two class all governed, constrained, and in large part directed by landscape with class 1 amounting to proportion p and thermodynamics. This direct linkage to thermody- class 2 proportion q of the landscape, there will be n!/ namics and entropy was noted in several of the ((np)!(nq)!) unique configurations of the landscape pioneering works in the field of landscape ecology pattern. Each of these unique configurations will occur (e.g. Forman and Godron 1986; O’neill et al. 1989), (np)!(nq)! times. This can be generalized to a but in the subsequent decades research has largely landscape of any number of classes by adding (nxi)! abandoned this framework and focus, as demonstrated terms for each additional class where xi is the by the Vranken et al. (2014) review (but see Li 2000, proportion of the landscape in the ith class. 2002; Zaccarelli et al. 2013). The most basic measure of the entropy of a Given how central entropy and the second law of landscape could be called the ‘‘compositional thermodynamics are to understanding nature, land- entropy’’ which is equivalent to the entropy of mixing scape ecologists should strenuously explore the con- ideal gases (Craig 1992). Boltzmann entropy defines nections between landscape ecological concepts, entropy of a system as the natural logarithm of the theories and methods and entropy (Cushman 2015). number of microstates in that macrostate multiplied by In particular, there is a critical need to define the the , which scales the relationship configurational entropy of landscape mosaics to define to the ideal laws, giving units of Joules per Kelvin. a benchmark with which to compare changes in A classic example is gradients in a fluid landscape patterns and to associate these patterns with causing to flow from hotter regions to colder ones, processes across space and time. by the random movement of particles. In the modern In this paper I attempt small step in linking literature the concept embodied in Boltzmann entropy landscape ecology to the second law of thermody- is often used in a more general sense and refers to any namics and the entropy concept by showing how the kinetic equation that describes the change of a configurational entropy of a landscape mosaic may be macroscopic quantity in a , calculated. I begin by drawing parallels between the such as energy, charge or particle number. In configuration of a categorical landscape mosaic and landscape ecology this macroscopic could be defined the mixing of ideal gases. I propose that the idea of the as the arrangement of the cells of a landscape mosaic. 123 Landscape Ecol (2016) 31:481–489 483

In calculating the entropy of a landscape no scaling entropy of mixtures of ideal gasses is calculated (Craig constant is needed, since the system is not an , 1992). In the case of ideal gases one can know the and entropy may be calculated as simply the natural proportions of each molecular species in the mixture, logarithm of the number of microstates in a given but it is infeasible to measure the unique states of macrostate, producing a unitless measure of entropy arrangement themselves (positions and velocities of (Eq. 1). Thus the entropy of a landscape is defined as: the individual gas molecules). As such, the entropy equation measures the disorder of the system given a S ¼ lnðÞ W ; ð1Þ land particular number and proportion of different molec- where W is the number of arrangements of a landscape ular species. (microstates) with the dimensionality, number of classes and proportionality of the focal landscape that produce the same value for the macrostate. Number of Calculating the configurational entropy arrangements in this case refers to the number of ways of a landscape mosaic the cells of a given dimensionality can be arranged. Dimensionality of a landscape refers to the number of In contrast to gaseous mixtures, it is readily possible to cells in that landscape. Number of classes refers to the measure the characteristics of particular landscape number of different types, or classes of cells, such as configurations. That is the purpose of landscape pattern cover types in a land cover mosaic. analysis and there are an array of landscape metrics Given this definition of compositional entropy of a available to quantify the configurational characteristics landscape we can readily calculate the entropy of of landscape mosaics (e.g. Neel et al. 2004; Cushman landscapes of different dimensions, numbers of et al. 2008). Quantitative measurement of landscape classes and different proportions of each class configuration enables us to define additional macro- (Eq. 1). We can imagine the compositional entropy states corresponding to unique landscape configura- as a function of the number of microstates in a tions. Indeed, distinguishing the patterns of different macrostate defined by the dimensionality of a land- landscapes and understanding the implications of these scape, the number of classes of a landscape and the patterns for particular ecological processes is the proportion of e ach class. For example, one could central focus of landscape ecology as a discipline. define compositional entropy using the classic formula Thus, the ‘‘compositional’’ entropy defined above does for combinations. Specifically, compositional entropy not provide a definition that is sufficiently useful to can be calculated: landscape ecologists. What would be more useful is a way to measure the entropy of different landscape lnðn!=ðÞðÞnp! ðÞnq! ...nx ! ; ð2Þ i configurations at a particular level of dimensionality, where n is the number of cells in the landscape, p is the number of classes, and proportionality of cover. proportion of cells belonging to the first class, q the At any particular level of dimensionality, number proportion of cells belonging to the second class and x of classes and proportionality there will be some the proportion of cells belonging to the ith class (Craig arrangements that produce highly likely landscape 1992). Figure 1 shows calculated compositional configurations, while others will produce highly entropy for maps of different dimensionality (3 9 3 unlikely arrangements. For example, consider a two to 12 9 12 cells in extent), different number of classes class landscape consisting of a 3 9 3 lattice with 5 (2, 3, 4, 5) and different proportion of area in each cells of class 1 and 4 cells of class 2. There are 9! ways class (equal amounts in each class Fig. 1a and 90 % in to arrange the cells of this landscape, and there are 126 one class with equal amounts in the remaining classes unique configurations, each of which occurs 2880 Fig. 1b). Compositional entropy increases nonlinearly times among the 9! arrangements. Based on the with increasing dimensionality, increases with compositional entropy idea developed above (Eq. 2), increasing number of classes in the landscape, and all landscapes with this dimensionality, number of increases with increasing evenness of proportionality classes and proportionality would have an entropy of among classes. ln(9!/(5!4!)) = 4.836. This way of thinking about the entropy of a Intuition tells us, however, that there are substantial landscape is directly analogous to the way that the differences in the disorder of different particular 123 484 Landscape Ecol (2016) 31:481–489

Fig. 1 Plots showing how the compositional entropy of a evenness of proportion of each class a even proportion in each landscape changes as functions of map dimension (x-axis), class, b 90 % in one class and the remainder divided equally in number of classes (2, 3, 4 or 5 shown as lines on each plot), and the remaining classes arrangements of this lattice. For example, placing cells than expected by chance and would indicate a higher in a maximally dispersed checkerboard (Fig. 2a) order and lower entropy than the random map. would seem to have less disorder and more organiza- There are few ways to arrange the cells which tion than placing cells ‘‘at random’’. When placed at produce the maximal edge (Fig. 2a), few ways to random it would be likely that cells would be more produce the minimal edge (Fig. 2c) and relatively frequently adjacent to cells of the same type than in the more ways to produce configurations with intermedi- checkerboard (where no like cells are adjacent; ate edge (Fig. 2b). Thus one can use the landscape Fig. 2b). This higher frequency of adjacency in the metric Total Edge (McGarigal et al. 2012, which random map would indicate more disorder than in the measures the total amount of edges between different case of the checkerboard, and thus higher entropy. cover classes in a landscape, to define a macrostate for Conversely, when the cells are placed in a maximally a particular landscape in terms of that amount of edge clumped manner (e.g. Fig. 2c) the number of shared (e.g. 12 units of edge, or 8 units of edge, or 4 units of edges between cells of different classes will be fewer edge). The entropy of a given landscape configuration

Fig. 2 Three possible configurations of a landscape mosaic edge between cells of different class, while in its maximally with dimensions 3 9 3, two classes, 5 cells of class 1 and 4 cells aggregated sate, c there are only 4 units of edge. In one random of class 2. In its maximally dispersed state a there are 12 units of permutation there were 8 units of edge (b) 123 Landscape Ecol (2016) 31:481–489 485 would be calculated therefore as ln(W) where W is the produce the same Total Edge length (macrostate) as number of microstates (unique landscape configura- the focal landscape. I showed using a simple example tions) that produce a given value of the macrostate of a two class landscape of 3 9 3 cells in dimension- (length of total edge). This is conceptually very similar ality that entropy is very low when a landscape is to the concept of ‘‘conditional entropy’’ as described in maximally dispersed (producing very few arrange- Vranken et al. (2014). ments with maximal edge length) and is low when a Using this logic, I calculated the entropy for all the landscape is maximally aggregated (producing few different macrostates possible in a 3 9 3 landscape arrangements with minimal edge length). The entropy mosaic with two classes of 5 and 4 cells respectively. equation provides a means to quantitatively compare For this example landscape there are 126 unique the of any arrangement of a configurations, and the total edge of these configura- landscape in an explicitly thermodynamic framework. tions ranges from 4 to 12 units (cell sides; Table 1). This definition of the configurational entropy of There is only one way to obtain the maximum edge of landscape mosaics can serve as measuring stick which 12 (the perfect checkerboard pattern), and there are subsequently can be used to quantify entropy changes relatively few ways (12) to obtain the least edge of 4. in dynamic landscape and the interactions of patterns In contrast, there are relatively many ways to arrange and processes across scales of space and time, which the mosaic to produce intermediate amounts of edge are recognized as important issues in integrating (e.g., 36 ways to produce Total Edge length of 6 or 7; thermodynamics with landscape ecology (Vranken Table 1). The natural logarithm of W, the number of et al. 2014). Specifically, ecological systems are unique arrangements (microstates) that produce a driven by continual inflow of energy from the sun particular edge length (macrostate), is the configura- which enables photosynthesis to drive ecosystem tional entropy of a given landscape configuration of a energetics ‘‘uphill’’ against the current of entropy, landscape with this dimensionality (3 9 3), two with ecological food webs then providing a ‘‘cascade’’ classes and this proportional area. back down the free energy ladder, reducing free energy and increasing thermodynamic disorder. Land- scape ecologists should more formally associate Discussion landscape dynamics with changes in entropy and quantify the function of ecological dissipative struc- In the sections above I propose that the configurational tures (Cushman 2015) and a formal means to calculate entropy of a landscape mosaic can be calculated using the configurational entropy of landscape mosaics is the equation for Boltzmann entropy, with entropy essential to coherently investigate these processes. equal to the natural logarithm of the number of unique A formal definition of configurational landscape configurations of a landscape (microstates) that entropy may be useful for addressing several addi- tional topics. For example linking the scale depen- Table 1 Total edge length (TE, macrostate), number of dence of landscape dynamics to thermodynamic unique arrangements having that value of Total Edge (W, constraints across different ecosystem types, and microstate), and the entropy of that macrostate (lnW) for a linkage of the second law of thermodynamics and landscape mosaic of dimensionality 3 9 3, comprised of two class, with 5 and 4 cells in each class, respectively the entropy principle with the concepts of resistance, resilience and recovery would be facilitated by a TE W lnW formal definition of landscape entropy. In addition, all 4 12 2.484907 increases in entropy result in increasing disorder and 5 12 2.484907 lower potential energy in the closed system. This 6 36 3.583519 decreases predictability, as there are more ways to be 7 36 3.583519 disordered than ordered and more ways to have 8 13 2.564949 dissipated energy than ‘‘concentrated’’ energy. Thus 9 12 2.484907 linking landscape structure, dynamics, predictability 10 4 1.386294 and entropy would be a fruitful enterprise. Attention 12 1 0 should also be given to linkages between entropy, complexity theory and the organization of ecological 123 486 Landscape Ecol (2016) 31:481–489 systems as a multi-level or multi-scale systems of is true in landscapes. Patterns that are spatially random dissipative structures. The application of thermody- have high entropy, but patterns that are maximally namic entropy concepts in landscape ecology has been clumped and patterns that are maximally dispersed limited by failure to measure energy transformations, have low entropy and high order. changes in free energy, and changes in configurational entropy of landscape mosaics (Vranken et al. 2014), and as a result there has been a nebulous and Challenges in applying configurational entropy inconsistent application and interpretation of these to landscapes ideas in the field. It is my hope that a simple means to quantify the entropy of landscape mosaics could be a The example presented above was of a very simple first step toward a broad exploration of the linkages landscape. Showing the linkages between landscape between entropy, the second law of thermodynamics configuration and entropy on simple example land- and the interaction of pattern process relationships scapes such as this is useful to illustrate complex ideas across scales of space and time. in the most perspicuous ways. However, some chal- The definition of configurational entropy proposed lenges appear when one anticipates applying the here clarifies a debate in the landscape ecology method of calculating configurational entropy pro- literature regarding the relationship between entropy posed here to landscapes of more realistic dimension- and landscape configuration. Vranken et al. (2014) ality. For example, the example landscape was only note that the few authors who see a physical 3 9 3 cells, but produced 362,880 unique permuta- correspondence between heterogeneity and entropy tions of the landscape mosaic and 126 unique land- presented two opposed interpretations. The first, based scape configurations in the two class example. As the on , is that higher heterogeneity dimensionality and number of classes increases the would mean higher entropy (Bogaert et al. 2005). number of configurations rapidly becomes intractably Conversely, some authors proposed that higher large. Given that calculating the entropy of a land- entropy corresponds to higher homogeneity, such as scape is based on calculating the number of micro- an extensive patch covering the full landscape (e.g. states in a given macrostate, this would seem to be a Forman and Godron 1986; Benson 1996; Harte 2011). fundamental challenge. For example, as the dimen- The example presented here shows that neither sionality increases to 10 9 10 from 3 9 3 the number conception is correct, and rather that entropy is low different permutations of the landscape lattice both in cases of maximally interspersed cells (maxi- increases to 9.3326e?157 and the number of unique mum heterogeneity) and in cases of maximally configurations for a two class landscape with equal aggregated cells (maximum homogeneity) and is proportionality increases to 9.2502e?128. A similar highest at intermediate levels of aggregation and challenge was noted by Childress et al. (1996)ina interspersion (the highest likelihood of random con- paper about assessing rules to specify grid-based figurations) using the adaptation of the Boltzmann automata models, who noted that the number of equation. An analogous idea in probability theory and ‘‘neighbhorhood states’’ increases dramatically as a statistics is the index of dispersion, which is a function of both the number of dimensions of the grid normalized measure of the dispersion of a probability and the number of states each cell could take. They distribution. It is used to quantify whether a set of suggested using voting rather than unique neighbor observed occurrences are clustered or dispersed com- transition rules, reducing the number of possible pared to a standard statistical model. In plant ecology states, and implementing ecologically-based heuris- the variance/mean ratio (a form of index of dispersion) tics to simplify the transition rule table. These has long been used to quantify non-random spatial recommendations for cellular automata models don’t patterning of plants (e.g. Dale 2000). In plant ecology seem to apply to the simpler case of calculating dispersed patterns are considered ‘‘highly structured’’ configurational entropy of a landscape mosaic, which and a result of competition leading to ‘‘regular simply requires measurement of the number of spacing’’. Likewise aggregated patterns of plants are microstates (configurations) in a macrostate (edge also ‘‘highly structured’’ as a result of conspecific length) and application of the Boltzmann equation to association, leading to ‘‘spatial clustering’’. The same quantify the entropy of that configuration. 123 Landscape Ecol (2016) 31:481–489 487

The vast number of unique configurations makes it configurational entropy. Furthermore, meaningful impossible, as presented here, to formally calculate application of entropy measurements in comparative each possible unique configuration and calculate the analysis would depend on understanding how config- Total Edge length to quantify the number of micro- urational entropy would change with dimensionality, states in a given macrostate. However, the effectively number of classes, proportion of each class in the infinite number of unique configurations in landscapes landscape, and the effects of resampling to coarser and of relatively realistic dimensionality also means that finer grain. one can use neutral models such as QRULE (Gardner Another area that deserves attention is how the 1999) to generate spatially random maps to produce a entropy of landscapes that are not represented as raster large sample of the configurational distribution that lattices can be calculated. The patterns that are can then be used to infer the number of microstates in a relevant to ecologists are often not best represented given macrostate. by categorical patch mosaics, and often gradient or In addition, as the dimensionality and number of point patterns are more appropriate (McGarigal and classes in a landscape mosaic increase, the number of Cushman 2005; Cushman et al. 2010a). The entropy of potential macrostates also increases extremely rapidly a point pattern can be calculated in a similar way to the (Eq. 2). In the simple example presented there were configurational entropy of a categorical mosaic land- only 8 possible macrostates defined by total edge scape, but instead of drawing a large sample of random length. As the dimensionality increases the number of landscapes using a neutral model and then calculating possible values for the variable Total Edge length the total edge length for each of these one could draw increases astronomically such that the chance that a large samples of random point patterns with the same particular randomized map has the same value as the number of points and extent and calculate the point observed focal landscape becomes vanishingly small. of each within a tesselated grid of cells. The same phenomenon occurs in when Likewise, the entropy of a continuous landscape applying the second law of thermodynamics to such surface could be calculated by randomizing the system properties which vary continuously. The surface by shuffling rows and columns a large number is to define a meaningful increment over of times to produce a distribution of microstates with which to partition macrostates into a tractably small which to compare with the observed value of the focal number of units (Craig 1992). The same thing can be landscape. Something of this kind was proposed by done in landscape ecology, defining macrostates as Cushman et al. (2010b). bins that range between given values of the variable One interesting extension of the approach I describe Total Edge length. here would be to generalize calculating of landscape entropy to address nonequilibrium stationary states. For example, Li (2000) explored the mathematical Next steps in applying configurational entropy formulation of the part–whole relation in ecological in landscape ecology systems and showed analytically why the ecological system cannot be understood by reducing it to its parts. This paper takes an initial step toward applying Specifically, using Prigogine’s self-organization the- configurational entropy in landscape ecology by ory and Haken’s synergetics, Li (2000) illustrated the showing how configurational entropy may be mea- necessity of such a holistic approach to study how the sured and proposing how it may be applied in interaction of subsystems leads to the emergence of landscapes of larger dimensionality and more cover spatial, temporal and functional structures on macro- types. Several additional explorations might be fruitful scopic scales. This paper focuses on calculating the as next steps. As I suggest above, it would be configurational entropy of a raster mosaic, with fixed interesting to explore the use of neutral models to dimensionality and number of map classes. In such sample the permutation space for landscapes of larger cases, Li (2000) notes that stable states can be dimensionality to develop distributions of microstate distinguished in a definite way, for example the values. In addition, it would be valuable to explore amount of edge length in a raster of a given how changing the definition of the macrostate, in dimensionality and number of classes. However, it terms of bin width, would affect the calculation of would be interesting to explore generalizing these 123 488 Landscape Ecol (2016) 31:481–489 ideas in systems of nonequilibrium stationary states Acknowledgments I would like to offer my sincere thanks to where free energy need not have a minimum nor the the five anonymous reviewers who invested their valuable time in reviewing this manuscript. Their comments and suggestions entropy a maximum (Li 2000). One interesting were greatly informative and helpful in improving the application of this idea was presented by Li et al. manuscript. I would also like to thank the EIC for his (2000) who explored the theoretical thermodynamic thoughtful consideration and interest in this topic. basis for the self-thinning -3/2 power law in plant communities and used ecological field theory and showed how the stochastic nature of ecological References interactions among individuals leads to self-thinning at the macroscopic level. Another interesting example Atkins PW (1992) The second law. Scientific American Books, New York of application of non-equilibrium thermodynamics in Benson H (1996) Entropy and the second law of thermody- landscape ecological analysis was Li (2002) who namics. University Physics, New York, pp 417–439 described a theoretical framework of ecological Bogaert J, Farina A, Ceulemans R (2005) Entropy increase of transitions for modeling tree-grass dyanmics which fragmented habitats: a sign of human impact? Ecol Ind 5:6 Childress WM, Ryluel ME, Forsythe W, Li B-L, Wu H-I (1996) combined percolation theory, fractal geometry, phase Amsterdam transition rule complexity in grid-based auto- transition theory and Markov non-equilibrium ther- mata models. Landscape Ecol 11:257–266 modynamic stability theory. In a final example of Craig NC (1992) Entropy analysis: an introduction to chemical applying non-equilibrium thermodynamic approaches thermodynamics. VCH Publishing, New York Cushman SA (2015) Thermodynamics in landscape ecology: the in ecology, Zaccarelli et al. (2013) developed an importance of integrating measurement and modeling of entropy related index to measure the structural com- landscape entropy. 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