
American Mineralogist, Volume 82, pages 213±244, 1997


Theory of displacive transitions in minerals

MARTIN T. DOVE Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EQ, U.K.

ABSTRACT A lattice-dynamical treatment of displacive phase transitions leads naturally to the soft- mode model, in which the phase-transition mechanism involves a phonon frequency that falls to zero at the transition . The basic ideas of this approach are reviewed in relation to displacive phase transitions in silicates. A simple free- model is used to demonstrate that Landau theory gives a good approximation to the free energy of the transition, provided that the is primarily produced by the phonons rather than any con®gurational disorder. The ``rigid unit mode'' model provides a physical link between the theory and the chemical bonds in silicates and this allows us to understand the origin of the transition temperature and also validates the application of the soft-mode model. The model is also used to reappraise the nature of the structures of high-temperature phases. Several issues that remain open, such as the origin of ®rst-order phase transitions and the of pressure-induced phase transitions, are discussed.

INTRODUCTION represented in Figure 1. In each case, the phase transitions involve small translations and rotations of the (Si,Al)O The study of phase transitions extends back a century 4 tetrahedra. One of the most popular of the new devel- to the early work on quartz, ferromagnets, and - opments in the theory of displacive phase transitions in phase equilibrium. Given the importance of quartz to minerals is the use of Landau theory to describe the ther- mineralogy, one can say that the history of the study of modynamics of phase transitions (Putnis 1992; Salje phase transitions in minerals is as old as the very subject 1990a, 1991a, 1991b, 1992a). This theory gives a phe- of phase transitions itself (Dolino 1990). Yet despite this nomenological framework to describe the temperature de- historical link, much of the progress in our understanding pendence of a range of thermodynamic and physical of phase transitions developed in the ®elds of -state quantities, and provides a link between different experi- and solid-state chemistry has not, until recently, mental measurements. It also explains the physical back- had a great impact in mineralogy and mineral physics, ground behind Landau theory. In the case of displacive even though the catalog of minerals is riddled with phase phase transitions, the idea of the soft mode, namely a transitions. The different types of phase transitions found phonon mode with a frequency that falls to zero at the in minerals are similar in many respects to the phase tran- , is of some importance, and I will show sitions observed in ionic, metallic, and molecular , how this comes about and how it is linked in with Landau and they include displacive phase transitions, cation or- theory. Tied in with the use of new theoretical methods dering transitions (for example, Al-Si and Na-K), and or- are new experimental approaches, including vibrational ientational order-disorder phase transitions. Several ex- spectroscopy (Iqbal and Owens 1984; Salje 1992b) and amples of the different types of phase transitions neutron scattering (Axe 1971; Dorner 1982; Skold and observed in minerals are given in Appendix 1, some of Price 1986; Ghose 1988), and I hope that one positive which are illustrated in Figure 1. aspect of this article is to promote wider use of these This review article is primarily concerned with displa- techniques. I also hope that another message of this ar- cive phase transitions, which involve only small motions ticle is that the ¯ow of ideas between solid-state physics of atoms to change the symmetry of a structure. and mineralogy need not be seen as one-way only, we My aim is to present, in a simpli®ed manner, some of the have in the family of silicates a class of materials that theoretical ideas that underpin the recent applications of can provide new insights into phase-transition phenomena solid-state physics to the study of displacive phase tran- that will surely have more general applications in the sitions in minerals. Examples are the phase transitions ®elds of solid-state physics and chemistry. observed in quartz, cristobalite, and leucite, which are The study of phase transitions is full of technical points 0003±004X/97/0304±0213$05.00 213 214 DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS

FIGURE 2. Examples of phase transitions in perovskites, showing the displacive phase transitions involving displacements

of cations or rotations of octahedra. The ®gure for BaTiO3 shows the eight sites for the Ti4ϩ cations in the cubic phase.

to the formation of a macroscopic dielectric polarization). FIGURE 1. Examples of displacive phase transitions in min- SrTiO3 also appears to be trying to undergo the same sort erals. In each case ␣ is the low-temperature phase and ␤ is the of phase transition at a low temperature (Cowley 1962), high-temperature phase. In these examples the displacive phase transitions occur as a result of rotations and translations of the but quantum effects, which we discuss later, suppress the nearly rigid tetrahedra. transition. These examples are clear enough, but the wa- ters are muddied by the ferroelectric phase transition in

BaTiO3 (Yamada et al. 1969; Harada et al. 1971). This that, when not understood or properly de®ned, lead to example appears at ®rst sight to be very similar to Pb- 4ϩ ambiguities based on semantics. This problem is illus- TiO3, but in this case it seems that the Ti atoms appear trated by the displacive phase transitions in the perovskite to occupy a central site in the high temperature cubic family (Fig. 2) (Bruce and Cowley 1981; Blinc and Zeks phase only on average, whereas in practice that site is 1974; Lines and Glass 1977). One type of displacive always a potential-energy maximum. The potential-ener- 4ϩ phase transition involves rotations of TiO6 octahedra gy minima for the Ti cations are located away from the about the [001] axis, as in SrTiO3. The actual atomic dis- central site along the eight ͗111͘ directions, so that in the placements are small, and it appears that one unit cell high-temperature phase the Ti4ϩ cations are hopping behaves in more-or-less the same way as every other. among the eight different sites. The ferroelectric phase 4ϩ Similar examples are CaTiO3 and MgSiO3, where the oc- transition occurs when the Ti cations begin to lie pref- tahedra tilt by different amounts about all three axes. An- erentially in the sites in the positive c direction. There other type of displacive phase transition is seen in PbTiO3 are still four of these, so there are subsequent phase tran- (Shirane et al. 1970; Burns and Scott 1970), in which the sitions on further cooling until the Ti4ϩ cations all occupy Pb2ϩ and Ti4ϩ cations move off-center along [001] to gen- the same one site in the unit cell. Ferroelectric phase tran- erate a ferroelectric phase transition (a phase transition sitions that involve the ordering of a proton between the where the small changes in the atomic positions give rise two sites on a double-well hydrogen bond, such as in DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS 215

KH2PO4, are a further extreme example of this (Bruce and reason of the connectivity of the strong bonds. In this Cowley 1981; Blinc and Zeks 1974; Lines and Glass case the question concerns why there might be easy 1977). Some people like to think of all these transitions modes of deformation to allow the phase transition to as displacive, because they all involve small atomic dis- occur. And even if an easy mode of deformation exists, placements, whereas others consider the one case to be why would the structure want to distort? Another exam- truly displacive and the other to be order-disorder. In this ple is Al-Si ordering phase transitions. Given that the en- review, I use this latter choice of terms, at least for the ergy required to form Al-O-Al linkages is quite large (of extreme cases. The distinction is not based on the actual the order of 40 kJ/mol or more; Putnis 1992; Phillips and atomic displacements but on thermodynamic criteria. In Kirkpatrick 1995; Dove et al. 1995a), it might be ex- the displacive case very little of the entropy will be con- pected that these cations only disorder in equilibrium at ®gurational, whereas in the order-disorder case the entro- well above the points. Yet we ®nd py is mostly con®gurational in origin. In practice there that there is a wide range of ordering temperatures, ap- may not always be a sharp distinction between the two parently even to fairly low temperatures. There must be cases; this is seen by considering a simple model below. something in these systems that allows for easy disorder- ing and thus allows the phase transition to occur. The open questions The ®rst stage in the investigation of a phase transition What drives the phase transition? is to characterize it experimentally, to determine the tran- The second question addresses the fact that even if, sition temperature, to measure directly or indirectly the say, there is an easy mode of deformation to allow a changes in the structure on cooling below the transition displacive phase transition, there still needs to be some temperature, and perhaps to obtain some thermodynamic driving force for the phase transition actually to occur. data. With a reasonable set of data it may be possible to There are two aspects to the driving force. First there draw a range of data together within the framework of must be forces that will locally distort the structure. We Landau theory, as described below. Landau theory has saw an example of this in the discussion of the Ti4ϩ cation proven to be an extremely powerful tool, for with a hand- hopping between sites of local potential energy minima ful of empirical parameters it may be possible to describe in BaTiO3, where it is the existence of these potential a full set of diverse experimental data for physical and energy minima that give rise to the local distortions of thermodynamic properties over a wide range of temper- the structure at low temperatures. The second part of the atures (Putnis 1992; Salje 1990a, 1991a, 1991b, 1992a). driving force is some interaction that gives a coupling The framework of Landau theory may also allow the re- between local ordering processes. There can only be an 4ϩ lationship between different phase transitions in the same ordering transition in BaTiO3, say, if the Ti cations in material to be understood, such as when there is an Al-Si neighboring unit cells interact with each other and force ordering phase transition and a displacive phase each other to order in the same way. transition. This issue of the coupling between ordering atoms is The second stage in the investigation of a phase tran- pertinent for many aluminosilicates where there are cat- sition is to go beyond trying to understand what is hap- ions, such as Kϩ and Ca2ϩ, in large cavities formed by pening to then try to understand why the phase transition the framework of linked SiO4 and AlO4 tetrahedra. In occurs, together with a host of other questions that are these cases, phase transitions often involve both displace- summarized below. The power of Landau theory is that ments of the cations from the centers of the cavities and some questions can be answered by symmetry arguments. collapse of the framework. Thus we can ask what is the For example, the c axis in calcite (Dove and Powell 1989) driving mechanism, whether it is ordering of the cations expands on heating up to the phase-transition temperature or collapse of the framework? It is tempting to think that in a way that is determined by the relationship between the cations rattling around in their cavities will like to the symmetry of the expansion of the lattice and the sym- order. However, the key point is not that there is a local metry of the ordering process because of the phase tran- driving force to order single cations, but that there must sition. How much it expands may be a function of things be some mechanism to couple the ordering of neighbor- like the ionic radius and the amplitude of thermal vibra- ing cations. tions, which in turn re¯ect the atomic masses. Well, there are some questions for which the answer may be ``it just What determines the transition temperature? is so'', but equally there are other questions whose an- Linked to the ®rst and second questions is the issue of swers lead into deeper physical insights. These are the what actually determines the value of the transition tem- subject of this review. perature. Given that there is an easy way for a phase transition to occur at an observable temperature, and that Why can phase transitions occur? there is a driving force to make the transition occur at a It is intriguing to ask why phase transitions should be ®nite temperature, we can, in principle, tackle the issue so common in minerals. If we take the case of framework of the factors that give the ®nal value of the transition aluminosilicate minerals, the Si-O and Al-O bonds are temperature. At a later point in this review, I will derive strong and the framework structure is reasonably rigid by an equation for the transition temperature of a displacive 216 DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS

phase transition, which involves a large summation over the value of the exponent l depends on the speci®c phys- all wave vectors in reciprocal space. Although this equa- ical property or thermodynamic function (Bruce and tion will link the transition temperature to microscopic Cowley 1981; Bruce and Wallace 1989; Chaikin and Lu- quantities, which in one sense will meet some of the aims bensky 1995; Yeomans 1992). All mean-®eld type theo- of this review, we will look beyond this equation to see ries predict the same set of values for the different ex- whether there are any fundamental interactions that will ponents. For example, the mean-®eld theory of be the main factors in determining the transition ferromagnetism predicts that the magnetization will vary ½ temperature. as ͦ Tc Ϫ T ͦ and the magnetic susceptibility will vary as Ϫ1 ͦT Ϫ Tcͦ , regardless of the speci®c details of the mag- Why does one phase transition occur in preference to netic ordering. Landau theory predicts identical behavior. another potential phase transition? Indeed, we will ®nd that similar relationships with the Stokes and Hatch (1989) have used group theoretical same exponents arise in the theory of displacive phase methods to determine, for each space group, all the phase transitions, for these values for the exponents are deter- transitions that can be obtained by an instability with a mined by the use of the mean-®eld approximation rather wave vector at a symmetry point in the Brillouin zone. than by the details of the phase transition. For magnetic For the cubic phase of the mineral leucite, with space phase transitions, though, it is found experimentally that group Ia3d, there are 133 possible phase transitions listed mean-®eld theories are not at all accurate for tempera- (Stokes and Hatch 1988). Yet leucite samples with similar tures close to the transition temperature (Bruce and Wal- chemical composition, e.g., RAlSi2O6 with R ϭ K, Rb, lace 1989). The failure of mean-®eld theory is most easily or Cs, undergo the same type of displacive phase transi- recognized by the fact that the exponents have values that tion (Palmer et al. 1997). This suggests that there may be are very different from those predicted by mean-®eld the- some fundamental reason why the other 132 possibilities ory. For example, at temperatures close to the transition do not occur. temperature the magnetization is found to vary as ͦTc Ϫ T ␤ with ␤ 0.38, and the susceptibility as T Ϫ T ␥ with Why does Landau theory appear to work well for ͦ ഠ ͦ cͦ ␥ 1.3. The reason for the breakdown of the mean-®eld displacive phase transitions? ഠ approximation in these cases is well understood and will We have already remarked that Landau theory has been be examined later in this review. However, it is frequently used successfully to describe many displacive phase tran- (although not always) found that any breakdown of the sitions in minerals. In essence Landau theory is simply a mean-®eld approximation in displacive phase transitions Taylor expansion of the free energy in terms of a param- occurs at temperatures too close to the transition temper- eter that describes the change in the structure as a result ature to be experimentally observed. Why mean-®eld the- of the phase transition (called the order parameter, as de- ories should work so well at temperatures close to the ®ned below), with the symmetry properties of the phase transition temperatures for displacive phase transitions is transition properly taken into account. As a result one another question I attempt to tackle in this review. could argue it probably should work reasonably well, at least close to the transition temperature when the distor- What determines whether a phase transition is tions generated by the phase transition are small. How- ®rst-order or second-order? ever, it is found that Landau theory works well over a wide range of temperatures for displacive phase transi- Within the framework of Landau theory mechanisms tions (Salje 1986, 1987, 1990a, 1991a, 1991b, 1992a), exist to describe a phase transition as ®rst-order (with a although this is not so for order-disorder phase transitions discontinuous change in the structure and entropy, and such as ferromagnetic phase transitions. The question hence a latent at the transition temperature) or sec- could perhaps then be rephrased as to why the Taylor ond-order (where the structure of the low-temperature expansion is valid over a wide range of temperatures. A phase merges continuously with that of the high-temper- related issue concerns the conditions under which the ature phase at the phase transition, with no discontinuous Taylor expansion might not be expected to be valid. change in the entropy and hence with no ). In some cases symmetry allows for the existence of odd- Why does the mean-®eld approximation work close to order terms in the Landau free energy that force the phase the transition temperature? transition to be ®rst order. Empirically, for the majority Landau theory is a member of a class of theories that of cases where only even-order terms are allowed, the invoke the mean-®eld approximation (Bruce and Cowley order of a phase transition can be set by the sign of the 1981; Bruce and Wallace 1989; Chaikin and Lubensky fourth-order term in the expansion of the free energy. 1995; Yeomans 1992). This approximation will be ex- Sometimes the sign of the fourth-order term can be ra- plained in more detail below, for the work reviewed here tionalized as a result of the size of the coupling between makes heavy use of it. Thermodynamic and physical the order parameter and strain (see below). However, properties at temperatures close to the transition temper- whether there may be some further fundamental factors ␭ ature tend to follow the general form, ͦT Ϫ Tcͦ where T that determine whether a phase transition is ®rst order or

is the temperature, Tc is the transition temperature, and second order is an issue that has been investigated by DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS 217

the distinction between displacive and order-disorder phase transitions along the lines I mentioned above when

comparing the similar perovskites PbTiO3 and BaTiO3, which will be essential in developing a thermodynamic FIGURE 3. Representation of a simple model that undergoes theory of the phase transitions. a phase transition in two and three dimensions. The atoms vibrate The simplest version of this model has a scalar (one- in double-well potentials (drawn as curves), and interact with dimensional) displacement of each atom, written as u. their neighbors by harmonic forces, represented as springs. This The local double-well potential can be represented as ®gure shows the one-dimensional form of the model, but it is easily generalized to higher dimensions. 11 V(u)ϭϪ ␬u2ϩ␬u4 (1) 2424 theory to some extent; I pick up the discussion on this where the parameters ␬2 and ␬4 are positive constants. The question toward the end of this review. energy of each atom also includes the harmonic energy because of its interaction with its neighbors, J(u Ϫ u )2, What is the nature of the high-temperature phase? ½ i j where J is the harmonic force constant, and its kinetic My ®nal question concerns the issue of the structural energy. The total energy of this system (usually called state of a material for temperatures above a displacive the Hamiltonian H ) is written for the case of a simple phase transition. This is a problem that has aroused con- cubic arrangement of atoms as siderable controversy from time to time. In some cases it has been suggested that high-temperature phases consist 1111 ϭmuÇ 2ϩϪ␬u2ϩ␬u4ϩ J(uϪu)2 H͸͸i 2i 4iij ͸ of small domains of the structure of the low-temperature 2242ii΂΃ i±j phase in all possible orientations, to give a structure that 111 is averaged over all domains and therefore has the ap- ϭmuÇ 2ϩϪ(␬Ϫ6J)u2ϩ␬u4Ϫ Ju u ͸͸i 2 i 4iij ͸ pearance of a higher-symmetry structure. However, the 224ii΂΃ i±j structure of the high-temperature phase could simply be (2) that given by diffraction experiments, or it could be dy- where ui is the displacement of the ith atom and we con- namically disordered. Although the question about the na- sider only the displacement along a single direction. The ture of the high-temperature phase can only be answered sum over j is over nearest neighbors only. Each atom has by experiment or by molecular dynamics simulations, I mass m. This model is commonly expressed in both forms attempt to allow theory to cast some light on this issue. given. The ®rst form is similar to most simple lattice dy- namics models, whereas the second form is like models SIMPLE MODEL AS A PARADIGM FOR for systems. PHASE TRANSITION THEORY The model de®ned by Equation 2 has two important A useful tool in the study of the theory of phase tran- quantities (Bruce and Cowley 1981). The ®rst is the depth sitions is the model illustrated in Figure 3 (Bruce and of the potential well of Equation 1, V0. The minima of Cowley 1981; Giddy et al. 1989; Salje 1991b; Padlewski V(u) occur at u ϭϮu, where u2 ϭ␬ /␬, so that et al. 1992; Radescu et al. 1995). The model contains an 0 0 2 4 array of atoms linked by harmonic forces, with one atom 1 V ϭϪ ␬u2 (3) in each unit cell. The model is drawn as a one-dimen- 0204 sional array in Figure 3, but it is easily generalized to two or three dimensions (later it will be shown that the one- The second important quantity is the interaction energy of a pair of atoms with relative displacements u and Ϫu , dimensional case does not actually have a phase transi- 0 0 tion). Each atom ``sees'' a local double-well potential, which characterizes the strength of the interaction be- which is assumed to represent the rest of the crystal that tween neighboring atoms: 2 is missing from the model. For example, this double-well W ϭ 2Ju0 (4) potential might represent the potential seen by the Ti4ϩ cation in the perovskite titanates. The double-well poten- It is instructive to consider the ratio s of these two tials provide the driving force for any phase transition. quantities: At low temperatures the equilibrium structure has all at- ͦ V ͦ ␬ sϭϭ02 (5) oms displaced to one side of their origin or the other. At W 8J high temperatures there is a phase transition to a state where each atom vibrates about its origin. Although this This gives the relative strengths of the local double- model is clearly a gross simpli®cation of what happens well potentials and the energy of interaction of an atom in a real crystal, it is actually rather instructive in helping with its neighbors (Bruce and Cowley 1981). The factor to picture the physical interpretation of the theory and to of ⅛ is not too important, because we will see later that highlight the issues just raised. I will come back to it this ratio can be recast as s ഠͦV0ͦ/kBTc, and we will be several times, and use it as a reference point for compar- thinking about values of s that are large or small com- ison. Speci®cally we will now use this model to clarify pared to unity. Because it may be possible to calculate V0 218 DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS

FIGURE 5. Sequence showing the ordering of atoms for the model of Figure 3 in the order-disorder limit. At high tempera-

tures (T k Tc, ␩ϭ0) the positions of neighboring atoms are not correlated in any signi®cant way. On cooling toward the transi-

tion temperature (T Ͼ Tc, ␩ϭ0) the effects of nearest-neighbor interactions become more signi®cant and a degree of short-range FIGURE 4. Four different con®gurations of a chain of spins: order is established. Below the transition temperature (T Ͻ Tc, (a) corresponds to the fully ordered state (␩ϭ1); (b) corresponds ͦ␩ͦ Ͼ 0) the probability is greater that one side of the double- to a randomly disordered con®guration with ␩ϭ0; (c) corre- well potential (in this case the left-hand side) will be occupied, sponds to a state with ␩ϭ0 generated from the ordered state by but there is also a signi®cant probability that some atoms will addition of a domain wall in the middle of the chain; (d) cor- occupy the alternative potential well. At very low temperatures responds to a ␩ϭ0.5 state with generated from the ␩ϭ0 state (T K Tc) most of the atoms occupy the same side of the double- of con®guration c by movement of the domain wall. well potential. from model interatomic interactions, it may be possible to estimate s for any speci®c example. local potential is simply to con®ne the atoms to one po- tential well or another. For temperatures in the range, J

Case 1: order-disorder limit Յ kB T Յ V0, the particular potential well occupied by a The case s k 1 corresponds to the order-disorder limit. given atom is random with no regard to the potential In this case the potential barrier between the two wells is wells occupied by its neighboring atoms. However, on much higher than the interaction between neighboring at- cooling the effect of the interatomic interaction becomes oms. Even at a temperature well above the transition tem- more important and neighboring atoms begin to prefer to perature, the atoms will reside in one or other of the two occupy the same side of the double-well potential, giving wells, albeit with a random occupancy at ®rst. The ex- some degree of short-range order. The spatial range of this short-range order grows on cooling toward Tc, when amples of BaTiO3 and KH2PO4 described earlier are pos- sible examples of this model. Because in this limit the long-range order is established and the probability of any atom occupying one of the potential wells is larger than displacements are all ui ഠ Ϯu0 for most temperatures, we can represent the simple model by an array of spins, with the probability of it occupying the other well. This or- dering sequence is illustrated in Figure 5. a spin pointing up for ui ഠ ϩu0 and pointing down for, ui ഠ Ϫu , as illustrated in Figure 4. In this case the model 0 Case 2: displacive limit Hamiltonian can be represented by the form The second case, s K 1, is the displacive limit. Here 1 Ä the forces between atoms are much larger than the forces H ϭϪ JSij S (6) 2͸i,j due to the local potential. In this case we will later show 2 that the transition temperature in three dimensions is giv- where Si ϭ ui/u0 ഠ Ϯ1 and J ϭ 2Ju0 [it is not necessary now to include the kinetic energy or the single-particle en as because the dominant term is that given in Equa- 2 kBTc(s K 1) ഠ 1.319Ju0 ϭ 0.6595W (8) tion 6]. This is the famous spin-½ (Yeomans 1992; Chaikin and Lubensky 1995), which is probably Again the actual height of the potential barrier has noth- the best-studied model of a phase transition. The transi- ing to do with the phase transition temperature per se. tion temperature for this model on a cubic lattice has been Unlike in the order-disorder limit, at high temperatures calculated as the local potential does not force atoms to sit on one side of the origin or the other, because ͦV ͦ K k T . Instead the k T (s k 1) 4.15Ju2 ϭ 2.255W (7) 0 B c B c ഠ 0 atoms vibrate about the origin, and the shape of the dou-

Note that kBTc is not a direct function of V0, and indeed ble-well potential has little effect other than to modify the kBTc K ͦV0ͦ. In the order-disorder limit the effect of the phonon frequencies. On cooling toward the phase tran- DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS 219 sition, the effects of the shape of the double-well potential become more important and atoms begin to spend rela- tively more time on either side of the origin. However, because the forces between neighboring atoms are much stronger, neighboring atoms are displaced from the ori- gins by similar amounts. Below the transition temperature the mean positions of all the atoms are displaced by the same small amount to one side of the origin, and the size of this displacement increases on further cooling. This ordering sequence is illustrated in Figure 6. The model for the displacive limit has many features that are found in a typical displacive phase transition. For example, it has a soft mode of the form that is described later (Padlewski et al. 1992). The free energy has been FIGURE 6. Sequence showing the ordering of atoms for the calculated and found to follow the standard Landau form model of Figure 3 in the displacive limit. At high temperatures (T k T , ␩ϭ0) the atoms vibrate about the zero position, and (Radescu et al. 1995). The model has been studied for a c range of parameters using molecular dynamics simula- the effects of the double-well potential are not signi®cant. On cooling toward the transition temperature (T Ͼ Tc, ␩ϭ0 ) the tions, with the value of s ranging from the extreme dis- effects of double-well potential become more signi®cant and a placive limit toward the order-disorder limit (e.g., Pad- degree of short-range order is established, where neighboring lewski et al. 1992). These studies have provided groups of atoms are temporarily slightly displaced from the or- information on the nature of the high-temperature phases igin. Below the transition temperature (T Ͻ Tc, ͦ␩ͦ Ͼ 0) the atoms (e.g., Bruce and Cowley 1981). vibrate about positions that are shifted away from the origin, and In passing note that from Equations 7 and 8 we can all atoms vibrate about the sample displaced point. At very low approximate the ratio s in Equation 5 for either limit to temperatures (T K Tc, ␩ϭ␩0) all the atoms occupy the same side of the double-well potential. s ഠͦV0ͦ/kBTc, as noted above. Finally, it will be important to keep in mind the limi- tations on the model. For example, there is only a single branch of lattice vibrations (as opposed to 3ϫ the number the vibrational energy. The entropy now comes from the of atoms in the unit cell), and these vibrations are optic vibrational contributions rather than from any con®gura- modes. Some phase transitions involve an instability of tional terms, and changes in entropy through the phase some of the acoustic modes rather than the optic modes; transition arise from the effect of the phase transition on these transitions are called ferroelastic because they in- the vibrational spectra. As noted above, the source of the volve the formation of a reversible spontaneous shear entropy, whether con®gurational or vibrational, deter- strain on cooling below the transition temperature (Salje mines whether we think of a phase transition as primarily 1990a, 1990b, 1991a, 1991b). Moreover, the simple mod- order-disorder or displacive type. el does not include any coupling to strain, whereas many It is interesting to note that how we interpret a phase phase transitions cause large changes in the lattice param- transition can depend on whether we think of the issues eters. However, we will ®nd that the model is closer to being concerned with what happens on heating up the truth than might be imagined when considering these through the phase transition or cooling down below the limitations. transition temperature. For example, when we ask why a phase transition occurs, we could start by thinking about THERMODYNAMIC CONSIDERATIONS the low-temperature phase and ask why there is a process The insights from thermodynamics are of vital impor- that can disorder the structure, or else we could start by tance in our understanding of phase transitions. Much of thinking about the high-temperature phase and ask why what is discussed in this review will focus on the calcu- there might be some displacive instability that occurs at lation of the free energy of a system. The relative free low temperatures. In many cases I will take the perspec- energies of two different phases represent a ®ne balance tive of thinking about what happens on cooling from the between the enthalpy and entropy of the two phases. In high-temperature phase. Thus I might ask why the poten- the extreme order-disorder case, described for example by tial V(u) has a double-well form rather than a single min- Equation 6, the atoms are all displaced to the positions imum at u ϭ 0. But sometimes it will be useful to think of the minima of the double-well potentials, so that the from the other perspective. For example, given a double- enthalpy differences between the ordered and disordered well form of the potential V(u), we could ask why there phases come directly from the nearest-neighbor interac- should be a phase transition on heating at all. Or put tions, and the entropy is purely con®gurational. On the another way, why isn't Tc ഠ ϱ? other hand, in the displacive case the enthalpy is a more complicated function of direct and indirect interactions SCOPE OF THE PRESENT ARTICLE between the ordering atoms and the rest of the crystal, The objective of this review is to outline the theory of and it contains important contributions from changes in displacive phase transitions as it presently stands, mostly 220 DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS in terms of temperature rather than pressure (see near the anharmonic phonon theory, and the statistical mechanics end for some comments on this distinction), and to relate of phonons. I have discussed these topics in some detail the general theory to speci®c mineralogical examples. elsewhere at a level comparable to that of the present Within the ®eld of solid-state physics the general theory article (Dove 1993), together with an introduction to neu- has provided a framework for the development of more tron scattering, vibrational spectroscopy, the different detailed theoretical models for speci®c cases, but rarely types of phase transitions, and Landau theory. Because was there any attempt to tie in numerical predictions with the focus of this article is on the general theoretical ideas, experimental data. Instead the link between experiment I cannot devote much space to the description of speci®c and theory has been limited to veri®cation of the general examples. Many examples are given in Appendix 1, some predictions. Historically, it is important to note, in the of which are reviewed in a single volume by Heaney ®eld of solid-state physics both experiment and theory (1994), Hemley et al. (1994), Palmer (1994), and Dolino quickly moved into investigations of the phenomena that and Vallade (1994). are found at temperatures extremely close to the transition temperature, the so-called critical point phenomena LANDAU THEORY OF PHASE TRANSITIONS: (Bruce and Cowley 1981; Bruce and Wallace 1989; Yeo- BASIC IDEAS, CRITIQUE, AND mans 1992; Chaikin and Lubensky 1995), leaving some QUESTIONS RAISED of the above questions unanswered. The main exception The order parameter is that the link between the general theory and Landau The essential idea behind Landau theory, at least as theory was recognized early on, and the conditions for envisaged in its early development, is quite simple (Blinc the application of mean-®eld theory have been appreci- and Zeks 1974; Lines and Glass 1977; Bruce and Cowley ated from work on the standard paradigm. Very little of 1981; Putnis 1992; Salje 1990a, 1991a, 1991b, 1992a; this earlier work has had any impact in mineralogical Dove 1993, Appendix D). A phase transition can be char- studies of phase transitions, which in part has prompted acterized by a parameter, called the order parameter, the writing of this review. The one part of the theory of which contains all the information about the degree of phase transitions that has been widely applied within min- order or extent of deformation in the low-temperature eralogy is the use of Landau theory. It is not my intention phase. The spirit of Landau theory is that the free energy to dwell on Landau theory per se, but it is important to can be expressed as a low-order Taylor expansion in understand the physical basis of this approach, and so one terms of the order parameter, together with terms that of my objectives is to obtain the main formalism of Lan- couple the order parameter with other physical quantities dau theory from the general theory of displacive phase (such as strain). The expansion is truncated at the lowest transitions. To work within a common context, I give a order that is theoretically possible. The behavior of the brief review of Landau theory in the next section. Be- order parameter and coupled quantities can then be ob- cause there are many other reviews of Landau theory tained from the free energy using standard thermodynam- (Blinc and Zeks 1974; Lines and Glass 1977; Bruce and ic relations. It is in this sense that Landau theory has Cowley 1981; Putnis 1992; Salje 1990a, 1991a, 1991b, proven to be so powerful: With the minimum of effort a 1992a) I will focus more on the issues that provide the wide range of fundamental relationships can be derived, link with the theory to be developed rather than on the with coef®cients that are usually obtained by ®tting ex- details of the applications of Landau theory. perimental data. In the present article the order parameter The general theory of displacive phase transitions is is given the symbol developed in the third section. This is ®rmly based in the ␩; in other cases it is given the sym- theory of lattice dynamics. The theory answers some of bol Q, but we follow the convention of lattice dynamics our questions in general terms, but in some respects the and use that symbol for the phonon normal mode theory only leaves us with a sharper question rather than coordinate. a ®nal solution, not least because the numerical predic- The simplest example of a practical de®nition of an tions are not straightforward. We have made some prog- order parameter is for a ferromagnetic phase transition. ress on this front in the application of the general models From a macroscopic perspective we can de®ne the order to framework silicates, which is the focus of the fourth parameter as the sample magnetization, whereas from a section. I believe that the insights that come from this microscopic perspective we can construct an identical def- single class of materials will have wider applications. In inition as the ®fth section I try to link the theoretical ideas with 1 ␩ϭ S (9) speci®c experimental studies. Actually the number of rel- ͸ j N j evant experimental studies is small, which again provides a motivation for this review. To close I will discuss the where Sj is the value of the spin on the j-th site. In the issues that are still open to further investigation. Through- spin-½ Ising representation, Sj ϭϮS(i.e., the atomic mo- out the review I will highlight answers to the central ment is assumed to point only up or down), whereas in questions. a more general case both Sj and ␩ are vector quantities. Because of constraints on space I need to assume some In the case of a displacive phase transition, the speci®c familiarity with the theory of lattice dynamics, including de®nition of the order parameter is a little more ambig- DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS 221 uous because of the complicating factors of thermal ex- pansion and the spontaneous strains that frequently ac- company displacive phase transitions. Actually the order parameter for the model of Equation 2 does not suffer from these problems, and the order parameter can be de- ®ned as the mean displacement: 1 ␩ϭ u (10) ͸ j N j A simple de®nition for a real material can be constructed by comparing the fractional coordinates of the atoms in the low-temperature and high-temperature phases. For ex- ample, in cristobalite (Schmahl et al. 1992) one of the Si atoms has fractional coordinates (x, x, 0) in the low-tem- perature phase, which tend toward (¼, ¼, 0) on heating to the high-temperature phase. Thus the order parameter could be de®ned as 1 ␩ϭ Ϫx (11) 4 FIGURE 7. Plot of Landau free energy for temperatures above By using fractional coordinates rather than absolute dis- and below the transition temperature. The equilibrium value of placements we may circumvent the problems associated the order parameter ␩ is given by the minimum of the free en- with . On the other hand, when a tran- ergy. At high temperatures (T Ͼ Tc) there is a single minimum sition involves rotations of a group of atoms, such as the at ␩ϭ0. At low temperatures (T K Tc) the free energy has a

TiO6 octahedra in SrTiO3 or CaTiO3, or SiO4 tetrahedra maximum at ␩ϭ0 and minima at non-zero values of ␩ϭϮ␩0. in quartz and several other silicates, the order parameter could be equally well de®ned as the angle Ϯ␾ that the group of atoms has rotated to break the symmetry (the the free energy of the system for ␩ϭ0 (Dove 1993, different signs re¯ect the fact that neighboring polyhedra Appendix D). Usually G(␩) is independent of the sign of must rotate in an opposite sense to maintain a common ␩ and therefore only contains terms with even powers of vertex): ␩. There are some cases, however, when G(␩) ± G(Ϫ␩), ␩ ϭ ͗Ϯ␾͘ (12) and then terms with odd powers of ␩ must be included in Equation 13, but we will not consider these here (Dove Because the atomic displacements due to a displacive 1993, Appendix D). Equation 13 represents an expansion phase transition are small, all de®nitions of these types of the free energy about a maximum value in the low- are practically equivalent, and the degree of ambiguity is temperature phase and is therefore expected to be valid largely irrelevant. However, some of the displacements only for small values of ␩, i.e., only close to the phase and rotations actually follow the order parameter to high- transition. The free energy of Equation 13 is shown in er order. For example, models of cristobalite based upon Figure 7 for two cases, one where A Ͼ 0, leading to a the rotations and translations of rigid SiO tetrahedra 4 single minimum at ␩ϭ0, and a second where A Ͻ 0, show that the changes in one of the fractional coordinates leading to a maximum at ␩ϭ0 and minima at non-zero vary quadratically with all the other changes (unpublished values of ␩. analysis). Thus in practice it is essential that one does not For the free energy of Equation 13 to represent a phase simply average over all changes in the atomic positions, transition, it is necessary that the value of A change sign but rather one selects only those that have a linear rela- at the transition temperature, so that it is positive for tem- tionship with each other. This set can be selected by cal- peratures above the transition temperature Tc and negative culating the changes in structure assuming perfectly rigid below. The simplest implementation of this condition is SiO4 tetrahedra. to assume that A ϭ a(T Ϫ Tc). It is also assumed that we The Landau free energy only need to consider the smallest number of terms in the expansion, so that we can rewrite Equation 13 as Having de®ned an appropriate order parameter, we then assume that the free energy of the low-temperature phase 11 G(␩)ϭGϩa(TϪT)␩ϩ2b␩4(14) can be written as a power series in the order parameter ␩: 0 24c

11 where a and b (ϭ B) are positive constants. The equilib- ␩ ϭ 0 applied to Equation 14 leadsץ / Gץ G(␩)ϭGϩA␩ϩ2 B␩ϩ4´ ´ ´ (13) rium condition 0 24 to the predictions that ␩ϭ0 for T Ͼ Tc, that there is a where the parameters A and B are constants, and G0 is continuous (second-order) phase transition at T ϭ Tc, and 222 DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS that at lower temperatures ␩ is non-zero and has the tem- rameter together with thermodynamic data it is quite easy perature dependence: to obtain estimates for the coef®cients of the Landau free 1/2 energy. This approach can lead to a useful rationalization a(T Ϫ T) ␩ϭ c (15) of a number of separate observations. The second reason []b is that the Landau free energy provides a model free en- When the constant b is negative the form of the free en- ergy that can be developed into a detailed theory. Even ergy gives a discontinuous (®rst-order) phase transition, when the numerical predictions are not accurate, many of and the expansion of the free energy must be taken to its qualitative predictions are surprisingly useful, because higher order (Dove 1993, Appendix D). they are based on rigorous principles of symmetry. The Equation 14 can be extended to include more compli- use of group theory can give powerful constraints on the cated details of symmetry or to account for different vec- formulation of the Landau free energy, leading to some tor components of the order parameter. One common ex- useful predictions concerning many physical properties. tension, keeping within the spirit of expressing the free At its heart, Landau theory is useful precisely because energy as a simple series expansion and retaining only the free energy is expressed as a Taylor expansion; the the lowest-order terms necessary, is to include one or central issue then revolves around the extent to which the more strain variables, ⑀: Taylor expansion can be considered to be valid. The prediction of the temperature dependence of ␩, 11 G(␩)ϭGϩa(TϪT)␩ϩ2b␩4 Equation 15, with the exponent of ½, is typical of the 0 24c predictions of mean-®eld theories (Bruce and Cowley 11 1981; Bruce and Wallace 1989; Yeomans 1992; Chaikin ϩ ␨⑀␩n ϩ C⑀2 (16) and Lubensky 1995), which assume that the individual 22 atoms or magnetic spins that order at the phase transition where ␨ and C are constants (C is a normal elastic con- interact with the average state of all the others. Thus GL stant), and n equals 1 or 2 depending on whether the does not contain information about any individual atom, strain has the same or different symmetry to the order but only about ␩, which gives an average over all atoms. parameter. The strain is not an independent quantity when We can illustrate this point by considering a simple we consider the equilibrium state: one-dimensional array of spins, as shown in Figure 4. The order parameter for this example is given by Equation 9. G 1 ␨␩nץ ϭ 0 ⇒ ⑀ϭ The state ␩ϭ1 (fully ordered) at T ϭ 0 K is shown in C Figure 4a. Two states with ␩ϭ0 are shown in Figures 2 ⑀ץ 111␨␩22n 4b and 4c. If the spin interactions can be represented by ⇒G(␩)ϭG ϩ a(TϪT)␩ϩ2 b␩Ϫ4 0 244c Cthe model Hamiltonian given by Equation 6 with nearest (17) neighbor interactions only, clearly the two con®gurations with ␩ϭ0 do not have equivalent energy. In Figure 4d Hence depending on the value of n, the coupling to strain we show another state with ␩ϭ½. This state has exactly will either effectively increase the value of Tc (n ϭ 1) or the same energy as that for ␩ϭ0 shown in Figure 4c. reduce the value of the quartic coef®cient (n ϭ 2). If the There is, therefore, a range of states with ␩ ± Ϯ1 that effect on the quartic term is so large as to make it neg- have an equivalent energy. In fact this model has an or- ative overall, the phase transition will become ®rst order. dered state only at T ϭ 0 K: there is no phase transition It is common to separate the part of the free energy at a non-zero temperature. that contains all the information about ␩; this is called We can quantify this point by considering the ther- the Landau free energy GL: modynamic properties of a chain of N spins. If there are n domain walls, each of energy J relative to the energy G (␩) ϭ G(␩) Ϫ G (18) L 0 with complete order, the enthalpy is simply given as nJ

The function GL can be obtained as an approximation to and the entropy can be formed by the standard con®gu- any theoretical free energy. In this review we will derive rational entropy associated with distributing n domain

GL for a displacive phase transition in terms of micro- walls on N possible bonds. Minimization of the resultant scopic parameters and thereby provide a link between the free energy in the limit n K N gives macroscopic thermodynamic approach and the interatom- n ϭ N exp (ϪJ/k T) (19) ic forces. B Thus the equilibrium number of domain walls tends to CRITIQUE OF LANDAU THEORY zero only as the temperature goes to zero. The existence Landau theory has been widely applied in the solid- of just one domain wall is suf®cient to destroy long-range state sciences for two main (but not wholly independent) order completely, so long-range order can only occur at reasons. The ®rst is that for many cases it provides a good T ϭ 0 K. Furthermore, it has been shown that no one- empirical description of the observed behavior (Salje dimensional system can undergo a phase transition at a 1986, 1987, 1990a, 1991a, 1991b, 1992a). From mea- non-zero temperature, and there are a number of model surements of the temperature dependence of the order pa- systems that cannot order even in two dimensions (Bruce DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS 223 and Wallace 1989; Thouless 1989; Yeomans 1992; Chai- LATTICE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF kin and Lubensky 1995). Thus Landau theory fails spec- DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS tacularly in such cases, since it does not contain any in- Soft-mode theory of displacive phase transitions formation about dimensionality. One might think that dimensionality is not an issue in mineralogy, but that is Since the classic papers by Cochran (1959, 1960, 1981) not necessarily the case. If ordering forces are suf®ciently on the origin of ferroelectricity, displacive phase transi- anisotropic, for example in a chain or layer silicate, the tions have been understood in terms of the soft-mode the- ordering process might be effectively one dimensional at ory (Blinc and Zeks 1974; Scott 1974; Lines and Glass higher temperatures. This is realized for Al-Si ordering 1977; Bruce and Cowley 1981; Ghose 1985; Dove 1993, in sillimanite, gehlenite, and cordierite (Thayaparam et al. Chapter 8). Historically the theory was partly driven by 1994, 1996; Dove et al. 1996a). In these cases, Al-Si developments in the understanding of lattice dynamics ordering is strongest for tetrahedral sites in chains along that followed from the development of inelastic neutron speci®c directions. Complete three-dimensional ordering scattering techniques (Axe 1971; Shirane 1974; Dorner is only made possible by weaker interactions between the 1982; Skold and Price 1986; Ghose 1988). The central chains of tetrahedra. idea is that in the high-temperature phase there is a lattice It might be argued that the failure of the Landau free vibration for which the frequency falls to zero on cooling energy outlined above is partly because G is only sup- toward the transition temperature. A vanishing frequency L implies a vanishing restoring force against the corre- posed to work for temperatures close to T . However, it c sponding deformation, which is the reason that vibration is sometimes found experimentally that the temperature is called a soft mode. The atomic displacements associ- dependence of ␩ given by Equation 15 holds for a range ated with the soft mode are the same as the deformation of temperatures below T , but at temperatures very close c of the structure in the low-temperature phase. For ex- to T it is no longer described by Equation 15, but by the c ample, in the high-temperature phase of PbTiO the soft general form: 3 mode involves the Pb2ϩ and Ti4ϩ cations moving along ␤ [001] with the O anions moving in the opposite direction. ␩ϭA(Tc ϪT) (20) This is the distortion that freezes into the structure in the with ␤Ͻ½, typically of the order (but not exactly equal low-temperature phase. There is a soft mode in the low to) ⅓ for three-dimensional systems. The range of tem- temperature phase, which corresponds to the same atomic peratures over which the order parameter is described by motions but now vibrating about new mean positions. In

Equation 20, rather than by Equation 15, is called the the case of PbTiO3 the soft mode in the high-temperature Ginzburg interval or critical region (Bruce and Cowley phase is degenerate, so two corresponding modes are ob- 1981). The existence of the Ginzburg interval is due to served in the low-temperature phase. The soft modes in spatial ¯uctuations of the order parameter similar to those both phases have been measured by inelastic neutron shown in Figure 4. The Ginzburg interval is large in spin scattering (Shirane et al. 1970) and Raman scattering systems and systems with short-range interactions, but it (Burns and Scott 1970; see Fig. 8.8 in Dove 1993). is found that there are many phase transitions, including phase transitions in minerals, where the Ginzburg interval Anharmonic phonon theory and the soft mode is so close to zero in size that it cannot be observed. The energy associated with the lattice vibrations of a Even when Landau theory appears to be in reasonable crystal is usually expressed in terms of the Hamiltonian agreement with experiment for most temperatures, Equa- for phonons, Hph, which is written as an expansion of the tion 15 cannot work at low temperatures because the third crystal energy in normal mode coordinates. We ®rst must ,T ϭ 0atTϭ0 de®ne terminology. For a crystal containing N unit cellsץ/␩ץ law of thermodynamics requires that

K. Thus GL is not a correct thermodynamic function, but there are N values of the wave vector k. If the same is an approximation to one at high temperatures. For GL crystal has Z atoms in the unit cell, there are 3Z phonon to be a correct thermodynamic function it must obey the branches. Each phonon branch is then labelled by ␯. Thus

G/ each phonon mode is labelled by the wave vector andץ Tat T ϭ 0 K so thatץ/G0ץT ϭϪץ/GLץ condition that

-T ϭ 0. For this to be true, then the function G0 must branch as (k, v). To make the equations compact, we deץ contain information about ␩, which contradicts our initial note (k, ␯)byk, and (Ϫk, ␯)byϪk. The amplitude of assumption, or else both differentials should tend to zero each phonon k is represented by the mass-weighted nor- at T ϭ 0 K, which is not the case in the standard Landau mal-mode coordinate (Dove 1993, Chapter 4). The gen- formalism. eral anharmonic form can be written as (Dove 1993, Despite the fact that I have raised several criticisms of Chapter 8) Landau theory, it is often found that displacive phase 11 transitions in many minerals can be described reasonably ϭ␻2QQ ϩ ´´´ V(k,´´´,k) Hph ͸͸͸͸kkϪks1s well by Landau theory. Indeed, it is often found that the 2ksՆ3s!kk1 s order parameter can be described by Equation 15 for tem- ´Q´´´Q ⌬(kϩ´´´ϩk). (21) peratures down to 100±200 K, when the effects of the kk1 s1 s third law of thermodynamics become important. The ®rst term is the normal harmonic energy, where ␻k 224 DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS is the harmonic frequency for the phonon k. The remain- above, these are called the renormalized phonon frequen- ing terms are the anharmonic components of the energy, cies, and the model as sketched is called renormalized each of order s, where Vs is an energy prefactor, and ⌬(G) phonon theory (alternative names are quasiharmonic pho- is a function of value unity if G is a reciprocal lattice non theory or pseudoharmonic phonon theory). The re- vector and zero otherwise. Technically Hph should also normalized frequencies now have an explicit temperature Ç Ç contain the kinetic energy term ½⌺kQkQϪk, but because dependence directly extracted from Equation 26: we will not make use of this term we will not include it kT in our equations. In principle the sum over s in Equation ␻Ä22ϭ␻ ϩ B V(k, Ϫk, kЈ, ϪkЈ)/␻Ä 2(27) kk ͸ 4 kЈ 21 extends to in®nite order, but in practice it is usual to 2kЈ include only the terms for s ϭ 3 and s ϭ 4. For the soft- This equation has a self-consistent set of solutions for the mode theory the dominant terms are those with s ϭ 4, renormalized frequencies, although in practice it is com- which are the only ones we will consider, so we write mon to replace the renormalized frequencies in the de- 11 nominator by their harmonic values (Blinc and Zeks ϭ␻2QQ ϩ V(k,k,k,k) Hph ͸͸kkϪk 41234 1974). 24!kk12,k k34,k It should be appreciated that the temperature depen- dence I have introduced is quite different from that due ´QQQQ⌬(kϩkϩkϩk) (22) kkkk1234 1234 to thermal expansion, although thermal expansion is, of To make progress pairs of normal mode coordinates in course, also an anharmonic effect. In general the increase the fourth-order term in Equation 22 are replaced by their of the crystal volume on heating leads to a reduction of thermal averages, to give an effective Hamiltonian (Blinc the phonon frequencies, whereas the direct anharmonic and Zeks 1974): interactions considered here lead to an increase in phonon frequencies on heating. In most cases the indirect anhar- 11 eff ϭ␻2QQ ϩ monic effects mediated through the thermal expansion H ph ͸͸͸kkϪk 24kkkЈ dominate, but for phase transition theory it is the direct ´V(k, Ϫk, kЈ, ϪkЈ)͗QQ ͘QQ . (23) interactions that are important. These interactions are not 4 kЈϪkЈ kϪk included in modeling techniques that assume that the full 1 The coef®cient ⁄4! in Equation 22 has been replaced by anharmonicity can be accounted for in the thermal ex- ¼ to account for the number of possible permutations of pansion (such as in free-energy minimization techniques). the averaging (Blinc and Zeks 1974). Conservation of We now consider the behavior of the soft modes. A crystal momentum requires that ͗QkQkЈ͘ is only non-zero crystal structure that is unstable against a small displacive if kЈϭϪk, and that the only terms allowed in the har- distortion will have a corresponding imaginary harmonic monic Hamiltonian are those of the form QkQϪk. The ther- frequency (Dove 1993, Chapter 8). This is seen from the mal average is given in phonon theory by the relation harmonic term in Equation 21. If the crystal is unstable ប 1 against a small displacive distortion that can be expressed 2 ͗QQkЈϪkЈ͘ϭ n(␻ÄkЈ,T)ϩ as a normal mode coordinate, the harmonic term ␻Ä Q Q ␻Ä2 k k Ϫk kЈ[] must have a maximum energy when the normal mode

kTB coordinate Qk has a value of zero. This is only possible ഠ when kTB Նប␻ÄkЈ (24) 2 ␻Ä 2 if ␻Ͻk 0, that is, the phonon frequency ␻Ä k has an imag- kЈ inary value. We see from Equation 27 that the anhar- where ␻Ä k is the frequency taking account of the anhar- monic interactions increase the phonon frequency on monic interactions, and n(␻, T) is the Bose-Einstein fac- heating if V4 Ͼ 0. Thus if ␻Ä k has an imaginary value at tor (Dove 1993, Chapter 4). Thus in the high-temperature T ϭ 0 K, the anharmonic interactions will make the fre- limit Equation 23 can be written as quency become real for temperatures greater than Tc, the 2 1 temperature at which ␻Ä k ϭ 0 in Equation 27: eff ϭ␻2QQ H ph ͸ kkϪk 2k TϭϪ2␻22/kV(k, Ϫk, kЈ, ϪkЈ)/␻Ä (28) kT c k B4͸ kЈ ϩ B V(k, Ϫk, kЈ, ϪkЈ)QQ /␻Ä2 (25) ΂΃kЈ ͸͸ 4 k ϪkkЈ 4kkЈ At temperatures greater than Tc the harmonic mode is 2 This is actually in the same form as a harmonic Hamil- stable, ␻Ä k Ͼ 0, so the high-symmetry phase is also stable. tonian and can therefore be rearranged to give On the other hand, at low temperatures the crystal is un- stable against displacements that are described by the nor- 1 kT eff ϭ␻ϩ2 B V(k, Ϫk, kЈ, ϪkЈ)/␻Ä 2 QQ mal mode of label k; we can think about the soft mode H ph ͸͸k 4 kЈ k Ϫk 22kk[]Ј being frozen into the structure. Equations 27 and 28 can 1 therefore be rewritten as ϭ␻Ä2QQ . ͸ kkϪk 2k (26) k 2 B 2 ␻Ä k ϭ V4(k, Ϫk, kЈ, ϪkЈ)/␻Ä kЈ (T Ϫ Tc) (29) 2 ͸ This relation now de®nes the set of frequencies␻Ä k used ΂΃2kЈ DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS 225

FIGURE 9. Temperature dependence of the soft-mode fre- IGURE F 8. Schematic representation of the behavior of the quencies in SrTiO3. Data are from Fleury et al. (1968, circles, soft mode. At low temperatures (T K Tc) the soft mode is un- Raman scattering data), Cowley et al. (1969, crosses, inelastic stable, which is represented by␻Ä . Thus the structure of the high- neutron scattering data), and Shirane and Yamada (1969, trian- temperature phase is unstable. On heating, the anharmonic inter- gles, inelastic neutron scattering data). actions make a positive contribution to the value of␻Ä , until the

frequency reaches zero at the transition temperature (Tc). Above this temperature the soft-mode frequency has a real rather than These give the Fourier transforms of the set of real dis- imaginary value, and the high-temperature phase is stable. placements uj. The Hamiltonian of Equation 2 [compare with Equation 21] can then be written in the following form, again dropping the kinetic energy term ½⌺ uÇ uÇ : Equation 29 yields the temperature dependence of the k k Ϫk soft-mode frequency (Blinc and Zeks 1974; Bruce and 1 ϭ (J Ϫ␬)uu H ͸ k 2 k Ϫk Cowley 1981). 2m k The soft-mode model is pictured schematically in Fig- ␬ ure 8, where we plot the frequency of the soft mode in ϩ 4 uuuu⌬(kϩkϩkϩk) (31) 2͸ kkkk1234 1234 the high-symmetry phase as a function of temperature. At 4mk12,k k,k T ϭ 0 K the structure of the high-symmetry phase is 34 unstable with respect to the distortion to the low-sym- where metry phase, and the frequency of the soft mode has an 1 J ϭ J exp[ik´(R Ϫ R )] (32) imaginary value. On increasing temperature the anhar- k ͸ ij 2 Ni,j monic interactions raise the value of␻Ä k . Eventually the contribution of the anharmonic interactions is suf®ciently and the sum is restricted to nearest neighbors. The quan- 2 large that the value of␻Ä k becomes positive, at which point tity (Jk Ϫ␬2)/mis the square of the harmonic frequency the high-symmetry phase is stable. This de®nes the tran- of the vibration with wave vector k. In the case where

sition temperature. Experimentally the soft-mode fre- the force constants J are positive, Jk ϭ 0 when k ϭ 0, quency is found to fall on cooling toward the transition and this is the wave vector of the soft mode. Comparing

temperature, and it often follows the temperature depen- with Equation 22 for the general case, ␬4 is equivalent to 2 dence ␻Ä k ϰ (T Ϫ Tc), as predicted by Equation 29. V4 (k1, k2, k3, k4) but is independent of the wave vectors. Experimental data for the soft mode frequency in Following the methods outlined above, the effective

SrTiO3 are shown in Figure 9 (Fleury et al. 1968; Cowley Hamiltonian can be written as et al. 1969; Shirane and Yamada 1969). Below the tran- 16␬ H eff ϭ (J Ϫ␬)uu ϩ͗4uu ͘uu sition temperature the triply-degenerate soft mode splits ͸͸k2kϪkk2 ЈϪkЈ kϪk 2mkk4m,kЈ into two modes, whose frequencies increase with the or- der parameter (␻2 ϰ␩2). The atomic motions associated 13␬kT (JϪ␬)ϩ 4B JuuϪ1 . with the soft mode are the rotations of the TiO octahedra ഠ ͸͸k2 kЈkϪk 6 2mmkk[]Ј(33) about the three ͗100͘ axes. The transition temperature for this model is then given as The standard paradigm m␬ 1 kT ϭ 2/ JϪ1 . (34) We now draw the connection with the standard para- Bc ͸ k 3␬4΂΃Nk digm (Bruce and Cowley 1981; Sollich et al. 1994). The normal-mode coordinates are de®ned as For the case of the three-dimensional cubic lattice, the denominator has the value 1.979/J, and because ␬2 /␬4 ϭ ͙m 2 u0 this gives a derivation of Equation 8. The denominator uk ϭ ujjexp(ik´R ) (30) ͸ Ϫ2 Nj in fact plays the same role as ␻Ä in Equations 27 and 226 DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS

FIGURE 10. Uniform movement of the whole phonon branch with temperature in the standard paradigm.

28. The whole branch changes with temperature uniform- FIGURE 11. Schematic representation of the temperature de- ly as pendence of a hard-mode frequency. ␻Ä 2 ϭ J Ϫ␬ ϩ3␬kT ␻ÄϪ2 (35) k k 24B͸ kЈ kЈ because the corresponding terms in powers of QkQϪk and 2 This behavior is illustrated in Figure 10 and is the con- ͦQkQϪkͦ are explicitly included in V(␩), with prefactors ␬2 2 sequence of the anharmonic coef®cient being independent and ␬4 instead of ␻k and ␣k, respectively. It is assumed of k. In order to determine Tc, as the temperature at which that the phonon frequencies have already been renormal- 2 ␻Ä kЈ ϭ 0, the frequencies to use in the denominator in the ized by their interactions with all the other modes. In the 2 last term in Equation 35 are ␻Ä kЈ ϭ JkЈ, which are the values low-temperature phase Equation 37 can be written as at the transition temperature. 11 It must be stressed that the results for any phase tran- ϭV(␩)ϩ␻ϩ␣␩␩2 *QQ H ͸ kk kϪk sition can only be compared with this model with great 22k΂΃ caution. The model has a softening of a phonon only at 1 2 ϭV(␩)ϩ␻ÅkkQQϪk (38) a single wave vector, as expressed in the form of Jk, ͸ 2k Equation 32. In practice the phonon surface may be more complicated, for example, in the perovskites there is a where soft phonon all across the edges of the Brillouin zone. 1 Any application of this model must be modi®ed to use a ␻Å22ϭ␻ ϩ ␣␩␩*. (39) kk2 k suitable functional form for Jk (Sollich et al. 1994). The modi®ed frequency␻Ä carries information about the Lattice dynamics and Landau theory value of the order parameter (Dove et al. 1992a; Dove We now generalize the formalism sketched in this sec- 1993, Chapter 8), which provides the basis for the new tion to consider the low-temperature phase. The depen- technique (as applied to mineralogy) of hard-mode spec- dence of the lattice energy on the order parameter ␩ can troscopy (Salje 1992b). From Equation 39 we note that again be approximated by the simple double-well poten- measurements of the way that a phonon frequency at tem- tial V(␩), exactly as in the standard paradigm described peratures below the phase transition deviates from the earlier: value extrapolated from the frequency in the high-tem- 11 perature phase gives direct information on the tempera- 2 4 V(␩)ϭϪ ␬␩24 ϩ ␬␩. (36) ture dependence of ␩, i.e., from equation 39 we can de- 24 2 22 termine the order parameter from ␩ ϰ (␻ÄkkϪ␻)ϰ⌬␻k.

The coef®cient Ϫ␬2 is now equivalent to the square of This is illustrated in Figure 11. Indeed, measurements of the imaginary harmonic frequency. The relevant part of ␩ from changes in phonon frequencies can give the most the Hamiltonian can now be written as accurate data on the temperature dependence of ␩. This 11 is the basis for the use of hard-mode spectroscopy, where ϭV(␩)ϩ␻2QQ ϩ␣QQ ␩␩* (37) the changes in the positions of peaks in Raman and in- H͸͸kkϪkkkϪk 24kk frared spectra are used to determine the behavior of an where we use ␣k instead of V4 to avoid a large paren- order parameter with temperature, annealing time, or thetical term. In the high-temperature phase the quantity chemical composition (GuÈttler et al. 1989b; Harris et al. that becomes the order parameter ␩ in the low-tempera- 1989, 1990; Palmer et al. 1990; Poon et al. 1990; Redfern ture phase plays the same role as any other normal mode and Salje 1992; Redfern 1992; Salje et al. 1992, 1993; coordinate, Qk. It is not included in the last two terms Cellai et al. 1995; Zhang et al. 1995). DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS 227

The virtue of using a quasi-harmonic model is that we can now use the standard expression for the phonon free energy, Gph, of a set of harmonic vibrations: ប␻ G ϭ k T ln 2sinhk . (40) ph B ͸ k 2k T []΂΃B Note use of the nomenclature of the to emphasize the contact with experiment, although techni- cally we are really working with constant volume; the differences are not signi®cant. We now follow the same spirit as Landau theory and expand Gph as a Taylor series in ␩ about the point ␩ϭ0, noting the use of the set of values of␻Ä as de®ned by Equation 39 for the frequencies (Dove 1993, Chapter 8). This yields k T ␣ G (␩) ϭ G (␩ϭ0) ϩ␩ϩB k 2 ´ ´ ´ (41) ph ph ͸ 2 4 k ␻Å k

To make the nomenclature more transparent, I write FIGURE 12. The potential energy V(␩) calculated for quartz Equation 41 in the form of an Einstein model (although using the interatomic potential of Tsuneyuki et al. (1988). The I will not actually be making an Einstein approximation): points represent actual calculations, and the curve is a ®tted form of Equation (36). 3RT␣Ä G (␩) ϭ G (␩ϭ0) ϩ␩ϩ2 ´ ´ ´ (42) ph ph 4␻Ä 2 below), so that none of the higher order terms in the where expansion of the phonon free energy is important. 1 ␣Ä ϭ␣ (43) Example calculation for quartz ͸ k 3N k To illustrate the theory of the previous two sections, I and now present a calculation of the Landau free energy func- tion for quartz. Using the interatomic potential of Tsu- ␻Ä22ϭ␣Ä/ (␣ /␻Å ). (44) ͸ kk neyuki et al. (1988) I have calculated the function V(␩) k by performing an energy minimization for various ®xed If we take the part of that depends on ␩ and add this to values of the displacement of the O atom from its position V(␩) as de®ned in Equation (36), we obtain an expression in the high-symmetry phase (unpublished calculation). that is equivalent to the Landau free energy: The function is shown in Figure 12, ®tted by a curve of the form of Equation (36). The potential energy is rep- 13␣ÄRT 1 G (␩) ϭϪ ␬␩2 ϩ ␩2 ϩ ␬␩4 resented reasonably well by the polynomial L224␻Ä42 4 1␩241␩ 3␣ÄR 1 V(␩)ϭ1.542 ϫϪ ϩ kJ/mol. (48) 2 4 ϭ (T Ϫ Tc4)␩ϩ ␬␩ (45) 2΂΃␩004 ΂΃␩ 2 [] 4␻Ä4 The phonon frequencies of the high-symmetry phase where Tc is the transition temperature, given by were calculated for a set of wave vectors over a ®ne grid 2␬␻Ä2 in reciprocal space and also for a small value of ␩ in the T ϭ 2 . (46) c 3R␣Ä low-symmetry phase. Taking the differences between the frequencies gave the result This is similar to the form given in Equation 28, where 1 the square of the imaginary soft-mode frequency has now (␣ /␻2) ϭ 0.2922 (49) ͸ kk Nk been replaced by Ϫ␬2. In principle the expansion of the phonon free energy, where N is the total number of modes considered in the Equation 42, can be extended to higher order. This would calculation (27 000 in this case). It should be noted that add a temperature-dependent term to the higher order co- the harmonic frequencies were used in this calculation, ef®cients in the Landau free energy. The fourth-order co- rather than the renormalized frequencies. Substitution of ef®cient would then be given by these values into Equation 46 yields a value for Tc of 578 3␣ÄR2 T K. This is lower than the experimental value (848 K), but bϭ␬4 Ϫ . (47) part of this discrepancy is due to the use of the harmonic ␻Ä 4 frequencies in Equation 49. The renormalized frequencies The temperature-dependent part of Equation 47 is negli- will be larger than the harmonic values. If we trust our gibly small in value compared to the value of ␬4 (see calculated value of␣Ä , the value of␻Ä required to give the 228 DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS correct transition temperature is larger by only 1 THz, which is a reasonably small value. We can also comment on the size of the phonon con- tribution to the fourth-order term in GL. The calculations for quartz indicate that the fourth-order term is given as

b ϭ 6.2 Ϫ (1.0 ϫ 10Ϫ6 KϪ1) T kJ/mol. (50) This demonstrates that for temperatures up to values many times larger than Tc the constant component dom- inates the whole coef®cient. Quantum effects and saturation of the order parameter at low temperatures The complete free energy is given by the sum of Equa- tions 36 and 40, FIGURE 13. Experimental data for the temperature depen- 11 ប␻(␩)dence of the square of the order parameter (␩2) in anorthite. The G(␩)ϭϪ ␬␩2 ϩ ␬␩4 ϩkT ln 2sinhk . 24B͸ curve is obtained by minimization of the free energy, with ad- 24k 2kT []΂΃B justed average values of ␻ and ␣. The data are from Redfern and (51) Salje (1987). Although this reduces to the Landau free energy expan- sion in the high-temperature limit, it also has the correct This has the correct thermodynamic limiting behavior: .T ϭ 0atTϭ0Kץ/␩ץ ,thermodynamic limiting behavior at low temperatures where the free energy has the form Figure 13 shows the application of this model to data 111 for the order parameter in anorthite (Redfern and Salje G(␩)ϷϪ ␬␩2 ϩ ␬␩4 ϩ ប␻Å (␩) 24͸ k 1987) over the range of temperatures from nearly 0 K to 242k the transition temperature. An Einstein approximation ប␻Å(␩) was used to replace all values of ␻Å and ␣ by average ϪkTexp Ϫ k. (52) k k B ͸ values ␻ and ␣ respectively, which were optimized by k kT ave ave []B comparing values of ␩ obtained from the minimization of Without the zero-point phonon motion, the equilibrium G(␩) to the experimental data. The same problem has value of ␩ at T ϭ 0 K is simply obtained from the min- been tackled from the perspective of the standard para- ½ imum of V(␩): ␩ϭ(␬2/␬4). Taking account of the zero- digm by Salje and coworkers (Salje et al. 1991; Salje and point motion means the equilibrium value of ␩ at T ϭ 0 Wruck 1991; Salje 1991b). K is obtained by minimization of G(␩), giving Essential features for the Landau description ␬2 ប ␣k ␩ϭ2 Ϫ ͸ . (53) The theory developed above is appropriate when all ␬ 4␬␻kÅ 44k the entropy is phonon entropy, with no contribution from This is lower than the value obtained from minimization con®gurational entropy. This is most easily seen in the of V(␩) alone, which gives the ®rst component of the context of the standard paradigm. In the limit where the right-hand side of the result. Indeed, the second term in stiffness of the forces between atoms is large compared

Equation 53 could be large enough relative to ␬2 /␬4 to to the local ordering potential, i.e., s K 1, the phonon drive the transition temperature down to 0 K, or suppress theory is the appropriate model to use. In this limit, as the transition entirely. Nevertheless, a soft mode will be we have seen, the Landau polynomial arises as an expan- observed, but it will never reach zero frequency. At high sion of the exact free energy. On the other hand, if some temperatures it appears to be falling toward zero at a ®- degree of con®gurational entropy is signi®cant because nite temperature, but then as this temperature is ap- there is some order-disorder component of the phase tran- proached the frequency will level off. This situation is sition, we will have terms in the free energy of the form observed for a ferroelectric soft mode in SrTiO (Cowley 3 G ϭϪRT[(1 ϩ␩)ln(1 ϩ␩)ϩ(1 Ϫ␩)ln(1 Ϫ␩)] 1962). config Minimization of Equation 52 yields the low-tempera- ϷϪRT[␩ϩ␩24/6]. (55) ture behavior of ␩: The con®gurational terms add a term that varies as T␩2,

␬2 ប ␣kkប␻Å similar to that given by the phonon theory, which acts to ␩ϭ2 Ϫ ͸ 1ϩ2exp Ϫ 4kÅ kT modify the transition temperature from the value given ␬44␬␻k[]΂΃B by Equation 46. However, the con®guration terms also ប␣ប␻Å 4 ϭ␩2(Tϭ0) Ϫ ͸ kkexp Ϫ . (54) add in terms of the form T␩ (and of all higher even 2␬␻4kÅk ΂΃kBT powers). This means that all the higher-order terms in the DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS 229

Landau free-energy expansion are temperature dependent. discussed the issue of the origin of the double-well po- Experimentally, though, it is commonly found that ␩ϰ tential that is required for a phase transition to occur, nor ½ (Tc ϪT) over a wide range of temperatures. The coef®- why this double-well potential is weak compared to the cient of proportionality is given by the ratio of the pre- relevant interactions between atoms. factors on the terms in ␩2 and ␩4 in the Landau free en- The development of the theory in this section has made ergy. That this coef®cient is found to be largely no reference to whether the soft mode is an optic mode independent of temperature implies that the prefactors in or an acoustic mode. The idea of the soft mode is usually the Landau free-energy expansion are also independent taken to imply an optic mode, because the soft-mode of temperature, consistent with the view that the entropy model was initially conceived within the context of fer- associated with displacive phase transitions is mostly vi- roelectric phase transitions (Cochran 1959, 1960, 1981), brational rather than con®gurational. where the ferroelectric soft mode is actually implied by the Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation (Lyddane et al. 1941; Summary of resolved and open issues Dove 1993, Chapter 3). However, for a ferroelastic phase The anharmonic phonon theory has led to a picture of transition the soft mode will be an acoustic mode at k ϭ the phase transition arising as a result of the anharmonic 0, where the slope of the acoustic mode (and hence the interactions acting to stabilize a phonon mode that would corresponding sound velocity or elastic constant) falls to otherwise be unstable in a purely harmonic model of the zero at the transition temperature. The theory must be high-temperature phase. The phase transition occurs at slightly modi®ed when we have a soft acoustic mode. For the temperature at which the soft-mode frequency falls to example, the coupling constants involving the soft acous- zero on cooling. Below this temperature the restoring tic mode, V4(k,ϪkЈ, k, ϪkЈ) in Equation 23, will need to force against the phonon distortion vanishes, and the vary as k2 in order that the acoustic-mode frequency in structure can spontaneously deform. The atomic displace- Equation 27 will equal zero at k ϭ 0. Moreover, the order ments involved are the same as those associated with the parameter will not necessarily be of the same symmetry soft phonon. as the corresponding normal-mode coordinate, because From the perspectives of the phonon Hamiltonian and strain is the derivative of the atomic displacements rather the phonon free energy, we have shown how Landau the- than the actual displacements, so that ␣k in Equation 37 ory follows from the phonon theory of the displacive will not be the same as V4(k,ϪkЈ, k, ϪkЈ). Taking account phase transition, and we have shown how the fundamen- of these small modi®cations allows the basic model to tal parameters in the Landau free energy function are re- apply also to soft acoustic modes. We will ®nd in the lated to the microscopic parameters of phonon theory. next section that the behavior of the critical ¯uctuations The Landau expansion of the free energy with constant depends on whether the soft mode is an optic mode or coef®cients only arises if the entropy is purely vibration- an acoustic mode. al, since the effects of con®gurational entropy are to make the coef®cients in the Landau free energy expansion tem- THE RIGID UNIT MODE PICTURE OF DISPLACIVE perature dependent. The condition for the entropy to be PHASE TRANSITIONS IN SILICATES mostly vibrational is that the local double-well potentials In an attempt to take the theory of phase transitions should be shallow compared to the strength of the rele- further, recent work has focused on the central role of the vant interactions between atoms. We are therefore able to rigidity of the SiO4 (or AlO4) tetrahedra in aluminosili- conclude that for displacive phase transitions Landau the- cates (Dove et al. 1991, 1992a, 1996b; Dove 1997; Giddy ory is not simply a phenomenological description but is et al. 1993; Hammonds et al. 1996). The phase transition ®rmly rooted in the soft-mode theory, and although the in quartz is one example, where the rotations of tetrahedra parameters of Landau theory may be obtained empirical- lower the symmetry from hexagonal to trigonal (Grimm ly, they can in principle be related to fundamental quan- and Dorner 1975; Berge et al. 1986; Vallade et al. 1992). tities. Finally, we have obtained the behavior at low tem- The polyhedral-tilting model (Megaw 1973; Hazen and peratures when quantum mechanics and the third law of Finger 1982) provides a geometric description of the thermodynamics become signi®cant and when Landau phase transition. The development of this idea into the theory is known to be inappropriate. rigid-unit mode model involves identi®cation of a low- We should now think about the things that the theory frequency phonon mode that propagates with the move- has not told us. To start with, the phonon theory of dis- ment of the SiO4 (and AlO4) tetrahedra as rigid units with placive phase transitions is a rather nebulous theory. For no distortions (Hammonds et al. 1996). This rigid-unit example, the equation for the transition temperature, mode (RUM) is a natural soft mode for the phase tran- Equation 28 or equivalently Equation 46, involves a sum- sition (Dove et al. 1995; Hammonds et al. 1996). mation or average of terms for all wave vectors over the This last statement is more powerful than it appears at whole of reciprocal space. With so many terms involved, ®rst, because the existence of any RUMs at all in a frame- it is not easy to relate the ®nal value of the transition work silicate is not trivial. In a simple mechanical struc- temperature to anything fundamental. Indeed, the theory ture, such as a framework structure made of loosely joint- has only been worked out in detail for one case study, ed tetrahedra, the number of possible modes of

SrTiO3 (Bruce and Cowley 1973, 1981). We have not yet deformation is simply equal to the difference between the 230 DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS

tal. The RUMs play the role of the soft modes in displacive phase transitions. Giddy et al. (1993) and Hammonds et al. (1994) have developed a computational method to determine all RUMs for a given framework structure, taking account of all possible wave vectors. The basic idea is very sim- ple. Each tetrahedron is viewed as a separate rigid body,

FIGURE 14. Illustration of how different arrangements of and the atoms that are shared by two tetrahedra are count- rods with cross bracing can allow for the existence of easy modes ed as two separate atoms called split atoms. Any mode of deformation. Each rod has three degrees of freedom, and each of deformation in which the rigid tetrahedra rotate and linkage has two constraint equations. In arrangement (a) there translate without causing the split atoms to separate is are 12 degrees of freedom and 8 constraints. The difference of equivalent to a RUM in a framework silicate, and in this 4 includes the trivial two translations and the rotation of the sense the separation of the split atoms plays the same role whole object, and the shear deformation of the structure. In ar- as the distortion of the tetrahedra. This way of thinking rangement (b) there are 15 degrees of freedom and 12 con- about the structure is easily incorporated into the formal- straints. The difference of 3 includes only the trivial two trans- ism of molecular lattice dynamics (Pawley 1972; Dove lations and the rotation of the whole object; there is now no possible shear deformation. Using the same simple counting ar- 1993, Chapter 6). The RUMs are then the vibrational rangement (c) appears to have the same number of degrees of modes calculated to have zero frequency. Our computer freedom and constraints as arrangement (b), but when the middle program CRUSH (Hammonds et al. 1994) is freely avail- rod is parallel to the two horizontal rods we know that the object able on the World Wide Web (http://www.esc.cam.ac.uk/ can be sheared as in arrangement (a). This deformation is al- mineral࿞sciences/crush.html). We have found that the lowed because the middle rod is controlled by only three con- number of RUMs in any structure is usually small com- straints, two that tie one end onto the vertical rod, and the third pared to the total number of wave vectors, but signi®- that sets the orientation of the rod to be parallel to the other cantly non-zero (Hammonds et al. 1996). Usually RUMs horizontal rods. Thus the number of independent constraints is are con®ned to wave vectors that lie along lines or on 11. planes in reciprocal space, but sometimes they exist on curved surfaces. We give some examples in Table 1. In total number of degrees of freedom, F, and the total num- our calculations with the constraints that the tetrahedra ber of constraints, C. Each tetrahedron has six degrees of are perfectly rigid, and with no intertetrahedral forces, the freedom. Each corner has three constraint equations that RUMs are the modes with zero frequency. In reality the links it to the corner of the connected tetrahedron, so the intertetrahedral forces will be non-zero, and these will number of constraints per tetrahedron is also six. Thus lead to an energy spectrum for the RUMs. Inelastic neu- the framework structure made of connected tetrahedra ap- tron scattering experiments on leucite (Boysen 1990) and pears to be exactly constrained with F ϭ C, and hence cristobalite (Swainson and Dove 1993a) give a range of should have no modes of deformation. The fault in this RUM energies of the order of 0±1 THz (Dove et al. reasoning is that symmetry can make some of the con- 1995). RUMs have been found by electron diffraction straints redundant, so that there is a slightly lower number measurements from tridymite (Withers et al. 1994; Dove of independent constraints than the number of degrees of et al. 1996b) and cristobalite (Hua et al. 1988; Welberry freedom. This principle is illustrated in Figure 14, where et al. 1989; Withers et al. 1989), where their presence we show several two-dimensional arrangements of linked results in streaks of diffuse scattering corresponding to rods with constraints acting at the linkages. For a square the intersections of the planes of the diffraction patterns of rods linked at corners and cross-braced by a ®fth rod, with the planes of RUMs. the balance between the constraints and degrees of free- dom allows only for uniform translations and rotations of Implications of the rigid-unit mode model for displacive the arrangements. However, if the ®fth rod is parallel to phase transitions two others, the two constraints that act at one end of this The idea of a RUM-driven phase transition is most rod can be replaced by a single constraint that the rod easily illustrated with a model of a two-dimensional pe- should remain parallel to two others. This reduction in rovskite structure as represented in Figure 15. We ®rst the total number of constraints then gives back to the consider the high-symmetry phase, where the squares are structure one more degree of freedom, which in this case initially aligned as in Figure 15a. If two neighboring is the same shear deformation that would occur if the ®fth squares rotate by angles ␸1 and ␸2, as in Figure 15b, we rod was not in place. The more-detailed examples of two- can write the energy to lowest order as (Dove et al. 1991, dimensional frameworks of linked triangles and squares 1992a, 1995) are given elsewhere (Dove et al. 1996c; Dove 1997). The 1 2 fact that some deformation modes, which are equivalent V(␸12, ␸ ) ϭ K(␸ϩ␸ 1 2) . (56) to the RUMs in a framework silicate, can exist in a struc- 2 ture answers the question posed earlier of why phase tran- This form expresses the fact that the only rotations that sitions are allowed in a framework aluminosilicate crys- do not involve distortions of the squares, and thus are DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS 231

TABLE 1. Numbers of rigid unit modes for symmetry points in the Brillouin zones of some aluminosilicates, excluding the trivial acoustic modes at k ϭ 0

Tridy- Cristo- mite Cordi-

Quartz balite P63/ Sanidine Leucite erite

k P6222 Fd3m mmc C2/m Ia3d Cccm (0,0,0) 1*(0) 3(1) 6* 0 5*(0) 6 (0,0,½) 3(1) Ð 6 1* Ð 6 (½,0,0) 2(1) Ð 3* Ð Ð 6 (⅓,⅓,0) 1(1) Ð 1 Ð Ð 6 (⅓,⅓,½) 1(1) Ð 2 Ð Ð 0 (½,0,½) 1(1) Ð 2 Ð 4(0) 2 (0,1,0) Ð 2* Ð 1 Ð Ð FIGURE 15. The only deformation pattern of an array of cor- (½,½,½) Ð 3(0) Ð 0 0 Ð ner linked squares that does not require any distortion of the (0,1,½) Ð Ð Ð 1 Ð Ð (0,0,␰) 3(0) 2(0) 6 Ð 0 6 squares. (a) shows the ideal high-symmetry phase. (b) shows the (0,␰,0) 2*(0) 2(2) 3 1 0 6 distorted low-symmetry phase. (␰,␰,0) 1(1) 1(0) 1 Ð 4(0) 6 (␰,␰,␰) Ð 3(0) Ð Ð 0 Ð (½,0,␰) 1(0) Ð 2 Ð 0 2 (␰,␰,½) 1(1) Ð 0 Ð 0 0 polarizable O anions provide an inward pressure that at- (½Ϫ␰,2␰,0) 1(1) Ð 1 Ð Ð 6 tempts to reduce the volume; I develop this idea later. For (½Ϫ␰,2␰,½) 1(1) Ð 0 Ð Ð 0 (0,␰,½) 0(0) Ð 1 1 Ð Ð the moment, I can express the effects of this inward pres- (␰,1,␰) Ð 1(0) Ð Ð 0 Ð sure as the following energy: (␰,␨,0) 1(0) 0 1 Ð 0 6 (␰,0,␨) 0(0) 0 2 1 0 0 V ϭϪ ␸2. (58) 2 P͸ i (␰,1,␨) Ð 0 Ð 1 0 Ð i (␰,␰,␨) 0(0) 1(0) 0 Ð 0 0 Any given structure cannot collapse inde®nitely. Either Note: Data from Hammonds et al. (1996). An * indicates a RUM that acts as the soft mode for a displacive instability in either the parent struc- neighboring O atoms get too close, or there is a collapse ture or a related structure. The ``Ð'' indicates that the wave vector is not of a cavity about a cation that eventually inhibits further of special symmetry in the particular structure. The numbers in brackets collapse. These effects lead to short-range repulsive forc- denote the numbers of RUMs that remain in the low-temperature phases. es. The harmonic parts are subsumed within the param- eters K and P. However, short-range steric forces have a strong anharmonic component, so we can simply write relatively in low energy, are ␸1 ϭϪ␸2. This is the dis- the short-range energy as a lowest-order anharmonic tortion shown in Figure 15b. On the other hand, the great- energy: est distortions of the squares are required when ␸ ϭ␸, 1 2 V ϭ␤ ␸4. (59) 3 ͸ i which will lead to the greatest energy. The force constant i K can be interpreted as the force required to distort the squares, the stiffness of the units. This also includes the higher-order terms neglected in the We can now develop this argument further. Consider a expansion of Equation 56. When we add together these three-dimensional framework of connected tetrahedra (or three contributions, we obtain (Dove et al. 1991, 1992a, octahedra). For simplicity we subsume all the rigid-body 1995) motions of a tetrahedron into one parameter j, and note 24 VϭV123ϩVϩVϭ{(K Ϫ P)␸ϩ␤␸ii} that when two neighboring units move together without ͸i distorting we can say that ␸1 ϭϪ␸2. The energy of the ϩK␸␸. (60) ͸ ij full framework is given as i,j 1 The important point to note is that this is exactly analo- V ϭ K (␸ϩ␸)2 1 ͸ij gous to the standard paradigm as expressed in Equation 2i,j 2, where K plays the same role as J, and P and ␤ play 2 ϭ K ␸ϩiijK ␸␸. (57) ͸͸ the parts of ␬2 and ␬4. Actually the signs of the last terms i i,j are different, but this is not important as it simply ex- It will become clear shortly why this is written in two presses the fact that in the standard paradigm two neigh- forms, as with Equation 2. The energy as written contains boring atoms want to move the same way whereas in this no forces either to encourage or discourage the rotations model two neighboring tetrahedra will rotate in opposite of the tetrahedra; it simply provides the energy that en- senses. By identifying K with the high stiffness of the courages the tetrahedra to move in concert so as to avoid tetrahedra, and P with the weak internal pressure due to any distortions. First note that in general the high-tem- the long-range dispersive interactions, we note that the perature phases are fully expanded, with the phase tran- model lies in the limit K k P, which is equivalent to the sition involving a reduction in volume. In general the displacive limit. This then provides a natural explanation long-range dispersive interactions involving the highly for the fact that many phase transitions in silicates appear 232 DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS

to behave as in the displacive limit and are accurately Thus for this branch the mean value ͗␣k͘ϭ␤will not described by Landau theory. vanish, so that Tc will have a ®nite (i.e., controlled) value. We can follow further the analogy between the simple RUM model as represented by Equation 60 and the stan- The origin of the driving force for phase transitions dard paradigm. The transition temperature for the stan- Earlier I noted that there are two aspects to the driving dard paradigm has been given by Equations 8 and 34. forces for displacive phase transitions in silicates. First, From the analogy we ®nd that the transition temperature there is the coupling between neighboring atoms that al- is directly determined by K, the stiffness of the tetrahedra: lows long-range ordering, described by the parameter J in the standard paradigm. Second there is a longer-range 2 kBTc ϰ KP/␤ϭK␸0 (61) force that drives the actual deformation, which is de- scribed by the double-well potential, V(␩). The ®rst as- where ␸ is the rotation of the tetrahedra at 0 K. This 0 pect, which involves coupling between local ordering or equation does not include prefactors (of order unity) that deformation, has now been dealt with: It arises from the account for the detailed structure topology, which arise stiffness of the tetrahedra that leads to a local deformation from the average of JϪ1 as in Equation 34. We have re- k propagating over large distances. We now consider the cently performed a calculation for quartz using a realistic origin of the double-well potential V(␩). There are three value for K and taking account of all topological factors, contributions to V(␩) (Dove et al. 1995). First is the effect and we found that it leads to a value of the transition of long-range interactions, which some preliminary cal- temperature that is reasonably close to the experimental culations (unpublished) have suggested are due to the dis- value (Dove et al. 1995). persive interactions between the highly polarizable O at- It seems paradoxical that the transition temperature is oms. The long-range interactions are attractive and pull determined by the stiffness of the tetrahedra when the soft the structure in to the highest density possible. Generally mode is a RUM that does not involve any distortion of high-temperature phases have structures of maximum the tetrahedra. The point is that the vibrational entropy volume, and any RUM distortion leads to a lowering of comes from all the other phonons, whose frequencies in the volume. The structure will collapse until halted by the simple model are determined by K acting as a force short-range repulsive interactions. The second contribu- constant. The behavior of the phonons was previously tion to V(␩) is the short-range attraction between a cation, 2 demonstrated in Figure 10, where ␻ changes uniformly such as Kϩ or Ca2ϩ, which occupies a large cavity site, for all phonons. The transition temperature in the general and neighboring O anions. These interactions may lead case, Equation 46, is determined by the ratio of the av- to a collapse of the cavity about the cation, which will erage ␻2 to the shift in ␻,2 which is determined by the propagate over large distance. This collapse is limited by single anharmonic coef®cient ␤. the size of the cation. The third contribution to V(␩) arises In this simple approach, we have considered the be- from the energy associated with the Si-O-Si bond angle havior of only one phonon branch, namely that which (either Si could also be Al). This has an ideal value of contains the soft mode, and we have quietly neglected all ϳ145Њ, and bonds with angles that differ from this will the other phonon branches. Are these neglected phonon have a higher energy. In some materials like cristobalite, branches important? The general equation for the transi- the high-temperature phase appears to have a bond angle tion temperature, Equations 28 and 46, involves contri- of 180Њ (Schmahl et al. 1992). In reality this will lead to butions from all phonons, not just those on the branch a degree of disorder with neighboring tetrahedra rotating containing the soft mode. However, lattice dynamics cal- to try and reduce this angle (Swainson and Dove 1995), culations for quartz (Dove 1995) have shown that the but in order for as many bonds as possible to have the contribution to the thermodynamic functions from the ideal bond angle the structure must undergo the displa- complete set of phonons are largely self-canceling. Using cive phase transition. Thus in cristobalite the energy as- the nomenclature of Equation 46, it was found that the sociated with the Si-O-Si bond angle contributes to V(␩) mean value of ␣k is substantially lower than the magni- as a driving force for ordering. On the other hand, there tudes of the individual values of ␣k, but there is a wide are cases where the Si-O-Si bond angle is already near spread of positive and negative values of ␣k. From Equa- its ideal value in the high-temperature phase, so the en- Ϫ1 tion 46 we see that Tc ϰ͗␣k͘ .If͗␣k͘ is very small, values ergy associated with this bond will either oppose the of Tc could be extremely large (because ͗␣k͘ involves av- phase transition, coming in to V(␩) with opposite sign to eraging over large positive and negative terms, its value the ®rst two contributions, or else the phase transition will is not well constrained), and we come again to an earlier involve the RUM distortion with the smallest distortion question of why isn't Tc ϳϱ. We are rescued by the of the Si-O-Si bond angle (Dove et al. 1995). branch containing the soft mode. Within the quasihar- These three contributions to V(␩) help to determine monic approximation this branch is uncoupled from the which of the potential phase transitions actually occurs. other phonon branches and can be described by the stan- For example, in the high-temperature phase of quartz the dard paradigm. As noted in this section, the anharmonic Si-O-Si bond angle is already close to its ideal value, and behavior of this branch is determined by the anharmonic only a few of the RUM distortions require no change in coef®cient ␤ that operates equally for all wave vectors. this angle. Leucite is like quartz in having the Si-O-Si DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS 233 bond angle close to its ideal value in the high-temperature appropriate for displacive phase transitions in framework phase. In this case the bond angle is changed by the all silicates. the RUM distortions, but the RUMs that are associated We have not, however, taken account of any possible with the phase transition are those for which the changes anisotropy of ͗QkQϪk͘ in reciprocal space, or equivalently in the bond angle are smallest (Dove et al. 1995b). of ␻k. In our analysis we have assumed that ␻k rises with k more-or-less equally for all directions of the wave vec- Critical ¯uctuations tor in reciprocal space. The same RUM model that ex- Frequently, the temperature dependence of the order plains why J, and hence ␰, is large also suggests that the parameter follows the form of Equation 15, rather than assumption of isotropy of ͗QkQϪk͘ may be invalid (Sollich the more general form of Equation 20 with ␤Ͻ½. The et al. 1994). In many cases the soft mode is part of a line case ␤ϭ½occurs for mean-®eld theories, which are or plane of RUMs in reciprocal space (Hammonds et al. characterized by the existence of long-range ordering in- 1996, Table 1). This is illustrated for perovskites such as teractions. In our standard paradigm, the soft mode falls SrTiO3, (Fig. 2). The TiO6 octahedra in one plane rotate to zero frequency at a single wave vector. The range of in concert as in the two-dimensional example shown in interactions can be expressed by the Figure 15. The octahedra in the next plane up also un- dergo similar rotations, because the common vertices of ͗Q(r)Q(0)͘ϭ∫͗QQ ͘exp(ik´r)dk (62) k Ϫk octahedra between neighboring planes do not move. which has been written in terms of a Fourier transform However, the octahedra in the next plane up can rotate in relationship. The correlation function de®nes the range the same sense or opposite sense to the ®rst plane. In fact over which two local distortions of the form of the pho- from the point of view of the energy it really doesn't non eigenvector are correlated. For the purposes of a which way the next plane rotates. The only force phase transition at k ϭ 0 (actually the arguments hold operating will be an anharmonic interaction, mediated by whatever wave vector the soft mode has), we can write the strain (ϰ 1Ϫ͗cos ␪͘, ␪ is the rotation angle) induced

Qkϭ0 ϭ␩. Using Equation 24 for ͗QkQϪk͘ Equation 62 can within a plane when the octahedra rotate, that tries to be written as make the magnitude of the neighboring rotations, but not the signs, equal. Thus there is a strong correlation of ro- ͗Q(r)Q(0)͘ϭkT∫␻Ϫ2 exp(ik´r)dk. (63) B k tations within each plane, but only a weak correlation The standard paradigm has, for small wave vector, the between planes. Experimentally this is seen as a relatively form ¯at phonon branch for wave vectors along the ͗100͘ di- rections connecting the zone-boundary wave vectors of ␻22ഠ ␻ϩ␣Jͦkͦ2 (64) k0 the types {½½0} and {½½½} (Stirling 1972). For the spe- where ␣ has the dimensions of length and re¯ects the ci®c examples of the octahedral-rotation phase transitions interatomic spacing. Equation 64 is an expression of the in the perovskites, Sollich et al. (1994) showed that this fact that ␻k has a minimum value at k ϭ 0. Substitution anisotropy is important and leads to departures of the of Equation 64 into Equation 63 gives the correlation temperature dependence of the order parameter from the function: Landau-form over the temperature range ϳ 0.9Tc Յ T Յ k T 1 Tc. Whether this anisotropy is important depends on the ͗Q(r)Q(0)͘ϰ B exp(ik´r)dk (65) balance of two factors. The ®rst factor is the degree of ␻2221ϩ␰k 0 ͵ displaciveness (see Equation 5), which effectively de®nes where ␰ acts as a correlation length, de®ning the range of how steeply the soft-mode frequency rises with wave vec- interactions: tor on moving away from the critical wave vector along a hard direction compared to the square of the imaginary ␰2 ϭ␣J/␻2. (66) 0 frequency of the soft mode. The second factor is the vari- The Fourier transform yields ation of frequency along the RUM branch containing the k T soft mode. This factor is more important if the RUM ͗Q(r)Q(0)͘ϰ B exp(Ϫr/␰). (67) branch is on a plane of wave vectors rather than on a line ␰␻22r 0 of wave vectors. The balance between these factors has We note two things. First, the inverse of the correlation been quanti®ed numerically, where the range of temper- Ϫ1 ½ ½ length, ␰ , scales as ␻0 ϰ (T Ϫ Tc) , so that ␰ diverges atures over which the form ␩ϰ(Tc ϪT) breaks down on cooling toward the transition temperature, in accord (de®ning the Ginzburg interval) was evaluated as a func- with standard results for mean-®eld theories (Bruce and tion of the two factors. Unfortunately because of a lack Cowley 1981; Bruce and Wallace 1989; Yeomans 1992; of experimental data for silicates, the size of the Ginzburg Chaikin and Lubensky 1995). Second, the correlation interval for quartz and cristobalite could only be guessed, length scales with J. This is the important result in the and the guesses probably do not have any ®rm basis (Sol- present discussion. Because J is identi®ed with the stiff- lich et al. 1994). ness of the tetrahedra, which we know to be large, we The above arguments hold true when the soft mode is can immediately identify the origin of the long-range in- an optic phonon. When the soft mode is an acoustic pho- teractions and the reason that mean-®eld theory may be non, with a softening of an elastic constant, the argument 234 DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS is rather different but more de®nitive. It has been shown are tightly bound. Therefore the motion of one Si-O bond that when the soft mode is an acoustic mode with the will be strongly coupled to the motion of connected Si-O softening being restricted to speci®c directions only, bonds. mean-®eld theory is exactly correct in three dimensions In the case of ␤-cristobalite two models have been pro- (Cowley 1976; Folk et al. 1976, 1979; Bruce and Cowley posed that are based on the existence of domains of lower 1981). This is the case for almost every second-order fer- symmetry structures (Wright and Leadbetter 1975; Hatch roelastic phase transition. When the acoustic modes soft- and Ghose 1991). Similar models have also been pro- en for a plane of wave vectors the situation is more com- posed for quartz, but in this case the need for a disordered plicated. In three dimensions, deviations from Landau high-temperature phase seems less clear (Salje et al. theory arise only as logarithmic corrections and in prac- 1992). Part of the appeal of domain models is that they tice are extremely dif®cult to observe. More dramatic is provide the means of accounting for disorder of the ori- the prediction (Mayer and Cowley 1988), recently con- entations of the Si-O bonds and the correlations between ®rmed for the only known example of a second-order connected Si-O bonds at the same time. Any distortions ferroelastic phase transition with planar softening of the of the tetrahedra only occur within the walls between do- acoustic modes, Na2CO3 (Harris et al. 1993, 1995, 1996; mains. The RUM model provides a way of building up a Harris and Dove 1995; Swainson et al. 1995), that at the domain wall with only a minimum amount of distortion transition the mean-square atomic displacements should of the tetrahedra. If RUMs exist over a line or plane of diverge and long-range order completely lost. wave vectors, it will be possible to construct a linear com- bination of RUM distortions as a Fourier summation over The nature of high-temperature phases all wave vectors, leading to a distortion pattern in real We noted earlier that several possible models exist for space (Swainson and Dove 1993b; Hammonds et al. the nature of the high-temperature phases. The contrast 1996; Dove et al. 1996c). This distortion pattern could be a set of domains with domain walls. But if there is of PbTiO3 and BaTiO3 is relatively simple to envision. In 4ϩ enough freedom in the Fourier summation, the sizes of BaTiO3 the positions of the Ti cations are disordered, and this disorder shows up by an overdamping of the soft the domains and the sizes of the domain walls could be mode (Yamada et al. 1969; Harada et al. 1971). On the arbitrary without signi®cant distortions of the tetrahedra. Thus the RUM model allows the distinct domains to other hand, in PbTiO3 the ions simply vibrate about their average positions, and the soft mode is underdamped evaporate, leaving a dynamically disordered phase that is (Shirane et al. 1970; Burns and Scott 1970). Thus locally generated by a superposition of many large-amplitude RUM phonons. For ␤-cristobalite the RUM picture with the structure of BaTiO3 looks similar to that of the low- temperature phase on the scale of the unit-cell size, albeit dynamic disorder rather than domains has received some with dynamic switching between different orientations of support from light scattering (Swainson and Dove 1993a) and molecular dynamics simulations (Swainson and Dove the polar direction, whereas the local structure of PbTiO 3 1995). looks like the average structure with the ions vibrating Part of the problem with understanding the nature of about their mean positions. the high-temperature phases has been the lack of relevant The controversies arise when we consider the nature experimental data. There has been very little inelastic of the high-temperature phases of silicates such as quartz neutron scattering work on these problems. Several phase and cristobalite, leaving aside for the moment more com- transitions in silicates were studied using NMR (Phillips plicated aluminosilicates such as leucite and anorthite. In et al. 1992, 1993; Phillips and Kirkpatrick 1995; Kirk- the high-temperature phase of cristobalite the average patrick 1988; Spearing et al. 1992, 1994; Stebbins 1988), structure deduced from diffraction studies has a linear but NMR probes a frequency range (typically only up to Si-O-Si bond (Schmahl et al. 1992). Because it was es- the MHz regime) below that of the dynamics of atoms tablished both by energy calculations (Lasaga and Gibbs (around the THz regime). Raman and infrared spectros- 1987, 1988; Gibbs et al. 1994) and by comparison with copy are useful tools (Iqbal and Owens 1984; Salje other silicates that linear bonds are energetically unfa- 1992b), because they probe the THz frequency regime vorable compared to bonds with an angle of around 145Њ, and are sensitive to short-range correlations (Salje it has been suggested that there must be some degree of 1992b). For the phase transitions in quartz and cristobal- disorder in the high-temperature phase. For example, the ite, the spectral lines that are expected to vanish in the Si-O bonds may be tilted at an angle to the ͗111͘ direc- high-symmetry phase, if there are no domains present, tions, but their orientations about these directions must actually do so (Salje et al. 1992; Swainson and Dove be disordered to be consistent with the crystal symmetry. 1993a). This suggests that the domain models are not Recent measurements of the total neutron scattering in- good models for the nature of the high-temperature tensity from ␤-cristobalite (Dove 1997, and unpublished phases of these materials. results) yielded a radial distribution function consistent with an average Si-O-Si angle of around 145Њ. The prob- EXPERIMENTAL REALIZATION lems come when attempts are made to produce a model Simple displacive phase transitions that gives this local structure. Si-O bonds are not inde- It is expected that the theory reviewed above should pendent entities, but are part of the SiO4 tetrahedra that be directly applicable to the displacive phase transitions DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS 235 in minerals such as quartz, albite, anorthite, and leucite. potential minima. The example used is the ordering of 4ϩ In these examples the Si-O-Si bond angles in the high- the Ti cations in BaTiO3. In the disordered phase the temperature phases are around 145Њ, so there will be no Ti4ϩ cations can occupy one of the eight ͗111͘ sites. The orientational disorder of the tetrahedra in the high-tem- entropy could be deduced from simple con®gurational perature phases. The case of quartz has been documented counting considerations as in the spin-½ Ising model. On in some detail. Indeed, the soft mode in the low-temper- the other hand, in cristobalite the orientation of any tet- ature phase quartz was the ®rst ever soft mode to be ob- rahedra is constrained by the orientations of the neigh- served experimentally (Raman and Nedungadi 1940), and boring tetrahedra. If we recast the disorder into Fourier 4ϩ although a lattice dynamic interpretation followed soon space, the disorder of the Ti cations in BaTiO3 can be after (Saksena 1940), it was another twenty years before decomposed into Fourier components from all wave vec- the soft-mode model was properly formulated. The soft tors. In cristobalite, the disorder arises from superposi- mode has since been measured in more detail in both tions of RUMs of phonons that lie in planes of wave phases by spectroscopy (Shapiro et al. 1967; Scott 1974; vectors rather than over all reciprocal space. Therefore it Tezuka et al. 1991) and inelastic neutron scattering (Do- is quite likely that the entropy from the orientational dis- lino et al. 1992), in relation to both the ␣-␤ phase tran- order in cristobalite is not large compared with the vibra- sition and the incommensurate instability. The soft-mode tional entropy from all the other phonons that we have model appears to be appropriate for quartz, and the in- considered in this review article. This point however has commensurate phase transition is naturally explained by not yet been quanti®ed; it is one of the open questions the RUM model (Berge et al. 1986; Bethke et al. 1987, that we leave with this article. Tautz et al. 1991; Vallade et al. 1992). This work in quartz has been reviewed in detail by Dolino and Vallade Al-Si ordering in aluminosilicates (1992). A more common type of order-disorder phase transition Unfortunately there have been hardly any other re- involves the ordering of different cations, for example the ported attempts to measure soft modes or RUM spectra ordering of Al and Si framework cations in aluminosili- in other silicates. In part this is because such measure- cates. The simplest theoretical approach is the Bragg-Wil- ments would require a major undertaking. The number of liams model. The ordering energies can be expressed in phonon branches in a complicated silicate is large, mean- terms of an Ising model, Equation 6, where J is the energy ing that to disentangle the phonon spectra is not easy. required to form two Al-O-Si linkages from the linkages Moreover, because the vibrational energy will be shared Si-O-Si and Al-O-Al. The entropy that drives the disor- between all phonon modes, the amplitude of any one pho- dering at high temperatures is assumed to be con®gura- non mode, and hence the intensity of the neutron beam tional, Equation 55. In the simplest model with equal num- scattering from that phonon mode, will be relatively bers of both cations, the free energy is given by weak. To make even more dif®cult, it is quite likely that at temperatures close to the transition temper- G ϭϪ4J␩ϩ2 RT[(1 ϩ␩)ln(1 ϩ␩) ature the soft mode will be damped (see the results for ϩ(1 Ϫ␩)ln(1 Ϫ␩)] quartz reviewed by Dolino and Vallade 1994). One sys- tem for which preliminary data have been reported is leu- ϷϪ4J␩ϩ224RT(␩ϩ␩/6 ϩ ´ ´ ´). (68) cite (Boysen 1990). Tentative low-frequency phonon dis- persion curves have been proposed. These lend support Calculations have shown that J typically lies in the range to the RUM model of the phase transition in leucite, by 60±100 kJ/mol (Thayaparam et al. 1994, 1996; Dove et showing the soft phonons involved in the phase transition al. 1996a). (Dove et al. 1995). The soft modes in the low-temperature For comparison I have performed some calculations phase of cristobalite have been measured by spectroscopy (unpublished) of the phonon spectra of cordierite with (Swainson and Dove, unpublished), but in this case the both complete appropriate for the phase transition is so discontinuous that the softening of high-temperature phase (the T1 sites have Al occupancy the phonon frequencies on approaching the transition of ⅔, and the T2 sites have occupancy of ⅓), using the temperature is not very large. models described by Winkler et al. (1991). The resultant entropy leads to an additional term Order-disorder phase transitions in silicates G ϭ␮RT␩2 (69) The theory reviewed in this article is relevant for cases phonon in which the entropy is mostly vibrational rather than con- where ␮ has the value 0.1 (for energy per mole of tetra- ®gurational. How do the ideas apply to a material such hedra). This is to be compared with a total entropy change as cristobalite, where the linear Si-O-Si bonds given by from ␩ϭ0to␩ϭ1 of 0.64R per mole of tetrahedra, the average structure of the high-temperature phase lead assuming that the disorder is completely random. In prac- to a disordered structure in which neighboring tetrahedra tice the entropy change will be less than this, because the are tilted with respect to each other? The order-disorder con®gurations favored in the disordered phase are those phase transitions can arise as an opposite extreme to dis- that minimize the total number of Al-O-Al linkages. The placive phase transitions, where atoms hop between two phonon entropy is not as large as the con®gurational en- 236 DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS tropy, but it is not insigni®cant in comparison. The quan- theory, but arises from more subtle considerations. How- titative details are still an open issue. ever, the size of the ®rst-order step is likely to be so small as to be virtually unobservable. There are also other pos- Orientational ordering phase transitions sible causes of ®rst-order discontinuities that arise in re- The classic example of an orientational order-disorder normalization group theory, but again the size of the ef- phase transition in a mineral is in calcite. Above 1260 K fect is not known. Cristobalite is an interesting example the carbonate molecular ions become disordered with re- (Schmahl et al. 1992). There is a large discontinuity at spect to orientations about their three-fold axes (Dove and the transition temperature, and it is clear that this does Powell 1989; Dove et al. 1992b, 1997; Hagen et al. not arise from the strain coupling in the Landau free en- 1992). Speci®cally, in the disordered phase each carbon- ergy. The quantitative treatment of the origin of ®rst-or- ate ion will ¯ip between orientations that are related by der discontinuities in phase transitions is an open a rotation of 60Њ (equivalent to 180Њ). It might be imag- question. ined that this model looks like a simple order-disorder case, with the ordering driven by nearest-neighbor orien- Phase transitions at high pressures tational interactions and the disorder driven by con®gu- The theory we have developed is strictly only appli- ration entropy involving two possible orientations of each cable to phase transitions that occur on changing temper- carbonate ion. However, the structural investigations per- ature. It is tempting to tinker with the basic theory to formed on heating up to the phase transition reveal a quite incorporate the effects of pressure. For example, a term different picture. Instead the orientational disorder is driv- of the form PV could be added to the free energy, noting en by large amplitude librations of the carbonate ions that the change in volume at a phase transition usually (Markgraf and Reeder 1985; Dove et al. 1997). The dis- scales as ⌬V ϰϪ␩2. When this term is included in the order sets in when the librational amplitude approaches Landau free energy expansion, Equation 13, there is a 30Њ, when the carbonate ions are no longer con®ned to correction to the term that is quadratic in ␩ leading to a the ordering potential. Fourier maps of the nuclear density subsequent change in the transition temperature on show that there is a negligible population of the disor- changing pressure, i.e., dered orientations until very close to the phase transition, 11 2 2 far less than would be expected in a classical order-dis- G(␩)ϭa(TϪTc)␩ϩ´´´Ϫ␥P␩ (70) order phase transition (Markgraf and Reeder 1985; Dove 22 et al. 1997). Calculations of the rotational ordering po- which gives the renormalized transition temperature tential similar to Equation (1) indicate that the parameter T* ϭ T ϩ␥P/a. (71) s corresponding to Equation 5 is of order unity (Dove et c c al. 1997). Thus the phase transition in calcite is mid-way This approach, however, is not likely to lead to a quan- between the order-disorder and displacive limits (Pad- titatively self-consistent model. The problem with chang- lewski et al. 1992). Therefore, there is signi®cant entropy ing pressure is that it always produces a volume change. that comes from the effect of the ordering on the phonons The models we have described in this article have as- rather than from the con®gurational disorder. This behav- sumed that any changes of volume (or, more generally, ior was also found in a molecular dynamics simulation to changes of the structure), aside from those associated (Ferrario et al. 1994). The quantitative details are still an with the phase transition, are negligible. The effect of this open issue. is that parameters such as ␬2, ␬4, ␻k and ␣k, which we used earlier, can be assumed to be more-or-less independent of First-order phase transitions temperature. This assumption is usually reasonable. How- The theory developed in this article is easily applied ever, on increasing pressure it is probable that the values to second-order phase transitions. By an appropriate of all these parameters will change signi®cantly. Al- choice of V(␩), Equation 36, the theory can be applied to though at any ®xed pressure the theory we have devel- ®rst-order phase transitions. In this section it is worth oped here is directly applicable, we cannot simply take airing the question of whether a ®rst-order phase transi- that theory and apply it for a ®xed temperature with tion simply follows from the form of V(␩), or whether changing pressure. What we need is a quantitatively there is something more signi®cant to the fact of a phase founded (rather than empirical) model for how the basic transition being ®rst-order. From renormalization group parameters to change with pressure; this is our ®nal open theory it is known that some phase transitions must be question of this article. ®rst-order (Bruce and Cowley 1981). Actually this state- One thing we might expect is that on increasing pres- ment is in principle stronger than it might seem at ®rst. sure the value of ␩2 at 0 K will increase. In a silicate, it Any phase transition in which there is a coupling of the is more likely that the structure will crumple than the order parameter to strain must be ®rst order on the basis tetrahedra will distort (at least for moderate pressures). In of renormalization group theory (the so-called strain-in- this case, we expect in the application of Equation 61 for duced ®rst-order phase transitions; Bruce and Cowley the transition temperature that K, the stiffness of the tet- 1981). This is not the same as the origin of a ®rst order rahedra, will not signi®cantly change with pressure (at discontinuity from strain coupling in the sense of Landau least in the limit of low pressures), whereas ␸0 will in- DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS 237 crease on increasing pressure, leading to a transition tem- energies, so it may not be possible to calculate the rele- perature that will increase on increasing pressure. This is vant energies (e.g., the potential V(␩) of Equation 36) the common case. The pressure dependence of ␸0 will with adequate accuracy. As computer power increases, directly re¯ect the pressure-dependence of ␬2 and ␬4. On the the way around this problem is to use ®rst-principles other hand, the case of anorthite is different, with dTc/dP quantum mechanical calculations. These methods have Ͻ 0 (Hackwell and Angel 1995). We do not know the been used to good effect in determining the transition reason for this, but part of the explanation may lie in the mechanisms in the ferroelectric perovskites through cal- fact that the structure can distort with no change in sym- culations of the potential energy wells (Cohen and Krak- metry relatively easily, which may lead to a hardening of auer 1992; Inbar and Cohen 1996), but applications to the potential opposing ordering of ␸0 (Hammonds et al. mineralogical problems are presently few. An exception

1996). This has not yet been quanti®ed. is the study of possible phase transitions in MgSiO3 pe- The effect of pressure may be even more complicated. rovskite by Warren and Ackland (1996). Both empirical When we associate the soft mode with a RUM of the and ®rst-principles methods can, at least in principle, be high-symmetry phase, we usually neglect the fact that used to calculate the coeffecients ␻k and ␣k in Equation there are other RUMs that could be alternative soft 46. This was done for quartz (Dove et al. 1995, and un- modes. With each RUM there will be an associated set published); an earlier calculation for SrTiO3 was carried of ␬2, ␬4, ␻k, and ␣k. At a ®xed pressure, only one set will out by Bruce and Cowley (1973). give the minimum free energy, and all other sets can be To incorporate temperature it is necessary to use Monte safely forgotten (more commonly, they are not even Carlo or molecular dynamics methods. Recently ®rst- known). However, on increasing pressure the free energy principles methods have been used to calculate effective associated with the RUM that acts as the soft mode at interatomic potentials for ferroelectric perovskites for use low pressures may become less signi®cant than the free in Monte Carlo (Zhong et al. 1994, 1995) and molecular energy associated with another RUM. In this case there dynamics (Gong and Cohen 1992) calculations of tran- could be a phase transition with increasing pressure be- sition temperatures. A number of molecular dynamics tween two phases that are daughter structures of the same simulations of phase transitions in minerals have been high-symmetry phase, even though the symmetry of one reported (e.g., Tsuneyuki et al. 1988; Tautz et al. 1991; of the two lower-symmetry structures appears to be a sub- Ferrario et al. 1994; Swainson and Dove 1995). Very few group of the symmetry of the other one. An example of simulations have been concerned with calculations of the this is cristobalite. The ␣-␤ phase transition involves a phonon spectra beyond the density of states, although the RUM distortion of the high-temperature ␤ phase that methods to extract phonon dispersion curves from mo- plays the role of a soft mode (Swainson and Dove 1993a). lecular dynamics are well established (e.g., Dove 1993, The high-pressure phase (Palmer and Finger 1994) can Chapter 12). Tautz et al. (1991) calculated the phonon also be viewed as a RUM deformation of the ␤ phase spectra for quartz from a large molecular dynamics sim- (Hammonds et al. 1996). However, the high-pressure ulation to obtain the fundamental parameters for the the- phase cannot be derived from the ␣ phase by a RUM ory of the incommensurate phase transition. It is hoped distortion (Hammonds et al. 1996). This means that there that these methods will play an increasingly decisive role will be a potential energy barrier between the ␣ phase in linking the theory of phase transitions to speci®c case and the high-pressure phase, and it is probable that one studies. However, it is essential that these simulations are should really think about the high-pressure phase in re- large enough. Small samples may have only a few wave lation to the ␤ phase rather than in relation to the ␣ phase, vectors that are essential for the phase transition. For ex- even though on increasing pressure at ambient tempera- ample, if a high-temperature phase is formed of a dynam- ture the transition involves a change from the ␣ phase to ic superposition of RUMs of many wave vectors, and the the high-pressure phase. simulation only contains a few wave vectors, it is likely that this would signi®cantly alter the structure of the high- Computational studies of displacive phase transitions temperature phase in the simulation. The simulated high- Finally, it is worth noting that computational methods temperature phase may actually be forced by the ®nite are playing an increasingly important role in the study of size to look like that suggested by the domain models, displacive phase transitions. At one level, simple empir- and caution should be used when citing the results of ical models can be used to determine the dominant tran- molecular dynamics simulations using small samples in sition mechanism, as in studies of the phase transitions support of any particular interpretation. in leucite (Dove et al. 1993) and the alkali and calcium and strontium feldspars (Dove and Redfern 1997). These CONCLUSIONS calculations can be particularly useful for answering well- In this review, I have posed a number of questions that speci®ed questions, even though simple energy calcula- arise from the existence of phase transitions in minerals, tions cannot properly incorporate the effects of tempera- and I have attempted to answer some of them. In some ture. One of the problems with empirical potentials is that respects the underlying physics of the phase transitions they are optimized against crystal structures, elastic con- in minerals is no different from that of other materials, stants, and phonon frequencies, but not against absolute and it is perfectly reasonable to apply standard theories 238 DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS

Bismayer, U., Schmahl, W., Schmidt, C., and Groat, L.A. (1992) Linear to them. But by bringing the stiffness of the SiO4 and birefringence and x-ray diffraction studies of the structural phase tran- AlO4 tetrahedra into the theory, we have been able to sition in titanite, CaTiSiO5. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 19, provide some physical content to the theory, and place 260±266. some constraints on the behavior. A number of open Blinc, R., and Zeks, B. (1974) Soft Modes in Ferroelectrics and Antifer- questions have been identi®ed. roelectrics. North Holland (Amsterdam). One of the aims of this review is to encourage further Boeriogoates, J., Artman, J.I., and Wood®eld, B.F. (1990) studies of phase transitions in langbeinites. 2. K Mg (SO ) . Physics and quantitative studies of displacive phase transitions in min- 2 2 4 3 Chemistry of Minerals, 17, 173±178. erals. One technique that could be usefully applied to Boysen, H. (1990) Neutron scattering and phase transitions in leucite. In these studies is inelastic neutron scattering. This tech- Salje, E.K.H., Ed., Phase Transitions In Ferroelastic And Co-Elastic nique has been applied in a few cases, and the success of Crystals, p. 334±349. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. these studies will hopefully spur further efforts. Brown, N.E., Ross, C.R., and Webb, S.L. (1994) Atomic displacements Finally, I remarked earlier that the displacive phase in the normal incommensurate phase transition in Co-AÊ kermanite (Ca2CoSi2O7). Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 21, 469±480. transitions in minerals may give new insights that are of Bruce, A. D., and Cowley, R.A. (1981) Structural Phase Transitions. Tay- value outside of mineralogy. The RUM model can be lor and Francis, London. extended to non-silicates, and in these cases the corre- Bruce, A. D., and Wallace, D.J. (1989) Critical point phenomena: universal sponding version of the theory will also explain why a physics at large length scales. In Davies, P., Ed., The New Physics. given phase transition might be consistent with the dis- Cambridge University Press (Cambridge) placive limit. The essential feature will be that certain Burns, G., and Scott, B.A. (1970) Raman studies of underdamped soft modes in PbTiO3. Physical Review Letters, 25, 167±170. bond lengths or contact distances should be nearly rigid. Capobianco, C., and Carpenter, M.A. (1989) Thermally induced changes

For example, in close-packed ionic crystals with hard in kalsilite, (KAlSiO4). American Mineralogist, 74, 797±811. short-range repulsive interactions, atoms in contact will Catti, M., Ferraris, G., Hull, S., and Pavese, A. (1995) Static compression and H-disorder in brucite, Mg(OH) , to 11 GPa: a powder neutron dif- move by sliding around each other rather than by squash- 2 ing into each other. Thus the possible patterns of defor- fraction study. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 22, 200±206. Castex, J., and Madon, M. (1995) Test of the vibrational modelling for mation are limited to the set in which the contact dis- the ␭-type transitions: application to the ␣±␤ quartz transition. Physics tances remain constant. Examples are the ferroelastic and Chemistry of Minerals, 22, 1±10. phase transitions in Na2CO3 and the molecular system Cellai, D., Carpenter, M.A., and Heaney, P.J. (1992) Phase transitions and HCN (Dove et al. 1992a). The strong short-range forces microstructures in natural kaliophilite. European Journal of Mineralogy, play the same role as the stiffness of the SiO tetrahedra 4, 1209±1220. 4 Cellai, D., Carpenter, M.A., Wruck, B., and Salje, E.K.H. (1994) Char- in determining the displacive limit. acterization of high temperature phase transitions in single crystals of steinbach tridymite. American Mineralogist, 79, 606±614. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Cellai, D., Carpenter, M.A., Kirkpatrick, R.J., Salje, E.K.H., and Zhang, This work has partly been supported by EPSRC and NERC (UK). Part M. (1995) Thermally-induced phase transitions in tridymite: An infrared of this article was written while the author was a visitor to Chalk River spectroscopy study. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 22, 50±60. Laboratories (Atomic Energy of Canada Limited), whose staff are thanked Chaikin, P.M., and Lubensky, T.C. (1995) Principles of Condensed Matter for their kind hospitality. I am indebted to colleagues (now or previously) Physics. Cambridge University Press (Cambridge). in Cambridge, Volker Heine, Kenton Hammonds, Andrew Giddy, Peter Cochran, W. (1959) Crystal stability and the theory of ferroelectricity. Sollich, Ekhard Salje, Ian Swainson, and Simon Redfern, for many dis- Physical Review Letters, 3, 412±414. cussions about displacive phase transitions in minerals. I would also like (1960) Crystal stability and the theory of ferroelectricity. Advanc- to thank David Palmer for the use of his CrystalMaker program to produce es in Physics, 9, 387±423. the crystal structure diagrams. This article is dedicated to my wife Kate (1981) Soft modes, a personal perspective. Ferroelectrics, 35, 3±8. and daughters Jennifer-Anne, Emma-Clare, and Mary-Ellen. Cohen, R.E., and Krakauer, H. (1992) Electronic structure studies of the

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APPENDIX TABLE: Examples of phase transitions in minerals. Here are tabulated examples of phase transitions in minerals that occur with either a change in temperature or pressure extracted from an electronic search of the Science Citation Index for the years 1981±1996. In some cases details such as the symmetry change may still be unknown or uncertain (marked with a ``?''). The transformation behavior of some materials may be affected by sample impurities, sample treatment, or kinetic factors, which can account for some uncertainties. Neither this listing nor the cited references are comprehensive but are designed to give a range of examples. References are listed below.

Material Tc or Pc Change Comments

Quartz, SiO2 848 K P6222±P3121 Two-stage displacive phase transition involving an intermediate incom- mensurate phase. [1]

Cristobalite, SiO2 530 K Fd3m±P41212 First-order displacive phase transitions involving zone-boundary insta-

1.2 GPa P41212±P21 bilities. [2]

Tridymite, SiO2 748 K P63/mmc±P6322 A number of displacive phase transitions occur on cooling. The two

623 K P6322±C2221 given here involve zone-center instabilities. [3]

Leucite, KAlSi2O6 960 K Ia3d±I41/acd Two-stage displacive phase transition, the ®rst being a ferroelastic

I41/acd±I41/a phase transition. Other materials with the leucite structure but differ- ent chemical composition can undergo other displacive and order- disorder phase transitions. [4]

Albite, NaAlSi3O6 1250 K C2/m±C1 Ferroelastic phase transition. An Al-Si ordering transition follows at lower temperatures, but because this does not involve a further symmetry change it does not lead to a distinct transition tempera- ture. Substitution of Kϩ for Naϩ suppresses the ferroelastic phase transition, although the ordering transition is only weakly dependent on temperature. [5]

Anorthite, CaAl2Si2O6 560 K I1±P1 Displacive phase transition involving a zone-boundary instability. Sub- stitution of Sr2ϩ for Ca2ϩ allows a ferroelastic phase transition to an I2/m phase. [6]

Kalsilite, KAlSiO4 A preliminary study indicates the presence of one or more phase tran- sitions, but details remain sketchy. [7]

Kaliophilite, KAlSiO4 1000 K P6322±P63(?) Apparently a zone-center transition, but details are sketchy. [8]

Calcite, CaCO3 1260 K R3c±R3m Orientational order-disorder phase transition involving the carbonate

1.5 GPa R3c±P21/c molecular ions. The ordering involves doubling of the size of the unit cell. An additional phase transition occurs at 2.2 GPa. [9]

Soda niter, NaNO3 560 K R3c±R3m Orientational order-disorder phase transition involving the nitrate mo- lecular ions. The ordering involves doubling of the size of the unit cell. [10]

Ê 343 K P421m±Inc. Incommensurate displacive phase transition. A possible phase transi- Akermanite, Ca2MgSi2O7, and related melilites tion to another commensurate phase at low temperatures has not yet been identi®ed. [11]

Cordierite, Mg2Al4Si5O18 P6/mcc±Cccm Al-Si ordering transition [12]

Perovskite, CaTiO3 1384 K Cmcm±Pbnm Displacive phase transition involving tilt of TiO6 octahedra, with evi- 1520 K Pm3m(?)±Cmcm dence of phase transitions to tetragonal and cubic phases at higher temperatures. [13]

Titanate, CaTiSiO5 497 K C2/c±P21/a Zone-boundary displacive phase transition. [14] Staurolite Ccmm±C2/m Al-vacancy ordering transition. [15]

Colemanite, CaB3O4(OH)3´H2O 270 K P21/a±P21 Ferroelectric phase transition. [16]

Chlorapatite, Ca5(PO4)3Cl 620 K P63/m±P21/a Ferroelastic phase transition. [17]

Cryolite, Na3AlF6 820 K Immm±P21/n [18]

Langbeinite, K2Cd2(SO4)3 P213±P212121 Transition temperature depends on composition, with several possible substitutions of the Cd2ϩ cation. [19]

Natrite (Gregoryite), Na2CO3 760 K P63/mmc±C2/m Ferroelastic phase transition involving the softening of the C44 elastic constant. [20]

Ilvaite, CaFe2Si2O2(OH) 346 K Pnam±P21/a Phase transition driven by ordering of electrons on the Fe sites. [21] Sodalites Sodalites of different composition can undergo displacive phase tran- sitions, Al-Si ordering phase transitions, and phase transitions in- volving orientational ordering of molecular ions in the large cavity coupled to displacive distortions of the sodalite framework. [22]

Brucite, Mg(OH)2 6±7 GPa Possible phase transition involving ordering of H atom. [23] 244 DOVE: DISPLACIVE PHASE TRANSITIONS


Several postulated cation-ordering phase transitions based on different Garnets observed ordered structures. [24]

Material Tc or Pc Change Comments

Gillespite, BaFeSi4O10 1.8 GPa P4/ncc±P21212 First-order phase transition, mostly displacive in character but also in- volving some changes in coordination. [25]

Ferrosilite, FeSiO3 1.4± C2/c±P21/c Displacive phase transition. Similar transitions are found in other pyrox- 1.8 GPa enes. [26] 2Ϫ Arcanite, K2SO4 860 K P63/mmc±Pmcn Orientational ordering of SO4 anions. [27]

Sanmartinite, ZnWO4±scheelite, CuWO4 P2/c±P1 Jahn-Teller phase transition as a function of composition. [28]

Chiolite, Na5Al3F10 150 K P4/mnc±P21/n Displacive phase transition. [29]

Schultenite, PbHAsO4 313 K P2/c±Pc Ordering of the hydrogen bond. [30] References: [1] Berge et al. (1986); Bethke et al. (1987); Castex and Madon (1995); Dolino (1990); Dolino et al. (1989, 1992); Dolino and Vallade (1994); Dorner et al. (1981); Grimm and Dorner (1975); Heaney (1994); Heaney and Veblen (1991); Salje et al. (1992); Shapiro et al. (1967); Spearing et al. (1992); Tautz et al. (1991); Tezuka et al. (1991); Vallade et al. (1992) [2] Dolino and Vallade (1994); Dove et al. (1995); Hatch and Ghose (1991); Heaney (1994); Hua et al. (1988); Palmer et al. (1994); Palmer and Finger (1994); Phillips et al. (1993); Schmahl et al. (1992); Schmahl (1993); Spearing et al. (1992); Swainson and Dove (1993a,b, 1995); Welberry et al. (1989); Withers et al. (1989, 1994); Wright and Leadbetter (1975) [3] Cellai et al. (1994, 1995); de Dombal and Carpenter (1993); Heaney (1994); Kihara (1978, 1995); Withers et al. (1994); Xiao et al. (1993, 1995a) [4] Bell et al. (1993, 1994); Boysen (1990); Dove et al. (1993, 1995); Hatch et al. (1990b); Heaney and Veblen (1990); Ito et al. (1991); Lange et al. (1986); Liu (1987); Palmer et al. (1989, 1990; 1997); Palmer and Salje (1990) [5] Harris et al. (1989); Salje (1986); Xiao et al. (1995b) [6] Daniel et al. (1995); Ghose et al. (1988, 1993); Hackwell and Angel (1995); Hatch and Ghose (1989a); McGuinn and Redfern (1994a, b); Phillips et al. (1992); Phillips and Kirkpatrick (1995); Redfern and Salje (1987, 1992); Redfern et al. (1988); Redfern (1992); Salje (1987); Tagai et al. (1988); Tribaudino et al. (1993); Van Tendeloo et al. (1989) [7] Capobianco and Carpenter (1989) [8] Cellai et al. (1992) [9] Dove and Powell (1989); Dove et al. (1992b, c, 1997); Fiquet et al. (1994); Hagen et al. (1992); Liu and Mernagh (1990); Markgraf and Reeder (1985); Merrill and Bassett (1975); Redfern et al. (1989b) [10] Harris et al. (1990); Lefebvre et al. (1984); Reeder et al. (1988) [11] Brown et al. (1994); Hemingway et al. (1986); Li et al. (1990); Merwin et al. (1989); Rothlisberger et al. (1990); Seifert and Rothlisberger (1993); Webb et al. (1992) [12] Gibbs (1966); GuÈttler et al. (1989b); Meagher and Gibbs (1977); Poon et al. (1990); Putnis et al. (1987); Redfern et al. (1989a); Thayaparam et al. (1996) [13] Guyot et al. (1993); Wang and Liebermann (1993); Vogt and Schmahl (1993); Redfern (1996) [14] Bismayer et al. (1992); Ghose et al. (1991); Salje et al. (1993); Van Heurck et al. (1991); Zhang et al. (1995) [15] Hawthorne et al. (1993) [16] Gallup and Coleman (1990) [17] Bauer and Klee (1993) [18] Separing et al. (1994); Yang et al. (1993) [19] Boeriogoates et al. (1990); Devarajan and Salje (1986); Hatch et al. (1990a); Percival et al. (1989); Percival (1990); Speer and Salje (1986) [20] Harris et al. (1993, 1995, 1996); Harris and Dove (1995); Swainson et al. (1995) [21] Ghazibayat et al. (1992); Ghose et al. (1989); GuÈttler et al. (1989a); Kan et al. (1988) [22] Depmeier (1988, 1992); Depmeier and BuÈhrer (1991) [23] Catti et al. (1995); Duffy et al. (1995) [24] Hatch and Griffen (1989); Hatch and Ghose (1989a) [25] Hazen and Finger (1983); Redfern et al. (1993, 1997) [26] Hugh-Jones et al. (1994); Shimobayashi and Kitamura (1991); Sueno et al. (1985) [27] Miyake et al. (1981); Miyake and Iwai (1981) [28] Redfern (1993); Redfern et al. (1995); Scho®eld and Redfern (1992, 1993), Scho®eld et al. (1994) [29] Spearing et al. (1994) [30] Wilson (1994)