REPORT ON INDIAN CHEMICAL & COSMETICS EXHIBITION HELD AT DURBAN ICC, DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA ON 9TH& 10TH SEPTEMBER, 2014 CHEMEXCIL BASIC CHEMICALS, PHARMACEUTICALS AND COSMETICS EXPORT PROMOTION COUNCIL (Set-up by Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India) Jhansi Castle, 4th Floor, 7, Cooperage Road, Mumbai 400 001. Tel: 91 22 22021288 / 22021330, Fax: 91 22 22026684 Email:
[email protected], Website: I N D E X Sr. Description Page Nos. No. 1. From the Chairman s Desk 2 2. South Africa Fact File and Economic Indicators. 3-5 3. Brief Details of Durban 5-8 4. Report of the Indian Chemical & Cosmetics Exhibition 8-11 5. CHEMEXCIL s Commoditywise Exports to South Africa for the last three 11-15 years & Top Exports of CHEMEXCIL s items to South Africa for the last three years 6. List of Member-participants/Stall-holders in the Indian Chemical 16-22 &Cosmetics Exhibition. 7. List of importers/buyers of Dyes and Dye Intermediates, Chemicals and 23-32 Cosmetics in South Africa 8. List of Visitors/importers/dealers of Chemical and other products from 33-40 South Africa 9. List of Consulates/Embassies of India in South Africa & 41 Consulates/Embassies of South Africa in India 10. Other Dignitaries from South Africa who co-ordinated with CHEMEXCIL in 42 organizing the Indian Chemical & Cosmetics Exhibition. 11. Photographs of Indian Chemical & Cosmetics Exhibition. 43-46 12. Congratulation/Thanks letters received from the Hon ble Consul General of 47-48 India, Durban and the Event Management Service Provider (i.e. The Gatekeeper,South Africa ) 13.