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In the heart of the Bluegrass State, thoroughbred horses in rolling, . , white-fenced pastures, graze near . Lexington. Kentucky-bred racehorses are world-famous. fllusmm~onsbyPam Vat, public infmticn rupenriror for the Kentucky Adminismarice Office ofthe Coum 1985 Annual Meeting

Library Notional Center for State Cdrts 30) Newport Ave. Wi!;*c:r.:iura-. \'A 231 s5

Lexington, Kentucky The Kentucky Judicial System

The Commonwealth of Kentucky has a unified court system, instituted in 1976 after voters approved a new judicial article for the state’s 183-year-old constitution. Full imple- mentation of the system took effect in 1978, providing a four-tiered court of justice consist- ing of the , the court of appeals, the , and the district court. Kentucky’s supreme court is located in Frankfort, the state capital. The supreme court has appellate jurisdiction only, except that it has the power to issue all writs necessary in aid of its appellate jurisdiction, or the complete determination of any cause, or as may be re- quired to exercise control over the entire court of justice. Appeals from a circuit court judgment imposing a sentence of death, life imprisonment, or imprisonment for 20 years or more are taken directly to the supreme court. Decisions of the court of appeals may be ap- pealed to the supreme court if granted a discretionary review as prescribed by rule of court. A cause may be transferred from the court of appeals to the supreme court when the case is of great and immediate public importance. The supreme court establishes rules of practice and procedure for the entire court of justice, for the conduct of judges, and for procedures to be followed by all state court officials. Additionally, the supreme court controls admission to the bar and discipline of bar members. Seven justices, one from each of seven appellate districts, are elected to the supreme court for staggered terms of eight years. In order to qualify for nonpartisan election to the court, one must have been licensed to practice law for eight years and have lived in the appellate district for woyears. The of Kentucky is chosen for a four-year term by the supreme court associates. In addition to performing judicial duties, the chief justice serves as the executive head of the state’s court system, responsible for its management and operation. The state court administrator and administrative office of the courts serve as staff support for the chief justice, overseeing the judicial personnel system of more than 2,000 employees, preparing the judicial budget, conducting mandatory judicial education programs as well as other pro- fessional development, maintaining a statewide statistical information system, and adminis- tering clerical and fiscal procedures for court offices throughout the state. Additionally, the administrative office prepares the annual report, develops public education and information programs and materials, furnishes staff support to various commissions appointed by the chief justice, prepares fiscal notes for proposed legdation, provides statewide computer services, manages court facilities, and distributes and maintains all equipment and supplies for the court system. Statewide pretrial release services are also administered by the chief justice, as is the state law library. The court of appeals, Kentucky’s intermediate added by the 1976 judicial article, has appellate jurisdiction only, except that it may be authorized by rule to re- view directly decisions of the state’s administrative agencies, and to issue writs necessary in aid of its appellate jurisdiction. Kentucky’s constitution provides for one matter-of-right ap- peal from any judgment entered by a state court; therefore, one appeal, as a matter of right, may be taken from a judgment of the circuit court, the court of general jurisdiction, to the court of appeals. Decisions of the circuit court, when sitting on an appeal from district court, may he appealed to the court of appeals if granted a discretionary review as prescribed by rule of court. .J i


The court of appeals consists of 14 judges, two elected from each of seven appellate districts for terms of eight years. Candidates for election to the intermediate appellate court must have the same qualifications as required for the supreme court. The judges are divided into panels of not less than three, a majority of each panel concurring in the decision of a case. Panels are chosen on a rotational basis and move about the state to hear appeals. A chief judge, chosen from among and by the 14 associate judges, assigns judges to panels, assigns cases,and determines locations where each panel shall sit. The chief judge serves a term of four years as adrmrustrator in addition to performing regular judicial duties. The clerk of the supreme court, who also serves as the clerk of the court of appeals, is appointed. The clerk has charge of the clerical case management portion of the courts’ busi- ness, keeping records and seals and maintaining facilities for collection and hemination of information, statistics, and fees. The clerk also serves as liaison between the supreme court and the state Board of Bar Examiners, is an ex officio member of the Appellate Civil Rules Committee, and conducts continuing legal education programs on appellate procedures. At the trial level, the circuit court is the court of general jurisdiction and hears all civil matters involving more than $2,500. It has jurdction of capital offenses and felonies, divorce, adoption, termination of parental rights, land title problems, and contested probate of wdk. The circuit court also has power to issue injunctions, writs of prohibition, and writs of mandamus. Its appellate jurisdiction is provided by law, and all appeals are on the record. Reviews of adrmnistrativeactions of state agencies constitute original actions and are not considered as appeals. Ninety-one circuit judges serve in fiftysix judicial circuits. To qualify to serve for an eight-year term, one must have been licensed to practice law for eight years and have lived in the circuit for two years before running for the nonpartisan election. The district court has limited judiction. Juvenile matters, city and county ordinances, mdemeanors, traffic offenses, probate of wills, felony preharies, and civil cases in which the amount in question is $2,500 or less; are all heard in district court. Guardianship and conservatorship for &bled persons are in district court, as are voluntary or involuntary mental commitments and cases relating to domestic violence and abuse. There is also a small claims division of dlstrict court to handle informally claims with a value of $1,OOO or less. Kentucky’s 120 counties are divided into 57 judcial districts incorporating 123 district judges. Nonpartisan candidates for district judge must have been licensed to practice law for two years, and must have lived in that dlstrict for two years prior to election to the four- year term. The chief justice has constitutional authority to assign any justice or judge to sit on another court when deemed necessary for the prompt disposition of causes. Such author- ity may be delegated, which the chief justice has done through the regional administration program. Appointed chief regional judges, both circuit and district, have the designated authority to assign judges in their regions to other courts to expedite disposition of litiga- tion by equalizing the regional caseload among judges, to promote uniform procedure and practice, and to provide for prompt substitution where a judge is disqualified or where there is a temporary vacancy. A vacancy that occurs during an unexpired judicial term is filled from a list of three names selected by a Judicial Nominating Commission, of which the chief justice is the chairman. The governor appoints one individual from the three names submitted by the appropriate nominating commission. Should the governor fail to act within 60 days, the chief justice would make the appointment. The appointee fills the vacancy until the next general election, at which time an individual must be elected to complete the term. A justice or judge may be retired for disability or suspended or removed for good cause by the Judicial Retirement and Removal Commission, which is composed of one judge from the court of appeals, one from the circuit court, and one from the district court. The commission members also include one member of the Kentucky bar and two persons, not members of the bench or bar, appointed by the governor. The actions of the commission may be reviewed by the supreme court. All compensation and necessary expenses for justices, judges, and other court person- nel, and for the operation of the entire court of justice, are paid out of the state treasury. Circuit court clerks are also elected officials of the court and are responsible for the custody, control, and safe storage of court records for both trial levels of court. Among the duties of the circuit clerks and their deputies are the receipt and recording of lawsuits and papers for the courts, attending trials, receiving fines, issuing drivers’ licenses, sched- uling juries, handling bond money, and operating the tape recording equipment to record district court proceedings. One clerk is elected on a partisan ticket in each county to serve a term of six years. Various organizations working to maintain and improve the quality of justice in Ken- tucky are the Kentucky Bar Association, the Circuit and District Judges’ Association, the Circuit Clerks’ Association, and the Court Reporters’ Association. These associations provide a means of communication among their respective members, as well as a unified effort in achieving effective administration of justice throughout the state.

.. CONFERENCE OF CHIEFJUSTICES Board of Directors 1984-1985

President W. Ward Reynoldson, Iowa President-Ekct Edward F. Hennessey, Massachusetts First Vice-President Robert C. Murphy, Maryland Second Vice-President William R. Federici. New Mexico

Frank D. Celebrezze, Ohio Ralph J. Erickstad, North Dakota Gordon R. Hall, Harold N. Hill, Jr., Georgia Neville Patterson, Mississippi Clement C. Torbert, Jr., Robert F. Utter, Washington


President Larry P. Polansky, District of Columbia President-Elect William J. O’Brien, Iowa

Edward J. Baca, New Mexico Carl F. Bianchi, Idaho Robert L. DOSS,Jr., Georgia Bruce A. Kotzan, Indiana Arthur M. Mason, Massachusetts J. Denis Moran, Wisconsin

Smeturiut National Center for State Courts 300 Newport Avenue, Williamsburg, Virginia 23187-8798 (804) 253-2000 The biogruphicul listings in this inembership directory reflect information uvuiluble onluly 4, 1985. The listings u'ere guthered uith the ilssistuncr of the members of the Conference of Chieflicstices und the Conference of Stute Coiirr Adminisrrutors. I

CLEMENT CLAY TORBERT, JR. ChiefJustice Torbert began his term of service January 17, 1977. Elected 25th chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court in No- vember 1976. General law practice, 1954-77. Elected two terms to the Alabama senate, 1974-77, 1966-70; chief sponsor of the Judicial Article Implementation Act, 1975; "Most Effective Senator," 1969. Member, house of representatives, 1958-62; "Most Outstanding Legislator," 1958. City judge of Opelika, 1954-58. Chairman, State Judicial Study Commission and Judicial Coordinating Committee. Member: Council of State Court Representatives; Alabama Acad- emy of Honor; Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center Com- mission; board of directors, American Judicature Society; Farrah Law Society; Phi Delta Phi; Alpha Tau Omega; Phi Kappa Phi. US. Naval Academy, 1948-49; B.S., Auburn University, 1951; LL.B., University of Alabama School of Law, 1954. Captain, U.S. Air Force, 1952-53. Born August 31. 1929. Married, three children.

Supreme Court of Alabama Post Office Box 218 Montgomery, Alabama 36101 (205) 261-4599

ALLEN L. TAPLEY Administrative Director of Courts Tapley assumed his position October 5, 1977. Deputy administrative director of the , January to October 1977. Regional director of hospital/ medical continuing education at East Alabama Medical Center, Opelika, Alabama, 1974-77. Member: Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center board and executive committee; American Judicature Society; Auburn University's Law and Social Sciences Advisory Council; University of Alabama's Law Enforcement Management Institute; State Coordinator, Judicial Division, State Department of Mental Health's Employee Assistance Program. B.S., Auburn University, 1965; M.A.. University of Alabama, 1970. Born January 1, 1943. Married, three children.

Administrative Office ofthe Courts 817 South Court Street Montgomery, Alabama 36130 (205) 834-7990 i

JAY A. RABINOWITZ Chief Justice Rabinowitz began his third term as chief justice on October I, 1984. He previously served from 1972 to 1975 and from 1978 to 1981, having been an associate justice on the supreme court since 1965. He was a superior court judge in Fairbanks from 1960 to 1965. He has also served as deputy attorney general for Alaska, assistant U.S. attorney for Fairbanks, and a practicing law- yer in City. Rabinowitz is chairman of an ABA task force I on judicial evaluation and a member of the Alaska, American, and I Tanana Valley bar associations. He serves as one of Alaska's three I commissioners to the National Conference of Commissioners on i Uniform State Laws. His LL.B. is from Harvard. I Married, four children. i

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I Supreme Court of Alaska 604 Barnette Street, Room 418 ! Fairbanks. Alaska 99701-4568 ! (907) 452-9300


ARTHUR H. SNOWDEN I1 Administrative Director of the Courts Snowden was appointed to his current position September IO, 1973. Court administrator, Montgomery County, Maryland, 1970-73. Administrative associate to the director, Office of Scientific Personnel, National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council, 1969-70. Instructor and chairman. political science department, Dunbarton College of Holy I Cross. 1967-69. Member: American Judicature Society; Institute of Judicial Administration; American, Connecticut, and Hartford bar associations; Judicial Administration Division (ABA) Committee on Courtroom Facilities; Alaska State/Federal Judicial Committee, Representative for ABA of Alaska; board of directors. National Center for State Courts; board of directors, Simon Fraser University. Former member: COSCA executive committee. B.A., Providence College, 1963;J.D., Catholic University of America School of Law, 1966; Ph.D. honors candidate, Catholic University of America. Born May 1, 1940.

Alaska Court System 303 K Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (907) 264-0547

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ROBERT GARDNER Chief Justice Gardner was appointed to his present position September 1, 1982. Appointed in 1969 as presiding justice of the 2nd Division, 4th District, California Court of Appeal; retired in 1981. Appointed judge of Superior Court of Orange County, California, 1947-69. City judge, Newport Beach, California, 1945- 47, 1938-41. Faculty member, California State College of Trial Judges, University of California at Berkeley, 1963-64. Faculty member, National College of the Judiciary, University of Colorado at Boulder and University of Nevada at Reno, 1961-63. Member, Justice Tom Clark's Committee for the Effective Administration of Justice, 1955-60. Has published numerOus articles in law reviews, law journals, and legal periodicals. A.B. (1933), LL.B. (1935), University of Southern California. Lieutenant Commander, US. Navy, Pacific theater, 1941-45 (Bronze Star). Born December 27, 191 1. Married, two daughters.

The High Court of American Samoa Courthouse Paeo Paeo. American Samoa 96799


, WILLIAM A. HOLOHAN ChiefJustice Holohan assumed his present position January 5, 1982, following election by his colleagues. He has been a member of the since 1972. Before his supreme court service he was a judge of the Maricopa County Superior Court from 1963 to 1972, including two years as presiding judge of the juvenile court. In addition to judicial service and private law practice, he served as an assistant U.S. attorney for six years. LL.B., University of Arizona College of Law, 1950. Officer in the Army Judge Advo- cate General Corps during the Korean War. Born June 1. 1928. Married, four children.

Supreme Court of Arizona 217 West Wing State Capitol Building Phoenix. Arizona 85007 (602)255-4534


L. M. JACOBS, IV Administrative Director Jacobs assumed his position April 29, 1985. District court executive, U.S. district court for central district of California, 1984; circuit cmrt administrator, Third Judicial Cir- cuit of Michigan, 1971-84; combined administration of ’s Court of Detroit and Third Judicial Circuit of Michigan. 1981-84. Advisory council, ICM fellows; advisory committee, University of Southern California judicial administration graduate program; board of directors. section on criminal justice administration, American Society for Public Administration; advisory committee, Institute of Law and Social Research; technical advisory team, LEAA and American University research; member, Court Statistics and Information Systems Committee, 1982-83, Conference of State Court Administrators. Tom C. Clark Award for meritorious service to National Conference of Metropolitan Courts. B.A., 1964, M.P.A., 1970, University of Arizona. Married, two children.

Supreme Court of Arizona 209 West Wing State Capitol Phoenix, Arizona 85007 (602) 255-4359 -I

JACK HOLT, JR. Chief Justice Holt assumed office January 2, 1985. General practice of law, Little Rock; attorney general of Arkansas, 1963; chief assis- tant attorney general, 1961-62; office of prosecuting attorney, Sixth Judicial District, 1955-60. Co-author of Arkansas Criminal Code (1971-75); assisted in preparation of Arkansas Juvenile Court Pro- cedural Manual (1973) and Arkansas State Law Study for general Air Force distribution ( 1977). Lecturer, University of Arkansas School of Law and School of Health and Sciences and at Hastings College, University of California. Member: American Bar Associa- tion (chairman, standing committee on in the armed forces); fellow, American College of Trial Lawyers; Arkansas Trial Lawyers Association (board of governors, 1978-80); Arkansas Bar Foundation (committee on court standards, 1978). United States Air Force, 1953-55; Reserve, 1955-79, retiring in 1979 with rank of colonel; Meritorious Service Medal. J.D., University of Arkansas School of Law, 1952. Married, two daughters.

Supreme Court of Arkansas Justice Building Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 (501) 371-5614


CHRISTOPHER THOMAS Executive Secretary Thomas assumed his present position January 1, 1985. General private practice of law, Little Rock, 1976-84; deputy prosecuting attorney, Sixth Judicial District, Little Rock, 1974-76. Member: American, Arkansas, Pulaski County bar associations; Association of Trial Lawyers of America; Arkansas Trial Lawyers Association (member of board of governors and chairman of legislative committee). B.A., University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, 1971; J.D., University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 1976. Born, March 5, 1949. Married, two children.

Arkansas Judicial Department Supreme Court of Arkansas Justice Building Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 (501) 371-2295 ROSE ELIZABETH BIRD

ChiefJustice Bird took her oath of office on March 26, 1977. She served as Secretary of the California Agriculture and Services Agency and as a member of the governor's cabinet from 1975 to 1977. Taught at Stanford School of Law, 1972-74. Deputy public defender, Santa Clara County, 1966-74.Served as law clerk for the chief justice of the Nevada Supreme Court, 1965-66. Special con- sultant, California State Assembly Committee on Governmental Organization, 1961. Legislative assistant (on Ford Foundation fel- lowship), California State Assembly, 1960. Chairperson: California Judicial Council; California Commission on Judicial Appointments. Member: board of visitors, Santa Clara School of Law and Stanford Law School. Former member, Academy of Appellate Lawyers. A.B. (magna cum laude), University, New York, 1958; J.D., Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California at Berkeley, 1965. Born November 2, 1936.

Supreme Court of California State Building 350 McAllister Street San Francisco, California 94102 (415) 557-2367

RALPH J. GAMPELL Administrative Director of the California Courts Gampell has served in this position and as Secretary of the Judicial Council since July 21, 1977. Litigation practice, 1960-77. President, State Bar of California, 1976-77. Member, board of governors, State Bar of California, 1974-76. Lecturer in law, Stanford Law School, 1958- 74. Member: American Bar Association; State Bar of California; California Council on Criminal Justice; American and California medical associations (retired status). M.B., Ch.B. (medicine), Uni- versity of Manchester, Manchester, England, 1940; J.D.,Stanford Law School, 1957; LL.D.. University of Pacific, 1977. Married, one daughter and two sons.

State Building 350 McAllister Street, Room 3154 San Francisco, California 94102 (415) 557-1581 !

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JOSEPH R. QUINN Chief Justice Quinn was sworn in July 1, 1985, after serving as justice of the since June 2, 1980. Member of the American, Colorado, and Denver bar associations. Judge, District Court in the Second District of Colorado (Denver), 1973- 1980. Member, State Public Defender staff, becoming chief trial deputy, 1966-1971. Previous membership: State Council for Criminal Justice, Judicial Planning Council, Standing Committee on Civil and Criminal Rules, Colorado Prison Association Board of Directors. A.B., St. Peter's College, 1957; LL.B., Rutgers Law School, 1961. Married, five children.

Supreme Court of Colorado State Judicial Building 2 East 14th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80203 (303) 861-7330


JAMES D. THOMAS State Court Administrator Thomas assumed his present position September 1, 1977. Court administrator, Denver District Court, 1973-77. Research director, Georgia Governor's Commission on Judicial Processes, 1972-73. Assistant executive director, Institute for Court Management, 1970-72. Court administrator, Seventh Judicial Circuit of Maryland, 1967-70. Member: board of directors, National Center for State Courts, 1981-84; American Judicature Society; Institute of Judicial Administration; Colorado Judicial Institute. B.A., Western Maryland College, 1960; graduate fellow, Institute for Court Management, 1970. Born in 1938. Married, three children.

Colorado Judicial Department State Judicial Building 2 East 14th Avenue, Room 215 Denver, Colorado 80203 (303)861-llll,ext. 125 ELLEN ASH PETERS ChietJustice Peters assumed office February 13, 1985. having been appointed on November 2 1, 1984, after serving as a justice of the Supreme Court since 1978. From 1956 to 1978, professor of law at Yale Law School, Southmayd professor from 1975 to 1978 and ad- junct professor to 1984. Member: American and Connecticut bar associations; executive committee, Connecticut Judiciary;Con- necticut State-Federal Judicial Council; American Law Institute Council. Distinguished Service Medal, Yale Law School; Ella Grasso Distinguished Service Medal; 1982 Judicial Award, Connecticut Trial Lawyers Association. Widely published in law journals and author of two books-legal writing centering on various aspects of the law otcontracts, especially on commercial law under the Uni- form Commercial Code. B.A.. Swarthmore College. 1951 (cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa); LL.B., Yale Law School, 1954 (cum laude. Order of the Coif). Honorary degrees: University of Hartford, Swarthmore College. Georgetown University, Connecticut College, New York Law School. Born March 21, 1930. Married, three children. Supreme Court of Connecticut Drawer N.Station A Hartford. Connecticut 06106 (203 ) 566-4916


Chief Court Administrator Ment assumed his present position in September 1984 atter appointment by the chief justice. Deputy chief court administrator, 1983-84;chief administrative judge, criminal division, Superior Court, 1983. Superior Court judge, 1978-84; judge, Court of Common Pleas. 1976-78. Private law practice. 1961-76; counsel to the speaker of the Connecticut House of Representatives and to Governor Ella T. Grasso. Active duty, U.S. Air Force, 1960-61. Member: special committee to study the rules otcivil practice and procedure of Superior Court (chairman); State Library Board; past president, University of Connecticut Alumni Association. Alumni Award for outstanding service, Uni- versity of Connecticut, 1976; Achievement to the Judiciary Award. Boston University School of Law, 1978. B.A.. University of Con- necticut. 1958; LL.B., Boston University School of Law. 1959. Born August 29, 1934. Married. two sons.

Supreme Court of Connecticut Drawer N. Station A Hartford. Connecticut 06106 (203) 566-4461 DANIEL L. HERRMANN Chief Justice Herrmann has served on the since January 15, 1965, and as chief justice since August 1973. Judge, Superior Court of Delaware, 1951-58. Assistant US. attor- ney for Delaware, 1948-51. Member: American Judicature Society; American Bar Association; Delaware Bar Association; Institute of Judicial Administration. Fellow, American Bar Foundation. Recipi- ent: Delaware Chamber of Commerce Marvel Cup Award for Pub- lic Service, 1981 ; Rotary Club Distinguished Service Award, 1979; Most Distinguished Delawarean and Good Government Award, 1976; American Judicature Society Herbert Harley Award, 1976. A.B.. University of Delaware, 1935; LL.B., Georgetown University Law Center, 1939. Honorary Doctor of Laws degrees: University of Delaware, 1976; Delaware Law School, Widener University, 1978; Georgetown University, 1981. Served in U.S. Army, 1942-46. Born June 10, 1913. Widower, two sons.

Supreme Court of Delaware Carvel State Office Building 820 North French Street Wilrningron, Delaware 19801 (302)571-2427

JOHN R. FISHER Administrative Director Fisher was appointed to this newly created position July 19, 1971. Practiced law and held several positions with State Farm lnsurance Company, Frederick, Maryland, 1956-71. Field engineer for the Baltimore County Commissioner, Towson, Maryland, 1954-56; senior draftsman, 1951-54. Draftsman, Balti- more and Ohio Railroad, Baltimore, Maryland, 1948-51. Member: Maryland Bar Association; Delaware Bar Association (honorary member); advisory board, University of Delaware Legal Assistance Educational Program; board of directors, Conference of State Court Administrators, 1974 and 1977. Certificate, lnsurance Institute of America; former arbitrator and chairman of arbitration board of the Institute. Attended University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University; LL.B., Eastern College of Commerce and Law, 1956; J.D.. University of Baltimore School of Law, 1971. Fellow, Institute for Court Management, 1976. Born in 1921. Married, two children.

Administrative Office of the Courts Carvel State Office Building, 11 th Floor 820 North French Street Wilrnington, Delaware 19801 (302) 571-2480 WILLIAM C. PRYOR ChiefJudge Pryor assumed office October 27, 1984, having been an associate judge of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals since 1979. Associate judge, District of Columbia Superior Court, 1968- 79 (administrative judge, tax division, 1978-79);assistant United States attorney for the District of Columbia, 1961-64, 1967-68; at- torney, Ohio Bell Telephone Company and Chesapeake and Poto- mac Telephone Company, 1964-67. Member: Joint Committee on Judicial Administration; chair, Committee for Selection of Court Law Clerks; Alumni Awards Committee, Northfield Mount Her- man School; American Cancer Society, board of directors, 1970. Adjunct professor, George Washington University Law School, 1979-present; Potomac Law School, 1976-80; lecturer, Institute for Government Executives, 1980-present. United States Army (Eu- rope), 1954-56; Judge Advocate Corps, Reserve, 1962-64. Dart- mouth College, 1954; Georgetown University Law School, 1959; National College of the State Judiciary, 1973; LL.M., University of Virginia Law School, 1982. Born 1932. Married, two sons.

Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20001 (202) 638-3694

LARRY P. POLANSKY Executive Officer of the District of Columbia Courts Polansky as- sumed his present position January 2, 1979. Deputy court adminis- trator for Pennsylvania, 1976-78. Chief deputy court administrator, Common Pleas Court of Philadelphia, 1967-76. Former systems en- gineer with 1BM Corporation; data processing manager; systems analyst; accountant. Member: American, District of Columbia, and Pennsylvania bar associations; president, Conference of State Court Administrators, 1984-85. Lecturer and writer on court manage- ment and court technology. B.S. ( 1958),J.D. (1973), Temple Uni- versity. Born in July 1932. Married, three children.

Courts of the District of Columbia 500 Indiana Avenue. N.W., Room 1500 Washington. D.C. 20001 ( 202) 579- 1700 .. I . . 'I

JOSEPH A. BOYD, JR. Chief Justice Boyd assumed his present duties July 1, 1984, having served as an associate justice since January 1969. Former city attor- ney for Hialeah, Florida; former chairman of the Dade County Commission at Miami. Former Florida State Commander of the American Legion. Marine Corps veteran, thirty-third degree Ma- son. Honorary degrees: LL.D., Piedmont College, 1963; LL.D., Western State University College of Law, 1981. J.D., University of Miami Law School, 1948. Born November 16, 1916. Married. five children.

Supreme Court of Florida Supreme Court Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301-8167 (904) 488-0007


KENNETH PALMER State Courts Administrator Palmer assumed his present position January 1, 1985, after having served for five years as deputy state courts administrator. He previously worked in the criminal justice system for fourteen years, ten of which were in the office of the state courts administrator. Has completed course work for the Court Executive Development Program of the Institute for Court Management. Coauthor of The Successful Meeting Mater Guide ~OT Business and Professional People; author of articles in the Florida State University Law Review and the American Bar Association Journal. B.A. and M.S., Florida State University. Born September 4, 1946.

Florida State Courts System Supreme Court Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301-8167 , (904) 488-862 1 9 HAROLD N. HILL, JR.

Chief Justice Hill assumed his present office November 1, 1982. Appointed associate justice January 2, 1975, elected to that office in 1976, 1978, and 1984; presiding justice, 1980-82. Partner with At- lanta law firm of Jones, Bird & Howell, 1972-74. Executive assis- tant attorney general, 1968-72; assistant attorney general, 1966-68. Associate and partner with Gambrell, Harlan, Russell & Moye, 1957-66. Member: American Law Institute; American Bar Founda- tion (fellow); State Bar of Georgia; Lawyers Club of Atlanta; Old War Horse Lawyers Club. B.S. (magna cum laude), Washington & Lee University, 1952; LL.B. (first honor graduate), Emory Univer- sity School of Law, 1957. U.S. Army, 1952-54. Born April 26, 1930. Married, three children.

Supreme Court of Georgia 514 State Judicial Building Atlanta, Georgia 30334 (404) 656-3473

ROBERT L. DOSS, JR. Administrative Director Doss assumed his present position Sep- tember 13, 1975, after serving as deputy director of the Administra- tive Office of the Courts for two years and as acting director for five months. Before joining the Georgia Administrative Office of the Courts, was assistant director of Governor Jimmy Carter's Com- mission on Judicial Processes, which recommended creation of the Georgia Judicial Council and Administrative Office of the Courts in 1971. B.B.A. (1968), M.S. (1973), Georgia State University in At- lanta. Fellow, Institute for Court Management, 1976. Vietnam vet- eran. Born July 4, 1946. Married, two children.

JUDICIAL COUNCIL OF GEORGIA of the Courts ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS icd of Georgia W , Sulte 550 koreia 30334 MARLAS. MOORE 04)%56-517 1

SUITE 550 4 JUDICIAL LIAISON OFFICER 244 WASHINGTONST.. S.W (404) 656-5171 ATLANTA. GEORGIA30330 PAUL J. ABBATE Presiding Judge Abbate was appointed to his present position on November 1, 1974; reelected to seven-year term. Federal district judge since 1974. Judge, Island Court of Guam, 1969-74. Attorney general of Guam, 1968-69; assistant attorney general, criminal di- vision, 1967-68. Law practice since 1952. Chairman: Guam Board of Law Examiners; Guam Judicial Council. Member: American Judges Association; Phi Delta Phi law fraternity; Guam and Ameri- can bar associations; Judge Advocate Association (military law- yers); American Judicature Society; National Council of Juvenile Court Judges; Justinian Society of Jurists. Chairman, board of trustees, Guam Public Defender Services Corporation. B.S., Mer- chant Marine Academy, 1943; LL.B., St. John's University School of Law, 1949; LL.M., Law School, 1953. U.S. Naval Re- serve, World War 11 (Pacific theater) and Korean conflict; military awards include Bronze Star and Purple Heart. Born March 28, 1919. Four children.

Superior Court of Guam Judiciary Building 110 West O'Brien Drive Agana, Guam 96910 01 1 (671) 477-8961 through 8968

ROBERT E. LEON GUERRERO Administrative Director of the Courts Guerrero assumed his pre- sent position in April 1977. Director of juvenile justice, 1972-77. Deputy director of juvenile justice, 1970-72. Deputy director of corrections, 1969-70. Director of public health and social services, April to July 1969. Member: American Judicature Society; Knights of Columbus; National Council of Juvenile Court Judges (associate member). B.S., Regis College, 1953; master's degree, Portland State University. 1964; participated in education and training program offered by the lnstitute for Court Management. Born November 7, 1930. Married, seven children.

Superior Court of Guam Judiciary Building 110 West O'Brien Drive Agana, Guam 96910 01 1 (671) 472-8961 through 8968 HERMAN LUM

Chief Justice Lum assumed office April 26, 1983, having served as associate justice of the Hawaii Supreme Court since 1980. Judge, First Judicial Circuit, 1967-80; senior judge, Family Court, First Judicial Circuit, 1971-76; US. Attorney for the District of Hawaii, 1961-67; chief clerk, Hawaii State House of Representatives, 1956- 61; chief attorney, Hawaii State House of Representatives, 1955; as- sistant public prosecutor, Honolulu, 1950-52. Admitted to Bar of Hawaii in 1950. Member: National Council of Juvenile Court Judges; State Law Enforcement and juvenile Delinquency Planning Agency (chairman of supervisory board, 1977); Ad Hoc Commit- tee of Hawaii Correctional Master Plan; Steering Committee of Hawaii Juvenile Justice Master Plan; board of trustees, Honolulu Medical Group Research and Education Foundation. J.D.. Univer- sity of Missouri, 1950. Distinguished alumnus award, University of Missouri, 1980. Born November 5. 1926. Married, two children.

Supreme Court of Hawaii Post Office Box 2560 Honolulu,Hawaii 96804 (808) 548-5930



...... " .. . . - .-. . CHARLES R. DONALDSON Chief Justice Donaldson was elected by his colleagues to his third term of office, a four-year term, on January 1, 1983, having served as chief justice in 1973 and in 1979-80. Elected to supreme court in 1968 and twice reelected. Judge, Fourth Judicial District, 1964-68. Private practice of law in Boise, 1948-64. Elected representative to Idaho state legislature, 1955-57. Deputy chairman, Conference of Chief Justices, 1980-81. Member, Council of State Court Represen- tatives of the National Center for State Courts, 1973-80. Former chairman of state committees on Sentencing Manual for ldaho Trial Judges, Idaho Pattern Jury Instructions, Use of Computers for ldaho Judiciary, and others. Former chairman of various civic or- ganizations and recipient of numerous community awards. B.A., University of Idaho, 1941; LL.B., University of Idaho College of Law, 1948. U.S. Army, World War 11. Born February 2, 1919. Married, six children.

Supreme Court of Idaho 451 West State Street , Boise, Idaho 83720 (208)334-3186


CARL F. BIANCHI Administrative Director of the Courts Bianchi assumed his present position July 1, 1973. Judge, Idaho magistrate division, 1974-76; chief of court planning for New Jersey courts, 1972-73; director, New Jersey State Office of Legal Services, 1970-72. Adjunct profes- sor, Department of Political Science, Boise State University, 1981 to present. Chairman, Conference of State Court Administrators, 1982-83. Member: American Bar Association; Idaho Bar Associa- tion; New Jersey Bar Association; National Association of Trial Court Administrators. B.A., Hamilton College, 1965; J.D., Duke University, 1968; fellow, Institute for Court Management. Born March 13, 1943. Married, one daughter.

Supreme Court Building 451 West State Street Boise, Idaho 83720 (208)334-2246 1

WILLIAM G. CLARK Chief Justice Clark assumed office January 1, 1985, having been elected to the supreme court in 1976. Senior partner, Arvey, Hodes, Costello and Burman, 1968-76, Chicago. Nominated as candidate for US. Senate in primary election, 1968. Illinois attorney general, 1960, reelected 1964. Illinois House of Representatives 1952-54; Senate, 1954, reelected 1956 and 1958; majority leader of 71st Gen- eral Assembly. Chairman Senate Tax Forfeiture Foreclosure and Annual Tax Sale Study Commission. As attorney general, drafted state's Act to Prevent Consumer Fraud; accelerated water and air pollution control enforcement. Has taught courses at Northeastern Illinois University and DePaul University. DePaul University Dis- tinguished Alumnus Shield of Justice, Award of Merit; DePaul Uni- versity Alumni Association Distinguished Alumni Award; LL.D., John Marshall Law School; Doctor of Humane Letters, DePaul University. Attended Loyola and Michigan State universities and University of Michigan. Law degree, DePaul University. Born July 16, 1924. Married, five children.

Supreme Court of Illinois 3080 Richard J. Daley Center Chicago, Illinois 60602 (312) 793-5470

ROY 0. GULLEY Administrative Director Gulley assumed his present position January 1, 1968. Chief circuit judge, Second Judicial Circuit, 1957- 67; county judge, 1950-54; public defender of Franklin County, 1948-50. Member: Illinois Bar Association; American Bar Associa- tion; American Judicature Society; Institute of Judicial Administra- tion. Chairman, Conference of State Court Administrators, 1974. Past president, Franklin County Bar Association, 1957 and 1962. B.S. ( 1947), J.D. (1948), University of Illinois. US. Naval Reserve, 1942-45. Born July 2, 1924. Married, three sons and two daughters.

Administrative Office of the Courts Supreme Courr Building Springfield, Illinois 62706 (217) 782-7770 (312) 793-3250 (Chicago)

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RICHARD M. GIVAN Chief Justice Givan began his term of service on the Indiana Su- preme Court in 1969, and became chief justice on November 30, 1974. Indiana House of Representatives, 1967-68; Marion County deputy prosecutor, 1965-66;assistant attorney general of Indiana, 1954-64. Member: Indianapolis Bar Association; Indiana State Bar Association; American Bar Association. Served in 95th Infantry Division, 1942-43; pilot in U.S. Air Force, 1943-45. LL.B., Indiana University, 1951. Born June 7, 1921. Married, four daughters.

Supreme Court of Indiana State Capitol Building. Room 324 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 (317) 232-2544


BRUCE A. KOTZAN Executive Director Kotzan assumed his position in May 1975, becoming the first state court administrator in Indiana. Assistant supreme court administrator, 1973-75; judge advocate, U.S. Air Force, 1969-73. Member: Indiana and federal bars. A.B. in govern- ment, Indiana University, 1966; J.D., Indiana University, 1969. Born May 17, 1944. Married.

Supreme Court of Indiana State House, Room 323 Indianapolis. Indiana 46204 (317) 232-2542


Chief Justice Reynoldson assumed his present office August 3, 1978, and was reelected by the court to an eight-year term in December 1980. Appointed to the in 1971. Senior partner, five-person law firm in Osceola, Iowa, 1948-71. County attorney, Clarke County, Iowa, 1953-57. Member: American and Iowa bar associations; American College of Trial Lawyers; Iowa Academy of Trial Lawyers; Defense Research Institute; American Bar Foundation (fellow). Director, American Judicature Society. Contributor to legal publications and lecturer on trial-related subjects. B.A., State Teachers College, Wayne, Nebraska, 1942; J.D. with high distinction (Order of the Coif), University of Iowa College of Law, 1948. Senior grade lieutenant, U.S. Navy, 1942-46. Born May 17, 1920. Married, two children.

Supreme Court of Iowa State House Des Moines, Iowa 50319 (515) 281-5174



State Court Administrator O’Brien was appointed to his present position October 16,1973. Former research director, Iowa Supreme Court, 1971-73. Law clerk to Justice Francis Becker, Iowa Supreme Court, 1970-71. Member: Iowa State Bar Association; American Bar Association. President-elect, Conference of State Court Administrators. B.A. (1966), J.D. (1970), Drake University. Born January 28, 1945. Married, two children.

Supreme Court of lowa State House Des Moines. Iowa 50319 (515) 281-5241 ALFRED G. SCHROEDER Chief Justice Schroeder assumed his office September 1, 1977, and was retained at election for a six-year term beginningJanuary 12, 1981. Has served on the since 1957. Judge, Ninth Judicial District, 1953-57; judge, Harvey County probate and juvenile courts, 1947-53. Member: Kansas State Bar; American Bar Association. Chairman, Kansas Judicial Council, 1963-79. Past president and member of the Topeka Jayhawker Club. Director, Kansas Council of Churches, 1963-66. Honorary life membership in the Washburn Law School Alumni Association. Distinguished Agricultural Economics Alumnus Award by Kansas State Univer- sity. Legal officer, U.S. Air Force, 1942-46. US.Air Force Reserve, 1946-55. B.S. (magna cum laude) in agricultural economics, Kansas State University, 1937; J.D.. Harvard University Law School, 1940. Born June 5, 1916. Married, three children.

Supreme Court of Kansas Kansas Judicial Center Topeka, Kansas 66612 (913) 296-3807

HOWARD P. SCHWARTZ Judicial Administrator Schwartz assumed his present position May 19, 1980. Personnel director, Kansas judicial branch, 1978-79. Personnel administrator, Kansas Department of Administration, 1975-78. Assistant professor and associate director, Data Pro- cessing and Educational Measurement Center, Emporia State Uni- versity, 1972-75. Adjunct professor, Washburn University (1978 to present), Kansas University (January 1984 to present). Member: National Advisory Committee on Court Delay Reduction; editorial board, Association for Measurement and Evaluation; American Society for Public Administration. B.S. (1968). M.S.(1969), Ph.D. (1972), East Texas State University. Born May 15, 1946. Two children.

Kansas Judicial Center 301 West 10th Street Topeka, Kansas 66612 (913) 296-4873 ROBERT F. STEPHENS

Chief Justice Stephens was elected to his office October 2, 1982 and reelected 1984, having been elected to the court in 1980, and ap- pointed in 1979. Attorney general of Kentucky, 1975-80; county judge, 1970-75; assistant county attorney, 1964-69. Private law practice, 1958-70. Chairman, host committee, CCJ annual meeting, 1985; recipient, Herbert Harley Award, American Judicature So- ciety, 1984; state chairman, Kentucky Heart Association, 1977-79; vice-chairman and chairman, Southern Conference of Attorneys General, 1977 and 1978; state chairman, Arthritis Fund, 1975; first president, Kentucky County Judges Association, 1974; and other county offices. A.B., Indiana University, 1948; LL.B., University of Kentucky College of Law, 1951 (law journal staff, Order of the Coif). US. Navy, 1945-46. Born August 16, 1927. Four children.

Supreme Court of Kentucky State Capitol Building Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 (502) 564-6753 & 6754


DON. CETRULO Administrative Director Cetrulo assumed his present office July 1, 1981. Previously served as legal counsel to the Administrative Of- fice of the Courts, 1976-81. Staff attorney and director for the Ken- tucky Legal Information Service, 1975-76. Member: Kentucky Bar Association; Bar for the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky. B.S. in political science, Morehead State University, 1971; law degree, University of Kentucky, 1974. Born in 1949. Married.

Administrative Office of the Courts 403 Wapping Street Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 (502) 564-7486

I. JOHN A. DLXON, JR. Chief Justice Dixon assumed his office March 1, 1980, having been elected without opposition as associate justice from the Second Su- preme Court District, 1971. He was reelected in 1984. Elected to Second Circuit Court of Appeal, 1968. Elected district court judge for First Judicial District, Caddo Parish, 1957; reelected without op- position. Private law practice, 1947-57; two years as assistant dis- trict attorney. Member, Queensborough Masonic Lodge in Shreve- port. Active in various civic groups. Enlisted in U.S. Army, 1942; served with 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment. B.A., Centenary College, 1940; LL.B. (law review), Tulane University School of Law, 1947. Born April 8, 1920. Married, three daughters.

Supreme Court of Building 301 Loyola Avenue New Orleans, Louisiana 701 12 (504) 568-5733


EUGENE J. MURRET Judicial Administrator Murret assumed his present position March 17, 1971. Taught at Tulane University, 1978-79, and is on part-time faculty at Loyola Law School. Executive counsel to the governor of Louisiana, 1969-71. Serves as chief executive officer of the Judiciary Commission of Louisiana. Chairman, Conference of State Court Administrators, 1981-82. Member: American Bar Association; Louisiana State Bar Association; American Judicature Society; Institute of Judicial Administration; Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice; Highway Safety Commission; Supreme Court Commission on Judicial Ethics. U.S. Army, 1954-56.B.A., Loyola University of New Orleans, 1954; J.D., Loyola University School of Law, 1959. Admitted to practice in Louisiana, 1959. M.A. in philosophy, Springhill College, 1964; master of laws in legal education, New York University School of Law, 1969. Graduate and fellow, Institute for Court Management. Born August 1, 1932. Married, four children.

Supreme Court of Louisiana Supreme Court Building, Room 109 301 Loyola Avenue New Orleans, Louisiana 701 12 (504) 568-5747

.. ..._ .__ .... VINCENT L. McKUSICK Chief Justice McKusick was appointed to his present position September 16,1977.Law practice, Portland, Maine, 1952-77.Clerk for Justice Frankfurter, 1951-52; Chief Judge Learned Hand, 1950- 51. Commissioner on uniform state laws of Maine, 1968-76. Member: American Law Institute Council; U.S. State Department’s advisory committee on private international law; Federal Advisory Committee on Appellate Rules. American Judicature Society Herbert Harley Award, 1982. Board of directors, American Bar Foundation; board of editors, ABA ]ouml, 1971-80 (chairman, 1976-77); trustee, Bates College. Leader, People-to-People Appellate Judges Visit to Peoples Republic of China, 1983. A.B., Bates College, 1943; S.B. and S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1947; LL.B., Harvard Law School, 1950 (president, Harvard Law Review, 1949-50). LL.D., Colby College, 1976; Nasson College, 1978; Bates College, 1979; Bowdoin College, 1979; Suffolk University, 1983. L.H.D., University of Southern Maine, 1978; Thomas College, 1981. Born October 21, 1921. Married, four children. Supreme Judicial Court of Maine Post Office Box 4910 Portland, Maine 041 12 (207) 879-4791



State Court Administrator Baggett assumed his present position September 8, 1981. Senior staff member, Office of Revenue Shar- ing, Washington, D.C., 1974-81. Washington representative, Inter- national Personnel Management Association, 1973-74. Director, Bureau of Public Administration, University of Maine at Orono, 1965-73. Township manager, Mount Holly, New Jersey, 1962-65; city manager, Gardiner, Maine, 1959-62. Member: American So- ciety for Public Administration, American Judicature Society. Has received numerous professional citations and civic awards. U.S. Army AMEDS. 1955-57. B.A. in public management (with distinc- tion), University of Maine at Orono, 1955; master’s degree in gov- ernmental administration, Fels Institute, Wharton Graduate School, University of Pennsylvania, 1959. Born June 5, 1933. Married, four children.

Administrative Office of the Courts Post Office Box 4820, Downtown Station Portland. Maine 041 12 (207) 879-4792 -.. ,..._ .1 -.. ..

I' 'n ROBERT C. MURPHY Chief Judge Murphy has served in his present position on the Mary- land Court of Appeals since August 11, 1972. Chief judge, Court of Special Appeals, 1967-72. Special assistant attorney general, assis- tant attorney general, deputy attorney general, and attorney general of Maryland, 1956-67. Member: Maryland Criminal Justice Coor- dinating Council; board of directors (first vice-president, 1984-85), Conference of Chief Justices; board of directors, National Center for State Courts. Chairman: Maryland Hall of Records Commis- sion; Constitutional Commission on Judicial Disabilities, 1971-72. Chairman and trustee, University of Maryland Alumni Association (international). Graduate of University of Maryland and University of Maryland School of Law (J.D., 1951); Honorary Doctor of Laws degrees: University of Maryland, 1973; University of Baltimore, 1981. Born October 9, 1926. Married, one son and two daughters.

Court of Appeals of Maryland Courts of Appeal Building Annapolis. Maryland 21401 (301) 583-6500 (Towson) (301) 269-3923 (Annapolis)


JAMES H. NORRIS, JR. State Court Administrator Norris was appointed to this position on January 1 1, 1983, after serving as acting state court administrator since September 2, 1982. Clerk, Court of Appeals of Maryland, 1971-83; chief deputy clerk, 1963-71. State reporter of decisions, 1967-83. Private law practice, 1961-82. Special assistant and assis- tant attorney general of Maryland, 1954-61. Member: bars of Mary- land, US. Supreme Court, Court of Military Appeals, US. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, and U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland; Maryland State Bar Association; Federal Bar Association (past president of Baltimore Chapter); Maryland Crim- inal Justice Coordinating Council. US. Army, 1943-45; retired from Army Reserve as a major. B.S., Loyola College, 1948; LL.B., Columbus Law School of Catholic University, 1953. Born May 31,. 1924. Married, seven children.

Administrative Office of the Courts Courts of Appeal Building Rowe Boulevard and Taylor Avenue Annapolis, Maryland 21401 (301) 269-2141 EDWARD F. HENNESSEY

Chief Justice Hennessey has served in his present position since Jan- uary 7,1976. Associate justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judi- cial Court, 1971-76. Trial judge, Massachusetts Superior Court, 1967-71. Civil and criminal practitioner, 1950-66. Special assistant attorney general, 1956 and 1966. Assistant district attorney, Middle- sex County, 1955-56. President-elect, Conference of Chief Justices, president-elect, National Center for State Courts, 1984-85. Recipi- ent: Silver Shingle Award for distinguished public service, 1975; St. Thomas More Award, 1975. Legal author, legal editor, law lecturer and teacher. U.S. Army, 1941-45 (Bronze Star). B.S. (cum laude), Northeastern Universiiy, 1941; LL.B. (cum laude), Boston Univer- sity School of Law, 1949 (editor of Law Review). Honorary Doctor of Laws degrees: Boston University, Northeastern University, and Bentley College, 1976; Suffolk University and New England School of Law, 1974. Born April 20, 1919. Married, one daughter.

Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts New Court House, 13th Floor Boston, Massachusetts 02108 (617) 725-8010



Chief Administrative Justice Mason was appointed to his present position August 11, 1978. Associate justice, superior court, 1973- 78. Presiding justice, First District Court of Southern Middlesex, 1970-73. Associate justice, appellate division of the district courts for the northern district, 1970-73. Special justice, First District Court of Southern Middlesex, 1957-70. Member: American and Massachusetts bar associations; American Judicature Society; Insti- tute of Judicial Administration. Silver Shingle Award for distin- guished service to the legal profession from Boston University School of Law, 1979. U.S. Army, 1943-46, 1951-52 (Bronze Star). B.S. in business administration, Boston University, 1943; J.D., Bos- ton University School of Law, 1950. Born January 7, 1922. Mar- ried, two sons.

The Trial Court Commonwealth of Massachusetts 300 New Court House Boston, Massachusetts 02108

, (617) 725-8787 ...... ! :


Chief Justice Williams was elected to this office January 4, 1983, having been a member of the since 1971. U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines, 1968-69; Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, 1961-66; served in a number of other state and national positions. Governor of Michigan, 1949-60. Pub- lished A Gouenuzr’s Nota, Africa fur the Africans, and “Modernizing Judicial Administration” (Wayne Law Review). U.S. Navy, 1942- 46, released as lieutenant commander; air combat intelligence of- ficer and legal officer to admiral; ten battle stars; Legion of Merit with Combat V; three Presidential Unit Citations; Pacific, Philip- pine and American campaign ribbons. Eight foreign decorations, extensive worldwide travel. A.B., Princeton University, 1933; J.D., University of Michigan Law School, 1936 (Order of the Coif, Law Review). Thirteen honorary degrees. Born February 23, 191 1. Married, three children.

Supreme Court of Michigan Law Building Post Office Box 30052 Lansing, Michigan 48909 (517) 373-0128


V. ROBERT PAYANT State Court Administrator Payant assumed his position July 1, 1985, after returning to Michigan from the National Judicial Col- lege, Reno, Nevada, where he was associate dean. Judge Payant served twenty years as a judge on the probate, district, and circuit court benches and as president of the Michigan Probate and Juvenile Judges Association in 1968 and the Michigan District Judges Asso- ciation in 1973. He was a member of the committee to draft the Michigan Court Rules, which recently became effective, and was also a member of the committee to revise the judicial article of the Michigan Constitution. B.S. and J.D., Marquette University, Wis- consin. Born December 25, 1932. Married, five children.

State Court Administrative Office State Building, North Tower Post Office Box 30048 Lansing, Michigan 48909 (517) 373-0130 DOUGLAS K. AMDAHL Chief Justice Amdahl was appointed to his present position Decem- ber 18, 1981, and elected to a six-year term commencingJanuary 1, 1985. Appointed to supreme court as associate justice in July 1980. Judge, Fourth Judicial District of Minnesota, November 1962 to July 1980 (chief judge, 1973-75). Judge, Minneapolis Municipal Court, January 1961 to November 1962. Assistant county attorney, Hennepin County, 1955-61. President, District Court Judges Asso- ciation, 1976-77. Member: Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Com- mission; National Advisory Committee on Court Delay Reduction (chairman); Delta Theta Phi; International Academy of Trial Judges (fellow); American and Minnesota bar associations. U.S. Air Force, European theater, 1943-45. B.B.A., University of Minnesota, 1946; J.D. (summa cum laude), William Mitchell College of Law, 1951. Born January 23, 1919. Married, two children.

Supreme Court of Minnesota . State Capitol Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 (612) 296-5037



State Court Administrator Dosal assumed her present position July 16, 1982. Senior staff attorney, National Center for State Courts, 1977-82. Court management consultant, 1975-76. Staff director, Florida legislature's Joint Select Committee on Judicial Personnel, 1974-75. Deputy state court administrator of Florida, 1972-74. Visiting faculty member, Florida State University College of Law, 1972-73. Staff member, Institute for Court Management, 1970-72. Member: American, Minnesota, and Hennepin County bar associa- tions; National Association of Trial Court Administrators. B.A., University of Minnesota, 1969; M.S.J.A., University of Denver College of Law, 1972; J.D. (cum laude), William Mitchell College of Law, 1979; fellow, Institute for Court Management, 1980. Born October 4, 1947. Married, two children.

Supreme Court of Minnesota 230 State Capitol St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 (612) 296-2474 NEVILLE PATTERSON Chief Justice Patterson has served on the Supreme Court of Missis- sippi since January 1964, as presiding justice since January 1975, and as chief justice since August 1, 1977. Assistant attorney general of Mississippi, 1963. Chancellor, Thirteenth Chancery Court Dis- trict, 1947-63. Private law practice, 1939-41, and with legal depart- ment of Federal Land Bank, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1941. Chair- man, Mississippi Judicial Conference. Chairman, Mississippi Advisory Committee on Procedural Rule Changes. Chairman, Mis- sissippi Judicial Council. Member: Tri-County Bar Association; Mississippi State Bar Association; American Bar Association; Sigma Delta Kappa. Received Distinguished Jurist Award from Mississippi State University, 1984. World War 11 veteran with overseas service. Graduate of University of Mississippi. Born February 16, 1916. Married. three children.

Supreme Court of Mississippi Post Office Box 117 Jackson,Mississippi 39205 (601 ) 359-3697


MARTIN R. McLENDON Executive Assistant McLendon assumed his present position on November 1, 1974. First assistant attorney general of Mississippi, 1956-74.General law practice, 1950-56. Member: American Bar Association; Mississippi State Bar; Hinds County Bar Association. Instructor pilot, transport pilot, and bomber pilot, U.S. Army Air Corps, 1942-47 (rank of major). B.S. in history and political science, University of Southern Mississippi, 1949; LL.B., J.D., University of Mississippi School of Law, 1950. Born August 13, 1919. Married. four children.

Supreme Court of Mississippi Post Office Box 1 17 Jackson, Mississippi 39205 (601)359-3697 ANDREW JACKSON HIGGINS Chief Justice Higgins assumed office July 1, 1985, having been ap- pointed to the court in 1979 by the governor and retained in the general election in 1980 for a 12-year term. Appointed circuit judge, 1960, elected to unexpired term to end January 1965. Resigned June 1964 to accept appointment as commissioner of supreme court. Legal practice in Platte City 1948-60; three terms as prosecuting at- torney of Platte County and one term as mayor of Platte City. Mem- ber: American and Missouri bar associations; Supreme Court Train- ing Committee; National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges and two of its committees; chairman, Missouri PressIBar Commission; chairman, Missouri Supreme Court Task Force on Permanency Planning for Abused and Neglected Children. Distin- guished Alumni Award, Central Methodist College. Active duty with U.S. Navy 1943-46, serving with amphibious forces in Pacific theatre, World War 11. A.B., Central College, 1943; LL.B., Wash- ington University 1948; LL.D., Central Methodist College, 1982. Born June 21, 1921. Married, two children.

Supreme Court of Missouri Post Office Box 150 Jefferson City, Missouri 65 102 (314) 751-2654



State Courts Administrator Hess assumed her present position on February 10, 1981. Director of court services, State Courts Admin- istrator’s Office, Missouri, 1974-81. Assistant trial court adminis- trator for Bergen County, New Jersey, 1973-74. Taught fourteen years at both the secondary school and college level before entering law school. Member: American Judicature Society; National Asso- ciation for Court Administration. Associate, National Center for State Courts. Awarded Ford fellowship, 1972, Institute for Court Management. President, faculty senate, Southeastern Iowa Area College, 1967-68. Award for outstanding contribution to children’s theater, by region VII, National Children’s Theater Association. B.S., Southwest Missouri State University, 1955; M.A., University of Kansas, 1967; fellow, Institute for Court Management, 1972; M.S.J.A., J.D., University of Denver College of Law, 1973. Born January 21, 1933.

Supreme Court of Missouri 1105 R. Southwest Boulevard Jefferson City, Missouri 65101 (314) 751-4377

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JEAN A. TURNAGE Chief Justice Turnage assumed office January 7, 1985. Before being elected chief justice he had served in the state legislature since 1962, two years in the house and twenty years in the senate. President, Montana senate, 1981-83; Republican floor leader, 1977 session; minority floor leader, 1967 session; Montana County Attorneys Association. Elected Lake County attorney in 1952 and reelected four times. Private practice of law since 1952. U.S. Army Air Corps, 1944-46. Member: American and Montana bar associations, Phi Delta Phi legal fraternity. Law degree University of Montana, 1951 (member of law review). Born March 10, 1926. Married, two children.

Supreme Court of Montana Justice Building, Room 414 215 North Sanders Helena, Montana 59620 (406) 444-2621


MICHAEL ABLEY State Court Administrator Abley assumed his present position Feb- ruary 23, 1978. Formerly served as director of planning, ; coordinator, courts task force, Montana Standards and Goals Project; coordinator, rural police training program, Car- bondale, Illinois. B.A., Carroll College, 1969; post-graduate studies, University of Southern Illinois. Born May 29, 1940. Three children.

Supreme Court of Montana Justice Building, Room 315 215 North Sanders Helena, Montana 59620 (406) 444-2621 NORMAN M. KRIVOSHA Chief Justice Krivosha assumed office October 30, 1978. General counsel to Lincoln General Hospital and Lincoln Electric System, 1969-78.City attorney, Lincoln, 1969-70. Member: American, Ne- braska, and Lincoln bar associations; Association of Trial Attor- neys; American Trial Lawyers Association; American Society of Hospital Attorneys. Commissioner, Uniform Law Commission, 1973 to present. Elected member, American Law Institute. Adjunct professor, University of Nebraska College of Law. B.S., University of Nebraska; J.D., University of Nebraska College of Law. LL.D., Central Michigan University, 1983; LL.D., Creighton University, 1985. Born August 3, 1934. Married, two children.

1 i Supreme Court of Nebraska State Capitol Building i Lincoln, Nebraska 68509 I (402) 471-3732 ! I

~ I NEBRASKA I (I JOSEPH C. STEELE iI I State Court Administrator Steele assumed his present position Jan- 'I uary 1, 1980, after serving as acting administrator from November I 1, 1979. Starting in May 1974, served as deputy administrator and I data processing manager for the . Revised I the Jurors' Manual for Nebraska Courts, 1984. Member, American I Judicature Society; American Bar Association (Associate); execu- I tive secretary; Nebraska Commission on Judicial Qualifications; 1 Nebraska Commission on Child Support Enforcement. B.A., Uni- I versity of Nebraska, Omaha, 1968; graduate fellow, Institute for I Court Management, 1978. Born March 10, 1942. Married, four II children. I I' I I :' I

Supreme Court of Nebraska State Capitol Building, Room 1220 Lincoln, Nebraska 68509 (402) 471-2643

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CHARLES E. SPRINGER Chief Justice Springer assumed office January 7, 1985, having been commissioned to the supreme court in January 1981. Juvenile court master, Second Judicial District, 1973-80; attorney general, Nevada, 1962; private law practice, Keno, 28 years. Teaching: National Col- lege of Juvenile and Family Court Judges; National Judicial College; McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific; University of Nevada. Member: Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection (chair- man); Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline; State Board of Pardons Commissioners; board of trustees, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges; American Judicature Society; American, Nevada, Washoe County bar associations. Outstanding Service Award, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (1980). Served in 1lth Airborne Division, U.S. Army. B.A., University of Nevada, 1950; LL.B., Georgetown University, 1953; LL.M., University of Virginia, 1984. Married, one daughter.

Supreme Court of Nevada Supreme Court Building Capitol Complex Carson City, Nevada 89710 (702) 885-5190


RICHARD L. MORGAN Director Morgan assumed office June 24, 1985, having previously been legislative advocate for R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. Government affairs manager, Getty Oil Company, Tulsa, 1979-84. Executive director, Oklahoma Education Association, 1975-78; Nevada State Education Association, 1969-75.Assistant executive director, Florida Education Association, 1967-69; associate counsel, National Education Association, 1958-66. President, National Council of State Education Associations, 1974-75; member, Nevada governor’s task force on property tax reform and “no fault” liability insurance. Staff sergeant, U.S. Army, 1946-48; reserve officer, 1952-54. B.S., 1952, M.S., 1957, West Virginia University; J.D.,George Washington University, 1959. Born March 22, 1928: Married, two children.

Administrative Office of the Courts Capitol Complex Carson City, Nevada 89710 (702) 885-5076 JOHN W. KING

Chief Justice King assumed his present office July 4, 1981. Associate justice of the New Hampshire Supreme Court, 1979-81. Associate justice, Superior Court, 1969-79. Governor of New Hampshire, 1962-68. Member of New Hampshire legislature, 1956-61; house minority leader; member of judiciary, appropriations, and rules committees. Member: American, New York State, New Hampshire, and Manchester bar associations; Bar Association of the City of New York; American Judicature Society (New Hampshire director, 1968-69), Herbert Harley Award, 1984; New Hampshire Medico- Legal Society; Phi Deita Phi; National Institute of Justice (New Hampshire delegate, 1973); Selden Society. Chairman: New Hamp- shire Commission on Accreditation of Courts. Editor of New Hampshire Bar Journal, 1962-70. Attended St. Anselm's College; A.B., Harvard College, 1938; M.A. in public law, Columbia Uni- versity, 1941; LL.B., Columbia University School of Law, 1944; Ph.D. (Hon.), Columbia University, 1966. Numerous other honor- ary degrees. Born October 8, 1916. Married.

Supreme Court of New Hampshire Frank Rowe Kenison Building Concord, New Hampshire 03301 (603) 271-3415


JEFFREY W. LEIDINGER Director, Administrative Office of the Courts Leidinger was ap- pointed to his present position October 1, 1980. Formerly served as director of judicial planning, New Hampshire Supreme Court, 1977-80. Senior staff associate, National Center for State Courts, Northeastern Regional Office, North Andover, Massachusetts, 1974-77. Deputy director for financial management, New Hamp- shire Crime Commission, 1972-74. B.A., Boston University, 1969. Born in 1947. Married, three children.

Supreme Court of New Hampshire Supreme Court Building Concord, New Hampshire 03301 (603) 271-2521


Chief Justice WihQbegan his term of service on August 10, 1979. Private law practice since 1954. New Jersey state assemblyman, 1965-69. Member: New Jersey Bar Association; American Bar As- \ sociation; Federal Bar Council; World Peace Through Law Center. Former member, Judicial Conference of the Third Circuit. Fellow: American Bar Foundation; American College of Trial Lawyers. US. Navy, 1945-46. Attended Princeton University; A.B., Harvard Uni- versity, 1949; LL.B., Columbia University School of Law. 1952. Born February 17, 1927. Married, three children.

Supreme Court of New Jersey 313 State Street Perth Amboy, New Jersey 08861 (201) 324-1600



Administrative Director Lipscher was appointed to his position Jan- uary 1, 1980. First United States circuit executive for the Judicial Council of the Second Circuit, 1972-80. Member: board of direc- tors, Institute for Court Management; National Advisory Cornmit- tee on Court Delay Reduction. B.A., Brandeis University, 1955; LL.B., Harvard University Law School, 1961; LL.M., New York University School of Law, 1969; fellow, Institute for Court Man- agement, 1970. Born October 21, 1933. Married, three children.

Administrative Office of the Courts CN-037-RJH Justice Complex Trenton, New Jersey 08625 (609) 984-0275 WILLIAM R. FEDERICI Chief Justice Federici was appointed to office on December 28, 1983, having served as a justice on the since 1977. Assistant attorney general for New Mexico, 1946-48; 1942. Former senior partner in Santa Fe law firm of Montgomery, Federici, Andrews, Hannahs & Buell. Member: Board of Bar Com- missioners, 1962-71; State Bar of New Mexico (president, 1970- 71); American Bar Association; second vice-president, Conference of Chief Justices, 1984-85. Served in U.S. Army from 1942 to 1946, Anti-Aircraft Artillery, Overseas Pacific Theatre. B.A., Uni- versity of New Mexico, 1939; J.D., University of Colorado, 1941. Born lulv 15, 1917. Married. four children.

Supreme Court of New Mexico

(505) 827-4889


EDWARD J. BACA Administrative Director Baca assumed his position May 13, 1980, after having served as acting director since September 1979 and as deputy director since 1973. Served as budget and management an- alyst for executive and legislative branches from 1969. Member: American Bar Association, Judicial Administration Division; American Judicature Society; State Bar of New Mexico, Adminis- trative Division; Judicial Council; Criminal Justice Coordinating Council; Central Justice Information Systems Committee. B.A.. University of New Mexico, 1966. Born November 16, 1942. Mar- ried, one son and one daughter.

Administrative Office of the Courts Supreme Court of New Mexico Supreme Court Building, Room 130 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87503 (505) 827-4800


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SOL WACHTLER Judge Wachtler, Chief Judge of the State of New York, was ap- pointed to his position on January 2, 1985, having been elected to the New York State Court of Appeals in 1972. Appointed justice of supreme court (general trial court), January 1968, elected in No- vember 1968. General practice of law, 1957-67. Member: American Bar Association (fellow), American Law Institute; New York State and Nassau County bar associations; Association of Justices of the Supreme Court. Guest lecturer in law in Germany and Holland, Yale University School of Law, Albany Law School; instructor in military law, Provost Marshal General’s School, while in military service. Chairman, State-Federal Judicial Council of New York State. B.A. (magna cum laude) and LL.B. (cum laude), Washington and Lee University. Continuing education at Columbia School of Architecture; fellowship graduate, National Judicial College. Numerous honorary degrees. Married, four children.

Supreme Court Building Nassau County Mineola. New York 11501 (516) 535-2680 (Mineola) (518) 474-464514646(Albany)

JOSEPH W. BELLACOSA Chief Administrative Judge Bellacosa assumed his present position in January 1985 by appointment of Chief Judge Wachtler. Professor of law and director of Government Law Center, Albany Law School of Union College, 1983-85; chief clerk to Court of Appeals and its counsel and chief executive officer, 1975-83; assistant dean for academics, St. John’s University School of Law, 1970-73, associate professor of law, 1970-75; law assistant to Honorable Marcus G. Christ, presiding justice, Appellate Division, Second Judicial Department. Member: American Law Institute; American Bar Association and its Council on Legal Education, 1970 to present; Chief Judge’s Media Advisory Committee on TV in the Courts. Contributing author and editor, state bar handbooks on Court of Appeals and on Appellate Division Practices and Pro- cedures; practice commentator and author, McKinney’s New York Criminal Procedure Law (8 volumes). B.A.. St. John’s University, 1959; LL.B., 1961 (law review). Married, three children.

Agency Building 4,ZOth Floor Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12223 (518) 474-3828 (Albany) (212) 587-2004 (New York) I

JOSEPH W. BRANCH Chief Justice Branch assumed office August 1, 1979. Appointed associate justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court, 1966. Law practice, Enfield, N.C., 1938-66. Legislative counsel for governor, 1965 and 1957. Representative in North Carolina general assembly, 1953, 1951. 1949, and 1947. Member: American and North Caro- lina bar associations; North Carolina State Bar Association; Masonic Order; board of trustees of Wake Forest College (chair- man of the board for one term); board of visitors, Wake Forest University School of Law; board of trustees of Wesleyan College, one year. US. Armed Forces, 1943-45. LL.B., Wake Forest Univer- sity School of Law, 1938. LL.D., Campbell University, 1981; LL.D.. Wake Forest University, 1983; D.H.L., Elon College, 1984. Wake Forest University Carroll Way land Weathers Distinguished Alumnus Award, 1980; distinguished service citation in law, 1974; outstanding service alumni award, 1971. Born July 5, 1915. Married, two children.

Supreme Court of North Carolina Justice Building Post Office Box 1841 Raleigh. North Carolina 27602 (919) 733-3713


FRANKLIN E. FREEMAN, JR. Administrative Director Freeman assumed his office July 1, 1981. Elected district attorney of the 17th Judicial District, 1978-81. As- sistant director, Administrative Office of the Courts, 1973-78; also served as administrative assistant to two North Carolina chief jus- tices. Assistant district attorney, 17th Judicial District, 1971-73. Member: North Carolina State Bar Association; 17th Judicial Dis- trict Bar Association; Rockingham County Bar Association. A.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1967; graduated from University of North Carolina School of Law, 1970; served as re- search assistant to Dan K. Moore, former associate justice on the supreme court. Born May 5, 1945. Married, three daughters, two sons.

Administrative Office of the Courts Post Office Box 2448 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 (919) 733-7106/7107 I

RALPH J. ERICKSTAD I Chief Justice Erickstad was elected to the Supreme Court of North Dakota in November 1962; reelected in November 1972 and No- vember 1982 for ten-year terms. Elected chief justice by judges of the district court and supreme court, June 20, 1973; reelected chief justice, June 14, 1978, and November 23, 1983, for five-year terms. President, national Conference of Chief Justices and National Center for State Courts, 1983-84. State senator, 1957-63; twice assistant majority floor leader. State’s attorney, Ramsey County, 1953-57. Former member: task force on “The Public Image ofthe Courts,” 1978 Second National Conference on the Judiciary, Williamsburg. Recipient: first Distinguished Service Award, Mis- souri Valley Family Y.M.C.A., 1978; Sioux Award, University of North Dakota, 1973; Silver Beaver Award, Boy Scouts of America, 1967. B.S. (1947), LL.B. (1949). University of Minnesota. US.Air Force, World War 11. Born August 15, 1922. Married to Lois Jacobson, 1949; two sons, two daughters-in-law. and three granddaughters.

Supreme Court of North Dakora State Capitol Building Bismarck, North Dakota 58505 (701) 224-2221

WILLIAM G. BOHN State Court Administrator Bohn assumed his present position July 1, 1975. Assistant state court administrator. North Dakota, 1974- 75. Chief fiscal officer and acting executive director, Illinois Law Entorcement Commission, 1970-74. Director of finance, St. Charles, Illinois, 1965-70. Currently executive secretary, North Dakota Judicial Council. Former member, executive committee, Conference of State Court Administrators. US.Marine Corps, 1953-55. B.S., Wharton School of Finance. University of Pennsylvania, 1953; M.B.A., Northwestern University, 1956; fellow, Institute for Court Management, 1972. Born May 17, 1931. Married, two children.

Supreme Court of North Dakota State Capitol Building Bismarck. North Dakota 58505 (701) 224-4216 FRANK D. CELEBREZZE Chieflustice Celebrezze was elected to this position and assumed of- fice December 8, 1978; was reelected to full term in 1980. Supreme court justice since 1972;judge, common pleas court, 1964-72; spe- , cial counsel to attorney general of Ohio, 1960-62; state senator, 1956-58.Member: Columbus, Cuyahoga County, Parma, and American bar associations; Institute of Judicial Administration. Past president, Joint Veterans Commission of Cuyahoga County. Mem- ber, board of trustees, Freedom Foundation, Cleveland YMCA. Re- cipient of several awards, including Delta Theta Phi law fraternity award, 1978; Unita Civic Award, Youngstown, 1976; Distinguished Citizen Award, Parma, 1976; AFL-CIO Community Service Award, 1973; Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Outstanding Alumnus Award, 1973; Ohio Supreme Court Excellent Judicial Service Award, 1972. Veteran of World War 11. Attended Ohio State Uni- versity; B.S., Baldwin-Wallace College, 1952; J.D., Cleveland-Mar- shall College of Law, 1956; LL.D. (Hon.), Capital University, 1980. Born November 13, 1928. Married, nine children.

Supreme Court of Ohio 30 East Broad Street Columbus. Ohio 43215 (614) 466-3627

W LOUIS C. DAMIANI Administrative Director of the Ohio Supreme Court Damiani as- sumed his present position April 27, 1983. Assistant administrative director, , 1983. Private law practice, 1982. Administrative assistant to Chief Justice Celebrezze, Ohio Supreme Court, 1981. Trial referee, Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court, 1979-80. Member: American, Columbus, Cuyahoga County bar as- sociations; American Judicature Society; Institute of Judicial Ad- ministration; National Association of Trial Court Administrators; treasurer, Ohio Judicial Conference. Secretary: Board of Commis- sioners on Grievances and Discipline of the Bar; secretary. Board of Commissioners on Grievances and Discipline of the Judiciary; Su- preme Court Rules Advisory Committee. B.A., Ohio State Univer- sity, 1975; J.D., Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, 1979. Ad- mitted to practice in United States District Court of Appeals, Sixth District, 1980; United States Supreme Court, 1985. Born May 23. 1953.

Supreme Court of Ohio State Office Tower 30 East Broad Street Columbus,Ohio 43215 (614) 466-2653

ROBERT D. SIMMS Chief Justice Simms assumed office on January 1, 1985, having served as an associate justice of the since 1972. Judge, Oklahoma Appellate Court on the Judiciary, 1975; Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals, 1972; district judge, 1962- 71; presiding judge, 14th Judicial District, 1968-71. County attor- ney. Tulsa, 1958-62. Member: Oklahoma Crime Commission, 1976; bar associations and veterans organizations. Veteran, World War 11. LL.B., University of Tulsa College of Law. Faculty and Alumni Award. Born February 6, 1926. Married, one child.

Supreme Court of Oklahoma State Capitol Building, Room 245 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105 (405) 52 1-3845 or 52 1-3830


CHARLES E. FERRELL, JR. Administrative Director of the Courts Ferrell assumed his present position on June 1, 1984. Deputy administrative director, Supreme Court of Oklahoma, 1982-84; project director, National Center for State Courts, 1978-82; project director, administrative office of the courts, North Carolina, 1975-78; accountant, computer systems manager, U.S. Air Force, 1969-75. B.A., business administration and economics, North Carolina Wesleyan College. 1975. Born March 22, 1948. Married, two children.

Supreme Court ofOklahoma State Capitol Building, Room 107 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105 (405) 521-2450 ED PARKS Presiding Judge Parks, Court of Criminal Appeals, Northern Dis- trict, assumed office January 14, 1985, having been appointed to the court by the governor in April 1984. Member of trial division, Court on the Judiciary ( 1977-84); present member, appellate divi- sion of Court on the Judiciary. Assistant county attorney, Tulsa County, 1953-57; partner in law firm of Boyd and Parks, 1957-84. Member: Oklahoma Criminal Defense Lawyers Association (board of directors, 1975-80); Tulsa County Bar Association (executive committee, 1975-76, 1980-81); Oklahoma Bar Association (vice- chairman, criminal law section, 1975-76, chairman, 1977-79; law school committee, 1985-87); Oklahoma Trial Lawyers Association; Tulsa Trial Lawyers Association; Association of Trial Lawyers of America. Listed in criminal defense section, Outstanding Lawyen of the United States. Marine Corps, World War I1 and Korea. B.S., University of Tulsa, 1947, LL.B., 1950. Two children.

Court of Criminal Appeals of Oklahoma State Capitol Building Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105 (405) 521-2158


.._. --L.. , EDWIN J. PETERSON Chief Justice Peterson assumed office on September 1, 1983, having P been a member of the since 1979. Private law practice, 1957-79. Member: Professional Liability Fund Board of Directors, 1977-79;Board of Governors, Oregon State Bar, 1973-76; Oregon State Board of Bar Examiners, 1964-67 (vice- chairman, 1967); American Bar Association. President, Multnomah Bar Association, 1972. US.Air Force, 1952-54. B.S. (1951);LL.B. ( 1957), University of Oregon. Born March 30, 1930. Married, three children.

Supreme Court of Oregon Supreme Court Building Salem, Oregon 97310 (503) 378-6026


R. WILLIAM LINDEN, JR. State Court Administrator Linden assumed his present position on December 15, 1983. Trial court administrator, Lane County, Ore- gon, 1980-83. Assistant director, Courts Technical Assistance Pro- ject, American University Law Institute, 1976-80. Staff associate, executive office of the District of Columbia Courts, 1974-76. Member: American Bar Association, Oregon State Bar, American Judicature Society, Institute of Judicial Administration. B.A., Regis College, 1973; M.S., Judicial Administration, University of Denver College of Law, 1974;J.D., George Mason University School of Law, 1980. Born October 23, 1951.

Supreme Court of Oregon Supreme Court Building Salem, Oregon 97310 (503) 378-6046 ROBERT N.C. NIX, JR. Chief Justice Nix assumed office January 2, 1984, having served as associate justice of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court since 1972. Judge of Court of Common Pleas, First Judicial District, 1968-71. Partner in law firm of Nix, Rhodes & Nix, 1958-68. Deputy attor- ney general, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1956-58. Member: American, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and National bar associa- tions; board of directors, National Center for State Courts. A.B., Villanova University, 1950;J.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1953. Honorary Doctor of Laws degrees: Villanova University, June 1976; Delaware Law School of Widener College, 1980; Chestnut Hill College, 1983; Dickinson Law School, 1983; Scranton Univer- sity, May 1984; LaSalle College, May 1984; St. Charles Seminary, June 1985. Born July 13, 1928. Widower, four children.

Supreme Court of Pennsylvania 515 Three Penn Center Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102 (215) 496-4613


JOSE TRIAS-MONGE Chief Justice Trias-Monge began his term of office April 19, 1974. Formerly served as director, Office of Legislative Counsel; attorney general of Puerto Rico; professor, University of Puerto Rico; U.S. representative, Inter-American Juridical Committee of the Organi- zation of American States. Private law practice, San Juan, 1957-74. Member: Bar Association of Puerto Rico; American Bar Associa- tion; Constitutional Convention; Caribbean Commission. Elected lifetime member of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language, Puerto Rico Chapter, 1979; elected member of French Academy of Comparative Law, 1981. Guest lecturer, Salzburg Seminar in Amer- ican Studies. Author: El Sistema]udicial de Puerto Rico (Barcelona, 1978); Historia Constitutional de Puerto Rico, Vol. 1 (Barcelona, 1980), Vol. I1 (1981), Vol. 111 (1982). M.A. (1943), LL.B. ( 1944), Harvard University; J.S.D., Yale Law School, 1947. Born May 5, 1920. Married. three sons.

Tribunal General de Justicia de Puerto Rico Post Office Box 2392 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00903 (809) 723-6033 or 723-3550

RENE ARRILLAGA-BEL~NDEZ Administrative Director of the Court Arillaga-Bekndez assumed his present position on April 8, 1985. Superior court judge since 1973. Chief judge of San Juan Judicial Center, 1979-82; assistant chief judge, 1976-79; assistant district attorney and special general pro- secutor, 1969-73. In 1982 received the Judicial Annual Award for Excellent Services. Member, Puerto Rico Bar Association. Law degree, University of Puerto Rico, 1964. Born 1940. Married, three children.

General Court oflustice Office of Court Administration Vela Street Stop 35F Call Box 22A Hato Rey, Puerto Rico 00919 (809)763-3049 ,

JOSEPH A. BEVILACQUA Chief Justice Bevilacqua was elected to this office on January 16, 1976. Elected speaker of the Rhode Island House of Representa- tives, 1969-76; majority leader of the House, 1966-68; deputy majority leader, 1965-66. Elected to House of Representatives in 1955. Assistant administrator of charitable trusts, attorney general’s department, 1950-54. Member, Democratic state committee, 1950- 54. Recipient: Massachusetts Justinian Society Award for outstand- ing contributions to the Italian-American community, 1980; Fred- erick A. McDermott Award by Suffolk University Law School, 1976; meritorious awards from the Italian War Veterans and the Hope Council No. 398, Knights of Columbus; numerous citations for distinguished service in community affairs. 1st lieutenant, U.S. Army, 1941-46 (Purple Heart, Combat Infantryman’s Badge). Ph.B., Providence College, 1940;J.D., Georgetown University Law Center, 1948; LL.D. (Hon.), Suffolk University Law School, 1976. Born December 1, 1918. Married, three children.

Supreme Court of Rhode Island 250 Benefit Street Providence, Rhode Island 02903 (401) 277-3775


WALTER J. KANE State Court Administrator Kane assumed his present position Sep- tember 15. 1969. Clerk, Rhode lsland Supreme Court, 1966 to pre- sent. Rhode Island state senator, 1955-66 (deputy majority leader, 1960-66). Chairman: board of review, Governor’s Justice Commission; COSCA Court Statistics and lnformation Systems Committee, 1982 to present; NCSC and ABA jury standards task force. 1980-82. Member: Eastern Conference Committee on Crim- inal Justice of the Council of State Governments; CCJ national task force that developed recommendations for the State Justice Insti- tute Act; GAVEL project committee of SEARCH Group, Inc.; SEARCH Group, Inc., 1979-80; COSCA Executive Committee, 1977-80. Past chairman, Conference of State Court Administrators, 1978-79. Instructor, criminal justice program, Bryant College. B.S.B.A., Bryant College, 1950; J.D. (cum laude), Suffolk Univer- sity Law School, 1970; admitted to Bar of Rhode Island, 1970. Born May 31, 1928. Married, seven children.

Supreme Court of Rhode Island 250 Benefit Street Providence, Rhode Island 02903 (401) 277-3263 or 277-3272 ! -.“_ ..I.. ,’ .I --

J. B. NESS Chief Justice Ness was elected February 20, 1985, having served as associate justice of the supreme court since 1974. Resident judge of Second Judicial Circuit, 1958-74. State senate, 1957-58; chairman, Highway Commission, 1956-57. Sponsor and moderator: “Bridge the Gap” program, 1984 to present; annual Law Clerks’ Seminar, 1980 to present; “New Judges’ Seminar, 1977 to present. Chair- man, Judicial Continuing Legal Education, 1975-85; faculty advis- or, National College of State Judges, 1971. Adjunct faculty, Univer- sity of South Carolina, 1979-83. Outstanding Judicial Service Award, Trial Lawyer’s Association, 1973. World War 11 veteran, U.S. Army, 1941-45; seriously wounded in action, recipient of numerous medals. B.S., 1938, LL.B., 1940, University of South Carolina. Born February 27, 1916. Married, two children.

Supreme Court of South Carolina Post Office Box 939 Barnberg, South Carolina 29003 (803) 245-2764


LOUIS L.ROSEN Director Rosen was appointed to his current position on September 2, 1982. Previously served as assistant director of South Carolina Court Administration from 1976 to 1982. Assistant attorney gener- al and staff attorney for the South Carolina Attorney General’s Of- fice from 1975 to 1976. Member of the South Carolina Bar. B.A. (graduated cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa), University of South Caro- lina, 1971; J.D.,University of South Carolina, 1975. Born Septem- ber 16, 1949. Married, two children.

South Carolina Court Administration Post Office Box 50447 Columbia, South Carolina 29250 (803) 758-2961 I

JON FOSHEIM Chief Justice Fosheim assumed his present position September 7, 1982, having served on the South Dakota Supreme Court since 1978. Circuit court judge, 1959-78(presiding judge, 3rd circuit, 1975-78). Law practice in Huron, South Dakota, 1946-59. Deputy state's attorney, 1955-57. Beadle County state's attorney, 1951-55. Member: Constitutional Revision Commission, 1969-75. Law de- gree from University of South Dakota School of Law, 1946. Born January 25, 1923. Married, five children.

Supreme Court of South Dakota 500 E. Capitol Avenue Pierre, South Dakota 57501 c.. .

(605) 773-4885 p;.2-


State Court Administrator Geddes was appointed to this position November 1, 1976. Staff attorney, National Center for State Courts, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1974-76. Director of the regulation di- vision, Iowa Department of Agriculture, 1970-74. Deputy county attorney, Buffalo County, Kearney, Nebraska, 1968-70. B.S.B.A., Drake University, 1965; J.D., Creighton University School of Law, 1968. Born December 7, 1941. Married, two children.

Unified Judicial System 500 East Capitol Avenue Pierre, South Dakota 57501 (605) 773-3474

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.. ROBERT E. COOPER ChiefJustice Cooper began his term on May I, 1984. having pre- viously served as chief justice 1976-77. Associate justice, . 1974-76. 1978-84; Tennessee Court of Appeals, 1960-74. presiding judge, 1970-74;judge, Sixth Judicial Circuit, 1953-60; assistant attorney general. Sixth Judicial Circuit. 1951-53. Chairman, Tennessee Judicial Council, 1967-85. Member: Tennes- see Judicial Standards Committee, 1967-74. B.A.. University of North Carolina, 1946;J.D.. Vanderbilt University School of Law. Phi Beta Kappa. Order of the Coif. 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason. Elder ofthe Presbyterian Church. Born October 14, 1920. Married. four children.

Supreme Court ot Tennessee Hamilton County Justice Building Chattanooga. Tennessee 37402 (615)267-0373

CLETUS W. McWILLIAMS Executive Secretary McWilliams assumed his present position October 7, 1977. Member, Tennessee House of Representatives, 1970-77; house speaker pro tem, 1975-77; majority floor leader. 1973-74. Partner in McWilliams. Berry & Oglesby law firm. 1962- 77. City attorney, Franklin, Tennessee. 1961-76. Member: Tennes- see Bar Association; Williamson County Bar Association (presi- dent, 1972-73);Tennessee Municipal Attorneys Association (past president); Franklin Rotary Club (past president). J.D..University of Tennessee, 1952; admitted to Tennessee bar. 1954. Born Novem- ber 27. 1926. Married, two daughters and one son.

Suprcnie Ccurt oi Tennessee Supreme Court Building, Rooni 422 h’ashvillr. Tcnnessee 37219 (615 I 741-2687 f


Chief Justice Hill assumed office on January 5, 1985. From 1978, partner in Hughes and Hill, a law firm with offices in Austin and Dallas. Secretary of State of Texas, 1966-68; attorney general, 1973- 78. Active trial lawyer in Houston, 1947-66.Member: American College of Trial Lawyers; International Academy of Trial Lawyers; International Society of Barristers; fellow, American Bar Founda- tion, Texas Bar Foundation; regent, National College of District Attorneys; American, Texas, and several local bar associations; Texas Judicial Council. Lieutenant (j.g.), U.S. Navy, with service in Atlantic and Pacific theatres, World War 11. LL.B., University of Texas, 1947 (honors, Phi Delta Phi, Order of the Coif). Born, October 9. 1923. Married, three children.

Supreme Court of Texas Post Office Box 12248, Capitol Station Austin, Texas 7871 1 (512) 475-4691


C. RAYMOND JUDICE Administrative Director of the Courts Judice has served in this capacity since March 17, 1974, first as the executive director of the Texas Judicial Council, then in the dual capacity of executive direc- tor of the Council and administrative director of the courts since June 1, 1977, when part of the responsibilities of the Council were assumed by the newly created Office of Court Administration. Judge, domestic relations court, Houston, 1974. Judge, Houston municipal courts, 1964-73. Private law practice in Houston, 1961- 64. Board of directors, American Judicature Society, 1971-75. Board of governors, American Judges Association, 1969-75. Chair- man, Municipal Judges Section, State Bar of Texas, 1966. Phi Alpha Delta law fraternity: international president, 1974-76; board of directors, 1966-78. Listed in Who’s Who in the South and Southwest and Who’s Who in Government. US.Air Force, 1948-49, 1950-51. B.B.A. in management, University of Houston, 1956; J.D., South Texas College of Law in Houston, 1961. Born July 3, 1929.

Office of Court Administration of the Texas Judicial System Post Office Box 12066, Capitol Station Austin, Texas 7871 1 (512) 475-2421

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JOHN F. ONION, JR. Presiding Judge Onion has served on the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals since January 1967, and as presiding judge since January 1, 1971. District court judge, 1957-67; justice of the peace, 1955-56; assistant district attorney, San Antonio, 1950-54.Twice director of the San Antonio Bar Association. Faculty member, National Col- lege of the State Judiciary. Board of visitors, Southern Methodist University School of Law, 1975-77. Outstanding graduate award, The University of Texas School of Law, 1973. Justinian Award, Delta Theta Phi legal fraternity, Sam Houston chapter, 1972. Hon- orary Order of the Coif (for outstanding judicial service), The University of Texas School of Law, 1972. Rosewood Gavel Award, St. Mary's University School of Law, 1970. US.Marine Corps, 1944-46. Attended Trinity University and The University of Texas; J.D., The University of Texas School of Law. Born March 27, 1925. Married, two sons and one daughter.

Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas Post Office Box 12308, Capitol Station Austin, Texas 78711 (512) 475-4467


I I i .! t i I i i 1 GORDON R. HALL Chief Justice Hall began his term of office July 13, 1981, having been a justice of the since January 3, 1977. Judge, Third Judicial District of Utah, 1969-77. Attorney for Tooele County, Utah, 1958-69.Town attorney for Wendover, Utah, and Stockton, Utah, 1955-69. City attorney for Grantsville, Utah, 1954-69. Attorney-advisor, commanding officer, Tooele Army Depot, 1953-58. Sole practitioner in general law practice, Tooele, Utah, 1952-69. Member: American and Utah bar associa- tions. Past president: Utah Prosecutors Association, 1966; Utah Association of Counties, 1965. Former director, National Associa- tion of Counties, 1965-68. Past member: US. president’s advisory board for the Office of Economic Opportunity, 1966-68; Tooele City Charter Commission, 1965. B.S., , 1949; LLB., University of Utah College of Law, 1951. Born December 14, 1926. Married, two sons.

Supreme Court of Building, Room 332 , Utah 841 14 (801) 533-5285



State Court Administrator Vickrey was appointed to his present position May 1, 1985. Director, Department of Adult Corrections, 1983-85; director, Division of Youth Corrections, 1980-83; deputy director and administrative assistant, Division of Corrections, 1978-80. Hearing officer, Board of Pardons, 1977-78; supervisor, probation and parole, 1976-77; institutional parole officer, 1975- 76, probation and parole agent, 1972-76. Part-time instructor/ consultant, juveniles and adults convicted of driving under the in- fluence, 1973-76. Coauthor, “Managing Transition in a Youth Cor- rections System.” University of Chicago; drafted legislation to es- tablish Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice; drafted “Special Report on Utah State Corrections.” Member, board of directors, National Juvenile Justice Administrators’ Association. Recipient, James Larson Award for Outstanding Contributions to Corrections, 1984. B.S., University of Utah, 1969. Born, April 2, 1947. Married, two children.

Office of the Court Administrator 255 South 300 East Salt Lake City, Utah 841 11 (801) 533-6371

-, -.- .)..I I. FREDERIC W. ALLEN Chieijustice Allen \vas appointed to his present position on No- veniber 4, 1984. Private law practice. 1952-84. Member: Advisory Committee on Rules of Civil Procedure. 1979-84; Vermont Board of Bar Examiners, 1972-78; American. Vermont, and Chittenden County bar associations; fcormer member and chair of Professional Conduct Board; fellow. American College of Trrlal Lawyers. B.A.. Miami University, 1948; LL.B.. Boston University. 1951. Born May 31, 1926. Married. two children.

Supreme Court ni Vermont 1 1 1 Stars Street Montpslirr. Verrnunt 05602 (802)828-3281


THOMAS J. LEHNER Court Administrator Lehner assumed his present position October 26, 1981. Human services coordinator, Council of State Govern- ments, Lexington, Kentucky, 1979-81. Served with Office of Plan- ning, Department of Social and Health Services, Olympia, Washing- ton, 1976-79 (chief. 1978-79). Director of management and budget. Colorado Judicial Department, Denver, 1975-76. Part-time faculty for the University of Denver College of Law judicial admin- istration program and the Graduate School of Public Affairs at the University of Colorado, Boulder, 1974-76. Director of planning and development. Colorado Judicial Department, Denver, 1972-75. Member: American Judicature Society; American Society for Public Administration; New York State Bar; Colorado Sta,te Bar. B.A., University of Rochester. New York. 1965;J.D., University of Col- orado School of Law, 1968; M.A. in public administration, Univer- sity of California at Berkeley, 1971. Born November 15. 1943. Married. one child.

Supreme Court of Vermont 1 I I State Street hiontpelisr, Verrnunt 056G2 (802) 828- 3281 HARRY L. CARRICO Chief Justice Carrico became a member of the Virginia Supreme Court on January 30, 1961, and chief justice on February 1, 1981. Judge, Sixteenth Judicial Circuit, 1956-61. Private law practice, Fair- fax, Virginia, 1951-56. Judge, trial justice court (now general dis- trict court), Fairfax County, 1943-51 (with time out for service in U.S. Naval Reserve, World War 11). Member: Judicial Council of Virginia, 1970 to present (chairman, 1981 to present); Order of the Coif (honorary); Omicron Delta Kappa (honorary); Phi Delta Phi legal fraternity. J.D., George Washington University, 1942; LL.D. (honorary), University of Richmond, 1973. Born September 4, 1916. Married, one daughter.

Supreme Court of Virginia Post Office Box 1315 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 786-2023

ROBERT N. BALDWIN State Court Administrator Baldwin assumed his present position January 1, 1976. Assistant state court administrator, 1974-75. As-

, sistant dean and assistant professor of law, University of Rich- mond. U.S. Army, 1970-72. Member: board of directors, Ameri- can Judicature Society; Institute of Judicial Administration; Criminal Justice Services Commission; Virginia Task Force on Criminal Justice Goals and Objectives; Virginia State Bar; Council on Criminal Justice Services; Governor’s Task Force to Combat Drunk Driving; Governor’s Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Virginia Public Records Commission; COSCA executive commit- . tee (1981). Listed in Outsranding Young Men in America (1974). Member: Phi Beta Kappa; Omicron Delta Kappa; Pi Sigma Alpha; Phi Alpha Theta; Eta Sigma Phi; McNeill Law Society; Phi Delta Phi. B.A. (1967), J.D. (1970), University of Richmond. Born March 15, 1945. Married, two children.

Supreme Court of Virginia 100 North Ninth Street, Third Floor Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 786-6455

P VERNE A. HODGE Presiding Judge Hodge assumed his position in December 1976. Attorney general of the Virgin Islands Department of Law, 1973- 76. Private law practice, 1969-73. Internal auditor, internal revenue agent, comptroller, public accountant, business manager and per- sonnel director, fiscal officer, 1958-65. Infantry lieutenant. US. Army, 1956-58. Author of two legal articles: “The Need for Consti- tutional Courts in the United States Territories.” and “The Mirror Theory and Its Effects (An Analysis of the Application of the Internal Revenue Code to the Virgin Islands).” B.S. (magna cum laude), Hampton Institute, 1956;J.D. (cum laude), Howard Uni- versity School of Law, 1969. Born November 16. 1933. Married, three children.

Territorial Court of the Virgin Islands Post Office Box 70 Charlotte Arnalie St. Thomas, Virgin Islands 00801 (809) 774-6680 or 774-7674


VIOLA E. SMITH Clerk of the Court/Administrator Smith assumed her position in 1964. Chief deputy clerk, 1963-64. Deputy clerk of the municipal court, 1958-63. Secretary, 1957-58. Member: American Judicature Society; American Bar Association, judicial Administration Division; National Association for Court Administration. Institute for Court Management certificates, 1974, 1977: budgeting, planning, and financial controls; caseflow management and jury utilization; records, systems, and procedures; and personnel administration. Certificate in court administration, University of Chicago Center for Continuing Education, 1977. Certificate in fundamentals of data processing, New Hampshire College Continuing Education, 1982. Certificate in introduction to compu- ters and technology in courts, specialty.session, National Judicial College, 1984. Born November 14. 1939. Married, three children.

Territorial Court of the Virgin Islands Post Oftice Box 70 Charlotte Arnalie St. Thomas, Virgin Islands 00801 (809) 774-6680. ext. 248 Chief Justice Dolliver assumed office January 14, 1985, after having been elected to the supreme court in 1976 and reelected in 1980 '- * ;ti, -*; for a six-year term. Administrative assistant, Governor Daniel J. kw,:.* Evans, 1965-76; private law practice, Everett, 1961-64; administra- E::: I1 .:'''.: tive assistant, Congressman Jack Westland, 1955-61; private law y.. 7c..::. practice, Port Angeles, 1953-54. Member: numerous civil, educa- V ,.'.">:L*' :. . tional, and church organizations. Aviation cadet, US.Navy, 1943- ' : 45; ensign, US. Coast Guard, 1945-46. B.A., Swarthmore College, 1949, with high honors; LL.B., University of Washington, 1952.

Honorary doctorate, University of Puget Sound, 1981. Born Octo- . . ber 13, 1924. Married, six children.

Supreme Court of Washington Temple of Justice Olvmoia.,.. Washineton 98504 (2067 753-5078


JAMES R. LARSEN State Court Administrator Larsen assumed his present position January 1, 1983. Served as acting state court administrator from September 1981 to January 1983. Deputy state court administrator of Washington, 1979-81. Director of planning and operations, Ad- ministrator for the Courts' Office, 1973-79. District court adminis- trator, Colorado judicial districts, 1966-73. Member: Judicial Information Systems Committee; Judicial Administration Board; Judiciary Education Board; Governor's Interagency Criminal Justice Task Force; Court Congestion and Delay Task Force; Task Force to Review Indigent Defense Issues; Ethics Advisory Committee. B.A., St. Martin's College, 1976. Fellow, Institute for Court Management, 1975. Born May 7, 1945. Three children.

Supreme Court of Washington Temple of Justice Olympia, Washington 98504 (206) 753-5780 I


Chieflustice Miller assumed office June 28, 1985, having been a justice of the West Virginia Court of Appeals since January 1977. He previously served as chief justice in 1982. Prior to his election to the court, he was a partner in the firm of Schrader, Miller, Stamp & Recht in Wheeling. Practiced in state and federal courts in the Wheeling area from 1956 to 1976. Served on the West Virginia Board of Law Examiners from 1974 to 1976. Member, West Virginia State Bar Association. Served in US. Navy during the Korean War. A.B., University of Virginia, 1950; LL.B., West Virginia University College of Law, 1956. Born May 4, 1929. Married, four children.

Suprernk Court of Appeals of West Virginia State Capitol Building. Room E-3@1 Charleston, West Virginia 25305 (304) 348-2603

PAUL CRABTREE Administrative Director of the Courts Crabtree was appointed to his present position July 16, 1979. Former deputy director, West Virginia Department of Health. Executive aide to two speakers of the West Virginia House of Delegates, 1969-74. Executive assistant to the governor, 1965-69. Special assistant to the governor for federal-state relations, 1961-65. Former newspaper editor and pub- lisher. First West Virginia voting member, Appalachian Regional Commission. U.S. Army veteran. A.B.. West Virginia State Col- lege. Born September 1, 1929. Married, five children.

Administrative Office E-402 State Capitol Charleston, West Virginia 25305 (304) 348-0145 NATHAN S. HEFFERNAN Chief Justice Heffernan assumed office August 1, 1983, after serv- ing as a justice on the since 1964; elected to ten-year terms in 1965 and 1975. U.S. attorney, Western District of Wisconsin, 1962-64; deputy attorney general of Wisconsin, 1959-62; city attorney, Sheboygan, 1953-59. Private law practice, Madison and Sheboygan, 1948-59. Faculty, Appellate Judges Sem- inar, New York University, 1972 to present; adjunct faculty, Uni- versity of Wisconsin Law School 1961-64, 1971-83. Member: Wis- consin, Dane County, Sheboygan County, and American bar associations; fellow, American Bar Foundation; American Law In- ' stitute; American Judicature Society, director 1976-80. Chairman, Wisconsin Appellate Procedures and Practice Study Committee. Former chairman, Council of State Court Representatives of NCSC'; former member, advisory board of NCSC Appellate Justice Improvement Project. Lieutenant, US. Naval Reserve, 1942-46. B.A. (1942) and LL.B. (1948), University of Wisconsin; Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, 1943-44. Born August 6, 1920. Married, three children. Supreme Court of Wisconsin Post Office Box 1688 Madison, Wisconsin 53701-1688 (608) 266-1886 I



Director of State Courts Moran was appointed to his present position October I, 1978. Chief deputy court administrator, Phila- delphia County Court System, 1976-78; deputy court administra- tor for operations, 1973-76; director of court bail programs, 1972- 73. Served in law enforcement in southern California before entering court administration. Member: Wisconsin Judicial Coun- cil; Wisconsin Highway Safety Advisory Council; Wisconsin Judi- cial Education Committee; Bar of the Supreme Court of Pennsyl- vania; Bar, Federal District Court, Eastern District, Pennsylvania; Bar, U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3d Circuit; American Bar Asso- ciation; American Judicature Society; National Association of Trial Court Administrators; National Association for Court Administra- tion; National Conference of Metropolitan Courts. B.S., San Diego .A State University; J.D.,Temple University School of Law; fellow, . "; Institute for Court Management; court administration certificate, 'r,! National Judicial College. Born July 13, 1942. Married, three children.

Director of State Courts 213 N.E. State Capitol Madison, Wisconsin 53701-1688 (608) 266-6828

.r RICHARD V. THOMAS Chief Justice Thomas assumed office January 1, 1985, having been appointed a justice of the supreme court in 1974. U.S. attorney for the District of Wyoming, 1969-74. Joined law firm of Hirst & Applegate in 1963 and was made partner in 1964. Law clerk for Judge John C. Pickett, U.S. Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit, 1960- 63. Served with Judge Advocate General's Department, U.S. Air Force, 1957-60. Member, American, Wyoming, and Laramie County bar associations. Active in various civic organizations and as layman in Episcopal Church. B.S., University of Wyoming, 1954; LL.B., University of Wyoming, 1956; LL.M. (taxation), New York University School of Law. Married, four children.

Supreme Court of Building Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 (307)777-7573



Court Coordinator Duncan was appointed to his present position on October 1, 1980, and was assigned the duties of state court ad- ministrator on November 9, 1981. Private law practice in Chey- enne, Wyoming, from 1960 to 1980; specialized in condemnation cases, probate and business law. Chief attorney, Wyoming House of Representatives, 1969-71. Assistant attorney general of Wyoming, 1954-59. Member: Wyoming Bar Association; Wyoming Planning Committee on Criminal Administration (attorney general's advis- ory council); Wyoming Bar Association's committee on Wyoming courts and advisory committee on Wyoming rules of criminal pro- cedure; Wyoming Judicial Council (secretary). U.S. Navy, 1944- 46. B.S. in public administration, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, 1951; J.D., University of Wyoming College of Law, 1954. Born January 7, 1926. Married, four children.

Supreme Court of Wyoming Supreme Court Building Cheyenne. Wyoming 82002 (307) 777-7581 Conference of Conference of Chief Justices State Court Administrat cs Abbate, Paul J. Guam Abley, Michael Montana Allen, Frederic W. Vermont Arrillaga-Belendez,Rene Puerto Rico Amdahl, Douglas K. Minnesota Baca, Edward J. New Mexico Bevilacqua, Joseph A. Rhode Island Baggett, Dana R. Maine Bird, Rose Elizabeth California Baldwin, Robert N. Virginia Boyd, Jr., Joseph A. Florida Bellacosa,Joseph W. New York Branch, Joseph W. North Carolina Bianchi, Carl F. Idaho Carrico, Harry L. Virginia Bohn, William G. North Dakota Celebrezze, Frank D. Ohio Cetrulo, Don. Kentucky Clark, William G. Illinois Crabtree, Paul West Virginia Cooper, Robert E. Tennessee Damiani, Louis C. Ohio Dixon, Jr., John A. Louisiana Dosal, Sue K. Minnesota Dolliver, James M. Washington Doss. Jr., Robert L. Georgia Donaldson, Charles R. . ldaho Duncan, Robert L. Wyoming Erickstad, Ralph J. North Dakota Ferrell, Jr., Charles E. Oklahoma Federici, William R. New Mexico Fisher, John R. Delaware Fosheim, Jon South Dakota Freeman, Jr., Franklin E. North Carolina Gardner, Robert American Samoa Gampell, Ralph J. California Givan, Richard M. Indiana Geddes, Mark G. South Dakota Hall, Gordon R. Utah Guerrero, Robert E. Leon Guam Heffernan. Nathan S. Wisconsin Gulley, Roy 0. Illinois Hennessey, Edward F. Massachusetts Hess, Jane A. Missouri Herrmann, Daniel L. Delaware Jacobs, IV, L. M. Arizona Higgins, Andrew Jackson Missouri Judice, C. Raymond Texas Hill, Jr., Harold N. Georgia Kane, Walter J. Rhode Island Hill, Jr., John L. Texas Kotzan, Bruce A. 1n d i a n a Hodge, Verne A. Virgin Islands Larsen, James R. Washington Holohan, William A. Arizona Lehner, Thomas J. Vermont Holt, Jr.. Jack Arkansas Leidinger, Jeffrey W. New Hampshire King, John W. New Hampshire Linden, Jr., R. William Oregon Krivosha, Norman M. Nebraska Lipscher, Robert D. New Jersey Lum. Herman Hawaii Mason, Arthur M. Massachusetts McKusick, Vincent L. Maine McLendon, Martin R. Mississippi Miller. Thomas B. West Virginia McWilliams, Cletus W. Tennessee Murphy, Robert C. Maryland Ment, Aaron Connecticut Ness, J. B. South Carolina Moran, J. Denis Wisconsin Nix, Jr., Robert N.C. Pennsylvania Morgan, Richard L. Nevada Onion, Jr.. John F. Texas Murret. Eugene J. Louisiana Parks, Ed Oklahoma Norris, Jr., James H. Maryland Patterson, Neville Mississippi O'Brien, William J. Iowa Peters, Ellen Ash Connecticut Palmer, Kenneth Florida Peterson, Edwin J. Oregon Payant. V. Robert Michigan Pryor, William C. District of Columbia Polansky, Larry P. District of Columbia Quinn. Joseph R. Colorado Rosen, Louis L. South Carolina Rabinowitz, Jay A. Alaska Schwartz, Howard P. Kansas Reynoldson. W. Ward Iowa Smith, Viola E. Virgin Islands Schroeder, Alfred G. Kansas Snowden 11, Arthur H. Alaska Simms: Robert D. Oklahoma Steele, Joseph C. Nebraska Springer, Charles E. Nevada Tapley, Allen L. Alabama Stephens, Robert F. Kentucky Thomas, Christopher Arkansas Thomas, Richard V. Wyoming Thomas, James D. Colorado Torbert, Jr.. Clement Clay Alabama Vickrey, William C. Utah Trias-Monge, Jose Puerto Rico Turnage, Jean A. Montana Wilentz, Robert N. New Jersey Williams. G. Mennen Michigan