EC-XIX & Cop-XI June 29 – July 2, 2004 Buenos Aires, Argentina
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INTER-AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR GLOBAL CHANGE RESEARCH EC-XIX & CoP-XI June 29 – July 2, 2004 Buenos Aires, Argentina 7_ECXIX/CoPXI/DID/07 June 2004 EC - COP MEETING – BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA. COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH NETWORK-CRN STATUS EC - COP MEETING – BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA. COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH NETWORK-CRN STATUS. EDUARDO M. BANUS 1 6/7/2004 4:29 PM EC / COP MEETING – BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA. COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH NETWORK – CRN STATUS INDEX 1. CRN PROJECT SUMMARIES 2. CRN ADDITIONAL OR PARALLEL FUNDS • TABLE • BY CRN´S • BY ORGANIZATIONS: TABLE • BY ORGANIZATIONS: GRAPHIC • BY COUNTRY / INSTITUTIONS - GRAPHICS • BY CRN 3. CRN STUDENTS STATUS: TABLE • BY LEVEL - GRAPHIC • BY COUNTRY - GRAPHIC • BY UNIVERSITIES - GRAPHIC 4. CRN PUBLICATIONS ISSUED: TABLE • BY CRN´S - GRAPHICS • TOTAL NUMBER BY YEAR/CRN - GRAPHIC • TOTAL NUMBER YEAR 1999 - GRAPHIC • TOTAL NUMBER YEAR 2000 - GRAPHIC • TOTAL NUMBER YEAR 2001 - GRAPHIC • TOTAL NUMBER YEAR 2002 - GRAPHIC • TOTAL NUMBER YEAR 2003 - GRAPHIC 5. CRN INSTITUTIONS & SCIENTISTS: TABLE • CRN INSTITUTIONS BY COUNTRY - GRAPHIC • CRN ORIGINALS Vs. ACTUAL COUNTRIES EC - COP MEETING – BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA. COLLABORATIVE R ESEARCH NETWORK-CRN STATUS. EDUARDO M. BANUS 2 6/7/2004 4:29 PM EC - COP MEETING – BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA. COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH NETWORK-CRN STATUS. EDUARDO M. BANUS 3 6/7/2004 4:29 PM INTRODUCTION This document summarizes all the data derived from a survey undertaken in the IAI CRN projects in the following topics: 1. Additional/Parallel funds 2. Students 3. Publications 4. Scientists and/or Institutions The results obtained under these four topics clearly show that the CRN program has contributed to the establishment of a network of institutions, scientists, students, and financial resources. 1. Additional/Parallel funds They are the financial resources leveraged by the CRN PIs which are informed to the IAI Directorate through the PIs’ annual scientific reports and which are related to the activity of each CRN project. In many cases the “seed money” the PIs receive from the IAI attracts additional funds to their projects. Up to the moment, the additional/parallel funds exceed the total amount of US$ 20.760.113. They are distributed as follow: • CRN 001 – Holm Tiessen U$S 4.277.439 • CRN 003 – Brian Luckman U$S 1.969.889 • CRN 009 – Charles Wood U$S 2.693.994 • CRN 012 – Osvaldo Sala U$S 390.194 • CRN 026 – Maria Vernet U$S 1.091.694 • CRN 031 – Allan Lavell U$S 361.320 • CRN 038 – Pilar Cornejo U$S 110.100 • CRN 040 – Juan Silva U$S 301.999 • CRN 047 – Michael McClain U$S 2.029.996 • CRN 048 – Ulises Confalonieri U$S 265.208 • CRN 055 – Mario Núñez U$S 2.753.387 • CRN 061 – Edmo Campos U$S 2.688.197 • CRN 062 – Tim Baumgartner U$S 1.172.496 • CRN 073 – Victor Magaña U$S 654.200 By analyzing the source of these additional funds, it was realized that the organizations related to Science and Technology of the member countries are involved in the majority of the projects. However, other institutions, foundations, and countries out of the continent were joining the program as it was progressing (for example: the European Union, France, Germany, UNDP, GEF, World Bank, Red Latinoamericana de Botánica, etc.) It is important to highlight that additional/parallel funds are not received by the IAI. They are received as subsidies by the scientists and/or institutions related to the CRN projects. A follow-up on these additional funds can also be done by the country the funds originate from and then by the institution. EC - COP MEETING – BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA. COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH NETWORK-CRN STATUS. EDUARDO M. BANUS 4 6/7/2004 4:29 PM 2. Students A survey about the students’ involvement in the CRN program has been undertaken in each CRN project and, as a result, a general table has been created including the following information: undergraduate level (BSc.) and graduate level (MSc, PhD), CRN project in which the students are involved, their names, their nationalities, the year in which they started their activities in the projects, the funds they received from the projects, the institution in which they studied, and the year in which their theses were presented. At present the CRN initiative has benefited 429 students as follows: BSc = 161, MSc = 128, and PhD = 140. The students come from the majority of the IAI member countries. In the survey, it could also be noted the great number of educational institutions where these students have been studying, covering the majority of the institutions in the American continent and several from Europe. 3. Publications The table includes the following information: authors, titles, name of the publications, numbers, pages, year of the publications, and the CRN projects involved. This list includes only refereed publications and books and/or chapters of books about specific themes of the scientific agenda of the CRN projects. The publications cover the period 1999-2003. In this section you can see how many publications one CRN project has per year. The following table presents the total number of publications per year Year 1999= 17 Year 2000= 88 Year 2001= 102 Year 2002= 67 Year 2003= 24 4. Scientists and/or Institutions It is important to note how the number of scientists and/or institutions related to the CRN program has increased, taking as a reference the ones involved at the beginning of the projects. It is noteworthy how the number of researchers and institutions related to the projects have increased, to the extent that the PIs and Co-PIs have recently established relations with institutions and researchers of new countries such as: Switzerland, Spain, South Africa, Russia, Puerto Rico, Norway, Holland, Japan, Italy, Indonesia, Honduras, Ghana, Germany, France, Finland, Belgium, Barbados, Austria, and Australia, covering all the continents. EC - COP MEETING – BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA. COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH NETWORK-CRN STATUS. EDUARDO M. BANUS 5 6/7/2004 4:29 PM INTRODUCCIÓN El presente documento resume todo el relevamiento de datos realizado en los CRN en las siguientes áreas: 1. Fondos Adicionales y / o Paralelos 2. Estudiantes 3. Publicaciones 4. Científicos y / o Instituciones Los resultados obtenidos en estos cuatro temas demuestran claramente que la puesta en marcha de los CRN ha contribuido a la formación de una red de instituciones, científicos, estudiantes y recursos financieros. 1. Fondos Adicionales y / Paralelos Son todos aquellos recursos financieros que los PI`s y COPI`s han informado a través de sus reportes científicos anuales de avance y que están relacionadas con las actividades de cada CRN, y en muchos de los casos se han obtenido poniendo a los CRN como la actividad aglutinante de contraparte. A la fecha de preparado el presente documento estos Fondos Adicionales y / o Paralelos ascendían a la suma de U$S 20.760.113. Estos fondos están distribuidos según cada CRN a saber: • CRN 001 – Holm Tiessen U$S 4.277.439 • CRN 003 – Brian Luckman U$S 1.969.889 • CRN 009 – Charles Wood U$S 2.693.994 • CRN 012 – Osvaldo Sala U$S 390.194 • CRN 026 – Maria Vernet U$S 1.091.694 • CRN 031 – Allan Lavell U$S 361.320 • CRN 038 – Pilar Cornejo U$S 110.100 • CRN 040 – Juan Silva U$S 301.999 • CRN 047 – Michael McClain U$S 2.029.996 • CRN 048 – Ulises Confalonieri U$S 265.208 • CRN 055 – Mario Núñez U$S 2.753.387 • CRN 061 – Edmo Campos U$S 2.688.197 • CRN 062 – Tim Baumgartner U$S 1.172.496 • CRN 073 – Victor Magaña U$S 654.200 Surge del análisis del origen de los fondos que los organismos de Ciencia y Tecnología de los países miembros del IAI participan en la mayoría de los casos. Sin embargo con el avance de los CRN se han sumado otras instituciones, fundaciones y países fuera del continente. Ej. Unión Europea, Francia, Alemania, UNDP, GEF, Banco Mundial, Red Latinoamérica de Botánica, etc. EC - COP MEETING – BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA. COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH NETWORK-CRN STATUS. EDUARDO M. BANUS 6 6/7/2004 4:29 PM Es importante destacar que ninguno de los fondos adicionales y / o paralelos pasa físicamente por el IAI, sino que son subsidios que reciben los investigadores y / o instituciones relacionadas con los proyectos CRN. También es posible hacer un seguimiento de estos fondos por país de origen, viendo como estos se distribuyen por institución. 2. Estudiantes Se ha realizado un relevamiento en cada CRN, confeccionándose una tabla general que incluye: nivel (BSc, MSc, PhD), proyecto CRN donde participo, nombre del estudiante, nacionalidad, año de inicio de las actividades junto al proyecto CRN, fondos que recibió de apoyo del CRN, institución donde estudio y año de presentación de la tesis. Hasta el moento la iniciativa CRN ha favorecido a 429 estudiantes divididos en: BSc = 161; MSc= 128; PhD= 140 Estos estudiantes provienen de la mayoría de los países miembros del IAI. También se ha podido observar el gran numero de instituciones educativas donde estos estudiantes han desarrollado sus estudios, estas instituciones cubren la mayoría de las casas de estudio del continente americano y europeo. 3. Trabajos Publicados La tabla confeccionada reúne: autores, titulo del trabajo, nombre de la publicación, numero, paginas, año de publicación y CRN correspondiente. Esta lista solo contiene publicaciones con referato y libros y / capítulos de libros sobre temas específicos de la agenda científica de los CRN`s. Las publicaciones cubren el periodo de 1999 hasta el 2003. En esta sección se puede hacer un seguimiento por cada CRN de cuantas publicaciones han realizado por año. La siguiente tabla presenta el total de publicaciones por año Año 1999= 17 Año 2000= 88 Año 2001= 102 Año 2002= 67 Año 2003= 24 4.