TO: Building Inspection (Sulzer); City Attorney (Paulsen, Strange, Viste); Engineering (Bemis, Dailey, Fries , Phillips, Steinhorst); Health (Hausbeck, Sorsa, Voegeli, Wenta); Streets (Schumacher); Water Utility (Braselton, DeMorett, Grande, Heikkinen, Larson); Parks (Briski)

CC FYI: Mayor Cieslewicz, Ray Harmon



1. Odana infiltration ponds The infiltration field at Odana Hills golf course has been in operation for about 5 years. Although MGE included in their permit application the fact that they would not pump water during periods of high chloride, the DNR did not include that language in their permit. Friends of Lake Wingra requested the monitoring reports and noticed spikes in chloride levels. The permit is up for renewal now, and people have raised concern about the fact that pumping is occurring year-round. DNR staff is currently working with MGE to rewrite the permit, and will likely incorporate stricter language about infiltrating during periods of high chloride levels.

The infiltration project was implemented as mitigation for another mitigation site for the MGE/UW co-gen plant. The first site is a well near the Lower Yahara River, which is supposed to be used only during periods of low flow (which hasn’t happened since its inception) and/or for annual maintenance. However, it has been suggested that this well may have been put into operation during the warmer months. Greg Fries will check into this allegation.

2. MMSD/Fitchburg infiltration study MMSD, the City of Fitchburg, and a UW-Madison Water Resource Management Practicum are looking into the possibility of infiltrating treated MMSD effluent in the Nine Springs Watershed. For several years, the treated effluent has been used to irrigate a golf course. There may be issues raised regarding the quality of the water being infiltrated and how it could impact drinking water wells.

Minutes from a recent meeting on the proposal are available here:

And video from the meeting is here: http://city-fitchburg-

3. Goodman Pool/Streets Brush Processing Machine (Parks) Kevin Briski explained that the organics levels at the Goodman Pool have been near- impossible to control since the pool was built. Parks Staff has tried chemicals and have


taken different maintenance measures to try to figure out the problem, without any long-term success. One possible source is the nearby brush processing operation . Al Schumacher gently reminded everyone that he had warned against putting the pool as well as the new Water Utility building (which has also issued complaints that the brush processing creates lots of ) so close to the brush facility. As relocation of the brush site would be a last consideration due to the problems with finding another suitable location. One option is to connect the sprayer that’s on the brush grinder to a water supply. There will be a meeting soon to discuss how much it would cost to run a line to that site, but it would likely have to be included in next year’s budget. Stay tuned.

4. Spring Street Sweeping/Flushing/Catchbasin cleaning coordination Spring Street as well as all other city streets will be getting their first round of street sweeping starting March 13 provided the weather cooperates (temps have to be above 28° F). Al S. hopes to get all streets swept at least once, and maybe twice before Al L. and his crews start their annual hydrant flushing. Coordination between the two agencies has gotten increasingly easier each year. Kathy Cryan now has a crew dedicated to cleaning catchbasins and works to clean the catchbasins in an area after sweeping but before the hydrant flushing operation in an effort to allow any remaining sediments to be captured in an empty catchbasin.

2011 SW/WQR MEETING DATES: Please Mark your calendars All meetings at 1:00PM

January 5 May 4 September 7 February 2 June 1 October 5 March 2 July 6 November 2 April 6 August 3 December 7


TO: Building Inspection (Sulzer); City Attorney (Paulsen, Strange, Viste); Engineering (Bemis, Dailey, Fries, Phillips, Steinhorst); Health (Hausbeck, Sorsa, Voegeli, Wenta); Streets (Schumacher); Water Utility (Braselton, DeMorett, Grande, Heikkinen, Larson); Parks (Briski)

CC FYI: Mayor Cieslewicz, Ray Harmon



1. Update on wood grinding dust issue Mike checked into running a water line to the brush grinder at the Olin Transfer Station in order to minimize dust from wood and brush processing. It would be rather costly to run a permanent line, so this summer a temporary system will be set up using hoses to assess the effectiveness of spraying water in order to keep dust down. The pool will open the first or second week in June. Parks is currently replacing the filter media at the pool. Health staff will work with Parks if there is any additional testing that may need to be done in order to definitely identify the source of the problem.

2. Discuss wellhead protection for proposed Well Southeast (Femrite or Tradewinds) There are a couple of proposed locations for a new well on the southeast side. One location is in a new plat that has a management plan which calls for a stormwater retention pond. As it is currently designed, the pond would likely be within the 5-year capture zone of the well, which, if the pond is built first, would preclude the well from being sited there. Mike will check in with Dennis Cawley, Water Utility, who is the project manager.

3. Hydrant flushing/street sweeping/catch basin cleaning Flushing will commence mid-April. By then all city streets will have been swept at least once, but if a need for more sweeping arises, Water Utility staff will contact Streets. Catch basin cleaning started last weekend.

2011 SW/WQR MEETING DATES: Please Mark your calendars All meetings at 1:00PM

January 5 May 4 CANCELLED September 7 February 2 June 1 October 5 March 2 July 6 November 2 April 6 August 3 December 7


TO: Building Inspection (Sulzer); City Attorney (Paulsen, Strange, Viste); Engineering (Bemis, Dailey, Fries, Phillips, Steinhorst); Health (Hausbeck, Sorsa, Voegeli, Wenta); Streets (Schumacher); Water Utility (Braselton, DeMorett, Grande, Heikkinen, Larson); Parks (Briski)

CC FYI: Mayor Soglin, Crawley



Present: Bemis, Dailey, Fries, Steinhorst, Wenta, Schumacher, DeMorett, Larson

1. Brush/leaf removal – mge and tracking 2. of street sweeper and catchbasin waste Some cities in Wisconsin are reusing their street sweeper . It first needs to be screened before use and DNR requires documenting where it is used. Areas where such fill could be used include parking lots or low areas (e.g., in parks). The City collects 8,000- 9,000 tons of material each year, and it now costs $13.20/ton to dispose of. It would require a Conditional Permit to dispose of the material by land spreading. Brynn will look further into the requirements.

3. Water misting with wood chipper @ Olin Transfer site The mister has improved the conditions somewhat, though dust still reaches the Water Utility parking lot. The pool is not yet open, so the effect on water clarity there is not yet known. Al Larson spoke with Prof. Harrington at UW, who is interested in getting a class to look into the issue in more detail. He will follow up with him.

4. Illegal floor drain connection at 2116 S. Park St Technically the floor drain is not illegal, though it is illegal to dump anything down it. Health staff has been on site in the past after anti-freeze was allowed to go down the drain. The owner says they have since plugged and pumped the drain.

2011 SW/WQR MEETING DATES: Please Mark your calendars All meetings at 1:00PM

January 5 May 4 September 7 February 2 June 1 October 5 March 2 July 6 November 2 April 6 August 3 December 7


TO: Building Inspection (Sulzer); City Attorney (Paulsen, Strange, Viste); Engineering (Bemis, Dailey, Fries, Phillips, Steinhorst); Health (Hausbeck, Sorsa, Voegeli, Wenta); Streets (Schumacher); Water Utility (Braselton, DeMorett, Grande, Heikkinen, Larson); Parks (Briski)

CC FYI: Mayor Soglin, Crawley



1. Maintenance of wash racks Various Streets equipment uses a wash rack to clean the vehicles with discharge to sanitary. Some of the sweepers at Sycamore were also disposing of remnant material from the hoppers. This discharge, coupled with a poorly designed trench drain sump, resulted in occasional back up of the system, with emergency pumping to storm sewer. The issue has been corrected and the trap will be regularly vactored out and sweeper hoppers will be cleaned out prior to using the wash racks.

2. Update on brush chipper/pool issues The pool has only been closed a total of 2-3 hours this summer. The new filter has been installed. Al Larson continues to work with the UW class and Prof. Harrington to determine the cause of the occasional cloudiness in the deep end of the pool. More testing will occur this month, with recommendations likely in September.

3. Anything Else a. Maintenance of stormwater treatment devices in public parking lots This fall, in addition to sending out annual maintenance reminders to private owners of treatment devices, department heads will also receive reminders that they need to keep their devices maintained and we require an annual report of what maintenance is completed.

2011 SW/WQR MEETING DATES: Please Mark your calendars All meetings at 1:00PM

January 5 May 4 September 7 February 2 June 1 October 5 March 2 July 6 November 2 April 6 August 3 December 7



TO: Building Inspection (Sulzer); City Attorney (Paulsen, Strange, Viste); Engineering (Bemis, Dailey, Fries, Phillips, Steinhorst); Health (Hausbeck, Sorsa, Voegeli, Wenta); Streets (Schumacher); Water Utility (Braselton, DeMorett, Grande, Heikkinen, Larson); Parks (Briski)

CC FYI: Mayor Soglin, Crawley


WEDNESDAY – SEPTEMBER 6, 2011 – 1:00 PM CITY-COUNTY BUILDING, ROOM 108 Present: Bemis, Dailey, Fries, Steinhorst, Wenta, Schumacher

1. Outfall on Yahara River @ East Washington – illegal discharge There has been a frequent, unknown discharge from a storm box discharging into the Yahara River at East Washington since at least 2005. The source is unknown, as is the illicit material. Health staff have attempted to find the source, but since the storm box is underwater for quite a distance and because the material floats, it could be coming from anywhere along that stretch of storm sewer. It is unlikely due to seeping, due to the nature of the material. Currently there is an oil-absorbent boom at the outfall in the Yahara River to capture the material (as well as trash). Emil Street crews will be asked to vactor out the trash, and Rick Wenta will keep monitoring the site for when the boom may need to be replaced. He and Brynn will also work on possibly creating a method for testing the material (though this could prove to be quite expensive).

2. Dane County The landfill likely has 2½ years left as it is currently managed. By initiating leachate circulation to break down material faster, it could buy another 1-2 years, and by diverting construction material, yet another 1-2 years. A consultant is being hired to locate a new site, though that process could take 10 years.

3. New Contract Pellitteri was awarded the new recycling contract. Cost to the city will be $70,000 less than previous years and nearly all plastics will be collected and recycled.

4. Snow Pile Sites Streets will now only use Quann Park as a backup for snow storage due to its poor drainage. Other sites will be Garner, Elver, Bowman, Reindahl, and Warner Parks as well as the Garver site. Engineering has money in the budget to install treatment at one storage site next year; a likely candidate would be Bowman Park.

2011 SW/WQR MEETING DATES: Please Mark your calendars All meetings at 1:00PM January 5 May 4 September 7 February 2 June 1 October 5 March 2 July 6 November 2 cancelled April 6 August 3 December 7


TO: Building Inspection (Sulzer); City Attorney (Paulsen, Strange, Viste); Engineering (Bemis, Dailey, Fries, Phillips, Steinhorst); Health (Hausbeck, Sorsa, Voegeli, Wenta); Streets (Kelley, Schumacher); Water Utility (Braselton, DeMorett, Grande, Heikkinen, Larson); Parks (Briski)

CC FYI: Mayor Soglin, Crawley



Present: Bemis, Dailey, Steinhorst, Wenta, Kelley, Schumacher, Grande, Crawley, Dreckman 1. Biodigestion The plan to divert organics from the landfill continues to move forward with an ongoing search for possible local sites for a biodigester. Right now we haul organics from the pilot program to Columbia County, but a citywide program would require a closer location. George Dreckman and Brynn Bemis are working on a feasibility study. One possibility is to create electricity in the short term and vehicle fuel in the long term and to create a high quality product that can be sold to organic farms. The current organics collection pilot is going well, Streets would like to add another 150 households next year. Fitchburg will be doing their own pilot study in 2012 with 300 households, and we will be hauling their collections with ours to Columbia County.

2. Groundwater issues at 2 Monroe Street-area locations There are a couple of redevelopment sites that will likely require permanent dewatering in an area near Lake Wingra springs. The question was raised as to why such development is allowed in what could be considered a protected area and whether this would have detrimental impacts to spring flow. The city could request more rigorous borings before development in these specific areas, though it is uncertain whether it would prevent or alter development as there are currently no disincentives to building in these areas. However, one site is required to discharge to the sanitary system due to contamination, which is costly. Brynn Bemis will continue work on this issue.

3. Sidewalk trip hazard/ Curb cut slurry disposal Public Health staff referred a concrete slurry disposal issue to the City Attorney’s office. Rick wanted to make sure the city’s own contract language was consistent with what his department is helping to regulate. Mike Dailey will review the language with the person in charge of our sidewalk program, as well as John Fahrney and the inspectors.

4. Preliminary beet juice data & monitoring plan Public Health will be conducting a study this winter of the effects of GeoMelt, a beet juice produce, on BOD and conductivity of stormwater at 6 different storm outfalls. The GeoMelt product is thought to have less of a negative impact than the original beet juice products, but we will have a better idea at the end of the study this winter.

5. There was a brief discussion on chloride levels in drinking water wells. Generally, wells near major thoroughfares have shown higher levels of chlorides, though this is not always the case. Also, the depth of the casing may have an impact on the effects of chlorides (and other ), though extending an existing casing is cost-prohibitive.


2012 SW/WQR MEETING DATES: Please Mark your calendars All meetings at 1:00PM

January 4 May 2 September 5 February 1 June 6 October 3 March 7 July 11 November 7 April 4 August 1 December 5