1. Odana Infiltration Ponds the Infiltration Field at Odana Hills Golf Course Has Been in Operation for About 5 Years
SOLID WASTE/ WATER QUALITY RUNOFF TO: Building Inspection (Sulzer); City Attorney (Paulsen, Strange, Viste); Engineering (Bemis, Dailey, Fries, Phillips, Steinhorst); Health (Hausbeck, Sorsa, Voegeli, Wenta); Streets (Schumacher); Water Utility (Braselton, DeMorett, Grande, Heikkinen, Larson); Parks (Briski) CC FYI: Mayor Cieslewicz, Ray Harmon M I N U T E S WEDNESDAY – MARCH 2, 2011 – 1:00 PM CITY-COUNTY BUILDING, ROOM 108 1. Odana infiltration ponds The infiltration field at Odana Hills golf course has been in operation for about 5 years. Although MGE included in their permit application the fact that they would not pump water during periods of high chloride, the DNR did not include that language in their permit. Friends of Lake Wingra requested the monitoring reports and noticed spikes in chloride levels. The permit is up for renewal now, and people have raised concern about the fact that pumping is occurring year-round. DNR staff is currently working with MGE to rewrite the permit, and will likely incorporate stricter language about infiltrating during periods of high chloride levels. The infiltration project was implemented as mitigation for another mitigation site for the MGE/UW co-gen plant. The first site is a well near the Lower Yahara River, which is supposed to be used only during periods of low flow (which hasn’t happened since its inception) and/or for annual maintenance. However, it has been suggested that this well may have been put into operation during the warmer months. Greg Fries will check into this allegation. 2. MMSD/Fitchburg infiltration study MMSD, the City of Fitchburg, and a UW-Madison Water Resource Management Practicum are looking into the possibility of infiltrating treated MMSD effluent in the Nine Springs Watershed.
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