L_.l_Q..l'L-.92_/lPRIVA V W:-U A TQ

SUBJECT: Los Angeles le:62-4867




Privacy Acts Release of

Subject: Frank Sinatra File #: LA 62-4867

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Federal Bureau of Investigation srA|u>qmrunnvo.l4 . .7 " -- - ' _ ' O Mwfadum- _UNlTED' at-Aiss covsnwmsnr To 3 sac, LOS ANGELES'' 'r7i80 °*"="" * ~ FROM - J/r ' sac, SALT KE CITY 2-2327! 5"!"-CT-= FRANK TRA s1 100- ¢/1/!3>P <,1'.3m-,j, INFORMA oncowcsmvmc 1?-:.> , 3,; gs_ ._ . _.L_ 4:24 '2.

was filing cation for an interest inpthe Bay, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, with with SINATRA will be his a orney of North Ho , invest- ing $12, Hollywcod and actor 8 G '0. A-L-In--4--I.. investing $12, J. 92:.I.Cll1UJ.U City, New Jersey, inv --_. - we --s It appears that SINATRA will end up with a 1,70 25 per cent interest in the casino wi controlling 57 per cent of the stock ed that several months ago considerable punrrczty was attached to SINATRA's hiringof ALBERT MALTZ, described as one of "Hollywood Big Ten Communists," to produce or direct a film SINATRA was backing and later dischar~in~ L MALTZ followingrevelation MALTZwas allegedly a,Commu§is¬. It is requested you furnish this division with information your files may contain concerning SINATRA, SANACOLA, MARTIN, and MALTZ with particular reference to any positive connection between SINATRA andMALTZ. Eli LosAngeles 2 - Salt Lake City

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entertainment ' 1' .1- .- available.-_a-_'--. '_~. I , -a. ,1? -1-_" -..,1.?§.a_ '.;:~',.'.'-D your i family. Here are _-,_- --n

.' .". . ._-, -C14:- the disturbing answers _--1?. ;'_-.'." I Handsome, volatile, magnetic, al- ternaieiy exuberant and depressed, Francis Albert Sinatra, usually re- ferred 16' simply as F rank" or Sinatra or The Voice," now iorty- two enervating years old, a man whose hair is thinning as rapidly as his moods and torments and whims and rages are thickening in fre- quency, is today at the peak of his many careers. Few _ _.------men ever ---- mam: ---w-----DyIre in -v nslrvlr run ne-nu much frenetic activity into three score and ten as Sinatra has jammed into 1 less than a half century. He is known today mainly as a singer and an actor, but he is more than that: he is also a director, occasional writer, - producer, music publisher, composer, gambler, carouser, practical joker, In political campaigner, father, . and. »,_ ,- lover. -e - . E :'-;t..-3. ,-w. The rst seven oi these diverse - 1,. Er; 1 1;.-al. _-_a'-:1-v3;l '. . _ 92 ,, -, @1- .- . -, 1;..-..,'.;_,,, mated four million dollars this year E"1 -1'if:!';~ occupations I I. will "II bring I Sinatra I an esti-"*1;-rev. ,m , . [some say ll win ne as mucn as seven .__ : I<.-_",_'__'._1"§. . .___.._. ~. 92-,;-_-'1; . WIT million!, much of which, after the '. "-=" . 7:,.,, government has taken its ravenous .' -.-'?'_.ffg.-1' bite, he will spend on the last six put-" suits. He will spend it freely, for he - -.-.'.'_",-;_-,,~. $1 s much, much more where it all came from. He is fully He says he hates to be alone, aware that Sinatra isthe greatest single male drawing ¢ card that is to be found in the entertainment business is always seckiilghftbtioir-' l today. ._r At the same time, Sinatra is something phenome- and r.-o::r]!ani0n_.slz1712. Nobody seems 1 nal. lie is not -iin::'ely an entertainer and a personal- ity. He is an immensely powi=rl'ul force--a law unto to be of/l<:.lo 1.10/11:22.5 111:!/_1_*|I'g,''_ _/Z8 $0!/S. h l1imS6lf. His lanl: shadow, now bulging a hit at the waist, falls across the world of show business. The "'1"z'<.' go! to go.-if we to mow

psychological drives that usually send a periornier -t ' into the business are generally quieted after security and recognition have been acliieved. Sinatra has .-1 L lf_f»l-I not relaxed in the least. indeed, as he has gruwlt l1igge1' and more powerful, he has grown nmru alv- mandingly arroganti he rft'i.ii ilaamis iiis arro;.u||n-i- in public. The vast amounts of nnnn-}' hr has |n;uh: apparently lm92'e-not lItl'll able lu ln|_t him vunutiimal 1-tt'tll'll!'. 9292'l|vr:* ?'iil|;|tt;| uuvv I-'lN'l92i92l92ll'll. ln- :|||9292 i'|t-l;|92t'--- .|- |-:"--wil In" tlnv Ir--ml-lin-_' .-iilrilalimt be |~ttr:tPts- Hun: llm.-1' it-l'UltI|'l.l him. 92ll llmllrmlnurs. tut" -um-' iIii.92'jiiiiiiiii rezisini. =utttau.'i t"tiltlttt:5, inut Ziinat|'a's entourage is something special. lt is composed of friends, associates, press agents, song pluggers, and cosmeticians, hut, in addition, it is composed of stars who are very nearly as big as is Frank Sinatra himself. This entourage is often referred to as The Clan. When the members of the Clan who are per- [ormet's-Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, _]'r., , and Joey Bishop--get together with Sinatra for a public appearance. they reverently call him The Leader," and he speaks of the gathering as "The Summit Meeting. This is a joke, but at bottom it" is not; it is kidding on the square. It is as though the approval of millions. freely ltanded him, openly dedicated to him, were .o.-Minuet!on page I79!

Riglir. an so! of Or-ran: Eli-r¢'n." Sinatra relaxes at the roa- lwrlr irhr-i-I. Opposite. renter. Irv rlim-ns on stogr with Chm rm-mbi-rs D:-an Martin, Pen-r Lrm'[ord', dud Sammy Davis, ]r., aml, lIt",ll', .rr:'rb Dar-is. Oppasiri-. rap. r gazes at his cur- r--ur girl friend. rlanrc-r Jirlirt Prairsr: cu for right. hr is 1"-':-';.'i-J by friend and protégér, rnor:'r' star Shirley lind-cine. HI

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no I. or inatra, as though he daily wear. PEDS keep feet dainty the year ?round."Wear PEDS for adtied_;_ era-ed attention so desperately that he warmth! Exclusive heel protector stops slippimt . elastic_edge_assures snug Z .7 /ind to bestow it on hintseli. lt, protect shoe linings. Buy PEDS in exact ft 'zcs in Fme _l Sinatra's power is not merely per- s sonal; it is also scal. Because he is Nylon or Helanca s-t-r-e-t-c-h, 39¢; Cotton Toe . t-;IJ_S,_2Op¢; I ranked high among the top-drawing lm A -1.. attractions, he can demand a share i.n~ the production of the lm from all major __..r,___ .- A___ studios that ask for his services-and practically all of them are constantly ash- 1; ing for his services. Frank could spend Y an "i 4 .' I_ . the rest of his life making all the lms _..-_An,/.. offered to him in a single month, a. 4 1 friend of his has told me. He also can H 1. demand the right of approval of the pro- 1. <2 duction siaii and oi his costars. This means that he can, by grintacing. put the- ti __ kiss of death on an actor or actress he does not like-or build up an inated II. -~1'4 reputation for one he does like. I I ;?¢< .' a-ir~:1_"..._92 _..-I ..._--t - _s._~ it.-"'-. I: AT CAPITOL Records. Sinatra is the ac- t---L; knowledged king. He seldom tnakm an LP disk that docs not hit the 2lI.l.lIll- __ _ 7-. -rs - copy mark. A new Sinatra LP is all but ..-4 1:-t -t. ' -, - automatically played on the nations radio stations. Officials at Capitol let him pick '-.|.1 his own tunes and his own accompanists. -1 They listen carefully-to his advice. too.~ ! . They bow to his work schedule, which 1 . I is irregular; if he decides to remrd at 1 midnight. they pay the overtime charges without protesL . A word irorn Sinatra can boost the? progress of new singers or slow that of 1 others. Similarly, Sinatra is powerful in the selection of songs that the company records, not only for his records but for .-..»-.:~E'- ==} r these made by others. He has interests. " .. * ,; ' .,92/' I 1 in a couple of music-publishing compa- tries. the names oi which change from t time to time; the biggest was called -/.i J'1 Barton. l-le can dictate to these compa- :. nies the songs he wishes to be plugged, u by live performance on television and "in love wzltlt _ ;92_» I radio. 1_a.j. A few months back there was a small ._ a wonderful . buy! rm- revival of Oh, Look at Me Now, a song Frank used to sing with Tommy Dorsey, 92 1&1 a publisher told me. l oouldnt under- stand why. Then l learned that Frank1~ wanted it brought back. He-d called the ¢. company that handled it and oered to- put his own plugging facilities behind it. Then he'd called other singers and asked t 1 them to use it. Before longltingn! A wa-rd-robe bra re-rival." -mt-th 6 -way straps , Sinatra's voice is powerful. as well.p $15. in the talent-agency business. There is ra that adapts every indication that his oft-voiced de- t termination to lornt a talent agency oi £- - _lti.s own may become reality before 1'5 this year is out. It is taken for granted that members oi his Clan will ock into any new organisation he may ionn or will even follow him ii he decides to go to another organization. Sure, I'd go where Frank goes. Dean Martin once - - at f'51:: , ' told me, as though there were no question '-.'I92i in his mind. And it is conceivable that _-.'..' .-1- - others in show business would follow 1. U ._r_ Q: along, just to be sure oi being on the 5-"If "2 1' winning ... team...... 92 iiow atnatra can tnmtr ms is-u-ooar -4'} I-tn:-In 144_- noaa iaaiwllai I _ l 179 .__.= .."; -. Tl, _._4.~.. We .. _-: _/ , I . ' ' - "'=- - = --..a .___ . '. ______pounds of weight around when he wishes Failure is only for those he calls the was indicated by a situation that devel- clydes-the squares, the inepts, those oped when he held his Summit ting on whom fortune has not smiled. at his favorite Miami Beach h this In 1951 and 1952 Sinatra himself at past March. Sammy Davis. .lr., was un- pcared to have reached the end of one_columnist for a news der exclusive contract to another hotel; of the most fantastic ropes ever woven wrote of Sinatra's performance Illt his contract stated he could not appear, by pure appeal to the ticket-buying pub- Can Hts tired voice and even in an informal, impromptu way, lic. From 1945 on he had been earning suggest to moviegoers . . that anywhere else_in Miami Beach. Sinatra over a million dollars a year; highbrow is setttug tn. ' * " made a telephone call to the manager magazines were printing articles about holding the contract. When Frank wants his unprecedented hold on not only the QINATBA himself is hoarding something, he drips charm, a friend swooning teen-agers hut also their par- " handing the Voice." Eace t says. He wanted Davis. Before the man- ents and even their grandparents. His cording, he usual! ager could object, Sinatra had proposed rise_had made those of Rudyvallec and a solution, :'Ho,w about_ making an ex- seem like ripples beside the ception? said. We"woni advertisetidal wave of his personal popularity. - him; as far as the general public knows, youl.l still have him exclusively. And ALL at once, Sinatra was in trouble. he promised to make it seem that Davis Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, his home film Ill had just dropped in to see his pals. Then studio, was disturbed by his habit of pro- was touring he promised a favor to the manager; the ducing unfavorable headlines; his rec- man last autumn, latter agreed; Sammy Davis, ]r., appeared. ords were not selling as well as they had What all of this means to you is that been; even in nightclubs he was not Francis Albert Sinatra exercises a most drawing as he once had. He seemed to show coming up He powerful control over much of what you be washed up. He was broke, and he was at once. He oered to enjoy or don't enjoy! in films, on tele- borrowing from friends. His second mar- Goodman a substitute musician, vision, on records, on the radio, in night- riage, to Ava Gardner, was falling apart. send Norvo back When it became clubs-indeed, in every medium of en- He was as low as a man of his former that Norvo could not make tertainment except newspapers and snag- eminence could get. Then he pulled him- nccttons ut time Sinatra azines. To Sinatra's apparently intense self o the floor. at himself, for forgetting disgust, there is very little he can do Buddy Adler, now production chief at p Many of Sinatra's rages are about controlling the press. Nevertheless, Twentieth Century-Fox, was a Columbia ,,at himself Before he moved in he tries. When any clusrly independent Pictures producer under the bombastic $250 000 house he now occupies tn writer is about to do a story on him, he and autocratic Harry Cohn. Sinatra went Palisades, he lived in a small throws a hlsnket of silence over all his to Adler and odered to play Maggie in Wdslnre %ulcvard, e little companions. Sometimes he threatens law- From Here to Eternity for nothing. Or erly Hills Agent Irving Paul Lazar suits. Occasionally he actually does sue his agents made the offer; there are as next door, tn a l.l.t'l.'0I' image when a published article displeases him. many versions of this story as there are decorated, as Sinatra's had Sinatra's influence as a pace setter is people to tell it.! Adler tested him re- Loretta Young: mother Mrs unparalleled in Hollywood. The infor- luctantly. Sinatra nally got the part Belzer Often Lazar would come mality of many recent TV eatravaganzas and we given eight thousand dollars lot I-an luau ma as aaasa assatlnIa.a92a at Iwu ILL Qaavanlu-Q uaaamaanIa Q G showsin which a couple of singers sim- his servicesplus, eventually, an Acad- at, hunched over a table W ply stand around and sing snatches of emy Award; plus, almost _at once, an and a glass before him, bl tunes! is an attempt to copy the success- even greater measure of esteem than he something he had done or had ful shows Sinatra has done. had had before. Hit lms followed. one do the htfi system rattling Sinatra also has tremendous influence after another. He was red-hot again. against the walls. I used to on the changing styles oi music. it used Today Sinatra refuses to admit he was mm up, i-ii-if i ilu me, to be that most singers sang ballads with ever down and close to being out. What he got tn one of those moods, strings or soft reeds as a background. do they mean, I was nished? he once nothtng anybody could do Sinatra has always liked to sing with a shouted, a friend reports. "I was never friend says, When Sinatra strong beat. ln recent years he has been finished! screams and shouts and making more and more records with You were close. Frank. the friend then, a second later, he Nelson Riddle. an arranger known for said piacatingly nearly all Sinatrais does some nice thtngs Unce, on his use of dynamics and for his contrasts friends are accustomed to speaking to Ill Spain, he was furious at onC in brass and strings. Many other sing- him in soothing tonesl. prop kids for something he ers are hiring Riddle-oriented arrangers I was never nished! he yelled. ao- would have bun and leaders. cording to this friend. l showed them, he was feeling didn't I? had a relative In FULLY aware of all these facts, Si- There is no denying it. But somewhere, up I part of the natra.still does not seem to live com- under the red-faced belligerence, there l fortably with them.__He continues to as- may be a small, pulsating vein of .un- sert himself as though he were climbing certainty. the only way and not yet on the top. Of late Sinatra has been getting enough preserve has voice. Th rec The root of Sinatras lK'ltavi0rwhicll.bad reviews to unsettle the average per- ntghtclub date. he because he is both powerful and seem- former. Few critics saw anything valid age, eyes blanng. ingly inaatiablt.'could conceivably deter- in his performance in Some Come Raul- atng 15 or 20 soIll mine the quality of the entertainment ning: the picture was received almost spending to the you see and hearrnay lie in his chilling as badly as latnes .lones'a original book with a half-dozen awareness that if he has not yet begun had been. ln the London Daily Express. pearanc I have seen to slip he ultimately will. All performersrrititf-pianist Robin Douglas-llome wrote don! hes sun: mot! fall out of favor rventttally to some dc- of Sinatra: last long-playing record: any given song. llll "198 grec: this is as sure as the rhangr of llfe is notl up to brilliant standard. . . . and often hll I s-ear-ons in naturi-. Yet Sinatra evidently The ro||ndne.-'-I of his voire of the early after a fen llIIl'l- All- rrfus-es to recognise inevitability: he is. he days serm- to haw given way recently bqm resorting to such seems hound In proclaim osrr and over. lo a harsher, ru.1r-er tone that gels more hrs own words and phrarea the inlles-trurtihlc exception. lfis attitude pronounverl with each new record. = . ." 59 !ag_I|:'l hun get Wet the|- to he that failure must not happen John Crosby, the television and radio en]. passages. -. - to him. lle will light it off by sheer power. umnist. recently said. l hate always Ltrtc-changing fl ll! one tan

7 '"""" I"-" --+ _r., , - W. . "' vrf -- ~r"' - Y. . s-.,_j._ en,, _ _ __ n ;*__ _ me ueauer tnvolvernent in politics, oi course, is because he not new lor Siiiatra. Probably through himsel hat the goodoices oiPeter Lawlord,who goes of is m_arriedto SenatorKennedy's sister filkb ru[Jl.l° Patricia, Sinatrarecorded quitea iew .'disapproval. tar Last he made plugs for the Kennedy cause. Healso headlines by hiring Albert to write campaigned for Presidents Rooseveltand the screenplayfor a planned Sinatra- Truman andfor Adlai Stevenson, twice. producedlm, The Execution ofPrivate Sinatra'slike friends to rib him by sib- Slooik. Malt:is oneof a group of writer! ing him whether he plans to become known asthe HollywoodTen; he served Secretary ofHealth, Educationand Wel- a prison sentence forcontempt ofCon- iare if Kennedy is elected. . . . gress aiter he had reiused to discuss his Now andthen wordof Sinatra'sap- Communist affiliations. It was no secret parent contempt for the public seeps in Hollywood that the Ten,"ocially" through the stone wall erected around blaelclisted bystudios. hadbeen -writing the performer by his press agents,the scripts underthe table. so to spealr,ever rm of Henry Rogers-Warrut Cowan, since they got out oi iaii. Sinatra may inc. in illiadison, Indiana,Sinatra, on have felt that it was more honest his location for Some CameRunning, was friends say he has a passion for stark riding in a bus past peoplewho were honesty! to come outin the open with lined up to see him.He reportedlykept the hiringof Malta,but manyinterpreted up a running commentary on them that a "~ -v| |-192' i .--'.-»,. '.'-it., 1.. .-.1»-'1 ';-.13:1:.

. ,'i.¥9;--"- ;1 1r.<1~i'~'-F6 , 92_-_:'.. __.-,1; MONTH .1. -.._ ,7 MING , if-Pt=- -as _'.a_-:l . AS;iecialSelcctiohSumnier ofPtUS= Fiction S i it W" D '-as92-1:; -'1-J -'-ii .-*-.'.f, llboliih Punishment?Gapitil Governor CalilorniasSays Brown !e_s!- I JP,-as-ii . ...-1 l~q._._..-._ .1. Dina Merrill-The RichGirl Who Made Good .: -_:-FT. .__ -92.-1;, --1?: y . = .; t -92 .4.

T . _ *7 ' 7'3 ' ' '7 " - .l. rctaculars, I r ' 7 1 i _ 7' ___"" .7 ' ' I 7 7 Delightful Back-toSchoo|Fashion Album D lat-.=.| l ha====' Also; TheBetter Way,Beauty Dietfor Teens, Shari Lewis,Hannah Lees i i .|_ ' ' ail l See allit inAugust GDDDHDUSEKEEPING, July out21 "

l it as an insult to the public. Sinatra was they could not hear. Look at that ugly sub jected to an enormous amount oi crit- broad overthere, heallegedly said.Hi, icism, by newspaper editorial and from fat boy. Hi, you horrible bag. All the pulpit and lectern, and nally announced while he ltept beaming. Outside a bar that he was dropping Maitr- named theOasis, heourished a glass Such a complete concession--even to in the air. Our people do not aunt such indignant and orerwltelrning public their drinlting. . . . We like to think opinion as Sinatra faced in the .92laltz we're gentlemen,one Madison resident :3 situstionis so uncharacteristic oi the said. LaterSinatra wasaccused oihaving l~ 1i Franlt Sinatra oi today that observers abuseda sixty-seven-year-old clerk in the are inclined to the belief that some tre- motel in which he was staying because Could you gag $3 mendous andunusual pressuremust have the clerk had become coniused when ovary monthof Ila you been applied to Sinatra to mahe him give given a series of complicated orders [or liolarsyaaapgll-__ha aatreataoq_ Iahahtlaaa at a Jewish musician, Sinatra cracked him exhaustihle energy and ability to stay up They wear with a bottle, and when a cou"'errnanuntil all hours, Kurnitz added,You knov theirs from in a diner refused to serve tgro, Frank is the only person in the wor. 5y Devore; Sinatra sluggedhim. Nothing bl out who will invite youto a black-tie dinner screen erediton shows!, and Frank's temperas quickly as bigotry, and tell you to bring your sunglasses." even drivecan like Frank' His _ his press agent, Warren Cowan, says. On that same cruise, according to actor Dual-Chin, a custom-made model -with _'; In view of this, some recent develop- Martin Gabe], husband of TV personality an Americanmotor andan Italian body, ments areincomprehensible. Forexample, Arlene Francis, Sinatra hired a seaplane costing. around ten thousand dollars.-__. what I heard during a performance of Si- to follow the yacht, to take guests home Martin oncetold me,regretfully, hehad natra's SummitMeeting in Miami Beach and bring aboard new waves of them. tried to buy a Dual-Chis but could not, in March made me wonder ii my ears Once, last spring in Miami Beach. when find anybody who would sell him one;_§*-7. were working properly. Not only antirace he neededa haircut, Sinatra had his own He now drives a Jaguar hard-top road- and antircligion jokes but also open pro- barber flown in from and gave ster, evidently with Sinatra: approval? g fanity cascadedfrom the stage. him a hundred-dollar tip; when his The Clan also tries to emulate Si-- throat was bothering him. he had his natraa ownpeculiarspeech habits.All?-=¢_: SINATRA demandsandgets--strict physician brought down. When he gam- secret societieshave secretlanguages, but ohedience from those around him. hles, he plunges like the legendary Bet- the Clan'ais so obscure thata lady '1jo-._l~'Ii- While he was working in Lss Vegas, he a-Miliion Gates. lve seen him go up to porter once complained, _after Sinatra _"-" decreed that none of his gang should set the baccarat table with ten thousand dol- had grantedher a few minutes of '= toot inside a certain club; nobody would lars, sit down, put the bundle on the time, For yearsI tried. to get an __ext".l_tt_-_.,7:l3-I I have considered defying him. He insists table, ride it up to thirty thousand, losesive interview . . . and when I got one, <_ --; on absolute loyalty, even to the point I couldn'tunderstand a word he said. '_ . that none oi his cronies may say any- thing remotely critical oi him. For ex- 1 ONCE Sinatrhhas puthis stampof ap- ample, in the winter of 1959, Sammy proval on a slang word; it is obliga- Davis, .lr., in an interview conducted by YES, WI 22IIHIND tory for the members to use it on all Jack Eigen, a disk jockey in Chicago, YOUR MONEY occasions. Ring-a-ding" was ior a time said, Talent is not an excuse for bad the number-one word. Sinatra would itt-- o--Q--o do LL.-,._|-- at-as-I"-- do -..-la--. manners. l love Frank, but there are 92 If you buy any product advertised 92l=lJ§IwLout-U as uaoaualgra aaaauI-Its; an.Iflli-l* H many things he does that there is no ex- ever he wanted to express approval,as cuse for. . . ."~Word at once came to him tn our pogo:and itdoes notpor- 1 in: Shirley MacLaine is a ring-a-ding that Sinatra was furious. Sinatra is said form as promised. olooso toll us lbad. Broad, oi course, is the stand- to have got a tape of the program. He 1 about it. lot us ltnoor whattho ard Clan word for woman, even a. to- ' ' took action promptly. He had previously problem ls. tho nolna of the prod- pl spectable woman,although Sinatra some? .- had the screenplay of Never So Few re- g net, orl-taro you bought it, and I times applies it to women he does not- written so that there would be u part for when. You will hour from us like. A girl who especially pleases him is a gasser, and anything that is _fun_.= Davis. He ordered lite Negro part written promptly, Ind If In Idlultlltonl out and hired actor Steve McQueen in- or thrilling is a gas. The synonym la In order. taro will flpllll tho stead. Earl Wilma, the Broadway re- almost anyword iselyde, porter, later said, Twas reported that product or eofund your money, I inally bad an o-color meaning Sammy was ready to hurl himself pros- as we promise tn our Connectors show folk, as in Kick him in the clyde.'_.f.92.§';§ trate on the stage to ask Frank's forgive- Guaranty on pogo 6 Cl tllla h.o Sinatra and his cronies now use it__for-f-fri-Q ness. Later Sinatra did relent, and since Address: ldvortlalng Director, Good nearly everything.Hand me the elyde,Y';E;-.; then Davis has seemed determined never I Housekeeping, 51th itroot If ltll o Siuatra might say, asking forthe telo--- to fall from favor again, using only the phone book in the unlikely event;be;Tf;;- most glowing terms when he speaks of 92 Avonuo, How YorkI0, NewYork. i ever looks up a number in the telephone the Leader. hook!; or, Let'sto the goclyde, mean-_=: On March 25, 1959, while Davis was ing, Let'sgo into the dining room _ot'___d__"' appearing at the Copacabana in Man- Let'sto thego party. hattan. l interviewed him in his suite in it. and walk away from the table with a At a party, when Sinatra becomes - the Hotel New Yorker. He dgeted con- bored. heoften says,I think it's g.going shrug." says fled Norvo. a- __:.. II 'lL:. _ . - -- st.-. oL_ I _-.l__ stantiy, moving irom chair to chair, inap- itt itionte Carlo, columnist Leonard tu amass. a also IIIIFIIII lllll uat; aacaaucaa-.-. 9 ing to the hugesofa andsquatting there Lyons once watched Sinatra place a wishes to go elsewhere.Sinatra is always _-_t on his haunches;he was like an excitable packet of ten-thousand-franc notes ap- going elsewhere; he once said to director nuthatch. When I asked Davis about proximately two thousand dollars] on Vincent: Minnelli. I can'thelp it._ ; Sinatra's reactionsto his Chicago corn- the red, lose with one turn of the wheel. Nobody seemsto be able tohelp mewith 3 5-, ments, he said he could not discuss the then take out another packet of bills of it. l'vegot to go! I have to move! '- -1" ' incident. Presently I asked him what it the same denomination, and another, and He was gripp'ed_hy -thiicontpulaion was about Sinatra that caused him and keep playing until the place closed and the nightof thereception following"Jack other members of the Clan to he so, he was ahead by around three thousand Benny: daughter: first wedding. 'I'he_?}-,; '2 .a slavish in tlteir adoration. Davis looked dollars. He walked out jauntily, leading Bennys aretopight BeverlyHills so-5;, shocked. l'leglanced over his shoulder his entourage to a nightclub named the cialitea,loved and respected members, nervously. then said solemnly. Why. be- All Baha. where hesuddenly wasmoved a community that prises talent ev""7'--2 cause Frank is a very. very. very great to sing. The piano player did not suit above ridtes. They had given 'm=a'-:2? man. Dean Martin later echoed this to him. He gave the man ten thousand daughter suchan elaborate party that: me in an interview. That Frank: the francs to let his own accompanist take their peerstalked aboutit for greatest, he slid. A great. great man, over. afterward. Sinatrabecame bored_soon;-T . that Frank. alter heand hisgrouphad With his new great am-ress. Sinatra THE Clan.evidently believingthat imi-think it'sgoing torain, he muttered.jl.f~ has taken on the lush living ltaliita oi tation is the most desirable fonn oi Those whodid nothear him the wry. u'r3'llarry rirh. Ktlfltilz, the flattery, does its best to emulate its sensed hiseagerness move. to His screen writer and hunmrist. tnlrl of the Leader in his gaudy ways. All members- party departed. '' time he was a gm-st on a vat-ht Sinatra with the possible exceptionoi two female Sinatra's withwar the press has nowjfit-1 haul rhartrrl for I grtulp of friends members, Shirley Maclraine and Iudy become familiarto the P-litlii-1-ll¢',lll5','_n',f§='- ior a cruise down the Caiiinrnio coast. Garland the latter has been iii and in- insisted thatthe broke up I82

i - _ _ ~_~ . | ,' We.-_ , _,_~ -- - -*-_ Wig, - -- ._ W 7' - ' e:__ _ 1 __<-;;-_<~___,a'-p-es-1.=--. -. *7lD _.._.,_.:.'.;.~___,._, -._ 4 I '--:-_ ,-as LI ¢> G. Aronowits hoodlum companions.Whether he has York Po any suchconnections dicult is to verify. for ti. However, theiact that Sinatra himselfis ." whoanH'11j0_V He has only100 well aware thatmany peoplebe- kept will aloof fromlieve_he has them isevinced by a line he R -.:ra. t a no re- permits JoeyBishop useto inthe Summitg forI0 airI/It'll has hadanything amounting toMlfel-"'5Later I611 on, says Bishop, a genuine interview with Sinatra for two Sinatra will give a lecture on all the years. Requestsfor interviews are turned good work the Maliia does." aside with the eaplanationQt Sinatra Sinatra do-..snot dependm his eo- is away, "sick," or busy. Whether horts to be pugnaciousin his behalf. si he wishesto he or not, Sinatra hasbe- He doesconsiderable ghtingon his own, come themost fearedman in Hollywood or he hasin the past. InMonte Carlo ..| H11-1-'-, Sinatra is a closed corporation in this one night,he wasapproached anby Eng- town, aveteran Hollywood reporter told lishmitn who once had insulted Ava me recently. No one will talk about Gardner. The man put out his hand, try- l'|.im.. He'san untouchable. 'ing to patch things up. -He was well over Sinatra takesnearly everythingwritten 6'4"weighed and atleast 250pounds. about him the wrongway, for some rea- Sinatra staredat him oontemptuously. son thatis not entirely clear.When Bill Beat it, hum, he said. Taken aback, Davidson, oneof the best ofthe "report-the l.'nanwbocould have demolished ers in depth, wrotea three-partarticle Sinatra withone slap-retreated,apolo- about Sinatra for Look magazine, in gizing. Another time, a man kepttrying which he indicated that the performer was to crashone of Sinatra'sparties inPalm less thansuperhuman, Sinatrapromptly Springs. Later he disappeared,and a led suit for libel. Later this suit was friend askedwhat hadhappened tohim. ll dropped, and another, claiming that the He becamepunched, Sinatrasaid, with 1 magazine had invaded Sinatra'sprivacy, a wink. r was substituted. That suit is now await- Besides theactual physicalcombat, - - 1.- ing trial in the Los Angeles courts. % . there alsohave beenany numberof ver- - When l began working on this article, bal set-toswith directors,producers, and -: l sent a telegram asking for interview other actors. Sinatra walked off the set A treasury with Sinatrato WarrenCowtrl, press his of Crou-tel when it was on location in .. agent. It was ne927Er'92""s'iivi:'i',but I was of exciting idem '_ J Maine becausehe disagreedwith Henry and suggestions r toldGuy by Mellwaézl,thenemployee anEphron. the producer. Onthe SomeCame I of Cowan's,"'Mys oitgest recomenda- Running locationin Indiana, M-G-M ex- lo delight the tinn to him will be that he seeyou. I can'tecutive producer Sol Siegel had to make ,_ hostess . . . "vi promise anything beyond that. peace between Sinatra and Vineente Min- J vwhen I reached Miami Beach, Mell- nelli, the director. The Guys nnd Dolls Regardless ofwhere or when you enter- waine stated, rst, that Frank was too set was a far from happy one; Sinatra tainwhether formally or informally-no 92- tied up over the Albert Malta thing" he and Marlon Brando couldnotget along matter what the age of your gueatatho had just hired Malta, and the press was together. - new GOOD I-IOUSEKEEPING PARTY hitting him hard! and, second, that he BOOK will atirnulate yourimniili-3°?- WHEN Sinatrais working,either thingsinspire new ideas to help you entertain was too busy rehearsing his television more successfully than ever. show {the show, telecast in May, in go his way or he automatically rebela which hewelcomed hackElvis PresleyI-le sets his own hours, usually begin- Here are hundreds upon hundreds of i to civilian life!. /3 ning work at ll AM. This invariably suggestions fromthevefy planningcftbe I learned it is useless toattempt to get costs a studio extra money, since over- party, through the festivities, right up to t othe to talk ahou ' Leaderthe time costs mount considerably when a the very moment when you any Good- company has to be kept working until night. _ ' '_ ' l Ma Sammy Jr., P ,_I'.- seven or eight t'.tt.,as is often the case for JoeyB ',Hank Sdzolai- Eighteen exciting chapters and more 0 natra| riglit- d man}. ack____ I-7.with Sinatra'scompanies. Sinatra'srec- than 200 illustrations cover every type of Beans Ponedel Sinatra's make-upan! ords arc also madeon his own personal social function from Y0"-1'!'092ll15l¢¢l" l persistently avoidedme. Inally up schedule. Hehas been known to keep rst birthday party to formal dinners, trying to see them. an orchestra waiting around a"studio wedding parties,and thelike. I _ until close to midnight, when he feels l___- j ..l. thiswould havebeen merelynus- 1-elssed enoughto sing at his best. lndldesemlluhlaldaaale -'1"' *1 trating ii it had not been for one Sinatra claims he works as he does incident that was alarming. While I because he knows exactly what is best l=v|r:IIrl-la-'*r,II¢II.,§3'.O-%_ -| was in Miami Beach on this story. III! for him. Directors who have worked with doeaeaeiosaa,ganaaa,al-caralaastraynass-sncoass"3 --L ' phone rang at lour one morning. Word him have been known to disagree. ll asaaasaasa. , apparently had been circulated that 1 he would just listen. Stanley Kramer, was writing an article. A low voice said. the producer-director, once said, he German? this is a common mispro- might become the greatest actor in the nunciation myoi name!.I_i youknow world." Sinatra will seldom listen. He f eaamina ° - whgfl good for you," the voice wt on, dictates notonly to the directorand pro- lay oil Frank. The receiver clichedin ducer, but even to minor participants. »~...~e"~*-"=*.s=,1?-.=.':-<-».....- On many occasions beacts_also as an my ear. _ _ _ _ _ 11111aQQ$11i1Ei1$ s At rst I was convinced it Ill I joke- uno$cial casting director. Shirley Mac- ' ---~"-~ " ' The trouble was, my rapidly bell-ill; Laine'a rapidrise has not come about heart didn'tact as if it had been a ioke; entirely as a result of her talent, which 250Food West55th Honsekecglllliioknlvqeaklll ts-eet,NewYoek19. FLY. nor did my shaking hands. It land to be is adequate. It is reasonable to assume I!-_l!I!_I!!_I. P_.@® rarrrr BOOK let a prank, I reasoned. Even those most that Sinatra'sinterest in her and his ll Ptsststll. infected by Sinatra's highlycontagious encouragement havebeen of great help. devil-may-care attitude would not be Time and time again Sinatra has told 0 rash enough to threaten a man. But I people that he hates being alone. And could not help being disturbed. it is a good possibility that his extraor- Much has been written of Sinatra'sdinary work schedule is predicated on '_;-.11" 92- 1:1 - -7~.~4,. 17.5. ._ .,_h._-_ _- .-5': . -,|,- .~ '-;/' __..c,___ . _ __ ._.__ _._.._....__l._ .._. women. To list all of Sinatra's girls Last year, S atra was involv_'§"lvithimZ§1'.i;}}LZh. would be an endless task, hut in recent Lady Jydglle 'tty, the American-bo-~stopped. I years Lauren Ba was the it unner, ex-wife oi _ 'Beatty, son _of Adm Some girls as far as the H yivood gue- .s were Beatty, hero o Jutland. S'ni:' visited h natra's current concerned, whe er anyone happened in the , at Palm Springs, the dancer. That is, she to ask, Will Sinatra marry again? and also went to sec him when he was ing. By the time this is read, - Sinatra met Miss Bacall while her making his annual pilgrimage to__Miarnihave been replaced.! huiband, Humphrey art, was still Beach. He visited her in London where alive. Bogart then l a small group. he demonstrated to British reporters that sINATfl.A'S friends say his called "The liol;nhy_ __ill.s . his hatred of the press is not limited by ardor is an indicatr which rnetregularly hishouse to mobk national boundaries: He appeared to mental zest for__1ife and experience study Hollywood soc' ty. Sinatra became loathe us just as much as he loathes chiatrists might have different views, a member in good standing. Hes a hell Americans, said Gerald McKnight of ing into consideration 'on them: of his 'that of a guy, Bogart once said to me. lie the Sunday Dispatch!. is fantastically meticulous. He takes :_'a;': Q tries to live his own life. ll he could only Sinatra was annoyed by reports that shower two or three times a day, ": stay away lrom broads and devote some he was about to marry Lady Beatty; he clothes more often than that, and is end-,-.'* time to developing himself i ishly insistent that his ,4: as an actor, he'd be one of tera be__kept_immacula I, ' the best in the business. = Sinatra was around the Bo- § gart house frequently, not KID STUFF only when the Rat Pack He will llbt listen to was in executive session but 92 at other times. He some- cism of any kind. times stopped in the mom- Such behavior cou1d'a'ukff§_" ing; other times he would geat that Sinatra'-'_1|".'aIe§'§| woundedotionally drop by in the afternoon, he was very young and hiagfii stay for dinner, and sit not been able to heal the_f§;" sltuuaau DPa'92lIII92a" until lllla-ll lain nan. ma ll nia-in}"-5-"- . 5?»-i_._._"Ei 1 l don't know what it is _ ' " . wounds with the salve maturity. Like his relations-~_ about this joint; it seems - _ // to be a kind of home for ', ' i " l with women, the saga of E ti I.~l-i"~*.= -.1E,},, ii-'2?5 icrmative years has hirn, Bogart told me. It's 1 , __ rt R. _. :3. 9;,- ht/, . _5 set down so many tinJ_es_;l_'. as though he doesn't have a i? '1. = . ~ that to repeat it except -_ = home of his own. We seem rt, I In he parent symbols or 5 briey would only waste something. Or maybe it's space. He was born in L just that he likes a place ...;'-;._ $ . bolten, New Jersey, "thc_-Q-_' -" /--" only child of a mother whit where he can relax com- .. -- ~.,»r/ 92 pletely. l I N was a minor politician attii,'g:= a father who was the set;-,'_1_t_ :'92iter Bogart died, per- 92 *1>.§eQ " haps it was only natural for _ . _ ii ' 1 nndary character in tl_t_aI§-J eonnuhial drama. Variousyt Lauren Bacall to turn to . --- oél ~relatives and friends helped :'$i'j" -. , . Sinatra for companionship, raise him. Skinny andf_'[email protected]:- but their relations rapidly . a 1-'<'.-" _§ --1,,-»' .,..-. ~ 3 " '--'-' -.""_ i r . a -- progressed upward from "*.~ ;-_._',-*;__' *»- __ 7 QOQ 1 heslight-muscled,for has an never not of lost.staturewihe Evidently,made_t2_'§v§ mere sociability. One eve- _ 3 as events have shown, li_e' 92 ning, while the relationship '- _"-7-.'._"1a'lS;a:' -'- . *3-,,., a compensating eockine_sa'-i;f was at its warmest. I had a drink with her in Beverly .. -.7 _,__- §§-. - -y. .-- .___ did not make up_ ior '__it_' A Hills. She was awaiting a ~ -T? ,=.:;.-.f-_z_:,{>,;-;-; ;;,;~_:; enough, and still hasn't. -'7 - telephone call from Sinatra. What a glorious morning Indication that this haéi- ';92' to collect my allowance! ground may have left Si- ' natra emotionally torn edit be found in recent accounts who was in Florida. Her _ s J of his life written by bioké eyes danced in anticipation. raphera not strongly indii-_,_ After she came from speaking to him on told an audience which included Prin- enced by him, his clique or his agents. the phone, she was radiantly happy. Are cessMargaret!, l did not come here to Once Sinatra told a reporter that he you going to marry him? l asked bluntly. get married. One friend of Lady Beatty'sgone to see a psychiatrist for a time _b§tt . She gave me a mysterious smile and recently told me, She felt he was too then he had given it up; he had iound__;f_ changed the subject. mercurial for marriage. Sinatra's reason out what he wanted to know, he"aait_i.{ Later Louella Parsons broke the news for the eventual breakup has not been The resulting combination'of'his that they were to be married. Some men registered for posterity. havioral tendencies and of his vaat'"a'n"d;'-_- close to Sinatra have told me he was in- Sinatra. as a lover. is a hit like an growing personal power should ' furiated; they say he blamed Miss But-all avalanche. Not long ago a starlet, who cause of concern to all who watch and lor the report and icrthwith hrclte ed wan _" gig '§"- aria-lfnr U.I_ ""' In" fags» "''risaara _ fthnrniau92 """"I''"""' lillpn In ' I"'I' nnnullf'- ltbnrarfil """""|-"" I-nil ''" llarl Gail;""'"_ their relationship. Others say she was setting some sort of tenure record!, de- vision shows, movies, and nightcluh _act'a.. troubled by rumors she kept hearing of scribed his courtship. First. there were It would he disturbing indeed even ifT_ Sinatra's herculean interest in the oppo- the incessant calls, the said. Funny this enormous power were in the heat" site sex and decided that he could not callsjoky, kookie calls. You know, of a completely stable and predictah take Bogart's place as a father ior her Frank is a real wit. Uniortunately,ahe human being. When it iain the hands. children. Whatever happened, a month could not remember anything iunny he oi 1 man torn by emotions that he app'a'r;?. or so later, when they brushed near each had said to her.! "Then there were all ently either cannot or does not care nlher at a party. they scarcely spoke. the ilowers and champagne and presents control, it is something to view The romance had lasted a year. Recently by the doeen. And then, when he nally alarm. As Lord Acton'a _iamous Miss Bacall told me that Sinatra still got back to town he'dbeen awltlt there states: Power tends to corrupt and _r'_: calls her occasionally. Others have re- were the nights at his favorite restau- solute power corrupts aits'olutely.'.'.-Ii-_;.-I,--_V ported that he calls his lirst wife, Nancy, rants. She stopped. f prodded her to T:-ta Elm _ : 134 earl?" l;'lIl I. i. a. Iv eaa eana1a'0a_aa_a,:id'Z -__ 3: " _; * _ -. g-.1 11* 5.: "r, - . = '=* "i¢;.?"-;=;_"'.¥F Ear: 3-1'-_=e-¬! - - .:<_?f¥-2.122";Eél{Y,.-'5':-5! E?9292i.-,;'-Iii:-.:}?,- _' _r< ii f-:1 " ET,; EL . r Y PH. " :-,; l"".. -12:1! = - =¬1',§_,<>;-"'-"*3 ' ',1 "1 w i¬§:_"---P" " 5!,- > __ .- _§._- -F? -=' 113°§f@~¢r»n

'-.I9¢* be1'ore_.he _ was 'bea.ten' pg 51%-xfq; ._h11.s_ky téoinpaaibn .-out-a1de='the Movilin Rouge,

= Moran, whose _-testimony was haqkeq up by t.h.re_é- otner }Mou1in Roiige parking lot at I itendants, made his charges at a hearing at the city at mi "-' -92l'Il ..- -1-r-92792|G_,-.| ':s::=:e::*m**,-n::a.:w== ,._ .-'-J'--»c- - er an assault and battery eomplatnt 7'§-'_§;._.__ ~31-éamd be lodged against aura. ' ~_ -. -"19 ".r'.¢I-'. Moran has legl ;_ $100,000, i_damal'B suit against Blna-___' --- H£R.P;_C;F.!.T,.. IfEM ill. "Big john opldns, | *~ --.112 -1:10 ?.=:-.a'::»1@:>1~I n road manager tor entertalm I er Sammy Davis jrgjand 10 '- ujohn Does! as ;_t!Q_,";!ner__. 'math bf the alieged attack. a , Moran, 21 claims that he? was anotherbeaten-{by attendant Hopkins was zm nag; {handled byainatra, atber at $1004-plate Chlflty party Ion SHARE at watch B1m.tra.tbe-* came involved "In an ment with astor John Wayne, atnatrn. who did not Ipp¬81; at the hearing,-was Hpte-92 ALL """f.55%5NT-ORl~$.+=T1ON CONTAINED g_ent_ea byany. mm Rutlin. HERE?! 1° uucmssxr Hopklnl was I101?-_I'e]IIl"4C;i_Q%I§tl.92 - T°'"1¥J1?8"511t-3:l'P1!,*>t. at Moran: DATEZQZE-av a am mm m 1;. -- 5' Q..o ~ =1 // c

. .sa:=.:-.11-: J -- "-- -r E 1 ,§_j, - Q;>1} I910 95 '92§;:. | ll Ia V

i-Fisht.H¢a=rri_=Ig., -

p i - " WAYNE ROW The ght took place at the= i Moulrn -Rouge following-11 ;' l $100-a-plate charity party forj SHARE, at which Sinatra earlier became involved in an argument with actor John Wayne. r - - Moran's testimony was sup- 5 ported by three "other Moulin; Rouge parl-zingiot attendants. ; ow Up All stated that Sinatra had I. called down another at-; Frank Sinatra tailed to ap-- 7 tendant and shook another pear as ordered today before. attendant by the lapels, be-y Deputy City Atty. Edward fore turning on'Moran. i Davenport. - The three were Michael J. He was to tell his own ver-; sion of events in a May 14 Hart, night parking lot man-. parking lot tracas as part of: ager, Lex Winter, and Bud a hearing started yesterclaylHakim. by Davenport. Moran has led a $10U,0U0i Davenport had said he 1 wanted to hear all sides" be-lcivilgdarnagekins -and 10 suit John against Does" Hpap-itas 1 fore determining whether or an aftermath of the alleged not assault and battery!Elllllbill. H-pl'¬S92il'lLll1g J.92r'1U.l_Hni charges should be filedljis Atty. Samuel Brody. against the singer. . SECOND CHANCE Since Sinatra did not take advantage of his sec- . 2 ond chance to appear today I I _ L. and had refused to attend ' the initial hearing ycster- ~. day Davenport stated he would determine late today 1 or early tomorrow if crim- inal action should be filed. The hearing was called 1 if--5. ";_f_Y "-'"i.!f.! Z"."iC.'l-?92I on charges made by Eddie Moran, parking lot attend- ant, that he was shoved by Sinatra and beaten up by Johnliopkins, road man- i ager {or Sammy Davis jr. Sinatra's attorney, Milton I ' , ' ter- 14¢

Rudin had indicated yes fi?-57.43 - sday that he might be able to =4.; " 1 "'11-.-ll--:92"£1Z'='£? o¢:;r'5".a_?.iaE¢~T3 ' persuade the singer to ap- "_ r~_.-;.-- L-,.-4:1,-if:-:3-1-;.-! 92 pear today. sThe singer, he said, had . <7 f.P.'.§i tayed away from yesterdays 1ession partially to avoid pub- icity and partially because he ifelt that the criminal pro- ceedings were being used as means to get more money in Q/W a civil action. i Charges of battery and dis-i turbing the peace will be brought against Hop kins, who is named in Moran's complaint as the person ______,;i ~---w-5.

_- 2 Wed. ip: @if;iz2x1-,7§§e*i5i

Sitra Relcxféé iH:is Side of Bo a "L01?

ii. I'7q92."-.' Fs=."{~rinr,~;"1 "xiv_-92itri*'nr~i said hi: 1T.ri92.aaiHn 92.k'O92|ifih6_ I"iI.iCi7_Csaw Moran the Hliendanl "gESi.iClllB.LiHg5wheni -itirfoie idevzcie LnHa_92- if Frank Sine-?wii.h his arms." , iH2_92i'Eii' be cit-argc-<'i ii-nix aSJ 55,1,-3 Said he put his hands! .saiii1 and battery for an Fl1'Iupf_f! defend h§mSe1{_ J icgeq ?tT!HCi~I on a Hniiywoodf A|[ was in fear of mv Sam; .j!¬::;:- ltlgil.aT.£_¬nCiHDLity_-- Said the star, .3-Last put! 1 '1ne enLeitaiiiei' ¬ip]Ji.'F11¬ri_31.-nu.handsupfi n?92E'I'!"92:"-3'19. Ci..* haif office I . . 92 x 17.,i-my ::Icr:-. .'.:=.,i.,;;,.m, ar. H,_i_, -P-i.7f3l3-£1, W, iiM0"a'ég?i]jntO Sinaiiza. said 3 scuffle Hopkins almostand ,.; "My iCI'i§.8l:i;2H]!=i'3 j: K -mrne 1816 GAVE y. ~ $20 TIP . i i92£?OlLJ8g¬i ¬- _iM_,____'_ Hf ' Asked if he called 1.0 Hnpinns _ Ii-imp.-~_ M mi: 92i.';;r'|1 m we|.aid gflmanager later apologized 1'01 110;'i"» ailen.r?am_ !'Ciarence U16 ?*$$9T1Bd P9616655 d1'i92;'iI1E', Eiigirsii. PH. the singer was b9_ii3y the attendant and promised '1-aging. :1: would nOl happen again. ; i92»iGi';iE: also ch-argeci tiiai. aj Sii"|aLi3 said as he left the iman uiiii Sii1an"P.. later iden-"night club he gave a $20 tip lzified as John Hopkins. body-{Lo the head parking iot attend- jguard of singer Sammy Davisiant. !Jri. pummeled him about the; He insisted Mom was the lhead. SNATRA mm "LPPSET, Eetual 1. OVag%}11"eS?0rd and I pushed .up atSii1aua._ a f9292'8~i'JOU1 who failed hearing is show, conrlrmfs EDGE? jawyel-' qu':S[§;-Iii; Samuei Ob; Brody;ii; ildllitd bf Davenport 011 I92/I01]-{Sinatra insisted h&_ma__not in_ i§3!§h_§i9m'_§d hf _m5l_1'u¢t@d Blg toxicated and that he tried U0 ii 0,11. LO 3ft. ff? _____ ibreak up the scuffle between 5 .9? 3n»E':i3_m¢i, wiiu i;cai'i_92I§}{Op!;jn_<; and Mm»an_ ., , -got min a fight wmb -movzca _ , i ihern Joni: 9292a92=iin at the Qua"- iiume iS{;tand pai"1_'.', i1'ighLened" said he by was the "up-~ ind / _- icicient in".'oi92-'!i"ig the atL<1ndani._i , _. 3 He :"ecaH-':d that as he iefti 'Z ithe night club he "nearly gnu _ I . . cardrn-en b_92' English. I _ K _| _ _ i . __ The __...._.. ac1i§1*"SaT?1""l92e _..______!__r_ was about? i " 1" ~" " J i é .92 _-

. 1/ fr".1 V5- " accuse Pal ;C|1a_T§_'Je% on isinéire A Dropped Singer Frank Sinatra will noa be charged witli battery resulting out of a Hollywood night club parking lot brawl, but one oi his buddies will be accused of assault and battery and disturbance of , _ ..,_ the peace. s Chief Deputy City At-ton l F 1 _ - . ney Edward L. Davenport i / /,1-I '/15 l decided late this afternoon that there was not suffi- cient" evidence to file a complaint against the thin J x-;,,__/_.= C/._|92'?;,7~ V/6/lit/9 j,_/' [,1 J/ iisiriei singer, but there was ' 'H Q74 enough against his friend 92 1 John Big John! Hopkins, Sammy Davis road mana- ger. _ Sinatra denied he used his fists against parking lot at-5 tendant Edward Moran, 21, who said that the singer and iopkins assaulted him with-; but cause. Moran asked for a mis-i demeanor complaint against both Sinatra and Hopkins. "»/~?< , thing I knew, heiwas sort L of wrestling with John Hop-_ 9292inS_n I _. _ . _ ..%i__ 4, - - I

sm, sum mu cmr 2-2327! 9/6/60 Sm, ms ANORLI8 2-1:861 A

FRANK BIRATRA INFORMATION OONUlBNIRG Re your letter dated T/18/B0 You! request 1 a review or the Loo Angela Ottioe files on SINATRA DRAM MARTIN, EH18! I BANIOOLA and PAUL I. D'Al!A10 or Atlantic City, New Jereey, who ° have t i led an application tor a financial interest in the cal-Reva Lodge at Crystal Bay Lake, Tahoe, Nevada . This in an extensive project, a portion or which has been completed, although it will not brpoaaible to flnilh the review for approximately 30 dean.

For your information at prelent, SAHIGOLA in not at Attorney, but in Personal llanager for BHAHA. D'AIlA'l'0 ia owner or the 500 Club at Atlantic city, New Jersey.

Upon completion or the rile review, your Office will be furnished the results. 4", A /A/» .__r 2 - Salt Lake City

G! - Loo Ange lee V! Y

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/'97;mu _; out

SUBJECT;FRANK SIHATRA _ . A-R £7 C Newark7/22/60 dated re-

Above reference includes following informtion: ' The "500"Club 1»located in Atlantic city, N. .1. and is owned by PAUL "SKINNY" D'AMA'IO of Atlantic City. It is reported tint DHMATO; DEAN MARTIN end 5 others have purchased an interest in the gambling casino st Lek; Taboo," -

For reference only.

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El Information pertained onlyto a third party withno reference to the subject ofyour requestor the subject of your request is listed in the title only. '

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Date TO: CHEEF CLERK Subject '


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Rovlnwcd by /' I 92 1 "W"!, , SALT LAKE cm: 2-2327! 11/3/'60

sac, LOS ANGELEM£5?:§§6Il~

FRANK SINATRA INFORMATION CONCERNING ALL CONTAINED mm . 1s uu 551 Re your letter Z/18/GO, requesting-P+~TE£2&§2Bv information concerning FRANK SINATRA, HENRY W. SANICOLA, DEAN MARTIN and PAUL E. D'AMATOof Atlantic City, New Jersey, as well as any connection between SINATRA and ALBERT MALTZ, a Hollywood motion picture figure.

Files of the Los Angeles Division contain extensive references to FRANK SIHATRA. They indicate he became a prominent entertainer as a singer with the dance band of the late TOMMY DORSEY at a time when MARIE MC DONALD was a feature singer with the band. Since that time, he has engaged in radio, television, night club and motion picture produetions, has resided in the Les Angeles area, although he has traveled extensively, and has invested funds, or at least has allowed his name to be used as an investor, in several businesses in this area.

During his more recent endeavors, his business manager has been HENRY W. SANICOLA.

He has maintained a residence at 10051 Valley -J;-'4.---3"-92I|'l'92 "6 -. T: 1-a--o--v,i f92 I'M . 4AI-nth| w ¢ v o n a I-$0111:-unnz-I.Q v an--n-Juwwu E-,z'l'|'Pn1-u-Ha van-u.;v¢.aa-nun, I-.010 Iva-Brroovnlv hnnnl'92 pr -. I'M?J 1 -1 He is divorced from NANCYSINATRA andAVA GARDNER.

The Villa Capri Restaurant, 6735 Yucca, Los Angeles, lif iie Hollywoodarea.

1--n-Q K A _ J_ RUG _._ _ . ,, . " 2 - Salt Lake City _ ' 1 - Ins Angeles A - IJL:! 11J _~ ,' .1 .' SEARCHED 1 ¢ 92 - ' v . mosxeo I . '1 OFHIA - OI-ZITIH


Q -wk A7. .. ¥j',§9' 7- - .,._-


LL... It was in the Villa Capri that MICKEY COHEN engaged in an altercation in January, 1958, with a waiter for which COHEN was subsequently convicted and fined although he has not paid the fine and is currently under prosecution for Federal Income Tax evasion. _

Confidential information haa been received which is considered . L, Chicago 00in machine operator, - eportedly i n contact with FRANK SINATRA and DEAN MARTIN in 1958. About that time, FRANK SINATRA and DEAN MARTIN were in Madison, Indiana, in Zhe-connection with the shooting of a motion picture. According b to confidentiai and reliable information, an aeaociate of MICKEY COHEN requeated COHEN to make arrangements with FRANK SINATRA and DEAN MARTIN at Madison, Indiana, so that COHEN's friend could take them to dinner.

" Information furnished by confidential police informants on a number of occgeiona has indicated that COHEN keeps FRANK SINATRAs residence address and telephone number in his phone books for ready reference,

received that


indicated an inte the summer of 1959, although believed no formal that arrangnent srmvrnn am travel D tri was nade and it in not

_p_ LA 62-4867

In 1957, an inquiry was made concerning JOSEPH Chicago, Illinois, and Miami Beach, Florida, who reportedly had made a trip to Los Angelee. This inveetigation developed information that a JOSEPH H, FISHER J 7601 Miami View Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, was a guest at the Beverly-wilahire Hotel, Beverly Hills, California, from 10/16/57, to 10/E3/57, and that he had two telephone calls charged to his hotel bill on 10/1o and 10/20/57, which were made to telephone Cestview 11-.1c13: 11111,:te lephone, at the time, was listed to FRANK SINATRA, 260$ Bowmont Drive, Beverly Hills, California , From informition aveilab 1¬ it was believed that the JOSEPH H. FISHER registered at the Hotel was JOSEPH FISCHETTI.

Information obtained i n confidence by the Riimi Office in 1958, indicated that J OSEPH FISCHETTI was quite occupied with FRANK SINATRA at the time in Florida and ther 8 was some indication FISCHETTI hi d an ownership interest in FRANK SINATRh's entertainment co ntracts. It wa reported that during the 1946-194? winter season in Florida, §IATA and JOSEPH FISCHETTI both travel ed to Cube at about the sem E time but they were not known to have traveled on the same 57¢plane. On 3/Q0/58, JOSEPH FIS CHETTI and FRANK SINHTRA a.m. in a cocktail lounge. t the Fontainbleau Hotel, £30 W , t _ i gr in which FISCHETTI and SINATBA were riding that night.

In June, 1958, confidential information was received from a banking source in Cuba, that TONY MARTIN and FRANK SIHATRA were among a group of U. S. residents putting up 10 million dollars for the conatruc tion of the onte Garlo and gambling oasino;m the Barlovento development in Cuba.

A confidential informant or the Loe Angelea Division reported a group of proginent restaurants in the Log Angelee area are owned by a number of pe ople, many of whom are of Italian extraction, who have persons not of Italian extraction fronting the operations for them. One of the investors

_3i LA 62-3867

reportedly was FRANK SINA$RA and another person having something to do with the arranging of the sale of one of the restaurants according to this source, was FAEB SICA. former los Angsles top hcodln.

- Confidential information was received from the haw gork Qffice that GENEROSO BELDUCCA of New York was rataily stricken in the Fontainhleau Hotel, Miami Beach, on the evening of 3/23/60. At that time he was at a table in the company of FRANK SINAERA. It was reported that TONY BENNETT,another singer, and FRANK SINATRA, attended the wake in Brooklyn, New Zork, for DEL DUGGA. A source had advised in confidence that SINATRA's association with DEL DUCCA dated back many years to a time when DBL DUOCA paid $10,000.00 to arrange with someone to put'FRANK SINATRAon the BOB HOPE Show.

A Newark informant, in 1960, reported that JACK DAVIES, R8 Heat 48th Street, New York City, who died early in 1960, was the "front man" at the Sands Hotel, Ins Vegas, Nevada, for the ABNER ZWILLHAN-JOSEPH STAOHERGERARDO CATENA syndicate and that FRANK SINAERA had a two per cent ownership investment in the Sands Hotel which originally coat SINATRA $120,000.00. Later in 1960, SINATRA had a seven per cent interest in the Hotel and his current address was given as 151 El canine Drive, Beverly Hills, Galifornia. SIHATRA has FBI No. 3794610.

SINATRA has been openly friendly and in close association with actors DEAN MARTIN, SAMMY DAVIS, Jr.» PETER pictgggLAWFOR and entitled 30E? EiS0?."Oceans They werewhichll", in the was filmed cast ofin Las a motion Vegas in . _ According to an article the June, 1960 issue of Playboy Magazine, FRANK SINATRA is now in the theatrical agency business and handles, through nanny 3An1c0LA, the affairs of mm wurrm, sm-my DAVIS, Jr., TONY nsmsm, MORT SAHL, ZSA ZSA GABOR and others. SANICOLA and SINATRA have been very friendly with ' RALPH GAHBINA, manager of the well known boxer 01500 ANDRADE.


*". "* i '-T * '_-f_i it W LA.62~486T On ll/B/53, a raid was made on an apartment located at the intersection of Waring Avenue and Kilkea Drive in Hollywood, California. The raiders apparently broke into the wrong apartment being confused by separate entrances to three apartments in the same building, and hurriedly made their exit. It developed that this raid was made by private detectives BARNEY RUDISKI and PHILIP IRWIN, accompanied by FRANK SINATRA, JOE DI MAGGIO, HENRY SANICOLA and PATSY D'AMORE, The group apparently were searching for , then the wife of DI MAGGIQ, the former New York Yankee baseball player. Miss MONROE was about to obtain a divorce from her husband at the tim E and apparently was in the apartment house but in another a.p8.Ii;ment at the time oi the raid. This incident, known as the wrong door raid, received a great ddnl of inquiry by the Los Arzge lee County Grand Jury. A State Senate Committee investigated private investigators in March, 1957, and held hearingiin Ins Angeles. FRANK SINATRL claimed he did not even appear on the scene at the above described raid although he was identified by others in the area an having been present. DI MAGGIO successfully evaded 1 subpoena, thus did not testify, although he gave an ariidavit to support the story of SINATRA. '

FRANK SINATRA and PETER LAWFORD are reported to be the owners of Puccini's Restaurant in Beverly Hills, Californi 8. LAWFORD is the brother-in-law of Presidential candidate JOHN F, KENNEDY.

In the spring of 1960, FRANK SINATRA announced he had hired ALBERT MALTZ to write the screen play for a motion picture SINATRA planned to produce. MALTZ was one of the group of writers in the motion picture industry who received considerable publicity in 19T, and thie group became known by the newspaper term "Hollywood Ten". The group included 10 motion picture personalities who were subsequently called before the House UnAmerican Activities Committee in Washington, D.C., in the fall of 1937. As a result of these hearings, the 10 individuals were cited and subsequently convicted for contempt of Congress and eerved prison sentences Informants have advised that all 10 were or had been members of the Communist Party in Hollywood.

_5_ LA 62-14867

After SINATRA made hie announcement that he had employed ALBERT HKUTZ as a ecreen writer,.coneiderable Variety"public reaction magazine waifor re ll/50, arted in contained the preee, publiehed and e "Daily- etatement quoted am follows-over the name of FRANK SINATRA:


"In view of the reaction of my family, my friends and the American public, I have inetructed my attorneye to make a settlement with ALBERT HADTZ and to inform him he will not write the eereen play for "The Execution of Private $lovik". . I- "I had thought the maJor coneideration wee whether Q or not the resulting script would be in the beet intereete R1 of the United Statee. Since my conversations with r. EAUTZ ? had indicated that he had an affirmative, Pro-American " approach to the etcry, and eince I felt fully capable as producer of enforcing euch etandarde, I have defended my hiring of Mr. HAHTZ. Bt the American public has indicated e it feele the morality of hiring ALBERT HAUTZ is the more crucial matter, and I will accept this majority opinion."

einger. Informant vee a 1957 Gldemobile q California number ie Valley, California hae eeveral proeti < operate eue_e1_naetaurante P area. claimed Q * * to and be worried nightclube in for fear the hie nonparoleAngelee officer W _ out ~ n about hie aetivitiee and cauee hie parole to be revoked.

lQ7c/ c

I _5- f e

'n ' _'~ ~" -- 7 'r:'__ i~'_;:;_' >7 4: .. ,_;<._.v_ W .'i -- _ W _ e - _ __.--. -v-- LA 62-R867

An informant in 1959, advised that REY RYAN, prominent gambler and real estate owner, utilises one SEAQQ! HQLFE to sell favors distributed as Ia: Vegas hotels to their guests. Informant stated that WOLFE frequently places large bets with gamblers tor such bettors as DEAN MARTIN and FRAN SINATRA. R

One of the early motion pictures in which FRANK SINATRA appeared as an actor was entitled Nan with The Golden Arm". It portrayed the use or narcotics and there was considerable opposition to the motion picture for that reason.

' In July, 1959; FRANK SINATRA rented the entire first floor of the Claridgn Hotel, Atlantic-City, New Jersey. This space consisted of 10 bedrooes and three parlors. The only hotel record or the occupants besides SINATRA are his valet, TONY CONSIGLIO, 120 Chestnut S et. New Haven, Connecticut; JACK HNANTY, connected vi a music publishing house in New York city; BOB WAGNER and s wife NATALIE HOOD, Hollywood motion picture stars; and 3 _ KAKN, prominent song writer. Although information ual received that SINATRA was visited by THOMAS LUCHESE. VITO GEN SE and SAM GIANRANA, investigation was unsuccessful in placing LUCHESE or GIANCANA at the hotel. Information available at s Angeles indicates that one person states he saw an individual who meets the general physical description and appeared similar to the photograph of SAM GIANCANA.

Information has been received from several confidential ' sources that BEAN HRRTIN and FRANK SINATRA engaged in indecent a with other persons. One victim in a NSTA investigation 55¢ ' In January, 1963, dgrigg lye man-i£m¬g;=,§.2-2

,,-,9 Is!sns%n...=.....? herself as an actress, hav ng been Shein the Angeles area about four to six weeks during which time she had lads the


_ w , t__ .. ___ .;_,.__-=--at-__i.... _ .._,____ 92 _ . LA 62-ass? .

&¢qun1ntan¢e.- aed, of FRANK SINATBA. She said that PPP°I1m8t81Y ,previously, as a friendly and kind Gesture. invited her to be his guest at the Sands Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, and she had made this trip t° LB! V388: and returned accompanied by SINATRA'ssecretary. She admitted that while at Las Vegas she had shared the .1.;.>D Presidential Suite at the hotel with FRANK SINATRA and PETER LAWFORD, however, she stated each had occupied separate bedrooms and nothing immoral had taken place. She assumed an arrogant attitude regarding the inquiry being made, claimed SINATRA had paid for her transportation and all enpenees nd a she contemplated another trip to las Vegas

SINATRA has been in numerous altercations in the los Angeles area, generally in the vicinity of a night club and during late night or early morning hours.

Much of the information above is furnished from confidential sources whose identities must be protected - and the information should not be disseminated in any manner outside the Bureau until there has first been made a check with the los Angeles Office to determine whether or not the material should be disseminated.

Ins Angeles Office files show that FRANCIS ALBERT SINATRA, aka Frank Sinatra, RBI No. 379K610 was born at Hoboken, new Jersey, on 1g/13/17, 12/lg/16 or 12/12/15, according to publications and Selective Service records, the latter two dates being listed in the Selective Service records of Local ItDraft is Board reported No. 19, HudsonSINATRAthat County, school Jersey left while city, a eeniorfin New Jersey. fl high school at Hoboken to commence work. His first wi e * nae HANG! BARBEQA and his eeeond uife was AVA QiRDMER= '

Q .r Confidentially it was reported that SINAERA was an reJected for military service by his local draft board because SIHATRA was found by a physician to be suffering from an ear ailment andalso*frou eotionglinstability. The only arrest for SINATRA indicated on his identification record is by the Shriff's Office. Hackenssok, New Jsrs§¥= where h was charged in a case under Docket .


r _~Y'-c-~- ~ ~-v~' . . ___,_ _ii___,v_ _,_._ W 7 Wi,___ _;:--- --eve ~ . . __V__;<=;.=;__-...~---~ ..._-._7_':______. ,___ _»-'=~-'=-'-- -"-=-v - .... LA 62-#86? _ Huber 15228 on 12/25/38, with having seduced a female. He was released on $1500.00 bond and when it'was ascertained that the complaintant was a married woman rather than a single woman as originally charged, the complaint against SINATRA was withdrawn on lg/T/3 , and in_its place was SINATBA substitutedwas released acomplaint on $500.00tiled 12/él/38, bond. _0n charging l/ /39, adultery.the case was remanded to the Gran Jury and under Docket Huber 1Bh50 for the Rrosecutor of the Pleas or Bergen county there appears that a "No Bill" was returned on l/17/39, by the Grand Jury in connection with the second complaint. In accordance with the "NO Bill", th complaint was dismissed in open court of Quarters Sessions of Bergen County, New Jersey on 1/2%/39. SINATRA was fingerprinted by the Ios Angeles County sheriff's office for a gun permit on 1/3Q/#7. -

Considerable information concerning SINATRA refers to DEAN MARTIN as regards their be of large sums of

1&3 pauvn los Angeles Office files do not contain other 7 information of particular significance toward DEAN MARTIN. He was born 6/17/17, at Steubenville, , according to available unverified information. He has the nicknames of "DINO, DEANO and DENO", and is reportedly of Italian extraction.

HENRY w, SANICOLA, aka Henry W. Sanacola, aka Hank Sanicola, has resided in the Ins Angeles area for a number of years, and reportedly became acquainted with FRANK SIHATRA in New Jersey before they moved to California. ' R. a L? L;?£> in l9h9, stated Former SANICOLA Ins Angeles is a criminal cousin and informant 'person m nage of SINATRA.

-9- LA 62-4867 " -

'7 on Venture 7/ Boulevard, in Los Angeles, and is the father of HENRY SANICOLA and FRED SANICOLA, d d as business dgent forSANICOLAs mum: andsmrrna. TOM O. tatede ge in'a thefight with Insthree Angeles Police Department lieutenant TOMMY BRYAN at the restaurant, severely injuring the officer so that he was hospitalized for three days. This incident occurred in December, 1947, and no prosecution was instituted allegedly because the officer had no witnesses to present in his behalf. _ In 1948, it was reported that SINATRA, HENRY SANICOLA and LARRY RUMMANS, proprietor of two music.stores in Hollywood, had formed a corporation and intended to sell stock to raise money for the construction of a "Little Madison Squara§arden" boxing arena in Ins Angeles. HENRY SANICOLA was to organize a stable of boxers to be managed for SINATRA. The arena was not built, reasons unknown.

In 1959. HENRY SANICOLA and RALPH GAMBINA were charged by the California state Athletic Commission with entering a "secret" contract with San Francisco boxing manager BERT BRODOSE, in connection with the management of heavyweight boxer agreedRUBEN split The 33% commission percent contendedofVARGAS' GAMBINAwith and BRODOSE_ an purseadditional 1 Q per cent going to SARICOLA, business manager of FRANK SINATRA. In California it is illegal for a boxer to be paid less than 2/3 of his puree. The above data is from an article in the Ins Angeles Mirror-News, 10/20/59, and indicated the Commission ordered a one year suspension for GAMINA, a veteran fight manager. A reliable source advised that in 1958, RALPH GAMBINA was extremely friendly with HENRY SANICOLA. GAMBINA has been manager of the boxer CISCO ANDRADE.

In 1947, JAMES TARANTINO managed the Hollywood Nita l4fe Magazine,-described as an expose-type publication in the entertainment field. Incorporators were said to be HANK SANICOLA and BARNEY ROSS, former welterweight boxer. TARANTINO had a notor ious record subsequently in San Francisco, and was ultimately imprisoned there. TARANTINO in 1949, admitted SINATRA financed the magazine with $15,000.00,

9 -10-

* 7 * Y -if . _, . .. _ ____,.. ___ . ______=_-_-:_ ;__, _ -»-<'~~ea: .. ____:...... _ii.»-.._ Y __,. _.., _~,._ ,_,. ._.. . - -- ~-~--. _ LA 62-4867 " '

At San Franciseo,,JAHE$ TABANTINO beeame a radio~ caster on station KYA,_and in a broadcast in September, 1951, ge calleda San Lorenzo teacher,FERN BRUNEB,gp"reported ommun at or Communist aympathizer". She sue him for al1egedalander and won a Judgmentl. News articles stated en 12/10/53, the defunct geeeip magazine hellywood Nite Lqfe" was auctioned off on that date for the eum of $1.00. The only bidder was said to be GARDINER JOHNSON, attorney for BRUNER, who had won the Judgment and for his bid JOHNSON received 98 eharee of stock TARANTINO held in the publishing company and the other two shares, one each held by HENRY SANICOLA and BARNEY ROSS.

I-1.».-»a j- lo?» t PHIL, informed AMARI,snagP e , New . B7i! oeraey, rnup u-nmnwu, atlai City, New Jersey, and WILLIAM £57¢;,ZECKEND0RF, presidentof Webb & Knapp, Inc., have purchased a large parcel of land in northwest 108 Angeles, which is scheduled for an expensive real estate development. Daily Variety" magazine for I/18/60, carried an article datelined Reno, July 17, indicating FRANK SINATRA, DEAN MARTIN, HENRY SANICOLA and PAUL SKINNY! D'AHATOhave applied tO the Nevada Gaming Control Board for a combined 575 in the Ca1Neva ledge, lake Tahoe. Percentages were to be SINATRA, 25%; smcorm, 16~,-*5; nwu-1.rro, 13 5; MARTIN, 3%. BERT M. GROBER, major stockholder in Cal-Neva will retain 18% if the deal ie approved in the August meeting of the board, according to the article.

v 4 1

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T° sac, LOS ANGELES2-4867! 1 Am 11/15/6° :77 . 4104?? " J~;°M= sac, snur C 'LAKECITY 2-2327! J =1SUBJEC 1'-1=..=u~u-:I szzwraa mronnarxon concrnnmc

Remylet 7/18/60, and urlet 11/3/60. . It would appear to be in the best interests of the Bureau to furnish information contained in urlet on a confidential basis to the Nevada Gaming Control Board in an effort to curtail the activities of top hoodlums and their associates. -

In view of the statement set out in paragraph three, page eight, urlet, you are requaied to advise this Division what information in urlet may be disseminated to the Gaming Control Board on a confidential basis.

P _. @Z Los Angeles 2 Salt Lake City

CTN :ap !

C. "¢.s'5%s' ALLINFORMATION CONTAINED HERE! ?I= I ''-RS1!-I W.2z2?2tm:2%am4 I J _ 1I $2

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coun £5J a uor r =1u I ggineh Vparkingattendanfwhen lot he came to the aid of crooner Frank Sinatraduring eascrap" ,outsidet a_H01lyw0OdA night. dub3§._ .h - The sentencewas Imposed by Municipal Court Judge '1- tHa_rold'C. Shepherd;who con- grictecl Hopkins42 ofone count of rbatterylast Nov._9.- 92- I _ f .._ /'_, r#_'§he_Hopkins," burly stage '~ ;.+_1_.___, 92..92,.4_¢-:___ 5 .!L! e er. -for ginger Sammy gm Jr,also wag ///'? Q on-eohdion heremain iihw ab1d.ingc!t.lzen._ t _-; 92; "Judge Shepherdhad ruled, Hopkins_was the aggressor when hesluggedaparklng lot, lattenclan-t in defense of. oSinatr_e outside.the Bwseilasimy 14» -.2~-;== lonlyé1eHg_p_k1xm _'y.'ct.11_1_g__i.s-_fe '_ _ A 1. e|:.¬é .;'= =--;21;;=._-'-'j.t ; 1;». >-1-.~"1§?*.~-,1' 'rl_='n..atté11dant,"¥3ddie.1-I 't 22.h°!5=11¬1I-I95?w 1- t I .".eY%-TH¢pHn="' $g§mQewo L 63 Q0!-ITAINED r."3F$"! IS1E}"EC"'.¢.S$I5'I"' ' w,t:*"-"asE 1».-'5.-:r-. ?..2.?:'.%B¥ 92?;*e:_.lll:92-1|!-" E _1 Aif -l ht t _ =1: 4-».

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revealed .__ -14 J . :_ Pwlsmnhe c'r'nhx~ltoa. '.-'1'-J.-;»' ¢-.92'--' :*2121.=_i~==_2-2.P~=*.= =~§§3§~=~=@ ~==- - .-n. np uluiumiuzti be hula ofiu e» the 10110 received liti. nor OI 11. x;_-:95-5wf{ in detail, u the u _ :1 natunily mm I :;.z~.=.~._=-»-n.=1@ 5 n 4 entirely auotiglpntill _l.nd tied continued M lH80-.3.:.'~1 be diuaninato I1i~._1 ticaticn or u data '1 rout k receive addtticnll inquizi to manta, uhieh aha voluntnrpd in 9:-av1¢d.n¢an n§ h.vo¢Q92 Q I va nun ww-I-4» Q I

0. cording to II! 3'§¢9 I ' 1 an be 51201116 bl llQIIYl'1;'t'O'¢I-Cl 8c1_eot_1vo WK:

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v.._._,___-~» --__'.__,___ ~- _ _..--.-~*d ______,_...rf _ - ___ _ Vi 92 _Y._ _.V i except that TARANTINO's admission of SIRATRA's financing should be given as an item reported to the,FBI, not verified, nor was verification attempted." Identity of SANICOLA, in accord with paragraph 2 page ll, may be disseminated with the additional comment that verification has not been attempted; =

Information in paragraph 3 page ll relating to a real estate purchase, if disseminated, should include an observation that the source cannot be disclosed and verification has not been attempted. .

- The last paragraph on page ll is data within the knowledge of local authorities. e

Unless specifically described as material which can be disseminated in the foregoing analysis, Salt Lake City should not disseminate other items in Los Angeles e letter of 11/3/50. , ~

Your attention is directed to two civil suits pending in State Court at Las Vegas, Nevada against the Gaming Control Board of Nevada, the State of Nevada, and others brought by LOUIS THOMAS DRAGNAand MARSHALL_§AIBA0, aka John Marshall, alleging violation of their civil rights by restrictive action taken under direction of the Gaming Control Board, apparently based on information gathered by the Gaming Control Board from other law enforcement agencies.For the reason that some legal steps may be taken by the Gaming'Control Board of Nevada based on information supplied by the FBI or any other law enforcement agency, extreme care should be utilized in any dissemination and it should be made clear to that agency that the FBI has conducted no investigation of FRAHK szsaras, HEKHY E. SANICOLA, DEAR MARTIN or PAUL E. D'AMATO,to the knowledge of the Los Angeles FBI Office, at least, for_an alleged violation of any federal law. -

- 3 -

_ _ _ _ _ _ ___:_:; ~ _ ._ ..._ .- . .-._.___,._i_,__,.,_,__._,_..'. _ k .,_:r.. -- an-.-. . . _.3-in l-Wed..,Jgon.l8i196l_-l-A -- -f --Los'l{xossa~.rsr.on..| Dinner -l KENNEDY, ACIQRS i '.Contlnued'fro'm First PageGeorge Jessel introduced! lavish way that Evelyn him eloquently as hand-1 BY EARL WILSON V92{al_s'h McLean used to do it, some as FDR. and as cons-l Broadway Columnist JFK was the most ogled dent as L'Irurnan. Where- WASHINGTON--A little celebrity. upon.Kennedy responded in guy helping Frank Sinatra For an hour he sat with about 50 words, then said!: "Sinatra. the Gene Kellys,Was it all right, Georgie?"i with his pre-inaugural show Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh Never has the White! came into a tiny sandwicli and his father Joseph Ken- House had so lovely a mis- shop at 2 o'clock this morn-. -nedy - then rushed o with tress as Jacqueiine," Jessel Secret Service men to shake also said, but the First Lady ing and said: Gimme three hands at a bigger party at- didn't. hear-itias she was dozen hamburgers." tended by more stars includ- still in Palm Beach. The two counter girls ing Gene Barry Bat Master- Around 11 p.m., as Kenne-5 son!, Georgie Jessel and dy was leaving that party, gasped. Diana Lynn. the gave me a handshake andis _Frank," the little man ex- HIS HAIR was mussed remarked, not at allgwear-j plained, told me to get but -he was smiling and he il', I still have to go to. about S75 worth but I g- repeatedly reached out overlbllatv York tonight." Q ured this would be enough. four or ve heads to shake HIS SISTEIVS party was? EVERYTHING is like hands with somebody he so secret-ive that 92Vashing-l I that at Jack Kennedy's inau- knew. ton society editors couldn t| gural-bigger than it's ever get an? news about it and; been before. were ivid. One of them Sinatra and Peter Lawford called Sinatra for informa-5 were serying snacks at the tion, which he gave her. - ptatler-Hilton to Hollywood- r Its a ne thing when a tans who came in by char- "Washington society editor ;ered plane for the million ihas to get information from iollar show. They will re-- Frank inatra about a social tear-se nearly all night to- event, she said bitterlg. nght for Thursday night's Klermedgr and Miltan erle armory show featuring ev- exc ange clgarsa at ar- erybody from Mahalia ack- ty, nne y giving Berle: a son to Pat Suzuki to Eleanor very, very small one. Roosevelt. . ' ' I Oh, you're cutting down already .__ cracked Berle.__4 uster, _President-elect Mrs. Stcgahen Kennedy'sSmith. ind herhusban contributed zo the enormity of the occa- #735'?é3' sl_on by giving an exclusive , 1-4 , TJ l.n._ ..-..~-~.;e;s.'rn;»1: 92- A- cor~e'.1AINl-39 dinner at-their Georgetown home-for about 200. - 1 _KENNEDY _l'|i_mself was 92». tirelessly exerting every bit ¢ M Jf charm to keep people hap- zi I py despite inevitable -ticket92 Hllxtlps and hotel problems." Even though Nat King! , g ---1 _iI.I-inn * ,_1T Cole sang and Jimmy Du- SEARCHEE-.===92-.---=-INDEXED.. rante impersonated Jimmy- senmuztb n"Pé§"flLED.._f:-.-:-.{T': Durante at Mrs. Smi s din-1 neF.'¥nb.i,gF__ was giv'e JAN I961 . - Turn o Page 6; Column 1 t c l.F!.':.i;?.._§..._@§!i_l-it-E~i.., 'A

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J a.


Page s! withheldfor the following reason s!:__ _ _ ____ __ 'ro-aso Rev. 1'-l6-63!

MountClipping In ance Ealaw! i W1 §?i§i*ra Plans Mitrione Benefit Frank Sinatra will produce and headline a fund-raising benefit for i Dan A. Mitri-.-"--e, Rio-w-oar-Ia, ind, *'43;Z%go0192P*l~'° ,1, iv-rat-i-' surf 11/ A police chief who was kidnapped and » C w for siginthe while onU.S. State assi separtrnent.nrnent in Uruguay Sinatra will be fained by Jerry Lewis m*=.*i>fa3J£3Y and Orange Colored Sky to play Sat- urday at Civic Hall, Richmond. i _ i_ * Funds mised will be used for an |[15¢ié&i{p={;e! name of education fund for Mitriones nine newgpqpgy, any and Ilene.! children. it will be under direction of W ibham, president - 1r :ond National _ Page 2 Reporter Hollywood, Goli!=


Date: Ediiiam Monday Author: Editor: Title:

Character: I or _ Classication: , 1submitting Qiae: _ l UBeing lnvelttqatad i I " 6 .

92 570 I 43» -

_- __ ____ --.-=-+_ _.=T_: 1' _ _ ,___F_ _ ____? _ =_ _ _1 _ WY _ ___..._ ___.._f.___.___-___._ l . .. _.,..._-.-_- 92 FD350 Rev. 7-16-63}

r i Mount. --~ - ' a " Clipping 1 ii In space 7* aolow!""** 7 ' AGNEW TO ATTEND #- SINATRA CENTER RITES cortnizte Vice-President Spiro T. Ag- Dr. Roger Egeberg, assistant .5-EH1;- 19,master I _$.21??? new will join Gov. Ronald Rea-secretary of Health Educatiol D_,_.;_£ 5 *7 -- gan andFrank Sin ra Fridayand Welfare and head of the tn d ' tingthe M 'nAntho- n Sin ra Medrca n Federal Public Health Service Indicate paqe, name of r ese ospital in and pioneer heart transplan newspaper, city and state.! PETFS rings_ surgeon Dr. Michael DeBakey The $800,000 Iacility will be Houston, also will attend th< dedicated bythe singer in mem- ceremonies at 10:30 a.m. ory of his late father. It wit be Dignitaries will include repre h Herald-Examine used for post-graduate instruc- sentatives nt the federal am T403 Anpeles, Calif. tion, hospital stall training and stale governments and the en puredndhtional prngra ms. tertainment world. -_¢._»

---1 t eke

Y, Dale: 1/13/71 ' Ecllti OUT Latest 92 .7 r} : Author: 92 _ 92 92-'-- 1}-Id.1lo|': T1 tie: , 92 ll. I . .3 H: 92- r 92 * i t , '. t . . 92 I , t I . . Character: gr W_ t Cla slilcu 1 ., SuI q 0|!"-=e= L03 ."-11'1$"6 Being Investigated - .'f1 aL=/Lé'7'/fl E

92 w s£|t:At:l£l!.'-M--FLED?---"5""h's£»92Rcu£o'7,._-__ 1. "" ~~D-><,=»i»'/.-3 rs92-Jmxll-j-_1"92._r1 oe ANGELEa 6. W 1 ? _92 "

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HS _ Y SHOW _ INESS BY TED THACKREY JR. . -mm affwrller tipne withhis faintly, 't.h Ki, E-1'ani:his SiH3lF;2lnOUCBd rc-close friends and to do lirement from show business and "some writing, perhaps ur- from public life Tuesday. even . . . teaching. p 4/357 l ln a letter written at his home in The letter, addressed to ALL Ii~iFOR5.ic£on itosrmnss i a New York Daily News Ya 'DQ|r.-an yaaub-3|qI'92I'iI92I!'EI bub 'A.-...;|...... -_ nuauculy AWd!U-A .-..._._1 H-ts, iF.R£I!*?_1 tn:s l§'I:n winning actor and Singer said that columnist called Suzy, was ' -'='iE»Z.., 'i=§r'.J;§YdQ his decisionwas "final?and thatit later confirmed by a Sina- included participationin politicalaf- tra spokesman in Los An- fairs as well as entertainment. - geles, who added that-he had not been notified in Ilndltute page, name of For over three decades, he advance oi the singer's newspaper, city Gnd state.! wrote. I have had the great and I I I He a§%aredrst with l 800dfortune to enjoy a rich, reward- mnatra xumseu re- rry es, tliEi'l"Witi'1 mained in seclusion in ing and deeply satisfyingcareer as Tommy Dorsey in-the late I-1 T.-as Anoeles Tit an entertainer and public figure." Palm Springs, in the golf- l930s. butshot to stardom course. home he shares in the years immediately i Lo s f=_nr-else, Calif. Those years,"fruitful, busy, up- with his mother, Mrs. An- preceding World War II tight, loose, sometimes boisterous, thony Sinatra. with specializedvocals occasionally sad, but always excit- The singer, .55, said his such as "I'll NeverSmile ing, he said, nevertheless allowed retirement would be effec- Again and The Music tive "immediately" and ad- S pod. 1*-u, him little opportunity for reec- ded that there would be no tion, reading, self-examination and further announcements. lng, screaming that needwhich every thinkinginan His career, which began bobby-soxers mobhgihlg has for a fallow period. stagewppearances at the with occasional singing New York Paramount and fie saidhe hopedto spena rnor-"e engagements as part of a ii produced abonanza ofpub- e group when he was a teen- nA92-|L92aJlinlhr 1» Inu B 0 o 1- 9Q929292.G92*492:I11492U92l1- nuuacquclluj i ager, grew to major'pro-propelled him to Holly- ager in New Jersey, grew - to major proportions dur- wood. There he appeared :1 ing his early years as a as a singer in numerous da1it!l!"Ua'rtti vocal1s'E "' successful but undistin- guished motion pictures. His first marriage, to |ch_ildhood sweetheart t ;Nancy Barbato, dissolved ' in--the yeasty atmosphere of movie-making and per- -psonalmained fame,friendl but he re- iE,,,,,,-_,,,,onDate: term pin :_.;Pd,_.,eSday i wl!ll"fi'l'§'1irifeand iam1lyL' Author: 7 Editor: . .-t_- __ - T '7------_--._____;w-|_' ------1------.-+;---g*.'. v - - '_.-71;;l..: ..,_._ . Title:

Charactur: 92-

-1-Hse!-der d a u.g..h..t..|u;. Nancy, recently was mar- ried atchis desert home. Sinatra's career took what looked at the time like a permanent nosedive in the early 19505, when his second marriage, to ac- tress Ava Gardner, also was failing. But the nonsinging role of Maggio in the 1953 film, From Here to Eternity" --for which he won that year's Oscar in the sup- porting role categoryes- tablished him as an accom- plished actor. His singing popularity also returned as he developed a new style. ' - ' Arguments with the press," night club brawls and speculation about un- d e rworldi involvement: kept him "'a'colorful' figure and before the_ public. A third marriage, to Mia Farrow in 1966. lasted Hi-| °m7'*"°"-Y/[932-_. / ! .1 I

..--Q4-._; FD-350 Ftev. 7-16-53!


N|ratl~l'nmhier alwmlbl

I tivesto comeout ofreti t year to starin T , ttlei Prince," a 30-year-o d - -ii-_sHterabout a cynic lanel ;pilot who crashes in the . rt. ltand 9-year-old1 who boy con-' It-inc-es himthat liteis worthliv. llllg. . l Although specifyingthat Sina- 92tranot ha-s signed a contract, Paramount sources are cordi- ldent that Sinatra will return to em-k becauseof ms fondnet ltora dozensongs writtenfor ithefilm theby reunitedteam Ofl Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick I lbugwgwho bejjgvgmat -Thar;The Sinatra-Donendilferencesi ;,L|.tt.h_..2;-inoe" could,-be_the1r!

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