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CARY Family.Pdf «sr. i-S >••. ) P^EGOI^DS 7X<' yfrj/ t*/4rri of BRIDGEWATER, MASS. -FROM- 1()o() to 1681. PUBUSHED BY XjOI^XiTO "W. Srcs^oaa, 2v£ BROCKTON: WM, L. PUF FER, STEAM, BOOK AHO JOB PRtKTBB. 1889. ,JX^, '^T/'-^^^* t SH/RL£yMSHJRLSy M BESSI.VGEJf^^B£SS/.VGES'^ 950S.GILB£KTST -234 ">• AVAHE/M. CA. 92.'ii)4 J'o ihe numerous family in :dME^lG:d hearing Ihe honored name of Col'Ill', this record is respeclfuUy dedicah'd, by LOm-NG Jf'\ TUFFm, 'Brocklon, July /, 1889. reprinted by the M} OLD BRIDGEWATER HISTORICAL SOCIETY ^ 162 Howard Street ^ West Bridgewater, Mass. 02379 1? li 1986 NO'TBl. John Cary, or Carew as it was once spelled, the inuiiigrant, came to New beingKngiaiid then from 25 Somersetshire,years old. He Englaiid, married and Elizabeth, settled ill daughter Duxbury. of FrancisMass., (lodfrey,in 1639, m 1644 and by her had in Duxbury, John. 1645; Francis, 1O47; Elizabeth, 1649. He then removed to Hraintree, and had James, 1652, and linally settled in Hridgewater where his remaining eight children were born. He was one of the lifly four original proprietors of the town of IJridgewaler. He leinoved from IJrainiree to Hridgewater in 1654. In "1656 he was chosen C.onstable, being the lirst town oHicei and only one elected that year. He was the lirst town clerk, serving until 1681. He lived in what is now West Hridgewater, and about one fourth of a mile west of the old church. He died in 1681. His wife died in 1680. TOWI? RESO^DS —OF— BFl!JlDGE.WA.TElPi, MJSlSS. From the Incorporation of the town in 16^6. The marriage of James Gary which was solemniz^ the 4 day of January in the year of our Lord 1681. The children of John Gary; His first born being a daughter who was borne in the sizt of November in 1683 Eleventh whose name is Sarah was Dorne the second of August 1667. of the same month The twelfe whose nnineis Mahitabell son whose name was horn the twenty-fourth of the last [The residue torn off.] to the world month, 1670. See loth page for record 5 Lands laid out for Experience Michell of 10 hrst children. in the towne of Bridgewater, as follow eth: seventy six Acars of upland liing The day and yeare of the Birth of the between Thomas Heyward seynior but Children of John Gary Junior heare in ting upon Johns river on the North side, the towne of Uridgewater is as followeth. runing in length about South West and And his marriage was the 7th of De- North East, m A parcel of meddow sember 1670. land laid out in the Great meddow liing imprimis, his first borne whose name upon the North side of Nunchketatesett was John was brought forth into the River lying between Goodman Browne's world the first November 1671, and the lott & George Partridge's lott in the Lord took hime to himselfe, and was same meddow. buried the nine and twentieth of Desem- 6 ber '71. It is Ordered and Agreed upon by The second whose name is Seth was the Towne,the tenth of July 1660,freely borne the 28th of Jantiary 1672. And willingly to give to Mr. Buncker if The third whose name is John was he shall come Heyther to supply the borne the glh of Desember 1674. place of A minister, the sum of twenty Tlie fourth whose name is Nathaniel pounds Sc his diet. was born the 24th of November 1676. It is Inacted by the Towne this 22d. The fift whose name is Eliazer was of february 1660, that all cattle that born the 27th of September, 1678. goith upon the Common till a midsum The sixth whose name is James was mer day, whether it be their own or born the i6th of June 1680. other folks, are to be rated for. length about South West and North 'i'he seventh whose name is David was might be received as should maintaine East born at Bridgewater the seven and Be it knowne unto all men by these the public worshippe and service of tween John Gary's and the highway^ twentieth day of January 1658. presents that Nathaniel Willis and Law God, there doe therefore judge that on the river the eighth whose name is Hannah was rence Willis Inhabytants of theTowne both church and town are mutually en acres of land being his house lott but- born at Bridgewater the last of Aprill of Bridgewater do bind ourselves to gaged to support the same: and there ting 1661. free the said town of Bridgewater from fore do order and agree, That in what the river Runing in length about North The ninth whose name is Joseph was any charge or Damage upon said Towne soever towne there either is or shall be And South liing between Goodman born at Bridgewater the eighteenth of by the keeping their brother Jonathan an Able godly teaching mlnisttey, which Brett's house lott and Goodman Willis Aprill 1633. Willis, and to the which Ingagement we is aproved by this Government, that house lott which Goodman Harris The te^th'whose name is Rebecka was the aboved named Nathaniel Willis and then fowre men be chosen by the In bought of Goodman Willis, which also born th^fnirtieth day of March 1665. Lawrence Willis have Hereunto sett habitants or in case of their neglect, is six Acares running in length as above our hands this eighth day of January chosen by and three of the mayjisstrats mentioned. 11 1656. to make an equal and just proportion more A parcel of land graunted to The thirteenth of November 16 Nathaniel Willis. upon the estates of the Inhabytautes Goodman Harris butting upon the river Whereas certaine lands graunted Lawrance Willis. according to their Abylytyes to make liing betweene the said house lott which by the Countrey to the Inhabitants of It is agreed upon by the Towne of up such a convenient maintainance, for was John Willis & then running Duxbourrough at Massacquoetuccut Bridgewater the twelfe of March 1656, his comfortable attendance on his worke, in length up to the cartway and there now bein^ graunted A Townshipp and that there shall be hve woulfe traps as shall be agreed upon by the church bounded called Bridgewater, these are to informe made and completely finished, the first in each townshipp, where any is with m 2 Acares & 1-2 of meddow liing and d^eclare the manner of laying out tow traps by Goodman Bassett and the concurrence of the Inhabitants if it between (loodman Gannett's lott of these lands. Goodman Heyward J unior and Good may be had, or by the maygesstrates meddow and those lots that fell to Wheras Constant Southworth, Wil aforesaid in case of theire apairante neg man Goodman Godfrey &John Gary butting liam Paybody and William Brett in the Goodman Heyward Senior lect, and that destress according as in upon the river and Goodman Foard's Behalfe of the rest of the fefues which Goodman Harris & Goodm other just cases is due be made upon meddow neer to Cutting Cove. weare appointed by the Court for the Lawrence Willis John such as shall refuse to pay their propor m 2 Acares & 1- 2 of meddow be Disposing and laying out of these lands: Goodman Lathrope & Goo tions, which is in justice due, but in it more or less liing between the minis they having laid out divers shares of finish another and that Goo case there be any other way whearby ter's lott & Mr. Willis lands in the place: now in and upon A Kdson and Goodman Foahs any townshipp Doe or shall agree that being in the meddow which third division having laid out fifty & that Goodman Willis Goodman may effect the end aforesaid, this law was formerly called Acares to a share to the number of Goodman Richmond and Goodman not to be binding to them. the name of Goodman Fobes his mead twenty and two lots. Ames [The above is a transcript of a law of ow. But finding that it will be prediditiall finish another, and these traps to be the General Court of New Plymouth m 2 rood of land wfiich Goodman to the town, and it being desired by the by the last of March Instiing the date Colony, enacted at Plymouth June 3d, Harris bought of Goodman Brett liing Inhabitants of Bridgewater to have if any shall be found defective in not 1657.] before his Doore between his owne land their lands, namely the present division these said traps they are to pay tow by the Towne meet together and Godman Brett's house lotts but of fifty acares to a lott to lay by them selves— for every day they do neglect the work that those that made the weare at ting upon the river runing in length the aforesaid time is expired. have the fish theare for this year to the highway. We the above named fefues have [The residue on the right side is torn.] made the ware in Towne are to have agreed that the inhabitants of Bridge- 10 water shall have their lands liing by 8 fish there for this present yeare Afore The Day And Birth and year of John themselves within themselves, to have June the 3 1657. Whereas this Gen- mentioned. • Gary's Childrens: 1645. erall Court taking into theire serious power to lay out so much lands as shall About the holsters bought of Gbod- Imprimis, John Gary being his first In quantitie so much upland • Consideration the great defect that the fourth of November in Duxborrough man Hill, Goodman Hey Seynior Laid out to the Inhabitants of Dux either is or like to be in severall Town- the second bein|r Francis was borne bourrough namely twenty acare Lotts shipes in this jurisdiction for want of an and Goodman Harris having Ingaged And place the nineteenth of January able Godly teaching ministrey, and the for the payment of them being twelve fiftie acares to a share the third which is Elizabeth was That they come no nearer to f[reat preiudice to the soules of many shillings, the town was willing to pay Twentiety day of Desember 1649, namly the hous lotts then the other ike to suffer, and being desirous accord it them again in their rate, in the best The fourth whose name is James was ing to our dutyes that such defects should Acare lotts do which of their pay which they shall be amerced born at Braintree the eight and twenti their being thirty and four lotts not be for want of due Incouragement eth day of March 1652.
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