OMB RAIDER ASCENSION Written by The Matarrese Brothers WGA # 1987668 Property of The Matarrese Bros.
[email protected] FADE IN: 1 INT. BOAT -- NIGHT 1 DREAM SEQUENCE The dark cabin of the boat sways in the surf. LARA sleeps on a couch. She stirs at the sound of a boat engine, opening her eyes. The light streaming in through the blinds starts to move across the wall. Lara tracks it until it comes to a stop. A shadow begins to move revealing a silhouette of a man. He takes a few steps towards her. The shadow speaks with the voice of RICHARD CROFT, Lara's father. SHADOW RICHARD CROFT Lara. Wake up. You're almost there. Lara squints and rubs her eyes, trying to understand what she is seeing. SHADOW RICHARD CROFT (CONT'D) They are coming, Lara. LARA CROFT What? Who? SHADOW RICHARD CROFT They are already here. The sound of another boat engine. Lara sits up and looks out of the window. Through the blinds she can see several boats with flood lights and dozens of men with machine guns. She turns back and the shadowed figure of her father is gone. Lara looks out the window once more. A WOMAN stands in silhouette on the center boat. Her voice booms over the loud speakers. SILHOUETTE WOMAN We have you now, Lara. There is no escape. In a flash Lara is on her feet and up the stairs as the cabin is blasted with machine gun fire. 2. 2 EXT. BOAT -- CONTINUOUS (NIGHT) 2 Lara bursts onto the deck, runs towards the stern of the small boat being riddled with gun fire.