**** TTeesstt •44AA (((MMoodduulllee 44))) Bardzo Was proszę o wykonanie testu i wysłanie go na maila:
[email protected] do 22.04. 2020r NAME ................................................................................................. NUMBER …………………………… CLASS …………………..…………… DATE ……………..……..…..……… SCORE _____ (Time 45 minutes) Reading A. Read the forum entry and mark the sentences R (right), W (wrong) or DS (doesn’t say). Hi, everyone! I passed my summer exams and my parents bought me the Tomb Raider DVD as a present! It’s an old film, but it’s got my favourite video game character in it: Lara Croft! I already have all the Tomb Raider video games. I like Lara Croft because she is very clever and strong. In the game, she jumps, climbs through dangerous places and searches for ancient things. You should definitely play it! Who’s your favourite video game character? Posted by: Dan_16, 6/12, 18:38 Tomb Raider is a great film, Dan – I should watch it again! My favourite video game character is Super Mario! He lives in the Mushroom Kingdom and he’s very brave. He spends his time helping Princess Peach escape from Bowser. Mario’s nickname is Jumpman because he can do fantastic jumps! My favourite thing about him, though, is how he looks: he always wears a red tracksuit and a red cap with the letter ‘M’ on it. I think he looks cute! Posted by: Sarah_16, 6/12, 19:22 1 Dan failed his summer exams. ______ 2 Dan has all the Tomb Raider games. ______ 3 Lara Croft studied Maths and History. ______ 4 Super Mario helps Princess Peach.