The NATIONAL WEEKLY of PROGRAMS and PERSONALITIES Volume 2 Chicago, III., Week of February 5-11, 1933 Number 16 "HELLO EVERYBODY" ~~H ELLO EVERYBODY!!" Recognize these words? You should ••. They're familiar to miHions of dial­ twisters as Kate Smith's cheery radio greeting over the Columbia network. Now this famous salutation serves as the title for the portly songbird's first starring picture. A sensation in three mediums-stage, recordings and radio-Kate has added a screen triumph to her dazzling career. Critics and others who've seen previews of "Hello Everybody" stamp it as a great box-office attraction. Paramount regards the film as one of its outstanding pictures of the year. RADIO GUIDE regards it as a personal achievement for radio's greatest vocal­ ist •.. Kate proves she (an act as well as sing. There's a reason-Kate always acts ..• whether it's before a camera or when she frolics with the neighbors' children at the Ted Collins' family home in Long Island. Only twentr-three, Kate's golden voice, coupled witb her friendly charm, has cata· pulted her to dizzy heights. Ne"er before in radio or theatrical history has a person at tained such honors in such a comparatively short time. Her (Continued on Back Page) Page 2 BADIO AND AMUSEMENT GUIDE I News! I JAZZ KING BALLOT I News! I Machine Age Cocktails • Roark Likes It Making the -electric tongue" mix a My ~hoice for America's Jazz King Is When an author himself lauds a staAr. technocracy cocktail might be described ilS movie or radio version of his literar)" brain­ the experiment recently conducted by O. c.hild, that's news. Roark Bradford, famous II. Caldwell, former federal radio commis­ sioner, over the air waves. Utilizing photo for his Pulitzer Prize play, "GreeD electric cells. an industrial application of VOTER •. ,...... CITY , . , •••••••••.•..•.•.•• Pastures," with its portrayal of a Negro the ordinary radio set tube, which bas heaven, has every right to be enthusiastic often been called the nearest tbing to man's Mail Ballot. to Cordell Editor, RADIO GUIDE, over juano Hernandez's and Geraldine brain ever devised mechanically, Mr. Cald· 423 P1YDl.ulll Coart, ellieaco. ilL Garrick's handling of his "Black Rivc:J; well declared that this Htonguc" is an in­ fallible guide in testing various kinds of Giant" of Negro folk lore. drinks. (Yoa C.1l '.de This I.lIot ell • PostclU4) If there are .any aesthetically inclined Sipping bottled water, for example, the devotees of the radio who still profess to "electric tongue" emits a low rumble be lugubrious about the state of American through a loudspeaker. As various other radio drama, let them hearken to ~Johll constituents are added. the musical notes rise in pitch-also enthusiasm. In one Education Series Czar N, D. Baker Henry." Thoroughly American, brmiantiy' laboratory e:<;periment. classified under the performed, combining native legend into heading of "old-fashioned," a basic low leading educators will be heard during Petty bickering and bitter acrimony that a dramatic and musical art form, this note was first produced, but upon the the mont.h of February over NBC networks have marked the progress of negotiations newly introduced Sunday night CBS sus­ admixture of bitters the tone immediately taining feature, a radio adaptation went tv a higher key. Then lemons were on "Our American Schools" program, pre­ between American broadcasters and copy­ or added, the "tongue" broke out in a merry sented each Sunday under the direction of right owners, ever since the latter last Roark Bradford's recent book of the same peal of melody like the jingle of sleighbells. Florence Hale, first vice-president and radio Spring announced their intention of in­ title, is for sheer artistry now considered by' Mr. Caldwell avers that by comparing many critics the finest dramatic produc­ chairman of the National Education Asso­ creasing the scale of fees imposed for 6- the tongue's pitch with that of a standard tion ever heard on the American ndio. tuning fork or fixed piano keyboard, a dation. tending to radio the "kind permission of technocratic method can be developed to As usual. Dr. Iiale herself will present the copyright owners," will now give way .. produce a potation of any exact quality the speakers and conduct the '"Question Box to legal parleying of a higher order, with by continuing to mix until the desired tone Period" during which she answers inquiries the retention of Newton D. Baker, noted is reached. from listeners on all kinds of educational Cleveland attorney and former Secretary Love's Addition matters. The programs are broadcast over of War in the Wilson cabinet, to represent .. the National Assoc.iation of Broadcasters "One and One Make Three" is the prob­ an NBC-WMAQ network at 5:30 p. m, The speakers this month include William in copyright matters, lem in addition and college romance to be Japan's New Censorship john Cooper, United States Commissioner _ The appointment of Mr. Baker, an­ solved Monday night, February 6, at 8:30 ()f Education; Augustus O. Thomas, secre­ nounced earlier this week by ' Alfred J. p. m. over WBBM and to be repeated the Japan, always more advanced than other tary general, World Federation of Educa­ McC05ker, president ()f the N. A. B. and Oriental countries, now takes its radio tion Associations; Robert M. Hutchins, director of WOR, Newark, grows out of next afternoon .at 2 :45 over WLS. The seriously. Because a well known professor president, University of Chicago; Mrs. B. the resolution of the recent broadcasters' threesome in the Princess Pat Pageant love ()f medicine at a Tokyo university, speak­ F. langworthy, vice-president, National convention in St. louis authorizing tbe drama are Margot, played by Alice Hill;, ing over jOAK, Tokyo, used the japanese Congress of Parents and Teachers; William enlistment of competent representation and Polly, by Dolores Gillen, and Donald, by. j. Bogan, superintendent of schools of Chi­ counsel in handling radio's manifold prob­ pronoun "Chin," meaning "we," but used Dick Wells. Vera Caspary, talented play­ in an idiomatic form reserved exclusively cago; Carroll R. Reed, superintendent of lems. Though Mr. Baker is by no mean3 for use by the Emperor himself, the chief schools of Minneapolis, and Millon C. to be regarded as radio's new "czar," so far wright of screen, radio and Broad\V:Iy, and ()f the Social Education Bureau of Ihe Potter, superintendent of schools of Mil ~ as copyright malters are concerned, the writer of many best selling novels, is autho~ Ministry of Education in japan raised such ,,·aukee. authority vested in him will be practically of the piece. a bitter protest that there has been a dictatorial. Interesting in connection with the Prin· .. cess Pat Pageant's drama series was the severe tightening up of the japanese cen­ .. sorship on all broadcast programs. The fact that last week's play, "Gladys or savant, seeking to brighten up his talks Air Coolidge Rites Venus," about posing in the nude in Qj.. in answer to criticisms that programs over Hayton Satisfies cago's art colony, was accepted and broad­ the station were too dry, also had made an Memorial services for the late President cast by WBBM but refused the studio allusion to marital life that raised an im­ Calvin Coolidge by the joint session of Dissatisfied with former burlesque comed­ facilities of careful WLS. mediate outcry from conservative listeners. Con(;ress on February 6, will be carried to ians Tom Iloward and George Shelton, .. These incidents, it is reported from japan, the country over CBS and NBC networks. Chesterfield has dropped their two appear­ have conduced to a rigid censorship that The memorial program will start at 10:-45 ances each week; filled the voided spots with is at all times severe. a. m. over an NBC~WMAQ chain, with modern concert music by leonard Hayton's CBS Adds Novelist .. music by the United States Marine Band. orchestra which has been augmented for the At II a. m. the joint session will be called purpose. Hayton's orchestra, very pleasing Ferrin Fraser, noted novelist· and short to order by Yice-President-elect Garner, in its work to date, will continue to support story writer, has been appointed director Mrs, Roosevelt's Topic as Speaker of the I louse, CBS-WBBM picks the popular song recitals of Ruth Etting of continuity for the Columbia Broadcast­ it up then. The Chaplain of the I-Iouse of and Bing Crosby. ing System, SUcceeding Donald Clark's With her husband's inaugllral at Washing~ Representatives will then deliver the Invo­ Hayton was formerly associated as pian~ resignation. At the same time Marion R. ton dray,ing near, Mrs. Franklin D. Roose-­ cation, to be followed by the principal ad­ ist-arranger-conductor with Parson net, actor~producer of stage and radio velt chooses "Official and Social life in dress. This will be made oy Chief justice and Crosby and is but twenty~five yean drama, has been named dramatic director Washington" as the topic of her tenth talk Arthur Prentice Rugg of the Massachusetts old. The new Chesterfield schedule: Ruth for the network. Fraser comes to radio on the Pond's program, to be broadcast Supreme Court. Etting. Monday and Thursday; leonard from a highly successful career as the Friday, February 10, 8:30 p. m. over a .. !layton's orchestra, Tuesday and Friday; author of popular novels and magazine NBC-WENR network. The wife of the Pres­ Bing Crosby, Wednesday and Saturday. All fiction. His best known novels include ident-elect achieved familiarity with her arc heard on the CBS-WGN network at "Lovely Ladies," "The Passionate Angel ...· 3ubject during the time when Mr. Roosevelt Lopez' New Bill S p. m. "The Screaming Portrait" and "If I Could was assistant Secretary of the Nav)". Fly." lie also has been a featured con­ .. Vincent lcpez .and his or.:hestra will tributor to Red Book, Col/ier'J, Liberty supply tbe music; the Two Doctors, Prall and The Ladiu Home Journal. and Sherman, the comedy for the Real Hot Dog! .. Pontiac Pair In Film Silk program which makes its bow on Sun~ day, February 5 at 9:15 p. m., over an Broadcast by an NBC network on The distinguished names of Stoopnagle NBC-WMAQ network. lopez, now appear­ Wednesday, February I, was the principal Maude In Relay and Budd have been included in the new ing at the beautiful Joseph Urban room of speech at the twentieth annual meeting of Paramount picture "International House" the Congress Hotel, Chicago, will add Survey Associates, publishers of The Survey Cyril Maude, EngIish~born actor-manager which will have such stars as Rudy Vallce, to his orchestra for the broadcast presenta­ and The Survey Graphic, edited by Paul who is one of the most distinguished and Burns and AUen, Peggy Hopkins Joyce, tion. His familiar solo, "Nola:' will be Underwood Kellogg. Topic of talk: "What colorful veterans of the dramatic stage in W. C. Fields, Stuart Erwin and Sari used as signature. We Confront in American Life." Speaker: this country, will re\'eal many of his richest Maritz.a. The Colonel and Budd were Pratt and Sherman, whose nonsense and Prof. Felix Frankfurter, of I-Iatvard Un~ theatrical recollections during a trans-At­ signed for the picture as a result of their chatter have been popular with fans for versity law school. Professor Frankfurter, lantic broadcast from london, England, to work in a talkie short which they made years, head a ca~ of dramatic actors pre­ author on books on legal matters, came into be relayed over the CBS-WJKS network recently for Paramount, but which has not senting the Real Silk I louse of Representa­ wide prominence with his "The Case of Sunday, February 5, from 11:30 to 11:45 yet been released. tives, a few minutes of political satire. Sacco and Vanzetti." . a. m . •

• RADIO AND AMUSEMENT GUIDE Page 3 Lombardo Tops Bernie! UY LOMBARDO. ace cigar-selling band Standings of the sax-appealing masters of rhythm remain the same as last week for the first si x places, G le3der of the Columbia Broadcasti ng Sys­ with the exception of the Bernie upset, T hen at i:em, smashed his way to top place over Ben seventh position is found Dan Russo, veteran leader Bernie this past week. after the Old Maestro had and "father" of many a present day favorite baton wielde r. Danny nosed "Pop" Paul Whiteman back to led tbe way for th ree weeks in RADIO GUIDE'S eighth with a Mrrow lead of eighteen yates. :rhen nation-wide J azz King contest. \Vayne King re­ the fun began. mains in third posicion. Tenth place marks the nex t battle royal of th~ week. Ileid by Ted Weems, the gingerale syncopator Lombardo polled over 2,100 votes to get the has been topped by Herbie Kay and also Husk O'Hare lead while Bernie acc umulated but 1,600. The who now is in eleventh place. Jac k Denny, in the surprising gain of Lombardo. favorite son of the twelfth spot before, t ies Weems for thirteenth and fourteenth. Hal Kemp drops one notch 10 fifteenth East, is attributed by ORe wag to Gracie Allen's and Clyde McCoy takes the dow nward bound elevator brother. "He's been working at the polls for five floors, landing at sixteenth place. Art Kassel suffered one position by the week's ~u}'," tbe unnamed observer commented, "and balloting and Mark Fisher lost three steps. Frankie that's why Grade hasn't been able to fi nd hi m," M asters and Ben Pollack each lost one place and Whatever the cause of the spurt, Lombardo reached the top, and now the question is, can he hold it? Can Bernie regain the cherished first place, or will Wayne (Waltz) King or some dark horse jockey ahead of both Bernie and Lombardo? Over 22,500 voles have been cast to date­ roughly 8,000 of them during the past seven :days-and the number of contestants has in­ creased from B8 to HS. Incidentally, several ,readers have voted for orchestras by name, such as the Arithmetic Orchestra, instead of for the leader. Voles must be ta5t for leaders, not bands. In answer to many leiters of inquiry. there is no limit 10 the number of votes cast each week by anyone reader. lie or she may also "split" the vote for several leaders, if so desired, How­ ever, 1\0 VOTES are counted for any leader without the actual ballot being mailed. Many postcards and letters have indicated for the con­ .test edltor to "cast a vote for so-and-so" and enclosed no ballots, Undoubtedly these postal cards

The Standing Cuy Lombardo . 4920 Harry Sou .ik •• 2. Ben Bernie ••. 4896 Paul Tremaine . 2S Way ne Kinr., _3082 Claude Hopkin. 2S Rudy Vallee • •• 1465 Will O.borne .• 2S Ceorre Ouen •• 1299 Frank Tr' mbauer 22 Cab Ca lloway •. 699 Earl HiJ!."" •• • • 2. Dan Runo • • ,. 663 Rubinoff • ••• . • 2. Paul Whitema n 645 Red Nichol• • . , 2. Isham Jonet • • ' 470 William Stoe... 19 He rbie Kay _. . 445 Manny Morrit , _ 18 Hu. k O'Ha re •• 432 H arold Ste rn __ 18 Ted Weeml ., . 292 T ed Fio-Rita •• • 18 Jack Denny ••• 292 A ce Brigode • •• 17 Joe Sanden " 279 Billy Hay. • •• • I. Hal Kemp .,. . 239 Bert Lown ., .• IS Clyde McCoy • • 229 Buddy Harrod • • IS Carl Moore • •• 197 N. Ardizzone • • 13 Art Kanel ••.• 186 Henry Bune •• 12 Mark Fi.her ••• 170 Seymour Simon. 12 Three more pidtlres of contending orthestra leaders: Maurie Sherman 170 Harry Horlick,. 11 Frankie Matter. 130 Andy Sanella 11 Don Bestor (felt), George Hall (center) of the New Ben Pollack •• • 110 Phil Spitalny •• I. York Hottl Taft, ond Wayne King (right) 01 the Vincent Lopez , . 1(14 Buddy Roren • • 8 Aragon Ballroom, Chicago. Bernie Cummina 101 Frankie Tag • • 8 Run Columbo. 91 Freddi .. Berren. 7 Georre Han •• 86 Ray Ingraha m •• 7 now are resting in twentieth and twenty-first places respec­ Abe Lyman ..• 80 Swen Swen. on • 7 tively, and Vincent Lopez grimly held to twenty-two as his Ozzie Nebon •• 77 Wayne Stub •• favorite number. Don Pedro •. , . 52 T ed Lewi • •• , . • Carl "Deacon~ Moore also showed unexpected strength, 'Half Pint' JalO on 5 1 Del Coon . • ' • • • With "Howdy-Do" Fan Club No.7 hard at work in the Eddi .. Duchin .• 4 2 Johnny J obnton • hill-billy maestro's behalf, he shot up to seventeenth position. Jan Garber .• '. 42 Harry Turner • Many voters complain that the title "Jazz King" doe~ Don Be.tor ., •• 4 1 Harold Stoke •• •S not fit their ideal maestro. The name was picked to indicate Smith Ball.. w •• 36 AI H aal. ,. " . S the king of dance orchestra leaders, While symphony and Duke Ellin gton 33 Jim Lunceford S concert orchestra directors are not barred, obviously it is Charlie Agne..., 32 B .. nny Roper " S not designed for them, Perhaps the "sweetness" of the music H"ppy Felton. . 27 B. A. Rolfe •••. 5 from your favorite band exempts it from the "jazz" title, bu t ( Lo~d e n " lth Ie .. thn live votn .. ot IIdd her, ) a more general word is difficult to select. Forget the title; Tot~ 1 VoifS 22,853 1ft! bu sy'.~ Y2.1el Page 4 RADIO AND AMUSEMENT GUIDE Programs for Sunday, February 5

10,00 A.M. 2:45 P_M. 5:15 P.M. KYW-Sucass Melodics WAAF-The Tl'(Ju""""ul"$. male quartet WBBM-Frib Miner's Orrh",,\ra WAAF--51ll1day s...-cnad.! WJJD--litbua"ia" Program WCFl-Talk 01\ Paift:.uJte WBBII-P.,...,de of Mdndi~s WLS--'·""al Solo$ ""d Duets WIBO--lIockey ,",,,,,. • WCFl_ffi~ts of Music 3:00 WJJD--W.nd.... ing 'iolini5t WENR_Moming ).Iu.icalc (NBO P.M. I(YW--FII1i1 .... Coughlia 5:30 P,M. WGN-Sundq lIo>rning Concert; I-rni. Whit~, WAAr-D,...... , "Society Girl Sought" baril"",e WBBM-Norm Sherr, pianist WBBM-RadK. Spelling See WGES--MeJD(lry lane WCFl-Qper.. Echoes WSBC-hrital; Stamford and Hambr .. WCFl-E.... ns Polish Progrzm WENR-Paul Whileman's Oreh"'I'" (NBC) WlS--Jung Gar"".. Idyll WeN-Rh~'!lIm and Melodies 10,15 A,M. WMAQ--,lane Froman, bI""" singer (NBC) WIBG-Church of tM Air KVW-Brighl spot WMBI-Fonndor's WEd: Program; Interdenomina· WHD-Retail t>ru~_t WBBM-Rhoda Arnuld 2nd Cl,arh" Carlile (CBS) t,j""al Rally WMA!)-Amtrican School (J\BC) WCFl-PrOgres. Melodies WSBC-Poutilaf Dance 2:30 P.M. KVW-Monhalbn Mo:rry·Go-Round (NRC) 5,45 P,M. 10:30 A.M. WAAF-Rudy Wied"'t'.s All Stars WBBM-Cathtdral Hour (C8S) WBBM--The A",eritan Warb"'. W8BM-Rdigiu-Histocical Drama WENR-Dick Daring; A 80y vf Today; d.an,a WCFl....s... e'lth Churcl> of r.hrisl ~n\i.t WIBo-N~n Pro,ram 5:50 P,M. WGf+-Melody Makers; or""l'$t., tCBS) WJJ D-Roligious Talk WGN-Jan Garber's Or.h~'tra WJJD-lhppy Go Lucky Time; Art Lillidl WLS--Jonn Brown, pi~nist and Chicago Boys' Club WJK5-Walcb Tower progr.... WMA!)-U. or C. Round Table 6:00 P.M. WMAQ--U. of C. ·Organ Rwtal WSBC-Radio Guide Program W8BM-Frank Wilson. Itn..". WSBC_S;md, MacTavish; Shlch WCFl--Ger",.o Pr"S'"lIln 2:10 P.M. WGE5-Poti.h Thealer (If !lie Air 10:45 A.M. WMBI-Bible uposition witl, Sa Senir8 Wl.S-l'hil Kabr, ~ KVW-SPId'LS Repor1.cr wc,N--Monnon TaMrnade OIm (CBS) WMA!)-Elil:abeth IIby ""d Vee LaWIl.hur<1 (NBCl 6:15 P.M. WNAQ--O. i~ 3:30 P.M. KYW-Giobe T .... tler WSBC-Du-ee X~)-s, harm""y In. WAAr-Three col lh WGN-Walter Smith's &nd (CBS) 11:15 A.M. WBBM--F,itz "tiller's Orcltestn WJJD-Dance Orchestra WAAr-E!.1elli! nan-. ,unist WCFl-Jud!;e RutherIord, talk WMA!)-Whutf.Da,·iUe, dramatic sl:qui.e IXSCl WISG-IlltrQlluciOry MlIsi~ WMAQ-£ddie Cantor. comedi ..n; orche"'tn QlBO: 7:15 P.M. 8:00 A.M. 11;45 A.M. 3:45 P_M. KVW-Sunshjn~ Program; Paul Md:lllre WBBM-P.I F1aoann·, SJIOt"Ia R ....· iew KYW-Houstbold OpiorNta Ai", WAAr-'\l,at To Do WAAF-The Ejght O'CIO<'k Coo.~rl WGN-Put·Too;eth ... Drama WB8M-Up 10 Par; h...J.!b talk WCFL-llighligbts of MI/sic WGN-Rudin, the C....,ies WJKs--chorus WGES-Our of Son..... CaclIoli.c Onal'd, WCFl-Qrch... tral Program WENR-Cbildreo'. nour (NBC) La"" 7:30 P.M. WGES-Gcrman Hcur 12:00 NOON 3,50 P.M. KYW-'inC'tnt Lopu' Orthm,a WISG-Swtdish Servic.,. KYW-Undo- Bob wit.h the C....ua. WAAF-Salon lo1usi~ WJ KS-Andl"t KosI.CIa.nl'1z ~..,..ts rCBS) WAAF-Musical Morocnts WGN-WGN Cooccrt Orche!:tn 8:30 A.M. WCFl-Mdodies 4:00 P.M. WJJD-P~ul Rad~, Tabernade WMF-Qrgan Mdodi.,. KYW_Ligbt ()pen: Gnns; Teaberty S""rll WJJD-Hy...... Time 12:30 P.M. WJ K5-/uldre KostdloeU. ICBS) WCFl-lIigblight:. 01 Music WAAF-KQllte and Snn WLS--Meriean )brimba Bn4 (NBC) WBBM--Otapd nr the Air 8:45 A.M. W1BO--Joo: ~, Sports WENR-Nation&l V~ (!"BC) 7:45 P.M.. WCFL-Re!ipoul Polish Prognm WLS--PoIi!;h Music H ..... KVW-o..ndlL !be Ma~ciu WMAf}-ThE Pilgrims (NBC) WC,H-Roses and DfWbS, dr~1U (CBS) WJJ O-earo~n. Round~s WIBO--CIeno. -.l liarry WBBM--Joh" Henry. Blu:k Riv"" Gioont (CBS) 9:00 A.M. 12:45 P.M. WJJD-Gr""k H"",. WJK5-Jolm H""!,, 64<:1: HinT Gw>1 ,CBS) KYW-RHue 01 101",,,,",,, WBBM-Norm Sherr, popular pionis' WMAQ--,lingle Joe B:OO P.M. WCFl-Sw.dish Program WAAF-Sacred Son~. 4,15 P.M. KYW-T..",.ty Thou ....d Years in Sin!:: Sing (KlIC): WBBM-ChIJ'ch of the Air ICBS) WGH-Whistler ""d .his dog WBBM-Jack Brook', Song SGuvcniu WCFL---Gtnnan Entertainm""t 1:00 P.M. WAAF-J""e Can-ol WCFl-FaCh.t1" M'<;uirc WBBM--Hugh Sutton, '"ocalis! and Norlll. Sherr, WEHR-Mnie.D. Typic. Ord'~stra (NDC) KVW-Tbe Wat~htower Procn_ WEHR-Sunday Circle; ~"""t nti5t (NBC) pi,uoist WGES-Smile. WAAF-lJoc>S;'" Phll-.pher WGN--Frcd AUen's BaCh CLuh .n.~,· uc : WMAQ-BibIe Story D.amal.i:e3tion WCFl-Lithu3n;"n Prog.aln WMAQ-Chicaco Sunday k.... ening Club WGN-P

• As I Music In the Air Hear It L------By Carleton Smith------' To an AnnoqDCer senses if we become penetrating listener!.. Be Your Own Crilic- Without analysis and reference to an artistic My dear Milton J Gross: treed, we can not form mature judgments. RADIO GUIDE wl!J pat five dellars nell week lat the winning "As I Hur It" leller, Our sympathy goes out to you. And we Emotional abandonment is probably child­ ~nd will publish those criticisms whl'h ue are sure that we may extend condolences ish. Yct, for many, that is music's cbief judged nurty .~ good ".5 .n hcnllruy mon­ from all those who read in one form or lure. It does atTord intense pleasure, and lion. Criticisms should not exceed 200 words. another press release describing your should be Imparti.l. Opinions .r. those of there is no reason for "siuing back" at any Ihe ,ndlvidual liSlener and RADIO GUIOE hard labor on the performance. Music that fails to arousc is not responsible lor them. Address Itlters Metropolitan Opera some emotion seldom endures. 10 Ih. "As I Hear It Edilor," 345" W. 26th St .. broadcasts. The most lasting joys, ho\\'e\'er, are those New York City...... We read with eJ[­ of the mind. We can not know too much treme concern of the about the musical composition. When we strain on your mem­ can hum every theme of it, and understand This Week's Winner ory, and of the how it is put together and what it says, BLUE RIBBON MALT PROGRAM-hurd necessity of your then it is ours. Anticipation, contempla­ Tund.~. January 17 on. WEHR·NBC. being familiar with tion, and reflection add to your pleasure.. I\IlalYZll1g a Ben Bernie program leads the history of all They are profitable pastimes. But little to but one conclusion. [t. charm lies in operas and the harm can come from abandoning yourself the ability of the Ole Maestro to extend Back again! Ethel Shutta, George Olsen's careers of the casts. to your emotions when listening to music. to the listeners a feeling of friendship and hotcha vocalizing wife, is working with We were alarmed It is the most directly moving of all arts. informality. Jlis is the one progam on the to know that you George anti his band Saturday nights at CARLETON SMITH And it is human. air in which you welcome the presentation 8:30 o'clock on the Oldsmobile program are required to re­ of ad\er\ising continuity. It is always dif· over an NBC-WMAQ network. cal! what roles Tibbett has sung before, to rodman', Cleaning. ferent. cleverly presented and invariably remember that Mme. Rethberg has ap· interesting. Thill alone rates the program peared three times already during the series, "When will we hear the first Techno­ as O. 1<' • and that Lily Pons created a sensation on cratic Symphony?" _ • . "Tell General Tuesday night. Bernie awarded Pat the occasion of her debut last year. It Electric's vice-president tllat MltrUnelli's Kennedy the degree of "5. A." or Studio I11U5t be too much for you. first name is pronounced Jo-vah-nee, not Applause for his "Brother Can You Spare Purely Personal We wen: somewhat astonished, also, Jee-oh-vah-nee." _ •. "The Emperor a Dime?" Correction. Maestro. it should to learn tha.t you should not n:peat Jones is nothln&, bnt moans and groans; h;1\'e been ·'N. W. A" Nation Wide Applause. r.REDDIE ROSE, composer of many yourself, but should talk interestin&lY. teIl 'em to kill it." . , • "Wouldn't yon It was one of those things that makes radio and various song hilS, can now be heard And we were moved to the utmost like to put Olin Downes' fresh and every week night over KYW, at 9:45 p. m. tuning In a pleasure. The Bernie-Winchel! eompas.~ioD by the thoagbt of your sit­ poetic descriptions into Pitts Sanborn's feud g.1thering ne\\l fud ::nd reaching new III' plays the piano with Al Trace's orches­ tiD&, up all night-'cramming'" in.orma­ mouth? As it Js, we hear them in heigills of wisecracking and fun, rcmaills tra from the IlyJe Park Cafe. Latest re­ tion on a snbrlitated work,. if t.he opera Downes' untutored drawl, while San­ ports are that he will be on a program of inoffen~i\e in spite of the slams. schedule is changed at the last moment. born's cu1tured voice elegantly phrases This 'mosta of the besta' is a superlative his own, but a definite time has not been Our anguish was slightly aUevb.ted, bookish explanations . . • program directed by a master showman, announ~ed ~'et. howevcr, when we read that you have "Enclosed you will find my song, I'm who has a band of individual artists sUI>­ seen some operas on previous occasions. /{appy Wben I'm With )lOll. Please men­ porting him. Wise Ole Maestro, he knows WBBM's contribution" to charity, in the and, therefore, are familiar with story tion it in your column" ..• ·'Rosa Poa­ it too, and generously shares the glory perSOIl of BILLY WHITE, the platinum and music. selle gave us a glimpse or her future Car­ that is his with his musicians who in return \'oiced tenoT, in Sunday evening programs, We sincerely hope 1'1'011 withstand tbc men when she sang the Habanera. It will turn out some splendid tunes and spark­ is aiding materially according to latest press ardors of your research, and have II, be a big vocal show" • , , "Music schoo!s ling arrangements. Criticism? A half hour releases. Each week at 6:45 p. m. White co mplete rest after the Wagner Cycle are far from tcaching reat appreciation of is \cry short. is heard with frank Westphal's orchestra. and the Metropolitan's season are music. They teach only superficiality and Jeannette B. Stein, M history. technical efficiency" • , . ··What a farce 710 Queen Ann Ave., Ottumwa, Iowa DA~ RUSSO has already left the Canton Carleton Smith Sigmund Spaeth, The Tillie Detective, is! M Tea Gardens for an extended tour. Tem­ lie merely selects a phrase of four or five porarily. of course, he will be off the air. Some other Correspondence tones, finds a similar phrase in other fa· Honorary Mention While he is gone, BERNI E KANE, already miliar pieces, and calls it a discovery. Tbere familiar 10 Chicago fans, wil! take his We have met columnists who frequcnll,\ is nothing to it" _ •• "! was surprised to EASV ACES-hurd FridJ)" Januuy 20, 01 earned their salary by filling thcir aUotted 10:15 p. m. ov.r WEAN·CBS. place oYcr KYW, and NBC. hear Pau! Whiteman conducting the over­ I consider Easy Aces, featuring Mr. and space with readers' letters. turne of Oberon. At last. radio listeners are .. For once, we'll try it_ Mrs. Ace, Ihe most amusing of any radio relieved from an all-jazz diet." Sunday, february 19, the Sunday Eve­ "Tbis week's article tells 01 aUack 011 broad..:ast. They seem like real people ;md ning Club celebrates its 25th birthday, with their acting is the most natural and easy special services. This organi7.ation will long Wolter Dalllrosch. May I ask, did the of any of the radio stars. writer Sigll his llame? lVas he a fIIusician! be remembered for its broadcasts of clas­ "We have no enemies, • , only insti­ 1 can actually picture them ir. a cozy sical music and choruses ovcr various Chi­ home. it st'.ems so real. I can hardly wait cngo stations. golors wbo slir us to love more . •. mid tbal/k goOdl/eH, when one Call do it in a for the nights they are on. I am sure M hundreds of other radio listeners agree with case like Walter Dall/rosch alld the MRS. RUTH ATTERBURY WAKE­ writer. me that they are splendid. It is like living fiELD, speaker for the Chicago Historical it wilh Ihem. "Writer accllses ... Walter D.:mroscb Society in the bi-weekly broadcasts of that of beillg too posuui;!t, but is 'lOt alert After the theme is played the laugh of organization over WGN, will now be heard Mr. Ace is so convincing. and his "Ladies fa bis 0-.011 (writer's) weaklless when be Monday afternoons at 1:35 p. m. in~tead folus it UPOII bi1llulf to say, . IV e are all and Gentlemen, Easy Aces" couldn't help of Wednesdays as before. captu re ones attention. Ilis favorite c"pres­ tired of !Jim alld. his prattle as a great M A IIItricQlI nlllsician: ~ion: ":\in't it awful" is most amusing. So is his boredom in general. C!!ARLES LANPHIER, studio director "J-Ie takes too 7lllIch for granted when Alice Ann Shue, of WGES, has just returned from a two he flUS 'we . .. alld . _ . all: IV ben one Providence, Rhodc bland weeks vacation in his former stamping criticises al be did, be sbollid be very M grounds, Kentucky. "Chuck" was studio careflll 01 his own ·words." SETH PARKER-heard Sund~y, January 22. director of WLAP, the now defunct Louis­ (The writer signed his name "Briton." ~t 9;~5 p. m. av~r WOC·WHO·NBC. vitfe station. You wi!! be glad to know that the radio I n view of the fact that a prize-winning M audience has defended Doctor Damrosch REID RADIO DIY. letter has been written in favor of this pr<; fRANK BAKER, WAAP announcer and in numerous leiters to this department. QUINCY, ILLINOIS gram, I would like to otTer my criticisms, newest addition to that station's ·'Proud C. S.) not emirely constructive. Papa" club, has just come from the hospital To me the idea is very impressive-that himself. While he was iI!, his weekly "Read­ "I listened to KODSSeviuky's concert of a gathering of neighbors to sing hymns ings from Good Literature" programs was on Saturday_ The music was beautiful on Sunday evening. There is not an artist postponed, but now that he is up and , •• How much better to hear somethlD&' PONTIAC on the program who is not gifted with a around again, it will be continued. like this now and then than the general pr.eSfUJt.r o' beautiful voice, and I most sinccrely enjoy M run of radio entertainment, But my C(lL.STOOPNAGLE, many of the musical otTerings. Still another announcer recently recovered method of giving myself up wholeheart­ ~ "t ; '4" BUDD ~ . But is this not a program otTerI'd in a from illness is MAJOR j. II. HOLMES, of edly to the musie, I am told. Is not the spirit of worship? I believe it is. Then WCFL's staff. lIe has been suffering from proper way to enjoy it. I must sit bMlk, why must they burst forth in hearty influenza, but is back at the "mike" now. critically remembering that what I hear ~ ii . ~ . ~, laughter after each 1xoautiful rendition? M is artificial and that I must be qwck t.o "" .., Why docs '·SethU put such a false edge on MARY TITUS and ORPHA MAN­ detect any of the slightest flaws. Thb, his voice and ruin its beauty? Was not GRAM, soprano and contralto respectively, my teacher tells me, is the higbest fonn in a brand new each one to put his best foot forward for and known as two of Chicago's foremost of enjoyment-in reading, in watching a RADIO PROGI~AM the advancement of the Kingdom? Cer­ vocal teachers and concert artists, can be play, or in listening to music. I waut to COLUMBIA NETWORK tainly this i.<. nM exemplary of his best. heard daily except Saturday and Sunday know If you aC1'ee?" .4 STATIO .. S E. Wise, from WSBC, at 1:45 p. m. Their program IAIreU,a Covey Monmouth/ Illinois is known as "DuQ Melodik." It is better, no doubt, for the critical THURSDAY, ':30 E. S. T. Page 6 RADIO AND AMUSEMENT GUIDE Sunday Programs [Continued]

9,30 P.M. WJ KS-Isham Jones' Or.he"t", (CBS) 10:50 P.M. 11 :45 P .M. KYW-Al Tra~e's Or~h£s!ra WMAQ-Winter Gardm Oreh.."", WGN-Jan Garber's Orchestra WCFL-Bit of ~lo "cow WBBM-Ben PoUa ck'. Oreh~stra 10:15 P.M. 11,00 P.M. WGES-tddip Neiballr', Ord,c,,,,, WCFL-<:hateau Orchestra KYW-Sporfs Reporter KYW-Vin.ge Barn Orch""tra (NBC) WMAQ-Seach View Oreh " ," WGN-Tomorrow's New. WEHR-Donald Novis, tenur (NBC) WCfL_N...... Chateau Billroom Orchestra 12:00 MIDNIGHT WJK5-Prai." and Promise lion. WGN-Dre~m Ship WENR-Maurie Sherman'. Orchestra (NBC) KYW-Dan Hu . ",'. OrChc.u-a 9;40 P.M. WJ KS-Thorsen and Miller WGES-Eddie Ndbaur's Orchestra WBBM-Around the Tow~: dance otch .. t,a. WGN-llcadl.ines of Other Days 10,20 P.M. WJJD-WJJD Carnival WENR-Erski"c Tat.', Orcl,.,tra KVW-Don Ped.o's Orchestra WMAQ-WiUiam Stness' Orcltestr. (NBC) WGEs-Gw1 Car 9:45 P.M. 10:25 P.M. WSBe-Radio Guide Program WGN-Russia" Mu ,;.. ICYW-Sunday at Seth PukOT'. mBC) WMAQ-To be announced WGN-TIme; Weather F<>r~l Troc,,', Orch ~' !r" WGN-tJal Kemp's Orch"5tra WCFL_A Bit "f Moscow WGN-Jan Garber's Orchestra WGES-Tho All Nig],,,,< Programs for Monday, February 6

5:45 A.M. WlS-Mac and Bob WGN-Grand Old lIymn. 12:25 P.M. WGE5-Sunshme Sptcial WMAQ--Neysa, diet and health ":ng String. (NBC) WAAF-M"mories WIBO-N.ws Flash .. WLs-Family Circle Progran, WJJO-lllinoi. MeJieal S<>cict, WMAQ-Littlest Girl (NBC) WJKS-N.lional Student Federation (CBS) WMBI-SlI!lrise 5<.'1viu WlS-Unde F.'QI, oomedy skit 7:15 A.M. " WMAQ-Words and Music WGES-C.eil and Sally SPECIALS FOR TODAY 1,10 P.M. WJJD--Gym Class WefL-Eddy Hanson and Gracc Wil, on WlS-Paul Rader's Tabernacle WMBI-Org~n Program WMAQ-Morrung Wornhip 10 :45 a. m. WMAQ-NBC-Calvin Coolidre Memorial Service 7:30 A.M. 1:15 P.M, WBBM-SyMa s..pira (CBS) WBBM-christian Sci<'llce Churehe. of Ulino;s 11: 00 a. m. WJKS-CBS-CalviD Coolidge Memorial Service WefL-Che... io, Inspirational talk I. mu.ic. (NJIC) WGN-Palmer House Ensemble WIBG-Women'~ Club Sp"3ker WGE5-Polish Earlybitd~ WJJ O-Walb Program WIBO-Frankie Marvin 3:15 p. m. WGN·CBS--C1lrli& Institute of Musie WJJD-U. of C. Inspiration Hour WJKS-Sol'r~uo Soloist WLS-Uvestock Markets, Jim PooI~; Gr,;n Markd WLS-St£amooat Bill 7: 30 p. m. WMAQ-NBC-Lawrenc=e Tibbett, baritone WMAo-Pepper Pot; orchema (NBC) WMAo-Dave Rose. pin,,;'t 1:20 P.M. 7.45 A.M. WMAQ-Board of Trade WBBM-Muslcal Time SaYU 8:30 p. m. .WMAQ-NBC-Paul WbilemaD's Oreheslra; Picken Sisters WJJD-Bubb Pickard 1:30 P.M. WL5-Jolly Bill and Jane (NBC) KYW-Prud.nc~ Penny. household hints 8.00 A.M. WAAF-I'ianoeMlue WBBM--.~m ... ican SehoQI of tl,e Air (CBS) weft-wen Kiddi", Aeroplane Oub WAAf_Dotty Lfl: WBBM-Julia Hayes, household hi~!s WIBD-Frankie Man-in. Co",lx>y Ballads WGE5-Sohemian Melodies WBBM-Morning Moods (ClIS) WENR--<>rg.n Melodi~ (NBC) WJJD-Hill·hilly T,me WIBG-Time Signal Expr•• s WeFL-DaoCf' Music WGN-Market Reports WJKS-Americ~n School cf the Air (CBS) WJJD-Happy Go Lucky Time WGES-Washboard miles WIBO-Goldell Gate WLS-Ralph Eml'tson, organ concert WGN-Bob ForsaD. and Allan Grant WJJD-WJJD Carnival WLS--Quarter Jlour ill Walt. Time; Three Co~lral. 8:15 A.M. WIBG-Sparkling MeJodi". WMAQ-On Win~ of Son!: (NBC) WMAo-Publie'0' Schools Progr.m WCfL-'time Parade WlS-Linstock Markets; Poultry WMBI-Continued Stor, R~adin!l: WSBe-Musical MtI'''ge Wls-old Timers; R.lph and n.l WMAQ-Board of Trade WSSC-Mik!.ed Fitzpatriok, piani.t 11:35 A.M. 1:45 P.M. 8:30 A.M. WGN-Pa1nted Dreams KVW-Sbters of the Skill"t, ~o",edy t~3n' (NBC). WBBM-Modem Livin~ 10:05 A.M. 11:45 A.M. WAAf-Uve Stock f,!.uk.t; WeOlhor Summar~ WCfL-Dance 1oIu';c WMAQ-Melooy Thr.e (NBC) WefL-WCFL Players WGN-To be announced WAAF-E.telle Barn .... piani.t 10:15 A.M. WBBM-Grgan Melodies WGN-Arthur Ob.rg, t",'or WIBO-Mu:ric.l Varieties KYW-Radio Household 1ll5titut" (NBC) WIBO-Theatu R.porte. WLS-{lene Autry and Anne Williams WIBO-Memory Book WAAf-The Spotlight WJJD-Singing Minstr£ls WJJD-Varidy Music WMAQ-Mos~ and Jones, comedy alld songs (NBC) WENR-Elsie Mac Gordon; charaderization (NBC) WLS-Beauty Spols of Historic lJli,,,.i. WMBI....()pEning Address; Dr. James M. Gray WLS-Wuther Report; Livcsloek E.tima!e WGES-Rhythrn Rovue; Ethel and n~rry WSBC--Canlpus Club 1'';0 8:35 A.M. WGN-Leor.ard Salvo's Favotitu 11:50 A.M. 1:50 P.M. Wl5-P,oouce Market Revorter; Livestosk Repo"> WIBO_Mathl R"port. WGN-Mu';e Weavers WIBO-B•• uty Talk 8.45 A.M. WJJD-N.ighhorhood SIQre 11:55 A.Yo 2:00 P.M. WBBM-Rcis and DlInn (CBS) WMAQ-Music.l Hodge Podge WLS-liarry Sleele, Hamlin's Newscas! KYW-Conc~rt Erhoes WMAQ-Nothing But the Truth (NBC) WSBC-Fopular Dance 12:00 NOON WAAf-a.icago on Par~d" 8:50 A.M. 10:25 A.M. WAAF-Noon-time Melodie.; Weath.., WBBM-Beauty Talk WLS-Tower Topics Time WGN-Market Reports WBBM-Thora Martens, vocalist and Norm Sherr, WCFL-Merchant's Pro.por;ty lIollr 9:00 A.M. 10:30 A.M. pianist WGN-Happy Endings KYW-PoHoek and Lawnhurst, piano duo (NBC) KYW-Rhythm Ramblers (NBC) Weft-P0l'ul.r Musio WIBO-Radio Gossip WAAf-Sing afld Sweep WMF-Effte Ilarvey's Personal Progreso Club WGN-Mid-day Sorvic .. WJJ O-Ma.terworks' 1I0ur WBBM-Lakeside Melodi"s; J. W. Daly. organisl WBBM-J. W. Doty, organist WIBO-Timely Tuncs WJKS-f'our Eton Boys (CBS> WCFL--Guman Entettainm"Ul WENR-Jackie llellu with Phyllis and Frauk WJJO-U. of Chicago German Clas~ WlS-lldty .nd .Bob (NBC) WGES--C:anary C:on""rt WGES-Minstui. WlS-M"ple City Foor anol Jolin Browo WMAo-Want Ad. Program WGN-WGN Keep Fit Club WGN-Dig.,! of Ihe New. WMAQ--{;olden Pheasant Orchestra WSBC-Poel's Corn~r WIBO-YMCA Exercises WIBO-News Flashes WMBI-Loop Evangelistic Service 2:10 P.M. WMAQ-Meditation (NBC) WJJD-Name tbo: Band WGN-E"elyn Rellee, .olo;st WMBI-Addre•• ; Dr. John W. Bradb"r} WMAQ-Sonata Recital (NBC) 12:15 P.M. 2:15 P.M. 9:10 A.M. WMBI-Addrc""; Miss D

2:30 P,M. 4:45 P.M. .:40 P.M. 9,IS P.M. 1 9,30 P.M. WGN-Tom, Dick and Harry KYW-Ali:".<;""( atld Sam Praser. pianist WJJ O-U. of C. Musie Appreciation lI"ur WBBM-Edwin C.HiIl; new. commentator (CDS) (ellS) 5,00 P.M. WMAQ-Song FeUows, harmony team (NBC) WCFL-New Chateau Banroom Orcloeatrl WIBO-Mark.t n,por!, KYW-nlinrus Federatioll Reportu 7;00 P.M. WENR-National Radio ¥"rum (NBC) WJJD-Radio Guide', fditor", Round Table WGN-T"morrow's News WAAF-Snn.cl Salut~ K¥W-Men Teacher', Unio" Speaker WJK5-lJeI." Nu~e"t and Sa,,, P,"ager, piani.t WIBO-Little Harry and th~ Rbytlun Girl (CBS) WSBM--{;randpa Burlon's Storin WBBM-Harriet Cruise ;md Orchestra (CBS) WCFL-Trlpeli Trio WJI. atld F1e,ni,,~ 7:15 P.M. WMAQ-HaJiu Guild: dr.. m. (NIK) KVW-Penrnd and Salll KYW-Hotel Holtenden Orehestra (NBC> 10:00 P.M. WMB[-Sacrrd IITo",c WBBM-Tarzan of Ihe Apes \'I8BM-Pat Flanagan's Spert Revi~ KVW-Sports Reporter WCFL-}'rolics Cafe Orchestra WCFL_School Teuhers' Talk WSBC-,\Iarc~ or l·rog'~ •• WCFL-John Maxwe!~ Food Talk WENR_Dick Daring; A Boy of Today WGN_Singin' Sam. (CBS> WENR_Amoo 'no Andy (NBC) 3:15 P.M. WGN-T WAAF-Salou JllI",c WJJO-Dance Orch~stra WMAQ-N~ws of the Air WMAQ-Amos 'n' Andy (NBC) WCFL-])eYoung .~rli,l' WMAQ--Palai. d'Or Orchestra WGN-Curli, In.titul. 01 IIlu,ie (CBS) 7:30 P.M. 10:05 P.M. WSBC-Jerry Sullivan KYW-Mark Fi.h.... ·s Orehestra WIBO-Di.l Aid Pro~,"m KYW-Dr. Bundesen for th Milk Foundatioa WJJO-Dream. 01 il.,V".. ii 5,30 P.M. WBBM-Filleen Minutes of Sunshine with C. Hamp 10,10 P.M. WLS-The 1.<>:<; Cauin Buy. WCFt_AI Knox, lenor WCFL-Musiul Weathe.- Report KVW-Uncle Bob's Curb·is·th~·Li"';t Club WGN-Fu Manchu, myst.... y draml (CBS) WSBC-SoUI'Ollj" WBBM-SJcippy children's skit (CBS) 10:15 P.M. WCFL_Esth.... Hammond -.lth Organ WJJD-Arl Wright, son", 3:20 P.M. WLS-Don Carll.." Dog Chats (NBC) WCFL_Walkathon News WENR-Air Juniors; Irma Glen and Ever~tt Mit· WMBI-Slori., 01 A"'we.... d I'''j'er WMAQ-Law.eoee 'I'ihhett, haritone; orchestra WGN-MiWgan and Mulligan ,'''' (NBC) WIBG-Radio Dan, the An.wu M.. 3:30 P.M. WGH-5iuging Lady (NBC) WMAQ-Dan and Sylvi3 KYW-''''O Doelor. "ilh Ates of the Ai< WJJO-Piano Instruction. 7:45 P.M. WMAQ-Al Bernard, the Minstrd Man (NBC) 10:25 P.M. WAAF-Jo.eph C"I. KYW-cbanoJu. the Mapci:lJl. WeaN-Time; W.. th .... Report WBBM-])aught~r. "t II,. An,uic,n Re,·olutioll WSBC-Sketch WBBM-Correy Lynn's Orehestra .;' Orchestra WCFL-1I'K".ii.n 1Ili".lrel 6:00 P.M. WJKS-Polisb Hour WENR-I.ady Nc: Trotter 12:00 MIDNIGHT KVW-Jack Chapma,,'. Or~he>tra WCFl-Regal Four WCFL-llotel Allerton Oreh ••t.,. WBBM-Hank Lishin's Orch~stra WENR-Irnla Glen, organ;st (NBC) WENR-What's the .News WCFL-Gl.e Club WBBM-Around Ibe Town; dance orchestras WGN-Paul Woods, baritone WGES-Bohcmian Melodies WENR-Contented Program (NBC) WENR-Don Pedro's Orchestra WIBO-Nick Nichol., Cartoonist 01 the Air WGN-Hal Kemp's Orchestra WGN-Put·Together Drama WMAQ-Organ Reveries WJJD-Mooseh •• rt ChildrEn WIBO--Thealer Reporler WIBO-Weadell Hall 12:30 A.M. WJKS-Kiddie Klub WJJO--Carolina Rounders WJKS-Col"mbia Revue (CBS) WENR-Erskine Tale's Orchestra WMAO-lhe fh,ng Family (NBC) WMAQ-Van and Don, comedy team (NBC) WMAQ-Theater of Rom"".e WMAQ-Mauri~ Sherman's Orchestra Programs for Tuesday, February 7

5,45 A.M. WLS-Hawy Time, Variety ado 7:15 A.M. 8:00 A.M. WGES-S"nshine Special WMAO-Setting: Up Exer~i5C1 WGES-Ce",1 and SaUy WCFL-WCFL Awoplane Club 6;45 A.M. WJJP-Gym Class WGES-Bohemian Melodies 6:00 A.M. WLS-Paul Rader'. Tab... nacle WIBG-Time Signal Express WAAF-Farm ""Iks' Hour WBBM-Farm Inf"rmation WMAQ-MorwlIg Worship WJJo-lJappy Go Lucky Time WGES-Music Bo", WLS-PraiII(e1'. At presC1lt he is ill Cbi­ Ken Murray: "Johnny's mother was taken {"ago, 'LOt lVasbillgtoll, D. C. to the hospital and when she returned Johnny had a new sisler. A few days later, L. M. Palmer, " Alden, Iowa- David Johnny beC;Jrne j]] and was taken to the Rubinoft', as an NBC artist, can be reached same hospital. When the doctor came in ;It headqu~rters of NBC, 711 fiftn Ave., to sec him, he said: 'Doctor, if it's all the ~ew York City. same to you, I'd rather have a puppy, I don't want a baby'." L.. " Mrs. II. S. Handy, Washington, O. c.. G. IV. BrooMYII, New York-MallY 0/ /be NBC alld CBS broadcasts are open 10 " Jbe public alld you can procure ticktls lor January 19-anllouncement-12:25 p. m. them by writillg ill. Among tbe CBS prt>­ -WDZ: Announcer: ··We wish to say that Wed· grams are Fred Allell's Bath Club, The Columbia Revue, Tbe Fml1lybollers, Burns nesday's prayer meeting, which was sched· uled for last Sunday, has been postponed alld Allell, Stoopnoglt and Blldd. NBC until Saturday night." passes will admit you to tbe Baroll Mun­ Miss Evelyn Weidauer, Decatur, Ill. chmZSe!l, Eddie Cantor, Show 80al, Rudy Il is maestro's voice! That's Charlie Agne".,.'s dog listening in on one of the Yeast· Vallee's Fleisclmlanll HOllr, Cuckoo, and foamer broadcasts heard over the NBC network, which stars Charlie and his band. £110 Crime Cl1lb programs. Lack 0/ sPQa January 17-B!ue "Ribbon Malt Program prevellts us fcom listjng all otbers. WOR -8:10 p. m.-\VLS: The dog actually does listen in, believe it or not. I Ie's a prill' collie. 1IIilUtrel sbows call alsa bt seel! by writing Ben Bernie: ·'We will now play the American song dedicated to France: • tlU! slatirm . ·Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?'" Miss C. A. R., Philadelphia, Pa.-Photo- Richard Levy, Madison. Wis. " REVIEWING RADIO grlphs of stars can be secured by writing " • • to chain headquarters. Myrt nnd Marge J~nuary 16- Sinclair Minstrels-8:20p. m. would be at Columbia headquarters, Wrigley - WLS: By Mike Porter Building, Chic;!go; Phillips Lord at NBC. Bill Childs: 711 Fifth Avenue, New York City, and the "This is the tale of JOhDllY McGuire, Goldbcrgs and Johnny Marvin at the same Who ran through the town with his o ONE has seen fit since the birth of RADIO GUlDE, to give the audience place. pants on fire; N an estimate of the people who write about radio. It is possible, of course, lIe went to the doctor and fainted with B. IV., Sclmeciady, N. }'.-"Doc" Peylon fright, that nobody is in the least interested. But since this evaluation is to be more " When the doctor told him his end was is broadcasting v;ith bis Grcbestfa frolll tbe or less critical, it might be of some constructive worth to the broadcasting Hotel Syracuse, Syracuse, New York, over in sight." business, and ultimately to the audience. Billie Gardner, Paragould, Ark. IVSYR at 6:30 and 10:30 p. 111. daily. It always has been my belief that radio, like the drama, has suffered a WSY R is 011 the 590 kilocycle wave. Jack Miles' orchestra is at prese}lt playwg ill tbe January !9-Maplc" City Four Minstrels retarded growth for lack of intelligent criticism. Broadcasting, from the -2:50 p. m.-WLS: Book Cadillac Hotel, Detroit, Micblgan, critic's angle, is being treated and damned with incompetent commentaries. C01J Artemus: "What is it that has two ears, and be heard o'1{er IV J R, De/roit. two eyes, four legs, cannot walk, and can I should say that ninety percent of those who write about tbe industry from Jump as high as the Wrigley Building?" one slant or another, do so, either with tongue-in-cheek, or with an utter lack L. E, Flushing, Long" Island-Guy Lom- bardo is thirty years of age, Carmen is Interlocutor: '·What in the world can of ability, More than fifty percent of today's so-called radio critics have that ber" twenty-nine, Leibert twenty-eight, Victor ;"rtemus: ·'A dead mule." graduated from office-boy jobs on newspapers, because unimaginative manag­ twenty-four and Joseph eighteen. Victor's Interlocutor: ··But a dead mule can't ing editors, in the early days of raclio, assigned callow, untrained youths ro first child, named Guy, was born June 28, 1932. His wife was formerly Virginia DabI'. jump." the handling of programs. Eventually, these youths became radio editors, and Artemus: ··Neither can the Wrigley Build- Guy Lombardo does employ a press agent. ing." inevitably set themselves up as oracles and experts, even though they were, Phil Regan, tenor on the Pana~ela program. Opal Foreman, Pearl, Ill. and still are, totally ignorant of more than a casual smattering of music, is a very distant relation to the Lombardo family. Leibert has no children, and Vic­ drama, history, comed y, and most of the other phases of ether entertainment. January 17-\Vm. "Vickland·s Book Shop tor celebrates his birthday on April 10. -1:30 p. m.-WLS: Wm. Vickland: "During the war, a patri­ No Slam at Evans Aliss F. T. Sawnders," New Orleam, La.- (ltic old Jady was driving through the Ouit Nelsoll is now playing in tbe Hotd country, and saw a young man milking a I am aC'luainted with most of the radio editors- in America's metropolitan towns New Yorker, New York City. alld broad­ cow. She said to him: 'Young man, why (believe it or not, Evans Plummer, who is, all spoofing aside, one of the best, ~lld myself casting over NBC. aren't you at the front?' He replied: never have. met) ,and I count the names of those really competent to editorialize on the ," ·There·s no milk at that end'." subject of radio, on my fingers, not including thumbs. I I. S., Richmond I lill, New York-The lilTS. J. H. Davis, Decatur, Ill. It is a fallacy rampant in the journalist field, that if a man can write, he is qualified sponsor of "Great Moments in ! listory" is to tackle any subject. Radio is one of the most unfortunate victims of this belief. I Standard Brands, Inc., of the EI-Toro January 18-Corn "Cob Pipe Club--9 :20 doubt if there is another subject under the sun with so many ramifications, and with so Revue the Porto-Rican American Tobacco p. m.-WENR: many demands for authoritative comment and, of course, background. I have seen artists Corporation, and of Captain Diamond's Dick: "1 have five doll ars here for you and exc<:utives of great promise and ability, hurled from the ladder on which they were Adventures the General Foods Corporation. from your uncle. Which would you rather climbing to success by roWdyish and frequently unfair criticism published by commentators The Orange Lantern mystery drama is not have; an old five dollar bill or a new (l ne?~ with petty grudges or fixed ideas. I have seen highly cu ltured, weB-trained and ellleient sponsored and the Miniature Theater is I·larry: "Give me the new one." personages, capable of giving to, or doing great things for, radio, have their underpinnings off the air. All the sponsors can be reached Dick: ·'Okay. lIere's the dollar; ]'11 keep knocked away by unlettered, uncultured and unscrupulous writers (?) who by some in care of the National Broadcasting Com­ the change." unhappy mischance, were given jobs on newspapers or maga7.ines. It was the power of pany, 71! rifth Avenue, New York City. Lauren rairbank, West Chicago, 111. the publications, and not the strength of these mispla~ed individuals that did it. Miss 1-1. L. H., Minneapolis," Milw.-Earl January 17-Fire "Chief - 8:J5 p. m._ Does It Command Resperl? Burt1ze/t'5 great orcbesfra is llOW defllnct. WMAQ: [(ate SmitiJ is 110 ·re/alioll to Morton Ed Wynn; ··OUf dog had a liller of seven To be perfectly truthful, the radio wrjter·~ position in the realm of journ.oiism and Downey. pups and I named the youngest one ·Yours literature, is not one that commands respect. Only a few enlightened public~tions arc Truly: because it was the lasl of the litter." fortunate in h~ving executives who realize that radio has beo.;omc such a factor in American Miss C. L Chicago," 111.-Kate Smith was . A. C. Boyd, Crystal Falls, Mkh. life that it deserves t(l have the benefit of (Contimud on Pa£e Fiflcen) born in Washington, D. C. RADIO AND AMUSEMENT GUIDE Page 9 Tuesday Programs [Continued]

8,35 A .M. WEMR-Fifl£e/1 Mir:ote> with You; GenII AnoW 1:20 P.M. 3:45 P .M. WLS--P,DdDU Multft R!!pOrteti IiRSfock receipt: WG N-liarmon, Trio WMAQ-Boud 01 Trade WAAF-Whal To On WHO-Leo BocswdJ WBBM-T"", Jones, Arkanus Tr:nd... 8,45 A .M. WJ KS-Buddy KarTod's Orchestra (CBS) 1:30 P.M. WCFL-(ul Formes, baril""'" WBaM-R"~ ;u,d Dulin u[ar Songstor. 11:30 A.M. WB8M-AmericM Sehool at the Air (CBS) WJKS-Rcady 10 G FiL Club WMBI-CCUltinucd Star,- Readiq: WIBO-YMCA En... l .... WAAf- l h-. Stock Mukai: W.olher S...... al")' WEHR-Danu M.. t ..... ""Be) WCFL-Pauline Stephens, 5op1"""n W M AQ-Chica~ En..,mble WIBO-()[d the.tnuts 11 :35 A.M. WGN-Virgi"ia IARu nlld Alle.a Gr.at WGN-P:.int.d OIGmS WGN-BoI! FOr!~os. teno< 9,10 A.M. WIBO-Theator nepaller WJJo-nh,l"'ody In itewriew. Flash" 11 :55 A .M . WCf L -Me.eh~nt·, J 'ros~rity (Jeur KVW-ilnold B.~n. baritone WLS-Il."y St«le; 1I,1JI1l1l'$ Ne",scas! WG N -P~lrnet Jlo"s. Eo ..... ble 9:30 A.M. W180-R3dio G".,ip WBBM-lImnrd N~l1lUille<. toianist; la~k B.oob, KYW-G. rli.ld Pnk P,o,(ram 12:00 NOON WJJ O-Mast...... ",'. n.. ur t.nor WAAF-NOGn . tim~ MclOOi .. WAAF-Cllild He31th Tal\; ; IlIin";, Stat. Modical WJK5---Cohllabia Arl1$l Ikcital (CBS) WCFl-Qr~h ... lr21 PrOgr;U!l WB8M--Go.org.. HaU's O.. b~stra !CBS) WENR-Irma Glen, org;auist tNBC) Soc i e\~' WCfL-Populu Musie WLS-Betty IJId Bob !NBO WBBM-Bunty Ch3t WMA Q-VncaI 10 11 Quntet t.'fBC) WG N-Arch Bail~y, baritont WCfl-Rigch6gbt, of Mu.;. WGH-M"ui-re dance music WLs--Jung Gardcli COnlU; orchestra WCfL-Slrollors "Maline~ 4:45 P .M. WMAQ-Edrth Shuck WMAQ-Cla"le Van.tiell WLS-Homem3~c",' Program; Martha Cr:m'" KYW-Thru Strings WM 8 1-Loop EV3n,~li.ti~ 5ftvk~ WMB1-,\ddr""~ : P'n,£es$or JMn E. Kwzenga WS8C-Hdu. Pribyl WAA F_lby Waldron'. Spnrb Revitw 9:35 A .M . WBBM--Cowooy TOlD and Indiaa Chid (CBS) WC f L-Parade of the Stan WGN-t.... nard Slh-o'l .lail Box ' ------~ WEN R- ~ l usic.:11 Mom... ts (NBO 9:4 5 A.M. WGJrl-Jo.nt Ca. penie•• o'lmisl KYW-Sing;nJ ~Inn!:" (!'SC) SPECIALS FOR TODAY WJKS-T_ and Hazel Warrilow W88M-Thora Marl~ 1\5, ... ocalist and Harold Fai., I'OR '.00 OF WCAL STATIONS SEE PAGE 4. WMAQ--c(l>llttl't Echoes (NSC) llianlsl 5 :00 P .M. WA .... F-Songs of Ih'" hland.. 7:00 p... WMAQ·NBC-Crime ClBL; ''P.iH.ed Cold" KYW-Mel Stit ...l at tb~ piann WGES-ProIO'SS"," R:nnan WAAF-Sunm Salute W LS-The no<>k Shop; WIJI. Yiekland :I1Id R:.lph WBBM-Currtnt Events; H. Y. Kail.nbon> {Cast En'.... on 8:80 p. m. WLS·NBC-BeD Bernie's Orcltellra WCFL- Tripoli Trio WM .... Q--Br""" and ' ChildrlOll'. Sh_ duo 3BO 8:45 p. m. WJKS·CBS-CaIiform. Melodies we ES-GraL B"ll" WGIll-Th. ~l Bird 10:00 A.M. 9:00 p... WDlR.NBC-Poliu Dtalbatizatio. ; Gaul Orchdr. Wl8D-Uotu'. Cnnneil Flre KYW-R,,~ VaoHkr'-ch. Pl;tnirt WJJO-Ndchborhood Slrtrt WAAF-Ootty Lu _d lJ"'ni~ 9:45 p... WMAQ-NIC-Prof. McLaJI_; co ..., Ibid ud Irio WMAQ-Maud and Cou.in BiU (NBC) W8 BM-U. S. Nary BXI\t (CBS) WSBC-Populn DatIU WC F L-Dan<~ Mlloic WG ES-lTome Folks 5:15 P .M. WGN-Allan Gn.. t, pi2n;,1 KYW-Penrod and Sam WIBO-Popular Ed.OIItS 12:15 P.M. 2:30 P.M. WBBM- Tnun 01 the ApIS WLS-Uvn:tod: &ad PoultrJ MarUt. WBBM-Laal Mukets WCFL-John Muw.ell, fOGd t alk KVW-Womon', R~dio Reri... (NBC) WEHR-Dick Darin!:; A Boy of Toda, WhlAQ-Singing Strings 1/ll""BC) WlBO-Markd R~ W8BM-Frank IVestpbal's Orchesua (CBS) WS 8 C-l>l i!tk~ ribpatrick. pianist WJ .. D----Co... edy Songs WGE S-rootlid>t r.v.. nta WCFL-M~rohant" P'DSpetit, Hnur WGN-Tram·load of Tunes, Children's PrO!tI_ WJ KS-Farm Finll .. WGN-June Baker, home lI1anag ...... 1 10:15 A .M. WLS-:-Dinnorhell Pro(u. WlBO-Omrdt .. I the Air KVW-S<>l ..l liniull1'" 0.""", WC FL-Gearl'" O'Connell, harito,,~ WMAQ--s..owo Palace fiotd Ordwstta ugjt Ibe LooIcing: (;13, .. 12,45 I'.M. WBBM-Tilo Gui.,.,.. len... ion ~ WGES-Italian !)er",. WB8 M-W~lkatbon N..... WGN-Are Y .... a CitiZl! TaJb WiBG-Patricia O'Hearn Pia)'rey·, O"h~stra (CBS) WB8M--OU.... go Dental Society P~a ... 3 :15 P.M. WENR-Rhythm Ramble .. ; St.. ke'$ Oreh. (NBC) 6 ,00 P.M. 1,00 P.M. KYW-Dr. lIerm"!l N. Bundesea, Health C"",. WGN -~Iusic We3v~ro KYW-Solo Sfl.clioM (NBC) mis.i~Qer, talk WJJO-Piano Instruction KYW-D ... Rw."o·" Ordesl'fa (NBC) WBBM-lloward Neumillor, pianist ond Phil Pori.... WMAO-Today', Childrfll WAAF-lIoooiu PlUl_her WAAF-Qrgan Melod:ia field. vocalist WB8N-Aunt J _iTll3. htin.t SereJladers 6 , 2,5 P .M. WBBM-V"Il;lIi. Clad.· Guo nd a.arIN WL S-livo.tod: and 6 raiD. MaruI. I WMB I-Swedish Gospel Service KY W-Sllort. Reporter •

Pal" 10 RADIO AND AMUSEMENT GUIDE • plums and Prunes· Clubroom Exchange By Evans E. Plummer I Dear Editor: of activity on that score, but the vari~ ERHAPS we arc wrong, :lnd if we are, the postman will soon correct us I think this new column the best idea ventures had proven failures. They &aid. with plenty of irate fan letters, but we have a sneaking suspicion that a radio magazine ever had. I belong to a however, that they had no objections to me P number of radio clubs and wnnt to join forming a dub among my friends, for my, the L Q. (intelligence quotient) of the average dial twister---cxcepting RADIO more. And for the information of the fans, own benefit. GUIDE readers--doesn't rate so high. Readers of this publication are kept in· I'll pass along the news of the best ones However, I am forming a dub ",hith is I've found so far. It "boosts" a lot of to remain as it has begun, unofficial an~ formed. They undoubtedly know more about the broadcasting business than the a\'erage rotdio artists and has their personal co-­ for only those fans who are sincerely de­ listener who haphazardly tunes his set without study. It is the latter class we mean. operation. It also sends a monthly fan· voted to "Myrt and Marge." Anyone who They are the folk who are responsible for many of the stale gags and much of the hokum paper to every member. The name of this is genuinely interested Olay write for details club is "The Boosters Club" for all radio to myself or to Mr, Rufus Simms, Oxfordr duttering up the air with resultant fame and fortune to the clutterers. fans, and anyone wishing information or Maryland. They are the ones who make it necessary for the program directors to "play down'" ;1.0 application card can get either by send­ Sunny Peterson. to the audience with childish prattle called ing a card or letter to 4021 13th St., Wasllington, D. C. "drama." with worn out puns, with ele­ Pat Ide, mentary school music. You can expect a hot battle be­ 4949 Indiana Ave., Chicago, III. Dear Editor: " Do you think we are wrong? All right, t>.",een the broadcasters and the rnuslO;: John L. Fogarty is one of my new favor.. try this on one of your dumber friends (if publishers now that Newton D. Baker, Dear Editor: " ites on the radio, and I would like to know you have one). Ask him what NBC means. counsel of WHK, Cleveland, and Some time ago I felt inspired to organize if there's a fan club for him. I'll join if If he passes on that one, question him former secr(tary of war, has been a fan club in honor of my favorites of the there is. If not, won't someone please start about CBS, Then see if he knows the named aar of radio. ether, "Myrt and Marge," and wrote to one? If any reader has a Will Osbome difference between a network and a local them, llisking for the necessary permission. Club, please send me word, I'd like to program. If you like to play games, you In response, their sponsors informed me join. Miss Idyne from Clara, Lu 'n' Em's new press agent Dragonette, tbe Cavaliers and RGsario •• , Just a clean way of telling us that BGurdon (Jan, 27) beeause, without hally· we should bubble over with enthusiasm boo, this long·run show remains one of muminsted Dial. N""" n..,.leJ:' when we see their names in releases, said the best in tbe land, and an extra plum Type Tubes. Dynamio Speaker her note, •• and the box contained their to the quartet for the cowboy medley Five tube" mean better radio ~ sponsor's soap flakes! ••• Speaking of • . . To "Inside s tory" (.Jan. 27) premier t.i.ou-far BUperior to that offered In soap, that meat packer who dished the with Edwin C. Hill, Nat Shilkret music, a four-tubemdio. Five tube" mako Skillets has gone in for another form of and "Babe" Rutb as guest for really poesible the virtual elimination or culinary art. He's auditioned Joe Cook something NEW and exeeediuely enter· whislles and other similar noises. Fioo tube" provide IDOI'e power, and his three Hawaiians • . • Batoneer taining. greater distance-getting ability and Ben Pollack, the local boy who made good And prunes: To Bernie's press agent for fioer tone-----so demand a radio with in the East and then had to do it all over misleading us on the date of the Pat at least five tubes. Remember, again at the Chez Paree, has done it. lie's Kennedy· Connie Callahan engagement, you can't get five--tube performance been signed for seven more weeks. She's had the ring for eight months! .• • out of .Il four--t.ube receiver. Freddy Von Ammon, de luxe squeeze To (Jan. Zl) for slipping back­ In tbe CROSLEY FIVER you 0b­ box player as well as p-eat leU ow, will ward instead of going forward, The air is tain a genu.illefive-tube Superhet-­ A say "I do" to the parson In company with tough on a stage made singer ••• To erodyneradiothathasboP.noomplete-­ Imogene Shea. of Indianapolis, come Walter Winchell for not catching llarriet J)' balanced atthe factory. It em­ FIVE-TUBE RADIO Valentine's Day. Cruise, the CBS find, although he names ploY8 New Heater Type Tubes, which enable it to deliver perfoon· It was scribbler Dick MacCauley's idea Irene Taylor, Mildred Bailey and Jane II.DCe heretorore impossible in a re­ INTDE and lJal Totten's good announcing that Froman (note the spelling, Walter) among ccivec of this size. It has a dial made that First Nighter prize fight the his favorite warblers ••• To "Rasey" light, a dynamic "peaker and other PRICE RANGE OF A plumful thing last Friday night ••• Victor Rowswell's uninteresting stories as toast· features you woula Dever dream 01. recorded WLS' yodeling Oklahoma cowboy, master of the new Reser Eskimos program obtaining in a radio {or IiO little FOtJB Gene Autry, last Friday, and with him was (Jan, 23) whose music, on the other hand, money. Nowhere can )'OU obtaiD Clayton McMichen, newest addition to the was deserving of plUOlS , • • To Jack as much radio ,.~ (OJ:' Iess thu. Cumberland Ridge Runners of that station Pearl, America's best comic of the moment, 120.00. and "champeen" oldtime fiddler of the for letting down considerably (Jan. 26). Y","W' A.f 7H~SlI _ A t;~t.y United States who was spotted by John StiU, the Baron has been a wow till flOW, Lair in Cincinnati .•• WSBC is doing a and you can't hang nn artist for going stale ~--t:t: -¥ ---R ncat series of dramas of lale ••• and once in a while. •

RA DIO AND AMUSEMENT GUIDE Page 11 Tuesday Programs [Continued]

6:30 P .M. WGH-Abe L]'1IIa,,'. OrcheslTa (CBS) 9 :15 P .M. WE NR-Budl~ and Crinoline (NBC) KYW-Dan Russo's O«:h ...ln WJJ D-Dan B~neU'. Orthestn KYW-l'ic alld Sade; $keLch (NBC) WGN -Wayne King's Or.hestra w eaN-Up to I'•• ; health talk W~The Couutry Doctor (NBC) WBBM-Ben Pollack'. Ormeslra (CBS) WIBO-OrranO·l.ogues; Walter F13ndorl and Di ... WCFt.-Hotd A1Ierloa. OrchHtta 8:00 P.M. WCFl-Via Lag<> Orchestra WG ES-lrish Hour KYW-The Book Theater, drama WGH-Hal Kemp'. Orehutra WJ KS-Isham"" .. Jones' Orchcstra (CBS) WGIII-KelIer, S"'~t and R05S (CBS) WBBM- R~dio Spellinr: 8H WIBO--Sln,inl Sophomoru WMA Q-Tw~et Hogan's Orchestra W ISO--Thuter Reporter w e fL-E. fltzp:erald, baritnne WJK5--1tallan 1I0ur 10:45 P .M. W JJO--Cuolina Rounders WGN-Leonard lIayton·. Orchfflr. (C8S) WMA Q--Frankie Mast~u' Orchutn WCFl-Bit of Mosco". WM.... Q-Iv:rn EppiDorr5 Orohe,!", WIBO--Jack Burnett, tenor 9:30 P.M. WMAQ-Ihnkle Maslers' Orcht!llca 6 :40 P .M. WJJD-Bubb Pidr.ard KYW-The Cadets Quartet 10:50 P .M. WlaG-lloekfy Nnr5; l oe 5prin&e WJKS-Polisb HIMII' WBBM-The No"emen Quartet WGN-Ja .. Garber'. Orohestra 6 :45 P.M. WlS-Ben Bernie', Orchfflca (NBC) WCF l - N... Chateau Ballroom Orchtslra WMAQ-Musical Mtfllor1es; Ed~ A. CUfft, pood WGN-Tomon""'. New. 11 :00 P .M. WBaN-Boat. C;.rt ..., nnn mmm ...lator (CBS> (NBC) 'V I BO-Lltt]~ Ifar..,. and the Rhythm Girl KYW-Do~ Pedro'. Orchestra WeFl -Via Lago On:heslra WSBC-ltali .... WCfl-N~w Ch.teau BaUroom o.-oh •• I..­ WEHR-The Goldboqs; drama Procnno WJ K5--Edwin C. llill. Dews (CBS) amo WMAQ-Ilomay B~lley• • oprano (NBC) WENR-Ben Bernie's Orchestra WG N-Tom, Diek and liar..,. 8:15 P.M. WIBO-Mulkal Tape.t..,. Wl8Q-Clem and Ira WBBM-Ass'n of R.al EII.1e Tupayer. 9 :40 P.M. WJ K5-Joo: Haymes' Orcheslra (CBS) WJJ D-U. of C. Thutu Bal\d WCFL_Ni,bI Court WGH-lieadUnts of Other Dan WMAQ-Cab C.Uoway's Orcheslra WM AQ-:<."" of the Air WGN-Thread. 01 n appin". (CBS) 9 :45 P .M. WSBC-Muslcal ComObor J1ubff WMAQ-Pottry Ma&ic WCFL-Frolics Cafe Orchestra WMA Q-TwHt Hog... 's Orchestn Programs for Wednesday, February 8

5:45 A .M. B:35 A.M. WIBO-Sparkling Melodi~ 11:30 A.M. WGES~Sum l:Une Special Wl S-Product Marktt Ropert""; IiVfflDdr. nceipl; Wl5-Uve.tack and Poultry Marbtw KYW-Nalion.l Farm and 110m. 11001 (NBC). 6:00 A .M. WMAQ-Br~ .... and de Rose; iD.trume!ltal duo WAAF-~Iemorit. 8 :4 5 A.M. (NBC) WAAF-Farm Folks' llout W88M-The Merr~· makee. (CBS) WBBM-Frank Wilson and Jules Sta. WMBI-Shul.ln Ih'que5t PCOl .... 1111 WGE5--Mu. k Bo" WMAQ-NothinK But Ih~ Truth (NBC) WENR-Home Service WJJO-Good Mornin~ Program WS8C-Mildred l'it.poirick, pianist WGN-Bond of Trade R.port. 8 :50 A .M. WIBQ--GQlden Gale WlS-Smil. A Vlhil. nm~ 10: 15 A .M. 6:15 A.M. Wl5--To"'er Topin Time with Gene Aulry WJJO-Studio Carnival WlS-Wulher Report. p,odure report ... 9:00 A.M. KYW-Hou~bald Institute., dram~tiulia. (NBC) WJK!'--Concert Miniatures (CBS) KVW-)lusical M~lange (NBC) WAAF-The Spotlight WMA(}-On Wings 01 Song 6:30 A.M. WE NR-U. S. Anny Band (NBC') WGES-)tu.ical ReqUfftS WAAF-Siu& ...d SWO'ql 11 ;35 A.M. WBBM-LakO$idt Melodies WCES-Rhythm Review WIBO-Untl. John and bis F:unilJ WGN- M.lod, Favoritu WGN-Painttd Dre.om. WJJO--Carolina Rnunde~ WCF l -German Enlert3inmtnt WIBO-Markd R~port' 11 :4 5 A .M . WlS-Hawy Tim~; Variny Acts WGES-Canal')' C(.nr~rt WGN -K... p fit Club WJJD-NelghbQrbood Stare WAAF-Estent Baroes, piaN,t WMAQ-Settin& Up E.~rcisu WMA Q-Institute 01 Radio Snvice M... WB8M-Conctrt Minialures (CBS) 6 :4 5 A .M . WIBO-YMCA ~eroi«, WMAQ-SOloist (NBC) WSB C-Populu D~n.e WIBO-)lemory Book WBBM-Farm tnformatian WJ J O-Singil1g Min,lrel. WlS-?,.i,l£ Ramblen and Dixie Mason 9 : 10 A .M. 10:25 A .M. WJ KS-Ncw' Fla.hes 6 :55 A .M. WlS-liatry Steele; Hamlill's New.usl WG ES-~tinia!urc Drama WlS-Weath•• Report; !.i".,tock; Butler and Eg WBBM-MuMcal nme Sa"er 9:15 A .M. WGH -Board 01 Trade Report. Markttt 1 ;00 A.M. KYW-Solo;.t (NBC) KYW-Mu,ioal 10;30 A .M. 11 :50 A.M. OM., WBBM--Orgsn Inlerlnde WGN-Goad liulth .nd Trainlnc f'rIIsraa WAAf-BrukfaSf uptess WCfl-Famous Solol.t~ KYW-Hu~o Mariani's Orchestra (NBC) WeFl-MorNII~ Shum. WGN--Clan. Lu 'n' Em (NBC> WAA F_EfIi~ Marine llaney PcestQls 11 :55 A.M. WGES-Musical Toash WLS-Mac and Bob, song. WBBM-The Amba.~adors (CBS) WlS-Jbrry Sleel.: Hamlin'. 1'1 ..._$'1 WGH-Good MortUor: WMAQ-- N~y ... II t1Usthoid m nb WENR-Jackie IItlle., ' ....or "illio Ph,nu. ud 12;00 NOON WJ J ~owboy Singe~ Frank WAAF-Noon·t im ~ Melodiff ; Weith... WL5--Famiiy Circle Pragum; Ralph EmtTson 9:20 A.M. WGES-Minstrel, WBBM-Julia Hay~ household IUnh WBBM_News Fl~s h n WMAQ-Lilll~st Girl (N8C) WGN-Digtst of the Day'. Ne". WCFL-Popular MUMC WM81- Suorlst Servioe 9:30 A.M. WIBO-N .... ttl tho day WGH-Mid·O., Seni<:a 1:15 A.M. KYW-Swingin' Along (NBC) WJJD-N~me th~ Balld WIBO-Timtly Tunes WGE5-C"",l and sIn, WAA f-Ask Me Another WMAQ-Benjamin F. Buck. school talk WJJD-U. of C. German Class WH D-Gym C13"5 WBBM-Beluty Chat WMBl-Praile s.:,,·ice by Trained Institute Choir WJK5-George Hall's Orchestra (CBS) Wl S-Rad.,.·~ Gospd Tabt'rft.m WGES-Sbow Hit~ WSBC-John Stamford, tCIlot WLS-Cate rpi lla~ Cre... ; Ma~ Cily Four :ur.d 1_ WMAQ-- ~Iornin, W"uhip WGN-.Ma,ktt Repofts Bro,", 7 r30 A.M. WIBO-King of th Kitch .... 10:45 A.M. WMAQ-Lat lU Gardtns Orohestra W88M-CbrisU... Scitft.. Cburchft ., IUiMIb WLS-Rid~ Runners; 5quan: dance music KYW-Rost Vandtrbosch, ""linl pian;1I WMBI-Loop Evangelistic Senice W CFL...... ch.,.,tlo; In'pirational talk " music: (NBC ) WMAQ--Happy Jack Turner. son~. (NBCl WAAF-Musiul Ca1f.ndar 12:15 P.M, WG ES-POMh Ear1yhirds WMBt-Addr.sses; Dr. J. H. GI USS ami Dr. CIt~ WBBM-Ben Alley, tenor (CBS) WBBM-Loc:al Markets WIBO-Frankie Marvin, Cow""y Balladl S. Thorn .. WEHR-Rhythm Ramblers (N8C) WIBO-Mubt Report. WJJD-U. of C. In,piration llnur WGN-Grand Old Uymn, WJJD-U. of C. French Class 9 :35 A .M. WJJ D-Piano lnslruetio.o WLS-Sto.mbQat n;n WGN- I.~onard Sal.o', Mail 80% WJKS-Farm Flashes WMAQ-Pepper Pot; orchestra (NBC) WMAQ-Tod.y's Children WlS-Dinnerbtll Program 7 :45 A .M. 9 :4 5 A .M. WS8C-Paul Whileml o', Ord,estra 12:20 P.M. KYW-Detty Crack .. (NBC) 11 :00 A.M. WBBM-Nnu F1ashff W88M- Musi~at Tunc San. WAAF-Song. of the Island. WJJD-Bubb Pickard KYW-Mornioa Mei.odiaJI. WIBO-Reading Room WBBM-Ameriean Mediea1 AssociatiOB WAA f _B.,,

By Lee Ronell

IF you happen to be among the dancers on the piano every tune she ever heard, at the Biltmore Hotel in New York City started "taking." it's inevitable that you'll mark the sophis-­ After five years in A~hland, Kentucky, ticated Ramona at the piano. Tall, garbed one year in Baltimore and another in in shimmering bla,k satin and those un­ Columbus, Ohio, Ramona's family landed (,(ihng long ear-rings, Ramona is a whirl· in Kansas City, Missouri. R

By Hilda Cole ----~

B RIEF, and very much to the point. is great Rubini fifty years before had this the name of the young gentleman of difficult work been produced in its original Verona-Nino. Nino Martini. lIe is a key. But the remarkable r~ngc of M~rtini's warm, colorful personality, and owns a voice, which covers more than two and a warm, colorful tenor-but what is even half octaves, enabled him to sing "F' above. more remarkable is that he is the only high "C" in futl voice...... ,anr.! it was a scnsa~ living singer who can sing "F" abo\'e high tion. "C" in full voice. Next in whizz-bang succession-but chap. First of all, let's present him to you. eroned sternly by the indomitable Signor: Not tall, by any means, but well-built, Zcnatetlo-Nino filled engagements for con~ slender, black-eyed, with wavy black hair. cert recitals in the music capitals of Europe. lie shrugs his shoulders, flings out his hands, [-lis successes were meteorically bright. He and raises his eyebrows to emphasize his was called to the famous Kursaal at O~tend remarks, which arc done with a Chevalier-an for a series of concerts, later apfJt'aring in accent. Meantime, he succeeds to look Paris, Marseilles, Nice, Toulouse, Monte very handsome. You gather instantly that Carlo and London. Returning to Italy. in spite of the restraining presence of Signor Martini was accorded an audition before Zenatelto (about whom you wilt hear some­ Toscanjni in La Scala; but redta: contracts thing later) he manages to have a gay old prevented his joining the company. At time, is a prolonged bachelor, and likes one of the ensuing Paris recitals, he was everybody vcr' modl. heard by Jesse Lasky and later signed by' Nino was born in Verona, as we men­ that film magnate for performances in tioned before-and near the legendary talking pictures. tomb of Shakespeare's immortal Romeo and Juliet, of which his father was custodian. I N 1929 Nino-like Columbus-~discQ\ered It lVas evident, at an early age, that Nino America. He was starred in live short would amount to something-just what, pictures, filmed in the form of concert re­ nobody suspected-but he had so much citals. Among them were the Italian joie de vivre that he was continualty getting "Saluto di Hollywood," "l'\ight in VeniLe,'" into scrapts, scrambles and pranks. Natural­ "Moonlight Romance," and the Spanish ly, he could not have a conservative ending "Cancion del Fado." With his close friend, to his youth, such as banking or law. He , he was featured in Channing Mary Eastman. featured on Columbia network programs with Andre was restless, eJger, sensitive, e"perimentJL "Paramount on Parade." Signor Zenate!!o Kosrelaneb' orcbestra, made her IIrst bid to tame as a child by regularly running As a child, having a sweet, 'strong voice, saw to it he wasn't TOO gay in Ilollywood. away trom ber Kansas City, Mo., borne, Since then, sh e's had a fl air for attract­ he was, of course, roped into singing soprano (nil' attention to herself by being t.be principal actress 01 a series of lIDusual parts in local churches and charity concerts. I N August of 1930, he returned to italY, incidents. Retall her with Singit~' Sam ? with the Zenatellos to prepare an exte[}o T I-lEN, in early adolescence, Nino some- sive operatic repertoire. After another times sighed before the moonlit tomb period of arduous study, he returned to of Romeo and Juliet in the Campo Fiera. America and made his debut with the Ah, for a significant romance and adven~ Philadelphia Grand Opera Company, sing~ Quite Contrary Mary ture like theirs! For a free and unshackled ing with Josephine Lucchese and John life! But apparently a sensational and Charles Thomas in "Rigotetto." So thund~ romantic existence (such as D'Artagnan erous was the ovation given Martini's ren~ By Alice Fair enjoyed, not to mention Romeo) was not dition of the aria, "La Donna e Mobile.... to be his. The Martini pater sent his that he was forced to break a preLedent of. . WI T" everybody ~"1lying "What a Yoice," grown up to be len years old-that she lackadaisical son to a tCl:hnical school and long standing and interrupt the perform~ it's high time we looked at who owns took part in an al1l;]t~'lIr performance on that was too much for Nino's very untcch~ ance of the opera with an encore. When it. Her name is Mary Eastman, and with a vast the,lter stage, singing to the ac· nical disposition. A way out! Like a. dying he next appeared with the same company. ... bell-dear tone, she chimes through musi­ companiment of an organ. Iler voice rose mJn at a piece of driftwood ,the youngster singing Bizet's "The Pearl Fishers," the cal comedy and light opera to a background strong and clear as ever, but she was so decided to turn to his yoice as :I way out, program of the evening bore in large letters vivaciously painted by Andre Kostelanetz. very nervous that she was affected in a and received an audition before his famous the inscription, "No Encores Allowed." There's something about the tilt and strange way-she stood on the stage with compatriots, Giovanni Zenatell0 and his poise of her head that suggests she might her knee crooked-looking, she admits, wife, Maria Gay, both operatic stars of toss it_almost-any moment-something in "just [ike a stork." their day. A native of Verona, Zenatello • her eyes almost the ti[lt and depth of lilac.s was a member of the La Scala Opera Com­ -something about her mouth stressing W HEN she was ele~' en years old. she pany at the same time as Caruso. !-Ie and delemlination beneath its prettiness. But studied voice training under the in­ his wife, also a famous artist of the days her conversational tone is matter-of~ract. struction of Miss Rose Ryan, the outstand­ when llammerstein directed the Manhattan [t was when Mary was a child in her ing teacher in her native city. Three years Opera, were Lhe discoverers flf Lily Pons home-town, Kansas City, that she DID toss later, business tr~nsrcrred her father to and other Metropolitan stars. her head. lIer wilfulness look lhe form of Chicago, and she entered the Chicago Musi~ Little did Nino expect the trap he had fUnning away, and she periodically had the cal College. Ilere Mn ry plucked laurels, fallen inlo-for Signor Zenatell was so household in a frenzy over her departure. won a three year musical scholarship and impressed with Nino's possibilities that he They'd organize a search, wring their hands, a stunning diamond medal, too. invited him to live with them. Nino was wait for telephone cal!s---and in Ihe midst Mary was unable to take advantage of elated over the laurels that hung like a of the excitement Mary would rcturn of the scholarship because her father's busi­ mirage in the horizon. To be a singer! her OWII accord-without apl!llogy. ness indicated another change, and the Famous, perhaps. Undoubtably, if he family moved to New York. There, she worked hard. Aye, but there was the rub. AT the age of four, Mary did something was introduced to Frank La Forge. This Signor Zenatello saw that he did. lie was which astounded the teacher pr~iding was probably one of the most important placed under the most careftli training over her kindergarten. She, the teacher, steps in her life, for Mr. La Forge, eminent regime, arising at six in the morning and asked if there were any of the children acwmpanist and vocal instructor, has working under studious guidance until bed­ who would like to play the pi'lno so that steered many MctropoJiL

12:50 P .M. 3:30 P.M. WIB0--5ilvu Mdodln WCFL-~ighl Cowl WB BM-Norm st...... , pianist KVW-Two Doclors with Aen of the Air WJJ D-lloward L. Pt~, O'l:miot WGN_ R0In3I1tie Bad ..1 .... (CBS) . GN-Itobo:rl '- VaD. TtH, WAAF-Melody Ti".., WMAQ-soph .. KYW-Inspect.... StevtRS and 50fI ef ScotlaJUi yatdf WJKs-Jack B.roolu; Woslpl>31's Orchostra (COS) KYW-MiKha Wdsbonl, .....Iiairt !!! ~JD-lllinois M,..fiaI Socifi,. WAAF-Pola PrOlll'llm .u.c0l' WGH-Uncle Quio. Day Drnm... ana WishboM WGK-Guy Lo",h""d!I's Orchestra; Burn. ud AnoIa =~XS-Ann Lru', organist (CaS) W8BM-Dall.Jhten of the Am .. ri"'1II1 Revoloti .. WLS-Unde Ezra, comedy skit WENR-Manrie Shtnnu', Orchr.;tra lNBC) WIBQ-..(:tnrwI. ~ ( CBS) WlBO-"Y" HoWl Chorn :WM8 l-o..gan ~ttI WJJD-Bridg. Cbs, of the Air WJJD-LM Bos.... .n. soup WJKS-Sill Schudt', "Going to Press" (CBS) WMAQ--Hlfold Van Home WJKS-Hat StOft l.u«u~ 1 :15 P .M. WMAo-Symphon7 Omteft (N BC) WMAQ--Lugn~ of Warne" Voters 6:15 P .M. 'WAAF-S,;,lon Music 3,50 P.M. 8 ,45 P.M. W-BBM-Aoll Lt.a!, o,,!anisi (CBS) KYW-Tht Glot>.o Trotter WBBM-N""" Flnhe. in KYW-Don Pedro's OreM_r. )V C FL-Brid~e Chats WBBM-Bgclr. R~ the Y~ 2433. dr, ml 4 :00 P .M. (CBS) WCFL-TOIIyand Joe WGN-Pahnu Ho~ Ensombt. WAAr--Pi3"o Novelties; li.o:uIIy Kozak WC Fl-V.bnharp tDd ()rpD WIB t)....{;km tDd lIany WIBO-1be Gold .... Voice WJ l(S.....{Joarlie and Roy W JJD-Walt.. r .... e WBBM-Ho-ard N .... millH. pianist (CBS) WENR-car- R ...... ·s Buckaroos CHDO WCFl-Junior FederatiOll Oub WG E~ Sally ~ LS-Ljytstock and Grioin Mari:~ ""d 9 :00 P .M. I WCN-Belle Franklyn. songs WGN-Tbe Secret nne KYW- The Globe Trottu I 1:%0 P.M. WlBo-oid Chestnuts W J J D-Sports Rttl WBBM--Columbia Rt'I\Ie (CBS) I)YMAQ-Board of Trade WHO-Rhapsody u. RKO«h WMAQ-Whutftlrrille; dnma (NBC) WCFL-Gra.ce Wi-'-., nmtralto WJKS--Howard Nnmillft'. pianist (CBS) 6:25 P.M. WE MR--(:om Coh PIp" Club ., y.,pnu. (NBC) 1 ,30 P .M. WMAQ--The Woman', Calendar KVW-Sports R~ .... WGH-Fre! Warines Orch",lta; Comtdiac O'!BCJ. I KYW-Prudtnce Penny. taIIr. . 4 :15 P.M. WIBD-WendeD HaD tllAAF-PilnOoy Ballads I WGM-OId 1im.e Favorite. WCFl-llold 1Jl.ut0li Orchestra 9:15 P.M. ,WJJ D-HiIl.hiUy time WIB!)-,'Sis" Gleason WENR-What·s Ill. Newl KYW-Vic ~nd Sad6 8 :30p. m. WGN-CBS-C.., Lombardo'. Orche.tra; Bll1'II' ud AlIa WBBM-Myrt and Marie. drama (CBS) ,)VAAF-C1uoil&o On PJrado: WCFt-CIub ALtbam Orchestra ,WBBM-Beallt}' Chat 8:30 p. at. WENR-NBC-Mortoa DowaeJ ud Donald Nona, lDOn WG.H-Mdacl7 HOUf WCFl-!t\ucb:u>ls' Prosperit)' lIwr WIElD-Betty and Jearo )'iliN-Happy EDdings 9:00p. .. WGN-CBS-Frecl Warm,'s Orcheslra and Comediaa WJ K5-Fray and Braniotli, piano ttam (CB~) :wtBD-R3dio Gossip 10:00 P.M. WJJD-).Ia.tenrwk$ H"",. 9:30p. 1III. WMAQ-NBC-Exploring America with Cane~ Wella ,WJKS-Rhythm. Kings (CBS) KVW-Sports Reporter WCFl -Sch<>CI1 Te~chtrS' Pt~.. MI LS-Belly and. Bob OtBa WEHR-Amos .... Andy (NBC) .WMAo-Two SelIls in the B~I(OD.J' (!fOC) .WSBC-I'oet·, Corller WGH-Put Together; Drama WEHR-Irma Glm, lIr!anl~t (NBC) 6 :45 P .M. WIBD-NeWll Flashes 2 , 10 P.M. WGN-J... ep!> " ....mer. w.riton. WBBM-Joake Carter. news commmblor (CBS) WJ KS-Columbia S\·mphony Ord,n tra (CBS) WCN-PKlln ... lIouse Ens...,bl.. WIBO-Nkk Nichoh, Cart<>CIoisl of th AX WCF L-Vi3 Lago Orche,tra WMA Q-Awo, 'A' Andy (NBC) 2:15 P.M. WJ JD -Moo.cheart Chlidren WENR-The Goldberg .. duma (NBC) 10,05 P.M. WBB'I- BeUe Furbes Culler alld W"lIlpbal's Or, WJKS-K idd~ Klub WGN-Tom. Dick and Harry KYW-Mark Fisher's Ortht't.~ che, trJ WMAQ-Tht F11in, Family (NBC) WI BO-Clem and Ira (cas) WJJD-U. of C. Music Appretiation II...... 10:15 P.M. WCFL-R~diu Troubadours (NBC) 4 :45 P .M. WMAQ--Iv:u> Epplroolrs Orch",tra WCFL-WaIkatho.. News W JJP-lAo Boswell, s.onp KVW-Thr~ Strings W EN R~ ... ar.. Saduo's COIIUrI. O,wtslta (NBO WJK5-BnIe Forbes Cultu ""d W",tphal'. Orch ... WAAF- by W.Ld ....·s Sports Ren.... 7:00 P.M. WGN-:'otilligan and Mulligan t.ra (CBS ) WBBM--SIe<>py Valle,; Joe Robin5Ol1" I . W, Dot, KYW-Vinccnt J.opd Orchestra WIBD-Radio Dan W LS-lIommtaker. and "Little DnomIs ...... lif~ WCFl-Puade of Stan WB BM-llarrid Cruise and OrclJestn (CBS) WMAQ ...·{b .. ,.1Id Syll1. Mrs. Blanche QII'''_eih WE NR-Musical Momenlt (NBC) WCFl- W""'fll'S Trade UniOli Leape Talk 10,30 P .M. WSBC-Adams Bulier, tenor WGN-Jaf>e Carpent.ft'. «PI1isl WGE.S-Ilalian l Eppi.nolf'1 Ord>eln W CFL-\'Iltrchants' Prosperity Hoar WMF-&mvt Salule 7:15 P.M. WCH-J1lM BabI'. ho.... "'antpnlst WBBM--Grandpa Burton', Stories 10,45 P.M. .WIBo-5iln .. Mdodin KYW- )(mc, dralllatie shtel!. WCFt.- Tripoli Trio W8SM-Pat Flanagan's Sports Review WCFl-Bit of Mo.-eftw WJJD- Pi~QO Jnslrudioo WENR-Pat Bune,' ChlWren', Sh_ WCFl-.·ralia Cafe . WMAo-W"'ter Garden Orchestra W"A(r-R ~d io Troubadours (NBC) WGEs-Gem, of Germany WGN-5in&in' Sam, ~ rit o ne (CBS) 10:50 P.M. WS8C-Robn"t Danks, ~.... WGN- The Devil Blrd WIBo-Dnid lacbon WCIt-Jan Garher', Orcheslra WlBG-Ualu'. COIlllcil FIre WJJD-RajP1,lt, mystery .moma 11 ,00 P.M. 2 ,45 P.M. WJJD-Nrichborh ...... StltTe WAAf- Wa.ld Newl Reports Wl S-COII,,~ lntr. Orcbfttra KYW-Dan Ru"o', Orchestra WMAQ--MalMi and COQSin Bill. (NBC) WCFl-Tripoli nio I:WBB ...... ·our EtOD Boys, quartet (CBS) 7:30 P .M. WIBO-...Ifatt;d R"P'fb WSBC-T,.,. Ti_ 'hsic~ KYW-MeJody Lall e WENR-Maurie SIlet'man's Orchestra W18D-Musiu.l TIlP"tty, orrlA , WJJD-lladio Guide's Editor's ItoYJHI TMIe 5 :10 P.II. WBBM-¥iItHII Minllles ef SunshilI~ willi. a...... KVW-M..! Stitzd It the piu. Jr:o.mp WJKS-Eddie Duchin's Orchestn (c.s) I ,.wJK5--Four El.... Boys, qUMtd. (cas) WMAQ--Mnk Yl5h ...... OrchO'Stn , WLS-Ma~ City Four MiftStni 510_ 5 :15 P.M. WCFL-Ikmiu Hiwnl, contrail. •WllU.l}-P armt T .... chH T.tk WGN-Jeate Smith·s Swowee Mosie (OS) WSBC- Musiul Cocned,y KYW-l'elrod .Itd Sam 11:10 P .M. W58C-l'bnoland WB8M-TanH lha Apes WlB~ ru. or WGN-Wayn~ Kinr'~ OrdIostra WCFl-Jehf> Manrtil. Ioocl blII WJJD-Art Wri&ht, ~ 3:00 P.M. WI.S--But Bernie's Orchestra 11:15 P.M. K YW-Tbrft StriDp WENR-Dick ~ins; A Boy of Today of Childr ... WMAo-Newl of the Air WCFL-Frulia cae. WliN-TnUn·load Tune •• ·s Progt.. WMA(r-Vinceol Lopn.' Ord.etn of Air 7:45 P .M. On:hntn {CBS}' WlBD-WPCC Church u.. WS8C-J",·ry Sullivu. Son, Special :~~~~acH~" WJJD--Dance Orchestrn KYW-cb.,.dn. lhe M~ PciaJI W CFl-civic &: Welf"", Talk fUIIl abyor'. Office WCFl-Labor F1 uh", 11:30 P.M. WCH-Aftemoau Musicale WMAQ-Park Centnl Or che~t .. (NBC) WS8C-Jerry Sulling, IIOnp WIBO-(ieorle Andeoson. talk KYW-Mark Fishe.·, Orchestra WIBO-o..l1 Reed. t .... or- WCFL....(."I"b Alaham Orch~.In. 5 :30 P.M. WJJD-Davt Beonett's Orthtitrl WJJD-Wom.,..', Club WLS-The Counlry Doctor ( NBC) WENR-Don Pedro·. Orchmrs WJ K~ud .. Hopkill's Orchestra (CBS) KYW_Unc1e Bob', C ur b · is·th~I.imit Club WMAQ--Ftankie ',blters' OrclJostra WIIN -Late Dan.,., Orch""tr" WlS-tbe Bicycle BoY"; Friu and F\eQiliI" WBBM-Skippy; Children'. Skit (CBS) 8:00 P .M. WJ KS--Ben Poilaok' i Orch",tra (CBS) WMAo-Yid-....u: ).fusiule (NBC) WCF L-Esthu 1I ~....noud with BartOlI o.p. WMAo-Tw.et II"!.,.'. Orellestr. WMB I-Addrnses: D<. Juhn A. Uubbard ud Dr. WENR-Air I Ulliono KYW-Mark Fish..... , Orchestra WSBM--.lad< Brooks. song souvenir. W5BC-FamoDll SymphonLes Roo..rt C. Mo:Qu.illdJl WGN-Sln.gin!,: Lady (NBC) 11 :45 P.M. W5BC-R"U. Ue WJ.i D-Piatlo wtrudiolll WCFL-Artisl5' Hour WeN-Bing Cro5by. I>2rilooe; H~yto<\', Orches· WCFl- A Bit of M~; ordlostn \ WMAQ--Drittiuc: ""d o...:amiq 1r.~C) 3 , 15 P .M. WSB C-Dramatic Skdch Ira (CBS) 12,00 MIDNIGHT K YW-Dr. H.".",all H. BUlldex". Itullh Camilli$- WI8 O-Jad:; Burnett, 1m.... KYW--cdebrity NishI witll Dall. Rus'" Or ..... lion."., lalk 5 ,40 P .M. WJJD-Bubb Picu.-d WB BM-Around the T_r>; dolo".,., orchestra. WAAF-Qrtall Melodi", WC F L-W~lk:ttholl News WJ KS-Pollsh Hour WEH R-E.rskine Tato!, Ordt"lltn WCFl-Aft.. m<>CIn Frullu 5 ,45 P.M. WMAQ-,Studio Musiu! Variety Progra.. WMAQ--(lrs:u> Renri... WG" -Variet.y Program WBBM-The Lone Wolf Tribe (CBS) WL5-Advomtllfe' at Sherlotk Ilolmes (NBC) 12:30 A.M. W18D-Diet Aid Prllg<~'" WEHR-Liule Orphu Annle; childhood playlet WSBC-Palisb Progr~ ", WENR -Tweet lIogan', OrchwMl. WJJD-Drea"" of Hawaii (NBC) 8 :15 P.M. WMAQ-Vin WBBNt-Hank LishlD" Ortheslta KYW-~ Tuce', Orch.~tr . RADIO AND AMUSEMENT GUIDE Reviewing Radio '-by Mike Porter I Short Wave and D-X ] (Continued 'rom Page Eigbt) expert trea tment; that its place in the day's P. W. Oilg. Evanston, Illinois, sends in from Germany. They are OJO, on 25 21 news is one of paramount importance. and some very interesting and useful informa· meters and OPe. 49.83 meters. These ar. that the day of office-boy criticism is long tion concerning the reception of European sister stations to OJA and OJB at Berlili since outmoded. Only a few publishers stations in this part of the country. His and we believe both of these new ones are at have come to know that a radio critic must list includes OJB, Zeesen, Germany, 19.73 Berlin also. Both stations have been heard. be an educated fellow, with a rair working meters, broadcasting between 7 to 10 a. m. while experimenting a lot, but they hav. knowledge of music, an appreciation of daily (CST); VE9J R, Winnipeg. Canada, settled down to an almost regular schedulot drama, with a mind reactive to humor; a 2,.60 me ters, II to 12 noon, EAQ, Madrid OJO is heard at the same time as DJB.. general understanding of the modus Spain, 30.40 meters, 4:30 to 6 p. m. daily from 8 till II a. m. EST. DJe come ~ a.t operandi of radio technique-a man, or except Saturday and Sunday; II BP, Ge­ from 2 to 9 p m. ES,!,' I woman. with a nose for news, and a flair neva, Switzerland, 38.47 meters, 4 to 4:15 for bringing out the human and appealing p. m. Sunday only; YVIBC, 49.10 meters, Walter G. W I,ht tells of a broadcast aspects of the business. A first class critic, Caracas, Venezuela, to p. m. daily; from WKAQ, San Jgan, Porto Rico, be. as I have maintained consistently. would 5 10 .and GSA, London, England, 49.30 meters, t ween 1:30 a nd 2:30 a. m., Sunday, J a lM ha\'c to be a superman, hence my conten­ vary 8, CST. He reports " ery ,"ood ~ tion, that at the moment there uists no 7 to 9 p. m. daily. These, he declares, corne in much better during the spring ee ptloo. a nd requem prop-ams of Dli such thing as an all-around radio critic. stations on rerular :.:ve bands. The other day, a dainty young woman, and summer, although re<:eption will vary 1 ,reatly on them. who had been hired by a canny radio press rrom three different :ources come storiet agent as a lure and contact, called upon .. Our New York correspondent declares of special OX programs which were broa~ Louis Sobol, Broadway columnist for a cast last Sunday, and before. The lettert New York newspaper. She was green in the that there isn't muc h doubt that station Caught by the candid camera, William YVI BC, Caracas, Venezuela, is the best arrived too late, but many thanks. Mist business, and wore a fixed smile in which Vincent Hall, Columbia's tall baritone, her boss had rehearsed be r. In her con­ foreign station beard in the Un ited States Haist, Mr. Zorn, and Charles A. Morrbon. fusion, however, she handed Sobol an item is shown singing before a "mike" du ring .at this time. T his station is supposed to president of the International OXer's A). about a celebrity, that had been intended one of his ruent CBS broadcasts. He have 100 watts power, .and is heard every liance. Incidentally, we would like to he. did no t know that the picture was being evening from 7 p. m. till 10 p. m. EST, mote from this last ~ rty. f for a radio columnist. Sobol looked at it. taken and thus we find the singer in ITeW red in the face and blustered: with excell ent volume. They broadcast on "See here. Get this! I'm Dot a r&di. perfect composure, not conscious of the -49.1 meters. The S. S. Conte De Savoia Mr. Feldman requests information abolll eohamnlst-l'm a Broadway columnlll$. camera. William I-I all stands six feet of the Italian lines brings a new ship sta­ the schedule of KOB, State College, Ne. five inches high in his stocking feet; and 1 don" wan' (0 be confused with tion to short waves. The call is I DLI, and Mexico. KOB is operated daily, full tim. making him a contender for the title radio writers." it has been heard on the regular ship wave­ It is not affiliated with either network. At first blush, I would resent that. But of rildio's loftiest performer. lengths, Working with station WOO, New and operates on 20 kilowatts, 1180 ki lo. on mature thought. one cannot blame Sobol. Jersey, and lAC, Piza, Italy. Two new short cycles. Its schedule is carried in the Sout!). • wave broadcasting stations .are on the air western edition of RADIO GUIDE. I Hr Should Br Sanr air from vulgarity, and to fL8ht the battle of the public for clean and wholesome I'm not saying that a radio columnist OImusement, to encourage progress and to should be a Pollyanna, nor even a gentle­ condemn backward tendencies. men. But he should be sane. There are My estimate of the general run of radio phases of radio which sorely need his criti­ writers is, of course, unflattering. Per­ cism. I think it unfair however, to pe rmit haps I have fallen, many times, in to the HEAR such crisicism to be uttered by unthink ing errors of which I write today. But that unskilled writers, who gi\'e more thought does no t deter me from wanting to liICC: to turning out a witty gag than to a con~ the craft lifted to a place of respect ; I structive idea. Even though we can't ever would like to see other publications follow ha\'e perrect critics, it would be a happier the lead of RADIo GUlDE in treating the radio world if we had commentators who subject of radio with the seriousness whic h gave unstinted praise to meritious enter­ it deserves and in training and encouraging Booth Tarkington's tainment, and kindly advice, hints, or even tho5C who would inscribe its history lD a spanking to those inferior programs which brighter chapters than have characterized creep in despite the vigilance of those who the radio departments thus far developed by are trying to elevate the industry. There the dailies and magazines. The radio au­ is a need for alert watchdogs at the ga tes dience comprises the greatest gTOuping of RADIO SKETCHES of the radio temples-guardians who know human being in any field; the radio busi~ friend from foe. T here is a need too, for ness, consequently becomes one of the most the sake of the audience, for adroit. ob­ influences on American life. Why shouldn't servant ~gents capilble of detecting and it develop its own literature on a plane I~Maud & Cousin Bill" publicizing abu5CS of the air, which really of respectability and dignity at least equal belongs to the people, and keeping recalci­ to that of the movies and the theater? directed by Winifred Lenihan trant or misguided executives on the Why shouldn't we so

---- Just Hnd coupon tl ---- Hear als!>-Over the same stations at the same time on Thurs­ RADIO GUIDE days-GEORGE RECTOR'S COOKING SCHOOL FOR CHIL­ Circ .. l .. t ioD Dept . DREN-and on FRIDAYS-GEORGE RECTOR and Judge <4 23 P lymouth Court, ChiC_la , Ill. Gordon-in "Our Daily Food." 'hme ...... •. •and Monday evenings at 9 o'clock Eastern Standard Time, A~drn' ......

CATHERtNE J. WALTERS tune in the A & P Gypsies. 1 ~ 8th M t . Roe blin" N. J. ToW!! ...... Sbte ...... • Pa... 16 RADIO AND AMUSEMENT GUIDE Programs for Thursday, February 9

5 :45 A.M. WGES-Show Boal 12:15 P.M. WLS--Unc1e Ezra. ~ omcdy skit ¥lGES-Sunshine Spocial WGN- Allan Grant. pianist WBBM-Local Market, WMAQ-Centul"y of Progr .... Talk WIBD-Popular Echoes WIBO--Markot Reports WMBI--orgall Program 6,00 A.M. Wt.S-Livestack and Poullry Markel.; wea!h ... WAAF-Farm Folks' lio..,. WJJ D-Comedl' Songs 1:10 P .M. WMAQ_Sillglng String. WBC) WJ KS-Facm F1ashes WCFL-Graoe Wilson. contr.lto; Eddy Hansalt, WGES-~lu.ic Box W5 BC- MHdred Fill".triek. pianist WJ J D-Goo,l M<>w;nol; Pr<>gr'", WLS-Pr;uri. Farmer Dinnerbcn Program organi.t Rose, pbni;t WlS-Smile a Whil~ Tim" 10, 10 A.M. WMAQ-Dave 12:20 P.M. 1:15 P.M. WENR-Studio Program WBBM-News Flashe. 6 :10 A.M. WAAF-Dr2ma!i~ Sketch W lS-Jahnny Musk,at. Fur Report ... 10,15 A .M. WISO-Reading Rl>Om KVW-Singing Stcings (N BC) WBBM-Ead Hoffman's Orchestra 6 :15 A.M. WAAF-The Spotlighl 12:25 P.M. WGN-Palmer H ous~ Ensemble WL S-\\'.l!h~r ne""r!; Musical .Jamboree WMAQ-Board Gf Trade WIBO-Paronts' Program WCFL-H.alth Talk by Dr_ Bundesen WJJ O-Waltz Tune 6 :30 A.M. WEHR-Musical Program 12,30 P.M . WCES-;'\Iu, ic"l n.qu.sl. WGE5-Rhythm R.,·jew WJ KS-Amuican Mus'llm of Natural Hislory (CBS) KYW-R"" Battle's Concert EnOl 01 the Air feBS) 7:00 A .M. 10:30 A.M. WBBM-Walkathon New. WI BO-Frankie Marvin, Co"boy Ballads J{VW-)lu,ic.l Cook KYW-Mrs AIlSLin Youn~, bshio" pcevi~ .. WCFL_Farm Talk WJJ D-HiU-Billy TIme WAAF-Br.3HllI upn.. WAAF-Problems of Parenthood, Richard Russel WJJ D-Cowbol' Singer WJ KS-American Schl>Ol of Ihe Air (CBS) WeFl-Morning Shulfle WBBM-Julia Hayes, hOIlSi!hold hints WJ KS-Gary Yard and Garden Program WLS-The Spinnillg Wheel; Orehestra WGES-Mu.ir3i To>lelooy Para,I.; Orcb~slr~ (C BS) WCFL-C."nan Enlerlainment WSBC-Loretta Clusman, soprano UR mail bar bas beeD so faD ia feeeat weeks of queries hom WGES-Canary ('.oncert 11 :15 A .M. mea aDd womea who want detaill of our Neighborhood Repre­ WGN-WGN K""p Fit Club WAAF- World New. Reports; Markels WIBD-YMCA Enrcise, WBBM_Virginb Clark; Gene and Charli. O sentation PlaD that we belieTe there may be othen who woald WMA Q-Chita;:o En,.mble WJ J O-Leo Bo,wen like the same informatioD. 9 , tO A.M. WJKS-Buduy Jl.r,&I!'s Orche;!r. (CBS) WlS-Jhrry Strele; Hamlin', New.cast WSBC-Estelle 1."",is, S.QDg. With that thought in mind, the Radio Guide pria" bel.w a COli. 9 :15 A .M. 11:30 A.M. veDicDt blaak for ase by readers who are coDSide-na,. writiDg to lIS f. t<:YW-J. B. and lbe KYW-Nalional Facm and HOllie n our (NBC) the details of how to increase their mcome. by beeomiag Nei,hborhootl WOBM_O,gan Interlllde WAAF_Rhylhm Serenade WCFL-Famou. SO]Oi51. WBBM-Frank Wilson and J ill .. StelA Representatives of the R.dio Guide. WGN-Cla,a, LII 'n" Em, gosoip (NBC) WENR-Ted Cook'. Orcheslra (NBC) W LS-M,c and Boli WGN-Mark.t RepOrls It is a pleasant way of addiaa to yoar huk accout al people ill WMAQ-i"oung Arti,t.' Trio WIlC) WIBD-Golden Gale . 9:20 A.M. WJJ O-Sludio Carnival aU sedioDI of the CODlltry hue discoTeJ'ed. F.n details of how to WBBM-l\~w. Fl.sh•• WJKS-Conccrt Mininlllr.. (CBS) proceed as an oft'kial reprelelltati..-e haTe bee. prepared in collcise 'OftIII 9 :30 A.M. WMA Q-On Wing. " I Song (N BC) aDd will be mailed to you. All y•• aeed do iI 6U ia yoar ume ad KVW -Swin~io' Along (NBC) WMBI-ConUnued Story Readillll address oa the aHached coapon .... drop it ill the maiL Complete ill­ WAA F--Qrgan Melodies 11:35 A.M. WBBM-Bumy Ch,l WGN-Painled Dreams formatiOb wiD be mailed immediately to ,0 •. WCF L-Hlghlight, 01 Music W GES-Sbo" Hils 11:45 A .M. WGN-Market Reports WBBM-Conc. rt Miniatllru (CBS) ------SEND TBlS COWON FOR FULL DETAn.s - - - _ - __ WIBO-Little H,rry'. Cooking: Club WIBO--Memory l.ll>Ok WlS-Ridge Runners; SQllare dan.e music WJJO-gnging Minstrel WMA Q-Edith Shllck WJKS-Newl Flashes RADIO GUIDE, OYer 18 ( ) WMB I-Horne Mission.; Varioll' Speakers WlS-Wealher Repnrt.: Livestock Estimitn 423 PlymolltL Coart, Chica,,,, . 9 :35 A .M. 11:50 A.M. m. Under 18 ( ) WGN-loona,d Salvo', Moil Dolt WGN-Good Health and Training 9:45 A .M. 11,55 A.M. Please send me infOl'lbatioD of )"0'" olfer '0 Nei&"hborhood Bepre­ KVW-Piano Potlern. WL S-Harry Steele, Ne",. RepOrler sentatives of Radio Guide. WAAF-Songii of Ihe Island. 12,00 NOON WBBM-llav. YOIl Heard! (CBS) WAAF-Noon-time Melodies: Wealh .... WGES-Prof."""r Raman WBBM-Vincent Travers' Orcheslra (CBS) Name ...... W L5-The Book Shop; Wm. Vldtland and Ralph WC Fl-Popolar Musie En,erson WGN-Mid-day S<:rvke! W MAQ-Emily Po, t. ho,toss; vocalists and inslrll' WIBO--Time!y T unes Ad4ress ...... ",entali.ts (NBC) WJJ O-Reading from GooJ. Literallln! 10:00 A .M. WJKS-Vlncent Travers' Orcheslra (CBS) t<:VW- !'>!a! W. Presom (NIlC) Wl5--Jung Guuen Corner; Orcb ••t ...... WAAF-Dol!y L.e and !h'ini", WMAQ-Pa!ai. d'Or Orchestra WBBM-U. S. Na'~ 'cn,,' WMBl-Loop Evan~elistic Servia RADIO AND AMUSEMENT GUIDE Page 11.1 - RAJPUT


WJJD WJJD 7:15 P.M. 7:15 P.M. Mon. to Fri. Mon. to Fri.


Hair Raising Strange Oriental THRILLS! MYSTERY! SPIES~ DANCER! MURDER! TORTURE! Page 18 RADIO AND AMUSEMENT GUIDE Thursday Programs [Continued]

2:30 P.M. 4:45 P.M. 6:45 P.M. 9:15 P.M. KYW-Womeu', Radio R~vicw (NBC> KYW-Three Siring' KYW-Dan Russo's Orche.tra I WGN-Tom, Dick and Harry WJI<5-Scotcl! Hom WIBO-Sllver Mdodie~ WGN-Jane <;arpmler, organist W1BD-Clem and Ira WMAQ--Frankie Masters' Orchestra WJJD-Piano Instruction WJK5-Ev.ning Melodies WJJ D-U. 01 C. Music Appreciation 9:30 P.M. WJKS-l',ank Westphal's Orchestra (CBS) WMAQ-Concert Echoes (NBC) WMAQ-News of the Air KYW-The Cadcts Quartet WS8C-Paul We,t, baritone 5:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. WBBM--The Norsemen Q\lactd 2:45 P.M. KYW-Adult Education Council KYW-Slar Dust; IDmer Turner WCFL-N"", Chateau Ballroom Orchestra WAAF-World Ncwg Reports WAAf-Sunset Salut. WBBM-Hardc! Crui .. and Orcheslra WGH-Tomorrow's New. WIBO-Markel ner><>rt. WBBM-Current Events; H. V. Kaltenborn (CBS) WCFl-Lab.;,1 League WJKS-BosweII Sisters, Irio (CBS) WJJD-Radio Guid.'s Editor', Round Table WCFL-TripoLi Trio W.GE5-PoIish C~mposers WMAQ--llom,y ll.iIey ~nd Lee Sims (NBC) WlS-Mapl. City Four Minstrel ~how WENR-Pat Barnes' Children's Progulli WGN-Ea~y Aces; comedy ,kdch (CBS) 9:40 P.M. WSaC-Dramatic Program WGE5-Songs 0' Poland WIBO-AII Star Program WGN-lieadlines of Other Day. WGN-The nevil Bird WJJD-Fcanlde "Ualf Pint" Jaxon 3:00 P.M. WlS--Chicago Boys, Talk 9,45 P.M, 1tion WCFL-SchOQI Tcath~ ..' Talk WHO-Dance Orchestra WEHR-Amo_ 'n' Andy (NBC) WSBC-ftulh Le~ WBBM-Fift."" Minutes of Sunshine with O>arlie WMAQ-Park Central Ortho:stra Hamp WGH-II.I K.n,p's Orchestra 3:15 P.M. W5BC-Jerry Sullivall WCFL-llarry Brooh, cocfleti.t WJIncert Orcbestra (HBC) KYW-Two Dodors with Aces of the Air WMAQ-Jobn B. Kennedy, talk. (NaC) WCFL-Spruers Bureau of C. F. of L. WGN-Millig.n and Mulligan WAAF-/I!elody Time WSBC-Al SeroYit~ WGN-Abe Lymal\ Orchestra (CBS) WMAQ-Dan and Sylvia WCfl-0rch.,tral Program 5:40 P.M, WIBD-Orlando Van Gunte:n, talk 10,30 P.M. WEHR-Soloist (NBC) WCFL-Walkathon NOMS WJJD-Dave Bennett'. Orchestra Igram WGN-Little Orphan Annie; playlet (NBC) WBBM--Song Sounnirl, Jack BrockJo WJI<5-hham Jones' Orchestra 'CBS) 3:40 P.M. WISO-Silvu M"!odies WCFL-The Irish Mi",tr"] WMAQ-Frankie Mastors' Orchestra WJJD--Howard 1.. Peterson, ..rganist WGH-Ro"JQ)i~rs Quartd WGN-Ruth Ettin!:, bluts singer; lIayton's Orthes· 10:45 P.M. WMAQ-Sed:atalY lIawkinl (NBC) (CBS) 3:45 P.M. t... WCFL-Bil of Moscow W5BC-Carlott~ LaFrance WIBO-Jad, Burnett, t£llor WMAQ-Winter Garden Orchestra WAAF-I'ol" Program 5:50 P.M. WJJD-Buhb Pickard WBBM-Tom Jones. Arkansas Travelor 10:50 P.M. WCFL-Studio Musical Variety Progtaa WJK5-Pofu.D Uour WGN--Jan Garber's Orchestra WCFL--J. St. Anne, b.>ritone WlS-Dooath Vall"" Days; dr.ma (NBC) 6:00 P.M. I1:DD P.M. WEHR-Lady Next Door (NBC) KYW-Russian Symphonic O><>ir (NBC) WMAQ-Captain Henry'" Show BO KYW-The Globe Trotter WGH-Late D.nce Or.he.tras "-'GN-Donald Kino;, tenor WIBO-Theater Reporter WBRM-Dramatic Sketch (CBS) WMAQ-Organ Melodies WIBO-Nick Nichols, Cartoonist of the Air WJJ O-Carolina Rounder. WENR-Jack P"arl, com.,(l13n tNBC} 12:30 A.M. WJJ D-M<>osehearl Childrell WMAQ--Ivan Eppinoff's Orchc.tra WGN-Put·Together Drama KYW-AI Trace's Oreh ... tra WJKS-Kiddie Kluh 6:40 P.M. WJKS-Drama!ic Sketch (CBS), WEHR-Don Pedro's Orchestra WMAQ-So1oist (NBC) WfBO-Hockey News WMAQ-Mr. Twister WMAQ-Tweet H<>gan's Orchestra Programs for Friday, February 10

5,45 A.M. WCFL-Moming Shuf£Te 8:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. ""GES-Sunshin~ Spccial WGES-Musical Tna.1s WCFL-WCFL Kiddie" Aorol'lane Clab KYW-Musical Melange (NBC) WGN-Good Morning WGE5-Bohcmian Melodie, 6:00 A.M WJJO-Cowhoy Singer WBBM--J. Wilson Doty, organist WAAF-Farm Folk" lIou< W1BO-Time Signal Express WlS--F.mily Circle Program; Ralph Em...­ WJJD-Happy Go Lucky Time WBOM-Lakeside Melodies WGE5-Mnsic 110': WMAQ-Litt!est Girl (NBC) WJJD.....(;ood Morning Program WlS-Ralph Emerson, organ eoncerl: WCFL-CermaD Entertainmellt WMBI--Sunris~ Service Wl5-Smile A While Time 8:15 A.M. WGE5--Canary Concert 6:15 A.M. 7:15 A.M. WCFL-Time Parade· WGN-Keep Fit Club WGES--{:ecil and Sally WLS-Happy"me Special; Jaek Holden and Spare­ WlS-We~th"r Report; Produce Reporter WJJO.....(;ym Uas. fibs WIBO-Y. M. C. A. EJ. .... r.ises 6:30 A.M. Wl5-Rader's Tab.;,rnade WMAQ-Melodie (NBC) WGE5-MllSi(al RCI]uests WMAQ-Morning Worship 8:30 A.M. WfBO-Uncle ~oh" .nd llis FalUil, WBBM-Modern Living; LinJJahr'. Mag.zin. 9:10 A.M. WJJD--{:arolina RoundeB 7:30 A.M. WCFL-Dan,,", Musie Wl5-1Iarr)' Steele; Hamlin'. NIM$CUl WBBM-Olristian Scieneoo C1uJI'dl", 01 tIlinab WISO-Musical Varietiel WLS-Hapl'l' Tim.; Variety Show WCFl.-Chcerio; inspirational talk (NBC) WMA(i--5etting Up Exercises WlS--Gen. Autry, Oklahoma Yodel"" 9:15 A,M. WGES-+'oLi.h Program WMAQ-loIos. and Jones (NBC) 6:45 A.M. KYW-Rase Vanderboscll It the pilSMl WIBO-Frankie Marvin, Cowboy Ballad. WBBM....Qrgan Int.... lude WBBM_Farm Inf"rmaliob WJJO-U. of C. inspiration Hour 8:35 A.M. WL5-Pra,,,ie Ramblers and Dixie M3SC11l Wl5-Produce Market Reporter; livutod: receipt, WCFL-Famoul Soloisb WL5-Steamhoat Bill WGN-Clara, Lit 'n' Em (NBC) WMAQ-Pepper Pot; orchestra (NBC) 6:55 A.M. 8:45 A.M. WlS-M3~ 311d Bob WBBM-Th, Merrym.kers (CBS) WBBM-Musical Tim~ Savel 7:45 A.M. WMAQ-Breen and de Rose (NBC) 7:00 A.M. WBSM-Mu.inl Time Sau" WMAQ-Nothin~ But the Truth (NBC). IIBC) WIBG-N...... ' WSBC-Souvenirs 11:00 A.M. WJJD-IJlinoi. M.dical Society KYW-Morning Melndlanl WJ K5-Ameriun SchOO! of the Air (CBS) 3:30 P.M. WAAF-Bandst;md WL5-Unde Ezra. comedy skit KYW-Two Doctors ..-ith Acu 01 the Air WBBM-Buddy llanod's Ord.. stra ;} WJJO-Studi" Carniv.l h15 P.M. WIBo-RaOrt.r WJK5-Evol'linll Frolics WIBO-IJltle 1I_ny'. Coo~ill' S<.hool WBBM-Norm. Sherr. piaui.I. J. W. Daly, O'll.nist WHO-Variety Musie WMAQ-Tht F~in!: Famtly (NBC) WLS--Rid~e RUlln ... ; 5quar~ dan •• music WIBO-Memo,..,. Boole WJ K5-Program 01 Mdodi.,. WMAo-Happy Jack Turn.. , sonp (NBC) WJJ D-S;nging Min.trel WL5-Phil Kalar, 5Ong. 4:45 P.M. KYW-ThTft Slrin!:! 9:35 A.M. WJK5-N ...... Fla.hes WSBC~mpu. Club Trio WLS--Wuthu Repent'l Liv ...tod; &ti... lts WAAF-Ray Waldron's Spo>is Rf' i.", t WGN-Leollard Salvo's Mail Box 1:50 P.M. WBBM-SI~py Valley, Robin,c". J. W. ~ WlBO-Beauty Talk .IM' 9:45 A.M. 11:50 A.M. WCFL-Par~dr ul Slars KVW-Betty Crocker INBC) WGN-G1>Od Jiulth and. Tnini.. , Prlllt... 2:00 P.M. WEHR-Musical Mom~nh (NBC) WAAF-50ngs 01 the Islands KYW-Threc Strings WGH-Jane Carpenter 11:55 A.M. WAAF-chlugo on Parad. WIBO-Duik Drums WB8M_J. W. Duty. or~ani~t WLS-Harry Stede. lIauilio'9 N~wscasl WGES-Profe!So. Ilaman WBBM-neauty Chat WJ K5-Uoy Scout Program WIBO-You and You. f'!othu 12,00 NOON WCFL-Me.. ba"t·, Peosperity 1I0u. WMAQ---Conct.! Ech""5 WGM-Palmer lIou,", En""",ble WLS-a WBBM-Cnlumbia Salon Or.hestra (CBS) WIBo-liolan'. Council Fire Ev~ug.listie S~rvic~ WBBM-The Captiv.to,~; orchutra (CBS) WMBI-loop WCFL-U. S. Marine Band (NBC) WJJO-N~ighborhood Slore WCFL-Danu Music t2,15 P.M. W~an'are WMAQ--.ludge Grl. WLS-Mapl£ Ci/;y Four and John Brown WJJD-Piano Instruction. WGE5-Minu,luu' DraIn. WJ K5-Muriel Hee"". I'ianologue WSBC-l'ia.noland WMAQ-B.tty Boop, SOOg"l 0.",1 dr~"'~ (NBC) WMAQ-TI,e Amb • .,ador! WGH-M3rht n.porh 3:00 P.M. 5:40 P.M. 10,30 A.M. 12:45 P.M. KYW-PrincetOll Univrrsity Glee Club (NBC) WCFL-Walkalhon New. KYW-Lnncboon Dance WAAf"-Effie Mnrir1~ lIarvty Ph:Sfnt. WAAF-Ddla B~tt~]l WBBM-Walkathon New. WBBM-The Grab Bag; va.iety sho.. (CBS) 5:45 P.M. WBBM-fe""t of the Air (CBS) WBBM-Lone Wolf Trillo.; Indian Star, (C8SJ; WCFl-Fann Talk WCFL-Civic and Wellare T~lk rrum M~yor'. Office WENR-.1adif "ellr,: Phylli. and Frank; sbteb WIBO-Clem and liatTy WEHR-Little Orphan Annie tNBC) WGE5-Minstrda WGN-Earle Wilkie. baritone WJJo-Bubb Pichrd WIBo-Do.. Harris, tenor WGH-Lillle Orphan Ann;" {NBC) WGN-Digest 01 the III~ WJ KS ....·On"'natic 5hteh WIBO-The Silvu Melodies WIBo-N~ Flash", WHO-Women', Club WMAQ-Prince." PIt. b--WMAQ-NBC, 1:30 Secka!ary lIawkin.-WMAQ.NBC, 5:~5 p. m. Little O'l)han Annio--WGN·WENRNIJC, 5:~5 p. /D. p. m, Doings Medic,1 Dramatiz.atiQu-WMAQ.NBC, 3:30 p. 11'1. Young Forly Niners-WENR, 6 p. m. The S""ret Thru--WGN. 6:15 p. m. Rt)s~. and Orun15-WGN-CBS, 1 p. Ill. Whealonav,U.,...... WMAQ·NBC, 6:15 p. m. Dream Dramas-WMAQ-NBC, 4;15 p. D1. The Goldberg_WENR.NBC, 6:45 p. In. Pag~" of Roman~e-KYW·NBC. 4:30 p."', Dirk Dar;"g, a Boy of Tooay--WENR., 5:45 p. ",. Excerpt (rom MOlvie or Stage Pia)', dramatized on f·lei.chrnann Hour-WMAQ·NBC, 7 p. m. WbealoMville-WMAQ·NSC, 6:15 P. m. Iv;m Eppinoff is contracted for a fun Rin Tin Tin Thrillor-WlS·NBC. 7:30 p. m. Great Moment. in History-WLS-NBC, 6:30 p. m. month at the Bismarck Hotel at present. 20,000 YealS in Sing S;ng-KVW·NBC, 8 p. m. Clllndu, Tile Magidan-KYIV, 7:45 p. m. Howard Thurslon-WLS·NBC, 7:4) p. m. Art Kassel and his "Kassels it: the Air" lIoll~~\'ood Re~ue-WMAQ·N8C, 9 p. tn. will return to the Chicago spot shortly TI,e Orange J.."tern----WMAQ.NBC, 9:45 p. m. Death Yalley Days-WLS·NBC, 8 p. m. Sunday at Seth Parker'_KYW.NSC, 9:45 p. IL Vic and S.de--KYW·NBC, 9:15 p. m. after the middle of February and remain M}TI and Ma!"!c--WBBM·CDS, 9:45 p. m. during the Century of Progress, broadcast­ MONDAY Amo. 'n' Andy-WENR-WMAQ·NIJC, 10 p. 10- ing locally over W;\IAQ and over the NBC Jolly Bill and hno:-WLS·NBC, 7:45 3. m. Dan and Sylvia-WMAQ, 10:15 p. m. Clara, Lu 'n' Em-WGN.NBC, 9:15 •• m. MiUigan and Mulligan-WGN, 10:15 p. m. network. Tcxhy'. Chiltlron-WMAQ, 10:45 ft. PI. FRIDAY .. Smack Out-Wf:NR.NBC, II a. m. Jolly Bill and Jane-WLS.NBC 7:45 a. m. Joll/my Jolmson'J orcbesfra moves from After a q\larrel with NBC Chicago ot­ P"inted Drums-WGN. 11 :~S •. m. l Cl.ra, Lu 'n' Em-WGN·NBC, ':1:15 a. m. lVasbiligtou. D. c., i1JtO tbe f(enJUore ficials over sustaining program periods, Betty and Bob-WLS·NBC, 2 p. m. Today', C!'ildron-WMAQ. 10:45 •• m.. Radio Guild-WMAQ·NBC, 3:00 p. lb. lIolel. AlballY. New York. beautiful jane Froman. contralto, took Smack Out-W£NR·NBC, 11 •. m. herself to New York. Now both networks Lady Next Ooor-WENR.NBC. 3:45 p. m. Pai,,'~d Dream_WGN. 11:35 .. m. .. The flying Familj"~WMAQ.NBC, 4:30 p. rn. Betty and Bob--WLS·NBC, 2 p. m. 'Red' Nichols will open' at the Muehle­ want her. Paul Whiteman (irst brought M,ud an" Cousin BiIl-WMi\Q.NBC, 5 p. m. 11,e Flying Famlly-WMAQ·NBC, 4:30 p. m. bach Hotel, Kansas City, February 10. her to the attention of the N~tional 1'.1 Barnes' Childreo's Prosrarn-WENR, 5 p. 11&, Bill Baar's Grandpa Burton-WBB~f. 5 p. "'. Bro~dc~sting Company Bill Baar's Grandpa B",ton~WBBM, 5 p. m. Pat BarMs' Children's Program-WENR, 5 p. "!. lie is to broadcast over the Columbia Dick Daring, a Boy or Today-WENR, 5:15 p. III. Diek Daring, a Boy 01 TPday-WENR, 5:15 p. "'. chain, on an unannounced schedule. Skippy-WBaM·CBs, 5:30 P. m. Skippy-WBaM·CBS, 5:30 P. m. • The Lone Wolf Trit-WBBM·CBS, 5:45 p. m. lillIe Ophan Annie-WGN·WENR.NBC, 5:45 p. DI. .. Ben Bnnie alld all bis lads swillg into Little Op/>an Annie-WGN.WENR·NBC. 5:15 p. m. The Lone Wolf Trit-WBBM·CBS, 5:45 p. m.. at the Club Ballyhoo, Hollywood, Cali­ Old P3pp)~WMAQ, 5:45 p. rn. on extended tbeater tOllr early in Marcb. Old Pappy-WMAQ, 5:45 p. m. fornia. Crawford is completing a series of Young Forty Niners-WENR, 6 p. m. Young Forty Niners-WENR 6 p. m. Tbe 'Ole Maestro' is back at the College Wheatena,·il1o-WJ',1AQ.NBC, 6:15 p. 01, talking pictures at present. The Seeret Three-WGN. 6:15 p. m. Inll flOW, and 'Will also be there some time The £ecret Thrcc--WGN, 6:15 p. m. The Goldberg_WENR·NBC, 6:45 p. m. 1/1 jrl11e for tbe Summer. 11,. Goldhergs-WENR·NBC. 6:45 p. m. March 01 Time-WeN·CBS, 7:30 p. In. .. Don C~rney'8 Dog Chals-WLS·NBC, 7:30 p. ,no AdvenluN!. in lleallh-WtS·NBC, 7:30 p. m. Add college dance engagements: Art Cnandu Ihe Magicinn-KYW, 7:45 p. m. .. Howard TI\I\utoa-WLS·NBC; 7 :45 p. m. Columbia has replaced Bernie Cummins Kassel at Alabama Poly tech, University of Country Dodor-WLS·NBC, 7 :45 p. m. First Nightu-WLS·NBC, 8 p. m. Alabama, and Davidson College, Davidson, E .... ning In Paris M)"steries-WGN·CBS, 8:30 p. m. K.7; Drarna-WMAQ.NBC, 8 p. m. with Jan Garber from the Trianoll in I'r;nets. Pal Pa!l"eanl-WBBM, 8:30 p. m. Vic aad Sad_KYW.NBC, 9:15 p. m. Chicago bi-weekly, while Cummins is on the N. C. Iial Kemp will take care of the Th.;:le, of Rotnance-WMAQ, 9 p. m. Myrt and Marg_WBBM·CBS. 9;45 p. m. road. Cummins will play for several col­ Washington Prom at the University of Vic and Sade-KYW·NBC, 9:15 p. m. Amos 'n' Andy-WENR-WMAQ.NIlC, 10 p. m.. lege dances in Dixie; at Washington and Chicago, and Ben Bernie will "Yowsah" Big I."gu" .. and Bush.rs-WGN.CBS, 9:15 p. m. Dan and Sylvh-WMAQ. 10:15 p. m. Mpt and MDrgo--WBBM·C6S. 9:45 p. m. Millisa" "nd Mulligan-WGN. 10:15 p. m. lee, Virginia Military Institute, Georgia for thc j-llop at the Uni\,ersity of 1I1ich- Amo. 'n' Andy-WENR-WMAQ·NBC, 10 p. m. SATURDAY Tech, and the University of Tennessee. Isan. Dan and Syh·ia-WMAQ. 10:15 p. m. J. B. and Mae-KYW. 9:15 a. m. M,Uigan and Mulligan-WGN, 10,15 p. m. 1I0us.hold Dramatiulion-KYW·NBC, 10:15 a. m .. .. Smack OuI-\\,EliR·NBC, 11 a. n,. Joe SOlldns moves his Original Night­ Carl Moore is playing at the llotel TUESDAY hOll:ks back to tbe SlIi Jell Cafe, Galveston, JoUr Bill and Jane-WJ.S·NBC, 7:45 a. m. Painted D ... ms-WGX, 11 :,5 a. n'. l.owry. in Minneapolis, and broadcasting Pal BarMS' Children's Prose.Ib-WENR, 5 p. m. R. m. Texas, for a limited engagemlllt. Wbile nightly Clara, lu 'n' Em-WCN.NBC, 9:15 Skippy_WBI)M·CBS, 5:30 p m. over WCCO. J. B. Q"a M,_KYIV, 9:15 a. m. tbere, be will be beord nightly over KFUL. ilero's 10 Cha"n-WMAQ, 10:30 •. m. tittle Orphan An"io--WGN·WENll·NBC 5:45 p. m. Today'. Children-WMAQ. 10,45 a. m. ";eckatary lIawkius-WMAQ·NIJC. 5 :45' p. tn. .. Milhan .n,1 Mulliean-WGN. ~0'15 o. m is ;!n Smock Oul-WENR.NBC, 11:00 a. m. jack Crawford to open engagement Painled Drums-WGN, 11:35 a. III. Betly Dnd Bob-WLS·NBC, 2 p. m. Princes.. P~t Pageanl-WLS, 2:45 p. III. Ad .... nlures of Dr. DooliUl_WENR·NBC, 4:15 p.m. JIIaud and Cou,in Bill-WMhQ·NBC, 5 p. m. Pat Barn ..' Cl,ildron's Prograon-WENR, 5 p ••• Skippy-WaaM·CBS. 5:30 p. m. Seckatary lIalVkins-WMAQ·NBC. 5:45 p. m. It's Littl~ Orrh.lI Aoni..-WGN.WENR.NBC, 5:45p. m. All There! Rock ()ak Champions-WBBM. 5:45 p. m. Young forty Niners-WENR, 6 p. m. Whe"t~navil1_WMAQ.NBC, 6:15 p ..... Th. ~cr~l Thru--WGN. 6:15 p. m. 1'he Goldborg.-WENR.NBC, 6:45 p ... Crime CI"b-WMAQ·NBC, 7 p. m. Adv.nlures in Iloalth-WI.S·NBC, 7:30 p ...... FIND THEM! Chandu, The Magidan-KYW, 7:45 p. III.. Counlry Dodor-WLS·NBc' 7:45 p. m. Poliro Drarnalitalion-\\T"R NBC. 9 p ...... Vie and Sadc--KYW·NaC, 9:15 p. m. Myel and ~1arg_WBBMCBS. 9:45 p. m. Amos 'n' And)"-W£NR-W~t.\Q.NBC, 10 p. ID. • n,n r.Jd Sylvia-WMAQ. 10:15 p. m. Milligan and Mulllgan-WGN, 10:15 p. m. WEDNESDAY loll} ml~ a,," Jane-WLSNaC, 7:45 a. m. Clar •• Lu 'n' Em-WGN.NBC, 9:15 •. m. Household Dramalizalion-KYW·NBC, 10:15 •. m. Today's Cbildron-WMAQ 10:45 a. m.. iMusic, ~rama, eArl, Comedy. Smaok Oul-WENR·NBC, 11 a. m. and educatIOn lie in your radio !'.inted Dream ...... WGN, 11 :35 a. m. 6<11y and Bob--WLS·NIlC, 2 p. m. set, But you don't have to tear it Liltle Dram .. from lil.,...... WlS. 2:15 p. m. Flying Fam;I}-WMAQ.:\'IJC, 4:30 p. m. apart to find them, or spend your precious hours of case in twisting Maud alld Cou,in Bill-WMAQ·NBC, 5 p. m. a dial. They're all in RADIO GUlDE. the true GUIDE to what's good Pat Barnu' Children's PrOgram-WENR, 5 p. m, Complete overnight execution of Di~k Dar;n!:. a Boy of Today-WENR, 5:15 p. m. on the air. Simple and complete program listings insure complete engraving jobs is the service Skippy-WBIJM·CBS, 5:30 p. m. Schoenwald renders. the adver. Little Orphan Annie-WCN·WENR-NaC, 5:~5p. m. enjoyment of your radio. tiser whose plates mllSl be ready Old Pappy-WMAQ, 5:45 p. m...... , ...... Whculenaville-WMAQ·NBC, 6:15 p. m.. "with the l'ising sun,!' n,e Sec .. t Th .._WGN, 6:15 p. In. The Goldbergs-WENR.NBC, 6:45 p. m.. Here, waiting your commands, i. C tim~ Club-WMAQ·NBC, 7 p. m. Six Months $1.25 One Year $2.00 • corps of expert craftsmen CJundu, The Magician-KYIV. 7:45 p. m.. trained for efficiency of produc· COluntry Doctor-WlS-NBC, 7 :45 p. m. tion without the minutest loss of Ad'·entu.es Olf Sherlo<:k lIolmes-WLS_NBC, 8 p. m. RADIO CUIDE quality or detail. lioll}",ood Re"ue--WMAQ·NBC, 9 p. m. Big L""gller~ and Bushers-WGN·CBS. 9:15 p. m. 423 Plymouth Court, Chicago, III., You'll like every part of Schoen­ Explorin~ America "ilh CarvetlL Wclls-WMAQ· wald service, .. from the moment NBC, 9:30 p. m. your 'phone brings our speedy Myrt and Marge-WBBM.CBS, 9:45 p. m. Enelosed please find $ .... ,. tOI' whicb send me the RADIO GUIDE messenger, 'till you see the per­ Amol 'n' And)~WENR-WMAQ.NBC, 10 p.. m.. Dan and S~·I'·ia-WMAQ. 10:15 p.. m.. fol' (six months . _ •. ) or (one yea:r •••• ). fect reproduction of your copy. lI1illigan and Mulligan-WGN, 10;15 p. m. THURSDAY Jolly Bill a"d Janc-WLS·NBC, 7:45 a. to. Name ...... " ...... Ibppyv;lle Special-WLS, 8:1~ •. m. Clara, Lu 'n' E,n-WGN.NBC, 9:15 a. m. J. IJ .•ud Mae-KYW, 9:15 •. m. Addrcss Today'. Childrcn-WMAQ. 10:15 ...... ••••.••.•••.....•...... •.•....•• P.intod Dreams-WCN, 11:35 .. In. Belly and &b-WLS·NBC, 2 p . .... WLS 1I0me Thutcr-WLS, 2:15 P. m. City ."...... State •••••••••••• _••• • • ••• Jbhenmc)·u'. Kindug.. ten_WM"Q NBC, 3 p .•. RADIO AND AMUSEMENT GUIDE Page 21' l Friday Programs [Continued] J 6,00 P.M. WGN-Singin' Sam, baritone (CBS) 9:00 P.M. 10:30 P.M. KYW-t)(Inald No~is. tenor (NBC) WI8B-JudJl"e John II. L~I.; "Epics 01 History" KYW-Thc Globe Trott.... KYW-Bcrnie Kano'$ Orc!.e,tra WBSM-Oroheslr~1 Program WJJ D--Rajpul, mystery drama W88M-Co!umbia ne,·ue (CBS) WCfL-Froli"" Calc WCFl-Rotei ADerton OrcbuU& WMAQ-Daily N~s of tbe Air WeFl--G~.man PrOgram WENR-Night Song (:-iDC ) WEHR-Young ."orly Ninus WENR-AI Jnlson, """'''''y and sonp (NBC) WGN_Wayne Kin(s Orch ••lra 7:30 P,M. WGN-Wil~am Miller, tenor WIBO--Organ-O-Locun WGES-P~ Forbes, blues $ing ... W8BM-FiIt•• n Minuhs al Sunshine with Charlie WGN-Unde Qui .. ; Day Dreamtr, and Wi,bbone W18o-We~dcU Hall WJK5-Abe Lynl3n'. Orch.,tra (CBS) H=, WMAQ--Soloist (NBC) WMAQ--han J,;ppi~ofr. Orch ••lra WIBO-Germ2l> Program WCFl-5i Perkins WJJO-Leo Bo.w.n, O(Inc, WGN-Marcb of Time; dramali.er's Orch~stra WCFl-c.:ntury of P'"",rcss Talk 7:45 P.M. WJKS-Colun,bia Revue (CBS) WENR-Soloist (NBC) WBBM-Correy Lynn's Orcheslra WMAQ--Frankie Masters' Orcbestra 11:00 P.M. WGES-Cecil and Sally WIBo-Golden Vake 9:30 P.M. KYW-Dance Or.he,tra WGN-The Seord Thrn WlS-l!oward Thurston (NDC) KYW-AI Tr.ee's Orchestra WCFl_Ncw Chalea" Ballroom Orch".I •• WJJD-Sports Reel WMAQ--Gallicchio'. Ensemble; Bettcr Bu.in~'5 Talk WB8M-Arthur Tracy, the Stred Singer (CBS) WENR-M~uri Sherm~n's Grche.lra (NBC) WIBO--Music.1 Tapestry WMAQ-The Three Keys, hanno"y tum (NBC) WCFL-Ntw Ch.t~au BallrOOIIl O.chestr~ 8:'00 P.M. WJKS-B~n ral1a~k'l Orch.stra (CBS) 6:25 P.M. KYW-The Book l1,e~tor; drama WGN_Tomorrow'. News WENR-Han and Gruen, piano duo (NBC) WMAQ-Cab Calloway's Orche.l.a (NO'"'>. KYW-Sporls Reporter WBBM-The Origin of Super,,;lion WSBC-MusioaI Comedy WIBO-l.ittle lIarry and Rh~·lhlTl Girl 6:30 P.M. WCFL-Victor A. Obnder, Sec'y I. S. F. of L., talk WGN-Leonard Hayton'. Or~heslr~ (1;8S) WJK5-So!oist 11:10 P.M. KYW-Sem;e Kant', Orohest •• WMAQ-The Northern.rs WBBM-folayeo' Musicale WJBO--Jack Burnetl, lonor WGN-Wayne King's Orcb~tra WCFL_llolel Allenan Orchestra WJJD--Bubb Pickard 9.40 P:M. 11,15 P.M. WJKS--Poli"" H"ur WGN-Iludlin~. (II Other Oay. WEHR-What', Iht New! WCfL-Frolin Cafe WGE5-SohWli21\ Melodies WLS-First Nighte •. dr'lII> (NBC) WMAQ-K·Stven, drama (NBC) 9:45 P .M. WSSC-Jcrry Suniun Song 5",,';.1 WGN-or.h.stral Program KYW-I1armonie:a Ro ..ah (NBC) WIBO--Thcater Reporter WSBC~ratic Ech~s WBBM-Myrt and Mar!:" (CBS) 11:30 P.M. WJJO--eu.,lina Rounders 8,15 P.M. WCFL-Club Alabam Orchestra KYW-Marlt F'uh~r'1 Ortheslra WMAQ-Van and Don; tomrdy ham (NBC) WBBM-}!inadrama WENR-Lonbl. Musi~ WCfL-t'lub Abbam 6:40 P.M. WCfL-Night Courl WGN-Drnm Ship WENR-llolJywood on the Air (!-IBC) WGN-Put·Tos;elhtr Dram. WGN-Lato Da~u OrtheSIrU WIBO-llook~y N~ .... Wl80-Bo:tty and Jun WIBD--~Iem"ry Book WJK5-Fray and Brag-ginuL piano tum (CBS) WJKS--Midnite Rambin 6:45 P.M. WJJD--<:onca't Orcbest.. WMAQ-,Joe Fursl'. Orch"tra ( NBC) WBBM-Iloake Cart~, news commenlator (CBS) WSBC-,Jury Sullivan, sonp 10:00 P.M. WSBC-Famous Srnlphol1ia WCFl-Via La~o Oreh~lra KYW-Sports Reportu WENR-The Goldbo:l'IS (NDO 8:30 P.M. WCFL-SchlXll TuchelS' Talk 11:45 P.M. WGN-Tom, Dick and Harry KYW-The Cadd$. quartet WGN-B~ aub "I tho Air WCFl-A Bit of lI... c_ WIB()...... C1m! Ind Ira • WBBM-Hank Li.lUo'. Orcbestra WENR-Amos 'n' Andy (NBC) WMAQ-Dnll Bo:slor'. Drcbes!.. (NBC) WMAQ--Ivan Eppinolr. Oreh~str. WENR-Mr.. F ..nktin D. Roosevelt, cuost ,pair•• WIBO--New~ 7:00 P.M. Orch",tr. (NBC) WJ K5-Columbia Sympbony Orch ...tra (C8S) 12:00 MIDNIGHT KYW--<:onecrt; Jessica Dt3~onelte (NBC) WCFL-Frolics Cafe WMAQ--Ama. 'n' Andy (NBC) KYW-B~rDie Kane's Orchestra , WBBM--Harriet Crlli~~ and Orch~stra WGN-Inside Story, Edwin C. Hill (CBS) WBBM-A,,,und tbe To,,·,,; Dance Orchestra.; WIBO-Jotf by, baritone to:05 P.M. WENR-Erskin. Tale's Orchestra WCFl_Studio Program KVW-Mark Fisher's Or.b~l.a WGE5-Novak Jewish Players, drama WJKS--Hot Slo'·e League WMAQ--lvan Eppinafl's Orchestn WGN-Trade and Mark; harmony duo (CSS) WMAQ-Gue.1 Sla.. , Harold Siohs' Ord,. (NBC) to:l0 P.M. WMBt-Midnighl Musical and Goopel ROll. WSBC-Dramalic Sketch WCFl-Mu';tal Wea!hn Report WIBO--Cuny EMcmble 12:30 A.M. WJJO-Frankie "Hall PInt" Juon 10:15 P,M. 8:45 P.M. KYW-V1nccnt Lope~ Qrthestra WlS-Phit Spilalny'a Orcheslra (NBC) KYW-O.amatizalion WCFl-Walkathon News WENR-Don I'edro'. Orche.lra WMAQ-To be announced WBBM-Bcn PoUack's Orchestra WENR-Aileen Sianley, crooner (NBC) WMAQ-Tw.d lIog.n's Or.h."I .. 7:15 P.M. WCFl--G,ace Wilson. 00U,5 WGN-Milligan and Mulligan WBBM-Pat Flanagan'. Sports Review WIBO--clcm and Barry WIBO-ltadio Dan, Ihe An.wu Mao 12:45 A.M. WCFL-FroU.5 Cafe Orchestra WJK5-Poli,h II"". WMAQ-Oan and Sylvia KYW-AI Trace'. Orch.~tra Programs for Saturday, February 11

5:45 A.M. 8:15 A.M. WGES--Mn.ical Specd ....y WCFL-R~ lIot and Looo Do ... Prner... WGE5-Sun.hine Sp...:ial WCFl-TIm~ Pond., WGN-Mary Mead", Food Ba~n" WIBQ-Orpn Inler1~de 6:00 A.M. WLS-Happ)',i]l., Spttiali S""r~n"'" aQd Jack WLS-Th. Drawing Man WJJD-Studio Carnival 8:30 A.M. WMAQ--Bn;onl of Trade WJ Ks-Qrch.,lral Prog-rao" WAAF-Farm Folk.' lloor WMAQ-funcb; Jul... Doc WGE5-?tIu';c Box WBBM-Modern Living 9:50 A.M. WCFL-Dance Mn';" WMAQ-Brttn and de Ro"" (NBC) WMBl-K. Y. B. CI"b WJJD---Good Morni"l rrovam WSBC-C.mpus Oub Trio WLS-Smil.. A Whi~ TIme WIBO--Musical Vari~li~s 10:00 A.M. Wls-John Brow .... pianist KYW-Mrs. A. M. Gaudi ... (NBO 11:t5 A.M. 6:10 A.M, WMAQ-U 01 C. Ne •., from the Quadran!:l. WlS--Fur Market WMF-Dotl)' Let and lI<:ini. WAAF-Workl " .... R~t. 8,35 A,M. WBBM-Adventur... of Helen aod Mary (CBS) WBBM-\'irgiuia Oarke; Gene aDd Char" 6:15 A.M. WLS--Produee Morhl H~porl.r; li"utook • ...:~ph WCFl-Dan« Music WEHR-Lady BOV (NBC) WLS-Wuthu R"port; produce T.port.r; Ih' ...tack WGES--Ifome Folks WJJD--I_ Uos,,'.11 8:45 A.M. WJKS--Bud Shay's Orcheslra iCBS) 6:30 A.M. WBBM-Reis and Du"" (CBS) WGN-H. Y. Philharmonic o..b... l .. Concert (CBS) WGES--M".ical ncqu,,"~ WMAQ-Nolhing Sut tb Trutb INBC) WIBO--Radio Dan; Chin and Chait"" WSBC-}lusical R.mini.cence WIBO--Unel. John Ilid hi•• ·amil, WJJD-Famrite Singers WJJD-Carolina Rounders 8,SO A.M. WLS-Liv... tock and POLIltry Markets 11,30 A.M, WlS-Towcr Topics Time ",ith Gene Autry, Okla. WMAQ--Mdodies of tbe Soulh (NBC) KYW-Sational Farm a"d IInme Hour (I\BO '. WLS--Ual'py Jime WAAF-WAAF Mailbox WMAC'-Sdtin& Up Ex....,i .... homa Yodeler WSBC-Mildr~ Fitzpatrick, pianist WBBM-Frank Wilson, lenor 6,45 A.M, WGN-WGN Keep Fit CI"b WIBO-Y. M. C. A. Ex.rd"" tO,15 A.M. WENR--Qr~n Melodies (NBC) WBBM-Far", h.la,matlon WMAQ-Universil)' "f Chicago; Th., Profe.sor at KYW-lTousehold In.lituto; drama (NBC) WIBo-Goltlen Gate WLS-Prairie lI.mb).... and Dixi. Maso .. Ihe Breakla.t Tabl. WAAF-The Spotlighl WJJD--Sludio Carnival 6:55 A.M. WENR-Mu';.al Program WJKS--lIappy F~!IOIJ's Orchestra m WLS-Mae and nob WIBO--N"",. Flasbes 11:50 A.M. WJJ D-Gym Class WMAQ-N")'sa, did and health u"cis~ WJJD--Name the Band WeN-Good lleahh T""'nins Wl5-P.,,1 Rldus T3~m.cl~ 9:20 A.M. WMBI--Gospel Mo';. 11:55 A.M. WMAQ-Momln, Waro;hip WBBM-Ncw. FLuh"" WSBC-Bohby Dande.. , Jr. WLS--lbT1')' Steele; Illm~II's Ntw..,.,t 7:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 10:40 A.M. 12:00 NOON WBBM--Chri.tian Sc~(e Church of Dlin .... KYW-Lt Trio Charmanle (NBC) WMBI~urch School Period WAAF--4'i'oonti,.,., Me~f WCfL~.mo (NBC) WMF---{)rpn Melodi"" 10:45 A.M. WBBM--Genr:l\e 11.11'. Orch ••t"" (CBS) WGE5-Poli$b Earl)' Birch WBBM-Buuly Cbat WCFL-Popula. Mu';c WIBO-Fraokie Marvin, C(MI;'boy B:Jlbds weFl-HiPili~ht. of Music KYW-RO!e Vand~rbosch. ';D~ piani.t WAAF-Musiul Calenda. WGN-Mid-day Strvi~eJ WJJ D--U. of C. Inspiration lI(lur WGES---Show Hits WIBD--TImdy Tuno:s WGN-Mubl R~por" WBBM--Coll ...t Min'atllr-cs (CBS) WLS-Stcambo.t Bill WJJD--nudin~ from Good Liurature WMAQ-r~pper Pol; orcbntr. (NBC WIBO--Littie Harry's Cookin' Schg,ol WENR-Spanish Id)'U" min!: .... scmhl. (NBC) WJJ D-Piano I".!ruction WJ K5---(:;eotge lIall's Orch.stra (CBS) 7:45 A.M. WLS-Martha Crane and Quartet WLS-Poullry Serv,c,,; Variety Program WBBM-101u,,;cal nme Saver WMAQ-tbppy Jack Turn~r, $O~gs (NDC) WMAQ--S,.."nson'. Sw~b~arh (NBC) WSBC-Symphon)' Concert WMAQ--Hotd '.",'nglo. Ord..sua ISBO 8,00 A.M. 9:35 A.M. WMBI-Dr,11I Program WCFl-WCFL Kiddies' Acdo[llane Club WGN-Leolla,d Sal~o'~ M.il Box 11:00 A.M. WGES-Bo.bemi... Melod'on 9:45 A.M. KYW-Mornin, Mdodian. 12:05 P.M. WMAQ--Boacd 01 Trad. WIBO-1im~ Signol Ex"r... KYW-Irma Glen, ors:anist WMF-Musie al Ihe Nalions; Ru ..... WJJ D-Bubb Pickud. WMF-Sonp of tbe hlanlh WBBM-Thr NOTSOrnen Quartet 12:10 P.M. WLS-Vlrlelr Actl WBBM-Amerkan Mediea\. An'" Pro,ralll WEHR-Smack Oul (NBC) WMAIl-IIotd Lnin,t,,1l Or~hc"ra INfIO. Page 22 RADIO AND AMUSEMENT GUllJl!l Voiceof the Listener·

AddfCSS Letters to RADIO GUIDE, 345 W. 26th St., New York City • Mourns Foreign Legion Waller for Rhythm Rah for Rudy Food for Thought Wheeling. W. Va. San Angelo, Texas Brooklyn, New York Chamberlain, South Dakota Dear Sirs: Editor, RAuIO CUIlIE: Dear Sirs: Dear Voice: Your announcement in RADIo GUIDE, last This is a letter giving Fats Waller and So it's fight you want, Leota llelms and I recommend a change of diet. I low iS5uc-"Ta[e5 of The Foreign Legion. a his Rhythm Club a great big hand. You Tug, huh? Well, regardless of anything about a chocolate nut sundae (for What's ~lumbia favorite, has been dropped from may have your Don Redman, Cab Calloway. you and you and you may say, I sti1l insist better than that?) to Bing Crosby. Peaches .he Sunday schedules without explanation:" Earl !-lines and others of same class, but that Rudy Vallee is the king of all and I to Jack Pearl for being our funniest radio ,::alllc as a big surprise to the undersigned Fats Waller is King of Jazz, in the I-larlem know I am not alone in this belief, comedian. Burnt potatoes to Ed Wynn Did you ever receive a letter stating that district. The only thing down here is that He sings superbly, his orchestra is excel­ for thill};ing be is, A tllrkey dinner to 'your best friend had contracted a malady we cannot get them but twice a week, and Tent and personally, you wouldn't want to Guy Lombardo, Abe Lyman, Wayne King. from whid: be could not recover, and that we would enjoy hearing them more often. meet a nicer man than Rudy. He's friendly. Vincent Lopez, Paul Whiteman, Harold )Ii, death would occur within a week? Give all the credit of good programs to delightfully sincere and entirely charming. Stern lmd Leonard Hayton for having the Well, that's the way I felt when I re­ the Boswell Sisters and I hope they con­ And if that isn't enough, well ••• you best orchestras. Sour cranberries for Cab ech'cd the notices in RADIO GUion. I be­ tinue on the air, tell me. Callow~y. A box of candy to RubinotJ for liere there are thousands of other persons Your RADIo GUIDE is like a key to a lock, Stick to your guns, Robert Bolton, I'm his incomparable violin OIusic. !-Ioney to Ithroughout the country who have been you have to have the key before you can with you. the Pickens Sisters. Spices to Walter Win­ ~tunned just as greatly as J. If (and I hope get on the inside. I carry one in my car Alia Amor chell for his spicy programs. Apple dump­ jthcre is a change in decisions) "Tales of at all times and I don't miss the programs. .. lings to Burns and Allen-Gracie and her Ijrhe roreign Legion" leaves the air, there I think RAnIO GUIDE is the most complete, smart (?) family are knockouts! Ice cream most accurate and up-ta-date magazine We Hope So 1,lill be many mourners. as I know, person­ Gary, Indiana and cake to Amos 'n' Andy for their long ally. hundreds who never fail to hear the published. Dear Editor: reign. Apricots for Rudy Vallee because Jackson Ilughes program and class the program as one of How about a farewell picture of the four his programs are never dull. Ilhe best, if not Ihe best in the great selec­ .. legionnaires whose dramas of the Foreign Cookies to Chesterfield for giving us sill: lion of air periods. Enclosed Find No $9.62 Legion have been such an outstanding pro­ great artists. Dried-up grapes to the Moria The romances, the joys and light-hearted-­ Princeton, Illinois gram in the radio world? Sisters for their poor imitation of the Bas­ lieS!>, together with ·the moments of sadness Dear Sirs: And I'd like to sec the Death Valley wells. Caviar to ihe City Service Concert and shock that the Legionnaires have en­ In answer to your reward for not finding lineup, especially the young gambler. -probably radio's best music hour. Spinach dured, have been picked up most sympa­ Gracie Allen's lost brother. I am happy to Even if we can't always have our favorite to the Mills Brothers-they're always the thetically by the audience of many thou­ report that I have not found Gracie's programs kept on the air we can be pretty same. Razzberries to most of the advertis­ Mnds of unseen listeners out in the land. brother and I hereby ask for my reward, sure of the RADIO GUIDE on the newsstands. ing. Marshme!lows to Ruth Etting, Morton Yes, we arc going to miss that program f9.61, which you offered. Can't we? Downey, Al Jolson, Lanny Ross, William :y,-hen it is discontinued, as there is nothing Paul Haberkorn Virginia Moe Iiall, Mary Eastman, Verna Burke, Billy else that can take its place. We, and I White, Connie Boswell, and Ben Alley for ,speak for the many I know personally, and • their grand songs. Ilis favorite kin" of pie perhaps voice the thought in echo of many to Eddie Lang for being a very fine ~thcrs from far and distant points, shall RAD IODDIT IES guitarist. Pineapple sherbert to Ann Leaf• Jni" our old friends of the Legion with a • • C~lifornia oranges to , Eddie ;sadness akin to that of real life were we Cantor and Charlie Agnew's singing orches­ :to be told that they had actually gone out tra. Limberger cheese for Lucky Strike's Jo battle against the Jebel Druses or some Detective Story Mysteries. PeppermlOt oth ~ r of the enemy and fell in battle-gone sticks to the ~nnouncers; most of tbem are fore\Cr. ~plendid. And a gorgeous basket of fruit Is it possible that Columbia has not ap­ to RADIO GUIOIl for-just everything. jlrt'ciated the feelings of its public? Sunny Docs not the Columbia Broadcasting .. ~mpany realize that it has built up some­ Wants Her Martini I-hing that should not be torn down? B~ltimore, Maryland I wonder. Dear [ditor: The public must suffer at the hands of This is the first time I have ever written the company responsible for Ihis disap­ ),ou and I hope it is published, but I have pointment with no way for retaliation. been reading the GUlDE for ever so long. jI'rue it is, there ha\'e been no sponsors for I think it's great, Jhe program otber than the broadcasting You can all have your Crosbys, Colum­ ~Oml}any, but even so, the company has bos, and Vallees, etc., but give me Nino Jl1ade friends and these mean ~mething. Martini, the greatest artist of the stage, The men responsible for the program, screen an\.. radio, Why is it that you have llley who gathered the data, compiled and never published an article on him~ There ~rranged it, as well as the performers in is nothing I would appreciate more. To ~heir portrayals, are to be congratulated. me there isn't a greater artist on the air ,Perhaps they were too good. They had to today, I love good music and beautiful be good to win the applause of an audience voices, and Mr. Martini supplies just that. who never missed a performance, causing He has the most beautiful voice I have ever ('aeh one of us to feel that we were their heard_such volume, quality and warmth. frit'nds. But now, it must end. !tea!ly, [ don't believe RADIO GlllDl.l is doing Ross \Y. Prysock jUstIce to such a great artist. Artists like .. him don't h~ppen along every day. Wrong Three Times .\1[ss.. Anita Erdman Oshkosh, Wisconsin ,:ientlemen ????? Dial Boycotter JAWE HElLER Iron Mountain, Michigan I don't expect to get this letter published, Gentlemen: .but as long as I spent a nickel on your •,"":AGO H·O<: TENOR I've been reading the RADIO GWDE for Jl1agazine I might ilS well spend three cents SIXTY-QtiE IN(tlES HAL TOTTe.N" on.e year and think you have a fine m~g_ )elling you what I think of it. SpORTS Ar·mOU,...Ce:R ~zlne. I keep all the back copies for To get a letter published in your GUIDE "::::wVr,n';;t)R;; WAS THE A.-A,·U ON(.E 5ROAOCMT SE¥EN.TEEN , flYWEIGHT CH~p reference. it is necessary to devote at least two-thirds TWO Y-EAR.S IiIf it telling what a wonderful weekly you I3ASKe:Te.ALI.. 'AME!. IN lI-IREE Instead of having an orchestra leaders contest you ask to name the ~J(ing of Jazz.­ hal'e just read. I buy your paper for one tu.ppy JACK TuRN£R reason-to read Mike Porter's "Reviewing I think Wayne King the greatest leader and PIANO ANO he desen'es the title of "Waltz King." but it Radio." But lately he's been getting worse """ would be an insul! to him to call the beau­ than Plummer. I got an idea that Plum­ tiful rhythm he gives us "j~zz." mer and Porter arc the same person. J Now a word about advertising over the am going to buy the GUIOE until the Jazz air. We will and do buy from those who King contest is over-then I am going to have short and snappy advertising and pre­ J:ive the nickel away. I will be watching .lle\t week's "Real Compamon" for my sent a good program. We turn the dial to another program when we hear 10llg drawn Jetter. If you print it be sure and have it good wise crack on the headline above Ollt st~tements and stop buying whatever they 111l1'e to "he letter, but you won't print it. scll. Let's have beller programs and less adve r_ Prankie Goden tCopl r1lh\ 1933. R;III1~ liul~. Jnc.l tisin.c l!1rs. P. W. Q. RADIO AND AMUSEMENT GUTDE Page 21', Saturday Programs [Continued]

12:15 P .•. 3:15 P..M. &:00 PoM. WLS-Ferris lIawaiillns • WBBM-Lon! M.atbll WBB~TOJIy W.-s; "Are You List.... ;..'t" (CBS KYW-Bernic: Kane's Orchcstn. WMAQ--GU5 Van, 'l'otwst; .. r< h.'''~; 0estra 8:40 P.M. WJKS--Fann fla,sh", WlS-lbe L,...x ~ WEHR-.u .... W~ Orchestn (NBC') WBB~~ey Welfan: Fwtd 12:20 P.M. WMBl-Radio ScbcJol of tlte BibJ,t WGE5--PoWtcI 111 5oDr: WB8M-No:ws flaslla 'WSBC-Druntic Fropam WCN-Unde Quift; Day Dr .... 1MrS and Wi.hbone 8:45 P.M. WIBO-Reading Room WlB~~PII WBBM--Fritz Miller's Orchestra 3:30 P.M. WJJD-r- Boswell,. ....,!tI' WAAF...... ()rpD :MeIodin WCFL-Tony and .J .... 12:30 P.M. WMAQ-To .. aanolloc:t!d WlSo-cJeaa J./Id Harry KVW-Fum Fonlm (NBC) WBBll--EuI Hoff ...... '. Ordoutra 1:15 P.M. WJKS-Ttd Coon, pianist W88M-Chi~;tgo 1I01Jr W[HR~cat En_hi.. (NBC) we. N-Palmu Houil1l! ED_hie .c;.1f-Leon BeIa_'J ~tra (CBS) KVW-<:IcIbe Tntter 9:00 PA WJJO-Live.t""k Marlr.ri Rq>orb WlBo--Gordoats ROIISbboots WBBM-lf_ SMrr. piaaist KYW-n.e Globe Ttot1cr WCR-~ ...d Orpa I'rov-I_ WJ KS-Nocm Hour Mdodies WJJD-Cowboy ~ WBBM-Mortoo Dl"5; 5rche.tr. (CBS) WJJD-Rhapooc!y ;n Records W8BM-Str.ct Singer (CBS) WGH-TQmorrow's News WCFL-Walkathon Hews WJKs-£ddie Duchin'a Orebestra (CBS) WCFL-Via I.ago Orcbstra. W1BD--Uttle lIarry and the Rhythm Girl WGN-L""nard S;uvo, (IJ'Iani\ WLS-~I F"rum WJJD-Fr'I.I1k1. "flail Pull'" ",uo. 10:30 P.M_ WGN-~l Inforlllation Program WJKS-Pumploin Du5ters KYW-Ikrnie KIJI~'s Orobestr, 1:50 P.M. WIBO-Nick NieboJs. Cartoomst (l Recital WBBM-Correy Lynn's Orebestra (CBS ) WCFL-A Bit of Mosc ...., JluS'lan Mu,ie WMAQ-Vdau, oi Fo~ Wars (SOC) WeN-Hoppl' Endings 4:45 P.M. WCfL-Froliu Cafe WfaD-Radio Gossip KYW-Harold Bean. baritone WGN-The Maa;IC of a Voice 10:45 P.M. WJJD-Mastuworks' lI.. u. WAAF-Ray Waldron', Sports Rc~ie'" WIBo--Har.. ld Solomon, law talk WCFL-A Bit of M05CO.. WJKS-The Round To ..nrrs, quartet (CBS) WBBM--Cowboy Tom and Indian Chid (CBS) WJJ D-Blul! Ridge Mountmn"""" WCFL-Halia Hogan, contralt.. WhlAQ-Edtoeo oJ the Palisada (NBC) 10:50 P.M. WLS-t.!...... ,.-Go.Jlound WGN-JUI Cuber's Orchestra WMAQ-Merry Madup!; orchntra (NBC) WENR-Musical Mom~nb (NBC) MBG-Dusk DrUUlS, orpn 7:30 P.M. 11:00 P.M. 2:10 P.M. WJKS-N... n Flasheo WBBM-F'lflcm Minute ..f Sll1llIhlne ,.ith Cb;u-lie KYW-Dance Orch ...tr. WCN-Lton Be!ldit$lr:y, p....ist WMAQ-C_(~rt Eeb ..... (NBC) lIamp WCFL-New Chatull Ballroom Or[h~t.a 2:15 P.M. WCFL-Womt'Q'. lfi!o;b School TNo1Iers Feder.tim WCES--Eddle N.,jhaur's Orebtstra 5:00 P.M. WCOH-Snt'JI Lca&ue Boots WCFl-Pi:t Harmony F.... r KYW-Mel Stitzel, pianist WISD--Mnical T:apestry WlBD--Thutn- R~rtn- WAAF-Sunsd; SIlute WS8C-Mu.inl Comody 2:20 P.M. WJJD-Art writ;ht. ... ~ WGN-Palmer House Ensemble WB8M-Amnia'. Grub Str~d Spc.at.. (CDS) WJKS-A1""aDdor Hus' En5f:mble (CBS) 11:10 P.M. WCFl-Tripoli Trio WGH-Wayne King's Orchestra 2:30 P.M. WLS-Barn Dance Jambor"" WEHR-Little Germln Band (NBC) WMAQ-N.!ionol MviSMY Couucil (NBC) 11:15 P,M. WBBM-E•• l Huffman's Oro1lestn. WGES-lJlrraini... Folk SoAc WCR-Frolies ClIfe WCf"L-A Bit of M... c .... ; R"so;" .. MU5K WGN-Tho Ik,il Bird 7:45 P.M. WSBC-.Jerl'J Sulliun Son! Special WGM-F..... Rhythm Kin!" (CBS) WIBG-Woman in the Shoe WBBM-Ben PoIluk'. Orchestra WlBD--SiI .. .". MdDdi", WJJD-Neighborbood Store WCFt.-La~ nash"" 11:30 P.M. KYW-M.rk Fisher's Orrnutra CNlIO WJJD--J'imo Instruction WMA~Waldorf. Astoria OJcI>IM"t. WCN-Trlin·loJId of Tunn, Children's J'rO!ll'anl WCfL-Dorothn Derrfll$S, crmlratt .. WCFL-A Bit 01 ""''''Iw: arcllnt.a W8BM--.!. W. Doty, Olganist WISO..... ·Ol\Jl'ch of the Air WGN-Bin!: Cr ..sby, bariton~; Hayton'. Ord,estra WMAQ-Vincent Lopez' Orcbestra WCfL-l>;o,,1 Sutton, teno.t WJJ~lIre Orchestra (CBS) 1210~ MIDNIGHT WIBD--St"di.. Gem' WMAQ-Radio Amatn.rs WlBO--J•• k Burnelt. tCllnr KYW-Bernie Kane's Orchestra WJJo-Radio Cu:de', [~ltOl"S R.un~ T~1c 5:30 P.M. WJJD-Bubb Pic:brd WBBM-ArGDnd the Town; DaDee ar.h ... t,. WJKS--Clarente DrM .. n. piarust WJK~1ish II"", KYW-lJllele Bob'. Party WENR-EnIo In$trnnions 8:15 P.M. KYW-TwHt lIogan's Orchestra WCFL-AftemOOD Fro&" WMAQ-l-nrs 'Ib.t CoveI'a Socitly (lIIf:1C) WBBM-Boswell Sister. (CDS) WEHR-Don Podr ..'s Orchestra WGH-Buying Tal[ Warrant., blk WSBC-sI!etch WCFL-Night Court WGES-Midnis;ht J.moorH; Vodvil WIBG-Z~rda Shpiro, rf:S (CBS) WIBG-Memory Book 12:45 A.M. WJKS-Spanish Sermad" (CBS) WJJD-Concert Or<:hestrl WEHR-Little Orphan Annl~ chiJdru's "")lId KYW-AI Trace's Orchestra WLS-''Smilia' Th"'''; EWe Mae ~. 8:30 P.M. WMBI-Gospel Mnsie (NBC) WMAQ-Twtet Hop.o.'s Orob&lr. WCFL-Walkath. News WIIBM-nank Lishiu'. Ordtaln WMA~BoIfalo Cine Orchestra (NBC) 1:00 A.M. 0rph.aJ. pa)lki WCFt.-Froks Cafe WSBC-M.ardJ II Ptopas WGN-LittJe o\rlIIk; (1'180 WC ES-ClD with the DanG WIBG-SiI~.". Jhlodi... WGN-Edward d'Anna's Band (CBS) 3:10 P.M. WJJD--H.. wm L. Peterson, org;q,i.t WIBD--Tn • GlTden 1:30 A.M. lNG.N-Jw.~ II ....",.'!.., ~t~ .w..~~S£s.k~tNJ P'a.l-"klu 1NBQ. .Wl.!Si-1l9t .:itUl lulUG WGES-Thl; All·Nis;htcn Kate Smith Tells Hollywood Experiences (Co/ltinutd Jrom Page One) mantic ty(le', you know. Pretty Sally Blane wmbincd radio, stage and screen salary lS takes care of all that-and very nicely, too." probably :POO,QOO or more a year. Kate immediately became good friends She's a grcat girl. with the entire cast and film crew. A rare "Ilello Everybody" was filmed in Holly. compliment was paid her by Charley wood. It was her first trip to the film Grapewin, veteran character actor. capital. I t was her first e.~perience as a "In all the forty years I have been act· film star .•. and hcr first association with ing," declared Grapewin, "I have never worked with a greater natural actor." the screen elite. Usually, the film folk turn he3ds 3W3Y with eyebrows uplifted Praise from Director at the intnlsion of newcomers from other fields. Btlt not so with Kate. KATE also won heaps of praise from Di- Instead, they welcomed the radio singer rector William A. Seiter. They got along splendidly. Often though, she would take and her p3rty with open 3rms. They feted the opportunity to reach his tender spot her at the famous Cocoanut Grove in one by calling him "Mr. Seidel". This jovial of the most gala nights the celluloid center kidding would bring out the laughs. has ever known. All Hollywood liked her But Kate really would become a bit con. wholeheartedly. When she attended the fused about some of the names of her as­ brilliant lIollywood premier of uThe Kid sociates. One of the assist~nt cameramen was named Rickenbacker. She unwittingly from Spain" ••• we!!, thousands of people called him "Ilollcnberger". He had a card in the throngs outside the theater watth· especially printed with his name, and pre­ jng the arrival of the notables, cheered her sented it to her. She took it, scrutini!ed to the echo when she stepped from her the name carefully, then; "Thank you, car. Only M:uy Pickford and Charlie Mr. Hamburger." Her 5Cnse of humor is in proportion to her size. Chaplin received such :I welcome, news­ Kate is crazy about her songs in the paper accounts reported. film. "Two very clever fellows, Sam Coslow She Likes Hollywood and Arthur Johnston, did the music. And what a job they turned out! There's four Af'D Kate liked Iiollywood. She found brand-new tunes-"The Moon 5ong"-1 just it much different than it often has can't forget the old moon, can 11 - and been depicted in print. She had heard that "Pickaninnies' Heaven», "The Great Open it was a wild place where inhabitants Spaces" and "Fifty Million Peop!e." On were supercilious and critical and insincere. our way out to the coast, the boys met us She came to know them as "just folks" _ .. at Alberqueque with n peanut-sized piano, no different than those to whom ~he ad· and we started rehearsing.- dr<;sses her songs over the radio. In addition to these songs, she does her Acton and actresses have returned from familiar "Dinah". This is the rhythm in the We~t Coast. Some have been reported which she seems to forget her size, and to have "gone IloJlywood"-a phrase meant steps around gracefully to the intense de­ to be uncomplimentary. It is supposed to light of her audiences. It's always a show· me'lII high-hat, showy, erratic and such. stopper. It deserves to be. It's great. Kale has "gone Hollywood", but it's in a The Songbird of the South is light on different sense. her feet. The audience expects the opposite. ''I'm just crazy about the place.- she But when Kate goes into her dance, her boomed good-naturedly. "You know, we public is amazed, for she can dance, and rented 1I10nte mue's home out there. It was n pays to :wake otbet people bappy, Kate Smitb has learned, and when the dance weill One forgets her size as she a lovely house, and we had our own swim· dances to the rhythm of the film's orches­ Songbird of the South Isn't dolne" It over tbe air, she's most apt to be found at au tra. You'll like it. t1ling pool and our own tennis court on orphan asylum Of hospital eheuing np thOM: to whom life hu been unIDnd. Kate'. the grounds." Her m;lnager, Ted Collins, plays a bit greatest plea!llln in life III nldlatlne" 5IlIIlIbine aDd happiness to shnt·lns. Kate in the film in his own life role-as her Those who may not know Kate's abil­ Smith and hef Swanee Musle ean be beard thrice weekly, Tuesday, Wednesday pilot. He enjoyed his movie experience, ju~ ities may wonder a bit at her enthusiasm and Thursday at 1:30 p, m. over a CBS·WGN network. as he relishes his announcing part on her concerning a tennis court and a swimmmg La Palina programs. tank. But Kate, despite her avoirdupois, can get around plenty, and plenty fast, Mone,. RoD. f. 100 ... on land or water. She is an expert • ne racquet-wielder, with a fast second serve acres, rows, pigs, chickens, and oodles of the lights and go to sleep. Sundays were KATE SMITH, who a few short years that would delight any follower of the buildings. Why, for lunch we'd have fried spent in resting and recreation. It was then ago was singing at benefits in home­ game. As for her aquatic ability.•. she chicken, five or ~ix kinds of vegetables, lots that she'd disport herself in the swimming town Washinglon, D. c., now is one of the holds several Red Cross medals for life­ of pie and milk." pool and bat the balls over the net on the very biggest money.maken; in the show bust· saving, ;lI1d has dived from thirty-five foot The La Palina singer would return to the court. ness. But she still does benefits. While the heights. Paramount lot late in the afternoon. There, Although Kate and Ted were invited to public hears of some of them, there are But she didn't have the time for these in a specially-built radio studio, she'd re­ numcrous parties and entertainments, they countless others at which she performs in sports that she woulJ have liked. hearse her radio programs for her broad­ rarely accepted the invitations, dedimng the good name of Charity that are never casts over Columbia, three limes weekly. them gracefully. One couldn't adhere to revealed. Up Early Then she went on thc air ~t 5:30 o'clock, such a full day of activities, and expect In fact. no anllouncement is made today West Coa.st timc, which brings her songs to maint~in social connections. I [owevcr, when she entcrtains shut-ins. The reason is, ~CWI ~ were up el'cry day nt five o'clock- to the east nt 8:30 by New York's time­ Saturday was their "night out". Then they'd several skeptits charged that she did it for at the crack of dawn," she said pieces. stay up until midnight. publicity. She is proving they were wrong. proudly. "You hJven't much appetite that "We had our local broadcasts cvery day The story of "I-[ello Everybody", an Even en route to Hollywood she stopped early in the morning. but after we drove just over KNX and we'd adl'ertise dough­ original scenario by Fannie Ilurst, pre­ orf ~n hour at Chicago to visit a young sixty-fi,-e miles to location-well I'd be nuts and coffee and all sorts of things," sents Kate Smith ~s "Kate Smith", a big· lad, lying in :I hospital with his eyesight hungry then, all right. After a hot break· she said. "And because we did it just for hearted girl who does a man's work run· stolcn by a bomb explosion. fast-gosh, the food was good-I'd have fun, the firms would send up more dough· ning a large farm for her fatherless family. The "Songbird of [he South" is retum­ my h~ir waved, my fnce made up, and then nuts and cans of coffee than we could ever She sacrifices her own desires to give hap-­ ing to llollywood. Even before the release get into my gingham dress. By that time, have hoped to use ourselves. So we gave piness to others. When a ruthless power of "1-11'110 Everybody~, she was signed for it'd be nine o'clock, nnd everything would them away." company attempts to drive her and hun­ her second picture. She is playing a ten. be ready to 'shoot' the works." "Ted Collins, Jack Miller, Nat Brusiloff dreds of other farmers from the valley so weeks vaudeville tour that wiH take her out location wns the Camarillo ranch which and myself made loads of new fans along that they may build a dam, she rises to to filmland by April whcn work will begin_ was given to the family by royal grant of the whole west coast. Even from way up presen'e their. homes. At first she was reluctant to give any in. llis Majesty, the King of Spain, almost a in icy Alaska we got letters. Go~h, can To raise money for the costly legal fight, formation on the story that will serve for hundred years ago. Its owners never had you imagine? Radio sure is a wonder[ul she sings on the radio and wins fame and her sccond vehicle. But then she acquiesced. permitted their estate to be used for mo­ thing." wealth. All her earnings are sent to her "It'll be a dramatic war story. 111 play tion pictures, but readily agreed to do so neighbors to furnish the sinews of war. a singing nurse, and I know it's a part 111 for Kate's film when it was arranged that Listens to Others In the supporting cast are S:tlly Blane, like," she said. the los Angeles day nursery would benefit Randolph Scott, Charley Grapewin, and No wonder she11 like the role. She's the through a sizeable contribution by Para· Ar.TER dinner, tired from her strenuous George Barbier. SJme Kate Smith who once studied to be mount. day, she would loll about the house, "Who, me play a love interestr ex­ a nurse. And it's the same spirit that today "It wa~ the largest f.lrm [ el'er had seen,~ listening to other Jloople perform on the claimed Kate, when that question was put reaches out to countless people who wait Kate exclaimed. "'t had eleven thousand radio. And at nine o'dock she'd put C'.lt to hcr. "1 should say not. I'm not the IV- eagerly for her "[-lello Everybody". This file including all text and images are from scans of a private personal collection and have been scanned for archival and research purposes. This file may be freely distributed. but not sold on ebay or on any commercial sites. catalogs. booths or kiosks. either as reprints or by electronic methods. This file may be downloaded without charge from the Radio Researchers Group website at http://www.otrr.org/

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