Sveriges - Malmö

Lars-Gunnar Bengtsson Newsroom Coordinator ”One-button” TV-transmission ”One-button” TV-transmission

TV-production in a totally digital environment The Good old Days …then came the Internet Revolution …then came the Internet Revolution …then came the Internet Revolution SVT digital production facilities Level 4 Heavy TV Technique Level 3

Level 2 Post Post Production Production One Button Several Several Level 1 Studio Studios Studios

Camera Camera Camera Camera crew crews crews crews Video Video Video Video editing editing editing editing

Wide Area Network Systems Information Systems

Media Management Systems – Archive

Digital Broadcast Center SVT Wide Area Network

2,5 Gbit/s 155 Mbit/s 34 Mbit/s SVT Wide Area Network

2,5 Gbit/s 155 Mbit/s 34 Mbit/s production system

Wide Area Network Archive A/D server Internet

File server Browse server One Button Studio Transmission server

Local Area Network

Avstar/Meta Scripts & rundowns Avid Newscutter video editing Easycut Desktop video editing Cosmo Desktop Template Graphics Desktop tools on every PC Desktop Template Graphics - Cosmo Desktop video editing - EasyCut Desktop access to all video, stills and text Desktop downstream key control Archive BEFORE Broadcasting Desktop archive online Copyright notes to archive Video from the field via FTP Exchange of video with other TV-companies One button Control Rooms One button Control Rooms Digital broadcasting in :

Sweden is closing down the analogue Broadcasting network in 2005-2008 Publishing on Internet, Wap, 3G The way to success:

Standard SVT PC:s Standard Video cameras and video editing rooms Standard one button control rooms Standard Video Servers and computer network System development inside SVT Well established local Superuser organization Good feedback from users The way to success:

Standard SVT PC:s Standard Video cameras and video editing rooms Standard one button control rooms Standard Video Servers and computer network System development inside SVT Well established local Superuser organization Good feedback from users

…digital development