Government Will Create «Structure» to Manage Housing in the Country
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DISSABTE,DIMARTS, 20 10DE DEOCTUBRE JULIOL DEL 2018 el PeriòdicPeriodic d’Andorra News 15 Pà especials CONEIXEMENT SOBRE d'Andorra L’ÚS DE LES TECNOLOGIES elelENGLISHTema PeriòdicPeriòdic del EDITION dia NewsS A T 2xx 0 POLITICS MARICEL BLANCH XAVIER ESPOT MINISTER OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS, JUSTICE AND INTERIOR «We don’t propose artificial fireworks «We are trying to give support to a (miracles) but realistic and balanced broader structure that backs the measures that can be implemented» law of urgent measures» Xavier Espot, Minister of Social Affairs, Justice and Home Affairs in a cabinet meeting. 33 Government will create «structure» to manage housing in the country The cabinet declines the two amendments of the UL + ILM wants changes in the automatic tax law to promote and support rents in the country information exchange to help real estate EL PERIÒDIC THE AMENDMENTS One of the two out the difficulty of finding out about penses and rental income up to a ma- ANDORRA LA VELLA amendments, presented/ by the PS the occupation raet of these homes ximum of 50,000 euros,» explained @PeriodicAND DA sees a ‘shadow’ and UL + ILM, respectively, prospe- without more data. In addition, Lopez the counselor Joan Carles Camp. Es- n the issue of expensive red and, therefore, the law will conti- even proposed the reform of the Cons- pot replied that he had been talking in the pact in the flats, Minister of Social Af- nue in the regular parliamentary pro- titution to further support the right to the Ministry of Finance and «we ha- voting of the liberals fairs, Justice and Interi- cedure. The one of the PS, defended to housing, a proposal that was not ve valued some possible modificati- Oor, Xavier Espot, recent- from the platform by the director Pe- widely commented among the rest of on, but any change must be agreed ly explained that the Government is re López, focused on what they consi- the groups in their interventions and before with the OECD (Organisation The fact that the liberals abs- «trying to support to a broader struc- dered vague proposals to promote ac- that Espot reiterated that it is well co- for Economic Co-operation and Deve- tained33 in the vote to move forward ture than a Housing Department tha- cess to rent of citizens. The PS accused vered in the current Constitution and lopment).» Councilor Camp took the the amendment to the whole PS backs the law of urgent measures» to the Government of «not having a hou- positively valued one of the PS’s pro- opportunity to reiterate that the Go- was perceived by DA as an indica- encourage access to apartments at re- sing strategy» and not «anticipating posals regarding the creation of a gua- vernment does not study how the in- tion of the pact to compete toget- asonable prices. The announcement the arrival of the Automatic Tax In- rantee fund for housing. The minis- ternational commitments affect the her in the next general elections, came during the voting debate on two formation Exchange Law or the pro- ter regretted that the PS had not pro- internal market. UL + ILM also consi- as they expressed during the de- amendments to the Bill of Urgent Me- blem of tourist homes». However, the posed partial amendments to include dered as «indigence» the tax for empty bate . The Social Democrats and asures Concerning the Lease of Hou- most requested proposal was the cre- such measures. floors. the L’A also rushed to deny the si- ses that took place in the cabinet (con- ation of a register of rental flats in the tuation and the latter emphasi- sell general). he opposition was very country. In addition, Lopez pointed BRAKE ON AUTOMATIC EXCHANGE For its «REALISTIC» MEASURES Faced with the zed that they also abstained from critical with the closure of the Depart- out some contradictions, in his view, part, UL + ILM began the defense/ of accusations of low effectiveness/ of the the proposal of UL + ILM. The pro- ment of Housing carried out by the of the bill, such as the creation of a fee its amendment to the whole asking urgent measures, Minister Espot sta- posal of the PS only received the Government last legislature and Es- for empty floors that «will be volun- for changes in the application of the ted that: «We do not propose artificial support of its three advisers, whi- pot answered: «We must create some tary without crossing data with FEDA law of automatic tax exchange. «Our fireworks (miracles), but realistic and le that of UL + ILM had the vote of type of participatory structure on the or with the CASS» the Social Demo- proposal is a modification to exclude balanced measures that can be imple- its directors, plus those of the PS, housing issue but not a department». crat said while being ironic to point bank accounts to cover housing ex- mented.» eight in total. H 2 SATURDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2018 el Periòdic News CABINET MEETING SERGI PÉREZ DA does not want councilors in commerce commission MARICEL BLANCH PS wanted to support the idea of monitoring the state of the sector Front door to the offices of the Chamber of Commerce. 33 EL PERIÒDIC ANDORRA LA VELLA Fixed allocation of €600,000 @PeriodicAND A (the democrats party) ex- per year for the Chamber pressed yesterday its refusal to create a commerce trac- growth of trades in the country. In Dking commission in the co- The cabinet unanimously addition, Saboya explained that the untry as proposed by the PS through approves the modification law includes the control and audit a motion and with the aim of dea- of the law of the body of the chamber by the Court of Au- ling with concrete measures and di- ditors. The reform of the law not alogues with the crisis in the sector. EL PERIÒDIC only aims at changes in the finan- The counselor of DA Patrícia Ribe- ANDORRA LA VELLA cing world, but also in the operati- raygua justified the position with the Counselor of the PS, Pere López during the debate in the cabinet. on and grants to the organization argument that «this should not be the 33 The cabinet recently approved una- «new attributions in the field of me- function of the mayors». She also ma- OPPOSITION SUPPORT Apart from Nau- Minister Camp were not successful nimously the modification of the diation and conciliation to improve de an exhaustive review of all the ot- di, the rest of the opposition/ suppor- and that many of the key actions of Law of the Chamber of Commerce the business climate and has a social her ways of affecting the trade polici- ted the proposal of the PS and agreed that project have been abandoned, that incorporates «a new financing weight and not only economic» sta- es that the directors have, such as «th- to point out the decline of trade in the such as rafting, color fountains, mul- formula with a fixed allocation of ted Saboya. According to the minis- rough the legislative Commissions of country as «evident». They also said in tifunctional grounds or The Cloud 600,000 euros» explained the Minis- ter, the main immediate initiatives Economy or Tourism.» Only the coun- unison that the argument of e-com- building that was recently cance- ter of Economy and Competitive- of the chamber that must be possi- selor for SDP Víctor Naudi supported merce competition is over, outdated. lled. However, counselor França Ribe- ness, Gilbert Saboya before everyone ble thanks to the new financing are those of DA but with a different moti- «Everywhere there is the competition raygua explained the progress in ac- present in the meeting. In addition, the development of an Andorra qua- vation, as he said that «trying to boost of e-commerce and the retail sales fi- cordance with what marks the plan the head of the Economy sector al- lity label, as well as the diagnosis of trade in four months after finishing gures in Europe are growing» said the and denied that she is not in contact so explained that the financing will the points of sale to make them mo- the legislature is electoral» and also director of UL-ILM Carles Naudi. The with the associations of merchants be complemented by a variable con- re competitive. «It would be ideal to considered that this should be an «at- opposition also pointed out that the of the country. A version that the Tou- tribution that will be obtained from have ad hoc aid plans for each busi- tribution of the Executive». results of the strategic plan driven by rism Minister validated. 10% of the rates of the register of net ness» the minister said. H H The cabinet modifies the transfers briefs according to the Constitutional opinion One year prison request for banknotes forgery Martí regrets the change of direction in the vote of some councilors and refers «to the acts» JUSICE The High Court ruled that the accused was charged with falsifying 3 MARICEL BLANCH and introducing in the country 4 banknotes of €100, which appealed the de- tripartite negotiation tables betwe- cision of the Court of Cortes, which sentenced him to 12 months in jail. The en the comús, the Government and man said that he did’t know that the notes were fake and when he knew, he the cabinet and referred to everyone gave it to the police. According to him he had no bad intentions. who wanted «these acts of those me- etings». Both parties denied these sta- tements and the Liberals reminded Canillo is the closest Ombudsman will have the change in their group’s situation during this process and they indica- comú to the debt limit an assistant next year ted «the sense of responsibility and FINANCE The Court of Auditors an- POLITICS «The ombudsman (official loyalty» to abstain from voting, rat- nounced3 the objectives of financi- in charge3 of representing publlic in- her than voting against it.