Sr. No. Name & Address of the Company
Sr. No. SAP Cods Name & Address of the Company M/s Teralight Lmited, VRS/0001 4100801 House # 13, Street 46, Sector F-7/1, Islamabad. M/s Telecom Foundation VRS/0002 4100802 TF Complex Mauve Area, G-9/4, Islamabad. M/s Arian International, Mezzanine Floor, VRS/0003 3300001 Manzoor Plaza, Blue Area, Islamabad. M/s Bahum Associates (Pvt) Ltd, 2nd Floor, M.K VRS/0004 4100077 Arcade, 32 Davis Road. Lahore-54000. M/s United Cool Services, VRS/0005 3000432 Office # 10, 2nd Floor, Aslam Business Center, Iqbal Road, Rawalpindi. M/s SATCO Enterprises VRS/0006 3000375 Plot # 7, I&T Center, G-8/4, Islamabad. M/s Pak Tech Engineers, VRS/0007 4100300 Office # 8-A, Islam Plaza, G-9 Merkaz, Islamabad. M/s Rawat Engineering Enterprises, H # 746, St VRS/0008 4100333 # 03,Sector I-9/1, Islamabad. M/s Bashir Pipe Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. VRS/0009 4100831 99-Railway Road, Lahore. M/s Powertech Engineering Solutions. 202, VRS/0010 4100846 Gulistan Plaza, Blue Area, Islamabad. M/s Creative Electronics & Automation, VRS/0011 4100116 Plot # 142, Industrial Triangle, Kahutta Road, Islamabad M/s Metro Engineers, Plot # 02, Near Share VRS/0012 4100820 Rabani, General Store Sector T No. 5, Bund Road, Lahore. M/s Hascombe Business Solutions (Pvt) Ltd. VRS/0013 4100829 House # 708-A, Street # 82, Sector I-8/4, Islamabad. M/s Bukhari Telecommuication Company, House VRS/0014 4100093 # 02, Street # 11, F-6/3, Islamabad. M/s BTC Network Solutions VRS/0015 4100830 House # 02, Street # 11, F-6/3, Islamabad M/s Shenzhen Xiaguang XP Co.Ltd.
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