Foraging Koh

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Foraging Koh Foraging Guide Belimbing Betel Butterfly Pea Flower Averrhoa bilimbi Piper Betle Clitoria ternatea L. Flowers, fruits are sour but Eaten with the betel nut (Areca Medicinal: Swelling, sore piquant. Eaten raw or in a catechu) as a stimulant. throat, etc. Also lends pickle! Leaves are medicinal - contain materials a natural blue antimicrobial and antioxidant colouring. https:// activity. https:// Special-Pages/plant-detail.aspx? https:// id=2735 Special-Pages/plant-detail.aspx? special-pages/plant-detail.aspx? id=1372 id=1490 ! Cashew Asiatic Pennywort Cempedak Anacardium occidentale Centella Asiatica Artocarpus integer (Thunb.) Cashew apple is normally Entire plant can be used for Merr. eaten, and can be made into a healing of wounds, burns, etc. jam or seeetmeat. Great for Juice is drunk for cooling Not to be confused with fermentation. The bark and nut properties. jackfruit, the fruits and leaves oil can be used to treat corns, are eaten - seeds can also be https:// warts, ulcers. eaten after roasting or boiled. Special-Pages/plant-detail.aspx? https:// id=5347 https:// Special-Pages/plant-detail.aspx? Special-Pages/plant-detail.aspx? id=2709 id=3309 ! ! Chinese Violet Citronella Climbing Wattle Asystasia gangetica ssp. Cymbopogon nardus Acacia Pennata L micrantha (Nees) Ensermu Leaves, stem and flower are Not to be confused with Known as cha - om in Thai, a eaten raw or blanched, or in a lemongrass, is used to legume frequently found in stirfry. Crunchy in texture. A produce an essential oil - and soups, curries, omelettes and related plant can be found on known to be a mosquito stir fries. Pick the young Koh Lon, with purple flowers: repellent. shoots! Asystasia gangetica (L.) https:// record/ild-32837 Special-Pages/plant-detail.aspx? id=1705 ! ! Coconut Cotton Fruit/ Santol Curry Cocos nucifera L. Sandoricum koetjape "Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng. Leaves and Berries can be Terribly useful plant - Two varieties can be found in eaten - fresh or when dried. Oil everything can be utilised! Southeast Asia, yellow and the has antibacterial properties. Enough said. red. Mild peachy taste, and https:// apple like texture. Can be https:// cooked, and eaten when Special-Pages/plant-detail.aspx? slightly unripe. Plant has anti id=2238 Special-Pages/plant-detail.aspx? inflammatory effect. id=5618 ! Firefruit Galangal Beach Morning Glory Unidentified Achasma galanga Ipomoea pes-caprae Spicy, and Floral, this root is commonly found in Southeast Found in sandy conditions, it is Asian cuisine. Leaves are used as medicine for sting ray incredibly aromatic and can be and stone fish stings. used as herbs. https:// Special-Pages/plant-detail.aspx? id=1644 ! https:// ! special-pages/plant-detail.aspx? id=1431 ! Ixora Jambu/ Rose Apple Jackfruit Juice - floral complexities; Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. Fried as fritters (flowers). Piquant, spongey when Also used as a root decoction overripe. Eaten fresh or in a After boiling or roasting, the for childbirth; pickle seed can be eaten. Jackfruit wood also has sedative https:// https:// properties. The ash, when burned with maize and coconut Special-Pages/Record-List.aspx? Special-Pages/plant-detail.aspx? shell can treat ulcers. From the DataSourceIDNo=&Text=ixora&R id=3161 wood particles, a yellow dye is esultPage=20&display=Thumbnail extracted. ModeTem&sort=ScientificName& Status=ALL https:// Special-Pages/plant-detail.aspx? id=2733 ! Lemongrass Mangosteen Moringa Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Garcinia mangostana Moringa oleifera Lamk Stapf Slight herbaceous notes. A The rind is astringent, but superfood! Popular ingredient in produces a black coloring used Southeast Asian cuisine - used in dyes. Flesh is cotton like https:// in medicine as well, where and sweet. Special-Pages/plant-detail.aspx? leaves are boiled to relieve id=3034 cramps, and digestive https:// problems. Special-Pages/plant-detail.aspx? https:// id=2927 Special-Pages/plant-detail.aspx? id=1918 ! ! ! Melinjo Neem Oyster Plant Gnetum gnomon Azadirachta indica A. Juss. Tradescantia spathacea Sw. Leaves and seeds are used as Seeds are typically used in the medicine; to produce an oil; Contains anti - microbial production of melinjo crackers. can be used as fertiliser or properties - brewed into a tea Highly addictive! The young pesticides as well. Similar to to relieve heatiness, treat leaves can be eaten - Azadirachta excelsa fever, cough and bronchitis. Do steamed, while the sap is also not eat plant raw! drinkable. https:// https:// https:// Special-Pages/plant-detail.aspx? Special-Pages/plant-detail.aspx? special-pages/plant-detail.aspx? id=2738 id=2524 id=2942 ! Pandan Pineapple (Red?) Red Hibiscus Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb. Ananas bracteatus Hibiscus rosa - sinensis Leaves and juice are http:// The edible flowers are used in commonly used for natural theworldwidevegetables.weebly.c salads, and can be used to green coloring, and are om/ananas-bracteatus-red- provide natural coloring. aromatic in flavour. A common pineapple.html ingredient in Southeast Asian https:// desserts. Special-Pages/plant-detail.aspx? https:// id=2095 Special-Pages/plant-detail.aspx? id=2299 ! ! ! Siamese rough bush Shinybush Skunk Vine Streblue Asper Lour, khoi, Peperomia pellucida (L.) Paederia foetida - Khao Yam serut, and toothbrush tree Coriander, Soap like in flavour. Used in medicine for Strong flavor, mixed with Used in traditional headache, abdominal pain, grated coconut and spices. papermaking, as toothbrushes, bleeding; Can be blanched or Smell disappears when leaves and as sandpaper for wood eaten raw. are cooked. https:// works. Plant can treat leprosy, toothache, and cancer. https:// special-pages/plant-detail.aspx? id=1462 record/tro-50064863 Special-Pages/plant-detail.aspx? id=5557 ! Stenochlaena palustris (Burm Taro Tapioca f.) Bedd Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott Manihot esculenta Crantz Young fronds are stir fried and The leaves and corms can be High in Starch content, Cereal eaten; also used as a mild eaten after being cooked. They like, mild nuts. Boiled root juice laxative, and contraceptive. should not be eaten raw, because is used for burns, bark is anti they contain toxic calcium oxalate rheumatic which is destroyed during the organisms/details/611 cooking process. Wild taro has https:// to be foraged with caution! There are also poisonous Special-Pages/plant-detail.aspx? varieties found in Koh Lon id=2210 https:// Special-Pages/plant-detail.aspx? id=1835 Taro Wild Pepper Wild Cucumber Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott Piper sarmentosum Roxb. Unidentified Used to cure coughs and The leaves and corms can be asthma, and to cure eaten after being cooked. They toothaches. Leaves and should not be eaten raw, because pepper tips have mild florals they contain toxic calcium oxalate and are slightly spicy in flavor. which is destroyed during the Eat fresh! cooking process. Wild taro has to be foraged with caution! https:// There are also poisonous varieties found in Koh Lon Special-Pages/plant-detail.aspx? id=2342 Wild Mint? Unidentified ! ! ! !.
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