We Gan't Affotd to Fill the Blank Yet' by Ricardo Accorsi
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O\/ \/ [{ SIDEN A socrATION FFANKLII{ AVENUE MEDIAI{ UPDATE: We Gan't Affotd to Fill the Blank Yet' BY Ricardo Accorsi The Franklin Avenue Median Beautification Project hag been making progress at a very raPid rate. The permit plans preliminary approval by,the City are nearly ""oiopi6te and . hasbeenieceived. TheProjeetisinitsfinalplanningchallenge: The race. The referee is in to grve the go- financial "On Place ahead with the starter's gun. your marks. Get seL ' ' Click." That's right. We ian't afford to fill the blank median yet The Project is quite litemlly on back, but now needs its neighbors' financial suPPort to get to the finish line. fHRe has accrued nearly $5000 of the projected install,ationcostof$1Q000, A partof ftesefunds were received in direct resDonseto the last issueof TheOamtiea,wherethe Projectwas'introduced. Small and large pledgesalike w-ere maie and we are hopefr:l that our readers'interest will be sustained,or eveninireased with this issue. Thedesigrr has looking east toward bridge' evolved gracefully into a eomplementaryseries of Proposed Flar*lin Av€nue landscaPin& "landscapes"which take the median'shorticultural context as a p.itne sourceof inspiration. The sketchesillushate the How did it haPPen?Where's 92? desiln whictr receivedpreliminary approval from the-city' Another year gone,so much yet to do. significant Larse contributions have been made by Poverty, crime and hunger all grew. individial and organizational donors from our own and nearbycommunities. FHRA is appealingto businessesin the Political mud didn't block that view. area fbr their financial support, too. FHRA will gratefully Year'send . let'bid old woes adieu. -;>.ita;D>Pery'<>b>>#t:Fttrilffi ,s?l#sffi€' TheOaentiew , whenwe hope the Projectwill be comPlete' Have high hopesto start off'93 The Projectcalls for an irrigation system,which is in the final designstage,and will be submittedto the City for final On Franklin'smedian, help plant a tree. During the approval period, bids will be Love thy neighbor, let them love thee. approval-shortly. "we" "me." Instruct your children it's not Do your best,so that we'll soon see: INSIDE: page 2 . no smog. no CFC. Its Mv Turn Air clean. paSe I lmpohantCrime Meeting page g Yes, we all can helP to make things be MtltroRailUpdate page 5 Some little bit closer to trouble free. Phones page 12 ,'. I I FRANKLIN HILLS RESIDENTS FROM THE PRESIDENT ASSOCIAtrION It seems as our years go by, they fly by faster and faster, leaving us with BOARD OF DIRECTORS so much to do and so few hours. This acceleration of time brings deadlines with President DONALD WALDROP of us who regularly have to deal with them are left amazing rapidity and those VicePrcsiilent with the frustration of sometimes not making them. This issue was planned to BRYANTCROUSE be out before Thanksgiving, we didn't make it, and this year we committed to Secretary-Treasurer four issues of the OVERVIEW - this is the third issue for 1992.So goes the BRUCECARROLL first we make a living. volunteer labor of love. We wish we could do more, but RICCARDOACCORSI On the other hand, another type of deadline is fast approaching - that of CHRISBOUTELLE in a sense,since it means gifts and parties and GENECORNELL the holidays. A good deadline, CAROLMASON seeing old friends and happy kids and many of the other things that most of us CHARLEYMIMS Needless to say, we all are awate that ARNIENETKA associatewith year end and beginning. VIOLETWEBER there are many less fortunate than us - many who are looking at a future too FRANKYOGUS bleak to contemplate, both adults and kids. At our next general meeting, December 9, we can help some of these ACTION TEAM LEADERS people, in a very easy way, by simply bringing items to the meeting to be ABC-TV&COMMUNITY: Waldrop,664-4124 later Don distributed to the needy by our local law enlorcement folks. Seethe notice CRIME& N'BORHOODWATCH: in this issue for details' VioletWehet 6634427 - DoN wALDRop DISASTERPREPAREDNESS: Violetwebe\ 6634417 ENVIRONMENTAL: Marcellezrj/rLta,66U724 GRAFFITI: NOW ITS MY TURN IsabelDietz, 661-4531 L. I. L. A.(FrenchAmerican School): BY Marcelle Zonta DonWaldrop,66L4724 MEDIAN: RiccardoAccorsi, 666-2431 Ed.:This inauguratesanewfeature in the Ooeftieu,Readerssubmittingtheir thoughts. MEMBERSHIP: It canbe on any subiectthey feel affectsthe neighborhoodand their in it. We invite Place GeneCome[ 65]2533 your tum. you to submit METRO RAIL: BruceCarroll 66S9875 LOST PETS: I have observed many lost Pet siSns Posted in our area' As much NE-TACCT as we love our animals, we must realize that by letting them be outside, Patti llarisoru 6623709 PLANNING & ZONING: unsupervised, we put them in Sreat danger. We Put them in even greater danger CharleyMims, 6654239 if we leave them out all night. If at all Possible,we owe it to them to keep them in atnightwhether theylike itornot. You will rest easierknowhg that your companion Franklin Hills OVERVIEW animal is safe, and besides, let us not forget that ghastly individual who is now Prblisher & Editor: Don Waldrop Cow Editor: CarolMason Silverlake is only a hillside away poisoning pets in the Silverlake area. Remember, e6ntibutins Witers: from Franklin Hills. RiccardoAccorsi] BruceCarrolJ, SeellOW lTa Y TURII p.9 Violet Weber. CoW Input: Carol Skinner Editortal afld Adoeilsltg Salest FRANKLIN HILLS (.2r?\&4124- RESIDENTSASSOCIATION the Franklh Hi[s OVERVIEW lspublislrcd man occasionalbasis. We invibe yolll c@rments dt mat- (2131664-7247 brs r€lating tc dtides ad tE c@tmunity an4 HOTUNE space pemittin& will publish lettecs mailed to Hibti OWRWE\I, B@2914 LosAtAd6, CA 900n TIEETII{G ANNOUNCEMEI{T HOW SAFE DO YOU FEEL? bv Violet Weber How safedo you feel? At home? On the highway? Is represmted by Paul AfdaN, our senior lead officer, will crime in our city up or down? delineatethe new measures being setoutbyPolice Chief Willie Theseand the other hundred of your questionswill be Williamsaswell asnew, intensive trainingprograms inwhich answeredatthe Franklin Hills ResidmtsAssociation meeting the police aremgaging, in conjunctionwith theNordreastPolice Division on December Other relevant points of interest are the cornmunity 9d1.The meetingwill be held at the FrendrAmerican School, policingplans, newvolunteer programs, and, as anafter'math 4555Russell Avenue, from 5:45to 9:00P.M' of theterrible Spring riots, whatthe communitycanor cannot In accordancewith FHRA'Slong-stated intmt to exPand do to protectthemselves if left to ourselvesas we were lhose the Association'sservices to Provideboth currentand lasting few terrifying daysand nights. Vice Presidmt, benefits, the Association intends to Presentfour general Themeeting will be facilitatedby FHRA meetingson an annualbasis. The fust for this seaso&held on Brvant Crouse,and the secondhalf of the meeting will be August 12to explainthe Disaster Preparedness Program, was opento questionsand answersfrom the audience.There will well attendedand appreciated.This current Crime meetingis Ueanopportunityomeet the of fi cerswho areassigned directly intendedto giveall ofus theways and means ofProtecting our to our neighborhood.In additiory we will have a chanceb lives and our property. meetCaptainWemmer,new to our area,and to find outmore Co-sponsoredby FHRA and the Franklin Hills aboutthe inner workings of our NortheastDivision. Community Patrol,the meetingwill focuson the role of the Refreshmentswill be served. police with the community. LAPD'sNortheastDivision, GIVE THE CHRISTMASSPIRIT "If The very spirit of Chrishnasis in giving. And, as somesage said, you want to do somethingfor yourselt do somethingfor somebodyelse. Many families afe suffering becauseof the difficult economictimes. Every year the Northeast PoliceDivision collectstoys and foodsfor families who havebeen referred to them asbeing very needy. When you cometo the GENERALMEETING on CRIMEon December9, Please bring along sometoys and non-perishablefood and give them to the police officers who will be conductingthe meeting.Or, you may call the Hot Line of the Franklin Hills ResidentsAssociatiort (2I3) 664-7247,and arrangementswill be made to pick up your contribution. Don t let this Christnas go by without making it a little happier for someoneelse. It will bring the ChristrnassPirit into you life aswell! Don't forget, bring your conhibution with you to the Crime meeting December9/ at L.I.L.A.,the French-Americanschool,4155 Russell Street,6:45 to 9:00P.M. fOlN FHRA- Seepage 23 for Detailsand Membership Form Disaster Prepaledness: ARE UI'EDOII{G SOMETHII{GUI'RONG? LOS FELIZ LIBRARY Volunteer TUTORS are Your Disaster PreparednessProgram has been in place needed for a tutorial progtan, now for two years. Two seven-weekclasses have been estimated tine per week: 2-3 held, five responseteams are in place and programs hours. have been presentedto help you know what to do and Donations needed: Books where to go to get help in caseof a disaster-any and videos to sell, patio disaster. furniture, indoor plants and watering ca& outdoor planters AII theseplans are in place. We continue to meet, to and plants. plan, to practice. Unfortunately, implementing plans and stockingour storageareas with medicalsupplies, The Los Feliz Libtary is begin-ning a tental program food and water takes money. We have $500-we need with multiple copies of books $2500as a minimum. taken from the best seller llsts. The books will rent for 10 cents We have begged-even pleaded and cajoled,but we a day, with no reserves being cannot seemto get above that $500mark which wiII taken PROJECTBESTSELLER buy only a modest amount of medical supplies. is being tunded by the Los Feliz Friends of the Library. It is my hope that you, our neighborswill respond to The Library has urgent the very real need for disasterpreparedness supplies- need of a working ty?ewriter. If after all, they may saveyour life or that of someone you can donate one, please call. you love. CONTACT: Thea March, Los Feliz Library,1939 U2 We need fire extinguishers,two medium size (213) generators, flash IIillhu$t Avenue, 6* walkie talkies, shovels,crow bars, TtoS lights, clean blankets, chain saws,crowbars.