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If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. >~ ~. ' .. " •• ttU r I ' .~. -.' .. ., Hi "M . ..,~., ... v. :-- ;: fJ ., ~.\ ',I, U '\ .ri '" Typical ~hotographic As~lgnments .......... ' 1 " _, • lC.,,?, The .use oflr'aCle'"J'Iames<"or company 'prOducts Ln-<> II ,.. h " ., • " . II ","'" II ,. II.' ••• II ••••• 9 this guiaeilbes·'Qol",c9ns\:il~~eendor~me~oro. '" \I vam!=!ras ....... ',~"" o(~ recomtne'ndation''by ihe~ Nati'onin{13l.reau of ---- ....'. ~ •Starjd~rds .and .. dOes~~!ttiih)i\C¥hat,:'the" products ••• 10 10 ::' .... '. II .. ~ .. i~ • ...... ";11 ... '. II II ........... ""1 25 f\e~eSSarny ,theJjest available'fot.tHe pLirpo::;9p , . b . .,~):::.::r"'·1 ) ·t " ' ....... "''''- ;.. (' " El<posUre Meters .•.•.•• : ~ .•..•..•••...• t. 39 ••• II II II ' ••• II II •• III •••••••• 51 o;l1' il Filters and Other, Accessories .. II' ~ •• 11.11 •• 11.57 (' L .' \\ ('. ~, , " ,"-' ' .." & ££ $. I , .r ,t· 'e ..... I ., ~.;aoo--.J: __ q"",>i , ,J' " ~ 1.1 "" " "';" ·'.f. " ~ t? ....__ ...· ......... , ... H_t·Jla_:'W_I ....... ,...... _ ... _ ...._:.i .... '1 " ~ '·,.~~m.~,,/, ~~"~"'l,Q1J~·_7_rl.-, _ .... IQ'-.I~ .,;~_·, _~~._~~~~, " 'C. "'(f' 'II /J r II' '0 I , I 1) (;) "1 '(,,(, o Ii "' 'ill !/ 1,- j( Q e ~i ~.' 00 J IJ " ," , <J -:,. r; b "FOREWORD (\ ,c". , '2 "I., , G ',j I~I <-> <"~1" "0 if I" ' j j ii' " ""', ' ti "~" I " a If" The Law Enforcement'Standards Laboratory (lE$,L) of .the National Bureau of Standards .(Nas) ,c) furnishes technical support to the National InstitlJle of Law (Enforcement and Criminal JOstice o '" ,,(NILEOJ) program to strengtben law enforcement and criminal justice in the United ·States. LESL's fUnctlo,1t, is" to conduct research that will assist law enforcement and criminal justice Q' agencies in the, selec~ion and procuremehtoof quality) equipn'j(~nt. " ( " LESL' ,is: ,(1) Subjecting., existing equipment 'to Ilb~~atOrytesting and evaluation and (,2) confjucting . research .Ieading to the development of several series of documents, including I)." 0' nati"nal volul1tary equiptnenfstandards, user guides,and technical reports., " .' . ' j'; ThiS' ddCt6mehtls a law anforcel11entequipment guide developed by lESL under the sponsorship of NILECJ .. Additional gujdes as well as other docum£lhts are being issued under the '. LESL program in the areas of proiective equipment, communications equ'ipment, security ~ osystems, Weapdhs,emergencyequipment, investigative aids, vehi,cles and clothing. ' tp.c~"~",'il~' ~"'~~"~i~~ _O~"='~~'".c, , .. , __ ~,~ __ "~- ____ , __ -_-,.'c Technical comments find suggestions concerning this guiere are invited from all interested 'parties. l"hey may be addressed to the author or to the Law Enforcement &tandal'ds Laboratory, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 202a4,:" '~'l C .'\.'; LJ Jacob.J. Diamond Ch/ef, Law Epforcerneflt Standards Laborstoly II : , ' C? , , J".,,' ,-'""" .., \" OJ. /' ,."., " ','--.:J."I '.'.1' .v ,. , we •• a .pe J ill i'Z4 • Ii_ a .e. 'i ilh !B$1 --.c,-. ,___ "'~" _ __-.- ______--".---~- ___...,,"f!',j--""t/'~- -~~----~--~----~--~--- a --~.~.--. ,,1 /- ' .. ' o .___ ..... __. _.:_u_._,_~""~~,, /i I II, 1./ /. .' C I .'i' 'INT:RODUCTION C' TVPIC'AL (i " • 'I. PHOTOGRAPHIC M r;±iVEH • f t ' wO ASSIGNMENTS Virtually e~ery segment 'Of t~e law enforcement equipment reliability", factors that must a1lj'i$ 1 community makes extensive use of photography taken into account when selecting equipment. J;'~ . \J on a d'mily basis," pr~par~ng documentation, evi:' Matching,. equipment characteristics to specific I "dence, or visual aids for training and public assignments will help in the selection of the,: I education. Law enforcement photography,8s' a type that will Ptoduce tlie highest picture quality. specialt}',probablY em:ompa~ees a' broader Judgment will t)8Ve to bie exercised and compro , range of specialized phofographicskills It-han mises may have to be made,.based upon the rel a \ any other recognized branch of the photog('aph m ative frequency qf use of each type of equip \ Ic profession. This guide briefly discusse~ thl3 ment, personnel skills, and personal preference. typical assignments that are encountered on a Only the individual who knows the requirements routine J;~sis and' reviews the types of pictures of the user can Judge these points properly. t. • () tha~ tfi~ photographer must obtain in eacll" instance. Those problems that are unique to In G field such'as law enforcement photography, specific assignments are identified, and some WhEli'9 widely diverse subjects are norma', the lusefulphotographjc techniques, are described. skill of the individual photographer is of maxi Cameras, lens,~s, film, exposure meters; lighting mum importance, and equipment canndJ be sub equipment, and accessories, are also disqussed, stituted for professional competency. The , with emphasis on the characteristics that are im ',' greate$t portion of the annual! cost of photo portant to law enforcement applications. graphic services, goes for' labor rather: than for equipment or materials. It woufd be sheer folly, The upsurge in popularity of photography therefore, handicap the photographer by I to Basic law enforcement photographic among. the general public na~freBulted in a floOd " forcing him use inferior equipment which to assignments are traditionally classified \) of new equiprr,tent, particularly in the 35 mm " wast~s his time and; talEmt. It. is hoped that this according to the crime or the object \\ I , field. The professional photographer has guide will assist in the logical selection pf photo photographed: homicide, burglary, break 1\ ing and entering, arson, sex crimes, etc.; 'i benefited greatly from the availability of this so graphic equipment which is best suited to the mug shots, fingerprints, physical evidence, phisti~ated equipment.., On the other hand,' the : job to be done. " documents, etc. .~ demand for specialized law enforcement equip i men~ is relatively "small, and some of the Jhe major manufacturers maintain" technical ',I popularly ad~~rti!ed equipment is not suitable $rafts to answer questions and assist in the ap for, taw enfo(Gtiiifent use. The individual makIng plication of their products to specmc uses. They \ '.,~ , ' ·Y, . •• the ~election must c~oose from the large vanety have published, a number of tlandbooks. which is commercially available. The final manuals, and technical bulletins that discuss choice Is otten a compromise. specific law enforcement applications, such as forensic and evidential photography, in depth. In The purpose of this guide is to assist those law addition, the monthly photographic magazines enforcement and procurement officials who are contain a great variety of photographic informa not \\technically trained in. photography in the se tion and can enable a police department to lection and application of photographic equip ber'eme aware of new products as they are '\ ment Which will meet their needs. The basic i' int'oduced. The importance of keeping current operating principles of cameras, lenses and with,. photographic technology cannot be over other equipment are described in order to make emphasized. A month never goes by without the . it easier' to discuss the considerations which introduction of a new camera, film, or affect their application to different photographic accessory; which may often be ideally suited to assignments. Emphasis is placed upon picture law enforcemer:lt application. quality, acquisition, and operating costs, and vi ,~,_".·.c_~I_'__ '-- ______ ·__ """"'" I '<~ ~ -- ; ; un j : " ,. :. ",,' I,' " .w l' ad .M BP, e II -r - JUS $ Ii .r -uv , I' ~: , C' o .-.\. (I " graphed !n detail~ ~overage must be SUfficiently tion (suc~ a~ a broken store windo\i!) to very () thorough to leave no possibility for later require'" small objects under poor illumination and in "'I ments. wllie" were not anticipated at the time. inac~essible locati~ns (sf,lch as a bullet h0l.~, at. After a full set of.pictu(e's has been made,of the the scene of a shooting); .." .~/. ! • ,. I ,I victim as found,' it will often be' nec'essary to . t~ke ,add!tional, pictures of the body, wounds, In, many instartcas, the crime sc~me photograph" . jI blood; stains underJhe body; or other additional will b~ the only record of physical evidence (or. Crime s2ene' a~d ~hy~'cai EYh~tence ,of the point of entrY, {oolmarks, ,trace evidence if evidence.onc;:e the body has been moved. ,. As' later use, such as damage to a .arge wall safe' such as cigarette butts, articles left at the scerie Photo9~raPhY :, i' with. an iir'iv~stigation of breaking and entering," that cannot be removed, from the property; in t such as fools, the condition of various rooms points of, entry and exit are important. other cases, it will be possible to fake items to, ( t and areas from were taken, finger f Photographs talj;E3:rJ:.~attj'~E!' ~cene of a crime" are (yhic~ ~rticles the laboratory for further examination ancLp~o.. prints " or footprinfs :and the .a~,icles area The photographic conditions encountered "jn I essentiat t9,th,lE'f n,v,'e'Gti'~,!!1tion ~nd for later pro, s, Sa or tography. ,Weaponsal1cL tools' Can' Di:fstudied ~ I ·1I eUtiort'of those bharg~~ with theoffenseo The where found, and. the known or possible paths crime scene aSSignments. involve a wide range~/ u~ of exit. ., and ph.otdg~pfled to' display fingerprints,' or purpose of crim~ scene pictures is to show in from large exterior objects under good Ulur'nina- . uniqUe chara~teristics that will aid in the investi- deJaU