NHBSS 045 1E Robinson Chir

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NHBSS 045 1E Robinson Chir Research articles NAT. NAT. HIST. BULL. SIAM Soc. 45: 1-16 ,1997 cmROPTERA FROM LOEI PROVINCE ,NORTH-EAST THAILAND Mark F. Robinson 1 and Angela L. Smith ABSTRACT A study was c釘討 ed out to investigate the bat species found witbi 目白 e nortb eastem province province of Loei ,Tb ailand. Particular emphasis was placed on bats found in and around Buddhist Buddhist temples. Loei is an area comprising mostly arable farmland ,wher 巴 the main crops were were rice ,cotton ,maize and cassava. 百 le present study recorded 24 bat species , four Megachiroptera and 20 Microchiroptera , of of which 21 were new records for Loei Province. Tb e number of species recorded at each site varied varied from 19 species at Wat Tb am Maho Lan to only a single species at Tam Pha Phot. Bats 紅 'e hunted in Thailand and at aII of 出 ecave sites visited evidence was found of 血e various various techniques people employed to catch tbem. Around entrances were wooden pegs , harnmered harnmered into crevic 沼s ,to which mist or fishing nets had been secured to catch bats as tbey emerged. emerged. Fishing nets were found in caves ,as were ashes from 日間 s ,which would have been used used to drive bats out into nets ,and long flexible bamboo used to knock bats to 由 e ground. INTRODUCTION For For centuries Buddhist monks have protected the wildlife around their temples. An example of 血 is the practice of making a tree sacred by wrapping a piece of monk's robe around around the trunk , to prevent it from being cut down. The that fact temple grounds are considered considered sacred has to a large extent prevented hunting within them. In some 紅 eas monks ぽ 'e actively leading villagers to protect forests , such as at Wat Bueng Pr a in Chokechai Chokechai district , Nakornrajasima Pr ovince (ANON. , 1990). In In some of the more agricultural areas of north-east Thailand ,where vast ar 巴as of crops crops such as rice , cotton and bananas 釘 'e grown , Buddhist temples represent habitat islands , often con 凶凶ng a rich and diverse fauna and flora not found outside the temple grounds. grounds. Many temples are built around large limestone outcrops which often contain extensive extensive cave systems ideal for roosting bats. About half of Thailand's bats are known to to roost in caves (LEKAGUL & McNEELY , 1977; MEDWAY , 1978; PAYNE ET A L., 1986) , although although the actual number is probably higher. Caves provide a stable environment with a variety of roosting conditions for different species (KUNZ , 1982). Roosts are vital for a bat's survival , providing sites for mating , the rearing of young and the consumption of prey ,叩d give protection from predators and adverse weather conditions. 11 1 11 Newton Road ,Li ttI e Shelford ,Cambridgeshire CB2 5HL ,U. K. Received Received 14 Janu 釘 y 1997; accepted 20 1997. April 2 MARK F. ROBINSON AND ANGELA L. SMl TH Al 血ough there are 109 known species of bat in 百 ailand (CORBET &血 LL , 1992; WILSON & REEDER , 1993) little is known of their distribution and abundance. Th e aim of 血is study was to investigate the bats found within the north-east province of Loei , P紅白ular emphasis being placed on bats found in and around Buddhist temples. STUDY AREAS Information Information on the bat communities in Loei Province w 出 obtained during February 1992 ,November 1992 to October 1993 佃 d February 1995. 百 e 紅 ea was comprised of mostly 紅 able farmland , where the main crops were rice ,cotton , maize and cassava. Loei is is locally known as “ the land of the sea of mountains , the coldest in all Siam" which in p紅 tdescribes the many limestone outcrops found there. 百lese are unsuitable for agric u1 ture , but but have st 阻 ds of ma 加 re deciduous and dipterocarp 岡崎 and bamboo. Survey Survey work was conducted mainly , although not exclusively , around limestone outcrops. outcrops. Surveys for bats were carried out at nine sites (Figure 1): ー A. A. Tam Pha Baen (caves 泊a limestone outcrop) ,Ban Pha Baen ,Am phoe Chiang Kh an , Loei Loei Province ,17 0 56'N 101 0 47'E ,altitude 500 m. B. B. Phu Tork (granite hill ,4 km south east of Chiang Kh佃), Am phoe Chiang Kh an ,Lo ei Pr ovince ,17 0 52'N 101 0 41'E ,altitude 450 m. C. C. Chiang Kh an (village) ,Am phoe Chiang Kh an , Loei Pr ovince ,17 ・53'N 101 0 39'E ,altitude 250 m. D. D. Tam Pha Phot (caves in a limestone outcrop) ,Ban Pha Phot , Loei Pr ovince ,17 0 44 'N 101 0 46'E ,alti 加 de 600 m. E. E. Wat Tam Pha Phu (Buddhist temple built around caves in a limestone outcrop) , Tambon Nagor ,Am phoe Mung ,Lo ei Province ,17 ・34 'N 101 0 42'E ,alti 加de 542 m. F. F. Wat Tam Pha Bing (Buddhist temple built around caves in a limestone outcrop) ,B 組 Na Gar ,Tambon Pha Bing ,Am phoe Wang Sapung , Loei Province ,17 ・14'N 101 0 42'E , altitude altitude 300 m. G. G. Wat Tam Maho Lan (Buddhist temple built around caves in a limestone outcrop) ,Ban Nong H 泊, Loei Pr ovince ,17 0 06 'N 101 ・53'E ,alti 加 de 575 m. H. H. Wat Tham Nam (Buddhist temple built around caves in a limestone outcrop) , Loei Pr ovince ,17 ・l1 'N 101 ち7'E ,altitude 400 m. 1. 1. Wat Tam Had Nimid (Buddhist temple built around caves in a limestone outcrop) , Loei Loei Pr ovince ,17 0 Q4 'N 101 0 55'E altitude 350 m. CH IR OPTERA FROM LOEI PROVINCE, NORTH-EAST THA ILAND 3 Loos LOEI PROVINCE I I I / \ \ \ I ,~ ..... / \ '\.. /'I ' I Kiltl iHCtres 30 ,- 1 I Figure I. Study areas in Loei Province, north-east Thailand, showing major roads and ri vers (the broken lin e indicates provi ncial boundari es). A. Tam Ph a Baen; B. Phu Tork; C. Chi ang Khan; D. Tam Pha Phot; E. Wat Tam Pha Phu ; F. Wat Tam Ph a Bin g; G. Wat Tam Maho Lan; H. Wat Tam Nam; I. Wat Tam Had Nimi d. 4 M ARK F. R OB INSON AND A NGELA L. SMITH Figure 3. Eo nyc1eris spelaea. Figure 2. Wat Tam Pha Phu. Figure 4. Taplwzous me/anopogon. C HIROPTER A FROM LOEI PROV INCE ,NORT H 司 EAST T I-I AILAND 5 Figur e S. R !t in olop !t ll s 1110 日 !t olli Figu re 6. /-l ipp osideros pO ll/ 0 l1 0 Figure Figure 7. R !t inolop !t us l!t omo si 6 MARK F. ROBI NSON AN D A NGE L A L. SM IT H Figlll 巴 8. /-l ippo 引 deros Iy lei. Figur e 9. F-1 ipposideros ar l/l ige l CHIROPTERA FROM LOEI PROV Il'ぜ CE ,NORTH-EAST THAILAND 7 METHODS Bats Bats were located by searching caves ,culverts and buildings for roosts. The species composition composition of bat roosts was determined by catching bats while they were roosting or as they they emerged from the roost at dus k. The species ,s巴 x, age and reproductive condition of all all animals caught were determined. Body weight was recorded to the nearest 0.5 g or 1. 0g using 100 g 如 d 300 g Pesola spring balances respectively. The forearm ,tail ,tibia 佃 d ear length were recorded to the nearest 0.1 mm using dial callipers. All animals were released released at 出 e site of capωre. Population size at roosts was estimated by counting emerging bats bats at dusk or by visual census within caves. Bat Bat remains were collected from raptor pellets found within cave entrances and from debris debris on cave floors. As all of the specimens were recovered 針。 m either owl pellets or were were dead bats found on cave floors ,much of the material was damaged and incomplete. Skull Skull and mandible measurements are presented as the maximum and minimum sizes recorded , with number of measurements indicated in parenthesis ,unless otherwise stat 巴d. Skull Skull and mandible specimens were deposited in the British Museum of Natural History. RESULTS A total of 24 bat species were recorded from the nine study sites , the distribution of which which can be seen in Appendix 1. PTEROPODIDAE Rousettus Rousettus leschenaulti (Desmarest , 1820).-Roosts were found at Wat Tam Pha Bing and Wat Tam Maho Lan ,containing approximately 20 0- 300 and c. 1500 individuals respectively. They roosted in the dark areas of the domed roof of the caves' main chambers. Weights and and measurements of two adult female bats: forearm 85.5 , 89.2; e紅 19.5 , 20.2; weight 119.0 ,120.0. At Wat Tam Maho Lan skull an d/ or mandible fragments of 33 individuals were found. Measurements (BM (NH) 96.55-96.87): greatest length of skull (13) (13) 36. 4-4 0.1; condylobasallength (13) 36. 0- 38 .4; least interorbital width (1 5) 7. 0- 8.0; zygomatic zygomatic width (15) 21. 2-25.1; braincase width (14) 15. 0- 16.1; c -c (alveoli) (1 8) 5. 0- 8.0; m 2_m 2 (1 0) 10. 4- 11. 9; c_m 2 (16) 13.3-15.7; complete mandible length from condyles (14) (14) 25.7-30 .3; ramus length from condyle (1 5) 27.0-3 1. 8; c-m 3 (21) 14.5-16.5; m 3 (1 9) 0.8 x 1.
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