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REG. NO. 120705100






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Dr. Martha Pardede, M.S. Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum. NIP. 195212291979032001 NIP. 195710021986012003 Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English


Universitas Sumatera Utara Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,

Dr.Deliana, M.Hum. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D. NIP. 19571117 198303 2 002 NIP. 19750209 200812 1 002

Universitas Sumatera Utara Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on January26th, 2018

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies

University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S.

NIP. 19600805 198703 1 001

Board of Examiners

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D. ______

Dr. Matha Pardede, M.S. ______

Dra. Diah Rahayu Pratama, M.Pd. ______

Universitas Sumatera Utara AUTHOR’S DECLARATION










Signed : Nurhajijah Simatupang

Date : January26th, 2018


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Signed : Nurhajijah Simatupang

Date : January26th,2018


Universitas Sumatera Utara ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

Praise to ALLAH SUBHANUALLAHU WATAALAA who has given me the mercy and blessing so I can complete this thesis as one of the requirements to achieve the Bachelor’s Degree from English Department at Faculty of Cultural

Studies, University of Sumatra Utara. Shalawat and salam are be with our Prophet

MUHAMMAD SHALLALHU ALAIHI WASSALAM, peace be upon him who has guided us from the darknest into the lightnest in this world as well as in the next world.

My gratefulness is devoted to my beloved family. My mother and father who always support me in everything, thank you for always being patient for me. Also a big thank you for my sister and brother Siti Raudhoh, Irma Yani, Rizki Ananda and my brother in law M. Asril who always support and help me all my life, let always fight and laugh together. To my extremely cute nephew Al Habsy Sarkhan and

Ahmad Rafaly Sarkhan thank you for give me the cuteness that made me happy. To my beloved cousins Nur Azmi and Nur Aini thank you so much for always support me and courage me in every situation of my life.

My gratitude goes to the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, Dr. Budi

Agustono, M.S., the Head of English Departement Dr. Deliana, M.Hum., the

Secretary of English DepartmentRahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D., and I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Martha Pardede, M.S, and my co-supervisor Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum.. And also to all the lectures of English Department for all assistances, valuable knowledge and facilities during my academic year.

I wanna thank to my all my marvelous and lovely friends The Denim Squad,


Universitas Sumatera Utara The one only man Dwi Lestari Yanto, and all the girls Lilis Karlia, Frissilia Ayesa,

Rizky Khairunnisa, Suci Indriani my midnight traveler and researcher, Yoana Tasya

Fietra. Thank you for all the days, months and years that we past together. I hope we can create amazing future and make a great life in this world.

Shot out to all my late- semesters fighter friends, Inco Rizki Syaputra

Gultom, Widya Purnama sari, Zahara Sari Wardhani, Sanjaya, Rayhan Rianda,

Wahyu Maulana, Kevin and Theodoric. And for all my friend in Elite-B and Elite-A thank you for your all the great years full of love, laugh, tears and drama. And thank you for all the understanding and encouragment.

Furthermore, thank you so much for my high school best friends E-4 Atika

Husna, Novia Tari and Nur Fitri Handayani thank you for all craziness and always courage me for doing my thesis.

Medan, December 26th, 2018

Nurhajijah Simatupang Reg. No. 120705100


Universitas Sumatera Utara TABLE OF CONTENTS




ABSTRACT ...... v

ABSTRAK ...... vi



1.1 Background of the Study ...... 1

1.2 Problem of the Study ...... 4

1.3 Objective of the Study ...... 5

1.4 Scope of the Study ...... 5

1.5 Significance of the Study ...... 5


2.1 Theory of Literature ...... 6

2.1.1 Theme ...... 7

2.1.2 Plot ...... 8

2.1.3 Character ...... 9

2.1.4 Setting ...... 9

2.2 Folklore ...... 10

2.3 Culture ...... 12

2.4 Cultural Boundary ...... 13

2.4.1 Ethnic Group Boundary ...... 16


Universitas Sumatera Utara 2.4.2 Social Boundary ...... 18

2.5 Multiculturalism ...... 19

2.6 Comparative Literature analysis ...... 20


3.1 Research Design ...... 23

3.2 Data Collecting ...... 24

3.3 Data Analysis ...... 24


4.1 The Elements and Cultural Boundaries Portrayed in

Pocahontas and The Diving Woman in Oiso Bay ...... 26

4.1.1 The Literary Element Portrayed in Pocahontas ..... 27

4.1.2 Cultural Boundaries Portrayed in Pocahontas ...... 36 Ethnic Group Boundaries ...... 37 The Belief Differences ...... 38 The Different of Nationality...... 41

4.1.3 The Literary Element Portrayed in The Diving

Woman in Oiso Bay ...... 43

4.1.4 Cultural Boundaries Portrayed in The Diving

Woman in Oiso Bay ...... 48 Social Boundaries and Aristocracy ...... 49 Arranged Marriage ...... 50

4.2 The Similarities and Differences in Pocahontas and

The Diving Woman in Oiso Bay ...... 57


Universitas Sumatera Utara 4.2.1 The Similarities ...... 57

4.2.2 The Differences ...... 60


5.1 Conclusions ...... 62

5.2 Suggestion ...... 63

REFERENCES ...... 63

APPENDICES i. Summary of The Folklore Pocahontas and The Diving Woman in Oiso Bay


Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRACT

This thesis entitled Love at Different Culture as Portrayed in Pocahontas and The Diving Woman in Oiso-Bay : A Comparative Literature Analysis. In this paper the writer analyzes about love in different culture and cultural conflict that make a clear cultural boundaries that exist in culture. Cultural boundaries are limitations or regulations exist in a cultural group that refers to a race, ethnic, class, age, gender and religion difference. Pocahontas is a story of an Indian princess who fell in love with English man, they be separated because of their ethnic difference. The Diving Woman in Oiso-bay is a story about a high birth samurai man who fell in love with a diving woman, they cannot be together because their difference in social status. Both of folklores shows how a culture make the boundaries for a couple and make them can not be together due the boundaries that exist in their culture.

Keywords : cultural boundaries, ethnic group boundaries, social boundaries


Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRAK

Skripsi ini berjudul Love at Different Culture as Portrayed in Pocahontas and The Diving Woman in Oiso-Bay: A Comparative Literature Analysis. Dalam skripsi ini, penulis menganalisa kajian tentang cinta dalam perbedaan budaya dan konflik budaya yang membentuk batasan budaya yang ada dalam budaya. Batasan budaya adalah batasan atau peraturan yang ada dalam kelompok budaya yang mengacu pada perbedaan ras, etnis, kelas, usia, jenis kelamin dan agama. Pocahontas adalah kisah tentang seorang putri indian yang jatuh cinta pada pria Inggris, mereka dipisahkan karena perbedaan etnik. The Diving Woman in Oiso-Bay adalah cerita tentang seorang pria samurai bermartabat yang jatuh cinta dengan seorang wanita penyelam, mereka tidak bersama karena perbedaan status sosial. Kedua cerita rakyat tersebut menunjukkan bagaimana budaya membuat batasan bagi pasangan dan membuat mereka tidak bisa bersama karena batasan-batasan yang ada dalam budaya mereka.

Keywords : batasan budaya, batasan kelompok budaya, batasan social


Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER I


1.1 Background of the Study

In this era, technology is a part of human life. People can meet and connect then make relationship with other people from different country and different cultural background using social media. As example, an Italian woman is coming to

Indonesia to meet her love that she know from social media. She is falling in love and decided come to Indonesia and marry with him. This phenomena of cross cultural relationship is a common thing and considered as a normal behavior. In other problems, difference cultural background in a family can make them has many problems in their marriage and their family have to support them.

Every people from different cultural groups have different way of thinking, feeling and doing something. Culture is the sum of total of learned behavior by a group people that is generally considered to be the tradition of that people and transmitted from generation to generation to keep their culture exist because it can not be separated from society. It has their own rule to bound their culture and made the boundaries to people in that culture. Cultural boundaries are limitations or regulations exist in a cultural group that refers to differences of ethnic group, race, social class, gender, age and language. Cultural boundaries are simply the fact that the people who speak, act and think in distinct way. Cultural boundaries hold the community together and set them apart from others by the coherent patterns they generate within the community.

Indonesia for instance, has large variety of cultural groups and ethnic groups and every culture have their own stereotype to another culture. For example when we talk


Universitas Sumatera Utara about one of Indonesian cultural group, Minang - the first thing that we think about that culture personality is a stingy person and some people will think that a person with culture background as Minang is stingy person. The case of cultural boundary also reflected in Buya Hamka novel Tenggelamnya Kapal Vanderwijck. The novel talks about a Makasar man who felt in love with Minang woman but they can‟t be together because they have different culture and it was considered shameful for the

Minang woman to married people out of her culture. The story itself ended tragically with the dead of the woman because the ship drowned into the sea on her way back to her village. We know that cultural boundaries already make so many couples can‟t be together because they have no courage to fight their family and keep their love.

Almost every aspect of human behavior, like: lifestyles, marriages, taste of food and how people express their feelings are learned. In Canada, people tend to view marriage as a choice between two people, based on mutual feelings of love. In

Nigeria marriages have been arranged through an intricate process of interviews and negotiations between entire families, by seeing their culture and social. In other words, the way in which people view marriage depends on what they have been taught by their culture.

Fehr Beverly stated that love is the emotional, psychological and spiritual need of every human being to survive among the harsh realities of life. Love can be felt by anyone, whenever and wherever. Every people have their own right to love anyone because love is grown suddenly. Every people should have feel interested in someone without knowing their cultural background life. Due to the boundaries which were created by culture, somebody will have hesitancy to accept someone‟s love because by accepting the love can make the people that accepted it feel guilty


Universitas Sumatera Utara because it was forbid in their culture and it can be considered as a treachery to the culture itself. If someone tries to accept the love, to be with the one they love, they will face two difficult options, either from the family or their love. Most of couples which bounded by culture chose to surrender because it is really hard to across the boundaries because marriage is not only about two person but about two families.

The writer is tried to analyze the two folklore that is Pocahontas from Native

America and The Diving Woman in Oiso Bay from Japan. According to Dundes

(1965:3), folklore came from word folk and lore, this two world dependence each other until compose a folklore. Folk refer to a group of population. Folk also mean collective, collective also called vulgus in populo that contrast with society term.

Folklore is part of literature, Wellek and Austin Warren (1967: 1), literature represents of „life‟. Life itself in a large measure comes from a social reality, even though the natural world and the inner or subjective world of the individual have also been object of the literary imitation. It means that literature, as with any art form, should hold a mirror up to society and reflects what is happening there.

Relationship between people from different cultural background was also existed a hunderds years ago before phone and internet has found, where love has growth and fight cultural boundaries that exist in their culture. This phenomena can we see in two folklores, they are Pocahontas and The Diving Woman In Oiso Bay.

Pocahontas is folklore from native America story, portrays a cultural boundary which reflects the Indian society around 1607s. It talk about an Indian princess who felt in love with an Englishman, John Smith; Pocahontas save John

Smith when he would be executed to die, because Pocahontas save his life they became close to each other. Pocahontas and John Smith couldn`t be together because


Universitas Sumatera Utara of the rule of her culture where they don`t accept people out of their culture and judgment of her tribe towards English people.

A similar case also portrayed in The Diving Woman In Oiso Bay, a Japanese folklore that portrays a cultural boundaries in different social class which reflects tha

Japanese society around 1169s. It talks about a samurai man who felt in love with a diving woman. They met in the ocean when the diving woman saved samurai man when he sink in the sea when he swim. Sadly his love was rejected by the diving woman because she thought there will be no happiness for people in different social class - marriage, the rejection had made the samurai desperate of his love and decided to drown himself in the ocean.

Based on the phenomena above, writer try to analyze the phenomena of relationship in different cultural background that already happen a hundreds years ago that we can find in two folklores Pocahontas and The Diving Woman in Oiso

Bay. Pocahontas presents a story about love in different ethnic group and The Diving

Woman In Oiso Bay talks about love in different social class, that make the two couples could not be together. In this thesis, writer find how cultural boundary portrayed in these two folklores with seeing their relationship and how they face their cultural boundaries.

1.2 Problem of the Study

1 How are crossed cultural boundaries love portrayed in Pocahontas

and The Diving Woman In Oiso Bay?

2 What are the differences and similarities found in Pocahontas and The

Diving Woman In Oiso Bay?


Universitas Sumatera Utara 1.3 Objective of the Study

1 To find out how crossed cultural boundaries love is portrayed in

Pocahontas and The Diving Woman In Oiso Bay.

2 To find out the differences and similarities portrayed in Pocahontas

and The Diving Woman In Oiso Bay.

1.4 Scope of the Study

It is very important to make a scope in analyzing this thesis because it will make this thesis more objective. In this thesis, the writer only focuses on Pocahontas and

Kinu relationship, and how the crossed cultural boundaries love portrayed in these folklores. It is really viewed from Pocahontas and Kinu‟s life.

1.5 Significance of the Study

1 To give information to the readers who want to understand and appreciate

literature in general and folklore as a part of literature and history of society.

2 To encourage people in understanding cultural boundaries exist in the society.

3 To encourage people know more that cultural boundaries were created in

order keep the unity of its culture.

4 To be used as reference for the readers who want to study literature.


Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER II


2.1 Theory of Literature

Literature is one of the parts of human life, like the story, express emotion, imagination, and social criticism of the society itself. A lot of literary works that are made to entertain only without seeing what the purpose and the meaning of that made, but there are some people who think that the literary works are the form of human life which should be understood by the people. Humans interact and socialize to each other, so many stories and inspiration should be expressed because it is the fundamental of human nature as social beings. Therefore, it creates the literary works like novel, poetry, and others which are used as a tool to express ourselves and to reflect the reality of the life.

According to Wellek and Austin Warren (1967: 1), Literature represents of „life‟.

Life itself in a large measure comes from a social reality, even though the natural world and the inner or subjective world of the individual have also been object of the literary imitation. It means that literature, as with any art form, should hold a mirror up to society and reflects what is happening there. Besides using his creative imagination or the ability of writing, the writer should connect his work to the real life or what he sees in the society. But sometimes, a literary work doesn‟t represent life directly but it just indirectly appeared that there is a social life issue showed inside.

Literature is a term used to describe written and sometimes spoken material.

Derived from the Latin litteratura meaning "writing formed with letters," literature most commonly refers to works of the creative imagination, including poetry, drama, fiction, nonfiction, journalism, and in some instances, song. Literature represents the


Universitas Sumatera Utara culture and tradition of a language or a people. It's difficult to precisely define, though many have tried, but it's clear that the accepted definition of literature is constantly changing and evolving.

By this way, we can understand that a literary study will reveal the question such as “how”, “what”, “why”, and “who” which all the things have a base of theory and related to human life. Meanwhile, the literature is the creative‟s activities, art, which can be seen and enjoy the result and the unique, as Wellek and Warren states,

“Like every human being, each work of literature has its individual characteristics; but it also shares common properties with other works of art, just as every man shares traits with humanity, with all members of his sex, nation, class, profession, etc.” (1995:7) With the book Theory of Literature by Warren, Austin and Rene Wellek help the writer to understand the literature and apply it into the writer thesis. This book has describing the basic of literature and literature analysis method. This book teaches writer about what is literature and how to analysis the literature. The intrinsic elements that consist of theme, plot, character, setting and point of view are the elements that are participating in forming a story in literary work.

2.1.1 Theme

Theme is a main secret of a story, it controls all intrinsic elements. Without theme the story hard to understand. Theme is simply the moral of the story. It is the message that wish to convey or the lesson that the reader should learn.

“Theme is the central idea or meaning of a story. It provides a unifying pointaround which the plot, characters, setting, point of view, symbols, and otherelements of a story are organized (Mayer, 1990: 196).

Themes may be about fate, death, revenge, or prejudice. Therefore, the points andpurposes of the novel can be seen. Since, theme relates to all aspects in a story, so thereader can only know what the theme of a story after read a whole novel.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Theme of a literary work is its central message, concern, or purpose. A theme usually be expressed as a generalization, or general statement, about people or life.

The theme may be stated directly by the writer although it is more often presented indirectly. When the theme is stated indirectly, the reader must figure out the theme by looking carefully at what the work reveals about the people or about life.

Staton (2007:7) stated that theme gives a strong explained about the unity of what is happening in the story, and tells about the story of life in a common context.

The purpose of theme is to give a shape and effect in our mind, so make the story easy to remember. A good theme has to represent the entire story in the novel.

Sometimes the theme shapes in to the fact that comes from the human experience. It is explored by the story and then gives impression for each of event in life.

2.1.2 Plot Plot is an important element of literary work, because the plot tells the important event that occur in a story.There can be a logical development of events with a careful linking of scene or there can be a series of apparently unrelated scenes, which are not shown to be connected until the end of the novel- there should be a beginning, middle, and an end.

Staton (2007:26) stated that plot is a series of the events in a story. How a certain event affecting another event that cannot be ignored, since the event will be affecting for all the story. Plot very close to the existence of the character. If the story only has a little in character, there will be more close and simple to plot; in contrast a novel that has many characters in the story the plot will be more complicated. Plot also helps the reader in understanding the story of the novel. The clarity of the plot makes the reader easier in understanding the story. Usually a good or popular novel uses simple plot, so the strength of the folklore also depend on plot.


Universitas Sumatera Utara 2.1.3 Character

Literature has three genres. Those are prose, poetry and drama. Poetry is a meaningful arrangement of words. Drama is fictitious represented in performance.

Prose is a fictitious narrative kind of writing. The term of character can be applied not only in the real world as someone‟s identification, but also can be applied in the literature works such as folklore Abraham (1981:20) declares that:

“Characters are the persons presented in dramatics of narrative work, who are interpreted by reader as being endowed with the moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say and what they do in action”.

Character is one of the important elements for the construction of the works.

By reading a literary work, we often feel sympathy for a character or we may feel un- sympathy for another.

2.1.4 Setting Setting is also an important thing to analyze a folklore, from setting the reader can understand where the story takes place and when the story happens, so the reader can feel and understand what the story tells about. Setting is another aspect traditionally included in analysis of prose fiction and it is relevant to discussion of other genres.

The term of „setting‟ about the location, historical period, and social surrounding in which the action of the next develops. Meyer also wrote that “the major elements of setting are the time, place, and social environment that frame the character” (1990:

107). Setting can be defined as the place and period of the story, the canvas on which dramatic events are drawn in details.


Universitas Sumatera Utara 2.2 Folklore

American folklorist, Dundes (1965:3), define folklore in etymological way. He state that folklore came from word folk and lore, this two world dependence each other until compose a folklore. Folk refer to a group of population. Folk also mean collective, collective also called vulgus in populo that contrast with society term.

Society mean as collective civilization. Folk view as uncivilized or classified as savage and primitive society. Lore is a folk tradition, lore as a representation of expressive wish from folk, like art, literature, culture and all folk behaviors. He also stated that folklorists must actively seek to elicit the meaning of folklore from the folk.

Dundes in his book The Study of Folklore help writer to understand folkore and introduction to the history, theory and methodology of folklore. Dundes make a brief list of various types of folklore to demonstrate the large range of the field of study that help the wiriter to understand the folklore and apply it to write this thesis.

Folklore is a part of culture that traditionally, unofficial and national. Folklore covers all knowledge, values, behaviors, assumption, feeling and trust that spread in traditional form with a practice of habits. The characteristic of form is that folklore has its own function to a number of folklore genres that very important to apply tension a long with social control.

Folklore is always considered as one of the most mysterious and interesting genres. Folklore is defined as stories that originated orally and have no authors.

Given these qualities, folklore is often considered as a mirror that reflects different groups of people cultures and moral values. Folklore has its uniqueness, many researchers have been studied different countries folklore‟s cultural values and the meanings carried on from generation to generations.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Folklore also known as our great-grandfather legacy that for sure has through a long process, it‟s mean that folklore contains a culture values from our great- grandfather. Folklore is present in many kinds of informal communication, whether verbal, customary or material. It involves values, traditions, ways of thinking and behaving. It‟s about people and the way people learn. It helps us learn who we are and how to make meaning in the world around us. Folklore can be consciously or unconsciously affect a tradition. William A. Wilson stated,

“Surely no other discipline is more concerned with linking us to the cultural heritage from the past than is folklore; no other discipline is more concerned with revealing the interrelationships of different cultural expressions than is folklore; and no other discipline is so concerned …with discovering what it is to be human. It is this attempt to discover the basis of our common humanity, the imperatives of our human existence, that puts folklore study at the very center of humanistic study.” (1988) In William A. Wilson journal, The Deeper Necessity: Folklore and the

Humanities. Journal of American Folklore, the writer acknowladge that folklores always show the culture phenomena like relationship with different cultural bckground that happen a long time ago as a cultured man. Shows how folklore can make us know our cultural history. And it really help the writer to understand the folklore as part of our cultural identity.

Folklore was one of the earliest developed forms of storytelling, and fairy tales especially to remain influentially pervasive in society today. In this paper, the authors wanted to analyze two folklore that portrayed the crossed cultural boundaries love, both ethnic group difference and social class difference. As we know that every literature can‟t be separated from social.


Universitas Sumatera Utara 2.3 Culture

Culture is more than arts it is a framework to our lives. It affects our values, attitudes and behavior. On the other hand we are actors in our culture and affect it. Humans are social creatures. Since the dawn of many years ago, people have grouped together into communities in order to survive. Living together, people form common habits and behaviors from specific methods of childrearing to preferred techniques for obtaining food. According to Levo Henriksson (1994), stated that culture covers the everyday way of life as well as myths and value systems of society.

Roos prespective in Iivonen, Mirja and Diane H. Sonnenwald‟s Analyzing and

Understanding Cultural Differences, stated:

“Culture is a system of lifestyles and as a common dominator for lifestyles. Lifestyle reveals culture that is large and stiff wholeness, uniform, regular and like-minded in our lives. Lifestyles is a possible way to outline one's life within the framework of culture.” (1986) In this paper Iivonen, Mirja Diane H. Sonnenwald‟s Analyzing and

Understanding Cultural Differences, help the writer to see and understand the cultural differences and how members of various cultures see the nature of people, a person's relationship to the external environment, the person's relationship to other people, the primary mode of the activity, people's orientation to space, and the person's temporal orientation. That really help the writer and apply it to this thesis.

There are differences in cultures according to beliefs about people characters, that people may be seen as good or bad or both. Although it rather usual, at least in societies, to see people as a mixture of good and bad, it also rather usual for people to fear the unknown people. Kluckhohn stated in his book,

“Culture consists in patterned ways of thinking, feeling and reacting, acquired and transmitted mainly by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievements of human groups, including their embodiments in artifacts;


Universitas Sumatera Utara the essential core of culture consists of traditional (i.e., historically derived and selected) ideas and especially their attached values.” (1951: 86).

Kluckhohn in his essay Culture and Behavior; Collected Essays help the writer to understanding the relationship between the individual and the cultural system and seems to suggest that in the tension between individual motivations and the cultural givens of a particular time and place is to be found the dynamic of culture change.

Culture may be oriented to the past, present, or future. In past-oriented cultures, the customs and traditions have a strong role as the wisdom of society. Innovations and change are justified according to past experience. Future oriented societies pay less attention to the past and focus on the future. Innovations and changes are justified according to future benefits.

2.4 Cultural Boundary

The concept of cultural boundaries by contrast can be viewed as demarcating the bodies of symbolic practice which these collectivities attribute to themselves in seeking of differentiate themselves from each other expressively, culture, social, traditions, politics and history. Cultural boundaries are limitations or regulations exist in a cultural group that refers to a race, ethnic, class, age, gender and religion difference. Kevin Avruch in his paper stated,

“many different groups, organized in different ways by different criteria: for example, by kinship into families or clans; by language, religion, ethnicity, or nationality; by socioeconomic characteristics into social classes” Adler (1997) in his journal stated that there are differences in cultures with respect to people's idea from physical space. Various cultures have different opinions whether the space should be seen public or private. Cultural boundary is the simple rule of someone from different cultural group background, social class background or geographic region. Each person is born into a social and cultural setting family,


Universitas Sumatera Utara community, social class, language, religion and eventually develops many social connections. The characteristics of a child's social setting affect how he or she learns to think and behave, by means of instruction, rewards and punishment.

However, the distinctness of cultures is open to debate because, for example, the distinguishing criteria for different cultures are negotiable and depend on tradition rather than being necessary and universally accepted. Accordingly, defining cultural boundaries is not like doing mathematics, where there is only one correct answer, but cultural boundaries are interest- and perspective-dependent, and even arbitrary to some extent. Every culture includes a somewhat different web of patterns and meanings: ways of earning a living, systems of trade and government, social roles, religions, traditions in clothing and foods and arts, expectations for behavior, attitudes toward other cultures, and beliefs and values about all of these activities.

Within a large society, there may be many groups, with distinctly different cultures associated with region, ethnic origin, or social class. Adler stated,

“In some cultures, people are individualistic and use personal characteristics and achievements to define themselves and value individual welfare. In other cultures people are group-oriented and define themselves as members of groups, which can be clans or communities. In these cultures people consider common goals and the groups welfare most important. (1997) Adler in her book helps writer to proven that the conceptual, theoretical, and practical boundaries limiting our ability to understand and work with people in countries and cultures around the world. Adler's hallmark approach views global complexity as neither unpredictable nor random; rather, she demonstrates that variations across cultures and their impacts.

Cultural boundary is the boundaries that exist in a cultural group about different

in class, ethnic group, race, gender, indigenous people and age. It can be a valuable

for understanding and analyzing the nature of ethnicity. The case studies are useful


Universitas Sumatera Utara for gaining insight into particular contexts, and help the writer to know about culture

and the boundary that exist in the culture itself. Barth went beyond existing

conceptualizations in both depth and detail, theorizing ethnic identity within a wider

set of arguments about social process and social forms. Cultural boundaries hold the

community together and set them apart from others by the coherent patterns they

generate within the community. Cohen‟s perspective in Masaki Yuki and Marilynn

Brewer‟s Culture and Group Processes stated,

“There are many kinds of culture beyond nationality and ethnicity, such as religion, culture and social class, these cultures often reach beyond the confines of clear group boundaries”(2009) The book Culture and Group Processes that written by Masaki Yuki and Marilynn Brewer help writer to understand that human beings are adapted for group living. Groups have a wide range of adaptive functions for individuals, including both material benefits of mutual aid and collective action, and subjective psychological benefits of affiliation and social identity.

From so many folklores we can see that many of the stories suggest that romantic love culturally conditioned. To recognize that there is infinite cultural difference between you and another person, infinite misunderstanding and difference of opinion, and to be able to appreciate and respect them as a person in spite of that can sometimes prove difficult. Hatfield, Rapson, & Martel prespective in Karandashev‟s

A Cultural Prespective on Romantic Love, stated:

“There is evidence that culture has a profound impact on people‟s definitions of romantic love and on the way they think, feel, and behave in romantic settings.” (2007). In Karandashev‟s A Cultural Prespective on Romantic Love help writer to acknowladge that people in romantic situation always considered that their


Universitas Sumatera Utara relationship must be related to their culture. Culture is always make the boundaries to the couples during their romantic relationship.

Cross cultural mean that you try to crossed your cultural boundaries. They bounded by cultural rules and boundaries that make them hard to be together. The cultural boundaries same how make a couple surrender for their love. Cultural boundaries have often been considered to be like walls that cannot be broken or crossed easily. Ethnic group and social difference are often encountered as obstacles in love, and the cultural boundaries phenomena that portrayed in these folklores shows how people in that culture behave to the problem in their society.

The writer will focus on cultural boundaries and how they reflect in two folklores, Pocahontas and The Diving Woman In Oiso Bay. The two folklores portrayed a ethnic group difference and social class difference. And see how this cultural boundary and effects their life and how they face the problem in their love life.

2.4.1 Ethnic Group Boundary

Ethnic group refers to people who identify themselves as a distinct group based on cultural features such as common origins, language, customs and beliefs. Cross ethnic groups are defined as people who come from two different cultural backgrounds and try to be together.

Ethnic groups influence in how people think of themselves and how others think of them. These groups impose expectations and rules that make the behavior of members more predictable and that enable each group to function smoothly and retain its identity. Max Weber prespective in Andreas Wimmer Article The Making and Unmaking of Ethnic Boundaries: A Multilevel Process Theory stated,


Universitas Sumatera Utara “Ethnicity as a subjectively felt sense of belonging based on the belief in shared cultural and common ancestry” (1922, p. 237) Max Weber prespective in Andreas Wimmer Article The Making and

Unmaking of Ethnic Boundaries: A Multilevel Process Theory, help the writer to understand the ethnic boundary and how that reflect in our society and how that effect the romantic relationship. In considering what we know about love across cultures, it is likely that the propensity for romantic love is cross cultural and may well be part of our genetic heritage. But love is also construed and constructed within contexts of culture and country.

People in different ethnic group face two differences. They face cultural differences and they need to learn to socialize in despite their differences and try to respect and accept differences. They face the fact that their relationship is somewhat different from the norm in society as well. They try to respect each other and are willing to accept their differences and overcome challenges. Couples who cross cultural boundaries find a difference to dealt with their difference like language, beliefs, tradition and how they face the reality that they have broke the rule of their culture norm.

Larkey and Johnson (1992), stated respect and acceptance are shown by requesting more information or expressing curiosity about each other and contributing positively to establish an intercultural friendship. Intercultural romantic relationships sustained by seeking or building social networks for support. Empirical studies have found that the components of healthy cross cultural marriages include love, communication, cooperation, understanding, respect and role flexibility, but some society think that it already broke the norm of the society.


Universitas Sumatera Utara 2.4.2 Social Boundary

Social class is more than just how much money you have. It‟s also the clothes you wearing, the music you like, the school you go to and has a strong influence on how you interact with others. Social class refers to the hierarchical divisions of capitalist society, in which wealth, income and occupation from the defining characteristics of each group. Class distinctions are made chiefly on the basis of wealth, education, and occupation. Classes are social categories sharing subjectively project attributes used by people to rank those categories within a system of economic stratification.

Society culture is a system of societal rules and behavioral, it has been used to mean the more sophisticated or refined etiquette of a time. The class is into which people are born affects what language, diet, tastes, and interests they will have as children, and therefore influences how they will perceive the social world.

Moreover, class affects what pressures and opportunities people will experience and therefore affects what paths their lives. Social boundaries are objectified forms of social differences manifested in unequal access and unequal distribution of resources and social opportunities.

Our social life already began in our childhood as parents socialize their children in the ways of culture such as linguistics, attitudes, preferences, and general cultural knowledge. Bourdieu (1984) Social class serves as the differentiation in how people learn to consume culture and therefore shape their tastes. Clarke and Saunders

(1991) stated, Social class is declining importance today as a source of identity, as classes become fragmented into a range of different groups.

Social class influence how people orientate themselves in society, as they are socialized into class identities from quite an early age, through living with and


Universitas Sumatera Utara encountering in their communities people in the same social class as themselves, who are like them, who share similar lifestyles, attitudes, values and with who they feel comfortable to be together in their everyday lives.

For Marx, what distinguishes one type of society from another is its mode of production, and each mode of production engenders a distinctive class system in which one class controls and directs the process of production while another classes are the direct producers and providers of services to the dominant class.

Lamont and Molnar stated,

“The objectified forms of social differences manifested in unequal access to and unequal distribution of resources (material and nonmaterial) and social opportunities.” (2002:168)

The Study of Boundaries in the Social Sciences. Annual Review of

Sociology Lamont, Michele and Virag Molnar In this article surveys some of these developments while describing the value added provided by the concept, particularly concerning the study of relational processes.

2.5 Multiculturalism

Multiculturalism has become the dominant theory in the last 20-30 years in some countries of Western civilization. It was generally accepted that due to the practice of multiculturalism the different cultures can live peacefully side by side.

The theory has become widely spread in the 1970s, multiculturalism is the view that cultural differences should be respected or even encouraged. Sociologists use the concept of multiculturalism to describe one way of approaching cultural diversity within a society.

Multiculturalism is the belief that members of different cultures can live peacefully alongside each other. Multiculturalism is a judgment of existence: in a same physical or conceptual space, different people coexist, from different cultures


Universitas Sumatera Utara in terms of memories, options, references, values, preferences, projects, expectations, experiences, practices, and attitudes. Multiculturalism preaches not only the right to share a territory, but also the obligation to live in it according to the cultures of those various groups and communities. Gurr stated

“There are a variety of ways whereby societies can be diverse, for example, culture can come in many forms” (1993, p. 3)

Guur in in USA Multiculturalism Article shows the writer how a country can be culturally diverse is by having different religious groups, different linguistic groups, groups that define themselves by their territorial identity and variant racial groups taht help writer to acknowladge the multiculturalism and apply to this thesis.

Multiculturalism places greater emphasis on respect and respect for minority rights, in terms of ethnicity, religion, and skin color. Multiculturalism becomes a final concept to build the power of a nation consisting of various ethnic, racial, religious, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, respecting and respecting the rights of everyone, including the rights of minority groups. However, multiculturalism is also an ideological position founded upon the claim that minority identities are important to the people who hold them, and that the identity groups they create will persist.

Because identity and identity groups matter, they must be recognized and accommodated in social and political life.

2.6 Comparative Literature

In studying comparative literature, literary study can be done by taking two of literary works, but these works have different national‟s literature. For example,

Indonesian literary work is compared to/with American literary work. Furthermore, if the literary works are taken only from one country or even the regional, it cannot


Universitas Sumatera Utara be called comparative literature. Rajali Kasim in his book Sastra Bandingan: Ruang

Lingkup dan Metode says,

“A comparative literature can be said as a study that includes a comparison of literary works of national literary which are different, the relationship between literary works with science, religion, and the works of art, and it also talks about the theory, history, and literary criticism.” (1996: 26) According Wellek and Warren‟s states,

“Comparative literature includes the relation between two or more literatures. But this only came at the surface. “Comparative literature” like this only learns about the facts, sources, and influences.” (1977: 46) It is clear that comparative literature has a major role in comparing every literary works all over the world, not only comparing a literary works; but also learning every social life and cultural elements in the world community. For example, comparing between two folklores Legenda Danau Toba from Indonesia folklore and The Selkie Bride from Scottish folklore. Both of the folklores have the same motif which concern with mythology creature. Scotland and Indonesia have different culture, traditions, and belief to the mythology creature. Legenda Danau

Toba is a story about a woman that can turn to a fish and marry a human and The

Selkie Bride is a story about a man who fall in love with selkie woman and the man stole her sealskin and make the woman cannot back to sea and make the woman marry him. Therefore, both of these folklores have different struggle in life.

Moreover, comparative literature doesn‟t only focus on judging for each difference; it focuses on understanding, and seeing the way of development of human mind. Therefore, it can influence and give impact in the social life. According Rajali

Kasim says:

“In one comparative literature study, not all the literature and culture elements in the literary works show the similarities. There are some elements that can be accepted and absorbed and there are some that cannot be accepted. Why one of the elements from outside can be accepted while


Universitas Sumatera Utara the others element is not, what the factors behind the similarities and differences in the literary works are discussed that all need the answer in the study of comparative literature.” (1996:27) Razali Kasim in his book Sastra Bandingan; Ruang Lingkup dan Metode explains that comparative literature has the larger scopes and studies than national literature or world literature themselves. He says that comparative literature is an analysis that includes a comparison of literary works form different national literature, the relationship between literary works and science, religion (beliefs), and arts as well as about theories, history, and critics. comparative literature doesn‟t only focus on judging for each difference; it focuses on understanding, and seeing the way of development of human mind.


Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER III


3.1 Research Design

In every study or critical analysis, there is always a research method needed in

the process in order to fully understand all the data and finally transform it into a

complete study. In analyzing cultural boundaries that portrayed in both folklores the

writer will use descriptive and qualitative method. The writer will go through the

necessary steps for achieving the most effective study results and these steps

involves research design, data sources, data collection, and data analysis.

In this research, the writer uses a descriptive qualitative method. A descriptive

qualitative method produces descriptive data in the form of the written words in the

both of the novels. As Meleong (2005:6) stated:

“The qualitative research is research to understand the phenomena about what is experienced by the subject study, for example is behavior, perceptions, motivation, the action, and others, in holistic, and by the description ways of in the form of words and language, in a special context of nature and by using various methods of nature”.

This qualitative research is also an inductive approach to the preparation of

knowledge that uses research and emphasizes the subjectivity as well as the

meaning of the experience for the individual. In this study, the writer will use

descriptive method design. The main objective of this type of research is to describe

the data that is going to be studied. This type of research also uses qualitative

research method because all data are analyzed in the form of words and sentences.

With descriptive research, the writer will aim to carry out an exploration of the

certain phenomena, which in this case is cultural boundaries and other related issues

to cultural boundaries portrayed in two folklores.


Universitas Sumatera Utara 3.2. Data Collecting

In collecting the data, the writer uses the primary data which is contained in the both of the folklores to prove of cultural boundaries in the both of these folklores.

For comparative method in this research emphasis on differences of cultural, the nation, society system, and relations in the cultural boundary.

All the data of this step are obtained after the writer reads and understands the contents of both of these folklores. The writer chooses character, setting, and plot in exposing cultural boundaries portrayed of the character relationship. In this case, the relation about two couples that cannot be together because of their cultural boundaries changes their life.

3.3. Data Analysis

After the writer has finished reading and collecting the data contained in both of these folklores, the writer analyzes the data based on the facts which are appeared in both of the folklores to conduct a comparison.

First, the writer re-reads to make sure every data obtained in accordance with both of the folklores. This step leads the writer in revealing the cultural boundaries that portrayed in the folklore. Furthermore the writer examines every data and associates it with a variety of events that occur in both folklores.

In this case, the writer applies to see the cultural boundaries that reflect in the two couples by seeing their culture and their culture rule through love in different culture and different social class. Moreover, the writer continues to the next stage of analysis and compares these folklores, Pocahontas and The Diving Woman in

Oiso Bay . In this stage, the writer analyzes the data by considering culture, cultural boundaries, different culture, social class rules, and the various influences that exist


Universitas Sumatera Utara in the stories. Finally the writer shows the differences as well as similarities that would later on conclude at the end of this research.


Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER IV


4.1 The Elements and Cultural Boundaries Portrayed in Pocahontas and The

Diving Woman in Oiso Bay.

Cross cultural conflict is a feature of all human societies, and potentially an aspect of all social relationships. However, ideas about the root causes of conflict differ widely, and how one conceives of conflict determines to a large degree the sorts of methods we ultimately design to manage or resolve it. By definition, conflict occurring between individuals or social groups that are separated by cultural boundaries can be considered cross-cultural conflict. But individuals, even in the same society, are potentially members of many different groups, organized in different ways by different criteria: for example, by kinship into families or clans; by language, religion, ethnicity, or nationality; by socio economic characteristics into social classes; by geographical region into political interest groups; and by education, occupation, or institutional memberships into professions, trade unions, organizations, industries, bureaucracies, political parties, or militaries.

The more complex and differentiated the society the more numerous are potential groupings. This means that conflict across cultural boundaries may occur simultaneously at many different levels, not just at the higher levels of social grouping. Cross-cultural conflict is in the main perceived as ethnic conflict. But culture and ethnicity, though closely related, are not the same things. Analysts of cross-cultural conflict, especially if they are oriented towards conflict resolution, must attend to the differences. The cross cultural conflict inside of the story of

Pocahontas is the main issue that barrier the love between a Native American girl, named Pocahontas to an English Colony, Captain John Smith. Even though, as the


Universitas Sumatera Utara story evolves, Pocahontas has a miscegenation marriage with another Englishman,

John Rolfe. But, still the issue of this two different cultural holds centre problem for the unfulfilled love of Pocahontas to John Smith.

4.1.1 The Literary Element Portrayed in Pocahontas

Pocahontas is a tale that conveys a love story included with cultural conflicts that surround the relationship between Native American and Englishman. The story of Pocahontas is centered on the female figure of the young native girl who had allegedly saved the life of the English adventurer John Smith, at the beginning of the

British colonization in the US, John Smith, one of the prominent men in the white settlement, was taken prisoner by the Powhatan people.

Pocahontas is portrayal about a romance of Native American woman, named

Pocahontas and European man, Captain John smith. The names of Pocahontas and

Captain John Smith are more linked together than perhaps any others in U.S. history.

The story of the English Captain being saved by a lovely Indian princess has been told and retold, including recently in films, often in ways that obscure reality. But, the truth is Pocahontas and John Smith are not mean to be together, the cultural conflict between Powhatan people and English Settlement leads her to be with another man, . Nowadays, in spite of time, Pocahontas is very popular and represents a romantic story, involving the coming together of a man and woman of different cultures in an interracial relationship. The further investigation about this interracial romance starts with the introduction of the personality traits of

Pocahontas, her background a place where she grows up.

The tale starts with the introduction of a beautiful Native American or Indian princess welcomed the English Colonist to Jamestown in 1607 and falls in love with the dashing young Captain John Smith. But, due the cultural conflict between two


Universitas Sumatera Utara different cultures, their love has to be torn apart. In the early chapter, the character of

Pocahontas is presented as she is a young and adventurous girl.

Long, long ago, when the Indians owned the land, there lived in , near the river afterwards called the James, a little girl, the Princess Pocahontas, daughter of the great chief Powhatan. Pocahontas was her father's favorite child, and the pet of the whole tribe; even the fierce warriors loved her sunny ways. She was a child of nature, and the birds trusted her and came at her call. She knew their songs, and where they built their nests. So she roamed the woods, and learned the ways of all the wild things, and grew to be a care-free maiden.

Meanwhile Pocahontas, now grown to be a girl of some twelve years, ...

The first scene of the story in which Pocahontas appears establishes her as a young Indian girl who enjoying nature. She is independent, adventurous, and courageous. Pocahontas is described as the beloved daughter of the chief Powhatan, the Native American people in Virginia. Pocahontas is not her real name. Pocahontas was born under the name Matoaka. Pocahontas is her childhood nickname that refers her frolicsome nature, which means playful one. Following the quotation earlier, the appearance of Pocahontas is described that she is a girl at twelve.

Captain John Smith is, from the onset, presented as a character who is a brave and adventurous soldier and leader. Captain John Smith is commonly associated with

Pocahontas romantic love story. John Smith is an English Colonist and is depicted as valuable and experienced explorer who always knows what to do and how to behave.

In far-away England was a doughty youth, John Smith, who dreamed of battle and adventure. Though but a boy, he had already fought as a soldier in the wars of France, and later in Flanders….

At home again in Lincolnshire after dangerous travels, the youth still longed for the strife and glory of the fray. He retired to a quiet spot in the wood, and lived in a camp of his own making, where he read tales of war and knights- errant,


Universitas Sumatera Utara and in his enthusiasm fought imaginary enemies. At last he could bear dreaming no longer, and started off again to roam the world in search of adventure.

The character of Captain John Smith is portrayed as he originally comes from

English and an adventurous man. He is presented as a man who seeks and adventure and wants to explore the world. In this story, Captain John Smith later leads an exploration to Jamestown. Conflicts begin at the moment English colonist make their settlement in Jamestown between the Powhatan people and the English and the

English were loosing at the battle. The settlers had hoped for friendly relations and had planned to trade with the Virginia Indians for food. On a hunting and trade mission, in exchanging food, Captain John Smith, later president of the colony, was captured by the Powhatan people by an ambushed. Later, Captain John is about to be executed for his gilt killing one of native people, but suddenly, Pocahontas appears and shields the captain from harm.

Now Pocahontas felt sorry for the handsome young stranger, and was drawn to him, and taught him many words of the Indian tongue, and he told her of his people beyond the sea, as best he could, and so they became good friends.

Pocahontas appears in the role of the savior of the life of Smith. She expresses her empathy and the sign of Pocahontas falls in love for a stranger for the first time. As it is told by their people, the appearance of Captain Smith totally difference from her Native tribe and that attracts her. The passage above can be interpreted that Pocahontas is fascinated with the appearnce of Captain john Smith, because this is also the first time Pocahontas seeing the white man. Pocahontas starts to make a good relationship to Smith. Later, they bonds a friendship and they both exchange information about their culture.

But Pocahontas, as Princess of the tribe, claimed her right, and would not yield them up their victim. Then Powhatan,


Universitas Sumatera Utara who ruled them all, raised his hand and stopped their clamor. In sullen silence the angry warriors awaited his decision. "Let Pocahontas keep the stranger as her own, to make her toys," he said, for Captain John, during the idle days of weary captivity, had often whittled curious playthings for the little maid. And thus was Captain John Smith's life saved by the gentle Indian girl.

This is the situation that highlighted the legendary romance story about the heroic action of Pocahontas to Captain John Smith. When Smith is captured and about to be executed to die, she protests by throwing her body over his, asking that his life be spared. Her father honored her request, saying that Smith will be released alive.This legendary action is the primar key of the relationship between her and Smith.

In this romantic scene, in which Pocahontas acts like a true romantic heroine, risking her life to save her beloved. The passage shows how she is turned from a living being into a representation of the good Indian type where she suddenly ready to risk her life to save and protect the stranger.

The scene somehow touches different perspectives such as a feminist.

Women in the tribe, including Pocahontas, are supposed to collect corn, stay in the village, and remain quiet when men are speaking. Men on the other hand are allowed to give their opinions, hunt outside of the village, and have all the power. But in here,

Pocahontas keeps to her heart and stays bold. In the midst of men and in front of her father, she throws herself over John Smith to save him she does not let her father‟s dominance interfere with her heart. She is not programmed to act the way women were supposed to act at this time

As the story goes, after much feasting, and with savage rite and ceremony,

Powhatan adopted the Captain into the tribe, and made him a chief, and told him that he might come and go in safety, as one of them; then gave him guides to take him back to Jamestown. Thus, during his captivity, Captain Smith is treated well by


Universitas Sumatera Utara Powhatan. Multiculturalism includes both toleration and celebration of other cultures and peaceful and respectful coexistence with other cultures and races. Hence,

Powatan treats Smith extremely well, as he is included in their traditional rite and

Pocahontas also does the same way.

….Pocahontas, always generous and friendly, learning of their needs, came with her brother Nantaquaus and her Indians bringing corn, and kept them from starving, while their own was growing. Captain John in return gave her beads and trinkets to deck herself, and called her his child, and a firm friendship grew between them. Often she came and went, bringing peace and welcome food, quite at home in the little streets of Jamestown.

The relationship between Pocahontas and Captain Smith are gradually evolving. Pocahontas often visits Smith. She always brings them corn for their meal and Smith grants her special status in his life for all her courtesies. As stated above,

Pocahontas is characterized as adventurous and brave. She chooses to against her people and risks her life to save a stranger. The view above can be interpreted that

Pocahontas is steered by her love to Captain John Smith. She acts as a friend to the white men, offering them aid, rescue and food. She doesn‟t pay any attention about her status when she helps them. Thus, the passage above shows signs of Pocahontas indirectly falls in love to Captain John Smith and also becomes one of the great representations of the good Indian for English Colony.

Pocahontas, risking her own life, stole silently through the deep woods in the dark, cold night, to the Captain's tent, and, with tears in her eyes, warned him of his danger, urging him to fly….And so Pocahontas saved Captain John Smith's life for the second time.

Pocahontas knows that there was a trap to be laid for the settlers, she decides to warn Smith and the safes his life again. Pocahontas is one of the few princesses that is not rescued by a male protagonist but rather, rescues the male protagonist. The


Universitas Sumatera Utara passage above can be interpreted as her choosing the Englishman over her people as the evidence of her love to Captain John Smith. She disobeys her father and betrays her people to save Smith. She has chosen love him and chosen to be with him, even though she is not supposed to.

One day, while returning from treating with the Indians for a new and better site for Jamestown, Captain John Smith is seriously injured by the accidental explosion of a bag of gunpowder in his boat and he is forced to sail for England. On that day Pocahontas, having heard of the accident, came to the town with

Nantaquaus, to see him. There is only in time to watch the ship bearing Captain John sail away toward the open sea. The English told the Powhatan that Smith was dead.

Pocahontas believes that account and hence afterward, stopped visiting Jamestown.

Pocahontas in solitude and sadness keep waiting Smith coming back to Virginia

And Pocahontas came no more, but waited for his coming again, and waited in vain. So time passed, and at last she heard that he was dead, for this was the rumor in the land. And she grieved deeply, and sat often alone thinking of him, for she had grown to love her warrior Captain.

Pocahontas dreams that years would pass before they should meet again.

Pocahontas is devastated hearing about the death of Captain Smith. Her heart is longing for Captain John Smith and it turns out to be broken for the gloomy news abouth his death. When the love is about to emerge the captain has gone away. The imaginary grave of Smith, she cannot avoid telling her his feelings and dreams about him, who finds herself in love with the romantic settler.

She was never allowed to go back to her people, though Nantaquaus came often to see her at Jamestown. And here she grew to be a woman, and learned the ways of the English women, and dressed as they did.


Universitas Sumatera Utara By the time Smith leaves Virginia, the fragile peace between colonists and the Indians is already beginning to fray. Soon conflict leads to the war, and further

English expansion beyond Jamestown and into Powhatan's territory. In 1613, while searching for corn to feed hungry colonists, discovers Pocahontas and later she is kidnapped. She is kidnapped in order to ransom English prisoners held by

Powhatan and to retrieve tools and weapons stolen by the Powhatan Indians. With the capture of Pocahontas by Captain Samuel Argall, Powhatan sues for peace.

Powhatan waits couple months after learning of his daughter‟s capture to return

English prisoners and some stolen guns. He refuses other demands, however, and released his daughter to the English, agreeing to a tenuous peace. On her captivity,

Pocahontas learnt a lot of things about English ways, not only how to use all the things they had and wear their clothes but also how to write and read. Until one day, there is man captivated for her beauty and grace and proposes her.

At last a young Englishman, John Rolfe, captivated by her dark beauty and gentle ways, wooed the Indian maid, and as years had passed since Captain John had gone away, and she had long since thought him dead, she listened to Rolfe, and consented to marry him, that peace might reign between her people and the white men.

John Rolfe is a widower and famously known for introducing the cash crop tobacco to the settlers in Virginia. The two enjoyed spending time together and after some time John asked Pocahontas to marry him. Yet, she suddenly remembers

Smith. Pocahontas has a broken heart over the death of Smith, but she also realizes this marriage will bring peace between two cultures. Her miscegenation to John

Rolfe, leads her to be a mediator. Furthermore, Pocahontas` choice is not only for her life, but also to save her people from a war and restore peace to their society. Their marriage can reigns relative peace and good relations between both cultures. He tells


Universitas Sumatera Utara her in matters of the new culture she is being assimilated into, and he also taught her all about Christianity. This is a consensual relationship. This might, at least in part, explain Pocahontas‟s apparent willingness to assimilate, she converts to Christianity and remain with the English, in which she wants to be with Rolfe.

Pocahontas became contented with her life in the town. And in time a son was born to her. Later, Rolfe, with his wife and child, sailed to visit England.

Pocahontas is marveled and excited by London. She met many interesting people and visited a lot of places. The Rolfes were even at the audience with Queen Anne and

King James who is interested in the colony named after him. Pocahontas's stay in

England became almost a triumphal march. Everywhere she is received with great honor as a foreign Princess, and entertained with banquets and receptions.

When Pocahontas saw him a flood of recollection overcame her, and she was greatly moved. She turned from him, hiding her face in her hand, and for a long time could not speak. At last she said, "They told me you were dead."

One day, Smith comes back from his voyage and hearing thath Pocahontas in

England, he makes a visit. Hearing that Pocahontas had come to England, remembered the old times and all that the little Indian maid had done for him, and so, attended by some friends, he went down to Branford to greet her. Smith visits

Pocahontas a few days after the audience with the royal family. Surprisingly,

Pocahontas learns that Smith was still alive. For a long time, Pocahontas receives a false account about the death of John Smith

"You did promise Powhatan what was yours should be his, and he the like to you: you called him father, being in his land a stranger, and by the same reason so must I do you." But Captain John excused himself, saying, "I durst not now allow of that title, since the King commands that you be treated as a Princess." Then Pocahontas answered, "You were not afraid to come into my father's country, and to cause fear in him and all his


Universitas Sumatera Utara people but me, and fear you here I should call you father? I tell you then I will, and you shall call me child. And so I will be forever and ever your countryman." And then, when Pocahontas had grown calmer, these two, after years of separation, again sat together, and talked long of the old days in Virginia.

Pocahontas is not seeming well contented and at first incapable of speaking.

The dialogue suggests that there is a wrath inside of Pocahontas. Pocahontas wants

Smith to reminiscences the days when they were in Virgina, but he can not do it due the fact that she should be treated as a princess and also she has already married to someone else. The dialogue itself is surrounded with enigmatic. It also suggests that the tension is because pocahontas has been lonnging for captain Smith and vaguely her romantic expression of love. But, it is too late. Pocahontas is already with someone else. Everything left is only good days in virginia

After this meeting Captain John became more restless than ever, and soon set sail again. And when alone upon the deck of his ship he thought often of the Virginia colony for which he had toiled, and risked so much, and of Pocahontas,…And his heart was warmed with gratitude, and he wished her happiness in her new life.

Smith bids an adieu and wishing them a life of happiness and committed to another adventure. The passage above strongly describes that Pocahontas and John

Smith are not meant to be together. John Smith chooses his own path for another adventure, and Pocahontas remains to be with John Rolfe for her entire life.

When Captain John had gone, the thoughts of Pocahontas more than ever turned toward home, and she wearied of the crowded English land, and longed for her native forests again. Daily she gazed from her window toward the west, where lay Virginia, and her early life. And she pined, and thought much of the old days in her native wilds, when into her sunny life that came the golden-haired stranger, with his people, and of the great changes that had befallen her and her race through that coming.


Universitas Sumatera Utara The passage above describes the emotional situation Pocahontas suffered in

London. It is true Pocahontas is incredibly welcomed by the people in London.

Everywhere she goes, she receives great honor, but they don‟t please her just like her hometown in Virginia. She is longing for her home and her nature as Indian girl over there.

Though the ship lay ready in the offing, and the sailors had come to convey them on board, and though at last Pocahontas had turned her face toward home, alas! it was not to be. A sudden weakness overcame her, and gently, looking toward the setting sun and Virginia, she quietly fell asleep,—to rest forever in a foreign land.

This ending of the story together with the motive of unfulfilled love of

Pocahontas to Smith creates the notion of love story. In Pocahontas‟s short life, she played a number of roles, while caught between two cultures. Her love to Captain

John Smith is restricted by the cultural conflicts and forcing her love apart. At times the English used Pocahontas as a pawn to get revenge on her father, but her conversion and marriage coincided with a time of strained friendship between the

English and Powhatan people.

4.1.2 Cultural Boundaries Portrayed in Pocahontas

This work is not only focused on Pocahontas, but also on the early attempts to found colonies in the New World by the British. During the sixteenth century, the

British made attempts to settle Virginia which today is called the mother colony of the USA. Virginia is the first attempt to conquer and establish a settlement in the

New World which was finally a total failure. In 1607, the English make their first permanent settlement in Virginia. They start their expansion to conquer the land and searching for the gold mines. The Englishman come to the Powhatan peoples' home and start digging it up, felling trees, and attacking them. The Powhatan people are


Universitas Sumatera Utara responding to the Englishmen's actions, but the Englishmen are just out for gold and want to obtain it by any means necessary. In this story, the English colonist comes to

Virginia to claim the land that they think it is belong to nobody, where it is surprisingly inhabited by Powhatan earlier. The writer tries to find out the cultural boundaries that portrayed in this folklore and see the conflict that exist and make the boundaries between different culture and how that effect the romantic story of

Pocahontas and John Smith. Ethnic Group Boundaries

Pocahontas talks about the love between two different ethnics and culture.

This distinction is the main factor that leads conflict between Native American and

English. Earlier in the story, there is a characteristic of English as presented by the

Powhatan people.

Some remembered a white-faced people who, nearly twenty years before, had come to Roanoke Island from no one knew where, men with yellow hair, dressed from head to foot in cumbrous garments, and bearing wonderful weapons which spat out fire, with much noise. Many believed them gods, while others thought they were devils. And Pocahontas listened in wonder, ever curious to hear of this strange people so unlike her own. The old priest mournfully prophesied that the strangers, being of some mighty race, would come again from out the great waters and overrun the whole land.

The appearance of colony onset is presented as a tale about strange and powerful people that has very different physical appearance with Native people.

They are presented with yellow hair and dressed fashionably, in this case it may be as a colony and have advanced weapon. The physical appearance and their belongings are not familiar view for native people because they adapt primordial way to live.

Now, as the arrows began to strike dangerously near, Captain John, ever quick-witted and resourceful, brought forth his


Universitas Sumatera Utara pocket compass and showed the Indians the dancing needle; and when they found they could not touch it, because of the glass, they were amazed, for of course they had never seen glass before, and could not understand it.

Following the description of Native Americans and events that happened based on the story, there is still the tendency to present Native Americans as they are barbarous, socially and technologically backward, as they completely don`t understand the work of compass, and in fact that passage above presents that it is the first time for Native American see compass.

Suddenly, in the heart of the deep woods, the stealthy red skins sprang upon him, shrieking like fierce beasts of prey. And in a moment the arrows flew thick and fast.

Old Uttamatomakkin received his share of attention as well. In his wild dress, with his tawny skin and shining black hair, he was a strange sight to those who had never before seen a red American. He was not at all impressed by the king and his richly dressed nobles, and wondered how they could endure so many clothes, and greatly preferred his own simple dress, made from the skins of the wild beasts of his forests.

Furthermore, the passages above show the distinction of appearances between

Native American and English, in this part is pointed from the perspective Native

American people. Native American`s appearances are different in regard to European people who had come to live there. Men and women differed in faces and body. They were yellowish, and their hair was black for the most part. Their weapons are far from advanced. They fight in simply and obsolete way. And their clothes, they also have clothes made by animal skins, where they do have fashionably dress just like

English. The Belief Differences

In the Native American cultural tradition they believe in spiritual beings in some ways similar to Western ideas about God, some examples are the Great Spirit,

Mother Earth and Father Sky. Native American origin or creation stories tell of a


Universitas Sumatera Utara great bond and dual relationship with the land that they live on, it can mention specific places, mountains and rivers. They believe that the earth nurtured them and feel that these places are sacred to them. Here we see a particular difference between the cultures which involves a belief consequence of this philosophical difference.

These were the ships from England, bringing a new colony, a band of pioneers, and adventurers in search of gold, to take possession of the broad lands of America The difference to Indians is the sacred involves a place, 'be it a river, a mountain, a plateau, valley, or other natural feature. For English the sacred involves an event, for example, the crucifixion, or the original Passover. This also shows a significant difference, namely that England culture is focused on time while Native

American culture is focused on space, and spatial relations, for example land or earth. Something that is noticeable in the difference between Native American and

English. Furthermore, Native Americans think in terms of belonging to the land, being part of it, compared to a European mindset which thinks in terms of owning it, or not being controlled by it. Land is extremely important to the European settlers.

To the eyes of the weary travelers, after their long voyage across the sea, Virginia, on that bright April day, seemed a land of promise. With great hopes and renewed courage they set to work to build the town which they called Jamestown, in honor of their king, a town which lives to this day.

In England, and most other countries, land meant wealth. Owning large amounts of land meant a person had great wealth and political power. But, on the other hand, Land is not only sacred but also a huge part of Native American culture, land is basic to Indian people, they are part of it and it is part of them, it is their

Mother. This is a theme and a difference that is obvious in the story of Pocahontas by the characters grouped as Native American and English colonists. It is presented with the view that English believe that they were given the American lands by God.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Interestingly enough, this is a similar in some ways to Native Americans' belief that they, too, see the land as something that they belong to because of their Gods' generosity. And this is the beginning conflict and constantly occurs between the

Englishmen and the Indians, which lead to the injury of Captain John Smith and the abduction of Pocahontas to England until Pocahontas meets John Rolfe and they both get married.

And here they celebrated their victory by savage pomps and conjurations. They tied the Captain to the ceremonial stake, then, all painted and decorated in their fiercest and most hideous war paint and trapping, they danced their wild dance of triumph.

In addition the passage above express that Native American practice spiritual belief that somehow refer to animism the passage above represents the ceremonial belief after they captivate Captain smith with traditional ceremony and witchcraft.

The practice above might refers to one of Native American spiritual belief named the Ghost Dance where this belief is meant to serve as a connection with traditional ways of life and to honor the dead while predicting their resurrection.

So they were married in the Jamestown church, and Nantaquas and a body of chiefs from her tribe, as well as all the settlers, came to the wedding.

Furthermore, the passage above tells that Pocahontas finally converts to

Christian in order to marry John Rolfe. Christian holds as major religion in England where this religion has played prominent role in shaping of western civilization.

Pocahontas changes her name and follows Christianity after he hears suggestion from John Rolfe that their marriage can reduce the conflict between two cultures.


Universitas Sumatera Utara The Different of Nationality

The conflict that border the love between Pocahontas and captain John Smith primarily because they come from different country. As Pocahontas comes Native

American land while Captain John Smith comes from England

Long, long ago, when Indian own the land, there lived in Virginia, near the river afterwards called the James, a little girl, the princess Powhattan In far-away England was a doughty youth, John Smith, who dreamed of battle and adventure.

The passage above clearly tells the difference nationality of Pocahontas and

Captain John Smith, where Pocahontas originally lives in America and John Smith comes from England.

These were the ships from England, bringing new colony, a band of pioneers, and adventures in search of gold, to take possession of the broad lands of America

At the beginning of the arrival of English colony, they already attract a conflict to Native American, as the colony want to claim ownership of their motherland. The conflicts lead to the captivity of Captain John Smith and the legend story of Pocahontas saves him from his death execution. Since that, the Powhatan start to bond friendship with colony by adopting the Captain john Smith into their savage life style. From the passage, it is described that the tension between two cultures is reducing a little bit

Next he went off to explore the country, and to trade with the natives for corn, for the settlers began to lack food.

The first permanent settlers in Virginia want to live in peace with the Indians.

They need to trade with them for food. Corn is one of most important crop for Native

American. This crop was important to the Native Americans because it is part of their everyday diet; it can be stored in underground pits during the winter, and no


Universitas Sumatera Utara part of it is wasted. The husk is made into art crafts, and the cob is used as fuel for fires.

This pleasant state, however, did not last, for, as the settlers became more firmly fixed in the land, the Indians, fickle and changeable, grew jealous and resented their intrusion, and refused to sell corn, hoping by this means to force them away….Finally Powhatan joined the discontented, and plotted to destroy Captain John and his friends by treachery.

The cultural diversity seems become a conflict in this story. Some of native people against the settler by refusing helping them and also successfully suggesting

Powhatan to join them beat back the settler to leave the land. Initially when the

English colonists arrived at Jamestown, they thought it was supposedly an unoccupied land and that nobody could claim it. However, the territory where

Jamestown was established was part of Powhatan land. At this point, the Indians still can`t accept that the colonist lay their feets in their land. The natives have made attempts to eradicate the colonists by stage them up.

Some two years after Captain John`s departure, came Argall, an unscrupulous man, who plotted to capture Pocahontas and hold her as a hostage, to keep the fighting savages quiet.

The conflict between them is getting even worse. On of the colony, named

Samuel Argall read the situation that Pocahontas often visits Jamestown to see

Captain Jong Smith. He plans to kidnaps Pocahontas so he can negotiates with Chief

Powhatan and Native American people to stop the conflicts, demanding the release of English prisoners held by her father, along with various stolen weapons and tools.

But, the captivity is her turning point in life, where here she learns the English and their lifestyle and also marries an Englishman, named John Rolfe.

At last a young Englishman, John Rolfe, captivated by her dark beauty and gentle ways, wooed the Indian maid, and as years had passed since Captain John had gone away, and she had long since thought him dead, she listened to Rolfe, and


Universitas Sumatera Utara consented to marry him, that peace might reign between her people and the white men…So they were married in the Jamestown church, and Nantaquaus and a body of chiefs from her tribe, as well as all the settlers, came to the wedding.

The issue of miscegenation also holds an important theme in the story of

Pocahontas due to their importance to the establishment of a closer relationship between English and Native Americans. The Marriage of Pocahontas illustrates the material, religious and political implications of such unions that give those involved benefit and motivation to enter into these interracial marriages which were crucial to the creation of the post-contact social world. Their marriage creates a climate of peace between the Jamestown colonists and Powhatan's tribes and this lasts for eight years, and it is called the Peace of Pocahontas. Pocahontas teaches that in conflicts peaceful resolutions by speaking to each other and also talks about the importance of cross-cultural understanding, tolerance and respect.

4.1.3 The Literary Element Portrayed in The Diving Woman in Oiso Bay

Another unfulfilled love about cross cultural love is portrayed by Japanese folklore titled The Diving-woman of Oiso Bay. The story is about a samurai who falls in love with a diving-woman. But their love can`t be united due the difference rank of social class at that time.

During one of the earlier years of the period, which lasted from '116 to 1169 A. D., a certain knight, whose name was Takadai Jiro, became ill in the town of Kamakura, where he had been on duty, and was advised to spend the hot month of August at Oiso, and there to give himself perfect rest, peace, and quietness.

The setting of time from the tale points that it is occurred in the Heian Period.

The Heian period is the last division of classical Japanese history, running from 794 to 1192. Takadai Jiro is a knight, or in Japanese it refers to Samurai. The word


Universitas Sumatera Utara samurai become almost entirely synonymous with bushi, and the word is closely associated with the middle and upper formation of the warrior class.

After his arrival at Oiso, Takadai felt weary and dusty. As soon as he had secured his room he threw off his clothes and went down to bathe. Takadai, whose age was about twenty- five years, was a good swimmer, and plunged into the sea without fear, going out for nearly half-a-mile.

According to the passage, Takadai Jiro is a samurai in the Heian period who stays in the town of Kamakura seeking for his recovery. In the story, Takadai Jiro is mentioned about twenty-five years, and he is also a good swimmer. One day, he plunges into the sea and suddenly he is seized with a violent cramp and begins to sink. A fishing-boat sculled by a man and containing a diving-girl happen to see and rescue him.

Takadai saw that his preserver was a beautiful ama (diving- girl) aged not more than seventeen. Such beauty he had never seen before—not even in the higher circles in which he was accustomed to move. Takadai was in love with his brave saviour before the boat had grounded on the pebbly beach. From that time on the soul of Takadai knew no peace. Love of the maddest kind was on him. There was no sleep for him at night, for he saw nothing but the face of the beautiful diving-girl, whose name (he had ascertained) was Kinu.

The word Ama literally means `woman of the sea`. Ama is one of the lesser- known but fascinating parts of Japanese culture. Ama are famous for pearl diving, but originally they dive for food like seaweed, shellfish, lobster, octopus, sea urchins, and oyster which sometimes have pearls. Ama can keep diving into old ages and usually they wears nothing more than a loincloth when they are diving. Furthermore, the passage above clearly presents that Takadai falls for a beautiful girl who saves him from sinking named Kinu.

From that time on the soul of Takadai knew no peace. Love of the maddest kind was on him. There was no sleep for him at night, for he saw nothing but the face of the beautiful


Universitas Sumatera Utara diving-girl, whose name (he had ascertained) was Kinu. Try as he might, he could not for a moment put her out of his mind.

Takadai is madly in love with Kinu and he can`t spend any days without thinking about her. Then, he sends a letter that expresses his intention to marry Kinu through his servant. And also, in ancient Japan, there is no formal marriage or wedding when a man and woman get married. If a man is interested in a woman, he writes to her that he is interested in seeing her. It is that simple.

Once, indeed, Takadai tried to speak to O Kinu; but she would have nothing to say to him, and continued busying herself in assisting her father to carry the nets and fish up to their cottage. This made Takadai far worse, and he went home wild, mad, and more in love than ever. He took his most confidential servant into the secret, and despatched him with a letter to the fisherman's cottage. O Kinu San did not even write an answer, but told the old servant to thank his master in her behalf for his letter and his proposal of marriage. 'Tell him also,' said she, 'that no good could come of a union between one of so high a birth as he and one so lowly as I. Such a badly matched pair could never make a happy home.' In answer to the servant's expostulation, she merely added, 'I have told you what to tell your master: take him the message.

The answer from Kinu reflects the culture condition at that time. In the culture of Samurai, Samurai have arranged marriages, which are arranged by a go- between of the same or higher rank. Thus, Kinu understands her position differs from

Takadai. She can`t accept his proposal because it will give bad reputation for further situation. Takadai doesn`t give up. He keeps trying to send the lettter to Kinu. This manner reflects the tradition that at Heian period aristocrats exchanged letters and poetry, for a period of months or years before arranging to meet after dark. If a man sees the same woman for a period of three nights, they are considered married, and the wife's parents held a banquet for the couple. But,still Kinu can not accept his proposal.


Universitas Sumatera Utara 'It is difficult for me to understand. If you gave my message to your mastercorrectly he could not fail to know that I could not marry him. His position in life is far too high. Is your master quite right in his head?'

'You are a selfish old man,' answered O Kinu. 'Would you that I married to satisfy your master's love and your desire for fishing? I have told you to tell your master that I will not marry him, because we could not, in our different ranks of life, become happy. Go and repeat that answer.'

Kinu comes from lower-class family and she completely realizes that she can not engages a serious relationship with tha Samurai. Because they are not going to create a well-prospered legacy for further time. The distinction of social class just won`t make it to be happened.

Takadai's heart was broken. There was nothing more that he could say and nothing more that he could do. Bowing low, he left the fisherman and retired forthwith to his room in the inn, which he never left, much to the consternation of his servant.

Hearing the same refusal from Kinu, Takadai tries to persuade her father to gain his permition to marry Kinu. On that moment, Marriage is basically settled between the husband-to-be and his fiance‟s father. Settlement of marriage is determined only by approval from the woman‟s father, that is, the only key person was the father of the bride. But, all his efforts result nothing. As, the father he leaves her marriage lifes in Kinu`s own hand. This statements also can reflects that Kinus`s father humbly realzes the different level of their family background. All in all, compared to their much diminished freedoms in the centuries to come, not a bad life for a well-to-do woman. Devastated and broken-hearted for all his zero-resulted efforts, he plans to kill himself by sinking his body in the river.

Then he went to the beach, and, after tying a large stone to a rope and to his neck, he got into a boat and rowed himself about a hundred yards from shore, where he took the stone in his arms and jumped overboard.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Love has traditionally been regarded as disruptive to social harmony in japan, and also Japan literarure has a lot of story that involving suicides. Japanese society's attitude toward suicide has been termed "tolerant", and in many occasions suicide is seen as a morally responsible action. This cultural tolerance may stem from the historical function of suicide in the military. In this case, Takadai is not practicing the honnor suicide or commonly called Sepppupuku. His suicide is associated with concept of amae, or the need to be dependent on and accepted by others. For the

Japanese, acceptance and conformity are valued above one's individuality. As a result of this perspective, one's worth is associated with how one is perceived by others. Ultimately, this can lead to fragile self-concept and an increased possibility of considering dying by suicide when one feels alienated. During, his mortal life,

Takadai`s love is never be accepeted by Kinu, and it leads him to feel alienated for the purpose of his love, that life is no longer worth to live anymore and resulted in suicide.

O Kinu was sufficiently touched to vow that she would never marry any one. True, she had not loved Takadai; but he had loved, and had died for her. If she married, his spirit would not rest in peace.

By the time Kinu was twenty years of age her beauty was celebrated, and many were the offers she had in marriage; but she refused them all, and kept her vow of celibacy.

Kinu responds his suicide with tolerant views. She also takes an oath by remain to stay single for her entire life for specific function; to preserve honor. In order to prove her respectfulness to his love for her.

During her entire life the sea-gulls were always on the spot where Takadai had been drowned. She died by drowning in a severe typhoon some nine years later than Takadai; and from that day the sea-gulls disappeared, showing that his spirit was now no longer in fear of O Kinu marrying.


Universitas Sumatera Utara At the end of the story, the spirit of Takadai is reincarnated in the form of sea-gull and Kinu stays remain single until she dies. Takadai`s reincarnation into sea- gull describe the religion tenet practiced in the Heian period, which is Buddhism.

The realm of rebirth is conditioned by the karma (deeds, intent) of current and previous lives; good karmas will yield a happier rebirth into good realm, bad karmas is believed to produce rebirth which is more unhappy and evil. Takadai is reincarnated into the form of animal, in this case is sea-gull because he dies unhappily due the rejection of his marriage and haunts the Oiso bay until O kinu dies. The story of the romance above reflects the unfilfilled love of a man and a woman that come from different social class. The tale above can be a reflection of the cultural conditon at that time and also a reaction rulling againts the social system.

Accoring to the story, class is the barrier for their love, where class is power. It divides certain of groups of people into upper and lower strata, into superior and inferior, is done by those where require such categorization to maintain their power, and sustain the myth of superiority, where they both can not be because of the samurai comes from aristocray background and Kinu from inferior family. It seems the story wants to break the social norms and taboos in the aspect of love, where the pursuit of marriage is based on love, beauty, and personality eventhough they both ended up in tragedy.

4.1.4 Cultural Boundaries Portrayed in The Diving Woman in Oiso Bay

In this folklore the main issues is about social boundaries that appear in this folklore. It talks about a different in social class. Social class refers to the hierarchical distinctions between individuals or groups in societies or cultures. Anthropologist, historians, and sociologists identify class as universal although what determines class will vary widely from one society to


Universitas Sumatera Utara another. Even within a society, different people or groups may have very different ideas about what makes one higher or lower in the hierarchy. Different defining characteristics have developed in societies around the world and have changed through history. Depending on the definition used, class can also be associated with social status, or one's social position in a culture. Because of the vagaries of the word, the idea of social class has been the object of much study in fields such as sociology and economics. This issue holds the main conflict in the Japanese tale above about the unfulfilled love between the Samurai and the Diving-woman. Social Boundaries and Aristocracy

The story takes times in the period of Heian. When people talk Heian society they are mainly talking about the aristocracy from period. The Heian period is preceded by the Nara period and began in 794 to 1192 A.D. after the movement of the capital of Japan to Heian- Kyo (present-day Kyoto), by the 50th emperor, Emperor Kanmu. Heian Period is considered a high point in Japanese culture that later generations have always admired. The period is also noted for the rise of the Samurai class, which would eventually take power and start the feudal period of Japan.

During one of the earlier years of the period, which lasted from '116 to 1169 A. D.

The Heian Period was the high point of Japanese aristocratic culture, a golden age of peace and harmony. The Emperor, as a deity, is unquestionably at the pinnacle of the Japanese class structure. However, for much of Japanese history the emperor is not allowed outside the palace grounds and his will is interpreted by a Shogun, or military dictator. Beneath the shogun, daimyos, or regional lords, administered the provinces through their Samurai lieutenants. These warriors possessed extra


Universitas Sumatera Utara privileges‟ than the common people and also had higher status than others. They protect the entire Nation with their bravery and heroism, and Takadai comes from this class as a Samurai.

A certain knight, whose name Takadai jiro, became ill in he town of Kamakura. Takadai was pleased to dwell in gazing at it both by day and by night, for, like most Japanese of high birth, he was poetical and romantic. Takadai Jiro, on set of the story, is told as the Samurai. As aristocrats for centuries, samurai has developed their own cultures that influenced Japanese culture as a whole. The word certain knight, or in Japanese it refers to Samurai. The culture is associated with the samurai such as the tea ceremony, monochrome ink painting, rock gardens and poetry is adopted by warrior patrons throughout the centuries.

In the daytime it was worse, for O Kinu was not to be seen, being out at sea with her father, diving for the haliotis shell and others; and it was generally the dusk of evening before she returned, and then, in the dim light, he could not see her

The peasant class is the lowest class and possessed almost very few or no powers at all. They performed day to day working which a common man does to earn a livelihood. The peasant class is further divided into many sub-classes which included Farmers who are the highest ranked class in these Sub-classes and then come the artisans followed by the craftsmen and in the end, the merchants. Although the work of Ama is not mentioned, its job description is related to the peasant class. Arranged Marriage

In the aristocracy era, the marriage is arranged. Samurai have arranged marriages, which are arranged by a go-between of the same or higher rank. While for those samurai in the upper ranks this is a necessity, this is a formality, for lower- ranked samurai.


Universitas Sumatera Utara O Kinu San did not even write an answer, but told the old servant to thank his master in her behalf for his letter and his proposal of marriage. 'Tell him also,' said she, 'that no good could come of a union between one of so high a birth as he and one so lowly as I. Such a badly matched pair could never make a happy home.'

Most samurai marry women from a samurai family, but for lower-ranked samurai, marriages with commoners are permitted. In these marriages a dowry is brought by the woman and is used to set up the couple's new household. A samurai can take concubines but their backgrounds were checked by higher-ranked samurai.

In many cases, taking a concubine is akin to a marriage. Kidnapping a concubine, although common in fiction, would have been shameful, if not criminal. If the concubine is a commoner, a messenger is sent with betrothal money or a note for exemption of tax to ask for her parents' acceptance. Even though the woman won`t be a legal wife, a situation normally considered a demotion, many wealthy merchants believe that being the concubine of a samurai is superior to being the legal wife of a commoner. When a merchant's daughter marries a samurai, her family's money erase the samurai's debts, and the samurai's social status improves the standing of the merchant family. If a samurai's commoner concubine gives birth to a son, the son could inherit his father's social status. Marriage affects their honor, so they consider carefully before committing their selves. Marriage is an honorable state, but a

Samurai marries a woman whose family has a reputation far below his, his own reputation will suffer. Conversely, if he manages to marry a woman from a family whose honor exceeds his own, his reputation may markedly improve. O Kinu clearly understands the social situation at that time, that‟s why she can never accept

Takadai`s proposal because it will mark their life into a bad name.


Universitas Sumatera Utara If you gave my message to your master correctly he could not fail to know that I could not marry him. His position in life is far too high. Is your master quite right in his head?'

Reflecting to Pocahontas, this Japanese folklore also touches the issue of woman situation in the ancient Japan. O- Kinu that comes from lower class family boldly negates the marriage proposal from Takadai, a Samurai. This view completely against the situation of woman at that time. Actually at the Heian period, women in

Japan could inherit property in their own names and manage it by themselves:

Women could own property, be educated, and are allowed, if discrete, to take lovers.

But in marriage, most of woman doesn‟t have a choice Most of woman has arranged marriage, including for elite woman. Heian court marriages were arranged and often polygamous. A man can have several wives, though a woman could have only one husband. There is no formal marriage ceremony, rather the details of the marriage were privately agrees upon between the father of the bride-to-be and her suitor.

Daughters of court officials and lesser nobles who can not hope to marry well have the opportunity of becoming concubines, or official consorts, of high-ranking noblemen and even men of the imperial family. Skills in music, writing, and poetry recitation often help them to advance in such a manner. Rising a social status as a concubine is not without its share of problems. If a woman's status is seen as inappropriate to his consort, she will be treated with contempt and scorn by her higher-ranking peers. In other words, if a nobleman shows excessive favor to a low- ranking concubine, that woman is risked being bullied mercilessly by the other concubines.

This time he was distressed, for the girl had even refused to meet him. What was he to do? He wrote one more imploring letter, and also spoke to O Kinu's father; but the father said, 'Sir, my daughter is all I have to love in the world: I cannot influence her in such a thing as her love. Moreover, all our


Universitas Sumatera Utara diving-girls are strong in mind as well as in body, for constant danger strengthens their nerves: they are not like the weak farmers' girls, who can be influenced and even ordered to marry men they hate. Their minds are, oftener than not, stronger than those of us men.

Hearing the same refusal from Kinu, Takadai tries to persuade her father to gain his permition to marry Kinu. On that moment, Marriage is basically settled between the husband-to-be and his fiance‟s father. Settlement of marriage is determined only by approval from the woman‟s father, that is, the only key person was the father of the bride. But, all his efforts result nothing. As, the father he leaves her marriage lifes in Kinu`s own hand. This statements also can reflects that Kinus`s father humbly realzes the different level of their family background. And, this passage also presents in that time, although women are excluded from public affairs, they have influential roles at court, taking a keen interest in palace intrigues, state marriages, and promotions. Women can own property, be educated, and are allowed, if discrete, to take lovers. All in all, compared to their much diminished freedoms in the centuries to come, not a bad life for a well-to-do woman. Devastated and broken-hearted for all his zero-resulted efforts, he plans to kill himself by sinking his body in the river.

The story mentioned above is that the daughter of farmer family can marry a man she does not love. The statement portrays tragic conditions of women seen in

Japanese farming families. Here, the women are considered the least useful members of the family and during times of calamity or extreme poverty, the daughters are sacrificed for the sake of family survival. The practice of mabikior "weeding out" children, especially young girls at birth, is common for hundreds of years. Other cases of preferential treatment for the family are seen in how the daughters are called upon to sacrifice their honor and enter brothels for the sake of saving their families.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Once they are sold to brothel-owners, they are placed under long-term employment contracts and very rarely are they able to redeem their freedom.

In marriage, a girl has no freedom to choose her mate. She is resigned to accept her parents' choice for her. In fact, early marriage is encouraged for the bride to adjust more easily to her new family's customs, and be more oriented to her mother- in-law's instructions. Submission to the mother-in-law's commands and clear absorption of her instructions were essential duties of the young bride. Failure to learn the ways of the new family meant ostracism for the bride or a return to her original home. Thus, O Kinu`s behavior toward Takadai is quite different and encourage the tenet of feminism in that ancient period. Where she boldly refuses the offer of a marriage and commits a vow to remain single since the death of Takadai as an honor for his love in which symbolize her right to set her own marriage without any forces from anybody due women in Japan ware recognized as having equal legal rights to men after World War II. O Kinu`s mannerism might be interpreted as a critic for the social condition for woman at that time.

Finally, it seems that love is a universal and biologically based emotion. When a man or woman is in love they know about this from their gut feelings, without words. Cross-cultural and social class still become barriers do not matter for them. In this point, Takadai and O Kinu can`t be destined because they have the distinction of social class status as the obstacle. The story reveals the moral lesson about the basis of the pursuit of marriage is love and personality and also there shall be no boundaries in expressing love to each other as human being.

Based on this analysis the writer try to put a table to make the reader easier to understand this thesis.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Pocahontas

I. Character

Element Pocahontas

 Pocahontas

Pocahontas appears as a young Indian girl who enjoying

nature. She is independent, adventurous, and courageous.

Pocahontas is described as the beloved daughter of the

chief Powhatan.

 Captain John Smith

Captain John Smith is an English Colony. He is

described as adventurous and brave man. He and the

Colony make the first settlement in Virginia to search for

Character gold mines.

 John Rolfe

John Rolfe is a businessman where he successfully

cultivated a new strain of tobacco that comes from


II. Setting

Element Pocahontas

Setting In this tale, the setting is taken at Virginia, United

States of America and England in the 16th century or

around 1607. It is the time where the English make

their first settlement to the land of America.


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III. Plot

Element Pocahontas

Plot Plot is told in the progressive plot

The Diving Woman in Oiso Bay

I. Character

Element The Diving Woman Oiso Bay

O Kinu

O kinu is a girl that comes from the peasant family

background. O Kinu is an Ama or a diving-girl. Ama

literally means `woman of the sea`.

Takadai Jiro

Takadai jiro is a samurai. He is mentioned about

Character twenty five years old.

II. Setting

Element The Diving Woman Oiso Bay

Setting The story takes times in the period of Heian. The

Heian period was preceded by the Nara period and

began in 794 to 1192 A.D. the specific place is

located in Oiso, in the Province of Sagami

III. Plot 56

Universitas Sumatera Utara Element The Diving Woman in Oiso Bay

Plot The story is told in the progressive plot

4.2 The Similarities and Differences in Pocahontas and The Diving Woman in

Oiso Bay

4.2.1. The Similarities

Both of the folklores have similarities, the motif of two folklores talk about love in cross cultural boundaries as unfulfilled love. Pocahontas is an Indian girl and the beloved daughter of chief Powatan who falls in love to a man from another culture, an English Colonist, named John Smith. She can`t be with John Smith because the cultural clash at that time. Takadai jiro, a Samurai in the Heian Periode who falls in love with the diving-woman or Ama, that comes from different social class named O

Kinu. Takadai and O Kinu can`t be together because of the distinction in social class.

The setting in this folklore is taken in ancient time, specifically in virginia, around 16th century. The Powhatan lived in villages with houses built of sapling frames covered by reed mats or bark. Villages within the same area belonged to one tribe. Corn, beans and squash are their main agricultural food. The Powhatan worship a hierarchy of gods and spirits. Chief Powhatans and his tribe have conflict to the

English colonist. The powhatans believe that the English colony want to conquer their land and Pocahontas is one of people who protect them from massacre, reulted with the injury of smith where he has to be returned to England and ended with her heart devastated for her unfulfilled love. The setting in this folklore is also taken in the ancient time, in the Heian period. The Heian period is the last division of classical Japanese history, spanning from 794 to 1192. The Heian period is also


Universitas Sumatera Utara considered the peak of the Japanese imperial court and aristocratic culture, giving rise to uniquely Japanese art, poetry, and literature. It is considered a high point in

Japanese culture that later generations have always admired. The period is also noted for the rise of the samurai class, which would eventually take power and start the feudal period of Japan. Heian society was organized by an elaborate system of rank, and the purpose of marriage was to produce children who would inherit the highest possible rank from the best-placed lineage. O Kinu realizes that she comes from lower-class background and thus, she can not accept Takadai`s proposal and lead him to suicide for his unfulfilled love.

Plot refers to the sequence of events inside a story which affect other events through the principle of cause and effect the plot in Pocahontas and The Diving

Woman in Oiso Bay the story is told in the progressive plot.

Table 1

The Similarities of Love in Cross Cultural Boundaries No Element Pocahontas The Diving-Woman

Oiso Bay 1. Motif Love in cross cultural Love in cross cultural boundaries; boundaries; Unfulfilled love Unfulfilled love


Universitas Sumatera Utara 1. Characters Pocahontas is an Takadai jiro, a

Indian girl and the Samurai in the Heian

beloved daughter of Periode who falls in

chief Powatan who love with the diving-

falls in love to a man woman or Ama, that

from another culture, comes from different

an English Colonist, social class named O

named John Smith. Kinu.

3. Setting : The setting in this The setting in this

Culture folklore is taken in folklore is also taken

Condition ancient time, in the ancient time, in

specifically in the Heian period. The

virginia, around 16th Heian period is the

century. last division of

classical Japanese

history, spanning

from 794 to 1192.

4. Plot This folklore has This folklore has

progressive plot progressive plot


Universitas Sumatera Utara 4.2.2 The Differences

Both of folklores has a same motif that is crossed cultural boundaries but in different way, Pocahontas is about love that came from two different cultures and in

The Diving Woman in Oiso Bay is talk about love from two different class.

Pocahontas is not meant to be with captain John Smith, but she marries an

Englishman, a tobaco-businessman named John Rolfe and have a son with him. In

The Diving Woman in Oiso Bay Takadai Jiro commits suicide due the refusal of Kinu for his proposal. Kinu states that the status of Takadai Jiro as Samura is way higher than hers, as diving woman. Thus, it is impossible for them to be together.

The Powhatans stilll fight againts the English colony, but the captivity of

Pocahontas and her marriage with an Englishman named John Rolfe reduce the tensions and create climate peace between two cultures. In the Heian periode,

Samurai have arranged marriages, which are arranged by a go-between of the same or higher rank. Takadai wants to againts the social barrier but Kinu defends that his plan is not familiar view at that period. And, in the end there is no marriage happens for both sides.

Table 2

The Differences of Love in Cross Cultural

No Element Boundaries Pocahontas The Diving-Woman Oiso Bay 1. Motif Love in cross cultural Love in cross cultural boundaries in the two boundaries in two different cultures different social class 2. Characters Pocahontas is not Takadai Jiro commits

with John Smith, but suicide.

she is marry


Universitas Sumatera Utara Englishman,named

John Rolfe.

3. Setting: The Powhatans stilll Samurai have arranged

Coulture fight againts the marriages, that arranged

Condition english colony, but to the same or higher

cause of her marriage rank. Takadai wants to

with an Englishman againts the social

reduce the tensions condition but Kinu refuse

and creates climate to crossed that

peace between two boundaries.




5.1 Conclusion

Based on the analysis this thesis from the previous chapter, the writer comes to conclusion and suggestion that related to the result of the previous chapters. In this chapter, the writer presents the conclusion from the folklore entitled Pocahontasand

The Diving-Woman Oiso Bay. From the both of literary works have been explained the differences and the similarities of romantizisation between woman and man in the folklore.

1. The Similarities

Both of Literary works have got the similarities of Pocahontas and The

Diving-Woman Oiso Bay, specifically "Love in crossed cultural boundaries". The primar motive in this love is basically talks about the tragedy of unfulfilled love between two couples of two folklore above. Pocahontas, an Indian girl is in love to

Captain John Smith, an English colony. But, due to cultural conflict that leads into war between Powhatan and English. Pocahontas has to acquise that her love to Smith would never ever be fulfilled. Meanwhile, Takadai Jiro, a Samurai from the The

Diving-Woman of Oisoi Baytragically ended up his life by drowning his body to the sea that caused by the refusal from the girl he loves, O Kinu, the diving-woman, a girl that comes from lower class family, where she can not accept his proposal because Takadai comes has haigher social status. The distinction of culture and social class leads their romance in devastation.


Universitas Sumatera Utara 2. The Differences There are also some differences between Pocahontas and The diving-Woman

Oiso Bay. In Pocahontas, her captivity in England leads her to another journey. She learns everything about English, and her grace attract a local businessman, named

John Rolfe. They both are getting married and create calm and climate peace between the Indians and the English. In the tale The Diving-Woman Oiso Bay O

Kinu still can`t grants Takadai Jiro`s love because of the marriage between two different social class is consideate taboo at that time. But, as a reward for his love, O kinu shows her respect towards it by refusing to marry anyone and stay single for her entire life.

5.2 Suggestion

Finally, the writercomes to the fiunal point completing this thesis. Following the essentials and purpose of the folklore itself, the writer hopes the reader can take the moral values and gives meanings to their life or even their surrounding based on the tales above. For centuries, romantic love has been explored by writers, philosophers, artists, andmusicians who have described its various aspects and revealed multiple emotions and feelings related to this type of love. Romantic love is universal experience that deeply embedded in human brain. But the fundamental issue is teh dimensions of cultural variations and the issue concerns about the different domains of social becomes the barrier expressing the love. Thus, reflected to the idea of multiculturalism that includes both toleration and celebration of other cultures and peaceful and respectful coexistence with other cultures and races, the perspective of love also should be embraced independently and universally without any socially-constructed mind.


Universitas Sumatera Utara REFERENCES

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Universitas Sumatera Utara APPENDICES

Summary of Pocahontas Pocahontas is a tale that conveys a love story included with cultural conflicts that surround the relationship between Native American and Englishman. The story of

Pocahontas is centered on the female figure of the young native girl who had allegedly saved the life of the English adventurer John Smith, at the beginning of the British colonization in the US, John Smith, one of the prominent men in the white settlement, was taken prisoner by the Powhatan people.

The tale starts with the introduction of a beautiful Native American or Indian princess welcomed the English Colonist to Jamestown in 1607 and falls in love with the dashing young Captain John Smith. But, due the cultural conflict between two different cultures, their love has to be torn apart. In the early chapter, the character of Pocahontas is presented as she is a young and adventurous girl.

Captain John Smith is captured by the Indian and When Smith is captured and about to be executed to die, she protests by throwing her body over his, asking that his life be spared. And because of the savior of Pocahontas they became close to each other and one day John Smith is injured by a gun powder explosion but people says to Pocahontas that Jhon Smith is died because of that incident.

After Jhon Smith death, Pocahontas is captured by Captain Samuel Argall and they keep her and not allowed her to come back to her village, until one day a Tobacco and widow Jhon Rolfe fall in love with her and ask her to be his wife. Pocahontas accept the marriage to reduce the tense of English and her tribe. Pocahontas baptized as Christian and travel England with her husband and they have one son. When Pocahontas in England to meet the queen she meet Jhon Smith, the guy that she knew already die.

Universitas Sumatera Utara Pocahontas and Jhon Smith talk about their life and then Jhon Smith leaving

England and back to his journey. Pocahontas also return back home but she is sick during her journey and die in Virginia.

Summary of The Diving Woman in Oiso Bay

The Diving Woman In Oiso Bay, a Japanese folklore that portrays a cultural boundaries in different social class which reflects the Japanese society around 1169s. It talks about a samurai man who felt in love with a diving woman. O-kinu save Takadai Jiro life when he almost drown in the sea when he swim. Takadai fall in love with the beautiful of O-kinu and her braveness. Takadai Jiro is sent his servant to ask O-kinu about his love and he want to make O-kinu as his wife. Sadly his love was rejected by the diving woman because she thought there will be no happiness for people in different social class – marriage. Takadai not surrender about the rejection and try to ask O-Kinu but she refuse to meet him and still refuse the marriage proposal of samurai man. O-kinu believe that will be no happiness to person marriage with a different social status. But Takadai is madly in love with her and cannot feel peace because of the rejection of O-Kinu.

Feel desperate Takadai try to meet O-Kinu father, but the father said that he respect her daughter decision and he cannot support the samurai by ask her daughter to marry him.

Feel so desperate and sad of his love and decided to take a suicide action by drown himself in the ocean. And he got reincarnation to a sea gull that make O-kinu made a promise to not marry in her life to respect Takadai love.

Universitas Sumatera Utara