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Th ursday, ovember 8 , 2007 Vol. 38 , Issue 10

The Shield is a designated t>Ublie forum. What's in ~ this issue? SPJ challenges speaker policv By ETB C RUNDHOEFER 'The rime has come to forcibly issued a sencs ofe-mruls p1I1p0int­ were taken. He was soon asked to ulty advisor The hicld staff free our family memebers from mg the violation of state and fed· leave. Tew sa1d the university's policy their captors, even if that means erallaw published on Yourofsky's In the case of last April, meas­ could effectively be used to reJect •• Darren Mack pleads Tite Society of Profe ional mjuring or k:ilhng someone in the Web site to Bennett. Kissel d1d ures were taken against Yourofsky speakers like Manin Luther King. guilty for Journalists "'direct ly challenged"' process." not deny or confum the contents regarding his violation of universi­ Jr., who habitually broke federal Page 3 USI's Outside peakers Poli cy Bennett said the compl aints of the online article. ty policy, even though he had law, dunng the civil rights move­ last week by inviting cancelled began with an anonymous source, "'I understand that a talk by hosted lecutreS in classrooms at menL • • Another shade of speaker and animal right's activis~ went straight to the administration Gary Yourofsky, who advocates US I after tlte ETSU mc1dent. Accordmg to Fox 7 news, USI and dean of students and ended the killing of children,. the rape of Harnington told T11e Shield m Pres1dem H. Ray Hoops sa1d green Gary Yourofsky back to campus. w;l.h Maurice Hamington, assis­ women, the anal rape of men and April, "'Just as a precaution, we Yourofsky can appear on campus; Page 4 Last Apri l, the university' pol i­ cy was used to deny Yourofsky, tant professor of philosophy and the death of SCientists, is still sub­ went ahead and cancelled." however he found it m .. poor who lectures on "ethical vegan­ Philosophy lub advisor. ject to the Umversity's Outside Yourofsky has given over I ,400 taste.'' , • ism," a platform at US I. On the day of the even~ Ham­ Speakers Policy," Kissel said in lecutreS on "ethical veganism," SP J still stresses Yourofsky's hits stride Under the policy, the universiy ington revoked Yourofsky's invi­ regards to US I's policy and the and this spring he wtll return to freedom of speech as well as the Page 5 can deny any speaker who may tation to speak, even though the language of Yourofsky's essay, USI. courtesyofSPJ. student's academic freedom to "advocate the violation of state or Philosophy Club was the origmal "Empathy, Education and Vio­ In the SPJ news release, the hear him. • • Republican Ernie federal law." sponsor. lence." policy that denied Yourofsky a "'I want an open forum where Fletcher's one last Tite cancellation process began '"The university over-reacted m Bennett said Yourofsky di - platform at USL, is considered an anyone can invite controversiaJ effo rt for governor with a stream of complaints a dictator-Like fashion aod failed to played ''violent-like behavior" "obstacle to freedom of speech." people to campus," Tew said. fails anonymously submitted to understand the words of my during a lecture at Eastern Ten­ The policy has managed to stay PageS Provost and Vice President of 'Empathy, Education and Vio­ nessee State University in 2003. untouched since 1968 arid was Academic Affairs Linda Bennet~ lence essay" Yourofsky said. After a fuculty memeber presented taken straight from US! 's mother exposing violent language 1vithin According to pamphlets showing the benefits of college, Indiana State University. Yourofsky's Web si te Adaptt.org, frontpagemag.com, Glen Kissel. animal testing, Yourofsky became "Our policy doesn't match our .Media which reads: assistant professor of engineering, violent and security measures culture," said Chad Tew, SPJ fac- day Foam takes over smart fountain ·:returns Nearly 200 igh school ·ournalists ·sit university 3y LIND EY ZJLIAK ews editor

The scene is different. The pur­ se remams the same. High ~ hool Media Day returnS to US I fter a two year hiatuS. Nearly 200 high school journal­ ists will visit US I on Friday for the 6th annual High chool Media Day. This event comes after being sent for almost two years. It was temporarily cancelled becnuse of tructuring. The restructuring involved anging a key aspect of the event. viously, media day was coordi­ ~llllled by The Evansville ourier and Press. ow the Courier and l'ress helps out. Gael ooper, asso­ ciate professor of public relations . .. directing the event through the ripps Howard enter for Media tudies. High School Media Day has ently takt.:n on a new date as l'ell. Titc event is being held in the II foronlythesecondyear. For 14 1 ear.; tt was on spring break. 'The tudents come to an empty npus. We didn't thmk that was I:nght. We have a lot gomg on on is campusJ nnd we wanted them lo see tlta~" Cooper said. ooper also said that the fall te should have minimal effects " students who have class that y. Some classes had to be moved f ~hit c ~nnss rcsc~blin g u soupy mushroom cloud billowed fro m th e fountai n ln~t week on Oct. 30. Late night ca mpus d\\ ell ers co uldn 't rrsist the fun as they flu no plumes lo make room for the high school ~vnt~~"~- ~n;~ 1th e' D.lr. "I'm sure they' ll .gct. il agai n tornorro"," sa id John n) Liggett, member of the ccood shift maintenance, as he dumped a lnrgc bo~ of defomte; into the tudenb, and two cl~ are actu­ • P_t) bottle of condensed UqUid laundry soa p and bubble-bath \\ flS ~nid to hn' e bl"Cn the only C\'idcncc to the crime The foam survived rhe nioht to orect n1dcnts lh e nex t mormng. · eo c lly a«ending a scss•on •nstead of lass that day. Photo by Zach Adkins Despite the changes, tltis year's High hool Media Day will be ically the same. The event 1vi ll •ck off '"th a keynote address :rom Mizell Stewar1 Ill , editor of .he Evansville Courier and Press. Repertory project puts USI 'a step ahead' = ll01ving the address, tc1Var1 1vill By AURIA D CHAt H Conquer and Th<• Cntcib/e. om It others m presenting vonous sion," said Jasmine Ruckricgcl, a to know for the future JO>Cph the Actors Equity Association peciaJ to the h1eld By bringing tlus project to ' !<:ill) intC~l o:tCSSIOn5. The M:S­ phomore at US! Bowen. a member of the Actors smce 1989. He IS ongmally from U I, the student> wuhin the the­ he lNIId betng able to work '1 ns nrc designed to give the stu­ l11c University of ulhcm Equ 1ty Association. has talke-d C\\ York and now !J, cs in Chica­ atre program are not only able to with professional actors has Jcnt> ops to become better joumal­ lndinnn is one of on ly n few with the tudents about man) go. He learned about the project >l' and 1mprove their high school 's sec what bemg a professiOnal helped her to know more of what aspects of professional acting. schools to have a progrnm in a tor i• like. but tl1ey are also clos­ '' hile worklng at the e\\ Harmo­ ewspapcr or yearbook. IS to be e'pected ns a profess•onal One imponant thtng he has ny Theatre over the summer and w~1ich students nrc able to perfonn er to earrnng thc.r equity card. To The high school JOurnalists will actor nnd l1 gi' a sense of how d1scussed is the auditionmg wanted to be a pan of 1L at only wtth professional actors. The be m the Actors Equity Associa­ "n d their day with nn awnrd 's an eqlllty card actually work>. process. lie smd that the audmon is thts experience good tbr the stu­ Rcpcnory Project has greatly tion o person must have an equ ty ~~ h<:<> n m Clll1er llall. The par­ 1 Ruckncgcl plays Marry Warren m is a huge part of the JOb. dents, but also for the professional Impacted not onl y the student.. but card. For tl1e most part, to get an 'IC tpallng schools were allowed to 77"· ClllcJble and has nlso per­ "It 1s a three mmutc chance to actors as wei I tl1e entire tllcatre progrnm at u 1. equity card an actor has to earn 50 oc.""'ld in their newspaper or year. Four professional nctors and fomted tn USl's Ja<·ques Bll!l Is get to act c\·eryday or every Bowen play Mr. Hardcastle k to be Judged in II diftcrent points. The students that are span Aln•t• OJ/ll Well w1d Living in Paris week," Bowen smd one stnge manager from the of The Rcpcnory Project will have 111 She Stoops to Conquer and tegorics including best ovcrnll Actors Equi ty Association are tak­ and Eleemo:,ynal)1• There is a workshop for the Deputy-Governor Danforth m T11e ewspaper and best ovcrull ycar­ earned eight points towards their The tudents are able to hear students to attend on audJtiomng. in!l pan in llte Repertory ProJect card after tl1 e plays have ended on CniCible. By havmg two very dif­ k. In tlte pas~ the ourier has first-hand the stories and experi­ There are nlso workshops on top­ th1s year. lltey inc lude Jose-ph ovember 18. For every week of ferent lone the JUdging. This year, it will Bowen. Phillip Clark, Michele ences of actors who have been in ics of business and Shakespeare. Judged through U l. 1\velve rehearsals wtd perfonnanccs. they tlle business for yean;. n •• equity Fugate, Mark lri h and helley cam one pomL Titesc workshops are all taught by hools are currently signed up to McPherson. Bach of the actors are actors have also given these stu· the professional a tors them ­ ttend the evcnL "'It puts us one step ahead of dents tmportant advice that others selves. performing in both She Sloops to schools and studen ts in the profcs- not in dtis typcofprogtam arc able Bowen has been a member of cc THEATER on page 8 •• Page 2- Tlte Shiel d - Thursday, November 8 , 2007 Video games may have use in classroom

By ABRlA DUGHAJSH young age. In the late 80's is defended video games in 1)-ont of Some types of video games dif­ help out with the story of the video not think this can occur with video pecial to the Shield when video games started becom­ ongress. fer than others. Indigo Prophecy game. games. Jones disagrees and ing very popular with game sys­ Jones said he tl1inks that ·tu­ is a video game that acts more like "That these games are not to be believes that they can. With video games becoming tems like Nintendo. l11e hobby of dents can better understand games a movie. Movies use the tenni­ dismissed as just games, whether It is not certain whether or not more and more advanced each video games stayed 'vith Jones or movies rntl1cr than books. They nology of chapters instead of they are intended as such they are video games wil l be a complete year. there are some people tllRt throughout his life. It was not are much LnO{e engaging, and games. l11e game also opens li ke constructing meaning," said Tom part of a class's learning experi­ believe they can be a useful tool until grnduate school he staned to many people today are stimulated a movie with credits and mus ic Ri vers, professor of English. ence. Jones said that technology within the classroom. The ques­ question whether this was just a by visual imagery. Jones has, at pl ayi ng in the background. Also, Jones said that the game Grand over time crept into the classroom tion being asked 'vith video games hobby or if there were more to times, used video games to help in the opening scene of the video Theft Auto is satire, which is also more and more. is whether or not they are ab le to these video games. demonstrate topics such as heroes game, the main character can be found in literature. The game is People who believe in todny's tell a story. His research started \vith every­ and epics in his classes. heard discussing what has hap­ built around cu lturnl stereotypes. soctety expect there to be tory David Jones, instructor of Eng­ day conversations with his room­ "I tl1ink it is n good way of pened to him. Some people that disagree with platform among different rypes of lish at the University of Southern mates in grnduate school on the holding tl1c student's interest, but I The gan1cr or player is able to the theory that video games can media like books and movies, but Indiana, is one person in particular subject. When he started to do not tl1ink it should be used choose fro m a few di fferent tell a story because of things such also now in video games as well . who believes that certain videos research more in depth, he real­ dnily,"said Erin Reichel. sntdent at options as what to do next instead as story time, the moment in Some of which include Harry Pot­ do tell a story. He has done ized bow much research had US I. of only having one speci fi c tlting which the story happened, and dis­ ter and Lord of the Rings. research on tl1is topic and spoken already been done on video She also went on to say that the tt> do like in most games. With the course time, when Ute story was "(Video) games might be at lectures as well. One of these games. One name he came across tory line possibilities in books are differe nt choices, the gan1cs are told or read within a story or piece another evolutionary step in litera­ lectures was at US! on Oct. 26. was Henry Jenkins who is a pro­ infi nite un like video games that given differe nt outcomes. Each of literature. In a piece of litera­ ture," Jones said. His interest 'vith videos games fessor at Massachusetts Institute have to follow preplanned direc­ ti me the game is played it can tum ture, these two thing come started as most peoples' do at a of Technology. Jenkins has tions. out differently. The gamer gets to together as one. People who do The turkey isn't the same without ., ODDS ARE, the stuffing. ~Y-l YOU'RE NOT ~)({f . GOING TO HAVE What would Plymouth Rock be = ATOP TEN SONG. without the ROCK?

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ADM (Archer Daniels Midland) Indiana INTERNnet American Cancer Society Indiana State University American General Finance Indiana University School of Medicine American Red Cross- SW Indiana Indianapolis Peace Institute Atlas Van Lines lnGen Technologies, Inc. Backhaul Direct Integra Bank Berry Plastics ITT Technical Institute Bob's Gym JET Program Branchville Correctio nal Facility Kelly Services, Inc. Bridges of India na Kentucky Data Link CEO (Consolidate d El ectrical Distributors) Kroger Food Stores C. H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc. MasterBrand Cabinets, Inc. Ci ntas Millennium Steel Services . Clark Dietz, Inc. Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Dea coness Hospital Ozanam Family Shelter Dell, Inc. Rural King Supply, Inc. Enter prise Rent-A-Car SABIC Innovative Plastics (fonnorty GE Plas tics) Evansville ARC/ARC Industries St. Mary's Medical Center Evansville Police Departme nt Sherwin-Williams Company Fastenal Industrial Supply Solarbron Fifth Third Bank Southern Illinois University School of Law Finish Line Target GAF Materials/ELK T.J. Maxx Distribution Center Grain Processing Corporation United States Air Force Growth Alliance Greater Evansville u.s. Army Recruiting -Evansville Historic New Harmony USI Human Resources Indiana Department of Child Services Wells Fargo Financial Fo'r more infoFmation: www.usi.edu/careersv/ The Shie ld - Students drink less with age Mack pleads (U-WIRE) SYRACUSE, N.Y. - Though turning 21 is a tick­ NDAR et to legal drinking, interviews wi th students and experts reveal that EVENT reaching this milestone only lessens alcohol consumption TIME guilty for murder among students. PLACE "Before I turned 21, I cenain­ Thursday November 8, ly drank a lot," sa1d Woo Jin Koh, Clothing Drive Darren Mack wife and shoots judge a 24-year-old Syracuse University AJ.L DAY sophomore. "Once I turned 21 , I didn't drink as much." (AP)-A man 17-18, saying he wanted to allow guilty pleas was insignificant to The theory that drinking pat- accused of killing his wife and time for statements, and Mack us.'' David Chesnoff, one of terns of srudents change when they shooting the judge who was han­ made it clear be wanted to speak. dling their biner divorce reached a 'There are some very impor­ Mack's lawyers, said he was are able to buy and consume alco­ tant things to say, and I've pleased that Mack likely will have hoi legally was confirmed by a plea deal Monday, bringing an 2000 study in The American Jour­ abrupt end to his . remained quiet through this whole a chance to be released on parole. nat of Preventive Medicine titled Darren Mack, 46, pleaded thing," Mack·said. Charla Mack's mother, "Environmental Correlates of guilty to first-

ByJ.J. LUTZ such resttnints. of overwhelming evidence of war pizza delivery guy because tlte sway your vote in the upcoming political race? The Shield slllff Former Hallibunon employ­ profiteering. tn December 2003, more they interrogated the more ees claim that KBR orders the when the Defense Contract Audit money tl1ey made. The U.S. Government has so wrong equipment, then throws it Agency fbund that KBR had Dyncorp International, "I think it is neccssaty for tl' to much money that it has hired in the pit and invoices the go crn- overcharged for fuel by $61 mil­ which receives billions to train move into that directmn It " .t ¥OOC Hallibunon to burn it. The com- ment for it. They \vill bum an lion dollars. the Army Corps sim­ Iraqi troops, is being investigated idea because ifthiO{!'t COOIIOUI.! Ill pony's subsidiary, KBR, operates entire vehicle for having a bad ply relieved KBR of any need to for massive fraud. Investigators the way they arc going now, the burn pits ne." tO US bases in Iraq. tire; anything that malfunctions in provide cost information and say the books are in such disarrny environment is only gotng to get Some cover an area the size of any way goes into the pit. The fired their audi tor, Bunnatine they have given up trying to audit worse." sixteen football fields and operate more they spend, the more they Greenhouse when she objected. them. Some have accused con­ around the clock. What they are make and you wouldn't believe KBR 's abuses include pro­ tractors hired to train Iraqi troops Freshman Alex Feldbusch mainly burning is US taxpayer bow good those industrious U viding polluted water for our sol­ of not wanting to work them­ Buincss Admini>tration money. contractors in Iraq have gonen at diers to bathe in and overcharging selves out of a job. The longer the This situation springs from a spending taxpayer money. billions of dollars for services not process can be drawn out the wonderful creation called the Hallibunon didn't even have provided or double billed. more money the contracting firms cost-plus contract. With a cost- to bid for their cost-plus con- Meanwhile, KBR continues to be make. plus contract, the company tracts. Dick Cheney was CEO of paid $99 per bag to wash clothes Employees of contracting mvoices the customer for any Hallibunon before becoming Vioe for US soldiers while the troops firms now outnumber U.S. troops e: o~ l'-ngineers.,, n> CACI, which paid to tio'?> \yith monfy to, bum1tcontin­ ciSes some type of ovcrsfgblto Siitre receiving tlie conlrncts, interrogate pn'Sohe..S a{ ABu " ues to pay them-' .. I ·•· hi h ~veno t really given it much make sure the expenses don 't get the companies employed to pro- Grahub, provided unqualified thought. Our Country is cleaner than out of hand. The current U.S. vide services in Iraq have enjoyed personnel and was inclined a lot of other countries." government operates ~mder no tremendous immunity in the moe toward interrogating the local Sophomore Charles Me Elroy USI: Growing towards green Pre-Law By DAN! PALMER program is backed by that overall. People working for ers. Plastics, paper, bottles: The Shield staff money and specifically tar­ the Grounds Center pick up you know the drill people. gets those living in the trash around campus and Sure, there are some Is the University of apartments and dorms. takerecyclable goods to recy­ students out there that care Southern Indiana green? And Some recycling stations cling centers in the area. about the environment and yes, people. I know our have already been set up Individual professors what happens to it. Greg school colors are red, white around the apanmenl com­ such as Paul Doss, associate Wagoner was even tell ing and blue. I mean environ­ plexes for students to put professor of geology, have me that some students bad mentally conscious when I their recycling goods in. put in effons to make cam­ asked him for recycling con­ say green. The answer to These stations can be deco­ pus a greener place. Maybe tainers. It is good to know "As far as politically, I don 't think my question I'm sure you rated by any students with a few more professors that some students care, but that it's a fuctor that wou ld sway a are all wondering is: not artistic abilities. Recycling should show some concern seriously, not enough do. vote. Just because of all of the dif­ quite yet, but we' re slowly buckets will soon be avail­ for the envirorunent too. Is there even a student ferent fuctors that go into a political getting there. able for those who want On tha t note, many envirorunental group on cam­ campaign. lftl1e environment was Both the Depanment of them as well. more students should jump pus? If so, I haven't heard that big of a factor it would be Residence Life and the Greg Wagoner, assistant in and put fonh some more anything about it. If not, emphasized in day to day life, more Grounds Center have recy­ director of Residence Life, is effort to make campus a well there definitely should than it would be a future campaign cling programs in use and hoping that education pro­ cleaner, more environmentally be. I' m not a crazy tree issue." some individuals are working grams will be started soon friendly place. lns tead of hugger by any means, but I bard to make USI's environ­ for the residents. These pro­ thro\ving your trash out the personally don 't want to see Jessee Sandlin ment a better place. grams will inform students window, save it until you our environment go to crap. Senior Communication The Indiana Depanment of what can and cannot be get where you're going and We all should care at least a Studies Major of Environmental Manage­ recycled and will also make then toss it in a can. Too little about the places we ment (IDEM) awarded USI a students more consciously many people litter. Another live in.Now is the time to $45,000 grant to establish a aware of the environment. thing you can do is take any make US I a truly green recycling program in campus The Grounds Center cur­ recyclables you have and put place. housing. Residence Life's rently keeps campus clean them in their proper contain- 'This issue is gigantic. I can't imag­ ine that it would not be to anyone is a 76 credit hour program, else. No longer is it okay to not talk which includes 27 hours ofpr&­ ~bout the en"!ronment as being an requisite classes. Applicanls ISSUe. I thtnk Its pretty clear that it lener to the Editor :~:;=_attics, safety, hand must have a minimum of a 2. 7 has been scientifically proven how Tq tbc ttlltpr; art of helpmg ~le with every- therapy, etc. grade point average. SIUdcnls imponant as a large issue. A lot of . day problems oflrving. In the US! offers two-degree pro- can find more infilnnation about people are conoemed with foreign . . Occupational therapy prac- context of the world of an occu- grams. The first is an occupe- these progmns by going to the policy curren tly. It doesn 't matter b!IOIIm have heard many com- pational therapist the word tional therapy program. which is USI web page and checking how many times we are bombed if moms. such as, "I don't neod an "occupalion" means any activity a combined bacllelon and 1111&- under lll:8demic Jli08I8IIIS. we weren 't here. Since the younger occupalional therapist. I aln:ady that a person engages in that tcrs degree. This is a fJve-year I hope this Will clear up any genemtion of voters may be have a job!" I would tilte to gives his or her life meaning. prognun. which includes two tmeettainty one migbl have between the ages of 18-23 they iufonn students at USI about Occupational therapy pr"JCtttion- years (64-65 hours) or prerequi- about occupational therapy. might not be thinking about the occupaliOnal therapy and what crs work to restore, maintain or site classes, two more years to Hopefully, some IIUdents whose future. for our children. I am very an occupational thera~ pracll- improve any area of a person's complete the BS degree, and an maJors arc wtdecided will cbeck consc aous oft.hat fact. It is impoa1ant boner does. It JS a posstbthty. hfe. They work to improve safe- additional year of graduate into the olllslandiug occupalion­ ~at we know what we are putting that at some pomt m thetr ltves. ty and reduce pos.sibtlities of coW"Sework Applicants to the al therapy programs ofl'eml at m, or on, or ncar our bodies. Our ~ studenb will requ~ the injury, such as in job related program must have a 3.0 grade US I. children and their future is our skills of an occupational thera- tasks or in athletic settings. point average. The second is an uunost responsibility" ptst. . Tbcrc is a wide range or :u-cas occupational therapy assistant Julie Amos, OTS Oocupattonal Therapy is lhe that an occupational thcrnpi t associate degree program. This Melissa Cossey

The Shield l dUorial Board UftZBS '1'0 'l'IIJIIDITOR Business Manager ODISTCOIOIIR!Ailll l diwr-ln.(lhief Opinion editor Christina Warren The Shield accepts original. unpubllsbed lst­ Sl-IIELO The Shield Is a designated publlo fol'\1111· ters from all or Its readers. Letters should be no www.uslshield.com Brandl Weyer Brooklyn Solis Advenltl.ng Manager [email protected] News editor 1\ Cetera editor Signed opinions are published to provtde more than 260 words. Letters must be signed Andy Wilkins diverse viewpoints and to encourage debalt on and have a telephone number for verification. Lindsey Zlllak J on Webb Olrc:ula\lon Manager lseuse Important to the university commUDIIJ• The editor reserves the right to edit for length, Spons editor Online editor Suoh oommentarles represent ths vtews of \Ill style, grammar and spelling. Pieces wtU appear In Ryan DeLaney Zach Crowell Kelon Boyde author and not necessarily those of thiS neWI' The Shield Online. Letters can be submitted Presentation Manager paper. online or vta e-mall. Oplnlou eqroand In QDJ""ed edltorlala repreaent a couenna Zaohary Adkins opinion o ~ the editorlol board- EtCetera ____ ...,;;,;;iiiii;:~~i!f:l!!!l!!!!!•- -M~us~l~c,~M;o;v;le;s~a~n;d~S;tu;d;e~n;t~L;;;:_ - an 1 Thurs day, November 8, 2007 :· The Shield· Pages Saturday Night Live hits stride The high Classic sketch-comedy show fmally climbs out of its funk - just in time for its writers to strike. ., By BLAKE BE HAM home. Island ( and Maya to recognize him. price of ., The Shield staff TI1e catch? All the Democrat· Rudolph) interview a fireman The remainder of the show ic pres idential candidates were (Williams) and eventually become wasn 't spectacular, but plenty of With the tltreat of a writer' invited. Hillary Clinton (Amy so worked up about personal laughs were provided. "Weekend strike looming, Satwriay Night Poehler), dressed as a bride often issues, they leave him alone to do Update" was solid and Fred Live attempted to go on tl1e indef­ confused for a witch, played host· tl1eshow. Annisen provided yet another - inite hiatus with some momentum css with her husband Bill (Darrell 1\vo commercial parodies quality commentary, this time as a Hannah this past weekend, with NBC Hammond). found tl1eir way to air. TV executive who doesn't under­ anchonnan as host The fonner presiden ~ natu· The first was for a new prod­ stand what all the fuss is about • and quirky Feist as musical guest. rally, dressed as "Mystery" from uc~ Maybelline: Makeup for Men. from TV writers. With mostly a dismal show­ tl1e Vh I how 17te Pickup Artist. The second was a spoof on Annisen continued to steal ing up to this poio~ SNL needed to All of the costumed candi­ the iPhone ads, where Fred the show on a Larry JGng Live - salvage the potentially hortened dates were impressively imper· Annisen plays a man who demon­ spoof. As Larry King, Annisen Montana season by providing a consistently sonated, including Bill Richandson strates how the iPhone can be used interviewed J.K. Rowling funny show with well -written () in an AI Gore cos­ to cover up an adulterous affair. (Poehler) about the recent procla­ By BROOKLYN SOLIS He was offered the role of her sketches and solid perfonnances tume, Chris Dodd and Joe Biden Arguably the best sketch of mation that Dumbledore from the· Opinion editor father. Makes sense, but most by the cast and host (Bill H ~der and ) as the night poked fun at CW dramas Harry Potter movies and books "tweens" have no idea who be is. What resulted was arguably Spongebob Squarepants, respec­ fo r teens. In the sketch producers was gay. Actress. They don't know about his own the best episode of tl1e season. tively and Dennis Kucinich for tl1e show Rileys Way filmed Another Democratic debate Pop Star. acid wash jeans and infamous SNL couldn 't have chosen a more (unknown child actor) as a Christ­ the last scene of the series. sketch followed Machine. mullet hairsryle. unfortunate time to hit its stride. maself. Things go awry, however, Here, most of the candidates Whatever you want to call At least Billy Ray aged well. The last writer's strike in At the end of the sketch, the when th e loveable principal gathered backstage, with the her, Disney Channel star Miley You never know-his song could be 1988 limited SNL to a few Clintons were approached by a (Williams) finds out he's not going exception of Hillary Clinton and Cyrus, (or Hannah Montana) has the reason why a lot of these episodes before being shut down candidate in a Barack Obama to be a part of the spin-off and Barack Obama. indirectly crushed the dneams of ''tweens"' parents are still together. fo r the season. Because of. the mask, who is revealed as Obama insists that the writers kill him off The candidates plotted ways tween fans across the nation. Perhaps wbat drives Miley's strike, original cast member Gilda himself. Another great sketch fol­ to steal some of Clinton's momen­ Tickets for her 54- date tour success is her squeaky-clean Radner, who was scheduled to "I have nothing to hide" lowed. This time, Williams plays a tum, but Williams informs them "Best of Both Worlds" sold out in image. host in the '88 season, \V8S denied Obama said to a rousing studio Publisher's Clearinghouse winner that the media has already made a matter of minutes. Hannah Montana is simple. her triumphant return. audience ovation. "I enjoy being who has a hard rime getting excit­ up its mind: it has decided on Tickets sold at face value for On ever·so-popular television Radner died the following myself." ed about winning $15 million. Hillary. S22 to $66 before rapidly selling show, Cyrus plays a version of year of ovarian cancer. He then shouted, '1 just want Reporter tries to In the final sketch, NBC out. After the mass hysteria, herself and pop star alter-ego Han­ Those who could end' up to tell the American people, live feign enthusiasm for Williams and executives hire an obscure band to scalpers sold rickets on Stubhub nah Montana being denied their moment of from New York, it's Saturday eventually begins to hyperventi­ create a new, hip theme song for and eBay for as much as S4,000 a Only her closest frieods know comedic glory include names such night!" late after she shows the reactions NBC Nightly News wiJh Brian seat. the nuth about her double life. The as Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, With tha~ the show began. of past winners. Williams. They eventually settle ''Nobody anticipated it would shows consists of 20 minutes of , and , all of Williams poked fun at himself in Williams eventually gets on a Bond-like opening th at be this much of a frenzy," Debra normal events that happeo to four­ whom were reportedly scheduled the monologue, wondering aloud excited, but only because the pizza crescendos into Williams saying, RathweU, senior vice president for teen year olds. Miley then magi­ to host. to himself and NBC if his hosting deliveryman gives him free ''lbat's how I rol.l." promoter AEG LNE said in the cally transforms into a pop Lucki ly for SNL fanf, Brian was indeed a good idea. cheesy bread. If that is indeed how Williams Rolling Stone. "I've never had so princess with the help of a blonde Williams was spared. As it rums out, the decision The SNL Digital Short was a rolls, he should be at the top of the many phone calls in my li fe from wig and glittery eyes. Thanks to the Democratic \vas certairtly a good one. look at a day in the life of list for recurring hosts. SNL was people complaining or begging." There are no racy photos of Debate on Ocl 30, the writers had In what is becoming an Williams, which surprisingly able to keep a bitter taste· out of The initial problem was not the girl floating around on the loads of political material to work alanning trend, the worst sketch of includes throwing pennies from a funs' mouths before the writer's with Ttcketmaster, even though Internet, and her clothes cover all with and certainly didn 't hold any­ the night was used right after the high-rise at and AI strike. there were limited supplies of tick­ of her parts while she performs as thing back. monologue. Roker, sending encouraging With this episode, SNL ets for each venue. The blame has Hannah. The cold opening premise On .the "Bronx Beaf' - an voicemails to' himself and standing should have created some been directed at brok.:rs who used It makes sense that parents was a Halloween party hosted by overly-utilized = wring sketch - tll t:::i '_.the ' S'fd~ OutStd~ - R~ke- nlomentum going into the next "bots" to scalp as many tickets support their child's need to the Clintons at their Chappaqua two bitter housewives from Long feller Center waiting for someone show ... whenever that may be. possible. scream along to songs such as According to the Rolling "Girl's Night Out," while knowing Stone, Ttckemaster sued three the lyrics are purely innocent. such brokers and one software Perhaps the most interesting CO!)lP'lllY - RMG Technologies - part is not that Miley has a legion Striking and 'scab' -ing earlier this year alleging that the of fans, but that she has songs company has used bois to pur­ credited to her,;elf and Hannah. For the preservation of my chase more than 115,000 tickets She is another pop machine: A proposal to end the Hollywood writer's beloved TV, I am prepared to online since 2002. commen:iaJized and packaged in alienate the entire writing commu­ Perhaps just as acid \vash pink with glinery eyelids. Her strike: put TV in the hands of one man. nity. jeans have gone out ofsty le, so has mass appeal is great. The problem the idea of waiting in tine to see a By JON WEBB operating table, though, he begins I don't recall a Scrubs Stepping across company lies with scalpers honing in on this favo rite artist or group. Et Cetera editor assessing his own life. episode ever foUowing that tem­ lines is nothing new for me. In trend. Waiting in line used to be part Through inner monologue, plate. My scripts won't only allow 1945, I acted as a "scab" during Seeing a concert by an artist of the concert going e.~perience. On November 5, Hollywood he realizes he still loves his blonde television to persevere, but also the Canadian Ford Motor Compa­ like Bruce Springsteen - whose If you have the cash and the writers went on strike demanding friend/co-worker Elliot (Sarah push it in bold new directions. ny strike. career doubles Cyrus' entire life. technology, however, you aren't a larger share of DVD revenues Chalke). Drama 'viii not die on my For 99 1ong days - faced \vith rime - is already too pricey. Pre­ going to have to brave the weather and compensation for content Also, the inexpl icably hateful watch, either. the harsh Canadian late autumn - I dictions that his tickets too could broadcast over the Internet. The or fear loosing your spot in line. disap­ janitor gives J.D. some sort of r ~ m cwrently working on a single-handedly manned the sky rocket has concertgoers strike will - for now - halt pro­ Who would have ever imag­ pointed in the whole system. duction of late-night talk shows 'We've hunkered down for a long one.' ined that the daughter of Billy Ray "It's one thing to have an (ala The Daily Show) and eventu­ Cyrus would have so much suc­ angr'y Springsteen fan," said a ally stall all scripted, primetime Nick Counter cess? Rolling Stone industry source. television. Hollywood producer's union negotiator Billy Ray's heart isn 't achy or ult's another to have an angry soc~ According to the Associated breaky anymore, because he too cer mom whose twelve-year-old Press, fh:s h episodes of shows like has enjoyed the sueccss of Miley's girl didn't get to see Hannah Mon­ show. 17te Office and (gasp!) Grey;. trouble. Perhap a death tltreat. Heroes script in which cheerleader tana." Anatomy wi ll run out by January I'm not sure yet. Claire (H ayden Panettiere) breaks assembly line and rendered thou­ or February. Meanwhile, J.D.'s friendlco­ her neck repeatedly out of bore­ sands of coupes and trucks. 'It's one thing to have an angxy Spring­ "We've hunkered down for a worker Thrk argues 'vith his fiance dom. Compared to assembling steen fan demanding tickets. It's long one," said Nick Counter, Carla and makes a pun calling Back in New York, artist combustible 1940's engines, the chief negotiator for the Hollywood attention to his African American­ Isaac (Santiago Cabrera) creates a upkeep of television is easy. another to have an angcy soccer mom producer's union. "At some point ism. painting that tells of a future that 's To all the studio heads: whose 12-year--<>ld daughter didn't get conversations wi ll take place. But A turning point in the episode already happened. Several nearl>y please consider this offer. 1 not now." comes right before the second characters stare at the artwork \vith Remember: shows like I to see Hannah Montana. The Writers Guild ofAmerica commen:ial break, when Dr. Cox smug self-satisfaction, whispering Love New York make scripts last struck in 1988 for 22 weeks offers sarcastic marital advice to for cheap, dramatic effect. mass-produced by an amateur -Anonymous Entertainment and cost the movie and television the emotionally languishing Turk. For a cliff-hanging conclu­ look like Shakespeare. industries more than $500 million. Industry Source Dr. Cox: Well (insen girl' sion, I introduce a ·~ero" that - If this proposal becomes real­ This unfortunate develop­ name), although my wife's voice unlike the other characters - pos­ ity, I could easily win an Emmy. ment leuves the downtrodden. sends a ghostly chill up my spine sesses the supernatural ability to If I'm not mistaking, that 's multimillionaire studio heads on ly that often causes my testicles to speak in dialogue not ridden with something Shakespeare never did. one option to fi ll television sched­ burrow inside myself, I always try clichC. ules: Reality TV. to tell her exactly how I feel. If To keep 12-hour mnmthons she behaves like tl1 e Angel of ofKid Nation off television, I offer Deatl1, I let her know. a sen ibl e solution to the net· Turk: So, I should just be works: honest? Myself. ,, Dr. Co : Gee golly (insen ui£\J.l}..'~ 1 chum out severn! TV scripts different girl's name), you catch .J":_.!r S•"''"'" t,. dt•"" \ 1{ • • • a day and am classically tmined in on quick. u,.tv•rsttY • be COO the art of television writing. Thrk: TI1anks Dr. Cox. Be (l gmdunted Su mma Cum S uea

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ofUSI students4riak 3, 2, 1, Olr zero drinks wh n hanging a.t with friends. - USI Asaeannent Day R...uts Fall 200e 111 IIUntl will .... 10 outJ all ,.. IJliiD ol po ap II II hllou. lal IMW J117 lSI m1M ,.,.W. ,.. jnOIIJ ilt, knocking down 14 in the one wild card holders in the third game alone. Rahman also GLVC tournament. They get nailed four service aces and four theu\'hance IO face off against the blocks. 20 ranked Unversity of lndi­ Prior to the Eagles' season anapoli Greyhounds in the first closer on an1rday against Mi s­ round of the tourney on Friday $0Uri-St. Louis, US! took time at 6:30 p.m. in Indianapolis. to honor its two seniors: tephanie Wil son and Rahman. The Lady Eagles found the power to prevail on Senior Day, defeating the Tritons in a four­ set round 30-16, 34-36, 30-25, 30-23. USI' victory over UMSL marks their eighth strait winning season. More impor­ santly, the win gives the Eagles a spot in this weekend's GLVC tournament Molly Ra hman leads Eagles to two consecutive victories over the weekend. The Eagles jumped off 10 a Friday to battle for the GLVC title. great defensive start as they forced II errors from the Tri­ tons, limiting them to a negative Photo courtesy of ports a nd Information Fighting I~ish too much Dungy looking for improvement for Screaming Eagles f C It . d h If By GUY SCOTT us see where we ore as a team," rom 0 s Ill 2 n a The Shield staff said sophomore guord Vanita mart. INDIANAPOLIS (AP)- Tony mist, belie,•es the Colts can fix Last year, the Colts dropped passed Unitas for a touchdown The University of outhem USI junior guard Carly Clen­ Dungy's Colts are 7-l and atop those mistakes. under the radar after going 9-0 milestone this season after Indiana women's basketball denen was the only Eagle who the AFC South halfway through "I think what happened to us and most figured their leaky run breaking Unitas' franchise team was in action on Nov. 1. in hot in double-figures with II the season. is we were playing a really good defense wouldn't allow them 10 record against Carolina on Oct. South Bend. They ployed Notre points, scoring eight in the sec­ But if they want 10 repeal as team and we weren't quite able win a title. They did it anyway. 28 .... Joseph Addai needs 296 Dame and the Fighting Irish ond half. Senior forward Jas­ Super Bowl champs, Dungy to match them in the fourth quar­ "\Ve can't assume we'll sec yards to produce his second have one of the best women's mine Baines scored ccond knows this: They must play bet­ ter," he said. "I think we'll grow these guys again like everyone's straight I ,000-yard season. . .. basketball programs in the coun­ highe 1 for the eEagle with ter. from it and learn from it" saying," Dungy said. "We've got With II interceptions in the first try. Notre Dame proved to be eight point . "We've played pretty good the So much was made of Sun­ to get in first." half of the season. the Colts are too much for the creaming With the regular cason start­ first half of the season, but we're day's duel in the RCA Dome that Manning needs one more vic­ on pace 10 pick off their most Eagles, as they won the conic 1 ing in about two week , the only one game ahead of Ten­ some arc wondering whether it lory for o. I 00 in his career passes since 1995 when they fin­ 90-38. The lri h took control Eagles have time to practice and nessee, and Tennessee is playing will affect the Colts in San and needs three more TD pas es i hed with 23. from the start by jumping out 10 work on some things that hun pretty well ," he said Monday. Diego. to pass John Unita on the FL's a 16-2 lead with 13 minutes len them against the Fighting Irish. ,That's why we have to win this Judging from the down but career touchdown li 1. It would io the first half. Notre Dame However. the Eogles played o week, so we don't have a tie sit­ hardly dour mood in the locker mark the second time he's kept going hard and led 51-13 at very strong econd half, proving uation." room, players seemed to be the half. that they contains what they If Sundoy's 24-20 loss 10 ew keeping things in perspective. TI>e Screaming Eagles hoot­ need to play at a competitive England showed the Colts any­ "\Ve knew we were going to Screaming Eagles cross sng woes in the first half hun Ieve. thing, it's how much better they be in for a tough stretch after the them. They were held to 21.1 "We need 10 work hord in must become 10 defend their bye ond I think we'll be fine," percent from the field while practice 9nd use this game as a conference title. Brackett said. "We'll moke the country teams pace shooting four of 19. They di s­ learning experience. We also On paper, the Colts hove been corrections in the film room ond played a promising second half need to make sure we· re ready as impressive as any team west play bcller." their way to Nationals by doubling thesr posnl total and for the hOJ11C opener," Smart of Foxborough, Mass. They've In fact, Dungy shrugged off only being outScored 39-25. said. beaten all three divi ion foes on any notion of a possible letdown By OLLEE Bl KLEY the title. The Eagles also doubled their The Eagles open tl1e regular the road, rank in the lop five as the Colts return to national The hield staff One key runner was senior field goal production, four of season on ovember 17 against both offensively and defensive­ television unday night in an Paul Jellemo, who led the whsch were three-point field the University of lllinois­ ly, arc running bc11er and shut­ Diego. University of Southern Indi­ Screaming Eagles with a sec­ goals. pringficld. ling down opponents' ground And one of the reasons is their ana 's men and women eros ond-place finish, and a I Ok time "Thts game was n good learn· go mcs tor better than they did previous experience in these sit­ country teams competed in the of 31 minutes, 36.83 seconds. sng experience for us. It helped last year. uations. CAA II Great Lakes Regional Jellema earns All-Region Hon­ For more than three quarte~ "I think we know wh[H's at Championships on amrday. ors for his outslonding perfonn­ USI vs. UE: International undoy, they also ployed well stake nnd we can't afford a let­ The girl's team finished 4th ance. enough against sh e Pats 10 take a down aner this lo;s," Dungy overall and had great limes by enior Rey Alvarez had I 0-point lead. But in those last said. "We've hod some tough many of their runners. another great perfonnance with Clubs' soccer teams face off I 0 minutes, th e olts' fl aws losses around here, and we've ophomorc Mary Bollinger a time of32 minutes, 20.15 sec­ were obviou . They turned the By RVA DeLA E had some lo es where people led the Eagles with a third-ploce onds, finishing in 17th place. ball over, dropped pa ses, com­ Spans editor have len u for deod far more finish and 6k time of21 mmutcs, U I got anosher solid perfoml­ milled pcnallies, couldn't stop than this." 37.2 econds. nnce from Tristan Mannix, who the Patriots' deep passes and The most recent e.xomple was Freshman Leslce Getts fin­ finished 24th with a I Ok time of The University of outhcn> 2 p.m. gave up a big punt return. la:,t cason' 44-17 blowout in ished 19th overall, which wos 32 minutes, 34.50 seconds. Indiana lntcrnotaonul tub All of tho e things helped the defend their soccer tillc this Jacksonville, a game the oilS the sume finish she had two As a team, the girls scored I c=a mp us Potriots (9-0) pull ofT a come­ week ogo a1 the GLVC Cham­ We~kend as they bailie th e Inter­ allowed 375 yards rushing. 151 points and the men. 134, back in the game of the season before making their uper Bowl pionships. Ballinger, who was sending both she Screaming national lub from the Univen.i~ and leO the Colts searching fo; 'Y of Evansville. The undoy run. fourth ot the GLVC Champi­ Engle men and women to the Liu of Ttuwnn, Omnr Bibi of answers. While most people are onships two week ago, earns CAA ll Championship. For the match at U l's trasswcg Field "If we take care of a lot oflit­ rnarh the second mccung of thu Tunisia, Firot Girgin and Tancr already talksng about o Colts­ ll-Region honors for her per­ women, it's their first trip since Ankm of Turkey. and Me modou tl ~ th in$s, it become habit," Pats rematch in January. Dungy formance. 2005. and the founh time in the two team !-., the first ma1eh wru msddle lmebncker Gary Bracken held in the spring of tlus yeur. Lnmm Monnch, Brooks Cooper, is warning his players at's no cer­ Saturday wn also a great day past six years. For the men, it Marc Lemond, Tyler Niedens, said. "If we ploy a lillie beuer tainty. for senior Meagan chcidlcr, wi ll be their third consecutive The U I tcnm consisb of it's a different outcome.'' ' Leonardo Fleck of Brazil. Wen coli Miller and Joe Rayman of Again, Dungy can pomt to who placed 34th, olong with her year in attendance. Both teams Dungy is in sistent about the Cas of hina, Endong Zhu of the United tntcs. recent history of expectation . teammates including opho­ will compete on November 17th The mutch begins at 2 p.m. on solution, too. In 2005, mosl nnn lysss had tl1e morc, arnh \Vhiteman, and in Joplin, Missouri for the ecuodor, Michael Tcpsic and \Vhcn he reviewed tope of the ~~ns_toph Burger of Gennany, undny. The event is open to Colts penciled 111 for the uper sophomore Lacy Williams plac­ Na1ional title under Coach Mike the public and tickets coss $2. game Mondoy, he deciphered Bowl aner they opened 13-0 ing 41st. and 55th. Hillyard. I( ahfa AI -Dughosshcm of what went wrong and said his uwau , Rcgmold Egedc of before the journey wos derailed The men 's team also did -Conlrihutions [ron ews and players will also be disappoinsed by eventual champion PitLi;j­ tremendously well oturdny. Nsgcria, Hasan Odeh of Polc,­ m what they sec. sAsnc, Fasool AI Varni and Khalid Jn{ormotihear had 431,566 satd he could not bt: uiedin offi~e. Pittsburgh. cc't.>d Rep. Paul Gillmor, who died Fletcher, a Republtcan whose lone vat , or 60 pereen~ to Fletcher's But _the grand JUlY later ISSUed 1ts No serious challenger threat· in cptember from a fa ll at hi s continued from Page 1 term was dogged by a hmng scan· 285,297 voles, or 40 pereent. findmgs, saymg Fletcher had ened San Francisco Mayor Gavin Washington opartment. The gener­ dal, lost badly Thcsday despite an Beshcar, who pulled otr a approved a "~v idespread and c~ r- Newsom's bid for a second tcnn, al election will be Dec. I I. roles it taught h1m how to be abl¢ elecnon-Bid his favori te part of the proJ· poltrician to come out of Hum- in western Kentucky. growth and rebuilding along the Nutter became the ci ty's next mg disuicts. ect was, "perfonning, teaching cane Kauina looking good, was Fletcher on Monday sought Gulf oast. Barbour and Iu s mayor on his promises to reduce Oregon votcn. considered a class. the whole thmg." heavily fuvored to \vin re- be John Arthur Eaves Jr., quoted b1d contructs and oftcr $10,000 tax by 84.5 cnts a pa k to 2.02 '"n prime example of how the UOJ: ful management of the recovery. displayed alon&.,idc other h~>ton- Scnpture as tl1ey exchanged barbs. breaks to companies tlmt hire con- to fund health insurance for vcrsity will change as a theatrt Democmtic challenger teve cal documents in the state apitol. The first returns in that mce were victs. But first uncr wnnts to about I00,000 children now lack­ dep~rtmcnt," icole Whitney, 1 Beshear, a former attorn•> general after a federal judge ruled that a not expected unt1l at least 9 p.m. declare a city\vide litter cleanup tng covcroge. Tobacco compan ies scmor at US!, s:ud. Wh itn ey and lieutenant governor, cru1sed to previous injunction in a separate EST. . . and rid the ity of Brotherly Love ~pent nearly 12 million lighting believes tl1at 11 will help bring more victory in Kentuck-y after a cam- court case did not apply to tl1e dis- As t conm1on 111 elections m of its less-flattering nickname: tl. students mto the theatre program at the um ve~ity. he no longer has a paign 10 which he repeatedly play. odd-numbered years, the slim Filthadelphia. C\\ Jersey vo ter.. were reminded voters of accusation Fletcher, the stnte's first GOP lineup of races was expected to In the lone ongressional dccidmg a n:tCrendum authorizing fear of uying to get a job after she that Fletcher directed the b1ring of governor in more than 30 years, keep nunout low. race, voters in northw t Ohio tl1e state to bomaw $450 mi ll ion W?duate;s as well. he said that po litical allies for JObs protected was indicted on misdemeanor Voters also were set to choose \yere choosing among five Rcpub- over I0 yean. to finance ~tern cell tlus proJect and the prof"'Sionnl by the state's merit system. charges that were later dismissed Hmts- hcans and two Democrats in a pri- n.:s~t rch . actors have insti lled a confi dence ~ 1th 71 perecnt of precmcts in a negotiated deal after a judge and for the nomination to sue- in tl1e students and also she does not feel so 1nt1midated going tnto an audition anymore. Whi utey started performing 111 college and USI i the defending plays the role ofTituba in 11te c,. champion in a second cible. She has also pertbm1ed in A Raisin in the Sun, A Midrummer contest between the Night :f Dream. nte Exonerated Rl Ra at The District USI and University of and Playboy of the Westem JJ vrld 812-426-0000 at US!. Evansville The Repertory Projoct has Grea t Food, Great Drinks, Great Cra ie! International Club become very successful, more tl1an occer teams. many thought it would be. Th, Tuesday: Pub Quiz @ 8:30. The areas only students and acton. would like to Live Trivia event! USI will host UE In a match sec this contmuc on. IL has gJ\'4..11 the ac1ors and audJcnce n chance to Wednesday: Open Mic @ 9:30. Contact Bodine from 2 t o 4 pm Sunday. No•venrtbe!l' be a part of a unique expcnence for slot availability. n. at Strassweg Field. Ruckriegel said tho! it is a pl uct when:, "the student stage ami th• Thursday: College Nigh t! :John Hussman @ 9:30 The two d ubs held t:helr first profe sional ;tagc meet ... and All Pmts only $2.50. offidal match In spring 2007. VSI '$ team Ull.:ludcs Khalifn AI·Dughcushcrn off\.U\\itit Ornnr 0 1bt ofTunisia. ~ l urty Uu ofT:uwan.. Fusool AI Yrutu w'od Kh:dtd Almchn Frida y: Ri Ra Live! Adam Blythe @ 9:30. Women of audi Ambia, Firnl Otrgm nnd -llincr 1-\.r\Rin orl\trk!..")', U..-orwdo in Free. All Budweise r product bottles only $1 .50. Acck ofBrazil.. Rtguu.ld Egcdc:of ' igt.'fi.l.. Endongl.Jm of f.cuador, Tickets are $2. Mi<:h.'tC I Tqx;;i

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