SeePage4 For all these featured stories and more, go to www.usishield.com ~ Th ursday, ovember 8 , 2007 Vol. 38 , Issue 10 The Shield is a designated t>Ublie forum. What's in ~ this issue? SPJ challenges speaker policv By ETB C RUNDHOEFER 'The rime has come to forcibly issued a sencs ofe-mruls p1I1p0int­ were taken. He was soon asked to ulty advisor The hicld staff free our family memebers from mg the violation of state and fed· leave. Tew sa1d the university's policy their captors, even if that means erallaw published on Yourofsky's In the case of last April, meas­ could effectively be used to reJect •• Darren Mack pleads Tite Society of Profe ional mjuring or k:ilhng someone in the Web site to Bennett. Kissel d1d ures were taken against Yourofsky speakers like Manin Luther King. guilty for murder Journalists "'direct ly challenged"' process." not deny or confum the contents regarding his violation of universi­ Jr., who habitually broke federal Page 3 USI's Outside peakers Poli cy Bennett said the compl aints of the online article. ty policy, even though he had law, dunng the civil rights move­ last week by inviting cancelled began with an anonymous source, "'I understand that a talk by hosted lecutreS in classrooms at menL • • Another shade of speaker and animal right's activis~ went straight to the administration Gary Yourofsky, who advocates US I after tlte ETSU mc1dent. Accordmg to Fox 7 news, USI and dean of students and ended the killing of children,. the rape of Harnington told T11e Shield m Pres1dem H. Ray Hoops sa1d green Gary Yourofsky back to campus. w;l.h Maurice Hamington, assis­ women, the anal rape of men and April, "'Just as a precaution, we Yourofsky can appear on campus; Page 4 Last Apri l, the university' pol i­ cy was used to deny Yourofsky, tant professor of philosophy and the death of SCientists, is still sub­ went ahead and cancelled." however he found it m .. poor who lectures on "ethical vegan­ Philosophy lub advisor. ject to the Umversity's Outside Yourofsky has given over I ,400 taste.'' , • Saturday Night Live ism," a platform at US I. On the day of the even~ Ham­ Speakers Policy," Kissel said in lecutreS on "ethical veganism," SP J still stresses Yourofsky's hits stride Under the policy, the universiy ington revoked Yourofsky's invi­ regards to US I's policy and the and this spring he wtll return to freedom of speech as well as the Page 5 can deny any speaker who may tation to speak, even though the language of Yourofsky's essay, USI. courtesyofSPJ. student's academic freedom to "advocate the violation of state or Philosophy Club was the origmal "Empathy, Education and Vio­ In the SPJ news release, the hear him. • • Republican Ernie federal law." sponsor. lence." policy that denied Yourofsky a "'I want an open forum where Fletcher's one last Tite cancellation process began '"The university over-reacted m Bennett said Yourofsky di - platform at USL, is considered an anyone can invite controversiaJ effo rt for governor with a stream of complaints a dictator-Like fashion aod failed to played ''violent-like behavior" "obstacle to freedom of speech." people to campus," Tew said. fails anonymously submitted to understand the words of my during a lecture at Eastern Ten­ The policy has managed to stay PageS Provost and Vice President of 'Empathy, Education and Vio­ nessee State University in 2003. untouched since 1968 arid was Academic Affairs Linda Bennet~ lence essay" Yourofsky said. After a fuculty memeber presented taken straight from US! 's mother exposing violent language 1vithin According to pamphlets showing the benefits of college, Indiana State University. Yourofsky's Web si te Adaptt.org, frontpagemag.com, Glen Kissel. animal testing, Yourofsky became "Our policy doesn't match our .Media which reads: assistant professor of engineering, violent and security measures culture," said Chad Tew, SPJ fac- day Foam takes over smart fountain ·:returns Nearly 200 igh school ·ournalists ·sit university 3y LIND EY ZJLIAK ews editor The scene is different. The pur­ se remams the same. High ~ hool Media Day returnS to US I fter a two year hiatuS. Nearly 200 high school journal­ ists will visit US I on Friday for the 6th annual High chool Media Day. This event comes after being sent for almost two years. It was temporarily cancelled becnuse of tructuring. The restructuring involved anging a key aspect of the event. viously, media day was coordi­ ~llllled by The Evansville ourier and Press. ow the Courier and l'ress helps out. Gael ooper, asso­ ciate professor of public relations . .. directing the event through the ripps Howard enter for Media tudies. High School Media Day has ently takt.:n on a new date as l'ell. Titc event is being held in the II foronlythesecondyear. For 14 1 ear.; tt was on spring break. 'The tudents come to an empty npus. We didn't thmk that was I:nght. We have a lot gomg on on is campusJ nnd we wanted them lo see tlta~" Cooper said. ooper also said that the fall te should have minimal effects " students who have class that y. Some classes had to be moved f ~hit c ~nnss rcsc~blin g u soupy mushroom cloud billowed fro m th e fountai n ln~t week on Oct. 30. Late night ca mpus d\\ ell ers co uldn 't rrsist the fun as they flu no plumes lo make room for the high school ~vnt~~"~- ~n;~ 1th e' D.lr. "I'm sure they' ll .gct. il agai n tornorro"," sa id John n) Liggett, member of the ccood shift maintenance, as he dumped a lnrgc bo~ of defomte; into the tudenb, and two cl~ are actu­ • P_t) bottle of condensed UqUid laundry soa p and bubble-bath \\ flS ~nid to hn' e bl"Cn the only C\'idcncc to the crime The foam survived rhe nioht to orect n1dcnts lh e nex t mormng. · eo c lly a«ending a scss•on •nstead of lass that day. Photo by Zach Adkins Despite the changes, tltis year's High hool Media Day will be ically the same. The event 1vi ll •ck off '"th a keynote address :rom Mizell Stewar1 Ill , editor of .he Evansville Courier and Press. Repertory project puts USI 'a step ahead' = ll01ving the address, tc1Var1 1vill By AURIA D CHAt H Conquer and Th<• Cntcib/e. om It others m presenting vonous sion," said Jasmine Ruckricgcl, a to know for the future JO>Cph the Actors Equity Association peciaJ to the h1eld By bringing tlus project to ' !<:ill) intC~l o:tCSSIOn5. The M:S­ phomore at US! Bowen. a member of the Actors smce 1989. He IS ongmally from U I, the student> wuhin the the­ he lNIId betng able to work '1 ns nrc designed to give the stu­ l11c University of ulhcm Equ 1ty Association. has talke-d C\\ York and now !J, cs in Chica­ atre program are not only able to with professional actors has Jcnt> ops to become better joumal­ lndinnn is one of on ly n few with the tudents about man) go. He learned about the project >l' and 1mprove their high school 's sec what bemg a professiOnal helped her to know more of what aspects of professional acting. schools to have a progrnm in a tor i• like. but tl1ey are also clos­ '' hile worklng at the e\\ Harmo­ ewspapcr or yearbook. IS to be e'pected ns a profess•onal One imponant thtng he has ny Theatre over the summer and w~1ich students nrc able to perfonn er to earrnng thc.r equity card. To The high school JOurnalists will actor nnd l1 gi' a sense of how d1scussed is the auditionmg wanted to be a pan of 1L at only wtth professional actors. The be m the Actors Equity Associa­ "n d their day with nn awnrd 's an eqlllty card actually work>. process. lie smd that the audmon is thts experience good tbr the stu­ Rcpcnory Project has greatly tion o person must have an equ ty ~~ h<:<> n m Clll1er llall. The par­ 1 Ruckncgcl plays Marry Warren m is a huge part of the JOb. dents, but also for the professional Impacted not onl y the student.. but card. For tl1e most part, to get an 'IC tpallng schools were allowed to 77"· ClllcJble and has nlso per­ "It 1s a three mmutc chance to actors as wei I tl1e entire tllcatre progrnm at u 1. equity card an actor has to earn 50 oc.""'ld in their newspaper or year. Four professional nctors and fomted tn USl's Ja<·ques Bll!l Is get to act c\·eryday or every Bowen play Mr. Hardcastle k to be Judged in II diftcrent points. The students that are span Aln•t• OJ/ll Well w1d Living in Paris week," Bowen smd one stnge manager from the of The Rcpcnory Project will have 111 She Stoops to Conquer and tegorics including best ovcrnll Actors Equi ty Association are tak­ and Eleemo:,ynal)1• There is a workshop for the Deputy-Governor Danforth m T11e ewspaper and best ovcrull ycar­ earned eight points towards their The tudents are able to hear students to attend on audJtiomng. in!l pan in llte Repertory ProJect card after tl1 e plays have ended on CniCible. By havmg two very dif­ k. In tlte pas~ the ourier has first-hand the stories and experi­ There are nlso workshops on top­ th1s year.
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