Electromagnetic Analysis of Hydroelectric Generators
List of Papers This thesis is based on the following papers, which are referred to in the text by their Roman numerals. I Ranlöf, M., Perers R. and Lundin U., “On Permeance Modeling of Large Hydrogenerators With Application to Voltage Harmonics Predic- tion”, IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, vol. 25, pp. 1179-1186, Dec. 2010. II Ranlöf, M. and Lundin U., “The Rotating Field Method Applied to Damper Loss Calculation in Large Hydrogenerators”, Proceedings of the XIX Int. Conf. on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2010), Rome, Italy, 6-8 Sept. 2010. III Wallin M., Ranlöf, M. and Lundin U., “Reduction of unbalanced mag- netic pull in synchronous machines due to parallel circuits”, submitted to IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, March 2011. IV Ranlöf, M., Wolfbrandt, A., Lidenholm, J. and Lundin U., “Core Loss Prediction in Large Hydropower Generators: Influence of Rotational Fields”, IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, vol. 45, pp. 3200-3206, Aug. 2009. V Ranlöf, M. and Lundin U., “Form Factors and Harmonic Imprint of Salient Pole Shoes in Large Synchronous Machines”, accepted for pub- lication in Electric Power Components and Systems, Dec. 2010. VI Ranlöf, M. and Lundin U., “Finite Element Analysis of a Permanent Magnet Machine with Two Contra-rotating Rotors”, Electric Power Components and Systems, vol. 37, pp. 1334-1347, Dec. 2009. VII Ranlöf, M. and Lundin U., “Use of a Finite Element Model for the Determination of Damping and Synchronizing Torques of Hydroelec- tric Generators”, submitted to The Int. Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, May 2010. VIII Ranlöf, M., Wallin M. , Bladh J. and Lundin U., “Experimental Study of the Effect of Damper Windings on Synchronous Generator Hunting”, submitted to Electric Power Components and Systems, February 2011.
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